Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 22, 1865, Image 1

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SH S.W-llm ''miwjipiilhiumi.uji.. minij immwi?: A iru.'mniiMiU
1 1 J'JaLJJWJAVlwrluvwJlllulmlliJUm;M.?x'x"liJWn-l.l.lJr-ft'T
ii'ju tiumi. Hue. i'ieiTBiwp
Ije r t0u
"n;Hf '1"-i'fc "-p'iVTaii
w-r mw 4 iciwiwwi
' -e4
svt3Kiwjjiw!jTOJijri3.VE55: iTjgjgiiggfflaKrn-rpr-t"! araaga
First Premium
Awarded by Hi" Mechanic' Institute Fair,
Sail Fraiicl.cu, September, 1601.
Sporting Emporium,
i'S Watblnglon it., (near (bo Posl-oftleo,)
ijin Francl'Co,
Irtftnttrt e all thitct 0 Spttiug Ttttllt.
Constantly 011 bund gun from ilio lint
aikcrt In London, viz: William Greener,
William Moore, Mooru &. llnirls, Itcdfcrii,
Jollli&Son.aml nil oilier unlaw. Alio
ih brit (uok of American llllli', I'latok
indOarbliici) oil tliu Padda Coast, vbJ:Ceill',
lurp's, HrtiUli t Wesiiii'. Uuuilii.tloiiV,
,nd utl the Intcot patent or Pistol.
Iiirp'f. Wesson', HiilbiiiF. pcuccr's uai!
Itatj'i Patent Dreccli-luiidlng Miles.
pB Cartridges or nil kind constantly
id hand.
Authorized agents lor Henry's Pntrnt
trfecli-lnadlng IClfl?. juii2lm;i
'-' ,'--- wjim.tn.iw.nin,
n. F. POWJBLlT Proprietor.
mo. II,, or the. year, Uvadollars ; ir not paid
until the expiration of the year. lx dollars.
Ani:iiTis!xii Ono square (10 11mm or
lei). first Insertion, Tlirce Dollar. ; each
lulssMtioni Insertion. Ono Dollar. A dis
count r fifty percent will bo made to tho.o
who mlvr-rtlwliy thi'year.
JttsM Trn.lwjwl-til Metirrmt ratci.
I.O. O. 1 -JnclcgOUVillf f.n,1,.
"SQcife IVo. 10, hold Uh reg
rV'ySSaiwXSiiliir ineeiliiBi on evcrv
;-. . -, ""J-'wm'iJMin'Jiij JirtTii'nriji'jiij WL."uminm.wi'Ji.i ".uu mui U-iwui. i .)nlt.l.u u umajiLi.ijmi
SlCCIIWM TO 1'ltSOI, Cncncii i Co.,
vine rnoor muck v.vu:i:iioi.'sr,
K Sl'ttA A C 15 C O M P A 2C Y.
3 750,000 OO
lT.!'' .Airotalllttlnv eiver.lnrr i-vrpi.t
5jlO57 I'llt Met J3.lllir.lnu r..nnl.
month. mill on' Friday lielnrejtho first Satur
'wy Jitcnoli m.mlli, at the Masonic Hall.
Ilnillion In gnnel Maiullug are lnviie.1 to
"ti'ittl. OHANGi: JACODS, N. G.
NkwuixFihikii, U.Sro'y,
Trutcc J. M. Sutton., V'm. Ray and
S. J. Day,
Wfirrcn Loapo No, 10, A. F. & A. H.
A I10M) their reRiilar comiuunl
Ngyfcatloim thu Wrdneiday EvcnliiRon
Vor pn ceiling the full moon, In jack
soNvii.u:, oiii:uon.
JOHN n. K053, W. M.
0. W. Savob.Scc,v.
JCn dClftO" depoilt In Oregon.
POUjUUUaII lu-v I'bjbMoU U.
iniiiro utjaiim i.urnor.Aiui-
SACHS DUO'S, Artent",
Jnclitoiivlllu. OiC)jn.
(joIJ tout.
go I7 Fire.
UP HO L ST 32 11 13 II
IIinUKUY notlly ull whom it tuny con
mi), tlitt I Kill coiitlnuu tin- btuimik ol
Uphultlercr and l'an:r Ilaner, at tiiv
)!d itand In Jaekionvlllc.
