'' fPJWSXT!XI!k m7Z'Porltr of "'" ,M'" 01' Jfom ",a m,1(fm " "":" T -nd POST "w of llfl!,""""",!,'' l?SV.locome..irn lPh.ml Ab I "J "' ,,cc,,-r' "'", 'luil,!C lhntK ' j, s. Smith wrro to nddress tlif imfl Z. Tberrnn, 1C make n iKf .n.tc cd.irt I parittiJ Union mm or Jackson county ! L In the dtsicfaliiin of the Fourth r jatr.for the " "'"m," purpose fo ri'!) tlie Blwatlcn nnd Soap Urn kcrs plop their wrttlng, to wit: llic end-use st oTthe actions nnJ sayings, of Mnlkcy, r.'Wron. ami otlicr. in their joyous dem- KUtrtiioni ot the late calamity our nut inn , u. .oflVffil. "'! fnr "llien ,,lt" clvilteftl wrM metrnrd. The pood huso ol the I ivu .Tuc'. sonvilli-, Oregon. rST In fnV! of Juckon county, ol nil partus ,':";'"1 "J" ,C miveli.pe, -Propo-als to I min'e parser, rrpniliatrs any such a movement UtUl snrgestid lJT Fuy, ntl nil who wablo eclcbrato that glorious day will do io a tbeir futlur did. And us for the pli County imbroglio, the following ix trsct from the Urtgoman will show to ux ralt ,,iry r,'crc nttti J ,0' ,0 K1t W(Kciabiliijr to llielr meeting wliuii tln-y 8tfoJjceJ the uouorob:e nauio of Juile hut: From a perjon wito has Fecn nnu con- T'DCll wuli Ju"V' l'"1 " IL-'tlllll to Hie iijisimtioii mtvtitig wic.'i Ui-n. Iluydtu d b Bvocmtrt ure to hold ut D.illas we trDtlit the Judge will lmve liulluiig Hi Ho illi the H eiiniir Unv. Wlun cullid cpoo bj etic of (lie di-luded dullurd who iiijiiiethrir"liUrliw m dang, r," to us ecrlain nlulhcr hi- would miitlinu ll.c ctttitg ly In pnsviicv.Judjfe Iloe iry prxpcrly npiliuthut mil one luifu nimiy Li bftn arrii-d for njo cuig ut ll.c ileJlh cftic i'fimdcnl us uulit to be punulivd. I ted Ibjt If they were itse real fllciiiln ol llir I nrrtnDl aiiprrlii'lidrd, tlit'V liuil better Htuy iltoBe.ujllicirvluliat fjnitli imglil btiiijr ill into tri'shlc. Good Uuvk. Ordern w ill coon be iisucd frca the military lit-udquarttia fur the crationcfa new sub militury district, in- dcJir; Foiti Kluruntli, Crook and the ttfwtcoGoo..e Luke; the diMrict to j b etdcr tit cnniuiuiid of Mbjor .!u.Un. I TsUseiiunU taken toguurd ll.eupprouU.. ! sod prelect the cm grunt iu the 0w Itt ceantry. We npptiekli' ll.l. uclion U it (rites us what we hale lon miiln), t-J aiit be the mrutis ufdi'irlnpirg u ucli SrttioD of rcunlry. It bus n'm ohm ihei d-J Ihil all siipplii (or Suu.ke ,. (',,, L . .. '! the .e I'utH Klatuiili und Crook, uixl tl j'Miat surprise lie iruii.pwiiu by wu cf Red IliufT litd ttlvff linlrptmltiil. dxroRATtus. Tlitr Cuuimittte of Ar. ricfiruriitsLaie procmetl il.e nrvms ol Rev. A C M.l) u.-kl. or VieLtt, to drliv erthe4ihorJuly Oruiion ut lleceiibra tD B,ir 1'i.u-uis. lie i rimkm ol Iu (he I'jltst icrni. HsiiTArD ,fc Ham.. TUsr gvntliiu-ii rtjret that lliry were ,. able lo In. fill titirncacriiirut al Asiilaml, i'htiMdx und Keek Point, but llir very Hrimi- ill i ,( Mr. Ilayaaid limipelleil tin m lo mint l use Tic) go io Jn.epliti.e next weik. Dr.. DeWou- lu, bun riviiii:uwrir ,.i, lectuns Ure Il.e past irk. Tl,e 1) . hafcvtimrof iwte, and il..