Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 25, 1865, Image 2

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J. 91. NtTTON, IMIIor.
To me ""tcvur xxn rKitvAsr..or or yotn
tumsruxs em.K." Wiuhtngton.
gi m iiwih iiw w
T P. Mlicr, .1. J.KnnvrtliHi A; Co., nml
W. ll.Toby, nilirrrlUlii(;nKfciiU for Han
Frnnrltro, t'nl.
E. K. Flilis, nilvtHUIiiE Rrnt tor
cramenlo, t'nl.
List of Agents for Itic Orkoov Sr.vriNT.i.,
K. F. Uuell. general ngcnt for Oregon,,
and Idaho Territory.
I.. I'. Fisher Sun Francisco Cal.
J.J. Know Hun A Co do, do.
Thomas Davis, Applr-catc." Opn.
FT. II. 1IIII Wlllir ilo
F. G. Illrd-aye, Ilnck 1'olnt ilo
Thomas Croxton," . . . .Croxtons Dlcclni ilo
Wm. Snlccr Jutnp-On-Jo do
fiov. (ilWi Portland ilo
D. H. Thompson, Albany
XT. M. Kvans :AIIIioiiio
Thomas Carr .do
Thomas V. Floyd Kcrbvvllto
S. W. Sawyer lo
P. I Anderson I'lincnlx
I). M. C. Oault do
A. Ireland Myrtle Creek
rieo. 1.. Dean Y. Ilrnlmrsr
Theodrlo Cnmcrnn Tiilon Town do
James l.. vtntson uoscniirti no
Miss Untile Hunter Rogue Itlver do
L. W.Siillln Fort Klamath do
lllngcr Herman, or Cnnyonvllle,go notnl
Ago nt for Douglas County.
We undentand tint the limits of ths Bis
trlct of Oregon hnve been so extended ns
to include the wbolo State. Heretofore Ilic
bound ry bctn-ecn tlio two Districts Oregon
nd California has liccn tlio Cnlapooln
Monntslni, Whether this chango will not
work an Injury to Southern Oregon and
Kortbern California, whoie Interests In these
premise nro mutual, rcnnlus to be teen.
Much will depend In this rcipcct upon the
election of the officer to command tlio Dig'
trltt of Oregon. The natural outlet for the
country thui cut off from the District of
California, Ii toward) San Fraiictico; In that
alio, are nil Iti channel of business.
From all point In tho southern tier rf
the countlei of Oregon, Including F't Klam
ath and the country beyond to tho Oivjhee
mines, the Head Quarter of tho District of
California Sacramento and Department
Head Quarters, at Sin Franclico, are much
easier of access Iban Fort Vancouver, lie
tide thli, local Interests and prejudices are
now likely to enter Into the conduct or Mill,
tary matters for the region uf country
inus assigned, oa It ?iug already exempli
fied by our cotemporary nt tho Dalle.
These Innuencei lave heretofore been barm
less, because they were fully understood by
the officer whom they were deilgucd to
Influence. This afc-gnard Is now re-moved,
and wo arc Included in the District of Ore
gon, where tho prcpouderasce of the wealth
and political power or tho Slate Is gre.uly
against us, and wo confew that we view the
change with serious misgivings at tq Its fi
nal remit. Our old commander has exer
cised au Infinitely greater amount or care
for tho welfare of this frontier, than was
ever bestowed upon It by all or his prcdo
ceiorf, and we-hopo that tho plans which
have been Inaugurated and partially oxecu
ted under his direction, rcspectlug It, may
be carried Into tho fullest effect.
8Ince writing tho above, we wcro pleased
to learn that Col. 1. F. Ututy bos been ap
pointed to the command or tho District or
Oregon. Tbls.no believe, will removciU
uuirus. irora toe minds or lb people or
ooumcrn uregou regaruing the change in
tho District. Col. Maury Is thoroughly
csnveriant with the affairs or Oregon, uud
we are coaOdeut that tho people or this por
tlta or tho District, will como in ror their
Just share of publlobenellts, under the ad
ministration of the new commander.
-Una Tootu. Our old friend, Capt.
Baltmarib, laid on our table, this week.n
relic of tho days that were, !u the shape or
a huge molar tooth of some extinct species
of aDlm.il. The tooth was ULen from his
claim, at Sterling, fourteen feet below the
urfacc, and measures three by four incites
cross the molar surface. It is completely
petrified, the enamel being preserved per
fect. As it Is Tery little worn, it must
nave oeioogtci to a very young animal
Tiut warm bearlcd and jovial host, R.
