'H ' p 1, , 41 M fl JENlGLKVi CLOCKS, WATCHES. FANCY ARTICLES - a?- iYETF STORE! Next Door to Sncli Hro. t xnrnr.r. b J mlr ilT n t v f err lr i - IK. aui. -j.u late! Hvlr !.! paltTJM ' JpPL -SI'IUNO ANDWElUllT ffZ CLOCKS It- M SILVER WATi HE? &d& DIAMi'M .'rH i.t F-EARL. EMEKALI' A VI -ETS Together itt plnd " r :k 'nc :t. .ks "ac", BrtojM'ms Hroochas, Ear-Rlnw Finr E:er Locket. Ruckle i air HrsttMU. ?tv Itjitooi, Xeekfaee. Watfb-Chain. Cfcateialn? ml stub; Abo. eoanlete Mti of incomparable ix.xtse JeivoliT. rrjoafaetoTed from the r rh and taott teaatifal ipccimeM of tfod H... oik! IVn ler qaaru. Id add. .i'C to tr aoove hit b found at hi store tb brit qnaittK o! TABLE ANH POCKET OUTLKRY. And ic tboc: o jroocra. variety of Nick-Xitck A. Knur At tide All of wnicfc wiu be lo.d a: to ratc-M owl warranted ItEFAlRING.-Chjeki VVeba and Jewelry repaired with pr'niftr aad w o'tMBAff XC ffnaralltf MTHta'tlCC MAUFACTUHKli to order any -Tti-ck o( Jewe.ry iritis noatstti aid ditpatan t2U Cal. sod we Mt rw 'c m bK rr."tor ot OalifaraU itrt next door to Sad Art. Jaektonvils Oregon. JatktKrH. Hot. IT IcK. tf X X, o o ot V- early eleven troi'sakd or WHEELER & WILSOX'S SoTfins XVIrvolalxoiu Have hots told oo the I'lelbe oowt lace tit A(0My wot MaoUehd in Sis Fnstltco i aod the umi aad INCREASING tak of t: M A C II I " i: S , proTt bow faliy the ooaUc art ctnviaoot of tot iBprrtoriiy of WIJESLEr. A- WHJW.V5 SEWIKC MACttLVIK uvcr all otliori, FOR GENERAL USE. A LAWK I.W01CR OF TiltSi: MACHINE, WITn LATE WWtOVSSSEXTS, Juit llt,,(l. sf-CALL AJiD EXAilLHK THEM.'Hi Or Hod (or t CircaUr. J. R. HAYIIBK, Ajmt, OS cor. Moot'ry and Soc urotu, raar--3m SAX rRAXOtSCO. LIYEItY AMI SALi: STAVLIIS. Comer of Cilifon,. ud i utiu tlrveli CLUGAOK A l It U M 1'roprMtor , Mt ijir.-h sTAiii.tf art Uteii I centrally !ocat.l and con- 'r.ninl tf. tk. 1 nii. 11 iti iiurKaana rnuie wui o iy ine dT or week at modtrnt cbarget The proprietor bar, a uumiwr of fine I1UOOIES ANU CARRIAGES. For one or two borfrM. tu let wi mmlerate tertnt. Aiio zatA taiMlr hor and mulw. wblh tbey will let to go to any jort of tbe country on reawuable termi Uurti broke to the (addle or baraeu. Animals Bought and Sold. The proprietor pltl?e tbenMlret to give tatiifictiOL ti all wto mai fatui tben witb a call. Jacksonville Oeo. Aug Jl.-letf Good Xews for Ladies! MULLERi BRENTAKO, AgeaU for Grorer i BaV-r"i cl- ebrattd JEIaRtic Stitch Sewing .Alnclt'e, Have on bind a varktv of tbrtc ma cbmei for trial i-d in- tIKCtioa. TO tbeo muhiuc. not awardttl tbe firit Premium at the Suu Fair of Nuw York. Indiana, Vermont, Ohio. Iowa, Illi nois, Kentucky. Michigan, Poatyli aula and Oregon, over all oppotitioa. Cull around, ladle Wore purcbatlng elKWbcre, and examine thf- taahinf . MULLER & BRENTANO. June Zi MCi. jueJtf CUE 4. P' . " I