Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 01, 1865, Image 1

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    3ty2 x
First Premium
Awarded by tho Mechanic's Inslltuto Fair,
San Francisco, September, 18Gt.
Sporting; Emporium,
418 Washington it., (near tho I'ost-oPJci,)
gsa Francisco.
Jmpoilm cf ell (hmn of Spotting Tadle.
Constantly on hand guns from tho flrt
rnslters lu London, viz: Wllllum Greener,
William Moore, .Moore & Harris, ltcdfcru,
llsilli A.S011 ami ull other maker. Alto
the best stock of American Wiles, Pistols,
n,l Carbines on the l'aclflu Coast. viztColt'i.
Ebsrp's. t-'rallh it Wesson's, llctnliiutnii's.
md all mo iiiicii paicius ui risioi.
Sbsrp's, Wesson's. Dullard's. Spencer's tutl
Heart's Patent Ilrccch-loadiug Uitlcs.
pr Cartridges of all kind constantly
Authorized agents lor Henry's Patent
Breech-loading Rifle. Jau2lm3
11,1 LBS JIBI Ittll
mm salj; of hie own cuiiino.
I Purcbatcrs will plvnso enquire at liii
Batcher Shop, on Oregon Street, 3 door
bote tho Post Ofllce.
Jickisnvlllf. January 21st. 1SC3. tf.
I N S U 11 A iV C 11 V O 31 1 A XY.
cash cAriTJit.,
B 75o,ooo oo.
GKf fififiO" deposit In Oregon.
oOUjUUUaII los-os Payable u, u.
h. Cold Com. Insure agalust Lorn or Dam-
sgs b; Flrt.
SACHS imOS, Agents,
Jacksonville, Oivan.
IUr.nUHV notify all whom II may con
ttro, tbst 1 Kill continue the biumi-ss of
Upbslsiercr sod Paper Hanger, at my
old ittcd in Jacksonville.
All lmd cf work in my lino will b
promptly attended to. Old nut trasses will
Ik repaired, flour sacks nude, etc.
Jacksonville. February 4th 1860. tf.
PEKSO.VS wWiIng to avail themselves
ef tho benefit of the Homestead law of
leorreit, csn hare their papers properly
pitpsrtd.aod their affidavits taken before
me, thereby laving tho sxpentouf attending
laptrsaaat tho Land Ofllce.
fist) protf of Donation Land Olalmi
and rtllnqulthmaut of of alunjijiird Dona
tion tlsims (alien nnd prlvatu entry nfUuili
mle, ea application to mo at llio Clerk
&i. VM. 1IOITMA.V,
County Cle-tlc
Fsbrusry 41b. 1863. lebfwfi
ORTIL DODOi: irptild annnunco to the
Ltdiei aud (iVnllrwcn of JucUonvlllo
4lclaity, that ho lia prruancnlly lca
tll JttkionTlllc, for the purpow of t-k-Jofplcturei
lu all tho Ireprovul art of Hio
tojr.pby, and nould respectfully tollclt a
Stricf the public patronage.
MOWS opojlte 1'. J. llyanV Nw Urlclc.
'ukwntllle. December i2l, 1801. tf.
Watchmaker and Jeweler!
On Oregon street, first door north of
lireniano'a Jacksonville, ugu.
.Manufacturer ami repairer of
uiuittol Watches, (Jhronorncters, Clocks
Wunral and other Instrument, etc.
Alw, JJJWJJLUy manuftcturtd nnd
ffpsirrd, after the most approved stylo or
tbi art, aud warranted for one year. Trices
according to time.".
Chronotneler and Walcliuulfcr.
Jsckionvllle,June25, 18tli. 3m
iVoticv pt l'jiliic Hale r Kul
Tim undersigned, administrator, will
offer for sale, on the Jkt ,dny of April,
leu. at thu court Jioow door, in Jackson
TUJe, Jackson county, Oregon, ouo-thlrd In
lereit in u Mining Claim, situated on Kterl
igCttek.kM ettatu belouglng lo J units
iJittoel, deceased.
SU tocoiomeuce at tiro o'clock l'. N.
Termsof talc c.tih. paid In hand.
