V t ' b's ,1,'s First Premium J. I 1 Awarded by the Mechanic's Institute Fair, Sill Francisco, September, 18C4. ..K. LIDDLB & CO., Sporting Emporium, 418 Washington it, (near the Post-offlce,) T,8aa Francisco. GUN & RIFLE MAKERS, nnj Importm cf all tltrnti c Sportiug TutUt. t - -Constantly on hand guns from tho flrtt imakert In London, tIz: William Greener. William Moore, Mooru &. UnrrU, Ucdfcrn, Mollis & Son, and alt other makers'. Also the belt itock ol American RlUes, Pistols, -and Carbines on the I'aclllo Coast, viz: Colt, Bbarp's. Smith & Wesson's. Remington's, and all tho lateit patents of Pistols. Sharp', Wesson's. Ballard's. Spencer's aid tatary'i ratcnt ureccu-ioauing limes. aT Cartridge! of alt ktodi constantly (gMband. Authorized agfnts lor Henry' Patent recch-loadlng Rifle. Jan21m3 Dissolution If otico. TUB undersigned has this day with drawn from the firm of Thompson & -Davit, aud will continue tho pracllcc of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics, in Jacksonville and t Icinlty, and rollciti a hare of the patronage. Office at Ills rcsl dence at the old Murry IIwmHr.nl. T. L. DAVIS. Dec. I3tli, 18C4 decl'lf A JniiL coMsrocx. r' JOHN JIAHTIN COMSTOCK & MARTIN J Scccsssou rs rtust, Csracn A Ca,J '' '''VORWAHOIIIO At COMMISSIO MERCHANTS, nitK-rxoor drick WAncttocsr, OAK St. NEAR STEAMBOAT LANDING, (111 RED IH.UFF3 HOMESTEADS. PERSON wishing to arall thcmielrcs of the benefit of the Homestead law of Congress, caji bavo their pipers properly . pripand. and their affidavits taken bifuru ' b, thereby saving the siprmo of attending In perron at tho land Office. Final proof of Donation Land Claims and relinquishment of of abandoned Dona tion dalnu taken nnd private entry of lands , .made, ou application to tno at thu Clerks )e. WM. HOFFMAN, Couniv Clerk February 4lh. ISM. ftbtwil ' " ORVIL DODGE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. ORVIL DODGE would anoonnce to tho Ladles and Gentlemen of Jacksonville and vicinity, tbat bo has permanently loca ted In Jacksonville, for the purpose of tak at pictures In all tho (reproved art of Pho- wjrapny. anu would rcspcciiiiiiy solicit a aaara 01 i ike public patronage. ROOMS ODROslte 1'. J. Rran's New Drick. ostie r. j. icti Jacksonville. December r), ISCt. tf. xmaxxr Watchmaker and Jeweler! On Oregon street, first door north of Urenlano'a Jacksonville, Ogn. JOIINF.IIOUCK, Manufacturer and rrnalrer of aiisuruul Watches, Chronometers, Clocks Musical and ntlirr Instruments, etc. Also, JKYYKLUY manufjclurnl and repaired, after tho most approved style ol the art, and warranlid for we year, Price according to times. JOHN P. HOUCK, Chronometer and Watcbmskrr. Jacksonville. June 23, I81W. 3m lVatice of 1'nblc Halo of Ileal Estutc. TIIL undersigned, administrator, will offer for sale, on tho lit diy of April, 1803. at the court houso door, in Jackson ville, Jackson