Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 08, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. X. NO. 12
istye ! Bmttml
- - - - - L .. . Z.Z ; -7 J"gTWKJJMfcaM.,W-'WMPMBTMWjaiMaija
First Premium
Awarded by the Mechanic's Institute Fair,
San Francisco, September, 1H04.
Sporting Emporium,
4 IB Washington t., (near llio Post-olUce,)
tisa Francisco.
lmporttrt of nil tlatut of Spoili'v" ladle.
Con'lAtilly on hand ginu from llm Hot
nakeri in London, viz: Wllllnui Greener
William Moore, Jlooru fc Harris, Kcdlcrii,
jilla.t.Son,and nit other makers. Al-o
the best "lock ol American Hilled, i'lsloN,
and Carbine on thctracllloC'oasl.vlatColl'ii,
Ktiarp's. Hmllli & Wesson's. KcmiiiKton'ii,
nd all thu Intel patent of 1'1-lols.
Sharp's. Wesson's, llnlhml's. .Vpcnccr'n ud
JlenrV Patent llrcfch-lomllug Klllc.
pf Cartridges of nil kind constantly
Authorized ngenls lor Henry' Patent
Breech-loading Rille. Jun21ni3
HiTcniinj to I'ltnoc, dnmai k t,)
TlllE-I'ltOOK MUCK w.iuimioi'si:,
CA'll cantal,
& 750,000 OO.
GKfs fiflfi0" d!'01" ' Oregon.
OUjUUUaII losses I'nyoblo In L
b. Gold t-uui. Imuro against I.om or lium
K b Fire.
Janlltf. Jacksonville. Oregon.
X m. x X" 2sTX . ax c 0 jr.
T IlF.ltF.IIV notify nil whom It inny con
1 Cfrn. thai i still continue the business of
Upholsterer ami Paper Hunger, al my
o!d slsnd In Jacksonville.
All klndi of work in 017 line will be
Jtmmptlr attended to. Old mattresse will
w repaired, fluur Mcki Diade. elc.
Jscksnnvllle. Felirnary -till 1805. If.
I)KSOK.f within to avail lhcinelvc
of Ilia benefit of llm Homestead Ian of
Congress, can have Ihrlr papers pnqicriy
prsparrd. and their nfftdiuita laki-n before
tne, thi'tiliy saving llio axpeiiiu of attending
la ptrfon nl the l.nml Oflkie.
Final proof of Donation Land CUIm
and rcliuqiilihmoiit of or abandoned Dona
llou claim tnken nnd private culty of lands
made, tin application to inu At the Clerks
offles. WM. HOFFMAN,
County Clerk
February 4tb, ISM. frMwit
OltVIL nonfiK would nnnounc! to the
Indira and Contlcnivn of Jnckaonvlllo
mJ vicinity, Ibut I10 Iian pi-rnmneully locn
ltd In Jaektouvlllc, for tho pnrpo'O of Ink
Ins picture In all the Improved art of l'ho
toumpliy, ami would rcrpcctfully aollcit a
liare or Ike pulillc pntMimxe.
ItOOUS opK3.1te 1'. J. ltvim'a New Ilrlck.
Jackiouvlllc, December ), lfeti. If.
Watchmukcr and Jeweler!
On Oregon atreet, flrit door north of
lirculauoa jacitfeoiiviuo, ugn.
iUauufacturer and repairer of
aiitonoul Wntcliea, Clironomelcrs, Clocks
Muiical and other IntruiiKiiii. etc.
Alio, JKWKLUV muuiifuctuml nnd
repaired, oiler Ilia most approved style of
tkt art, and warranted for one year. I'rlccs
According to times.
Clironomclcr and Wntclimaker.
Jacktonville, June 23, 18IW. 3m
IVoticc of Pnliic Kale of Kcal
( JBktHIt .
TIIK underdQiied, adininlslrnlor, will
olTvr for enlc, ou the let duy of April,
JSM.ut the court hoiini door, 111 Jackon
ville, JackKiu county, Oregon, oiic-thlul In
fereit in u Mining Claim, Mtunlcd on Sterl
ing Creek, said ealate bolouging toJumes
Sale tocommenco nt two o'clock i. u.
