Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 17, 1865, Image 2

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- vaW wrK VRjQarOV
To tbx tmcicr asp rxcxAxr-NCT or rocn
rAL'KMi.viLi.n, uncnux.
I, P. I'lilirr, J.J. KimivtluliVtiw.ni.a
W. It.Toli)-, ilcrtlliigogniI for bun
Frnnel.eo. Cat.
E. K. riill'l'J, aitrrrtlilt'E "6nt fJr
Vacrwmriito, Cal.
Llit of Agents for tie Orkcom SsvtcccL,
E. F. Kntt-ll. general agent for Oregon,,
and Idaho Territory,
L.1'. Fisher San Francisco Cal.
JJ. Knowlton .V Co do do.
Thorn Ihtvi", Apulepttlc. 0:n.
IT. It Hill WHser do
F. G. Ulrd'Cjre. . . Keck Pntat ilo
Thomas CroxUn Croxwa IHsgiM ilo
TVra. Spleer... Juntp-Otf-Jo eto
Gor.Gibb Portkiml fa
P. II. Thnmpjon, Albany do
W.M. Evans AttfcouM do
ThomasCarr do do
Tborai F. Floyd Kerhyvllse do
J. tt". Sawyer do do
D. !'. Amlraa l'boselx do
D.M.C.Gaull A" do
A. Ireland Jleilte Creek do
Geo. U Dean Elrenburg do
Theodrie Cameron Union Town do
James L. Watson.,.. . RoseUirp do
Miss Hatll-Hunter.... Kogti" River do
L. YV. Sulllns Fort Klamath do
lilner Herman, of Canyoovllle, gonsral
Agcut for Douglas County.
trvjz sovhcjz ofgkeat
xess. "Tea aaeUnt elite cvatrad for Homer dad.
Threfo!hb Wbd" lL lM0S 1I,aWr UECtd
for bread."
Sinsc the dajt wbca Babel reared its
bangbty Lead to the ilk, there bus exists
cd in the breast of the human fimilr an
icate desire to Lc known a ad spoken of,
both as cations a:d isdir.daak. by (mure
generation. It 1st Urn the pr.neipul
end to which ncibitiottt nvu, plactd En
power ar.d nuthnrity by their Mlvr.i, here
ever Iooktd. They have czkasited tUir
own icgenulty and rtioaictt. acd often the !
entire energies and rciouieu of their ca
ttoiH, In tLctr vaia ccJ.-aTcn lo fotcc their
name and memory duwn to posltrity for
ever. JM ncetent warncti Catltttd tLcm
stives that their ccccplicn rss the onl; t
read to lasting fame.eed that ihc only I
Icdeliable pagrt of history r.ere these writ-
ten over In letters ol muurmeg acd mWtrv '
cn the Cv.-d orcocriBrtlacdcanase. Tims i
It Is that we so Lltru trad ol 0tw.i L-.Hr. !
and rulers Uoving tUir rtgal poiatts and
placing thccitcivrs ct the Ixad ot their
armsts, Irsl njnicul'cici.tu'iulcrihuuid
bear away the btuinly UorvU ol tufcquttt,
tad dim, by conttost, tUir own Im-tj dt
ndem. A buadird ciitrt bur axil, and its
thousand warriors i.uid, rms to tbtm n
proud sight; for by the waiU or the wid
ows aud orpbatM, by Ihe cb&k of the cbaics
that bouud their caplltc foe, they kucw
full well Ikvir uamrs would soou tiacb
their own lands, tlul they ntuld.be burnt
in triumph through Ihvir on cilui, acd
that kings and princes would do tlnm hum
egc. Terse icvtca thry buptd nuu.d futtu
c page iu history thai Tirk's all devasta
ting Gogvrs couid r.tttr tCacv.aad winch
would rab!.Z4n their caeca rub honor
forever. Hut, alas fur their Lops, thry
knew not the true touiet of fame. Tly
knew not how futile aro all the (Hurts uf
man to use a high petition of poatr and
authsriiy to control ihe minds ol mm, bid
defiance to time, aul furcc hu own cemiry
on generations unborn.
To day we Cod what little Las Utn
Landed down lo ns of the wars nnd con
quests of ancient chiefiaini. prmrvtd. not
for the sake of thoic who carmd Grr aud
sword through the lar.d. but as a monu
ment lo the merit of the humble historian
who recorded their dctds of blocd. Tire
letters of some indigent author, who a rote
to procure a dally crust, have come duwn
through all the changes and forgctfollnos .
or the pat, and yet stand un fademuctiblc
monument of true merit. The ficlioa from
bis pen will Le read with delight when Ihe
bloody realities of the ambitious chirltain,
in cuwnion t.ith his very came, shall Lave
bitn forever !wt In oblivion.
A modern traveler travetits the once
fertile but now desert backs of the Nile,
amid the tuiru of great elite and the Kp
ulckers of an extinct nation. He Lcbde
his mind io the fruitless attempt to learn
from their broken columns scd dumtegra
ted walls, Ihc names and history of the
builders. Thus occupied, be stops, woo-
ucrstiuck', to view
the treat r.vranuds
which rear their msguiGceut proportions
bbib in air. Il( iuin nn il, nnU,,iu..
