I RACES. RACES. There will nn three days raclns: given at the Byboe Track, near Jacksonville, oa the 8tli, 9th ami tutu of Jane, 1805. THURQDAY, JUNE 8th, A purse ofS250 n mile and repeat run to .rule. Entrance, S.uu, to go with the purse. FRIDAY, JU2TE 0thf A purse of $150 for three or four jrr olds mllo beats three and lire, Kntrauce, teu per cent run to rule. SATURDAY, JUNE 10th, A puree of $200 free for all horses to csrry 90 lb?. A slnglo dash of ono mile. Entrance, 10 tier cent. No deduction for a walk ever, Samo day, n purto of $23, Riven for a single dash of n mile. En trance, 25 eta., to go with the purse ovcry man t run himself. jstrlho races to bo governed by the California State Rule. WM. 11YHEB, Proprietor. CHEAP FOE C3 S9K. A. FISHER & BROTHER, consnR or California tt. Oregon Street, JACKSONVILLE, IlaTO on hand a Large Stock of Staple, Fancy DRYGOODS, OI.OTIIINO, HOOTS, and SHOES, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, etc., etc., cte. All n 111 be t.ldnt ncduood Priooc Jaeksonvllle.Jan. 0, 'CI. janlltf Application to sell Heal Estate IN the County Court, oftheStatoof Ore gon, for the county of Jacksoo, April terra, 18C5. Id tbo matter of the citato of J. J. Holrnaa, deceased. Nolico ts hereby given, that Herman Helm, Public Administrator, has Died his petition for an order to sell the interest of the deceased, In a certain quarts ledge, known nj tho "llolmars ledge." All xr cons interested in said estate, arc retired to bo and appear in said Court, on lLo lint day of tho May term, next ensuing, ntid show cause, if any, why the prayer of the petition should not bo granted. Hy order or Hon. J. O. Tolman, County Judge. WM. HOFFMAN, Clerk. ap8tv-l April Slh.l8C3. Final Sottlomont. IN tho County Court, or tho State of Oregon, for tbo county of Jacksou, April term, 18C5. In tho matter of the estate of James Wiles, dee'd. Notice b hereby given, that John Hat pin, odni'r, Lnvirg filed his final account and petitiou for final setllernc.it of said ro tate, it was ordered by the Court, Out Wednesday, the 3d day of May next, bo designated for said final sctl'cmcot. Hy order of Hon. J. O. Tolman, County Judge. WM. HOFFMAN. Clerk. ap8w4 April 8lli. I8C5. Tbo underslgneil would mot respectfully call tho attention of the public to their NEW LIVERY AXD FEED STABLE, On Oregon Street, Jacksonville. Wo have on hand a good t upply of excellent Saddle Horses, to let, aud will coon Invu a ktocU of Iiuggles. Wo arc determined to ilveiatlr faction to all who may favor us with their patrcnagc. A cdod supply of feed constantly on hand. PLYMALE A ROSS. Jacksonville. January 21st, 16C5. tf JOHN ORTH hai 20,OOOLBSiRESHBACON I7OR SALE, OF HIS OWN CURING. , Purchasers will please cnqulro at his Butcher Shop, on Oregon Street, 3 doors abovs tbo Post Office. ' Jsckwnvllle, January 31st, 18C3. tf. JSAaiiU BREWERY -AND- JJOS1PH WETTERER bus now on band, aud Is coniUnily inanufucturlni, FINE WHISKEY, BRANDIES and LAQER .BEER, which bo will Hit in quantities from e quart to ono barrel and upwards, to suit susrebastrs. Call and test Lis Lluuorr. 