Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 01, 1865, Image 1

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.ni- &y
I M Ji
i iTj5' SHlrSiF!
VOL. X.NO. 24
F II 8
l!' -
thi: cmnciON sentinel.
n. I'. DOWELL, Proprietor.
s:rurr:ov For One year. In advance.
Mr V "" " P',,,l wl'hln 'he first ilv
c.jU' .' th ye-vr, uvo dollars : If not paid
iiv. lb- etp ration of the year, six dollar
AjTtattiiNi One fiuarc e.10 Hum or
lj Cnl Insertion, Three.- l)illtiri t each
is.4 ,-''' ' i''"110' On Dollar. A dl-M'-
' ffvp rv'nt will bo made to those
V tl U. i y th year
ir tin. TmJ'M t ciTeiittfiiRtntMM
-.iiieU-nuivllIc Lodge
i). ill, Doiui in re;
vr X imr mcniig on every
rbaluii!iT evening nt the
.uuonic unit.
re J standing are Invited to
.s.-iu Ftr.ir i: secy.
Tn'.e. J. M. Sutton., Wm. Itay sad
S J I'lj-m
VTarroc Iocn No, 10. A. F. & A. II.
a Hdl.l1 tli-Mr regular eommunl-
vVcai .ji ' Wdneday livening ou
r pro; dm; tlie lull moon, In jack-
IV! .ill. 0MOtS ,
r " ? ' r ?v
v ".7 a k- ' m-meia. .
AT T i f "gP". '
J -.,,fir Onmw.s,
OQic on-ll lilt" Court llnuic.
a, 't.. v usi.tta to their care will
t.';..i .. i.:-uut Juyi,'6i.
.1" Tirt.TT,
.'a' svj.ii., Orkuox.
f. :;.... i- -ii t.iw Cuiiru of the Third
ii. I itr t. J-tiprtm Court of Ore-
r i.l .j re, Cal. War ScrH prompt-
:. ' Uct IS
Forth Sintinrl.
ur jane worth.
Strive, strive, toll, toll,
Life's ncary journey through;
There li no cue uor rett at all,
For the miny nor the few.
Tall for the wealth of gold;
Toll for the scholar's meed;
Toll f r a name etiierolled
By brave Illustrious deed).
Strive the rich man will
Toll the poor man rnuit;
With heart and stomach to fill,
No life UUtl to rust.
Strive 'till the brain ti c, wreck
Toll 'III' the l.cnrt Is ti pain,
Nor fear that the heart will break,
Cndcrtho couslaut strain. '
Yea. toll 'till the iplrlt I. spent,
Toll 'till the frame U worn;
Toll I for n hope li blent
With the strife on our Journey hows.
Grcrtt! rfernu? nti S
How grtaefa), swtct.iubllmo I
Oh. Christ ! how mrseh the twit,
Or the tolls of time.
Ashland, Oregon.
lH'nwiirM Stiiti.'
CIir 3d, Iiccp. j Thcr wti n day nlicn Talleyrand nr.
NO. 1 AucntCAN (cross-brctdl Mrni.siW rlvcVl In Ilnvrc, hot foot from Porl. It
Cwt single ewe S 5 8 3
buck. 3 years and upward
BEACTirUL LETTER. to dream of tins when tit burden shall
be honorably diiohargcd. France rocs ftn
In llnMnnd uurfu""'K auu P'"US UP ueu' wmco no-
The ca?e Is ' euppoics win oc paiu, nowever weai
Onr reaucM v. ill remember, pcrbap, the
ecltbrated Yelvcrton cae
was the darkest hour of the French Hevc I which occnttnno.l mnMi '!.
lutlon. Parsned by the bloodhounds of still pending. Meanwhile n letter Trom the '? " P3pcron the empire may become,
this rclp of terror, stripped of every , pen of Mrs. Telvcrlon haj fonsd its wav AB1icn statesmen atono rcfufe to coniid.
wrrck of proptrly and powtr, Tulleyrond , into print. It certalnlv deserves what cr a prcat nallonal debt a "na'Ional bless
l.iitc nf "i K-Ua, Cul.,
-'. i. li.AUIO-
Iyledicino and Surgery
nam, immwiccnt counties.
'. . .- c Jjcc 10th. JuelOtf
Iladdin; for womanhood full or grace yet.
