Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 06, 1865, Image 2

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Uxion', a Gotorkmcnt for tiik wuolk is
ismrnmnt.B." WaMnjim.
Saturday mornim,
jackbomviltjK, oaf tub
X-P. FIlier, J. J.ICtiorUniii;t'o., niul
'"W. II. Toby, attTerlHtng agtcnta for Hun
Fnuttltco, Cal.
E. K. Flilpix, nitTtrtSslna; ngrnt Tor
SSacramtiito, Cat.
Lltt of Agents far the Oazaov SrvTixaL,
K. F. Russell, general agent Tor Oregon,.
and Idaho Territory.
L. P. Flcticr .San Francisco Cal.
'JJ. Knowlton J: Co do do.
Thomas Davis, Applea-atc. Ogn.
sTr.R.I!llt wllber do
,F. G. Uirdsoye, Hock Point do
Thomas Croxton, ....Croxtons Dlgglnsdo
, Wm. 8plcer, Jump-On-Jo do
Got. GlbbJ, Portland do
D. M. Thompion, Albany do
W. U. Evans, Allhouw do
Thomas Carr do do
Thomas F. Floyd Kerbyvllto do
a. w. sawyer uo ""
D. P. Anderson Phoenix do
;D. II. C. Gault do do
.A. Ireland MyrlloCrcek do
Geo. I.. Dean, Ellenburg do
Thcodrle Cameron UnlonTowndo
James L. Watson lloscbtirg do
MluIIattlu Hunter Iloguo Hirer do
L. TV. Sullln Fort Klimatli do
Hlnfr Herman, of Cnyoavlllc,go ncral
Agent Tor Douglas County.
Ai-rii. 28, 18C5. f
Rev. J. W. Miu.kr Dkar Sir : A.
low us to solicit for-publlcatlon u copy of
your nl)to nnd eloquent discourse of ycsler
(lay, nt the Melhodlst church, ou the
death of Mr. Lincoln.
With the highest regards for your fotnre
success, wo remain yours, very respectfully.
U. F. Dnwell, L. S. Thompion, 0. 0.
Itrekman. U. 8. Ilaydcn. W. W. Fldler,
J. Nrubcr, V. 0. llrooks, L. Sadies. John
8. Lovo, N. Langell, Morris lkum, Mullcr
& Ilrenlano.
April 28,1805. ,f
IlwpKCTRa Sir : II. F. Dowell.l,. S.
Thompon, 0. U. Deekmin, U.8. Hoyden,
and other. I comply with your sollcita
tlnn, and herewith furnish you n copy of
my address, delivered on tho 27lh lint, re
grilling my want of eloquence nnd Inability
to do justice to the occasion of our nation s
most profound anil deepest sorrow the
death of our Chief Magistrate.
I remain yours, very respectfully,
J. W. Miller.
We closed our list artiole with the meet
log of tho prat Legislature on the American
continent. This body was called together
by the proclamation of Sir George Yeard
ley, Governor of Virglsia, which declared
teat those small laws; by which the plan'
ten bsd been so long governed, were r.ow
abrogated, and that they were to bo gov
trned by thoso free laws, which bis Majes
ty's subjects lived under In Kogland. That
the planters might have a hand In the gov
eralojf of themselves, It was granted that
a general Assembly should be held once o
year, whereat were to be present tb Gov
ernor and coonsell with two burgesses, or
represeotstives, from each plantation, freely
to be elected by tho inhabitants thereof;
this asseroby to bava power to maks and
ordain whatever laws and orders thought
by. them to be good and prcS'.sbic fcr their
Their first laws were quaint, but Sir I'M
win Sandys is justified in saylog " the laws
were very well and judiciously formed.'
This Assembly enacted that the church of
England was confirmed as the church of
Virginia, it was intended that the first four
ministers should each receive two huoJrcd
pounds a year; all persons whatever, upon
the Sabbath days were to frequent divine
service and sermons both forenoon and af
ternoon; and all such as bore arms lo bring
their pieces or swords. Grant of land like
the Oregon Donation Act, cot for tho farm
ers only, but for their wives, because, in a
sw country, It Is not known whether man
or woman is the most necessary. Meas
ures were adopted lowsrds the erecting of
a University and College.
