Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 12, 1865, Image 2

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constancy worthy cf the r.jblest cause ,
bat the truth ti the truth, nod I' ever
fitly spoken. Tl.cy ore m a w'io.j terrible
m iloriune it has betn to be b-ni aid bred
under a system the most crul and demor
alizing tht world ever saw. The wisest cf
those who hr been subjected to such a
surrounding have confessed it evil power.
"Ther must, doubtle," wtl Jtffr!n, id
hi Notes on Virginia, " n an uohappy
Influence oo the nwootrs of our people,
produced by tbe existence of slavery among
uf. The whole commerce between mler
and dare l a perpetual exireife or tbe moit
boisterous paMleni the moit unremitting
despotism on one part, and degrading Mb
missions en the other. The
nan must be a prodigy "bo can retain hi
manners and hii morals under such eircuai
stances." ( -Note'," P. 270.)
These are the babitea! result's cf the system.
To what incredible excess fti occasion
al outbursts may run wt have frightful cvl
dtnees dally eom'ng before ; scheme of
wholesale incendiarism, Involving deaths
by the thousand of women and children ;
schemes to poison, by the malignant viru!
of the yellow favtr, an entire community ;
deliberate plant to deitroy prisoners of
war by insufferable bardthlps ami slow
suffering ; plot!, too seceestfal, alas I to
sbroad a cation la Dwarolog by asiasiica
tloo. Many hi.-, arable cxftptioris so doubt
(here art, In whom native virtue twists dal
ly temptation. Such exception are to be
found in all caamunlile, oo matter how
pernlclou the icrrojodiogs. Hut In de
chliog national qutt.oos wt mast be gov.
eroeel by the rule, not by the exception.
1 be Southern white subdivide into three
elates : 1 he slaveholders proper, many ol
whom are exclodtd from pardon by the
Proclamation of Amnesty ; the "poor
whiles." and what may be called the yeo
men uf the South of which last oar coun
try freli that ber worthy President it a
coble type, and of which we may reearJ
stout-hearted Partcn Iironelo sea clerical
If this last class, wbenoe have come the
sturdiest Union mc in SectHioedom. con
illtutcd, like the mechanic of New Kog.
land or the farmer of the Weil, a large
proportion of the population, we might
hope that It would leaven and redeem the
extreme of society around It. Hut It la
found spurn and in inconsiderable num
bers, except, perhaps, in Kastern Tennessee
nnd (be northern portion of North Oaro
lisa. The poor whites, of whom the eiuy-
eating pine-lander of Georgia and other
Gulf States is the type, fir outnumber
them. Of this last das, Mrs. Fanny
Ktmblt, In that wonderful book of bers.
" Journal of a Residence on a Southern
Plantation,' gives, from personal obser
vation, a graphic description : 'They are.
I suppose," tbe rays, "the most degraded
race of human beings, claiming an Anglo
b'axoti origin, that ein be found on the
face of the earth filthy, lazy, Ignorant,
brutal, proud, penniless savage, without
cut of the nobler attributes that have been
Mod occasionally allied to the vice of
savage nature. They own no slaves, for
they are. almost without exception, abjectly
poor; they will not work, for that, as
they conceive, would reduce them to an
equality with the abhorred negroes ; tbev
squat and steal and slant on the outskirts
of this lowest of all civilised societies, and
their countenances bear wile to tire
squalor of their condition ami the utter
degradation ol tbeh natures." (Journal, p
(To be continued.)
TUB 0REG1H ffi'i'IM!I,
there would have been nn end to oar re
publican government."
' IllnxSe Mand presents n d;fi" rent ex
ample, but strictly wlililn the same rBCI
pic ; an example where the rebetllen was
not local, but throughout the entire State,
and called iuto exercise the war power r
a Goernorof the State. Jlhode Mand
waj governed upon n royal charter granted,
by King Charles the Second. The people
petitioned forn convention to form n new
and more democratic corolltu.tten. II
' lii!jturc. year after year, denied the pe
tition The people finally took the sob
! led Into their own hand, called n eonven
ToTitcrrr:- m and ntutixK:r or yomi i tjot)i formed a new constitution, atwl wet
Uxtis. x Govgn.sMKVT ron tub whom: u proceeding, n trreat majority of the people
tNOISrity.MDl.K " Varinptn.
i.u'UMswiM.n. iti:io.
