E. il rt n 1 IM N. MuumjftmAjmmjTmnMmt BUL1.1 IWIiUM tlKJXJ UL. KWCPUMgjra'H' f1 HS6.U lW . TUB MUM HTIML ToTiiKKrni-u'v ANor-kiiuiMAii 01 torn IJVI.lV, A (lllVEBSUKNT IOR TIU WUOl.K IS IMHWJCXMUM:."-- tiarkinfton. .lAtK-itiNvii.i.i:, outturn . KATI'RUAY JIIHIMMJ, SEPT. .. 1565 ! !' I'l.l.ti, .I.il.Knim I Intuit n., mill V. ll.Tuliy. mtlrllMll); illicit ImMiu I'nmrlitii. I'nl. I'.. IC. l'lilpin, ntltci tltlut; ncrnl tor !iriiimriili, Col. l.tit of Agents for the Urxoon Sentinm.. I!. I". Itii"ell. jrcneral agent for Oregon,, nnd Idaho Territory. I.. 1. I'Mier San francisco ("nl. .I..I. Kmwlton .V Co..'. do la Thnmt I)i ptdeimto. Oun. I'T. II. Hill "liber tin V. 0. lllnlo Hock Point do Thomas Crwcion Crotton ltltf Ins do Win, Spice r Jmnp-OiWi ilo Cnv. (illilc Portland Jo I). M. Thompson Alhsny ilo W. M. Krarw MUioum do 'I liomtn 0rr do ilo Thntni" lU'lojril Ketbvvlllc ilo S. V. Sawxw.I no do I). I'. Anderson l'hoonlx ilo 1. M. C. uault do do A. Ireland Hvrtlo Creek ilo (5w. I.. Dmn Kilmfaurir do 1 heodrlc Csmervd Union Town do limn f.. Watsot Kou'lmtif do Ml" Ililll" Hunter Itoptr ltlrr do I,. V. Nilluu Fort Klamath do IHiucr IletMin, of Uanyontille, general Ajpjnt lor Douglas Coiiuty, lawMMmmnLti'jgjuiwil jiijbi iujiji THE TRIAL-MARTIAL LAW. There it a great ileal more evidence in btlalf of Ike prosecution, and a long eroii examination of .Mr. Hill, by Mr. Valland Injjlhim ami Meral otber ltici, lend ing to show Ikut tbii ;pcc!i of Mr. VjI laHiiligliii)'i trai intended to discourage enlistment, and to give aid and comfort to th enemy, but it U too long for oar col uiiim . The court found kim guilty of the chug mblibtd In our last tour. If the speech of tbt neciiMil Undid to ahl tbt rebellion, ami rM intended to aid tbt pub lic enteny mil dtsifraed and entered into with the purpose of niiiinf tbr enemy in the ttnto of war, Im it guilty of a military oflftict, awl Ihs ought to bare bein punished liy military law. Tbo Copperhead in Ohio, ufttrurard in leOJ, com.'natcd Mr. Valluodlnghiini for Coreroor, tad thtrtky they nude tbtmtlvei rnpooilblt for the crime of Mr. Valltodionliam. The whole Utttion wai distasted iu Ohio by jaJjjtf. lawyer, pettifogger, ttatrmtn tu 1 farm er. Tbt lieMoeraoy justiflvd tt.o act, and Mr. Vallandingbdm and the I'aiou party JuttlQctl tiMattof tbt Coveiuw.ct in the urratt, tolely on tbo ground that Mr. Vul laixllngbarn made the ipecch with latest to u id tlie rebellioo. Ohio gave a vcrdiot of 01,002 majority on tbt borne vote, and .'I9,l7i majority on the soMicrt' vote naiuit Mr. ValUmlinjiitm, uukin;; 101, 009 votN majority in Ohio in favor of Martial Lw, and ogaloil tbt act of Vab landing bam. The lurrounding clreoustancei show a riot had apron;; up In the county of 1 lolniN, in tbt Hutt of Ohio. Tbo militia were called out to suppress the riot. Toe men eag.igeri tn it were arretted ami in dicted by tbo civil authorities acd were then held arraigned for trial for the crunc of treaion. for open retbtasc.' to the law of Hit Uolttil Slate. There, In the prei eneo of tbt men ubo