Livers of craniie. a. ib,-r ,;. i
another, and can scarcely realize that hu
sbsji bands could tr lave wrought 10
great a work. WUn Le consider that
ceh cse ol these graud monunxuts iv
quired Ihe entire energiw aud mourcrs ol
m nighty nation for score of) eats to build
It, asd that ibe sole object or its construe-
ties was lo gratify the ambition ol a sin-
gk bsm, who bad vainly suppvsed that be
was bnildiugn monument, the imposing dh
mrnsloiu of which would Imnngit bi
name from father tosnn, In every genera
lion for all lime, whose only claim to such
distinction was that lie mi a tyrant, be
wildered In his nltempts to penrtrxte be
yond I lie dim horizon of the past, the he
rxclalmii, -I wonder who built them!"
Keho answers ''I wonder 1 1 wonder 1" A
ne turn away .rem .w.f wonucnui strur
turcs.he anxlnns'y inrmircs of h.mtlf is
there U no one who trod these great cities
and viewtd there wonder!
ul works tif art In
the day of their ploty, who did not merit
the memory of mankind. As lib eye
rest nn the clawte wnters of the 'Nile, a
name lhat he had learned from his mnlherV
knee rws to liii lip; n name lo which nn
monument ofart bad errr Ikcii erected.
yet to thii day i n bnti'thold word in vx.
. .tiiu..i i-.i l, ,i. . - -i
"J ." - " v -"'"
Moers, who wa botn In the hind of tl.i -
prent pyramid. tnratli tlie ciuhinc heel
ofdrHilWm and where he w.. btiri.d nn
nun knowelh to Itil day. HU deed? were
an ererlatinp monument to his name n !
liencfactnr to mankind, bis name cmmit J
be fnrcotitn In all time In came. When '
there prrat pyramids which now. after tl !
lape or lhnuund nf jenrs. retain the ch!s J
el mirks nl the wntkmrn. shall bare crura. I
tdrd into dust, nnd thtlr site be fnrnttf n by '
the children of men. the name or Mosw. '
ihe prcat emancipator nf a rutinti of ilarw. i
and their pnlde nnd proleelor. to n laud of!
milk and honey, trhorc they were jvrnslt.
ltd to cnjny ihe b!eiMtnp of liberty, will
be snnp in every civiltzrd laml.
l'ast history trarhtt us that the linman
race can only clwrisli the menwry ofa msn
tor me pood l.e has dune to HU fellows.
Nor Is It material to his memory what mo
tive centromu till actions If tht rrsult be
thus btmficial. Xnpokon Dana
part, whatever mlrht have been his ambi-
ttou alms. UanMhtd frem till country ii,rJ itnry Conn. St. and A. II. Flint,
the Houk nf Bnnrbon, who bad Icrp-hcM a Vice Pmkl'.ils. Prof. Royal was chon
despotic stray, purifittl the land from the ! Chaplain' of the d.iy.
last relic of Ftudelkm. and pave his pn I On motion. It wa rtsilveil that all snr.
pte a tsstc ol liberty which insures litem i p)tt. m.an in Ihe Kininclal Fuwl bt iM
even now n conMitaifoDal pnverntnent ' Mtfd lo ihe ChrWHan Commission.
! ThMe "" Wl" eT" ,W rcrsrab,,,J '" ,,i!
honor. And as each eeaeratioa paies
aay, and the pnjudlcM of bis enemies
are lorfuttec. his name will thine brighter
and brighter among the names ol linman
benefactors. We already tee the sation from I
whom we compered the liberty nnd Iwle-
jiendenee wc now enjoy, pointing out onr
own Miiipion os n nnwei (.nrftten.
stntuman awl wntrior. Yet this same na- J
lien wonW, at oat lime. hcTe hanpsd hits, j
as a ctraiior, had th fortoms ol war
j thrown him In their power.
Ilowlsstinc tlKn will be Ibc name of
Abraham Lincoln, the man to whom o j
pirai uairuu riiuo.-uu tar fnie litepii.p m
tfcc C,0M of hatr-sr) ,lb,,,-T- htn ",rrat'.r tiMc, and national nrpMntlirrmrat, it I
,hc m,,l row"f61 ccmblrntion of trsitors j Ixhaove ui n to saertdly t.Mraic. osd '
known ,0 ,,,c fn,!,m!5 of ,,1,,cr 'ttc "P- livf rrpetratc Ihc s.imr ;-ar.d !
I1'"? ", T"-r 'CBnj8'Ior''. "d rho safely WtiRr.iu : Th feturninp annlverrarr '
guarded the raerrd charge thrwcl. rur I of the imnwial IVtrlh of Ju'r-the birth I
'r? ? of dreedful flenm. boet bydtfTofocrsovereisiirlchM. is nnhllv nn.
