Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 02, 1865, Image 1

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. Settwtwl ---'
Good Jfcws for Ladies!
Agents for OrovcrA linker's eel-chrutrd
Elnttlc Stitch SewiiiR JHnch'c
xjiis UKKUpy S13NTIXKL.
im-Kn Bvrnr Hin-nniT jioiivlxo.
B. P. DOWISLt, Proprietor.
Stwcnimov-For One year, In navance
lour Dollars! f nl,t iii.i.. . " 1. c..'
, month;, or the yenr, live dollar j r not paid
'i . Auvkiith xii-Onc Kiimrc Mo llnr. n;
final fl.,l l...-l 1 -? - "
"'" "'" ''CTimn, -inrcc Dollars ; each
VOL. X. NO. ,'1,'J
, kulionjueiit Insertion, Ono Dullur. A (Up
Ihrc on Immt a. variety of these ma
chine Tor trial urn In- , count of liriy per cent will be made to tho-
SpCCtltltl. ,Hll()ll(hlTtlcl.ytCVflir. "'""'0
mO llie'0 machine n nwnrdcel tlip first CSf Upil Tenilm ri.rl t mrrrnt mln.
X 1 rrlillllnl ni inc oiuiu rinri" 01 mnv
VntW. Indiana. Vermont. Olilo. Imvn. 1 11 f
nols, Kentucky. .Mlchlgnn, I'cuntyltaiihi uml
Orrpni, over nil npnoltlon.
C.itl around, Indies, k'forc purchasing
cl,clicrtf, mnl examine tlien machine.
Jam- M. IMi.1. Jue:itr
Veterans & Hecruits.
TIIKI.t'1 Legislature elves n Imiiniy of
tjiliO to cncli recruit In tliu regiment
now being mind. It nlso voted
Five DollniM
wr month Mini liny In ciieli person Iwlonc.
In; to tlio cavalry icglmeiil viillslul three
Marn;o. There nmtuiutri nru to lie puts.
In St.itu lloiuk Those w If lilug these liondd
would do well Incnll on
JacWonllle.Jnn.r.'. i!4. JanHtf
0UV1L IIODf! E would untiiiiilico In llic
Ijdlci aii.I (ii'iitleniun of JncksonvHlu
sml vicinity. Hint lie hint receh ed it ri invoice
cf netr stock, rc-nrriingid Ills guilt ry mid
In r.ow inTimineiitly lociitnl In Jiicksou.
t, tot llie pnrpii'o of taking pictures luj
oiimcirrfioMd an oi riiuiogiuptiy, unit
noulj mxclfully solicit a tlnuu of tliu
hiIBc fiiiroimge.
'(Mils opposite 1. J. Ryan's New IlrUk.
JckFOinl(lc, Jiimi Ith, lhi;.'). tr.
-JnrltMiurillr J.oelri-
s5r,fciXNo. lO, liolds Its leg-
in",u invuiiiin uii every
lbaturilnr ctcnlni? nt tlm
. 1 1 t. ,
"7T- iiinninic nail.
Ilrollicra Id flood ftninllliR nro Invited to
iilleiul. i:oilOi: I'. KON'IC, N. G.
Hkkhin Hkmh. It.Sec'y.
1 ruMees. J. M. Sutlou., Win. liny Mid
S. J. liny.
Wnrron lod-s No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
A HUM) tlielr reRiilnr eomiumil-,
KVfcllll",l Hie Wednewluy KvciiIiiksoii
i -w or preceiiiiiK tuc nut moon, in jack
konmi.i.i:, tmiioo.v,
joiin' i:. noss, w: m.
0. W. SiVAdK.Sec'y.
K. r. 111'MKt.U
nunusi.Mi ami ronissiox .ii.t.t.s,
CIO Jltrtlmm SI,, Sati rrmirlxro, ('ill.
JUvIiir lutd c.tenlvu expilli-nco In Imlli
IiIioIcmIh mid rclnll trade, e feci mil
&I.iit Unit In CUL'.NTUV Mi:iICIlANT8
dnlrluj; ii n-slileut iirciiI, or to un necii-liui
I I urcliu'cr, wo cnu ollir minrlor Induci-
l'urtlctiliiriitlentloiiKlini to collection,
llii'piiieliii'eiiiidnili' oi l.uyiil Triiiler imti,
Hull, hiaiiips SmliiR .MueliliK-M'ic, or
iiln'r Irillimel 10111" Kllllll illir Ihu w rrlivm i.l
iMTiiiwiliuiln-liuM'- nifiit- 1 T'HE STEAMSHIP DEL
l nrel.-' u ln umde lor en-li onlv. e.-1 ' "' l'""' "''
fi. niiiiM, ol jiiclal iiRuniKiit i'u , i ueiit City on Hie
-aL.T Xji."7r.