All kimli of ml; in my line rvill bo
romptlf atlHidctl to. Old nuttrariu will
e rriuind, Uuur ticlj nuili'. vie.
A. f. Al.IIF.UTS.
Jacliinnvllle. Fiiliruary 4 III S.. If.
)EIIS0NS wIiIiIiir to avail themclrrt
ofthitK'iirfli or lio lloiik'ntexd law of
jngreii, can have thrlr iikth irnpt'rly
parid, and tlivlr. nnidnviu taken bWuiu
e, llnriljy laving Ihu vxpciisuofuttendliiK
perfon nt the Land Office.
Kliul proof or Doiinlloii Land Cl.ilmi
d rtllnqnl'limcnl orof ahindoucd Duna.
hi claluu taken nml private entry oriHiidi
do, on application tu mo ut thu Clvtki
County Clerk
February 4lh. lfiOS, fclilwlJ
0. jacoiis. n. r. m'ssKi.t,.
Jackk(isvii.i.k, OnKno.v,
Onirn apitilta (lie fmut llollir.
All Im-luoM cnuunltted to thrlr ears will
ho niomptly attended In. July '.'!). '02.
jO-'S? 3Eji-"A7",
JaiXhonviu.k, Oiiuuhn.
iVIll iiractlcc in all thu Courts or the Thlid
Judicial DWtrlct, thu Supremo Court or Ore-
Foil, nml In Vrelio, Cnl. War Scrip prompt
ycollecled. u?ii18.'
Albany, l.lim enmity.' Ore!"n. ncl22tl
J.ci:xiinvii.i.i:, OnwioSj
Jackio.svji.u; Onr.uns',
IUIdmco near the South cud or OroRon
atrcct. Junuaiy, 2, lttCi
0Rlei at I1I1 residence on Oregon Mrect
XT.VIU nODGU noiiM nnnnuncc to the
.Ladle and ('iitlimeii of Juckaouvllle
d vicinity, that ho Inn permanently loc.x
I In Jaekionvlllci for thu purpotu of tak
, picture In nil thu Improved art of Flu)
ruphy, ami would ropectlully aollcit a
iru of the public iMtrounve.
ItOOllS oiipoiile i J. Kyaii'a Now llrlck.
Jacktouvllle. Docemlior 23d, lSli4. tl'.
'alclimtilior and Jeweler!
On Olefin tlrcel, firt dour north of
llreutauo'a Jnchtauvllle, uyn.
joiii"r. iiouck, .
Manufacturer and repairer of
luriaot U'ntchea, Chrnnometcrf, Clotli
Jiicitl and nther InnlrumeuiF, etc.
Also, JKWKLUY iimnufactuntl nml
wired, after tbo" most iipprov,id style ul
' art, and worruutid for one year. Prices,
-ordloir to lime.
Cbrnnouieter mid Wntchmulcer.
acktonvilie, Juno 23, 16CL 3m
oticc qf l'nulc Kale of Ileal
1IIK umlmlcncil, ndn Intstrator. will
olfer for tale, 011 tha Ut day of April,
U, at the court homo door, In Jacktou
le, Jackrou couuly , OieRun, onc-ihlid lu
eit lit u Ulnlng Olalm, tltuatcd on iilerl
r Creek, said cslalu Ulonsiuu toJniuea
tcbel, deceased. ,
iilo tocummenco nt two o'clock r. u.
ferins of talc caih, paid In baud.
II. HELLJIS, Public Adra'r.
'larch 10. 180.'). marllw4
Sewing Machine.
OHN NEUDEU would announco to the
oplo of Jaekton County, that ho has
eured n agency for thu iiccrtcaa ma
ae, and "will In n thort tliuo havu n good
'Ply on hand. ThU machlnu gathers,
, embroider and makes I diQ'ureut
d or itlt-tiwp. ,
racktonvllle, January Slat. tr
NQHTiiEAar.con.Njin or
ntgoinery A California BtrccU,
Oppoiitt Willi, Fargo If Co'a)
liiutlu Ilio t'of.itly Jnlt.
