WJW.'SS'JOBCTgl'WT lWJCIMUmBLl.Arxi. THE OREGON SEXTLNEl (From the Orejordan BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH Xtw York, Sept. ID.-Tlic llcraU'i xlt Cru correspondent pay the Liberals are r,ukinfr active preparation for tlic winter campion. The mountain force rc busy rP"'11? f,,r n P'""1 ""P dt nt-n 'hrn ttic roads arc in better order. The Inipcrial Government will not be pre- ni for melt a blow when It conns, ray toward tbccnJ or October. Tlic empire of uttpallon will be ertuhed, and HubIiic vitb oil bis command in Mexico, couldn't faj won enough who would dare to offer tjenarJ the proadest Marshal of Trance lo tie Galf. For we may hear by any itearaer that leave thl port of the flight cr capture of Napoleon protrpc. Sw York, Sept. 12. T-fieiVwf Wajli inr'oo pcrlal advices say tlmt a dispatch received yesterday from Mexico. show that farmer report of the liopclwjncw of the Liberal cauic was exapgerated. The Irish paper still continue to direct attiE.iau to the Fenian. There appear to he no donbt but what military drilling li gjin? on iu d.ff.rctit part of the conn trv The force arc represented to be daily increAJiar, gathcritc strcnplh and uum bcr. On the night of the 7th of AngtiM there a a great Catherine at ItloefcMok. nar Dublin, to tart a muster to cope wltc Ihh police. Four of the leader wcrt pc.nted out and jub'eqiiently arretted. ll..fax, Sept. 14. The Aim, from Liv erpool the 2d, and Qurcustown the 3d. b:,o? date two day later than the City c' ltu .in. which left Liverpool for New Yark the same Hay with the Aim. The Atlantic Telegraph Comply have unanimously accepted the offer nf the Tel rpiph Comtruction Co. to nunufactnrt til iy down a new cable end complete tU prtseat one so ni to have two perfee' cslrt between Ireland and New Found Utdecit summer. Tlie inannfuoture of tbt m cable lm been commenced, and toe work i belrijr duua with the utmost .f. Captnln Jainet AnJerton ha pre sated an offer lo fhe Telegraph Cowirnc tioo Co. for the ue of the Great lkitern fa five year in laying cable. They Lave aenpted it. Cyrus Fictd tall for New York In the Jw'.niUa. It i Hated that in couiertueiicc of tbe pread of rcuiaimm tie number uf Itp meats Id the suutb of Ireland will be In ert acd. Ti.e rejiort that Mr. Ilrlght U to rlsii America on official invitation I pronounc ed without foundation Tne following- resolution teuobing the Ourlitid mail service to Oregon, vtere odpt'd by the Chamber of Cotuiiwroc Iu but Francisco, September. Mth: l....'ud That the Chamber of Cotn nsree of San I-'rucloo view with serious cacern the netiou of the Post Office De parta:ent la abrogating the daily tervict a the overiand route from Lincoln, Cult fro., t- I'orlland. Oregon, n hereby the B';re population of the nortlicru poriloo o, tbe S'.ute and ol Oregon, are deprived of an fuciiitio of every kind. loiii'.', That a daily overland mall be t.tu Lincoln, Cal., and i'ortteml, Oyn. it essential to the dcvdopineot of the com Rxreeof the fitter State of On gut) and Calilurma. and that it is to bo hop that tbe I'ostnuitcr Genera! will lmtmilati'ly tike tt to reluru fcakl daily Mtrviov. r.rtclTnl. that tho secretary b? inHruoted toforxard a copy of tl,ee tuwlulioiii to tit 1'iMt Office Department, and to fur a lib a copy to each of our Senator and representatives. e