Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 27, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. X. NO. 19
B. F. -DOWELL, Proprietor.
BcmcntmoK For One year. In advance,
Fonr Dollars; ir paid within the first sit
taonlb or the year, kvo dollar ; If not paid
vntll the expiration of the year, fix dollar.
AnrKuntflrti One square (10 lines or
lew), first Insertion, Three Dollars : each
mbwquent Insertion. One Dollar. A dis
count or fifty percent will be made to those
who ndwrtlN' liy the year.
J- I ItnUfi rmlTtd t currant nlti.
1; O. O. F; JckoBTlllc Lodge
s-h - a- No. IO, holds Its reg
f ,cfaSjygrjraUr meeting on every
ne fievSatunlnv cvpnlrifj except
&miffj the first Saturday nf each
Jnonlh.ind on Friday brnre,the first Satur
day In rash month, nt the Miuonlc Hull.
Drothers la good standing nre Invited to
attend. ORANGE JACOBS, N. G.
Nkwmak Fisuen. It. Scc'y.
Trustees.J. M. Sutton., Wm. Ray and
S. J. iy.
Warren Led . 10, A. F. & A. Mi
A HOLD their regular communl-
catlons lha Wednesday Evenings on
NrAor preceding the full moon, la jace-
aoMTiLue, onicaox. ,
JOIIN E. nOS3, W. M.
C. W. Savaok. Scc'y.
O. JACOD. E. r. Rl'fSELt..
.A-T Xi-A-TOT-
jAcruoNviu.fc, OaEtiore,
OnV pHMttc the Coillt Home.
Alt kuslnei committed to Ihi-lr care will
t promptly attended tb. July U'J, '02.
Jacksokviij,k, Orkoo.v.
Wilt practice lu all the Courts of the Third
Judicial District, the Supreme Court r Ore
gon, and In Yrcka, Cal. War Scrip prompt
ly colluded. yi-'Jii-
.A.T XjtA."Wi
Albany, Linn county, Oregon. octSStl
JiotioNvn.ix Oiituns,
Rsstesaw soar the South end or Oregon
u-mL January, i, lbk.4
Office at hi residence on Oregon street
UpKMtie Hi Cotaiit' Jail.
Jcsonvlllc. Ogn. detiMtf
Attorney and Counsellor
Jacksonville, OnmuN.
Office at reiUuicu ou California Street.
All business entrusted to his cure prompt
ly slleiidcd to. JaiiNtt
I' Picture o not give tntl. faction, no
tsarina will be made. Cull nt his new Gal
lery, on the hill, crcamlne kls pictures, aud
sit for your likiie.
Dr. Overtx-ck would announce to the clt
Itens of Jackson county and v iclulty, that
be has returned to Jacksouvilleuud it-nuiutil
the practice of iiKdlcIue. llu will always
be found at his uld stand, the Overbi-ck
llu'pltal, tialmt ubeviit bruf-luu
at business. Ho would rvcctfully solicit
a renewal of former patrouagc.
(19 lerckM St- San Frniicisco, Cnl.
Ravins; Ut4 cxtcosUe exueriencu In loilh
viaoxsale and retnll trade, e led cnu
Wot.lhat to COUNTUV MtltCHANTd
dwlring a resident agent, or to an occutiun
1 purchaser, we can otter superior Induce
JnenU. Particular attention given to collections
tbs purchase oud sale of Lepl Teiidtr notes,
Dralls, Stamps, 8ek lug Machines, etc., or
tber transactions requlriug the service of
nsKYk-ncA-d and reliable auents.
rurcuascs will be uiude lor cash only, ex
lpt iu put of special ameweut to the
oflary. f
Farmerly with jCa.vku. Vuuuayfc Co,.
holesale dealers Id tine clothing, Sup Fruu
plscju. . . J5cs5ion0,.
rormerlj with C. R. Gouiwu, Jfc Co.,
Wholesale Grocers, Sn l-'ranclco: uUo,
piUBBcur & Wude, Jacksonville, Oregon.
i T.W.99P- toot " sk08 dealsr, &m i nodtco
V'tJIK I'KUJINS, WoutpwU.fi, Boa rrswUca
... -,.rey. UUIiail
TUE oiilj Jiu-urence Company that can
lK7 do busmtw lu Oregon is the
;5'- Ibey have fuinulL-4 with Ihu lawn
?'' Yfe"?P' M ibpp-ltmg J5U.UDU iu the
""awlUe, FabruMjr 24Ui, 18S5. fcW5U
"Until the day break, and the shadows flee
Oh, tha lonj- Northern twilight b;twen
the day and the night,
Wheu the heart and wc&rlncss of tht world
aro ended qulto ;
When the hills grow dim. at dreams, and'
the crystal river seomt
Like that River of Lire from on t the Throne,
ihro the blessed walk In while.