Jactoiulllo. ()ii. tlec'J-ltf
Attorney and Counsellor
JACKSOyiI.I.K. OllkOi.V.
prr.ee at loiilinco on Calirornla Sticct.
. All bmliun eutriutid tu blucnie piouijit
Ir ntleuded In. J'Uilllt
ih ii:i:PAi:iii
K l'lctnres do not cho mtlifactlon. no
charge will bo made. Call nt hl new Gal
lery, on thu hill, eAumlnu hU pictures, and
tit lor jour likeucM. '
Dr. Overbick would aiiiinunco to the cit
izen or Jnekfou county mid vicinity, that
he has relumed to Juekouvillenudieuiued
tho piaetico of inedlclue. llu will nlwnya
b! lound nt lilk dd ttiind, the Oieibtck
Hospital, unlet absent iiroli-tlou
nl btmlne. Ho would ivf pitifully tollcit
u lenewal of former iiutluimye.
issoluticn IVotico.
rpiIK umlerslgiiid has thi day with.
X druw 11 Irom the firm or Thompson &
DaviK, oud will coiitiniio tbo practice of
Medicine, riiirciry nnd Obstetric, in
Jacluoiullleund vicinity, nnd folicits n
tlmro or the pnlroniijje. Ofllco nt bis icsi-
deuce ut the "lit .nurry iiovinaienu,
Dec. 13lh, 16G4 declTtf
LOUIS HERLINQ has concluded, for
(ho beuellt ot liioso who wish to 10am
over tbo rinuautlo hills of i'oor .Man' Cieek,
011 May Day, to i;lu a Grand D.i on II
UtofMay. All hU Ingenuity will bo cm
ployed to mako thoso comfortAble, who will
lavor blm with n call on that evening. A
general attendance I tollclltd.
Febt nary 17th. 1805. mahlStd
Veterans 8i, Recruits.
THU laat Leglilaturo gives n bounty or
$150 to each recruit In tho regiment
now betug raited. It ulo voted
fivo Dollars
per month cxtrn pay to taeli poon belong
ing to tho cavaliy legimeut enlisted three
years ago. Tlute nmouiiw mo m . 1....r,
in Statu llondi. Tlioo wleblug these boudd
would do well to call on Trr
' Jacksonville, Jnu. 12, 'A. JanUtf
Lift I but n fleotlnp dream
'Cnrc deatroyn the zest of It;
Mlnd you make the be? t of It I
Tnllt not of your weary woc,
Treublc?. or the reft or It;
IT we have but brief rrpoc,
Let u make tbo but of It I
If, voir filend ban got n heart;
There Is fomethlng One In Urn;
Cat nway hi dnrlctr rnrt,
Cllnp lo a lint dlilne In liitn.
FrlciuUhlp I our best relkf
Make no lienttlcs Jrt or It;
It will brlchteti every grief,
Kwe maka the best or It. .
Ilnpplncf drip!c ttatej
'Tl no tape isperlmcnt,
Simply that tho wife nnd great
Mnylmrcjoy nnd merriment; ,
Ilnnk I not It tpell rrdned
Money' not Ihc teat of It,
Dut n calm, contented intnd,
That will make tbo licit of It.'
Trusting In the Tower above,
Which, tuMalnlngnll or 111
In ono common bond or lovo
Dliideth grrnl nnd unall or 111,
Whntioever lnny befall
Sorrow or Ihe reft of it
Wc thnll ovcrcomo Ultra nil,
If we make the tct tif It.
iutouteu !:xci.i'iirri.Y ron tiieskxtinxi..
Lincoln ami Seward
New YnrU 13ili. A lellrr from Go!d.
born, dated the tixlh. says there was the
qmilcKt Fiittnifiam in Sherman's arrov over
llie full 6f Itlclminnd. It Is nporled I hat
the Union inhabitants (if IJulflph I. arc
made a tlemnnstralinn of jnj in fpiic ol the
rilu-ls. Slirrmum nrtny itiii 111 dtr orileri
tn move prior to the iicv.h of tho fell of
The I'ofla apecial rnji nltlioiigli Seward
ii!Tfr aevercly, ho ha been utile to dletulc
bis dlapatrhe to our Mininlers obrmnl. In
those dispatches he take the ground llmt
the war is nvcr nnd tho rebellion ciusliid.
