Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 09, 1865, Image 1

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    aiwtuaiifHiiii4if.a.'J-fLmufnrgw' "ii'.bi m imuu nn
ppwpwwcm n5j
tff fr Hi "ilTTiMB
Hnw n n wiw w
Tti t' iu'.ir ww.'f m ! tin 'i!
Good Xcavs for Ladies!
Ac. ul Tor Grovcr A Maker's eel
b il.rnud
fclitstioStltcli Sewing Much';,
Hire on bond n viirh'ly of these ma-
ill. uca for lilnl mill in-
T1 ihon machine n nwrtrib'd llio AM
l'i miiim "' Hi" Siiilo 1'iilm of New
oik Itnltantt, Vi rmnlil, Ohio, Iown, Mi
rci. K i'h I. 5!iililpnti.riiiifjhniilai.iJ
Cull around. Iiiil i'. Iicfrtro ptirolm'lng
Ivnhiri1. nml PWHllif llu-p" mm-lilne..
jhtm ai. i - !i":i"JL
Veterans &, Recruits.
rpill ! t LrjiMnturf1 plvcp n Ikjiihiv of
I l.0 t i iicli r crutl In llif regiment
Kwiu'e'-i-"'- It nlni vnua
I'lw Dolhw-H
n r 111' nlli I l lm.v l" t'ni'1 lir" 'whine;.
i I uui.li Ifglllieut enlMttl llifo
t j n i' Hi iiMH'tllttH lire In ! pn!.
ii, . il li il- Tli"' vt Idling tlifN UuuOd
" ,jil n M lit i nil mi
j , n'll. ..Ihu 1'-'. ': Jim 14 if
4'.i tyrrlitiiil SI.. Sun l'ranciin), I'nl.
ji , , . i u-ive I'SiH'rifiior In Imlli
uii.l I. Mil limle. ! I"'l rum
,i . .ii ,il-ir .laent. or lo hii oceiii.n
, f ir'ha-1. w. cin oiler inTior Induci
i 1 1 tjl.u i.tl iitlnn tlvin In cnllclln.
lift uiolm-cHi.il miIii ill I.puhI 1 under miter.
Ifil'-. Mump. Si-wlne; Machine, etc.. m
4lKf Iwhwu i fiiirln(t tin1 tvleol
fii u. il unit n 1 iii. Hioiit.
luMni-i- will ii inmlif lr uli only, ov
( i i i ci r..ciul nitrueiitttiii lo thf
,w,,(Pco lU. (Dajboun,
llillll l Willi (.ANrlMII. 1'IKIIMIX A Co..
i I -.ill il uli.iv III llilvetutlliHg. Mlit Wll
1 ..e
. u;. Scssicuis,
J'ni..ilv wllh (. It. Oooiiwx, A Co.
i i (iici'i-. Sun I'ihiioIm-ii; hI.-o.
I .i i,uu A IViiilc. Jiifknunlllf, U idii.
X I P t ui ! kluNi tlr. Sun l'rnlWcit
II I1 '' I1JA J. VI, IUiiIiuu lKln, fern
. j
. i t r Sh I'ruH'.Mt.
i v .. I: l.k,.V, l vkl IimIvo, ten ImIh.
2?rj o rt ssrer OE3
Sewing Machine.
T I1V '"' t'l'l'i: uuiilil unnrtuneo to lli-
It 'ir Ju i.mmi Comity, ilint liu lm
i"i mi .i.".i7 liir tlaif itwrlvMi !
u. .! .1'. in it flail lliiH' ImVf hihmI
v Oil llillul. 'llll lllurLliii. uullirrv,
'". iHibiiiiiUm and iimI;n '1 illHWrcul
i "' ,i I,.-.
U kvivtili J.tmmry 2 lit. If
' i n.vowtT.w.
i. v, im:nv.
j. j iuoraiiU('o.,
Vol ill. tT loKM I'.llh
'lil;niiui)' '. ( iillluiiilu SliitU,
" 'it Uti s. '. leu .y Cu')
' M-iu , v. u uMiiiut.
alln Nulla C'iij-, AV. 'J'.,
' Milcor we-t ol" Ufcr A Ktkv' IliUlt
!'' ii M Mh JOIIS.' MAini.N
'SCWUMl; jo lltugc, CnvuH I Co ,
tir.r pbooj' iir.icK wAiiiiiiovii:,
nun jimjNPs
Al.". Mirnuii't lllncK, ImtliiK left
"-mi il iinil ImhiiiI. ullliout iiiiv Jiwl
-" llinl.K all .,.. ..... I.. ....'. . ...
, a . "rf ..!. .iiia .in. i. iit HUI
v "i.uiiin an i wju i,i
I mil n.iv iiiiv ik-bt
. .. .i . .. .
-- ' . at ..HIT.
