Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 06, 1865, Image 1

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Ije Ktgpn
:m ..hi
B. F. DOWELS, Proprietor.
.ScBaertitTtoV For Ono year. In advance,
Four Hollar ( If pat within dm tlrat nix
month, of the year, tivo dollar j If nut paid
olll the cxplrtlon of the year, six dollars.
Aiitkhtmk'iiuro square (i lines or
ten), first Insertion, Hireo Dollars; each
subsequent Inaction. One Dollar. A ills
count of Rfty ris emit will bo madu to those
who advrrtte Y17 ihn venr.
,4BT I' '- A"" rxtvil l currant ntt...
I.O. O. F. -.7nrItoiiTtHc Lodge
iy' jT. 'w IO, holds Its reg-C-l'p5b
vntji " I " r meeting, on every
aprfXt fisjrialiirelny evening except
Tl?ii thtlrtf!turrt.ey nfiucli
rnorfri,u. oh Friday bufore thu flrjl Salur
lay In cfish mnntli, at the .Masonic Hull.
Brother In good standing firu Invited to
Nkwmin Peair.R, lt.Brc'y
Trustees. 1. M. Button., Wm. Hat and
Warren Lodse No, 10, A. F. Jfc A. M.
HOLD tliir rtilr communl
saXrrathius tin) Wednesday Evening on
Vor preceding the full moon, In jack
aouviu.:, VKKOOK.
C. n. Sataoe. Sco'y.
o, jacoiu. x. r. itcssiKM,.
.VX 3Tj.A."t7tf
Often oiiMl h S'.i.ilt lluii.c.
Allbtdnev committed to their cure will
U tirumii'.ly eSended to. July 3fl.'ilg.
6'. F. DOWELL,
jmsxTrszTcrt zt tx. iar oss-xlt
-sO.!? Sia.Te-Tro",
Jaccsonvim.k, Ohkuo.s.
Will practice In alt tliu Court of tho Tlilnl
Judicial DU'.rlct, the Supreme Curt of hu
cou.miiH In VicUa, Cal. Vr Scrip prompt
ly colli-cttJ. Qot. IH.
AlUny, l.iun county, Oregon. ocl22ll
JUsMs:;;: near tlio South end of Oregon
alrest. J.uuaiy, 2, lHhi
Oilce'it Mb rralJeace on Oregon ircet
OjitocI c (Ik County Jail.
Jeonvlllc, Ogn. rleclMtf
A((orn?y nni Ci(s!l.or
JACi:cohviM.c, ('imi'K.
9IRc tt rtUeiicv mi CllfrnU Slrect.
All i4liUMi ntmtMl to bUcr pr-upl.
ly llndul to. JmiHll
IK liVXiltV blTIAC
If Pictures do not give rtlifcllon. no
Wf w will bn nmile. Cull M litt HCK (!
kry, on Ihe hill, eniliio li!a jiloturvn, uil
lit lor your llVunets.
Dr. Ovvrlxck would auunuueo to tho clt
lens of Jackson county and vicinity, Hint
hU rctunted to Jacksonville and reiuHnsl
the urastlcj of nusllcliM. Ho will always
be found at his M ttnuit. tho Oveilxck
Himpltal, unlesa b:nt profes-loii
lbulnes. He t on Id rpectfully solicit
rcuenal of former patronage.
619 Xfrtlmnt fit,, San Frauds, I'ttl.
Ilsvlng htd extensive exiievleuco in both
nholetalo and retail trade, .c feel eon
Wunt that to COUNTUY MI.HOHANTjs
detlrlug a resident agent, or to an occaiioiu
1 purchaser, wo can oiler suasrlor Induce
menu. Particular attention given to collectlonv
tan purchase and sale of Lenal Tender notes,
lrls, Stamps, Bowing" Machine, etc, or
other transactions requiting the services of
eiperlciict.'d and roliatilo agents.
Purehascti will bo nude tor cnh only, ex
P lu cases of siseclul agreement to the
wntrary. .
co to. sborn,
Formerly with Cankiki.u, Pikuso.v t Co..
' Wbolewle dealer la lino olothlug, Sun Fran
cisco, 0. C Sessions,
Formerly with 0. R. Goouwin, & Co.,
WUolesale Grocers, San Francisco; alio,
.llRAUBcnv & Wade, Jacksonville, Oregon.
