Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 13, 1865, Image 2

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    y i
htlKrltri.f9fWfUl "masterly 'ability
displayed by Mm, in guiding the ship of
Slato through the terrible breakers which
meiincctl her destruction.
He fount himself without a navy
without an nrmy without munitions of
war and without a dollar In the treasury,
uml iha n.-itfoa nearly a hundred millions
of dollars In debt, The nation wa in n
defene.es conililioti. A rebel army,,flush
cd with victory, and Wall supplied with
nrms H;.f miinlllons of war) the spies of
treason, wercntcJTltlijn.ttlki.ig dis
tance 0T our Uattoii.il capital.
Uiblcr the'so circmuiUiiccj, L'ncoln Is
Kuril ins proclamation for seventy-five
thousand Wic'tifamf tbe loyal idihn uspon
deiliwlth nn enthusiasm and dispatch, tiut
.lainfydcmonslratcd that the pulsations of
the'popoiar heart still beat time with Hit
muile of the Uulon. The patriotic prompt
ncsvjlth ts ii'cIi thl call was obcycd.suvcd
tha national ripHol from pillage, and the
national arclilves from destruction,
Through (he energy, llit executive abil
lty,'atfd.urgent recommendations of the
Presiilen.,econded by the patriotism of the
American people ami (he wisdom of Con
gress, tin army of fire hundict) thousand
warriors, weru oon in the field, armnl,
equlnpcd .and provided for ai no other
army was arer provided for since war has
ourMilthc world.
iVlsnot my object (o-d ty, fellow citizens,
to attempt n description of this terrible
Irajpie.-ft history its during deed.
, and tlobfc actions, are known to yon nil.
At its commencement it had its dark and
gloomy days lis hours of deep cdency.
and Its momrnts of lerrlblo doubts. Dot
these Iinve all passed nwny. The Union
nrinfM nre everywhere victorious thir Mit
el hosts arc btlng demorallxed and van
quished, nml llili rebellion ii bli; every,
where crushed out; not by conctHlon to
traitors, lint bjr fnriw of arms, Tbaom'BS
of peace are plainly viable a pcaw which
eball ba cndtuIiKj a peace conquered
from the rebel by the strong arm of Jhc
The pjrt psrfurratd, ami nfiljly perform
ed, .'by Mr. Lincoln in this war, wav not
that of I he warrior, bat that of a statesman
llis'lt was. to direct, canlrol, ned rrjulate
the vast machinery of the Government,
amid I he the thrntpof rational coilTulilon,
andlliciliiorKaniution of civil war. If
he Oe, Judged fiy the. d.-flculiies by which
no was iiirrnumini una encompassm, ami
by lboj;rnud, results which have been so
cured W his moderation ami nudum l
opposition to all thqje difficulties, wo can
ciitjbul uwjni.jo him the liightst degree
of statesmanship, nod executive ability.
N"o mportajit,evcnl has taken placedttrlne.
this meinoriable conflict, which has not
felt tjie Influence ol hi rr, aoi) h)s Iniel
UcUJperJiapj no cut man, since iLc Gov
ernment begun, ever cxctctiid a grcnler
influtncc over lh .manes of the people
than ho. There was a niys'trioai, yet firm
conduce rcjcllng from the people up to
tbejretovicdhlcf Jlislrate, and con
cciUeru(f Injilm as the hop; of the nation
This confidence was the bulimic uf our
llhegjcs, omj the $atj of our nation,
llatljt al'ci), tbo ryaud of oar destiny
wouMJve b;p rarcntd aad w would
iuvc,one,jliiwiirrjrd in a s of anarchy
nuiK.ljlood, This con&JRN was foundul
in thi belief of I be inUcrity of Lincoln's
heart, and too purity ami uprtghtucM of
hIsnjolyrs,, It was a huoirUJ of (hit
forgiviruj affection, that xuiiainrd him in
tbediclurjrcofjils ardauaj dalles, .and.
madeililmjujpefal in the darkest Lours of
oar counjry .history,
Quutions, tbo solution of which hid
balked Jhj .sagacity of America's ablest
atatcsrocn. were forced upon him, is i1h
midst of uallonal convuUIoci, and Ib6 ex-
igepcy.ofithc times demanded tUIr final
colutlon, He could not puth them aside.
wr uviaf,.iucir eoniiuerauon, uifc Jjjii
juo'SjCJiost, they weieewrpivceut. Tlity
atood as huge barrier in the road that Ji.il
to ulljmate success and Anal pwee, Atnoiv
thewgnf th vextd slavery question. An
Jlr.jLiiiCijIn.'a name and reputation, as well
a ihfjprotid position which ho will hold
lu.hiilory, wJIUs founded to a coiisidera
biccxtcnt.uponbli opinions unj &ctions
' Willi jeferenw to this nubict. T .t- .0...
atlemion fo 0 brief statement concerning
Wncoli) win n firm belieTer in tho
t r ulrufnc d r the declaration of 'Ameri
can 'Independence, He held thai all men
werelfnjact created equalthat Is were
equal by Uys Iaws cf oxa and lie
divjnu Jaw and that this tquality
was limited to Uirea' tlilas or
rlgMs-callod tbo right "to life, liberty,
ulKiPiK'.rull,of tappi.nesj; and that
wen in aootber seme could b. said to bo
ereatwl (ual oaly with refvreroo to th
thr'w cBumerated riglits. Buch, n brief,
was ins opinion on 11m abstract ewstlpn
of Liiimu rights. W tfae fClaratlsn of.