Ob. the weird Northern twilight, which Is
neither night nor day.
When the nraber wake of the long-set son
still marks his western wayj
And but on great golden stir In the deep
bluoEast afar
Warns of sleep, and dark, and midnight of
oblivion and decay.
Ob, tbo calm Northern twilight, when labor
Is nil done,
And the birds In drowsy twitter have drop
ped Ulent ono by one;
And nothing stirs or sighs In mountains,
waters, skies.
Hnrth sleeps but her heart wakcth, till the
rising of theuu.
Oh, the sweel, sweet twilight just before the
time of rest,
When the black cloudi nre driven, and the
stormy wind" supprctcd;
And the dead day smiles so bright, filling
inrth nnd heaven w-Uh light
You would think 'twas dnwn come back
again but tie light Is In the West.
Oh, the grand snlcmn twilight, spreading
peace from polo to pnlc!
Hre the rains sweep o'er the hillsides, aud
the waters the and roll,
In the lull and the calm, come, 0 angel
with the palm
In the still Northern twilight be the part
ing of the soul.
.Vifcmifan'i Majaant.
Frnm S.ic. Union. May IBtli.
If the record of llif crlmrs of Ji u". Duvls
Is ilixilntil t" be rend liy cumin? c-nera-tlnns
whit it shudder of horror, the official
sloty (if lili capture will be "argument fur
u week, laughter for u month nnd n pood
jest forever." The hero of Uuenu Vista,
tho founder of n new nation, director of
m'ehty nrmh-s, clioien chief of n nmFter
nice, mirror of chhalry, bright Soladin of
the South, skulking among the pines of
Georgia, ilipnled In petticoats; flourish.
Inp d nnwlr-kniro, yet afraid to die by his
own hand or the revolver of a pursuing
Yunktr; purrrndfriiiz on the urge of the
jt ditch tu grucp the chariot of h Yun
kte triumph. Insicod of ncllng upon the
bruve counsel he had so often given to
others; nnd protesting, ns lie yMdt-d.
ngalnst the inerpy with which lhepnern-mi-nt
iorsueil "women nnd children!"
Iltfcctidlng Irom the stilts of clusslc trnp
i-dy tn the buskins of the brnudest fsrer,
the nock chivalry nf the Confederary
jsems to be doomul to not only be occur
id for lis cruelty, bnt to sink beneath the
ridicule of the world. The scene shifts
suddenly. Instrod of Hiulus aid Cuwius.
dipping their dupgi rs In the blood of the
murdered (.'tear utid loltlly dt voting them
selves to liberty or death, we see the chief
conspirator transformed Into Fulfinff
striving to elude detection In women'
clothes, tl the sober history of the war
demand the de'crlptlve- pen of a Mntly
and the discriminating judgment ol a Bun.
crolt, the close of the strupgle presents In
cidents that call for n Servuntrs or nn Or
pheus 0 Kerr. iMT. Davis turns out to
be more than the heavy villain of liie dra
ma ; he Is nn imposter. a humbug, one of
thooe historical flioms which Tliaekeruy
shriveled by satire und Carlyle delights to
t,tiii-iiin. Ph nil ill ii teS fur tho nenitentiarV
who refiesh their nouls w ith the Ni wpnti-
chronicles of bold scoundrels "dying
gume," nnd who were looking hopefully to!
the last saws of JifT.'s career, will turn
awoy with profound disgust. IJrnve Con
federates will wonder how ibry come to en
dure so long the supn tuacy of such a
Illy-lhcred chleL And loyal men, olso,
will feel like kicking the fellow for Ids out.
rage on tlie proprieties of the siluotlon,
after being so Ion;' regarded as o terrible
foe. A few months ago It was common to
refer tu the President of the Omibderutid
States as one fully cursed with the unliend.
