i raroM--'5' " fir nil 1 mi QPHPHHWi.TH '"" "'fmitiii rr i urn r ?1-vr- - y 8aj2BttiTiJW T5J And HJfpiwtt-Bo jr'jWpa sordino flkar'u fTtWiar tears py Inner iclf betray, NothltVl ilsssHd'tel! a' woman neati is w, Well that' the common case of every day. "ItosjkMMritl" Oh no til Mil 'IDF ngm TWifcllniiBett downward from yon gbasl j .ly.Bwon AfwIolSK pallor on my chctk Ic-nlght, 4t&hvaya en these Harry eves of Juno. Assise we part 1 have no wlb to waken One single memory of our mournful put, My lowfcfllfc lt,lonely way hath taken,- Aadthe long shadows gather round It fait Wilt thou be tod without rust" Aik the bird, If be be fad without He whilom mate; No tender look, no kiss, no loving word, Toiweotcn my far more than hitler fate! Odd Ftllovi Magazwt. Tub following eloquent remark! on the T&'rrraiIonor the South, nflcr pence. ly Hoot Frederick A. Conklin, ore worthy or Bote,: "liow then it Ibcinduslry o( IboSonlTlo be -jMtt -Bpt I answer, by Immigration. No eoener will the national flag 1 unfurled lu (be South, than millions from both tbc North and rom.Europc, who fiavc shunned htT tlavc-'troddcn fields, as they would tb!t (bad of Ibe Uoban tipai, will nub to occupy her deserted but enfranchis ed lands, and will develop her reoiirccs at tiey never were developed before. Even the Muted waste of slavery, revived by the torch' ptJjbcrty, will again be made to bio eoa as the rose. Tho fint year of peace, In mil probability .wilt witness tbe accession of a million or freeman to the South, bringing with them, at once, the, economies, the Im proved proccesa and greater producing pow ers of Intelligent labor. Ueiurc two vrnr j. , shall have elapsediltjs safe to predict that Amtrlca will rerume her former supremacy In the cqtton market of tbc v,orld never more tcbcdeprlved of It." Jnnoi.iT Fort Ai.catbi. A corrtj. BOndeuT ol tbc Coppernpolis Coiinff ray's' there. .re ninety prUoner. nt Ft. Alcatrar, I mllilarr naval and political: , Tbry huve qultu in number of lhoe ; besntlful "ducks" who relciietd over the I SMtattinatlon of the I'teslutnl, und the way the fentincll walk them into notk Is st caution. Doxn by tbc water's idc, , below the bulwarks, is n border some two ' or three rods wide, covered with hugv f boalders or rocks. Tbe prisoners (tin. ni Motion!,., n, they ore ca.M, nre hep, I easplnyrd lu clearing off this grouud j rolling those big ilonea out into the surl tT bay. This it hard work, at.d tle-y unl m..i j 1, . n ;..i it t.?wiiit liui" 1 B. : u a punlsliment. I have mver )(l iecn this ,-tnrat-bux," but ih.y m It wills the smt of tluin ! O.'dLoif 1'iimT Hull l.' bero W01I"S ' " wnl." , n," T7 j "" 1 Dwiocnmr.