' iiSSPj.V??1 n'' ,bo d. B frauclico
. KiNCIaV 4 w- Mt J. "-
. Fruit Uea
Sin Frsnciico.
npUEonly Inmrnnce .Compnuy thnt can'
ikl W& d0v "' l Uregou U the
orn,- ".V'bavo poropUd with tho law
own. t,aii capital $700,000.
Jackn.m pfAOHS UUO'S Agents. I
,-)n,l, Februry.23th, J8(3. febMtl
I ror Iht Stiitinrl I
-. a. tubii iviJilAUAiU"
dt jakk wnnnt.
Oh itrtckrn nut Ion bow thy head
Thy rlinurn cliit-r lm fell;
And riink Into bin jilmi sleep
I he we lovi'd 10 wi-ll.
Difcrellon, piitlrnee. faith nnd love,
hid he In chI.1l nunkiiul;
IJut fii.hlenly he' ,triick from earth,
And letivw (la wnm behind.
A Mrleken nut Inn wm
Our "t'.tlrcr Abrirnr ulwp.
Like plant onlc he atnml theatorm,
And IimvmI Ihe teinp-U'n rnnr
And calmly like n Imlen nhip,
The nation' care he Imrp.
Twaa mil Ptmnphne held lilt heart
They ncrdi mil-t Imvc h's life
And penily now we lay him down,
To rt from inorinl n'rlfe.
The atrlrkeu ration wiep .
Our "Fattier Abruhnm" abet.
Wc ak nnt.fJreal. nll.eelng God,
For cut'es nn their head,
JJitt pity on an erring world,
Am ili'ainsa on thcihad,
'Vetiftealici' In inlii", I will rep ryj"
Then leave wp all lo thee,
A down In fiii' bin ctilT'iii'd c!ny,
Ilia pi-ople Ihikv Jhe knee.
And nil the nation wrepn .
Onr ''Father Abmlni'n" ilrrpi.
Oh, tenderly wc lay him down,
lliMienth Ilia wmtern nd
And reremtllv Ida mmiI commit,
To mercy, nod in (lod;
Hut jet a iMtlnti'a teara hall flow,
A nation'" h'nrt li nehe
When e'er we think of htm whom love,
A victim made to hate.
Th Htrlckeu ti'ithinwen
Our Fmlier Abrnlnim" atnp.
Aahlnnd Oreffoo. April 28lh. 1SC5.
WWirfTOWWMlPititiaiiiii.ii 1, a)
nzronTzn KXci.utVKt.r o tiir srATiKr..
mm iimnnrr... . " "'
Fortrc. Moiinw. 2"lh, Tlieieninerrroml,0''"ers, fmni Vlrkbnrg T.rrr ou board,
Moreh'ait CHv brings ndvlee. fioiii.Vewbein wllh about UK) civilian. It Is uld tint
that General Grant had etlVxtually put an more than 2(11) were fnvid.
end t tho arnil-ltce between Sluinnn r.nd ) New Ymk, 23th. The Hers'd'. Wli.
Jnhn'tan. Grsnt had riven JnSnlnrj until j t,rin rp.rI.I ,11 pair itiy.; The p-.
slv o'clock on Widne'day morning. April ' lnortPll ,hm,,,iri f jj.ij,', Ulr show.
.jth.to.urrendiThlsariny. Tb-caiMlthm Lj ,Umi, ,,,,, m liurt ,,,', ,,,,,,
of tli.-urrender I. unknown. Gntiit an. , ,um ,,, ,.,,.,.,,,,,,
nnuneiJ flm, if.r thai ,n,r -HIKIe', imH(,)Uu. , ,,, ,V ,,. r ,lf
would st once Ik reaiimeil. To this Jnlm-, ., , '. . . ' .. , , ,, , , .,
slon I .M to h.vereplhd that If J.ff. Da. ' lT"m, h "" ',l!',, h""U" ,,,,,K
Tla anrl the '..ding General officers f the l,ie ,,r,M '",m ,M "r,lw wwrinti-n-w "!