PHEoiily Iu.urnuce Company that onu
, , al!J " bin-uii'M in Oit-Kon U tlic
' 1),,. .' ",lU Cillllllell u l Km lu
HM by ilip(,.t,K sau.OUU in, the
t.ilii,.inllul S7AHIIIHI
'Wllllln V VU 'V UniVsi A8t",,,
Jou v. norcK
Valduunkci and Jouelcr!
ll6llH vii ,'""cll,rt'1 '"' rcpitiud in
.IVI, , , ' " 'Mllltl III
"yw of . , amlChurpimciv
Mi,i'., JOHN l HOUCK
-, iou
mayliO I
Tin: oitKoolsHNTiycir
IJr!t) LVSttV RlTt'PDAT vonxixo.
n. F. DOWELL, Proprlclar.
njrj-ri t.mim wirt cnrwtii riM.
I.O.O. r. -.lnlioiMlll(. J.niTffe '
sfvo;3i " ,w ll",u, " "'K'l
MiKimic Itntl. I
Ilrolheu in bi"I flnmllntr nro Invltpil to
"ttix nn.n!S.rUNK' N- U'
1 rii'UM,..-.J. .M. Sntton., Win. liny and
S. J. I)y.
Wnrren Lod-u Ko, 10, A. F. ft A. M.
A H(tl.I) tlwlr reBulr comtniml -
ronlliiii the WwliWHly UvenliiRn on i
,,rit'R,,,C ri""--'
JOHN' E. I'.05S. W. XI.
C. W
F VADt:. See y.
o. jacobk. :. r. iiumiii.i..
.TAi'KnoNVii.i.r, Onmiox.
OMIrt' njnin.llr I lie Court llnntr.
All IhI'Iwumi nitnmlttisl to tlnlr onrf lll
lw t.runiii1y iiuiiil' il in. Jul an, '(ii.
wfn i- m
c..M.,,v r... n . nunc i itrowiiMriiic i rrxuo corrrjnonJfiit. i..i t , i...i.....i.i i. ..".'" "J
I I I - t. ... .H. . . CI'" "- ---." ..
F'ourDollnpn; If imM within the Hr-t th ""'W Ja'C of ll.c 5tli, mjh : ThU evening ja,tr. TI0 ufu,Pr i i'M.l rrtnii...,l I "JmlrMlnn n tl t
SI?.? ,::.0L":yrar!!!r"1,1,r"1r"?t.P'"' pennr 1XM" Mean Mlobleror Public UBJ,Mi ,r,.nvv ,. :MM,.tIt,, wllll,iflomJii.tW.uo
u"a',U: v ' L'".L'".rnMX.."0"a?: Workf.wa over ll.c river on n vbll. onJ i..,.-. :. u L V" ' , yonr prima ibnim .
................ wiiv ruu.uv IU Un OF ..... . " ,,,lll"Mt. llllTB liir Liixiur mil i ...:. , - ,
Iwh). llrnt nwrllnn, llin-e I)nllurnj carli I ""' ",Weii by Oirncml Slwle, itlmpnve wcfe libber. Tim C.,r.,i '..,. ,,rtii.l ,,n,,l "10 l,ome ' fl1'
'!'7I'.:'L"ll,lnV(,!?.I,,,Uar- A dl-llieilltlnpulhnl vUItor nnnlct dinner nt lCoik llomn An- 17 r.i.i .,. tl.ui l. ntrUnl iiimU'
w. ;; -Vv, ,.i. !v' ,r ' w n,a"C ' "' M"'- Hotel. Amonc the B.cU ,cre Wite ; " Z ,. , ! I -PpnwlHrJ
i r - Tt I r ' JI
.' ', ,, '.' ' ' ., , ' t'liowmtera tue nlniot dally IhKIus place
iVIII practice In nil tlmCouru of the Third I . , ... .... , , ,,'
JMduLl IiUtrici. ike .Siiinnv Court r Ow,,'n ti ImperwIUU oml lUpnblicami.
eou, und In Vit'I.H, Cnl. Vr Scrli. j.r.iinj.t-1 m tthich tlw Iopp in hilll nloi.e inupe
lr colliTi-d. )cLli I Twin thirty to w hundretl or more.oti each
T. T. o'ABANiaS, JM. D.!W.
1 ..... ikt uiti.u
Lit to of Vi I. a, Cut.,
Modichie and Surgery
,j.irHSu.N. .uo.w.rLT inrT!i:s.
.Jm-kaontilltf, .lunv Kith. juel(lif
J. u.il .
Mill UUill Uttll itviwi li' -.r- i
"i,. ..; J. i i.. .. .-.-,
Cent Cl; on the
r3!i rtt QOCla. ll.C-II 510.NT
l'or frcluht or tinwago Imiulre of Jchc ,
llolhuWtv. ABi'i.t.eiiiHt orl'iout nnd Jack-'
ou au-el. . l'riicl'e.i. j
Crvncul City, Tal. .
rri-wi-nl Htr Mt ?M. W. J. 3-nfi
'"' 7. 8. HOWARD,
jAOkKVtl.l.i OlMUON,
iv;i.n near the ulh end of Orjro'
nivl. Jauuary, :, ISM. l
OtHcp ut liUrwMenee ou Ofiiojtrrt
DR. L. tf THOMP60N
(lIIMIllt tlic C'uinil- Jnll.
