Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 29, 1865, Image 2

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    t nr
'To tok iCAcr axd rxTuiaNxscr or Tocnj
Unio.v, a GoTnns'MENT ron tub whom: isj
.t!tmsrit.-sem.s.'' WatSitijtm,
jackso.vvim.i:, onr.a.
i n ii
. II I'l.lur, J. J.KiiomIIuii t Co., mull
XV, II.Toby.nilvcrlUliigatjttiiti forSSnnC
Frnntltco, Cnl.
E. K. riilpp, ntlscrtltltiB "Cnt rati
cramtnto, Cult
List of Agents for the Oataov Sentincl.!
15. 1'. Russell, general ageyit for Oregon,
'nrt titilin TVrrltorv.
L. l. KUhcr San Franclfco Cal
J.T.-Knnntton it Co (10....... do.
Thomas Davis, Applcgnle. Ogn
rr. u. urn :;"VT. , . ,
v. a. liinltave Hock Point lo
Thomas Croxton CroTtons Dlgclns ilo
Wm. Hnlecr Jump-Oil-Jo ilo
Hor. O hbj Portland do
D. M. Thompson, Albany do
W. If. i:ram AllhOUSO do
rhnmm r.ATT ....do do
Thomas F. Floyd Kttl.yvllla do
8. V. Sawyer do "
D. P. Anderson Phoenix do
D.M. C.Gault do do
a. irrlami Mvrllc Creek do
Cm. l.. limn Eilenbtiri: do
Thcodrlc Cameron Union Town do
JinL.Wln Hoitiwrg no
Miss'IIaltla Hunter.... Hoguo Hirer do
L.W.Sulllns Fort Klamath do
Dinger Herman, of Canyonvllle,go ncralj
Agnt lor uougias t.ouniy.
fujvimiat.. ov iui:sij)i:nt1
Wednesday, the 19th Inst,, was generally
tolcmnly obscrred throughout tl.o United
Btatcs ncd Canada, in paying the Iait trib
nte of respect to the remains of President
Lincoln; but accidentally tho telegraph I
operator at this place was out of the office
at the time the news of tho burial of Mr.
Lincoln was changed from Thuri day tc
Wednesday, to wc did not get the news ol
the burial here, until after tho services ncn
oxer in other places. Therefore, no demon
atration was made in this place on the da
of the President's burial in Washington
But in pursuance of the proclamation of ILi
Governor of Oregon, Thursday last was ob
erred as the day for the iIcmn (uccral ttr
vices. Early in tho morniog lugs wen
placed nt half matt ; builoess homes were
. all draped in mourning aad closed during
the day.
At 10 a. ., Father Blanchet read an
expiatory xnais at the Calhollo CburcbJ
and at the close, adJressed the congrcgatiorj
in sobstsoce ns follows :
1 bis day. my brethren, baring been sci
apart by the Governor of Oregon as a daj
of mourning, and by lbs Archbishop ol
Oregon City, as a day of prayer and rxpl
atlon. In accordance with tLoabovoproc
tarnations, I havo resd an expiatory mast
in order to appease the wrath of Almlghl,
God, for tho horrible osiasilnatlon of Abrn
bam Lincoln, President of tho United
States. It is an absolute crime, when com
.rallied upon a single individual, bat it it
still more atrocloos and moro calsruitout
when it is perpetrated upon tho chief of r.
jrreat nation. Such a jad and wicked deed
.offends not only God, bat insults all Ihi
American people; yes, all civilized na
Hone. If such horriblo 'deeds were per
stilted to pass unnoticed, it would export
Iho-dstreit inlemti orioclelv In ilnvutfn'
haisrd. This horrible murder, therefore
bas to bo reproved by all parlies. Then
mast bean expialioo.nn atonement for it
Tula is what we hare tried to do on tliit
day of our national calamity. After thrsi
explanatory remarks, let me, my brethren
refute an objection with which Catholic
ily is charged : Is it a fact Hat Catho
llclty is opposed to and incompatible will
the exlsteaocxod progress of political free-
don? If it bo true that tho Catholic
church 'Is opposed to political liberty, ther
every consistent Catholic should be in fa
or of despotism. For three ctnturics,des
pousai persecuted me uoureu. in even
age site has beta obliged voitrugglcogalnst
tbo oppression of despotic governments. It
ia admitted by all political writers, ever
s (how most prejudiced aguinst her, that thi
Catholio church was (be solo defender cl
we rignts or tbo people curing the Mlddit
Ages. Was it not tho Catholic church
that' banished slavery from Ku.-ope ? Woi
not every Republic Catholio (tat was in
Europe for twelve centuries ! and was not
every free city a Catholio city? Bcpre-
aentsmc ana deliberative awerabllts, par
Ilamems and congresses, bavq for theli
models the councils of tho Catholic church j
iter goveremect is elective, ed men of tb
lowest birth are eligible to the highest dig
sitiet. The conon law established be
tbe Catholic church, is the basis for Ike
.civil Jaw. of ssost civilised cations. 'J
Magna Charts, and 'all the guarantees ol
1 "Sag llb liberty, audttbe basis of' tho Atner
'iesw fwlitlaal systesa, existed centarleaibe
fese Use reformation. If Catholicity wm
1 n TtenubllcanisB). bow id It itbal
c4 rTTMry elwblkDBeiwblio that tMr6" w wboleof Ibn copperhead party
exUta, or erer baa saittotl, wm tekblWstti
by Bwaaa Catbolios. Andoora.'San Ma
rko, Vassiee, GMoa.Flortwce all tbe IU1
ian Republics, Swllzcrland,and orcry South
American .Republic, nil but tho United
States of North America, were established
by the Roman Catholics.
