7TZ p v - -ifirMirKWr 9PTP&9ff'WFtJ&n .ptmmmammmm I jf .' "'JbHU ietrtfitei. 'r. c -rfn, 'H K. "5C TiiT '' ?'-"! JMjliJl'iL ' " i "- ' -inn-'ii-Ll.'-- T-r-r ' .... i ... - , ... . . ,,$1 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE THE OREGON SENTINEL. ' IMCrD KVtRr 8ATCr.DAT JIOIIMKU. , B. F. JOWELT., Proprietor. Sctecrurriov-For One year. In advance. Koar Dollar f If paid within the 1W six aonlb r the year, lire dollar If not paid I until the expiration of the yrnr. six dollarn. Anvtr.rnn0e square (10 lines Wi )). first Inwrtlnn, Tim lintlurat tacit subsequent Insutlon, One Dollar. A tits- count of fifty t cent will to ruadcto tboc who advcrtlse-by the year. l.O.O. P. JarksoMvillr Lodge Ji i. IU, iititiM Us rig- anar Hireling on evrry S.-ttJ .'f-palil'-iluy cvel.lilg at t!ie V" aonic Haiu i Brothrri la good landing am InvlM to mtlend UUAMil. JAUUUS, .N. U. . . m. .. n c.... TruHer. J. SI. Suttou., Wm. Ilay" and S. J. Unr. i . y.. t. n t. . . """ aw?-" M", i . - .. m. . m. HOI.U their rccular communl Unt.tl llifflt rnltlnr pnnuniinl rcatIon tha Wednewlay nvonliiR on I I -w ur ,.rxrnm .uv .u.. , iu ioxriUA, j'oilK E. R05S, W. M. ! C. W. Strjinc. S-c'y. i a jacoik. n. r. r.cinux. JACOBS, L RUSSELL, I ATTOKKEYS AND COUNSKLOIIS r?rt liil'i'liu IV I'll i VPt'llV I AOFSUliluilvua ii.-v.' vir.it i , Jaci:s(isviu.k, Or.rnox. 0(TU ojuxmII tlir Cultlt itott.c. All biiiluex cnmmitlcd to their curr will tx timuiptly attciuW to. July 2D, 'C2. B. F. DOVVELL, -O-T TiA"W, Jaish.sviu.r, OnLuu.v. I fTill practice in all the Court ortlie Tbinl ' Judicial District, the Supremo Court f Ore-, uik. and In YrckB, Cal. War Seriy pMinpt-1 1jcu1l.lr.l. Oct. la. ! J. H. STINSON. ' ATTOHNEY k COUNSELLOlt, AlWspr.lJim county. On gun. octSSil J. C.HOWARD, SITEVIIOa i CIVIL EKGINEEI1, Ja(..11I.NI.IJ. OllLUO.V. KrI4(c aeor the South end of Onpni atrwt. Jaauaty, V, iBiil Office at Ma residence on Oremi trert DR.L..THOMrBON CITY DRUG STORE, IDMUlM-'l: VpinMU rSic e.'ounljr Jail, Jseonllle. Ogn. dcSHtf W. Q. T'VAULT, Attorney mi'l Counbt'llor JACkSONYIMX. 0RKGX.S. e3Sce at relvnce oil Culllnrula Slice:. All buslucva catrualed to bis care roiii.t ly atti-mlcd In. JsuHtl PETER BRITT." PHOTOGHAPIIIC ARTIST i ritniMiti!!! to TAinc wcrKJ I wav mvle OF THK AIIT, tvirn alltiii: LATKlMl'ltOVKMBXTS- IfTlcture do not gic satlrfartlon. no tkargeii Mill lie nmdc Cull at hi nrw Gal lery, on tut- hill, ricainlno kU piclnrn), aul tllforyonrilikeiiCTS. DR. A. O. OVERBECK. Dr. Overlnck would announce to the clt ttrm of Jackwn count) aud iiebiliy.th.it bthas returned Io Jackroiuilleuiidmuiuwl tbefraeilw of raVdiihie, He will always be luuud at bis uhi et4iiitl. tho OutLk-U Mufi)la UklrMi (bhvllt prulrrii al Uuliit-s i- would reKtfuily Mibeli a ntivwl of futnur lruuage JAS. D. UIX k, U fAKUJ. ' MIX & FARGO, ATTOUNKVS ANU COUNSELLOIW Wt4a "Walla, W'AauivuroK '1'r.r.ntTonr. SAlS lCilT-i OFFJCKorer Bank KscUngr. Mum I That home where my raotber to mourn Street, will pruvtice in nil Ibe C'xuric fUy Ie); of the First Judicial Iwlrici, also tht Su Wbcro like n-wilers the ripples allbrll ipieaie Court, Collection proinnily . llanlly rjulur. tttdtdto, All business uiirusUi to j.url vrhin tic moon sbers bcr bark o'ertbe wte will receive prompt ulienlion. ju3if I glturlng I'de' ' n. istkii. w a unuiuuu. LAS.ATER L L ANGFORD, AJTOKNEYSATLAW, WmlU