Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 17, 1865, Image 1

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tmPmm-mimummummvmmn, i tmSAmjml.
VOL. X. NO 22
I "isM TMHl
Sentinel. ';,-:.;
B. F. POWELL, Proprietor.
crMTRtrnov For One year. In ndvnnec.
ST?1! "'. .M n-Ul.tti th first x
V. .l ..r.ilrnttn
iBrBiwivn-0e smiarc (10 lines or
bA first Insertion, Three Dollars; each
Lucnt Insertion. One Dollar. A di-
.kAdmlle Iff the year,
.a- UfJ Tcc:n rcltf.) at enrrti.1 rti.
i o O. F. Jacksonville Lodge
2U -&. lo hold' ,l8 ft,B"
tr.!S2l,,,l,rmec,,n8.on cvi'.r
sSntuntay cvci.inK ui lac
Mn'onic Hail
Mi. S.,
vFmTrkn.Scc-y. '
Trntcct. J. M. Sutton., V m. Roy and
Warm led-P No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
a HOLD their regular eommunl
JLcation the Wednesday Evening on
or prtecdinir the full moon, In jack
MiTiiu:, ".r- r r-rvc-s vr v.
ptt Satjioc St-c y.
enrol.. n. r. ncssrxt..
Jacksonville, Onnnox,
OflVrt r)r"c ,,,r t0,,,', ""'
AULuise ci'inm.ttird to thrlr cure will
teVn.mpll'tteuJ-anL July lil, TJ.
Jacwoxvilli:, Onuuo.v.
IVfll practice la all the Courts, of the Third
JuiUM lijrtrlcl. the Miprvme. Court r ure
coa. sos in Yriks, Cal. War Scriv prompt
(Jet. lb.
A.kanyJ.iim couuty. Oregon. oct2M J"
Rtfciitc amr the South end of Oregon
wstl January, ", 1CUI
Office it hi residence on Oregon street
Uj'in4t tlm Count- JJI.
JstsoMillV.Ori.. dyclMlf
W. Q. T'VAULT, j
Attorney and Counsellor !
Jacmumiuj:. Onur.i n.
liZcs at residence on California Street. I
All kusioe entrusted to hit cure prompt- j
jr alttfadtJ to. Jaii 1 1 tl
is ntr.PAiti:i)
tutailc rettoiti:s
in x:vi;r.Y htixi:
If Picture (to not phe mti.faclion. no
ctario will k made. Cull at hl new Gal
Utj, on tlic hill -i!iue kit .ik'tarvif, aud
Uor your Mviiete.
, Pr 0vrjlfRl pW annpuueu to Iheelt-
Ifrnt nf J.L... . ...;..T. I!, f
btliu relunu-d to Jucloviirlllviuid reMiiued ,
uepntUcc or tuvilicliie. Ilu ulltuluayl
W luuild at bin kid eland, the riiir!rk'
llwpiui, Mnhn ebH-iit nrulilun
lbuiowt. . vould ncctruily tolicll
rueal of furtuer jmlronugu.
M. xix g. u rr.oj.
Wiai Wall, Vaiii.uto.s Tkrhiiort,
OFFlCKortr Dunk Exchange, Muin
tjirnt, will pructiee u ull the Courts
Oil Firm Judicial District, ulso tin Su
pieaw: Court. Colleiiions promptly ut
tdI to. All buine entiujled '.o our
y ill receive prompt attention. ju3i(
Walla Walla City, W. TM
Wador uirst of Kyucr & UiuvMiilck
Notary public,,
Walla Waixa. Y. T.,
'J'tiVe ackiiowlidgminli' of dcfdi-Pro-f".ott
xiid dvwl inude out at hort no
!isnd acKiwwIcdgyd. jue3lf
5PIRE! inijajrj!!