It was also enacted that of the children
of the Indians the most premising boys in
wit and graces of nature, should be brought
up la the first elements of literature, and
seat from lb college to Hie work of coo
Tertlog the natives to tho Christian relfg
lea. Penalties were appointed for ifi lenesj,
gambling with dice or cards, and druo.W
s. Excess In apparel was taxed Jo
church for all,pablic contributions.
MayDay. May Day has past aa.l gone;
but not so the thoughts and memories of
the pleasant manner In which that festal
day was passed. The Jacksonville Sab
bath Ssbool cblldren-thooks lo the care
and kJadaeo of their Superintendent and
Teaeaers will remember the picnic in
ojewa urare - tor years to come. It
would sever do to be droopy on the 1st of
Hay,. ween the daisy, fresh from the resur
rectioo of the Spriog, lifts up Its sweet In!
eeese (JIsavM; when the sunbeams fall
la golden sbowera lo the valley, and the
ft twilight llegers coqueltlshly around
the bill tops.
Senator WiuuiM.-rjoo. Gcorgo II.
Williams bas been placed on the commit
tee oa claims and privaU laud claims in
the Swale, and be is alia em the Judlciory
Committee, wbich, at this tie, is perhaps
the most important eoasmitteo lu the
Seaate. This la a compllmeat paid to our
Saaator Ml often paid to oew members.
Ilssaade-Vgoodlawyeroadasaost ex
silent Judge, iu Oregon, sod we have bo
deabt beiwiil saak a, figlleat, aetirs and
, Senator in Congress.
jWeeaJI Ueattealioaof our readers to M.
A. WJIIiamalewiunleatloi), eonasralug
8eWllteMii,'Mtlse0rtBge. Also to
ear bwvbee eerreapesWeot
.FsesMeajj JeliMoa.ttM changed the a
tieMl. M, Oar. km UJ 25lb a Jue
lsi. ia MeeesMe te ;ta feelings el May
CferlsUaw, k rehtiea to Aaeeotion day. the grand terms of eligibility te eternal
Kver and onon, nmld the icenM and vi
cisltudes cngrosslng'thonght and fteliitg
encircling Iho crowded Immensity of the
universe of God, the human mind, the son!
of man, Is, In t earch of light, Inclined to
attest Its own eternity and nMtrt its free
dom. No man can look nt himself, nnd in
deep sollcltndo contemplate his destiny,
without discovering soma aoble attribute
of bis Intellectual and moral nature, which
is susceptible, by correct teaching, ol
high cnlllvnllon : er, by slothful Indiffer
ence, of unlimited degradation. How must
any system, ostensibly rcvrnling man's ori
gin, ditty nnd destiny, therefore rise up In
mnjrsly and brighten In splendor, lo the
anxious inquirer after light and truth,
Immortality, guilt ar.d danger, arc Intui
tions of our common nature, frought with
Ihc deepest solicitude, to every reflecting
mind. How can we forecast Its jsiucs, or
determln conditions, paramount to time,
and lilting as eternity? As naturo does
not furnish us a sufficient guide, the ad
ditional question arises whither shall we
torn for light and guidance ?
ITopcand fsr, in advance of all state
ment or reasoning-, anddespltc all oppoIog
theories, are turned at onee to the revela
tions of Christianity as alone able to solve
the mystery; and we are thus led to con
template, with calmness and candor, upon
the origin, duly, and destiny of man. No
man can turn to this revelation, without
finding it a subject warm with light and
life, unrivaled In truth, simplicity and lov-
Itness in its mission to exalt and dignify
our common nature. It provides, for the
justification of his person and the rrgener
ation of Iiia .nature. It nerves and sus
tains him in the resuncltion of sin, the
practice ol virtue, furnishes him with n
correct estimate of earth, and Is his chart
of the world to come. The dispensation
under which wc live, Is rifo alike with wis
dom and warning. Infinite gocdccis has
never slumbered n moment over tho vast
Interests the all comprehending deslng, of
bringing the featured tribes oflho earth to
the arms of mercy, and numbering them
with the family of God. The agency of
this grand mlllenUI change belongs to
God, tho instrumentality tnthegorpel. As
a nitride of heavenly creation, it contains
within Itself the principles of boundless in
crease, and shall spread through eiery clime
and under every sky until the voices of
piety, tho harps of Zion nnd the hymns of
her joy shall everywhere fling to the beud
ing heavens and listening earth, their sweet
and varied melody. Hut although the
gospel of God is thus bright and benign
to all who do not reject it ; yet, lo those
who do it is tho herald of wrath in Iho last
not less than of lovo In the first instance.