Jiieoiivllle, Ogu. dwiaili'
1H I'ltliPAKIU)
If I'leliirivt (to not (fle MtlUlucliou. tto
ekiu-gw v ill !. maile. Cull nt liU livw (ial
luiy, ou tto lull, ixuiuiiw iii" pwluret, nnJ
li lor your Iikuucw.
Dr. OverWfk would annoiinoe u the elt-
UhhmhI JuukMiii county ami vicinity, that j
iv imuhI m l.u UH mnd. the Oterneck I
lUlml, lining uhut jiroii tjlou I
- I
JAS. l. MIX "'r-Q''
u.'z.' riii-'oc.
'ai.i.a Walla, WAMiixuru.s Tbuiuiobv,
OKFJCUovir Hank Uxclmngc, Muiu
Street, will practice in ull the Courti,
ol tlte Firm Judicial Ditirict, ulo Hit riu
prciiio Cuuit. ColUcliow promptly ul
tci.ded to. All buintn ntruiliu lu our
euro will rcceiw prompt utteiilion. ju3tf
Walla Walla. W. T ,
Will take iicknowlidfiineiiU of ded-rro.
Uiiil Nuiia mid deidn imule out nt wx no
tice nnd nckliottleilgul. JUcJtl
Sissolution BJoticc.
fpilE iimluMpiiid Imp tin day wilh-
" , r .1 l...,.,. t.
iiiiiw i in iii uie nun oi i iii.ii. .ri... v .
D.ivif, nnd will continue the practice oi
.M.iIumi.,-. Suiu-.rv nnd ObMeiriw, in
. i i
Jtickponvillcund vic.iiiy, nnd solicits u
t'.il'AM'm II tiuu in.iii'u ,.. --
pIiuiouI ihe iMi.on.ipc. 'OOU-c ut Iwrwl-
ilenwlit the old Murrv llnem-lind.
T. U. DAi'13
Dec. IHili. 1801 declT'f
OUrUltH I'hotoprnph Album can he'
KJ mill cne.ip. mr cuiii, m o, ttu ,
i i ,!.. ii i. M'.i.
door nbove Urudbury A Wadt .
rm hu MunaNMcvfikj
Trpm Pncrnmrnlo I'liion
otv York, Aueimt 20tli. Tlic
Gincrnls illl n ml Draper. Alter
P,w,0't "P'. t wl.lch frl.ndly fcntl
mv",s "lru exenancru, me party uroKc up
"Oti'wo nml Oeiwnl Orleffa nrc rnlil lo be
I on tl.oir ttny lierc to vlalt tlic distliicnUhed
! "" . .o rM.it lo .o,Ll,.n8
noOU, l0 be ",l11' on Hie Mo Grande. All
Ii (jnlet nlonj; tlic river nt pent.
' ''',,c lt',a' Veto Ctm cotrMpondenl,
11"1 - ''"'c "r Au?iit IStli.Mvs: 1'ivc
Immlrtd men liac nrrivul nilli pood rilltf ' u,-.in i,i,1P,.
nndnro tnaln-nliilng ,, Indepuidcc dlViS
i Slon;allcu.nliicli Is loo difficult i.fuccws to
be onily corniucml. A force of 200 An
Irliiin reoentty umpcli il from Urisib.i trltli
tlw Intention of tiliippinc tlirtn, but fell In
to nn iiinliutli on tlic rrmd nnd rtc forced
to take to fl phi, IfiiviiiR thirty dad on tlie
field. A few diiyii incc ilic Antlrlntij met j
with nnnlkr tivetK1, north of I'liibla. in
nhivli. iiceordliip to the City ol Mexico pit
ktf, on Colonel of infantry ami fifty din
itwiiia Irll vicllnm to the ferocity of ll.c lie
pn'jliciun. A ierHHil of the tini.)iairi
or llm oountry will thew that, in uddilion
to the I'Xi-vullon divtnd by Conrtii iimtllul,
1 1 lleiald uiIiiukIoii rnrrcpomlrnt
myi : Col. Tlimn. AMiaiaiit Oouiinlffinn.
it of Tieidincn in Mi.lipl, n orti Imui
V.cktbinp, umhr dulc of Auptitt Upih,
that out of.H4.CiK) l'lctdincu in the Slutc
only .1,000 ii i u lubt-ificd by ll (iovmi
mi nt. Thf fainu f rfwrlnl In he doiup
fliwly. As ImrMfi tlm npprotiche, tlu
lu-'p uhich Iirp bciii ntf.iiivd iti in by thv
T itiriimeiilUlM'iii eduallv withdrawn.