1- V. Klalirr, .I..J. KnatvttiiiiiVt'ii., nml
V. Il.liili). niltcrllln(;n;rciiU for Sun
I'rnnrl'to, Cnl.
i:. K. l'hliM, mtvcrllilnc ngdit fur
tucrnmtiitu, Culi
tngaclng In the undertaking, in 151.', to
government, nnd
MDaWibM been different. In ai ic
oianntlnns upon the orucri -
lfI, is under tie i""""'"""
tIT P icr ' operntien In Its place.
i I it. .1.1. M'k.
n, wi, uvm Cliivi I rwm
iie" . ,., . rmnmanj,r
aulhcrltrollnerrwi""-." "
,B.cI.If. Ami tbo rebel gennnM -u d
lWfpreclama.lons and appoint"'! """'7
lolUoos under the orders of Jeff IMv,.
,h head nf the rebellion.
Their President bM the conMllutional
rlhl to govern through the military off.
". by martial law. Wlitneter nnd
wherever the civil power c.r the Untlt.l
Put, is s..prHdtJ by farce- here rurcc
prevall-marti,.l law O.m.ld bfPxerclM.
so long as the frw overpowers the civil
if .!.(! I)avI had the ! to bang
i f fl-- -.. lit etitltf iirt littt
entirely to extinguish tneou, (anrt ,.w wiag "T"'""'' ","-. '
put the ww one into , oe glrtag a'" "' " " '" " ,
1 k t .11 1.1. t.l.t.4 njl rtltrtllrtre
Korce was reerlcl euue. he. "" n" "" """ " .'
M(ht to be hung by a military er.mmwnfi
tr plcttimr imlnt and taking the lilt or
Preeideot Lincoln.
(To be Cflfltimud.)
List of Agents for the Obkgov Skxtimil.
K. 1'. Ilnu II. general agent for Oregon,,
and IJaUo Territory.
I.. 1'. I-'ftbcr San Francirco Cut.
J J. ICnowlton t Co do lo
Tliosnaf lMvi Anpleewte. Ojrn.
FT.lt. Hill Wllber do
G illrd'evr Itockl'olnt do
Thoum Crwttn Croxtons W"-' , ku
Vn. Mr J AlPi- Al
"-- - , .,. i . , . ,Hrvu"tf w nv
UOV. UIDDS I'Oflluih
u. i. Thompson Albany
W. M. Bvam AlthonM
'lboRMOsrr do
Thorn. F. Floyd Ktrtarrlllt
S W. Sawyer do
I). 1. Aadrron l'boenlx
D. M C Gnlt .
A. Ireland.
Go t.. fan
Thenilrlc Cmron..
Jume 1,. '.VKiKn..
MiM Until" Hunter..
U V. SuIIIds .. .
Uiiu'er Il.rmin of
.Myrtle Creek
. Kill uhiirff
.Union Town do
eontet was not
local, but extended to every loot of terrl
tory in the State. The legislature or the
n! government passed an act aatnoriz'ng
the Govtrntr of that government to en
force martial law ; he thereupon announced
It byprockimatteo. and then exereM it to
the extent of forcible resistance to the oU
government, which was throegbout tke
whole Slate. Tut charier Governor, Kieg.
j)A(u:n cocicix mm.
The last legMHture t n severe Ian
ftr the extermination of this noxloo wel :
1st. It is the duty of supervise to
.v it frA3i Ihe nubltc hithwavf. Ami
also called on tht President of the United fo. ,b( tmfp0M lbfr MH arn out Intsor
Siotei for-uW tp pat dowr the rebellion ; .fj M ,n MM of he if 0f ih high-
tne I'resldent teouired it, ami me pop.e ffgT . awJ !f lb(,y fM f0i flr nejiwt their
doty in Ibis behalf, they art nUj.-et ton
fine tf not more than I'.'S, ner m than
3d. It Is the duly of owners or oecu
pants of land, est which inch weed Is grow
log. to destroy the same, awl If they fail
to do so, the supervisor ol the road die
triet In which such land is situated, imtti
notlft them : and then if they neclect to
of Ithodc Island were embed by military
In addition to theae precedents and ex
amples, nwny mors may be cited daring
the prereot war. On the 13lh of .May.