ing pride and earnest purpose pt Milton's
Satan o chaiacteMO be feared, though
detested, and one likely to leave among
kindred spirits, by a dauntless death, the
memory of u marijr. To day. his name is
absurdly ossocloitil with robbing bunks,
Pi-ter-Funklng his furniture at Richmond,
skulking flight with u body guard of wo
men, ina-qiierading in female utiire to be
betrayed by his boots, und craven 6urrcu
der ut the first pointing of a pistol. It
was thought to be u fearful demnt when
the late President ol the Connd. racy, with
u legion ul-udmlrers in both hemispheres,
was publicly procluimed a sneaking awes
am. lor whose urresl the Giivtrnuieiil would
pay a handsome reward. If Pavls luis)
died as Booth dled-oud bis BobadiliM
talk and haughty pretensions had led many
to suppose he would so make an end lip
might have stopped at Booth's level, but
now he has fallen even below that lotv
grade of villainy Into the Jimmy Twllchcr
rank of contempt, from which a transfer to
the scaffold would be an elevatlbn In more
than on sense of the word. Hanging would
add a certain dignity to such character.
Some Southern Hotspur ought to " brain
blm with a lady's fan."
It is a fact rather creditable to the good
sense of the Gcnrgloni that they would not
furnish a squad of soldiers to escort Jeff.
Davis throujfi their State. The majority
ollhe whites of that region cannot be said
to love the Union. They have fought
ngalnst the Government, and clung with
tenacity to the black cornerstone of the
Confederacy but they discovered the real
character and dcrlgns of Davis two years
ago, and have opposed him steadily and
resolutely ever since. When he fled from
Richmond wc surmised that instead of find
ing mntrrlal for another army in Georgia,
he would meet scowling faces and minds
determined to bring him to a bitter ac
count. Difeated rebels generally turn
upon their leaders and hold them responsi
ble for disaster ; but in this cuse, we suv
pect. the wroth of despair was aggravatid
by the discotcry that the chiif of chivalry
was a piltry humbug, whose valor was ex
hausted with the vocabulary of tho stump.
The Georgians, apparently, did not care
to conceal the fuglthe nnd would not fire
a shot in Ills defense. He had nn more se
curity there. In the my heart of his vaunt
ed Confederacy, than he would have found
in the center of Pennsylvania. Now had
he pnssesred ony of those manly traits
which dignify adversity had he beea as
ready to brave the danger which lie urged
others to encounter, as the young Cheva
lier, for rxnmple, he would haxe befn con
ceahd by devoted adherents, or surrounded
by mm who would haxe died to save him
from n felon's fatr. The Giorglun will
not go into mourning for so mean an im
poster. The President or the Snutlern Conftd-eropyl-on
his woy tn 'Wushlpptnn under
a strnnp pnnrd. lie will go via Macon,
Atlanta, Clint tannnpn, Nashville, Louis
ville, Wheeling and Harper's Ftrry to the
scene of trial. He bos been anxious to
carry the war to the banks of lhe Ohio.
He will po thither himself, passing the
graves of thousands whom lie sent to open
the way under Rrapg nnd Hood. When
he left his si nt In the Srnnle tn become
chief nf the rebellion, he expected to re
turn tn Wnshlnptnn ns the head of on ac
cnmpllshid revolution. He will po there
now in chains, tn be tried, among a horde i
of desperadoes, for murder. What a depth
of humiliation ! He has not even the con
solation of knowing that he will lie remem
bered by an; body as a martyr, for he Is
follow i d by the ixecratlon of clefiutid rib
els nnd the mingled execration and con
tempt ol all loynl men. His ullir disgrace
precidis his condemnation, und will embit
ter his lost hours. Men who might have
intercided for n traitor will not say a word
to save an sssassln. The sympathy of
the brave Conli derates, which might be
Intensely excltid by a Lee, a Kwell, or n
Hood, who bus upheld the raure In the
face nf u storm of death, will be frreen as
a skulking toward Is dragged to his doom.