Miif.daacy were psrdmi.M. he Mould l. , to the time of hi dNmlnthm. Nlarlyall
iillior'rM to aceejit the feint propnMd. ,,lP P'fl"" l!'rtlr impKrtnl nt '.w In
Wa.hliiztnn. April 2tl1i. A ilNi. sldi ! s"lH!y. ISvih. SfUNiiP Hrtr. ( n
from Grant, dsM INI'Ih. April Siith. in
f. v.. sl( thai Jolui'ton nirreintend the
fiirc In hl comiuaiid. comhlhliiK all fiom
her to the t'li.Uhoochee, n the term. 1
azr-d lip.. betHi.u L'-n and lavHf for
the Anoy f Norlhera Va. Biantov. i
KnoxvllU, 2M.-Ptnnemsn's eoimoaiid
ha eapturl iiiwar.. of 2.(11)0 men and Ino j
plfe of artlll-ry. de.ltoj.d one bride-,
1.IM f-rt long and (ID feet lilh. when,
h'srlnsr that a gewral ainuealy had Ih-oii I
ent-id Into, Col, Palmer ce operation,
Gen. Gllleni would have cnptiind Ihewho'e
force iind'T Gen. Martin hid he not Iwen
met by Gll. Martin wills flag of Ituce sod
a letter from Wiermin. cniiiilerrleneil ty
Johii'ton, dlnteil (o Slon'msn. nrderlnt n
general supenioii of lio'lllltle anil a with
drawal of r.H the force under Sliermin.
Washington, !7(h, Yesterdiy 6 upmd
ron of tin) 1 fitl N. Y. cavalry traced llonlh
and Hsrrlod to a barn Ih.wih-u llnwllng
Green and Port lloyal, near Fredrlekburg,
Va. The litris wa surnvinded and s tb1
mind msrto for lurreniter, which Hnrrnld
sia In favor of doing, hist umiii nooth'n
calling him a cnwanl h refued to dn so.
The barn Him, was t en fire. Upon lis
getting too hot Hsrrold aenln presented
hlm'elf and put his hands through the dour
to In haud-eulV d. Whll this w going on
lloolh flred upon tbe soldiers, upon which
the Sergeant And at blm. The ball took
effect In the head nf Uooth.nnd he died In
two hours afterwards. He was preparing
(0 flreag.tlu when shot.
rtufftlo, 27th. The funeral pnrty arrived
here at 7 A. m., and was escorted by 74th
reglin'nt. a conqnny of light artillery, the
city officials nnd others to St. James Hull.
The service, were opened by a dlrgo sung
by tho St. Cecellan Socloty, afterwards the
public were admitted.
New York, 28lh.Th following Is the
statement of Corbott, who shot Booth yes
terday afternoon. My superior officer,
Lieut. Dsugherly, received Information that
person, answering tho description of Ilooth
and hi accomplice, Harrohl.-vcro concealed
In a barn on tho place of Henry Garret,
three mile from t'ort J.oysi. ine Rcnuc
man who ferried Booth and bis companion
aros the Potomac, at first denied knowing
anything about the matter, but when threat
ened with death If he did not reveal the spot
where the assassins wero secertcd, he pilot
ed us to tho place. Ilooth and Harrold
reached tho barn about dark on Tuesday,
The barn was Immediately surrounded ,by
our cavalry. After tho barn was flred nnd
before the flames kindled, Uooth had tho ad
vantage in respect to light, he oould see us
but wo could not see blm. Tbo thmca ap
peared to bewilder, blm. Ho a sprung to
tho door as if to attempt to force nla way
out, as he panted by ono of tho crevice lit
the lata I Drcd At
blm. I aimed at bU
gLyV1'-fuww WW wrprws.' HIW U.UU
, linilv. T.1 1.1 1...1 .. .... i 1 .11 1.!.- 1 ...aI.
--.' .....1. ... imii 11 111. ui
uciinerntc l hin lioubler but alined too
hlfih, tlio t.ll Mrikln g blm In Hie Im ml jimI
blo tlie rlclit f r Ami plnK llitough
ennif. out 1wut n Inch nbore tlic li ft er.
I tblnk be ftoopivl lo pick up FonvtMnR
Jut m I dreil tliat wy, wMch pnlnbly rtc
counl for lil r(elvliijc Hie 111 tu tbe lnwl
I went Into tlio birn ; lie w.it lyliip; on iho
floor. He m then cirrliil out Into Hie
open lr, where hn illnt In nliout two hour.