.I.irKRONVIM.K, Oi:i:no.v,
Olllru ni'imOlu I lie L'uiii't lliiiiir.
All IjiikIiicm committed to their enre will
ho promptly nttended to. July i!l,-'ti2,
Jacuhonvim.k, Uiikoo.v.
iVIII practice In till the Courts of the Third
Judicial District, the Supreme. Court of Ore-
con, ana in irchu,uui. nur scrip prompt
ly collected. Uct. IB.
L.tifc of Archil, Ciil.,
Medicine and Surgery
.lueltKotivllle, June lOlli. jutlOtf
liuiioco lur Cum
(Dfo to. (Dsbovn,
oiiii'll.v mill fMiH.n.
ll'.iM. ll u.f IIIII.H I'll
I'lKIIHiN , Co.
tiling,. -un I i i.i,
I otu.it I,
. C Sessions,
Hli C. U. CiiuiiwiN, V Co..
(lllll'Kl-ri. Milll I,' t. I ..
!:.. ii.. v.'.""." " """' ".
"i.i tv Hutu-, Jiieiviouviiic, U'vj;on.
L ll iJl,l''..l.".Vl.".'ul'"' 'ltlr.Mii rmiiil.
!rJ!l,iV l K ""nlrr ""l. fn
u " lll.LI,,
or ii.iiim' ititiutri- oi ji'.K'
siipr, Hon Krnni !,
it KruurlM'n,
i r ii .- : . --."rr, n.m r nun ic,
Sewing Machine.
TOILS' NIXilKIt woulil nnnnunco lo the
"Peunlo of Jackfon Coiinlv, that lio lim.
ti '"" ,'' "Keiioy lor this peerlewt inn
"'" ""'l will In u hort time Imve n Rood
:-ri'V u" naiiil. 'llils
"". iintrolduH mid
' urtlleliiv.
ACkoiwIUe, January 21st
' ' KX01M.TO.V.
"oalKomtr,- A t'nllioniin htitcU.
Vppoiitt U'tllt, Fnrga .y Co')
'.H.U8ATMI, ,V, o, MMuoill..
Millie Wniin ciiy, V. T
" i door west or KyBer A: Ilcc llrick
mncliluu L'utliere.
liuiken 1 dlll'ereiit
ISucuiou io Pusof, Cuiscn A Co,
nnE-inoot' nnicK kaiikiiovbe,
Tor In IlIiI
llollada). Alien I. voi iu i ufl'iout hiji) JucL
un lii i In, 'rtii riaiicUoii
I'l (JAN A UAI.I. AkhiIi'.
C'rieiiil l'.'. ('ill
l'r. i-iii V i In v ..l. V J.IHiiu
J." 8. H 0 W A R D,
J.iodMiwii.i.t: UiiLuo.v,
l!clv:iioo iin.r tliu Soulli end or Oregon
ttevt. Jnuuaiy, '.', IfUl
Olllcv tit lilii rvsi-li'iicc on Oresmi Hreel
lim L'ullnl" Jnll,
Jncsonvlllc, Ogn, duc'-Mtf
18 IltKlAl(i:U
TO TAICU PtClt'ltim
ir l'lcturw do not the hittiuictlou, no
clmrRVK will lw mude. Cull nt tils lien d'al
Iciy, on tliu hill, examine his picture, nud
It tor jour llkenett.
Dr. Oicrbrck would announce to the cit
izens or Juckhou county and vicinity, that
helms returned to JuckrouiillenudruuuH'd
the practice or inedlcluc. Ho will alwayt
bo loiiiul ut Ids wld stand, the Uterbeck
llui-jittul, iniU-fd oUvut iirolty-lun
al UumIuiis. lie would ropectruily solicit
a renewal or lonner patronage.
JAB. D. nix 8. u. fAnaj.