Davis will Ihe os long ns ho is allowed,
and try every powdblt meons to escape a
felon's fate. It will not be neaesary to
put n cotton cop on hlnl to preveut him
from bultiug Ills bruins out. If petticoats
be rigorously excluded from the jail, and the
guards so strengthened ns to banish nil
possibility of eluding justice, the late ex;
pomnt ofidiam chivalry moy be nerud to
go through the ordeal of execution with
decent firmness, but we nre afiuid he will
make ns nwkward oh exit ns the bloody,
but cowardly, Robespierre did whin guil
Rack for Lire One glance nt n good
map will show xxLat a pretty race it was
Three duj and nights, hurrying, hurry leg.
the two greut armies, scurcely fifteen miles
upart, thundcitd in through villages und
vullcyr, oxer bills nr.d streams, toward a
common goal. That goal the Richmond
and Danxllle railroad which should strike
H rirci T Should we come unon it to find
thut the pre-y hud passed; to get a view of
b vanishing flanks; to str.d niter it n fare-ui-ll
minion shot or two: to tit ourselves
down forlhw 1th, wiping our wet fore he-uds
und thanking Und unci Uruut mat ui leusi
tvnl.net do! Peteisburc nnd Rtehnioiid?
Or should we, could we, have the gladness
or meeting the hunted thing luce to isce
out of its dens, giving it o shot between
its scared eye-s, xvonylng It, torturing it
into giving up its fearful phet at lust.
Thu Inst vindictive thought Inspired the
men not only to endurance but to n kind
of fie-nry. 'i'hey marched as victors should;
they sang" and elnend along the road hkr
demons, Sparning the days wnn icei
lUt Bt-ver sernied to lire, tUirswJIt tramp
sounded far into the sleepiest uigbU. Dark
divisions that sank to steep In some forest
In the evening nt tin, awoke with thedrum
at two, to sat a meal ns hasty as a bird's,
and then to start, with bnnds playing, flig
waving, and shouts that might liaveroord
the tardy son, upon the roads agnln. All
the hardships and inconveuirnccs of other
marches wire turned into Joys In theie.
Wading rivers was turned into a glorious
tf.wif mnntnt. The soldiers went Into the
water up to their waists, joking, laeghlbg.
and emerged shaking themselves ncd roll
ing upon the bauks like a happy drove ol
Newfoundlands. Villagers, astonished aud
jcurlnus, asked what "you nil" were going
so fast for ?
AVoVw tha devil after Lett" cried a sold
"0, we're after Lee,
Infantre nnd cavalrrc,
and we're bound to smash him up before
After Lee i after Lee i General Grant,
General Meade, General iverybody who
ajpenri-d In sight of the tuggiug columns,
ncflicd nu oxatlon.
"Hard work, General; but If you want
is to go, we will go," shouted a red faced
uldicr tn General Grunt ns he was riding
ly one afternoon near sunset.
"Keep going lor a while yet, then, boys,"
laid the General.
"Wc will J we will J If you'll promise u
i sight of Lee," nod the air rung with
RroftATios UMronx. Tlie Intelligence
was received yesterday afternoon, by te'e
graph from the East, that Jiff. Davis hud
been en pmred Id Georgia, disguised In wo
men's clothing. Those who ruised thetflipy
of Jiff, ut the foot of K. strict sevuul
duys ago, und had kipt it suspended to the
fljgsluir of the Pacific Railroad Depot,
roucluded at once that hoops and pitli
coats und bonnets must constitute the lat
est style ol regulation uniform of the Com
mander in Chlel of the Coiile-ele-rutc army
They there lore, as soon us practicable, low
ered the efllpy, ndorned it with n military
uulforn of the style indicated, and rulfid
it again to its former position. Jeff, in h s
ue-w character, attracted u great denlofuw
it nl Ion during the afternoon. If there nre
my among us who de-sign todimonite tu
lit world at liny future time thut thry are
mertbers of the superior rnec and were
born to rule, or that the "old couce rn" is
ufed up, or thut they can capture Washing
too in thirty duys und occupy 1'liilndrlpliin
by tk 4 ill of July, etc udeiw them, be Inn
doinjr all this, to take a look on Front nnd
K streets at the man who lias nlriudy
"pone nnd done it" President Duvls nl
the Southern C'onfederncy. Wc expert
to present but one petition to Andy John
sou during lit Presidential term, und that
I hereunto annexed, viz: that he hang
Jiff Pax-Is to the bona fide limb of n
Northern apple tree, nnd in theidmticul
uniform lu which he was taken prisoner.
Sue. Union May Wli.
