PFftWfti 0 B"S si;iLi;iJ fill; OltKliUN rT.rnl discourse, nt tliu Alutliodifttl Church to morrow at 10 o'clock A. M on the occasion of tlie death or the child ol r V. nod M. J. Armstrong. Kcmcmbcr iho Sabbath School plcnlcfl nt Uybco's Grove, on Muy-uny. "Vitr German edition of Greeley's Amcr lean Conflict can be had by application t 0. A. Davis, ngctit lor boutlicrn Urcpon. awjuawauiB nuu.wummjjn l IWXxvXTiocl. At the residence of, nnd by Uev. M -wiiiinm. Mr. Sionkv u. iistiKrn, Dim Miss Luor M. Vim.ktth, ull ol Juckaoi comity Oregon. Jn Jacksonville, April 7lh, by Rev. F v mane het. .Mr. Jhhk brKKiw, to aun JkUnr K. IIinuk, ull of Jacksonville. In St. Patrick's Church, Josephine Co .Ojiii., Murch 20ili, by Rev. F. X. Nun diet, Mr. Thomas MoAkbrkw, to Mar OAltET ItKIIAV. In Jacksonville, on the 25th In'.., nt tin rMMonea nf the bride's fnihcr, by U. S Mlnvdcn. J. I'., Mr. John NmiEit to Mls llownu. Wo acknowledge the receipt of n bonnti ful supply or wloc und cake from the hup tir pair. May health and happiness bo tin )t of Iho fair bride through life; and tnni ilie bowers of curly cflection ever turn the ptcrcclng rays of the sun of ndvcrsln from our friend Johny, "In sickness or hcnllh, In poverty's vuloor abounding in wcnlth.' NEW TO-DAY. Shorifi's Salo. TY vlrluo nfnn execution, duly Iiucd out JJ of (he Circuit Court of tliu State ol Oregon, for Iho county of Josephine, upoi n ilrcreu made nnd cntrcd at the Anrll Term, on the 12lh clny or wild tnouth, A. I) 1805, of mill Circuit Court In favor ol Unniiicl W. .S'liwycr. nnd nguInU 1'ctii Colean and Francis Colenu. for the turn ol six hiiudrid nnd thirty-eight and four out. liundr'dUis dollars. (MB ), with Inton-M tbcrcou, nt tho rate of two por cent m month, together with cost, disbursements and accruing costs. I have duly levied on, and will proceed tc toll at public, tala fur cult, to tho higher 1 Milder, on Saturday, the 3il day of June, A ). IC., tliu follnwlngdecrlbcd real crtati to-nlt: Known as tint dountton claim ol Jorepli II. Dickinson, lying In sections nine nnd sixteen, In tnnntlilii No. US, south ol limine 7. wist of tliu Willamette meridian containing IHO acres nioro or lesi, together Willi all tliu uppurtemtneca tiicrvuuio iiuioug' Jug. .Vild properly Is sllimled In i.iid couu it of Joitnliliiu nnd i'latu aforciald. S.ilealtlio Court House door In raid connty. betwetn the hours of ulna o'clock A. 11. and four o'clock 1. M.of ald day THOMAS F. FLOVD, Sheriff Jo-ciihluo County Kerbyvlllo April 21 it IBB.1.. uplUM Shorifi's Salo TsY virtue of on execution, duly issued. Jj out or the Circuit Court of tint Stutt of Oregon, lur tho county of loicphinc u lion a decree made und entered at tin Anrll Term. On tho lUlli day of safdi month, A. I). 18G5. of Mid Circuit Court in favor of Samuel Sawyer, and spalnsi T;. J. Jorllicutt & Urns., for tlm sum 01 sixteen hundred und sixty-lour ami thirty four one hundredth of dollars, (S1G6-1 Ull with edits nnd disbursements, uud uccruiuj. 