Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 22, 1865, Image 2

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To m "icacr axd rxnuaVKNcr ok tovi
Uxio.v, a GoTKRNur.NT ron, the wuor.E
imuitrss im.k." II tisitn.7(eii.
IV r. Fltlttr, J. J. Knimltuit it Co., nml
W. It.Toby, ilrcrllilngiigr.eiiu for San
Krattclsco, Col.
E. K. Ihlpi, aitrctlliliic Ent fii
atrasiciito, CaU
Lltt of Agents far the Oregon Scxtisu
E. F. Rttesrll, general agent Tor Oregon,
ana waiio Territory.
L. l. Fisher ,San Franclrco Cal
J.J. Knowlton &Co do. ......do.
Thomas Davis, Applcgate. Can
FT. It. Hill Mllbcr do
F. G. Ulrdscye Rock Point Jo
ThomM Croxton, ....Croxtons I'lfrfflm do
Win. Hotter, Jump-On-Jo do
Gov. Glbbs, Portland do
D. H. Thompson, Albany do
W. II. Kmnv. Althouso do
Thomas Carr do do
Thomas V. Floyd Kn by till do
I. W. Sawyer do do
I). P. Anderson l'liocotx do
D. M. C. Gault do do
A. Ireland Myrtle Creek do
Geo. I.. Dean, Ellrnburc do
Thcodrle Cameron Union Town do
Jarars L. Watson ltoscburg do
Win Haltln Hunter Kogue- Hirer do
L. W. Eiilllu Fort Klamath do
Binder Herman, of Canyonvlllc,go ncra'
Agtnt lor Hougias county.
. - Ul. -... it m tin
i. m . . .. m . . .1 - . .t M t r 1 tl.- h alrtr rtJ fl i-llirillllll ll'i"n
nuts or trie marriage were lonrionr, llirciMom assumed tlio proportions or a giganiicnvciopcii mb ....." -
i i. . . .. ..... ...l... ... t-ipinriniii urinai "
01 wnom are now living, ami war. siumm. '" "
Abraham Lincoln rtiiroogh llfo was t
plain, rough, sturdy 'farmer of the west,
telf-madc, self-educated, a giant In frame.'
ingroceful and awkward In person, but In
had n good heart nml n kind gcnlnl dispo
billon; n profound thinker, taking notliins
on tlio opinions of oil erg, but' reasoning
out his own convictions, of great sagacity
of nnblcmishcd private characlcr, of i Atlic rise nud fall of general; through the
truthful face, and honesty which had Ion;.'
been established for him nmong the back
woodsmen, dressed In buckskin, Kentucky
jeancs and lawyers with whom ho ussochi
ih! the sjnlirlnnct of "Honest 0!n
Abe." He had the advantage of compel
ing at n bar with the ablest nun of llll
loIs. Soma twenty-five or Iwtnty-sU
rears ago, his competitors and rival were
Stephen A. Douglas, Lyman Trumbull, 0
II. Drowning, 1). 1). Maker, late ScnatmJ
Irom Oregon, General Jntnes Shield, win
won undying laurels on the battle-fields nil
Mexico; Jatncs A. M'Doagall Scn.itti.l
from California, nnd Governor Disscll.
These nnd many other great men Abrn
liam Lincoln successfully competed nt tin
'jar In Hie early JurIiproder.ee of Ininoln
In 181G, he wasclectcil to Congrcssnvei
Rev. Peter Carlwrlghl, and was at the X
tlonal Convention which nominated Genera
scott for President. In Juno 18S2, hi
as elected to represent Illinois in the Ccn
iral Whig Commiltee. lie wnsan active
:ealous whig during this campaign.
In 18.16, air. Lincoln joined the Repub
lean party,.and In 1858. the Republican
)( Illinois nomlnateil him In oppoiilioi
to llic "Little Giant," Judge Douglas I'm
senator from tlio State of Illinois. Hi
eanvastcd the Stale with Judge Douglns
md their debates have been published urn
xtcnslvely circulated. The speeches ol
I.Mr. Lincoln during this campaign nrc rib!
,.!!! . im
...... ...... . . m . ryi.t
It Is not our pnrpnie In dwell on tlilfBal through the strong ucrnwini ww.
ubjpel. The trying news Is fresh in IheStnnoog.i, Cli.ule'ion nnu "-
ncmoriei or nnr leaders, From the flMtKUenrral I.-C nndtnc wno.c or... .m ..."