Gemtial Chant's Gmt. The following
analysis of the grit possessed by General
Grant, communlcolrd to tho Allnutic
Monthly by E. P. Whipple, xrltl be nmd
with special interest in the time of tin
highest triumph of the gritty General:
A peculiar kind of grit, not fulling un
der uny of the special expressions I haxi
noted, yet partaking In stoine degree of nil,
is tllus(ra'.ed In thu chaructcr of Lleuten
snt General Grant. Without nn utnrn ol
pretension or thelnric, with none of tl.o ex
ternal signs of energy nod Intrepidity, mak
ing no parade of the immovable purpose,
Irou nerve, und sili nt, penetrating inielll
pence Gi-d has put into him, his tranquil
great nirt Is hidden from surfiHsl ttruli
ny behind a cigar, ns Presidtiit Lincoln's
Is behind n joke. When anybody tries to
coax, cajole, overawe, brovv-beul or deceive
Lincoln, Ihe President nurses his leg und
Is reminded of a story; when anybody tries
the same game with Grant, the General
listens und ioktf If you try to wlieed'r
out oflilm his pluns for a caupaign, he
stolidly smokes; If you cull him un imbecile
and blunderer, he blandly lights an other
cigar; If you praiee him as the greatest
General living he placidly returns ll-.e pall
from his regaliu; und if you tell hivo he
should run for the Presidency, l e'.oes not
disturb the ffuanimiiy with wl-.'icb be in
hales und exhalis Ihe iintu'usiaiilial vapor
which typifies the politician's promises.
While you are woni'.ei.ing what kind of a
man this creature without a tongue Is, yon
are suddenly i h ctrified with the news of
some splendid victory, proving that Ixhlml
the cigar and behind the face discharged
of all tel tale expression, ia the best braip
to plan and Ihe strongest heart to dare
among the Generals of the republic.
"How many kinds of axes are (here T"
inquired a schuolnisster of one of bis pu
"The brosd sx, nsrrow ax, iron as, steel
ax, ez of the apost es, t.nd x my fslber !"
replied tie boy with rapidity.
New York lClh. Tho Commercial's
special dlpatcli says: The evidence of the
guilt of the prisoners, nl the conspiracy
trial, appears so conclusive as to complete
ly check the current of sympathy In their
fnvor, produced by the e,burctcr uftbc ro-
cret trial. It Is said the prisoners nro
warned by the counsel to abandon nil hope
They appear to be utterly broken down,
Revcrdy Johnson takes but little fart in
the trial. He Is prepuring an elaborate
argument challcnglug tho jurisdiction of
the Court.
Ncsr York 17th The Hillary commis
sion for the trial of the conspirators vliltrd
Ford's Theatre yesterday. It was found
the nssnssin rnn, after falling on the stage,
tn get out of tho building, n distance of
ninety fret. The passage was six fict wide
entirely unobtrtctcd, nnd Is on a level
with the ground In the rrnrof tht building.
so that the assassin hud no steps to ascend
or descend. There Is a narrow hall lead
lug from the stage on the south side of the
theatre, on Tenth street ou which the build
lug fronts. It was nt the front door of
this hall where Uooth, Spongier and anoth
er man whose name Is not yet in evidence,
were engaged in the mysterious w lib per
inp and maneuvering which attracted the
attention of Sergeant Joseph M. Dye, os
detailed by him In ids testimony yesterday
Everything In tho building Is Junto's It was
nt the time of the Msnsslnnllon, cVcept
that the chair In which Lincoln tat has
been taken away, and n Vluo flag which
hnng In front of the box, nnd In which
Ilfolh's spur caught, has been removed.
Wushlngton 12th. John S. liliitchford,
nf Rnstnn, is nppolntid grnrral Secretory
of the United Slates Sonltury Commission,
vice Je nkins. resigned.
New York 1 7ih. The testimony tnken
In the conspiracy case lust Frldny, IliclSlh.
and now made public shown thut the rnn
splnicy dull back to the Summer of 18GII,
mill thut Iloolh was then rugngid In It.
The ce-nplracy contemplated the capture
nf Lincoln, hi murdir, the burning nf
Northern cities, creating dU'ntisfudlnn
among the Northern people, and bringing
iibnni a revolution In favnr nf tho Cmifrd
-rucy. Booth was the leudingsplrlt in the
matter, visiting various purls of the conn
ttf. ho'dlng secret consultations In Can ml a
with George N. Sanders, C. C. Cloy. Hoi
rnmb, Thompson and others. Iloolh was
OirnMiril with mnn-y Irom Richmond, nnd
wns ocrut to hire others.
