- j Mai mZam--- 1 few ,T.Tl-t4fj ajaa StMI.VBL ii speeches of welcome, complimented and Colfax ws iuilructed GUISHBD VISITORS. .J proceeded westward, reaching Id whit ecanino hospitality by the ""' - it..i. u-remided. taken 10 the .'liMiOl """ . ...... ,N.1.:.I. Mr. fU,! Abraham Lincoln, to till lJ UTnleui West liow near and th-nr liejrt we their interest, aud wlmt " m for lll'ir advancement " ""' Jwl Jh-U likewise uuthotized by il!Ltit Andrew Johnson to ussurc iliuu ,?1ik liberal policy propoud by onA-co'Uf will " uiliureil to, and .l .ii development or Hit' icsourccs ol fc'-El u,d irltori.8 id the IV Writ '! WOTF ,Lo wcial cure ,i ttutioo id the general Uuveru- ' mn.i,r:ni. Mr. PnlHir ir.,iui. Governor Uiws of Illinois. .Mr. fetal if ll Spriiififii-ld (Mhs.) AVptti Lusud Mr. A. II. Ricnurdsu.t ol li.t ii lie AtUatlc prow u lull account ol ikirctrriuml trip, ami ol llic people and tUttih MM. " lr u ""r opporlu me) rn.it. Mr. Collux ami In erne arc now receiving l he polilu ut itaiioil or Itrtgliain Vouiig, the President tl ibt Vuuicli or l-uiur D.y taints. twiim Mormons, who comprise ulmojt lietniirc Hipuliiiiuii ol Sufi Lake Chy ,U ti Triritmy or Uulii Th.y will mi tLrre the world tcuomud tiavelcr, J, Ross Iliosnif, i.ow on hi way from iMifurnii 10 MjIio. whose sketches and cbuMtiunl ol tin.' Mormon people are svn to lr in llmper a Maymtliif. itiiiif. Umihiii-, Uowlm and Richurd.-oo stt uptciid to Rive n niliclly bur and Uaot report ol their impressions ut so lutntfs niiKiig I lie Saints, and if lln-v Koit laiiblul to the tuk, will have it ni tfcdr pomr to cornel a vu-t amount ol Diwp"itmi'"" nd prijud.ee tliut now HBU regarding the cvulur iteoplc who tilh ottrjsnipltd path nee. liiduMry and n,Uiirlre ImVe Sitlltd and built up lie nn)itlul Ciy ol Sail laike. a ncr I'. ir.ua iu iWili-M-it. ui.d xrlinj.R llic iiiom Iuiiniirf Kmt at llim lime on the Con limit i-r.Vwll' Ami-ricu. El dVrrtor (Ilium Hitler or PciipvI uoii. cd wifr. rrivid on tit luM Hfn'in. it, Thry arc now vWtilij; lion. Jolm jltlrr, it SacranK-nto. Golden Era. .-t.THR Funcrl procewion of Hootli,-ll.c amwln. I tliw jtacribrd by iho Cblcago Jonrnttt-n' ' i ' ' Yonder ne jrow, on a cnrl, to Kls hole In (be turth. Tlic,mn wbu.barta him Is imifkiiUaml tains niraj lilttiicv u helm r!t blm; 'llils nmy be all" or thai proce slon to be wen by njorul.cyc; .tint thut it not all of it to be seen by tbe Omniicicnt eye. Paul bearers. Quantrell, tlic hero orilie mauucrcni Lanruict-: Korroi. iIip mm. munilcT or tlie bittc'itery at Fort Pillow; Andrews. Uie rinchtider or the NVw V.,,b draft mob, and Ji flVrjon Duviii, )C IiMj. cMef iluvc bolder, cowplrator nod artas sin. Chief mourner.'