to the last, through its various changcs-Jern Vliginli wrc prisoners ol war, nt tfi
from Iho evacuation of Vort Sumter lolo'clrck.r.M., "ntlicHtli ol April lbd
Hull Rnn, Hall'. Riuir to Vlcksbiirg. Gel
tysburp, Minion Ridge, New Orlcar.s,
Kort Donelson nnd Fort Fisher: daring,
lmngcablo campalr.ns of SlcClcllan, Fre
mont, litirnslde. Tope, Ilookrr, .Meado
Hanks and Under to the more uloriniH trl
imphs of Thomas, Fiurngul. Porter, Slier
iiliiu, SlicrnuM and Grant. The Pri'sidcnt
'ias always been found true, Imprint, fallli-
.ill, resolute nnd determined Mutt peace
hoiild be restored, nn.l llmt .r'Ziriy nml
Union ikouid (ivt and f.omfrh forevtraml
The ndministratlon of President L!n-
ailn has been nuiktd with stirring events
mi! rapid dinners. Jt ha been truly said:
"Slavery, having plitngrd the nation lo
in this terrible civil war, diet by the sword
I drew to maintain Its own life and fii
nrcmacy. I hat once liauglily power, MlC'
a vile srcwslonltt, a wltWd, Inse nml cow
nrdly assassin enters Ford V Theatre, pro
v..,l4 In Ida Presiilmts uo, siuini'
.i i,h luck, and iboit Mr. Lincoln
through thd lif.nl wl"i ft ""
tilstnl. Tlio wound wai mortal, anil he on
Iv lived until twtniy-two inumu's nn
. . I . I .11. ...!- ..i..,I.iiv
een ocioeuon mu iuimnni, m
Tlie iiartlcnlars of his ileal li nml burin
ran n fnnml In our telegraphic dispatilifs
A more black nnd diabolical miirdci
neicrdlsirracc'lanv nation. We hnvc reai
aof the nssaisinatloti of licrtditnry innnarcli-
ifand emperors, but this Is'tlie firU lime it
the lilstotv of the world that n prcildem
3nho had been rhofrn by Hie popular vole ol
npwanUof foir hundred thousand rnajori
uiv. has ever born m-sasslnttcil. The iisPj
A '
Abraham Lincoln, the shtrenlh Prcsl
dtnt ol the United States, lias been gather
td to his fathers; his spirit has gono ti
meet the solemn responsibilities and the re
wards of eternity; his life and charactci
remain just objects of admiration anJ em a-
atlon to the American people.
President Lincoln's ancestors wrrePenn
tylranlaqnakrrs who removed to Rocking
him county, Virginia, wltcreTliomss Lin
coln the- father of the President wat bnr
In 177C, and mirrlcil Mlsi Xanry Ihtiks
his Bother In Virginia. The granJfitiier
of the President removed with his f.tnuh
from Virginia to Kentucky In about 1782
od was killed by the Indians in 1781
The President was born Fb., 12th loCP
in nrdln county Ky., where, at fern
yrars of age be was first sent to sc'ioo)
He was the son of Thomas Ltneo:n, t
poor man with only a very limited hIccj
tloo. Ills father felt the necessity or s
good education, and he determine! In splli
of difficulties almost ieeonceivablf, to phi
Ills ion Abraham better facilities for stmJv
log than ho Lad himself enjayed.
Mr. Llncobi becoming dislls6ed ii
Kentucky, determined to remove to Ii:di
ana, and when Abraham was in lib rigliih
year the old heme In Kentucky was sold
and the old man with his family remorci:
to their new home In Ilia wilds of Indiana
where freo labor would have no ccir.pili-
tlon with slave labor, and the poor nhiti
man mtfrlil finnrt In tlmft M rhltilrpll trnillf'i
md I lie most masterly iflurUof his life
It Is to these rccclics that may bo clilill.i
ittrlbutcd to his nomination at I lie Republi
can Chicago Convention in 1SC0, nnd lib
M lection to tho Pecsidcocy lu Novcmbei
In 1SC0 he was elected bv the ctrclorlu'
vote of every free States; except a potliot
r tue.vo'euf ;,w Jersey.
After serving as President nearly foni
sircars in the, midst of one of the greatest
civil wars the world ever witnessed. Mr
Lincoln win egnln elected President by i
'.ajiinallon of Mr. Lincoln Is n stroke n
ourelorintMihtlonal Republic. Ills liP
has been devoted to freedom nt'd our 1)mii
y so proud and diflant, now tollers to ItsToeratlc Republican lnMllulioiM. He ha-
Inal overlhrow. Defeated in the field, llJ.l!cd on ll-e nilar of frvtilom. Our natiot
'coders tho outcasts of tlio world, wltli.iisovernJiilmril with grief. The lunges'
lympalhy from no Christian people, I he f nnd tnrst heart tending separation nn
eaders of the rebellion, who hold by mill ft those which ore caii'cd by death. t f en
ary terror the people In subjugation, npAvy not the man orr whose grave tin lean
iroach thcendof their ignominious carccr.nrc shed, and wiicra death has o'-cisloiici
I'liilr barbarous cruelties to Union prison-Am regrets. It is meet ami proper to slice'.
its nnd their management ol Iho war lias Ji'.irs over Ihe death of so great nnd coed i
'nriiished the blaekcU pagcin'llichiitory ol irtnn as Abraham Lincoln. Doctor U'atsot
Ivlllralinn. Thry have liiutratrd Ihe bruj Ins truly said, "death rends nli hearts.'
inllzing iufluences of their darling Instilii-J Vhcn Joseph died the children of I Tui
tion. For the sake of onr raco it could be; wpt sore. " My father! my father I vx
wished that this page cculd be blotted J chimed Klislia, when Klijdi was lakri
from American history. V nvay from him. "Omysoi Alualom :
ThtM last four years of war havoJf) Absalom, my fon,inveonl"crlcd David
lone the work of n century. The rapid jns ho went up to the chamber over tin
II le nl, auk.0 vlcdglng hlmseir tobS
(onnd In JtoothV inriik. ' wM H
wn!HDKtoi. April iaib.-u,ulul .,
inaii, elressrd as n laborer rl.,"
hck mi ma shoulder, imc.Kd it7" .
imiM occupied by Ihof.sEf k!W,
I.U city, nml he wn, nbo," gSEh
is Ctilcf Mnglslrate, in which tlie ImIIci
if.rn kliilou Ihtil ll.n .!..!... I I . ' M
. .. ..til. II .1....I I.I.. 11m AMl V ,n l..fnM I ....' t .n" w l
"llll llllll WIIIIC l 0lllll lll'lll lillllllj, "."' t -mirMiuniiii nu- HI Illun'IJ CaptUK Pft,!
ullvwllhlhemAS.es of Ihe people Soutl J f J, '"' " V R0J. prlsoBttui
.ml nlili tlie rank nud lie of their nrmle.' ,ii u,,, rrWl ml., or- 11...- i.,c, .nS f
i -'- ----- '--" tisvis ul'iii n n.