FOR 2 SM. A. FISHER & BROTHER, c r.xra or California J Orecoti Street, JACksvNVILLK. liar eo bond a Large Stock or Staple1. Fane) DRYGOOD?. CLOTHING. ROOTS. or.d grocekiks liquor?. crockery. etc.. tte., otc. SHOES, CUTLERT. All willee letdat IX cclticccl Jacksonville Jan . Trieosi PIIOTOGKAPUS. OnviL ril',r uld tnponno t. the (xlhM aihi Ct-t .i-taa of Jek.)nvillr and t.mitt- tt! bi u r - rcdE r t. k of i f to..l Tr-rnnj!id bi jra!!"? a d ln'w j'ictr. rt't ccitd in Ji'k. wlk. fur Uii fKjr..- if uia pioturi ir. all tht brproTrd urt o rootojirphT od tt'tiM r-p'tlul:T elicit n bajv o' lb' pu'.ltc Mlfwnafr. ROOM? opt.it. r J Kj .Vr UfUk. JackoDlll Jjn :4tl 1"'J. if INTotice. T'UE nndoraicQH bavins hM hl hnat preparatorv u Invmj JackKtovilK dftlrat all wb orv lad- Mtd to him to cook forward and ettle up before lb 4th o July. aad all who hove lUi acaiael hist will plooK Bront them. ne aiw oa hbm ooomwom aaa KiMoea fnrnlmn and twt. wwing maeblnee. which k. .in u kM. fr 5 .i ir.i. .1. ho wilt toll cheap for eab at nrlvat- ati A. C ALBERTS. Jackeopvlllc. Jpnc it 'US. Jn24wt rfotico To Tas-Paycrs. U s Amhtakt Acuta (rrrtrt, I Jci(i.invi,,r ,1um ltb 1 "I.'' t rPHE Aknoa! Ln'. a brat eomp'etod X will b opco for impv.'ti'io to a! in ttrtfttl oa:i. Toeeday Juoe 2Tib. 1 at aiy office ic JaekMiviiv: aed V, penow who have reoeiTed rctna.e. who (ail to nokt rctaro according to law. will pteoot take notice tiat ?eetioo tteveo. act June loth. 1?M." bill be Mftetly enforced. THOMAS rRAZER. AoMOOr. I)y Ctuiu. W. saTAOfc. Aanatant I' f Aim i or. 6tlt liivialoo. Pietrict of Orvwon. Auction Sale. PAKE ootict ll.ai 1 will atli ten head e' 1 burc a: uuuik aacuoo. to tbe tnjrlt rt b.kider t ca.L rn r-aturday ,1a'y fl ISC', at fo.r of In' clek p m fuke tx tio.4 dot t mean ."; Tbe aa e vri.' be at any p'aco of r.d:.. S ' . milea below I'uu-siz or Uaibars TU boreal are ot -oeJ itev'k Iron. T u year o.l' aud unwank Aloo one b:aii twu ujjk mm .. ligh' four haror wayon for Kile potitiv. 1 ail have mu.' mooey to pav harvx ic JelTw" U. Ii HOXIL Veterans & Recruits. r",KF. li Leyi.latiin give, a Uumy f X ilaO toeacbrKrnii in the raiment Dua btiof raifed. ltal. lowd rite Dollar nor atoBth extra pay lu each penoo tlonj. Mf to the eaealry rtrftmani euli.id thrre rirao. Titea aatonnu are to be pait. tatc BouaV Tbe wuhtof tOce boixld nonld do wll to call on JACOBS RUSSELl JaotaoBvllle. Jao 1.'. 'M. jaiOiif MEDICAL CARD. We waotd call eeprelal aueatioa to the Moiioal Card of Mt C. W. Moore, la anoth er colamo of lai paper. lo addition to the atony notice, which ho hat received froao the prca.iaroogboot the State, wt ar ploaaatd lo bear ;luaony to hi profooeioB-1 al ability aad recoaimtMl aim to to pub- Ik confJdeace w an boaorablo jreotknMa. ' and a tklliu) pbytic.aa and Sarfeoo. ic whom lb motl Inpltcii reliaoce can be plai d by thou rvquumg h. e rvicce.