AiBjtileah IJfijd;uc h right, fu
Xlacolli was rljjli?. II i wntlmenu we
In Iiarrtiony witlMts worHl renowned, enuu-
of Ibc ilevOluiWjjery Fal'bvrs.
litMjvjI. fut U 0)49 bH that i'tiwa'n
fljfeft'slf tlWUWFi 9r rttab tlfws,
Ktttfr, lie strered lmmlr Wwm
tnHwujiSUr Wl (M riflit;tMiw InmsOi-:
Bq fartj'tbflTerrltoriea wenf concern
ed, Mr. Lincoln held that tlic-y were the
common property of the peopjd'of ibe Uni
ted Statcs-HHit as tbc ptoplc of tlie tUnl.
led Sintcjtfcoojidernl its one ngrcjalo body.
wcm 6ny repient"8l lh, th? J&ingresi of.
lh,Uriltril StMei-thavlhcrcfmo ttTowW
tonprcs had full power over the snbjrct.
at all times in ttio Tcrrllories and that
l1,Wl2i.SJjrJ?3,jj,pqnV,Jjut (hat it
was rfght and expedient for them to eser
else that power. In his InaugnralnddreiH"
he tmphatlcally recognized 'the conilitn
tionallly of the fugitive slava lawj and he
solemnly pledged himself, before Ibo ration,
to enforce that law; and subsequently en
forced it at the point of (he biyoncl, in the
city of lloton. Although ho ilwibtctl the
cprrcctnew of tha celebrated Drrd Scott
Decision, yet, as It was mad? by tho court
of lost resort, ho avowed his determination
to Hand by it. as the fori of the land until
(v was reversed. Theae, In brief, were tin
seiHimeuta and opinions of our belovul
president, cmiccrnlos tho,rit;bt3 of slavery
in limes of pence.
Ditt when the slivehnldere cut loose
from their constitutional moorings, and set
at-ikfUnce the. authority of 'tho nntional
Government, they invoked the existence
of a claM of powers thiit e lumbered In lat
ent inactivity in llic uffiee of President.
In time of penw. thn cliaracter of 'I'rrsi
dent is that of Chief .Magistrate, and thai
alone. Ills characler nf Oominaiidi'rdu
Chief of the army and uuvy exists, but in
snipendeil animation.
As soon ns the) war commenced, the Im
portant question presented itself what
shall be done with the slaves r( tt-bels in
nrms ag.iinit their Gocriiment ? The ne
gro, panting for freedom, wni everywhere
present. For n while there did not seem
to 1 any sett ltd policy upon this cxu
subject. In many lntauces the slati w
Ntuicul by Union iflievrr, lo his rebellious 1
tmtsler. In n fow inilancci, rclul oHiwis
boldly came within tho Union lints, and
demanded the rendition of llwlr ruoanay
nenrors; nud I am sorry to say. fur thx
honor of the American name. I hoy wsrrda
livvrnl up sent bich lo dig trsncliw nml
rrnr forlifiojlioni which wre sulmqtient
ly rarrinl, bat al no immense saerifiee nf
patriotic valor
Foriverynble bodleil lie
gro thu pent bach, tin) probability Is. that
ut least. five Xorthern In-onn'ii went down
10 their graves 11 mill the roar of liattleaind
tho shock oTttiO'blooily conflict fell with
In the trenches or upon the forlirlcations.
rwred'by the tompcllnl labor of lho' who
had asked for Ilbsrty, but were crus'ly ds
nlrd It.
Soon the keen Intellect of Gen. Tlutler
applied tli tlm condition of there panting
fugitives, tho well-known doctrine, "nf con
trabands of wnr." It was u neiv npplti-a-lion
of nn old principle of international
law. It was immediately adopted by the
l'n-sidtmt, and 'made u general ralo of no
lion. Yet it r.-assoon ftmr.cl that tho sup
porting prop of the rebellion was the !
slilutlnn of slavery. After many reverses,
ureal atuiely and profound study, the
I'ri-sidrnt eras forced to the conluiion,
that. In order to save tlm Guvernoient, lu
must deatroy slavery. This conclusion, It
mmt be confessed, was rescind with great
reluctance, uml after the conviction was
unalirrubly fastened upon his mind, al
though bo was urged by tvery cousldera
tmn of natloual Juitlco, humanity nwl
policy, yet he hrsitalctl a long while before
ha struck tho final blow. Ik fore lie did it.