were under iudiet iDent lor trtawn, bt wed language, tbe plain tendency of vrhlcii, although cunningly covered up with pretended dalirolioo of Inuiliy. wai in truth and in faet, adelco to engine io arweil rwUUnce to the authori ty of the United Slute. Tbli language wsxi uieil iu tbe preacuec al best lug of o.xi'tHil, ignorant tnen who had been en afd in tbii reeUlanccand who were iheo ninUr ladietment tbo very language th.it n dt-muogua would uk to itlr up a civil war in n community. Vet Mr. Heverdy Jobrwoii in III dffrnce of Mra Surratt, add tbe whole Democratic preia say in time of nor we have do ontr Io prevent these thlsgf. Tlere world bare been no olijrolioii to .Mr. Vullundlngham, or auy democrat or copperhead CDgaing in tlie ordinary political dijoiHion of I lie Uy. lie had ued free tpeecli In L'ongrett, nnd he liad btcn all over the country, oppotcd the war, cnsaxJ in all lilikU of oppoiiiioo to the war, denounced tbt eonttituted an lliorilivf, denouncul every man engaged In npliolditij; the authority of the d'avcritroent, nml no one moleited him ; but when lie went one tcp farther and uied lauguagc which i intended and well calculated to encourage armed reiUtance to the Ouvern ment, then, and not till then, did Martial Tnv nnd tlie military Uuih dm from Ohio to the Houlh, within the line or the rebellion where all were at duloyal ai him rell, and where hi speech could do no lurm. He wagjuilly and legally binUkod, We liavo shown that tho military authorities have n right to feize upon any oue who i (n'3j;ed in resUlauco to lliem; thu prmci j laid down by tho Kngbtli aLd Amer-ii-in hw boohs it Is I ltd down In book? on ltitrrnatlon.il htwj was ni plainly .tntcd , fufjncntlydiclarnl nnd ci'omd Mi' "' I , . ui In In l . ,rr m I .11 1 ni'i by Ciitirjl It.i!loc!; in hU hwa of war lo!w befoto the commencement ol llila re- bMllon j It is laid down lit every booh on tin? law of war. Any man who throm obtach3 in the way of the comtitttted authorities In projfctillnpr war, cither civil or foreign, is liable to lie nrrested, tried coin ii'tcd, nnd pttnithed for the ouVncc by 1 tlie military nuthorlty. t'ndirthew circnmlance Gen. ltiirn idi'. hivlns tho report of C'apt. Ilall who ittidnlol the mfcting, nml took down nl tho time hort hand note of tlie fieech of .Mr Vnllandihtm, ordered hU nrrt, and to prevent any disturbance, the nrret wn made nt nilit. He wni brought to Unicln natl. The Democratic pre complain of the nrreM being mndo nt nltflit, Wn not tbnt ndviiuble, under the circumitanced, to prevent n mob, a riot, era civil war in Ohio! The ery mub that Mr. Vnlhind Ingham had Mlrrcd up tu rctUl the cnnti tuted authorities, mUjhtlmve exKMd their live In the unholy nnd unrightroui cnnu of preventing n legal arreit by the, military authoritiei of the Government. , Mr. Valland Inibani wai tnken to Cin cinnutl. There he was kept, nml a com mi.loi was organised. comweil of thirteen rnnifer5, every one ol whom had Irtlonged tu the Democratic party under its old or an'xtllon. Not one of them ever lie- longed