1SC1. General liutltr took poHenleoef
the City ol italtlmore, aid on the next
iky he Issued a proclamatioo initially dr
elarlog martial law. lie Mid do trans
Jj jportatlon from the City of articles filled jwtw'wMt,' the same, said supervisor ex
Ag i ii I'.t Duuglas Count v
Canvojvilltf. general .
L!Tn.K Samsw's 1'k.iym. A friend re
latcs an amusing IncMrnt which oceurrel
at Augusta. Copt. Wysun.oftbe United
SlatM army, whose father reside at An
guita, recently returned from Ihe South,
bringing with him a young colored bny,
who was much attached to him. Soos.
after I.U arrival, Capt. was taken sick
with the typhoid fever. At the oris! of
the disease lie fell Into a profountl slumber,
and the physiclac declared that there must
bt n speedy change, although the dunce
were that he weutd die. Sambo, tvbo
bad imbibed tbe Idea from the frequent ap
pointment of days of fasting and prayer tint
the Lord bad become entirely engrossed In
carrying on the war, nai in the room and
beard the decision ; bat be retired never
theless to Intercede In his master's bebnlf.
One of the family who happened to go out
to the stable Just after tbe little darkey
bad left, heard tho young ebony bawling
out at lite top of bis voice. " Oh, Gincral
God, please come and sive Mam U'yman,
aud If you can't leave de war, seed
somebody quick 1" Wman recovered.
Too Much 'MoTiiKn. Artcmus Ward
gets efT the following :
Our ballad writers put too much mother
In their melodies. Thus we lave "Dear
mother, I've come borne Iodic, ""Mother,
is the battle over? ' "Write a letter to my
mother, ""Mother dear, 0 pray for me,'1
etc. The other night n hcaid an athletic
Ethiopian minstrel dismally bleat, ...Moth,
cr hissed me In my dreami'just 03 though
iLe would do it until he ashed the cork
from his face. A mother is a good thing.
Without mothers, in fact, it stbuldbo uii.
pliafant. Hut why sing tho maternal pa
rent's (merlts so persistently, acd in such
shaky lerso? Why not vary tho thing
nnd occasionally produce a father or two?
If nc innst continually sing about our pa
rents, let us by all means give tho old man
u chance.
Lmii omnia vlnolt Labor conquers all
Who has the power to declare tbe writ
of Aaceos corpus suspended, or lo declare
martial law ! This question has perplexed
srcod and great men. and great differences
ut opinion have existed, and still exist on
the sabji-et. This question can be best
solvul by the aetioti of the Govtrcnstai
and tbe commanding officers.
We have shown that tbe writ wee las
ponded by the Ceetinental Cengresf. and
martial iuw enforced by Geneml Washing
ton, General Scott, General Jackson, Gen.
cral MeCWIan, Governor Stereos, and the
rebel Jeff. Davit.
Hut It may be mid that General Wash
ington ordered court mart la Is umler the old
articles of confederation ; and therefore, It
is not good authority as r precedent for
the guidance of the President and com
mandlng General under Ihe Cowtltutlon.
General Washington not only held court
martial prior (0 the adoption of the Con
11....... I.-. .1..