Lhe nnuouiiccd to the rcbr-ls his determina
tion, urgtil them to lay down thrlr nrms
and return to their alirgiancu. and there
by rave their chi-rislutl institution, Unl
they were. still rebellious and dtfianl, nud
heeded not his warning. The nppoinlid
time roiled around, and the glorious proc
tarnation came. It will live fotour. It
w gho a lisllowtd iinmorinlliy to lis
author. It will placo (lie namo of Abrn
ham Lincoln high on Ibe'scroll offituw
rand number his, with the fw tlw Immor
tal names that were not born to die. It
Is a monument more enduring than the
Pyramids nf l'ypt. or tha Tomb of the
CeOars. ' Jeff Uavii' eap'oded I-Juqilre wa
founded 011 tho crushed humaniiy of the
negrO, Ahrahuai Lincoln's repulutl'-n
rcsls on the clear and unphailc recognition
of the absolute and 'ilea vcu conferred rights
of man.
In conclusion let me say, tho hero of tlils
age, and the'loved idol nPlbis nation, bus
gone down to nirhnnorr-d gravo. 'He died
in the zenith of his reputation and glory
but be lived long enough to know" that
his country was sayed. Could he have
possessed Ida senses for a few moments
before his death, with what uflVciionatV
interest would bis beeaved fellow-citterns
have listened to Ills Inst words. Hut he
lias gone a nation mourns his loss and'
millions of freemen, now and hereafter,
will revere bis virturevand'gwd lihrfanu
"Though dad In the firth, he lives in thn
spirit," His principles and the lesson be
taught, U bis country's best legay
II ia mcfiiory.wlll naver die until lime siiall
bnomore. The tn of (I'twrowlir
'pioj.e, -will water' Hie sod M Wat ww
nil lAv.'t t earthly 'Gf'lWrirvf'l whI
koeoffi) ld,f lsiwlvfrow (iMsfyjlblJ of
'groMtiMt grow. B,rd frofi llwihif,9l
e-vry flo'wer l blosfow npfn bis grave,
un Hveftfiinjf "t win ariwio ueiMtiil
riMtaittal tor, tbo mmwaiwfi et ms UKlfi
(. 6.. 1-A3
rIll'v wuli'itBil t)iflioti Uf-our
,jw rwHf!u Um Ajif 'V81'-
fH! .our cquutry, mutl,ana thai! Ifa lorn
t m at vtbe,jjriiW i-WiPrft ilepar
JiHisi le-tideiianew Oir tows of BdeJity lo
wWsdtr. 'awl "U'frdJtlom.awl ew-
M Wgox IwiiW
To tub i"icjiuy A'ru I'PRMiNicT or rooii
imsrsvK inr.K." Ilie Ainsren.
mijwwuiwiuw mmMJUMMmaftmuMtmrnmim
T.. 1. fltlirr, a,.T,KinwlliiiiV!t,o.,ntnI
W. lt.rolt),mlveTimnrjntitinU HirSsn
'nuiclicii, Col.
E. 1C. l'lilpp., nitvrrlUlui: sstnt tor
Uiicmiiicnlu, C'nt,
List or Agents for the jOkkoov Simmer.,
I!. I'. Itiuell. geneml ngtnt for Oregon,.
timi ltlalio Tirrtioiy.
I, t. nl.r
'J..T. Ksawtton.bt:o..
Thonio." Davit,
K. t. ll!r.ioU. ..
..San I'ranctwo Cal
,ilo.. . do.
. .Appfpiralc. Ogn.
....Vt'llliyr itn
. . :itek Point do
T!intrn Croxlon, ...iCroxlons lilgKliis 110
Win. Splerr, , Jump-Off-Jo do
Gov (illil'1 i'lirlland do
ll.lt Thompson, Albany do
W. JI. Isvani Althoilio do
'I liarats Uarr do do
Thomas F Floyd Ivtrrljyrllle do
S '. Sawyer To do
I). 1'. Amlfron Phoenix do
). M C.Gaull do do
A. Ireland Mjrllt Creek do
Geo.'t,. ),n KlWnlmrg do
Th odria Gamsron U11I1H1 Town do
Jume L Wat'oii HoKbwrg do
MNsIlnltlilliialer... Kosjw UWw do
L. V. SulllrHi Fort Klurwth do
Iliner It ruiM. or Unnyouvtlltra ucral
Autnl for Dimgtas County.