'cksosiTille, March 3d, 1SGS. tf ,Dr,,Orcrbcck, has refitted bis bath rooms at the' nirBBFOK HOSPITAL. Tk wbo .wish to Indulge lu the luar Usef goad bath, car. bo accommodated by glvlflsrkliuft call oa Wednesdays nduu S.711. ftf. LOVE&BILGER California Street, Jneksoinllle, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN LEAD AND BRASS, HAVE just received from the Atlantic Slates and San Francisco, a complete stock of everything in their line, and will keep constantly on hand r.n assortment of tho best Tin, Sheet-Iron and Coppcrwaro Drass Pipes, llydraulto Nozzles, Force 1'nmp, Chains, Lead Pipe, Hose. HARDWARE, CUTLERY NAILS of all slzesi , liar, Plato and assorted Iron J PnlnK Oils, Hires anil Glass: Alt qualities or Powder ; Shot of nil number Uruslicsor ovcry variety, eta., etc, J3tC3XrE- Alto, always on hand.n largo lot of stoves Of assorted si.. '' Duck's 1'atcnt Cooking Stove," and tho " New World Stove," tho two very best and approved pattern In the world, l'arlor, Ofllco and Cabin Stoves, fancy and plain, constructed on Litest fuel Living plans. Hollers, Kottl, Pots, fans, and every thine; connected with thcio toe, warranted durable and perfect. All articles sold by them or manure lured. WARRANTED. Their work Is made f tho best material mid of cholcctt patterns . ,Ordcrs attended to with dispatch, aud filled according to directions. In every thing, their stock Is tho largest and best ever brought to Jacksonville, and they are determined to sell at i.otv riin.'ns ron cash. Call and examine their stock bofofo pur chasing elsewhere. June 23, ISC0.-23. Agents for llalltday & Co' Wiro Ropo. J. ROW'S Oiii7 Store 2 Opposite Love & llllger's, California sL, Jacksonville, Oregon. f'TOloSTOYSlI : HOLIDAY GIFTS! : J. ROW informs the cltlznns of Jackson rlllo and tho pubic generally that lio hm just received aud cfiirs for sals bis superior stock of ....HAVANA A- IMITATION... iTODACCOS, PIPES, FIQS, H CUTLERY, RAISINS, : - ""Stationary &Scliool-uoouay: a CANDV, NUTS, g h TOYS. fiUOARS, 5 3 albums, inc. y. ; rriccs to run ttio times, call aaaj ; save your money. ; onovnox ooooooooooooooooouooooooooooooooo u A I.nrso nntl Tlnr A"orlmfnt S 2 ur Willow Wnro an IioiiU, for alc. 2 o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo A large collection of the latest and best Novels lor circulation. Doc. 19, 1803. .1. ROW. CUKE TOUR ILB BAVB YOUIt LUNGS. NEWELL'D PULMONARY SYRUP IIn Ctirtil Tlinusaiuls It "7C1XX Oixx'o Trou. "A cough is generally tho effect of n cold, which has either bicu Improperly treated or entirely neglected. When It proves obitl r.ate, Oiert ii aluvyt rtJton to fur (hi etntt avtnttt.M this fboivi a weak state of the lung, and Is often the forerunner of con sumption." Uuchsnan's Domestic Jcdlclue STOP THAT COUGHING Some of you can'f, and we pity yon. ,0 tried every remedy-but the one You bavo destined, by Its inlrluslc merit, to supersede all similar prep iralloui. It Is notturprli lug) on fchonld bo reluctant to try seme thing clso after tho many vxperlrnets sou base inadoof trashy compounds tolited on Le public as a certalu cure; but Wewell's Pulmonary Syrup, Is really tbo Vkivy Hot remedy ever com pounded for tho euro of coughs, colds, fc'oro throat, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis ami consumption, Thousands of people In California and Oregon have bcenalreadv benefitted by its curative powers. WHAT kFLLED HIM? Dn. Hjul, In hi " Journal of Health," speaking of tho death ot Washington Irving asks tho abovo question, and adds : ' lie might well bavo remained with