-Coppcflicail Cot, tvlio Mid "Lincoln und Duvis ooght to U- nrougiu in me same i;oek toprihcr;' cots pe.li.iid Allen, wlioMld.'-irtliey could not put Lincoln out or pnwer by the ballot tlii-y will by the bu:h.t;"tbc I-i Uro?se Dem oei ul which hopeil "fome bold hand would pierce fltr. i.inc.ingiirurl with u ihiL-irer piiint for ll.c public gmxli" the Cl.iencn fimei, wliieh ulwiiys ncanlnl Pfii.l...i. Lincoln u n "ilerpot" uniil he was dead, ' and thin went Into ntnh for Mm. mid , which affirm Ihnl "Hnotlmincercly believ.d he wu. riihlui),' the earth n u lyrnn"." llev. elerpy Iter. II. (.'lav !),. nf Iuwii, Iter. Dr. OM'.or Ohio" aid mlirr' light orilie Ui'pKrliid ihnrch.und pnuth. cm ! iiic-ihmt Kn.M'i oi JK'ilce. I Severn! Societies Kiiiuhu of the (jol. ' Ifii Circle, Suns or Libcriv, Cliiaio Siifiiki. " ? ! Delegation from Pe)d:tioii.Vman $. Ilrook-. Liuiince M. Keilt, .Sue M d.iy," "Jisse," IKncdict Arnold, und Judim Icarlot. N. II. Copperhead will be cartful no! In appear in the wronjr proat.'lnn, i ilivlr inot.vi might be miMin.liT!nind .Siil.ui will br pnnt und pruy.lr hell not to buy elfU'wInre. NEW TODAY. nr4 lXi, FIIIE I Brbniyv-Wade, U: tc so. Oi- cr" 0: 2 i af i UIIIDlTDiq nvnAK : I '' v ui &7 tr i r . j llllillil ill ill. mf t. wj 4 m i f cr C i & 4 p & o THE ' ' nmk-t wawbwt m ; Peruvian crosses, f NEW GOODS M nnnvn ornr nnnrnmn lUUiUldAl hWAUidt a ruwnu 5MtLL.5. c PALM TREES, yQfi, . v-! f Anvlhlng nnd crorylhlng relating ? to lln-woiki of whalcm- nnm-nrw I.S. I- httftr nil ii. ' f A T X -V .-v .. ... . -- -- T JJ I jFo Cotton i.v Camfurnu. The Culiforl ula iVre Current bus Imw lurnhhed bv A T. FurrWi .t Co.. with the following intri wlliiff letter frnm I.lrermore & Chester, iluiul Fort Trjon, Los Angtlu countv, May 2C, 18C5: Our cotton hind at Kern river I vlult id yiflerilny. Tbe pljiitu are light und ten iiiciim nigii, uml look p! mildly. Tin win we prociuiM in lite Sil.ii cillent; I tlnik tint a K-iil come up. We have about uml ten ncrrin of ct.lloii, bihI hull u miiili cirii, ull crowing nicely. We hope to br I Scilo. ClmkV C rimenlry-riill wt. Wi.tfon'n llinilncienl lntituii full t, . Wiiiliv!. Swinoin-fnll wt. Ibliuimm Knercliipac din. enntnlne ih.- creed i.rnll ri-lsfou ilc nnminnltnn. IlintoiiV Ilijioty or the Uniliil Slain; uhui n vurlciv nl mkcelln. nron nml n-Hgliun Iwnkii elirnp far carti. C.itoon. j w. MII.LKIl. Jnckinnvillr, Oreiron. June lfiili. 