Walla Walla, Wasiii.nqtox Tr.BiiiToiiy,
OFFICKover Hunk Kclinnjje, Main
Street will practice in all the Courts
ol the First Judicial District, alao the Su.
prciuo Court. Collections promptly at-
lefiued to. All husinets entrusleu to our
AK St. NKAU STEAJHIOAT LANDING, ' care w' receive prompt attention. Ju3tf.
Walla Walla, W. T.,
1 Ifc, MarL-atl't Illni.1.-. Imrln.. left
'J. m l..i , . ... . ' r..' -o ,--"
tui. i' . . " """"i ttimout uny just
. 4rei I UOt IV llll lii.r..na .,,! I.. !..,' I,...
'," contract iil'. una hi. k-i 'iii.Afik'
(III. ..... " .-..w ...... w..
i!L ,ou'. m.ivfil
Fort Klamath. Ogn., Aogast 20, 'C5.
Eu Stntmtb It will probably be inter
csiwrf to the traveling and rrclchllnir mib.
lie lo know that the new wapon road, eon-
ncciiiiR Ft. Klamath with the Rogue Rlv
er and John IJay wagon road, la nearly
compleltd, and will, by the 23d Inst., be
ready for leant!.
For the benefit oflcamMers ami olhern,
who may Intend coming to this post by
this roJ, I will give the estlmatul distance j
from one carapiog place lo another on the
new road.
Leaving the Rogue River road Iwo mllfs
above Union Crick, the lint water found
Hnnool three and a half miles, with but
little grass not a good camp. Four miles
further Is a line spring, with nlcntv of crass
about a half mile northeast cf the spring.
This is culled Hampton's Camp, and is one
of the best on the road. Six miles further
Ii While Horse Creek or Soldiers' Camn
plenty of water but no grass near the
camp. Ithin two miles is Casllc Camp,
which Is wlthlu half a mile nf tho summit.
At this camp there Is plenty of gras and
water; the water is, however, rather hard
to obtain, being In a deep ravine. One
mile from Castle Camp, just at the foot of
the mountain, on the Klamath side, and
uboiil one hundred yards to tl.c lift of the
road, Is a fine prtog. and au elegant camp
in every respect. This wc named "Kan
yon Spring Camp." Within four miles,
Spring Creek is crossed on a bridge, and
within half a milo of tho bridge, close to
tho road on the lift, Is n good spring of
water and plenty cf grass. Leaving this
cump, the roud approaches und follows
down the banks of Anno Creik, a trlbnta.
ry of Wood river, and along wLlch the
traveler will ice some of Xulurc's most
beautiful works. The camp lust mention
ed is called Dead Wood. Within six
miles from Dead Wood Is Cold Run Camp,
wllli water a few yards up the ravine, lo
the right of I he road, but nut much grass.
Three miles from Cold Run the uwnr end
of Klamath I'rairie is reachid, and water
can be had frotn the creek on the lift
crnss abundjiit every where. From this
point to Ft. Klumulli the ilistuiice is cull-
inalid nt sevin miles i.o wulir lo be ob
tained until r each lug Wood rlur,attbe
bridge, nrur the fort.
The distance frem Rouc River to the
Minim'! of the mountain Is i Miniated nt
s'xKvn miles, ni.il.from the summit lo Ft.
Klui'.itli ut twenty mlli-s, making tbiiiy
mx milts. Fnmi Jmhtouvilto to tl.c in
teraction 0 1 the Klumulli roud, the dis
tance measuKd Is fiXiy-tHO inilis, making
the whole ilbtimee fnmi Juekninville to
the Fort ninety-tight miles only six
miles ftirllur than by Ml, Mclaughlin.
From Rogue Uiur to within one bundled
jurds of the summit of the mountain, the
road rises w ltd a gradual elevation u( prob
ubly ten inehes to the rod, with but Tew
rudden rises, and none of any great extent.
The summit Is reached by a grudc not
greater than the hill back or Jacksonville,
on the Applegntc road. The decline on
the Klamath side is so gentle that in the
dark a man could scarcely till whether be
was going up bill or down. The new road
will be n "hard road lo Irani" fur a while,
as the ground Is veryoft, timl muih of the
way I lie roud Is cut through ritnfo thickets
of small pints or Inmuruiks, uid of course
the stumps will be in the way for some
time. There are, however, but lew large
stumps in the road, and no rocks ut nil.