J He ulio apprises foreign Rnu-nimenla that
It I vp'-ctu lliu nbel pirate 5 will no lon
ger bo allowed th enter foreign ports. It
Is stated llmt information has been received
at tbo French Knib.iisy, of tbo dangerous
illness of tha Emperor Xnpolenn.
Nashville, April flth. Gnvernnr Drown-
low ua inaugurated r.l tho Cnpllnl at ten
o'clock. Ills imiuztunl was lengthy and
pntriollc. Dolb Ileiuxrs unanimeiuily rt
illed the CVnstilulinrul r.niei.Jincnt.
I'lilhidelphla, 13ili. A cpiclul frnm
Wuiblr.gUin to tho J'rcw, tj tjrsnt I
hire in coniultatibii with the I'rrsieieiit'
!Ii. Iieiidcpinrlrrs beresfier ure to lie In
Woalilnglnii. I"o lulls Jeihnston'H army
tn Uny bloodshed. lie Is truly penitent.
He propoud to Grant llmt lf generous
terms were rfierrd him, be would himself
go In Johnston nnd urge him In ftirrindcr.
Grant Is understood to hair tnt this pro
posal In tlii! spirit III which it was innde.
It was finally decided that Grunt would
proceed tn Wellington lo urge upon Lin
coln to stop all recruiting, nnd tu iuc an
amnesty proclnmiitioh.'or in lifti tljereof.
mnke It known that be would deal in a
iibrrnl maucr wills the soldiers nnd people
ofthoSonth. Meantime, Leu woalel ltlt
Jolmslon iu person.
To Gen. Dlx: Tho Department, niter
mature delibertlons and consultations with
the Lieut. General, upon tho results of the
recent campaigns, has come to the lollow
Injj elMrrmlnation, whiili will be cairltd
into ilTeet by the appropriate mdirs, to be
Issued immediately! 1st. To stop nil draft
lng and recruiting in the loyal .Static; 2d,
To curtail tho purchase of arms, ammuni
tion, and quartermaster nnd commlsfury
stores, nnd reduce the rxnKs of the mili
tary in its seteral branches; 3d, To reduce
the number of Generals nnd finlTcflicus to
ilio actuul nepisslly or the service; 4th, To
remove nil military restrictions on treele
nnd commerce, ns far as mny bo consistent
with tho public safely. As soon as these
measures can be put into operation it will
be made known by public ciders.
Signed) Stantojt.
Col. Gamble, commanding llie Union
forces nt Fairfax Station, received d rats
sage from Mosby, in which the latter saya
ho doea not care for Lee's surrender, llmt be
is determined to Oglit as long as be has u
man left.
New York, 13lii.Tlie Commercial's
special soys It is currently reported that
Slnuton will reslgu ns soon as peace is de
clared. The nerald's Richmond special of the
Hlb, says Jeff. Davis, Hunter and Thomp
son have long conteinpiuieu ine lormauoii
of a trans-Mississippi Confederacy, to bo
composed of AfL'onsa, Texas, West Lou
isaua and such discontented Mexican
States as might Jain tbem.
The Tribune's ciiy of Meiico letter, of
the 29th ult., says that n biller fcclinc; ex
Ists between the Frrneli aid Austrian
frocps in Mexico. Numerous ijUarnls
hae Inken place betwivti them, growing
ont of the neollcetions of the Austrian
and French war.
Unntsvllle, 1 1 tit. To Gen. Thomas:
The following is just received frrm Git.rr
nl llowntd, nt Sonervllle! Men who
have como directly throngii from Selnin,
report llmt the place was captmrel by Gen
rcpe-nlnHy Informeel llmt ho coutd uot en
ler the chnmbtr, he piishrel the servant to
one ldc, and walked rapidly toward lie
room, nnd win met there by n gentleman,
ol whom he dtnmrelid tome Scwaid, mak
ing Ihe tame excuses wlileli Lc bad to lb J
servant. j
What further passed In the wny of col
leqny Is 11M known. The mun then struck
him rn the lie ad, injurlnc; the skull.