-r,d u unir.' Wtler S3lllilV llmll I I,. !.,!. Run the article Irom -A Furmer," un lit ni ,ve, und ibe uilv rl-it nl -iliiiy Slnck Raws," under new ,nNi. gJVTO DAY FOURTH OF JULY! BAEBZCUE AT WILLIAMSBURG. Jrtenlug. which nil are Ii.slteU lo at- &1 Srtl,l,e,dV--Cen. I). Newcombj Utir tr iLu 1) .. JUui. Lane Co.. JAMH6JOUIIAN .- lopriHiir WiUlaiu.Uiri; Hotel. Wotico To Taz-Paycrs. I' S. As.ijta.nt Amkhu Orrib-K, I Jkoiiville. Junu 17th, 18C5. f pHK AiiLtnl Lisi, os lar us couipVte.1. A wi!beopiirurinipeciuu lo u!l in wwiedjunuj Tuesday. Juuc 271.. 16G5. m bit oluee in Jaeksmivillej und ull ;., roiii toliaven-c-nrdscliuluies, who 'r.ssl I.. " return uccor.l.nx to law, will phuw sot Ten 'm 'QUun ,t,rv?' ucf Jaw H10MAS FltAZBB. Aarrnwr. CllAULB W.tiAVAUK. Auislaut L. S. Ai-Hwiir. 8.i l'irsKiuii, District id Ongon. Auction Sale. fPAKK nullCe lIm, j W, k. lm JiwJ of ht hi eM ,,Bb,u ""t--"0". I" the high lsr . r K'" 0, bulurdii tit; i",1 fj.ur ,r '' -- p-1- i',5). We mIi Jtfej - ltf iffi "I4 ?"rd..y. Jl J.. . , . -" w.wv.. ... ,, ,unc ,iu- .VH. ... .111. .'1.11.1 .1 ....I .. .... eaie will be ul mile below Kd.i.L i M' ,,,u ""f uro ul J"0g:,',om r," J- old and uowurds. UrC ,wo ,,or8, WJK" or "Jf'" fewTTf UtfKon. for sule piwitlve. 1 , wye eaaie mouey to ,Wj (wrvrai, kv. si!L 0 1). IlOXIli o tock Xaisers of 'acliaott County. Q,,,?. 0USv '" Jksoiir.lit- in. 'Jonn "!d,y "". WC3. lor the lCi ,,n(1k!W"""'ffi- to hure BOtor, Si,. '.u,!;,wUd io"" ''P'oe IBE! lZRlsTi ?ob 2 L"vo implied sriili lliojaw. NEW TO-DAY. ' NOTICE: SEALED Proposals to Tmiiisl, the troops ut Furl K.nmathOriRiMi,wiiiifriMi bcci iluMglhellcal y,ur, ending June SOU,, I8G1J. will be ruviuil In- ii.n A..,....., 0,iiumiury orftilHiiiin at ibat nost uu- nl 12 m., July 20ih,18G5. H:ctvclto beoU good nnd nuikcl utile quality. In iquul roporiiohs or foe nml Mini quarters j m-eks, skunks urn) Ul. u tallow to bo i Jiciudeii, ami breast ttiln m (I down; to be dcliiercd In such qiuiiil. Hi us may be from time to time mpiintl. nml on audi dnys us shall U; designated bv the commanding officer. Payment lobe made monthlv fur the qiitinliiy of liref nccented. or m nm rr,.r us luiid nmy be rvceiv.d for that purrm-e. linibHj I.- lu .1.... .... .1 i.ti .' . ,..,...,-,,.,- , wr.i.ntnu milif nllunl I omiiimiiry irMHiisti nco, Fori Klamath. imii in Ml (ill'l. I'roptHuN lobe nccompaniril by n pnsr unlre or two gnod am snHieiint suriliis for the pcrfurnintice of die coiitruct. The right to nj.