to the Republican tmrtv. They H0' ' .1' v Ok ,nll HI I' 'I'' i. r.,ni m In ' t.ii1 and uncetloiu of the poplr of lh. c Cnd"! b"" ,'1'1 '' ' , ,fl! Md of fmit State, when Vnllmulingham. Mr,.S..rrttt, are "S J " klllr, ,, LTBCB"i'"-w-- . - , and their ympithlfCM shall have been for- gotten. (ItnentU llurnjide. Memit. Hner' mm, Grant, .Tnehson, Vahlngtw. afd 1'reiK-nt Lincoln, In declaring an! eiifnrc- Ing Martial Liw. have (bowed their j'"1 ment and patrlotlim. They been like Alexander, great ; like HanniMI. vlallaut nml netiw ; like C'n?ar, llrm ; like Solon. pr'uJint i like (!ato, wgaeioii" ( like Oipio, uccorul j like ArUlklei, jli ann" l'l,, I'abiom, magnnnlmoui. si:ci:ssiox"i)ins iiahd. Recenlon U In 114 dying throe?. It i lifltting forth lM lt otnvuhUodltrU be fort lis filial involution. It dir hard. It U nt tonicimu of life ni a rat. Hut It muM die, nnd It l fittlnir and mrt that it ilintiM die. It lm trnnre4cd grlev oniy. and mueh. It. f n vile thing, ron eelvnl In fin nnd brought forth In Iniquity. Itt father ii Falun and In mnlher S-outh fJnrollra. Like iti paternal It ein Mutne any shape, put en any dlitfiiler to mil lt purpo'P for'the time being. Dnpellc ami brutal when In power, eiinnlngaDd treach erous when out. It ii tbe me ileadly lee under nil clreumtnnew.nnd with whatever garb Itmny put on the Itel'tr to conceal its renl deelgne, to the peace, unity, nml born nnd rnled in tho cradle of ' prosperity of this country, ami richly de er-w the execrntloo of the prwrnt awl of all cowlttg time. Defeated by billots In 1840, it retorted to bullet to staltitaln itself nod keep In ofike. Defentnl again overwhelmed, ami nllerlf rroditd on it cboaeti flvld of watfnre, it tetnrns t tbe charge ami seek to renew the oembat throiuli the Hgeney of U old m(Kvw Jiuptu, fmud, ami hypocricy. iturivglt and crawl ami hair-splits, ami hair splits and crawl and wriggler. It falsitWs and garbles. It I one thing here aed another there. Now It fawns hIkI whines and now blusters and bullies. It i trueuk-nt aal Mvnee where it date to be, fluttering and dtetltful where It mul be. It fangs and and venom are like tbt serpent's and tbe Art that are burning in it black heart art the fires of hell. It it manifesting to-day tbt saint malignant and destructive spirit that it has tbown for the last thirty vmis, and It U reswrlirg to the satoe taetlrs to accomplish its objetta that It rabibited at were demoeracy with Mr. Vallandlngham. Tho only ditTtrcuct bctneen them and Mr. Val lamlinghnm In political sentiment, ithl: When A'alUnilinglMm joined tho tecelon copperhead party, the Commissioners joined tbt Union kirty, ami assistol tn prosecute tho war acainst seccsion and treason. Many of Ibem wert onletra of high rank in the regular army, of unblemished char acter, ami unblemished reputation ; men who had no party feelings In the matter, or if they had any it was aguliHt what was colled the republican party. Mr Vallandiwrham was tried b-.'fort this earn mieslon. lie wa asked ll he bad any objt Hon to any of tbt tommiMhMtrs, and he mhlbt had not. lie crocd examinetl tbe witnesses for tbt Government, ami Intro dueid witnesses for ldmtelf. .Mr. l'agb, an able lawyer, defended him. Tbe com mission gave him a fair nml Itnpirllul trial and they eonvloltd him of the charge and sneelflcations. .Mr. Valhndlngbam bmnght tbe cate an lu "W I ' ""' bv n writ of kabtw eoqmt befort .llge j ""PW I" t J 'y balleting rant Leavltt, who wat Hit Judge of tbt dhtrlet , " " f " fctt. 