Benedict, this week, by advertisement, no
tlfles tbe publio that ho designs giving n
ball on the 3d ol May next. "That is the
ptaoe (o get yonr money baqk" in fun and
"good times," as you will be ready to nd
nit if you attend tbe lull.
Pat Yon Tasks Those interested,
should renembcr that tbe 28tb of this
sooth fa .tbe last ebanco to pay (heir U.
8. Ttxos without cost.
,Wk would call attention to tbe card of
Ottorn k SsmIoos. Tbom wishing to do
basfasm fa their line cannot do better than
to patronise this firm.
Those wishing to ship goods by nay of
Kd Bluif, would do well to read tbe card of
Cwsstoek fc Msrtlu.
Fny Isntlll cxcrctBid nliout tlio ca!o of
Miller ugnlnst T'Vunli. last week lii-s
"lender" In t'uc Reporter was on tbo sub
ject. Ilo throws up perjury ngnlnst Col.
T'Vnult uml rails at Howell for defending
him on the charge of peijury mado nenrly
ten yenrs ngo nnd uoliut DnwcH'sclnlin
for Bunnliw furiiii-lictl the volunteers of
186-1. Wo would respectfully inform lilm,
tho Reporter, nnd nil who urc inclined to
violate law, that Dowcll lias quit defending
criminals, nnd now oflVrii his wrviccs ns
prosccutorj nlso, that Hon, V. I'. I'rini,
who nsolsted In defending T'Vnnlt, is now
JudL'c of this Judicial Circuit, nud that
his old ennnot now bo obtained In behalf
ofcrimlualsj therefore, nil who ure prtdu--pojed
to violate law, like the Reporter and
Its particular friend, bad better bo n little
cniitlous or they might not faro us well n9
Col. T'Vuult did. You show that you
have n vlni1ictlc, wlckitl nnd depraved
heart by taunting nu old man witli perjury,
who has been honorably acquitted by nn
honest, good and Intelligent jury nf his
country, nearly ten jmrs ugo. This Is not
nil. You well know tho good ptople of
this county upplauded the cnlict of the
Jury by immediately n(tor.nrd dieting
him to tho Legislative Afeiubly of Ore
gon, The legislature rntilkil mid confirm
ed the JuatiiCFS nf the uriliet of the jury
nnd pcojde, by ilccllng Col. T'Vnult Speak
er of the House of llepreienlatlvrs, ut Its
(list seislon nftcr the charge of pirjiiry
was limdu against blm.
Wo ntc not tbo spfcinl iUTnd.'r of
Col. T'Viiult. T'Vuult, l'ny nnd Miller
nro utl modern Democrats nf the eccisli or
dor. We only wlh tn state fuels nnd cor
rect false impressions. (joiI knows, T'Vuult,
as n modern Copperhead, lins sins ciiourIi
to nnsner for without being, launtiil with
perjury. If ihe Copiierlieuds have nut
lucd the Millers to kill tlT Col. T'Vuiilt.
(till be has good cauo lo ronicmbur tlio .Mil
ler family. John I'. Miller, who run for
governor ol Oregon n few y.-urs ngo, was
forcmin of tlio Grand Jury which found
the; Indictment for perjury ngaliut (Jul,
T'Vault. Now, his brother, J. Js T. Mil
ler, sues T'Vuult for the ires, t)po nnd
nrnteriul of the Oregon Intelligence) , for
the purpose of placing u newspaper in tin1
hands of u reck lew, vindictive youth to
persecute nu old mail iho-e head is blot.
lomlng for tho grave. It U fit und appro-
priatc for such to burlesque the volunteers
of 18jI,oik1 to call it uu "Expedition to
fight the Emigrants."
This same John I'. Miller was one of
the first men that signal the roll of vnluu'
tccrs, to protect the liws nud properly of
the cmigruuta of 18.'it. After lie signed
the roll of volunteers, he clectiuuicred for
captain of the company, but was disgrace
lully beaten by his brntlicr-Iu-Uw, ,Jce
Wulkcr. Wlicu he could not lie made
captain or tho company, he shamefully
ilitetted tho ruuks und ba'amc one of the
bitterest cncmlen of the rxjicditlon.