- Su. Ma- U. (l !." 0SB0RN&, SESSIONS, 'J riT.riUM.G AMI ttHJiIIXMO. AuTNTN 6!fi Hrrdinut St.. h rrantitra. tat. Having had extetMive exprrieaee in both WuolaMlr uad retail trade, w.- frl c.t Hdrtit tlut tv CUlNTKV MhltCilAN"i deli in- a rwideui ajfcot or to an oeoa.iwu al purehater, we aan oaVr Mperior indue- BMU. Particular altealioo civer. to oollvclioo, tbe purcha. aad wie of Lecal Tender aole. I Draiu. bunM 8iu; MaeUuMx, etc., or I other troaMclioa. miuriag tb ervlc of I exiterieuccd and reliable avenU 1'urohaM will le made for eaA ooly. x cpt in caw; of ipecial agreement to Ihv I contrary , I (Sen ill. (Dsbovn, Furmerly with Ltsnru.ii Pimuon A Co.. ' Wholeakdleruihacclut!iiijg.anFriu CIK6. cf. C. Bcssions, Fornxrly with C It. Guuimu. A Co, tVboletale Grocer, San FraaoWco, alto DiatwiHY A Wade, JackMnvillc, Oregon. REFER BY PERMISSION T.O .a noon. kuHiauiu,N(iiiiKi L. II IIUNCIILV 4 00. I1mm. txal., M o it n .tq. a . s rn i CL.UIKA I'tlfthtVa. HiMllMkin.a iKtiw. rpm: I1HST RU.MKDY FOR RHBU X m.itiu,Haiib'anparilla Yellow Voc and Iodide ti J'otav r u, - L - OVEAtBILGER womb ami. Jkwiiiiif. I DEALERS AND W OSKES8 IN TIM. SHEET IRDK. r??ER. LEAD AND BRASS, TTAVK mi rirtd frir tbt Atteatic XJ Nile U nd ;Nn Fto - c ftipl t otork of etwyttiioc lo tbrir linr and ill )( c iia;itlT no band ar crtiwat a tb 1"1 Tn l-htdron and toppffwaf Hr 1'iix HTdnuilic Noiil. Fotoo j I Iimt Chtint lad Tip". H. HARIiWAr.K. ClTLKRYj XAH of all H". liar l'Ul- aad aatnrtH lt i ) Paint Oil. ?!. and GloHJ All qnalltl" o' I'owdrr : 3h.il o' ah HimhT : Bran. ' tj variety et. Ot ' Stoves. Ato. alr on band a lam lot ofatote ' of aortrd Ue Jloek Pafnt Cookinf Store." at d the Vw World .lrtT." Ih two rerv -tt ai A approved paii.-ro lo tbe l world, 'l'arlor 'e and CW- n Slow, fancy aad pWo. e 'otm ted on Ur-t foel tavhV ))aa lf'Mlm Ketil P"i Pom and frernblnir eonnept -d llk ihr Move, warranted darab!- and jffUtl All article. '!d hv th-re or jOMWae- tnred. WARBAKTE1. TberwwrkbBo t tbe boat material and C ekoioaot oa(trn 9,0rdm ottondwl to itt dtayottb. aad I1W aec-irdhi): t di?!ion.. In every thin?, their im:k i lb' Urt't and awl ever brmah! t .?ack,nv!!l. and they are delermin-d to ll at low rfcnw rn c Call and eMatlnc tkeir tock bnr pur ebamc !,whr Jane S3. 1m -Si A.$ta' fur Ilal'.di-A (.. t Vit Rope m: i jACKhO.wu.i-i:. IUSIUI.ll l .ISUIAG ija-OjE5:2:isrs3? HLmoI's I'Ali.M. v7ith WriKfors Attachsd. THIS work a md I'V bar.d d ink j af ouui. II. Ill 111 .x " " ,m. km wear i i.o.bef au A child l-n iwr- Wilt .1)1.4 ..... aad OLr-La1' 1 oid can r lb rr.i.l.iuv witti h. 'li. log aay fabric ITOB a toml I' lil 'jUlll 1 hav. p'iKlx-d ibi n:b fir tht afa.Mitrt aad al- of the abovt. aamtd e- chioe talhieouly. Tbe nacbim i fur aale aad can be teen .a .L... xt, dllf.. !. "- - Ann ali . lB , ,Jli hJLi. i ..