' Itn ln.1 Kl.lli.. Wl.n , - t
leTcrlhelc-'S, lie would bo careful not t
itirsue n policy which
md radical change In public opinion mayf t-,jt., (hat lu might weep aions. And whtnU
ii. Irrccil in the nclloii of Congress. Iho L-tsirusdinl "Jrsus went." Wo .weri
riiirly-Sevenlh Congrrsi commnictd by.'jnnl mourn toil ty over the doth of Abrn
i-onfiicallng nnd freeing ilaves mill by reb ,lmi-L'ncoin the belorrd of America tin
Is, freeing " coatraband." Then it en.ict- President of our choice.
on rrom
lo ca
UK.ii washing th,dlTfiSr
Hid lilmsMf Payne, nnt exhlblilM
Pi.ti.lplnhla. 17lh. Secretary Sewarrl
9 IniPieiviiiff. Fffilirlck Seward Is nt
..o. GiAl c!nfil at 1-17 on Monday.
New York, 17lh. Headquarter' Amy
ftho 1'oti'tii.ie eorrrsponilcni says tin
p. reeling nl prisoners U now going on . t mtocmbnirnsmci.t; WiMMrt7MI
Mfe siirremlcied about ao.OUUi ineiuaini 1 m mi eigiinuicil tone why be !?
.1 t ... .. in ..1..... u ctiiiirrii nrrrnin nr .. "n
. meets, privaies am. ............ 1 . r, iyft, . uClH
f nrtllltry, nnd 700 wugons. j ,, 1 kmv Mm 1)y ,,,, on. ?' '""
R clunmid forrespondent says Lre Inn ; ul his move. Tlie servant said lbera.u
nr l. Danville to rndeavor to prevail J ?r$ZlX&2& ?S
Davis tn drslst from further prolnngin? j 1 rccolleetlnn of Survnll' ni.n(.r.:. ".'
Stone, nt n meet ''p """ "" opportunity to,recoZ
. . 'i in. Tho min nrrn.!.,t I. iLii.' "IH
ngoflho citiwiis of Iowa, las nig. lllrvn wioprpelratedtliodrcaJ uI.h !
loled llmt he hn alonj conversation wur t no N!ervtnry'A house. ""
resdent Johnston, In .cgaid lo 1.1. polk) 9 ."nZlLTllTh '!
--.; -- m llimrr tn.
tinder srt
R general extbu
r . f ... - v "
WOU.ll piV . rthfitwlmiM Isv l.m .i .Vl!?11
... t a ,-"- .......... ..., u , uiiu iiiifi iiina r. at. -
nil the government from vlsllliigiuiuisli .1 ,m!Tcr Decenary. Ho says ho refused u
nciit on Ihe guilty faases of this rebellion j ;au nnyiiiing limner to elo.wlih It.aodtV.
rhel'resldentrarded it as due lo the ,' , ,u.;,cn7,in Tfi ?. '."
.yal people, and tlie lln uny thousand y ,1,-nt. This Ih substanllBlly r correct lUfc!
.f brave men who have fallen In llioile 4 ' "' ' " prisoocr uas so far d.
Vnto of the govcrnmi-nl during tiiis strng Nu,v' Vl)tJ.f Apr i8llliTh, JmU
jlc, that Irenson should still be rcgnuhd m 1; 'ptclal dlrpatch say It Is reported Ihattaa
J. highest crime under the Con.tltu.io, J Jn- W ijV ,1;. -wo catered
tr.il flig. nnd llut treason should be render W ,, ,Iltoi. nf Hocktown. M.w.uVa aSl
. . , ...... .11 .... ... tl-l.ll. I- ....I.. II... !. . 1 i ..'..:"" "
11 niiintn s or 1 line 10 cwne. tt 11111 j. -iio
... . . 1 ...i.I tli'ii
in fnlf.rliiinril Ihrci Vlftv.llft Willi u. Ill till ?.
ume lime, endeavor to gain Iho conflilennt i
f the iti-frfliH' and li'lrni'il masses of lit '
- n 1. . 1 , . ..... .,....-.--.
Southern peoplctrgarlng them a the prop.S ".K "J g
ir material for Ihe resurrection or Ihe in Y 'land lo n prominent member ofConrreaa
nirgent .Slates, and mtoro tl.cm lo liivi. """ "c J' 'rtlling to net with ttieuteooil
I ... ,.1 .1 ,, . .,, I tiagnanlmlty Inwards the common ttenU
relations with the (Jiitcniwcnl. v ,r 11... .v.mii. i.t 11... imnn V"??'-'
: v . ' . " 1 i.u. iutiiin
Ihe teller found In llualli'a i.l
1 .Vim, has lrtn nrrcitid. '
New Ytirh, IStls. Tlio j'osts's dlrptle
ays Johnson In day laid to n clergyman,
vho bcgci-d ol him to be merciful to lb
' New Toik, 17lh. A Slate convenlloi
..1 .i.-. -a m - ..i.it. .1 .1.- tt.. ... 11 ... ... -..
.11 iii-jkiiuiiuii-rruriniiiii-rui ms uhiiiii me assassination or. Mr. l,tnco!n was dff-
irmy slioutd restoren fugllivesl.ivc. Tiicnl slirrcd to dMtrnv iho Amir.u. r'nlnn. ..
it consecrated Ihe national cipitul to fice-t Ilia will of n in.ilnflu- nl il... Anmrinm-
tnn, Tl t.ntl..l tn ll.A lAHM.AHn.MM.lC t ft.. .1 M .... C7
" ......... . ...u .wi-....i..iri-in retnie. mil ini'Sf km M ficn.iol lln
Afflcan the right to testify In llic courls.ft'us,isiii will fall. This will o.dv mm il.