5 coitr. 1 liaTO limy ibvii-h on, unu win iron.-iu io sell nt public site, for cash to tho lilIt- Mt bidder, on Saturdny, the 3d tiny o! I Imro duly levied on, und will proceed June, A. I). loCfi, tlm lollnwln? iletcrlbu, 3 rtnl estate to-wll: Knnwii us Knnwii us DQiiatloi claim, No. 37, or E. J. Nnrlhcutl and wifc lyinjr uud belli); inTowii-liip No. .IQ.soull of ltuiiffo 7 west or tho Williimettu Mcridi an. coutainliiL' 320 acres, mure or lu s. In gclher with ull Iho uppiirtenancei thereun B tu li(l(ii);in7. Said properly Is sltunled in said cnunh of Jox-pliine und Utiitu iifnre?al(l. Salo ui the Court Jlouie dour In said Coiiniy. be Iwien the hours nf nine n'chick A. Jl., nudj four o clock I . M nl fuid day. THOMAS V. FLOYD, Sheriff nf Jo-inliinu Couutr. Krrhyrillo April 2lst. I8i;5. nV!lvvl rrorrzoass. vtoti ll tern PICE Is clvcn Hint n good school teoclier is wunted br tho district ol No. 0. THOMAS UEALL. April 20th 18Ci. Veteranra &, Hecruits. THU ltist Leglilaturo rIvcs n bounty ol 8ISO to each recruit In tlio wgimenif now bclug raised. It nio vuieu Five Dollnra tir tnnntli xtra H.w to eoell DCHOn bfllonc- tin? to tho cuvuliv letlmcnt eulUttd lliml t'lil-M) amounts 10 tO I Mllf, In State DomR Tho.o wUhlug these boiidd would do well tocall on JACOBS k RUSSELL. Jackeonvlllo, Jan. 12, 'Ui. janUlf UPHOLSTEREB AND 7?poT' T HEREBY notify oil whom It may con X tern, that 1 still continue uie uusiucsi u Upholsterer and l'aper Hangtr, at roj old stand in Jacksonville. All kind of work in tnv lino will b romptly attended to. Old niattrssscs will bojrepaired, flour sacks made, etc. A. (.'. ALBERTS. Jacksonville, February 4th 18G.. If. Aduiaistrator'ii Sale JXTOTinE In herebvelvor- M HV vlrtm 1 of an rmlor. mailo b ' oCoUllly Court J will sell for cash, to highest bidder (H auction at tuo court lio.rfo.uoor,in mo couiuj ofJacksonandatateorOrcBon.ou Saturday. till. Rial In. I hntwnmi Hill holirS Of mill o'clock A. M., and fonr 1. M., ijll " reM property belonging o the cstalo of theJr lUv.J.h Pray, decease, situated n tin lorssaiu county ana oiaiu, uvws .... ., ia in i,.,,i,i ut .,,ih nr i?. 2. weit. be ginning at the N. V. comr, on thosouJW liniiniUrv nf Mulm Nn. G7. tllCUCO SOUtb anrofi ii.AiiR.i cant 80:00 chain fauc north 20:12 chains, tbenee wist70:M cbslnt, .to tho placo of beginning J iSMERSOK E. OOSE Adfu'r deolQw JtAosnljt Dsc, lb, W.i A CABD FOR THE SPRING & SUMMER Clothing Trade' OF 3AN FRANCISCO. BADGER & LIXUEXRERGER.' Hos. 411, 413 and 415 Battery St., Cor. Merchant, Snlt Frnnclu-o, Importers and Wholesale DEALERS. Cntirc New ntul Frcsli Stock. We would call the attention of (Innntrv Hcrclmnts to our unuunlly lurgo Mod nt (loud. Our stock comprises every nrll )la In tho CLOTHING k FURNISHING LINE Wo lmvo constantly on hand the largusi mil grentct variety of UASSIMKUK AND WOOL HAT? of nny house In Fan l'mnckco. ami our nrl ccs for thco cnods nro lew than lhoo ol ny noitra, as wo