York, Sept. 9. Savannah oorre fordir.ee of the .'uli ooutuiu an ueoount o' the murder of C'upt. Hu.Wridge, ol tbe 330 U s' colored trooj, at Aujiuta, ou tie night of tLe 3d inst., by thtee yoan; eruUers of most rtjectable family u( Hit place. It appear the Captain was discovered io company with u mulatto yirl bo nat the mlstrr of one ot lU young faen. 1 hey attached him with revolveti. Ooe shot penetrating the neok. prod Jutul. Not satii&ed with this, they fell oo Lu prosirate body, inflicting ghastly wouwl with their kuivee. The affair oquhk web MC'teiucnt tlnf us danger of u rust. Tkreata were mado of burning the oily, ibe raurderers were arruted uud quiet ro 'tored. Auekicam o.v tiik FnoNTirR. The felloauig U from a correspondence to IU " V. 7'ntuiif, vritteu from I'orlland, (e'o), by IlichardsoD, of the Colfax par ty- Tie Alcalde story will probably be remembered by many of our old cltiaeng, although it happened a little different ironi tie uiannr relakd. "One of the earliest newspaper In Ore gon was printed from woodeu tys cut out by Lar,d. The State has now three dailies : the Portland rjrrontaii, the Salem Statu Wn aid the Dalles ui(iainr. 'J'he witor of the Ocrt'oiiiaii was the fint trud nte of an Oregon university. It is full of oggestivtctM that kader and former of I'oblic opinion arc of r.ative culture and ?riwih. Indeed, fc,w thing Lave improsed &e more than to hear several young ladu, lio have lived here from iulancy, discus PPreciatively and critically the merit and mrfUM-bBcktrayniriTtuDynonlWlirt. td Gail Hamilton. ewarhaa taught all who can leurn "JtWng.that I'rcaidenla arid Governor, V'"wt aud Coiigrtwi, gtateimeu. and Ew.raiinrc but the uicrea Knaul.ond agent that hc plain people, the wotking many, nrc the bidnck of American tabil. ity and greatness. Frontier history is full 61 siim'ar lwons. In Colorado, in 1(C0, the people tracked the martlerer of n poor Germnn 1.T00 miles; enptured him, pro tected him from a Leavenworth mob, brought him back to Denver, tried nnd convicted him in n " Citizen' Court," guarded him a week against rwcue from his friemls, and then exeeutnl him. Hiis wni before Territorial orgamcation or the establishment of civil law, aud the expense were delraycd by volnntary contribution ; but no court in the world could have acttd with more deliberation, fairies orfirranrs. Iird Drougham tatd that all tbe blood shol, revolutioM and struggles of Grcnt Drltalu had bvca simply to establish the principle that every question of life, liberty or property most be submitted to the judg ment of twelve unbiassed men. Our own pioneer (who usually have to govern them solves a few year before Congress extends civil law over ttiem) instinctively enforce Oik nnd the right of the majority to rule. l'Utablish one thouand American settler tomorrow in the heart of the Himalaya, nnd in lef than n month tbry would have II needful laws in rpiratiou with life and property belter proUcUd than iu the city of New York. In early dys, the miner of Jackson ville, Oregon, tli vied an Alcalde. A party to u contested claim care, thinking himself wronged, pouted this notice :" Whereas, the Alcalde lis given an unjust and cor rupt decision ngninst me. on Sunday r.rxt t shall take an appeal to the Supreme Court." Sunday saw a hundred miner?, attracted by curiosity, to learn what tin! Supreme Court was. 