We have here the goodness and severity,
the mercy, ai.'d Ihs holimss'of God.
We meet nitii a similar exhibition of
counterative elements and antagonistic Ibi
polscs, tbrosghoai the -economy of univer
sal being, and their presence here need not
surprise us. And here thu word of God
promises the desired illumination that shall
ecomo coextensive with .universal man,
and shall be perennUI as Iho wauls of his
being and the corresponding rf.',T of the
Redeemer. Truth shall everywhere tri
umph iu the destruction of error and slo,
and darkness recede before the light of
Heaven. These principles are found In vhc
deep foundation of tho vast superstructure
of Nature, I'rovldeaec ami Grace. Ilea v.
en, in kindness to our world, has held aloft
the beacon light as a standard of reviving
virtue, the signal or reformation and the
dawn of hope.
Provisions, ample and efficacious, were,
by the sufferings and death of (Jurist, mode
for the guilty generations ol our rebellious
curse devoted.' planet. The i ransom nt was
paid by our generous representative, aod
we were received into favor with God,
The dread circuaifersnca of impending
gsilt, severing earth from Intercourse with
IIeAvenwas (brown down and man In
Tjted to his native skise. His wide and
universal welcome to these who had wan-,
dered from Him, waa; (brown-abroad tover
eur work! and His besceeuiur.vojca we
,upoc it. Upou repeataaee and faith as
life, man Is justified aad renowed. The
christian revelations has higher alms and
purer motives, than merely or mainly to
gratify tho Intellectual cariosity and enrich'
tho mind of man, bnt so to change his na
ture and reverse hli mornl condition, ns to
establish him In tho vlrtno nnd happiness
of Heaven.
The until of Heaven is imparted lo the
mind nnd its Mummi'm to tho heart and
every perfection of Godhead becomes his
guardian and his frlend.'ln the triumphant
career of duty, man in no way depends
upon Papal edict, or. superstitions creed
by which to mould his thoughts, or direct
his course. The lofty vocation of chris
tian duty, hold nil his powers nnd pas
sions in sacred captivity, while he looks
forward, with accumulating joy, to rr hap
piness essentially coextensive with the
high capabilities of his nature and bound
less n otcrnlty. It Is in this way Henv
enly truth nnd vision have depleted to the
enraptured eye of faith the past and com
ing glories vt Christianity. The historic
and prophetic. portions of the Dible, in their
mutual relations aiid'sfpcli, may be said
to constitute the morning and evening
light of the great snn of Heulutlon, which,
In rising shows us on one hand the slmdnw
ol the pait, and, In retting, traces on the
other an outline of luturlly.
Deliold the lamb of God the great cen
ter In which all the rays and lines of reve
lation meet, as In a focal point, and thence,
diverging, fitrulili their blended radi
ance, tlieiroverpoweriiipeffulgencuwherav
cr heart ulnill Wat or mint! aspire. Hear
His lessons of heavenly wisdom in the tem
ple, the synagogue, the desert; by the
wnyslde, on the re shore, and especially
when He makes Mount Olivet His pulpit
and sheds Immortal instructions on the na
tions of the earth, and promises that Kden's
long lost and forgotten glories shall be re
stored to enrlh, and God imlllng on His
new creation, shall bless It with the visons
of Ills love, until mountain shall shont to
Isle, and ocean thunder back to main "The
kingdoms of this world hnvo become the
kingdoms of oar God," God Himself, upon
the Mount of Tranfigurlion, proclaim
Him the Lawgiver: "This Is my beloved
Son, hear ye Him."
The enemies of Christianity, have essayed
n thousand times, and In as many forms, to
diiprnve Iho supernatural source tl.o
heavenly origin of thu gospel but have
alwyas been defeated, and retired from the
attack liko Hume with Campbell, and Gib
bon with Watton with the names of their '
conquerors ar.d the glory of the trlemplu
of ihc gospel.