The soil is pumice stone, and when beaten
down will become hard, making a roud
equal to a macadamized one.
The owners of the Rogue River Road
should now clean out and repair It, for in
many plucc the rocks and dirt have slid
into it, making It rather difficult for luuvi
ly loaded tt-uins to pass.
Two miles and a hull, In a northeastern
direction, from tho summit of the moun
tain is Orcgoo's famous lake, about which
there Is as much difference of opinion as
there is about "that darkey." I !mc not
vlsitid the lake yet, but scleral of my men
have, and they vary in their opinions of
the distance down to the water.
n m mMwiunmim w,.iimwr
?ain iimi nntxccllcnt read can be made to From Sacrnmenlo Futon
Link River by way nf the old Emigrant RV OlPRLANIl TFIFfiRAPII
Roate.aDdns the rctcrnll.i farms and "VtHLMPIIIJ ELtUHAfH
buildings will be al the mouth of William, f New York. Auctist 4lb A ilgirifleant
son River, the lake can be made available ' ovation In honor of the Mexican Republic.
.... ..-,,. .mum m.in i,inK ittver to tnc as reprccnted In the Unlled States by
Reservation. This route opens sooner In General Ortega, look place last evening at
Ihe spring and remains open Inter In the ten o'clock. A lniimi.i.m...ii,i.Mi
fall than any other through the mountain", when the Seventh Regiment hand scrcutv) ' "ol k0""' nni,'n" he "ever make srwcchw,
from Jackson county to the Klamath hike , tied the dlstlnculshcd Mexican, who nn nm' ,,l,lllt he cunnol, you have very prop.
country. Respcclfully yours, accompanied bv two member ol bis ilrr cr,y "Icctttl Ihe least eloquent one of all
F. U. SrnAoi-r. and surrounded bv a larca number r l'our Kl to Inko bin place. Ofllic nill.--
ury caicer or Wen. urnot. rrmn hM grnda
;i:m:hal ijiiaxt.
Thts uniecr liivln been touted nt tho
lulc b.impict given lo tlenernl Sherm.in In
SI. Louis, Judge Moody, In responding for
him, said :
Oencrnl (Irani, If herf, wotiM be the
proper respondent to this scntimcut. Ho
Gmi. I.ognn on.Vcgro Uqunlltr , , " ."' . ,'W" ?U,MM- ,T,,e M
' lowing extrnct from a letter written by
General Iigan, in l)alsvllle, Kentucky, Mnjor Gcnernl l'lill. Sheridan wa read t
In n public speech, recently, spoke nf nc-i "There Is no use of beating round the briuli
grb eqiialily, and tl.c Negro-Loving Cop. In this Mixlcan mattir. Wo should ghe
pcrhcad Democracy tc tlie lollowlng happy ' a permanent Government to that republic.
"J1" Our work In crushing the rebellion will not
"I sec that it is also ncrted by those bo done until this dikes pUce. Tho ad.
hostile to the proposed amendment that ' vent of Maximilian was n portion of the ro
the second section gives Congress power billion and his rail should belong to its
to legislate on the question of negro suf- history. Most of the Mexican sold lets of
rrngc iu the btates. This I do most em- Maximilian's army would throw ilowti their
phatienlly deny. The second section Is nrnu the moment we crowd the ltlo
simply designed to make the first section Grande. French Influence Is cumiied f
effective. In other words, to practically, by their Impudence." Thb) teller win
execute It. The Constitution ol the Uid-' greeted by nil prrTiil with euthusluMic cv
tetl States las already distinctly committed I preslons eif gratification and delight,
to the keeping or each Slate the regulation I Nashville, August lib. Tho Congies
of the suffrage question. I have frequent. ! sional election In this Stute look phie'e on
ly felt emotions or nmnKmcnl and amue- Thursday (,1J). Ex Governor Cnmpln II,
ment at the holy horror with which some j Opposition candidate, carried this clly by
stump orators of quondam rlnvc Slates de-1 251 majority. It Is expected he will carry
predate what they nfftct to bclleienre Ihe, the DMrlcl by 2,000 majority. Mnyiwid,
Intentions or Congress (thotild llitVamcm., In the Knoxvlllc District, mid Cooper, In
ment be adopted) iu regard to ore question the Shelby vlllc District, Union cnti:ll.lutcn
over which It does occur to me every sane, Imie majorities, as far as heard from, and
man with n thlmbltful or brains In his will probably In; elected. Colonel Strokes.