receive tlicm direct from me manufacturer's consignment. Uur slock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS x particularly attractive, mid the great Tea lure to tho country merchants la the umun illy low prices less than tho cost of Importation I We also keep tho In the Dry Goods line, which Goods wo lmvi (iiirchnied In this market tu.dcr the hammer and aro ollurlug tlam at New l'ork coil ami low. Wo publish this card In order that we tin; innku new nctpmlntuuces, and induce tliosr alio have not heretofore purcuand of us li call nnd examine our stuck. Good Articles & L.nvi' Prices Aro tho crcat Induccmcmciita wo oiler to all a ho purchato to tell ugaln. Merchants win buy of us can mako n guild prullt, and sell to tliuir customer at a low llgutv. u re main, respectfully, 1 our ntmiicni ervnnts, UADGER & LINDENIIKUGER. Wliolesalc Clothing nnd lint Warehouse Is oi. -Ill, -11 J nnd -lis Mattery street. 81111 Francisco. March 25, '(Ifi. 11 pi 1 in' JEWELRY. CLOCKS, WATCHES. FANCY ARTICLES -AT- 3inETsDTDB3E3fi NEW STORE! IVoxt Door to SucIih Jlros. IT NlXMiril has tockrd his new stop JJ . with n lar nrRc und valunblu aisortnient c Intel Ktylvs nnd imtterus of Sl'iUNU AND WE1U1IT ?C CLOCKS, Jt- M SILVKR WATOIIKS, JKh DIAMON'I) JliW'Kl.KV, I'KARU KMKRALI), C'A.MKO SETS Together with n splendid lot of other flreast-l'ins, llronchcs, L'sr-ltliis, Finger Rlns, Lochets, Uuelik'j, UIusps, Uraeelvtfc, tjletite Ilutlons, Necklaces, Watch-Clmliis. L'hutelalns anil Si uls. 4 .. . .. - . ..!.! M Also, comiiieic scis oi ii.oouipaiuuio . ?! j-ixcix.'t:s J CWOil-y, v) mnniiliictiircd front the richest und moit 3 a -; , , V . n . LI gncuutirul specimens or Cold Hill and Fow cr quartz. ij 1.. -.MIiIa. I. Itm nttni'A mnv tin fnnmlVi 111 limilllUII . " tlUUlV, ...'. MW .W-..V 7. it Ills storo tliu best qunliltcs of ''A ....ii. ivti iinrnri."!! HT-nriiitv o I jl. Jl,U. -1..M xwvnt.i VUUU.IH i, And. in snort, a ccnero. inrreiy ui j .. ..... -r 'SXSSftfiStl V." mil wurrnnted. t lll'liAIIIIVn fHnnl.-n. WntrliM nnrt n lowelry repaiiwl with proniplnees, oud In manner to cmir.inico euiisiuciiuu. M AL'FALTL'RKD to order, nny aril - :lo of Jewelry, with neatness and dispatch. ; nsn ljii unu Fee ins now biuvk. ui mr . new siorc. on C.ilifonila street, uext door r, to Sachs Bros., Jacksonville, Oregon. Jacksonville, Dec. 17, 1B0'-'. U TTTILL stand this season at my stable VI fli- miles east of Juckdonvllle, uhl stage road. Season commencing Aprh TN Ihc C ,vnd i-ndniR duly 1st. Terms-singh gl 0 rego. flee, lu, tluu i.'licsi service is u-udvmi ;'" """' iho U mflinn. -s. at the closo of the 6enson. A lerv v-ub of live inures will bo sicd for S100 I'he ubovc rales to be paid in com. PEDIGREE ntonrn km kIpimI bv J. 1'. tl 01411 r! i;in,.n,,m limn hv Tinioleon. crandum l3 Black Whin, nnd ho by Rhodes' Whip, he oy linportul hip. Di.'nir'.ifi'i". in- nil' RiUcmuti wus brid by John Cooper ol Fiiyettc County, lvcntuchy, was gov m miiortcd Olencor, his dam was by Rodolpb .nniliim UjilerHv bv Similiter; greut gran lam wus bv IniporU'd Bustard, grout great rnndam was by lllrnntv uuiin a. iiiiimi." -TU ll.i, rilrrillt Court. Of tllO SltttO Ol 1 Orecon, for tho county of Curry. rtnninTi.'