The Gcel of cfcrhlisnlty has magnified
Himself before Iho intelligence of all worlds,
by furnishing grcatful pref f to Ihc chrls
Hon, adding joy to the angels, that our
planet, In lis moral relations and the mat.
ter of Its redemption especially, is directly
Implicated with the high concerns of a
more extended dispensation, In sprctding
among the children ol men, the knowledge
otd tffulgenco of Jehovah' character and
The world has been in a leinpcit of con
troversy on the claims of Christianity con
nected uflh Its million tu man, for nearly
sixty cenlnrirs.and the result is the religion
of the llible us a revelation from licawn.is
better and more unanswerably accredited
now than it ever was before, and Infinlltly
more likely to become the guide of all na
tion?. to give law and limit to tl.o hopt's
and alms or all future generations.
Memorably indeed, upon trial, have all
other systems, when laid in tho Imlmice,
wen iouiiu warning, anil lalli. The con
clusion Is Irreststable, that the religion of
the Ilible, is n revelation from Heaven.
Of what avail, havo been the vague
gutsies sent forth from time to time, like
Noahe dove, from the Irall ark of mill's
reason, to hover over the dark snd unfatlr
omable abyss of the future. Plato wrote
of golden dreams ; Socrates furciihul the
lessons of phllunlhroplc meekness; Homer,
with gorgeouiucsi of fiction ; Archimedes,
with the unadulterated calculations of phy.
leal truth and so of others. IJut their
teachings furnished no haven of blissful
repose, to still the nrnytwil and tossing
vessel of the human soul upon a tea ol
slrungo untried expectation.
It was at this fearful, and most befitting
crisis, that Ilevelatlon threw Ihc full light
of Immortality over our world, Iho undy
ing light of which rcmalua to guide him
Take man, even as known and commun
ed with by us, and you will find him as
truly ol celestial, as ho ia certainly and
sadly of mortal mould. "How poor, how
rich, how abject, how august, how com
plicate, how wonderful Is man I"
Amazing counteraction of adverse ele
ments Mysterious, indeed, aro tho vicis-
ilocje and discipline lo which man is sub
jected. LivJog, ho dies; dying, be lives
forever. An angel's arm can't sualeh him
from the grave, ye! legions of angel's arms
can't conlino him tb.ue. Adorable para
dox 1 astouudlug antithesis. Uy submis
sion to the law of Goo, be tshall see iU con
sistency and comprehend, its force. Hat
gratitude commemorate tke.klndaesi none
need despair,
Heaven has everywhere sheet its efful
anco over the death fraught tide o,' lime.
But fearfully it is true, man must die 1
The mediation of Christ was never eie-
signed to save man from temporal death,
Though death treads cut ,tnpL"0 acdea-
unguisn.es tho ligjjt of e.rlh, It flon not
conclado. tho history, of-pan. jPJougb
mortal, he is still illustrious. Let the (ear.
ful inevitability of death-rendered alill
more fearful by tho uncertainty as It re
gnnls both time and mnnner-clrdm our
attention. M" mwt Ut. In ho midst
oi !lf wo nro in death. Whether In the
unimpaired vigor of yonlh or showered
over with the heavy frosts of age, nil ore
nlllee liable to tho sudden nnd unsparing
strokeol death. Children of mcrtallty-of
tho dead unit the dylng-thlnk not you nru
tho tenements of n csstlo of brass or palace
of adamant, nnd therefore secure. How
deeply sad and mournfully solemn there
caslon that ha3 brought ns together,
Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President
of the United Slates, is with us, In person
no more. He expired on tho lflth Inst.,
from n wound received tho oventng before,
from thu hand of nn assassin. Though
dead, ho vet spcakcth. President Lincoln
was a Christian, a profound statesman, an
exalted patriot, whosu truo fidelity has
nlicady been engraven on the tablet of en
during memory. High Heaven, help us
to Imitate his noblo example I He po.vses
sed n pure heart, n sound judgmeat, n wise
and discerning mind, true nnd substantial
qualification for tho highest office and most
responsible trust in the gilt or the Amen
can people, which high honor ho twice dig
I could wish lhat the act was that of
the OMi'-ssIn nlonc; but I regard It as the
intrigue and conspiracy of Individuals, nnd
of tho same quality ns tho rebellion Itself.
