Ll 4 in SENTINEL ! na BTKici B r muuxtNcr or TOO Uxrox. a Gorwar sy, ro, TBS wnoU tg UBWT.?4IIUL, lT.tS.li.ytal. WlOJfTIl.I.e, OREOUJI. MTEKlT IBRXnG,. JlTfE'USGi I-i- Flher, J. J.Kiiowln.u A;-0Mml W.H.Tlir,,(lTtrlWi.jB.,1i forBa., rraiirlw. Cat. K. K. PIiIjtjw. UTtrtto,ng P6tn, roP MTmmtH'- ... Iwi.mtt.j, LUt of Agents for lb Obxcon Scvtistl, Ki-F. Itttrvll. (federal agent for Oregon,, and tsbdio Territory. L. r. Fisher San Francisco Cal. J.J. Knowltou &Co.. . ... do lo Thomas Dbvi, Applcgatc. Ocn. FT. It Hill Wiluer do F. G. Hlrdcyc Kock Point do Thomas CrbxUn, ... Croxtons Uipglns do TTni. K nicer, ..Jump-Off-Jo do GoTiGilte, Portland do D. M. Thompson,. ....(.Albany do W. M. Evan Allhouse do Thomas Carr.. ,.?: do do Tbomaa F. Flovtl ..Kerbyvllle do B. W. ijawjcr , do '... do do D. 1. AtiilTron....". 1'uocntx D. M. C. Gaolt do A. Ireland Wrrllc Creek do do do ueoifc ncnn tnenwirg Theodrle Cameron Union Town do Jam I.. Walnon tlotcburg do Misa-JIattic Hunter. ,,.It(tue lliur do L. fluSulIlns Fort KUnuth do Ilinger Herman, of Canyonrlltc, general t Age lit lor iiougias Lou 1117. A flrst class Wheeler fc Wil- ScwIhc; Macliiac for sale at tkis esBce, Jar cast and DEMOCRATIC UTTEEANCS. It h) said Ut ne have no light to go'ulc la th future, bat the tight of the past. Tbt only sure indication of the principles of bkb and of parties. U their utleranees, deliberately made acd put oa record bv tbtntelvci . Under this general itatenKut we propose to reproduce some of the decla rations of Democratic editors aod speakers, Bails during the fearful struggle for action al unity and territorial integrity. First, then, we present an extract fion the eul- j 1 oi ijemocraiic jonroat wlltd Me trepolilan Mttortt, a faithful and able ex peamt af Democratic principles, pabllsltcd la tbt city or New York: As to the freedom and Independence of tbt Stvlb rr Aow no tpprtitiuiont. litr people ep never be couijuered. and, If that were possible, Abraham Lincoln is not the rreTta!! VirgtaMSly J'1 I proof that tkcresolutloo which auiniated Irgtui all through this war is is unbruk en at ever; that there I no faltering, no wavering. la tLe eleqnent word o this (treat document. -Virpmia lain ro tttp ttukwmrdt." Grand old eiiair. m m 1 cTrr wn. ute uay wiku you snail i.ave 10 , LeV Wwnth llio mkl nf ll nn.n..r,.l - ' ..-- j w.. w. ,.. viiiiiimui . . A.M.U -..- . 1..:. -in .1...1 Mas atKl manhood, mourn over the rad fate ! of a irreat people, tr.o ftll xchitt figtitiHg 1 Jor lihtrty and mdtptmltntt lell on ihe same son mat gave birltt to Washington, to om whose name shonld have bren sufll etat ta save tbt grrnt Coaimonwcallb from rt triad of thi litartUu mruier. B.-aatiful. is it not, to bear a leading Deaweratic jourost speoktog of the mad attempt to overthrow this government as wt would ptk of the tflort of our rev olaliosary, forefather to esiubli.h iheir 1st- ikpeadeuect indtftndmu X cy refardrd tab Desaacrat tkt Ittartlrtt tbe triumphant march of our armies, uud their patriotic devotion lo the principles of eoastitutional goterr.ruent. This model Democrat Lad noopprthtn sioa of tbe "fritrdom and Rdrpi.dcnce ol tbe Sooth." 0, 110 1 Wohder what k thinks about it bow T Wonder it JifTDa via' skedaddling to petticoats bus weaken d bl faltb aay in Iht "frttdum acd iudc pendente f 1 tbe Koutb." Uow strictly io .accord with the infa saoosKattaKSt quoted above, is the decia ratioa ofFeiuaudo Wood, io the Autum oflBC3. He laid: There iaoo such thing as rebellion under tbe havtitBtittM upou which the gurvctu sacai of tbU eouutry is luuuded. b'upjioss; Xcw-Ya cbcae lu sevttie, who date ul- M 18; prevent tier 7 . irgmla has th? r rif sjt a Nest Yoik. Jt u lire duly at tat people now tu refin; to.glre miou'.?.' or auoiaer oaiwr lor Jiu purpose of, arafrBg'iiti tat .war. ksaatXlbe teaseatbertd that Hit Ker msso Vftsod is ese of Ihe recognized lead. tntflBsj jOeaweratie'BMi;.