... ... nnA II . . r .. -.. ..1,1 l
il Hum lujutw iwjiia oi couun win ue iiru
duicd by thow of the m-pro tlwt Imvc
undwiakin Ihe cnltuie of that Uipl. In
lw interior me corn crcp are wohinp
moit nrmiiWi. Tlw tiwlor mtt of I lie '
frmlmen hnc ciitrucltl lor tliflr lubw.
arc noikhw will awl re 1 1 it l' belUrr pVuaed
' )H tr awdliwi. The www IttUllIjrtiil
II""!' ate lepreeeolrd wlllinif t nnltt
, in 'clopitiR thenewordir of thlnjra, bat
caimflt lw made to ree the fetaiblllty o
priijeetd fttleulutcd to fetmre tlte indrptnd
euce and iuccm uf the fitedmen.
."I... ..... I
A .iw.1.' .lt..t.ll. In tlu. 7'. I.,., . I HVH1 t Vll. " "HIWIIW
eomllllon of the (Joternmeut U ty. ami ' "l I ' f ' l.W.. .uM Ho like ,, bird outol It, when TZZu'VuXJl
,l,u,UEW,cU,yf,heTreua,,ryw.,Ilie-'- 2ilS rilX.
emibleil 1-Mi.tet all itiamU will, the mei',UW8 ba curtain, of wbiotfe.J law,) 0ll4 nLl )t.fie nr pailyKtal I. ',... lrnrf,,. ' tt .j, .,
he ha. at wnimearl. No itatement nr the " "'"' S0" V f 0rlw"' we Mn pn.ml pcrfoiimiwe of olmiadee. ,,,, ' ,,,, U ,J a, my .r. of llio
public dtbt will Icnmdcou the Ut of Sep- '-K" J'" ' i nUml,m, of mammoth j ow, , lU ,Ml llf tU, ,hn ,tvr,eml Mr !Hlml(e w.n.ry. What wllh Ihe ,,...
tember. nor will therein a aluleiwi.t liei ll.ct!in; your fww .d fculuriM ,om ltHI ,IHIWHM) HlUlW0 M tt f.roolou. ,., !(HBtllill 'u( , t , lla.SnilU
.her ofteoer than on.e in two ,u'.l. !' nf & -".. AloiHf .,,tli. of Uml.ui, a.llnp will. tU greu. mMnl ., ,,, , ,,', , ,,, , Sll
ihat the next OlMn.iit of iW i-tUlkiFbt ' l '" cH.vi..it di.iencw, arc rang- M ,.nlhu.l..M., nml ImMog comttd fr . .'l ,., ....'? .'.'.. .. '
willopiHrOctolKr lit. tu ewr - .M,ii ww,
TI I'uMiMittr Gif! h accopte.1 1 """" "lIch M k,,l iwl rd
lU tender or the TuniCo Mull biiun.-hlpi lwou1'lfu,i tJu,k wS"' !" "I '
I! ..r.Alk. Mrl,n.l.rtllt.toraVJ'tt,', 0m ,H mlu'MJ I'l
mall Mwiiwhip Ihie Uiwwn fcan F'ranciMO
ami Chimi U lloiudulu.SandwIch hluntU,
HBlliorlzwl by the Act of CongreM npprov
wl I'ebuary l'i, 1605. The Under of the
l'noifio Mail Steeinplilp Comjiaiiy wet the
only one receivod for Ihe K-rviw. ' The
enmixtaotlon thortfor i ft half million dol
Inn k.t nniiuot fur the ptrformanee ol
lttew rB(lnj trip between Kan J'ranciaco
iranoenwa. The company are to build
f K r(ce rour Dt.etaM American
. i i .. ...!. irIin( uim tit tii-usnrf l ft
on burden cucli. Goveinmint meaiuie, to
! be coMtruistcd of tho best materials and f
I ... ,1... .n.il nm. ri.tcl lllfti!fl. tt'ilh all lllC
wm imprnveroenU nditwl lo neogoin;
lur mw iiiw' M'j'.,-'. ...--
' 8teumrf of tiw Qit class. Tho first sKjiu
r is tu Iwvc San IVanclioo w ith the nwita ,
for Japan and Ul.iiM on or before the M
of Junuury, JM7. The term of tfce oeief
u . ,H i. tear from Ihe date oftLe
mllnL' oi the fif.t 4tcaeier from bau I'u ,
' b
t.,.,...nTftv Anarnit 53 'Re trial of
Jeff. Davl, will take place before n Cuitao1
.Stales Court, but what the particular, are
has not yet b.cn donated. Thereiecrnn
to be no imrlance utlucl.eil to the fact
that the Grand Jury of Ihe District of Co
....,. i ,nf,nil,n jincfl found a Irue,
imnuia, - , .
..in .,itt l,I,n for constructive irras'Hi iii ,f
i .rironna to operate egaluft Wa.hinp-,
sendiiigtroopi to operate i. r
The Grand
ton in
tiinunir 01 lout
,. .
..iiiiv "tni.ejf, nas inumieu
ime ni iv niitiiiiii
'- " . , tuUab!e the trial
him for ti(on. " ,....,...,,
wll take place m "" " "u "" "
tvill io" ii - i ..u
,,, chief Justice CU 'll pr.i.UV.a
that Slum II (n.braU id ii ouu.ua.
! circuit awpr-ed to him.