Tiip, 1 .- '
?,B- IhiT hav.. r..mi,ii..ii u.ii. iii., inu-.
tout?' fi """K i.VH 'u the
Pr Cash capital 6IJ0.U00 v, '
..A " mi wu uuiiiuiM'ii win, ihu ium
uy oepo-ueiiK jU,tiiMt lu lUe
ie.pialSIJ0.U00A v" "
goaville. Febniary 25th. lbCg. feb't! I
CttrpLM,,, U1 , . . , '
fwurtUU PholOLTiiIili Alhiimn nin 11
W had cheap, for cual , J. RoiVvTwexl ,
SSTJhun Bridbury k Wade 1
TBBbJmt RHUienv pm, ,M,i,rr.
A BuiLmSi 11. ,..:...
poiar. r-- ;" "r .. ..,1.1
nrtliovcnr, tcuuii.b , ,. .....
n of the year. six donor.
Ob the fiimmer misti llo dreaming on the
And the mirage wavei arc riplioj or the
And the heart goes out In vain and fruitlc?
Fot the dy, the dayi that hall never come
Shall wo meet Ihcra no more where we have
Uy the woodland, 'the hllWdc and the
circam ;
wc meet them no more whose wealth
we're laundered
To gild the folly of our fancy' dream !
Oh! the gleaming jewels of their tunny
moment! I
Oh ! the diadim that crowned their circling
Oh ! the merry heard that prang to meet
their gladne",
And the hand that were laden with their
Are they gone ere they gote from ui for
ever ?
And their memories are they shadowless
and vain!
As the emmrr mitts that dream upon the
And tLc mirage wares that ripple o'er the
An'Mi: H. FiTZOcmuLP.
j S,ilt LaU Gty Ttlyrcfih.
a suoitT ii isToitni:
JciTiTton D.
Is of a First rmitco.
His uod he
Could whip any three
Or the Yuukvc
Cliup, you see.
(l'urdun Us Irtquency),
Would rule laud and sea,
Aud nuke ull un-u lite,
In fuel, Vco lite .
Kmpt tie DatLu:
Or, lulling 1U that idiC,
Mould iu lut ditch (riuotln; Aunic
Luy him down and d c-c S
l)y uiid by, l.e
Would make eveo the "nig" free,
1'ruvidiU he
Would shoulder a lutie
Aud U-tji l.tc
To ligal lur sljury
Which he (inr' ") wuidu't "ice."
Paw Tempo, Uiuut he
Usid up l.f ;
When I).
Cwncudtd to fits
With his KCie.
Ttt fuot ugaltit cavjlree
Or horte vguinit mule, or utr, may be,
Of the three
It's easy to tco
Which ttuotd be winner,
Dunn on the Ocmulgee
They caught the old sinner,
Jle nascuught it) pet!
How do you teppwiT
Up b irtc T
Why do, iu woman's clutbtt I
HeJheJS heJIJ '
J. D.,
In this (xirenily,
J.'iuvfiiiitd bis 15ule
Aud -Mrs. U.,
Wuh "nothing to wear," you see
As he
llud oo he'r hoops anJ she
Tuid ihe Itgiutnt "to be
Careful ho tliry piovoktd the
l'undtoi,' or he
Iu his fury
Might hurt somebody"
Cut their herts out-d'ye eevT
He uud the,
-Or rather, ehe and he,
(I'lie taulter is unxid, slightly,
A to which wiurs the br.e .)
Whichever It way b,
Dux id the knee
To grim tkCiMilv,
Aud the Fourth Michigan Cavalry
Andsjid "Ftucvtr'
Diur u.c I
Is this the we
tjuuil eud ol 'Chivalry t"
STUAVtu. Au exchange couuios the
ltiiuwiu notice :
this ikiuer fcoiiii-tinw duru.e the wt-erf, n
eivrr dime. Who it belongs 'u or wl,we
, .., ,. BHd ...
wrpotly request the owner to come sud
tuke it away ; we have been so Ions with-
... .. . ..