18C.'i. TUKniiilcHeiiid having mid Id tnue prrpinttnrv to leavlna Jckonvillr ilIre nil whn i,ro liM.l.l.il to Mm In com.' fin wnnl mil illle up InTore llie 4lh i.r Julr. nnd nil who litre bills agaltift lilinwl'll ph-nii' pti'H-iit ihrm, ll'nI.ohannn hntmhnld nnd kilchm furniture and to n-nliis inaclilnr. Mrl, is iiroVe pi-. I ,IC ""' K'11 "'"'"'P for f-w1'. t tirlvnlf ale. lJliil.il to ! . A.r.ALIIKItTrt. rue '"-'" kr,nvll.o..lnno.YA. ,.,,,; QTJAETZ Drnrctt Come Kiss Jlc. A Wrtlrrn jtujKr publihci a poem fvsinmirigt -Portil. coiofl klu mp; my Itpi are yet wirrn, itiaj Ivom Hill pants from the clarp or ibiucsrm; UtUvwldiinii wildly llirougbcacb throb- Lb; rlu; httdruon, Uli! I droop for thy klnei T VIcb a rtry 'fresh' young gentleman jrcmptlj rrpliid: J-rc!.tm. .lcnrtH, I dart liken fl.h; Vjlpoliillwllh kUHri-ronil lothy wMi; I'll tilt I; not the blotd thillllng wild In iicb Tela, tstl'llitcp vice from drooping forIc tin lura up Uy Mil, love, J'll pounce like ilird; And ttro' tale and thro' foreit the smtck b lc licsrd. JMflTfwUitr, I'm lhar, 'you may' Awl riiki. ihrtjom morning till Ihcrun lull U- n-t. C"1k''i, 'J thunder, I'm one or tint Mini; lBru.d-!l,?UftI! CSltr ure trjlntxto ft Jtu itdn't lStk fatlLer-l'm In ror the Cllllltf, Tto' tbe.blood l,ould 'carorl' and jour poise It tuny dunce.' J Wson tlic fruit,, luvc-your kliiu. I nran; ' I forlilrtoia. now,ornothlnB but peachci I rn"fiBi.nS'"ttd pu,lnS oul Projlugtlll able to rorwiird in; imt u li.-.uihmm-crop ol i 1IIVI?1?! W TVTTk Cllon IIiih (nil. ninth. n-l.ut..i-,.r tl L ! aiiiMJS D ji J. MldU ciMiiii ihm lull, ulntli. wliutev.r the prlc. ! unlet ill li.iial ...In. ii iu .!. ...ut... ,... I you Mipply us what price? with a en 1 1 o.i gin oudut 1 1 1 tft. in iwelv A ;o, 1 Onirlz .Miner X cult fi.nl immediate nnd crmaiienl j wnik, eilhir bv t-onltiict or wnei-. nl l ... n.. ' .. ...... I Hii'trpris-nimrlr. mill, Jwri.lilnc couniy. ....""" ",c l'"""S "nlcnN Oregon. None t.ut Hiop llmtoucl.lv n ces ol 1 resnlent Lincoln s first iuauj;urul rpt.ili.tiil with Ittintinir. etc . i.miI in arc lingulurly Imprcslve. wlien viewed in ' I'1?- Iftpiiicof S. A. IIKILNKII. the light or the bright bow which spans i '''" 2n"'' l8r'r'' M ,hl' -Ml" ot.d illumines the dutk receding cloud ol war. Hrrelbrynret I We nrc not cntuitr. dd a cr a Ci Hi W td 93 C- cr, Pp IS .;( ac- up .KtMuJoiig, dearest, us imlck as you can" 7l tfAIi'."" ' tiik I)i:.:kas:d Phew tUT, J ae, New Yoik ', Uius nuU 'llttWi.'BWlt.i bud luketi plucoiu the 5ttti4u ,' Mt Lincoln after his kit: ,;''Miwiaujlli'ugltt that the em. i s would havo ',rewed his feu- '' Ms.laiu.1 uuclmngvi.''