-cl nny or all the propo sals U rrscrvitl W.M KKLLY. Capt.lst Ov., Ongi'ii Vohintits, A. C. S. Fort Klumalli Oregon, June ICth, 186S. "a card r or the spring & summe Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. IUI)GEU & LIA'DEXRERGER, Nos. 411, 413 nnd 415 Battery St., CorOIuvhuiil, San I'ihikUiu, lmiior(prs and Wholesale DEALERS. Hnllrc Xcw nml Fresh Stock. Wc would call the Mtrntinn or Country Mcrchantc 'o our niiunmlly lari pIik-1 of (Soot!. Our flock compriK'ii ccry arti kl In liiM ci oTIIIN'R & FUItNMalIlN-(5 M'K Wc lmve cuii-lttutly on Imnd the largest "I".1 S5A,,,'1'.,,,,?.,'i,,J'i:rr. ,,.AT ,. . . Iiui.'i""!. ,yil 1MIUK IIAII ol unj boiiM In Saii KnincK-o. mid our pri ei fr llieMf goml ure leu limit Ihu-c nf any houe, n we nieivr ili-m dirct from the tnaiiufncttir. r' enafigumriit. Our stock cf iSIMtINC &.SUMMKII GOODS l I'Mttieiilarly ut'inilhe. mid the k'ie lure to llic country merebauts h Uh? i anT aw pr;e, k'li-nt r.-a uuu,u Liti than the cost of Importation ! We alu k p lb,. 313lo V.v1lcloss Iu hf Dry (Jo.d- liiie. wlilfh (ionU welmvi I urclu-iil lu llil tiMrliil ni.il.r tlie h uniutr. Hint are olterlug Hum ut New l'urk col. nnd Ut: We pulilitli this curd in urdir that we rsa makr new iioqtmiiiiuucrs. a, Induce llit who bare i.t lierelotiiiN piireba.-vd of u, lo tall nud exnui'.ue our stock. (Iiiod Aititls'N i. Low l'tict'N Are the great li.djo iiieuieuu we oQcr lo ull nbo puichuM: to nil u, urn, Mucluni ubi lu ol n. can luakc u gowl proSt, nnd sell In ibelr cuIoiuih ut a luu liuie. We re main, unciiully, Vour nl, ilii-iit sermul. HAHUlilt i- UM)hNlli;i:UKIt.' Vli.,Hf..H CiiiIhii Mini Hut WurtlniUx N'. -til. II3 mil ill llitliry Mint. Sun I'limrifw. .M .ii ell '.'5. (i5. upllm'i 2JTS7'&Z X'J-" J THE OLORIOUS TTII.I.I!K Ci:i.i:iUIATKl AT.KIIt U BYVILI.KI JlY I'L' liJ.lC Sl'KaV K.VJ.lcisl Ortd of Dr. C. W. Mbure, In uiiotli- 1NU.A iJl.N.NKIt AM) A GISAIVD BAIiL, To ctune ( fl'ln the evming nt the XTZCioisr zEXorriEJLj. Good iniiflc nud nil the cr attire uot.irort will be pioridtd for I lie occa.iou. ri.cor. MAKAcriic IJuiiiir Wilson Klrlysllle. lauc Tiiompfon Sailor Hidings. COJIMITTKK or AUKA.NOIIMCMS i Wlllium M. i:rai,s Alilionsr. I) ind Ki ndall Kubrvlile. Job White Illinois Vrtlhy. A. O. J:Iuens Slute Crsvk. Uood ma.ic iiiyur'rd. WILLIAM LIM). Proprietor. jfuiieJstieC5. Ja3'd. UPHOJLh5TJEltElt AM) Papo x XX neor. IIMUtKIiY nolily ull whum it may con lern. Il.ut I still ciiiitmue I lie biiiii(t nl L'phulsierir and 1'apvr Haigtr, ul my old sluiul in Jueksunville. All kmd of woik in my line will be promptly uttinditl lo. Old mailrurus wi.l be reiiaired, Cuur sucks made, etc A ('. ALU! ALIJKiri'S. Jm-ksunvillv, February 4lli lcC5. lf Veterans & Hecrxiits. rpilKlaM L-gIWaturo elves a bounty of X IjSICO tonicliiccniil In the regiment now being raited. It ul.o rotvd Five Dollars per month e.Ntru pay to taeli pernin IwIoiik iila; lu the c.milry legimeiit culUtid thrte yiursugo. Tlieso ninuuiiU are. lo bv puis, lu Slate UoihH TIiohj uithiug thise bondd would do uell to cull on JACOllrf & ItUftSKLL Jacksonville, Jan. IS!, 'H. jaulltr NOTICE. MY wKe. Marstuu-lJ illuck, having lift my bi d uud Umrd, without uiiy juH cauH-. 