Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 01, 1865, Image 2

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    'S i.L --
Nl. M. UCTTOV, Eilllor.
'Vi! 5
mntsriimm.K." UitiAtVon.
jacksowii.t.e, onnciojs.
II. FHhrr, J.J.KitnwHiiii4iCo.,nnil
"W. H.Toby, nilrcrlUliiR ngtcnU fUr Nan
FraitrUco, Cnl.
E. K. Phl)ii, nilrerlUInc gnt fbr
aeramentn, Cnl.
List of Agents for tho Oricoon- Sknti.nkl,
K. F. Rtifscll. general ngcttt for Oregon,.
mJ Idaho Territory.
h. P. Fisher. San Franclrco Cnl.
J.J. Knowlton & Co ,do do.
Thomas Davis, AtipWate. Ocn.
FT. II. Illll Wllbcr do
F.'G. Ulrdsoye Kock Point do
ThotnM Croxlon, . . , .Croxtons Mgglns do
Wm. Splccr, JiimivOn-Jo do
Gov. Glbbs Portland do
I). M. Thompson, Albany dn
W. M. Kvans, Altbotiso do
Thomas Carr dn do
Thomas F. Floyd. . . , Kcrhyvllle do
I. W. Sawyer fo do
D. P. Anderson Phoenix do
D.M.C.Gnult fin do
A, Ireland Mjrrtlf Creek do
Geo. T. Perm, llilcnlmrc do
Tbeodrlc Cameron. . . . ... . .Union Town do
James L. Watson llwcbiirj do
Miss Hftttlo Hunter Rogue Hirer do
L.W.Sullln Fort Klamath do
Dinner Herman, of Canyonvlllc, ncral
Again for Douglas County.
Wantkd IJ. F. Unwell desires to :m
ploy some good young Union man to edit
this paper. He wishes ono that lias but
few eucmlci to punish.
It is with no email degree of rrgrot
that wo announce to our friends and pa.
trons (hat with this number ends our con
nection with the Sentinel.
"We have determined to exchange the
pen for its rival the sword; the Clmlr.
editorial (or the saddle. Ileforc doing so,
however, custom has made it our duty to
present our readers with a parting salute,
which duty we cordially perform.
During our brief connection with tho
Snxmsx, wo have labored, according to
onr best judgment, (or the best interests
of the Union party in Southern Oregon.
Having little ambition to make the paper
other, than a local one, we have dono what
we could for the interests of Southern Ore
gon, and bare endeavored, the while, to
avoid nny controversy which would be
likely to work nn Injury to the Union par
ty. Wc have watched the Interests of the
Scktinpx with the determination o.'nlti.
stately bringing It to a successful financial
basis; and to-day we have the satisfaction
of knowing that our efforts have not been
altogether lost to the Sk.nti.ih.. Although
we have not realized any pecuniary bent
fit from it, but, on the contrary, are out all
onr personal current expenses, we take
pride in stating that wc leave It in a much
better condition than wo found it, with a
fair prospect of final success.
During the few months that we have
been connected with this paper, we have
formed many pleasant ties of friendship.
wuicn we leei musi necessarily be loosened
when we break our moorings with the Sen
tinel. For tho kindntss and many favors which
have been extended to us by our friends
everywhere, we tender our heartfelt thanks,
and bespeak for Mr. Powell, who will as
sume control of the editorial department,
a continuation of your patronage and sup
port. Iloping the Sentinel will still prosper
and bo the means of tin final overthrow of
Coppcrbeadism In Southern Oregon, we
abdicate the editorial sanctum in favor
one of more experience than oarself.
Nearly every column of now matter in the
lat Jltporter teems with, nbuse of T' Vault,
Powell, or'OldVlrglnny.' It is self evident
that Fay, wlin Is editing the JRtporttr, has
T'Vnult nnd Old Vlrginny on tho brain j
and Hint lie is haunted day nnd night with
the grey linirs nnd ghost of T'Vniill, and
tho possibility of the approaching dissolu
tion of the Reporter. Ifo eccs In tlis dis
tance breakers nhend.