head ought to Know Congress never can Union, In the Chattnnoogn District, Is
lmc Jurisdiction. I allude, or course, to ' ahead, ns Air ns heard from. Wo Imvu no
the delicate question of social Intercourse, reports from West Tennessee. The election
Laughter How can Congress pass n throughout Middle Tcuiiisseo passed ol
law to make any otic white man say that ' qulitly. No such Interest wai nnnifrsted
another white man or black man shall be I as was expected. The voteli generally very
his guest or companion T Social Inter-! light. Over Iwo thousand voltn less weie
course will regulate itself, and nt the same! east In this cily than were registered,
lime It will ngulutc nil question nlquiill. I New York. August filli, English pa
ly and equality belonging to the prlialej pers note the foci that the Grent Eastern,
wulks of social life. To Iho'e gentlemen ' Iu her trip from Sliecrmsi lo Winll.i.lmd
I will say I was born and reaied on free1 , not more limn hair enough steam power
soil; thai tbero I never saw a bluck inun ' Tor the work she hud to do, and that she
witii a w lute wire, or a white man with a made only five mile nn hvur. It was be
bluck wife. laughter and applause. lleved that In a heavy sea or run against
There white people urc while people, a strong wind she would be unmuiiutrii
and ihe re black pioplo urc bluck nsiplt ; ble.
whereas, I find throughout the South The HW.i's Washington special ills
"klnkibendt" utmost us while as any body.' patch sajs: Consul Gene ml llnle'.iit Alex
fGreut applause.) It inun unf.irUiniite ' nndrla, Egypt, Iitftinim the .Slate Depart
thing for the negroes in the South I hut ( ment that lime were sevrn hundred ni.d
Iheytake their slutus from their mother. , eighty (lie deaths from cholera theru bj
If Ikmii their father ll.ry would be almost
as uuKermlly frm ns they aro sluvts.
laughter. The truth is, that Ihe prac-
twee u June 21ili ami July 17ih.
Colonel Johnson, late Aid to Jiff Darin
has Ui ii releaiiul on tho ground ol Ulug a
tieal autalgatimtlonlsta urc tho Southern leUI ellloer entltlrd lo.lm plncnl on the
people. 1 was told un amusing story Inst
winter whilt. In Savannah, to this effect:
There was beroro the legislature of Geor
gia u bill lo expatriate all the free negroes
in the State, Agulnit the barbarous
measure the citizens of Savannah intend u
most pathetic protest. A remon.truiice
went uji fifim thut good city lo the leglnl.i
lure, signed by almost cveryboilv. The
reasons of this remonrtrakec, It was said
by the friends of the measure was, that iv
erybody in Savannah were kinsfolk.
mine fuullng with other Ciltlcer.
A Great EaMern teli-griiui from Yul uthi
July '.'ltd, says: limitation defieln lonk
place on . Monday nrnrnooii. Tho iiiImIiIi f
IssuppiiMil to i-aI three idIIm west or the
ilmrcotid ipllce. It UUilitil IIivmcuii,
'' to much strain from Ihe (,'rtut lii.ti-rn
Midline tn ten mllo from hore. The Car
ollua la taking up ar.d iiudrrniuiilng th
splice and repairing the fault, It a oxpi't
fd the damage nlllU) rrctilled linmmllatily
The rest or the cable remain perltcl. A
tt legrani from the Great ftulern, tUti d July
'.'.Mil, says the cable U 0. K. again. SlguaU
ptrfict. Ihu Great liiutiril Is now paying
out the fiiblii In latiluilui,., longltmlu 12
New Voik. AuguM tlh. A dispatch fruiu
(jiieeuilovMi, (Mr City or llu.lnn, dadd July
27lli, says: The Grrut liwtern was IhU
morning 30) mile out, paying- out the cable
Hlgnuls g'Knl, the Waalhei
I.KTTfcn rno Grx. Guam. The follow
Ing letter from General Grant was read ut
(l.u Fourth of July teiibratlon nt .Saratoga.
Hkadqiaiitkii, Ahmim or U. H.,
Wahii.m.ton, (D. C), June 'jy.