He lee1rtM ttiat HnrrnM had nntlilnir to
Jo with tho mur.lcr. When lukiit If he hml
snythliiR to ny ho replied J " I dio for tur
ounlry," and fkd thno (iidlii; by to
to HI bin mother to. He did not deny lil
Private dbfUtche q .oto rjold. 27th, tt
US to 1k. On the Sth, HI.
Clnclnnntl 26th. Lit OeorgU p-ipert
eUe full ccount of WiUnn' erent ro'd.
After tlfftntlnj the fureti t Selrrn Alubv
inn, ihf troy !n the Hrcnii! nod iiiHiMiftr.
tnrle, hr mornl 'etH,rd,CKpturiii!. Mont.
Bnmry, Wwt Puint, (o!ntnlon nod M.i.
con, frnlterir.tr the milltU In IMinrtl"ti,
rulnlrir the only reiiMliiintr milniNd, brenk
liH up Ihe ineliliif Imp, dflrnlnp inlli
tnry More, ntid renderlne the in:iniilctiirr
of material fur future canimi(rn import-
New York, 28th. Comniercir fiierml
rll'f'Htch js tho runltH ( the Fkhiht'"
Hunk hi Kichmoii't ite bi-eti opemd, mid
the content! finind iuii1iiliitli.il.
A Obliiet tnMtit'p rim -M torfnyto
ennalrler tliu ituertmtiotnil qui i!mt likely
to nrite from the cn'plniry nhich U mid
to hve RXtetnlte rnnrfioittioii'
Itonth's l''"'.r I""1 I" en lnrirl wlirr
mortl ejra will never fir II hiraln. fcVc'y
Sewnrd and son an; dolnj well.
Chlcn.n, 23lli. A New Madrid tele.
gram says the stcemer ShIIhik cxil'Hltd
nd sniik.yeatetihivtnofiilrr. 1teentl.tr
"'"' "etnphis. 2 HOil .Trliiiii'id Union
brother of oiw of the Si. A'lun ralibm.
There ate sir broibers. 'l riekhsil drr-
I'.flMns with W'ker In .VUerv
Kdv'lil ImhiIIi krrlved hei todv to
H,k f(ir hu brothor's body. Th ri'pi.
,, ,(, ,., c(l1,t
The l(era!d' dLpnleli also says: Iiifor
,( m r,.,.(1 WHi,iiL.Mti ll.st the
tvM ,., , (.,,,,.., H,;N, (Jkh.oh.ii,
,. . .....- ,. . ,... , . ...
.,,.,,, , .. . , . . '
mi ii inn .'. .....!., ...v ...... ,..-.., .. .
bun. She wn hIIiuki! to nul slid pi 1
ton. but wns onKnd t hve port in 2 (
liour. Sh lift on ihe 1st lnsi steam'ne
rap'dly southward, but her destlt alien ws
not ni'til public. The Navy )rpartini.l
In anlti'iptttnn of the entrance into aooie
of our harbor, of the Stonewall, l niekiur
a propr distribution of suitable vme's
.lontr lh Atlantic ealmanl.
The President of Ihe United Stale ha
set apart Ihe 2.1th of this month for humil
iation ami prayer.
Washington, .Tho War Depart
menl a general order, No, 7", for reduc
tig the oxpeit.es of the military rstnhlr.1i
mint ordered 1st. That the ch'efs of the
reactive lliirenu. of this Department pne
ceed Immediittclv o reduce the t Xntii of
their re.ecthe Iliirenus lo what is ab-o-lutely
necissnry In view of tin1 imniediulc
reduction of Ihe force In the field nnd par
rl.on, snd the spculy ti-rmlnatlon of bos.
tllltle.j and llmt ihe Qiiiirtermaster gener
nl ilischnrge nil transport not nqulrrd te
bring home troops In the various depart
menls. 2d, All river nnd Inland transpor
tation will be discharged, except thai tire
csinry lo supply tho troops in the field.