-! A man of tlssjredcjfltellrtt.aail as iotamabdieg to-. ftNMB it!s party. yjiidHssMfaBK-tMriy, at aMr ssatioaal .ssaawsjrtooisasriioated smasi fcc Tli PiajitJeirf-w bo always rru ssi WTOtaa saaa ar a dolkr so carry oa Ike' ym if tbe soppseMtofiof tke rtUllioo, aai lat aaiataiaaac of tbe rigbtruf bu laarKy tbe fsjssiat' VavemiBent.'' Sap psasssaa j jsfla a4. asattweut of these sasa aa tlM'ay bass UeBusfeessTul, aassi'wsasa.aa aaW' iW; iMkstllyutb- m,rmrrrimVmJJT7fa.A T f.'UJJl.g-'f "f -y. w " 1 W MsVlsW'aalTiiBi la" w vawni sailSBsaiilaaMsBs4haUf. blsisy Hum rf aaai,r-: ;r-M f .1 AH - 4k ffiurSS.anh"Iil,'''"M by the Mowing t.us from 'xigaimg jot (duty and who did tint bear them we would say. von wnL.on.til.i-r. miwuiio ,.- ..1,.,. ..n " Twas thus thai Deinocra. itiUieil s fine treat. I ..... ...t .. 1 -. i,. . . .... . . treason' Then, again, htur For all that pjca.lng is tolhlngcar. ,' iTcrv tal.!e. ..nl,,t,o,t 'fi,.'- babble of tht trcad of ' rc comorlcd in one barmony." , ,,,',.:....,,..," ...mJerj" meaning ihercby When the concert was over, the roon, . . """fij" MTICT- m.y hum .!'csiiteK! of me great qurs'.ton, wl.nt will be the. lumrc w,me 'oonth"--oi.d rroMWrt we nrcn In ludnv. Biaal..i.r.rcHL.'... lotion thc wfcple prob&n. f I3 '' The renegades one traitors,- -who !fiave ibHowca thetertnneS-of one that was wil. ling, mean, and cowardly enough, fits boas ted chivalry to the contrary, to appropri ate the habiliments of woman, have been decimated bv the fell rsvara nfitnmml hr HlCrllt In MTII-A flMll Mtttnt. rrt..t.. .... ' These thing bare caused a vacuum in those Stoles visited by the ravages of.wnr which, must by tome means be filled. This J,0nd will still continue ,n '- accomplished bv tho hardy yer-.n-mry nf the North. They will lake wilh.thcni Xnrtliern manner ami o".hera princple. Tho New Cnglandcr will take bis enslnea ond hi knowledge of mitmjracturc. The middle States will mid their modes of commerce, and' the Western man will retain bis knowledge of Improvrtl agriculture and agricultural implement, while the miner will delrc Into Southern mines with nil the knowledge nnd rkiil trained by so many long years of toil nnd privation in California, Urcgnn, Idaho and Nevada. Hand In band with llioe. will go Dial I kountlnunse bri'enz up ez, he ikikljmz trreat balwatk of nallonal frtnlom, thej''l,n,,y penny." Northern system ef free school; by which ' ''"e li'sll.'h lnntwagc iz wrltin bl lu I the youths of nil clajjes, whtlher Northern nr bnuthern, rich or poor, will receive nn , '"T ,l:n' wii ever be iiduid tn n fiimt etlucallnn the absence of wliich, prcdictrd I lw hnt it 2 U be hopd tlmt the time Gen. Francis Marion, would be the canc j of the ruin ofmerlen and her institutions. When the North shall have en( Dtmanr' of her sons as she can spare, Ktiropc will be compelled to let her over populated com-' munltie setk their fortunes in this new arena of industry. ' enl novi ho lias not lernd to pel unli tz Then will we sec the sunny fields nf the j the sound ov the werds Indicate. South white with the bursting kkU uf ;IC ' The leters C, X nnd (J. with ther prrz cntlon plant, or green with tint lofty talk ' '' fonetil: pownz. nr cnllrele netc nhll tn inemaurennu sugur cane, T!te cry ol worn outfields will, o-,se unow t,c supe nor (ism di me truer JiuOoJirfman. The Isnd will be gLddem.d by the petl of the ----- hilU wilt be covered by the countliM herils grazing tiiercon, while her inouutulns will be pierced by the sturdy miner. Micn this sliall have lakeu place, then ,.. .. . , .. ,. .. ,,, , , Ihe resources of the booth will be develop ..I... 1 .. , , 1 , . etl as Itir ntver wiro lwriiri. nml (nti. lotions" be established that will be as firm rf .. ... ....., nHM IHnn and cndurlnz as her eternal hll!s. Thru will thtr nation be bound In one strong band ef Union, of North nnd South. Kasl nnd West and woe betide ll.e power that tries lo make headway ogaiitittbu great and glorious American Nation. ITatwabd i- Hau On the ldh Inst.. the people of Juckioovllle were favoied t.'ith a visit of genuine musical talent oi.v f l,0,c "" ' w icMem vouched lo on inland town Hayw.rd, althoogh laborii.? under a severe indisposition, prov. etl ItimKi ' a .'Inger of uncommon powers, both tn sentimental ai.d comic performance. Hull ur.d his .Mag'c Ilugle were the . .. ' wonuer nnu uumiration 01 a.'' prneni. 