- "'J1 ,'1"; fwitd. U,u,( tti ,,;, bo -liiijd ol 3ywjki. iu fuu iuiiwwIum di:; rf1,UwttHlH!k.lnrpuU. tl'". MSIlil III. .r.1 ,..,.1 .... ,....,' . .1 Kin. M,,u nrc au nut are m; WyeoaipHj,, )c fc Mnn ItWf At,id,u Liu Tl!, 52 ,1"1'J' ",rfui ! '" '' lttt. '"Twnriio uiiit,-it or pain, l .C. 1 U.ak' " ".re lor u m.uri bat riifiiJ.': we must nut be enemie. rl.ougli puui.ut ini-y huve Mmlnitl, ii imut not bicuk our boiuN or itfTi-ctinn. The mystic cords of memory, Ktrctching Iromevtry bjttle.fiild und put riot grave to every living In-art and lirurlh stone ull over llii bronil land, will yet will the chorus of the Union, when ttguiti inuemu, ni tin-y suri-iy will in-, uy the bet ter ungt-ts ol our nuture." QftrK Worn:. On Tutsdoy morning. June 1 3th, fujs the IUil I)lu(Tff;.(M, u field of wlieut. cust ol Hid blulT, wus cut down und Immediately thrmied. It wns Mcked and tukin In the ArlelofH? mill by ti'ii.n, und apirsrcd as flour iu llie Ilnl Uluff maiket ut five o'clock Iu the erriiicg. HoiitK Ir.A valuable livery Lotto, btlotigiug to John S. IJinm, while being driveu to a buggv, mur Jacksouville, one duy this week, fell dead. Wind Mima In the vicinity of Jack sonville wind mills have been introduced with great succcis for the purpose ol Irri gation. Xo Disi-iTcucs. Thcilortm, Indians Ac., seem determined lo keep u, or the 1'ucllic slope In total Ignorance or pacing event I in the Kul. Wo have no later advices from the Atlantic Elates lhax to June Sib. Cku:iiiut'on All should besr In mind that tl.edlnmrnt the celebration near Camp linker, Is lo be i plc-nlc, nud they should come preparetl lo take care or llumulvis and one or two others ir nccetsary. FitiiT. The people or this valley have been for sometime fiuslingou strawberries, rufpbirrie und cherries. Mr. A.C. AHhtU coulemnlalcs moving rrf)l-i Jacksonville foon. iu can lc seen by ,i nav'Tlisetneut in nuotlier column. Thank. ioilsj. Slratman and Whlto i Dnnerror n.'co of Atlantic paper. CUKE YOUK COLD SAVE YOU It LU.(JS. TEVELL,S Bradbury & Wade, At tliclr Oi'tl SCiiul on Call- foruiu St ret t, Jackson- Tlllc, Oregon. A LAUOK ARRIVAL FOR THE SI'RIXO AXI) SUMMKItTRADK WK are now receiving nud opening a complete niot Uncut or cvtry tiling In our 11 ti t. Which wc Mill sell chonp for cash, or upon special ar rangement (o prompt paying custom ers. , In addition lo our mimcr slock, wc iro nnw receiving IVncli, nnglbh nnd Amcricflti Prluts (Jiiigliniini nud Chntnbra. Ult-nclinl IJimmI or every Grade, S .t lUqr. Al- lenilul", Heaty Sliecllng. Ilruwn liomcMlcs mil dlilrllng, Deiilin J: Hickory 8lrln-H, Ctilli-tiinles, Janes aiiiiiii.ia nun iii'sinnr'. rinnnets or nil color. 1 lie mot completo ns. sorlmeut or llohitry ever liiouglit In Juck'ntivlltc, l.ii.llvii ami .ilna Ilnoptd Skirl. Ladles and Wnn A'lioi" nud (Jailers. Oetitlcmen's i-'liov nnd Hunts. Cwivun. Oxford Tie, (ilovo Kid nml Cuir Hoots. A l.irk'e iiorliiiiit of Cenllemcu' OYER GLORY HALLELUJAH ! Sachs Bros Are tclllnjr the following goods Jt Orrotxtl-y s Zt.c&oocS Iriooss. FOR GASH FOR lO DAYS ONLY, n PULMONARY SYRUP J2 -ii? - our