us for years to come, bad It not been for adrico kindly Intended, no doubt, but given in thought leuuess and reckless Ignorance. HE HAD A COLD! which, by some unjudlcious prescription, bad been converted Into an asthma, Wbo gave that prescription, or what It was, the out-1 side -world may never know." Let to say to Dr. Hall, that that 'prescription' was not Newcll's FHlmonary Syrup. Keep it iatUe kosue.uw it freely ,glvs It tu vmir child 1 en uoon tho sllcbtest limi tation of a cold, aud vou will think aud fpeak of it as all do who bavo become as qualutcd with Its merits. RKDINOTON'A CO. Sole Agents, 410 and 418 Front street, San Fraoclsce, aud lor sale by all Druggists. dec3ra Bradbury YlTade, California St., Jaclmouvlllc, Wholesale Retail Dealer in FANCY AND STAPLE DRYG-OODS, Clothings Hoots and Shorn, Groceries, lltivsHvurc, Iron and Steel, AKJdQiiltnral aud mining Implements, Li quors, Quccnswnrc, t slam ware, Coal OH J-auini and Cliliniicy.H, Tobacco and Cigars, Stationary, IMioto jiaph Albums, Carte civ VI s atc, etc. IK Addition to usual stock, wo are now re ceiving iv law shipment, embiaclnga complete assortment lu nil of the abnro classes. These goods w ei o sclcclid In Sn Francisco with great care, by n member of our llrm who has hail n residence ol tblr teen years In Southern OipsMi, aud will knows tho wants of this locnlltr. Confident that wo cannot lie undersold by any home lu Jackson county, wo plulje our patrons that our prices shall be "Cheap ae tho Cheapest." Thanking our former pi.rons for tho fa vor heretofore extended to our house, we would retrcctftilly solicit u continuance of their patronage. A'O TROVttLB TO SHOW GOODS. Call and give in jour ? und takt a twit. HUADIJelRY A WADE. Jacksonville. Ogn.. Pel. 15. '61. putt LAND IS EXPRESS. Scm-Wccklv line of Singes from Jack fonvilllc t Uerbyvllle and Wnldn, Or egon. I;avei Jacksunville every Monday U Tltitrsday, -1 A. .11 Returning, leaves WuWo every Tuesday &. Friday at a P.m. Through piswnprrs will bs fnrnlted with gocl Kid'lliorLM ut Waldo, for Crcicriit Cltv. JOSIAII A. LANDIS, l'mp'r. Oct. Mill, 1804 outltf 3. SL, 00 ol AT EARLY ELEVEN THOUSAND OF WHEELER d WILSON'S SotTcixic 3XZca.o2al33.oes Havo been sold 011 the I'aclfio cost siucu tbo Agency was established lu San Francleco ; and the ranais and INCREASING tslo of thiso . ItlACIIlN'r.H, proves bow fully the publlo are convinced of the superiority of WHEELER A ' . WILSON'S SEttlNG MACHINES over nil others, FOR GENERAL USE- A LARGE INVOICE Or THESE MACHINES, WITH LATE IMPROVEMENTS, Just IUcclrtil. trOALL AND EXAMINE TllEM.-Qs; Or send for u Circular. J. II. HAYDEN, Agent, , Ofllco cor, Mout'ry arid Sao. streets, raart-Sm SAN FRANCISCO. "BALL ON AFlWATir ATTHK-- Benedict House, May Third. AT tho abovo named timu aud place tho undersigned retpecllully invited the publlo at largo to give blra a call, as bo will bo prepared to welcome them with tbo very best or "good cheer," and hopes to bavo the occasion meet with sued tuccew, a shall cause one And all to refer to It as tbo "Mer riest of all tho Merry May Balls." R. RENEW OT. BWslSls Mis ? 1 'i 0- CO O o W 3 era g . 3 c rs r r- P l--J f P3 '-I I & S . b- g- i5 5 O n B c 1 1. s u V, o 0 o 0 mm m m ml T THOLE BILLY BURIv, nfter Hmnk U lug liU irlviul fur tlu-ir IUmtiI supjiori nt his l.t cuierliiinmi'iit. wimlil rerrn-cl- lully submit for th.