II I- one of the iNosldttgnitingspMlasltt
of tbe, (Mttient Una, to wllnvsa Iho writh
ing and tbe tinru iineniiucM of tbe
ronttd ami chapfallen eopptrhtnds of tblr
vlolnliy. U say ditnusifug, but w
mutt confess Hist pity for th" fmllUte of
human Datum which load miity awaywartl
nl'jitl to crlef, at times sprtads a eloud of
tasliiiicholy oirer eHirroenuil vi'Ien. Wlitn
wo tlitsik: at 11m condition of many ol ourenp-
psrhcad, fellow being, within Mho'c krtifU
arc pcut up Iho tome ml.xtd eiiMSione, hard
to Ik dSMrlbol," of joy and grUf. al (hose
Nil Iiy ttit groat, lojnl lunrt of Ansriaa
with thin dltTertnec only ; out, soirnw .
tbclrjoy, our Joy Ibiir wuoif.; no tay thil
ivbtn w contemplate thl ttati ofafialn, It
giv's u leaions of ailnns fur lhe tutttt
lag of oteu ILom uil(nLiiBi4il-'!iiil.il ko
pie. Thsir'a U indtcd a baYd lot ; fMilng
sorrurful. they mint fain be glcul ; expert
enelng all the i-iellhig seusadons of joy.
they must mother it, uml smothered, It
rankle tn their bronto ; white tlio
wbom hearlii beat In unlion wltb their
dmnlry.iliiulile I Mr joy by aftwopin
prifs)uMii of glory Lqllnlujahl uinl saolbe
thtir sorrows by lvlngivut tu thilr fesl
lugs In words and tokens.
Thsra are thos, hmvevtr. Ibat pity can
never rwh, although Ibtlrdliertllon katps
tbem jail wltfiin tbe bouida of Misty witb
their tiultorous titupsrallona; yet they,
like a voo.Ued snake, Rra.ver racily to
strlka their venomous faagilnto amy lllifg
that comes nltbtn thtlr rcaei. Sucb Is (lis
editor of tke ?trlir, and Ida nwn Frhlsy.
who, I (hi- eultor's abrencw, Is occasionally
left to do the barkln. As a peclinn of
his venommu abiiee, wo would refer to b!
attack on Father illnnclist, in rrjrard to 11m
funeral srvlct' hshlnt the Catholic ClHireb.
on tho 7lli ult. He ridicule (he Iter.
Pother, and holds him up lo th world at a
simpleton. ,bccauie he celobrated thorolein
sillies ot bis church In commcmoratlun of
the dwtb of the l're!dsnt, on a day set
apart for lb it purpon) by the Guvornor of
tJrcgon, and tli ArehbWiop uf hit on
church. He tellj Futlur lll.iucliet (hit tin
only way to deal with llioie fanalies who
pro grief stricken at Ihcdialb 0f Abraham
Lincoln w to "knock thcin down, uml then
kick tbvni for railing." He further says :
If mine demagogues In Father Illaiichet'
church artMed 10 break down In Demo-
xrntic iwwly tbttoulv lnotctororcill ami
1 religious liberty In tin country If ihev
Iwe fought and voted for 1'nrll.inle awrcu
tianoy In Ike gnttriimeiit of this country,
and Iha llntatiiul hand of liurllan blgony
mid Intulcraace fxl upon llicm iiicon
siquencr. we ihall have wrj littlu pity on
tui-ir.uilriiig. Or. Ri Iran, if only the
dttiiugogiits- liko the l.itu Archolthoii
lliijlic. Ilrowiiiou, I'nn-ell, Turn Meagher
and Coicoran we would say, "served them
exactly rljht."
Is it uol bumlliating to any1 Democrat
m has any, regard for hit- country, to own
(hat ha nYsr followed the leadtr'hlp or en
dqrsid a tluglo kviitiment ever uttered by
0110 vbo uonlj now sriitlc JiU .party to tho
lowest depths of inlinyby such a startling
Confl-Mlon. Tor each men as Ihate nntiir.1
above, whose menmrics will ever be held f
cred by a great nation for their uoblo dcolJ'
of patrlotfem, to bu denoiincil as, 'rUuia-"'
gogtis1! from such a contemptible 6urcC,
Iwcaliso tbey fought and Uborl for lb
wcetf of Ihsir eonutry agaltwt n 'bigoted1
aKd.wlati'wl rentllioo, and thereby aisud
inWmkingdwn tlw. Democratic, parly, ia
loatimm tc; orery on ho has a spark of
xatlewal, pr(de in hi breaii,
-- -- - 1 1 "'f
A'ltiCH'PAs.-Wolwrn- that frosn a
.pan of dirt, 'taken from tW oktm '.6f. John-
son and T-Ilder, ou Jackson creeJtf tt 'pSsf
.....1 t.n .. ... .-..:-v..i. .
wiewi-y-ciura in? ncu Km or sasu
1 '..' w
TiiKaflCkonvllkIViwte''J?eol wlll'bc
opwod On Momliv-Mv'tl. TM.nnfii. il
iuiiUuce nifd Imthietlon orthe iwmptUb-'
V.l ut 1-f-it .?. - L , irL'-.l I'm .. t m .1 .'
,. .mi iMprnrnveu (ncutr, Mn.weuuii)-;
T, t .... r,it-.r
Mit.rntTon: Through your colnmns Ij
(leslic to address the following -remanis ii(
ths 5?Ksfr. j " a - .