.-A Uiunov. riaintlff, vs, Fkank iJlllCUV, UClCllUUUk. Vn Rrntik Briecv. the derendant; In tho naiho of the Stale of Oregon, yon .. i,d.Ii0 ri-milrrd to onnear in .tlio cir ,-uit court, of tho State of Oregon, for the county of Curry, on tho first Monday In June, A. u. icuu, mm "' '"" ntntnt fiiwi in ibis suit, which is nn oppll ealion for o divorce, on the grounds of per n..n Inil in ties, to.wii: cuurce ui iiiiiuen m ifvnn fail to answer said com niilint. tlm nlalntiff will apply to tho Court iv... iim nllif ilemnnded therein. 1 his publication is by.order of the Coon for six consecutive weeks, before tho next rn. nl I hft 1,'aurt. JUllii WVLor.i. " . r t, . .i r. iti.initrr Jl j UI lUlllllil IVnftlce. nPHE copartnership ueretotoro cxistinfl X batwecn yyuiio n, i" uiii i.n.tnoui. la (lWolved .by mutual consent . v iri.n. II.1 H tlnliia linS tmv. nil I. Li. ,W UIVB uiivj.q .. "",. "ITJ, " ' ItablUtlOS of MM WW. s. wj'u to. CKmyoBVllle, Co. 1, 18M. dejlOw n. hi -i CJ 1 . I? T" b ' i P sH ii a f Ml M 1 S m 1 o I ' Fv. if 1 ? d i 1 i r H M ? & l s y Ho a 1 8 f ff i g HI 1 2 B Tift C. J Sj! v 5 . VU e. t, i rs SB pSSSMSi J L ktmmmJ t I I 22 E I tj 9 8 J l 5 ! r hi s 1. & v si. n - r k 6 . S O fa" K I EiH & Otis F PI I 0 Ha F W f fii 3 ,af j t 1 Ml 13 I HI u a H5 ( " 7( a? 5 m I V a"Kj hiSB MY MY ILlLlJi rTNCLE BILLY BURK, nfter thank IU Ine his Irlcml- fur their llUral fiiiioii lit his lut I'litertnlmnent, would icnn'cl Bfnllv Mibmlt for their coiirldcratlo i tho fuel Dthnt he han determined to cHu a Grur.OF May Day Hall nt tho Durdauolls Hotel 80n Monday cvcnlne. May ht. An I!arh liuppur will bo prepared lor tlioso wii) wish Bio uiauo in ejeuruuu to ilia Sulphur Springs or Table Koch 111 time will bo principally employed from mis on, in iiovi.ini; me nem mcuiit lonum Ids cuunts comrortalilo mid happy. A ecu nil Invitation I extendi d. March 17, 1M'4. mahlf Id mm. tfL'jrraw: X??'jkri3?jL3l& February, 17th, lfcti. mahlRyl iMIUini A TFI . Y Uw,iy nvi on tamr sndj From Jucksou county, to fill up tupt 1.-..1I. ...,.'., ,.,,1,11. ,t.v i,l invulrV. Jk'elULt SSgEBfiPy the uj;u'.ur pay, clothing: nnd board, llnfoWIlEELnU & ",Io1Iiiwiih; KUeint uniimiin urv uumu . ' vu,i nilmtiiiL' for ono yeur will tecelvi a bounty of SlOOj those culislinj; W tm ,mrll. -'uu: 1 00 iur mm: jcuio, vw Jt,j gi&u, mate bounty, in cjIii. 'I'ho.i .i.1iiii!r to inlist. can annly to IAuitcu n. 0. Undtrwood, Dr. L rJ. Thoinp 3,011, or the uudcitiguid. in Jiirksmivmtr. op8lf JM.HUITON. E'xnal Settlement. iiio (Jnuiitv Court of tho hiote oi .... -4 - .. ., ,..., , for l lie couuiy ui uuti.Buii.i 18C5. 