For centuries before tho reformation
there existed more liberal institutions mid
ircc governments in Kuropc thau has cvei
existed slnco that period. Most of tin
governments which became Protestant, be
eamo also military despotism. It wa
Protestantism that asserted tho dlvlni
right of kings. Catholicity as'crts tho di
tine right of, people. Pope Ztchary, ir.
the 8th century, said : " The Prince is re-
ponslble to the people, whoso favors lnjj
.1... Stl....M.. 1.. 1... mam.. L.nAI IT
ricnes, ciory, dignity, ne nas received iroro
the people; and ho ought to restore to tht
people, what ho has so received rom them
-- -
I'he people make the king 1" 1 io great
Catholic theologian, Cardinal BeJarmlnc
nys : " 1 ho people never so transicr tncit
nowcr to tho Sovereign, but that they re
tain it still in possession, so that In certali
am, they can actually rcsumo It." Tht
Catholic asserts that all power comn
rom God; that it Is conferred upon thi
people, nud that it rests with them tr
choose by whom and in what manner It
thould be received. This Is tho Catholic
doctrine ; and ever one can sco (hat it it
the very bulwark of liberty, and Instead ol
lelng opposed to republican Institutions f nixed . jimlcr llcnoregard to much upon
r '....i t.. .iMtlie Capital Itoforu Mr. Lincoln was luaug
is their surest safeguard. Despotism dc
lies every right. The liberty of licentious u
-.ess asserts the right to do wrong. Catho
llclty maintains the only true liberty, thi
right to do right.
For this couctry, no class of citizen
hare dono more, in proportion to 1 licit
lumbers, for American liberty, than Ho
man Catholics. They were found in tin
c-uncii and on Iho field ; they guvo theli
treasures and their blood Washtngtctrq
bore testimony to their patriotism. Cuth
)lic Franco assutcd our independence
Whntnrc Catholics doing now inthecoun
try ? How many are there In the council'
ind on the field ? How many havo gavi
their blood T I know that 14,000 French
Canadians, slnco the war broko out, linvt
lied on tho field of battle. Arc not tin
Germans and tho Irish Catholics fire timet
more numerous?
Now, urc tho Catholics of Triili birtl
in tho Uultrd States anxious to bring thi
Americans under the govcrntnen t of Great
lirltalu ? Arc the Catholio Germans con
plring to subject tho United Sites to thi
'cing of Prussia? Protestant prieit
nemorializc Congress, run for cfilcc, anc
tako the stump in political contests. Cat
tbe samo be said of Catholic ministers
In view of theso facts, how can any mat
issert that Catholicity,! favorable to des
no tic -and opposed to free political institu
For tho last eighteen hundred yean
Catholics have, in theory and practice
maintained that tho precept, " honor th;
father and thy mother." obliges them to bi
respectfully submltsiro to authority, boll
ilvll and ecclesiastical, 'this forms part
of their religion to such a degree, that nc
eatholic conscience at variance with it cai
beat rest or hope for 'alvation. Ho firml;
iocs tho catholic adhcro to authority, the
rent doctor ol the Church. S. Augustu
would not yield his belief even to tho IloU
Scriptures, unless this was taught him by
luthority of tho Church. Iu a slmllai
nanncr, rcsreclful obedience to their gor
:rnment Is enjoined on all catholicr
throughout tho world ii a'l catholio books
ind tho came will bs dono till tlmo is num
more, because God says, through St. Paul
1 Let every soul be subject to higher pow
At 1 v.u., the citizens and military as
sembled at the Court House, and formed Ii
'procession, under Lieut. I). C.Underwoood
Marshal of the Day, The town and coun
try turned oat en matte to do honor to.thi
Illustrious dead. Tho muffled drum and
the funeral dirgo echoed the feelings of the
multltndc. It was tho largest precession
ind tho most solemn service ever witnessed
m Jacksonville. The profession marched
throngh nil tho principal streets, nod thei
proceeded to the M. L. Church. Tht
Lurch, aisles, windows and yard' wen
crowded with people anxious to bear ever;
word that passed.