I.ov, wltand bnauty In harmony mt
In thy fair Wns. when first thy epied
Thy fair baniue on Life's swilling tide.
Cud on. littltlowrt, burnt Into bloom;
Hut. oh: light of our limns, life or our home.
ISUotu but for the Mailer', hand.
Earth's s:asli biforo tbo lu Jazzlln; ar
ray. And sail with cntleemnts tly tplrlt away;
Lit thra not from high purpoie, not e'en
for a tthll-j.
Though enchanting thvy seem, thy pure
iplr.t beguile.
But ewe nnd lamb
" three lambs
" sample of wool, quality nnd
weight 3 :
NO. 2 AmnAUAN Mcr.:.vcs.
Same premium as number 1.
XO. 3 Srastsit Mr.msos.
Same premium ns number 1.
NO. 4 Fnrycn Mrr.isoj.;
Same premium as number 1.
Committtt on iVot, 1 t 4.
Alfred Lewellyn, Hiilsboro, Superin
tendent; H. Terkln, Wcoien FucIory.Sa
lem; It. 0. Gctr, Sllvcrton, Marlon coun
ty; Henj. Stewart, Xorlh Ynmbill.
XO. 5 SonnDovrn!.
Same premiums n number I.
NO. C New Orronoiumn.
Same premiums as number 1.
XO. 7 LKtcuTrnsnincf.
Same premiums as number 1.
NO. S ConerotDi.
Same premiums as namber 1.
MO. 9 Graded Snrrr ron
and XIctto.v.
lint back
" ewe
NO. 10-Fat Snctr.1
Dest pair wethers
" ewes
" lumbi
D!t brick for wool and mutton of
uny breed 6 I
NO. 11.
Iltit Shepherd's dog. C
Commiiltt en .Vet & fo 11.
David Guthrie, Dallas, Polk county. So
perlntendent; Ym. AVyatt. Corvullii, Ilea
reenred n paapc to America in a ship , the Lord Chancellor says of il "One ol
3jnbnnl to tall. He wns to be n becpar and the most besutiful he ever rcuJ."
a wanderc In a stranpo land, compelled to clip a portion:
corn bis daily brend by bis dnlly laber. j '-The hills are white with daiy and the
"Is there nn American staying ct your valleys preen with frcib mots. The trees
Only an American could
hare tbo
3 :
, ton canntv! W'm. Hahlm. Hiilsboro. Vb
llut sb thou for purlty-jervem alone. !sin cou'ntv; Thos. Smith, Wlcclcstcr,
Dear light ot our harti, llfo ofourhomi.: t" nrn ,.,,
house f " Lc aoked the landlord of the hotel.
"I am bound to crocs the water, and would
like a letter to a person of influence In the
New World.
-The landlord hesitated a moment nnd
"There is a gentleman up stairs cither
from America or Uritsln, and whether an
American or Englishman I carnnt tell."
rip pointed the way, nnd Tulleyraud
who, In his life, was bishop, prince cud
prime minister, nsecndtd the stairs. A
miicmbie suppliant, he stood bfore the
strancrer's door, knocked and entered.
la the fur corner of a dimly lighted
room sat a man some Gfty yrars of ngc, hi
arms foidid and his head bowed on bis
arc all londed with varied blossoms and
the air is heavy with delicious odors
there is a south wind breathing warmth
and telling mc of you all tho little birds
are chorusing in joyous milody existence
is a perfect bliii to tLcm. Two ef tl.;m
y i murals iu rviwss lu rvraoTC loo
at one: by popalar contribution.
Tho latest journals received by Overland
Mail inform us that this peculiarly Taakco
notion of paylcg off a huge national debt
by subscription li attracting mccb atten
tion in the Kast. The scheme was orlflntl-
'y suggested by n wenlthy citln of Boston
several months before the final campaign of
the war war Inaugurated. Since tbt sup
ore lovingly contemplating cons'uctlr.g n ' Pre"loa ' "? Ve,0B '" Pr0'Kt hM
little settlement nccr mv window, and "cvivcd In the city of New York and
tWnti..r r rt,.n.,rBW'.,i on..ni.in i pot 'o nore definite shape. A Gotharalta
nn,l i oil , i n..i.ti... .,.-' merchant proposed that th
otsi st ivuki A'WMUUe liii
hae no nnclo to prohibit their future vis-
tons of happlncis on their little mud wall.