Valla City, V. T., Oacdoortest vf Kyger & Ruse's Uiick Alnrc. ' ' ' J",!ilf t Fv. Ji. FARGO, NOTABY PUBLIC, Will take ockiiowlidgmenl or deeds I'ro mi ptia mid deeeU inada out at lorl no ticei.d ackuuwlcduut. jurSIf FI3REJ FIEEl! nPUEpulj Iuurauce t'oeapany that can ii1!?' do o'iiufa In Orruou U the Jsalfle,- Thi-y bavejcomulied with Ihelaws W. r-tali Caplul ri6,0U0." " " jaes4liTll, htnmry 5tli. mi. IVbWtl SlIiii5,' f.H"" Alburw ear, be T'BJfcH' NKMF.DVJ'QU KJJFU-I s52W"M',',l,Villowi)otk MtaUM. ju3ai2 I , l ' vl .. .... vh.jjh,. ar 4CAS' u Enter. DocV' back ,0 " ,,ome wtere otrtara ftte floating. Like bright golden Miles nhrond on the tjj,. .,.. ,,. ' , . ,. "cre ulln c,om, " P''0t o'er tho strrr.rr.let are dotlnjr, Ai the soul might look back when from cnr,L . . ... . .v..um, ii U t my t pun io memory uarp.ng, Ai It xrntLlv of dear .one gmic do u to the prate, Of the vo'ec and facer, no clmngci nrc carp- Ins That liarc Vailed far away o'er Kttrnltt wave, irl U,,,J tt"m ,n come "tk now t spec-1 irai and trmlir, And lift sorrow's veil from the mind's cur ,in.., ...i..,.!,.. There the willons like noarners allsadlv ,re bcjllltf, 0tr the ave es they ripple In mask alonp; i There the ihlps like great UrJi to the far 1 ocenit wending, 1 Glide In aid glldo out. In a Naiad-llle I throng; Tls there that iry soul 'mid sweet mem'rlci Is kneeling. Where (he roie. c.f Joy crowu'd the Uow of the child. When tie houitrhold once met 'neath tlTic- i lton' ic rating, ' There now fortune's trophies la ruins nrc 1 plli-d ' Tlif.n Itif-k Ia Itift! tinmi. iumI rimiltMnlii Is fltlllST. Where the twilight like monarch Is gor gMuiflydjlog. Ah! home or my childhood, the Cowers around thee L'k angels look np from the grast-broid-tml earih; In gtulles of terror the lightning hath board thee. When the mailed tempest rattled In dem on like mirth; i There 'aid the ihrk ro:Uj d.nrb'd tac fss crested billows. While llie "-n jnll wheeled round as In frantic drspali, And iLt wun from Its lower In tLo green cnMlril nlllows Trllletl It" Kins to the ralnliow that swung tu the nlr. , 0erry hi ait. home of my c'ulldhood. thy metn'ry hath rlien, As the mul wHIriss from the boiH'ithtl; pritun. Oh! shall I w'r dwell 'witb Hat torse' ballvwHl hellr? Where Id ilce le-loved In great an tb'iit" wrmld ring Where dinr hearts in sad anjruWi fate-doara ij to welter, WUtii the 111m hung out her fair tassels fur spring. Where the fiotl wlih theiuuthlue, like war rKi imellng, IlatlUJ Urd for the rule of stern wiatcr m told, With bis bolWls of hall, with bis snonlng nnd sleetu jr. Vet we loved the old defpot, Ice-bearded and cold. Seet home of my childhood, try spirit Is groping, Hsachlug nut loarn thy tbreihold Its j earning, ami hoping. , Sweet borne of my childhood, liack, Uck to thy beaming, Like a blid flies my soul la Its fanciful dreaming. There guld-ttntid fortune occo o'er me was shining, And childhood looked on to r pathway of flo-wrs. Dnt sorrow's durk llmnia with Joy's blos soms wru twining, And mlrfortune's daik miits draped life's roltt boms) Oh ihall I e'r gaic on that homo by the livtr. Of Ihem wateriiss mountalos ray p!r.t gron weary, Though tl.cy stand ro1ed In Cowers all rndiiiiit and iheery, ! Oh! uivc me my home where the landKapu Is glowing, lUOIIIg, , And the rlvr.