Fort Ki .math do 1 !U M PPi troop in in new. win tMMt the weed at their eeet ami ox-
be permitted; and the fact of such trans ' ptIMi
portaiion will b taken and received a g,), j( j, mfo jBlr 0f trtfy manic
proof of Illegal Intention on Ihe pert of the Ipt, eofpofat, this Slut, to provide
consigner, and will render the good lie-' fw he wlww)lwton of said digger
bte to seiswre acd confiscation. No flag. ewkl ,, lho MWBl m WM
'"""' ""'" ww wi iwivw. cernoraluo. whether It We n ton or
Confederate StatH. er any of teem, will . n, aM f 1By ch corKrutlon sseg
be permitted 10 he raised or shown In ibis
department ; and the exhibition ef either
of them by evil designed persons will be
deemed aad taken to be evidence of a
design to offer aid aad eemfert te tbe esse
raie of the eusatry.
Afterwards, General Itsnks took com
mand of Ikltlmore, and arrested tbe Chief
of Police, on tbe 27th vf Jew, lSl.oo
the ground that he was the bead of an
armed lore hostile to It authority, and
aeiing in concert with its armed enemies,
and for treasonable conduct afterward,
lect to d so, they are liable te a floe at
the suit of tbe Slate of not leas thus, ttfiy
nor more than five handrrd dollar ; and it
U mad the duly el tbe several woreci.t
ing attorney of tbi State. toe that
tbee eorperatiou attend to their duty In
this regard.
OaiaosT Gm.t Cvaiontr. Screral
ofoar cIUmsm rtttraed last week from n
visit to the Great Sunken I ike, (limited
In the Cascade mountains, about earenli-
five mile northeast from JackwnY.lle '' MV PP'-
Hon. 11. K. Slrntton mndo n decision nt
the last term of court, In Lnne county, In
favor of the Stale nnd ngntnst the Trea
itrcr of Lane county. Prom the .SViife
Journal wc take llio following extract of
the cac:
stati: ok nnnios vs. i.asc coumv:
The coinplalnt ullages the defendant,
t.anc County, Is indebted to the Stale
Treasurer fot the revenue due the State for
the year 1863, In the sum of five thoniand
four hundred ntid sixty dollar nnd ninety
six cent "'.. pold nnd tilvtr coin."
To this complaint tliedofcndant nnwor,
and pleads n lender or U. S. Treasury
Notes, or greenbacks, on Use 2.1d of Janu
ary. 180-1.
The Plaintin demurred.
Per. .12, Ofnn "Act" passed Junnnry,
.intli. IPfifi, by ll.n I.alslatiirc of the then
'IVrritnry of Oregon, nnd the Act on which
tlii notion Is predicated, nmmig other
tilings, provides, "nnd the sheriff jlmll. In
nil rases, pity over to the County Treasurer
the full nmoutit of the Terrltorlul nnd
School taxe In cold nnd silver coin." It
U not questioned tint tho Inxe for the year
18C3, were levied nnd collected by virtue
or till net, ni there was no other. The
Act or ConsrrcJ ol Feb. Sfltli, 18(52, pro
vlding for the lfue of Treasury Notes, and
making them iVgnl Tender for certnln
purpoee, nfter solemn argument, was de
clared constitutional by llio Supreme
Court r.f tbi Slnte nt It Inst term.
These notes for titer purpose enumerated
in tbe "Act" must therefore be taken to
Ik money ami (lie legal equivalent of gold
ami silver coin.
The fact time stated, preient two qutx
llons for solution:
1st, Do luxe levied by n Plate for It
own mmi!eihi! purpose fall within nny
terms of tin- Act of Congre, or In oilier
words I n tax n "ihbt," within tl.c mean
ing nf that Act.
2d, Admitting Hint n tax I n dilit, lias
not n State the legal right to discriminate
and colls et It revenue In nny lawful cur
rency of Ihe United State 7
'lite demurrer was stistnhiid, nnd Judg
ment rendered on demurrer.
Ghn P.. I) Uakiui. We find Ihe follow,
log description of the lust rxting place
of Oregon' gllted Senator, In the Pacific
Clitittnm Adtooxlt.