A few days ngo T'Vnult summoned
Miller to nppcar before n notary, to give
evidence and to produce tho orlginnl sub
scription, which was circulated In 18112, to
buy the press nnd materials of tho Repor
ter, und the bill of snlo pf Mr. I'orueroy to
Miller, for It and, nlso a partially signed
Instrument in writing, leasing the property
to Col. T'Vnult. Miller came forward ami
testified that all theso Instrumcuts of writ
Ing were in the bunds of his attorney, J
P. Fay, nnd that Fiiy refused to give
them up to him. T'Vnult being foiled In
this way by these technical, legal jugglers,
then nppllcd to' Judge P. P. Prim, at
Chambers, for nn order to compel Miller
and Fny both to allow him to Inspect nnd
take copies of these, original instruments
of writing. This motion was resisted by
Miller and Fay. fay, In Ids argument,
admitted these instruments wcro in hit
posses-ion at the time of the commence
ment of the action, and at the time the
subpoena was served on Miller, and that lie
had put these papers all nut of bis posses-
ston to prevent T'Vualt from seeing them
until tho plaintiff, in bis cletuencyAsaV tit
to produce them. The Judge found that
the evidence was necessary, material and
under the control or .Miller nnd his attor
ney, Fuy, therefore ordered Miller to allow
T'Vnult to Inspect and take copies of all
tLrco of these original instruments nhvri
Ing, within ten d.tys from tho time of mak
ing the motion.
These legal, doging jugglers entiled n legal
subpeena duett tecum of a notary public
but wo presume they will not try to evade
the order of Judge Prim for four of hav
ing to beard with Mr. Owens, our sheriff,
who keeps tho only stone boarding house
in town. Col. T'Vnult had not seen these
instruments nt last accounts, but the ten
days having nut expired, ho may reasona
bly conclude they will dodge as long as pos
sible, so as not to Incur the pnlnsniid penal
ties attached to a contempt of court.
Fay pets frantic nt tho Idea of the
blacks getting possession of the lUporter
through Powell. Don't be alnrmid about
Powell buying the press and materials of
tho Reporter. Powell has just ordered a
large supply of now type, paper, and an
Improved press from New York. He
don't want your old worn out worthless
trash. Foj had probably heard that
T'Vnult was disgusted with ills partners
in the Reporter, and he was preparing a
bill In chancery for a dissolution of th co
partnership and to sell out tho press, type
and materials of the Reporter.
T'Vnult and his daughter, St. Marion
T'Vnult, on Thursday last, filed their bill
against Miller, Fuy and others, alleging
that they were the owners of four hundred
and seventy dollars worth of stock in tho
' nnu. nml iM.tn.lnl. mm! Im( It I.ah.I.i
fisn mum iiiuiw.i.iii-, uuii unit it U9 iruulll
Read the new advertisements to-day, for
they are all interesting. There is an es
say on "New Arrival of Goods," for the
ladies, by Muller & Prcntono; there is "A
Card for the Spring and Summer Clothing
Trade." by Badger k Undenbtrger, of
San Francisco, for the benefit or country
merchants; there is "Tha American Con-fliet-Great
Rebellion," by 0. A. Davis,
who is the authorized agent in Southern
Oregon for this book, which is universally
acknowledged to be the best history of the
Slave-holder's Rebellion that has been
written; there Is.Uoelo Billy Burk's "Dar
daBelliUoiMeInterestlng to tbe traveling
twblic and pleasure excurtiontsts.
Last, though not least, comes the de
swfiptlet) and pedigree of William Darke's
few hMW,-"BIekTriBce,"Drum & Mar
tin'i well-kaown horse, "Dave Sampson,'-'
Bsf'IsBported Maltese .Tack," whleh stock
niters .will of course read-
i .
'rdeseral Wright says the road to the
Owyhee by the way of Goose Lake, wili be
fast for wagons by the first of May, and
tiMfM will be oa tbe roadV A post will
ha sssteblithttl Bear Goose Lake.
("( " ' ' ' '
Dmwjhw.- On Salmon Itiver, Decern-
bet- tta, 1864, Metbiai Xud, age about
41 yea, ,,Mr. Yaudei wiu an old resident
af Jaabaaa eoturty,
by Miller for 81,000, with tho money or
several gentlemen, and with $20 of the
money of 'Old Virginity.' and that this pure,
honest J. N.T. Miller, Chairman or the
Democratic Committee, fraudulently took
the bill of salo in his own name, after he
received the money from the association,
and that Miller had fraudulently brought
n action at Inw, founded on this bill of sale
to deprive T'Vnult of Ids just and cqulta-
ble rights.