J'arch 10. 1803. Wtti.i
Sewing machine.
TOIIN NEUnKU would announce to the
peoplo of Jackson County, that ho ban
irocured an agency for this peerless ma
"'oo. and wlllln a short tlmo iiavo u good
jpply on baud. Thla machine guthtN,
;ms, embroiders And makes i different
lods or stitches.
Jscksonvllle. Jonuary 2Ut. tf
ii. w. cnKHKr.
nontfotatty it Collfoil BtrccU,
(Opooii Will,, Futko It Co',)
iiMniimjjiwiuiiLijjajn'nijuJWJLUJfjJiu uinjuujuia.iwa. iigjk.inTiwviw'rrOT
U. P. l)OWI3TAf l'roiiriotur.
ncnicmiTioN--I.'or Onoyenr. In nitviuice,
FourDollnr ir paid within tho first six
montln of the year, tivo dollars :-lf not paid
until the expiration of the year, six dollar.
ADvrnTiaiMi Ono smmro (10 lines or
lew), first Inscrllon, Three Dollars ; each
subsequent Insertion, One Dollar. A dis
count or fifty percent will bo made to thoso
who ndurllKoby theyenr.
4 j- t.ieTrti.ton rectlrpOal enrrent rat.
1. O. O. I' ihlfltHliliViilu l.inltrc
Stat.?tzfeNi' 10, holds lu re-
witiimr mecuuuH on cverr
7 Tt II .!. ...B4l.A. .-
111 A llrt Anfilrilnu nr,vi1i
month, nnd on Frld.iy bcforojlhb llrstfulur
day In rush uiontli, at the Mavontc Hall.
Ilrothers In good stiiudliifr nro invlleil to
tittend. OKAKOi: JAOOllS, N. O.
MV.miis-l'mtnti, U.Rec'y.
Trunlee. J. il. Sutton., Wm. Hay and
S J. Day. '
Warron LoiIko No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
fi HOLD their regular communl
xgSrcatfoiis tho Wednesday Kvcnlttgion
Vor precedlnt; the full moon, In jacsc
sontiuj?, oni.nov.
John i:. noss, w. m.
0. W Pavaiii;. Src'y.
o. jacoiis. i:. r. isusikli..
Jackionvim.k, Orkiidh,
(llSrit upiotlli: llir L'ourl Heme.
All liiifliieM couiciltted to their enrn will
b promptly attended to. July 'J, '62.
b.'f. do well, " ""
jOuKC Xj.'VC",
jArirso.NViM.K, OitKi.o.v.
(Till practice lu ull (lie Courts of tho Third
luJIcUl DUIrlct, tln Hupremo Court ofOro
juii.jud In Vrclu,Cal. Wurh'ctlpproiopt-lyculli-clcd.
Oct. 18.
attorxj:v i- cou.xsr.Li.ou,
AHuny. I .Inn county, Orrgon. ocl22tl
a. w. GFiccrt,
Jacksokvim.k, Orkgo.v.
JiCivoxvw.u: Or.zuov,
IUsIlno near tho Kwth end of Oregon
iiroct. January, 2, ldiil
Ofllce at IiIh rcsMencc ou Oregon street
(I(i;ju.l(v tJta L'uunl)' JilJl.
JacmnTlllo. Ogrh d.c2tr
Atlonicy ttiiel Connsellor
.sT TiA.'Wr,
Jackson viu c, OhvnoK.
Oflce at renldeuco on California Street
All bjiiuvt eutruitod to LU Cfcrr probipt-
ly attended to. JJliiiL.
1H PHKl'AHi:!!
l.V r.V!SltY HTVI.IJ
If rictures do not glio Htlsfuclliin, nn
ehargt' will be limde. Cll at lili new Cal
Icrv. on llio hill, examiuo his nictures, aud
stllorjour likeness.
r. ru-orli. iL- uniiM unnuiinco to tho clt-
Izens'of Jackson county -tnd vicinity, that
IioIuh returneii 10 juciionviiiuuuu milium
thopraellco of medicine. Ho will Ua)
bo louuil at his M stiud, tho OverUck
Hus-pHul, unlcbs obHiit nrolesMon
al business. He nonld nspeclfully solicit
a lejiottal of former patronage.