Deur Hillyer: In answering your litter
urging me to be prceeat at Suralogu on the succ'ettrully
lourlb of July, ut the dinner to be givin "nv-
in honor of Ihe "Old Army of Ihe Tcwies ' ar,,,l'r ''"' August 71b. The Datiw
see," I wrote lo you saying that I would " tm" Liverpool July Mill, and Loudon
lie there. Afterwards, on rellectlng thut '"' Jul 2(,"'.''a airlie.. OiiJulyth
it was doubtful whether I should decide ' r!"t "i"" "' ","1" i5" "".
upon ml. matter, so long bcfotihund, 1 1 b U ' ""f '"
not to the J'ost Oftico and withdrew tl.e I "tt "v"t I iTm ti .
i,.ii. i .., i i . . I sow '"rK' August 6lb.-'Ihe itrnimr
letter. I now tuve to state that 1 wu, I ,;,, f(0m ,rt , Ju, ,
obliged lo write to GoicrnorFenton, wiih I 1V,.,, KM. i.,,,,,!,.,, .,.,,, .ilM ..,
druwlng my aceeptaLce to be present ut the Allanllo cable bad bwu w(I out when
the ilsg presentation In Albany on that ' !'"). i;i"l ?' Iu. Cau.a uiikuuwii.
,i , J. ., . . I I'ulllical news unlmporluiit.
u.j, .m (UI inc mine rtaeou will nave 10 rHrll.tr 'olut A iiu.l l:ul. TI.. f,i.
decline the other. Rawlins Is away, which ravlan, from Llvcrfiool Auiiust M and l.on-
somewhat Interfrria with my absenting ' '!?"'? "f A"v",, v"'; L" r.r,u,l "lt"
,,ir,.i. ,, . , ' , , , Arsla, from New uk, arr ud ou Augusl
iniself, and tho Secretary or War desires1 lib.
n.. rne to go lo ,M Istourl on tome iiublio bus London, Augiitt tth Couiiniintcallon with
I Will take acknowledgments of deeds Pro-
tent Notes und deeds nmdo out at short uo
ticu and ackuowlidgid. jueUtr
I ljl:nlj' Inmranco Company that can
'acllip1 J ''" '""''lets Iu Ulegou Is Ihe
erOfL n't,y have compiled wilh tho laws
fctate i"'il,y 'h-po-ltlng ot),OUO Iu (ho
""" Cash capital $7oU,0l)O.
JwnVio ..AOIIS UltO'S Agents.
- "JHIjebniiiry afiili. lhiio. Jeb?OU
VlS 'U PRODUCE taken in ex-"llU.-27
jDissolution Notice.
rpHE undcrsignid has this day with
L druwu from ihe firm or Thompson it
Davis, aud will coulinuo tho practice of
Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics, in
Juckeonville and vicinity, and solicits a
shuru of the patronage, Ofiieo nt his resi
dence ut the old Murry Hociiiitead.
Dec. 13th, 18G4 declTtf
SUI'ERH Fhotograph Albums can
had cheap, for cash, ut J, Kow',, ni
etoor nuove uraUbury A; Wade.
thinks it Is not more than two or three
hundred feet, while others say it must be
six or seven hundred; one thinks the water
easily accessible, and another that it can
not be reached. I shall visit it this week
and blaze a trail to it from Ihe summit,
and give you my impressions or its depth,
etc. I haic heurd or no name being given
it except "Dole In the Ground." It should
have a name commesurate with its merits
us a curiosity.
lain ordered, with thirty of my com
mand, to Horso Crick, iu Ahord's Valley,
ut the base of Stelu's Mouulain, among the
hostile "Siwashes." We ure to stuy all
winter, constructing as comfortuble quur
ters as we can out of such material us may
be procured iu the neighborhood, and keep
in" at the same timea look out for Iudmns.
Wc start as soon hi transportation can be
In connection with roads, I should have
Inefs. Ei cu this I do not think I can do.