- jkau. c.tXr m. . ' bov ynwo WfTjr Aabk. Wi-k call l l nitaon Vtr.nceri all! 1 forauhtd at tooa u they airiot. i - STATE ot Orevoo, Cooel; of Jaciuoo In .tattic Ctiart. To Steriitc Hill: Yoa art bnehy ac llStil that a writ nl attachnn bae been iMOed again: yots. and yoor property at tacbed to Miiify lb demand ol alcttea .Marnhv. aawantmir io tiiv n ol twenty and twaty4vroaehaadrtotb i30 2MMNI dolr. .Vow anleat yon thall er F-ar before A Y. Gdwti aJotic if tbe Peace, la aad for aaid coaaiy. at hi oaV in Aih'and. or. th ?2I day rf .Ii't. A ft 1C'.. judgment will b rroikieii ahi too. aid yoor pr.ipcr'y to'.tl w pay tht drbt and cou latetl ihu dtb day ot Jane A l 10 MKHLAL.Mll.rili.P , fl i u.i-1 BOOK STORE, ai tat POST OFFICE BUILDING JAlKONVlLLi: Ul.t.UOX. The latei ler e o! bchw b- w.i' be found oi, tbe aivlvei: ts wbicb aadilMa ar U-:i.r c . j n 1 1 v nu.. PTATl'iXnilV '. Ih t.Tt H-.14TT Conilttl' g of Paitr.-rt. (' i Watnl I.ioet. U'rtinii; I'aiirr. Ml ao other kud. ESVKI.'H Lof ah k.l -pri jd .ia Capy !-- l:4. Uae. bU.k copyinj and ind'lilik luk. ou-l p-i... I'c.k.-:. center aU'4; lak.'akd- 1 .k ni.y n Erawr. fru Knifr. Ppr bolder. L.i OvMi.e. Carpealir r- . Urawmg pewi.. aad Irain jar A. Ac. Sancrofts Diaries for 2BS5 Cociuiniag li.t af Maaap dattee, aad olbrr iMvfui mlonuatiua. Tbrw diar.w alv tin Inert aad the atoot cuotplci thing of lb kiad ever got up. A good (apply of Pa, book. Pocket and alphaUt aKuwraudoaw. KMiero pictunal. maiiiaef aad corn paper kept cob.untl) vu l.4ud A C1KCL'LAT1.NG LIUU BY of new aad Hieat Xov.U. to whicb additiuiw art aade by iirery (teatnrr mall Ordaa for any hook or UmUboi ob hand peoaiBiij nua is ten 0T. uul. CALL and gtt a letkr. and if there i. Bone, buy auwrial and ani uu, turlij aatreuUeUig both luck & aad " j E. HAIXtS PACIFIC I . . V It A . C i: C O .M 1 A .Y. fjkiU i IlTiL S 75o,ooo oo. SoOaOOO'i? ! puit m Origan - Pvtbi in f (.tuld ' lu.. .,, U- o, K- a,,- by Ittv. c.wii- nrtus Arenti, Jr-Jltf JiUonville. Oregon. Sewing Machine. procured an ageuey for (hi, pui-t bine, and will in a hon ti tT.!i Wj, eiaUo.der kind, of iiikbe, .... .- , JM4. WAJ ,. --ti.-,. 1 nuke. diaVreut Jackiuntilk Jasuair Hit If ' . 1. 1. E.V0WLTOX. J.J ki0MLT0.&C0. UIMEV. ADVERTISING AG'TS , NJltTUhA&T oiHvin.... -.u...K.iU.r- ,v tuiira Mmu Oppotik H'tii, furgo Coil s.a.ixr priAivrcisoo QUPKItlt Pbotogr.pl, Ai,,;J Ob4dcl4p (.r.atli M.J hii.,fc,i dOru , J, i, A Uo xl , - w r I e e J BIS I ? s 5 f 1 4 k r . 7. ?- 0 s h 5 1?" s s J ft 1 s 0 E (9 I 3 r 'S. y V. t ! y. - p - " 1 A CARD FOR THE SPRING & SUMME C'LOTHLVfi TltADE OF SAV mANCHfO. IIAlld'EIt vV UMH;IH;iGK!l. Ii'M. 411. 