. , ..., ..
iraiiorsai nomrana misitiirean. itttn ere'
mtnacinp ihc very ex'steeee of the pnvrrn-
merit itself, lie dperd the rlond o
rrbflliM nnd ptmltud the sun of llbiriy '
tn wain lb (.tarts of all true fnen. in j
wkutrwr clime they Le faupd. And when '
traltms lay prostrate at bis ftct. powerless '
in harm, with Ida preal heart pvHfl-niiig
with bm vokr.ee. he was iait in the act nf '
rxUtaliup Ids succorirp har.d lfoe Ihem
from u fate ihey so joitly merilul, when, j
by th loul land of the airassln. he was j
stricken tn the earth. But ma lie &Mji.
sin's blow was struck he lad doi,e a nrble j
work. Mr Irv' lau-ht the world that re i
Mlwrs pollen np lo dslrny the tomx t
cud boon piven tn mar. the ripht nf Hf .
poTnni'Hnupi iwrKwa.u. aim nnwn ,
Jie itcsiroyid ilo latl relic nt bar
bansm. whkh Ian so lunS enrst.. tic na-,
lion in its 1L'Wfalivr halls, in lis churches 1
ii..i...-i 1 1 nt 1 '
r.d in tLc social rtlaticos of KlWL.rr.an .
slverv. 1
Although l.e did not live to rt the rn
tire dwcr mHinre or vll traitors In Hrm. he
leavin K'hiwl a nnree lhat not all the pow ,
ers or arlh can tarnish. Acd ihnuM Ihe i
cmtinent of America sink bnenlh the sea. j
it would stiU U- remembered ofu-r nntot.1 1
fenerations had pasml away, through the 1
purity nnd L'rentMsx nr George Washin;
ton and Abraham Lincoln.
I .a dim' Paih Through a builness lot.
trr wc learn lhat the ladies or Wilbur.
Uouplas county, nnd vicinity, intend
holding a fair on theSlit of this month, for
the befit or the U. S. Christian Com
mission. Tley are leaving nothing un
done that will conduce to the plrasnrc and
happiness of thore who may atler.d.
All should bear In mind that ollhouph
the war is over, the (flVds or it remain in '
the shape o( bayonet nnd sabre thrusts '
wounds inflicted by shot und shell, and '
sickness contracted by tLc batdihips and
exposure incident to a soldiers life. Wc
sincerly hope Ihe fair will be a success.
7-30 Loas. All should remember llut
the last series or this loan b now in mark
et, and alter the prcxriil series is exhausted
Ihe opportunity for Investing In this popu-
hr loan wl" ''"" I""1
Then all who (
have fifty dollars iu Legal Tenders should
invest. Seventv-fiea dollars In cnld will 1 O
obtain one hundred in L. T which will
pnrchaie one hundred dollars uf the 7-30
bonds. Hurry up! hnrrr np!
AiTf.XTlox is cal ltd lu the advertisnx-nl
of the Assistant U. S. Ascicr. To save
j lime, trouble, and expet.se it wonldbewell
I lor all to take bted to what he says.
r5aKiu"co. June 1 1 th. lSfS.
Editor Stntwtl: I'mmumI to public
noticx. the citisriw or Roebnrj: ami vlcial
ly aenibl(d at the Court IIoiuc. ou Sal
nrd.y, June the I0ih,I6C5, lodevwe mens
Hits for ihc apprnprmte cvlcbtntion uf the
eiMtiing I'nurili of July.
Mr. Conn was chocn I'rwtiK'nt, and J
, s. prccnun icrctnrv Binder lle.man
Dq , dfimcti brh-r"ddrefs. uml present
I . ,, ... ,.,!1 i,t.,t, .,,,
, ,! I.,-,,.i ,i , ,ini.wi
On mntion of John Kelly, Bre memlierj
were appointed aa a Comraitte oa loea
On motion nf the niti: prntl-min.
Committee of nine were nppolnied on Fi
0n mn,irt a r,,nlnlire rn ,h, nrocnr
. . . '
ment m UrHtcra waj Hppnmtnl
1 0n m,inn. dulr Mcomlnl. II nr Hur
mB wa, B1,.,inil n the HruiKr of the
l(vara,inn-0r Indndrncr.
On mnlinn. the r.ilbiwins were nppnintrd
, Cnmmilli on Tiwt: John Keller.
ifof. Hy,t. J. P. Watson, HiHger ller
mvu (f. jj, Ktiykvndjll.
Qn mmi.ii, nLVimmltlec or fifteen wu
appolntnl nn Tables.
On millon. It wn ti:ianimnn!y revived
to prepare en extf nire pic-nip dinner.
On motion, a Commute oa maiic wai
Qa motion, a Committee of nine ras
' appointrd lOBrfungi-Tables,
Oa mnthn. Ioafd lluwu was nppnint
ed ai Marihul. with twn ilfpnlie. On rn
lion of Hlnzrr Ilermin, Aher.Mark. Kq .
wal dominated Inr lit D-ptttr Warhal
TIM molior. necasionM qnlte an exclttd
dtbale. when 'n cnmpha'iee with rfijuwi.