3d, The purchase of horses, mules, wagon,
and other land trnfuporlolion is to be stop
peil; also, the purchase of furage, except
whut Is requlied for Immediato consump
tion, nnd the Commissary Oen. of subsist
ancels to di.'continue the purchase of sup
plica in his department, except such as may
with what is on hand be required for the
forces iu Ihe Quid to the 1st of June; that
the chief of ordinance stop all purchases of
ammunition and material therefor, nnd re
duce the manufacture, of arms, ammunition
and store in the Government arsenals, as
rapidly as can bo done without Injury lo
tho service. 5th, That the Chief of Kngl
ueer atop work on ull field fortifications
and other works, except those lor which
specific (ppropriatloui have been made by
Congtes. Cth, That ull soldier In hos
pital, who require no further treatment,
be honorably discharged from service, with
the Immediate payment of all oflir nod
enlisted men who have been prisoners of
war, and ore now on furlough or proli lo
SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1865.
uiiniK, mm inni mi rrcrniu in tlie rvndit
! 1.1.. .1 ....
von, except thoe for the regular nrroy,
be honorably di.crnised. "ih, That the
Adjutant Oen. of the army will caue III
Immediate return to be made by all conv
manner in the field, and of all parrl'on
iVlachmptita, nnd p.irta of their rrpertlvc,
fnice, with a view to their immediate re- lmde trer; thrn prrierve theo trcea
dilution; that tho several comminder of crcdly from hnvins tho "axe laid t the
pri-miBra will hAve roll ravlj out of the ' root." U001I woter thould be near, II po
naine, residence, time nnd place of capture' alble even II It linn lo bo obtained by
nd occupitlon ofHll priannnr of war who ilhrffim wel's. To build a chool bonne
shall lk the oilh nf nlleijiance to the
United Stntia, to the rnd thnt, a.ieh at are
dipoil to become pood and loyal citizen
of the United Sfntc, nnd are proper aub -
jecla for executive clemency, bo rehwed
upon the term that the President 'hall
deem fit and comistent with tho public
Hy order of tin Secretary of War.
New York. 2t'.h. The Herald's Wali.
inctim sKeiiil ny the invesllgrtllon of the
rciintli.n of Prwldent Llnco'n nnd
the Htleniplfl murder of Secretary Seward
ha. dfe1.e.l 11 well laid and delibernlely
mirVcd plan for Inallon. Iiifainom
tll.rnllfV. IHItlll'P Ntll Mr.n. H,i..imII. .1 In I
.-- ......v,. ...... H. -., ug.., I..,, .. ,1,
the history of crime. The ImeMlgntnrs
lnv r.t yet ri'.ieh'd a point where It Is
proper to dielne tin extent anl VArlnu
riiniifieatinii. of ,U iiiurdiinu. plot. M.iny
i.iie-cted and nn.ixctiiitf patties are
Inviilvi-d, nnd the evidence Is complete to
!iw that It w.11 neither tho freak of n
tmnliir, nor llw act of an Individu il, but a
sctienie concocteii i.v the reunion, and n-
Htd tipni by them In lit- hour of d.speratn
11.nl. a. one of the tne.ms of sncceis In their
grrnt lictitiili!r enti ipibe.
JiMiilsvilV. (ICy ) 2Dlli. 901) rebels stir-renilt-reil
nl C'liiubcrluiid Cup yesterday,
and iere piro'vd.
Shi Fianciscn, May 1st. Private d!
pstvhes quole guM at 1:1(5, weak, Iu New
Yotk, i'i Ajiril .10lh.
o w vl ieT: roitKi:spo. d
i:.uij. nrnvt'iiv, April 10,1 8C5.
Hih &ntiiithS'v hate been 1i!(hjc1
wllh a few d.ijs of warm sunshine, at lasl.
There" an old yliig that "lis a loigroad
liai Im no lur'i," sd 1 very one here has
loin liHiking for the turn In tlie winter,
wlm-h would bring 11s Ihe warm sunshine
end p'la.inl days of Spring, nnd wo be
Im Il hftf real. The snow li.is.tlll.nl
vi ry fet during the hist few ilu), and tuMi
that have bun sunned In this winter look
Imppv and vhtfrful one more.
Haby City put on airs lasl Friday eve.,
and jallend log. liar (he f.ir s. x from
K.ii.y ami hiiver c,l.,f,ai..l -trld the
llg! (iintii.ltc toe" 'till early dawn
lul... c.'i.. t . ....-il ..!... 1.. 1.. ,.u..i .