413 and 41S Battery St.. Cor. lrthi.t. sah I'ihim l.i, Iiiijhu'Ici'.s ami Wholesale PEAl-KHS. Kittiie Nett atttl l'ttIt bluet;. Waw.in'd call lb'- attebtloti o' CotUttry Mtrchanti t "' uuunally lane .u-.k of (ie4 (mr .lock compriw. evtry aril- (LOTHIXG i PrRXfifllXU LINK W.-havr cuti'iautlr ou nakd the larg... an.1 fr--t"t vnn uf i-asriwi.uk And wool hat 4t aay ba in Rtn hrancuKo and our pri- cr hn tbrr gvo.1. Mt lea. than lbMr uf aov bour. a. , icvr thvai dirn;i irum lb manofacturrr - c -u.naieal. Oorxock SPRING k Sr.MMEll opODS 1 parucuUrlr attractive, and lb great fa tur. to tb loimiry atercbaau U lb aaata ally low pricet Leat than the oatt of Importation ! r ax k-p the in I he Irrv Uout. Iil. anich().od webavr pareaawd iu lL. ua:ket uwW the bantam, aad ar, ofl nug ib,ia al New ork cvet and le. n , ubU tht card in unler Ihu m. atak. " Kua,uMuci. sue luiuct llui whv have nut bvrclalof purcbaaad of u to call and euatioe our Uwk. Coml AtticioHi. Low !(iait Ate lb, gnat ladaceatriutuu weonVr lo all who putcbav u, wl ,rf,n. MervhauU whk buy of u. cat. make a yuud pruflt and h-11 u, ttKir tu.ii.u-r. at a lo figure. W re main. repeeifully, onr ol di in Mrvanl RAltOER A Ll.MiKNBKIU.KK. b.a tiotbiug aui Hat Warehouse No 411 413 and 415 Itaiurrv lrt. jsaoJ-W. iko. Match 25. '85' apllmS S so,boo jne.Hi: '?x je.cb. Tb und riin-d , ,,1 n.,.! r..iH-cifiiiT call lb, all ni u- ul lb, puoln w tbMr ' TP,w nvi?Tiv A.sfc tf J j D T A Jj L jjj CaOnjoi, isin-ei Jacinonville We have oji haw, a goud wpply af u,i hHe I liocw. to (el and win mm nave a Mock of i ..mk,. ,,e ur cj icrmiu.lt to lit kitii. laciiou io an wtio ma laiwr u witb their patrcnage A good nipple of t& oontanllv on band I'LYMALKA-ltUsT JacksooviHe, .Ijnuurj 21i, 1606. t( MFORTAXT CAUTION' TO THE i IIRLIC. Duoiw Joiduo.PoitfiiiU rftte . , - "'" oonltC4i iluura be,; to inform tb uiblic Ikn ilt nuu 1 riUCIIMI 01 ttw I'lairV An.. i i in no nay eonaecied witb any adrerti. i?? P'1." wb0 v)' ""' hw nam IW Jonlun aMtiiom tbl mode of umu. the puW'C to Keient lmuo.iioi.r ,uiT, .rriuiuTr' ",urr"n' permanent i llu. 9, .... 1.-..' . ,.... A- -... ...m , am rruucifcc. rvirtie tiuiel Vi ' Kau'm U- regard ,tl tnayuina NOTICE. caaL7,.jTarau,i ,,Ma"1' w,",0',t ""yju ''.' .'n, ' J"' U- 1 V I .! ...v 1 .... H.;, ;' "rf tHARLLll.AOK IM 1 1 h M. FRiHCOAMEBICAH HOTEL Wjggg uppuMic uiu lucuiiy BuiWin(r, JACKSOIS'VILLE OltKGO.. Madame Jeaiuie BeRoboam. Tlic Madunio tnkes tlii method of tendcriner the mtblie, for the piitmnaec wliieti !,. t.ui.L , t,mn to tndl to her; ami would respectfully solicit n 1! , ex tin Tnl.li.. ., ... nre alway irntler her Imme. , M n,f . " " ., riral'1 control: and I'v tier lime eiperienea In (lie IhiMiikm 1o feet cnfMMt that ih w 111 give entire inti'fuetUin to all Jacksonville, Oregon, January th. $G5. 