The testimony before the Military Com
mission today shows the whole plan fur
he capture nf Booth making It appior
that wo haxe the b'st detective system In
world. A letle r from Jt IT Davis, found nn
(tooth's body, nmply Justifies the churgo of
rnnsplrnry egnlnst him.
The Herald's Rlihmnnd correspondent
oy the newl of the capture nf Jeff Daxls
wn received there by old residents and re
bel sympathisers wlih the greatest aston
i'hnicnt and the deep st sense of tt.o hu
miliation nf their Irnltnrnus cause.
Assistant Secretary of War Dana tele.
graphs that previously to lha evacuation
nf Richmond, Davis hud told hit furniture
nl aud i on and was ready to leave, In nil
ihe hintnrle-snf sieges nnd retreats there I
n curded no similar liiilonco of cool headed
thrift. The world will smile nt this com
leal exhibition of prudence, amid all th
horrors of the closing scenes of the Am.-rl
can reWltton. The speclucle of tho 'iroud
President of tho UtC'Cnnfiderucy," xvhose
iimbillnn has cost the lives ef p. r.etllloi! nf
his countrymen, plunged n wli j8 notion In
woo und disturbed the eoa'an,ilmlly of the
world the spectacle of this Iron-willed
man peddling nt ouetlo.i bis household fur
niture preparatory to, flight from bis cupl
ml, is iinmntehef'i nn Illustration of the
slight Interval 'jetwren the sublime and
Ihe ridiculous Davis has heaped a great
ileal nf coarpe Invective on the "trading
Ynnkee,"nnd loved to declare In his speech
e I'nr.t ho would sooner male with the hy.
fiij; but that auction of his chairs, tables,
carpets and'kltchrn utensils, while Leo's
army was figlrting and dying nbout Peters
burg, and Richmond was In a panlo of
fright, was worthy of any "down Easier"
who ever swapped jack-knives on the brink
of death, or drove a sharp bargain with
the- surgion for ihe rlce of his own body
l was a genuine Yankee trick, end proven
that Jeff, after all. Is n chip of tin- old
blink, nnd not ubove turning un honest
nennv whenever there Is a chance. It is
supposed thai when the worst came In the
worst tie woniu nang one iuduiuck iwgumi
i nd his criminal usurpation with a trage.
Leaving a pamo at wLlch tha world grows
To point a moral or adorn a tale.
Bui ns Ginni' victorious legions pressed
closer nrouiid Petersburg, and the thunder
n their guns snundtd painfully near, he
llung nUt the red flag Insliaii. sold hi fur.
iiitUre at nucthm, nnd skediddled like any
ui her vtilgar hiro of burglary, General
Wltx'l now occupies Ids house, but probab
ly found R bare tnpagb, Sit trantti g
Few readers ran be aware until tbty
have had occasion to test the fact, how
much labor Is often saved by such a tabs
as the following the work of oat bow k
the grave. Jf "history is poelry," at out
who is a true poet forcibly remarks, Use ,
here I poelry personified t
ICO Virginia first settled by the fcogiisb.
10 4 New York first settled by the Dutch.
1G20 Massachusetts settled by Puritan.
1624 New Jersey settleel by the Dittefe.,
1C2? Dchvware settled by Swedes and Flat
1635 Maryland settled by Irish Catholic.
lG3Ut,Islnd ""ltd by Rpger Wllllasn.
1G50 North-Carolina settled by Bagfitstt
1C70 South Carolina settled by ftugcaoti.,
1G82 Pennsylvania settled by Wm. Fom.'
1783 Georgia settled by Gem Oglethfe-pt.
1792 Vermont admitted Into tha Unle.
1792 Kentucky admitted luto the Unlaws
179G Tennessee admitted into the Unloi;
1605 Ohio admitted Into tho Union,
1811 Louisiana admitted into tae Unlos.
1826 Indiana admitted Into the Union.
1817 Mississippi admitted into the Uulott.
1818 Illinois admitted Into tho Union.
181C Alabama admitted Into tho Union.
1820 Mnlno admitted Into the Union;
1821 Missouri admitted Into tha Union.
18.1C rjlrhlgan admitted Into the Union.