.1 ,..!... .-I t .... ..,., .. ..11 V
i ue r.gui io n inir jury inai. making nligciirrrnt of pop-itar feelinr to demand m
mn (nil ll lAfnsjtll.n Iflta Qaah ll.ax.... f ... If . . .
"v" ,i .-.. '. uvvHimivHuiriiryeior oiicycnnua to.nn for atonlh no'
Ijthf terrilut
Congrrsi prol.il.lK.I rl.ivery forover In allHngcinst llnj iMmhd liTnorant cllirrtis n'
bia!... ...t. .!! I.... ... 1 .
, ........ ..... ...,..,v..i ... .... i.inn ii-ii.-iiiiui, ir inin ii.ii 11 o rural m i.u.llv
...'.. . .' '- . . . W.nli?lit Ihrrwiflrr Ii-iirn,itr.l In- ll.. tT.il.. .W... ..I i .1 .... ... . . . . . U
iit iiii. Hiiiiri ni ii... .i.in.i .i .. ..,!..,",...-.....".... -.-.......,.... iiiv winiiiinvii null siiu iii'iiiuiui rnnrn iiiin.i aiiA.i ! .
w J Md IMIVHV Wl tllV III V1UI IIII lIlirf'.'Ll- ' IH " "w """' HP-' f
mpt Xcw Jtrrev, Delaware and Ki-n 9,,,a"'' "'" Kturi ''yihitnne ndtWjoicf over tlio bate mid cttraully net m,
ne-tir. Hi 'nr ""r' "' "-' l " '" I" frft-sjtlie aitanln. Thev Ihitb kll'.il Mr. r.lr-.s.!.&
n'lHitm.w.rM. n,.1... n.. .i...i... ..iJ'"m- TlieTliinyScvenlh Conirvsi wrniKtnil Mr. Svnnrd m -iill di.. r..,. n..
it Point lookout, .Maryland, yrstcnhii
morning, wits inf.iiintil by nn vfTiccr of s
-jL'unb'i.it llmt Ilnotli nnd the olhir conpir
Mors, nba.it thirty in tiiimlitr, wrie In St
Mary's tiuinty, heavily itriutd. rmlckvorin;
in nmlei. llifir way itemM the Potonuc
jKhlfh I sirnniy pickvled, nn nut- be.nj
n.n,...i i.. ii. ..i .....i !.... . -
iMi.-iiti in i'iifi.. nc iii-ii Mint-it unit on
.'or Vit.,iifdvlepalCH from all counties, ii
ailed for May Mlh.
The IKralil'ii Richmond diipalch, of (In
Oil., siivs: (icii. L?c arrived In that clt
t lm!f-p.tt three P. M., on the lfilh. 1 1
iiul his tlnfT were received with tin- great
i entlimiuin by the pnpulaee, chevt npm
.-liecr In lug given them. Union (fldim
ralnl ihrir c.ih to him.
Hiltiinoro 18th. A gentleman who waLMtra,'filliin. Ho wns born near Diltitotn
o be iiimUhril.
Hrnitipiartcr. In tho field Dili, 9i.
I'u Ilalh-ck: .Tpinl-h Port, and llidefenur
.viiicapiiinil lat night. We have 25 otScrrs
Hid .':tS cnllstvd tnvti ns rrisnnen. ff.
'inve taken live mnrtnrs nnd 25 guns. Tie
injur iwrtlon of the garrliion escapnlkT
rater. Ciibt.
Legal Tenders. 72.
Tin: "ASATsiN"lK.oTit.-Jolin Wain
llooth, the mnrdorcr of President Lincoki,u
i run in me inicti. j. nooui, lamonsia
till further and ileciaiiil tint Iho
rebels !ioiild be free,
ihorizeil the President to receive
!'... f I .!-- .1.. . .1 .
t. . , , , . . . lHii'j ii.ir... . hi .tiiii-.u iiricriu, lull". Vi II
In accordance to the design and in.enk,i '. I, .u .i.. ,
" i""'i' "i i"i ir. u ji ,
ihe PrrsicWy, there were mofy mrmUer.S;1 ' """"
T CcngrcM nml governor In the Soutl.enft. ,.-,!'
s'atu planing rrcmlon and treason.
. .a . .... tr.
ton nt tl.-se cru.ipiriilnrt. Mintli CitTiill.tSlul,,!,,,, fnr his librrlr. nn.l f-Irin.. I.tm H
.a a.loptid (he OnliiiniiMof Seccsssirn nr.Hirmil fln,i ,,iy of n M,,ii,.r.nll,i ,B(p:r,n,
Uhiliiy i-i uipg it mull sepi.'id of iiiir c i !
iml is nbmit twcnty-Dvo years oil la
irly joulli lie resided In Alabama. The
ucsi of Ids brother, Hdwin Uootu, in
the profession iudnccd tills member ef lbs
?iiimily to try Ihe singe, nnd he performed
f Vivarions linilio'' chiirnclers la Kjilrrn Km.
U'ta wills v.nlcd succim. Ho exhibited
more phylce! power than IMrrin, bat
try, perseverance and economy.