Lane Muuntnin Cemetery Uti dace nf In
(crest to visitor In the city. The unfinished
monument ol Ilruitrlek occupie tlir pre
eminent position. It I sadly ncgUcted
and rcllect dlKtrdlt upon thoee who
should keep It in better order, by It mill
A statue of (he
whisky excise rebellion occurred In We'
tern Pennsylvania ; tbe eivll power was
overcome In that portion of tbe Slate
General Washington sent thither a mili
tary force, and wiibln tbe limit of tbe
territory from which the rebel had ex
pelltd the civil power, and for the purpoec
of restoring the civil authority, Washing
ton Instructed hi ofUeer to govern the
country by military force until the civil
authorities could enforce tbe laws ol the
President Washington colled out fifteen
thousand militia to put down the insurgents,
ami appointed Harry Lee, the Governor
of Virginia, comnwudtr. and 00 the '.'.111.
or September, 1T01. lie itsusd a proclama
lien declaring hi fixed purpose to reduce
Ihe refractory to oUdience. In .1 letter to
tbe commander or the army, lie ay :
" I consider this insurrection as the first
formidable fruit of the Democratic Socic
ties, brought forth, I bellett, too prema
turely for their own les, which may
contribute to the annihilation of litem.
1" mat mese societies were iniiiiutcu by
the artful and deigning member (many
of their body, I have no doubt, mean well,
but know little of the real plan), primarily
to sow among the people the seeds of
Jealousy and distrust of the government,
by destroying all couDdeuce In the admin
titration ef It, aud that these doctrine
have been budding and bloning ever lnee,
Is not new to any one who is acquainted
with the character of their leaders, and has
been attentive to their maneincr. 1
early gave It as my opinion lo theconuMin
tial characters around me, that if the so
cletiee were not counteracted, or did not
fall into diicstrem from the knowledgo or
their origin, ami the views wills nhich thry
lud been instituted by their fulher, Genet,
tut purposes well known to Ihe government,
they wouU shake the government to its
The same principles and tho same kind
of democrats described by Waibmgton,
produced the present rebellion.
In the languago of Washington: "If
the law arc to be tramplrd upon with im
p unity, and a minority, is lo dictate to the
majority, there Is nn end put at ooe stroke
to republican government."
In other words: "If tho South could
set nt deHaeco the law; or Congress, and
submit to Jeff. Davis, In place of Mr,
Ltncolo, tbe legally elected President
lamented senator I being prepared iu
Duly. It I to surmount the present mon
ument. When mounted to Its place, it U
hoped the surroundings, will be put In
Irtttsr condition,
The grove of Oregon' moet eloquent
ami dittinguMied senator, the fallen Hakar,
it near that of Hroderiek, lite friend.
" Itvely ami pleusutit In their live, in
their dm lb tlsry nr not divided." A situ
pit slab retting iitsati four marble column,
Inscribed with his age, nativity, diameter
rebellion. II they were carried at all. maa aver has. n.l ik.i,t. .. .,111 i.and office, ami detailing, alio, llio time
thty were sore to fall into the hand of! able to reach the water' rdm Ii iu. aml '"aniwr of lite death, is till the distinc
rebe. awl sar (0 bo used again! the ,iet, still and Ktytterloo in Iks' bosom of , U"1 llta rMll" VUo 1,a ,,ljovc 0,l"r' r
Tffltlait Clnln ltu.1, . .uunlu .L. ' .. . .. I l,i,ml.t.. ..oalll.,.. ....1 ll...l I.I. ...... t.
w"" - "" " "enr iM "everiasung inn,-' iikcn husre wl L ' i"',""i w-i' " h"-
publlo neeeMliy and public wfety required a-a-Md m, i,v .u it, nt (U ,.i.. elevated aud u
marllal law ami the soipesHioa ef the writ I nil f iu ,y,iM i. ,u, ...,, . ...... It.