JDiecolution rJotico.
THE uudcrsigneil ls tlil dny wills
ilritnn fiorii the firm of 'Ilimnpson i"
Daviu, aud will conllnuu tho practice of
Mnlliilno. Gurtrerv rd Obstetrics, In
Jacksonville nnd vicinity, nnd eullciU a
elmro of tho patronage, onico i ins resi
dence at the old Murry Hoenuteud.
T.'L. DA'N IS.
Dec. ljltli.JSGl "Vontf
LOUIS IIERLING Jim concluded, for
tho bcnellt or thoso who wish to town
oer tho romonllo hills of foor. Man's Creek,
on May Day, to glvo a Grand IM on tho
1st of .May. All Ills Ingenuity will bo cm
nloyed to iaakollioo eomfortable. who will
javor him wlth.a call on that evening. A
general utteudanco Is solicited.
b February 17th, 1SCS. mahl8ld
Veterans ,& Recnuts.
THi; last Legislature gives a bounty of
8150 to each recruit In tho regiment
now being ralfced. It also voted
Five Pollura
per month extra pay to eaeh person belong
years ago. Tliew amountH nro o twpals,
l i(,. linnds. Thoso wlthluc these bondd
Lwoulddowcll to call on nae.Tr
lAliUlin os iwuooiaii.
Jacksonville, Jan. 12, Mi. JnHtf
Poor llttlo WIlIhT
Willi litd mmy prlty wiles .
Worldi of wisdom In his looks,
And quaint, quiet sntllci;
llnlr of limber, touch'd with
Oold or lie wen, so bravo ,
Alt lying darkly hid
In n workhouso grave.
You remember llttlo Willi j
Fnlr nnd funny follow I ha
Sprang l!!o n Illy
From the dirt of poverty, '
Poor little Wllllu I
Nat n friend waq ntgh,
When, from tho cold world,
Ho crouch'd down to dto.
In thu day wew.inderrd 'fondloM,
Llttlo Willi', cried lor bread ;
In tho night wo wandered homeless,
Llttlo Willie cried fur bed;
Parted at tho orl:huuio door,
Not a ward wo said ;
Ah, so tlr'd was poor Willie,
And so sweetly sleep the dead,
'Twas In lu the dead of winter
Wo lata blm lu tho earth ;
Tho world brought lu lha uctv year
On tho tldo of mirth.
Hut, for but llttlo Wllllo
Not a tear aucmvo)
CoM and hunger cannot waVo him
In.bW worMioutc grave.
Wo thought him beautiful;
Felt It bird to nrt ;
Wolnvulhtui dittllul;
Dowii,domi, poor heart ;
Thestor.ii' the) tiny beat ;
Tho winter wltidi may rave ;
Little WI1I.I ficli not,
lu his workhoueo grave.
No room for llttlo Willie;
In the world ho had no part ;
Ou hi in slarrd the fJorgou eya,
Through which looks no hc.rt.
"Cnsie to lae," sabl Heaven ;
And, If IImviii will kave,
Little matters though ln door
lie u woikhouw ginvo.
(Rtroiato r.xci.uiirsi.T svs tiisssmis.i.1..
Oily J'olnt.lfllh. Hlclimond papers of
lBlli stato that the Confederate "t'oiigrot
adjuurpcil iliif dkvut thre. o'clock on (hut
day. Grout (florin were uaking at Rich
mond for the organisation of Colored
Iroopn. Tho following parngrnpln nre
from tho Ulclinioiid Whig: Mobile, March
I III. 'I lili city Ik (troi.;ly meunccd. Gen
Maury lu Uucil a circular, advising the
people to prepare for an expected attack,
and ur(i' uen-combctant; to leave III? city.
March 9lh, tnusports, containing 2,000
troops, culend tho bay yesterday through
Oniut's past. .March 1 llh, fourteen vca
sets inort', wllli mm, wire ndded to the
Hoot toihy, miking 21 In sight of the city.
Great activity preruiU in tho lower bay
among tho enemy, and lliero Is every Indi
cation of an tally uttack.