M'oti werr)matalseii,Wr 'Pur, v..
you say that LwrVln n auitu of ' Iniligirs
linn pillitUK! 10 uciioiu. uvcu-
ticing tho denln or President Lincoln, we
(you) did not launch out In terms of
extravagant prow uml tUgti ISown pan
egyric, In, den-riblng and commenting
on tho private and public lifo mid
virtues or the decej!ed." No. that "'" ""
the objection I lad to your leader. It was
bccantf yon willfully misrepresented the
pml pnlllieal nctt of our hmttnleil Prcal
dent, by charging all the blood and ilMtrur
thin, the Irglllmnto results nf this war. npon
tho " ratal policy" of the Hln-triem dead
I should he incllred to dmibt the honor
nnd patriotism of President Lincoln, were
you to speak In eulogj f M vlrluefl and
pollllcnl record. The Hon Jessoy Apple
gate con-ldered liimvlf very much dli
griiculby Muliina cnmpllmenllng him on
Hie exeellinp intellect lie poe;ed. To
recelva pralso front a man wlmm he believes
to'lx1 n "Iraltnr" lohis country, nmi n "rep
tile" In the slcht of his fellow mm, t Kr'
frclly ulmtrd The Ironical nllu-lon yon
msilr. in pabllsliic- ll" manner In which
. 1 . ' . I in nil.
tho funeral obsequies of Pestilent Lincoln.
were nbwvrd, wherein yon said llmt " lhr
Drug 9lore,lJxpre Ofncennd liurfor Shop,
were draped In mourning," was projwrly r
celved by the loyal people of this commu
nity, od Is another addition to the con
irmpt nnd dcMtnttnn they have for yon.
Hud yon publUlied the troth, you wooW
luvesaid nil biiMnese hou-es were draped In
rnnurnlnir exeept the lltpttttr (ifTiee. It
would, however, be a ieoimb'e to expsct
truth from tlf.yf'.as It would bt for a
man tn search for piety in tbe iofrrnol
" Kcrto
ntroTs;i) txcr..ivift.Y ron tkk ssniisi:'..
YvAslilnzton May 3d. WAsrwi, It ap
prnrs from cviiltncc in tbc Duresii of
Military Juttiei-, tho. murder of Preldnt
Lincoln was Ineilid. concsrltd and pro
ourrd by awl beUrcu Jeffirson Davis,
Torob Tlieaipsen, Ckment 0. Clay, IJev
erly Tiivktr, . C. Cleverly sod other
rebtli and traitors asainst tho Uniied
dtntej, harbored in Canada ; therefore, to
tho end fliat justice my b don-, I.
Andree. Johnson, President of the United
Flslcs, do (JAW fur Ibenrrrtt, nf said per
sons, or either of them, (within the limits nf
theUnlleil Sillies, so that (hoy can bu
brought to trial.) the fallowing reward :
Una hundred thousand dollars for JtIT
Davis j lwrl fiu lhouand dollars, each,
for Clement C. Clsyr Jarob Thompson ned
lleeccly TncVrr.and ten Ibomnndfor Wm.
0. Okvwly. late a clerk or a C. Clay.
New Yoil:. May -lib A Savannah let
trr of April Will. ay Gen. Wilton' e..
pedition arrived ytaterd&y frwn Jlaeon.
Gb. Th following it, a coodenseil history
of tin trip. Vfl Cbioasjiw, Aiolw.iMi, on
lhe 21st ol Murh. The first tiggmot
with Porrest took plaea at Kbtovur
Chnrch, near CenlesvikV. AVll,n foughl
r.d ronlid'him, ami bis forces wero driven
wtitoflhe Calmwba, Wilson captured
lui) prisoners ami iinco guns. A column
ws sent out which wplnreil ami dealroyd
a largo amuunl of confiderale properly.
Reims, Akt., WO miles fmn oar bite
was captured April 2d Tiiclve-gunantfe
fiaiDil In position, and 25 in the Arsenal
Three rolling milk with fist ores fur rry
large unal force, the naval foundry od
the orsennl.'tlic second In imporlaiici' in
the confederacy, the powder works ami
magazine, and n largo number of cars were
destroyed. Wilson remuined at Selma
eight days. Tha Alabamn river was
lirhlgcd n length of 8fl0 fett. Tho opera.
Hon occupied 6 days, iloutgomery, SO
miles illslaut, wus the ixt plUCe utt.ickeil,
but it sorrendertd 'nlthont an awnult.
Wc destroyed two rolling mills, a Toundiy.
two magazine, C3 cars, the mier works
and fim steamboats. Tho rebels burnnl
8S.0P0 bules of cotioa before lira evacua-.
Hon. Colninbus, 8ft miles duiaut, wm las
kciiat dnrk.on tho lClh, by asMUll.lure
we capaturrd 1,200 prisoners. 5 guns. 100,
000 bales of cotton, tmmtiiK' quantities of
ordinance und commlssarj stOrw, am) de
troyed lame cotton factories tbe arsenal
included a pmol fsclory n naval found.
ry. lJt locomotives, 100 cars, a dcpot.elghl
uischnie shops and one guuboat, mounting
six guns.