-A coh.ied msn was re-1 iru..Y' ih.u niuiuMii u, urn wwntti i - Ward of Austin, in Nevada. Whut mukes tbe case nunc singular Is. that lie was n candidate of iho Democratic parly Cop perhends will Itarc good icjioiu to hoai bout nrgro equality when tliey can bent them nt a fare rue. FOURTH OF JULY! 1ABSECTJE AT WILLTABSBUBQ. Cs-x-AX3.cl 33ctU Injh,e evening, which all arc Invited .to at tend. Marshal uf the day Gen. D. Jewcomb; Orator of the Dxy Hon. I'nnc Cox. JA.MKSJORIIAN rrnprh-lor Wllll.unsliurir Hotel. Votice To Taz-Fayors. TJ. S. AsrTAKT AwKnn' 'OrricK, 1 Javksouville. June, l"lh,.lQUS. J THK Annual List, as far os completed, ivsllllbt open for inspection to ull in Wrested, until Taesdny, June 27ib, 18(35, t sny office in JuclS'uvllle;nm! nil penuus who have rrcelvrd rchtdules, who fail In make teturn-ncconlmir to lw, wit) pt.-ast-taliSMnpliaf Ihsit ';SfClion tlrvtn, act June 3tk)'16M."-hlll l 111'rlcilr tnroreed. THOMAS PR A KBR, .Assessor, rr Hj Chaw.u W.SvAur, Ass islHiit U. S. Asessor, Stli Division, District of Oirgnn.,' (SiAND BALL AT SODA SPRINGS. rOUBTHQF iJULYJ! A LL are cordially Invited lo atleud nnd A ParllcljMte. , i, CALDWELL. Sod BplB.'June 7th. '65. jtMw CtiM 01, TAsIK nolle that I.will sell ten head of borset at public auction, to the hih lMS;atlourVthock 1 p. in. (takeSio tit,4 dsw't Bttan 5). The tale will be ut ypla of mideucc.'2 miles below J7al mtGWs TUtfiMfrol; mm&'Pm fmampliju pwrs. M-M 1ssrytwo"hory wagbn-or" Mihr "w.1" wsfon, lor si,noitte. 1 Bast have ao tMney to pay harvMU," &c. EffiEi FIEE'H .tXEoafylwussujaaCpnipany thatcan 111. FVn1y)ssWsi'ieta:: iULmii 1 illuipn .11? SJJH II Ii. L. II i.--X .-ur'r!. mufiKu Uuwiioe iloMaofFotuf. 8w' rv-awwiuw wsm wm'immmiwmMumfim ;tTATF. o Oregon, Ceetity tf JkWSH jO In Justice Court. C , ' ' iti To Sterling TIM: VeaVrccreby i tlfied lliul n writ nl atlachjientyitM been lasnnl ngainM yon, nnd.your' property litt-: inched, to satisfy the demand nf Mlcht-al Murphy, amounting lo tbc sum nf twenty nttd twenty-flvcone hundredths (20 25-000) dollars. .Now, tinlcss yon shall nr rwar before A.V. Gillrtl, n Justice nf the Pence; Id nnil fur raid county, nt his office In Aslitaml,on the ?2dky of July, A. I). 18C5. judgment wlll?ba rendered ngnimt yoq, and :yef.prflpeTtyliold to pay the debt and costs. Dated this C'.h day nl .Tune, A. D. 18f5. MICHEAL MURPIIV, riiilnllfT. jul0w4 Fiaal Settlement." STATE OF ORKGOS, )rt Cncvrr or Jackson-, f S3 In County Court. June Term. 1105. tx In the milter or tlic estate or Uimrlcs 1 . Jones, dee'd. Notice 1 hereby glrcn, Hint 0. D. Ilnxte. executor orrnld iftntc, lm tiled his exhibit fnrflnnl settlement or raid white, nnil tlmt Wcdnc'dnyjImSth day ofJnly. 1SW. ban been ret npnrt for laid final seltlctnrtit. I lly order of Hon. J. C. Trdman, County Judge. - ,ff. UUItM.lM. cirrk. JurtellOlh IfeS-l. k VJ Jiic-Mw-I A CARD FOR THE SPRING &.. SUMWIE, Clothing Trade OF SAN FRA'NOJSCO. Su BADGER & I;IM)LM)ERGER, Nos. 411, 413 ana 415 Battery St., Cor ?Irrchant, San Fiuncl.co, Imperlcrsiwul W!oIcsHle DEAX ? y1 Entire Tctv anil FrcHh Stcicli. I Vi'c would call the attention of Country Morchnnts 10 our untminlly lnrge rtoet. nf fiiunlt. Our (Int; pninlirlipt r.vrrr.nrll. ,. ,.. ...I cc u ,,(, I CLOTHING Si FURNISHING MNII. c hnvu cunitiiiitlV'On hand the Inrcvil and ctTOtct vnriely nf CAS5I.MERI-: AND WOOL HATS I ol any hnuro litSnu t-rnncirco. nnd nur prl 1 ecu for Ihwo good nro Um than tboo of I nny liouc, n wp receive