-lr cousldcraliu 1 tlm IjcI that Ik hv dcti-rmliud to give a Grand iny Day lull ut tlm Dimltmclls Hotel On Monday evening. May 1st. -At Utrly Supper, will b prrurel lr those who wirli In tn.ike 'in excursion to the Sulphtlr Springs or Tabic Rock Ills time will Ih principally fiuplDynl frurn this on. hi d'vMng ih ln-i mi. 111 lotniku hlx ffiii-st riunfnrtivMi) ami b.iipy. A gen eral Invitalinn Is e.xtcud d. Mare'i 17. Ii. mahlsid February, ITlii, teu, rn.ililsyl WANTED IMMDIATELY TWENTY PIVE OR THIRTY BUSH From Jackson county, to (ill up Uupt. Fullerlon's company ol vnvulry. Duides the regular pay, cJolliliy ui.il board, the tolluwing fulcrul boiuitUx sire cftVad : TIiok) miming for one jeur will receive n bounty ol 0100; tlioweiilnling fur two )car.3:!00; those for three years, WOO; mid Sl&l), Hlato bou'ity, In ojin. 'I'luitu wikhiug tu enlist, cm npply tu Lieuten ant D. 0. Underwood, Dr. L. S, Thomp son, or the uudercigmil, in ilnclisonvllie. np8tf .1. .M. SUTTON. jTinal Gcttlcmcnt. IN tlio County Court of tliu Slate of Oregon, for the county of Jackson, April term, 18C3. , lu tho matter of the cslatoof John .Motltz, ileceuud. Notice is hereby given, that Kmcrson K. Gore, Admlnisiratur, having tlltd tin linal uccount and pelitiuu for tinal settle nitnt ol said estate, It wus ordereil by the court, that Wcdiiuduy,thu 'M d.iy o JIny next, be designated fur mi id linal settlement. lly order ol Hon. J. V, Tulnun, Comity Judge. WM.HOFFMAN.CIcib. "'8wt April 8ih lbC5. Kotico of Tinal Sottlomont IN tho Count t'uurty of Juckson County. March Teun, ISUa. ' In the matter of tho cstitc of W. II. Mow alt, deceand. Notice is hereby given that John Watson, admlulstiator of said estate, has lllul his II ual exhibit uud petition lor final rcitlcuient of said estate ; aud that'Weduetday, the 5th day of April eumlng, has been set upart for said tinal Kttlcmenl. with tho ni.i ,;,i,ni.,t. trator, Ijyorderofllon.J.C. Tolmao, County JutP . , WM. HOFFMAN, Wrk.y March Ilth 1EC5. marllivi JJffOticoto Tinal Sottlomont 1N..tl10. c.011,ll. Court. Jackson County, 1 March Term, 18M. my, lu the matter of tho citato of Michael Erltv deceased. " Nolk'o Is li(rrl,v irli.... II. ,i i- .. Gore, adinlnliiraior ofwld eitatv, has (lied ..... V4HI..I. iiu -iiuoii ior mm set ement of said eta tn mul U.-.I u-.i 1. '..:'.' f 7, , April ensuing, has been set 1,'part for safd Una tlemeut with said administrator iy umvr 01 sion. j. u. To man oountr Judge . WM. HUFFMAN. (jit v AJuiCbJ Ith.lSKS. marli Vvi SHS".r',0J0SfPVA'bn5 can bo hu uiwi, mr casu, at j. Row's, -next door above liradbury & Wade. wsrmw''" A CARD TOR THE o SPRING & SUMIYibK 01 Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADSER & MSiiFiSBBRflfiB, Nos. 411, 413 nml '115 Unttcry Bt., Cor. SlriclsissH, " I'inneHeo, lmpor.ers and Vholcstilc JJKATFsTlS. Kntiro New and Vveth Stock. We would call the attention of Country Mcrchnnts l' mr unusually large stoelc Ji (loud. Our stock comprises every aril- CLOTHING & FL'IINISIHNG WNK. We have contnnlly on hand Ihc largest and cr'nlet vurlely r ?Lssi.Mr.HB And wool hats ol nny Iiuiimj In Kan Fiuncisco. nnd our pri ce for these goods nro less than llioc of nny lioui,( us wo receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment. Ourstock of SPRING & SUM MBit