- . . .... OB 'PI, a 7,l ,
v. YorK. f- " ""J v
,rujAflgten, fcvai Ladpopl, Aup. lCth,
I nod Q'lW"1
. ... au. ritu, ms nrriveo i
nnu Uiieenjio""!
fw5S2s -m.mT4?i iT
The cattle jilngup coiitlntiw) to lie n promt.
ntnt lojiic In KiiRlam). Tlie rluenjc ii !
'Drcaililiir. 'I'lifi rliolrrn ronlinticil II rnv
nttni nl Cn.,.lnlt. ,,'., l-l..
"ft wviir.HIIIIIIVII II . I.V
had ImnroveJ f.om .1 l.t f. ,, .,. I. ... ,
IIioueLI that HrnnKcmtaia w.tt'J Ivniadc
fcr the innndinte rcncnl or Ibc (ffor.a to
rccovcr the cable,
v .- I t' , ,, r ti
a po con had pone to the Cnmp of Clm
t. c... ... i i ii, .i
lor?, fcstnc fotelpn joiiiivali have Invciiliil
..irt... it-, v ri!L . i . .i
tnmiiM tlt NapMcon ronlrtrpialn the
annexation ofllelpliim lo lnreaFlrr lhe,m,",",,u,,r,,,l , , P 7" ,
death of lipoid, plvlnp the Diile of ll,a f n,'s,,,1 ''! ' -'wn of thu
limit Mexico In.toml oftl.o IMeiuni crnvtn.i
n.. 1 '. '. .:.,.. t . 1.1 . t. I .1 T. .
atnl also pivinj cnlliii to Ilnlv, the Dan
, -lui. . i t.i
tnlillep to Aiiptun, mid letrl-1
nnrlhern (5..nhtf In Prj..t, ,
Tlic Hank
frnnrr ilurtfi
The Hank of I-'ranct: lit men million i
" w -.... ,
frnneep duritij the Meet.
Tlie lloaiN I- lienvy at Home. Tlw '
army h to l inemid ti.ao.000 mr n. i
The choltru continued 1 If rdvpe. I
Nrpoliuiliiin bettteen SpuIii nml ltftmcj
on ui-Lituiu ui uio reropiiuion ni iiaiv, uiiM
M.Ur.,etotily concluded. Spain pro'inlar, i
to protect the IVpc nml the lulirmli l
rtlipion in Spain.
(KnnoKi's (Javw.i.vo l'ju.tir A eel
cbralcd i!illiK hmi,e in Wahltif;liiu,
kept by n colottd Individunl, U thai ikj
"You enter by n door of vatlepaletl
plained glttw, tthicli.br ft lljtht, lirlrcU
all ll.c color of thf rulii'xiw. Awindiiip
a n.glit of pliilri ton riarh n door, pull the
bell and !iilantly you nic pt(tnl ttlth n
p.iir of nil ve nnd n doiib'crow ol I ur .
cet in black, thlch nomliiAllr llimp to
Hainbn, but which, In fact, ere the projier. j
ty nl tlie proprietor. A plane fairio-i"
Von liHte fillid FmiilioVeji nml pteiUtn.-
ed pable. The door i nl once niHtd,
and you are uiliiml into the unlcroiiii
the vcptibiilc of h!II Thl;; room i not
Iip. but ikaiilly nppolntHl, the ihlvf
l.....ll....l...f,. .!... f.t1.. 1 ...I I. !.!..
iiivui.ii iik me nuo niioni, tinun m Ol
iwlid maililc um.1 nhite n Diswnu' lueatt.
. Here ate iiiranpi.l In long nml glitnli.
, ....., l r ..... t . . ....
lewiunim. unnuuii oi cut (,-ii.m. rjiaihiiii
like brllllaiilF. filhd with II choicest nro
liar, and b!u4di to Ihe ery mcki wllh
Ike KlowiriK vintage of the o'den titw.
If Ji lUta Itabicun wllhotit taating . whew uti ic ikatiag m lU lake, pimlmi
I il wtkllnf but dukg.rou. vvalira, It Ujul ummi Ihe lot inch woulraw "eaKk''
'not fiom my ileiih of hoppltulity cm the ,ai Audubiwi iaer dieau.it! f but lr
ri oi your wnaatirv uuii.
'I'he iaeiou Kittlng Ull 1 now vIm i
Ule. The floor U round ttlth outtittint
cott ud inr-.
ihi to be u tlanilri for k-ele.drolkry am
Hnir, or baclianalian itriljliigi, or pugilkt
le ciicounleii. l'ur frcm It. Ou Ike on
Irary, all Is hunhed, ilen( nml tepulchrul-
No real tolce or aouml,
Wilkin Ikone eheerleM walla are fminil.'
You uie opjireMNl with the fearful t
it nml awful jHhwo which prvutle
the pluee. A laugh, n Juko. or even ii
curfc, vioutd be n inlbl relief. lint you
hear nothing of tbli. An ccoUloAul
breath or lulf lulnldnj tfgh t ilmt
.. , . . , .