lie tliouiiunili uliu. DluHn.,1 !.... i ... , .,. . a. . i:h .i , . jjiMiii tur uie nrri -""uKVUlin OliW hi , ....fTin a.ul.i, T " ",a t'l-IUII, can uiu' ',0r ,d"' 0,'l" wntely, k.nd. iu fcJu,0n",,1",,,tt'-J" l w wbeiiillu sh, J "'"'iy. fl'I-'r fluting Ihv good. Ittwtius soul of ilwlin... man!" hi?' SmrmA gentlewnn lo L.i I""0 1'0"' '" r)',-,"I ripuris isUMtil!, ' ,'e,"r,l,"l l una" town mT . ""'wad found .thirty six rrm. lUntt , '"fuwii atuti. vim wete Jo h ,br J'litrt- or jjuiclmsipg rHiui. iraiu-ieau "ll uc"t 'ui !"'( Ir TiTy "' Mnrluil and JJ, luwur, u,J. Kr" pKliera-Uulievf, is b.U llie ad "W,ilf inrti ... i!.l- -r- 1 .J .. . ci'iuui iiur u . I'liiicrtii nisi only to Delswart- He shall I..I.M I.. A....... "fm lo iV .iM,.iii,,j ,....'i j l-lll.li '! mil ' OK Him fvi ,-?' wflMmtt or tbe New IsM Stales. Sis. Uino tokZ2:t,m.Y itA u .7 . "" " "0l "nr to uei' ,L.- ,.h"d,bbl , Vl'ulDl. ut.d C? 'etV? Sil&,' "' lw i "'i.lnt.T C.clured(M,d Um; ct.uuiry bt Hon, iisagaG, D0ty, GCTeruoroT Utah JVi'7,4W la Salt Lake ei.'.r. JkneJ.3. 'H ;tcaltWtca sibolar, an cWlea'ad FtlfMllc ItilHMn mill n mnct llPKOfll NE WTO-PAY. rti Cnrtd Thouundi ASD It "VCiH Curo Tou. ll l ...Ilnl. t. ...n.fl. ,1.. .... .r. ... 1 j k v.'iiu i- .1 iivi.iii nit; iiivi ui a v-iihi, 1 HliTch liak (Ititt-p Ihti. linnrii,Mrlv ln.uti.1 .ir entirely licglcclnl. AVIirii It iiov.oll. t.nte, there it ultcayt retson lo rir the eonie outnett. n Ibis lion it ueuk statu of the Iiiiik. nud is nlt.-ii the rmcrunuvr or con sumption." Ijuehauau's Domestic .uVdlcinc STOP TII.vFcOUGIII.NG Somo of you can't, nnd we lty yon You linvo Irlni every remedy but tlic one tlili.irl. by ll inlrliiMC m. rlt, ID upcitdr all similnr p. i.ii;iU'):.. Ills, notnirprlt. Inuyoii shuiihl lie lelucluut lo liy some thing elm allir the nmiiy exp. rltnets vou havu inndeorinirliy cumpouiids foliUifon he public as a cerlulu cuiv; but Newell's Pulmonary Syrup, Is really lint Venr Ilr-iT remrdy ever com. poiiiidtil Tor the emu ol'cooali'. cold, hoii throat, aillnnii, whooping cougli, broiichlli' Mini COU'lllllptlOII. 'II.UUrllMlt Of H(Jllo In Ciiliroruiu loid Oregon have Ik-cii alieudv U-uvliiltd by its curative potvtrs. WHAT kTiTlED HIM? teudy itiiide cbithini; nnd fiillilfhliie d. Caipct,.siicb as lliin 2- (jooib ply, S-tily. I'tlt or Uruijcet. .ante I'-ln Krai n, Dlt. Ihl.t., In his Journal or Ilcnllh," I sH-akluxul' lh de.itliol U'lirhlngloit Irving I :M llie iiimivu (pKMiou, niiu umi: "lie mllil well I. ii if ivliiuiiud wllh ii I'oryint lo come, bud it not betu lor tidvicu kiudly 11.14'Ulllil. nil uiiiiui, i;u. Klll-'i lu luvu&ufc' .. lettuces nud iicklebi Iguoiuuce. I I Ilrn-ieU und Clilnii und llemn lulling. Uuor Alain una IttiK or all