Ihem dlrecl from ttie mamiiuciurcr e cuiiMgumeni. uur siock gpnixo & gl1MER noo,)S p.rienl.uly, nttrncHic. nnditha nrwit fea- turc tn'thu'cniiii'lry nicrcbiint Is the unu'u- tt"i ,ow l'"Cf- Leu thau the cost of Importation ! WoilL'u kf( Hie Jti3l -a-a-tioaoen In the I try Uoml liuc.nliicli Good nu bate liurclukMit In thltrinnrket uiider.tlivbiuiinii'r. iitiil tin. ittli,sf It llistlis nl 7i,tL 'nil' rn.i . ,,tl( lV. " ' WV pithllsfi this cnnl In order tlmt we mar m Jjm. eu Uud ujmiiildu our stock. rjootl At tides ii Jm I'llccs Arc the prrnt Ir.ilucvtntincnt!" we nVr lo nil h" purclnue lutullnuuin. .Mirclianlr who luy 01 us cii iiuK' n L-ood nrutit. nnd t lo thcirr'i''oiin i nl u low U,-ua'. We tk- main, rexpvclully, niiri!iniinierrnnis. vi,ui.k. LliiThmtf uiHrilat'WnKln'un oC-ttl. 118 mill -lift Hittwy street, Hu, r,aMl.1cft M.ncli 2S, 'CS. unll 11..I 1776! 3-77 TI-IE GLORIOUS TQTIRTU OP JXJL : 1 . I VsTILLUK CKLr.IJRA'IIEn AT KIR. ! HVVILI.iilJVI'UULIUSPKAK IXU,-A Dl.NMIRA.ND A GRAND RAIX, To come olTIn the cvtnln nl the tnviow BOTmri. Good music nnd nil the cualuro comforts will be pjotldtdjfurlbc occasion. ri-cor, VANAcrns : Oustaff WIIkiii Klrbyvllle. Isaac Thoinp.wi .b'allqr U.lnys. cONJiiTrr.r. or .Miiu.vaKu'u.s'TBi WIlllnni.M.-Kvnns. , .5 .. ,-.-. , .-. Allliouie, David IC'iidull. . ,. . . . . ..' f tKlrl.yvllle, Jub While Illinois Vulhy. A. 0. titeuni Slutu Creek. Good music tngnged. WILLIAM LIND,, Proprvor. June 1st, 16C5. ju3id. UPI-IOLST E.EE R Pftpor XZaiisor. nf e 1 e"-' J".ni:RKIJV notify ull whom It may con tern, ttmf I;tlitl.'toulliita:tI)ubiiiiie&i (4 Upholsterer nud l'upcr Ilunyir, ut my old siartl 'hi Jacksonville. All kind) u work in ny liiC will be promptly nilended to, Old mut trasses will bc.repuirvd, flour sacks iiiaili,-. tie. A. ('. ALUKRTS. Jacksonville, February -till 16G5. tf. Veterans & Recruits. TIIBIasI LeKifltiluw kHw n bounty of 9150 to each recruit In the regiment now being raised. ItaKU'Volcd ' Five Dollars ' per month extra pay to each person belong ing to the cavalry' rejjlinciit eullstcd three years nno. These amount nru to tm puis, in Statu Uoiuls Those wUhiug'tbM boudd would do well to call on ' JACOBS &JIU.58KLL. JocksonTlllc.Jun.-tV114'- janHtf j' T3sT5pM?!IC3JI. I mfrAlfe. Isrsaieit'lJltick. havme left XyJL'inj beiUilQiwari, without nny lu cuuL!l,R'7llll-''',,i10trto, irum'yber on 'inr a'ccoiinti tui.l'v 1. 1'lioS'stjy any ilebi efV:foHtraetotl. CUAKLMb BLAOIC'U Mny titti HHUVhI nthl bio aamytiwasb 'Kltftutlititnkriiii,llbuina cuniie d aheap, fur null, i at J.ltOw's.Beai jdoor above Dudbury & Wade. r" mtmsffmramiasaKStKsttMfassss i S v , o s a 6 5. o tr 'tr 2 ST $ X n c c -J a " w r 9 H I' s 9 e-t- 8 & 4'5 S5 I r I 2P .o -Tn 3 W S r- I I '. c re xn 3 . a FJ 3 W a a. ri so H1 g o s o , 2 ? c e c e 0) p S P 0 0 0 O c. 