I w lib I v.ai a bird to b; able to choow
another bird, and then sit ic a tree and b:
sung to.
'The sea Is as clear and brigit ai n rnlr-
ror, or one's Grt dream of love; and the
breast. Frum a window directly opposite j porpoiics arc splohlog and rollirg about
a liooJ or light poured upon bis forehead.
proposed that the debt, estimated
ct three thousand millions, should be divi
ded into one hundred and fifty thousand
shares ol twenty thousand dollars each, tod
that the subscription should not be fixed
at any figure. Tbo lltrald Indorsed tbo
proposition and agreed to subscribe for
two shaics. A dispatch to the St. Louis
litp'Miccn scys: "Uomodore Yondcrbllt
nil eyes looked from bencatb lilt downcast
brows and gazed upon Talleyrand's face
in the very bight of enjovment. 'I hev all Pomr rcpooucu oy ..King twenty-nvo
-n .trimlrr. tnrMW. .ml A rr M'.1,m t,,arf" Robcr BonnPr took W. M UtH
one to live solitary even in the loveliest V A. Heliert iom two." The XtpuUiun
with a peculiar and searching expression, j sen grotto. Tlie very Icsccts go daneirg , BPPIautJ, ,nc 5hemc, commends It to "the
Hit face was striking la outliuc; the mouth and spark'ing In the sunshine. Thcvsccra mcrcI,BDt mllilonarlcs or our country, In.
nnd chin Indicative of an iron will. His In n perfect ecutccv of deligl t.tnd" never c,utIir especially tbs men whom the war
form, igorous even with the snows of Efiy, know when to ston. Their small l.sm u cnncuceJ. nntl Hopes the Oovcrnment
wu clad in a dark but
guliiicd coiiumc.
was a fugit
tich and dutin
mlrnr make on aecomnanlmmt to i.a rt ?' ' ' " suuscriptioD by assign
, i .. .... ,i .. - . .. ...
Beautiful little flowers "-, ''". portions o. ino pnwm-
iuuu iii a rcaiODBio TMiuaiios. Jl will tie
of natures music.
ml ndvcnccd-staled thel he ore clinrinsr to end fratemfclnrr rrln old """' nl """
hc-otid under the impresslou ,0nii. Clear rippling water is whisper- !,'"' lb"f ,!' l T"t' DDtqU0 "J ,,srt'
iiti" r.m inio umn ri win mn n a. a .i.i.i a.
..ft -. .Mi tuv wi tijiu WUt tUC UCUi ur
that the ecDtleman before him wm on n2 tlieiireelMt thlnr to lovtnp.Hsienln-. i ?t lbiJiaorwIp
American, lulivikd 1j!i kind ccd frivcidlr ' mov Lar.l. All tli1n Imrc r.in.i ft "l0DWTT 8awc"Pll0 aPP""i " ot
. " I l.t aull.l ... ,!.. f
1 . , u , I r,.m sau Kruneuco lor Cre-
Otli Us 20tli orn.cn 3IU.NTU
. ' . fr
Illooa out for the M.uler'i hand.
Ob, soon he will call thee, traniplanting
thee whcni
More balmy the iklcnrc, and rofter the nlr!
Whir all is more beautiful, richer, more
Umpq&a cnuntj
Class -1, Su luc anil Poultry
NO. 1 ScrroLK.
Best boar, 2 years and upward 10
1 ' E
" C months nad uot oc
year old
r n"r lnaii of Jeu IB"l!!k"p'tat,,,kI'pd"rk.0r?,,,,r; Hitow,2yearjaad upward
rn.rofrroiitaii.'J.t- Oh, vtr loos upwatJ, to lUaven'4 bright ' .'
V"ttT n ilumo. I
k lit " MO
'j.VS i WALL. Aguti.
trcntClty. 0l.
' v M w I V! "tli Jlmr
I.Illh; of out heart life of our home,
And Uuom on for the .Mailer's baud.
! ...f ,--T.rT-MnMf
I'1 C month and not cue
year old
' Heit litter of not leu than C pigs
Ijev Still bonny have heard of under C months
CIVIL ENGIKEEE, funny tblcs occurrms In railroad cam. " fat hg
JiCA i. unltu-w,
r : ti- th S-julh nd of Orerroii
I'" January, -, 13vl
""e a' nn rti.Mre on Oregon street
crrii e
Ojipolr lli Lininl)
itlorney and t'ounsclloi
.T Ti A "XJV,
but nothing to exceed the incident relnttd NO. 2 I.r.x.
in the following storyi A Parkersburg Same premium us number 1.