'liny themselves iwe that ansust tribunal 1 The aggrieved mtty organ tan' litem Into a mass meeting ; they retried the cae and rendered a verdict reversing the Alcalde's decision. All ac-qtilei-ee J. recognlxlng them n tl Suprtme Court of original and final jurisdiction. From 1641 to Iblfl. Oregon w at ruled by a I'rovitioncI Government established by the stinattrrs to meet their uecesitics Unrerogrtlird by the Called Steles, with out tb Wast prettirtc of technical lesulity, they framed a Cowl nu lion, eleeted IaIs luturea sod organ iard Cocrtt. 'Ilcir UB eer imposed and collected taxes, eoimd matter, carried oti war ci.d made peace with the Indians In short, exercised all governmental 'wnctioui until 1MD, when Coagrew grauted to the ptvcoclwis sister a Territorial organ !iat ion. 'Cbe French have always olaiwed to be " Tie Greet Nation," twl I think we ioy cxwlaat the title with them. Tut: Naval I'owsst or tub Umtu Statu axd lixoLAN. The great Drltkdi ulhofitiea art ylng lull onoplitnetiU to the Aiairieau Navy, and tbe pretence and r that haw dlrectwl it. 'Cue Loodoo Qnctttily Kv soy : In tbe CIwmmI our iroti-eJud fleet is, with few exceptions, rqtortod to be not very Mnwortby. We U bbly four shit with turn-table (i. t. of the Mouilor pal ten.), and not one of taew U a sea going bip. In the Medi orratsean thwe are ooly three irotiTUMh. ar-1 the, two Admiral there hoist their Ug la wooden fccaw line ofbattle shipo, with ubieh it would bt madiH to meet the ktnalleat iroa clad. It ktata tbat the whole North Atneriean H)adrou could w ope or.e iron eluil ; rid.eiil the tnaaagemeut l naval aftiir in Kogland, and add to the whole a com idiiurut to lhe"I'tderal Antwicon," who lisve developed a fotatidablt navy," iu spite of all ditadvanteges. It says, inert over, that " in spite of the teuton taught by the Kearnrgc and Alabama Ogbt, ihrovgh the utility of heavy otdiuauee was therebv proved o the very hfe of 1 jf luwl. She hM uo such gutts yet afluuf while gun of evesi fifteen Inche io diame ter ate iu ue iu the l-'uieral Navy. This cowpliateat it worth ljiag tree ured, fciuee it coeeede all tbat w have aiMrted iu a very important Wd, and limbs over to ui the naval tupferoacy which we have otublitbtd. 'Hie Dritisb and French have tried lo surpat us. 'Jttey have never trwd their iroo gunboat of the Monlior paiiern sve lo a waway. Our have beu iroved guod both lo the seaway uud a 8jfbtio orafu. TtMir great shiM of lb If Minor and Xormuuilit ulaae hae Mt Imm sueuoan. We knew the Irtnttdu to be a iHoal splendid wuWviweot, aud within a few day wt shall tend tbe Jim tleilmrg aud JJ-cMor, and prlsaw the Puritan, tu Karoo c, while other, seorcely les tfficierit abijK, of tbe tame rinciple of ooMiruoliop, remain at hoiae. Tl matler of naval artillery fa) another importoul one. Tbe guo wnployod by the A'wrsaige. in her meiuorable fighl, were by no uxaii iqual to'thoteuow wiplvjed ou tho Ironcladf . Hut those guis have beesi fcurpatied in our ovy befwe- be rig equaled by other nationi. 'I'lie ttaUmeuthoart that the lloanukt. Dictator, Dundtrlury nrii Puuiaw, J be MoimJhocI. and timilar 8hiH. are far iuperior to tbe bwt foreigu mauuraolures, and tbat we are positively urinwl against aggression from the other side. The matter i to important that it may well be exulted over, aud will strength, en u materially without further demon stration. 