It Is ft notorious fact that 18 or SO men
rurnlshed this model, copperhead, Pemo
cratlc Chairman, money to buy the prop
erty in dispute, and each wcro to own an
interest according to the amount or money
rurnlshed by each individual ; yet this pure,
spotless chairman takes a bill of pale to
himself, and commences an action to re
cover the whole o( tho properly in bjs own
unnie, and then unblushlngly comes out in a
card in the Reporter, to array the cominu
uity against Col. T'Vnult, and to get the
sympathy of tho people. To cap the cli
max of Ida iniquity, he refuses, until com
pelled by an order of the Judge, to per.
mlt T'Vault to sec tbe original papers.
Copperheads and traitors may applaud the
conduct nnd curd of this chairman, and
sympathize with such a man, but every hon
est, good democrat will forever detest und
spurn such vilentss.
To doy, the 1st of April, is Ilio time od
vertlsed by this lucrative, litigating chair
man of tho Democratic Committee, to de
vise ways and means to beat T'Vault.
Wo opino his attorney is the ouly April
fool that will meet him to-day in secret
conclave to devise ways and means to cheat
T'Vault or his daughter out of their just
rights. It is certain ho will not get n ma
jority of tbe committee.
Yosoalla, Oon., March 14lh, 1805.
Ed, Sentinel: U is my melancholly
duty to inform you of the death of one of
our oldest and most respected citizens,
Robert Cownn, Esq.
On Thursday, the 9th Inst., a leaning
tree, which Mr, Cowan was felling, split at
the notch; the part remaining to the stump
threw tbe trunk some ten or fifteen feet
opward in its desccut it struck Mr. Cow
an on tbe shoulder, causing instant death.,
Mr, Cowan woe one of the first settlers
in the Umpqua Volley nn industrious,
honest and prosperous citizen; n kind
neighbor and true friend; n man of conjlil
crablo reading nnd Information; a firm sup
porter of lih government, nml In ult re
spects worthy to be ranked us una of the
staui:chcst plllers ol tho State. Ho Iraus
numerous friends, n widow, and a Inrpc
family to mourn his untimely death. Cox.
Fay, who Is running tho Repoiter, over
the livery viable of Chigago .t Drum,
claims to bo a brother or-Old Yirglnny."
You snucy-brnndyYiice blackguard, you
are no relation whatever or "Old Vlrgin
ny. You never saw the Old Dominion.
A few years ago you boasted of having
been born and raised In Charleston, Ilia
crndlo of secession nnd treason, and you
drank loU of cock-tails and toat to tho
success of South Carolina nnd Jeff I)avl;
but since Clinrleslnn hat fallen Into the
possession of the Union forces you desire
to Hall from Virginia, l on may uray
about coining from "Oln Virginity" until
doomsday, but no one will believe it
livery cnntrutinml in town knows you are
cither front the bogs ol Ireland nr from
tho ntusquito swnnin nf South Carolina.
nxronmn r.xcumvei.T ran tiiessntii-ki..
New York, 2 1st. Times' special fays
deserters report that the evacuation of
Richmond is spoken nf openly, as an Inev
itable necessity since the destruction of the
James River canal. Tho wealthy were
removing themselves ntid their edclsto
such part of tho country as they thought
would remain unmolested. With the cu
nal gone it was Impossible to ford the cltl-2Cid-irmlunny.
A largo number of ne
groes have been Impressed to n pair the
damage, while at the s.tiitu time lint organ
ization of colored soldiers was rotnnicnccd
The Tribune's special says: A Richmond
grocer arrived today ntid took the oath of
allegiance. He left Richmond on the 18th,
and rays the authorities, in anticipation or
an nttnek by Grant, were placing in the
entrenchments every man nnd boy that
could handle a musket. The government
rrcordi lind been packed up preparatory
to removal. J-'iiornimii prices wtrc de
manded by those who hud produce to sell
There was great suffering among the poor
er classes, many or whom arc starving.
Prices or everything are more thou double
since Slicrid.tii'.i wholesale destruction of
the canal, nnd viillro.td. Flour was 81,50(1
per barrel; mlt, 810 per pound; whisky.
P.tllfl tirp ffmliln .....I Ai.ttll.t.., ..t... I..
-VW '. ,HII1III, llllll b.llj tidily VIU III
proportion. Rouril ut the hotels 8100 per
day. Tho common board of the laborer
was 810.