3lu tho malttr of the estate of John Motlt Ueceaseu. Vnitre Is hereby uiven, that Emcrsoti W fimc. Adin n btrutor, lialn;r Jiuu in iii.,i Mi-fnniit und nrlltiou for final settle menl of said estate, It was ordered by tin ourt, tlmt Wednesday, tno jo uay oi siu; ifi'Mrbv dwignaltd for mid final settlement -By -order of Hon. J. 0. Tolman. Count; Tud-e". WM.JJUll'.M Ais, tiieiK. upSw-t April em toon. BJotico of Pinal Settlement TN tho Count Uourty of JacKbon uoumy il ll.l. M'.,rin 1Ri;5. Iln tho nutter of tho cstnto of W. II. Mowj nit, ueceaseu. .th i. i,nroii rrlven that John Hatson rifcilil estate, has tiled his II union " - ... .. i;:n..-i ...i. i,..-.,. ml exhibit and pennon ior iiuuin.-iin.uivm at said cMnlo ; uud tnai w euncfuny, mvuii lay of April eu.ulug, na uceu rj.-; ui . .aid dual tcttlcmeut, with tho said ndralnli- tmtor. . . , n. Hv .order or Jion. j. u. ioihwiu, vv.v IiudLc. ww.iiurraiA Clerk. inarllwl Waicu iiiu jsuj. If Otice to Final aottlemeat in tlm County Court. Jackion County 1 March Term, 1805. .r,. hi tho matter of the estate of Michael Edty, LlwcoevU. , . t. .. r 11UIIVU ID uvu-u; a' . ' . I ill-,! V,.lln.. la l.Arnltv frlvpn. lliai lUlCIBUM . Gore, administrator or said eaio, um ) ,.,. ..i. lu. ...,,i ....tuir.ii fur fiiml iettlfmeai IHFl f'AUIUIV "111. v....- .-- ", -. , . of said elate , uud that Wedotjeday, tno Mb aid tlnairCllieineui nun i''" """"""! ", Hv mder of Ron. J. C. To mau oountj M& llu"rVru: Alarcu inn, low. ZZ r-tTTPwnn Pholosranh Alboms can be rt tmil cheaD. for cash, at J. How's, 0 . r . t! ,1 tSVAa aopr.ftuove iiroooury i radbury Wadeio ve & bilgek Cnltrornln St., Jncksonrillc, Wholesale Retail iOenlcis i FANCY AND STAPLE DEYGOODS.. Clottitng, Boots anil Shoes, Groceries Hardware, Iron nnd Steel, Agricultural mnl Mining Implements, Li quors, Qtieennware, 1Iumi wnrcj Coal Oil Lniap and Chimneys, Tobacco uud Cigars, Stationary, IMioto cranh Albums, Carte d Vis ctc, etc. TN nddltion to uunl stock, wc nra now re- I Ci'ivlhL' n Ifirio slilpincnt, cmhisclni; a oinpleto norlinnit In all of the aboc laes.r Thee coodi wcro ulictul In S.n I'ranclfco w It'll great care, hv a member of mr llrm wlio lm nail a iclilcnce 01 tnir- teen vears n ontlicrn Urrcon. ana well known tho wants of this locality. uoniiiieui tiint wc cannot no iinncrFoiii iiyatnrcii, auica.m i,u. 1 Heir work Is tnsilt iny lioue in Jackson county, no nlciiKrl mr tmtront ttiai our jwicis snail be "Cheap as tho Chcapost." r'li.nlitnM a,. MhHiMM n.HAMa fm llA t -Vi viirn licretofora i.xtendid to our house, we1! iiui iniiin iiu iuiiivi i.aktuii iui luuiiru, u i", ..Sil. . 1 -t, .t. . . - . ,-ouiii riHtuuii; (uueu a souuuuauce uirfcliaMllB ClMWlierc. Juno 23. lNliO.-23. ..iiicir ihiiioiincu. u XO TROUDLV TO SHOW GOODS. Pj v.-nu aim civo in your sviy ami lahc a. until. DRADIIUIIY k WADI5. JnckSOnvlllcUn.. Oct. 10. 