county, Oregon, one-ihlrd In terest lit a Mining Claim, situated on Sterl ing Creek, said estate Ulouslug to James Mllehel, deceased. Bale U commrtico at two o'clock r. si. Trmt or sale cash, paid In baud. II. HELLMS, Public Adm'r. March 10. lbG5. tnarlltvj 3XjO3?UEIItir0XI Sewing Machine. JOHN NEODER would announce to the people or Jackson County, that be has f?MlredJM,.MCJr for "' Peerless m bis, aad will In a short lime have a good apply on band. This machine gathers. fcwns, embroiders and makes i different kinds of slllehcs. Jacksonville, January Hit. jr 1. J. KNOWLTOJT. II. Tf. CIISSZT. J.JKN0WW&C0., ADVERTISING AG'TS, KonTtiEAST con.Nzuor tMts)ssmy it CallfuriiU llrttU, Oppose Wtlls. Furgo k Co't) jmJiek.isr am Oso. HXTotloo. NOTICE li herby pivtn, that my wuV, Jane Miller, lw left my bed and board Without any just cause and I miillv all wr- uuul Iakm.Hi L.. K . r . IT7. r ... " wii my acwiuni, ami that I wilt aot pay any debt she may wn tract mat cun. Mason Miukr. ai-'2u4 April Hth 1865. &m OBJLACKPRINCE rjWia Da. BLAC3K HAWK .MOflfliAN STALLION 'WlUtUisd.lkeenwIng season at the stable , f Mm 9olMriber( at Dardanells. lor a Hal ttlsMHssbw.f mares, at 15 a sason, In jroU v isa essilvaleat. llo will aU, n1Kj at snr rtslikuao in tsassw' Yalley, XIou4t aad Tu44ays, Alternating. Beaoon to com SBaeMtsKJtr pr ?r)J,rf ei-Jalr B . jWWOKIKTONr .TkU Imtm U beautiful black, weljin I.tM iti srofWstK eoisdiUw; I lull sixteen kasstUblffb, and wra-raised- in Do Kalb "sssssrty.'lllluftlw by MrVTuwn Jfedieree .. .'IU.vm tint by saorgaa, 'bo' hwf,UtskPsillle. ' ' WJWJAJI BO y eiaek mmm, syw wr iss 'issjbwww fiorsaan BUJtKE. isBawHI 7 Ivw aplltf FRANGO -AMERICAN HOTEL II RESTAURANT, Opposite the McCully Buildings, Jacksonville Oregon. "JETS'" Madame Jeanne Be Soboam, The Mndrtmc tnkes this incthod of tendering her thanks to the public, for the nntronugc which 1ms hitherto been ex tended to her; mid would respectfully solicit a continuunce. Iltr Ttilf, are always under her Imme diate control; nnd by her long experience In tho business lio fctls confident that she will giro tnliro latlifacliou to all MEALS WILL BE Jacksonville, Oregon, January 14th, 18G5. S'S CO S CO BO W Ul ?S srs! KZ. ?r!W ox That bat ever been offend In this Mtrktt, and which will U sold Jk.t Orossttly Zioduood Frlooa. adies ASD- w"SJsT.l5 Are Invited to give us a call. No trouble 10 tuuw gooas. opUStr BAOIIS BROS. A LARGE slock or Groceries and quora constant! on hand. L!- TsTJIWa MT LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. Corner or California and Fourlh streets. O L U U A C E & I) It U M, Proprietors fc.. TDJESE STABLES are ipBccntrally located, and con- W illllZvenlent to tho Union llo JTW let. JluracKaud mulea will bo kepi uy itjt day or week, at inoderato charges. ,ino proprietor) imvon miinovr or line llUUdlKS AND OA1UUAUES, Forouoor two horses, to let on mudvruU tertllR. AlriO. Ornrul .l.litli, liAru,.a nu.l .il..a which thoy will let to go to any part oftbt' lionet broko to tho aaddlo or.barnesa. Aaimali Itoaght aad 8eU. Thu proprietors plodgu tbemselvea to give satisfaction to all who may favor tbatn wit a call. Jacksonville, Ogu. Aug. 31-ietf V BtliMMit Tax-JPaytMM. ALL persona who have fulled to nay tbeir laxia for I bo jwir 18G4, are ru nwmi 10 aosHe lorwaru unit pay the mrk "sssaedbMtly, or Ik-ir .propw ly, both real aud pcrsoua.ti bo bjvMdaipoii uud sol.i joltfy list dfsnaad ,for dliis)aut Uun V'.Jl.iOYN. . . , BWrlffoI Jaaksoo cjsjtsoty, Ilfr ncii nnd Rooms, aro lltrd up In tlm most com fortnblo style; suited to the accommodation of single oc cupants, or families. Ilcr IcUs aro always kept clean SET AT ALL HOURS. tf BOOK STOEE, AT TDK POST OFFICE BUILDING JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Tho latest scries of School booki will be found on Hie shelves! to which udditloo arc lieing comlnnlly inmlc. STATIONERY of the rtt qwutv, Conlstln of Il.tncrnflu Crlebrattd Linen Wrlllnir l'npcr. i'ell no other kind. ENVELUl'lSofnll kinds. sort and sizes. Copy iKxik Red, blue, black, cnpvlnc nnd IniK-llbto Ink". .Vtecl pt-n. I'ocket. counter and dek Inktund, Ink and pencil Iirneri', 1'iit Knlfi", Po-r KoMcri", Lead pencils, Cnrpcntlr pencil, Drawing pencil and Drawing piper. Ac. Ac. Bancrofts Diaries for 2865 Containing list of stamp dnllv. mid other useful InroriimlliMt. 'J hoc diaries aru the finest nnd tho most comnlutu llilnir ol the kiiiii cvir go i up. A good supply of I'nM books, l'ockcl and alphabet mi moraniltim. l.'aHern l'lctorials. ni.igazlnes and comic pnpirs kept coiistnntly on hand. A OIUCULATI.VG Llllll tRY or new nnd select Notcl', to which additlous arc undo by cery sleanur mill. Outers for uuy Iwok or books not on bind, promptly llllid lit leu days notice. CALL and get n letter, and If there Is none, buy m.tterlal and vtrile or.c, thireby palronlzuftig both L'uclo Sum and 8. E. II A INKS. Administrator's Salo NOTICR Is hereby giro' of an order, ma'do I .at by virtue r Caunlv Cmiri . I will sell fur cash, to hUtu-it bidder r auction nt tho Court III. Jt dour.lll tho eauntv or Jackson aiidSlatoorOrvEOii,iin Saturday, the 31st lust., beinccn thu hours of nine o'clock A. M., and lour 1'. M. , all tin real properly belonging to the estate of tho late Riv.J. P. Gray, drcrassd, slluited In the aroresild county nnd State, bvlug claim No. 7t In township 37, south or I!. I, west, be ginning nt the N. W. corner, on tho south boundary or claim No. 07, Ihencu south 20.00 chains, thvticu cast 80:00 chain', thence north 20:42 chains, Ihencu wt79.'Jt; chains, to llio plnco c bejinulr.g : contain lss ll'l I'l lllll -.,. W S I EMERSON E. GORE AdmV declOivl I'licculx Dec 8di. lid New! New!! New!! KREUZER'S NJdTW STOKE, Between New Slitc Saloon nnd Brdbury & Wado'r.JackfonvllU, IS STOCKED COMPLETELY WITH