In the church the following soleftin cerv
ices were performed :
First. Tho Choir chanted the Lord
Prayer. Second. The Band played Ply-
well's German hymn, or the Masonic fune
ral ode. Third. Prayer by Rev. J. W
Miller. Fourth. The Choir chanted tht
30th Psalm. Fifth. Discourse by Rev
'J. W. Miller. Sixth. Tho Choir chanted
tbe 32d Psalm. Seventh. Tho Hand plnyctl
an old funeral march but tbe name wc havt
been unable to icaro. Fghtb. Tho Choli
chanted Revelations, Chapter 13 aod 14
Ninth. Oration, by O.Jacobs, Kq. Tenth
I'he Choir sang Iho Saints Rest. Kiev
eolh Benediction, by Rev. S. P. Taylor.
The discourse of Mr. Miller, ond tht
oration by Mr. Jacobs wero appropriate
solemn and eloquent Wc have bo space
for them this wetk.but will oppcar herear
ter in our columns.
Mamie Gwi.w BuTLxn let t for us, on
ppi.lBSa(urday last, at our residence. 0 fine, larg
buucli ofcflgIoqulllsrand said be viisbt'dB'
us to write tbe obituary of Mr. Lined!
itu tiieBi ;im quins came s.00 late (onweore loruis Iriends on tbo same erening,
Uiat, parpose,.but wo will Bar.e tbesi tcfl
. ... . .
write tbe death of tbe Southern
Aa we are going to.pfata tbe teleerapU
suDouoeea inai iiooin, iae muruerer 01 tut
Presldsat, baa been shot. '
Sin. Kditoii : Tbeio can be no greater
evidence of the deep, unrelenting prejudict
which pervades Hie minds of thoso calling
themselves Peace Democrats, than the dls
jraeeful and wicked leader of tho Inst cYp
porter, which announces tlia ht.tb of Pres
ident Lincoln. It would seem proper nnd
just on this occasion, when the political c.
rcer ol Abraham Lincoln has cloicd forcv
jver, and the nets of hU administrations
havo passed into tlw hands of the future
historian, that Mr. Fuy should nt this time
nation has not vet ceased
loss ..f her RKiit I'reshl,nt.
when tho
.......... ii. Ia. ..r !. .
.a...r,a,. 1.......1 -ri.i i , im I
win i.ia iimuti ui iairo uu .v r'mn(ii - - .
bio ml!repres?ntalIoiis upon the past jmllt
leal nets of the lintrioiu dead, lie
oild : "Tho fatal deed which il'privn? Mr
Lincoln of hi lire, cannot resurrect tin
inanimate dead whose craves roughen tht
battlollcldi cf the North nnd South, to
9 .vhlch his ixiltcy lid them: Thus vlrtnnlly
loldlnx Mr. Lincoln responsible- for nil tht
tlood, murder nnd destruetlcn, which are
the legitimate results of war, exonerating
ill tho vllo traitors and hell deserving vil
lains of the South from any responsibility
whatever. Notwllhstandinjf seven Htatrt
had nasted their secession ordinances, tin
Star oi tho West fired upon, an army or
e uapttai
uratcd President of the United States, vet
this Utile, weak representative of tin
Southern chivalry would charge nil upon
the " fatal poller of Llncolu." This "futal
policy," In Mr. Fay's judgment, is tired
ctrucllon of tho bastaid confederacy ami
davcry, tho legitimate causo of all our
troubles, and the establishment of law ami
lur Constitution throughout the States ol
this Union. To demonstrate more clearlj
what Fuy means by fatal policy," I wll
:all the reader' attention to some rcmirkt
.vhlch he made n few days ago, in the pres!