Tho Commercial's dispatch savs there
arc unmistukuble indications that the nb
els nro cither making preparations fur a
despcrato battle ur to evacuate Petersomg
u ml Richmond.
New York, 21s. The Tribune's Army
of the Jumts special dispatch, dated March
20th, says: Gen, Ivauiz's cavalry return
ed early this morning from a ride in tho
direction or White House. Chickahoniiny
was crossed at Long llridg'. Hecunnoi
tcrlng parlies wcro sent out in different di
rections. Four or fhc miles beyond the
steamer Ititrn last week, nnd drew n heavy
fire from inntty bnllerlcs.
New York, 23.1.-Tltc TIiiim' spceln
says: The slcitmcr from llenurort oil lite
20th nnd Fortress Monroe on tlio 21st
has arrived, bringing intelllg-'nco tlmt
Sherman's right wing occupied (Joldsborn
on the 10th. The Information enme front
SclinfieM's advance, which wn? moving on
Goltlsboro from Kingston, nnd U well au
thenticated. Sherman left Fnyettcvlllc on
the Mth. Sherman's left wing moved
from Fnycl'cvllto In the direction of Mel
chellV Station, itltere tho rnllrond to Ral
eigh crossed the Nome River by n long
and extensive bridge. This point Is about
25 miles west of Goldsboro. Schofield
having no enemy in his front would at
once form a junction with Sherman. The
Herald's Ncwbern correspondent on the
lClh says: Navlcntlon up the river hns
been reopened. Five vessel cleared yes
terday fur Kingston ; stipplics for the nrmy
aro being gathered by this new channel ; i
Is n great assistance Tor the limited trans'
porlntlnn by rnllroitd.
The Tribune's Wilmington letter de
scribes tho operations of Kllpalrick's env-
nlry during the recent rampalgn. The
principal encounters with Wheeler were on
the 8llt and Dili nl February. During the
march through South Carolina there was
much devastation, but on entering North
Carolina a different policy wits pursued in
Wade Hampton's attack. Our camp was
surprised in the morning. The lighting
was or tho most desperate character. Our
camp was taken and retaken six times.
At last wo drove off. tho enemy. Tliry
made several charges nit our artillery, but
wero unable to take It. The rebels left
seveniy-two dead nnd over one hundred
wounded nn the field. Our total loss was
two hundred and fnrtyflve. Among the
reikis killed were Gen. Humes nnd Col.
Allien, commanding n nrigaiie. two rcn
el colonels were wounded, and among them
tho notorlotn Col. Ilalne, In rnmtiinnd nf
n Tennessee brlgnde ; also 15 lieutenant
rnlnnels nnd ntnjnrs. The surgeon of the
Jiff. Davis Legion said he had every nnt
bulanec and wagon filled wills commission
ed oflieci.
Tito Commercial' special ssys : Rich
mond papers just received contain nothing
rnnfirnntory of the check to Sherman.
There is a scarcely concealed hopelessness
In the lone of the Richmond press tlmt nr-
buss well (or Slicrmm. So far, the best
Informed military ititlhorllles hero regard
Sherman's position ns eminently hopeful.
He lsntiro!icliIng n point wh.-ro the rcMs
must fight If thy wish to hold Richmond,
or to prevent the easy consumatiun of
Grunt's plans.
Ncwburn. 2Clh. The Shenandoah has
arrived. She has burnt d elf veil ships shire
leaving tho Cnpc. Ry private dispatch
from New York, wc have the following
qiinliitlmn of gold : On tho 2th, gold
went down to MS nnd 150 ; 25ih, fluctua
ting, closed nt lSC(rfl57 ; 27lh,MI to 1-Jfi
fJ?,H7 roo again to 157, and then tfe
clliifd talS.I, at which price it ekwd.
Dry goods and groceries of nil kinds
have declined in the Eastern markets, nlno
provisions or nil description ; merchant!!
ciiiscrlpttoB.tohcorlh. provisions
nr scarce commodities un Jiiciminitu, u is
proposed to send litem North. Tho Mil
rdjfKvlllc Uulnn Inslsli tlmt Is time Jeff
Davis' administration and executive officers
were overhauled, ntid thinks that the mass
es Imvc been fighting, suffering nnd
paying taxes without nsklng questions
long enough ; It announces that If tho pco
plo of Georgia tlecido to hnld n conven
tion, they will hold it In spilu or till tho
soldiers In tlio Stale.