Host Cigars and Tobacco, rilESII CANDIES AND NUTS, NEW TOYS & NOTIONS . JLsaiaiaLy, FnESII FRUITS, ETC., ETC. Mr. Krenzer having purchased lh new store one door south or Uradbury & Wade's, calls thu attention or tho public to his coin- pit ia siock or smoking and chewing tobacco. Also to his various brands or cigais. from tho common ball-spaulsli to the mot lm. grant Havana. All sold at the raott liberal prices. Yon can b best supplied with any arti cles In his Hue, and saio raoiiiy. by glvlii" him a oil. Decemlicr IS. 1S1.3. aWM RECRUITSWANTED ! A few Young men or good character lo fill tip Company C, or tho First Regiment, Oregon Volunteers. Government Rountjr, 8300; "tato Bounty, aXOO. Clotlilng nllouanco )r luoiiih. $3JU, Horso. and hor) cqtilpmints, arms nnd accoutrvmeiits, w bo lurnl.hed by Govern ment. Siinicient good nml nkoK-toine Pro virions, Midiclucs and Medical alleiidauce will aUo bo,provlded. For further parllcu-. lara apply to Lt. U. O. Underwood, or Ser goaut L. U, Morse, at Jacksonville. Oregon n .. .r. Wa. KELLY, S?t ,lCftT1'9n- Vol., Com Comply itort Klamath. Uregou. 3mjaulT baHOU! MEEH Til B only Inmronco Company that can i.-.ii,tanJ ao1l",i,'l'M I" Owkoh U the aclllo. 1 bvy h,vo compiled with the laws 'i;VI'K?;,, ,bjr u,lK"l"tf 0.000 ill the alale, Cash capital S750.000. J h. -AOliaaUttQW Agents. Jacksonville, February 23Ui, ISW, mb'Oll TO ?I5?T.. PURIFIER OF THE JL viS' tyS S"H'ilto Yellow Dock 3 Nows Dealers and Booksollors, Bead and Remetnbor. J. STKATJflAIUs Wliolcsnlc IVcwS'-Dcnlcr, I'ncks nnd forwnnls nil llio Dally and Weekly Ncwspijicrs, Magnxjnes. c o.. to nil parts of the country, with Orent Dispatch. i sellaF"prices That 2)ofy Competition ! Every Now Novel received ns soon as published. I Imve sprelnl nrrangcmrnM with nil the dinVrrnt piihlhhcrs, stationers, ate, and rnrnlih the Inula with Books, Stationery, Rlnnlt Rook, Music, PORTKA1TS, i'RINTS. MEDALS KTolainotypos, etc., fifcJoa.fif. 3BooB;k IX OHKAT VAnlHTT. I have uncqimlcd facilities, and guarantee dealers the clnn-st nttcntioii. itrSend forn price list, and give mo a trial. JOHN STItATMAN. SAN FRANCISCO. American Mags! With full complement of Stars I printed on Jluiliii du J.niuc, iiniiauon oi uuiiiius, in Fast Colors nt tho FOLLOWINQ LOW PRIOESi Slxe, 1 loot SI Oup'-rdozcn. Sire, 2feet 2 fill p.T dozen. Size, .tlrrt 9 DO per dozen. dlzv, -t'J lucLos 1U 00 per dozen. AMO - BUNTJJSrO- FLAGS, Of all sizes, Irom sixty cents to oin dollar per loot. UNION BADGES AND PINS, In Urtnt Vniltly. J. STUATTON, Mijor First Californlu Artillery. Empire News Depot, inrllirnit corner of Washlngtou aud Saiuome streets, San Ir'rau itco. Ilctlncllon In Trlns to Subtcribtrt. a I TTENTION Is called to the following ri. list or American ami I'orcign l'erluill- eul-. lor Mhlcli 1 receive siib-crinllon 1'ernnnent nrrxiigrniciils hnu been madu by tin- L'nllnl dtabV (iuvinimeiit