'I be cowt ftr tbe northtro ditlriel of Ohio, tbe w" WM bf0"bt li M ,fcc r' ' dUtriet in which .Mr. Valiandiogmim we!0'0" U'Ut '? hl". tricil. Jndgt iAivltt. after u careful e.x wUreprtJMtatiosi, and their emitsuikt nnd amlnatlon of tbt law and faet. dismissed t nprteeotalivtt art practicing the m di. tin writ of AoeVeu rorptM, and left Mr ' P"b, . and, if tbtir power for Vallandingbam in the euitode wf tbt n'li m,thw Wtr ,I'm1 ,u lWr PPe. lby Ur ' i would reproduce tbt same terrible and JJgo Lravltt dvllrercl an able opinion IP"I 'l'Mr ; Hwy would bring on tbo oewwloo In fnw of IbejtriaJIction "! bat tbtrt I led tf the firtli:ld.and of n military commikw oo wob on oeea- . M,,il of " Sw lion. All, or tbo nrinelwl part of this i Wor "" "? dewlnth. opinion, shall appear la oor column. t(om Blch " . ''? bew ' There a a nothing In tbe antecedent or WCJWr- (iwJ ('''T ,u- d"1 'r ''w IP'" charactvr of Judgt leavltt that woo'd ' ll,M " llw P"-nd I hey aw make him host Ilo to Mr. Vallandlngham. ""kia "ttMsewtely for ll-lo involve her aod friendly lo tbt admlnhtnition of Mr. ' lu mw complication, to biing upon hr Lincoln. Judge Leavltt wai tppolnted by o awl bluer woe. Forewarned, kt lit l'resldent dackton i he bad served hi , "' lw forearmed. Lt tbem country faithfully u a judge for opwards ' M I1"" '" tafl"iwil wily of Ibirtv year : he wa of tbe old demo ! "wWonthMM of stiai eeeeieion pohliciaM crallc school ; he had no office for life, be I -,h J,, 8Bd 'b " hi dbuo yond tbt power or tontrol of the Adoiiuii I rty-owong tbent. The sirtn come ,, ' elutbtd In n new garb, and ing Luion ,wlion- ' ong. She Is bednbj, lfUrbelwid. and Mr. allandlogham, then and there, had b-leweled anew, but she U the same dttcii. a mlr Irbil befort a judge of hi own party ! ab'e. diagnsling eld liarlot toe ever wat. ami of hi own telecllon j nn old, able, ami and will twinler ker vitimii as ouoly abd MiMMd uun liavol tko mirar of lh i J ',,M,'lU'' M ,.fl m ,!,J " ,b e,,n Kl exptMeneert man, utjosui too powtr o lue R cbi0W (o M) )TO, fil, f I'fctldent, beyooil tbt power of tbt people ; fm. lteware of her. Her touch I oollu a man who, from hit ioiitit nnd frorn his iin, eofliiii;ion, dath ; and her uiihmut antecedent, was at free from prejudlpeor "",,M "'" ff"n P'Hon. Ilr glititrinir . ., i iii roliet nre ileeeiiml Kilimpsesi. In which party tie, a. any human being can be. iteeomiUltte b Jl of S ilomhi According to tbe Ciuclnuatl paper at tbe i 0f Hughtercd men ami tbo tear ol myriailt time, counsel was heitnl for and against i of women and children. Hbeivaiamur him. Mr. I'errv. an able kwrer. luoku in ' " M? ', and the is the mtm iji. r ik. r:....