Lincoln Is empirically a self metis man r
Ik- was raised to nam laoor. At set
years of ago he was set to work with ni
la hand, to clear up n farm in a wcsleri
forest. His occupation until he waiKvrii
teen years of age was firming, and occa
jlonally going to school, during Ilia wintci
kjjci when it was too cold to labor on tht
fn; b"1! probably ilw whole time he weni
toachooi did not amount to more than f
In 1630 Jie rrmovol from Indieo will
bis father, aud setllctl Id Illinois.
At nineteen lit. iwde ft trip lo New Or.
leanras o hired Lnt.d on a flat boat, and oi
bis return he cut log 'r a log cabin one
built it'for a dwe ling, ' d split the rail.
od tocfoecd ten ocrci oi' lind wilh a rai
fece. llic next year ha In.vd lilnwelf foi
twelve dollars a month to buiM Oat-boat
and tci'tike it to Xenr Orleans, "d it '
aid that ho studied Hcclid aod Sheak
peare on this flat-boat.
In 1832, this hardy young farmer acii
boatman volunteered to Ocl.t forblscou.
try in the Black Hawk war. and he nk
otaimottsly elected captain of -a cooipany
! was afterwards ippoialed Depaly 8ur
Teyorof Sangamon couoly, Illinois, btfon
be bad cref studied' surveying. "After hi.
ppototnieal he procured a Compass, chair
.tad .treallacon surveying anddid the work.
ila J 832 or 1833, he wai anpoinltd post
Hticr 49s' Kcw Salem, and soon afterward,
he began Ihejludy of law, by b'orrowine
(M6lM4f t(M Mtjlitiortng lawyer in Ibi
vesiiur, liiclf'b returned them forrtbeli
case (a lbs woroiot.
In 1634, be ru Mat to the Legislature
rem BanfewtM'couaty, Illisoif, when lb.
Marion f Uo LegUlature wu over, beta
blwaelf totUvidyof lawingood earn
It. AtnTJ 183 ur Dewnwoewsmao
.the SOU) day of Dece-niher ISi'O. Miml
dppl on the 9lli of Jsnuary ISflt ; Alu
iam.1 nnd Ilorida on the lllliof Jiimihiv
(icnrsla the lSlh of Januiry; Iiuisiim
ihr 2Ctli of January, and Texas on the .111
i fvbruary. At lie lime Jlr. Llncoli
was Inmguratcd it was c'tar that Ihet
iad determined upon the dissolution of tin
union nnd revolution. While thesoSlnlei
itero passing thtlr ordinances of secessloi
md treason, Mr. Lincoln remained it honu
hi SpringflvlJ, Illinois, n deeply onxlou.
peel ttlor, nnd when he storied lor Waili
Inglon lo bo installed President ho saw tin
feelings of tlie people was Impressively ex
llll fll.llllnnl tt tk rrM..t..M rri.M I...I
.... -.... i ... .. i ..ii ii i nn. ujii.t '.
Wilf norlhrrn servitude, the fugllive slnvi i
f-.'iiw. tnt rMtfn llil . nml tf.it i.l.wl.i ....fin..l it. !....! I TT... ...
' ' " " - r' r. .i.i-i-i -..v.. niv iiutini union, n .1 II ll.ll.'l Hi i.r ii
l .. .. . . . " I
i-'p-rsm iiic uoiisiiiiiiion, nml bear
tj " w uumiiuiiion, nnu uear eve
viiiiii.aiiiiiiignrraiiu higher, mil Ml .i.ii
trade prnlilliitid. Meanwhile tfic I-hecn
live was not behind Cn;ress In alrlkina
it the came of war. The great proclaim Nbo hailed aa ilm iMlii!,.,.i .... .. ,
j .... lit r...... run vi hiv U
31 on o iree. nm, wiitci. cmandpale.1 norr,ere, that faddees cmblemof the ri-hn ol
J-, "' - n ....r, -. ll.. in Fll.llIISn
vitv fiiri-rpp nnd pnrrr llip nninnflf tl. null. a. M
" i - 'i'.i it'v ti ........
" " ,,v-.v,v ,vui:.si'o.i).
rri..UIa-.l 1.- !.. ...a
I.Vp .n brnorablP nosilioo. won bv Indus H'"""1" "' ",c ",ouo" """ "wmmiPCll 01
.... ... B'hc banners whltli tlisy rxieiidrd ncrot,
Kihc road nudstrccts along which he pass
"$ -lfeteili
.. Swas ofien s
lown to fiitme agis as Iht tmnntifalor tfv
trace. I lie htali- gnvernmrnla alo. ni soon
it rellrved from Ihe control of rebel infl'i
nces, wcrorn'ially z-alonsln rellfre llieniLV r c"rvuspniieni'a c-inm:iii!ettini
,15111 till- J5i:.TIK,,
'fives of this course nliko to black
nndll '-'-- i itfci. him we-Die. Ilu s.iy
.jitinit-r uai iK-cn iiiiiiu.iy stvi-n-, mt
Jin;.-, u.i int.- i-iiii oi .tj.ircii, nt nml nrouu.)
Uimy Uily, about twelve ft diep. bit ih.
flat-boat baaL cajsUaia suul furveyebr wi)ubllooIicf;-wbeo Mr. L1dc6ln took th
suitnitted to Ue bar. ne rocw rapwij suwaio oi oater tcprotect atlettkreml II
aweo beeaaw easioent ia bk rofewieo. lOoMtitation ud tket Ifiws'o th tJolt
In Kovmbrr 1642, be ru narried trWtatei.