, lri. m.illnn w.n was withdrawn
On motion. linn. Jame alsin w
chof n u President of the dav. n'itd l.v
' 0 nwlion. duly tcomled ami RirrW. It
' wm nr.l.rwl iimt ih m.vw,!im.i nf it-.!
present mectirt? be sent to tlie pronvrwr.t
Union joa'sals of the State for publics,
' tian.
Whimcas: It Is flttlns ami appropriate
that every kwr of Frrolum. Irrtpeellre
ofrMMj.an nffilition. ebarlshlRp a uVp
nn,l Baralrenor lultb In the frtv and pli '
riwn ia'tltulwos ofocr Lui, and em; j
naftorlop in the profound reMrratien. tin-!
mini. whWi. io the dark nl.'ht of dt'iiat I
Jim und trllwlallon, care birth to our im
mnfial -1) ctorall.m or lMd'pcndrn"-lhr
louotlalwn and supwt Ol nor H.'pablicali
priMeiiinr. uwl the clowN of iwr rrcrnt !
".. . .- . .
rwtmcal calmlJ arabcKU sobmw in
tl n-frwhuitr sumhlnt if peaceubd return
lap presiKrity; towtfore be it
IlttclrtH : Tat in ordvr to commtnor
ale in a style und muni woriby of the day .
the anniversary of the snnf etuiup. bj
cc.ebrattd ul or in the vicinity of Ko-eiiurc
Rrtaind: Tim f.ir iK. ...v- ,.faw.j..
cy. mutual harmony, nnd a surcenful ac
ct'mpliihment of Ibis our purp-ir. a uffi
cieut number of aprvial ciiniuiitlrrt becho
Kn tu direct. miDj.-e and cuntml tdr uf.
fairs peneruliy pcririfni'.jr; lo the raiibrulinn. '
tlw plain far the uccumphshtmnt ul which
lo be iltcidni upon, ami matund bv tins
asnniblys und be it furlhir
l,,t.tdl That iiulinH of infofn..!!....
i coiivniiuir ibis our iiroiou luiIukviI lutn
,w. awJ llw ,)tlw(,Us ,, w)ld, lhcMIUr
1. 1.. ,,wi,..i..i 1 -...1 .-...
... miu, nuuL-ucuiu 1
ud un.ot.p all miiuiis of Duuglu, Uoumy; '
.1 ..k.. .1.... ...... :. ..- . 1
aui ui.o tuai a public mviiution b exwu I
uiu iui un iu parucquie. irrtpciire ul
I ItlPllt i jui..t 1. !... SIM .
l0 0,in;f tocv;r. once agum
iraiii it... 11,-1 r-.i.t, ..r 1
! ' VM SV,ifB .UUIJIIILIIU. 1 iin .
.cus banner all trus bearwd -.t,-
,u necome with ...,- i...... ......
with acclamations uf Joy the rwurreu'ce of
ih.ii IU-.,n !.,.. .i..i 1 , ..... :
ry, .he last ho, and salvation or t4v !
rrrrman lb.nup.lmnl tl... n,v.,h..l .....! . 1
the uuuivcrsary ol American IuJeieudfniv.
On motion, lhv is...nilily mlj mrr.nl.
IIKNHV 4i. CO.NX, Pn-s.
J. S. Prckuax, Six.
Tishprra.nck is RusEncno. By private
letter fiom H srburg, we liarn that the
-United Lodge" of the I. O. uT Uood Trm
pltir, or that piuce "has commenced its
career with most flattering prospects. 'He
legions or King Alcohol arc one by one
prarully rtlreutlng beyoud the 'vale or
"The lollowlnp Is the result ol Ihc eke
tion had for the ensuing term: Hmzrr
Herman. W. C.T; Mis Isabella Flint.
W. V. T.; John Kelly, P. W. C.T.; Rev
Ceo. Brown, W. SI.; Geo. H. Briges, W.
I). XL; Rev. Win. Spaulding. W. C. ti.;
W. Crur.e, W. P. B; 11. Hexon, W.T.;
I. Watson, W. S.; Andrew Jones, W. I.
J. Chllds, W. O. G.
PllLrrooRAriiT. Tboic who wish to see
the art ol photography Iu all its brunches
nnd In its greatest prelection, would do
well to T'uit the rooms ol Peter Britt. at Irs
residence. No one can spend un hour bet
tcr than to go there, pet bis picture,
and tee the pictures and Cowers.