Toronto 4th Ueverly Tucker and W,
O- Clevely. for whom President Johnson
has offered a rewardhata published a leu
ter denying, in positive termS.nnv knowl
clge of the complracy. for tLs assassination
of the President,
Montreal. oth.-Oco. K. Sanders and
Ikverly Tucker are out with another man
Ifisto.nddrw'.d to President Johnson. In
whicli they accuse him ol a plot to murder
Ihclr Christian PrcjIJent (Davis), Tbey
agree to go l0 Honsea-Poiot, or any other
pJaco.-tn be trkil on the 'charges mad In
the Pn-sldent's rmnt prochiaiatlon, if the
U, 8. GoTernrneni will pay their kkw
and gnarantee safely.
New "'nrt At. tl'l.- .,
Gov. Aiken are preferred 'by th, ral!uVv 1
to Charleston. Ile h.fB Wbblnjrton. iJA
- - , .,. im narges ogam,i
(...utj,p ,reidtn ortl pitr. It fo uo.
K-Htood be U bwt-ta attf r tin govetment
oilier than for pBnW,waj. , '
Washington, 6,1,. JAYprm,rBtate-
wcernlig the dfspesitjon mte of
tlll.l . I. ,.,. S ... " --T -"
WtUTHrs.TIin IliiWAJj"
Jldollif body ore df nleil bj tins
which says Col linker and Ilrotlicrarlhc
my two persons wno i.now wnn u"i
'tinn-wasmada-of- ItnndHhey aro nhdor
o.illinrerricyf t' C
' -'New YmJSI'-S,rtJ!'OD corrcs-;ir..i-.t
.r ii.iJl'irsoaTsMlic confrtslmi of
Hnrrold. and ttio dotrnmentOry evidence
fnandon IleotliV body, TaMin. without n
cavil, 'the-'plot 'end iia "tlre tanctlon
on Jeff. Davis and his Canadian Couimls
torers. Mexican recruiting ngents nilveflled
openly In tlie Washington Orontcle, for
ditclfirgcil omrs and win to migrate to
It Is understood Ibat thi' Army or the
Jame. cortjltln or Iho L'lih and 23th
cnrpi. Gen- Gnl eominandfiig, will remain
in Vn. fur the pre-erit.
The Secf!oiil'ts of Clmrleiton were
wild wllb jay on receiving tho newa of tlie
death of President Lincoln. It Is raid
that the wnmiui wsru actually so profane
nnd rocrllignns ns tn fall on their knifw
and Ih-inlt God Almighty for tin tnnrinnti
crmie. 'IV sudden arrest nf ox-Governor
AlVens npwirs to brine them lo their
seittet. They immitllnicly became more
dlcrect In their comlncl. Aiken's nrn-it
'ami tlie expulilon of the conlitmaehim
Kptcopal clergyman Marshall, who refus
ed to substitute it prnyer for the Prrsfdent
Of the Unlteil Stales, mr llmt which ha
bail been offering for Ji IT Davis, ciipi1
much excitement. They Imlst llmt Gov
Aiken never had b.'tn ntiythlog bat a Un
ion mau.
New Orleans, 29lh.267 rebil f.lTicorej.
innging from Colonel tn IJciileruint, cup
Inrril nt Mobile, nrrhrd tn-dav.
Tlie high slnije of water In the Mlnl'ilppi
river is niakint rod havoc. The lavce Is
glvlrg way In many plscea.
New York. Cth -TW.-inh Utter or -
stole that had left ftavanniih on
that day gn'ng thenre tu Uiclimoml to
reach bis nrmy which wm.'to rav lNI-Igh
next morning. Shermn had sssned an
order announcing the tlnnl ngreunieiU ol
tlie snrrender Iiy Joli-jslon. He prolilblt
fomglag null prorld tn ceriolo unya to re
lieve llit preMing wnnls of lhe InhAbitanls.'
New York. 7tb. AiU Ices from HuMgh,
:i!)lh, wy that Seliob'ehl Is now virlnnlly
Governor of North Carolina. Ity the Vrtt
blent' prorkimatiou nil negroes ore now
free, 111.1l tlrnt it will be tlm duty of Hil
ar my to maintain their freedom, and nil
vi!ijg their employment ns lilrrd laborta by
the:r former manlr., nud cnuintlllng tha
imniiclpaieil wnple lo npply theinselvw tn
habits of Industry. Th planters generally
nrqulwco in the stale of things, many of
whom hove now llitlr laic slavis working
for wanes.