-r-the beautiful river is flow- jj. - 'good with tlic bnowieoge pi Auruimn in i . airi!g Urn., he coi)!d not be couticud under (hi A Di.v A.NSWKR- A siulptorofinmciindiclmrnt. but wus guilty of embezzle- .. . a i . . ii 1 .....!...... s .i.h Ar. A a I. a nptonely au no ixceti oi loyalty appiieu i meoi. i or iiiwi-wihx w"; m h to Secretary jiantoo for jA-imission to'Courl to tlwrge that he must 'have L Ukeuci.it of BiMilh' head, The blurt war ministi r repllid; Bellir Uke care of your own head," No lew than fourteen steamer are ad wrtisrd for Idaho aud the gold mmr iu tbe6t.Lmippir. Naomi, the daughter of Enoch, was five hundred ) eari old when she was married. alt! Ford' Ikeatre, In Washington, the otftlie eisaBiioatloD of L(dco!u, Ui beeo foferer closed. ' " .- i ! - . . Zmi ii ai imj n mmm4tm4,-wijm.m ii JACKSONVILLE, ttOSEUUKG COUKESl'OND . i..-v;Li. Ed. Stnttntkl hare promised to write f. ...-.! i . it.. i . . , forson-.e time, Imt very little oHntercal' ' , i lla OecUrreri. e tiaVC SaUerCtl niUCh for want of rain, nnd onto some kind Provl ilrnec favors u our crops will be short. llie only matter of Interest, lately, wns the terraof the Circuit Court, nnd this wus only Intcrtstinf on account of one criminal case the rrmaiDder of the hu1nrs being Hmllj but a good ileal ol Interest and anx lely has been lantfested by various parties n this case- The Grand Jurors of the county Indicted Joseph II, Rogers on three Indictments: two for laicrnv. and one for embezzlement of money slid gneds fimn the More of Abraham A- TJro, Mr. Ilig ers, who in quite in o'd man, wns formerly n sort of citric in the Land OEee, at this place, ard. It Is a'd. wns appuiiitol Col lector at Port Orford, which efjlcilie did , not accept, expecting' to be appointed re ceiver lure In place of Geo. 2. IMges, n slgned. Whin this elmrce wus irsdc agnlnst him. the cnpierheods ut cnee, In order to male enpltal, took a gteat Inter est In his conviction, aril endravorid to mke the Union party r sponsible fnrhis flVnis This tl.eyfailnl In do, n the Union fm,.v l,U,n,.T 'lrerl thnt Mr. It..g.rs Minaiu nave a iuir uiiti, Mini Simula Ho ml or fall by himself npon the evidence; that the party was not accountable for the crini inal nets' of any of its mtmbers. It is tn be regretted that a few prominent Union men gate some riason for this charge by their persistent definse of Mr. lingers be fore his trial; but, as It prord, this was not the ifjVct of parly feeling, but a person al matti r arising tut tl buiinets nlstloni, and a desire to Iijurc Abrabctu Dro at nil linr.irJu. Will, the trlul commenced; the prison er was enutgrnd on a charge of larceny of goods ftom the sloie, and, uflrr much dlf Cenlty, a jury was ernpaniieln. It up penred from the evidence that when Mr, Rogers failed to receive the ppomtmMit of Iteeiher, (A. R. Flint having arrived the npinintiiient he na without a home nr nuaiis, and had conceived the Idea of writing or miking a geography, for which he bad colli eied tome matt rials, hi this siina'inn he applied to Mr. Sol Abraham, whogaie bint the ure of n roem In his store to sleep nnd write' In, end besnkd him Iu hit own kooie, for wh.'ch kiuluefs Rgu prumlsiil to keep his books, nnd iso nny writing that be ifl'lt nquirc. I'.'itts hsd btrn In the store seven or eight montlis, when it came to ll.c Leon I edge of Abraham Sz Ilro. that ull uus twit right. After watching him some