New York. Stilt. The Richmond Sen
tinel of the 20lh, le.irtu that tho rebel
Coiiimndoro Collins was not killed by
Sheridan's men tu reported.
Near Jacksonville, on the 22d, to
wife of Jnmcs lliitnlln, a daughter.
it Within, Josephine County, Februury
Mth, Jksnib Siiii.kv Wkston, in thc22d
cur nf her ngo. Feb 22d, Pinixtr Hkn
iiv, ngd 23 day?. March 5th, Okoikik
Kt'iti'.AiM, ngrd 10 months nnd 20 days.
Wife and children of John O. Weston,
In Fort Klamath, on Saturday night,
lflih iiist., Mrs. M.uuutinT Sm.mnb, ugnl
.'15 vrnts and four tttuiiths, wife of L. W.
a -
i I on
tN tho Circuit Court of th ShuTT155
J. pon, for tho county or jaT.i of
V. O. T'Vnult and a j.?";
John W. McKay. R. n c , O'Bri.
I'mtdry. Oeo. T. Vlnln J iV"-D
John yin.jcn. Ifcrn.. ft,J . Jatt,
It Ml. Knspcr Kubll, Anloln. B '. ,n,
Suit l Chnncr,..
To Oeo. W. Kreler, ono of .il,l J.f.o. .
1 on tiro required to .ippew 0 if n.U!
day of tint term or tho 0 rcult ?. I1"""'
l.ufd bribe said Aalo and Lu7J'
Court Hunio. In JneksoBvlliW,!1 ""
Monday In June, lm,m " M
or detiiur to sa d eomi.1nl..i J r'a "'
you In said Court, or Jiidumonl .i?,n
. ..- - mu urph.
,1- ..
iii iiiHcnu nccotllll Ol Ilia ttni.1.
stuckboMer In tho tircr.. ir "' .w"t
slocft, fixtures and aiipnrlenkB.'S!
r o
river, towards New Kent Court House.
n considerable force of the enemy, bellcvul I "'"' llrn,'ce hate harmonized in their fall
to be portion of Pickett's division, weto
round temporarily occupying tha connlrv
Our rorces were quietly withdrawing tit
11 o'clock last itlglit. Tho details or the
raid were uninteresting. James river took
a sudden rlio this morning, ovrcllowiug iu
banks in ninny pluccs, but without doing
uny damage to tho bridges nnd docks. At
sunset the freshet wus subsiding.
Tito Tribune has n letter from Kingston
dated March 10th, saying its defenses nro
of a very powerful description, nnd could
have been held by Urnggs command fur
an indefinite time, had there been no other
enemy to threucn them than SchofieM.
Defenses consisted or two tiers or works.
Deserters come In rapidly and report
Iiragg's troops on tho retreat direct ror
Raleigh. This report i3 confirmed by the
inhabitants of Kingston.
Newborn, 18th. Parties who have nr
rived hero from Sherman's nrmy say we
shall bo ablo to join hands to morrow or
next doy. Ono of them says Sherman
walks over the country us fearlessly and
unconcerned ns a giant among pigmies,
and the enemy nro so demoralized nnd pan
ic stricken that it is doubtful whether they
will make n stand.
In a debate in the Nortlt Carolina Leg
is'ulure, n few weeks since, one member
stated that tho cntlro effective forco or the
Confederacy uumbered ouly 121,000 men,
which statement, on being questioned, was
proven by an official document from Rich
mond. The State authorities of North
Carolina will allow no guerrillas to prowl
within her borders, und have repeatedly
rcmonstruted with tho authorities nt Rich
mond against tho inhuman treatment ex
tended by tho rebel government to prison
ers of war.
Woshinglon, 21th Gen. Sherman
wroto several days ogo, from Fuyetlaville
to n friend that he hud received his sup
plies up Cape Fear River, and ut the time
of writing was ready to move again,
New Orleans, 17thOen. Canby Is now
near Mobile, An attack will certainly be
made within five duys. Qcn. Granger is
supposed to command the forces. Klrby
Smith is still at Shricveport ; Buckner is
still at Natchitoches ; Gen. Thomas is at
Alexandria with forces awaiting an attack
from our rorces. Gen. B. Canby, Graoger
and Dftlley Smith and Admiral Watcher
went within four,mllei of Mobile on the I
with the decline of gold.