(V. V.) paper says that several members ' NO. 3 Berk-hire.
of the legislature took the cars at Urnlton ' Same premiums as number 1.
late in the evening for wheeling, and among ' NO. -1 Giiadeh.
the number v.as a Mr. G. of somewhat 'Same premiums ns number 1
Urge proportiom, physically, nnd Mr. D. j NO. S Povltrt.
of proportional undersiz. These two, the Beit lot of white dorkings, 1 cock
stalwart Mr. G. nod the smooth-faced lit
tie Mr. I)., took a berth together, It seems,
in r slreping car. The little man laid be
hind and the good nntured, waggish Mr.
G. before. Mr D. was sleeping and snor
ing furiously. Mr G , more restless under
tlie legislative burdens, soon aroic and was
tvtidvnce on California Street. ,it,jng ty. n st0C( ,,. an cjer)f i4(Jv
easr.ite.1 to his cure prompt- wme ab(Mfj ,, jwirf( a !eej,Bg ,)Cf b
pETR nfiTf.-1 "AI! right, madam," said Mr. G.,-1 look
PnYIYirM iiTn-i i iviirom """ """ '"' on'nau Soa ron occupy
"i''iiAiiianiiij Aitiicx
ii PiintAitci
my place in that bvrtb where my boy is
i ileeping." Taking Mr. G. at his word,
to taicu ctviu:h (be Jady disrobed, ami lay down with the
in cvuitv stti.u ' boy. After a qnK't repoje of some time,
OF 1 HK AU1', , the boy. Mr. D., became resiles for some
WfTWALLTriE wuie.and bgan to kick orouud, to the
I Vl"v IMPIIOVEMUNTS. anl,0yanfc f the old lady. So, In a m-
i, b . , i. ...t.r...tn ' ternal manner, she patted the boy on the
I Pietsff do not sc latluactlon no . ' ' '
!i(ti k.H u- wade, t'll at his new Gal- !:, RiJ 'i "Lie still, soony. Pa said
; ;o adt. tjeauiino t'Niarwj, nuu niai i miciu Sleep witn yon.- "iuonro
you?" said the legislator. "I'm noboyj
I'm a member of the West Virginia Leg
ulalure." The old tailv swooned.
iuh js-xktn rruiniv mui Tfcuiuv. luai - . .
Uiu reUirutd to JackmvllU an.l reiiimil
-i,r! ..- -' nvjlwine. He will alwayil
'I if '! nnlrej abv.nt prof-i"lon employed on a farm, was told by the farm
ii Wiiirti He v.ould reipcoifuily sollt'it tr tiat onc 0f nis duties would Ijc to feed
"--, i lorniwjmironagc.
your llinei.
iJ. ruf.k r,auli announce to luc c t-
No Advastaoe The Irisiikax aud
the Bon tailed Booster. An Irishman,
the chickens. This he did dally; bat he
s. e. nsa), observed with much concern, that when he
i gave them their corn-meal pudding, nn old
ATTORN KYfa AND COUNSELLORS I euho 'hat wos omong the flock shoveled It
-A.'I' -rif"KT, (in with Ills broad bill, mccb falter than the
"iua AtLA, Wa-iiiotu Tkt.ritort, h ickens could do. At last nn idea struck
AFFICKotfr Bank Excbang. Maui lilm. Cno evening, os usual, while Pat
Mv"r"' "" Prc in all the Conrie Ras distribu'ing pudding to his fowls, he
Mrfto A., business tnlrujttel to our wi Arrab, bo J , an lre ye
"" i. receive prompt attention. ju3tf troageo, ye d d spoopblll quadroped; ye
7nilR a- o LANOforo Jay oo'W the barn nil doyj nod when I eay
l-ASATER L LANQFORD ' cMf' cW be St" ' Je ttre 'e
' Mrit Cnfl Iitrn?.