time. they nude an investigation which discover rd tin' fact that Rogers had hrcutyslcmal tcully taking goods from the store. Riv ers, on being rhurged and caught in llie act. iniide n rnnfrrsiou, not only to lming laki'i these goods, but to huv.iig ttokn a Irge amount of money here tin- Court, interposed and rifusid to oliiiw til.y in tln.ee of any larceny except of thegneids nanii-d In the indlttmiut. Rogert claimed that he hud nndirhomit intuition in lok ing the good i ; that I e had the sn down in u prhntc ineirioramluin book, and intindid to Kttle for all. But, unloeiuraiily for him, that fame euning he had aceeta to Abrulmm & Uro's biks, uikI entiied the gocls that he bud Ixm dilic'i-d with un rti-r n tljtc u month prrtioirs. He wus cuught Iu this and forced to confess tnbav. ingrnrgid the books. 'I bin wide a ery strong cum egalntt him, Io which but u poor ill d nee wjs inter pond. It ki c'atnue that the rosuution wus malicious, nnd an athmpt wus nude to impeach the character of Hoi. Abraham for truth uud veracity some f(v(-ti or eight uitcifna were cjltiel up for that purple. Tlii ut lack os urexpected by be proievulloii, and was made late iu the tuning, when it was ki-oati llnit the Cine wouhl go to Ilia jury next day. Kotwiihstar.diug, at tU evening msimi the proHcutlon brought a cloud of wllnem-s to sustain (be character of Mr. Abruhum,aiid after examining some twenty, the Court said It was vnueeewary tq !l any muru for that purpo e. After Tlie ivldcnt .Iwd, Jinkje Slratlnu char. led the Jury on the fuels, uud (lieu told - , . H'tui ti.ui u tvyw i.ew w... -., pisscjton or careoi me gpooi, uy vmuo of bis eiiiploymiul with Abraluoi & lira., to lie guiily of einUzzleujent. Tlu'i the Cvu'rt rhargid tp be good law, bu clmrgrd that this wu u quesliou for tbe Cour( and not the jury. TU- jury, upuu retiring, wo unanimous ua to i.e guilt of ibedefeudtiit, but came Into Court for further jostrue tioo oo the quenioo of erobaaxlement, when the Court charged them that if Roger ev er w'd iinylblng Io the tpre. evto pound of candle, be was he ugeut of Abrubaw k Bio., und not guilty under, ike Indict nitot for larceny, and' the jury brought )u SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1SC5. n vtnlict Rcvonlinply, This my W very (;ooti law, bat the people caniiot sre why the couoly shonld be put to the e.xprne of nnjillt), f.tnl .imam ,A&l.M)..lt.. f!l. .1.1- "i ini, hifuii u i(v.liliii:niiiT line UIIF, I iiivirnriii n iui aiuvin ui iiuiuc llliuuiuv . .I,,.. ' .. . . , , .'', . , , ,., - hen the Mine cv.dfnw Is to be heard, nnd tntc and products or the farm, to eocour . ,- nonhlimi.nl r.,n Mn.iMlnn - f '- in iviivii vvii I IVIIVM on the other Indictment. Excne tho Jenglb or my letter, tnt -e. have so few excitements here that aminll J one seehH ereat to u. The coniwhrod lffc cm B t0 1BTe tnrrendcrxd with J Ixc nnd Joe Johciton. Vonr, etc., A. Ji'Rtuiy, Roseburg, Mav 5', 1SC6. OUEGONSTATE"FAn5.' a.vvcu, Kxi'niTioK roR 1B$S At nmeelingol the Board of Managers oi me state Agricultural society lately track, and iu other ways preventing u fair held nt Snlem, it wns otdereil that o il ort nnd iqual contest, will fc icqulnd to com circnlnr be tssued in edvnnco or the pant-' pcto with the farmer nnd Jet favored op phtet premium list, giving n summary ofiponenU on terms calculated to test the the