7VuM.'i'u .-Wiiwii. Dissolved. rpilH nartneralup herutoloie u'lttiugiu 1 legal biuiiiew betwewt JjooU k !' Mril m hereby rlUaolvad. O. Jaoo toutin- ne llie bns'i ( at the old odioe. Sept. let, IsOj. teotOlw NEW TO DAY. NOTICE of RACES. There " vlll lie four tiny rarinc oi er the Jncli!.(m ille llnce Cttire, in .TucUmui Comi()-, Oioou, rniiiiiicttt'htn; Wednesdny, Nov. 1st. rirslllaj'sliatTS-rnrseSiOO For two vpar.nlit tirmos. nnnisl In tli conn ty single dili ofooc mile-- three to outer mm two lo stirt -eaten urtaliK SAMi: DAY. race of five hundred yard, ir uan'orem pontes -purse ? uu en trance f u 00. Second I)nyPursp, $100, For three and four-vear-old horn". ownoJ In Jarkson eotinty tingle tl.tsh of one mile - caicn HripniK. SAMKP.VY. 1'nrse of SiO Od-iltitanrv half a mile fnv tor all. Third Day-Purso $125, I'ree for all dl-iaM mile h.ii. wo In three weights avcordiog to the California rule. rolUTU DAY-l'itrse, $-.-,, For defmtrd hores shiglc dash of one ruib' catch welfhts. SAMK DAY. 1'urse or $!A-frro for all Ciwiiu or Indian linr-vi ilugledxihof one mile, eutraitce ii .'0. Km ranee teu jwr cent in all the abave rae, three to cabr ni'l two In Mart to make a rare. WM. BYBEE, sepl.ttd 1'rtfpruivir. UNION HOTEL,"l(IRBYVI!L:; Trr.SDA Y. October S-l, 'OS. ' PUT. iindrrtigiicd would rtf pecifutl.v an- JL uouaev lo the jml.l.o hit latrniioo nf plelnir a ball at the abnte named time and lace, and bopos all who rrr Indiilge Iu lie ElwiirrnfawalU or quailrtlle wltl favor no with Ibeir pr-'rtri. iANAni:ust lUrm Kkmuix, Ktrbrville; L II Kuit.Y. lllluoi. Valley; Dan'i.IIivt. WaMa: A. II. 5th r. 8W Creek; C. C. Gooim is. VIIIUaborjr. FUiOlt MANAGKltS: 'i. M. Ev.v. Alujoose; Dob. Wuirr. Illinois Valley. Mualo by Jktry and lkowu m Jaekposi vllle. M. M. MM), I'lvprUtor. Kltbyville. Orjou I rlpt 1,. 1m.A. i seu2Siil Pl'BIilC SALE, Sitnrday, Oct. 111k, m. 'T'liK undnslrriHl, on the above umwkI JL day. will offer for sle. tn the blsriwet bidder, for cah at hi rmMrMr, on flrat i lr'l. JacKMtnvlll. tbe inlliivlui; aeaerlani praovrtjr: licMiseboM aral hiieheu furnl- Ul re. budding, cooking MuT(.kaiks irgel alder, and a pb ih! d rarlete of winter ap ples. tcrib"r wild viber article two nam erou to utvuliou. .v'ale ju eommcoe at the bmir of ten o'elotk. Ciiitls DuviJiport. S .pumbrr 2S. Iw.5 tvpiSM COMiWON CARRIERS. (Ti'iiiiiitcrr-i etc.) HIIK followlnj U the dteMosi of Ibe J. Cotuu)l.ou. i , r tp- Clio ho are oosn mkhi carr'r.. undir An. tie &o, Section 't, lutftual H-tfime luw: Tu u.uv DarAurwtrr. I Mbiugtuit,JurM) It. ISM. f Siu: I bac lo tar that Altich) So. ol Section u. Impo-M a llen- duly of lit uumi comniou earner, anu ueuuDirani 10 exi t,d lu and Itelod lailioad ewma!e, rleambuat evmpMlet, Ireifhilu vm.U, t aw lers. truekmi'U. etc.. roeaitrd In carrr- biK article for y. whose iium rreeipi tkereirvw eMrv ike sum i ix iwiMtrcu dollar (f 600) Mr uiiautH. Very rej-eifully, E. A. ROLLIIIS, ipw&ite tCbuoVHMMMM rcrw earning under the abov rulUg. will Hud C. W. Suvae. AmuvImiI Aeor, at hi. otUee In the CITY DRUG STORE, where application eau be made lor a Mium, or they will be liable for the m.UU. lu sucb eases prot moo ror neglect, epuriuber. S3 tM. lw v