1 lie 1 !... r .1 , . . I ... I . iiiriuiiY in iiimn mnnn. ,tn.' .uii imxl nr- . .'..." """" V " i"Kreare: 1 bat strain again; It had ft dying fall O, It came o'er my ear like lbvsivcituuth That breath upon a hunk of violet, Stealing uinlyu log odour. Xul the Irast phasing of their perform ance, was that ol Hull on his wondeiful 'tin whistle." Il proved without n doubt, that there is yet music In some of the uM timm:r at the fo'gc, ond the merry rattle lis tru leaic onto oz the Intthet leter in of the loom. Her bays and harbors will ' silablel.ns In veld, ynro. etc. Itlsnhuti ozid 1 whitened by the sails of numerous ves-) hnwcvr at the l.egining ov n werd, with ncls, nr.O her cities tkroogtd by the buy j nut giving tu the werd eneor Its one sound thousands cngaced in commerce, and her i os In youth, young; in both iiwtanies ihe nir. isrncially FulnrV Hornpit. Theling Wghtcned at his ereJl slrengih ol jviiviiiiyvrc ui uuilllll uevue Oil IMC VIUIIII and comet i olio (xeellenl. To ilitv was cU'ired out for a socio! dauce, and when "JJmIc nroie with It voluptuous swell, all wri.'t merry as a marriage bell." At hair past twelve the paily partook of the excellml sujipcr prepurul by Mr. Home, (ought llttlr homes, much jileuud with tie evcalng's enttitulument. Inoiaxs ARnKSTKl. I'Voni a soldier, In rrom Ft. Klamath, we h'n.'n that lust wetk Capt. Kelly had arrested six .'"'linns and was holding them as hostagis for the rafe keeping of two Indian slave. The laCl? Ib the case are something as follows: A Lrtsnnaw owuli.r tLe .lurm ,t:..l ,! ..,. ' cording to Indian custom the slave, lo gether with some hone, were lo be kilhd and buried with the squaw, dipt. Kelly, being Informed of the proceiding, sent ,,ltm "o"1 ,,mt " thej- killed the slaves he woufu f.oid them responsible. -Next morn ing a squad ol men were sent to the icet;e of action,, where Ihey round four hones missing. They imoiedialely nrre.tfd six Ir diB and infornitd llfcir companions Hint unlets the rnfslng ilavc.be produced by Ihe next morning, ihe'hostsge wouM,be shot. "When our informant left, the slave had not been, produced. AThru txDi'oi-s.Exrr.oMox of firework ta anticipated onthe Fourth of'July; raid firewoiks-fo be bought at ilen. Jlow' store, as Indicated by advertisement else sibcre io tbi paptr. Ruiocs.-.KaT.JLq1,Hcj1oajRal, of nMhr.J,nrM j '. il, u. jb. obat'tO.. ,u , .- i V . :ttw,otHBastaTJ Ja.lytJOj :7T. V" " , Conot umrnfr.. f xtraraaameics mt BnUiH Orthography. He who redes the Icglish huipwngcfiu en He, scldum notifcs the tnenlnplcs maucr in hwfch a lorg proporsbua ov the werd nr spcld. In fiict, befor he kttu redo and rile the htngwogc korrrktlc,'nkording to eslnb- lishd usage, It is itcsisurc tlmt hctliud take It up almost werd by werd, ond Km that "coo git" spcl kof, "slough" spelt slu, "r o n g h" spcls ruf, etc. He dart not prononnsc n werd by onnlogc after Laving made a fu ridiculos ruluiz. A torlnor. or ter leri.'jg cnut ov the langwngo to inuk himself understnd, bile a spcling book. lerns the alphabet, and sun terns to kI ba ba, bob, bi bl, bo bo, etc. Km kourngrd bi lib: vnckscs so fur, he pursnz the itiulc vigorujle, willmut crn 'U nmtr I After n fu tveks nplikarhun, he fitters him selftliut If lie ktint speke the Iniigwnge i vcy wel I'C kan at leste fpelkorrtktle.niid solitltsiDin frind to lest tils ukamplUh mcnls in