proceedings of the meeting, by way of ' real value of anluinlj enter! for premiums, etieourei'cment to those who desire the. Dut while the iiwards in this class, nod snecosoriheOregOD Slate Agricultural 'paitlcutarly tliu speed department, bae Soeicty. , bom Increased, e desire It to be borne In The meeting wns largely altmdeil, nnd a mind that It lus bieu la proportion only general id sire manlfc'tcil Insienrc u sue to the incrn.io in other dcpailments, and cessfnl exhibition this Full. To ihts end, i not altogether to Incourage hursu rnclng, as many chnngrs were thought Beeessary, and many will be ready to assert. Important om conrnrred In. emong which As far as possible, seliclinni for award we may mnitlon the following : . ng eommllttes hae been iMde from coun- lit. The rnlti ami reflations wcro 1 1 m represented; but hi some, for goml itinmugtiiy rtvinu, important nrrrndtncnti made, urd mutiy mw rnk-s udoptetl. !!il. Id nearly nil the c'ipniininits, ll.c tn.'. primlums were Inen aft d (itmfjiij to mtntufttjitt rmf , end awntdi by diplo , ,H-,ir in the pamphlet idltlnn tA the Fremb ma dispensed with. j , jjM wirn n0,(i by tint Correspond. Hd. The price for lntnlmlop tickets lug Secrelnry, nro earnestly 'requested In (allowlt-g the lio'dt rail the prlilligi of jlnf.iun him. by letter nr nlherwle, m Io the groci d. ard n vote nt ll e rnrual i fee- their conclusions In the mullir, so that vn lion) wns plncrd al ?2 SO; for ifnron lick ancles may be supplied and all neciiiiry flu. for gentlemen, SI 0; single nr'niissloip arrangement complete d. tfeliets, Si 00; lodiu, oi.d chl'drin under' At iheiiicttlng.lcllcn were reeehed nnd 2,ailmilltd fitt. read from prnmlnent citizens of Jmkson. 4ih. No charge is made for Iteemc lojLune. Oluckainan, I'nlle and Linn, giving fll hay. grain, mial or flour in or nnr lie enenuraginient Io ihellourd.audn'nirnncci fnc,"M,,f' ,,,r fxr'n't'" "f l"t jear j iieuionsiiming mat iiimisii oi oeneniing the inany, It only fervid to drive awiiy hrollhy competitiou. and constquinlly InjtiHt ! inn ItlAM .!. tj..i. i .at. . a .. to Insure liitms1tlon and dlnratUfaillon to patrnns of tlic fair. I rO rurneitly loseenro n luccesifu) exhlbl- Cili. A programmij for ll.eexirclses rrJt1o; aud more, we will double onrdlllgctiee ll... vl.Il.llmn .. ....I....I 1-1 .I'. . .. r i. .. .,.,..,. . !. irfiiiwiuvil :9 ,'IUCIIIl iu ur ii.rj'uivii Mttil will toon oe publUlKil, t lun by um bllrg ull to make complete arrnngunenls, and thus prrvent eonfnflon nrd iMny. C'b Special rule ai.d ngulatiws wire odnptiel to govern Ihe annual diction of i fJciTi. io be hc!d during the Fntr, end nhlcii wu thin!; will faeor all who diiiie an opportunity tn munlfoit 'Lrlr choice In the Miction of ofQcers. Tlh. In nuny classci. the onuiding Cfliiimlllif were laigt-ly imreasul, thereby forming Itrs ofdlsratlsfoctiou and jxutlu!! ly In the aaurds. eh. 