Mscon, Michigan, dtli. Tho House ol
Dclegattii have miopia! o resolution, re
quisling Congrs is to repeal the conscript
law, and accept men from the .St ilu undtr
oflieera of their own choosing ycss.Clj
nays, 4C.
Lynchburg psjwrs of Monday am! Tues
day bring "H dctuils of a rId through the
upper country, which, In view of the fact
that tjheridan hut communicated with
Grant from Columbia, wo consider it pue
rile to withhold, and therefore lay them be
fore our rtadeis. Tho Virginian aj n
Vsnkio division, sent in that direction,
followed the Orange aud AUxaudrla mil
road m far as liulfalo, burning the bridges
ut that point. Every bridge between
Oharlosttsvillo and liuQ'alo, a distmico or
forty miles, has been destroyed, and much
of tho tuck torn up, though tho extent of
the damage is not ascerUiucd. Tho near
est approach they iiitde to LynchWur was
New Glistgow, eeven miles distant, where
a small party burned tho railroad depot.
On Wednesday, a small party, estimated
at from two to three thousand, appeared at
Hear Creek, supposed to be making for the
south side of Janice River. Tho fine bridge
over the river being burned on their ap
proach, the enemy contented themselves
.with loud curses upon our reserves, who
were stationed on tho other side of the riv
er, At Kent Creek they had captured t
of our scouts who were left In their hands.
Au equal number 6f l,heir troops being
cut off by the burning of Tar River bridge
gae themselves up as prisoners of war,
aud were brought to this city. Tho raid
ers burned everything they found along tho
JuHici river, destroyed nil tho tobacco and
houses, carried away all tho horses nnd ne
groes they could lay bands on, shot about
300 of their broken down horses on the
plantation of W. R. Campell, below New
Market, and took ull the horses belonging
to that plantation, It is said that three
hundred yunkees crossed the rim oppo
site Columbia, ou Friday, but returned to
the north sldo. Tho Republican to day
says the raiders commenced their work of
destruction to tho caoal at Bear Creek.
Tho Ctnnl Is reported very badly damaged
for about twenty-Uvu miles below here to
Columbia, ncd possibly further down to
wani"Rlclimoiid, Every lock In tho cntml
Is sunt to be destroyed. In sovcrnl places
tho banks have been blowed nwny, and tho
nrqdcduct ut Columbia hni been badly
ihmnped. Tho deslrttatlnn of private pro
perly ulong tho ranta of tho ratdora la rep
resented to bo Immense. People were
Stripped of horses, negroes, menl, brend,
nnd many wero left without a morsel of
food. The Danville ReglstOr of Wednes
day, sijr: Our forces nro probably with
drawn from Kingston, nnd may bz prepar
ing to evacuate Gnldsboro.
Tlia Raleigh Btnnduril, of snmn date,
says Foycttsvlllo wosocciipfeil lovernldays
since by the enemy, lu force. It in report
cd that the cotton factories wero burned.
Kingston Is now In possession of tho ene
my, and Goldshoro is now seriously threat
ened by tliem. Otir forces have contested
the ground nt various poind with their nc
ciHlomcd courage nnd endurance. We lie
Novo the forces of tho enemy will be met
at Rome pnint south of Raleigh.
St. Louis, 'J.'M. During the telegraphic
Interruption n very Important message
from Jeff Davis to the rebel Congress wai
omlttrd. Ha admits Richmond to be
woro In danger than ever before; urgM Hit
seizure of all the coin In the Confederacy;
the s uspsntlon of tho writ of habeas corpm,
and n sweeping imprcsvnent law. Ilu
says the negro urmhig bill canio tno lute,
os tho negroes nrJ beyond rench. The
whole tone is exceedingly dsspalrlng. Il
isregirdedui u remurknhlc udmUslan of
weakness by tho northern Journals.
New York, lQlli. The rebel Sunatc, nn
the 18lh, p.lied bills for tlio lmpresmnt
ofn'avcs, lo diminish exemptions, und to
regulate conscription.
Fnyeltsvillo, 10th. -Today e have lo
n.lil FnyctUrlllo to the list of cltlii Hint
have fallen Into our (Federal) hands. Hnr
lire Istnld to have twenty tlintK.-ind men.