0Ul t,,Ver ,Ua; "' UM " m"mj '" 6 , '
Upu ow tide is 0 beuutiful young ludy
liIkrrcUief toheroyei-weeplogto
think I,p haM no male and a nicht tP ou
tnrroriTtn excu stvnt.r ron Tnt: scntisku
Washington, My 29lh. A difpatch
frnm Gen. Caobv. lalcl New Orleans.
May 26th. states that the nrrogements I
fur the surrender of the Confederate ferct '
In the Trans.MbsWppI Department are
eonciudid. Thry include tLc men and ran.
tt rial of the army and navy,
Tke 'World's jptciiil di? patch tats : Not.
withstanding Kirby Smith's surrender.
troops will be sent to Texas to protect Ihe
D.ror una malnln in order. .
I he trial of Jeff. D.vis befure the United !
oiaies viicun our; win ccmmcr.ci! as
soon as lie cootplracy eaie ctn be dis
posed of.
Gen. Sherman has handed in his written
tertimor.y, teHCiirg .loliiiftnn's surur.der,
to Ihe Commlttie on the Couduct of lie
T.. .1.-1 T,,. .
i.HU1..,a.,u,rc.m Aiicnmonu announces ' g(,t umi )vli 0d(1pHd ur 0p Krt vov
thc arrest of Gen. Lcc. J ni.. Ttc mi)jr porCI1 or ,, Btt C(,m.
Weshlrglon. 17th.-The President I, j irllne tome ,3 of ,u tt(,tll kUlimt
snrd n prociamatlon to diy, providing for : )lSV(, ,)r(lllr rnilul.
the rcorcan s.itlon of North Carolina, and
appointed W. W. HiilJvi), editor of Ihe
RiMgli Standard, military Governor, with
power to Citll 0 ciinventinn for the amend
ment of the State constitution.
Admirnl ncichanao, of the rebel navy,
surrendered hlmetf at Mliltr. May 20lh
New ,trk 30'h. Tho llt-ruM's special The lleratd'a rptcint say Congressman
says the Gin. of the rrg'ilsr urmy ure as Harris, of Md., trlid fur persuading rebels
sigr.ed as foll.iws: Halleek to command t of le's ntmy not to lake the oath oful
tlie Pacific Department; Sherman to com , rgiunee, wus teiitinetd lo tlnec year's linl
msnd the militar- dirisimt of tlm Miiln proiitiienl huiI fnilellureof all civil righis
sippl. coinprlsinr Ohio, Kentucky. Tinms , Hit Pies.iUut upptuvid the findings but
ite and probably Imtimni; Mrude, ihe , rtimtud the eitinre. It 11U0 suy it 1
Atlantic; Sheridan, the Trans-Mississipp'j ltliiVtJ here that the President is not in
Thonins, North Carolina, and perhaps favor of negro suITrege. except In torn
other Snuth'rn States. Wurien has re niod, lied form, ntid under ceituiu qualillcu
signed his commission m Major Uen. of. tlin.
Volunteers, and Geo. Lieun lm been or- The Po,tV fcc!ul says the trial of Jiff
dered to transfer the Army of TcniKUie Davis in tho U. S. Court, in this eilyvwill
to Iiuisville. 1 take p'aee luforc a full Ihm.1i, consisting
T.iars' rp'c!al says Stanton is not going of Jude Carter of OLIo, Judge Otluor N.
to Berlin. He intends to resign, however. ! V , mid Wyley ol Va,
It will take Cr.O.OOU.OOO to pay off the Cairo, 4'h. New Or!inti Jules nru re
nrmy. The money Is ready. ceited to llie 30lh of Mh.v. The town of
Cincinnati, 30th. Howell Cobb end Puedrns Negros was captured by the lib
Mallory raised Chattanooga yrtterdny for cruts, oit-Mohday the 2-lth.