inceofn number or gentlemen. lie said
That lie was now, us lie always had been
hi favor oflic rctogiutim cf the tndeptnd
;.-uee of tht Southern Confederacy." This I
ilia " fatal policy of Lincoln," not recog
ilzlng the Independence of the Southern peo R
pie. According to .Mr. I-ay, our lathers
were right In shedding their blood and hav
ing their country devastated that wemlh1
:njrty the blessings of liberty nnd n free
'government, but it is nil wrong to fight
ind shed blootl to perpetuate thv govern
-nentour fathers gave us, that wo ma
'land It down to our children, the sami
4rcat and glorious government as of ycre
In conclusion, let me say to our Peace
Democrats, that your political race is run ,;
your days nro numbered ; tako your last
look upon your dying Confederacy and
your once glorious institution ; bid ndla
to the sunny South, and go to Jlexicr
nhcrc you can find a congeulal spirit it
Maximilian, V.cuo,
ii a taxe trie lonowlng extract from c
private letter of Mr. Dorris to Mr. Sutton
" There aro five lawyers here besides my
elf. This placo Umatilla is about twe
rears old, has about two hundred and flfii
'louses, six or eight rating-houses and ho-!
el, about forty saloons and thirty stores
iioiwiiiisianiiing I lie mountains era ctr
Al'frpii tvltli triintv atmA ff am (a a1 U
uiiia iiiuii) ruiuw iuui us llJ I'k'fs7
iralns hare left nearly every day ; business E
initpvpp. In lltrt lit
senso of the word hatlf
L,ot yet coramcncJ(
As law cilices arc scarce I havo tacked
ny sign on the door of tho Metropolitor
Hotel where I am boarding, giro counsel
in my bed room, nnd writo complaints oi
iho waih stand. Haines left hero last
week for La Grande. I have not beard ol
liini since his departure.
The news ol Lee's surrender eamo last
night. Tho people irrespective of parte
illuminated their houses. The street lamr
posts, horse racks, goods boxes, and cicry
thing In town that would hold a catidli
was lit and put In the street every ter.
feet nil over the town a way I never sa
before, but really attractive. Horns wen
blown, bells wero rung, bonfires in (lit
liferent places made, and thrw set of an
vils were fired until IU o'cloek. Spcccbet
were made by tno or threo ineu short
winded men.
I nm glad that Richmond is taken, and
that Leo has surrendered, for it will bring!10 1SS1; helpless invalids wero to bt
fnt iy taiia II.... If la.
i.vuui wuun mau nu were oiuerwife;JI"u,""u ,uu,uv' were 10 gosiauguiered,
inn uiery niso, oi leas; every rcllectii)cB,uu g,lu lngro citance was to bo (jlyen ti
man, must know that tbe consequence nt
tuo end of twenty years war would bo tht
tame on tho'institutlons of the South as If
tho war should stop now. The terms ol
turreoder I deem honorable to both parlies
nd speaics tho wisdom nnd ereatnesa ol
tue two Generals, Grant and Lee.
iiKTun.MjD. uon.J. F. Gazley ono oil
tho Presidential electors, who was appoint
u ns ocarerof the Klectorial voto or Ore
on to Washington City, relumed on last
Sunday evening, looking in Coo health and
spirits. He left on the- stage for hU real
Jenco In Douglas county, on Monday morn
Be It remembered that on next Monday
wing me lint day of May, UncfcBillj
uurKa urand W.y-Dayall comeFbff at
Dardaoells. And no- leas to be riumh'r
tho pleasant thought, that .Louis Her
Hog has copioos tlTusions of cood cheer I J
. ...... T- i
-iwBfumn, Moa JUu er. of the fi
sfMulier&BrentaBao.andL. Sachs, oil
tbo firm of Sachs Bro's, returned this lieerUIu1? ifZ '"'"'"ipfoyiuiwit ftl A olt IMyVwbo Imagined, 4bat theses
from San Francisco, where iSBSSSt IFt 77 ?' " '
purchasing Jargo.locksof Spring and Sumlu"N.nnlfttta0' Do la VVMf ?? '" W by being f.
rri. ftWln not COS Of IHP news nnu
... . . .T
innii, nflhe President wc clip from out
mi. . i 1... lAiittini .iv!
I nu iicim.ii.i j-
iWliv did the wives of komo Deinoerntrdhricf statement of tho nature of the excr
n iMt mnn elan their hittidj and shout
II IT ""I ,
cood " when tf' hm" Ul Pfl,ieni
.vn murdered ? We suppose because tncj
ivcremorc Incautious, and less liable tc
-..i.i..i iimn mm nn. We mention
this latter fact to show that this murder-
itjjoas .lliFodllon exists In nnny persons call
re fflcd Democrats. Wc shall ijiveno names a-
V ....... . i.,. it U t.ni nn IrMiviJiwIifiJof tl.o prot'mminc be jtitlgctl by Iho plena
ihat we expect to fnJt.u tliii Crime, but oi
. - - . . i? .!..... ins m
in organization, n great numb
nembers are notorious traitors,
i!lm,.n(mul number of whost
m.n.lN a notorious traitors. Wo an
sfircry far from believing that all ucmocraH
flunetlon the assassination of the President
tA ... . ...
nut ltiose who do not sanction It have here-
tolure acted with thoso who do, and lmc
.i..... iI.m,. nl.l ml rnmfort. nwl to that
iioninrn wnlliv.