'i"' ' u & - a m o o rr O 9 ORViL DODGE'S rilOTOGHAPII GALu:nv. -UVJL DODGCnnnlil announce lo the of Jnckviuillc VLndlrr nnd CJ-lltli-mell and vlclnitv. that bo lm p-rni.inelilly locn- tril In JHek-otitille, for tho iurMiic nr lak hi): picture In all the Improvid nrt of I'ho iinjsnipliy. and otild re'prclfully evllcil n llmrv uf lliu public pitrntinse. ROOMS oiiptfllel'. J. RyntiV Ne Ilrkk. Jrl;uuvlli'. Ih-ci'tnlier 'M, 1801. If. Sewing. Machine. J OILS NRLMir.it wouU announce h tbe ' peuple of Jiick.on County. Hint he has liticured nn nsenry lur Uh ticerlc'S m- chine, nnd will In n short time hare a Rood . .upply on hand. This machine pttlicr., In ui. mhrold r nud makes 4 diU'ercul 1 kind CT slltche. I Jnelt'onvllle. Jniitiary 51st. If i- KAUVflTilX. II. '. ctii::crv. J.J JfNOWLTON & CO. i ADVERTISING AG'TS, .NOUTIItAsT tMK.M:i: OK I Jlonlgninrry ,V C'ntlfiiinln htivrts, Upjioult V'tl't. largo fr Cos) ej5w2r 2?3r5.-A.aNrois 00. MEDICAL CARD. We would coll crucial ntteutlon to (he Medical Curd or Dr. C. W. Moore, In niioth cr column of this paper. In addition lo Iho many notices, which ho has received from tho preM,lhrou;hout IhuSlnt", wvare plcaiucd'lo behr testimony to bis profession al ability, nnd ricommciid htm to (lie pub lic conllilciico oi nn honotnblo gcutlimun. and n skilful physician mid Surgeon, In whom the most implicit reliance can be plac ed by those requiting bis services. Stin Ja 1(0 Gaulle. JOIIN.P IIOUCK Wutchmnker ami Jeweler! Ottgon Stmt, JtttUonvifU, Qrtgon. ALL sorts or WATCHES nnd JKW. KLRV Manulacturtd und repuircd in Ibe finest style of the nrt. and Uharirr verv moilernte. JOHN P. IIOUCK. " Muy IDlli,18C'l. uj2U f M I'ORTAN'I' CAUTION 10 THK A PUItLIU. Doctor Jonhui, Pri-nrietor uud 1'riliclpal of Iho I'nclllc Anntoiulcal Mu"cum. let,'' to Inform the public Hint he is In no Toy connected with any aUrertiin I iic pfirttcts who juay auunio IiIh name Dr. Jotdou utilities this inudu uf cautlun iut'.tho public, to prevent lmpoilton; and as the anatomical museum is a pcrmitnent lu ctltutloii In Eau Frauclico, patties travel Ug In Dr. Jordou's name, will be regarded n Impostors. mayUinS Jfi S5.000 The' undersigned would mol reccirully cull .the attcutjou of tho lnibllc to thulr NEW LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, OiiQreioitSlteot, Jacksonville. We have idii hantP a'cOod sunnly or cxcclknf Suililli! Uuues, to KtasHl mU.foen lao n stock of mi, W4 M4aWrHtl!tl-IO-, Ive Ml),. iftW M"H!W.nc.MBinvw u.,wlth.tl)oIr faimmgctfu 1, . ,' ' , r 1 A good supply af feetl cotwlau IW on hand. -' PLY.MALK & R0S8. " JacKsoDVille, January iilst, 18CS. tf .JSi mmmm -m Hrsnnin; Opbsitc tbeMcCully Buildings, Jacksonville Oregon. Madame Jeanne DeEoboam. The ATndnnie inkes this method of jondcniig her thanks to the public, for the pntronngc which has hitherto been ex tciitlcd to hen nnd would respectfully solicit a continuance. IIT TnWrr, are always under her immc dlntCLControl; and liyhcrlonK experience In the IiusIiimio feels confident that fbc will give entire satUlnctlon to ell MEALS WILL BE Jacksonville, Oregon, January 11 th, 1SC5. 