, ., ' - ' . , ,,
r I liasrit lilt fisul .lii.a im. l.i.la'as
' w "" "" r " " "'
one h'ufksnitlh shop, three snliNHir, two
lurlx r simp, one eirrnhiling lilnaiy, Iwo
ss.y (jfSces, s (imrt hfue and all the nro
rsary p-. tillages. Ihe pojiulnth'ii.
iiiimlsers sbont thrte liiindred. Hilv.r
Cny lsnbo.it one mile bboveliuhy. There
! nt much d IT. lence In Ihe i're .f tl.t
two p'.im). A tiumlx-r of n.w build'ntrs
ie (Ming ereclnl in Silver Cily.and things
III gflieikl hciSllI 0 IlKilt lively. A JfflMS.1
many nqiV are ai riving from I Im11l1.1l.il.
A few halt' route in from Puitlaiid.liut il
is 11 Inn. I hmkiig ph.ee ut the prisiul lime
lr IW7 one. Snow covers the ground,
money Is very .cure and work Is vey hard
to obtain. As siein ns the snow lea vis,
there will be plenty to do. A person ar
riving here liutv would find il a hard mil
lit l evade Ihe many dealers lu quart.
fettlhalhe would eiic'iiunler. Tlnre uie
tlinurands of feet to be bought for a small
sum iu I'K'b. Kvcry one !ma fat to sill
some very rich, Mini some very poor. Times
liave ihiii lir.r.i tins wiutir and money
scarce, tu f.cts which account fur so
ninny fii-t being tl.towu into themsrket at
Ihe present time. Hut we are in liojies
that when Ihe mineral mourns of the
country ote better known, proH.rlly will
be our portion. Tim Oro Fiuu IsjhlJ
iog sume iey rich rock, lis sfieelmt n
of gold Ixarlng quartz ere hard 1 0 bent.
The Ited Juikrt bus turuiil out some Ik'uii
tiful sieclmins within the lust wuk, they
being littrully rovertd with gold, and yield
ing a lorge nr cent, of silver,
During the mik, I shall visit several of
the quarlz lodes, uud will send you such
item as I think will interest you. Sever
nl parties have lately left this place for
New 'j ork with large amount of feet,
uud "griMt expectations." New York
etvins to be the center of attraction for
drultrs in feet- at present may they suc
Fcgns k Moor' Mill Is In active oper
ation again, crushing Oro Fiuorock. Mi
near k Co.' Mill hug been crushing nouie
Ticket rock with good result.
There hn been considerable troablo with
the Indian on the Owyhee River this
winter, Persons coming- out to this place
would do well to keep a sharp lookout for
.Indians, after leaving Puebla or CsmpAl
Your truly,
riiwr as to Tiir riacx.ox LocAtitr.
It ii deairnblfi for the health nnd conr
fort of children nd teachers, that the
hoo lmne ahonld be plcmntly locnlcl,
When prarlicalOe, build In tho mh!t of
J fr from water, In the biirnln(r mn, with
aeareely a (hade tree Milhln a quarter of a
I mile, nnd In tho inltUt of black Micky mud,
) I errtninly not very gooil Imle, nor sound
' philosophy.
arxNixnroRv or tiik how! nin.r.
A a cenernl rule, atmot nil the clnol
houc In the county are badly mnMruclrd.
with very fi-w exception. (lencrllythey
are too small, too low In tl.n e..llnff nr
nhhnnt celling, too open for cold weolher,
'nnd. whnocxpr-ed to n broiling ?un, loo
' tnnfr.rab!y ch.e for inrrrWul cnllnre; In
,hort, too everything but that which con
' .ilulr ndatila'tlon to the niirnna tntrnd.
ril. In a newly fettled country like Jack
son county, there aeons In be two control.
leg tdon. erotiowy nnd aihptalien. Of
t'irp, the latter It chief. It Is rot exjiec
ted that eligntit or expensive school lionses
will be bnlll, ns In the ol.hr Slates, where
wenlh ubounds nnd all the nppllnnn s of a
gnoil, common rchool rducatlon are In a
high slate of perfection. Kconnmy mnl
ho considered. It is bad economy howev.
j rr t0 he sluhl of whrtotwn, such n row.
fml.l.nM and mrm.-...' mtntnl tulhi,.