descriptions. Velvet, I'lurli and HiutKels Window llllnds, and Sasb Conl. STATIONERY. Tho following goods we will soil at San Fran cisco Cost, 'without reserve or humbug. Ladies Shawls, Lawns, Jack net, Swiis and Uok MulJ, Tarltton, Illusion, Founda tion, Gimps and Cords, Edg ings and embroideries, Rib. bands and Fringos, Floronco und Bonnet Silks, Moiranti quo and Fanoy silks, Silk pop lins nnd Gauzes, Millenary Goods of ull kinds, Kid Gloves and Hair Nets Drcis Buttons Trimmings, Wo plcdgo llioie who may fiivor us wllh llieir jintiuiinge, Ihut our piices h be clieiip u Hity lioiio Iu Southern Oregonj tlmt ull gooilssold by us arc MsrriuiItU to In) at rt-prcK'iilid. tv ill lake nil kmd of prodtire. In exchange lor koo1, or will mnku llVVul iiuuiMtin dm nooi ann iiiues, lorvarded iu iuu cui. i-ruiiencu .oniKtl. . , IIRAUHUUV i WADK jncKFonyiue. iijjiuy 2A. 'b'5. may27 Happiness or Misery; THAT IS TIIK QUESTION'. In order to reduce onr of goods. Ve are selling; lauMose sloek Best Alexander Kid Glovas, $1 25 a pair. Best French Print, 30 Cents a yd. Be'3t American Prints, 18 J Cents a yd. B eat French Lawns 25a 30 Cents a yd. Now stylo Delaines 25 Cents a yd. list French Linen Lawu Cents n Yard. CO Dress Geeslt at New Yurk Cost. Come, oat, como all, and rxsmlne for youmlvri SAOII HK03. .May 19, I8C3. ma)20lf PllIQTOORAPHS. rnvir .lODGK would awionncelol I. '.,, ' .". .1 i:,.iiili.ineii of JnckH.uvl ai vlciidJy thu t ho Im. of uciv slock. rct-Tranijid ldf mIIitj ' I U now b.-rim.ne...''y '?:. ' f,T villi' for llionurnwi1 '" wmrji jwimwn would npcctlully aollc kuaro cf "" public pulroiin (f. in if Aia -V.I.. i. J. KOirs. tH-v Jrii. JwckKinvllle, June 8it, lb'- 'tr. 1775 18G ASNIVBRSARV BALL DAKDANELLS BOUSE. ALL the votarb-a of plenmre aro cordi ally invited to attend tbe Aaniversary Dull, at the nbovo num. dl.oute. In D.irdsu oll, onilbe evculnx'of July -His. No exer tion -will be snared to make the party such a all can look back to n ono of tbe pitas aut evcuU or July 4IU. ISC5. Good music engaged 'for Ihn occasion. WM. IJUUKB,- Prop's. Dardanells. June 22d, '63. Jue2w2 rrUK BEST BKMROT F0.R BIIKD L sstaiwsB.iia i s tsarsnarj a lei.un uuy HE HAD A COLD! u Mcli. by romo iinjndtelotis prescription, hid lf.iiicouvirlnl Into un iirlhum. Who gave Ihut preset iptlou, or nh.it it was, Iho out rldeunrld inuy never kuow." Ietiutttay 10 Dr. ll.ill, tlmt ihut pieteriptiou' a, nui Xcwcll's Pulmonary Sjrup, Keep It in the house. ' U rree',y.Kiu- 11 tu i.i.rchil.lieii uMiii llio hliglt'at indi Ciilliiii4r u col'I'tii-dau ,v" liili'waml spe.ik ol )l n all do hti' tuvo btcomo ac fiu.il.tti 3 wlili ll merlls. ItKlilMj'TO.N & CO.. (role Agents, 4 Hi and 418 r'ruut street. San