llmt, line. His Trend, a little wng i.'li purhap, propczts I lie weid "uny;" he triumphanlle replizc, "c n c ony." j, ,iz , mortlfikafhun he lerns the vc,j Izspth j " " $'' The werd ,,jv"jni. , m)i8 phn. fronting bl the ..n ulrdle leri.d, hlz mene mltur.z ofpepul fer us tit cntertane w" knm vlien niulih ov the usles ili'plaov I lelers fw Itd w ,c dun nua with. ''"tie first iuipreshnii nz the eiegtur.KS 1 ''er n fonttlk pepc iz. llmt it iz n suljtkt ov burlesk or rldkiilt ; the stile nv sjnliiig I helng muth the same cz that ov ll.e wiltt- titer Iz no li. thin tin loundz In the leg lih langwage iintrpiiznitid by ere dif link! kurukltr. 1'hc Irter Y iz seldom . nzetl in it lonclik kurakter, Iter czed in I leters yo have the louctl ov en sz cuth 1 j nnu enny. i . Z - n m ,,,. j , , , ., . ,, , During tie ncminislraticn nf Grnera ' m- if . .1 ,, . 1 "uililnglnn llurewasa paper pnb .bed. . c 111 ofestrtme cnwervatlvelfm. called the .fu om. ond tdiltd by one, Ilaelic. The follow, ing U what this ancient Copperhead" said of Washington on his retiring frnm the Presidency: -The men who is the source nf the mljfortur.es of our connlrv is this djy reduced lo a level iih his fellow elth I z:n. The name of Washington from Ibis I day ceases lo give currency In political in iquity and to h-gals-corruption." It n 111 j he readily perceived, by comparing this ex- j ' tract will, the maudlin ulirranevs ofmrMl , crn copperhead., that the prnns Is the same, but that the utterance of ll.e ancient " species are fur more respectful than tho. of the modern The fume of Washington rests untarnished and secure tn the annals . ..... "' "".. m -(nc 01 nit ineiuoris 01 lliese ! Imljnl nt...I 1. I.L.I. ,. .... ... 1 'iimifti ii: lu uuE.nl 11. n irn ni I .... '' ... .. . .. .'"-' uc me core witu Aiiralmnt Lincoln, the po-1 lilieal saviour of hi country. Cuiiiier- ' I heads may vent their spleen nud huil their 1 I poUnnous shafls of calumny ond ubue. ! hut thclrrnge is tntpolenl. nnd Iheir blows loo wt.ik to reach their obj.-ct. STAurzDr; and Smami it. A team, standing in the real of the enclosure over which Maltese nresfJe. ami Uemn. lung, slarltd up street. The dorses be dime dclachtd from nil rrogmnits nf ll.e I 'I UK Statue or h'eimtor llenton, of Mi soar!, which was ordered six year ogo by this cltizuit or St. Louis, of Mils Hurriet Hosmer, urrivid tn that city on the 2d or May. Ill ol bronzp, un Teet high, and w! cast at Ihe royal foundry In Munich. Its weight ii over flOOO thousand pnur.il. A letter came with II from the sculptor (j'ibion, who examined il in liurope and pronounced It a splendid work. SiSTEn'd AcAUAMr. We learn fiom Ul'v Ku,,,cr U,a,lvlH:l ,l,at IhieeSislers of Ulc.'ny Jm w reuuy 10 open a scliool in Jaeksont.'.'le, on the "lb ol September next. e will ptiblisii ot tlie prnjier time the terms ofudmlision. 1'ulinT Hlancliet alio tell us that he would be very gld lo re. celve Ihe remaining subjcripiiutt, in order lo give u general uccouiti or his ndminis trulion of the Academv's fund. Willi Ihe Issue nr Hie 17ih, Ihe Pioixtr stops its pubheutiou io Copper Uny. TLe pacer will be removed lo Shasta. We sviili it gieat success Io its wider field ol labor, aud shall ever welcome il to our ta ble. Tuk Wkatiiko. During the latter part oflasl-wctk cod the early part of the pres ent, Ihe weather was exceedingly warm. Por the lust few days, however, it bus greully modified, and is at present nnusally pleasant.' ' .MWOiots Bemces at Ashland and I'hosalx-arepoiipoDedontil JuTrOih; at MOXIOB.,BliUCth. J. W. MtlLSiU. .Taeksonvilfr, Jane Qlb, tfifiS, iitrriuiiu nriL- bluiiisstii 111 ilii-ji .. i-iviiiiiiv u Fivmthi GolJtn Em. HOME AT J. AST. Hi Who talks of rcsioring the pampered nristocrals and fiendish lender, of the re bellion bgnin to cltinhlp. iherhy Insult-' ing Ihe nation's sense of Justice, nud its terribly outraged humanity, otter having read the following: He was home at last t II was for three years he had enlisted. When his term was nearly out, nnd just as his heart letpcd at the thought or going Imnic, he was taken prisoner. We nil know what the word means in connection with "Andewonvtlle" ttnd "Llbby." No shelter rrom rain, or sun, or nisht dew; stung by vermin; de voured by thirs t nml hunger. Sodiy nf ter day dragged by, nnd f'wer and fewer c.iine Ihouuhts of Imnte; for the light was fmling cml from the sulr.