- .. i M niL nn ihrp innnth
ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . f,.i!. oil in now. be iabers. an' I'i
, M " -'f - -- "..,.. ' t
"una Wnlla Cltj1, W. T., rnx ye lor that, an" so
Vit Rt! cf Eygcr i: Kn't JUlsl: Pat,,oH'd Je drake
t' jue3lf i made a grab and n;
NOTARY PTITiT.Tn befhate.' With that Pat got e
w.,, u- wm 'Mttiifo nud trimeil the drake's bill, ol
a " " nnd slim like a chicken' nod then
ill UA itkaonledgments of deeds-Pro-tv
wd iittds msde cut at short no-
Mi;Jfft"''i'J. jiic3lf
close op to him, and
nabbed him. 'An' H't
welcome ye ore, Wait yer ugly picther;
wwn 1 m uono yo li not picK up moro uor
one in
off sharp
n exalt.
ingly threw him down. saylng.'Now beja
bora, ye can nick op tbe feed 'lontf iWetlse
, bob Uil rovle;.
nnd two hens
" gray or npecklcd 1 cock
and 2 hvus 3
" black Spanish, 1 cock
and 2 hcas 3
" while Polands 3
" black " 3
" golden " 3
" silver " 3
" red or buffSlmngLe 1
cock and 2 hens 3
white SbangLx 1 cock
and 2 hens 3
" bantams, gold lace 1 ,
cock and 2 heai 3
" bantsm, silver laced, 1
ccck and 2 hens 3
" Bolton grays, 1 cock
and 2 hens 3
" Brahma Pootra.l cock
and 2 hens 3
" Cochin China 1 cock
2 bens 3
" other foreign variety 1
cock and 2 liens 3
" native, not leis'than C 3
Best lot, 1 cock and 2 hcas 1
- Dueki.
Best lot, 1 drake and 3'hcos 4
Geese. ' '
Best pair' common
lie poured oat his history in eloquent
French und broken English:
-I nm a wanderer and an fxllc. I am
forced to fly to Itc New World, without it
fuc&dor home. You nro an American.
(Jive me, then, I beseech you, a letter from
you that I may be able to earn my bread.
I nm nlllirt to toll Ic enr tnnm.tr! tt-.r
i - n -- p -
'scenes of Paris have seized mo with Lor
' ... ... .1... . t:r. .f i.i.a. h ..f.i I.. . ....
lur, iu iuu u iiiu wi luuut nuuiu uc u ia-
adlso to a career of luxury in Prance.
You will give me a letter to your friends?
A gentleman like you has doubtless many
The strange gentleman rose. With
a le'ok that Talhyrand laur forgot, he re
treated towards thu ilnor of the nextchem
3 ber, his rye looking still fiom Lit darken
,l brow.
He spoke as he retreated baeknard;
. his voice was full of meaning.
"I am the only mau born in the New
world wLocan raise his Land to God and
say, I have nut a frlcr.d, uot enc, in all
Tulleyraud never forgot the overwhrl-
2 mlng mil titis of the look that accompanied
these few words,
o j "Who ore you V he cried as the strange
i man rctreaieu tonareis toe next room-.
"wi,it is your nume?"
My name he replied," with a smile that
(had more of mockerv than iov iu lis con.
, vulsivc expression; "my name is Benedict
2 Arnold."
He was gone. Talleyrand sank into a
chair gasping the words: "Arnold the
traitor !"
Thus he wandered over the earth, an
other Cain, with tLe wanderer' mark up
on his brow.
the wild rnnnmffnn nf N-nnn. wttl. 1..
Bust,; . -- i-"" - r "
money man imnginstion, Dul tbo Serious
sympuui'zer uut i clone; so
rnmr. nn1 ntl n..rt.tn ma
- I n.nnn.lltM ,! .&. ...... 1 .-
Whys' mid man alone be dlscordnut?,',',, ,, u,iomcu 10 ciosc
VThy shuuld Lc cot enjuy the lovely things
of earth like all other created crcaturet ?
Why i-hould he forever toil and never reap
the fruit ?"