W. tAVAOK. j. x.stnov, KWHWI nnd XKW GOODS. rpHK uodTlgn"J havlnte purebased from J. Dr. U. S. Thoiapw bis eaur tk ol JJItl'OS mill .IIIIDICIMW, AT 1MB ' CITY DRUG STORE, Hate oiJuwl, tual are now rtii lug. a large iUloiceof slock Iruiu Use Ut e.lau lUk'd Iouhm iu hmi J-'ihucIhki. Our sU,ek cumi.U or ib wre.t aud iaot reliable Offiwual l'retatlu iu Die market, uul ui I Hit iMji.uUr l'Ateul Mullciues ul ibC Oaj; logelhtr nub a wtll-selwit'd 1trU IIMOt ol X'ox'fuxnoi'loB, 22actxrotta and Fancy God In our line. Vie naie aiw uoum 10 out iwuv JiocK anil hlatloiicij', and will kp ootxtaully w baad all that tbe market il. iimad. Auy fibwls or P"lr p'iblibid way be ofdreJ Ibreugb ut,aoJ will U) furubh.d ailh dl'patoh. bAVAGK A sb'nO.N. JaokK,nilk,sl'i :'. '& C1 .-im B mnni "j JOHN !'. HOl'CK. Walclimakcr.ainl JcwHer! Orr,o'i Stmt. MUonvWt, (Jirgtm. . ixwriiof vATCUKsi uudJKW A KI.BY JJaiMilttomod ami ritwiiud in Iho fiiat tlyle of it i. and Cbore riy moJerate. JUUN 1 "OCtK.' ilay IPlfclWI. nm)8l) UtlilU FOFXDRV iWACBRBXK SUOV. pASTINGS of nil kind cxecttle.1 n V. ' ihe shortist titliv. Wrought or Cnt iron work in.tmr.irtiirViI from the btt 111.1 tcrinl AH hm.Nor IIihss Woik. G.tr rct nnd llabli i' metal for sale. Cash paid for Old I nn Altnrhuu'itt Aotlco. IN the Circuit Court, of tlic Slate of Or- 1 egon, for the county ofJurkmn. Aueuit Jackson I'lnlntlff, t. Ollwr ,1, huti, George W. Kieter and M. C, tU'iikin DrfiodaHt. ArtKHt at Lett tc rmvtr Mtmty. To said DcfendeiiU: You aro nruirixl to appear in raid court, and nncr the ooiMplalnt of said pluintifl. Aletl ngnltist you, on or before the 2d Monday in Novrmlier. Ksfi. and it I ordered by lion. I'. 1. l'rlnt. .IwJge ol said court, that pnbl'Cation be made for eight weeks In the Ourlav s-ntixri. prior to ihe I'd Monday In Novi tuber, l.-fift And you arc notified that If you fail loan wor ail ooHiplaint a aliovr renirril, the nlnintifT will apply to the court lor the re lief drniamhd then in. to it: for n indg mrni agaiat you for the sum of Three llumlnJ and 'loflv.fixir and sintv-llve OAe-huuHredlb dollare, with inUre't tlnti enat the rate ol ten pr cent. cr atinuin, from the Pill day oO.lane. A. D. 18Ct, awl cotr-nml dlibaritinesit of thl octlou to be taxed. Given umlcr mr hand this CPlh day ol Aupii.t. A. I). lbC.V np'JwS H. DOW I.I.I., tfy for IMainliir. Shoriff's Snlo. BY virtue of an evmitloa dulv Issunl by Ihe Cb rk of the I'lrvuil I'ourt. of lh ui' of Ureaon. for tin- nmuiy of Jachron, aidioiiic uirni.il in itnor oi Mniin nuo Thr-h. and agalol Tlla Tbutim", Jom-ph Jffeutw him! Jn." Kuhluoa. for Ibe n-eov-My ol Ibe sum of Ten Tl oush1 Tliter Hun drod and T.dtvtmtr tli'llnr nn.lnlintv one rent iIO..lil HI), with tuliresl. rwl and acerniii : eu, I nave lertt-d u(hu anil will, ou Srttiirduy. tie I Hh day of (leiobcr, A. D. tC'A. IxlutVTt (tie hour of nine o'clik A. M. and lwr ocloek '. M. of Mthl itay. at the Court llooau duar, In Jacltm- 111,'. Ui ail eourt, . a public V,nilHi, orrVr for salo. for ch. in th' blehert li,bcr. ibe folbiwin drserilml proiettr. In wll: llne kftlfof Ibe stoik oi Ihe rfiklum Wagon HumI CtNuiinnr, couiint nrluu at er uear tbe rvoid need I Inch I'.arron. In Ibe county oT Jaek-on atnl stiaU of Oregon, and tuaulug acr-' tho ri-k'uti mouiilnln to tie Inriner rv'ideitae ul aw A ItwkaMluw. fetid il klyou Vau 1!' ad Company eoori-t. of two hnndr U hme. and nfiy siai.