183G Arkansas admitted Into the Union.
1815 Florida admitted Into tbo Union.
1846 Iowa admitted Into tho Unlour
1813 Wisconsin admitted Into th Unloa.i
18M) Culirornla admitted into tho Union.
18.18 Oregon admitted Into the Union;
18G1 Ivnti'as udmltlcd Into the Union.
18G-1 Nevada ndmlttid into the Uulon.
Demi or NKurnit,. Iu tho second
volume of tha offlaUl digest of Secretary
Sewmd'a diplomatic correspondence, lately
published, there appears under data of
Nov. loth, 1864. a letter written by Ilia-
later Adams to Lord John Ruiiell, whereta
it wus urged upon her Majesty's Govern
ment to use proper endeavors to prevtaf '
tho equipment nf any naval force In a Brit
I1t port to make war on the United Suttsv '
In the course of his reply, tht British See-
retury mudt thu following statement:
"I cnnnni refrain from observing that
Her Mwlt-sly' Government has been tt
more successful In prevrnllng breaches of
neiilrullly with regard to the filling oat
nf cruisers to take part In the civil war la
rvnrth America than the Government of
the United Slate was In preventing lha
fitting nut nf ship nl war to aid the South
American Republic in tlirir revolt against
Spain, which, however, then stood in the
position nf a ceutrul authority resisting laS
su' reel Ion."
Mr Adams thereupon gave another col
orlng to the whole matter by stating tha
lads In tho case cited, It will be seta
that this n Joinder embodies a vefy pointed
h'ut that theUrill.li Government is expect'
ed to reimburse our own for tho losses wt
have suffered by the connivance of tha
f.umer with tho rebellion:
"Were It expedient at this late sky tat
enter upon un examination of tho relstlva
merits of the two governments la tht twe
very widely different stsgrt nf their cetW
dlllnn, In ce-eii1llng themselve-s.of tbehr
obllgnllnnn nr nenirnllly undtr-clrcomstaa
crsnf difficulty, I am not aware that any
result which woold bo arrlveel at would
have nnifffct In materially varying tha
view that ihnuld be taken of tht short-
cntMlnga of either. Very fortunately I
nm sureel the necesssty of further discuss
Ion of It by pointing nut to yoeir Lord
ship a circumstance) which seems to barn
entirely escape i your attention. Whsttv
er may have been thej iMcirucir ol tta
United State In tho Instances alluded to,
romuvusatloo, ihcrefur has been maid to '
Spain, and her full and freo release ha
been given under tho sanction 6t her
hand to a solemn treaty. Whatever her'
Majesty' Oommnwet shall acknowledge'
Itself prepared to perfect the parallel, the
exump'e may be cited against the United
Stalls, but not (ill then", Daily Uititoni-
nn, May 20, '
i '
Room K. Lax. The Chlcage Trtbuni
ha tho following discriminating notice of '
this over estimated rebel cBcer and graeeA
less traitor t T '
Lee Is an average Virginian slaveholder '
in floral character nothing wore, Before )
lite-war hi chivalry only ut-came knows .
from the circumstance which went' the
mum) of the press that on one occasion
when his overseer at Arlington refused te ' I
obey hi irdcr to administer the lush' to
young slave- woman who had attempted U H ,
i scope, t Mmself selciil he imblen e(
slavery und performed the Igoob'e task. "'
During Hi's war he lu not performed st
sine,!, chivalrous act to our kaowkdft, -Whuf
Unionist, In rebel hande ha a be
friended 7 But on the contrary, bavrry
they not sturved under his eyes, and rotted io
by disease where a word front bins' wools)
have given I hem human prison and list- '
susiulnihg food ? Hej l nn of lha gaUt '
lest of h the rebel Sends, aad eoald we e t
It (awfully, without bresoa of aUr owJ -t
hatlonal honor, we would hang bias whfc -r
patrinllo pli-asurr, At It stlhe l tale. i.
The Turk have executed their arisoaere el f.ab
war Miiof have rnslavrd ne, Aaf'' we
ilemard for slavllsr Irealavnt of -Lee hymU U
hH reriilird from want of rteVetie) ,tsjaei?rt
the obligation we beat kf itoitmm-rth t
fjOfreedW. - rsw;W;
' t
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