Terms of sale cah, paid in linud.
11. UELLMS.I'ublioAdra'r.
Marth 10. 18C3. iimrlhvl
Sewing Machine.
JOHN NRUDElt would announce to the
people of Juckaon County, that hu ban
procured an agency for this .peerlew tua
Dloo, and wlltln n short time have n good
"PPly on band, This machine gatheri",
, embroider and makes i different
kld or stiKbe.
JackaoovlHc, January 2lst. tf
MAnlcamtry Cmifexnu lltreeU,
(Oppotitt H'ttlt, Fargo If Co't)
tascus tvtttr tUTciinir morkixo.
E. P. HCWnLJ Proprietor.
Rt-iKcr.rn3K-.7or One year. In advnnie.
rour Dollirj; If paid within the drat nix
months or ll-o year, live dullarM j If not jiald
uulli the ox.drutlou of the year, sis dollars.
AnvKitTistHii One raitare (10 lines or
It's). Ilrst nnertlon. Three Dollus : each
siilierjiicnt Inaertlon. Ono Dollnr. A dla
count of liriy percent wRI be made to tlioio
wlio niirrlbiliy Ihcyrnr.
M.f rl Vmrirrj rrrrltnl nt ciirri-nt mIm.
I. O. O. I' .JnrltMHivMJo JoilKt
'iWwl"'" mi-ctlng on every
t-t -" iin-mTiMvinnny 01 rncu
montli.und on FrliUy ltirnrothe nnt Cntur
dny In cusli month, nt the Miwnlc Hull.
HnithorH In good alnmllnR nru Invited to
intend. OUANdi: J AOOIIS, N. G.
:wul PiMir.it. U.Seo'y.
Trustees J. M. fiutton., Vm. liny and
8. J. Dnv.
MWJI'r' .1 .t ...". '
Warren Lodi?o No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
A I10M) tlirlr regulttr communl
'jQj'estlons the Weiliirvlny Kvenluga on
Nor prreedlug the full muou, In Jack
sonville, or.nnov.
0. W. Savaiik. Kec'y.
0. JACiltlS. K. r. IIL'SSXLL.
V.X" ZiAW,
ORlrc cpiioalte the Colli I Italian.
All Imi.Iiicm ciimmllted to tlielr car" villi
bflproiiiplly attended toj July 29, 'G'J.
AT TiA.Xy,
Jacksonville OnKoo.v.
trill prncllcc In nil tho Courts of tho Third
Judicial District, tho. Supreme Court of Ore
gon, und In 1 rtKii, Uai. w ur scrip prompt
lycollectcd. Oct. 18.
Albany, l.inn county, Oregon. oct'J2tl
Jacksonvillk, Onxao.Vj
Jacsionvilix Ontuns-,
Reildtnc near Ilia South end or Orexou
atreet. January, 2, 18b4
Office at lila residence on Oregon street
U'lolta tlic fount,- Jatl.
Jncnnyjlle, Ogn. AvcUit
Attorney and Counsellor
Jacih,onvili.ic, Okiook.
Office at realdence 011 California Street.
All bualiivrs eutruited to his care prampl-
Iv attended to. J."1!'!!,
f Pictures do not chevsatIfactIon. no
charges will bo made. CaII t tils new Gal
lery, on tint lllll, cjumiuo 111s piciurcs, uu
sit lor your iiKeues.
Dr. Ovfrbeck would announce to the clt
1 ,.r I...I....H i-niinti- und vlclnltv. that
hohn returned to JocWotivllleand resumed
tho pruetlec ol iiKiiteine. no m ij
be luuud nt Ills ld stand, tho Overbed:
Ho'iillitl. iinlew ob.-ent iirofeMon
al bulne.. Ui would respectfully tollcll
a renew ul of former putrouugu.
DiBBolution Notice.
T11K iiiidersigmd lias this tiny with
drawn I'roui the firm of Thompson ic
Davis, nud will continue llm practice of
i,.,i:i.,o Knri-nrv nnd 01itetries. in
jucksonv'ille und vicinity, and eollcllB 11
share of llio patronage, uuivo nt ins mn-
deuce ul me oiu .iiurry (iui-iiiruu.