Dioh't Uikk Wjiiun-KUi. lueiduvor.
mg to take tic win m fur the pnicrnineut,
the umtfLali eouictunea mivl t ith wivh dif
rkullit at to iilmo-t dipme thtm of tl.oir
own w re. J l.e lollow lug collwpij I. Mhl
ve mku. place toniew.ir bctwun u
Biljal aud ud IrUleMouiMJi
-How many mule imnbin hmc you u
U (-) V
"Whin wcrcjou marrkd?"
"Ti.cdjy I'al Doyle lift 'J'ipperary for
Amuiky. Ah ! well did J mind it. A
fm.ihinritir day nirtr gildid the (ky of
ow Id Ireland."
JEJg!to l curhui-
I diU not uive liiui u l.ronuie w Ihin twol
weeks he'd blow his brafoii out with ucrow,
"Was he at the time of your marriago a
widower or a bachelor?"
"A which? u widower did you fay?
kaoci . ma . tm iiaa
' hu """J " J"ui liutin 1131 i . i . I i i I
.,. of ,J ,lml wblM luke up wIlU,my Indignant soul, but at last, J atnaveng-1,,,,,,'
a fccoiid-hund htubaml? D6 I look liku i
Ihe wire of u widi-wir ? A poor divil ull
legs u.,dconn.mpt.on like, u sick turkiy
rulhir live an owld maid, uml bring up ul8"0 W1" Iirepuring to say something In lUn
Awiuiintri Aiuy f. ue ojcmiu ii iunoi"
muiny op ouucrroiiK anu praties."
- tom."fcii wrrsi
A TKIlltlllM: HI'.Vi:N(31U
Ofour pleniJiH parly nt llo elnn lat
Plittilmi.. t.'ul It'l I.. L. l
. ii. I v ... .rii.iiirt nnti; v' .11.111 urn Ittv lirnillt.
mortnlllvl, ' ,
i uiiieiiioer nnr nine siinice ot
nine into tin! limiting
dinner m annniinnd (fur
iliv not rote to infer
II,) and n gloat wimi-
', thoiiithrhe could net
r i ti
more iptictly or meekly
" Mn ,HU' wr " c,,, '""'""" JW'"!?
!",iM ,,,1,,, ''C.r ","n,, 1 U"
T "'. 'uAUnlybcc-me,, nlto ntcwl-
,nh' ,n ft """H1 ,""nbfr 'lf lmM
"i IVC,) "0 niirrltd L'Ciitlrtnnn lmiuril
, , . , , . , . . .
ntthllc Inour talk of ihotl-lmrm tolul
... , ... , ,
an ndiiiiilnu Blnncc. U e Iwd it imiwd eur
., i .. , ,, ,
' ". " ""'"" """' "f """ ,w
ul v '"III Wl 1MHTCII.
V ,,,,. ..' ,,,,, ,
i nut a Mine ivuic ti iiara.
.... . . , . . ,
" " ""' '" l""n P"nv "'" "V """'
throb 7 Why did the name of rrc whom
1 had iHt Men (.InoeiUn. ma little chiM re
C?" ?' "I"" """" l'!'
d' f 7, " V l,,f,
It lmll bo tnkl, tmilily, nnmi
'1 he Ix Wlictots "mileriil tlieniHvM"
imitmlmlely fur "llm O'llntu Hki,"M
... , ...
T. "f V -"IW"'".!"" '
iM-MpMtte ili iticoniint; ot lovtH tnunf
dieam; nml Iwo of litem, it mMdy anil an
wmWr-itrnilotilo pot the dart him! madv
lh tumilnp ul thv uiMt uxk'o mc 1
mr v. Imltrd, tliaiulkn jnopoac.l on
the thiid iMiiiii, and it i!rrln.u) lik
sell poml naturvd iIkimIuIow. that he
wtimd lather plouKil than othurltc;
vtl.eiPBi the culligian, nko nt of h rw(
iral (niicrmtnt. louk hU icfl lloduy
follow inp, tiiy Miriouply lo ImuiI, nml pit
id Ihe Kiuainliif' putt of hiohdl In mirmv
mikI In Ihe htiiblii'iy. Tun othtr Com
pditnin, uiiuIIiiiImiI, (ixctpl in Kate.)
vritc rfieptMil ol nt mi uii'l.nty Imlli nnd
tU race thin lay Intuitu Chuilcv .Nf.rlh
i-oif, cjjituin of huiMiif, ami I'liilllp Ic,
Jl was u I'laml Kt to "hando up," I
can tell you. Il Chaiely had thelMmWoui-
Ml fa', aul playing niih n biillat cnd
.. .......
n i" on iihi-iihi, uut noun miu
.1 ... l.l. ..... l. !...!.. I.... ..1.1.1. 1... I
;prcloiily UMidtal in til hp-rookl lu!k ol
lh Huh? wlmu 1 wta in thiiCiinmi." I'hil
'ni..i .1 i... .il... t i....
up mwi m inw iniiuhi'iimi kphwhhi,
uim! ImiiI hod at OxfMil 1 1 hihWt icmdu-
ate" blw-riUMMi" tiw Ni4jilMi
for Ivt.gliU ei. Chut ley, It la lim
, on iuc bluer lutrm, tne nnt Iooaii,
wl.kii the (rol limU up, that, "in u lenlly
.pooil thine wllh IiouimU, thtio uim but ikw
uf thvui couhl (Mich the imeuu." IV
. ., . '
hiioarir, h Hh the r-vji.M ft cik.
pair of uiouituchai which ritakd Chi!e)'.