GOODS narllcularly ntti.wtive, nnd Hit great fen lure to the coiintty merchauts Is tho unusu ally low prlcos Lcta than tho C03t of Importation ! Wu nlso keep tho Qtaplo jOvtlalloia In Hid Dry Goods line, which Gondswulmvc piirchasul lu tills market ut.dcr tho hummer, and are ollerlnji them nt New l'urlc cost, and less. .... Wo publWi this card In order that wc may make new ncipmlutauces, and Induo thoc who hnc not heretofore purchased of lis to call and examine our stock. Good Articles .. Lv Trlcci Arc the griiilliiduceincmeutH wo oiler tu nil who purchase to sell again. .Merchants who buy of us can m.iku n guod prolll, nnd tell to their uitloiin'nc at n low ligurc. Wc re main, respicllully, Ynur obedient servants, m iifsn? r- i.i'iii-?vmiim-:n. III! l'S til IIIH I'll' .ia'iiii Who!.ile ( 'loilung and Hut Warehouse, N01. 411, U:i nml -tlC llttlery stntit. Hun Fmneiscn. March US, 'fi."i. npllm.'l sJEW33LBY. warn WATCHES, FANCY ARTICLES - AT- 32T3I3"iir.TSSI!3IlCW3 NEW STORE! ?cr:t Door to Hm!h ttrofl. T NEUIH'.Il has slock. d his now stor' 1; . Willi ti largo ami vuiiiiiiiins)urimui 0 lairsi sivies niKI IMii'lM'iii Sl'ItlNO AND WKIGin ii nrti.'u SILVIIU WATOIIKS. &&$& DIAMOND .IKWKLUY, I'EAHL. i:.MintALD, (,'A.MKO SETS Tiigether with u splendid lot ol' olhar sJsj-xk w:tss 'Su ja33ST;, UriMSt-l'Ins, Dniocbes, liar-Rings, Finger Iting, I.rxl;eU. Ituekkv, Clasps, llracelcts, Sleeve Millions, Nccklaeex, Waicii-Cliains. Cliutclninn nml Seuli; Also, compielo sels of incomparable inatlllt.K'tliriil Iniui tin- nr-lu-it nml mnil 1 . - ..-."". b'U.ui.il speciimns of Gold 1111 ami Fow ler rpiartic. In addition to tlio nbovc, mny be fonnd nt his More I lie best rpialilidi o( TA11I.K AND I'OOIvHT CUTLERY. And, in sliort, 11 general variety of NlcU-Xnnhn & Fancy Articles All of wlileli will be sold ut luw i-niuzs nml warranln). KHI'AIUINU.-Clocks. V.'ntciics and Jewelry repaired with prnrnptness, uml lu u nrimier tn pn.-irunleo (utiifaction. MAUFALTL'ltKI) to order, nny aril do of Jewelry, with uentness und dispatch. CQX.. Call mid sec his new slock, at his new store, on California street, next door to Satin Ilro:., Jadmnvllle, Oregon. Jacksonville, Dec. 17, 180'.'. if CSrlOaLHOOO "W JI LL stand this rciison ut my stable, I live milts east of .WVinuul't . . IllU Stnire road. Kcixnn pnninii.ttttiii A ...II 1st and rndiiig July 1st. Terms single service, 81fl. due when service is rendered : ewson. SI'S, at the close of the seuson. A club uf live nures will be K-vcd for S100. I'hc above rales to be paid In coin. , PRDTGHMPi GIrnco wui sireil by J, l, WcIjIi'b !,ifl1"a;,','"i, hy Tlmoleoii, grand.uu by llluek liiri, 0111) ,o by Rhode' Whip, Lo by importiil Whip. ' PJSpiGUKB OP UIFLR.M AN. -Rillfinaii wus bred by John Cooikt of bnjetto Uotiniy, Iventueky, waa got by imported Gleiicoo.Iiisihim was by Kodolnli, grandam ILitterlly liv Kuinpter; grvut gian dam was by imported IlujasariLgreat great graudum was by Junn?. Jpjiy.8.HKKniy. TNlho Cirtult Court, of the Stato of X Oregon, for the county of Curry. Christina llninav, Plaintiff, vs. Fha.sk e liiticov, Defendant. To Frank Urlggy, tho defendant: 111 flin h.m.. ,.l- .1.- c.-. MA nro hereby required to appear In tho cir cuit court, ol tho State of Oregon, for the county of Curry, on tho first .Monday in V"1'- A-lMC5,aiul aiuer tbo com plo nt filed In llilsi suit, which is nn nppll cation for 0 divorce, on the grounds of per mm Indiffnititf, tn.wit: charge of InOdeli. 