1)11. C. "W. MOORE'S Itledfonl find Surgical Institute. (IIHMItltCl VI, TIIHIT. A fiwdoore below Kmrny, SAN FRAN ClsCO. Attkm'IN" xi 1Smiikict ViiraciA.i. C. W. MOORE, M. D. l.ai. ?urir ti l' f . A.. t,imratitli I'by 1 ci4 at N'"W Orl.-an and Iloeum, lctttrer i.m I .tind nntnmy and lHn-a.p of Wo nt 'ii olid Oitldrvn 'Meinlr r tbe Maen cliUetl Uidical Si ! , etc etc. Dt:. MooRK W(ifl.DRBPKrTFrLLY iij'orm the IVnpl. of Califurutft that lie Uat .Ulili'hd ah inelitulr fur tbe crm: or disi:asi:s, Wit. tlier Acute or Chronic. Al Ml. Oil tll.MMKItl'lAI. HTItRnT. A f. door below Kearny, When- bi ma he cornult' d al all hoar. DisoaMtofthc Utorinc Function, clmractiru'd l Irregular. upprr4 or rtiiij meii't-uatmn pain in tin ide and Mi'k nti"n uf wngbt in the pilvi etc . Vcriuii. Il.udarb" . l-uconbira or wblt a. tnal.l on Kieiitillc iruu,ip!e nud a I rnian-'tit cure effect, d 1 Diwaw of th Sosual Organs, taalv uri'U.itie Ueitir rcc'iii ur uUrouic. ar :r.jid witb a'l tb- -kill and appliance uliwb nixdem ci' no- ha. made avaihinle A cure will be guaranteed in the 4tirtMH m..bli tinte. and un tbe hmmI reaMMb i-tni. No itosiuu drug.arv nd. aad a f. a d onlj are rciulred to ctlact a per manent cure Norvea Affiwtiocs, ach t Newrairia Paralyela Giddine Uirnnewof Viaiaa.rie. will rev ive vrpectal allOMtioet. Sooondary and Heroditary Atttxtiorw. -:. am in all ii maultuld lurto-. l;i'p.a emai iatitxi and d l lity trvated wi'b evr lain and unfailing r-tuedM ihnnIiI ll ing all onrrnpt bnmor. ana Imparling biallhy lone to the .ylM l purifig lb hluud r. gtilailng tbr H-ereiioM uad le in vigorate the nut power. Sturrioitl OpertUtoiK, of wbu-vr na lure, turiurau.! ecwutittcallv. and ihv pa li- ot UmraVd al ibv lixuiuU The Ducmr ' will guarantee to cure Hernia tar breach of ih aural k.ad iu three week, by a i.t ' tnu4e uf nprvaiiug (Iratuui Tumoi. :aia. tu haialv, will be acciattnliy n moied. Iwaaty year' raaitJoaoe la M-x.i. South America. China and Ibe Eaat ludi. tugetber will hi large lloap utl arid m pracliee ha given ihv lwiur d ' p mind by law. aa! hW aarkatle -.. cm aarraute a uriru.-e of rf"Ciu. iir Mi. Aaaivwioal Plate, exhibiting ail j i of tb Unman ty4n aad lav AiaVn.1 t. gee af dlwaar, are the mart auaapKI' ui th caml. while hi experience tv a lc:ur er etiabto him lo xalaiu to U J'1" at- the particular af their 4laio. No wyetery W BMHte of direaee or Ibv Mod of UealfaMil. but tht patwul U iiMlruclotl la nil that p- rtain to hi caee. MetUiaa wlili fall direct!". UI U nt tu any part of tbr nut' , tw rotpi of Ui irr aWr biugt lb mptnr Ao iaeniMtry U aonavoled with the oetnle l'hM.iit. wbvrv pativut. who iUm. wty receive UMld unit wMwtant allenlion during thvir MCkue.. titu aokliug the inauuvmi voce of a but). Kind aud attentive huix alii be empluyod nud nu iiin will lm left marled to g.te full Mttttuotloi). Tbi Uuclor'. MpariuHriile