-,;i . . m, i-.. Monster ofeorruption anderime now. Sit , , " , ., 7, .. ,. . , " obansed Mthing but her drew. Un made in behalf of Mr. ollandinglum. uvitlt Juumul. an eloquent peecn, in wntcn he rt i - - viewed the KuglUh and Amtrieau nutbori-1 .Stump. lie on tbt subject, l.very tnlng wai eon-1 ducteii in a fair nod impartial mtnotr. ' lit was found guilty by tbt military com mission, and imprisoned. The imprison ment was held to bs kgal by one of tbe Judge of tbe United States. His o&uoe was decided to be a military offence by able and learned men. Upon (hi iut w have the judguitHt, tint of General , There art a ooupk of Uopierhead nU iwaeya in I'trtland who have but little praelke, and let notoriety, who hive oon fwlcrated tugttbtr and commtnceil a inock action, iu whieh they ralee Ihn ipiwtloo an to tbo eomtilutioinlity of the uct of Gun grea In placlngn tax ora rerenueslmnp on n Ugol f rotas. The objcl of the precetd o I two-lold. lit, For the purpwe of HurtHide, who thought It was a military i lviu . MrlaIn o,.., Ln,.,in. lvKn ,,,. oUsnot; iml, wo h.vt the Judgment or an ,irw tn 0 ,0 Coogrcif, an opportunity to impartial military tribu.nl. who thought it I S)rwa hilimr on ft StUo UlJhu u wa tt military oence, and w found him ' ,Jforo tlw yJf,)r8mo (j,lrti l0 provc b1. guilty; ne.xt, wo Iwve tbe judgmsnt of , M a tlmic0 sj,1IMri,Ml, i,vmocfal. 2l, To nuke n little political capital gen erally. Judge Sluttock lu decided tho Judn'e Invitt. one of the purost and ablest of the Judge ol our eountry ; u man. who haj uevt." denouaotd by any p.uiy until after tali event! aimn who took his sent on the judicial ncoeli, ami performed the judicial function wit!) a purity of character, and with ludependauee, like General Jucksou, who uppoiuU-il him In addition to this, we hive tho opinio-) ol the Attorney General of the United SU'ca, awl ol l'cMidcut Liueolu, that Mr. A'al landinham wa9 guilty of n military of fence, committed in time of war, to aid the rebellion. W'c have nothing ogainit it, ex ocpt the party clamor of secMiionlits. copperheads and traitors. The nun that sympathise with, or praise Vallandln bam under these fads nud circumstance, U cither a sccosslonijts.ceppoihtad, traitor, n parly demagonge, or a lool, Wo opine lliat Generals llarniide, iieaj,', Hlitrman, Grant, and tlio l'KSidu)b, Washington, Jackson Lincoln and lohnoii. who have question In (avor of the constitutionally of the law, doubtlejjly, not knowing th.it the citation wa9ufieliciouiarrauge:utnt,ns the A Home) j engaged attempted tu pass it oll'a a g'tnuiuQ lawtult; and iinlci a mo tion U made to distnUj the case becautc it U tlclitioiu, we shall have a genulue decis ion of tho Supreme Court on the subject. Wo arc satisfied tho whole thing is a grow contempt of court, nnd the only ob jects of the parties were to get n chance to make a Secession speech, to gho these ob seurc attorneys a lit t to notoriety, and to cl evate tho ainkiog, sickly, dying caure of Copperhead Democracy. Vatkmm.. Wc are Indebted Io Gran ville Sear for a meKm. Mr. Sears ul.iM tome lino wattrmelous this summer ami It n-enu to us as though thi-j arc liucr llivond tliju utual. - ' iimt - . 