A lo capacity, regard mut be had, of
course, to the iiiiiiiIkt of children thnt nre,
or are likely In be In the district. All one
end orlf srjuirr, nil one side should be
sicriilly re(rvul fnrtVirrftVaii, llneil with
soft, nice tlmlier, fire from knots and well
sen'iMied befure lieing tmihil fast. The
door should lie nrf in tht Rinifr but nl
or near the corner; and, If a fireplace or
chimney be prefirrid, it tho same side
with It. If stove be used (ilwajs per
hap nrceary evil), Ihen mike a door
near ibu corner In the end opposite Ihe
blarkboird, and shelves or pins for bonnrti,
hats, dinner basket., etc., nil pVnly nnm
let d; 1 aeb pnpll should have disorder
own tuiiiibrr, ns this sITordi opportunity
fur dicoium ami 111 allien.
Tho leacla-r' table or desk can be moil
tcnnvenirnlly p'sriil In tlio space which
sliouM be kipt ian In front of he black
b mid, as ho will oflen wish to put up half
a dis.rn.or a wholeela. at n time. Iw-itilri
(Mug fi. ..uu.l i.a of Ihe b'ackb..prd
, ,,,,,,, f(M( ,,(()fDt f ,,, mI, ff (fKl)(
The olhir two onootlle stdea arereiirtpd
' '
fur windows, whith rhoiiM no! las loo hlgl
f, H,
from the floor, on account ofubundanen of
fre.li sir In warm weather. The uper
sash should be made lo let down, so aa lo
allow the impute itr In pas out. Many
children and sometimes It uchcrs, too, get
sck from no otlnr rmi'e than Inhaling llie
roi.ftiiid air thrown ofT In rrsplutlnu, and
which hai no minus of ocue. Hurtly
the heullli of your chllJren is of sufficient
itneirlcr:ce to induce, you lo devise some
ptunlolowir the uper half of the win
dows. And they should be so arranged as
loginduulu the distance, at p'fasure, In
suit Ibu lrinM'riilure of the d.flt tent sea
sons. If either (ash must be flxtd and Im
movable, let it not be the upper. As u
general rule, strong draft of air, except
in very warm ncuthcr, should not bo allow,
nl to blow upon thbso who sit neur win
dnws, as It may give culds, and create
tendency to sore throat. '1 earlier and
director should be careful about this
whole subject of proper ventilation,
Ttaehers and children will soon become
dull, lifeless. In both study and recitation,
If it lie neglected. The window too, should
have plain, moveable eurlalni, to kiep oul
the sun, gruduule the light lu bolb clear
and dark weathtr.
There are several plans for cheap, conven
ient deks utiil seats which I need not at
tempt to describe. As to size, length,
widih anil helghth, they should bo adapted
to tho 1I11T1 rent ages of pupils. No desk
or seat should be lurger thun is necessary
Yor two persons, to arranged with aisles or
pjssage between, so that Ihe teacher can
cull for ny pupil without molesting hi
fellow. No one should b without (up
port forth back. To alt with a crooked
back I Injurious to the whole splual col
uino, and therefore to strength, symmetry,
ucd beauty. If the seats are uot adapted
to the different ages of pupils, If the feet
cannot rest comfortably upon the floor,
circulation of the blood Is ImpeeJed.the limb
ore crumped; or, as children ey, "my feet
are asleep full of plus;"re uncomfortable,
hare a tendency to cause drowsiness, at
least a disiudlnation lo study, There are
other conveniences which might be noted;
bnt these nro the more prominent feature
of a convenient school house for a newly
settled country, To sura up all; build lar
ger houses, higher la the celling, with
VOL. X, NO. 16
Immlanrt f f light, both iahe of a win
low movable at pltasorr; all one rid n
blocklonl, high as a man can rcch, tod
loVeiiougn for the amaUtat child; the door
nt or near Ihe corner, with conveniences for
bonnet, shawl, hat, and dinner bkclt:
desk and rnt aiNplnl to ages of children,
oftich t'izf m to ndmlt cl but two penoni,
with free pn.age between racti tier, ta
ble or desk, and chair for the teacher.