-rvr's eyes, and one only thought, any nnd night, pursntd hint fid 1 foid! At Inst enme the order for exe'iimee, nnd .Tnliti was taken with the rrsi. n lie could bnr the rtmoval slowly hemt ' Oh, how joyful they ull were r.s tiny walltd fur Ills ciinitng ! llmv lender ly he should be cared fur and nurt ed Ili-w soon Ins ntlemmted furm should ! clothed with flesh, nnd the old spnrkl of fire come back tn his tided eves. Iluir they won't! love him ten tliou.tjnd times better for his rotititry's sake. A i.d when lie got better, how Ihcy would have the neighbors come in and lUlcn In his storiis tibout the wnr. Oh, ye5 ihey would soon make Jnhii nill niruin. Nine ten eleven n'eluek It was Hlmnst time tor htm to be llierc. Sny uml Jenny were quite wild with j'tyj mid .Mull er kept wyiiig, "girls, now be quiet;" but all the time she kept smoothing the wsy clulrby the fire and fidgeting ubnul worn ilun any nt them. Then there wus .Wi it sliont ncnt up when .Susy, wlio wn looking down the tout! Iron) ihe end window, lie's entiling 1 father' coming ! uml as fast us her frrt cnutd curry her thrnuh the dour and down the i-ntd she Q.mv; nnd Jenny followed, nud Mnther ? Well, sir rtund there, with beuting heurt nnd briminitig eye nf jy nn the ihrelm!:l. IJnt wlmt uiukes tlie girls so quiet ns they reach the wugnn wttir 'fuiher" Is sitting t Why don't f.tthcr kMsand liuj litem. autl he thne long years away ? lie is olive, thank Gml, il'e It" cmiM tint be silling there why don't lie kks hlsglrb? He don't ki.M 'Item, he don't sjieuk to litem; he don't evtn know Susy uml Jenny, ni Ihey stand there l III white lips nnd young fuevs fruzeii with terror. It is father but look ! lie is only n cruzy skeleton. And when ihey came to hint, he only stretclted nut lit long, bony fingers, ond muttered, feebly tlreud! bread! Oh, give me some Itrciui!" , A ltd when Ihey brought him tn, crowded round and kiiird him, and carried him to the warm fire, and, with strenmiirg ryr of pity, showed lilm the pleniifitl table, he only looked vacantly in their fuces and muttered, '-llrv-ad! bread! Oh, give me some bread!" And to every body H10 mm trttn 1ia !.io till fl.A l..k... I. .If. I I tt,kh wn. tvrr ,nnB. U ..,1.1 ..111 .......' ,lrM1t... ,, .. . ... 1 ..1 ., ' cvcr ,irori, fim ..,, ., OiMgtATiHTKP Got up nml dusted, or Iiy tume niher mean, left the cntinlvmn nr . ..... . . Illljr"ll nr . ah, ih. v.i ii.i. ti..i . ... ,.j , ,.i ,,. Ono news. per proprietor. Solicitor nnd Attorney at '. Troclur In Adiiilntliir, I'roHcullii" At- ,orn.v t the Fir.t JuJIolttl Diuriet of Ore- 8"' "' id newspaper proprietor. Solioltnr, etc.. etc., itc. Is u joints mm, not cc.-.liiig nr Ivvtom or age, inl.MIu s.z-il. om tubal lld. pltMlo voice, eaiiwd by bntiielill r. rojtion in youth, had on, when he left, n pair uf Iwots, Im not visibly UinS bid by hi nnU; he ulso wor.- mmI, h uml va H " carisd a wnteli. n burnlte r IdlN for cup ,,c"on-',r""t'iiro,s.)oo quill tooth-pick' (tic lias in'tiiT clothe nt home); he dot. not carry wciacle nor wear a enne. When lal heard from he was making Ids way through her MnJty' dominion. In the direction ortho north pole, and It l llinught If he don't hold up orgt htihd up. he will eventually nnch llmt lutereillng spot, tthero he will lw pulittid nt by every coniian 011 the lerretttal ephere. Should any perron or tvrrous kc such nu I1nllvld11.1l. thpy ll plmtc lei him jmm un. mile their name tlioiild npHaraniuiix that bundle of hills for collixllon. in ,vjch ca-c they had belter buy lit' pnptr that coiitalits It. Tor !io It on the sell, and wilt sIm ibtm n great denl or trouble if they don't, Tor ho . a regular bore In n legal way, and ten elm: . cc In titte, will make it nccctiary for you tu come to hit terms at last. Statk IVin Kxlenslve tHcnarM!' are being made ' Tlhcineiti-- ,,. ... nut Stule F,.lr of Or.gon, It. be htld , Su (em, on the 3.1. .H,. 