Tor the carryliu: of thu Malls from the Atlantic Hlate bv slcaincr. three limes n inoulh, I nm enabled to receive subrcrlplinin nt n much lower rale than formerly. Tim same care nnd attention w ill b paid to tin; for wauling of all p.ickngi", fur which this es tabll.hincnt Inn gained inch an riitiablc reputation throughout the l'uciilc Coast. Atlantic Periodicals. i'4it rain. Harper's Monthly Magazine 33 A0 Godey's Lady's llook S to Al'mllc Honthlr 3 lit) Leslie's Famllv ilayazlue 3 .3(1 KnlckerloOkrr Maeaziue S 20 Continental Jlo.'Ulily 3 50 Peterson's Ladles' Mna.Tliie Arthur'" Home Magzliu'... Ladles Rrpoltory ...,( 3 00 3 00 3 ao 3 CO 3 '"D irini iiiciay Monthly Nnvrllclle llecllo Magazine Hunt's Mrrchaut'a Magasiiit C Ok e oo c uo 3 00 3 00 3 Oil 1 00 2 20 2 20 3 Oil lunkcrs jiugaziise LeBou Ton Urownson'a lloview. flralllin.ilio ltclrmPfCt. Tuir Regl.lcr (vcarly) UMIoii'a .Magazine laukw NoiIoiih. imlo) Lrsliei Budget ol I'un (comic) .io.ax(comlo) 2 SO Comio Mniithly a so Phunny Fellow (comic) 2 JO .Newiork Wwbly Herald 3 00 " Police (,azctte 3 50 " Clipper 3fl0 " Houiii Journal 350 weekly Tribune " Sunday Atlas " ' Times " Z Dlspalclt " " Mercury " " Courier " Weekly Times World " Journal or Commerce. . " Iudvisendcnt ;; j'i'ir " Ledger 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 SO 3 30 3 no " Leslie's Pictorial "... 3 50 '.' JJfr' Weekly 3 50 Illustrated Newt 3 50 Lcslloa ZlelunglGennau). 3 .10 " Dcmnkrat 3 50 ',', C.ri,n,l1"l11''S 3 50 Htnlly lllallcr 3 50 auilyl-alr 3 50 ItlshAinercan. 3 50 N likes' bplrit ortkoTluies3 50 inuiei, 3 50 '! E?",.".ry -tlciU4ii....V.V. 3 50 " Wiekly n " Mercury "" jj 0 ;; MfMidorp,,,,,,,;;; afi0 e",,,1",A")"lcun Journal. 5 00 " Albion .J, I,' po.l'lalla(i,-aia-,;):;;:.V8 0 . , - 'f ,tr(,,nIca (Spanish) u 00 Boslnn Weekly Journal.... " :; 1i;.!,oroi"-U'!ou:::.,:::;3 5o I HUE , 11 fl " Wmwlyilagnllio :;:" S 5 " Investigator ...';." 3 0 " r!py,S0',,,1,,,,l0, ''..3 50 " Lllll'll'n I.llllli. A.... ... PhlUdcIphU Fotm-y'a War P.V;." 3 50 I i'?ir,"3.'P?rrv... au uuiuiu.ij- r.ti-u nig roit. Baltlmoro Weekly 6u ....,'" LouUvlllo Weekly Joui.ml. Cincinimil Wukly Commeicial at. Louis Republican. " " 3 50 3 50 3 SU 3 00 3 50 Foreign Periodicals. London Illustrated News rWih sup- pmiiw.... ..314 on Wttkly Disimteh 13 00 ."""" of tho World " Illustrate! Timet... " Weekly Tiiuts...:;. ;: mi wo v. ::: " Atbenteum,, ... " Punch.. U 00 12 00 10 00 13 00 I J Oil It 00 r.t .Yt?,,r " rev:."!.". s w ;.i 1 ' m ,i vr omnu ' I'lies.. 13 00 .'MM, 1 1. ..IlltUll.. Oornhlll Magazine Temple Bar Magazine St. Juinvt Magazno... 13 00 (i 00 li 00 0 00 c 00 ti 00 A 00 u 00 12 00 www or Fiuiiiou". '.;;.'"; Chatabers' Journal ririlu,Xr.,ww'''WM.'V wudon Art Jonrimi Biackwoosr. MaKaziuc::::;:v.v.v.; " oo vZfcF,9Vt"ll Bwlw. ....... 