Winchester. (Yii).rYtli. A large por
lion of Huncok's corp is on the march
to Washington, via. Asliley'a Gap. Her.
oral reglnwiila have 'iiiie up the valley to
Slniinlmi sad other towss in tbe valley be
Urtleigli. 30lh. Tbe JOIb awl 29lh
eotpe n-msrln In the department of North
C'arollnii, with KiljMlrick'a oavnley. Stom
nwn'a nivnley are ordered lo JJast Tenne
seei Wilson's, to the Tenuesste river near
Decntur, AlnlMina. Gen. Howard uml
tlw Army of Tenntstto will lanwh to
HiebmoBd ; .'dliictitti and the Army of Gu.
will nbo morclifntr to lllehmoml.
Now York. Jlh.-InformaiIon has bren
received from G.-teniborn ilwl JcfT Davis
left there, April 2filii. Iwund for Vxs, r.
eortcsl by a delnchwcnt of cnvnlry under
Gens. Acbole nnd Ibull Duke. Tlmy
nnmbered about 300. 'IJn-y mid with them
airuln ofubmii 20 rragoiw. Gen. Ston
man wasN within ten milea or Charlotte.
Iii picket being on the bunks or the L
hawba, Davl made spetch at Gbiirlntif
a few days Wore l.o left, pronuslog to
have another winy in tho field larger thsu
ever before. Duke's command burned the
publio buiiilinye, ranackul iho private
stores, and tommiltril various outrwgifi on
the prnp;ly of the citizens. His men art-
mainly KtntuckUus nnd Tcxaua formerly
nijder .Mprgan.
Waihiugton, 7ilu Tho pniposerl cm
igwtlon to Mexico w likely. In osume for
midablo dlmensioia ft Is ihought it bods
no gpod to the imperialists in llmt eoninry
i no uiiwimiH win, ny uccrte ol the legill
male gnvernmem of Mexico, .become 1 at
ur,ili!:ed Mexican ijiizns.
Pliiludtlphia.Jl.'i.-SiiVfctiptlont to the
730 low In the .is,i. days amount to
the large sum of St0.387.000.
New "York.7lh. The-'Amcrlcan" from
Soullininpton pn the 26tb has arrived. Tn
tone of, the London Tunc btt, materially
ebangrd. It, comments on the. surrender ul
Lw'a rmy lo Grant, and ya be grand
army of ,Nnpolyqn,cnud not count .a a
iricsiifinore brilliant victotivs tliai, (he Jjd
coii iirni!(S,
'1 be Times not only pay 0 hi-h trlbnte of
riKci to federal Owrals, but alio ,to
il.wjMlDir,illT6 ability f Mr. Lineal..,
ud ri m g,ut cttdit to Mr. Seward as a
Mueteen hundred oml tilnety-three mile
0 Atluntio telegraph cable U -now com
pleted. 1400 milts is already on board ol
the Great Eastern,
Karl I Huell he UoM, of common..
nd Sir George Qmy on behalf Lord Pal '
"'"sioogB-e notice that tbey would on
-si 01 May inove oh oddresS to the
tjaf-en expressing sorrow ob.1 tudi-mrdnn
at the RsiaHiDsition or fresiiWit Lincoln.'
d prating ber to convey'lhA't exrrreWri,
of feeling to -the Arfletican mnimlB'
wo e'Mt nttcUn,, ,Vf're ,j a xtmiiHC
w&Rsrtt. ..J!l
"' " nl'uronrtavS
tlCCn delivered. rr.nl.nU.. .
Ir ndontcd cxnrcMten r l """a
sorrow felt nt tho bk8!(! , "TJ
r t - . ..w V uo..A .
dent Lincoln. The comert!,t JnA
London ndoptcd itmllar reeolmi J;(.1
wise all the varlons towM a '
luces. The Americans aittmbled 1
don nt Oros-enor hotel. Ths aw-i-Jou,nrlnUIM.yl,fWim?,j2J
nm's will presi.lt ut n maM !??:
aVmrrlcuns nt fjt. Jumes hobl
- A-Parlslct ter triteMhatlfceirri'.
versal regret nnd liulfgnntlnn wMsiyJ
ut the nsusinutinn nt Prisij. iT
Mr Mason, ru.el.rcpudlatMihtiL''
hchulf ol the rebel Slates, t i
-ranifiiiA f
TheO 20 loan lleelliied f. to C ptr ted
receiptor thenrws.'A me4U., '
held ut Hriis1 followed'b'y a"grtti xT
onstratlon iu honor of the hu pj
victories. An immense procession reptl
to tho Federal consul's residence (''(,.
sttl inndu n speech j n serenade f
The Clmmber of Deputies hare iVti
an udilrraj expressing griel att pf
Lincoln's nsai'inatIon. The Gfctt,
wa driipd In monrnlng In honer efts,
New York, May 8lh.-Th. ."Htty,
North diriillnn ill'pntclies g iti
rntnnrf nf ttio whereabouts of Jtfr.W
but none Inter or more difinfle tbun
of Inst wn-k, which representeil hleitsU
In fllgJit one day ahead nrStontmaa.'