New York. 2-Itlt The Tribunes spe
cial says: News or tho occupation nf
GohMioro, is confirmed by statements or
trustworthy parlies who have arrived di
rect from Richmond.
Tho fight iilluditl to In tho Rtclusnnd
papers of tho 23d, us having occurred be
tween n portion nf Sherman's forces nnd
Johnson, is understood in military circle
to have been merely a small fight with n
ticinciiment tent by Slocitm In burn
rntirnaii Dridge across the river,
The Herald's special dispatch says : The
report or Johnson to Lee, that ho had met
the enemy near Uentonvllle nnd ronted
them. Is regarded as referring to the car
airy flankers or the extreme left of Slier-
mins nrmy, who were surprised. Slier
man may have sent n small forco in tlmt
direction for the purpose of cutting the
railroad connection botween Goldsboro
nml Rafelgh, thus driving Johnson away
from Goldsboro, while It was being occtt
pied by tho main body or Sherman's army.
Information has been received that tho
occupation of Coidshnro was effected on
tho day of the reported battle nt IJ.ntnn
ville. Johnson's dispatches stale, tlmt the
Union troops subsequently Hsuimied the
offensive, thus udtnltting that bin success
was only temporary and iinitnportnpt.
Tho Herald's Key West cnrreopoiident
says : Fort Myers, Florida, hat been evac-
uateJ by Union forces, which have tul.cn
Fort Peluny, n Punta River.
Washington, 21th A gcntleutan from
Richmond, reports, that the rebels admit
that the damage done by Sheridan amounts
ift am fun unA Tr....iifi. ..
.t. vu,ura,, am mutilates mo strength
of the army in Richmond, in entrench
meats, at 00,000, Including tho Home
Guards and emergency men of Richmond.
Ho docs,not believe tlmt Johnson has over
15,000 men, though be had drawn several
divisions from Riclnuoud. A deep gloom
prevolls at Richmond. Evcrbody seems to
feel that tbe doy of reckoning has come.
There is much reluctance among the
whites in regard to the question or arming
tho slaves. Tho dispatches or tho 2lst, re
port that Klrby Smith has 25,000 negro
"P iTBiwizeu ono uruiMl. The Exoml.
ner lays there aro iu tbe city between five
nnd six thousand women and children, be
loaging to men who have ffed from recent
g, OB ! fci
i r
"Orogo.. Gazette" iiewmPer,nnd hrll
or said properly, and adlv ,w i of t"1'
ceedsot'snld L0 will bo Tala .' J
pmvur or u.o complaint will bo '"
itKiilust you for want thereof. 8tal
ily order or I'.P. Prim, Judco.
This. Tack will stand this teuton l
an.olE.no3LS.-s7lllo Oasu.
At the Stable or
tTolm si Drum
WILL servo nmrci. at $20 tlicseasoa,sd
Jennies nl $100, payable at the cm.
meiieeiiH'iit or thn sensnn, nhlch lllbi
April 1st, nnd rod July 1st, 1BC3. '
A lllcrttl discount made In tlio abort
tirloes to uny ouo wishing to brcsdanitm,
her of mures,
.jHciiMiiivuic, iiinrcii 'join, 'C5. ,.in
i. 2
m-i IssbsJ
'A -L
t i
ALL thoo who w-h to ohtnln n cuncd
mid thorough knottlulgid or the nllitlrs
oruuriivernmunt,ultn iltu least po,il.le
H ,h?W mtaerllio Tor the American
b,M ii.'i'k,"3: (,rk','t Uebelllon
In lit United bltiles, flowing its Cnue, In-cltU-nis
and results. n,0 mUm Clllimc ,
,,,.. tf0rma,,!" or "r tevcrnment, itud
races t he grcwing conlllct tnronKi the er.
I Irji period or our imilonnl existence to iu
culmination In open rebellion; and livro tLo
vai sunerlorlly orGieely'n history prwetils
a grami contrast to tliose' m,mu , W(i
ten. Tho first volume has nearly twice the
amount of reading inutkr (UiMea t.n
S l-rn cio,c.;Sed donbe-colm u!
T,,.00'?0J,?BW' ""I bears evffce
t p r,n"d ,,WP,C'0 w,,u l'"ert and In
r ,t m n0vc.ry ,a8- II orttiaUl. tailh
fill hlsiorj, written without passion or par-
tiZL'll lllns In ut.ll. I.I '., . '.V. I'"r
... .. . n , ... tiiiii,!, I 'III III in, nil,,. ..
tp.,nt..,l ..'1,1. l....,".V. "" "llisil uroa
rard to f .i.': V " "? ?in,Ul n "F.M
" i imur ur lirriiiUICe.