3 00 . UIUU " II 3 001 3 00 II 00 13 00 iSirSub'crlptlons received Sou FnincUco dallies, at rublll for nil tho hcrV prices. Any Newspaper. Mrtgn''-1110 w tlovlow, not mcnllonrd In th-snlwvo llt will bo ftiritlsli cd to order. Orders for Hooks, Mulo I-iiu-cy Artlclci, etc., tilled promptly nt tho low c't markot ralis. SiibscrlptloiH payable Invnrlnhly In advance. Address, J.STRATMAN, iny'Jltr News Agent, bun I-nmcItco. OSBORNE SESSIONS, PIinril.lSING AND TOMMISSIOX AIJEXLS, CI9 Mtrclimil S(, Sim Francisco, Cnl, llnvtng had cxtenlvc experience In both Wholcsalo nnd ret ill trade, wo feel con fideiit that to COUNTRY MERCHANTS desiring a resident agent, or to an occnilon nl purchaser, wo can oll'cr superior Induce ments. Particular attention given to collections, thu puiclmic nnd sale ol Legal Tender notes, Drulls, Stamps, Sewing Machines, etc., or other transactions requiring tho services of vxperleucid nnd rtllnhle agents Purchases will bo inndo lor c.wh only, ex cept In cues or special agreement lo thu contrary. . (Deo ID. (Dsborn, Formerly wills Canfikmi. PiKittox & Cc. Wholesale dealers lu lino clothing, bun Fran cisco. (. l. 0C5SlOlt5, Formerly wllh C. R. Goonwix, ft Co., Wliulcfalo Grocers, S.tn Fmnclo; alio, DiiADUtuv ft Wude, Jnckionvllle, Oregon. REFER. BY PERMISSION TO . A. WOOD, l'it atvl.lioo ilMler,8.n Ftanclico I. II. lli:.NCHI.Y A CO, llanlnara U.iUu, (Ian ran(l.eo. (I. U'. III.I.L A.'ircr, S.in 1'nneiMO. CLAIIK A I'CIIKlSei, w Dc.lci., S.tn t'nnel.ro. iircii a, oa. m uiutr TN Ilia County Court, for llio County of jl HtR-iui, amiv ui uikj;uii, I I....I. L-I..I.. l ! ....... March Term A. D. Ih0. O. D. Hoxlu 7'lantlff. rs Henry B. Macombcr Difenda.il. Arlloii nt I.atv tit rcenvri-?Innr. To Henry II. .Mi'coinbvr,ilifeiid.iiit ul'orc said : You uru brby teipiind to appear in 1I10 County Court, uf the Ihu ilalu of Oregon lor thu LVituly of Juekion, uud nil nr Ihu complaint 011 llio in the nbutu en tilled causu with (In civile or rnld court. You are lunby uulilUil lu uiiwvr aildcom pUlnt.mnbiiU' ruinlrul, within ten tiny. Irom the service nt iIiIk miiiiiiiiiis, and cup py of complaint. II .vrud within said C11U or Ifsiirinl witlibinny uthir voiuily In r.i'd .Vlate. or out uf It. within twenty da Ihuu Ihoihilu ol said svrv.ee. or plaliillll'ulll laki judgment ngiiii-t jolt lor wuut id 1111 1111 swrr, ut Hie Juno Ivrin ul s.ild Court, to be livid In Jatk'onvlllc, lu s.ild Couiiiy and State, on tho 5lh day ol Juno lt(i. lor tho sum of SM3 07, with Interest thereon, at tho rnto of ten per cent per uiinuui, from tho Itlh day or May, lhUl, together with llio cusls uud e.xpviies and d.ibiirim.lll of this action, to bo tnxeil. JACOBS i RUSSEL. msrllwG l'lulntll's Attorneys Happiness or Misery ; THAT IS THE QUESTION. rpm: I'HoiMtiETons ' or the 1 MUSEUM OF ANATOMY AND SCIENCE.' have ilelrrmiiuil. ri"nril', ofexin.-i.se. 10 Issue FREE (for Ik bei.cllt of the sunVring Immunity) fmir or lhs.fr .pnil InlertSling nnd imiiiicIIvc LEO. 