ri'pnrt tlrnt lie was obliged to nbsadesVi
specie train was contradicted. Theft
aid correspondent civej further deuial
tbo surrender' of Johnson. Ore? tbtrj
thousand siirrendertd. A large ntiaVrt!
them did not wait to be parolrd,b;jtti,t.
ed nlfns snnn ns they learned of then-It.
n'atlnn. nnd nre now cngngrd tn row
destltulo peojilo. Over one bucdrwliwefl
ornrtlllcry wero aurrendcred, Arset;
nfficerj surrendered is tbo nolcitwSia
uuii. The New Orleans cnrrcpoe&tee in
additional particulars nf the negolistieM
n Vlrby Sniltli'a entire trssi MWpfi
army. A meeting, to arrarjre prelisib
rieM. look plaeenn the 23d, si tsesssit
of Ibd Itlver, at which Col. Sprsjte rep
retenleil Gen Polk, and Col, SWksit
nnneanil on Mmlf nf Grn Smith. Tsist
ofTKera were to Imvo onnlher conrrrrtettl
tlsnmc place May 2.1 Of ths rmlut
thi I ilti'r meeting nothing kss koevs,
It was understood the terms propoeil nt
lhe eamo as thde given to Let asd JoU
Tk.-re wer rT.ors st New OrH.
April 30th. tlrnt the re"b"l Oew.D.'a
Taylor and Porcsl had made loratil pr-f-udlinns
fur the surrender of their frim
Geo. Cnnby left, New Orleans sail
for Mobile. It was believed tlrnt W tat
tlnrc fur the purpoieof receiving Tay'axi
surrender. It is not to bo mails pssfie st
ill the termination of the ktotitw. It
Is but Utile doubted that TayVw still Aort
ly siirTeiideriinconditionHlly.
Tho Time's apeclnl says It iVwWke
n nilcr.il 001J tint the reward fcfftre! for Jtl
Davis, by President Johnson, was Ms
individual cct.
It wns unanimously decided lo lie CsV
tnet merling, llmt all Implicatw'laliepl'l
of lhe .uj8luutlnn of tho PrMat,iWJ
be triwl by a military tribunal. All to
trtttmoy Iwnrlrig on the case wssotlebJj
plaerd in the Und of Juilie AdrssiW
Hull, who reported officially tn tkSert-
tnry nf War. as his opinion. Ibat MPs
vis was connected with the ecnccp'ke !
execution of the plot. Or this cwl
port Hip prochimntion was baeii
Wu6hlntr.n. 81I1 -Our, cavalry ,'
c'f- puisnlt nf J.ir Davis sad tru.
anngninenf suecey.
Hampton bad 1.500 men under b'tanW
men and oilker were deserting ,
enring tharthey would beh-fatea1 sse
laws and criminals. It is sU ti'
reason Unmpton didn't surremler "
.Var nf being Implicated and tried '
unveriwat for thb brutal nmnler
woun.Uil Union soldier that bukiW
bis own sword.
Gov. Aikfim hn ben releaied.lt1
tng no Just caue for his arrest.
A ltaleigh letter says Jeff. Dm!
through Churlollc. April 22J. 4.
A correspondent, who reewty's"'
from Gl.ernian'4 to .Bherldan's !
Divlndnl not Ieatp JobnW.-?
the conclusion of Sherman's Irase, ,
Phlludi-lpWa. 9tti,-S.iblpllj?J:
7-3Q loan to day, amounted wl.-!
Woshinglim, Oib.-MiHW'y """ "'
the AS'.usdiua met to day
except to nrrango Ibu ruIe,ofuW
. '. .. ,1... i l.rtortAa.ai
vtr urosse uouuicv m "-, 1
lutlon of Mr- Greeley' work on 'J?
Ainerlcun Cunainl," bas jest M ?T!
,d by MrasrsTCuwA C''"U"lfor,,,.JJ
German edition, contaius, ,tbe 1T.
platea, wood cuts, etc. as tbe "V
lion, nnd is iu every respect, as 1TJ
executed us tho English origin". AST
plate reprvstulinjjjlie QcrraaqvoW
the Union nrmy is n'very TtflMbK
ior i ne uermun puotiv- M" tm-'j
catil by theitraiwUtor, Prof- 2L
Ausbury UuIversIty,'Greenwstl,IJJ;
l tbe-dpiril of6ernanW'wbIJi "g:
tl.ey()k pf its? JTBsi
which ,ov the frivdoin o Eos! "JJ
Charle M .rlel.an4wbif.'!!j3(5?
huiiwi. .mioil through Mf S3
Tli.. ir.uulattnn to far O We,iwTT.
M.tHMTI FttrW .-" -- , i
iloiw if! AliWrlf wof". ?" yu"
Gernitw wwles an
UUiU"?1 ""., u
JJfJr. Ujeoiy,T-2-rM " ' J
J- J
r? J,
r.Ll. 1-." ",t i-'-. -n.n..tlfl
r-.-..,.; fttfsMU w Ei
wot-tf JwliliV " ,
ILa a Ai ' " vT"