1 lint iry ull permi not to trut htr on my uxount, a 1 i 1 1 not ny miy debt or he? extracting. CHAULKi ULACK May Clb 16 til. inayCM 1 2,1 H " 5- ORVIL DODGE'S PIIOTOUHAIMI CALLKKY. OlIVIL DODGi: uould nnnniuirc lo Hie ladles uml ('nth iiwii of Jaeklllillo ami iliinitv, lb.it lie h.i- rnniin'iilly luoi Inl In JntkMiitrlUe. for tin- purpn-e of Ink U2 p!riurr in all I In ilrprod nrl or Plio ln;r ipli). and would topecilully wlicil u l,uiv I'l the public pllraunc Ilijoy.oi.po.lu-1'. J. Rsan's N-tt llrkk. JeKuiillli. lltr-iuNr :3d. leOl. IT. Sewing1 Ivlachiiie. TOH.V Nni'tll.'C would nnnounse H the Jtii'iile or Ja.-kr.nit Cuiiulr, tlut he has . .ru uiitl an uKruvy lor lhl w'rlo inv chli.e. nml will lu u' Miotl time bare a koi4 upply on hand. Till maclilnn pilhrrs, ' hi-iii, unbroldirs and nukes 4 dlUVrc.it kind- or .lllehes. Jaekxiuilile. JaMlury 2 1st. IT 1 a KViWLT N. 11. W. III...I.V J. J KlIMiUO., ADVERTISING AG'TS, .Nui.lliJ AT i.l:M.liik 3Ionl;fiuirr)' ,V tullSuiula Ktliilt, (lpHlt U'tl': ligQ ft CjI , isuusr x'arija.i'NTOiiiccD. HHUICAL CAHB. We would cull ep.cml atleutioa lo th er column or this papr. In uddillon lo the many notices, which he bas neelnd n-'tu the pre,througbout the Stale, weuie pleauHil lo U-iir :etiuiur.y toll profusion nl ulillily. and ricommeiid 1. 1 in to the pul l!c coiiUdence as mi hoiioiuble kcuiUiimii. and ft skiirul ihyrlcian und Eurgvoii, In whom the nio.t Implicit rvllaucv can be plac ed by llioH! r quiilug bit bvrvleon. Sm J-.- Ho O'ftlHt. joii.v r. iiouck WnfrfiiUUste.' mid Jeweler! U,(gtn Slmt.Jadvmvilh, 0tgo. ALL sons or WATCH KS unlJKW LLItY Maiiulueluriil uihI lepaiud iu ll.e linol style i the itrt.uiid Clmrsfw very iiicxleian'. JOHN F. IIOUCK. M IDtli. IfeCI ma'0 f MPOItTANT CAUTION 10 TIJK 1 PCHLIC. Doeior J.nil.ui. ProprMor uml I'riiiclpil or the Pnclllc Anatomical Mueuin. lnv to Infoim Iho public that he m lu no way couiiectid with any ndvirtls Iiiu jiartlis who may asmine hi nums Dr. Jurdoii iimiuhs Ibis icoiU! or caution ing the publ.c. lo prevent niipo.llonj undii. lb.- .atomic ilintiHiim l u Mrmaueiit In lltmioii hi San I'rauci.co, .irlies Haul nig in Dr. Jordiu' iiaiue, mil U- regarded 'is iniHi.lofs. inaiiin3 jta:jji:svrsv.ja.ji- Tho uudiri-lgntd would mot reecirully call the utleutiou or the public to their NEW LIVERY AXO . FEED STABLE, DiiOn-soii Slrivt. Jacksonville. ))' oubai.d a good mpply or extellrjit fcioldlu lliu.u, lo M.uwl mil mhjii lui aslock or ISiiiiXiea. Weariidbrm.iifd lo liumtls ractloii lo all tho wjy laiorus Willi llselr pdiitnage, A eood tupuly or f.