ur the inol comrautliou. aud beet nmiHocd in tb. city and puiieuu may rely on tbe ttricteat iri tacy. twwoiuH til. to 'i mt i..unr, IjMlle utferiiig from any T lb Infirml lie M-euliar to the e- iv find tbe Doctor a Mte cooWeiit nud ciutlfie 'byicUiii. In tbe treatmeut of mmvrioiw awl kind ml iliMrae he I without an Kiial. and 11 ie may feel ntiirHl that tliwi will ie ceiie the moet ilnliente nnd geutUinaaly irealmcnt. nnd tccur n riimil relief from tlur IttMilile. Private artiueiit, irllb female nurtc, for tlioce uliu iletire tlteni. TO COltltKM'OMlK.NTh. Pardee lii tbe ouuiitrv. who mar dwdre t cou.uli ibv Doctor, van do m by letter. ' aud recent in rnturn a full itecrlition of luvir iluva,- anil tin rowin of cure. All vouiHiiinioution nill lu beli tlriotly oonfl deiilml, mid tin letter returned. If uwlred Mi-dicuie will lw K-nt Ksiurely. Lutier. to receive an iiimur. tbimld be accomiMUlid by an Kxpre em elope. i Liili.lllliilluli Kite I stll elter mint l iidilre!e,l to Dl(. C. W. .MOOHK. I (ill liililliitK liil hi. , npbm.l hAN roANCiiiro. m '.IJll'Jl.lUlJUIJ I1UIUUI HAJlDASniLS, OCA'. FIRST CLASS HOUSE JX every respect, wlicre the pirsonal su prvnion of the ptnpriclor euaraiilces prompt und courteous mu-ntioD to ull the ternirmeiiU ol guestf. I'lii liothc bui been refittnl nml refur ul.). W.M.KURKU. apUtf Priipririor. Dr. Overbeck, bar refitted bis Uatb room at tbe OVERBEOK HOSPITAL. Tlio,. h vili toiudulgcin tin- luv.Hr-i- ot ft Km,) Uiili ial (itcoiniHiMlal.-il ly gi u'S iiiiu a call ou Wvtluotdoya nml Suu dat- fj.it nnMto. or fcaniw? iS ds art !.,, i,,,,, c,,r MEALS WILL BE SET AT ALL HOURS. tf 1S65 J. D. ARTHUR & SON. tx rcixctiro, Cor. of CcHfcrsiaand Davit Sti. 1.L.J R RaTIAlU a lir J vnrarf ajwrtwotofnlikiBibri AGR1CLTLTDRAL Al the CVWhraM OHIO Ur..VI Klt, (catted the New York or E-jraeut A Margaa). rombiaed HtfUm. atih peat tn proiemcuu. haviag a STEEL Cutiir Bar Can a cheeped from a )lw it a lter in rA awrrc. cat wltUaeaelttb uflh griiud at two fiel high CialtMnl with two or more bettei. Wilt weik u any aid, hilt where kette cat travel. t-oXE THOISASD of fee ilit.bf. in u on tab CUM. wbkh e ceetr THE liRfT JIHWY hT their sVl'UUOKl TY over all utaer Mhin J. 1 ARTHUR A SO.V. Sole Agenti iwr tuv i'aiuc l'ait. tnifUoit New! New!! New!! KREUZER'S 2v3SW STOBE, IS STOCKED COMI'LETfitYVmi Ecst Cigars and Tobacco, FRESH CAXWESANl'XCR' NEW TOYS & NOTIONS FKH3H FRUITS. ETC ETC Mr Krnr having ..k .tore .. dm 'XS U. lb, attention of b (onbh , .Ui. elookol '' sc,i:.Li fr AUotohi "rmu. 'u vVWlf pfUHh -' lri ...j ..ui, urri Yo eno be be.1 "Pf'Ti, f.r-( el, in bl Hue. aud "J,IVei. I.un A .ill " : " LAIS'DIS' EXPRESS. 1 I .....! A.)' .MoiiUiiy-,,MnH"'' n...ninB.lavfjW.Uoe.tt; F..t.MlfOFrilJ2,, ul lefam" ffliALANWS. Oct. -o'n.ic" i I July if ' ' '