'fiS liell LAIVDIS9' EXPRESS. Srni.W'iTklr linp nf Klnc( from Jack ;1 j ronvillio ti Uirliyvlll nnd Waldo, Or igon. leaves JLcusunviiie eicry .Tloiulay & Tliursilay, -1 A. 31 Rtturuliij:, leaves Waldo ccry Tuesday &Fr!c!nrut a P.M. ThroiiRh pnMcnjtrs will lx fnrnlslrd with j-oikI Hidillt-hurtcs ut Waldo, for Crciernt City. JO.SIAH A. LANDlS.I'ropV. Oct. 28ih,18Ci octlif X X, o.o ol N KAMA ELCVKS TUOUSAKD 01 WHEELER & WILBON'8 Isotvlnit 3VXnolilxxo llavo bun sold on lie Taclfis cout tluco tho Agency was ctlabllthcd la ijan TrancUco ; aud tho uiiue and incui:asinq talc of tin S3 MACI1INDS, proves how fully Iho publlo arc convinced of the superiority of WILSON'S SUWIXC MACHINE! over all ollicrsf FOR GENERAL USE. 1 LARGE INVOICE OF TUC3E MACHINES, WITH LATE IMPROVEMENTS,1 Jutt IlettlvtU. SSrCALL AND EXAMINU TilJiil.-wt; ... .. - Or send for a Circular. J. II. 1IAYDEN, Agent, Offlco cor. Mout'ry nnd Sac streets, marirn SAN FRANCISCO. BALL OX APPLEGATE, AT IIJE BcncdkUIouse, May Third ?&s. " T'" i i. " ' '.' ' '. .. ttaiion oi a AX the aboye uamed time aud place tae)eak 0i i( ynderslgncd ;etpectfully Invltei t'lefqualnUdM loubllo at larce to clve blra a call, as he wllll1 iiKniNUTON & CO., Kola Acenli. uo prepared to welcome mem wu iws "f . T- I' . lil. .11. . ..Ml oesi Ol veooa oncer,- biiu uuim i M''"fl,,d forsa t oy an uruainu uccailon toeei wiiu cuco ucceM,. .1 ..1 L .. .!,! causo one and all to refer to It is tbti "Her' rlcst of all Uie werry way " H. Ubrsnuivi. California Street, Jacksonville, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN TIN, SHEET IRON. COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, TTAVn just received fiom tho All.inltc XX States and San I'raiuM'co. n coinidntil ntuck of crcrythlui; lit their line, nnd will keep constantly on hand nn asm intent oil Iho host Tin, Mcel-lron nnd t'oiijierwaro jjraw I'ltK". Hjiiraniio isoie. lorce l'ninii. Chains. I.fnd 1'hw. Hoo. CUl'LKItV ; NAILSI tuf all slices liar, Plate nnd aMorted Iron 5 rntnis. wn, aires mm uiass: All qualities of Tender; Shot of nil number: Brujhesorcveryvnrlely,ole.,ele, At(t. nhiiivmin I1n111l.11 Iniiru tut nftlnri'i Sof nsrortnl Htcs. " lluek's Tntent ConKIni JStore," ami tlio " Xnr World Stove." tin (two tcry host nnd npjinned pnlliirns In ihi iworiii. rarior, unico aim uauin stove STaney and tdaln. contirtictiil on latrtt fuel ti..vlng plans. Hollers, Keltlk, Tots, Tans aim cvcr.Minntr connected witn tticso stoves Warranted dnrubta and porfict. Alt nritcici soiit nj mem or mannruoi rthniMitiimlcrialnmlorchoIce.itiiatteriii M Ty.Onlersntteiidctl to wllli ir.ipatcli, ntul. niiui nccorauifr 10 uiroction. in every thin?, their slock ! tho biawt unu Wi iippr Itrnltrrht In jAftlfftmirllln. ft.l llirv nrr' ... .... .... . I nn,i i.niiti ihnir .inoi- iu.r.r.. ,r niitrtrt tih in ni nu pitif, j t nn nttii . w :" " . v' : ...-.. --.wv ..... ,'... Apcnli for i itv .t Co'. I'm Hon. . ' dW'Q H om ." C3t--jk-r f S - - M nntmitl. r.ntn.t- Illlf'i fVllfnrnta it .. 4 --..----, -.--. 