Dec. 13lli. 18Ct ilecHtf
LOUIS HERLINQ ! concluded, for
the benellt ot thofo who wIhIi to roam
over llio romantic lillUofi'oor Man's Creek,
nu May Day, to give n Grand Hall on the
let of May. All hi IngonuliJ wili do era;
.,i.,.ul tn .nnliH llma cmnforUblo. Who Will
fnvor him wllli call on that evening, A
general nueiiuuncu i eunvuiu. .....
February 17th, 1805. mahl8td
Veterans &, Recruits.
qpiIE last Legislature elves a bounty r
4. ftluU to caeu recruii in 1110 ici"'-"
now being raiscu. iv aieo voicu
Five Dollurs
per month extra pay to coeh perron belong
Ing to the cavalry regiment enlisted three
years ego. Thcso amuuntri are to Ixi pal,
In SUte llondn. Those wishing these boudd
Aailj1 An w tftl'nM on
Jacksonville, J 12, '64. jnnHtf
ijm 1 inn, m jjh.mm
Dear mother, 1 nm dying death'
Cnld dmpne chllN my brow;
Coine ncsrerto thy darling child,
I-or I mtiat leave thee now.
And In thy fond embrace I fain
vi'otild brrattie away my last,
And ft-el Hie msplc ol thy love,
Till death Itaclf Is past;
While memory. buly with the pnot,
Wnkes many a slumbering thought
Of tiy-gone years, that ever were
With many sorrows frtAiplit.
I'm thinking or the lime, mothr, v
U'hen falher went nway, "
To Ilnd a heme In paradise,
For un some future day.
And when they laid Mm lis Hie earlh,
How and nu were and lone
Without a friend to cf nifnrt us
A friend to call our own.
What sound? arc those mother
My father's voice I hear I
He's enmo to bear mo up to God,
Aud ou will meet us there.
My heart forgets to beat, mother,
My soul unfolds her wings;
And on my Mhkenlg car, mother.
Celcstlul niuaic rings.
Ilrlght angels lloat around, mother.
Upon the perfumed nlr
They are beckoning me nway, mother,
Their cndlcs blis to share;
A glorious vision mother, bursts
Upon my raptured view;
TIs hrareuN beniitenus land I see I
My mother, dear adieu t
by overla"ntejeqraph,
iiKroiiTKU Kxei.emu.r kortiicskntui:!.
Xcwbern, 2i!d. To Secretory Stnnlon :
I have the honor to report thnt I occupied
(inliMinro this afternoon with but kllght
opposition, (iiii. Terry' column, from
Wilmington, wns at Fnirsou 's Depot last
night, und khmild be near this place to
night. Sherman' lelt was engaged with
the enemy near Ileiitunville, on Sunday.
Artllliry firing was quite rapid during the
day, und for a short time 011 Monday morn
ing. Sherman' right, Ihe 17lli corps, was
nrur Mount Olive ou Sunday night. There
hu been some artillery firing today, which
Indicates the grudua! approach of Sher
man' nrmy toward this place. All this
being strictly In accordance with his plans,
I have no doubt that all I null. 1 hope
In havu more nnd later Intelligence from
Sherman very soon, which I will forward
to you without dlay. I find the bridge
burned, but othvrwi.e the road Is not In
jured, nnd tho depot facilities very tine. 1
cnpiurid here seven car. Ucu. Terry lias
captured two locomotives and two can,
which he is now using.
(Signed.) SctioriLLD.
City Point, 23d. To Secretary Stno -
ton : Richmond paper just received con
tain the following : From the UielmiooJ
Dlipittch Harihe vlstory on the lfith
was a very important ami. bloody nflair.
Johnston telegraphed that In that batllo
thu confederate lost 4S0, and the frderul
3,300. The fight took place at Avery
boro, on Cope Fear River, half way be-
tween Raleigh and Fayettevllle. John
ston's defeat of the enemy lost Sunday oc
curred uenr Hciitonvillc.
(Signed.) Guant.