Tranche, amUorr-.iIe by ull DrnMs. dtcUiuU I l j !! , PMIIW W DR. I . o. in: 1K, Dentist. Office opposile V. F, Divcll's li- Office. Dr. II. villi re- fmulii uulii the IZlb orJuuc. j.fABQurlllc. MBy 2titi. le"- jCSsssssssss' HiTOTIOJES STiHEltE will b a maclHn,' fr tho Emerald 1 AlihouM) luuuvllutf and mluliiif' Co., held at the odlce or the company, on Wed- nmliy, iw '- f a for '. P"1rPwi0 of 'eUliug.Uusues aud liaacl!ogjibeHus. 'lift I'iOIMIIKTOIIR Ol.' TIIK .'1 Ua'.ClIA III A V ATflXI V A V ll !0J liSili.'' luve ih-liriniiuil. r.iMinllnn ol I exM-.!W. to ,(ut. FIIKK (lor llie bit.efll of the sull". riti hutiiuiiiij) fmir or Ibilr l"f I illllllSlill iiimI iiinliuelivu LKtJ 'r'JUI'.H on MAltIllA;K.i.niitailissiiM. flcaliimst Nireous l.-'uiliy, JVmlire I Ill-line of .MuiiIumnI, Iini'p.flioii, W'enk ms or li-pn-slim, laws or llmrpy nnd Vi lul I'ower. ilw inut HocImI Kvll. and Iiok uiuludies ihut itsult from youililul r.illies, ixa-i-sis of tiiHtiiriiy, or Ignvrunce of I'l.ys. ioloyy mid ,S' Bin res laiws, These InvaltMb'u x-eiiiirn have bfen the means oriiilhienInundiivln (Imuranls, und will bvi.rwurd.d KltKK on rityljH of Twi-Mj-jUu CVnls In jMiut'e siutpjis, by iiildrivnng "Sti-rrlury IVeilio Mum-uiii of Anutiwiy und cjtcc, i'mu Hirtti, Hun Fiaiiekiii." Mtfrlo-iirrs lo be sent thrnuuli Wells Fu'K,u to, 'Wlrl.lyl iu IIBAKL ClfintjOCK. JOII.V MABTIW COMSTOCK &, MARTIN, (Scfcsssou w tmt. Ccai k C,J rVHWAHDlXO ti COMHISSIOJf MERCHANTS, riBB-rnooF enicK wAuzuousr, OAK St. NEAR STEAMUOT LANDING, . RED RLUFF3 SUPKRB FhotCfrapli Alboms ean U J bad cheap, for cash, at J. Ron's, oi dosrsvcr-Bry k.tft - J. ROW'S O xv:r Store ! Opposite 1,0 ro ii miner's, Califorulft si., Jacksonville, Oregon. t i TOYS, TOYS. TOTS I HOLIDAY CIFT8I J. HOW Inform Iho clt'snns of Jsckisn rillejtud the publo xenriHlly thai ha bus J't-1 irctlvvd and oilers for isl bli lupedoi slock of r ....HAVANA k IMITATION..., C;JtS-1V3ssl, H ;todaccos, PIPE9, FIQ8.5 OUTLKRY, RAI8INS 'A Ntatloiiuiy JbHckauLbuehsy. a candy. sum o TOTH. 8U0AIW, E 'J AI.UUMH, KTU. V. : prices to suit tin times. Call aodp jsave your money, '.OPPYUOA f j,00000000000000000 OOOflOOOOOOOOOOOO , i ' 2 S f.'A'A ""., "'" JsaassrlwasiS 8 of Willow War n IsaiiiS, far 9 s "'" S 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000090000 A Isrre collection of the latest sod best Novels for circulation. Dec. 19. 