1 Jnckiuuviiic, Uicgon. i TOTS, TOYS. TOYS I ! HOLIDAY GIFTS! J. HOW lnform the cit!r.nn of Jackton rlllo and tho tmhln centrally thai ho In juit uciiud and oflvrs for inlo his tuperloi MOCK oi ....HAVANA k IMITATION. ,M IS Ir i TOBACCOS, PIPES, FIQS,s CUTLERY, RAISINS, 'i M " Stt loiiiiry &Scliool-liooliic 5 CANDY, NUTS, 3 'IOYS. SUdAIW, i ALBUMS, ETC. ; Trices to mil tho times. Call ;rau' our money. onovnox c rfl aodf- gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 5 A I.nrco mnl I'ln Aoorlmriit c x of NVIIIuiv Vi u liuml, fur 5 inlc. 5 o C oooooooooouoooooooooooooooooooooo A larc collodion of the latest and besi Novell fur circulation. J)ec. 19, Ifif-J. J ROW. CUUHYOUKCOLI) havj: youu lungs. KTEWELL'S IN PULMONARY tlci Cuitit TIioiiiniid act ITtTill Curo "SToix. "A couch Is Ktiicrully the iffect of a cold i which lituilllur Ik eu Improperly trcutcd oi entirely neKUctid. When It provisoUtl i.ule, thtn ii flffcuyi rtumilQ firth twit IntiHit. u this rlioHK ii mak itato of th Sluncii. aud In often the furtruniiir of con umptlou,"' jiucuauairs iiomeiuo .uaucim STOP THAT COUGHINO Some of yon can't, and we pity you ouIibvo trltd evi ry remidy but ttieoni ikntlntd. by lt Intrinsic merit, to lupenedi all nlmllnr iiripariilluiis. Jt fa not mrprls liiKyon khould bu reluctant to try some ililutfiWu aftir the inany ijpalniits jou liaiomuduortraitiy coiiitoiiud luiituj oi he public si a ctrtalu cure; but Newell's Pulmonary Syrup, fs really the Vtnr Hbjt remedy cvt r com pounded for the curo of coughs, coldi.h'on ihrnut, nvlbinu, whooping cough, broncliltb mid couHimptlon. 'Jtiolinaiuli of people In California nnd Orecon hare been all cad; iH'uclltt'd by Its curatite powirs. WHAT KILLED HIM? fin. Iim.. In Ids " Journal of Health,' speaking of the death ol Washington IrviiiaMiiutcher fjhop, on Ore got tUreei, 3 doon atka the aUvo question, and auus: ut,tore (he Post OWce. might well hno lemalutd with us for vcan 10 COIUO, wad 11 IIOl Otll ur nuncu mimij intended, no doubt, but given In thought Iwtntu aud reckUss ignorance, HE HAD A.0OLD! which, by some unliidlclousprcfcrlplloo.bsdl been converted Inlo an aslbnia. huo gavi that prewrlptlon, or wuat n was, ino oui Hide world may never kuowV' Let me e) lo Pr lal lual ,ua 'pn-'MrMi'""" " " Kcweirs PuImonaiT Syrup Keep it In the house. ue U,rwlr,glvi. It tumour cUIWrcH upy" tlv r.Hgbtt iudl Vatlouof a cold.ntid you win tmnic andl I r 91 . -II'.Ia B.ftm. liAirrk I.AA.artA Am A I fiieaa ol It as on u .uvv,uu y-i .lalntiit . 1 1 1 h Hi uuiritA. r . .-. -- -.,-.. , . . 4, , - l 410 and 4I fioot tircci. oaa jprancuco, ." - llMiti HKsr ruxujfii uc sisivi j 1 blood, Hall's Harsparlll Yellow pock . - . . . i .. i .rr it r.,fnr. and iooioe oi oi ui ' v 1! i r iatAa in it-r i m -I S. . I . J4 RACES. RACES. TNri.i:nn atim, nu thr'eb' days X raclnir gircn at tlio oyiieo Track, near rHcbtonvllIe, oh the Sib. uthand lotbor Itinr, 18CS. THUnSDAY, JUNti 8th, . A nurse of $230 n Mile nnd rpati-rim to rule, butracco. $200, to go with Hit purse. FRIDAY, JUHE Dth; Annrssof $130 for Ihreo'or forir'jetr )hl nillo heats throe and flic. 1atranct. tcit percent run to rule. SATURDAY, JUNE 10th; A purse of $200 free for all horsts to firry U0 l. A slnclo dh of ono Milt. Cntranep. 