The iif.'asfln tin 11 entered into the chain-
Wilson's force, on March 22d. Forrest jber of Mr. Siwnid, nrel riislud upon the
nrd Rodds, with thrir entire crmrr.nr.d,
were roptuicd. Our men illtmotiuuel.
ll.arged tic Intrrrcl minis aril curriidnll
U feirc them. Thry nlto report that Mont,
gmaery was captmed. Gn.AKotn. -
City Point, 12th. To Slnntcn: I.jncli
bnrg siirrcndcinl jrsieiduy to n Ltiuten
ant of Griffin's command. Giant has or
elered MeKenzle, wlili lit brigade of cav
alry, to occupy the piucc and take cau- of
jiubllc properly. Dana.
New York, 11 lli. A rcvero fight took
rJacc In Pulrfnx cnunly, Yn., between
ionic rebel troops sent out by Leo before
tic evacuation of nichmnnd end a portion
rf our troops in that vicinity. The rebel
ere defrntre! and dispersed.
Philadelphia, llih.-Tlio Dulletln's
rtestiingion special snjs an engagement
Sccicloty wlo was lyirp in bnl, nrd in
Dieted twocrtbrie stabs in tie threat,
and two In the fucr. lie b!id profusely.
The nssaisln escaped
could lw sonrded,
Tl.e number of pr'soners caplrircil froth
the brginning ol the ctinmalL'n is over
9n nnn ntt.t., fmnt (i..j .i.n.,....iH. .1
-v.vww, .... ,.v..i iuw ..UWDIIIHI1UVIIU
nnd were pjiroled.
New Yoik, IStli. All places of bul
ncs.s are clostd. The strecl have assumed
n sombre hue, the public places, eifficis,
01 d banks being drapid in mourning.
Chicago, 15th. Dispatches have been
received from nlmojt every city, town and
hamlet in thu North. Tho news of the
murder of thp President nnd the ntlempleil
s-lth Moiby's Guerrilla's look place lal nMas!nntinn ed" Srwor.l has ltn rsctivcil
sight, fourteen miles from this clty.ond ,v,i, profund frellnc of sorrow, mid a sol-
emn jndness pervaele nil circle m.
ll.o gurrrillas were bmlly bentin
New York. 1.1th. Aehiees frrm Yern
Cruz to April 1st, nnd frrm Mewlcn to
March 28th, Stntc that nbout 12.C00
Frrueii mil Anstriaix arc en the way to
Sonora. Kmigrant from tho UnlteeV
ISlnteslo Mexico sulTtr terrlblo em their
arrival In that country. Theic Ii no hope
of tl.tlr doing well.
Moiyiille April IMh. To Oregon
Sentinel: PrrUliBt Lincoln wrs shot
throngli the lirr.el at Fords Thrntrr, in
Toronto t W . lSih.-Thc news of
llienssajslnnllnii eif Pee-aielnit Lineoln nnd
Sec. Stwaid hnr ratiseil n ptcifnunel seusn-
tion here. Tli-'flnpK of tho Custom 1 louse.
Ainrilcan Consiitatc uud tho fhlpphie; in
the' haibnr, os well in all in thu city, were
Halirar, 1.1th. Tiw Governor hnel np
poiii'lrJ toelay far giving bis nnt to the
bills pj'fid, with tbo usual ceremnny, but
on the urelpl ef tho news of t lit' ileath of
Washington latt night. fcVcrclnry Sew.; tile Preslelent. I'arliament nelJniirntHl. The
aril was simultaneously itnhbcd in bis bed
The President dlisl at 7:22 A.M. today,
lteportj ure cnntndlclory about tho lime
of Sewnid'sd'klh, placing It about nine
llilj morning. CnADcc.
Further Particulars In
Eegard to the Death !
of Lincoln and !
nag em the Goremnunt Home, Citadel
American Consulate end on nil wstlj In
jxirl, were p'need ntlulfmntt. Decpeym
palliy pervaded thcinindi of all friends eif
ihe Union. Tho blnekadu runner, Col.