3' i?'.xlty,? ,fnil ,0 n,liwr wldconv Plaint, the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief demanded therein, I Id publication Is by order of tbo Court or six conseciitlvo weeks, before the next term ol the Court. JOHNKKLSUY, Att'y for 1'lalntliT. "TSMlT. -IB - THE eouarlnenhln berclnfnm existing 3 saloon consent. J lM.ltvnnii IV'I.II.. t. It..-, t. .. , iiuiiu u. iiuri, 111 ino lilliliU.aj I. .11.. l 1 1 "... V I 1 wi'u Hi"u,vv'i j milium coi ys all IITH. .-..., ,v., ui rum mill, j, it. m V. fl.HA - ---- --j wanyonvllle, Dec. 1, 18CI. de-qlOwt . IIAIIT 1"B. C. W. MOcDReI Moiltoal nndfiurtricftMiusi.. '' CO.SIMKItCIAL HTRKBir ' A few doors below carny, SaNFR . Attundino ami Rmidknt Pijtscu. 0. W. MOORE, M. D ' Lato Surgeon If, 8. A., Qunmntln, pw, clan nt New Orleans uml Hoston Lifr ou Murbid Anatomy nnd )mtit7iiu IIH.II Ull.1 f!lill,1r., 'll.!.??11!!! chusolts Medical Society, etc. etc! DR. MOORE WOULD RESPECTvnMr lllnnn tin. I..nln ,.r r.lii-"..,,.Vl'bT inn established nn Institute lor lh CUUK OF DISKASES. Whether Acento or Chrenlo AT NO. nit COniMtOItflAI. WtHKWt A few doors below Kearny, ' Whcro ho may bo consulted at all b&w Dincasoaoftho Utorino FunetiM. ctmractiilr.rd by Irregular, snrpresI5er luiiiiui ine-iiKininnnii, pnm in the sldes'sii luck, sennlli)n of weight In the psltU (JT VnrvniU tp1ilei1lil T.nltr.nrrti,SL. n. .T7i are (rented on (dentine principles sad pviiiiuue-ii uuiu viivuii;ii( jjixuiisea ui inu ooxuat urtTHBI. Mis or fcinale, whether recent or cbronle u. 1 ,.! ...iii. -11 11.. .1.111 . .". Iiu.iiiii kiiii nil inu mill nu Sppllsssjl which modern science has rondo srallstk A cure will be gunrantceit In tho shortstl poslblo time, nnd 011 the most msstllt ii'rms. No noxious ilrugsare nseil, aed t few tlnvrt only uru rcipilred to effect s p. mancnt euro. Norvous Affections, such as Nenrslrjs, l'nrnlyils Giddiness. D'mncssof YIiIm,sU. will icccivo especial attention. Secondary nnd Horoditary Afteetien. Serotula In all Its manlfuU' foriot; UtfnS emaciation uml debility, treated ttiih mi' inln uud unrulliug remedies, spci-dll;eitl. lug nil corrupt humors, nnd Impsrtlsj s In-nltliy tniin to the system, by punfiluf t blood, regulating the secretions sua re-Is-ilgiimtu the vital powcis. Surgionl Cpjrations, ofwbslirrr m turu, tuiriormo 1 sclentlllcully, and tbs st tieut iioarded nt the Institute. The Dettor will guarantee tu cure Hernia (or brescl) of the worst kind In tlireo weeks, by ttn mdu of npviatlng. Ovarian Tumors, s I11I11I to feiiiaU'S, will be succcnlully r iiiovhI. Tivciity yeaw' rcsldenco In UhIco, South America, Chlim und tho lUitttllu, together with bis largo Hospital soil Arts; practice, has glvru tlio Doctor a4rsatixs pontcrs'il by luw, uiidibU rcmarlwMs ssc I'i'M wurrnuts u iiromlso of cUeclusI ssrt. Ills Amilomical l'latvs, exhibiting sll ptrti ill tho Hum in 1'ysleni. and the ellffrrst sti XV of illensc, are the most coruplits ea the coast, while IiIh experience as a Ititsr er enable') bliu to explain to bis pilluUtii puiticulars uf their unease. No mister; Ii inaib' of dlM.'iiso ur thu mode oflrriiBcsl, but the pnlleut In Instructed In sll ttst pcrl.ilns to bis case. Mdlelues wllh lull directions, will