- '
i'hem can be no question that Jeff Da-
vis. Judas llenlamln V Co., knew of thefoUorm
lldeons plot, for, according to the ndver -
iiumoiK in Dm ttlehninnd nanors. It hatliJbvMIss Florcnca IIoiTinan the viilediclo
:cn" been In existence."
. .,... .,.,, r.vt,, mtt r.v.
,. Jk,Oll..u. iW.. ...v v..m !..
,Vrs prescribes the following us
1-. -.-l..l... I.. lr ..,.
"" '"Ji" "'- "v.v j
....1 f... I....... 1.. .1... 1i..iil innt.riiliit
ftUUUU IIU I1UU3U 111 HIV uci.lil-1 niui.iiiiti,
ind ict every man bind upon his urm n
adgc of sorrow. It Is well that loyal men
ihouid kuow a Catallue, for sin'li to day,
rro fear, Is In our midst. The test then ii,
who mourns ut n nation s woo 7 Let mm
Know our friends, and learn the Too lIiat;'rlcc.l Individuality in tho
lympathiZiis with u crime that causes lu-h
ture loiiiuddet. Ujcc it was said, "ic
be a Uoinau wus gnutcr than to be u king.'
Now to bo a loyal American is fur beyond
that mark. TU test will show who an
gj Americans, and lie who wears not the erupt
tliouiii ue suspected oi (out ana uamuab.t
Snu Redm.. Is it possiblo that then
is a wum.ni in this city so much of u brute
to near a cannibal as to express satlsfac
tlon over the assassination of Presidents
li.Iucoln? We havo heard of two or three U
.-uses, but cannot believe it possible that jj
there Is such a wretch existing in thUcom f
munlty. We arc Informed that out! womai
remarucu mac. sue couiuuaucc on i.iucoiiir
oorpsol Great God, is It true? .Vari
mile Appevl.
A small dose ol li:n. llutlcr would do
lomeof these fiery termagants some good
IUd Muff Independent.
It Is reported in the llullctln that ltev.
Mr. Stcbblns said in church:
"If any man dares to iuiult our grief ii
these days by any expression of sympath)
itilh the last great crime of treason, let
aim be taken by the authorities and cast
in.to prison; or if any woman is so lost to
humanity nnd decency as in any manner to
attempt to palliate it, let her also bo taken
iy tlio authorities ami iliut out from tht
bright sunlight.
Tito Ottoman remarks:
"There must be no moro dallying wit!
red inouttiei! traitors nt home. Some twe
)r three werourrcstul yesterday lor hurrah
nig for Jiff Davis, wu understand, und if so
'ct them bo dealt with without leniency."
Assassins at IIexut. Tlio Nevada
Gazette snys the rebel sympatizers nt AIM
ion's Ranch gave thrco cheers when they
icanl of tlio assassination of President
Lincoln, collected money for a torchlight
proccsslou, but desisted from that, and kept
ip a spree all night."
Steps should bo taken to havo tho minet
which they work, through tho favor of tin
Government, confiscated at nn early ilayj
ind ttie traitors themselves arrested. Thev
uave outraged decency too much heretofore
ind now, niter tho crowing Indignity, wt
I.AMn ll.. .!IIl-- ., f., ..
.iujiu i m; .miliary auiliomic, as well Bf
the civil, will lay a heavy hand upon Ihcn
ayamento Union.
"iviiocanuouot but that tho monster
was faithfully executlog tho behests of his
Tho chief officers of tho nation
wero tc
IHi af nltr.il II.abi.Ia... .... i St .
the traitors to establish a rebel confcdera
Lincoln had Intimations of this, and sad1
orboilelngs or nrematurc deatli.r-v.. ..
m Mwcate.
Death op Mr. Llscoln. In our last h
sue.inouo placo It is stated that Mr.Llncoln!
lied on tho lltb Inst., when it should havtl
been tue loth, nnd In another that ho kfi
tlireosocs. It should havo been n who
two sons ond tbo nation, to mourn bis hor
rid death.