1S65 J. D. ARTHUR &. SON. txn rr.Axcisco, Oor. of California and Davis Bts. XTOW OFFF.R FOR SALE, WHOLE 1 SALE OR I'.ETAIL. a large nud 'varied assortment of till kluds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Also the Celebrated OHIO It 12 A U- KK, (called IhoXotv York or Reyinour A Msrgnn), eomblntd Machine, with great lm protcments, having 0, STHI2L Cutler liar. Outi be changed Troin n Mower to n Ucnper lu tks mimtkv; cuts ullhlu one Inch nf the ground or two feet high. Can Ik tmd with two or more lionet'. Will work 011 any ride bill. litre borres rnu traul. jrfrONR TIlOl'SAND of these Machines, luti-e on ihlf emu, which we consider j Tin: iikst yitoo1 r iheir slmm:kioki. TY over nit other Machine, j J. Ii. ARTHUR & SOX. I Sole Agents for the Pacific Const. injt25m4. rrr?EZ7i l"x9PP WjHj ii W sMt sTrsTT fllQ.!illl5isrr-S New ! New ! ! New ! ! KREUZER'S' NEW STOrM5, Uctneeu New Stale Saloon and Und bury & Wade', Jacksonville, IS STOCKP.l) COMPLhTIiLV WITH Best Cigars and Tobacco, PRISSII CANDIES AND NUTS, NEW TOYS & NOTIONS TREE II PP.U1TS, ETC., liTO. Mr. Kreuzcr having purchased tho nfWi sinio onv uour .011111 ui urnuuury ,v 11 nuo s, -, 1 . ... -m . 11 t. v.. . , cans me iiticniion nr me public to tils com plete stock of tmoklngniKl chewing tobucco. Alto to hi various bmnds of clgurs, from tbe common 'lulf-spauhh to tbe most Inv grunt Havana. All told at tbu most liberal prices. You can bo best supplied with nny arti cles In his line, nud save money, by giving hint nctll. Drccmlx'i IK. 1H3. LAND IS' EXPRESS. Sem-Weekly line ofBlsges from Jack, sonvilllo to Kerbyville oud Waldo, Or egon. Leaves .Jacksonville every '' Menaay U. Tkursdajr, 4 A. M Returning, leaves Wuldo every Tuctda j v Frislur at a P. M. Through passengers will bo fuinUbid with gOiHl-mddle-horsca ,at Waldo, or Crescriit Oily. - - . J0S1AH A. LAND18,,I'ropV. Out. 28th, 1864 ocUtf FLOW U AND PRODUCE luken io ex change for McrclmudUr. nt July 19. 27 MAX MULLER'8. Iter nrtt nnil Itoomt, arc filed up In lh mort com fortable nyle; Milicl In the accommodation of single oc cupants, or families. Her beds nro nlwnys kept clean SET AT ALL HOURS. tf IDR. C. r. MOORE'S Medical and Surgical Institute, COMJinntlAl. fcTIUCKT. A few doors below Ki-nrny, SAN FRAN CISCO. Attknciso Axn Rmikest Pnmcux, C. W. MOORE, M. D. Laic Surpeon U. S. A., Quarantine riijsl clnn nl New Orh ans mid lloston, Leclurer on Morbid Anntotny nnd I)I?oaes nf Wo men and Children. Member or the Mma chusctts Medical Society, etc. etc. D' n. moorr wolm.dk n?rncTFLTLLV Inform the l'eoiilii of t nlirornla mat lie has eitabll'h.'d an Institute for the cuitrc or DISEASES, Whether Accuto or Cbroula, AT XU.ntl COMMKltCIAl. OTItnnT, A few doors below Kearny, Where bo may bo conmlted at all bontr. Diseases of tho Uterino Functions, cliaractfiUcd by Irregular, nipnnd or painful mcuMrunlioii. pulu lu tbu rides and litck. sen.ntlon of wrljrht In the prhli. etc.; Nerou. Headache ; Lcucorrha-a or bltf. are IreaU-tl on rclcutlllc prlucljdes nud n permanent core vffi-cU-d. Diseases of the Sexual Organs, male or leinale, whelhir riceut or itirotilc, niv Irvati'd with nil the 'Mil and upplintiu. which modern science has made nvmlabk A cure will be iniftMUlcvd lu Iho fhorlet poribta time, nnd on the