He withdraw ncr the river ycitcrdiy.
He Is reported en route for Raleigh. The
rebels skirmished nn the town, and fired ar
tillery ou the house occupied by the wo
men nnd children. They burned the bridge
al this place, nnd roninval all tho public
store they could by railroad. Sherman
Is hero. Many of his urn tire in want of
shoo and clothing, yet the army was never
in better condition.
New ork, 1 nils. Information from
Hi' army of tho Potomac shows that nar
troops are In tho best possible condition,
and ready to movn nt nny time occasion
may require Rumors prevail in camp
that the enemy conUniplnto r-vaeiiatltur
Petersburg. On Thuinlay nnd Friday tho
enemy along tho center of the line werf
very busy throwing troops from point to
point. At one time maulng atnncphcc
mid In a short time thereafter ut another.
Thus necessitating a strict watch on mir
center lints. Another account says: All
day Wednesday and Thursday the rsbcls
wero in nctlvo motion, In front of the 19th
corps. Their camps were struck, and with
in their lines largo bodies of troops could
bo seen, from our signal stations, moving
to and fro. They kept up an occasional
bold front, at timesjiwornilng on Cemctnry
HIM, and frequently opening upon tinr
troops with cannon, which was promptly
responded to. It Is believed they were en
deavoring to hldo the evacuation of Pe
tersburg, from which oil tho pcnplo have
been orrim'il away, for tin purpoio of fall
lug back lo their new lino of works on the
north side of the Appmnttnx, with their
right resting on the Lynchburg railroad.
A number of men of tho JJOth Wiscon.
sin wero killed nud crushed, during the
storm of Thursday night.
A heavy explosion took place onThars
day, which shook tho bouts on tho James
ami ApponMt,n.x rivers. It appeared to be
In the direction of Petersburg. It was re
ported at City Point that it was nn at
tempt of the rebels to blow up Fort 1IIJI,
which bail previously been evacuatedby
our troops, knowing that the rebelshad
mined It.
New York, 20lb. Tho Tribune's army
Potomac correspondent says all goes to
show that wc will have a short but severe
campaign in a few days. A scries of con
tests will havo begun between tho two
great armies that will cause the profound
st excitement throughout the North. ,
New York, 19th. Sheridan is lost
sight of again. Last Wednesday ho was
at tho crossing of the Sonth Anna River,
by the Richmond nnd Fredericksburg rail
rood, ond Is expected to turn up at White
House for supplies.
Tho Herald's Oily Point correspondent
says u dispatch from tht point ou Friday
atutc3 that ho hud not then nmdo his ap
pearance at that place. Scouts had been
sent out, aud tho pcoplo of that vicinity
said he had an engagement with Racketts
rebel division, in which tho latter was
routed. This was confirmed by deserters
and exchanged prisoners, who say Rucketts
division inarched icut of Richmond oo
Sunday to meet Shcridnp. Though Sheri
dan hits not reached White Ilnnra at the
time expected, no fears nre felt for Ills safe
ly. Letters from Datiphon Island state that
our flag of truce boat. Nnssau, which went
within two nnd n half miles of Mobllo to
cxehnngo prlsoncm, on the 2d, was fired
ttnon by the rebel batteries nnd compelled
to return. She was not Injured. The reb
els subsequently declared they did not re
ceive the flag of truco until they hod fired
fourteen shots. 0,ur fleet Is reported to
lmvo cror1 Dog Itlvcr liar.
New York, 20lh.-Tho Herald's Mobile
Bny correspondent, of the Dili, says that
refugees who lmvo conin Into the Union
lines from Mobile, have reported that rob
ed troops had been going from there since
Fob. 1st, and some of them to South Car
olina, but thorn Ftlll remained In nnd
nround the city, about lfi.ODQ, moat of
them however were citizens, many of them
very young boys nnd Infirm men. An at
tack of the national forces Is dally expect
ed, and many of the women and children
lmvo been sent nwny. There wan great
distress among tho poor. Corn meal was
selling for fifteen dollars per bushel.