'I he 3d. -t:h. Stli ahd Clh dnys of J October, wire rclivttd for holding iLe Fair. "Jib. The Pntldent wai Instructed to coutinct with rifiionclble parties for a quantity of silver plule, al Ihe loteest ceiih rate, per nunee, to be distributed ui prrml umi ut the Fair, wlun parlln prefer it In coin. It will be umlirstooJ that no one Ii compel'ed to receive It, but when ncciji ted, the naipe or nume will bo (ngrieed tin riou.ihu giving ull an opportunity, II driinil, to obtain u substantial token of succesiful compelilon. Heretofore, in many o( Ibe departments; ur.d ou urlicusidgreAl yuluj and Inipor laiite to the cuuulry, nwuids bate bent C.IUD by dip'oma, or, at best, noinln.il priinlutii) winch affunl nu ilicnurugiimnl eitner lor nunuiucmru nr coni:iiioii. Agnculiuroi impieiaiit we may inenlk).Ht0 ,,y Dr. Tilleur. u Fundi phviiclpn to In Ijini; clusi. At tlji IjM F.ilr, only 310 wasoSi'iid foi threiher and reapers, and but gS for. mower. The Solely, Ihli year, tOVr (.'30 fur Ihe ben thrisliers, gitO for eiond;S10 for best rerijier, S25 for ii-riJiid; 830 for best mower. 820 for ec uud; SIR for best plow, 810 for second; urst liorse-ruue, iron loom, reroning Wjnnp, iUclc-Thl fevrr Ii ushered In rKiiug.u, Oil g.au. sowir tin, oiuii,)V i,, ,(fvtrn,. a,.fn4lng w.l, re and In pniporllpii to llie cost o( lrun.or latfon "d V4uc of article, the lucre-lie over last jear will correspond, In addition to the above premium for articles ol home manufacture, the Society o3Vr for imported tlireiheri. Brit prcml . um, 8 15.. for second 10; reaper, 810, 5; mem ers, 8)0,??; p'ow.&S.p. Iu Ca(i "domestic nutmfacturi wien not more limn 20 in money u betn i flVred, heretofore, the welety this year I'iVr premium unioiintliig Io titer S3U0, uud In many Inilmiee-s allowing mora than the article would bring In any market on Ibe cousl. This rnte and pro portion, hliwerer; will hold good In Clw 0 home work in Class C grain, seeds, vegetable5, dairy, &c.,'pd lii vCJum-t nstural History, imi.tiig nrodoeti vM, r. B.tlde ibete. a4 among the fnany pw featun50 I oflVrid (no teooml) tutlie Ixst toyk"frm,iotWi;lliav2i0 acres, .nllb ta,teei)t.boftdwted; alo 825 acres, wltli nstnlontiit how cultivated. But thile endeavoring, by this prtatly tncrenrnl list for articles of home tnanunic- nim NirrMnm.,tlnrvi.irnrl nn iln .m r I vvn(rviM'A vuvii hv khm vi those Interfiled, ntid a lubstantlal return to the society, we liavo not forgoltio the stock raisers. Additional nrcmiums arc oflVrtd on swine, bv clussiuir Urrkshirf. i L'wx and Suffolk, and for slirep, by uddl- tlop of uwaids for Oxfordhite, Leicester. I hire, Culswold aud American Merino, l'speclal attention was nbo ginn to the horse dcparlmvul, urd besides largely In- creasing ll.c pieintutns, stringent ruhi J wefo adopted io guvirn the trlajs vf ipevd, uy wiiim i lie jockey uml trainer, Jieretofore In loo niunr (ito.U,cv. nionopolislnj; the mid sufflcient rruioni, will be uuaIiIo to sirve, we Intend that ncuiiciii shall be snpplitd, from counlits nrgkclcd, at the , proper time. Pinrinj whose immes an thai, If properly condiiettil, the nnnual ex hibltlnn will find penrrunj pulroni from ihcKj scctlmw this full. We assure you, friends, nnd tli people s r ....! .le.r a s of Oregon, that Io this time wo have labor- during the fair, und until that time, to cor ry out Ihe arruiigrmenti already made. Our i (fori lor the society should be well rewarded; and wc urge ll frit nil thioupli out the b'tntc to lend us thi-ir infliicnri) ni.il support, llmt tl.eunnual fair of I ECJ may prove not only one of Interest and pleasure to Its patrons, but u rrrdit lei the rilute. In conclusion, wmlg many of tho obsta cle In the way of it sureistful exhibition lust ear have bein or nil! bo irmovril, we hMi It c'etuly iiiidtisliiil that t.onr tf ih failuut and