The Raleigh Confederate of the 21st,
spy: Jit tneaiuir wutcu occurreu u iew
days ugo, between Hardee aud Sherman,
we repulsed five sfsaults on our Hues, nud
held our position until our object was ef
fected. Two guns wete lefl because the
horses were killed. Our loss was four bun.
dred killed uud wounded ; the enemy' four
Tho Time' special of the 25th ays :
Lieut. Morgan, au escaped Union prisoner,
left Fnjettcville 011 the lfitb, the day of
llio reported firt battle, at which lime
Sherman' army was crossing Cupe Fear
Klvcr, and moving north. A skirmih oc
curred on thelClh, between the 2d division
of the 14th corp nnd a email body of
Fortress Monroe, .25t.Ii. The following
from Xewhurn hu just been lecelved here
via Albemarle Cuual : SchoGeld'i forces
which moved out from Kingston, entered
Goldsboro on the 2lst, with little resist
ance, capturing a large amount of stores,
including -10 railroud cars, two locomotives,
guns, ect. A portion of Sherman' force
which moved from Fayettevdle, met the
oiiQiny oil the 2Ut, at' Mount Olive, where
quite a large engagement ensued, lbe
enemy were overpowered and flanked, and
retreated in confusion towards Raleigh,
while- Sherman entered SmithuVId, hall
way between Goldsboro nnd Raleigh.
Sherman, Schofield and Terry aro in
hourly communication with eacb other, and
pressing tbe enemy closely. Tbo prisoner
taken admit that Ratejgli most fall. Slier
man's wagon train Im arrived nt King-
ni7i)onimi pi im I'tnii
iuui)!)uim livuijiuj;.
1 .
ston. The rallrond and bridges will be re- nwny the proud history of the pat, nnd
paired so cars will run to (Joldsbnro and laid open her fair country to the tread of
Raleigh from Xcwbern In n few days, dcvnitating wnr. She bantered and hill
The utmost enthusiasm prevails In the ,)led us to the con-flirt. Had wo declined
army, and Hit troop are sweeping all be- battle, America would have sunk bad',
fore them. Terry's forces raptured a nnm-
Dor or cars nt l-alrsnns Depot, near Holds-j or nil mankind. As ft nation, we were
born. A dispatch frnni Jewbrrn, X. 0., forced to accept battle, and that once be
21st, soys parties from the front state that1 gun, It has pone on till tho war has a
Vaiinnrmtinir was heard nil day Sunday, ' mimed proportions nt which even we In tho
and there were Indications nf an engage- hurly-burly sometimes slnnd nghnst. I
ment nt Gnld'bnrp, between Sherman nnd t would not subjugate the South, In the
Ihe runny. It wns reported nt hrailquar- ?rne so nflenlvcly ftMiimeil, but I would
tnrs that ahrlpiuleor the enemy with nr- J make every citizen of the litnil obey the
llllery. on that day wag endeavoring to cot ' common law, submit to the same we do
their way to ooler lines and deliver them- no worse, no better our rqitsls and not
selves np, and Ihe csnonnadlrj; might be a onr superiors. 1 know and you know
coaillet between themselves. I that there were young men In our day, now
Xew York. 2-t III, The Herald's T.nn- tin longer young-, but who control their
don correspondent states that within n fellows, who nsiuracd to the gentlemen nf
conptenfyrars Ihe Prince Imperial Is to ! the South n superiority of courage and
make a royal visit to the UulisW Slates, msnhood, and bonstlnglr defied us of
and moke a tonr of the countrt. He will Xorthcrn birth to arms. God knows how
be atleruled by a splendid fleet, and two or 'reluctantly we tecepledvthc isne, but
three mlulMers ol Slate, and innvc nbout once the bsoe Joined, like In other nges,
with brilliancy. Prince Xnpoleon's organ the Xorthero race, though slow to nnger,
commends Sherman's operation and lac-1 once aromed, nrc more terrible than the
lies In the highest terms, and accuses the more Inflammable of the South, liven yet
rebels of having fired upon Cbarlestnu. ' my hesrt bleeds when I see the carnage ol
It adds: They hove never been anything 'bailie, ihcdrsotatlon of bnmci( the bitter
but rebels against n just pnu-roment, hv.