-o are lo Lil upon ai.I will InMiI arthe rowri of Ti'biuslkot.ii. and Rlljr share arh-lnl upon and w.ll l sohl a tbe nrttoeityuf i,m pit Jaeolit, and Ihe beluii no ollu-t per-.' ial pinriy w lav UiT,huui ue-iiijr mud in ii v rouniy, I levied Irn- saai" on all rijihl, till.', rlalm and luleml ol tin- d fetuirHU lo lb laud OU alikli the said Sis l;Iy..u WuKon Itiaul runs, autt all heiuli. went and ansjurte:i)we thereto l loutring. Tb" said tiiljrou Hagou Itvad l.'ouipaiiy was luOMpnrated y an avl of Uo' UkiI tire AwtuiUly ,.f Ori-icu. on tbe Slid da f iauuary. A l. l.Mt. emit I. d an Acl lo In eoipuntte lie bVkiyou Magusi Itoad Com p.i,i. W. A.UWfcN. PU'-rlrTof Jaekjon CuMUty. t'irTNu n. Uaiutue. iKp'ly. AuiM :aih. I"M. rp'.' I SKiuuiitit.4 ami Atdiuhiueiit Not lot. I S Ih. Circuit Court, of it'- 8 late of On- J goa lor the county of Ju. k-vo. Doitr Sm'ih plaliilstT. . Ti.bla TbiM, J.i.,-ili Jaool. MkaWI 1 bourn ami An flu II. OrerUek, tk-luideuu. A-rio. at Utw TVbiA-uiKII insi.r. To raid Df.Mtiitl i.u are r iuiied U atirrar In said court. Mil aiowrr Ihe euoulaiil ol said idaiulitr, nb-l lul you. wiihiu teH days from ihe tune l ibv Mrvicr uf thl ummuu on j,ai, if aetx-d wlthlu aid ouuiily, or If irrtnl on you ntilnaiiy olber euunty lu tkisHtute, thou wiibta lue'ily days fiwa the IUukhI the i ice. or it M-niil ou you out ul lb Mute ofOi'iguti, tbu It I onb-reil by Hon. 1. 1' I'rim, judgu ol Mthl emit, thai mbl! catlou be made for eight wetli in Ibu Ohh, uo.s HKMISS.L, prior lo Ibo Xil Monday In ,N'.ieuiljer. lMii, and that the defeudeut, kllcsmt Taom, uip'ar aad aunn-r ibe Hiiaoeti or Iw.uie Iko M Momiay luNuvetu Ur, 10J. Aud you are uoliUot Ibal Ifyuu fall lo an.wir (uld coinpjaliil a above r--tiilrcd, tbe plaiHUU will apply Ui Ibe eourt li the pile! d.uaiid'd llni.iii. to ail. ,r ajudiii'Ul a,'ulnt y u lm llie mut ol I ite 'llMNisaad tbrte butt'tiMl ami ete(ilyn)i aad Dfiy-lwo om-bui.dn4lb dollars, wlib Ut.r. .ton 2,31 X0 ent, at the laleol tl.i. i- p. r ceul. Jr luuuib, from lb 6lb day ol lAx'euiber, A. I- liS, ami tbe owUaud diburavuieul of thl action to be taked, aud tbe woberty of tbo (UleoUeoU wilt U Hild io pay the same. (J I veu undr mr bam thm JHlh day of Augu.i, A. U, lit. J. II. V. DOWKIX. -p.dw8 AU'y lui I'Uiiitilf. PROPOSALS TO FURNISH IjllOl'D.-Al.H li, liiml.li iM.iay iliouaand iouiidr ol i- ur .ii 1- ,i t KUin.illi. fur Iku uh' ol lb- licliuH U")4illi. nl, an lnilli lid in wining, in . I ti,i.ii i TKUrori AM I'nU M.Ol It' villi U noein.1 ul ll.e SiiH'tinl ml. fill odlc", Km I' in, Oiiguu, up lo I lie lOlb ol y .l' Ui T i ell. flour lo U d'bvvrul pnor to !! Kormi lM.r, 1M'j. al lie Con mir-aiy Mut lloue, at I'oil KbuoMlh, 01141 hll lu 1 00 IL. kutlt, tbe remainder lu 60 IU cba aswf lo lie lu .Cleil upuu ilellvery, by IheAalllig lbli) wiary or tubittc ul tho, (orb J. W. I'smir llivrwiiTOV. Sun-rluUiidul ludluu AKaiia hi Uig;u. AUMUal bib. 3w, IW Klamath, Anyust 1 Uh. 1M3. ASSKSS01S NOTICE. HMIK umi.raiBBKl will atta.M at Ihe of J. (m vi m Cotiuly (JUlk, lu Jaikauu- lib-, on Monday, Ihe 2d da ol ftctoUr lao, lor thy rpoe of correoiiug any er ror there laay be lo IU awcMiuvul ol jio nnr; ut which lltoe, all iRitoua Inlereau-d ate rrfueelH lo allorul. r in ttti, i;oiniy,Aeror. &4. Itilh. laVlo. Hijilbw.l ' MJlKtMily liAHiiauAHt Cuwiauiy that oau A- .bii 4o.ouaiiu.M iu UVBoo bu J WW- They have compiled will the laM OTOregOu, t. .! riUuji IftO.UUo lu (lw ' a.l,U A lino p AgeqU. Jaekouvillo, I'ebtuary ZJtii, JaCfl. Iilrtotl n . i en nui Are selling the following goods .A.t CVvonlly rioclitoocl Xxlooru. roil CASH roit Innrdir to ruluee our Imntcnio stuck of good. Wc are selling Beet Alo::andor Kid Gloves, $1 25 a pair. Bent French Printfj, 30 CcntB a yd. Best American Printw, 101 Cents a yd. Beat French Lawno 25a GO Oont a yd. Now fitylo Dolnincfi 25 Cents a yd. Ut I'kiicIi Much l.awn " (JiniU a mil. I)i cm CouiU at New Yoili Cimt. Come one, oomo ull, and z t'tilne fur yiHirselvu HACII IIUOH. May 19, leflfi. riia)'.'()tf A CAUD FOIl THE SUMMER &. FALL ' Cloth i Nr.' Tkadk 01' .SAN I'HANOWCO. iiad(;i:u & LiM)i:.ti:i(;i;it, Ko. 411, 413 anil 415 llattory St., Cm Mtitlioiut, fiAii 1'iuiii Itto, liniioi'lcrs anil Wliolcsalc JKAIl-iltH. r.nllii! New ami I'rcli Kfoclt. We would call I he atti-iitton of Country Merchants '-ur unuilly lnrK-iiiMk ot (jirirfU. (Jur atoek coiuprlte ersry urll el in the (Ji.OTIIINO ,V I'lIINISIIINO LINK We bate oonatanlly on haul Ilia largest aud i(r-at-.l variety ul CA&ilMhltl'. AND U'OOf, MATS of any bouae in fan l'iouclco. uiM uur pri ee for tbeae giMU are lea I ban lltote of any bouae, as Me fcilve llwiu illrtel Iroia the iiHiiuilMtuni'(.ouigiiijiwit. Uurstock of HUM. M Kit ,V I'AI.I (100DH I particularly ullraetlu. ami the great fea turn tu ihe country uivrvhanls U Ihu unuau ally low price - Loss than tho cost of Importation I We aim he, p Ihe rStilIo ilx-tlaloM lu the I fry (ioml line, ubieh 1,'oihU wo bate pun Iih.kI Iu Ihl murkel ui.iler Hie baiuiuvr, ami urn oil t lug litem ut New tori. uut, uud lua. We pulih.li thl card In oid r that uu may inaho lieu lU-iiiMiuUiieM, uud llulucu tlne uho bau not lierelolotu Hinlu,nl of in to oall ami examine our ttouk. (lllOil A 1 1 If'lfn S- I.IIW Pllll.'H Ale lb ureal iliilUktuieiuvuUuu Oiler III ull uliu piirtlmm In sell uxjiii. MetchlliU who buy of uivau ui.il.o a (iuol tuoll, and till to their oiuloiutr at u low ligure. Wu u uialu, (i.spi.iillnlly, Your uUdleut H-rvaiiU, 1JAIHJKH k UNUKXIlKHflKIl, VlHbwbj (JIuihluK aral Hat Warehguso No. 1(1,-11.1 uM -us lUtlery iliesi Kan I'ruueUeo, Jul) 'M, 'OX J)7m3 nwnpWKWN $& ejinwiwi CLOCKS, WATCHES, FANCY ARTICLES AT NE W STOKE ! Next Door t Saflia llroa. 1 N't-niKIl li. stoek.il hl new liN new slor I lib n lurcf mill vnliiililn(irlmiMil ih lutol slvlea ntul pallrrn ol JfS-L ui'litxll A SMI WKUIIIT ?$ (M.01MCH. SII.VKIt WATCIIKH, iKj DIAMOND .IKW lil.UY, I'KAUl,, K.MKUAI.D, t'A.MKO HKT8 Together with n splendid lot of olbcr llrrnstl'itiv DroiHlie, Knr-Ulnj;, I'liijriT lllnr!', lickets, lluelile, I Imp, llrnevlots, Sleovo Diiltoiui, Neehliiec, Wuteli-Clmin.'. ('Iiiitchvlna nnd HeaU; Also, complete soli of lucotnparnbla Cxxtxx'tin iTowoli'j', inrnmfnctiirril tiuin tho riehet nnd most beautiful spcciimn of tlold lllll ntal t'oie Icr tpuutr.. In addition to Ilia nUivr, tuny bo found nt hi storo tho beat ipialitle ol TAtll.K AND I'OUUirr UUTI.KHY, And, in liort, n nenernl variety of MoU-NucKh .. Kiuiu)' AitlcU'i All ol vtlilrli will be aold nt i.o rmrui nnd wiirnuititl. UKI'AimNtl.