n T.,ir.i:ninc f"11" f-,!e
vfr, manr hare ercr ! ready to prclicl
that JackoiiTlllc wonl.l K I'"n " n ""
rrar. They point out the tote r,f n.aivv
ion which lud Uvn built np entirely
dependrnt on th? minw, n.rl llwt frril
y a imall dUlrict. oj proof of the ul'mnle
lallarc of thl town. They do not take in
lo wnid.Tation the fact Hut wc bare i"'l
only nm- nr the larct and nmt pr.d.llc
mlnins dijtriel lvtwreu Brnw ln n'l
Sacramento In nppnrt n, hut n!i one nr
the mrwt litlf'l n'l tittiU tracU nf
farming land on Ihc coa't. But unmc aw
ready to mt the cnunlry on which the town
most depend for a support Is coins down,
became there nre nnl so in my coo-l hlp
lel to.Ickontillenlii fiirm-r ttrneo. A
mnmrnl'n conide-utinn will contince any
.i . .l:. :. .. UA n.,M Tim rrr
" .",., , .,., ' ,.,, J nf rm!. in
amin "" "" -
,. - . .... .l.fiMi il.,f niinn
I .lttcic'iiiviiir c'lin'-' '" '" '-'
' tmiMirer. who f.irmrly pnfhMftl 'hrlr
prxnls hf re. ship now direct from 3 in I ran
ceo.nnd llu'nffi:reffatehipm'nl to the
rnnntr, lntftl of dinilnWiln. hare new-
, ally lncriM-l. Other lntet in ,irknn
. rille haw lnerre.l siiffirifnlly to mnrr
than coitrlerbih-nee tlf smill fallinff "IT'f
the trade. a is pmren by lt cnntiniil im
prnremonts frnm year lo year. The care
rut nberrer will divorer that rvrry yea'
our I own is lieoimlnff mire p-rmancnt In
Its bmineM. nnd thai it future pripcl
were nerer more flattering than at the pn
mt lime.
TiiATri. Illram AhVit, nsidlnc nt
Flnnnc- H"k. nn the Risite lllvrr atMl
John Day Wcnn llowd. nhile in tou
Ihe pat wnk. very kindly furnlshtil us
the folbirrinc report nf trnrel, shnwin?
that Ibis road is nw a thoroughly well
opned and piiictlcable liirhway fur travel:
F.A. Stnlinth IVrhap the cood jieo
ph nf I5"i:uf Hirer Talb-y wnuM like In
knnw the nmuat of trnrel nvrr the Ile-ur
River and John Py Wagon llpad. frnm
may liih tip to May ,1(lih. lit te Is a lis':
,Tnhnnn wA my plrre May ln'b.
with two hundred head nf cat tic, five men
and nine hones. He ns fmm Sliatn
Vnlr. Cal.. ami bound fur Wiilm Wnlli
trim-r A- Cn with rrom 1"00 to l.JiflO
' had nf lp. seven twn awl nine lKirs.
j Irem .ShnHn. ami bnm-d fur Canyou City
nad Mv 2M. 15C5.
Robin, with '-'00 hid of cattle, five
j men und nlr Uod ot Ur.s. frnm Rnttir
R r:r Vnllfy. bcand for Bohe-ps-rd
May 29th.
Crook ey ft Maprmler. with 234 bead
0f cattle, six men ard twclre horrr. frnm
It-m Hirer rr.liv. Uiuhd for Canron
LMr. wixr! .Mv 3mh. 1606.
.McCoy, wiih 3S4 1 ted nf catllf. ten
mrnund eighuen kirits. btucd f Wtlla
Walla. l'id May .lilt
UHdw. some fiftrtn ininrrs.ai many
hm fawli-ne wepon r-i durirptlat
time, and on June 10th n SimuM. mule
train of stvcntv mules at d knnt. ai.d icr
CB n-,,,, bostid'for the I-l:, d.
--- -
''"c "'' i" p'' '
! u m.. I- .1
''",kn cumy are nut murii iriren tn
''rMpcirir. but peopte hu Jki- tlmnigr.
urr fiMjutHtly Wml to y tnt it is tl-
,,wl f cmwitK dntriet on th col
' ,n"h " our f",il ""l1 M"rr " fa"
'" ' .Twr ,hc .TwW " n,", vxt'w
''"r.T- ''" PP'- iwr- P"e. ohnry nnd
plum Irtts ura Udd to their MtmtMt. A I
so iimall fruits uferery drtcription such at
blacklmrriis, ruperrir. auanberrirf, elc
, U'iik; of jour nalUe web foot "IraHbrrrir?
, either, but tht- fine delicious douietic-at-d
'5m,' '"'P t',lt",P,, ,0 t0 inl ,to
New P.r.-iriKMiK. Julm . Live Kq..
t'jyit cumpWtiug tiM .r riuUnc, in the
... f ,L.. I?-..- IT. . ...I.:. :.,
I "vii ui m i.Ajnvrr uiuvr. llil.ll niH irnvi-
an nrninunt tn the town, uml a t-ri-at im
,......-,.1 ,.,.. ....,... . 1....1.. i
:. . Tlll4 u e tfcr
r . . . "
cimuiiion or imr town, nut apnxiftnat (I-
feIIw of olUr aiyj, , ,r ,; of c,
. . . ' '
b.iar.l shantiw muit give way to permanent
D. A. II. Oviintueic'a Hatii. "Wmh
yourtdf from till UHcieanlinrss," e Iwlivr
' "'! ,."j".HC,"." ,f "' ,J"':-' ' "" "'-
u'uo" U'K- "" -ho would lu.k.n uu
In guo.1 udvice ure hereby triijonml 10 vi.