It Is Ilicixn.'O demoniec spirit which cur
ried the same lite th.it lint flashed the lu
rid glare of war upon tho sky nt Sumter,
and tho wmc perfidy 7llh Davis, Floyd.
Urecklnrldge, nnd their sympathizers. It
was nn exhibition of thu .same inhuman,
demon rage manifested Ic Ihe massacre nt
Ft. Pillow, and the atarvin to death of
Union soldiers In rebel prisons. The crime
of the rebellion was great enough before
to sink It to the lowest depth of eternal
execration; but, alas, it has foandn place
beneath, a lower deep, nnd will receive u
heavier IokiI of infamy upou its sinking
What weight of indignant wrath and
Imlc will be hurled on tho guilty h'-nds of
tho assassins, whose foul hands havo now
struck at the center and Impo fll the nation
Itself! Had the death of thu President
come by divine appointment had he been
surrounded by all Ihc fond and uflccllonatc
charities in his quiet residence could he
have been permitted to express his last
JActaoNVirxK, Mtiy 3d
Kuiwn SKSTiNn. : I hereby transmit
Iho receipt fir nil moneys received nnd for.
warded by me to tho U. S. Christian nnd
rfunltiiry Commission, since my Inst pub
lishfd report, amounting In the ogregale
to 6277 00. Two hundred nnd twenty
dollars of tlil-s amount wnn raised nt n meet
ing or Hie cltizcus, occasioned by the fall
of Richmond.
1 would suggest to the people of South
ern Oregon, the great Importance of keep
ing ullvo thu noblo work of necessity, to
which they have already contributed so
liberally. Although wc have bright hopes
of a speedy peace, yet, pcaco cannot bring
health to tho luvalid uor a cessation of
pain lo our wounded nnd mnineel soldiers
who have shed lliclr blood to bring nbout
this happy result, nnd who nro now pining
in mllllarj hospitals throughout the length
and breadth of our land. It us remember
tho blessings we havo enjoyed on thh const,
during tho entire period of this terrible
war, ns compared to nil other sections ol
the Union; nnd express our gratitude by n
liberal contribution of our abundance, for
the relief of tho distressed whn have bore
the burthen from our shoulders.
The following-receipts wljl show the ad
ditional nninunt of money contributed for
the U.-S. Sanitary nnd Christian Commis
sion, from Jackson County, slnco my
last published report.
C. C. DnscKMAN', T resa r.
TonTt. iND. March fiih, lfiCr).
Hectved Irnm Wells Parget & Co.,tweulv
luiidolliUMimiunl contributed from tlie.M.
) Sunday School, at Jacksonville, for the
U. S. Christian Commission.
W. S. L.tt)D, Trcas'r.
Portland, Oregon, April 7th, 1BU5.
Itereivi-d, thruiiL'li Wells Fnreo & Co.,
from citizens of Jacksonville) 8.10 In cur
renev, collected nt municipal election, for
the U. S. Sanitary ('nmtnllon.
p. u. Hctiuri.Kit, Jr.
IVr S. 1). Siiattock.
Sec. Oregon Ilrur.ch.
Pon.Tr.AM). April 2fith, 18fi.".
Iteeelveil from CO. llfckm.in, Treas'r.,
two hundred nod twenty-live dollars incur
rency for the U. S. Christian Commission.
W. H.Luhi, Treas'r.
Hamilton Miss L
Hamilton HT
Hnso Jas A
itews F.IIur
Kenedy Noblo
Kniglit Wllev
Kloppensleln'NIck W.sbWn fe
Lake K Wlti-uJ." ,lli
Lnckey J4 Wren .Tar-i.J ,
Lot.H.MF, W ch &
Mayes OW Willi? fifi-o
To obintn nny or thc.o tcttera n.. .
cant must call for "advertised iVt't 5. ,f9I!
tho date of this list, Ud pay Z Kfi"
jr not- cnllPd
Tor within
will bu sent to the Dead Letter Zt""
IK mailing letters, place ih,t.t
slump on thu upper rlcht.lmn.1 LK?ta!