1........1 i,i . ... -.-......I imm AM nillCII UOiiragi" .v I.ng.al.lMkvl-1';-. ... k.i ni, We immured licit nnu ui"'" "i- , , , peach In I!. 1'. Unwell" garden lln week Ihieh was ten ami a half loebH In clfcuin (erer.ee, ami bid fair Io make twelve In- okw' .,---"- To wniw t lWw.-Tkoe .itsltlig hforiMtlrn ol the newrnnlto inamnth. are directed Io dpi. I Ppmgiie. W first Jiag. W ow " r-v to'"1'1 diterlptitn from Ibe wmt lu, on tl great sunken lake. .-, - , Xt Yok, Aupu't L'Al The rrt.rs.laek.on ( M k),""? ' ence. daifil AuguU SUi. : 'I " l'' intlonal Amendment h;' l"' t (.mention by a te of-l " 1-, ' " '", slltntion of slavery having b-en ties mwd talMflaieoT MlMlMlppl. riillh-r slavery nar Invnlnntiry ser Itnde. olbsnTl H" " Ike punbthment of erlme. ill hewlti r X l.t In lliis Mil"- The lgisliitnrt, at IU nt 'nii'i, me pniuic wtiinm ; nnlrv, hall r" M' '? 'w f"r '!"' I"n,rtl,',; Iml nciirli) of lh.- ronawl pmp'fty ihrrvi-dmin or th.-Sil'. and gnatd them and th Mute nnlnj any evil that may uri fiom tli'lr Hidden emmelpit ln. :uuaui viieuiMiM ' i,wi'i .;,;:,;:,: FBHCO-J.MERICA. HOTEL MmfiS! The tree? , .. ., " '"-WIHU Dn Opposite llicWcCully Buil(lis ' JACICSOKVILLE OttEOOlY. Madame Jeanne BeRoboam, The iMH(l.uiK;inUe8 this molliud or tendon,,,, l10r , io tho piililif, lot- tho i)iitmmiu wliiuh 1ms uL 11 mii UMidutl tt. her; unci would ivnmy nolidt u co,.," "tlUV.'V . Ill-' 'lillltia. nri nlMay tmiler her iiiiino. illate eotitinl; ami b) lnr long ixirltuco In Iht bntliintilni (Mils cutiRdeul dhut iIiii will givi eutlie intismotlou to all iir-iupnti;;;,;;. IOMnl.lt M,t, M.HM ,X iMini., or rimtlsv.. "J!, Ud. are always UV ci" MEALS WILL BE SET AT ALL HOURS. . tttte , ilnckHonvill Orugun, .Timtiitry .th, ISCo. tf IVInx'T'iocX. -On the STih. insl., nt the rwiderwtinf tin-brides latin r nrnr TnWe Ibck, by I. M Wngnrr, J. P.. Mr. AnnviuM Lah to Alii Airrnii 1". Mvans. Mmrwwm 9- i if UCIlf ej'J'JMl WWKTtWaT OCJiocl. I At the trsldMW iT Ida son (Ml. JitJm i;. Jt. acur ilarksonville. on I he SHUi ; day o( August. Amu lto-a, aged tH yea, 10 moolli ami 2Gdays. At tbe residence of John Topper, si. mile, frnm dack'nnvil'e. on the 'JUth ihty of Ancnt. K wiintxA M, wife of An ton llrttM, agnl 3H eare, 'i months am! i" das. luiuiwwiimii n.ui.ui jiimiiw-h-'- ST, MARY'S ACADEMY, T,OZ,33.1S3. j Ilonl ami inltl-u (rail, nuner,myaMe in mlian.o U"U ml Kitraktu fn-. pn mimim i I'lano. d.i M wi Dmwlntr and palniitiR d ft I'ortagt- ehargid lu (Nirmts. JjUM'.CT l)iV SUIKIOI.. Prlmarr ! i.aiiu.uit. inr .iiiartir, (pajraU lu 'U una i f l! 0U Junior l I no sudor du 10 00 N'n iliduetlmi 'ur tt. ilt,ilral ul a pu ' pll U-fi'iv Ui expiration of tbt term, exce t ' iucae of U-kueN. ' The Khvlatlic year commeact on the llth lift. I tr 5- St 3 V .3 a: r fcnlo tnl Z. g - t tt M U2 sT. i I (ft I I . t r h 1 CsC en 9 I o ecl tsa fcw IPS) 8 H en A i w I I ?f ? . 