Injr fur their watchword slave and slavery.
Xew York 2-lth. Mexican advices via
Havana, contradict the rciinrted desert Ion
of Cortina from the Imperial cans. He
was still devoted to Maxlmllliau, und is
engnged In suppresiinf guerrillas. Tin
troubles between th Emperor and tho
viinreii party 110 not iiii'iie. ihe i'npo is
Mi . ... .... .... .... a... .. . ..
sr.lil to hare rrmontratrd ngalntt the lw-
perlal order decreeing liberty of religious
Chicago April 2d. President Lincoln
telegraphs from City Point ut 8 o'clock
this Sunday mornlog as follows; 1a
night General Grant telegraphed me that
Sheridan with his cavalry and the nth
eorpi had captured three brigades of la
fantry nnd a train of wagons slo severs!
batteries. Prisoner number several tho
sand. This morning Grant having ordr
d an attack along the whole lint telt-
graphs as follows: Ilolh Wright and
Parke have got lhrnu;h enemy line, the
battle now rsjes furiously. Sheridan
with hi eavnlry and Oth orptj which w
tent to him this morning, Is now iwfvplng
down from tin weit. All look hlgnto
Second dispatch, dated Up, Aomt a
smash up of the tin ) the tnrmy In frost
of Petersburg, by Gens Wright. Tsrkcr
and Ord, wh have joined in the flgM.
Sheridan' cavalry, tin 5th corps ami
part of the secoud division nro oiaing up
from the west 011 thu enemy' flank.
Dispatches from Gen. Grant' Adjutant
General say fighting has beeu going on
for three days, during which the force 011
both sides cxhlbltcJ unexampled valor.
This Is all wo have received thu far.
but It i mluciciit to alio that all go
- w - )
1 .9ip;iiwi
San Francisco, 3.1. The following lei-
etrs.ro received tlii alertera'xm: u
Lake, Sd.rccclved at Sun Francisco at 5:0
p. m. To Gen SOW Carpenter: Oma
ha telegrapdio operator, at Omaha, ay
Ulchmoiid Is takcu and Petersburg vvaeu
ted. Oue hundred piece of artillery and
many thousand prisoner captured.
Operator at Salt Iiike.
Hkadql'aktkh Militarv Division or J
tuk Mummiiti, In the Field,
Xur Marietta (G.),Juuu 30th.)
Mrs. Anna Oilman JJjwun, llaltimore
(Md.) Dear Modam : Yourwelcome let
ter of June I81I1 came to me here amid the
sound of battle, and, as you lay, little did
I dream, when I knew you playing a a
school-girl on Sulivsn' Island beach, that
I should control a vast army, pointing like
the ewan of A Uric toward the plains ol
the South. Why, oh I why Is thla t If 1
know my own heart It beat us warmly as
ever toward those kind and gnrous fam
ilies thut greetid us with uch warm bo
pltuliiy in dayo long peat, but still present
in memory ; and to day, were Frank nd
Mr. Porclier, and Eliza Oilman, and Mary
Lamb, and Marguret Biuke, the Harks
dale, Quoshi. the Pryot, Indeed any and
all of our cherished circle, their children, or
even their children- children, ta come to
me as of old, the stern feeling of duty
and conviction would melt as snow before
the genial sun, and I believe I would strip
my own children that they might be shel
tered ; and yet Ibey call me barbarian, van
dal uud monster, uud all the epithet that
language can Invent that are significant of
malignity and hate. All I pretend to lay,
on earth oi In heaven, man must submit to
some arbiter. Ha must not throw off his
allegiance to hi Government or hi God
without just leason and cause. The South
had no cause; not even a pretext.' Indeed,
by bet unjustifiable course ch has thrown
j cownrd and craven, meriting the contempt
nnguhh of families ; lint tic very moment
the men of the South say that intcad nf
appealing to war they should Imvc iippcnl-
nl to renson. to our Conensa. In
our .Miens, to our
Courts, to religion, and to the experience
of history, then will 1 say peace peace 1
go back to the point of error, nnd resume I
your places si American eltlKens, with nil 1
their prima heritage, wncuicr 1 annii
live to see this period Is problems! teal, but
you may and may tell your mother and
sisters that I never forgut one kind look of
greeting, or ever wished to efface. Ill re
mrmberance ; but puttlnir on the armor of
war I did It that onr common country
should not pcriih In infamy nnd dlihonor.