Icuvo space botwecu the stamp sneld t
leave space between the stamnand,! Z,r
Wo would call especial attention U a.
Medical Card or Dr. 0. W, Mooro, In sSjJ
cr column or this paper. In sdaluw 1
tho many notices, whtch ho km kj
from the press.throtighoul tboiState, Ware
plcaascd to bear testimony to nti pro'faji,,.
id ability, and recommend him to tlj,
I to conlMenco as an honorable genUtaaj
nnd n sklirul physician and Burgees' j
whom the most Implicit reliance can be fa,
cd by those requiring bis services.-., .
Ito dmttlt.
GnmKVa Ajikmcan Conflict. Thir
ls no doubt tho most reliable, authentic
ami Impartial history of Ilia present war
Wchave read notices of the work in per
haps n Imndacd different newspapers, mng'
and most solemn thoughts, and blessed H ",n ." I'W'C't rcspcctlbillty as
nation, with his dying breath, over which
be has so honorably presided, his death
would havo been received and borne with
a ctrtain patience and equanimity of mor
al auguisb. lint Ike cruel death, by assas
sination, of the Clilif Magistrate of our
nation, carries with it a bertavment too
great for expression, a sorrow too deep lor
utteracce, a dceolatlou too deep for sympa
thy, The loyal heart of a great and pow
crful nation bleeds at every pore. Among
all imposing scenes and events of which
the earth Is the theatre, tho most sublime
Is n nation In tears; In tears for n man
who respected Its principles, nnd to whom
it had confided its noblest trusts, lldig
lon and civilization weep, for they are
shocked nt tho terrible blow. The teach
ings of tho barburism of human slsvery
hai culmliu ted in m-ardcr most foal. This
is tho estence, tho last out-cropping flower,
the natural fruit of this hell nourished tree
of Unison, whoso roots nro slavery. The
salnli-d Wesley characterized s!uery as the
vilest institution under Ihe sun," and "the
sum of nil villiany." Tim mind recoils nt
the enormity of the crime. He who said
"vengesneo is mine, I will repay," Is sure
to overtake tho assassins nnd inllictjuit
punishment. From the Thraclan robber
to Muirlll, and from the bloody Herod to
the meanest outcast tho world ever loathed
or abhorred Judas excepted never be
fore was committed such n deed. Defeated
ia principles nnd compelled lo retreat be
fore the smallest ray of truth, the assassin
lets loose his insane rago upon persons.
Tell It not In Oath, publish it not In tho
streets of Askelou, lhat slavery should ever
nnil nn advocato upon the soil of America,
twice hallowed by the blood of a freo peo.
nl. 'PI,!. . I .1 II . ...
..mj limn ujiiiuauio rcueiuon against
to literary talent, ami all give the author
the hlghrst enconiums far Ilia candid, thor
ough, and impartial manner In which he
has treated the subject; and ill who wish
to keep up with the lime, should read the
work. It lummtnthjamtttrofjtutlool;
besides being interesting In style.
O. A. Davis Is canvassing agent for
Jackson and 'Josephine counties.
N. D. The work can be had in cither
German cr KnjHiii.
Ft. Klamath. Wo receive J a pro.
gramme of the Ft. Klamath Theatre this
week, it seems Hut tho bojs not only
follow the profession of a soldier, but olso
tngagc in the finer arts. The long, dreary
evenings of tho past winter have been en
livened by frequent dramatic performances.
Wk call attention to tho Military Hall,
advertised in nnother column, lo bo given
nt I'heu'iix. Wc be-speak a full attendance,
as tbo boys will soon be tramping over Ihe
sandy plains.
TIIK cltl.flns or I'lieeiilx, ami -rfcfslir
propose giving n Farewell rarly.iotit'
soldiers of Camp, ttaker nt Colver'sllill l
fliecnlx.on Hliluy evening, May Ijlb.UM
All lhoc having friends In tm ssrrlcist
Camp Ilukor, nnd nil wishing and willies to
participate In u social mid Impartial .
ncr on lhat occasion, nro respectfully lad-
ted to nltend.