From the day John I'. Miller saw be
was beaten fur caplnlu, lie ui.d nil the pli
able tools or the Democratic parly, such
as Miller, Hush, I'ay and Mulnnc, liuvo
been opposed to tho payment of the volun
teer, nnd the payment of tliilr expenses'
In ISM. They nro ufruld to ntt'ncl; the
volunteers directly, but they nttock thtm
and their interests, indirectly, by nttuckiiig
(lie principal cluinn and the claim holder,
and by burleiqulng the cxpidition, culling
It the "Expedition to Fight the Emi
grants." Tills prevents tho payment, not
only of tho claims, but the volunteers. It
is impossible to get tho volunteers paid
without paying nil just expenses. Hence
to grntiry their malice, they call it the
'Expedition to Fight the Emigrants."
Fay says the claim of Dowcll, for some
81.1,000, is too much for bis party tostund.
Dowcll' claim is for transportation, one!
for tho meat and bread which' the volun
teers and emigrants of 185 cat. These
volunteers wero all regularly culled into
service by John W. Davis, then the Gov.
crnor of Oregon, nnd the just expenses nnd
serview of the volunteers ore over fifty
thousand dollars.
We call upon the emigrants who cat the
flour nnd meat, which was purchased with
Dowell'a money, to know if they will mp.
port men who willfully taunt un old, gray
headed man with peijury, who bus been
honorably acquitted, nnd who, nlso, burles
ques those who have b'een your protectors
ogalnst a ruthless, savagu foe, and who
supplied you with bread nnd meat when
you wero destitute, and hungry.
FnEACjiiKQ. To the citizens of Jack-
sonville nnd vicinity : I expect to preach
to thoso that will favor me with their
hearing, on the 3d Lords day in April,
1805, nt 11 o'clock, in tbe court house, in
Jacksonville, at which time J expect to
contrast the religions of tho present day,
with Iherellglon of tbe Bible.
Mauti.n Pirrr.ttsox.
J. M. Fui.i,EiTTorf, Esq., recruiting oC
ccr in Southern Oregon, for tbe cavalry, ar
rived in town ou Tbursday, to make ar
rangements for recruiting In this county.
Mr.Fullertou is anil energetic gentlenan,
and will make au, efficient officer.
. Ebratcw. In tbe report of tbe Super
fntccdent or, Common Schools, published,
the amount in cnin, on hand March Cth,
should read 12,117 78, instead of S 1,1 1,7
"Cou" will uppear next week.
Fellow Citizyu.l would encourage tho
young men nf Orrgon, able to bear arms,
to enlist on the score of Interest.
There nre many good young men nmong
us who depend upon the bonet labor of
their linnds for n support.. The pay, boun
ties, comfortable clothing, free medical at
tendance by the best of surgeons In sickness,
their wnges going on whether sick or well,
nnd in cnc they shall In nny way bo dis
abled while In service, the certainty of be
ing supported nnd enred for the rest of their
lives by Uncle Sum, tho most generous nnd
best of kinsmen, offer to Mich high prom
ise of gain in the service ol so generous nn
The bounty, Slate nnd Federal, added
to the pay of a prlvntc soldier for three
yenrs nmnunts to the sum of l.Olli dollars,
or 3-12 dollars per annum. It h true, ex
cept l.r0 dollars, ft lie Stntc bnuntv, which
is gold or its rqiilvnlfiit,) this sum will be
paid in greenbacks j but us no more ol
these will be Issued, It Is more than proba
ble they nlso may be ns good m gold by
tlicml of three ymrs, 119 those now In cir
culation nre being rnptdly tnkcii up by the
sole of bonds uud the collection of taxes.
And ns food und clothing, which draws no
largely upon the wnges of tbo laborer, is
furnished free to the soldier, lie' may nt the
end or bis ten have nioru tbuu 0110 thou
sand dollars. More, I venture tn say, than
many laborers or even nifchuulra will bo
able tn save from their wages in the next
three yiurs. Besides this, Uncle Sum on
ly nsks of his soldiers to fight his buttles,
not lo labor exeept when It Is iiccviMr?
for the soldier's comfort, safety or ruccess.