Ixmb, was gaily decorated with flags,
which were ordered down by the naval nit-
j thontle. ffi
, WoshlngtonIStli. Ofllclal commnnl-
J cation wus tent to Andrew Jositaon Ibis
. morning, stating that In coicepicncu 0:
Washington, l-ith. I'icsldent nnd rife the udleu and unexpeelid diath of the
risltrd ll.o thcutir this 1 vcuit.g, for the President, his inauguration should dike
purpose of witnessing the jierfe.imaiice rf jpluec us soon us possible. Johnson replied
Our American Cousin'. It wmoiiDr.iinrrd tliil it would be ngniblc to hate proceid
In tin- papers that Gen, Grunt would b I lug tuke ptneo nt his roomu In tho Kirk
there', but hi took thu late train tn wood 1 louse. Chief Justice Chase rc
Xcw Ji'iny. Tha theatre was densely , poind to the appointed pbec, in company
crowded, and every boely sevmid del ii hi id with Sec. MeCul'ough, Atl'y Usn. S-eed,
with the scene before them. During the-' P. P. IJ'iir. Montgomery li'uir, Senators
3d aet rmd while Ihe re was n pnus lor or c J Poole, Kami! e, Vutw, Stewart, llule, nnd
of theaelors lo inter, 11 tl.crp leport of s ' RrpMtiiitutivu Punuwortli, of Illinois,
pistol win beard, which mtrely attracted Oath ef office was udniiiiintirrd at clown
attention, but suggested nothing serious,
until a man luiheil to the front ol the I'm
ideuti box, wurlug a long dagger in his
bund, exclaiming, ".Vc Stmptr Tynuunt,"
and I ni me el lately reaped from tho box.
which wns In Iheirioiid tier, to the stage
beneath, pi d ron across to the oppi'iitc
side, muklng bis eirape, amid the be w II
o'clock lir 11 toteniu und linpresiiw manner,
Jolnikon reccivid kind vxpniilous frnui
the L'en'.ltmui prccnt, many of which
showid uii t-arnest tcuso of the riiponibi
ity which 10 suddenly devolved upon him
llu made 11 brief speech, laying thu duties
eif ofiiee are nude, und I will perform them,
leaving the roust tpi'-nce witli God. 1 feel
was known, nil fljgs wero jluced nt half-
mast. 'I ho people nppcar perfectly horri
fied, and the! utmost rago Is felt toward all
known ftecnsionl'ts nnd rebel sympal hlters.
It hnd brrn Mr. St.inlon'a Intention to ac
company Mr. Lincoln to tho theater, sinel" T
occupy the nnio private box, but thopres
of buslnrs.s detained him.
San Francisco, Cth. The city wai qn '""
el last nllflit. Tho troops from the Pre
sldio and Alcatrnz, together with tbe mil. (,
it tn, were stationed on guard nearly tjlr-t
night, and nrc patrolling the strcels today
There are over Ihreo thousand men undsr
nrm. a the accession ihects harlnif '
before an' alarm (been eleitroied or placed iimcr guard by. ".,
Ihe mllltnry nutliorltfrt. there Is no other
tangible objtct OH which t) wre.ik pnpet--
nr wiigcnec. The people' are quiet to-eUy, '
Herluh Ilrown of tho Prc skedaddUd
to San Lcnndro yesterday nflernoon. Ho 1
wnuM certainly have winked out had ha re
mnlnftl here. .
'Ilicre Is icnrccly n building In the city that
Is not draped In mo'Tulng. Appropriate
services nro being held in tho chutchral (
There will be little or no builnets transact- n
cd to morrow.
New Yoik.lfith 11 P.M.-Thecltylsia
tears nnd tho nation in mourning, but tha '1
country r-tlll lives, The tender sympathies n
of the Into lamented President can no loot
per shield traitors from Just reward ; mir r
cy rnmt give plaru Injustice. The gliosis
of the thnusandi treason has made, mut
be nppentcd, "An eju for nu eye, and a
liiolh for n tooth."