-Cloehj. Wnlclioa anJ .lewelry npalml Willi proinptncM, and In n m.inner to ciinrutiliH' sntlslaetiun. MAITACTCKKD lo order, ntiy attl do of ,lcrlry, Willi nrntnes and ilispaloh. m. Cull nnd wo hi ucv tloeh, nt hi now nturv, on Culifornlii slrtvt, next door to.Snell Dr(M.,.laeh(iuvilli, Oietfon. .Iiiehi.uivlllo. Dec. I", IHI".. If AuuMiriui Kxfluingo Hold, COIIMIIlt' SANSO-Mi: A IIAI.MX'IC St., s3rt.3X I'"ruoloo. MMIi: proprlelor of IM1 fatortlo hotel I wouM ti'fpeetriilly Inform thotrnvelliiK publio Hint tho Auk rie.tn lli halite, h.uliiij iKfii recently enlar Kid and linpriiii-d In all II ib iHUtlliont". he Is now prepared In ti(Tr uperlor lihliicvmcnt In hl Hilrou aud Hi piil'lid in Rvueinl. I lu can now utltrcle Kant "tilta ur iiiK' roonn for famllle and single room for (tenth men, ou tetius to suit tho liiiien. Till liuuso eonl tin a Imndxuue ly furiiblnd public iKitlor, Iwniillful lureu ifiiiliiK Hull, romiuodliiuii and pleanut sit Una; nnd rindluit looms, tiiKniherullh oilier lucilitleti not uectsMiry toemimurutc. Hu Iihm men nnd trawler will llml Ihe Anirr lenti l!tchati)(u sieoiul lo no hold In llio city, wheiher a t'nunl luxury, eomforlor ivunomy. The taldo uill lm iiippllrd with all tin' dellencb'H of Ihe searou, Oiatrfitl lor t Ktlruuii;i', tho iropililiir lespecl fully solicit n coiilliiiiuiirii of Ibu nubile favor. J. V,..S.li!i:.NT, '"iS?"' Tioprletor. Uinpqua Academy! f MIIITrule(Hof l'mnpia Aeademy hnin i IhnroiiKlily lepalred tliu lullillii((, mid III now remly lor k-IiooI, 1t Twelflli Araib'iiilo juur nlll vomiiieuea SiiliuUr lllli. IkuA. RATES OF TUITION l'cr Quarter: I'liiuury ltwiliiiulit 3 & Oil SM-oiiil.try do , Run lllKlor Knxll'li I UO Dead lAUKuaiM, DrnHlii)iuud 1'alut- liiK, ouch, exlru 3. OH lluale In uu Hoard in pritulo rnullloa I UH lJ ItOVAl,. 1'rlnrlpnl. uardIkklls iiiiiisb, iuniusi:i.t.s, or.w. FIRST CLASS HOUSE IN every rrepect, whero tho 4rsoiiul n pervisimi nf Ihu proprietor tjuarutiteta prompt uud enurliHiu atkntiou lo ull the minima-lit ol true!. I hi houso ha belli reflttcil nnd rrfnr ni.hed. l IIUUKK. nplltf I'riprletnr. m:v in .ia(kson villi:. iusiuwav mm III.OOD'H I'ATIiNT, With Wringora Attachotl. 'PUIS uork thu same a by hand, doln I a iiiiiuIi worl, in one day usrU wouieii, Willi iipiul cleaiillues. lew Muir III clothe, and oiiu hull b mmi. A child ten year old can work Ihl luauhtne Willi eu-e, wiuh Ink any fabric from it llireud lu u Ud iiillt, 1 Imtu puiubaxd Ibu ilttht lor Ihu man liluulure uud Ktlu uf Ihe uImjvu luinnl uu i lil lie lu thU county. The maehlue I lur mln and can l seen, at my shop, ou CalllornU Hiirct, onodeor ubove Dium' I.Hery .Stable, (ilvu mu a cull. 0. V. WILSON. Wringer nlll Ihj luruUhid a oon a lliey uirhit. , IMCI FIC I N K L' It A N V I! CO M 1 A N V, CASH IAIITAI,, SKf nnfin depo.lt In Oickmi, Jl,lJUlAU Iuh. rayublelu U, n liolii t;ulu, liinure UKuiutt l.oi orJ'aui aiju l,y l'lro. bACIla IlllO'd, Auents, Jan'illf. Jaiktouvlllo, Oietiun, UTOUK 1I0LDKHS ol the Kueker Cretk i.J Valley IiiiuuIuik uud MiIIiiik Cuuipaiiy Ti.fi huld Ihilr rigulai uiiuiul meelluK, ut 0. II. Ileacli A I'lultir'a lluu.o, uu thu :'Clli tUy of AeptumUr, lbii.1, for Ihu purpou of uUulliiK luuu Tiiialiv lur tho iii.iilnn)iur, lly order uflhu lluanl of Triitu. uiikUI) h.'i U ?r.0UIt AND l'UODUOKIuLciilticx. chaiiL'u for .MertlminlUf, ul July 'J.-'J7 MAX MUU.KU'.H, (F- iU