For other work, nnd be generally has pleii.
ty to do, ho pays eillz-iu to do it, or if 11
soldier wnhei to work he is excused for the
time from mllltury duty, nnd bis wnges ure
iloublid. Activo cumpatgns on this const
c:in be made only In rummer, to that' foi
hnlf the year the soldier is in winter quar
ters. Uncle Sam llliea to indulgo bis
faithful nephews. He llkci to muko tlicm
happy. When lie can spurn them bo nl
lows them to go home to fco their friends,
their pircnts, brothers, sisters, their wives
nnd children if they havo them J but to
most of you the dcurcst privilege of
nil to spend the holidays with the girl
you love best.
Some pnrcnts objct to their young nn
going Into tho uriny.brcunse they fear they
will bo under bad influences, contract bad
liuhiu nud bad morals. There was weight
in tills objection us applied to the nrmy be
fore the wur, 2o patriotic motive nt
thut limn stimulated enlistments, the pay
whs only half what it now is, the bounty
merely u lew dollars to bind tho recruit,
the whole not amounting to more than one
third the wages ol a common lubnrcr.
Where neither patriotism, glory or tin
adequate uwurd induced enlistments, it whs
natural tn siect the "tlnv nf peace" sol
dier tn bo n degraded character, who, cith
er from mint of diameter, industry, or so
briety, shed out a degradtd cxlsttuico in
Uncle Sam's liicry. With such I udmit
no innocent youth should be brought in
But now If is different so different In
deed that so far as young men nro conrernwl.
the nrmy and civil life have ebunged char
acter in regard to morality. Unfortunate
ly tlio nppllunces fur the formation nnd in
diligence of vicious habits nre everywhere
present, more accessible tn the citizen than
to tbe soldier. The natural sympathy of
the vicious for the vicious, and tho affinity
ofcrimo of nil names, krep tho gumbol
era, thieves nnd profligates nt home with
tlio traitors, so that It will be here ns in
the East, the best nnd bravest youtli of
the country will bo found in the nrmy,
whllo trnllors, cowards, and vaga
bonds will bo found in their
usual haunts. It is also objected by par
ents to the enlistment of their young sons
that it will Intorfero with their education.
This also Is a mistake. A youtli of six
teen or over, able to enter the runks of the
army, has arrived at the oge when tbe
"stuffing" process of education cannot be
used upon him. He has by that age
showed a preference or adaptation to the
part lu life be is best calculated to
(ill, nnd whatever that be, be must pursue
it himself, and with his own free will, if he
wins success. He is never likely to be
come successful in n pursuit forced upou
him contrary to his inclinations. But if be
inclines to devote his leisure to study, or
tbe acquisition, or au art, or bundcraft, be
Is sure to find In our army as now consti
tuted, able tutors in every art and science,
and in every branch of iudustry, As an
Illustration of this, allow me to tell you of
a boy whose father fell in one of the early
skirmishes of tho Revolution. Jlis moth
er's poverty compelled her to bind him ap
prentice lo a trade be did not like. He
fled from his indentures and joined tbe
army of Washington at the oge of twelve,
too small to carry a musket. One of those
rudo instruments of music was placed in
his bands whose shrill piercing notes stirs
tho heart of tbe old soldier as the sound of
the bugle Btirs tbe war-horse. Dare-foot
and half naked be paastd tbe terrible win
ter at Valley Forge. He was at Brandy
wine. Moamouth,l'rInetOB,Treuton nod tbe
crowning victory at Yorktown. He pass
ed throngli all these dancers unhurt except
by a single thrust of a British bayonet at
Monmoutlu He bad no educatloowhen he
entered the army, no tutor but his noble
ncarieei Captain, no means to purchase
unnht nr !nstrum:iits, for it took u whole
year of bis pay t0 UUJ n tw0-,'t knk; yet
from such n poor beginning, nml under rir.
cumstnnces so adverse, thut boy, when 1
knew blm, hod explored the wide fields of
literature, bad gone with Chemistry and
CJcology deep Into the mysteries of nature,
nnd mounted with science among tbe stars.
I nlso urge enlistment upon you on the
score of patriotism, for Its full stirs the
heart of tbo rich, as well m tbo heart of
the poor. Is to blm who lives by tlio la
bor of his brain, ni to him who labors
with hi' hands. By nil laws divino nnd
human, ucxt to God we own duly to our
country. This duty Is psrticulnrly bind
ing on the people of the United Slates.