I am married, have n wife and six children
living In IiNcaslcr (Ohio). My course has
beeu an eveallul one, but I hope when the
cloud of nnger and passion nro dispersed,
nnd truth emerges bright and clear, you
and all who kucw me In early years will
not blush that we were once dear friend.
Tll Ellta. for me, that 1 hop she may
lire to realize that the doctrine of "sece
sfon" is as monstrous as our civil code as
disobediance was In the Divine law. And,
should the fortunes of war ever bring you
or your sisters, or any of our old clique,
under the abetter of my authority, I do not
believe thry will have cause to regret It.
Give my love to your children, and the
assurance of my respect to your honorable
kutband. Truly,
W. T.SnritvtAN.
CORD. Tho fallowing I a Hat of the Presidents
and Vice President or the United State.
as well us thoie who have Iwrn candidates
' for ,(,, ()friw, in(e t)ie or(?ila;Zatlou or
Ihe OnvcrnmenT
1789 George Washington and John
Adm, nn opposition.
1707 John Adams, opposed by Thom
as JiCr.rson, who having the hlghrst elec
toral vole, became Vice President.
1801 Thomas JrffVrion and Aaron
Kurr. heating John Adam and Charles C.
1805 Thomas JefiVrson and George C.
Clinton. beating Cliarlei 0. Plnckney uud
Hufus King.
1809 James Madison and George
Clinton, beating Charles Plnckney.
1813 Jame Madison und Eldrldge
Gerry, beating I)e Witt Ollnlon.
1817 James Monroe and Daniel T).
Tompkins, beatjny Rafui King.
1821 James Monroe and Daniel D.
Tompkins, beating John Qulney Adams.
1825 John Quincy Adams and John
0. Calhoun, bearing Ardrew Jackson,
Henry Clay and Mr. Crawford, there be
ing four candidates for President, and Al
bert Gallatin for Vice PreIdent.
1829 Andrew Jackson and John 0.
Calhoun, beating John Qulocy Adams
aud Richard Rush.
1833 Andrew Jackson and Martin
Vn Ilureo, beating llcory Clay, John
Floyd aud William Wirt for President,
and William Wllkins, John Sergeant, and
Henry Lee for Vice PrtIdeu.
1837 Martin Von Huren on Richard
M. Johnson, beating William If, Harrison,
Hugh L. White and Daniel Webster, (or
President, and John Tyler for Vice Pres
ident. 1841 William H. Harrison and Jobs
Tyler, beating Martin Van Ilurcn atd
Rlohard M. JoIiwob. Harrison died one
month after bis inauguration, and John
Tyler became President for thereat of tut
1845-Jame K. Polk aud George M.
Dallas, beating Henry Clay and TbwOdorsj
1748 Zaehary Taylor and Millard Fill.
more, beating LewU Cs and Martin
Van Buren, for PresUeat, and William 0.
Hatler and Clinrle F. Adams for Vice
President. Taylor died July 9th, 1849,
nnd Mmnre brenme Prcldeht. r
18fl3-Frnklln Pierce unJ Wllllnm R.
Klnf, beating Wlofietd Scott and V A.
1857 .Tiimc Duchanan and John C.
Hrrcklnrldjrf.bffttlng John 0. Fremont and
Millard Pllmore for President, ami Will.
Iiim L. Daytnn and Andrew J. Donnclien
for Vice President.
lSClAbrsliatij Lincoln and IfsDnlbal
Hamlin, Ivntlrg John Hell, Stephen A.
Douglas and John U Ureckfnrldgr, 'for
President, and Kilwnnl Rverett, llcrschel
V. Johnson and Joseph Lnne, for Vice
18C5 Abraham Lincoln nnd Andrew
Johnson, beating George U. McClellan tssl
II. Pendlston.
Mr, iiifor.l-Tl.c mouth of Rogue Rl.
er must bo in many respect! similar to the
mouth of Cups Fetir rivet, of blockade,
running notoriety, being about th sama
depth of water, and n narrow sand spit dl
vldiug the ocean from the rlYcr, wllba.
narrow, straight mtrntier.