The "Army or the Tennessee" is the
first army I ever had the honor or com
tliu Grtat 1-aMirii rtmaliu suibtndul
Nothing heard from In luc noon, Auguii
2d, Atlantic tcli(trai,h shares are nominal.
lyatv) in a, -Jbe InruraLce. of II has ud-
mandlng. and, In turn. I was the first com-' "-Tii? .Mi,!0?,!:... .. .. .....
maodcr that atmj ttr hud, Nuturallyi ern. dalid August Sd, reported ull going on "w been ruined by subMllutlng Ihe street
iition nt West Point to the end or tho Met
cm war, again, from Mi entraneo Into the
army tn May, lflb'l, to tho surrender er Leu
and his army, I lime nothing tn say, I
spcAk not or lid ucMcu'incnts from Del
mont lo Petersburg. Or idem let liNlnry
and m'litary crlllc.i speak. The true.
crdlet of enlightened history will pro
coiincu him the great Captain ol ihn iigo.
Im this war 1 lmu never aspired tn. nnr
nttiilnid, nny pinllton higher than llint or
i big prtlnte. It would, Ihcio.W bo
pirsiiniptlou In mo lo either prnlo ut
Itlnnie tho Lteiilenint (lencrnl nf ull the
armies of the Union.
I prrsumo It Is of Ilia private chancier,
isfcinf (lencrnl Grunt Hint yeui wMi me
to ic.i!c. Au Intlmito ncipialnlamv of
many year ennble mo to do i. I knery
General Grunt long Inforo Ihli rc'iolllou
began. Wo were both poor Ihen.atruir.
gllng for a livelihood. We had no Inter.
eU iu the rtso nnd fall of slock ; wo hud
no inllroad shares nor corner luU; and
money for tomorrow's! nnrkct wni nficn
our shtcr subjeet of Inquiry. I knew lilm
when he Imiiktl wood to St. Lout on tho
Grnviils riuil, und Inter, when, with Im-
putrid health, he sought the nppolntmiut
to ii county ollleo but Iho wise County
Court could not see liU merits. They ap.
pulutnl in hU sle.nl another nun, lorn;
since forgotten.
Tluco week ngo I had an npporlunlly
lo call on Ihu (lencrnl nt his benullful
home on George town I lights, nnd I deeluro
to you now I can see no difference In tho
manners or Iho man now ami when I first
know htm. No fuisy body guard mi "luy
horses," no obseqiilnui Orderlies, no wlillu.
aproned lackey follow him, nnd lit three
star never get nboie Ihe horizon except
when duly reejulns them to nptienr.
In General Grant the nation hat a mill.
Inry leader whom It nictl not fenr Iu trust
with power. He Is modest nnd iiiinsstiui.
m,,' lo n fault ; of Incormpllbte Inlrgrlly
and indent love ofcaunlry ; Jealou or the
miliary power and obedient to the civil ;
devoted to present duly, whnlever I'll ti
duty limy be j plain nnd simple. In hi tnite
und iimimrainot desiring, but sludlnntlv
avoiding, polltlcul popularity; a faithful
nud devoted husbaml, fontl futher und'
allrctlonaloaoii. He never forgot u frleml
nor remembered mi enemy. Ills gret
heart Is fre from that master u.inilon tfi
little fouls-penonal vlinlicliveneas.
Skiiiti AM IlKKLS.-Tho neon!.. I,..
laughed merrily over tlm capture or Davis
iu hoops. Dm wo Wok n rcnaiUM,
oversight that some or our Alillenarlans, or
men who find the 1'aj.acy, Ufiuaiit.
French Revolution, Crimean Wir uml
Slaveholders' Ri billion, all shadowed forth
in Ihe Hebrew I'roj.hels, or Ihe lsiensor
Ihe Apocnlyptlo Kier, thciuld not, ere Ibis,
have stumbled upon a prediction which bus
eerlulnly had a viry literal fulfillent In il,u
ylmiff of the famous rebel' Uight-'-tlft
up your eye und behold Ihem (but oomu
limn (he North. Where is thy Hoik Hut
wus given line, Ihy beautiful Ih.ek T What
wilt thou say when ho sh punulnhio?
I or lliou bait taught them lo b. CuhIjIi.j.
ami ns u chlif over Ihee. Hhall not sorrow
luue tLeo as u woman In truvuil f And ir
'"U y,o thine heart, w.eref.,re tomo
theM! upon me r For the greutnis of ihy
iniouiiy au Ihj Una ,t,o,tre,l .,.,-
tttlA ti,il, ..,, Ill U I. ...... J
,;."' ntiuienuiuneii .iiveni
i.t ttlm tucks to h , r ,)U elUr B((
feau-sth spirit so Ihon.ughly unit ueb.-d,
liou hi give us a senium upon 1W!. ry
and Hoops Uiiveilul," from the piopbus
wuius; or some cltriuil wag should uu
iii.ucuuj.ctiucut Ihe ()ier Uouso ui,i,
"Hoops uml Heels," fro,,, iho text I ,,
ciled. It would draw u lurge, ir not high.