We were tu ijpjivr at Hipper lu our clw
rude coIuh, nod wire w walling Ihe an
noubiiMiiit of llmt rrdciioB, nUn I tiO
Vlcid en ( xlraordluary phmuineuon, wh'ch
oaiMcd ia loaUtilly aod Ktrwtly to whia
jur lo Mif O Iluru, "I have kemtthins l
ey lo you, coium at odtc" Wo awteti
iiAoth,ed fioiu the croiiUl di;iiug room
mlo the libiait, alill I liter wl with our Ihr
atrjeel proptiilee. itVizIn' n dagger uud
u turning u chwracltrUlU) teowl, (I wan ul
liidl uf u brifaiid' utfiatBut.) I budc kr
Ulien!" Ami he (I ee Iter now hi her
K0lly lut nml clunk, for phehud repfinl
in our htkt tone lU young Kngliah count
oi i&ird by lU lobUm ) uvir remly fur
burletipie uml mirth hi tlio mppoaed ull
Ihit to he made uniwtr, lolemoly: "Say
on !"
"Twelve yeon ago, CalUrlne O'lfara
I wooed and won lu Ihe home of your
iliildhooi. the ludv who U now mv wi&i
III! niW
I my love
. '
n oga"i'
acteil sire
:hihl, wne
mine long,
detn blue
, . ... ... l
.IIW Mimtl Mil IIVW.U, u.H. win... mumiv.i
ktiii, Ihe projierly uf your rtr
Iliird by, yod, tht-ri a little cl
nuiri.'ltiir In ii bulnr. 'I'l.AU, mm hklif
...ii i i . i ii
i ILfii. Iniln-j ilrfMiiu-il otr lliuae ilern lilue
eyw, uml we nevtr drcamfd that you look
note of ut, ieulmp, in the uua imibber,
our vom of uiuluul love. Judjje, thee,
how ,n,en,eour agony bow crnp.Ueoml
,.,.... ,, I.. ..IT.. I..I ..I I
'v,"0 """"K ,of ""! )v" L,,VM w,wu
for nil to hear:- I
,i,Mftllvft ,11.1 ktt..M.
-.,. .... ... v-... ,
other, vvhtn I nai swinging hi the dm!
l' or iwcivo ycuri, natu u Jiaru, u.e
,ntB,ory of thot lumiilmtinu baa troubltd
cd litri I
j ic,j ,cforo lCr OD0 0 (hclisnd looking
, . . . . on . .. J
f -...-.
dramatic style, 03 she ssatched It from me
Ou a iweel .umrmr'i eve I tokl my love. I '"" f lI"ljlw" ' runulug over, crowd.
.t..i i .t ,n :...L...I','rf chn. faclorln uml ull nvmuei of
VOL. X. NO. 31
willi tlii ptciiil nlr of n tmul) iutri),
hIiiii lirrryc cauitlit tlic rillcctlon of lier
fnof, and In n moment llmt Atlr coiintcn.
nacv wm blnnc!ivl nml pile, ntid lie itood,
Willi tcr IipiiiI ilroopiiijr, fpiulik'M. lr
upon lier lip, render, alio mit, us I lud iren,
i lie oertniu vigil nml trnco that, In tome ob
fonre rornet Imltind tlic scene;, tht uut hail
bftn AttiM for "lt 01 lain Uka," inl
I ,. , ,, i . . , , ii i i
'W fcr'twnu . liM trait. IIq hid
left half bin coil; moiatachc on the loudy
lxiilc," I Mid, "you cannot bo exed
nith mo, for I congmthttc you with nil my
hcntl, May you lc at happy, dar pltl,
with our friend the robber m tthoio twn'
hiivo been, whom you ww kiislnu'ond
another Iroin Jjcuenlli thou duik huhniu
you tot nvliiplnp In the elm I"
'I'ijm TiintWAMi lt,5 There urc sld
to be liternlly n lhountid l!m cluitcrini;
in Ihe bri'fiil nrck or cftiiury uf Ilia tit.