Tho Poit's special dispatch says t That
tho messenger of tho Stnto Department,
who was In ullcndanco nn Sec. Seward, Is
dead. .Mr. Seward Is In a very precarious
petition. Another dlspalch says his woundl
nro believed not to lw mortal, but has lost
much blood. No nrterlcs ere cut. Mr,
Prl. Howard's ikull Is badly fractured la
two places above the temple, Ho is in
eniil'de, nnd fears nro entertained that be
will not recover. Among letters found Iu
Dooth'H trunk tending to eliminate hlnu
was ono apparently from 11 lady, supplicat
ing him (0 di-ilst from Ilia plans In which
he was about to engage, lloolh Lad
played several ttinei at Ford's Theater,
and was well acquainted with its exits and
entrances. Ihe tima was Inauspicious,
und tho tiiino wai not ready to bo sprung.
Tho Wnihingtoti Iutellfgenccr'i . extra
siyst Tho evidence obtained renders It
highly probable) that tho person who at
tempted lo murdsr Mr. Seward, Ii John
Survall, of Prlnco Georgo Gounty, Mary
land. About midnight two men crossed
tho Aunucostn Urleigu; ono gave his name
as lloolh, nnd tho other at Smith. Tho
latter Is believed toboSurvall. Itticvl
dent Hint tho icopo of the plot was intend
cd to inibraco tho Vice President nnd
either prominent members of llw Adminis
tration, who wero particularly Inqulrrd
nfier, und their precise locality acquired,
but In their wm thu plan was miscarried,
Chicago, Iflth. A telegram this nfler
noon, from J. W. , mys llmt 8e.c. Hcwnrd'ei
ikco is guihid, but his tliro.it Is not cut.
IIe a. veil bimscir by rolling from Ida bed.
Wellington, 10th, 3 P. M.-O.TlcW
notice of tbu ik-ulh of iIiq President wai
given by H.u beads nf the Departments
this iiuirulng to Andrew Johnson, Vlco
dermrnt of the audience, uiounled a hoiirj I thull nicd yuur tuppoil, I nm deeply
and lift,
The excitement was of the wildest pov
ilblo description, There was an abrupt
trimlnatlon of the performance, and a rush
towsrels Ihe President's box, where cries of
'slum) balk und give him air" were heard.
On hasty I'Xaliinatinn, it wa eliteoferen"
llmt the President bud been shot through
the head vt Ills a plsinl, uhotc and bark ol
the temple, und llut tome of his bruin was
oozing out. He wa removed to n private
house opposite tl.o theatre. TLo Surgern
General of the army, m.d othir uugci'M,
were sent for, to attend to his condition.
On an examination of the box, blood
no cllscoiend on the back of tbe cush
ioned recking chair In which the Presldtnt
bad bern tilting. A roir.mnn tingle pock
et pistol was found on tbo cartxt. A
military guard was placed in front c( the
private residence to which tho Presldtnt
had been conveyed. An immense crowd
was In front of tho premises, all deeply
anxious to horn .; condition of the Pres
While the excitement ot the theater was
at the lifgkrst, reports were circulated that
Sewsid bad been assassinated, On repin
ing Ibis grntkman's residence, a crowd
and a mllllaiy guard were t-round Us doors
In the same itaper as at the President'.
The attacl ot the theater and Seward's
house took place at about the same hour,
10 o'clock, p. in., this allowing a precon
certed plan to Bfsusslnated these gentlemen.
Yico Presideit Johnson is iatbe cliy ; hi
headquarter are guarded.
About ten o'clock a man rang the bell,
and the call having been -answered by a
colored servant, he said that lie had como
from Sewnrd'rf family physician with a
prescription, holding up a small pleco of
folded paper, and urging in answer to a
refusal that he must see Seward. Although
Imprra-cd witli the solemnity eif the oocu
lion and tho responsibility of thu ofilw I
am uttumlng, Johnson opprarrd to !-
eleeply tensible of tbo high hopis that
wero centered in blm. Hi manner was
solemn and dignified. It U prolubto Free
blent Johnson trill iny Ids first proola
malior, to tho American ptni!o luehy.
It is expected, though not iWflultoIy de
terrninfd upon, that the funeriit rf Presi
dent Lincoln vrili tako placo Thurday
New York, l3lh.-Herald' Gold.boro
correspondent njt: Them i a report
from Raleigh that Yar.ew will call the N.
C. 1ritlature together t repeal the seccs
sion ordinance.