16X1. J. ROW. FANOY itnOLES NEW STORED Next' Doer fa fwet rs.' T S'EUDHR IiMJ stocWs4 Ills J with a )nrRen4 Taa.bw lAtest stvlcs nnd batterns of 8PBIKU AND WRIGHT Viiuona. SILVER WAT01IKS. DIAMOND JEyVK PEARL. EMERALD. OA Together with splendid lot ef Mff StUV-i insestsjsit m. (FWmk MBo'irra fttp: i. Dresit-Piiis-. Drooches. Ear-Rlngs, Finger Rlnn, Lockets, Duckies, tilts?, ' Rracelcts, Slctvo UuttoM, XccklacH. - VVatcb-Chslsa. ChatelslM. , anj MmW) Also, complete sets of ' Iheompwable Q-uiAX'tssi fwlrTs inanufacturcd from tho richest and asat4 , beautiful specimens of (J old 1JIII sod Icr quitrtt. '' l , In addition to tho above, ma be (MsV J at his store Iho best qualities of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLMT, And, In short, a general' Variety of Nlck-NncU ft. Fancy AHlclM All ol which will bo sold at toys' rascM ( and wnrruttlnl. UKI'AIUINO.-Clocki. WateWa sdl Jewelry rrpuiretl with promptness, assl la - a mmmer m (fimrunlee satlslactloo. AIAUFAUTUJIEU to oriler. aoArti., cle ol Jewelry, with nentoess ml dltjMtafe. (.. Cull uml see Ills uesi" stock, at Ml new sinro. pn Cnlirornla slrcet, Bt sJtur ' to Saehi Bros., Jacksonville, Orsgw. i Jueksonvlllc, Ike. 17, 1863. J ttV a ' tm mm& a 1 X, o o ot ' - ' ' t ' THOUSAN Or I XT EARLY ELEVKN WUEELER A WIHOH'I sBo'cc-lz&kc mtoiiils.is4 llsvo beta lold osi tns Pftctdo soasi .j t , . since the Arcncy was attablUaed ta San Fraastseo sod tht ti'aoa ,t and INOREASINQ ' a sale of tans , ,, , f MACHINES) proves bow fully the poblla . , , are convinced of the sopsrlwlty t? " WIIEELKR k , WILSON'J imsi . , ", MAtittVMH'' - ,. . a d Wrer nil krv, FOR QENER'AU tlist; . i i if ' ! bun ',..' d 1 l. S ' mill A LARGE INVOICE OF THiaE MACHINEa, VjflTlfLAfE IMPRqVpitfSr J.utllriyrf.nUJ ' AMV UA t n(n 4 I'JJltUCAII o par-ryALL AND'T:XAKINfThE)l,;iak,'j or'i ti i 'iwfe'ttas 1 1 j,nviuYpN,,Ai;0v ,i a Cfllce ebr. Wont's sVuh Bs'ciYtreeis,'' mart-3sa BAN 1ANOI8CO. 1 - a T Mjjmmm " imMmuimmm CLUUAUK A; 1)UUM Proprietors 3DiMlatiea Bfetice. rpiIE prioVrslcned hu (Ms da? wllh. M. drawo from lite QrW of Tliompaoa k Davis, aud will continue tlta pracllesj if Medicine, SurprVry sod OUtelrlrs, In Jacksonville and vic,!oiy, ami solllls a rJeuee at ute old Murry IIOMsatad, i .TIHsitrtVAIH.sy sro riceiitrally loealvtl. ami con- vka. AlJl:venU.ntio.llu),Uiiloji n- - leh iiorwaatjdlinUiMlwlH iM.iraHKKSx day or e1Jot mfJdVSAu ckarles.'71 IIUMU) ;,&$ A HIUAMK8, Foronuor'lwo'hors-.S. In letUn'm.id.r.t. Hruui. Also. uood Middle horses and ismlH. whlol.iboyWlll hJy rfu tolat.sssltlrslV cpunlry, on rassaiiablo terms. Horasa io Jo' tbo saddlo or karaiai, A Asltffli ii. a4Iai4', 'I fi TbapWrlabrffs plK'tiMau4vM 4'smU a call. JswkaoHV)e,(OgB. AHgT3,-ltf '" " ' ' ii ii. . i fi ;- . .tn ,i ,(..,.IA ' 11 3.1 X IJJ11 rnt ml i, i i to o-ja.'o 7 i I rt ' '-'8 '.' 11 3.1 1 1 I Juan laarun :p?1'&;VirM wu una E",rt,'te-wjis, iu T?, H&SS aMfgeewtei-vtsja.. . in ' r wi)wMljJolM j.-3p 4'w1 h sfiibgl fai . . .f i "atJfcaaJs,i i4fcjJAsrt-fc. .JaMSlSMaaaaaaaaas Ts