" ' wv"ecK line lutn rouins at llt
"r1"""' lWaV Wwki 6aw
"U " ,''tJ'
DKPAKrt'nB'. .L-,rs. W. U. '("Vault
and R. II. lUiwi, .tart fjr the 0ylv
lu-morrow, to try their fortuars In thut
new E dorado, Tln-y have been contiecteil
wills the interests nr Southern Oregon
since iu earliest settlement -W.G.TVuuli
as a rarintr, lawyer and editur; It. JL
liuim-s as a merehant.
For Ft. Klaiutii JL Uioom and Jos.
Until, of this town, sturu-d this vtetk for
Ft. Klamath with ruur rright teams. They
Intend goiug over Ihe inounluiii by the
Hutu- Creek road. A drove or cuttle ure
poing before the.r teams. There is, it is
said, but three or four miles or suuw 011 the
summit at present.
.Mci.K Dkad. On Wednesday last, as
Ihe team ol I. Williams, or Wagner Creek,
driven by h'ts son, wus ucending a small
bill, ubout five miles Irorn town, one or the
mules became disabled nnd laid down and
died in the ro-ad. The wagon was loaded
with lumber.
Indian Shot Lust week on Indian
who as confined nt Ft. Klamath for
Ihre-utenlng to cut the fVuyboai loose ou
Liuke Illver, was shut by a rwntlnrl, while
attempting to escape.
(ntrouruu t:xa.uurrunTiii: HtftTtNKu'
Xcw York, 5th. Commercial's ur-cchil
jays the Mexican question once more at
tracts attention. Uen.'Stctle lss becu or
dered to the Rio Grande, with nn unity ol
nb&'rvnlloii of IIO.OOU mon. Foreign nm
ba.ndor nre greatly rple.id by the
nmvem.nt. It is understood thnt Count
Broutholoii will dutmiid un explanation
r al.. Cl.tA t Issnnrllltl'ltt.
Special to the P-t, dated Wellington
full, mv Dr. Snmnel Cox, or Lnwrr Mury.
land, churged with hnrboring Booth nnd
ll.irrnld.bna bttn nrrrtid. Col. GreM'.
proprietor nf the- A'un Nv p'' " w',l
histuii. uml hi wile lmc ulo n.l uncl
ed. Fnrlrrss Monroe, -tth. Tin M-culnl pn
lion or the Texmi iiiliii"ii. cmpi 1..
troopi" ol the lt dvi!im, 'JA1I1 p-ri. in
der cuntriMiid of lltiaadwi U.tie'rul I)ii
lii miled.
New Orleuns full. Clm'f Ju.t.ce Chan
airlvnl lo-doy Irwin .Miiliik. CS111. Iirri
dan bus asoitnn! comuiund or th military
divi.loii of the SiHilliwe-it. nilirni ilitf the
eimiitry west ill ilw M i.iippi nnd mihIi
of the Arl."M'Ss river. Gi . Cmitiy und
fcltenl-l. irnxe isiwi ..r.ir.. rinmiiu
coitoti to be brought lo liiatkft w.Him.t
inlluu.v ininfrViice. Cutiliy Ima d tide 11
. . . . , ..
ilo; Gulf H partmf.it Into the fiilli.wiiir
four d.vwin.w: IittKwim, heiulfpinilvrs tv
N.w Orfean.; Miisippi, heuilqnuri.-is
, ' 11 . .
ul Jackinn; Alitbutna. lu-udquarlers at
Miinlponipry; Flurida. heuilquiirii-rn ul
Tultuhaev. The cit'Srn? nr IiuUur.a
appear to lit? much prutititd by the pro
einmme nf the new niililury nuthnritir.
(Jen. lload, the Inst rebel of nol, sur-'
reiidtrrd to Gen. Sheridan.
Washin?l.iu Tilh. An older for there-
lene of nil prisoners of war. ui.ikr the
.,...' .. , , .
runk ol Mn.'ir, will won be issued. Coin-
liiissionrd officers will be nquiml to p.ve -
1 1 . .1 . .. , , 1 r.i
bonds for the r...thlul olmrvuncc or their
iMth. The i'rrsidt'ii. ha' within Ihe pnt
lew days runted a llirri.tiliiiie Irtlit
winch Ihis bre 11 plured In ihe Imnili ol the
proper oulhoritirs for investicalHin.
New York Alb. The Sleumer Havana
with liavanu dniM lu nmy HO.Ii. has nr
rited. Advicts frnm Galvrlmi liy u
biuckmle rttnner, rtneh tu .Mov 25'h. utid
I 1
lute lhat prrnt confusion nnd nnarcby
rritrned in that ei.y nnd Hoikioii. Tin
bark was rubbrel nf the Carifi luken therr.
j .. 1, 11 . 1 H ., r
and rtui nnl u Havana in li . On
Murmhr ntlimp.ed tu mnke ns)ee-cli, but
the soldiers lii?fd i,ml sllrni-.il him. c
..... , , , , , ,,
wMtn.d they hud len tiuiubupcii) Imp
enough, utd intruded to fettle ii!Tnr item-
sWres. Ma-ruder rrtnnird lo San At -
toniu. Texas, leavirp the mnjority of the
prineipV nft-eer to hurry up the surrender.