Iv respectable ciow.f, wo fevl qiit.,u,..
e shall ehurgrt nothing for Iho hint,-,,.
it. N Uutago Xac Cuuiumt.
Manv n youth of gom natural abilities
i itei an niiacniueni lor II, and have uu "l. '"' J,""""i uiihih eaoiu pain ami puces or resort for Ihu family fir,-.l,l
acquaintance with It greater than ony tl"' " "" Mlmtu ,'." 1'" or.he boy mUl town.
olhir person can fell. The Fourth of July I Valeutla, Auyimt 2.1-8 v. .-Flirnal. ' ..IV ",!! ','". ttl,"1 ,u,1,;f,,l"t'u' 'ife will ,ls
is peculiarly a fitting day for the reunion' l'"M1'3 WllU.Urn Ismmiu. uuIiiu.i ,,;' fn ' l"Saiftu'ut ,1,'
ni ih.t ii..i i i 7.. ., t. t ,i i i Me at noon. No toiiiiuunlmlion ha beui I ' , .,, ,, '" "' I'lou.ands or boys who
ol that gallant old nnny. It is the orinL i,aii i,i. ,i, ati. si,,. !... i...l,.u o"M otherwise have l,,r,l..i n,..r,.,.,.
versary of our indepewlince.undalsoorihe New Vork, August fill. 'J bo M.ralJ't "I""" ,"'e 'oil of Immorlulliy, huie bet u
most decisive blow ghca lo Hue rebellion I fj"!""1" correspondent suj. : I'roU.lonul , "'""I y unhappy homes or tho want eU
.i,ii i. .. . . r . . ii (louriifir llamilloii riacUtd that pace on , eliurful domwto circle Youth I. Cm. I .f
while it was powerful. 'I hat blow was til of July, whirc.o.i tie V5tb. iAiuni a I iiliaauie. and if.l, , i ,.U... '''.'? '"'
given by the Army of the 'i'eonessie. i proclamation lo the .i ople anoiinclug his i urally goo deswhero lo seek It '1'lui Ari!t
Lu lioinu
I procUmallon lo the a ople anoiinclug his i urally goo tleswheru lo auk Ii i'i
1 appolutmtnt by Ihe i'mldiul, forlu.i,w- igrt-ut Vluly of ' im,ii u .- ' i
loghi.courieo('perocedure..tbo,WrrUr..i IUasaut-A' ll sl V
unce of his duties, lie mentioned no time ' . A' ' ' ""'
Regretting that I cannot be with you
In your Test ivitiei, and wishing for you a
reunion equal to your highest expectations, i for u" ebctlun orCouuutiou, but wya they
1 reuiam your friend, i " aL'iu us soon at prucULauic. tic n.
U. S.Grant I leut Genrrnl l"le" Tcxans er the duusion under wlin.li
u. p.wBANT, wut.uenuol. imIly of ll,ll) ar(J lalwrnjf iat tU
TAME..-An Eastern naner s.is: '..Mr ! !' '. Infurimiitt (hem that slav.ryf.
George U, McCllelan. whom manv
readers may have rorKOtlcn. was lorn
,. . . .. ... " . . . - ,
ueucrot in tuc army or the United States." mission to Cougnss,
(ant Gi.t Olt.-a I'unudiun. with
American ralher Euroiwan tcnlioreiuts,
was iccintly congratulullng u crowd that
now Ihu ribe lion una ..m.i,.i n .i..
. l ..uu vioio. iiiiuiuiiii lat'jii itiui aiuviry is i ,,, "" " biu.ni-ii, uuiiaou
rM Glicluslly dead, uml that If tiny rail to,"001!1 'ecomUtt State of He Union, when
oi our (rent the nigro as . than a fr. mm n. rcb(i meir slauding by replnd, "Go
jrmerly tht.tr representut.ves will In la.niuksd "". my friend It's my ousy to net Into
IfllfB ." InUJnn In r,.,w.r. . iTn I!. .In.. I.... t. , .. . . r.
Ihe Luion, but It is hl to get out,"