Good music will bo In nttendsaee, Us
table set wilh Hie best Unit can boiitocnred.
and Iho best or order maintained.
April gP'h-JHiKj. tnsj6ir!
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICK Is hereby given that Istlenef
ndmliilttralliin, with tho will mtui,
on the citato of J. J. Anderson, 4.
ceased, lulu or Jackson county, Orejoo, diss
been urnnteil Id the undersigned all per
son buying claims ngulnst said estate, its
rrquesled lo present lliem wllli the proper
vouchers, to tho umlcrilimtd, at his resi
dence, near l'luurix. within six months
from this date, nnd nil claims not presssW
within ten mouths will bo forever bsrrta;
and nil persons Indebted to said estate srs re
queried to make ImmeillalA payment to lis
undersigned. J. F. ANDL'IUO.V, Ad'ra'r.
.May Ith, ISU5. maytat
human liberty in tho American common
wealth dies, as It has lived, accursed by
God aud man. It wos born of Ingratitude
against Heaven's best girt of government
to man. It dies with its hands imbrued
In the blood of oar nation's noblest and
best son. Never before did assassin's blow
strike so noble a head. What crime has
the rebel power not commltltd f
I would lhat the words of the world's
iiweemer-whoee great disciple and Imi
tator has fallen-could be said or the new
murderers: "Tbey know not what they do."
Alas ! Ihey knew loo well, ami because
they knew, tbey struck; they struck for
their maiter-lhe Devil. Hut tho bpris.
ing and throbbing of tho nation's heart,
testifies lhat there is such a thing as pab
llo faith and public good; that there are
prluclples of Justice, truth and honor, which
sway all hearts. It IrsliCeo, also, lhat
while good men die, wept, honored and
sung, principles have on bnending life, and
pissing from one generation to another
pervading and monldiug n nation's heart-
principles worth living for and worlh dy.
.sIrT" , ?Vfre " "0t for ,ho firm WM
that God bas a purposo In the offairs nf
men. ami will ,,.. m, i ...
ted in splto of the raeriner of ,vii u
Uod yet rules I Our nation yei lives I
Dki-artuues. 0. Jacobs started on
Monday last for Salem. II. F. Dowell
nbjo started on Tuesday morning, on a pro
fcsiional lour lo Walla Walla. Ho will
be absent about three weeks.
U.11UII1 Lmciu. Ry n late law of
Congress, all letters not prepaid ore Immc
dialely fccnt to tho Dead Letter office, at
On Jsckvon Creek. .?unii.iv ol-..i
April UQili. I.v V 8. Hayrten. J. I, nt tho'
i wmi-uco o in iiriiiegroom. Mr. Ali.kx I).
Aviry, to Mrs. Amiiiia I'acsuiid.
At the residence of or the bride's rather.
In Lonyonvllle. by S. II. ilrlggs. J. i.
Jlr. Garukt Ckockktt, lo Miss Khiivdice
l mwhlk, ull or Douglas county Ogu.
Final SottlomeHt
Coi'.vrv or JACKS4XV
County Cburt, April Term 18W.
In tbo mutter or thu estate of Wallace A.
Grlillry, diccaied.
Kotico Is hereby given, that 0. JteoU,
ailniinlstnttnr or raid uliitu, has tied his
exhibit for llunl settlement or M tiUU,
and that Weduerday, Iho ecrculli diy ef
June, isu.'), nui u-cii set upariiorssianasi
lly order nfllnn. J. C. Tolman. Const;
Judge. IVM. HOFFMAN, County Clrik.
mayCw-t .May Cth, 180,
-In Douglas county, April -lib, to the
hb i iimii wornui, a son.
r . V.1! "k l'rincl, Douglas coun
y, April JOth, of intlamation of ihu bruin
I'.LiZAUKTir, daughter or Samuel ami Eliza'
When Is a gua-barrel like a robbed man'
wiien it is rifled,
Li it of Lbttors
DKMAINING Unclaimed In Iho Post Or-
ui nl 5kwn"'s Stato orOgu,, on
tbo 1st day of May., 1803.
yitentrnnger F K. Miller B A
Miller Mrs n A
Morfjan John
Alvrton Koward
Museor Huso Jonas
Olsby Willis
llouudlro Charles
Roberta J P
Smith Kdward
Smith J. W
Smith Geergo
Smith Uilaull.