--l constantly on baud, Ago I'JVMAI-K s& liOStJ. Jacksootille, Jut'uary '.'1st, J865. If B i d I S w g J no .t a S" 4HL s l i 11 f -13 II SB I m ! is B Dm NS r rj P i 2 5 5&3 2. - re r j , I f g S i Q r 1 I 0 1 If 0 ! JTJ P5 . It -1 f- - - Opposite the McCuIIy Buildings, JACKSONVILLE UllEGOA". Madame Jeamie DeRoboam. 1 ho Mndnmo takes this method of tendering her thanlu to Hie public, for tlie patronage which has hitherto been ox tended to her; and would respectfully solicit n continuance lire Tnbtrt, i m ulnajs under her Imme diate control; niul by lnr long cxperleiirc In the lnNiiirMtbo feel confident that fhu will ClMJiutut uUifuclioutoill MEALS WILL BE Jacksonville, Oregon, January Llth, 1SG6. 1S65 J. D. ARTHUR & SON. ian rrtANCisco, Cor. of California and Davis Ets. TOW OFIT.n FOK SAI.K. WIIOI.K i SAI.KOU lli:TAI n lurge und urieil UMorlmeui or ull kludj of AGR1CCJLTUKAL IMMiEMBNTS, Also the Ct-lcbralril OHIO IIHAI'- 1 It, (called the New York or Seymour ,V M jrgun). t umliliiol Muehlm1. ullli greul lui proteiii'iits, huiltig ii STKIli. Cultir liar. Cuii lai ehnngeilfrum u Mumr ton lienor lu ikn jiim tks cuts within uuu inch or llu- gruiiud or tuo feet high. Cm bo Und Willi luu or uiors houes. Will wuik on any tidii bill, win re liurei ran Iratcl. CONi: 1 HOL'SAMl or lluse .Mnchluc, In u-e on thir Cu,l. whlili wo consider Till: MtfT 'KOUi'ul ll.vir Sl'i'liRIORl TV orer ull uttier Machine. J.D. AKTIIL'K&SON. Sole Agcal for the Pacific Coust, null'.') ml. 4 I BI,MI,. IU ,-i T . V nj . I ttii'r-tr r.r 'J iUus!iyIB Nev ! Now ! ! Now ! 1 KREUZER'S 3STE"W STORE, I)ilfin New Slate Sulonn and Ilrsdbury A Wndv's, Juckrouvlllc, ISSTOCKKI) complf.ti:lv Willi Ecst Cigai'8 and Tobacco, FHIIsH CANDIliS AND NUTS, NEW TOYS &. NOTIONS Wisislji jiu.4.,:a-2kY', FUESII FI'.L'ITS, KrC.KTC. Mr. Krenzfr having tmrehnsol Ihw new slum one door souili or Jlrudbury ,V WudoV, culls tin ntlanllou or Iho imlillo lo bis com pb lu stuck or siiKiklngnnd chewing IoIkicco. Abo lo IiU tur.oii. bruuds or cltiurs. fioin lliu cominil liall-.iuiiiirli to the tuo.t fm Ctnut lluviua. All sold ut (he moat 1 1 Ural prlci. You can lw bet supplUd with any Bill cle hi hit line, uud suit- iiioiu-y, by giving him ii rail. Ili-ctmb i 1 IMI). LA1VIH.S' EXvPRESS. fiiiii.Wiikly lii.e of Hinges fiom Juik fiurlll'c in KtrbyvilV und WuM u Or egon. Leave Juck.uinille miy Honda, & TliiusUu, 4 A.31 Itelurning, kuves WuIJo cvtry Tiit-bdny &. Fiitlity ut 2 1. 31. Through paM liters will bo rornbhed with goixt saddle-hones ut Waldo, for Cli'.crul Cily. JOSIAH A. LAMMS, PropV. Oct. 28th, lgG4 oclltf 17IX)Ult AND PUOnUCJSlukeniiiex, ; cbungv lor MertljuiidU'. at July 13.