ItHnnco. Many of them can tcarcil
iiRord foothold to n bird; others tuppott n
ling! minluture trc'i tcine iiiitaiu hupa
umMci uf rock piled in icccntrlc lorim nml
ho'dlng in llielr eirrfce the Uilt:uof climb,
inc vine; n few ntc lnr(to ami lieovv, wllh
turf nml woodbind, him nro nil uidant
n pprlHt'. A toync ainouj Ihtin U liku
the rwdine; irf n jmnti or the mmJiiu; of it
dream: oae Metoe to lw f.ir alolt in n bal
loon, gazing t Ihn itltnliihhcd luml or fPfi;
lor were there bat little Mki to Inhabit
there plpiny conthieiilii, we phmitd lmu
Ulllipulla, Imlt-vtl. Here, in winter, thu
hill iev hisjrt Mi emjfg mid iiionuuiciitj,
and ihe flioi mid field ctuili up In tu tu
rner, m if I hey Mould Ueur thv Thouiaml
lalrt away to their Arctic home; the wild
biiiU In log forth their young upon thu
hi face; lite cold pawn of IUIm (jioms
Harm and rltnl benenih) the atilptd ntid
ajMiltrd Make lice aliinnn their dtlru,
ulwiniind the iHiiiotv nml thu bluejuyi
nml the wvlf, immIii; fieut In ml tu laud,
Iwlia lieur In tlie deml niidnight lohowl.
Not n h ii inn n I Mir a; tennula the 'I'houinml
Inlet) thy aie Kiiildid here nml therein
worn 1 1 on Irinftularityj the dtip iltir
wlmhi In nml out iiiiionff lUin m tflottor
tarry Iur; nml the luurlil wflna Ii remind
ed of ou tableau In the ini'lodriima, toi)
U'Riitiful nml uneitct(,l,lii lw mil.
Ok Tim Mam-ii. A train of twenty.
lhnelou.ini wtKoni drilled lilonc; the lino
Second alieet, jetlenlay innrntn(f, on Ihn
way to Indian Spring, the point Mlrcltd
fur the new military pr.it In the Snnko
rouulry. An nrmul ricoil, Cinudittng of
ComfMiiy I),'. Ith ('ullfnriilu Voliinliem,
under cam ma m I of (Vpt Hrotl,accomionl
nl tlie Iruln. Qimriernmiter Chiwion In.
form ii llmt the trnln tnkea out in Ihu
aggregate IV 1.000 pouiidi nf .uppllen, in-
I ..,...,. ..,. l,,, VI), IIITIP M I lit, "Il
lu MU, ,)ftl e hure homi ihe h.H of
Indian depteilutloM on Ihe line of the Can
yon City rend. Alaunlunuir.
IIiat J' I't.v;.i. IImc i u hint lor
the ItdumlnMt fvuwlo pupilli(.n uf I ho
!.l. Will Ihey take (J Thu Alihuou
(ICaHaoi) da ii win ki):
'In Colurndii woiuen nro rxcttdliigly
'caiew. 'I l.u uvtinjje II t.Uut leu uiulu
in one finiale. 'IU miner, deprived of
IhCfOclalyof JudTw, kiow imody, dicrm.
UnU.1 urn irckluM, nml oro in haile lo
rmlgnite' back to hu .Stetiti. The puair
thrio h ml forth u pkilnlne nptii in Ihu
umiuployoil oUtcm in Ihu Wi.t to comq
oteruml help lUm. 'Ihwy ihcaru Ihat
toy young glil of iwawljU; liililliHitue uud
'oi'uruuc ouii pot iuimudmlc vuiilu)imiit
' domvptie itrwco ut one huridrid dolfaie
' (Mr munih, payable m U coin, with tl0
chance of ipowlily marMiutjioinuijicechan
Wlll u fucblful of imijtji-U. 'IhegliUla
MU J.ailtin glutei, whero Ihe fcmulo clo
I --- -.-.....- h -XI ...-r -..- Il"l"lll
I "","1 Iwwlloii running over, crowd- ,
i inj kilcheni. factorlii uml ull nviuuei of tt
jt,i,j,0y,m.nt oowu lo the es, muy pmke a I
g0WJ itilii(; liv following Ihu Klur of I!iu H
pire lu Its Wulwurd flight." ",
. ., r - ,
I A ,lKT''"' li'KA.-A way among ll.o .,
I Alleghuiiic there U u iiirlug, so imall that fi
A IlBAiTinJi. Iiika. Awoy umon ll.o
' M,"v"i
Alleghuiiice there ii u tpringi to imall that
u tingle ox couhl drain It dry on a tutu
mer's day. It lea In lu unobtrusive way
among the il!ljtll it i pi cads out In thu
,,.... Il I ...1 ...,".....-.. I ... ...
'- "" vnajjee ami hum
u .in, L T".""' r cuU'a tll 1'Jrln','
"' on It.i l,otoin mnru than half u
tll0llul() ,talllu0IlUi ij.ltI i0l)K iija
Mi3iipiil, it ktrclchen uwoy and uway,
' mtnu uumircii iuihs mure, till It mils
"'"' ' fe'"t cmblvm oleiirnliy. It Ii
, "I'V w iliu IflUUIUflia UI Hill (JCi.'UlI. nlllCU
on () ,,,,'J, Xud roar
till ihe iina-cl, with one font on ihoica und
i llic l1'" H'o land, skull lift up his baud
,10 huven. and swear ll.ut lime shall baps
r,i, , rivulet, un oecao, boundlcM nml fatb
mnper. ao Willi moral InUuence. Itisa
otnlces as eternity
--- ,HiMI