'VUllKS on M AItItIA.t;E.nml lu disrpial iflculioni: 'trvous IVollity, I'reinaiurc Decline of Munlioi 'i, Indigestion, VVnl; iirss or Dipmuion, I.n of Energy nml VI tul Power, iliv grent Soel.tl .'"Ivll. und Ihoa mnluditg tlmt mult from uul!i','il follies, cxceiin or m.tiurliy, or igiioraiicu orj'liju lology and Nuliiri- Iiw. Theso Iiivuluabhi Ix-ciitrra have been Hie mums of rnligliiciiiiiiiiiliitviiig tlinusaiidi, nml will k- rurnurdrU I'UEK on mtiptof Tweiity-lhe Cents In postage slump?, by mJdrrssIiig-SuTi'lary l',ieiju .M,mUm f Anatniny nnd Science, lmu Street, Kan ! rauclsco." tffiflAllcn to be tent Furgo k Co. through Wells nurllyl in'j 18G5 J. D. ARTHUR &. SON. ban rnAscaco, Cor. of California and Bavia fits. NOW OrFBItFOB 8 ALE, WHOLE SALE OU HEI'AIL. a large uud varied assortment of ull liluds of AGRICULTURAL IMPIEMElrS, Also iho tAjlcbrated OHIO REAP Jilt, (called tho New York or Seymour & Morgan), combined Machine, with great Im provements, having n STEEL Cutter ". ja w) cuangou from Mower to n IvrK;ms within onu lueb bo ustd vork on pel- Meddles, consider ptlORI- N. poust. PM. WxJU. -KY, I Oregon. le In U. I or Data- tf, B- Edlngbiirg jj u '" Tlho four Rovlcws and Blackwood. MRUMELLS ill DARDANELLS, OGU, FIRST CLlss HOUSE KerSTI-SSlS prompt nd courteous attention8 EM ii'niilrraciiti ol Ruestf. o all tbt 'his house bus been rcntlrd ondr.fi. ' PrnnrsiB. sfl DAVE SAMPSON on, from April 1st. to August 1st fUn' TrriiK-.Tnynblc'lii U..t0n, Single Service, ,,. Season, - " J nntr,t t. i,.kU March 29. IPC I. "..u tt JIAHTfN. nllif IMPORTED MALTESE JACKt This Jack w 111 stand this season at Joltsaoxx-'crillo Osxau, At tho Slublo or ' WILL servo ni-mv ul 8J0 I ho season, tad Jeiui!e til Sloo. mvablr m n,.i ineiicrnieiit of llio sennui, whlcli tvlll btirla April 1st, uud end July Ut, isw. Wgla A lllienil 1I1, count madu In the shore prices to any uuu wisiiliig lo bcr nrinnrei. urccu a hub- Jack'ouvlllc. March 2(ltli. 'fti, splllf I N the Circuit Court or the Slnlo nt n. gnu, lur tho county or Jack-on. G. T'Vnult nnd .ft. Jlarlnn TTanlt idaliitins. . .litmvM N. T. Miller. JsBfi Jlanis. Gin. W. ICeelcr. John O'lirlia John W. McKay. It. B. Hogirdlne, ED Fi.ndrv. G,o. T. Vlulug. J. J, Wills, John Uliiijen. Huriniiii Jlclrm. Tbornii llviill, Kii-snr KuhlVAiiliiu limns, j.D Fny uud P. J. Milium-, Deleiidauts. Suit lii Cinnesry, To Geo. W. Ki-i-ler. mm of said ilffsnjinli: Yoiiniorniulntl to nnjx-ar on thu flrtt dav r lli tirni or Ihv cireiill coutt, lo bi held fur the said .S'lnlo mid county, tt tbi Court Ilnir-o. In .liic!roiivllk'. on th td Monday lit June. JeW, nml ph-sd anucr iirileiiinr to sold etiiiinlulut on ilia a-niau you In said Court, or Judgment und'th-crts 111 laxc nu nccouiiv oi ib slock- of tits slockliiil ler lit ll.c presie., lypo, BUtrnsV stock, llxiurcs iiiiinppiirtvtnticM orthelits "tlrcgon nnxillu"iiuVMiiii-r,niid fornsiU or mid nmnvrly, uud n division or Itso pro ceeds of suld s.i In will lm lakeo, aud tbi prnycr or llio complaint will bo grtaled ug-aliist you far want thereof. Uy order of P. P. Prim, Judge. DOWELLAT'VAULT, AtfysTor Plaintiffs. March 31st, IhC.V nplUS to Tin: STOCK XAZSEXS JAOKSON OOUNTY mi:(io. or 'T'lIEundcrslgm.