Knoxville. under a strong guard. D -tncli- The blockade runner Diruvirgh, In
merits of WiI'sub's envalry nro dally r- trying to run into UultcMon with u
rivlnj at Cluttntifiogi. The Cnnmrr cargo, wns destroyed by the United Stales
cial's Frankfort Kentucky dlsp.iteh sys. ti-mmr S uilsmlc.
recruiting i golns on briskly amotig tlic I'rlvtcdemlches quote gold tn Ntw
slaves in Kentnckey ; a few innnlhi ni'jn-. Yoik. ou the 9s ti ol Juue, ut 13C 137.
and urpro C3litmnt will ttlo Uil- (w uud sterling exehunge nl 110.
lion for Kentucky, iudi'pnJf 'it of tlie eon 1 New Yoik, -llli. The IVnnsylvanljn
sliiuttoaai atn.niin.'iit. 1 lie uannm
Nashville d'spatcli says On. Upton h is 1
arrived with the archives ol the Statu an I , Muj. TLc news of the Mexican enilgru
S050.000 in specie. Tho Teiintsn-o Sen , ilots scheme In the United Slate attracts
ate piMrd the E ectlvc Franchise bill, utti ntiou. 'I he Imdon Daily News re-
yesterday, 16 to 5. I
New ork.31it A private letter from France cause lo dcr'urc or, he would not
Alchlnoa, or New York, uow reniding at allo Ihe disbanding of the armies ami the
Malumoras, says a 111 ck funnrul of Lo ! si-liing of ships. It is probable, honevtr,
cola took p'aee iu that city when the newk 1 tliai the throne of Maxiiuiliuii msy bo en.
of his deaiu was rewiveJ. The secession idaugcietl by t!.o L.!; hL!.!i Juui may
sympsthizers collected in the streets, and receive from Ihu Amrrican eopla in this
had u controversy over something they pro-' way. The I-ondou morning Post says that
tended was the body ol the President. j reliable information leads to the ln!c:ei.c
New York, 31t. The Kig'e, from that so far as Johrikou is concerned, lie list
Havannab, with dales to the 27th, has ar nu Intuition of interfering either In Mexico,
rived. The Stonewall has been delivered ' 0r what is more Important, In Canadian af
to the Captain General, as a deposit, to rlf,
ftwaitinilructlonsof the home G.ivernnieut.i The French Government lias revoked
1 to what disposition is to bo made of the measure limiting Ihe stay of American
her. She will, probably, bs delivered up I resfcls III Fiiuih purls to 21 hours.
to the United Slates. Captain Muffit lefl
for Galveston, on the Owl, ou the 2!lii.
New York 3lst. Mexican advices are
from Vera Cruz to the 8lb. Ou that
day six Americans wcro arrested, no j
reason assigned. All the troop that could
be spared went out after the guerrillas.
Juarez' troops ure appearing iu ull quar
ters. New York, 3Ut President .lefrcrd,
of Hat), was at head of 3,000 men to put
down an Insurrection. The rebels already
had possession of thtcapital. It is said
the rebels would attack the Dominicans as
soon as the Snaiiith hud
. ...
iVaeUUltO lllCi
Vr York 3l.t. TLe Herald on
nouneed that the Mtmorwl Diplvmuliut ut
May 14lh. makes public the Important ,
fact that the Government of President
Johnson bus insliucied the Aruerleun Mm ' "I wiiHeriAefcleuks with onionsAome bread,
Ijter at London, lo reqiire of Ihe English 'd colored wuter lor WfTv-e; thouijl. u de
Government a prompt decision as to the! eided improvimenl Is Comg on In lln Hue
indemnity for losses caused to l.derul lit- every day, Snow all around us, on the
izens by eruiters such s ihe Alubomu, und ; hills uud mountains, uud mm good ized
other vessels constructed otid equipped In , snow and Ice banks riinaiuing in Ihe prlu
v.idIuv. norit since the beclnriifig or ilie'ci .ul ureeir, ;vcreeK mining ovaimo.e
English ports since m h . j j UMy Augusi; but
war. It adds, this demand has llllte, M ,?,, .J ,1,,. llU utlJ ur claims,
limes bftn made by ihe Lulled Stales, its 1 ()W1 ,0 ,,e 1,fljl.,,Cy of ihe water
tcMice has never bnu ndiullitu by 11. e dilvlies and thecoiulaut breukvgeniiisanie
'i.i .' ..,i,l, Iniii rpninl ill lliinilredi of inoule have been trvint! to
llriiuu ugtrH.-.. - - m dty, without Uour
relusaiupon ine uf..-.b"- - ) a U.,ur riot occurred before ouraryvol,
ertheless, pasisled iutle eleiuacd riquin,
I '" , ' a i... reiuraled it osserlior ll
ll """'l" "; "'"BJf
with more vor ? " V f Ui'.