Slack T'JJ
Sorle Jacob i
Hhoudv W H
SjbuDlph John
Tlillrnlnn IT
1 PUIILIU. Duclur JurdoD.tVprittcr
iiml l'riiicipal of Iho 1'acluo Aninoitlt
Mineuni, k-gs to Inform Ike public 'ail Is
is In no way connected with any adv.-rtl-l-ig
parties who may uiume his nsae.
Dr. Jurilun usiimes lids mode or cautlca
ing (ho iniblio. lo prevent linpotllor; amiss
Ihe analumlcal miia'um Is n wrmiacut is
sllluliou In bun Francisco, pirtiei travel
lug In Dr. Jordon'a name, will be r,';srde4
n iniiiintiirH. msstaV
Notice oTrinal Sottlemit
IN Ihe County Court or Curry County.
In thu iiiutlvr or Iho estate of V. I
Illllard, ikci-aud, ,
Nulico is hereby given that M. IHU.;
mlulMratororsiililoslalo.has filed bis W
exhibit mid pellllor, for final ecUlemMl
slid eitutc. and Hut Monday, the 3J'i'Sf
July, lbti.'i. bus U-eii tet apart forssidM"
sellUmeiit wllli said uilmlnlstrator.
Ily order ofM. 1J. Gregory. County W'
mayiiivt G.L. Di:ANWtfc
MVwIfo, Marrnret Illack, having lft
mj bed nnd board, without any lost
cause, I nnllty nil penuois not to trust n
hi my account, as I will pet py nr?rt,
or her contracting. Oil AltLKs DbACh
May Blh 185. taay6wJ
TN the Circuit Court or Ihe State or Ors
J. gon, lor Iho county of Jackson.
W. G. T'Vault and 51. Marlon T'Vsull,
plalntlUs, vm. .TnineH N. T. MIt. Jjss
llarns, Geo. W. Kccler. John O'UrlaJB,
John W, McKny, It. II. llagardlne, b. V.
Foudry. Geo. T. Vlniiig. J. V.JNM'
John Wlnljeu. Herman Helms, TaesaM
Heall. Kasiier Kubll, Antolnc liruns, J,"
Fay and P. J. Mntone, Uerendaots.
Mutt In Cliniicciy.
To Geo. W. Kvcler, ono of said dcrwd.
Youaioreqiiiril to appear PR W
f oi mo term or tho circuit cours. w-
il far llin. ihM Ci,.ln ..iirl' rnunlY, SI l"'
Court 11,,,.. l t.i .Jllln on tb '
--.... ..v..ts. ,,, 4.WIW,,,,. - -
iMIen Salavctta
Uanlster Uobt
Uuroett A. T.
Uotsford Moses 2
Chandler M Q
Crain Daniel
Olaason E M
Oartwtigbt Vf T
Collins John
Davis 0 3
Davis Mrs H F
DJ!Mt Alfri-,1
ier Miss Lorto
Knsley Sara
Ksllnger James.
sjox bam
Griffith Kit, t
Uresarnore 0
Monday In June, lHlJo, tind plead aoseer
or dsqmrSo raid; coi)lalntou.D)l P W"
you In said Court, orjuilgme'nt and dea
in lauo an accouiii oi mo s" " ,.
tockboldcr In Ibp pref, typo. , ' ",1
stock, fixtures nndaupiirtenoncesonoej"
"Oregon qazelto" litwiDaper.Bud tot W
or said property, nnd n division or n5PA
ceedsofsald sale will bo taken, and w?
pr?Kr qr the complaint rl,t6,0,
aguliist you for want thereof.
Hy orur of V. l 1'rlm, Judge, I
IJUWtil'l' ",'-
March 31s, 1805.
rimrston II
Hamilton Wm A A Talley Wm
o. JAcoas. r, ,mllv"
JACOBS, L RUiBSlvLl,,,, ,
Jacksonvili, QBseK'.
imsjm w4to ttaevOgiyr
aii Busiaeas commisieu w ". Si at
be .promptly attended to. J7 w ("