It was also raid that Gens. Murry mid
Kirhy Smith had gone to it to surrender
the Slate.
Mrxieun dates tn My 2?lh slate that
cuerrihas were thick ih ercr. The U. S
sleaim-r Su- 1 liiiniia. the mittiiiors M n
nilnek nnd C'iiiinuieu, nnd Ihe- ifiiiiuoNt
l'lnp'uu. Tnlm.k.r. MiuilicrllotiMl Wn
do bad arrived ut Hatuna uusIdj u great ' lii(230JU0.000j precisely like other tao
deal uf excitement. j S.ri.s. except dated 15lh July, and Out-
New Yik ft:,..V..iM..n -rlsietf "'"'ltU '"" U "Ll ,u l' ,ix
l-if that il- re,n!i .r the JudU-UI inres ; " in UoM Xni ot l!urrtBC7
ttSMMou at Nav.in. sbwiiip Umt the- Yrl- i JAY COOKC,
Invr Feter lost Miiinmr. wbieh crnl (! oubcriptini Ace.it. I'jladelphis.
.jme-tlxofande ! rop.V, uuroiluixl
by the infamuus Dr. Blaekburg,h,cai.d
thr utmit horror.
Tin- n-iple or North Cnrnlina are f.it
iKonminp ncorieilrd to the fne 's'lior .ji.
Htll. illid llr me clmtice. Tlflr i
strom: naieiimmi li-n.vii miiim ,i,
riiH-r )iv4. Thry vk imc.i trtori.
iimkr katefuetore tmn. for ljl,m !'
uniwr.ul uttlrux ijii-imh. hs- r. ,-ir.
iiitrnal. lire iiilf i,r ug ilirulii , x a.
t Iftr UriK whrn Ihc ItrVSlH, H-HM V.m.
The billow ii h tlie PitpNliiHlV order
retracing Hurrir:
WAMiisGr . M i 3Ut.
In thecal ul IUiJ ti lliirri. the
Biiiio- 11 hd nm. i.e. of ibr o-iiirt un here
by iiiiiir.nv.1 uml cHitirm il Ailditlonut
I'V.de-aiV II wl aHllaVK. ln.H.-V.T, Iw-.tring
iipiin llir ca-. fav-i.nilib- lo lh iicni-i.l.
Iu4t''lip Im-h prrM-iiinl mid k-.,iiidi-reil tiv
me incr Ihe Kiitrucf ur.Mnl. I th-mi it
prnK-r In direct ilmt Ui M!iitna-r in a it
Kir jsrxsr""'' -
Hiruityof asliiiiifiini, Iroin Lvrr-. ,0 wni. ,'o mdess you shall ar
pool. May 24th. nnd Qiwistown. M-iv i-ur be'oro A. V. G litl. a Justice of lb
25lh, Ims arrivnl. The London W.,rld , I'-urr. in and for said county, at ; h 0 ttw
z:i ,,uw,i? r,e Au,r- " "- i xvz
linns has reached hu unpleasant point. r0U ; Jour proper! sold to pay th
Orrut Brttutii huvinp rcfuuil indeinnliv.
the Atnericun nj'iindvr ulludei to compul
sion. The Pari Moniltur confirms the report
in regard to the order limiting the atny of
Ftdeta I vessels in French porls, and says
Frunce has n!io nnnuunced that the will
hasten the removal or all other icstriciinns
oh soon as the Washington Cabinet ceases
tn exercise cxccpiional rights, which us 11
belliacrrnt it is enabled to claim towords
neutral vessels.
' -
The National Dxur. Wc hate
had the cau?; we are now experiencing
Ihe eflVct. This "great war" lenrea the
United States with a debt of three thous
and milliimj ol dollars fortunately due lo
our own cilir-ns nnd the cpiestion whelb
er It shall be payed by the peji!eW Ihe
present generation or of generations to
come Is now to be acitaled. Il Is eslima
twl In tbe Tnunury Bvpar'.ment in Wush
iupton, that with the prc-nt taxation and
uo increase of revenue, the debt may be
paid io twenty Gve years .V. ' flag
mns. icrrrtfiiiv n -. -
wire orihe arch-lrallor, mTJ
t-cdwnhhim,,, U, second "T
lKMer nf General Taylor havInjaS
raatiT vi-nni n. i.. . .
ey ? since. Mrs. r..,!.. i Tf4
name was Verrua Homll. cu. .
-... 7' m
New Jersey. S!., b , f
o. i-, ting.