W it aud Johnson, tar irom auunuouiug
" ' ... j.-. .. . .
is tnc opinio" ". " - -
quJ.bicbupt0be pretent bad not
..niM-ra or me ciowm. .-...-, .,..
seinudcerious or presing, may, perhap,
cause a conflict between the two nations.
A private dipaich hs. been rcceivtd in
Ihit ritT. froni (Vrai . ..l.l .ll...l iL.
iTih ..r i.,.. "t- it I.. . . .
h iriHiitMnr ik. 1H..H...U.
pjccj, ocj cxjtel to sail the last ol J
Juno I
I-cpal tci.dcrd, 10 T6U".
.t. ,i. i-.. .. n
Go'd on '
I IIIU Will IllAi. HflS litJ.
Forms Monw. dune lt.-The Texan I
expedilioji, tinder eommoed of Gen. Wcit-
El'l wliil'll linn lirrn filling mil In llit. 1....I
doting the p..t week, is now fulrlv on its
wnT l0 , poin, lf jrtliBlion ,t)nK.wllcrc
lnnr ,i,, a nr ,iin, s.,... pr..r.
,.... i.. -m . .' .i..
'i; iw .ihii, uivi nviv iuiu iu inv i .
commanding i fliccr on board each vessel
to proceed Grit to Mobile Dy, In the vi
cinity of Ft. Morgan, with a view to mak
ing n rcndizvous at that hatbor, In order
to coal the steamers thoroughly before
proceeding further. The steamers cora-
nrifdnp thin iTru.ltltrti nrn nniAnr llit. I.r.
"' - -...-..e .... .-.
New York. 2d. The Commercial's spe
cial says there is mueli cniiiplnint of H11I
leek's innc(miiit in Richmond,
It h clmrgid tli tl the rcbvli are coming
Into piiwir undir hi Influtiicf. These
chatgis togulnr with others, explain hl
. truii'Ii-r te this coast.
,m eiriveti wiib tuiea Irom j.ivernoni tm
ihf 231, and Qieensiimn lo the 2lth of I
nuik tliut. If Johnscu Intiuiid to plvr
The Paris Pa tile has reason to belitvo
I hut Ihe F'lvneh government Is nccupltd
with cws or clandestine enrollments In
America, uud that if neiceaary It will
adopt inergetic meaiures ugniuil the U.
H. Volunliers.
The French Government is much dis
pleuted ut I'riueo Napoleon' speech ut
New York, 4lh. It was nporlrd In
Liverpool, .Muy 21ih, that Ihe French
troojis ure to bu withdrawn ftnni Mexico,
Tixks is Idaho. From IdaliQ corres
1 , ..1 ii,.u.. ..,.. n...., ,.r ei...,l
"''epivo w, u ivii.ti.uv wiuu,, u, .uj 1
The mining interests ulto here are not
twUtmn expenses, ulihough Ihe sumu.er
"Jon will be prosarous, Uourd und
Mgli'g 23 t week-id.bles composed
fornugiu flour haarangedlroiuSiaoiog'JOl
nr-ju.,1 cmiiftii.w. Wlinin I lie nasi
per oarrei, neiyiu uviog euu per mo m'oiipta, udu me visum mojiiioi ihi u- iuji.