5,, ou, CI( 0 0co lr. From tlie list or premiums and the gem-ia, plun 01 11 nrrat.gtm.nli.. we ,1VJ tin l...ll.t I ...III 'V . ::""" " "'" ""le anything ,lf .. kind yet held it, Oregon. We ,no .0 ir J-cksnn county tuken hadllimnm Z b. . 'C """'''fill. State lha.ul ,,ouB1 remote from ,hc mal,, bdy of he Slate, both In loeali.y and (n.ere , and dependent for l most part onr "".-.v ... ,nns, nranclK of industry that will be on l.lblilon at Ike FIr. nrr1 H0,8' K' ,Iai,,f'0, cpt Onii-e,flndWm.n..rrum0.t theKxpres UIice, have each just received a fitf 8,otk orncwtelionl book. "To Bu ItEovr.D.T)(e fl,g.gofr Kxprtss corner has been- t,rn.,n..,i .!. nk by the Uo,.d of'l'Wm, and I to be rcmnved. RETCnXIXO JUSTICE.. Four yrnrs ngo JifTerson DVia left the Senate of the United Stntcs w'ilh ,nn au dttuclous swngcer; nn Insulting nml trcM'1 enable farewell speeelt, to set up a slave' Kmptrc In the South of which ho'should be chief. Xo i ffort was mado on .the part of President Iluehannn to slop him or Ills associate, hut he wno nllowtd to depart In ponce, while the old traitor, with the consummate cunning nf a hypocrite, sal down und ptetcmlid lo weep over Ihe woes which were threatened to the country; but wliich his own treason had conlribrled to Invlir. He did nothing lo avert the blow which he taw dent tiding, Tor his own itrm hud uddtd rorce to Ihe Btrnke. The heart or the Nation siord Hill. Abraham I.111. coin lell Ids home in the West. Chitrpe.l with Ihe mighty purpose of the lb-public; reeling the uwful nspoiisibiliiy ni bis liu-l in that drend hour, he said told iieighbni at parting. "Pray for me I" mid ullulni'i! the line nf Itis journey to the C'upilul. I.e itpieuhd lo the people 10 nfk Oftl In Mt litin himntid Ihtin. The lightnings look up Ihe siiltinu rtqii'Sl; ten lliuusitiitl press es lluew it forlli, courier look It frm city to town 11 ml hum lit, neighbor n prat ed il to neighbor till, trout the St. Jdin lo the Citluinbitt, from the Imzollie ellfls if liltie Superior lo the buiilts of th( Ohio nud rri'wtitt ttp.iilike rrt.m the pit ioiiiifwinllhitiidll.ehilt.rilit - Ktinsa, there lu'.lal iiiansion pittmtr; rrom the grnitlle cltiitcliis 01 me Hust tied the slub-wullrd lemph (fllc Wtst. (ri nt ihe pule ticeoutiliiiil, the sun burnt farmir. fiuin the mine nnd timeline li.ip, 11 pmycr to Uod for the nutlun und Its Prcslthnt. Tin.- world langheJ in derision nt our si lence, und did nut hesitate lo ray thnt cow tirdice wits its chuh; tlmt we would xlehl tn tfccs'lnn without striking u blow. Hut the people cume eat of the suiicliinrie nlilelt Ihe Irowds of pence hud ilteorntiil. iirnnd for buttle. The turning Monuicli its took 1111 a look of nimtzrinviit wher liny saw the flag of the lit pulioe imihd to ee try Protestant ftispte in the North; nhen liny saw the Itinguts of iheir btus'it tirll tliuintd bulk, uud wouhiptrs tuiutmimt) lo Iheir dcxuliiit by lie lull id the drum and I lie ror nf artillery nt Ihe door ul their teniph. These wnrhiper pmyed for Abruham Lincoln ! The buttle wns set in urruy, uid whin blond bicun In pour in siiroius, whin the plains nlMissnu ri smi'hid like a itrlltirg cuutdinn, whm the ltitpldan and Itiippalaiinoe!: grew nd. it ml curivt ihnked the swuiup tiriieho before Itieluipml, the laliiius ixchitiiiid: "Oh! the ruthless butihiry! Oh! the useless cot.llict , li t us interim- lo put nn