-27 MAX .MULLENS. Jmr.TJPi "? VR 'S! k -iJ8J.i E 5hi; vrs .W k v. Vbldll 7MrMtst , !rta':AXNiAeAMA aASAv;uxrat4L.YA . f 'T .rTKiV:? lira m mm, Iter tlrils nml Knouts, nre ninl up In Hid iuotetim fortable Mylej suited to Iho nccommodatloii orsluxle oc cupants, or rhmlllrs. Her Uds are alnyakpt clean SET AT ALL HOURS. tr DK. C. W. MOORE'S Mcdicnl ntul Surjrical Institute, COM.1ir.ltlI SI, fTltHKT, A few doors below Ki-nrnr. SAN FRAN CISCO. Attic.mii.nu ami IU-juiikkt I'liricux, 0. W. MOORE, M. D. Lalo Surgeon V- S. A., Quuratilliio I'liysl clan at Nt'w Orleans nml lln?to:i, Licluret oil Morb'd Aimtomy und l)lm.ci or Wu men nnd Children, Mrmher ortlto Mma cliuselts Medical Society, etc. etc. Dn. Moonn would iusi'Lctvully Inrnrm the INoplu ir California tlmi he has ctAlll-li.il an lusllliitu for tlio cum: OF DISHASnS, Whether Accuto or Chronic, AT Ml. (HI COMMICUC'IAI, NTllUHT. A Tew dnors below Kearny, Where ho may bo coiimltcU at ull hours. Diseases of tho Utorino Functions, clianictiiUul by Itieubir, hi'itimiI ui lialnrul iuuntruiilioil. p.ilu in the pIiIhs nud trick, Sellntl(iti fit Weluht ill the pell I', etc ! Nirvous llendsche LeucorrhdMi or wliltis. nn Irentid on scii'iitillc prluclplea uml n perniuni nt euro (ICiotol. Diseases of the Sojnial Orrjans, male r lein.ilr, whvtlnr iiccut or (.iironlc, an. treated Willi nil tlm skill nud nppllnnres nhich modern science ha mide nvnilable A cure will lu uiiaruuleii) in thu shortl po-.ible tlmi1, nnd on tho must icasoiible linn. No nnxiiiii ilruu-are u-nl, nud n fiw dajs only ale lC(iiiliil to ttfect n per inuiielit cure Norvous AiTectioilJ, tucb ui Neuralgia I'urulysls filildiics D'inurss of Vision, etc. Mill icittito ispeehil uttrul.oii. Scconilary and Horc ditary Afll-otions, Stnilul.i In nil it.maniroldloiiii'illyspep.iii. emaciation nud debility. Irentrd with cer talis nud tiiilulllng leimibes.sperdlly evh- lug nil corrupt hiimurs, and luipartlug a besllliy lone to tho system, by purifying the blood, rcviihiliug lliu sieiellous and u lu violate Ihvvltrtl powfrs. Sircical Onjrntiotu. orhlmlerrr na tore, ii, limine i souutilloally, i,t.d Ihu p--tl nl iiimiilid ni l lie lii.tlliilc. Thu Doc l or will giinrautMi to cine llirnia (or hreuctii inn .1 k ml In threo wreks. by n l ew mod ii opi'iilin. Uviiriun Tiiiiiori, so , i iiliuuKs, will bo tuuesslully iv inoud, Tw nty yrnrK' resldenci In Mextco. S mill Aiiii-rieu. Cliln.t uml Ills I jst Imll,-. lu llur wi Ii In. Liryu Hospital nnd Army pnc'iee, bus ttiii-ii Ike Doctor udiuiitugvs jii.- .Milliv .w, nud his leiil.ilknblu sue c wnrnuil u pi'imlM) or iir.cHml cine lll Aiinium.cil 1'I.Ui-, i-xblblilim ull purl nl tin' IIiiiiuii .Sy.li in nud thu dllNrnt sla H'.oi dl-eii.e, tini Ihu uio-t coinplilo on tin loait, Willie pis i Apericucu u u iictur i r enable, h'ui to eAldulii to lit pain ul the particulars or Ibilr disease. No mysliry I. laude or diw.'usu or Iho iimmIo or lliulimnl but tlo patient Is luslrukUil lu all that p.Tlulna In his case. Mi'daluu with lull 'direction, will bo scut lo in y n.iri or the Stiitt, on