If ita llarr Todd, ekittbter of IIoo. Bob At tbla time the oeollct between' Unlet
syt & Tedd of Leifasgttw.KetJtaWljy. TbcBaBd disunion and betwata lvy andfrci
Hlprau for veil." God litln nou'
seen and licuid on his road tiPI
Oil the Oilier hand A rnninlr.ipr tn nini
i Ri
.illfltp. Iilm nf lip nnnpil llirnnirli ll.tllltiinri VJ
was discovered by General Scott ant
ihrough the advice of this American pn
'riot, Mr. Lincoln was Induced to changi
'il rente and go through lialllmore befott
the nppolnlctl time.
Mr. Lincoln proccrdctl Immcdialeiv ti
Washington preparatory to his inaugura
lion as President. At this time it wu
knonn that tlie city of Washington toi
uas filled wilh traitors, and it was rciut
illy believed I hey could not be reconcllci
without civil wur. Tho House of ltepre-
cnlatlvcs appointed n com mi l.l eo to Lire?
;ale on what terms the South could ba re
iscd llicec worda
"N'o form of adjustment will be satisfae
lory lo Ihe recusant Slates which docs no.
, corpora to into Iho Constitution or I hi
rj, .'cd States a recognition or tho oblign
ilon to protect and extend slavery. Oi
hlscona'i'tan.and on litis nlono will thei
consent to ;v'lhdraivlhelr opposition lo tin
recognition ot i',c constitutional election o,
he Chkr Maglst.'ltf- viewing the mallei
in this lightltseemonoadvisablotoaltemp
o proceed a step foi'tntr In the way ol
'ffeilng nDhcceplionabla' propositions."
However, Mr. Lincoln was peacefully
inaugurated President, bat at Ibis tirai
Generals Lee, J6Iihion, Kwell, JJHI, Stew
ut, Msgrudcr, 7Inder, and renibcrton
md; many other noted traitors still 'beM
(commissions in the United State Army' of
i avy. i raitor were every where holding
.i .. .
'PIUAMI II I. ..4v... ..1 . .. ...
1 " ' """" ""'I '-'tow luniung fast.
haie requlrctl many long years. The drlir
it . .
rcr would have wandi-re.1 more than forh ..'.. KK' rt,"" cla, Wei ami
A It t III ill l.lfl . 1...
rears in Iho musnilloa swamps of tht 3 " , , "' T ' , w ",0 I'lacer d g.'hig-
"jouth. Xolhlng but Ihls carthnuako ol ?...., .' ", T , mvn ,Uo !""'
IPIVP. pnnlil liftrn ppnnmtitlw.il I l.l. nrxal J. u n.. ... r'Ulvlll.tllt
, " .", V ' '?'"" V'"- "'o q"ariz mllli In inning ord01.
rcvolnllon. When victories first, and wise JTho Marian Moon, & rv, .ni ... ,, " .
i-niinEfl nflpr vlplnrtpt. tliull Imrn n. f X-tin mil. 1 .1.. o-.i. '
. " " ,l . ': . :.v :,:: ." " ' st .::".,.:"-.t.b m" "" T1, rj
""-- . wi.i'iiiHii iivti-v 4itmiuiunp-u, uuiniji start In n r...
peaco with liberty and Union Mr. Lln ?day. Tho Marian Mooronlll has turiuil!
coin will be Known as the Moses of Anier-l0"1 Si-w.OBO bullion Iho present winter
.a. and hi name will bo cherished. lionnr.uT'10 o'l'cr mill has t'tirncd out n ini-,
lied. Charles Francis Adams one ollhj and sung by future generations, as thei,,n0l,n, Tl,frc aro nljont four htimlreV
committee mad a separate report oiiM,.iverer of the negro race. k'piarlz. lodes already localc.rHt.it will r-
But one step more remalued to consum-rr;1f ct cacb- Tlio tllrretloi
'irntc this great work or securing llberlTj ,,,,,'" .nesi,jr ,,(rlh Bni1
throughout the ltqub!ic-an amindmeul l "??? "C"'K'I l l''0 '' narww
of Iho organic law. tlio Coasiimtlon. .dmLp?.. r". ". " '" ,"1"" nw "" a
. ". .,.,, . --' jin-y lu-sccnu. .itauy Mw bdos will
iiincv nmi nrn ninii infr iivnrv ipaihi w.tii - ..
liKCi:, AIAHCU l.
Hti. lln.Tl.u1 ...... . .j .
w - rMco maipciieii ut in on
Maryland, West Virginia. Missonil nndll
IVnnessre have all, during Mr. Llncoln'i
..iminijira.ion, nuopieii new cor.siiiiiiii.mr iWoik of nil U.i. i...
tbollshlng and prohlbllln? nhivrrv foruver..n,n ,. , " .". 'u'l"-'' i
' ' LJ v ssssvt . HMIMUI11 sC.irCt7. lift llrtfli"
ri T?.. ta e v.i if T7. . " ""
iiic uiiiun emails ui norm uaroium hiiicci nt nny prlco. Colfra ..or ii.,,.,,,!