m I """ " " "Hlllllll UKfJi
of Ub MFu,, nLta Uogres sn cot goee by. ami around It tbe priowralfcmli
In setfloo. wjjji, anJ wtr(i an (ffpBKi
ai in urn utntrai liseiti prohibited 'Pb, vUllsaf parly firr.1 a
im laiiiin w in coBientraie nae. ibare . ii
. "
the whole I'eiice rorce were arrested on This lake rival tbe famous valley of Sm
tbt 1st of July. 18. All of tbi took bad the Sailor. It I tb-usht to averages
place after ike Mmmcocernent ef tht re j 2.000 tett down to tbe water all round,
btllloo, and before tbe colled kmIoo oT h-bj walb are almost ienpcmlluUr. run
Congre. which met on tbe lib of Joly. I 0lBg don Into the water and leaving no
18l. Who doubts the RteeMity of these beach. The depth or the water w unknown,
militarv laws and arbltrarr arrests? No ' tnA lu uirr. u uvmi, .i ....ni ..
slltatloo, but be anetioDtd the fsriwipb on bat traitor lo hi country. Prior to it lie so far below tbe surl.ee or tbe moan
ondtr tbe Cotsstitatioo. , lBCM yuuon,, u w i. ,0 ltkf u lonl ,he if nmaU Jo m (
In 179-1. after tbt eomsMacomst of , aemnuoiliou from lUltlmore to any part ;f It lenitb I tstimatesl at twelio h.IIm .,i
Geneial Washington' second term el lb Sootbera Slate, bat it was illegal to Its width at tea. There b to island iu it
office under our present Cosstiltutlon. tbe . take thea for tbe purpose of aiding tbe tenter, having tree upon It. No liviwr
IU several
Into the wulw ni ...L ..r in.i.. ...
IVMfl .... I..K- .Mllul It .K.I .. .... . " J
, ." , Z """ WFrTO ""lt.idtaoit note several mi
no. lo seNlon. I be r.UIng of ch a flag ond. of tisne from ihe rtport of tbe gun
wa. well ealcal. ted loeausta Web or until lb. ball mock tki w. r So
lb. pe.ee. and Geoeral Ilt.br saw the;,,,, inerf,)lbl. ,,, fa X9mklA fJ J'
Ruble stcuiau,lnrAit.Ll.i.,.. . . . . "" iriiy
. ,....., luurn, nnt q, ou. IM,. ibii.ij. -iil,, .,.,.
lake b certainly a most rtiuarkable curio.
Onlbellth of Augssi, 1S2. General
John C. Premosst declarvd itwrtial law in
tbe city and county of St. Iai.
On the 6th of April, 1662. tbe Demo
cratic, rebel Inspector General, awl II. L
CIy,actingtoHbtant Groeral for Jiff.
on Davis Iwued the follow log orders:
"The distillation or spirituous liquors ,
positively prohibited, and tbe dislillerie
"HI rorlhwilh be doted. The sale of spir
ituous liquors or any kind is alto prohibit
ed.andistablishmenUforllie sale therwl
will be closed. All persons Infringing the
above prohibition will suffer such punish
ment os shall be ordered by the wntcuce
of a court martial."
The Democratic, rebel provost marshal
of tie, so-called, PonMerate State, at
Knoxville, on the ISlh or April, 16C2, or
dered that "whoever shall relieve Iheene
my wills money, ictuals or amniuniiion,
w. ...a.. nuimiii,;iv naruer or protect an
enemy, shall suiT,r death orsuch other pun
Ishment as shall bo ordered bv tI,esnii.,M
or ft court martial.''
Afterwards, the rebel General K. Kirby
Smilb enforted these military ruIw BBj
regulations by taking .he live and proper
ly or nmny goo.1 and loyal citizens who
gave aid and comfort lo the Union cause
The Democrats and Hie ,t...
journal botil over Ihe lunging ol traitors
and asjasslns, but not a whisper , i,cari,
from Ihemoseriho hanging oflolmen
by n mil tary commUsion, appointed by
Jeff. D Is and h.a minions. It Itallrisbt
according lo Democratic autharily, be '
cause it gase aid to their cause.
The principles and operations ol martial
law are not definitely defined. I a of
tbe foregoing cases the extent of its opera,
tlons noder our government tod tLat of
Thanks are rslmwd to Mr. 1. M. Wag
ner for that cider. It wm excellent. Judg.
log from Ihe tlmo it renwlmd Wb'clo
the nake.1 eye. It I truly surprising wlmt
a oWange is wrought npoo our phiz by the
visit of sueh friends.