receipt of klur ii -ir lilug Iho symptom-. An liillmary Is conuecinl with Iho cslab' Pshin ui. wluiu p.ilirui, who dtsite, in -y rtteltu board in U constant ul'cat uu Uuriu. llifir sickness, lliu avoiding lliu lurouteiil eiieo nl n litib-l. Kind and iilteiitlru iiiirw will bo employed nud no melius will lo Ufi ' iiuirlid tu givu full s.vllrfae'.loii, 1 'Iho Doctor' iiiriui.'iit uro Iho most : loiiiiuiMboii' und Inrit iirraiiKul In thu city '.....I I....I.- u ...U nl. ,1... L(.lal..t ...1 Ulili iuu, lliu ,1,', ,,, wi, ,i,u .n,v.. ,,l vucy. (AmiuIMiwh I'm. TO Till! I.ADIKH. Indies suirerlug from nny or Iho Indrnil lies MCiilur lo Iho sex will (ImI I lie Do.lor u salo coulli"iit uml sciuiitllle physician In llu- tiiMttiifiil orsiiMiresslons iii.il klnd rnl d.si'iiH', be Is wttLuul uu iqunl. nnd Lidiis may Till utsuml that Ihey will le ct'ivu Ihu most ik'Hwlu uml goiilhiiunly lii.iilu.cnt. nud secure a prompt nllif from Ih.r tumbles, 1'iliutu uparlnieiils, st Ills rvmalu iiui'C, fur Ihusv who dv.iru Ihvui. TO rOltltUhl'O.VDK.Vl'N. I'arlie In Ihu country, who may desire to consult Iho Doctor, can do so by kllir, nud ricile in rutiirii u full discr'plloii ol their iliscasM and its means or cure. All ciiinimiiiloullous wilt m held srlcll) confl id mini, iiml'lliu letter. rlutmd,irilslicd .MedlcliU'J will Im scut securely. Letters, lu isceivo uu uiisuer, should bo occorujuulid by an Lxprens envelope, C'lin.iillulliiiia I'rr AW letii-is must lc-artitrrnNil to UH. C. W. MOOItK, Ull t'UlllllltlTlul HI, up8m3 A.f riiAst'isco, l!llll!l:i:iJ,Ji DAIWANHLLS, OGS, FIRST CLASS HOUSE IN every risict, where tho personal sit icrvisioii of lists proprietor guaruntets piompt uud cuurleoiisi ultention to ull tlie iKiiiliini'iiUol guests, Tins bouse has been rifillid und refur iilshcd. WM. IJURKE, uplllf Proprielor. Dr. Onrbcck, has relitted his balb rooms at Iho OVERBEOK HOBPITAL. Thoiso who nbli to Indulge iu the luxHr cs ul u good baih, cuii bu accoiumudattd by giviug biui u call on Viduedsys aud Sm days. feb It j-vitf'tr-;,j M 0SB0RN It SESSIONS. ri'RCHASl.NQ AND rOMXISSIM ASWTS, 619 .Mtrclinnt St., San FrantliM, Cl. Having had extcnilro cxpcrleBCo In both Wholcinli) Aud rcbtll trade, w fesl w (Idcnl Ihnt to COUNTUV MKROUANTS desiring a resident ngont, or to an oeal. nl purchaser, wn can oOVr surKrlw Ib4im menls. rnrticular ntlcntton given to collect!, Hi mtrctita nnd sal of LcgM Tends note, Dun, Stamps, Sewing Machines, tie, or other trantaCUous requiring tht services of experienced ami mllaido sgtnts. rurcUascs will bo made lor csh only, si eept Iu cases of special agreement to tks) contrary. . (Sco 11). sborn, 1'ormerly with Oastikui. I'ikksom i. C Wholes alu iKalus In Uuu clotlilug, San Fran clico. 