ditfipiiohihntntt of J6C1 nil ihaigtalttUOitprntnt Uaid tf wana er. II. W. lMdy, qiaclamas County, Fit Ident. John Ihrrnws, Linn County, It. 0. Orer.AV. il, Hunt. Marlon Co, T. O. Naylor, V. A. Mills, Wanhlng Inn County, ;iu-jel Miller, Clackama County, J ix I Calmer, Vuiulilll County, A.J. Rufrr, Mulirmmuli County, JC. C. Mtirs. Jackior County, J. W. Wtilllnp, I'nlk C'luiity, For tin- IJii.ird of Miimjeri. THE GUEAT pHaUUE. Advice from Knrnpe slate that r mrit Irlyhtfolepldemle, kiiowri ai ihe Hiberljii pUgm, ii previiiliiig In i'.iH'U and 1'nhitid, Gnbgiiiini'i Messenger hat been furnUiinl niiUty0 rrtwrii2iliserlfilftn of ll ie dn tlio Riukliiii Court: According In Ihq opinions (if the Rhs slari )liyslcluri, It U the ssme ferer .lliut wus nbervnl lor (he first lime In Htoilaml in Ihe jear 1810, and ilcnonilnatirl li tlmi cnunlry Ihe liilr'rmllltnt forer, ffim tie length or llie intermission and ie pio ,,,,,,.,. Ulit (ffon, 40 In 4 d-greei cen tlgradeor 100 degrei- Farhenheli), the pulse beating, 150. (Ilfal prnlrui)n uuil disorder oro obKTvable In tho neryoM c linns, although (he te of tie nientnl.fjq titilff rfmaip unjllerfd; f;eqi)ent palp are felt In Ihe I'eud and liT)b, grent pain Is also fell In Ihe left Jiypochnndflac regfolii in nn e xanjlnatloi) o )he palpliullpn and wicunlon prove the ipifen.1') li l'V lmmenvey incrraied Jn tofonif. The sklu U yWlow In color, OMrlng to toe nver, fie Ing ikewleitTi;ted by ttse m-ilady, Tfl,'rj Ilialnry cttaek of Ihe fover luit from een to eight diys, und iermlnalei with verjr rploui prsplr4llort. Af'er the Dnt psr nxvim, an In interval occur ol seven or e rgtil day, during which the, patient' up pttri alnoit' well a fr but at 'the expiration of ibat ptrod a Kcewd stlaek Bwnlfwf itself like llie first, but accftftit nkd villi villi greater prMtrllao. Smk time a third paroxyrw declare HeK',( to the t-ct fnrm, not lvs tlian 23 I I lfcfc i i ' .. f 1-ui.u iggfci mPav "-VOL. xL-NO. 21 NT -f . ler ?urJ)pr Interval oTfevtii dy, of the symptoms being tbtralMriU nnd complete aneurism, aod th pettiest unus into ihe most profound ttttt of pre tratlon. The rate of mortality k 76. we cmt., and Ihe vlcllrtu of Ihi mnidf ik during the second attack, utuly frot , kind of general paralysis, or tbroifb.MrL on derangement of the nervoworfM, with tea', decomposition of tbs Uqii 4 en enormous IncreaM ofth phi.TIj liver alio btcoMei grMlly tnlrgeeJ.W tnlcitlnei on the other liind,' are "eil'tW found heulihj or rise hardly cenjrutleJ, THE NKWSBOYN ON YAtt PATH. TBJB Our Kcw York newsboy an Am eatf prlsluc follow, and a numlxr ortMa mad their mederntCplles" dnrlnff eh I mt Two of them art known to b travalfrif U Rurope, and harlngn Root) ilrw (MMftiif. After the capture of Wllralngton Um tont. Ijoywei?lmot the flrat eWlllaM wa't4 tercd that city, and they reaped a fat, vest from the rebels who reraalued, aa4 wfcss had not teen a New York dally for taottfca. Owing to tho Immsns trada traniMtaet with tho bjockitd runners, sped wa tW only curruuey known In Wilmington, a4 the boy were almost a much ailoaliaeel t get silver for their paper the tibeliwtfa to sea Ynnkci. newiboya, almost Ixfor,,!' Inst Confederate troops had marched out at tho city. When Itlchmond waa nUkM.fi large quantity of re-bcl bond, all algntel aa4 tealcd, were found on tho streets,' arid all Ihcio wr purchased by