From tit Sacrr.mthto Union.
calculation of dollars nnd cents, and bar
ing the ability to meet their share of t
self Imposed tax- TLemas Alien, a weal
thy citizen of New York, argues that, In
view of the taxation rendered necessary to
'carry the national debt for ten or twenty
years, mere arc many merchants, aonnfae.
turcrs nnd others of large property, who
Tl.l. !. . I...1 .r 1.1. M 1 l..
i mi ii b uuu vi ui; iiitai ddu mr ex- .. ... ---! .
plain Your true Yankee shrinks from,,TOUIU ProoaoT" w money, and certainly
Is cauntrv I csbaB5,eJ wIllj0a' Rppronchlng a 1
lions; ,Lc.onMloto,U3t there would remain
""-'i ui tnii;u wuo COU1U tUJrtl tO
nothing because It happens to be new, and ',a"n Breat deal or aD8oyanc. by tub
. . .. , ... ., . . -- - . vt VMM V V Hill tJ Wl. ISf t ,-, t . s
impracticable until Lc Las tried It and ab ' . -!Car' P. 1Ict of otillonarlei might
solulelv faikd. The .tso of 1,1, .Bnnirr I M "" w"hont rpproachlng a third
opet.t lii mind for grand conceptu
A -. I I .
nriiiirni nisiTnti'ii nipstttfi n a. i .:
......... W-'OIMV MHViUMt .lIUUTl i'llll
him Invincible faith In his Taculty for ""T 1, 7 ,n,,oc,U,Ioa' " B9
achieving great things; the Innovation sue 7" "7 for var oa' Parposei
cssfully supplied here and copleel In other I J "f. .L . Af. '"'
land,, ccournge the be'fcf thai it I. Lis ml. I "" ' 'J d'b,1 ,hou" J1'"0 " ,Ift P'T'
.Ion to feci, the world by bold, Incessant fnCl b,f D? lLf 1P,puIa,r rfacL' ,uPPMe ,h
experiment. Wpen the republic was un Tl m f
disturbed by treason, the live Ame'rican ' " 'd he c' : TuTn TtB,BBobnt
boasted that we could run a government C0U,J b "rr'ed by the Government and
withovt taxes and be . great power with, f ' compsrallvely light
out e standing army or enough shlpvof war ,1!'' Mtr ent.rprls afirj tradi
to constitute a respectable fleet; that we 7 rc'le"J of n "PPrenlw j bardm
i ..4 rjjuuj; lurnnru wuu iresn onu pranta-
oie snerev. liven tbe rednetlnn nf tl,
couiu uunu more raurcaus, tciegrapns a
steamboats than any other people; and
sometimes, in ecstatic consciousness of
iudomitablc force that we "could lick all
creation, dive deeper nnd stay under longer"
than any other nation uuder tbe sun
When we found a bloody effort made to
destroy the Government and were compell
debt by such voluntary contribution, alter
tue close or a struggle whtcb Los been
represented abroad as leaving both section
of the Union In an exhausted coodltloo,
would furnish n startling proof of tbo
wealth ol the nation and make the credit
" white China
" brown
wild gray
Guinea Fowls.
Best lot '
Beit pair, white
Best lot, cook and Len . ,
..NO. 6 BAMtT.
Beat pair common white
i Jep-ared
Largest lot of Canary Lirds
Mmmiiict i i
Fcbrltm flmilb, SalemvSnporinteneleBtj
. . j)ennU, Corrallis, Benton coutny;
Jliram Swllb, -Multnomiih county; ,W.m.'
Vaughn, UM ,coflDty, Wilkaiemttle
Forks ' 0- '' "
Bad of aju4.j
A Word to Mothers. Eaeh mother Is
a historian. She writes not the history of
empires or of nations on paper, but she
writes her own history on tbe Imperishable
mind of her child. Tho tablet nnd that
history will remain Indelible when time
shall be no more. That history each moth
er will meet again, and read with eternal
joy or unutterable grief in the far coming
oges of eternity. This thooirbt should
iKeiph on tho mlnrl rT vprv mMh.r nml
.--O" -" ....---. .., ...W.MV., MUM
reader her deeply circumspect, prayerful
and fuithfal In bcr solemn work of training
up her children for heaven and Immortali
ty. The mfud of bcr children ore very
suicentiblfc nnd easily impressed. A word,
a look, a fiovwi, may engrave a lmpttwlon
on the micdeifn child which no Up.a of
imo can etlate or wash out. You wall;
along the wa shoro when the tide ii out
and you torin characters, or wrile words,
or naniro in (Lc smooth, white sand, which
is spread out so clear und beautiful utyoar
ftet, according as your fancy may dictate;
bat the returning tide shall in a few hours
wash out and etlacc former all that you
have wrilleo, Not as the lioesobd cbumc
Ur of truth or error, which your conduct
imprints on the mind of your child. There
you wrile Impressions for tbe everlasting
good or ill of your child which neither tbe
flood ot the Morms pf the earth can wash
out, nor Pvuth's co,d fingers erase, nor the
slow moving ages or etirnity obliterate
now careiut, ttien, should each mother be
Of her treatment of her child, llow nrav.