uiuft rea.oablc leriii'. No iioxtoii. driipsaro und, nud a few days only urc icqulrtd lo tlfect n per manent cure Nervous Affections, mch as Neuralgia Furnlyils, OIddli.et D!mnrHOfV!t!on,elc ! will icctlve wiccll ntlention ! Secondary and Hereditary AiTectloni, Scrolula In all it' lunnifold t(i m: Dysiepin. cmucUtlun and deb.llty. treated with w lulu uud iinrulllng rerucil!e,ieiilllv eipvll lnp all corrupt humors, nud luipnrttug a heaitliy louo to tbc i-yslcin, by pur.f.tiug the bloud, rcjtulntlu;: tbu heeatlous nud iclu vlgorute tbutititi powers. Sargical Ousralions, orwhalcvcr na ture, Kiioiliiu. 1c1ei1t.llu.1lly, nnd the pa. ll nl Imnided nt the liixlltlite. The Doctor will guurjiili'c- to cure Hiruin (or btench) of Hid wur.-tt k lid lu threo vtik. by n i.ew mode of cpeiatliig. Oratluu Ttiniois, k 1 in 11 1 10 fiuuks, will be luccestlully re moved. I Twenty years' residence In Mexico. South America, Cblnn nud the Rsst Indlc, tog'-tber with his largo lloip!inl uudAtiny ptactlce, bus given the Doctor udviintugrs oecvrsed by fuw, nud bis rcmarkitblu fcttc- chm unrrnnls n pmnK of tlficlunl ctirv. His Atmluin'cal Plates, cnIiIWHiib nil jmrt- nl tlioIluinaiiSy.tim nud Iho dlltVrut ta- ges or dl-ca'c. nru Iho mort coinplele on tbu coai-l. while his expe-ileiicens n leetnr , tr enable, him lo e.Mihiln tu his patient the particulars, or their diseusc. No mystery l ' maile ordif.aK' or thu mode oflteatinrnt, ' but the patient In luttructcd lu all thai pertulns lo his case. , Medicines with lull direction, will bo 1 sent to any part of tho Slut?, ou lecetpl of letter cioir mug tnu t-yiupioini. An lullrciary Is connected wjih the cstab-ibini-ut, where patient', who desire, limy receive board nt.u voustuni uttcui.ou during tbclr sicklies., thus avoiding tho Incoincnl i eiico of n hot'l. Kind and utleiithe nur.es I will Wemploycd and no menus will be left , untried to give full satisfaction. , The Doctor' upirimcifU nru the most J commodious nnd best urraugid In tbu city , uud patient may lely oil the sVrlctest pil vucy. iZiMuuaiioiu rut. TU THIS I.AUIKM. Ladles suffering from uny of Ilia Infirmi ties peculiar 10 the k-x will find the Doctor a sutc confident nud sctcutlCe iihyt-iciuu. ! In the Ireutmcut of suppressions uud lilml red diM-ases, ho Is wltiiout au (final, uud Ladles may fed asMittd tbut they will Jc- ceivu uie iiiuki ueiicuiu nii'l ceiuieiuaiuy treatment, and secure u prompt rtlltf from tbir troubles. Private upartments, with female uurcs, for those w.ho detlru thew. TU COHMBbVOWUXTU. Parties lu iho couuliy, who ' way desire lo con. ull the Doctor, can do so by Ii Iter, nnd receive lit ruluru a full description, ol their disease nnd Us means of cure. All communications will bu held strictly confi dential, nnd the letters returned, If desired Medicines will Tc cent secuiely. Letters, lo receive nn answer, should bo accompauled by au Impress euveloie. Consultations I'ie .411 letter must be uddressod to Dit. c. w. ftiooiti;. till C'outiusitlalt, op8m3 has rKAM-ifcco. niDniiurrio vnmvmwuw uuumj. HARDAfiELLS, UGN. ?IRS