New York, 20th. During the last
thrco days there has been great cxcltenutit
In commerloinl circle, and a panic In gold
cuused by ths favornblo military i,c, nnd
by the news of tho reception lu Europe
of tho nnnounccmctit of the cupturc or
Clmrlc'tnn nud Colnmbtn,
San Francisco 25th. Greenbacks 01
Cl. Nn later quotations of gold than
tho 21st, which wit3l7.
Washington, 20lh. Tho President has
nppntuttd John Illgelow, present Charge
do A flairs nt Paris, to be Envoy Extraor
dinary nnd Minister Plenipotentiary nt tho
court of Franco.
Boston, 20th. dipt. Pottlgrew, of the
British bark Sea Gem, at this port, states
that tho rebel plrnto Talluharscc was at
Bermuda, March 11 Hi, under nnothertmmc.
New York, 20lh. Tho" Times' Purls
corespondent says that nt a rebel council
held In that city, It Is understood thnt It
was decided to nuthorortzo rage, comman
der of the ram Stonewall, to nttack the U.
S. fleet in the harbor or Forrol. The Stone,
wall ctrrH n 300 pounder, nnd n thick
cuirass;, which lends to some apprehensions
u.s to the result, ns our vessels nro not cul
rntecl. Tho SpmiWi authorities, however,
havo mounted a heavy battery, and deter
mined lo have their neutrality respected.
Wnshlngtorr,-itJth, Information from
the army of the Potomac, uoys cannonad
ing va! heard nil day Saturday In front of
the Ninth corps, without nuy other object
apparently than to advlsa our troops that
they still lmvo nn enemy In their front.
New York, 21st. The Ilcrnld'a special
pays It Is reported In Washington that
Jilf DavIr has abandoned tho position of
President of tho rebel Confederacy, nnd
handed tho reigns of the sinking govern
ment to Lee, with the understanding that
the lattur, as supreme Dictator, would
make n last desperate struggle with such
resources as nre left In Ids power. All
kinds or provisions nro bringing fabulous
prices In Richmond. Every man In the
city capnblo of bearing arms Is pressed in
to service.
New York, 21st ncrald's City" point
correspondent says: Sheridan reached
White House on tho 18th, with a loss of
only firiy men nnd two officers. Nearly
200 huncrcd negroes en mo in with him
and ho had to turn back a lnrge number
ns ho was unable to feed and protect them.
Latterly, however, ho could do better, as
negroes managed to procure their own food
on the march.
Washington, 21st. Sheridan Is supplied
at White House with everything ho needs.
Futtiro movements of the Army of tho
Jmiifs still unknown.
Baltimore, 21st. Major Compton has
arrived at Washington with dispatches
from Sheridan. Ho also brought seven
teen rebel flags, captured by Sheridan dur
ing his raid, seven of which ho captured
himself from Hardee. Headquartors of
Sheridan were nt Whlto Houso on Satur
day, but he commenced moving toward
the James, where ho has probably nrrived.
Fortress Monroe, 30th. By mall wo
learn that Sheridan's troops are In the best
of condition, nnd appear to have suffered
llltle-or nothing during their long march
from Winchester. About three hundred
rebel prisoners nro at White ITonse, with
some three hundred negroes who followed
our troops. A large number of prisoners
were captured during the raid, but owing
to theTapIdlty of Sheridan's movements
many had to bo abandoned. Entire cav
alry force has crossed to tho south bank of
tho Pamunkey, and Is now recruiting pre
paratory to a new movement.
New York, 21st. The Herald's Sixth
nrmy corps correspondent, of tho 18tb,
just gives a report brought In by deserters
thnt Union cavalry occupied Jack Broker
vlllc Junction of Richmond, Jack and Dan
vlllo nnd Richmond, Multe3e and Lynch
burg railroads.
VOL. X. NO, 11
Commercial's Hatcher run correspond
ent, of the 18th, wys our troops have been
nndcr arms 30 hours expecting nn nttack.
Movements within tho lines of the enemy
for several days glvo rlso to this Impression.
Early evacuation of Petersburg Is looked
for. It Is reported Sherman nnd Schoflcld
nre moving up tho Wcldon railroad. Our
troops tire In fine spirits.