10 tier Cent. No drditotlon for a nlk over. Same day, n nurse 6f t23, iron for a slnclo dh of n mile.' Ko trance, 23 els., to do with tho purso srtry man tn run himself. ;?:crTlio races tn bo corcrded b? th Wlftrnlit Htate Ktile. W.M. llVlinH. rroprfsto'r. CHEAP 1?0R C? JL m MWL. A. FISHER &BB0THEB, bonNER or ' California S. Orcgou Btreetfv JACKSONVILLE, lists on hand k Large Stock of Sln).lb, Fancy DRYGOODS, CLOTHINOV BOOTS, and ISIIOES, OROCERIES, LIQUORS, CUTLERY, CROCKERY,- tic, etc., cle. All nil! be told at Rccluoocl Frloesi,' JackionvllU, Jan. 0, 'CI. jsnUtf Application to 611 Ileal Efttato. N tho County Court, of Iho Stalo o( Ore gou. for the couuly of Jacksoo, April' urm, 16C3. (n tho matter of the estate of J. J, llolmsi, deceaKil. Notice It hereby rIvcii, that Hermsn' lltlmi. l'ubllo Administrator, has Olrd'hls ivtltloii for an order to sell Iho .lutemt of iho drreuic.1, In a crrluln quarts ledgr, (tiownat tho"IIolmau ledge." All per oiii Interested In said estate, are rrnu'rtd to bo ntid appisr In said Court, oo ura first ny or tue .May term, next Mining, toil diowcause, If any, why tho firajtr of tba petition should not bu prantrtl, By order or Hon. J. U.Tolman, County Iud). AVM. HOFFMAN, Clerk. opiM April fllh, 1BCS. Final Jiottlomont. IN the County Court, of the Slatt of Otroii, for tho county of Jackson, April erm, ldti5. (n the matter of tho rslairj of James Vf Ites, dte'd. BYRUFl Notleu Is hereby clvrn, iha( John Ca. .H,t. n. !... I.....I.. 111. ..I I.I. ftnal a....M lflll, Ulllll , lilt, M'U llllll 111 mini H1WUUUI uiu petitiou ior iinsl sciiiniu'ul or said ts late. It was (irdernl by Iho Court, that Wednesday, the 'M day of May urxt, b lriu;na:rd lor said linul sitl'emijnt. By older nf Hon; J. 0. Tolman. County Ju.ljjf. WM. HOFFMAN. Clrrk. np8w4 April 8th, 1BC3. isVrjm.33l. rho undertlirnrd would mot rtrpttlfull call tho attention of tba publlo. to their NEW JLIVHRY On Orei;on Street, Jacksonville We hs )'i liana n good supply of excellent ntddlt IforKs. to let. and will soon have a stock of iiuKKli. Wo aro determined lo jlroutls action lo nil who may favor u wllu tueu palrcnaHC, . A fiood supply of feed con(anly on hand. 1'LYMALKlROSa. Jacksonville, January 21st, 1885. tf JOHN ORTH Lu ,. tt mmmiuBi li?ou bale, ok mi owrdunmd. IL' Piirehssers kill please enquire at bli I Jiickfbnvllle. January till, 1K. tf. hEAiaLE J3REWI3IIY -AND- j ' 'i ' 3DXslrXXjXjSY'. IT08EPK WMTIEM b" "0 Stl lniwl..aH) Is conrlaiiily inaaufacturlnri Ifc'lNBWHISKPBUANIJIESfirtLAaKK lUIVlill, yiUl&li 110 Will Stll IB ijuafni"" ii" una quart to ono uarfei nno upwaru, " liurchast CB !d lt bis l,floth jacrSi9Byiijo,,ssarcu.i, seyj a iDr; Ovc:L-ek1''U ?M ty ?CMM Ut tba vd OVERBfEOK HOmTAL. Tboso.wbOiWlsl Indulge In the lum- m or a gopa uaia, can o? f;tmv t '.V d ti t ISJM'J I ,S- ti Mil t tn,uami e4 AMMM i,,...te4tLatt