MMimaim ami arKeinroi arc aoinj tlst ;j CKccfc, 31 OOsrtisurCO ct: Lnit.r I mi
. . . . m. .. -.,.. . ... . v
line. Kentucky Is trying tn firmly eslV,,r'1 "Oi caudlca 31 Oil: apples, driu!
iitiilisti n system or gradual rmancipalIon.J.jJJ cti; peaciicsao els; oats 37 ct; aloti
ll-I.. .-!..- I .1 I . . ...,L1M 1 1 1,11111 rtl ll.tl... r-!l... - .. . ...
i in-pnirinu imtc iiiongin, nnu wo stirrr "" "" vlvj nverai latnuier; inn
iliink, tills result might have been necnni
in liitiiiiucK. Itnliv or .V,Ui.i
betravrd n laeli of culture i.i.d uslr. lie
ns tlicyonngestof tlie
his h nn error. He
tlitr, Joseph Dootb.
iii'iriiing, aid it is ui,i fieph jolutil Iho rebel armt soon aftrr
tv! t'.'iiililt'li-lv siir V i La coninn nrcmcut nf llip rrUUiiia. Jt-
i irlid, and wns drafted Into llic Unleo
(jinny. Hi'Sfrling this service, he relitrced
ti. .. ...
ytin idiiiinoie. nun, procuring mnnrr irptu
lis liliill.fr. rminipil fn Kni'lmul. Viaoi
Survall. iindn pnimlmnt person, one e! niC.'glu.iil ho mnt to Australia, smlfron
he on.lr.ilOM ug.iimt the life of Pn-si HAualniihi to Son Francisco, where Le
lent Liiicolii. have Ij.-s.-ii nrn-stetl. H blaintil n sliimlmi m Ijiipp plrrb acd
New York. April 13th. -Mis. Unrrls uhe- ynifsieiigcr In the office of Well. Fargo k
bo slivtrjy.liitMi.r tlieuiuln; hut I.Usvrly. Unioi K)'r ,""3 a tolliHl"" wilh """ i-d hai ! nfun rcfernil to
..ind niigitidtliiiCi'iivermiiout will live and (1 surM "f"10" "P'dwd. but surer. del in i:.ipiiirii.Vjlliiotli bfolhrr.. T
Inlo ihertforrver m ihe American osutliK-nt. lji' "f ihe et.iiplrnl..r. Our nitnlry naiRhrn n younger bio
n S Then by the memory nUtr faINn braves f ""',m" .'"'""''"r '""""tT. ' U ll is ui
ofyththrlllit';asr.Tc!4tlol,.rm.Hlldwltltfl'"",,,', ,i,'U ""'' ,,',r,! -,""'l,!''l''ly Mir
I i-jSihe public ;.r... pnlilic rrrvlrrsjind l.yniiif''"'""lf'1 Xl" e,",ml'l'''t' "-! m-sjuJ m
ngCticilh e,f IVcM-nt Llm-!n, by .,;ilf'm.l ..ip..ssib!f.
.eMtnrs ui:d rjirlpcs which ll-.at K( Al"ril 0' .Tilioln I reporlrd n.
high, wo oiljiirc our rcadors In prrsrrve li.lfl uv,nl neiu.erfil In hlirrm.iii.
jsft.'upinti. It was ii
jjbV a mMitl. -n. o
Will rc'tilt or Imp i
t&iiilictiiar ntUnile
jOllles. Tho Placer mines aro" confliied
wns In the-dcm wild th Presldant. mikt-
JJ he follo-viug statement : " N'unrly nn hn'rn
Ml "trforo tlie commli.Io:i of Iho drid. the as
utflnciiiiMiitliediurorilid Imx, lookpil
ii nud look n survi'j of tint Imx nml u oc-
.npin'.i. ltwasiiittpoednt i!h Him thai
orlltit lh In tiiKton wnt
iibnet, and lUlr-tct-d in
ntUniloii m ih i,. m, .
uUrliig n iccoiid time. .M.iL.r ll-,n,i-,.,
m.-o-o mid asked Ihu Inliuder his l,iiluc
tiiiiioiiunniiiiig any reply, hs rii'hed pa
md liUcIn-' hlt'iiiitol cluw tn il,. i.l- .
W.l'res'.K-iif.t lipnd.lu fact In contact wilh l
:.jinii mm Instantly sprang up,.., u,u ctiltTott
il lialuilrade, nnd mvl n-lnckwaid lliniil
lith his Kiiiro, alimil at Ihu birjtl nml fur.
Of Iho I'rCp.'dlllt. Mnlnr I'oll.l ..... t.
pr.nglag forward lo protect Ihu l'r.!,l.-..t
.....t... ....... ..
i.wviiiu ii nnu in i no arm. T , .i...
Allien sprang upon ihatlj.... nnd effected lib
W-i-capcbcrore nny attempt wa made to nr i
W'V.t him. .Mr. Lincoln saw the form or tin ',
H President go donn fremi U1U Lox, am' a
Ad.oi.ght ho had fallen out. Br.,j W0Ul, ,0 t(l
suing una Pro....0..i0g slavery inrougnoui .jsW this scawn, giving employment 1
the United Stale This ihe Pre.idcn'A?ku of men. Flm cC i!i
recomratDutti onu urgeu as a consummation ..niucrs win ouiatii blgh wages. The cha-i
oi me proclamation flW or tlio Jaws or jccsioriiauing new lodes aro good. Me
il. u Mitlili itnnlUl aidll .1-. 1 a
iuugrctr. m ... ..jii .nn uu uc.i, nna lri! m,..i
TheThlrlyEighlh Congrcuhas impiorT' wUc" lUu oria will ,,-, a secono
..v.K... nu nan Mc outi nri,j W0U(, ,0 t(l
Ttbl- PJ.Illil tr.n l.l. .. .1 . m
- ,,v "' "it mo uoeir. ejn re-
lurning to Iho box, It wn, fo,.,;.! jr. r.n
L'Olll'i lll'ad lll.ll ..r.,.,.w .1 C.. ..
,. ..,.,,,, (uinuitt lljion llll
bicast. Iheii It was reallrtd what hail
tra-iiplrcd. From the mnmeut n. !..,.
K-nt wat shot till that or his dealh. I,. .L?.
ii't'iislble and evinced no slim of ,Mi. it. M
Ti'AfVlttiJiul n . ! . ... lA
, ..... ..., viio.- in met lie Uiil not opqi
I ill oliia III. .. 11 is . '
..-v.. .,.., ironuK-uiiiaLri-albliigft
ting it often exceeding difllcult."