"Childhood' day. now paM b,fl)re ,8e.
Ithlleelly sighe.1 )f proprietor, after
taTlnj.-JuiiMtlsbll.H-iilil.B half gal.
Ion or o. We s..rvod he rotrred lo
those I spent In the inlelltclual recreation
of robbing hen-roosts, apple orchards and
lipping quietly down into the coolest
corner or tbe cellar, nlsera slccl ll,c cider
barrel, awl stealing elder therefrom by suck.
W U turoagl, a g,nb!t hole with a wheat
While on the subject, wc will say that
wo hear of many melon, being raised this
Mason, but not one has been teen l lMl
mm-m, m. , '
S.in AcctnEM.-On Wednesday cven-
.-......, ossssiis, son or David
brallli, n lail oge.1 nine years, was killed
by a horc running away win, ,I,n K
seems the bny had gono lo movo a horse
ll'atwa, slaked by a long rope, ami in so
ilolnc. Ii-nl 1 1.., ,.r. i i ..
. , s.nMiy nouuu no rope
about Ills body several tlsns. The horse
ran, dragging the boy after him on the
Krourd, until ,!s )Cail struck a r(0 atSl
was crushed. Tho boy was living alJaCOu
I hompson', In thta eoiinty.
WnD Asiions: at 0. Cixv.-As ihe
Jl ! leaving Crescent City last Mon-
dJ morning, two bodies , washed
.ore,,u ,obe fromio nr
co.iL D:,han, T1, ma" '
circular stony wall encloses
Gmokai-iiv NruiiKD in tho New
Summary of the Sacramento Union of the
2d. we find the fullowlng :
" It I sitiKulur that tho new should
have lieen carried by courier lo Jackson
vllle, when Vreka is so much nearer Camp
We don't think It " singular " ut nil.
Vreka Is at lnt forty nii'iu further from
Crescent City than Jacksonville, nnd over
n much worse road In fact, u road that
wutrgomi iu ilte iio pretensions of traveling.
Again, in the same connection he I1.1
Camp Lincoln in Humboldt County,
when, In fact, it is In Del Norlo County!
within u few mile of Crescent Ciiy. We
den't tec how such mist ike can be made.
Cki.mti.ii. How. Chinamen had been
gathering on Applcgutc for several daysi
preparatory to n "bloody scrlimigo" on
Thursday, (he lOlh, but before the time
arrived they inauagu tn settle the matter
In a more peaceful manner. The difficul
ty originated about the title ton reservoir,
and then turned into a religious question,
There were threo hundred nrrnyed on one
side und nbout thirty-six on the other.
PKnsoNAf.. Lieut. Chapman, from Ft,
Klamath, called upon us this week. Ho
reports all well nt the fort. Lieut. McCall,
commanding tho expedition from rugeno
City, had arrived. Ii. G. Pengra was In
couipiny with him. Indian Superintend
ent, Huntington, had gone out ubout thir
ty miles from tho fort to try und affect ft
tiealy wills Ihe Snake Indians.
As Old Piiikmi. Dr. A men, formerly
of llils pluec, but moro recently of Port
land, I how nt Ft. Klamath. He is connec
ted with the command under Lieut. Mc
Call In (ho capacity or surgeon.
Oiiioji.v ,t SsmioNB Interior merchants
and those desiring to uegotlato purchases
through commission merchants In San Finn
el'co, will find lu tho abovo named Ann good
nail reliable btitlucs men.
HomkAoh.n DurliiK tho past week J. T.
Glenn nnd lady, Mrs. A. Martin, I'.MoMan
us, M. Hranon, C. 0. lleekinan aud lady, and
Max Mitlletbavo returned homo nfter n vli
It or scleral weeks In Snn Frauclsco.
cxnitioN or tii .
"wived tl10 ri ' 3J:- lre
i, . , ""'wnin
Swectwaler llrij
"S from Sweet,
Jt relurntd r. .SI .' TV 3'' -1
Itnnt.-... ,. '. " ,,3e Ilrl,!,
leilaken,.-"..B B,,r."t
line l cut r. ... ..1""(
Pintle iw. AT "re.