IT.naiilU l..iii,iiiii iluiuul, u iiipriliiillt lold ' ulliu ol tii.liiniiii L. nulii lli umIit. i.Icii
Umatilla Landing, tlwusjlt a merchant .old
meipday lie haefhad varyo eugagrd ut
Iwcniyce.... ipou0d. Ilu lo this
ijiee wuu iue aereii auu u uau cen
riu.d published .0 tho Por.ls.d P.
cents per
Strange Incidents occur on railroads
somellmci soslraoge that thry ore really
lamming. Among the stranitest Is the
manner In which pnekels are picked nod
,hw ftrc not """'np-"1"' llie pockets,
tt of ladles. Now what more audacious
mere man puuing n uanu in a muj
dres pocktt, but the professional pick
'inckcl ,a nn u,lac,nos fvlIow wc"
thief. An Incident lately nevurred on the
rnilrosd between this city and UoMon
which Is well wotth relntlng, A ludy had
uUVred Irom the tnlrtptise of one of these
dicvahtt trrtid'iM'i if. uud n frlrnd of hers
'iit to t
kc the same route was caution
cd lo be on her gnard, especially ngalnst
any well dressed, prrpossewlng young man
who would take 11 seat by her side, and
that, too, just before entering the long tun.
i nel nrar this city. The euntlnnrd lady
took her seat, and looked inrvoti.-ly nboat
hrr. She did fist "sec any prrposesslnc
young mini" just then, but as the train
stopped at iprinpfltld, one sneh entered,
and, wild much politeness, took the vacant
sent by her side. Of coiirsn the ncrvou
lies of the ludy inrri ntl. nml especially
as the yonng mnn i-flVtrd her his paper tn
rend, which she declined, nnd to Ms ic
marks she rrspnnded only In monosyllabVs.
She wns determined to keep him kt his
distance, which, huwetcr, was limited in
these narrow tents. At length tiny np
pronehi-d the fatal tunnel, and the caution
she had received took smith n hold of lur
iilrendy prenily excited mind. As the
lea in entered the dntkmis, she made n
sudden plutigo for her pocket in which she
had her portc inonmiic. Dul the folds ol
hrr ilrus were somen hot dirurrangid, and
she did not at once liud her pnekrt ; silh
lie nervously perseverid, diving first Into
one fold, then Into another, until ut length
she found un opening, when, whul was her
horror to find tho hand of her ' prrponsess
Ing companion" on the rent wan nlruidy
there. Site convulsively eliilchid Ihe hand
with ull hrr might, but the wu so frighl
ened thut she wns unable to uitc her voice.
She held on to Ihe haul, thinking to ex
po'c the thief on tmrrglug luto the light.
titiel though It sconce! that ihe train would
never resell the end of the tunnel, still she
held oil with Ihe gripe of a vice. Her ccii
pnnlnn mud 1.0 effort, whatever, to release
his hand whether through fear of txpot
Ing himself, or rutl.tr liking the soft, vel
vely pressure, U not known, lluteUyligh,
ut length eame, and with It Ihe luet was re
vealed that the lady, In stouhlrg for her
pocket, Inn! inserted Irr hand Itlo the
pocket ol hrr " prip('ssising companion,"
where shu found, properly enough, one ol
his hui.ds. It Is iieilless to add thut thi
holy preM-iiIrd a very confuted appear
ance, gently relaxed the hai d, gluneee! 1 u'
ol the car window, and lift lo her compan
Ion tho task of filling In ihu inclining ol
her strange conduct.
The Arits ad tub Cnocoiiii.r.s. In
Slam the motikies select for their butt nn
less formidable an nnlmul than the crcce
dllt. In there pmcileal jukes It Is not ul
ways Ihe joker thut wins!