05. C Scooioiw, Formerly with 0. It. Goodwin, 1 Co., Wholesale Grocers, San r'rancl:o alM, Uit.vouciir .t Wade, Jacksourlllt, Oregou. RGFER DY PCRMISSION TO . A. WOOD, lwt n i ilios Jtsl.r, Sn Tmntlscv U It. llUMlltY SI CM, HtJ. DMlsrs, It. llUNl'll StAhslMNt. 0. V. I1:.L. Auiur, fUn rr.nfUov CL.MtK .1 I'KltKt.NS, Wool DfcUit. San rtmelv 3Iicli U. lCS. mtliSStf BOOK STORE, AT TlIK POST OFFICE BUILDINQ JACKS0NV1LI.K, OltF.OON. I'hc latest scries of School booki will k fun ml on llic shelves; lo which muMIIsom ure being cmi'luntly muile. STATIONLItY or tho . qcautt, Conslstluit or lliiuirorts Celebrated LIom WrilbiK Papers, fell no other klud. LNVlXOlTJof nil kinds, sorts and sIim, Cony book, lied, blue, black, copying nml Indelible Inks. 5iccl pens, I'ocktt, counter nnd desk Inkslnuds, Ink suidpusMll l!rncrs, Pen Ktild-s, Paper Folders, Lad pencils, Carpeiillrs poiicll, Drawing peucllt and Dmwlng piper, Ac, Ac. Bancrofts Siaiioa for Coutnliilng list of stamp diitle. and other u-cful liirormntloii. These diaries are tho lluesl nml tho moil complete thing ot Iks) kind uvir got up, A good supply or Pnsi books, 1'ocksl said alphiilx'l mi'Hiornniliinis. Caslern Piclorlals, mngailnes said cosilsj pup.'r kept conslaully on baud. A OIIICUI.ATINU MIIH HY of nssr nnd select Novels, lo which addition art undo by uvery steamer until. Orders for any book or books not on baesi, promptly Hllnl In leu days notloe. CALL nml get n lellur, ni.4 ir tbert la none, buy mnterlul und write one, thcrsky putteiilxolug bulb t.'nclu Kam and S. E. UAIWK3. CHEAP FOR ?jm.!9s A. FISHER ft BROTHER, conMXti or Cullfurnlu U OregoH riirctta, JACKSONVILLK, Havo on baud a Large Slock of Sluple, Faicjr IIKYUOODS, CLOTIHNU, HOOTS, and -SHOES, (2UOUKM1K8, L1QU0K3, CUT1.KUT, OUOOKKUY, l., etc., etc. All w'lll be sold at Xlocluoed, Frlossss, Jucl;oiiyu.Jan,l'C. JanUtf JOHN ORTH 20,000 LBSdRESH BACON ifit kali:, op his own cuiiinq. 1 Purchasera will pleaso enquire at blf lliilclnr hlmp. on Oregon aireot, 3 dowa ulioiu thu Post Olllco. Jiicksunvlllo, Jiuiuary 2 1 si, ISM. f. EAGLE BREWERY -AND- xiisjtacxj)Xi."-. TOSEPH WJSTTEREft h.s now m ...,,"J!'.,.':.",", '' consiaiiily maiiufacturlnf, J !B WI SKF.V, IIKANlfll und LAUdi ltKt-.lt. wlilch bu will nil in (juantltlcs from mm iiusi lu unit barrel uud upwards, to suit pmchuius. Cull uud lest his I.lauort. Jacksonville, Mmd, 3)( lflflj( tf PACIFIC INK U II A NCK COMPANY. CASH CAriTAL, 780,000 oo- ?'PIV.V'A", ,0 i,yablVl7u,, H, bold coin. Juiur against Los or Dm Rov v 'w 8ACH3 DHO'8, Aisuts, JackiuorllU. Oragan. jsii2iir. riaal muu .VTATB OF ORKG0N Cocnr or Jackson J County Cburt, April Term IMI. Iii he intU-r of tho csUtc f Wallas A. urldley, d( ceased. Noilcu Ulivmby glreo, laat O, JaMkf, udiiilnlsirator of said cstato. Ism Hi Ma' exhibit Tor Filial lelllemunl os aaW'atSjsvK. June. lofcS, baa boo,, K apart fw aaUtaal settlemeiil, Jly order of Hon. J, 0. Tolsatss, Gsmsj ' 'j n