0f,1n.l... .
on. Hit Plnti- ti.,.i w- "HI
Platte I.tl,i, "Jlu: "l
polarccutdo;, imT,."'"'
'""'n'gl.tilf.hcrot.i' f,bj
torepnlrlt. tm '
''''-' jsl'trir commenced on ,he ,
! Idi..n,nUmbtHn b ,h
' like tbe heMorsttotJ 12
J -era repulc,.--,tc y:Cn?a '
nnco, heir head e.,lers,ac;
' I.I., the Indian, maJeth'.
unci? in ami. mi,u . . N
-0 000. A ,r.h 3Sr,
SweeUatcr to Ihe Platte, comhtic!
Uti. Knn., were attacked to-day bv
'llans. ronr mile from Ihe I'lalte.la.
view or the post. Lieutenant Colli,,
ordered rrom the post, with 20 m
charge the Indians nnd rescue lien
In Ik second charge IheJJcuteMM'sl
Isecume nnmanigenblcar.d lowk h!w
their midst, wln he was killed and L
bly mutilated. In their first charge I
nun were killed nml eight wounded.
Ihe second charge one man was killed
one wounded. Of the escort of tie 1
only three eeied. Tic wagons tr
on fire, nr.d the bediti of Ihe taeo ba
by the Indians.
On Ihe 2Slh, very heavy nglitlrgoc
reil Ihe Indians nerc wonted. Tbet
Ing thl day was across tho river frcu
Hisl. Tlit total cniualitlrs thus far
one Lieutenant and ttsenly seven men I
rd, and nine wounded. No correct
mate can be made cf the Indian lots, b'
was much lieavitr than ours. Oa Itee
log of the 27lh, the lulmns rctlnd.dn
Ing, the larger portion golrg corih
their wounded, and pari gofrg sooth.
A note was font,d r.ear L'eoi. Colli
boily, written in a fenu'e Iscd, nil
stutul that the wir party nit compo
of Cumnnches, Artpd.oes, CLttttn
Sioux and Hluckfeet, and list th j lott
t-d to besiege tbe pest for lour ujji, 1
that the soldhr Lad kllkd ete of Ike It
ing Clieyenne chiefs. Tfee'i'te 1
jHwul to have luren drpp-tl bv suck
oner lu llielrhand. Mornxrn,
Ojieratur at Sweetwuir lrd;
- .
I'lnL'RR IT it. It costs ferty err
gulliu. In mike wliitky. and Ihe t?ir
ment tax Is 82 00 a gallon: Mai. ?2
Vet ll.e beverage is sold fur 62 10
the seller wax wealthy.
Tiik MaryvlU V.i?tt siieskln; '
SimiIIi ask '"VIre can she find so Irs
iilly us Ihe Democratic party!" W
kilt she fiiuml so true an aHv in rtbellsc
the Demacraiie party S. t' T.ig.
Nonet; the now ball adurtiscttieat I
d.iy'a mpr.
- In Jacksonville. August lib, Mr, J
Crotliy. ag'd -to years.
Vtlx orraojptomsoor.
Ho nil vclliat hunger awl '' .
sod music and dancing, mes lJ
llee unto lb mntiiiiiin. .
.....! ...fii nml dancing, me!M"
m neeiiiiimoaataiolo all UOi
...... nn, iSriS. ""
rth - r
Ice unto in miiin - 1,U,i,
freck, vbere the under lnedil I JJ
. ,,.,i,i. in 10 all la '"
HcUeenXew State Saloon and IBrs
U"W.VWsde', Jacksonville,
Host Oignrs and Tobacc
store one uoor ju'" -. - bH(, ,0 tin;
HiocoiniBon half:Pl'T.. ,,,8
llio common
Kraiit Havana.
You call 00 "
. 'most K
l" ".!.
All told Use
oloslnhUllw. wi?eSsM!iiJi
.wl IwlWc or Pot""-