"Crocodiles ure more tiusnrrous In the
river at PukiiBiii-Ven ihun lu Ihat of
Chanliiboun. I continually saw them
throw tliem-clers from the banks Into the
water; and it has friqueiilly happemd Ihat
carrle is fithers, or persons who have fallen
utlccp on Ihe shore, huve become iheli
prey, or have afteiwurds died of the
wounds infiicled by them. This latter bus
happened twice since my sloy here. It it
umusing however for one Is InUriiUd In
nbievlng the habits ol onlmuli) all ovrr the
world to see the winner In which Ihese
creatines catch llie ape, which soimtlmcs
lake a fancy 10 pluy with them. Cloie tn
Ihe bank lies lie erocodIV, his lidy In the
waIi r, und only h s capacious mouth uhovi
ihe surface, ready 1 0 seizu unylhlng thai
may come within rfarh. A troip of apes
ealch sight of him, seem lo consult logiih
er, upprnsch little by little, and commence
their frolics, by turns iielojs aud spectators
One of llie most acnveund lmnidciiljiiiup
from branch l branch till wlihlrin reptct
ful dittuiice of ihe crocodile, whsn, hanging
by one chvw, and wills Ihe dexterity pecu
liar to lime animals, ho advances col re
tins, now giving his enemy n blow with
hit '.iw, at anoihcr tlm? preleudins; to d
so, TI10 other upis enjoying ihu fun, on
elently vtiIi lo take a part in ll; but the
other brunches being too high, iltey foim
a sort of chain by laying )ohJ of each oih
er's piws. aud thus swinging baekwards
and forwards, while any one of them who
comet lo reach of the crocodile torments
him to tin' brtt of his ability. Sometimes
Ihe lernble jaws suddtply dote but not np
on the audacious ape), who just escapes;
I were ie uiivj ui muiihiiuu iiuiii iui
e euiwvuiuii, nuu gamuui uuuut iujiuiit
Oecosionutly, however, the claw is entrap
U,. ' .. ....-,.. .... ---..., . ...
tn wlioie troop Disperse, grnanug arid
thriekimr. The misadventure does not, liow
ever, prevent I heir recmnictuvieg lie game
In few days afterwards."
', v '
Jack0nvili.k, Judo 13ih, 16CS.
Mr. Kititori As some of tho stock
raisers of Jackson county lime In content
plalion the organization of a Horse Asso
ciation, for the nnnunl exhibition and com
petlon of (In stock, I derm n few rrmurk
on the subject not Itinppri'prlate., There
Is st number of Dec brctds or hows In
Jncksoii county nt this time. la point of
flze, Cotiurgr stands first, weighing over a
ton; after lil.ti comes Otencoe, Virmnut,
Prince Alhcr1, Llonlinirl, Sampson, etc.,
all contending for n liberal share of pat
rnnage and consideration, nnd donbtlri all
are elcrrvlng. It Is thought thai an as
sociation of thfs kind, properly organized
ni.d conductid, would b very beotOelnl In
improving the present stock, and eneour
ing the Importation of olhcr fine varletlti
ir horei. This raltlnc or light, low.pr'ctel
Spanish und Cnyiiscstrck-'wlll not pay" In
lie Hiture. The prejudiec opulnst Oregost
raised horses Is very much nmpllorated,
and a wc have no reliable market fur onti
uud liny, we enn fe-ee! It to gonel youtifj
horses, tn that shape our grain can read.
Uy be cashed, ns drnught, stage, carriage
and raddle hnrsri will always be In demand
the nature of our cnuairy comprlls this,
ralroads unci wnter communications bclag;
uniting the things that arc nou eif, There
will prAbably be a call for the stock grow
tis of ehe county In meet In Jacksonville
on or ubout the 24ih Inst., urd n few rc
nmiln cMicirnlrg iho business to be trntt
netid umy not bu out of p'urc. In tbt
first plnce, tho best trillion for all work
should receive the first premium; second,
tho Inst elm ft stallion, and alter them turf
nnd trotters. Wo cannot aompetn In
transportation of stock to the Slate Fair
with older eountirs, the distanco being 10
gnat, until null Units os railroads iha'l
litcoine commor. However, with men of
means It Is dlJTi'if nt, und I am happy to
know thut Juiksoii county will be duly
represented at Ihe coming Stute Fair.