186S w V, ,S.?-S MhliS. i.)V.r U Ol III THOTVOKTIiUHWTii:TAIt uNUMrd im ( ural pulwcr.pllun A ' lr IU" sab- of I'uliid Malm TruMiin N'.ili- Iwnrliif -,cii and lhre.tiiilh p.'r cut. iiiirct. p-r milium, known th SEVKX-THIHTY UWS. Thisc Nolns ar bud uml-rdtle Juae l.ltti. Im.'.. m .1 un .i)4l.i- Ibritt !! tmui Dial Urn' . In turn iw . ur uri- rg'iiur libit-, at th upilon uf l In- tolilvr, into I'. S. ."-SO M iipr coul GOLD BEARING BONDS Thi-n- lnd are nnw worth a pr-mlum of tilui- i-r oi.il. lueludinv; gi.kl InstreM Iruni N'HUiili-r. mtiloli umki llm mluul (.rujit on tbi 1-SO lean nl mmiil rale, luciudium fall rwi. aliOHi Imi ier c ni prr annum l- i44s IU SOtMSfttOlt HOM VAT. JUS. Ml MM rXL VAXTIU., WIUIU AWM SIIOM IMS, U' tiiiikk nn nT. sol.i:. uieurdluir lu lh rate UvM on other rrnp-rt-. 'ifc Isst. r est I. wyabU- In turrnaiy, Huii.iwuully, uy tuuiou attacbtd lu tach uuiv, whuh may be cut on' aad U to any bulk or lautlser. TW Inttresl amount to Out cunt r iky un a M not. a 4 r o as . v. 0 T 1 GnSl H ttX I u 3 1 a, I I I i o o a ID i-i w i...i n C II 13 A F t a. F0l Iwuttol " a l no Ten ' jigjj W ' ' $,oo0 $1 .. ri Wow) Holes of all diHmilnalloe uiimed will lw lwuipilir furuldsid upon rtwiiA ei w)haerii. THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET un otlWvd by the (iunnmwnt. and it U ivuAlvully euretnl that lu superior adieu UtgM Milt iiwku it thu niiKAT run mi i.m. of tiii: mini:. Less tlun jaoOUO.OOO r the- lu,,, ,,. UoriAd by the last Cougrew, uru now un IbuuMikui. This iimiMint, at Hie rate at wLleli it u UlngaUurUd, Hill all be MibH!lib..l lur witbin luur inuiilbs, when tbo iiule hIII iiMdmibu.ycoiiiminila iwwiiim, n ha uiilfurialy U-eii tlwoiw mi oluiuu the tub K-riptluu to aibir Loaus. In uidirilwlcltwMof every town uud cl0Uoni.ee,.ul7mRy .'nBui,n, fa. Uauh, huu, UanKs, and PrUau, lUuteu Ibmugboul the country l,m p-utwl j ured lu rec re mlil.,.i,..r . V "l SlllUtllTJ Hill !.,! ,1.. 1... . I .'' .. i . . : "" ""-ir unn nzvnu. c jsl m MB J. D. ARTHUR & SON. nx ruvNeiwo, Cor. of California nnd Davis Sti. i SAI.LOU iJiri'AIL i kr i 3 vurieil umrttntnt of all l;lJj of AGMCDLTUIiAL EMPIiEMEiVTS, AI... Ihe CVWfite.1 HJK) ItUAP iv.it, (calll ttoNV.Ytfk MrVjiwr i .Maridiu). euinUa! iIifcH,Wi,rat Im pruvennnl., having A ST1T.L Catttr liar. Ohii betkaagsiUrUH Mtr t a ltuuier in ii MiMTa;itltMiitlMh i.f tk- Rnsuwl or twe fwt Mjli. Oia b uud with two or wore kerass. WW vwfc en any slib- bill, where hras sua UattL UrUSV. TIIDlYAKIi of time Msskfcw, lu iim) ihi this Itsast, nhlea er Till: IIHT f'llOOK uf Ibttr SUl'BCIOW. TV over all oiher Mnehlnes. J. 1. AltTliniASON. S4 At fr tLe I'aeifte Uewt. muSfi LOVE&lHLGElt lalKbruia Strnt, Jathoinillf, DKALKR ANDWORKERSIN TIN. SHEET IRON. COPPER. LEAD AND BRASS, AVK lust r.tIvl fr the Atwlh M ii. - and Stn Kmnoiseo. eJ stock ..1 trihlMTiM taeiTiia keoiiwiMii" "" htui a ajjtrintaiti t,V.i Tin li..i-"i H Jlr- I'Ibm. Ilydraullt aootHt. l'..i...rci...i.l-ilV:llr;i , iiAitDWAsn; QimmiM11 r'll .Im--: tL,-.. Iter I'laif and HHttM I rati J'i,MU.liil'.J:UairlGtti All .iwlllle ufrowlrtj Slsst ol ull uiiwsMri; llrubf vry ro.r!ly.t-,e- gz- -rreS. ... A.aloT.I.Hl..hrfW- of uiirl MOV tin ; I-. nml blotd ,f ouliW lu.I'el .....i ..ofvtlilimcoimwtra "" im. wry bwi and m WZTZi'', world, rarh". ' a"i,OTiAl A. FISHER & BEOTHES, :r.raS ni,dtryiniHBBBwv...