Tho Slate has sued Linn county to com
(tell her to pay her taxe3 in coin for iaf!.rill:afdi nod well dono was tho meed of nr.it.,.
llVrt lltTl llAAH fnnA.l ...f.l a t - Hi
....-.v uu..,urra wiiu 100 brier or theBawardcd 'ay all. i
Uefttultere, but have no space this wk CnM 'a'ho exercises contimled IMI n li i.n...
space this week for
its publication. Tho caso has been .
muted to Judge Htralton.
Best readlno-. Ml.. rt,.iu .... ..,, . .,v' "u '"lc:
'Wlllnir. 1st cTaWri , kC. .r"": S?
plllng, 2d class, JIUs Laura Little audi
class. MIm iamiMtir. Yum J.TK"" "Ml MM
MKS. M'GULLY'S School.
Mr. KniTon : As I had Iho pleasure ol
M ...I, .!.- .u1.1UIII.m ..i. 1... .1 in
TCSllCnJIIlg llic ojiimmiun. Kmn i.; ..,UBl..
Merits of Mrs. McCuIlys school, on I-ridny
r . .. .. . .. .1 . , 1 tt
yosenlng tiitf -isii"i w"" umi'e, i
tWl . I11.B..dbAB.ftBklrliift aW.fc .
itnrnnnse. Willi vuur iiu mirniuii, i unu u
All" 1 . -
Sc,M there wltncsed, with nn impartliil i-rll-
,J . .. . H 1 H
Vycitm upon tno merits ami iicmerus 01 suiua
jjj The school exhibition proper cnnsiMcd
Sjnf ulnulmr v tho school, nddrtucn and
fjcompo'ltlotis by tho young Indies and little
Htjirl., nnd cleclutnations by the boys,
W n connoisseur in muse, but I this
J urn
1 parti
1 . .. .... is I....I ...-I 1i-.., !.
'Jiiiff rn.'ci 11 hum nii(i:i iiiu liirun iititi uuiu ii
J iltcndancc, It wns decidedly excellent
(5 "--- " I'" " i-
I The selections were Insty nnd apiruprlnte
ind tlio sentiments In burmony with tht
occasion. .The two Mls3 Millers, aged, we
y; dimild judge, six and eight yeurs, sung
r song in German In n maimer that d.light
led and captivated every brdy. There wut
5 .... ;
; 1 musical ring, tiiimiony unti sweetness ii
lliclr liny voices mai tooit tnu nuuienco uj
1 Tlio salutatory mldrcsi was delivered
$jry. by Jilss ltoeni Hunynrd. Ilatli Pr
'" a'I'Ircsscs were excellent In style, vljr.
, . ..,.. . , . .
W " wrrn . tIvprfl, ,i
H'KVJ H HtlV(UIf -......
wvui mm ui.iini.um.. . ..w w.
. !...- hm.1 .IfaltMMl iMmiKAii 'IMirt nrtfiitm
i ,. .... .. I-,,, llnir,,,-,, V,,
Ifi I '
ulc Higham, II.imIo Anderson, Itocna Hun
yard, Flurcnca Ilollmaii, Mollio Kllgori
Cnindl'.llen Little, nil showed a vigor o:
thonglit nnd a pnner of mental analysis fui
herond our expectations. There was u
manner ill
whHi theso compositions were read, but
jthc reading was generally good, nnd si
clear and distinct that it could bo rcmllh
heard nbavc tho musical roar of habits
throughout the house. The reading of Miss
Kllcn Little was capital; that of Mis
NiTalo Hofinian ditto; that of Miss Host
Hhort, clear mid distinct, but a little l
fait. Miss Nannie liigham won laurels
Mtss Florence Hoffman and Miss Roeuo
Ilunyard excelled in the finish of their stylr
ind in the strength nud originality of thcii
thoughts, In fact, nil did will. Not tht
least Interesting part of the performance
was the addresses of tho little girls and
boys. They seemed impressed by the mag
nitude of their performances nud won tht
idmiration of all by tho confidence thei
exhibited in their embryo manhood uui)
womauhood, and by their simplicity uud
Lfracaef elocution.
Part second of the performance consisted
if charades and songs. Tho first charadt
ivas "Tho Only Young Man in Town.'
All the young ladles In tho school had parts
m this pleasant performance. "Mr Drown'
was entertained In stylo fanned himself will.
Jignily was confounded by the brllllanci
if his surroundlug stun, and wc ore sorrj
to say, closed tlio scene in o psroxysm ol
melaucholly determinations. Alter tht
.lose of this piece, Miss Kate Hodman sane
iin lino stjlc the song entitled " Iiiclcildcs.1
il "
The next charade waseatltled thu "An
tldotC." This piece required but few chut
leters.nnd Miss Florence HMi.n.in flllli
Miss lJllen Little wero tho only ' iclioe
1,'irls-engagedlnit. Thoy sustained their
p.rts with credit to themselves and to th.