It Is hoped Duel n rooel lull) out will be
had ut Iho proposed meeting en the 2 -1 1 ti .
A. Fanuzre.
How to Diiicm rm a PiioTuonAPH. A
lady or gentleman, l.u.vlrg made up her cr
his mind te he: phologrci ri, r.-atarsllv ccn
sMert I the first place, how to be dressed
to show (IT lo tl.sj'btsl edvtntoge. It
meblTirnftw word of ndvlec teiithlng
dress. Orange color, for celaln optical
ieet.ns, Is, photogrophlcally, black, Hla
In white' ( other iliudes or tones of color
are proportionately duiker or tighter
thry eoiilnln more or less of Ihrio colors'.
The prognsilvc rrnle f photographlo
color enrnmrncca with the lightest. Tim
order stands thus t while, light blue; vio-
lei, pink; nnuve. daik blue; brown,
Inn u j blue green, leather ; brown, drub;
ceiLe, magrulu; yellow green, dark brown;
purple, red; nniber, monroo ; orange, dead
li'nek. Cemiplcslon I m becc niacli cor
slfdereel in tonniellon with drus. Dlondta
can wear muck lighter color than brev
nrties; ihe latter nlwnys prrtenl better
pictures In dark dimes, but Lrither look
well In positive w,lte. Violent contrails
of color should be especially guarded
uguiutt. In photography, brunettes per
sess a grrat advantage over lueir fairer
slslrr. The lovely golden tresses lose til
their Transparent brilliancy, and arc rep
res.nliel black; whilst the " lonnle bleo
eV," llieme of raplure to Iho pod, Is mil
try to the photographer ; for It Is put eu
1 inly out. The simplest ir.d most eOtft
Ive wuy of rernovirig the yellow color fion
iho hair, Is to powder It neorly while; It
is thus brought to nhuut tho same photo
graphic tint a In nuluie. Tl e same lute,
or course, applies In complexion. A
fruklo quite invisible u a short dislanco
I', 011 neeoniii of lis yellow color, teude red
tnvt painfully distinct when photographed.
- I.-iily ' lleiolf.
' ' Hi -
Kit.r.Ki) ist Ixni.vM From gcnllo
nan Just from Idaho, and who arrived In
(hi oily by tho Ch'co route lust night, wo
leurn that on Wednesday, May 31st, one
II, null und (Jcorge Bliorlrlelgo were hilled
by tho Indium In Surprise Valley, It
eemi they had ranches In the upper end
of ho vuhVy, and hud been to SussutIIIo
for provision. On their way back lUtj
entered tho lower part of the valley, nt
Goodwin's ranch and It Is supposed stop
jkiI there, whllo tho Indian were couceuleel
In the willow, 8)out fifty yard front Iho
ranch. The Indium wailed until they had
passed, and then shot ilieoi from behind,
killing Ihcm both at ouce, Bliorlrldgo
wu sculped, mid hi body ttrlppcd af it
clothing. ' he body or Dispell was not
mole.ted. The Indians look six of the an
Inml belonging let tho wen, alio what pro
vision they could pack away, and destroy,
ed what they could Ml carry, Dlssell
leave a wife and children. Shortrldge
wus a single man, whoso widowed mother
reside In indiuu Valley, Our Informant;
was within fifteen mile of the scene f '
uiawucm nt ihe lime, of It uccurreuw, aavi
mw ihe bodiws of tU muiderfd muml'
7. c. union,
111 iilmJitlt'lSlfi fiHiiUMiiiiilirfi- 1
j.uA. ft V-,.