wlul, and Low se.no us ond Low carntit to
lite on the mind tuoc truths which shall
a his guide and teacher when ber voice
ahull be silent in death, and her Iip3 no Ion
ger mova in tits Derail, in commeodiog ber
orati.wiiu, to oer cortnant Vroa
r An. -. .
ed to go to war, the Yankee was not onlyl "' " upior to every
ready to attempt a conquest which an Old ! oth " "e J-Iobe But there are leading
World chorus declared hopeless ond Imp-' !"tn, n bc ,E,Jt ho bc"'Te ll to b Pc
siblc. but be could boast in the old spirit. J wb'e ' c "r ,be ,,fl,e and. t V rate.
that we could raise more soldiers, fight Ion I '" "' """
ger battles, make further marches, build a' Bbicuam Yovko'i Earlt Ktsitieo Ex
nary quicker, pile up a debt more rapidly, I rERtESCE. A correspondent of ttut An
furnish more thieving contractors, and turn u-'n Athtrtiur tells the following story
out more Nightingales than nny other r.a ' ! connection with o oil well in Aurt
lion on tne globe. Now that the war has liu'i Cayuga county, New York:
been victoriously ended, tho unwearied, lr-1 As an episode In the history of thus
reprcuiblc American divides his attention
between teaching school in (be South,
allowing shiftless planters bow to manage
farms without slaves, and discussing the
national debt. Ills lost notion is that this
dobt should bo "wiped out.'t. Not on
Mississippi principles, however ; he means
that the amount should be paid. Mote
thnn that, while tbe foreigner and fast
remarkable well in Auiiellus, it may oos
oc uninteresting to slate that Bright.
Youog.jlhe apostle of .Mortnoolsro, assisted
nt the windless In hoisting tbe looMDtd
dbr!s from the well. About tbls tlsoft
Brlghara took coto himself a wife, bj
marrying a beautiful and ecchanting gir,
tbe daughter of Joseph Works. Al
though ciaite ycranz at the tlnv. r.
- w . r -ji-w
friend of Jeff. Dii'a, " late of Richmond," member the great Jmpostor ver well rrf,
are debating the probability of repudiation hav not forgotten tLo numerous f.ufllrf,
or woodering how the country will stand between him nnd bis lady dur'.og tb
the necetsary load of taxes, and while hours of intermission nt school, Brlgkam
Hugh McCaltoch Is dvisieg the ways and, ai always attempting to xteal a k
means to meet tbe interest oa the debt in(aod she, would struggle 0 deprive his of
tbe regular European fwhlon, tbe Yankee, i 'he delicious pleasure. (ter fc
with a cool oud-clty which planted a pa- J atrugerle. she would seem to Ucom ex.
per mill upon the trtmeudious brow of Ni- 1$' Dd ," : l"' ". "Itt !!
ogaro.ood that contempt for precedents, gracefully upoa bli i kosom, oA ifctst-.
wbicii undertook to conquer a vast coun, we bein f, bashful lit tie boyr-haiM
try, without haviog a dollar in the trcas , c,0le our e7es, and wo only beard
ory or a General who could command an 1 1 Tcr't?,TrMUs ,bo ?.pId d '"' o
nmy, proposes to pay off tho little balance V?S;,. '"Sf
due by voluntary contribution I Three we Mw that a blush of nvHi it.ii'
liiOB.uud million of dollars It is an ap-.her cheeks, but Uio relumed no word of
palling sum. The interest on that amount , "TrlVi.'"1 Mne' K& her mpcb
would have .tartUd our Cuancior. before! Ht ?lJff,Mfiji!S 11
the war. A proposition to pay Le nation-, Hiat time we thoogljt JUinltaip u bold,
nl debt of England Las been a standing , "'ed and cruel man, lo .Uke sacb ad'
joke in ,M realm for year, The most , SSKsH1 '$&$:
songnlne of ber sta'csreir. hardly veatores. Utter mart. ' " Z""f "
&.- &
n1'Si -es