It i a much better and larger month
and river than Is the fiver and mouth ol"
lliifT.ilo river, ami there Is nu good reason
therefore why the samci If not a larger
amount of business may not be done by
.M'Kt-Is cnpHcllatrd for It and vrasels of
over one thousand tons haVo often fulirul
both those mentioned rlurs.
Versel, onco Inside, can lay Jn safclyi
while al Crescent City, for instance, vessels
arc much more rafe out of the harbor than
In it during Ihe winter. Another feature
to conipsiu with Crescent City would be
the faul that, In Rogue Hirer vessel Can
(and do) lay al n wharf and load and tin.
load It being quit smooth thus doing
away with the expenses of lighterage, load
Ing, etc.
The only draw back to trade with lha
Interior (Inside tho coast range) hu been
In the fact that, like Vuqulurt Hay, Rogue
River has been overlooked. It is now
claimed that light-draught steamers can
run up tht river about forty miles, anil
that n wagon road can be conitructtd tu
connect tbl with tho valley proper, In
few tulles. A trail will be opened out in
a Vie wttls from the month of Rogue Riv
er to tho "Dig Ilend," about thirty-five
miles, nnd from there to Camas Prairie, la
from fifteen to twenty miles to the main
aloge toad. This will test the practicabil
ity ul this matter, us It Is Intended to lay
out the trail as near as possible to where a
wagon road could ba made, and this, to ,
on ground scarcely If ever covered by
snow iu lha worst winter. Ho far a
known, and It 1 but lately known, tho
route Irora lllg Item! I feasible, and when
In good, woiking order Roscbarg and
Jacksonville- will be but one day from thu
ocean. QuiK Vivx.
lUleiLiburgJyI.rnli 50, 1BHJL
I.Kt.iND, JoM-phiue Co., Orrgon, I
March 27lh, 18G5, f
iVu. StntinthMy attention was called
to nn article published In Ihe Jacksonville
Scnvtitgtr, of the lfith, which reads Ibust
During our publication of the CorMlls
Union we were credibly Informed that tbe
Iicluud Postmaster, In this conuty, (t
thought L.land was in Josephine- county,)
made It a common practico to throw lh
pickages of that paper out of tho malls, at
that (.(Ilea all thut he could ly his bands
on. Cnn It be that I19 Is ul Ills old trick
again T Wu 'do nut know, but we do
know that there Is pot offlae vlllUuy prac
ticed somewhere north of us. Wu slull
write Immediately to tht postal agent, Mn
1 hope Its' Mr. Corbctt that'l give lis
glntlemon glneral tutlifactlon In tbe prem
ises. And so MlsthurMalone has been credibly
Informed that I was In the habit of throw,
ing packages of his paper out of tbe mails.
Allow me to tell you, sir, that you never
have been informed of anything of tho kind
by any trtdibU or responilble person, and
1 challenge you to bring your proof, Aud
uny person that saya that I ever threw a
pueksgs of tbe (,'orvallls Union, ot any
other paper, out of the mails is a LIAR I
I care not who It Is or any other man
Mr. Malone to tbe contrary notwithstand
ing. If people wish to pay for and peruse
Mr. Malooe's style of literature. Its thar
business not mine. A postuasler is not
obliged to send papers froas bis office, al
though I used to take seme pain to do so)
but some drivers refused to carry the,
faying that they did not propots to msksj
scavengers of themselves to tots treason.
Mr. Malotie should know that there Is
no packages of bis paper fSM through
Ibis office, except for QaUavilU) qd Cats
yonvllle. ,
Yours, Jai. j, Twoooob,
Es-PpstmasUr, LUb4
"Ksty, Have you laid tae U loili
and plates yet ?" "
"Ad' ar 1 bare, , trstyUsf lwt
the eggs , b' ghat's kldy wk, wr,tly," .
MBMlasiirnaiiiii & .,. , i,.,.,.,.. Jmm&gamiaji.MaaMsiiislsls