crd to this caunlns rcri'ige. this awful mutuality of murder." lint Justice wu returning lo America; It swoid was bathid in Heaven and mutt come down lu jtidcmint. For tie mon strous sin nf the natien, (lie calico met! make atftxmrnt. Lincoln is born back to til nc'ghhnr of Springfield, ileuil. nrd the Hi public en- sht'iKs his mtmory in its urn. His assassination was the nposalypic nf the Hehcllion. All I hut there was iTIlr utlcr hiuVfimrsess of osptcl, that Jeitl nl damnable IreJchery revtruhtl. Justice lus ritttrnul u mcoi.' captive wear eliuins in the piiion of the city he lell lour years ago bmiidiililng hi sword, ni 'wnggcrlns ubnul ns ho went, like Cuinh.'i' in tin slriel nf Home. Like Earduitanc'ui nl old, oho he put on tlw dress ot' n vtim.M- whin he gac up the empire. Wlittl n wretch, 10 hove it far lost the fii-liitf nf n mun ns tn rennuncd nnd tibaniloii hl cx Heroic Justice sliull swing him rrim lh Ihiiiii, whntn Inrlurc nl sh tine will nick him I Theie I one mlitr di'uuise undi wh'ch he mlulil enneinl hi uljicHrs. I (nd would bestow tlie curse nr Ihe Kme r Habylon upon him; drive him forth rrom ttninng men until his Imlr should trow like the ingle' fenthcr. nnd he ivnu'd enl .1 -rnis like nn ox. He is being irlul now for Ins life, and what I 11 worth. 6'. Hog. " ANTr.D. Till' lllSl I Vlllrlll-.. nfn ,.,., try's pnicrly is the iimiippliid demand for winking men. S-ieh i ll.e case w hit pirts. nt h-asl, or Souihern Onxnn. In support ornnr premle. we nfer our rnl its lo thendvertiwrnent of S. A. Hillnrr. .Minrr Itavti.g in view northern fit-Id tiMa. bnr can find iinploymi-nt nearer homo l.r "I'plylng nt the hdge of the Knterprlc .iiining compitny, n Jntp,ir Cnnniy. Hrrri,-nxi.D.We nre glad to see the c.. j nTnl face nf TJ. 6- Ilny.len j:i , nrcc more in our midst, ne reiumed ,, ',,,.,.. . eveiihm r,mn e. n. ..." v ....... ..,. t .nuv.Mo wiierp lie bad been for soma wriks past on biwine -I'MtKingulllhubelttr Inr'n sliglit Huge nf Klln.ltin . 1.I..1. -- M.vu pervaues his counten ance. Tttr Gni.or KnA ti,c pc;fi0 Cnai hs long had tho reputation or rurt.Ishtt.g Ihe bt newspajiers extant. , n lriClly literary and iiewspnrcr Ihe Got,hn V... 1. elder among i,c best. It cnrfcspon.lence nnd ediintlul ore of that or!r.lni;ir i !c to peculiur to thLs coait. Not Gor YCT.-Orvil Dodge, who. wennntiuncid some time since, was trolii" Jo Fort Klamath, wislim in ...... ...... , - ' ..- IIIUI he has posiponed-his visit fttr a fcw-'wroki. and ts still prepured to render iifi -Ihe hu mnn face divine," at his roonVln tills place. a Bej,-, Uow.desires to sse.vm. .1 t.t. c... beforo July 41b, "! ItrAM-s. iir TT"- "iw 1 : .4 - '-WitJraseiifci o In aliiatl-fc.ijs ( Vs.,, " v 'rmers ol this valW Ua Jj: .. rarmer. tn,ed Skwl 01 ini'tr uitni.t... 1. . o "" l.r rl,l- ":;."' ' B"1 nP bk fMtB. . """ "'I una not .:. lice with mnv hrrM.r' bMn P fnnny heretofore, livrnr nation Im n day ,0 ,.. , . nml ull should ret,.:-. .f :KM occasion. n..r Z "."" " ?M tWt necoshm. Our notlnnt ,1.. r., .. ,Ml .ftily HIi. Those .!!,:- vm iiuiiuiini Ma vf ! N't 1 . . ' ' "JO'CUW it I llOJC det r hw . . .. w.ihrtaZrz! Innlinor bI..I.1 u . , n'"F l0 undf BillrDarW-b, "r ewny.rn.dhisndrertWcment, f A Kumr-A womsn (,trl r.,ngnodsc,eHy)1iv,ng,Dlh0Upr "f '""."l-lc ''Went one evrn'Ust 'rik, bad her house rnlered td robbed el ver I wo huitdnd and fitly dollars This Hjhes,ei1ndrobbrryoril,i,l;M,,C0BMtj(. led within ll.e Inst Tew weeks. I)n. HKAnx.