6an Pratielsco, April 131b Tlio Tallow
ng older, "limed usicrdav afiPrnn,... ,-.
plaiinilself: '
HeaaquarlcisDeparlmentof Iho p.iPin,.
iin Fraucleco, April 17tb It i.M rn ..
.i.-i . . .:. -..,
.uUnllolr.c.igoeirt!io Jlnjur General com
'" s """ sre ntii iiecn found ultlili
mo ueparuiieni persons
t'o. lie remained in Sun Francisco abost
i year, nml went Hast on the last iteaner.
.S'ic. Dvli Union.
We ure credibly informed that Ine re
I's.IonlsU of Williamsburg ralntl Ibi
McClellan fl sy. oiiI hud n general ittmon
ttnitioii of j.iv over Iho ns'osshialion of
iho I'rrs'dtut. JadU out men of less
iretviilitnif have I teen hung.
MaiM. The Sacrnmeuto eVmoii has a
long nrllclo in favor of Ihe eonlinnance of
mr dally mails from Sacriirnenta lo Port
and. TI.e contract with the Callferoia
Stage Company expires on the 31st of
Itmr. T ho Company has bid S300.000 per
;', innum, which tho Department refuses to
t rive, nnd unless nomo one bids lower our
i, nail servici will stop. We osk our repre-
entnlivM in Congreas to havo Ihe dailf
tine eonltiiiwd If pcwlblc. Il is oil impor
tant until the war Ii rndul.
Gl'.vn's Famiu-
Piivicu.s, en lions?.
Horn: or IIk.h.tii. This new work bow
"Jlllir Canvassed for liv Mr. Tmrer. la-
.gent, Is now before us. Wo have no lies-
luiicy In recommending It to the public
It will well repay any ono that will take
die time to read It, nnd follow its Hygltoio
md banllary Instructions. Wo have
imlned the work, nnd find that It Je wH
tp in tho Pliarmacoplal proertMlon ol the
The essays in tho beginning- aro worth'
ho price of the book to nny ono that will"
rcad them carfully nnd remember then.
i no plates nro good. The uames
'ynploms or diseases, wilh tho epproprl
ite remedies, ore given in plain good Ko
tlhh. It treats on Medical Compounds..
alized itself l.vihe ..fnniiAnArai.. it...b ,,a"100 my ",u"
"V '"" wt-av.Jtwei IIIV J Will I,
eiolullon submltllng such an nmendmcut
if the Coustilalion to the Stales for their
tdoptloo Tho State are rulllylog Ihlajj
.proposed amendment with earnest a,ctlvly;
nil dui a lew nioh will psH4bf?.(Q it
ill havo bata. aiteoled by tin renuhilie1
'.... ..-.. .-. .. . . ,--
. .n " U a,p'" of',l, Oaustilu
lIOO. Ibftadoptlon of thit cOOllltnlltinril
Uasendment may be regarded as the national
wiinHx. ot ucatn io slavery pronounced by
so rterficiltr inrn,
nous us lo exult over Ihe assassination oil Urd,eal Flo Nursing the sick, Anstonyr
the President. Such persons become vlrln 'Mology ond the lawsof HeallhtDomea-
...yacccssaurj alter tho fact, and will b.Itlon" Sanitary Kconomy, Physic! Col-
tunce arrested iv nn nnun. . ii .aVin.o ..n.i .t...i -. ....... r,i -t.
raoro cTii-nttt-i. ... i tiu. i i . ' """ ur iTuvotiBB'" u"" Mcviiipimcni, wiiii uios7 "v-
Z Zr .V fcW It is well wit-
yoar bcantirul valley a market for all .lielJ'illtndlug , Z, " "' .JIT "W Jo"i!g;ny family,
"7" J TrkJ5 IL V?W. " ?iJr-y wtataw wl.hiho'ac ' I ' of tiiu DRUmVCBNtw
:: ;c; ;; z z ":"wa -a.-mm Aprii .m.- d
i -- ' ' ef" nvnf u ii ii if i
LlsV'tAn iratitnrirl nil (hula .A.i
...w ,(r,-., .-vs, i,ivuugo 10 (.
UOIKCe I JaiCtlllllOl Dlievpr p. tv.t -t at
llocky Mountains. Tho road Is on i, i lollonh J- ' '7. ..", c!1? lTml' .ll"i,on ""obblng him. Knowing HH 7
passible, heavy loaded teams c.m ..... ' 'W-nt,, ui.r,.,,". . MV""..?'. l lQmm WNitiMt torn: things nstounding.iilll be tkvel
it vrllh case. Grass and B,cr ,. D,wi)lv .lll,a of Thu s v. To ;; r.f "' 'r"lT ,,)e on " wJ ta BMd'
rbls road is a mailer ofso in.,ch liap(,rlauc.if.ol"to.iha9 iurm.drfd to She rmaD T W """ Pivgosiiun
rt, that mwj J fteiwaj. wovcrlug. How II -c Fklt.-mIIqw do yon.feel Mirt?
lant orr,' vl ' H . S,I,,,"A "Vilapott I oddressed to C'6l. T'Voult the day, f'
wealh Br .. " "v MWU """"y. tho u.trmB'er JUIIenand.Fav. io.tha Pat M one
n backi:;,:V;. f "a:Prcat.wl,W'W. UchaAan, pitched Into.hm. The ,C6i.. vmfr
frt U
.. , wl ,uo j-r.,,
reus did when be woe licked by tbeelog-