-il would rcipectfnlly I .-- ""'Co to Ihu public, generally, I an- tbil .w i,i 111.1AU 1, peuuu mm in uuy 3rkJCx-X.3lltS.Otl. JACK, Lord Byron, nt Ids residence. Isro miles northeast or Jncki)iivlllc,comiriicin; lit day of April, A. I). IK3, and cudiuj til day ofJuly, tntiiuycnr. 1.0111 iiyron H u tiiornugliiTred jscsei M111111110II1 .Yioek.froni llourUui county, K;., I seven years old Ihu tt ol Miiy,andtlviils llfteen IijiiiIk, 0110 Inch high. Tijn of sen 011 nro 8W 00, Invsrlsble In U. S. jjold nrsllve- coin, luyall Ua tho in.iren nrucrul. Good paiimi,'(ocaii lbad formaresfrsa n dlslniiuu. mid good cotv und regular tt tcnllnii will lio gien, na I will ncep ag caielul hand lor that purpose, luoajh I hall not (mid mysolf iwpouslbto fir say Iossch or Injuries lo stock thai iiilght ur whvlo on my ruueh. M. 1MNIA. Woodbury Raiioh , March 25, 1SW. mali23 JL KUW IN JACKSONVILLE. uauwiv wiaiflr TEJk.CJEX:XlSnBf Hl.OOD'S PATENT, With Wringers AttacsW.' THIS works tho smno m by hand.doU? or much work In oiiod.iyasslxwoatii, Willi iqualuleunliiivM, less wear lo clothe. mid one-bull- less soap. A child tenjesri old can work this machlnu with case, us0 lug any fabrlo Irom u. thread lu aU-dqu"'- Ihiivu piirclmd Iho tight lor the msn uractuiuniidHiloof Ihu ubovo uauieduia chines In this county. 'Iho machine Is lor salo and can bo seen at my shop, on California Street. 000 d'or ubovo Druui'a Livery 5lnbl. Give roe call ' O. K WILSON. Wringers will bo funiltbed as tooa they nrrlve. VERMONT HORSE. CTOCKHOLDCRS OF TIIEVBMJOSJ Ollorso coinpniiy uru lieteby nollM.tW a ild Hoi so will annul lor tho uoofiSwi company tho ensuing season as fullowr.. wll: In Jaclmoii coutilK. nt the JrBl or A. Tenbio.ik. L',n, (Oak Grove), fry" April l.t lo May 15lh. und uguln Irom liia Juno to 15th July. Inoliisivo; lnJtl" couaiy, ut Iho siahloof It. S. Belknap, ire-". amy 1.1111 lu Junu IStli.aiidngnin iru '"r July lo August 13lh, 15, Inclusive. Wc "lockholder bermo breidliig pJ iil " scttiuciit upon h's stuck lo dale. By oider nr Board of Dinectort. March lllh. 1 8B5. Mar-" Notice to Stock JUiM". TUB undfrslgned lokcaJbU method eria running ihu public, that persons, not iiocMiolderf In thu company, who 'miy J Msinuis nr i.n.n,i,r in tbu Olebraieu, Mi.. i.,"";:?.., uvKK- Noait'KPP'S' TlilJE to blni, at ho has yet nft'S sliiitw uuengiiKcd lor tills reason- M".' "Iwnyt bo luTiud vvlli iho horse. G mare will U breit Tor luiK tho I"', f. Ihoso VLd. iidoii bis nhuioa will bo furuU iwiturago jieo or charge. , C.P PLOUW .N;D PJRODUOE tfk . ehange for MtrebaBdite, at Jaly 1 37 MAX MULLS W' stPTflW