an alirprlslag ninsboy, whu sold th lot fcr several thou intidsordullaraloa Nsw York louetMnt. These bonds aro being now loU'llka kot cakes for a dollar each, and aro isgerly puc clmiid by the publlo ai mtmentos of. tat gre-il rebellion. A", V. Cur. S. '. FUf, Sr..ATOii WilLiahs The Waihlifteii Ciouice contain I ho following lyaoptki if Seimtor Wllllnmi iptrch at WaAlof tat nn I ho occasion of the rejoicing aver IM captura of Richmond! ' rn.t.ow CinzuMt (bavoeone ber to night ton jolct wlih you over thrtat vtclorlc achieved by the arm! of tat re public, and over tho downfall tf th ttreag Imldnml citadel orthls most wlikul'aai blooly but now prostrate coaipltaty agalmt liutnin fncdam and repttblloaa ftf erntnent. Chiefly do I cnratulat ym upon Ihrse great achievement, beeaust I think I can see through th clouded .eaaajjf of llicie battle-fields, Ihe sun of peaet rlslog upon our dlsliaeted cdunlry, with faept af happincsa In nil It beams, 1. I our ararM tMlirtcd up In 'gratitude lo-utght to tka Giver of nil Hood who ha brought' ui through thl red sa of trial, trouWli'aad danger, and planted our flit upon tka mountain ol Islon whence wo can bWIt In full view the promised land of peace aad utilverral freedom. Cbicri. Vain aad Impotent trould bo nny attempt of mint to, find wmds good and strong enough to 4tt crlbo 1.i obligation! w are undef,to ikest. brave men who have satiel th lifo of th. tuition, who have added new and Imptrltaa Ue glory to our country' history. lCb'fiJ, flraut, Btierrnan (tho speaker') volit' wa fairly drowned by Ihe enlhiislaiWhiir folia of Ihe vast crowd' applause. '" ' We are obliged to el Id aad tadtatt,' t tho latenes of tho hour and tat nurnbtr af lh speakir. together with turallolaasat of spncu, pot pcrinlulug a full traniotlptlt, of our notes; but tU Senator' peroratsta w mint ghs In his owu words, as w htT , hit exordium: I.lvli'i at I do tbouiandi of mile awy, I fosl bppy llmt, a an' American clllisa, I nm still at dome In the city of WatalBg&n -i-clieers-atid hope that out of the aleUt' aitd sacrifice of thl nation will eoattftrtif a spirit of American eltUenaood, overlotty Ing all rrcjllonallim In every part aAaaa Amerlean nation, (Cheer.) , r It the'day ipecdlly tdvanct wbin'tTtrf American, Ibougb. ho may U in Km ilg Und.ior on tho great pralrUi of theWati,, or the stYa.noalis of the South, w)llfai aver whro wjjtiln It border that Usa, Iry is hit, and that be blng( tt tit iry, ami ttiai rronj tbtullnesorpn appra dative heart, bescaii look upon every or American soil to which tha Coattltatlt-ii attashe and drerwbleb the Hag wave, a4 sily thl my country, my boat, and forever. (Cheer,) ' rt' KjHSMKJM ' 1 . "OinoiKAi, rKCKsuoti" Ol. XwtT u Takhthk OATie-Tlie I'hllaielphW tf ,, ltm iiyu It I statu) Ibat ftt of,e l.ondrid rebel ifitert In ftyasiu at f , UetaWore, all have taken be oalb attf. glance )xp Ihlrttan, But ,l)ef t wa'aatj llmt Gen. Hhtlt of South Carallaa. Ud., taken (he oa)h 'o' allegiance tp tkyaHii -, 8atri, our arlmlrttlpn of Fpf I PafM'( rlaea Info oWltjlp'wooier, Far iN,kriafA nf Rhcjt Mid,, by lb ..y.w.' pJfj, wpidt iii.ir.V nu hl,pmmUJ ana rtbellioa, ior iblri; TW r,JF WBaj er v. Sonvrnej uW. nmml 1 r. the imsi alU4 froftkWitm af J" iliat fUIitti) htlit (atttr aa W WIWJfv , ii.-siJ-'aLw'Jn'jM ' The Ofigm tH"t'i , wll rmM r 'Albiay, JhtWlaV P V 'i ! l &&