Tusk will ht a celcbratii.n .aj -u
3ec 'wUacmMt,
rriicincLt. '
V. S. 7-30 LOAN7
Wury. the uml. ,.)," b
efMiin..l ,U G i,,r, Sul..cr ntln A-n.
it ..; snlr or Unded Star tfe
W. lairing mW, nnd ll.m'U.TO
ciul. intirot. Hrni.iiutn.ki.owua?lbe
1 J.!"'tV"1' T lm'1 "!".,cr Jm
13.h. Hid. and ntv imvl,e thnT ,"
rrom ilmt tlir. currency, or teou7
tible, at the opllou or .he lioidir, Into
V. S. o-20 Six per cent
Then- liorals nre tmw worth a premlnaof
tiltir per cent. Including gold Intact rrea
Xittl.liiiuf l.t 1. ...... . . , '"as
, lic -30 ... .. ,,., -- ; - n.
...... ...w,, . .....i... iimku mi; ne.ual fmei
liilirvi.iilxuit ten per cut. wr annum, bj.
'"I" Xi.ui-rtos rmu statu and niMii.
"l ''v'- TASATJllN. WHICH adim n:0U nvi
mum vm j. .lc aceoTd!",; to tu
rule let led mi other propertr, Th lutrr-
J J' !" W , . c'j"wy. Hml-attnuslly,
"f C,,H'U ntlnclud tn each noli-, uhlch
, ,ttlt)- cut rr n!id sold tu anr bant or
Ihe Interest amounts to
Ouc ceut per day on a J50 note.
Tku cents Jinu
Te-a ' ' $;,uo '
-' - " $1.00.1 o
H " - i,ooo
Notes of nil denomination named nill U
1 P"""''', lurni.hid upon receipt orgUn
' lion-. 'Ibl-Ja
! ' nfc W,T- T , U"AII m MArtKET
tiow olu.-ri'd by the Guvenimcnl. and 11 li
cJllMell- ' clnl tllll u, njlfatf
' luges will inukc it the
i;reat ruri'LAr. loan nr the teopll
Less than $300.1)00.000 or Ihe loan are
Iborlzrtl liy the lal Cuugrcst, arc now oa
the market.
Till amount, at the rale at wtkb It Is
brlnp abturlwd, will all be tubKritx.il fr
wi.blii Tour mouths when the notes Ul
tS iijliilllilfitl I V aiitssiliis Iui n ttPvnt llltvt rks. rVa
uniformly Ireu liar cue ou cloflugthe tub
, rlptlon tu ottn r Loans,
' '" omIt thai dt reus or every Uwn snd
rctiou or Ihe country may by aOulilrd U-
. cilltf, ror uklg ,,fan ,be Nb,10IU,
Itank. Slute llunk". und Private lUukm
bruShi.ut Ihc country have geucrslly
nsruil to rrci-ite ub,criitiiiut nt par.
1 .SuiCrllrs wllUlect llalr owu rsgents, la
wbuin ibet have confidence, and tvbo only
' urt: ''V.1' 'l,,,1,',.,,Wc'ur 'l,,,a,1!r,ry tf "'
iiuie lur iiuicu lurj rixriiv uiutri.
Subicrlptlou Agent, Philadelphia.
May 2U, Itli
IV.11 Orr.HiJiK.i TtxauKArti :
PniunKLruiA, May 17th, 1SCS.
2d Sent ull sold. Commenced on 3J
uri.s. To Hundred niid Thirty Mil-
""I'D A XT7"i 1 A T 1 AT
j VJlii.ll' IJAluU XIX
A LL r.
i-niUinlir mviieii 10 -
a. a . a tlaa.l aistal
iwr1 H.e -w t,M.vfcu
nuda pint!' June , tli.'l-a J"
'J'. 'J . CAJ3AN1SS, M.I.
I-uli! r Yie-Ua, Cal.j
Medicine and Surgery
Jncksoiiville. June 10th. juclO.r
STATU ' 0'i-p-n, County of Jacksoa.
In Justice Court.
To Sterling II HI: Yon are hereby no
tified tnui 11 writ ol utlucLmriil has bees
i '''vES
uwl upmost jou.und your property ak.
Will llll "ist ICl
Dateel ibis Clh day ol June. A. V. lew.
M1CIIEAL MUHPHY. rialnjiff.
JulO .
Covntt or Jachio.v, (
In County Court. June Term. 16G5.
In the mutter of tbe estate of Charles .
Join a, dee'd. . . n . tI.i,
Notice i hereby given, lhatO . Hosie .
.-secutor orfald elte, has tiled bU exl IM
for lliinl retll.meol uf raid estate, and lb"
WidneHlay lln-otb day or July. I8C3; IM
bwu set apart for said final settlement
By order orHou
June 101b ""a- JuelO
Til sail trout Uau FranclKO for trs
ct-ut City on the
Otlx 0 ZlOtlaV OVKACM .
For fright or pagc Inquire oli
Holladuy. Arfe.it. corner of I-rout and Ja.
ton streets. S. Francisco.
Crescent City, Cab
Crwccnt City May 23d, 'W. ittmw
.11. wt A,klll
It ...