Vntlro satlsfjctlon nf it,.. .ii..,M .,.,,
ihlnimltablo "Tum" and Sn.etMlM.l..i!i
Plhclr parts up "Brown."
I This was succeeded by the popular 1 on
Ws It Anvbodv'sllinlriM,." .,.,. I.,
ilvlc be Miss Rose Shnri. n, vnit ,....Wil?li' pkUlng npabout a hundred.
c'ated bv the nmllnn.
" " ' ---! ... '!' V'ST-J
Tho next charade wai entitled TI;ouJ,,ct;J by ,ho f,rn,cr prprlelors
School Girl." Miss Molly Kileore, Missi,p,wared ,n ,nournIl,S' aaJ u U?,.
uoeua ilunyard and Miss ICatoHodniaIwu,,nB uriem,,U8' ,nouu,u rT.
id mrii i, im n.. ir.... ir.ir Mtliat tho South suffired more in heJfl
'ormtd thu iri ni n i,i...,i ...Bthan the North. Tho ratification f V
ilned and"strong.mIiuled woman in capiuii';oalll('iona'a',endment abolisbicjslsM
itvlc. Mifn Ilnnvnr.i ni.i n..n.., r.i..flrv is regarded as certain.
fasttdioas nnd cxnulsito ladv. writ. ii..iH
wero 1 10 nr ne n.i formi .i..i e. i
. . """I.
iuslalnedhlspirt,ortheaecomnllihedL-fn.i,,ra!:oirlTcri drowning- tho capUIo.iww
tlenun nnd lover, in fine style.
Tho next perrormance was a charade en
titled Tho Boots at the Swan." All nc
quitcd themselves well.
iVt the closo of this iterformanco a bavi
r SCllOOl glrll," COOSlstlns or Florenc
lloirman, KHen Little. Hasso Anderson
and Miss Koto Hoffman, led by tho cleat
mu musical voico or tho latter, sung the
popular nun patriotic song entitled, "The
I'flunnA.'. IT ii
....iiuwa i10pe.- ijns was tho si
musicii performance of il.n pvphI,. t.
- - .-..
was applauded to tho echo. It was
... -" o'
larmoniom accord w th tho nilmni.l
nn ie;ilng3 of the oudlcnco nnd was cl
oquent with patriotlo pathos.
Charade number five was entitled "There
is no lioso without Thorns." Mi nn
Short nnd Miss Nannlo BiKham wero en
,'aged In this, nnd their acting was very
Mne. Kverythlns thev s.il.1 wn .n.n...i.
line Everything they said was illstlnoitt
. ..
m tuo evening, but tho interest dl.t 'imi
. --,. n feW HWItl
uag. .Everybody was well pleased. Wi
uopo mat wo may have the pleasure of nt
'ending many performances of like chamo.
ter in tho future. Mrs. McCullv deserve:
mucu credit lor tbo Interest ond impelm
"u,cn 8U0 B'ven to tbo causo of educa
l0D bJihw occasional exhibitious,
formed that It Washed on tbe beach every
(itEroiiTKD Excr.usiVKt.r ron tiij SMTI1(1
Washington, 24tli.-9 P. -, n.
Seward is Tree from pain. Fftd r ,ly
nassctl n tiulot nlh. ' b,w"J
Wnslilssg ion, April 2lth.-.Tlic An .
vis has gone west within tkn ii.' l"'
Mississippi department, taking i. "
largo Hinount of specie. '
Philadelphia, 2 lth.T10 bod .
PrmMpill mnt.,n.l I.. ..... i... ' "' W
" " """M '" 'aeciiiionao'clo,!.
At I hrn nV U II.. II , uwc9Clt.
- -" " niiuoi mareh.. .
icen up for tho depot. .
Liltlo Rock, (Ark.) Mth.-Tbe Ccit
tutlonnl amendment abolishlne- ti.w. ,
BiI.. i rTiiii,.,i ci,.i. ..... . . ' "
u...v w.m.w.. .., u3uimnimoasriu.i
lh I. nil, tr.. r it... t.i... r u
, ...... vuaw u. .ui.- AruaniM LUi.
New York, 2Ilh.-The Ilerstd'.e.
poiidcnco or tho 18lh says, iotelHgcaee was
received there on tho lOlli, conOnntog th
news of tho full of Montgomery, The pltea
niuciuvudieu oy mo rcoeisauii oeestlicd
by the Fedcrajs on tho llib. The Ju.
retreated In the direction of Colarobtn,Q,
i nu Kuti.iiiiiii.-in mures were btioe h.
norctl from Columbus, tho fall o iu
placo was cspcctetl to bo heard of b; U4
acxt news from Augnsta.