--" (whnrii ur . Huirauud diirubl; ami P""- ' A Callfoiiilu fe ()ii:t;ii Htio!tKj JACICSOX-VILLR, Iluvt n hand a Huirauud """" S"W ra3 All articloH M J V?S,!orkis rthi- be" ",ll1,SBt sid 0,dtlen.llU?IW; ,tln. their rtock 1- b "'Jltoire i.r..in.lil III jeMwii.""-- -, ""- ,, ., .... . . . I.....I In Gill! .11 ,'" "- - TTiTB,. ,tiiiMX nn i n'Xiiniv 'VMW.V . "u "'""".' .":. V.-ihuir stock w?"r or ijiwvii in iiiiiiiii .-. inn niiii ni iuiin - -; ,. itrii.TA. w I vm ;- DUYdUODrf, UI.OTJIlNtJ, HOOTS, nnd SlIOKi, UHOOKWIKiS, I.IQjJOIlS, UUTUHlV, ' OUQCKKUV, etc, clc, etc. All vlll be (old ut Xloclxioocl Pl'iOOIS. Jacksonville. Jim. D, Ml. Juilltf 20ifasolution oi'Pnrtnorship. I) Y iitulit.il content of tho iiuik-isl(,'iicd, , J tin' purlnersliin ln'retofiiti) iwhIiii;,' be- I twetn Jueob WitKiicr and J. M, .McL'nll Is u il io J '" V.'Sicill I exauilii' chutlim i-lrtrthvro- I'tJi Ovwiluku Tki.kuk.i-ii : l'lHUiiKu-iiu, .May 17th, 1605. 2d reriM all sold. Commenced on 3d ferics. To Hundred and Tliltly Mil. liom('.'3D,000,00O) precisely like other two eriw, except ditul 1.1th July, and (!ov ernment reserM the tight to'pay six per rent, in o!d inttvad ol 7 !I0 Currency. JAY conic I' 8nWjlption Aaent. I'hllndrlphiu. pLOrUAN,.Itoi,L-ciri..k,.m'cx 5"mN ciweor.VunllpoT In this counly Julyl'j.27 MAAMIJLLIIK'S Wbwllllbt) ImIOWBIWwk,, aud who arc to bu responsible rur 10 dliery or ibf notes for which lhy r.elvu onllr" JAY Cntll.-n SuWrlntli.n u..m io n ii V, wetn.liieub WiiKiieraml J. .M, A cCn aliuid imMiwi" ' ..ijUndslu",0 May 55,TtS MV ' W,""uWl',l- I Ud- il.i, distidnd, c. pt m far at it m y cunler nnd f g Mf AID J )pviiinr I ,"",, l"ll'il-ion "1 leitlement of the bmb j I'"1' c ' r.'. '. ,,a,Kr, Ac Ac . UJJJ.xNJJLM. mm thereof, WAONLK.t MuUALL. u"'1 ,"' ?. vHnrlosflMf- Ashland .Mill, July 1st, 18115, ALL iivrjuiiii iiuleliteil to Wugner .t Mo Cull, or liaviii;,' deinuials ii'iiiint llifin are rcipiuled tu como forwiud iinmuliatel) uud iniiko tetllcimnt. WAUNKU.t MitOALL. Ashland Mills, July U, 16G&. i . notum-: fjAHP. Athland .Mills are nniv owned by X ilacnli Wnjfmr nnd Cliatle lv. Klnui uud all busmen in cumicctlun ihiiowilli ft 111 be coiiduclid by WACNIIItiVKLlM. Ashland Mill, July 1st, 180.1. Ju8 ,a "T . A I...... 41 MUs I Jiiiiv ; ,, "".' 'r.-VrT.; l illidavA Co's wirsr jgVlM" t ' , ' BOOK STOEE, post offTcTbuilding found on Ibe .llft 'V rc beiiur ronstalilly ''' 8T Qautf r-m.v booh .ur1'. "', ,.n.. M": :'Jk"fewjs,s " ! .nH r" lOrlS Sc..o& !ZS, ..,.. n.t oriiam '":;... ii fouiaiiii.'t. ;- Th..,e mil " -. ,i utc-rul Inrcniuliou. m -. .t ami Hi""11"1 t0Wl ,mi A !-""" 'P H " ,ums. , m liwirrn l'i!lyr'T1,iu mi laml-. ., AiMKWIu ioiblehabM I a1- r'v. i. is. to anil nii' 4 " IiIiiikT l'lUh mnli C0D'C 0 (!,, U"J' .here "