Herald' spec'ul say tho President yn
terday revoked tho passes lo lluu'er, Ia-IcIi
$r and other leading men, to visit Rich
mond. No wai wiiiing h bavo si cenrrn
(.Ion he'd, but did not want it controlled
by those mm.
New York, 1, 5lh. News from every
point shows tbo most Interna feeling ol
hatred agalmt secession sympathizers,
There has been no serious outbreaks, A
sympathizer in Washington wai shot by
a soldier, for expressing joy at Jlyo death ol
Lincoln, George Wells was arrested und
confined for rejoicing over Lincoln's death,
Another man, who expressed secession ten
tlments n Wall street broker was about
to be hung on u lunp post when he was
rescued by tbo police, Three rebel prison
crs were bung t Indianapolis, for express
log gralificaJfoii at tho lucccu of the ns
easjios. fho universal feeling tecms to be
lo deal justice (n tho rcb? sympathizers.
Sorrow is pictured on olj countenances at
thj event! tbut occurred in Washington
fast ulght, Tho grief of all good men was
everywhere apparent at tho deiolEO of tho
Prceldentj and wbeo Ihr state of tfbiri
Prwident, 011 whom I y lit Constitution di.'
volve j ilio olllt-u of Prrtidenl. Mr, John
son, upon recuivmg I'd notice, nppeared
bi-lorc thu IIuu. S. P. Chute, Chlr Jul
lice, und tool: tho ruth a Pre-aldent of tLe
United Htute, und usiumed Its duties and
liiiictloii at l'J ei'cloil;,
Thu Pre.ident met tho headi of tho Do
pnrlmvnti ut a cabinet meeting at tbe
I'm usury Ji.-iurlincnt. Among oilier bus.
invi, the following wai truniucled I Pint,
1 1.0 nrrangriiieiiii for thu funeral of tho
Prwident wt-ru oOVi id i To thu screral
mercuries, at. fur us theyaro nlattd to
ihir nspccllvo depnrlmeiits, Second,
v in. Hiinicr wai nppolntrd Acting Sec
rt'lury of Htalu during tlm dlsublllty of
Mr. Howard, und bi tun. Frederick. A.
lloot HtciVtary, Thlnl, tho President
luriiiiiny onnouneeii llmt iio elesliol to re
tain his present Secretaries of the Depart.
inrfill as Ills Cabinet, und Ibev abnulil era
011 and illichargu their nypccifvo elulirs In
tho Mine manner ns before this deplorable
event that had changer tho hrael of tha
(Jorernmcnt. All buslnets In the Depart
men's Is suspended today. Thu surgeon
report the condition ol Mr, Sewurd un
changed. Ho It doing wrll. No Impor
tant thango In Fred. Sewurd' condition,
I be murderer have uot yet been appre-
K. M. Staktok,
Tiik DiTcniiAh's "Doxr." "Ctoo, yoa
recklcmeiuhler dut llddlu plack bony I lived
niUiliu bidlar ueit veiU''
"Yah, vol of Idiot"
'Jng! ouly 1 get! thcetcd burdy pair'
Vab. Yon icoln tho Ttifst place he lib
plint mil bolo legs, unt firry lama salt 00a'
eye- Den ven yon gets oa blm ho rare up
UeUllit mill LIcLa llll liefrim en v,.r...r...
cbaclc mnlo. I elluk I dako him a little rite
reiierejay, unt no sooner I gl tradelle
ma iiuluiiu vnnmpnb) ,ihi vw. .iin.t ba iiba
votm pveam 011 a post stream, tint ven U,
fit lone, I vas to mixed up mlt efery tinks(
I vlnla nfn.lr .li.f -J. x . f. J-
. ...... lu.i.jui tllllllg UIVUIKI IHCSWaiHl
mlt his lal In mluolmnts cr do prldlV'
nVcll vot j on going to do mlt bint''
"Ob, I vixvd blm butter chain up.
I hitch in do cart mlt hi dall vree bis beat
ought to be; den I alio him about a )oxsa
cuts inlt thu hldecowi ho starts to so. nut set
soon ns ho tees to cart peforo him be make
prckwardr. Den I dakta htm out, ellck bite
ele rllQ vay, unt be goes tto o(t ibutif
goot u anvpodv 'bony-'
! f.. jAI