A Harunimh letter of 19th seen, fan
celpt of the intelligence of the sail eakmi
that has befallen tho nation, bos castat
found gloom over tho city. Flags ,wn
impended at half mast, and other essUea
nf mourning wero seen ercrynhert. A
iiccltng was held nt Hilton Head, at wild
resolutions condoling with the nation led
family ol tho Prcsldcut and calling (tr
more vigorous prosecution of tbe wsr ers
On tho receipt or the sad Intellect b
Savannah, Gen. Rover requested tht pt-
Iters to withhold it until the next mom:or,
ind doubled thu guards throaghottt thi
Trenton, (K. J.). 2fithTLo futwst
train with President Lincoln's rtoulsi
reached hero nt half past five o'clock tliis
nornlng. Gor. Parker andstau,of K.J.
ivarc taken on board at the dividing lice,
Tho funeral train arrived at New Brass-
wick on time. An Immcnio crowd vis st
the depot. Minute guns were fired Vfa
icro and until It left. The train coosittl
)f nlno cars. It left nt I'M.
Washington, 21th. To Dlx: A St
patch from Sherman, states that Wllm
had Macon, Ga., an tho 201b, with Ilc-rd
Uobb, G. W. Smith, and otlirrs as prlssc
ors, but they claimed tho benefit of tbe sr.
niitice. He had telegraphed throasja til
rebel lincj.
Washington, April 25lj. To Dlx 1 k
lispalchjust recelvcil from Grsat, dstea
llalelgh April 2 tth, says: I rescind hers
this morning. Word was seat to Jobmtoi
terminating tho truce, and also loforraitioj
that civil matters could not bo tottrtsloei
in any convention between army coeaaiBd-
Tho Tlbune's Army of the PoloesuodV
dated 25th, sajs the sixth corps
vyM Put " ,ho nwre ,,,ta mor , : ,
'." ewer hi nu-ii uui- ,... -
ifUuard communlcallom with the artnyoad"
93Be??' .. .. m ., .
fl '"ore, April awn-ioo on
Wr .Mnmchusetta collided witu tMSUa:r
,,,uck ,Iawk on t,,e Potomso last n"sbt.
'''"' 'nl,er ,lln'f '" a n aa' " lkl
,tK' - citenient a number or persons were lost.
,l'ho Manachusctts laid near the spot s.1
hi I ho Raleigh Standard and tbe l ropn
..... . - . .
Tho blockado runner Klizi Oil'1"'
ssnoaueti w 1111 couon. sanK on iut
. . . .... I. ...nu
jinl tlirfn nllicrs.
It wis reported that Cortloss bid "
larcdo'-'alnst tho emnirt and was Pff"'
mg to attack Ucjia, with 7,000 nieo,
ui Mntamoras with 4,000 men.
New York, 20th. The Ariel arrive
irom t'anaina Anr 201U. unwi, '
... .. sr ax i ntn
rlsluas wero rlfo there From Central
,VniefIpfl. wnlcarn Hint florra, PrsidWl
orOuatainla, is not expected to lire d
crisis was to follow tha event. Corn
was President ror llfo with tha pow
appoint his successor.
Now York, 25th. The numbsr of P'
iops who viewed tbe remains of tbe P'" "
lent, while lying in -state in Ibis city. UO-
limated 120,000. .. ,
Tiio Herald's correspondent J "
Major Gen. Uallack (ssucd an official ort
issumlng command at RiebniOBd "
:essor to Ord last Saturday. Orel 0,w
South Carolina. ...
Halifax, 20b.-Tbo ArriaB.fteiM'"
;rpool lflth bus smL Tbe.faV orw'
.! i i. . nllmnt. '
iiuim vuuseu luieusu wm" .i.
(,... ll Ml. ll,...lnllDV wltBW"
le yielded to the jjoyal wish to wfT
the pretended' Mexican Empire. ;
must, ifnnt 1 b EuroDtao IbIwP
tloo,,nnd that right soon.
' -""i ' " ' . '"fi.gtt.
. 8lxteen men baye.receotly bssnpB i
Walla Wnlla, and two at Usll4to Jj
ng by the, vigilance eommU we,- HJf ' '
ng, pla6deriBir and murehHng io W K"'
ant neiguborhqpt!, ..t'jl.
Why is JUreelya Amtwf&Z?'
the South T Because it k iadisfW"-
all, and told by Dark.