cfLiSS HPTJSB IN vvtty reec, where I he personal u pervision rt" the proprietor guaniuiei-t pnwipt und courUtnut .mteptjpM, to m1 the. riquirmeiiUdl guttr, ' I'hi house bus bein rtflltrd andjtfur. nlld. WM. DURKE. sspUtf I'oprietor. Dr. Ovtrbeek, hoi refltted bU bath rooms at (he Those who with tolmjulgc Iti the luxar' 'm of good lAlh, oaubc acaommoitaM Ur givlug hint a call 011 WWiuiiUja.awl'tau days, fen A?; OSMftN i,ti !!iv.s ." vxlenlvc MMtlniM 1 Wholtle an4 relsll irl. '25'.'' H desiring a resident ,," JlK'i Dran. Stamp., 8InR TwSS1 "" other tniwaetions rfqnliln. th, !? w experienced and rcli.Vle agVnti '" Purchases be nwde lor cs.h on!. . err, h ea 0f ntda Jftg C6co 111. (Dsbovn, rnrmerlv wlij, Vxrm. Viiwonac NHocdeahrs In nneclotbCw, . . Scosiong, Formerly with 0. It. Roomtw, a . W liolesalc Grocers. San sWum .1 " ll.ut,ntnv .1 WaaekreicX'j, RCFCR DY PERMIS8I0N TO BOOK STOEE," at Tny POST OFFICE BUILDING JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. The latest scries of School boo'si iIU found on the ilielvm; lo which sJJ.t arc being constantly made. STATlONi:ilY or the t,JT ,lUn Lpns sting of Dautrofls CeltlirttM LuVt Writing Papers, .fell no olbir VM. LNVr.LOPWorall kinds, sort. nJ ,IJM Cony I.0C.K lt,d, Llur, tlsck, conyieg and Indelible Ink. 5iffl prai, I'liul counter and dek Inkslaml, Ink ndrtll Lrnwrs, Pen Knife, l'sner 1'oMws l pencils, CarpentlrsrK-nsiKDrsHiiij MttlU nnd Drawing pnpr. Ac. Ac. Bancrofts Diaries for INS Containing l!tt of stamp duties, andcter useful InformAlloH. These dlsilrs tfs It, (lnct nud the most complete iMsrol lit Llud ever got up. A good upi ly of Tsui books, l'oclit ij nlplmU-t mi muramltims. Jjislfrn l'ictorlals. mt-siiaris.l c!s paper kept roiisluullr on lund. A CIltCPLAlING LllllttHV af ti and select Nutcl, lo ttllct sjjilioti ut made by etery steamer mail. Urdirs lor any bouk or boukiDot celui, promptly lill.d lu ten diji aotlc. C LL and gel n hit- r. snd it tkert Ii none, buy mitrlul hmO write ci.MLctilj palroulrelng Isoih fnele Sm 1 s :. HAisia. C HEAP l'OP. js. ::. A. FISHER &BR0THE8, rutwrn ir Cullfurnia it Oregon fcircrl, JACKSCNVII.IK, Have on Land u Large sS.oeK or sSlniiUsFMty DP.VO'OODS. CLOl IIINU. HOOTS, and SlIOF, Gr.Oli!te". LUjUOItS. CUTLKRV, CltOCKKIlT, clc, clc, ttf AlUlllbf toUX Roduood irioo. Jach.iin ill. Jan. 5, '. Jl. JOHN ORTH ha 1 20 17 Ml F.U.I.", OF HIS OWN Cl'BSW V PlItOhan-M W.II l'l' ''"l"' f. ISutelur JsY'p. " Oitiwufcuevt, 3 4-" ubotelhelVtOBc. Jacks'.nvllle. January 2lt.JStS. KAG 1-33 BJU3WKKY -A.ND-DIQTIIiliBIlV. 1 ISM: WIII&KKV, llUANDIUsUbU. JJKi:it, which he will nil iiiM,,,,'?1'!S uiie uusrt lo one barrel and ii.j J, W purtbttMrs. Call and lest Lu ilJUfivii. JackMlirillr, Mich SJ, IMS. PACIFIC) J S S V K A S C i: C O M i A ' $50,000!!f. fflftjWg riTCold Coin. luu ltt U v Janlltr. . JckMMtflVf-JSSt- Tiul UettlmU KrMKUVOH10QO Ccunly O-ort. Apr" J"'"',! k. In tbe matter of tb "" GriJlry.d.wd, iw (ILBSJhEW diuliii.Utr (ttia w,M'(f7ji u, "blbll for .1 M & ITU mayCw ' .. ' shT "sjsr" "i'tv "m. F. .-wissc. "nmsm&ftx&mi