CnniasslngngentforSoutlicrH Ogtt.
TN every respect, where tho personal su
1 pervisU or the proprietor guaranUM
prompt and courleous a tentlon to nl tl"
icquirraents of guests.
This house bus been refitted and refer-
anl'tr WM.BUBKK.
-i!iH Proprietor.
., r Arrllirn. A,T ."
VcrilU Pavnl.l. i- , m .'.'.
Single Service, -"
Scaton, - - 10
March 20, 1861.
rpms fine J3LACK HAWK
Will stand thecnsulnix season at tits iUfe
or the Sulucrllter, at DnrdanolN, for a limb
led iiiimlH-r of mares, ut $J6 n tnm la
liold or Us rquivulvnl. Hit will nbostuj
nt my irshleuce in Sams' Yallev, Monjsn
and 1 iiesdays. Atlcrimtliig. amou tocom
nifiicu tin the Alii or April, and end Jalr
"Tills httrso Is u beautiful black, weight
l.'.'OU In working condition: Is lullslitHn
linndi hlcJi, tiiiii was rnlstnl In Do Ksltt
county, lllluuis. by Mr. Turner.
He was sired by Morgan, ho bvlllsei.
Iltmk, tlatit by tlio Impurltd Nornua
Itorte, LoulHl'hllllpiiK.
MiirchS". IOCS, alltf
IN thn Circuit Court, of the State of
Otegon, for the county or Curry.
CmtUTiKA Ilnitiar, Plulutiff, vs. Frask
lluintiv, Pcfendaut.
Tn Frank Hrlggy, the defe-mlanls
In thu Hume til' the Slate of Orreen. roa
nt hereby required to appear In the cir.
cult court, nt tlio Stute of Orrpon, far the
county of Curry, tut the first Mosjds; fn
June, A. P. lHfifi, and answer the cam
plaint lllid In this suit, which iinntppli.
eutinn for a divorce, on the grounds of ner
hiioul inJIgnliles, to. wit: churge of infiJ-li-ty,
etc. iryou full to answer said mm
plaint, the plniiitifl' will apply to the Court
lor the relief tlcmanded therein
'I his piibllcullon is by ord-r of the Cosrt
for nix cou'L'ciitlvc weiltn, linforo the neit
term of the Court. JOHN KKLSEV,
Att'y for rialiiiilt
spring &. summer
Clothing Trade
Nos. 411, 413 nnd 415 Battery St.,
for. Mci-vlmnt, (tan l''runcltco,
Importers nnd Wholesile
Hiitire IS'cw and Fresh StecJt.
Wc would call tbe attention of Countrf
Merchants to our unusually large tcjt
or tluods. Our stuck comprises crsry aril
cle In tho
Wo have constantly on band the lrfl
and eruativt variety of
of any limim In San I-'ranclsco. and our pri
ces Tor thciso goods arotiess than tltosse-f
nny house, ns wo receive, them direot fross
the manufacturer' consignment. Ourstocl
Is particularly attractive, and tho great fea-
turo to tho country uierobauts Is tits unusa-
ally low prices
Less than the cost of Inipartfttloal
Yt e also keep tha
Ststplo A.vtiolom
In the Dry Goods line, which Goods wo bars
putcliasvd In this market under tbe hatwaer,
and aro offering thorn at New fork
and less.
Wo publish this card In order that w may
mako new acquaintances, and Induce lues
who have not heretofore purchAMd of us to
call and examine our stock.
Good Articles fc Iw Price
Aro the great liiducemctuents we offer to
who purchato to toll agaiu. Mercbauts wn
buy or us can make a good profit, aim su
to their customers at a low figure, n W
main, respectfully,
Your obedient servants,
Wliolesalo Clothing and Hat Yrho'.
Nos. 411, 413 and 415 Uattery itr'-.
.San Francisco, March 25, '65. apljjg
band, and le coiistanlly tnanuraoiurlMKi
llEKtt, which be will sell in quoutlMes from
ouo uuart to ono barrel aad upwarw, to iU,Jvsj
purcliasers. Coll and tost hls,Llquo. -Jucksoavillo,
March lid, 16Go, "