-Thme wishing to disMMi ..in, i.i.i . ""pens. ... - ..u....,i-,niC moi.r, or to tvfUt, their stock nr Incisors, would do well lot, mrinlirr that Dr. Hrnrn is sipW U Jal',''onilc rW a short time only, 4S govern lliemsclres accordingly. Joti.v C. IlnrxKisniDOB. -The ftfe grtth niinnnnces that (lib demnre-n(J ' l',u'r r m'lors has mado his esetipeto l - ",,"'oml hu iheatid the gallows of 1,111111 w jartiy unp. Xr.w Potatoia The r.rrrcr of tbrs valley me daily enjoying their dkhes of" new pointont. Whvn they have Ihon.ugh lystilbfied tlcirowntippellies,einpfot Ihey will lutnj n few to market. DYAUTIIOmTVOFMIEPECRCTAOT XJ nl Hit; TuiiMiry. the iiiiilir.lgiml bn unuinv-il the neiteptl SitlrJnplioii Acenej lor the Mile of Unilt-d Stitra T... I N'nti-. iH-ntlitg seven mid thriT-tciiIWi ptt I cent, iulerert, nr ntiiium. kttuwnas iba SLVEXTHIUTY MAX. These 'oteftr Iuetl under dale Just l.'lli. 181 A. oThI are myaUe three year I10111 tlmt tint", in currency, or ore courtr lillv, ul the option oT tltu holder, luto U. S. 5-20 Six per cent GOLD BEARING BONDS There bond nrc now worth a prfrninet of nino m r cut. including gold Interest trom NiiieinlHr. which makes the actual profit it the 3iyMjii at current ratef. Including liit.-fct.aljum ll'irpsrcTlir. per oonunu.bi.' fltleii ti KXKSirnirx raov rrATKAxn jrract-' rti. taxation, wiiiui ami imm OMC TU iTHHi.i. i-li; cent. Mom:, atcwrOlii? to tbo title lex lid 1111 oilier prupsTty, Tle lakr vt I (KtjabK- In currency, Mini-aunutllr, by cotiputit nltaehtil to each note, which nnt v Ik: cut ol!' autl tuld tu aay bunk or banker. Thu interest amounts to One cent per day an a t SO not. TmocciiU " SlD'J Ten - 5U3 " 2U $1,0(10 " Si J SJ.IWO " Note of Ml dritnntlnatiou named win I promptly lurtiithid ujiou receipt orut:rif littits. TliUis THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now oflertil by the Guveruineut. and It Is u-jiiUU'iilly ti.el' d thul it superior adrac lugei will make it lb b3c.it rorrun loan cr tiic rnoru. Less than S30O.O0O.O00 1 Ihe loan n. thori.ul by the Itt L'ougrvis, are now oa lite market. Tbi- amount, nt the rale nt wlleh It ! bvlng nUurUil. will all be -ib.crIId for ullliln limr ,nr.iilli. nliell tliO liotm will J ttodonbudly contui.iiid a prvuiluin. t hu , iniihiriiily l-ii Ibecne oiicloi.'off the ittb- i rlitlii:i to sillier l.uuns. In inlr that cit zetts or every totrn ss! etit'il "f tin' country timy l ntranliil fa ellllltv for Inking the hmu, tltv Nttl.oc.il, Haul.-, tjiul" JIaul. und I'riiale lUtlrri tliioiigliuut lite couiilry haie geuenlly aurwil lo receive mUerlplIuBi st wr. .-ulicrilK.r will imlecl lln-lr uu s;eoW, a nhiiiti Iht-y liue conlldeiic.', mid "kQ ly aiv 10 be rifHtiilblo lor Hie dcllisry ot tlrt tiutes Tor which Ihey leeelve order. JAY COOKE, Sulcrlpllou Agent, I'hIUdclpbU. ilpy 2U, Ihl4 ADDENDUM. Pru OvcmaiNU 'J'.utoiirii : I'muDixriiu, May 17th. 18C3. I 2d Serits ull old. Commenced on 3d lu-riis. Two Jlundml and Thirty Mil- Ht.n(230,llliO,OtiO) prieisely Ik. other two S.-rit,ixuildatid ISth July, ond Gov. erimieiil rwno the light ' luy ,ix Pr J cent, to Gold iuitcud ol 7 30 Currency. JAY COOKE, ' Subscription A ireiit. I'liiladelplds. O UA LKD Pioposal lo furnWi the (roops .---.rr-rrrvfc.T"'T:r:";k: ilt.ri.g in. lcai yntr, , smi ., -- "-; 1 8UU, will oe received uy lite js-" U..iiniii-ty ofMibsii-ii ncc ot that post or ,.i t-t .. .tniv vniL tfiiia. The Us-I in be or u good onJ iwrksl , We ituality. tu Kpial n.porllqnj oj lore Mini Itiiid iiuurlera J necks, shutiks OBd W-, u.-v talluw 10'be i-xcludetl, und bn-osllrirs-iii'd ti.1p.11; lo be delivertsl in feb qoaBll tirt us iilav be rnm time I" '" mjowW' 1.11.I 011 Mich day mi shall be deslgaated 7 the Muiiiiaudii'g ifliver. . I'uiiiiLiit lol mode monlWy "r" 1p1.1l.111y of InrriicceiHi-d, or .asooa &' ..a luitil limy lw reeviv.d f.lloit ?$ Propisul to neniricieu-iiiiiic-v-.Giiniii'aryurButsMaci,-Ii:Klsw' i.i Jae'.son,vill.-1Orr4Jr r,lu."' doritl no Ihejeiivelone. "I'rojat 10 lttf. nisi. rrh bAT." ' , .rt Propo'ul to he accompanied by a costs nunc of two uood and suflicleitl surities lor- jllie iierriirninhixvir-lhoeoqlratt. ' Tlie riglilrio're-l-.uny or ufiop rp, y sals U roerw-d. ' WM. KKLLY. Capl. ll Car.. Ongon VoJunteeiijAvUo,- Jt , . Tort Klamath OregoiT, June ICIb, ' Js-I7aft 4 r