If any person feel sufficient Interest la lb
education of ihe youth of onr counlyv to
mnke farther npgesllrns as to general plan
for a plnln ecnnomlcal school house, or
even a better plan altogether, we are open
to conviction, and will U pleased to1 r
caivelt. M.V. Wiuiavs,
Bupcrlntrndenl Common Schools,
AsitrrftTor GcxxnAi. Siikhma. In
n letter received the other day from an odl
cer In Sherman's army, he relate Ih fol
lowing story of tlm old hero, as an Incident
chrtrnctrrlslleol the Ornernlt
A party nf foragers cam to a rebel plan
tation, the owner of which was absent In
the rebel nrmy. (Irnrral Sherman was nsar
Ihe home. The boy wer running thsj
chickens and hogs wllh tho tIw of anvlng
re gooil snpprr nt the rebels expense. Tlio
old lady cume running nut to Sherman and
r.trlnlmeil very excltedlys "General, your
men are Liking nil my chlcltens." 'O.ye.'
coolly rrplleel Ih ginral."Miy vill hnvtlo
1001 xtrjf high," and uneoneernnllv roda
nil. Il I said the joke Is relished In, tho
army about as much as their mpper wa(
the nlirht It occurred.
This rrmtmls ns nf another little story.
Whilst our boy wero fighting tin rebel
In Tennessee, It to sold a rebel womn esm
to the headquarter of one of onr generals
with Ihe same complaint, that Ihe soldier
were Mcsllng and killing nil of her chtek
ens, and wanted to know If she could nnt
have some rrdrrss, After a few ninmsnt
consideration, the (.enrral replied: "I
don't know mndam; this rebellion muit bo
pnldnwn, ri'f roft-rry diitHtn in Tw
netiK." Mr, nisei left with a fie In hr
ear, fully persuadrel that Don Carlo Ilu
ell wai no longrr In that region. Sho
could no longer havo n ilrong guard plartd
over her hen-coop. Kx,
1 . 1 I, I,
This Uw went Into operation on the first
day of this mouth. We hop our neigh
bors will observe It. It Is lu thes wordst
Sec. CAS. If any person skall krrpaatn
nny store, shop, grocery, ball alley, billiard
room; or shall i!o any secular business or
labor, other then works of necessity or
mercy, on the first day of the wrtk, com
monly called Sunday, rr the Lord's day,
such person upon conviction thereof, shall
lie punished by fine not less than flv nor
more than fifty dollar. The following ara
ihe mill works of necessity: The buying
nnd felling of meat, fish and milk at retail
before nln o'clock In the morning; tb
buying and selling drug and medicine at
retail or upon prescription; the sailing of
fooel 'o be eaten on the premise wher
sold; and tl.e keeping open of barter shop
and laboring at such trad until tin o'clock
lu the morning,
Oax. Siikxman'( Gszat Kanoa. TIm
sentiment of rrgr.t la universal, that Sher
man should have compromised bis great
fubie by a really posllanlmnu treaty wills
Ihe rebel Oen. Johnston. The terms whisk
he proposed to adhere to were such a no
spirited citizen of the United Slates) coulit
eodorsej they properly belong lo an InJel-
nlle cessation of hostilities and not to a
surrender; and Ihe nation will pprov'tb.
prompt rejection Ibey met wllh from lb
Pntident and Cabinet.
In attempting Ike functions of a dlplom,
Ihe stern warrior who hss so glorlnoily
marched through the rebel territory baa
made an error of lamcntablt gravity, and
lo hi ambition to linmorttllz himself by
concluding a pear, he ha deplorably com
promised hi fm. S. F. Flag, Aftil li,
i" ' ..,
Pj.aykd Out, Under l.lsktad n Bt
the following Items, viz; .,
1st, Ouo Southerner whipping 1st
Yankee. i , :
2d. Genrgo II. McClelUo, both
ai M
General and politician,
3d. Stole' Itlgbt Democracy.
4th. Slavery In the United State,
filh. The Great Rebellion, with
Southern Chivalry, and we hope ooa to
add: Mtzlmllllan and the French la Mxl-
co.-A$torln Marini Gauttt.
Every man' heart la a living dras
ever death la m drop scco; every boelc
only a falat footligbt t throw a llttl fllek-'
ev oa tha (tage. ' -,,ft
Cool PiM. A Detroit paper mumx
the arrest In tbt city of a wossaH "with1'
nothing on her persoa but love rtter'tM
ta ambrolype," '' ' ' ''' '
The RiDg-Jeaderj of (be world-e-Tbe
young ladle who Ied their IfTK oa hy
hope of mrrlage, '
V ' 4sU A h