Is sent t' nny part of the Stale, on receipt cf letter dourihmg the symptoms. An Infirmary Is connected with tbtrslsV l'shnieiit, where patients, who desire, mi; re-ccivo board uud cuustiint attention ilsrUf their sickness', thus avoiding the Ineonusl vlieu ifl n linl"l. Kind nml ullciillre narsss will lw employed, nnd no means will be lift uuirlid tu give lull salirlac.lon. The Doetor'ii iipulmenis are ths sseit co.iiiiiedlous uud best urraugrd In the city, uud p.itteuti. may lelv on the strictest pri vacy. ClllllHl'fcWiVilt I'rtt. tu Tin: Tntr.N. Ladles siifiVrlng from nny of Ihelntml ties p.-ciilinr to the sex will find ths Doitor n snl'i) cuiilldi-nt nnd (dentine rty'tuu In tlm Ireutnieiil uf suppressions swl list red diseases, he Is without nn ssl. snl Ladles may reel nsureil that the; "III ci'lvi thu niot dclleato nnd genllnsssly trvAtmeiit. and secure a prompt relief frn Iblr Iraibles. I'rlvntu npartmeati. l female nuries, for thoro wbo desire tnca. TO CCmitlJhl,ONIr..NT. Farlies Iii tho country, who insyeeers to consult Iho Doctor, can do sn bj Utitr. nnd receive In rnturii n full dcicriplloa cj their iIik'iih! nnd Itss means of care. AH euiiimiiiiloitllons will Isa held trlcllT cew denllal, nnd Hih letlirs relurned.lfdcsJrrt. Medlelni'H will bo sent securely, he""'''? receive nn answer, should bo DCCC-iapsuM by an Expri-ss envelope. L'liiKiillalluns I'rf 111 Htrr.i unlit lniidilressd In mi. C. W. AIOOIIR. III! foinnirll np8m3 bah riuxcisco. BLACK P1UNCE VpilS line BLACK HAWK MORGAN STALLION Will stand the ensuing reason ot.thf of tho Subscrllwr, nt Dardanells, f siw led iiumlwr of rnares, nt $W a fe,j gold or its tiiulviilejit. Ho will slrt1 at my residence In Sums' Volley, VwiJJ nml Tuesdays. Alternating. &oaJ, menco on tho 3th of April, and m 7 lutb. DKsomrroN: , ... This liorrois n beautiful blsck.W 1.200 In working condition is fu '""S hands high, nnd was raised In 1X -" comity, lltiuois. by Jlr. Turner. Pedigree: . Ho was sired by Morgan, be byWJM Hawk, dam by Iho' imported iwa houo, Louis riillllppe. r-p WILLIAM BUBKft March 2T.18IM. 'P'i-L- ... . TN tho Circuit Court or tho w "" X gon, for tho county of Jackson. W. G. T'Vault nnd St. Marion T"' plalntlUs, vs. -fiitnea N. T. ",A,Vl,a llarns, Geo. W. Keeler. John OJ""" John W. McKay. It. II. HftrtIvu. Foudry. Geo. V. Vlning. J. ftjJJSJ John Wlntjen. Herman Helms, Tbo? llcall. KasperKubll, Antolue BroM, i-" Fay nnd I'. J. Muiouc, Defendsnti. -lilt III cnnnc.iy. . . To Geo. W. Keeler, ono of said defen You nro rrnulred Ired to appear 'rirlt ed to appear en ,W or tho ofriult court, M , Slato and counly,J nay or tne term held for the said n . II I.. .!.. AnulllA. OB I" uourt noute, in jsoksouvih -- - K Monday In June, 1BW, and pw MJJ or demur to said complaint on flit N you In mid Court, or judgraeut and I "J to tuko nn account of tho stock 01 -r: stockholder In tbo prcssce, iypi "ru stock, fixtures nnd appurtenances or mw- "Oieoon nnintla" iiewsoaDer.ana ."; Jnzctte" newspaper, - ";- of said proiwrty, and a division or r ,m ceedsorsald sale will bokM,.w'S ' ni'iWMf nf tdn nnmnlnint wlH'l'u nmiftisil vAiiifftsi wiint thtli?0ft " JVU'IUI ntiiti -.------- uy order or r. r. s'rim, u"K.n1r DOWELL T'VAULT, .. An'y-VSj' jmrcu Jim, loyj. irnrrn a vn TnnnUOBt--l'' F ! change for MerchandUe. -, July 10.-27 MAX IIUU