Tho. Ilcrald's Wilmington correspond
ent, of the Jfitli, says all refugees, deserters
and prisoners brought In by Sherman art
brought to that place. On tho 14th Slier
ninii left Faycttsvllle, marching towards
Goldsboro. Before leaving, the cxtcnslvo
arsenal fas destroyed It wos tho largest
In tho South. Several residences end scv.
crnl cotton mills were also destroyed, and
six small steamers burned. If tho rebels
mnkc n stand at all It will bo nt' or near
Goldsboro. Johnston having united with
Brngg nnd Conger, nnd reinforcement!
having come from Richmond, make n com
bination with which they hope to defeat
Sherman and Schoflcld combined. If suc
cessful they calculate to return and crush
Sun Francisco, 27th. Greenbacks C1J
02. Some excitement occurred In them
tu day, but they subsided to the nbovequo
tntlons. Gold In New York on Thursday,
the 23d, was 1C0151.
Mr.. Editoh: On tho 13th Inst., the
day appointed for the nbovo purpose, tho
pcnplo nsscmbled nt the Yoncnlla Institute.
Though the day was unpleasant, the
houso was full. Mothers were tbcro to
give their approving smiles to tholr patri
otic sons. Wives, to yield their husbands
to do battle In n noble caup, and young
beauty, to welcome, the bravo to the path
of honor.
Exercises were begun by the reading of
President Lincoln's Inaugural, the farewell
address of Gen. Alvord, nnd a written
speech. After n patriotic song by tho la
dies, tho Hon, P. 0. Parker took tin
stand, nud for more than an hoar poured
forth a perfect stream of fervid and patri
otic eloquence, calling forth round after
round or cpplauso rrotn the excited audi
ence. Mrs. Jesse Applegatc then caused her
fair daughter Sallle to read a short address
to tho Indies, Informing them that they,
too, had a duty to perform for their coun
try, and wero none tho less interested in
tho preservation of Its noble institutions
than tho sterner sex. This little address
(a copy or which I herewith enclose) had
tho happiest effect. Every lady present
signed her name to tho roll or tho Chris
tian Commission, nud pledged lrseir to
contrlbuto monthly, such offering ns she
was able, to its funds, until this cruel war
Is ended. Another national nlr was sung
by the ladles, nud when tho young soldier
took tho stand to invito his old friends,
schoolmates nnd relatives to follow him
to where foes were to be met nnd glory
won, it appeared tho very spirit ofelo
qnenco fell from his lips upon an electrified
nudlcnco his burning words came direct
ly from his heart, nnd went to the hearts
of his hearers. It was a proud day ror
him J a proud day for Yoncalla I When
ho concluded, nnd tho young ladies march
ed with waving banners to the tune of
" Rally round tho flag, boys," igin of
our best and bravest young men fell into
line, and tho old and decrepld shed tears
that they too could not Join the glorious
The precinct voted 61 at the last elec
tion it will turn out more than half that
number or soldiers.
God bless Yoncalla her people nro as
truo to duty and patriotism as the needlo
to the poles Coi.
"A Ecksrniricic Fkuale." An ex.
change tells or somo freaks recently played
In Boston by a remarkable woman, si
full of eccentricities as tho woman by whom
Artemus Ward was onco surrounded in
Obcrlln, Ohio, She got married, and threa
days afterward she began to manifest much
dislike to her husband : stole from bis coat
a pocket pistol ; hid it In her stocking ; at.
icrspud to withdraw It afterwerds : dls.
charged it by aoeldcnt, shooting ber own
leg; then got crazy; pointed it at ber
hmband ; pulled tho trigger and shot nn
other woman, who entered tho room at that
iustnnt, right In the nose. Then she sub
Thews wero just three days diflereooe-
Jn the age reached by Daniel Webster and
Edward Everett at the time of tbolr res
pective deaths. Tho former wos seventy
years, hlno months and six days the (at?
t?r, seventy years, nine months and three
' i
Never despair, says Prentice. If .the;..
stream of your life freezes over, pat iOt , .
skates. "a'
There are ono hundred thousand 'more '
women than men In Sweden.