Acknowledging the sway of a single Gov
ernment, Its territories nre the most exten
sive in the world. It embraces within its
limits every clime, every soil, and almost
every production mineral nud vegetable
known to innn. Its Government nlTonls
the people tho largest liberty, lor it Is gov
erned by the peoplo themselves. It impov
rs no Bhacklcs upon conscience, lor every
one follows the religion ol his choice.
The laws nro the most just nnd equal, Its
protection of life nud property, most com
plete nnd perfect. It acknowledges 110
IMvlnp right of king, priest or potentate;
no nristocracy, but that of merit; no tem
poral superior but Its written laws, which
every citizen has his voice In mnking ; nor
the right ol any one to ndm!n!lcr them
but thoo chnen by the people themselves.
' God has smiled upon this broad Inml,
nud showered upon It his choicest gifts,
that it may furntsii food and raiment for
countless millions, lie has blessed its be
nign Institutions that cnunthss millions may
live under them in Impplncs und pence.
A foe, instigated by the "Powrn of
Darkness," Ims attacked this government;
Is nttcmpllng In wrest from it itstcrritoiies,
to rupture the bonds of Union upon which
It is founded, to proMrnto it with its glo
tious Institutions in ruins.
The Government fuutidi'd by yonr fath
ers to bo nn entail to their posterity for
ever, la now In your keeping. You nre
bound by the highest and the holiest obllgu
tint. to transmit It to your cblldreir, with
none of lis loud marks removed, with nunc
of its Institutions ikotioycd.
It now calls upon you lodrnw thcswtfrd
for Its protection nnd defense. It muttirs
not who the foe is you ore to nuct, or
where you nre to meet him; it Is enough
that be is an enemy of jour country, nnd
your country colls upon you tn strike him
down. Should we not cheerfully rrspond
In obedience een if it leud to certain
death? Death must be met somewhere
nud nt some time. Where can it be met
with lei's pain nnd mure glory tbun on tbe
field, battling for the cause of right? or
ut what ilme can we hotter yield lire, tbuu
when our country demands Ihe sacrifice?
But if it be the will of God, dieare or
death may find the shirking coward or
base traitor in his hilling place end strike
hint ms certainly us the brave soldier who
confronts the enemy in the field, and sbilc
tho former sinks Into uu unknown gruvr
'"unwipt, tiiibnnorid und unsung," the
inline of the latter will lio in story nud
song, nud lie written on the tablets of his
country's glory forever.
But should tho brave soldier survive,
und win bis laurels unlurnMiul, ho will ev
er be cheered with the knowledge that he
has saved bis country in the tiny olits need;
will be honored by his fellow citizens,
smiled on by beauty, nud his bonorubledls
cbargi will be a passport to civic honors
und offices hereafter, If bo fek them, and n
richer It-gucy to bis children tbuu u patent
of nobility.
lu Ihe noble rivalry for honor, tbo high
est prlzo will bo awarded to lilm who
makes tho greatest sucrlficc. Between
those who make cqml snerifines the meed
of honor Is due to liim who serves iu tbe
rnuks over lilm who holds n commission,
and if a young man does not mean to make
nrms a profession hcreuftcr, I would advise
him to enlist as a privute soldier, rather
than seek tbo Ices honorable but more re
sponsible position of a subaltern.
War Is terrible, but it is not on unmix
ed evil. Though tho means in the bands
of the Deity to punish nations for their
sins, like strong medicine, it also renovates
uud improves, and ns the thunder storm
purifies tho air and purges it of uoxtous
vapors engendered by a long calm, so does
war arouso men from the lethergy of ener
vating peace; it stirs their energies, it pu
rifies their hearts, and draws them away
from the corrupting pursuits of nieasure or
ol lucre; it stimulates o noble deeds, to
heroism, to self-devotion.
A wxr like ours of principle Infuses
principle, and like the atmosphere purified
by the storm, men, for generations after
such a struggle, act In all things from high
er and better motives, than when their
hearts are encrusted in the selfishness, and
their minds absorbed with the jealousies
and petty rivalries', resulting from the pur.
suits of peace.
As before I concludo I wish to give ex
pression to somo of my own opinions in re
gard to the cause nnd result of tbe war we
ore now waging, and bow and where they
wero obtained, I can best do so by ugaio
referring to the old soldier, a sketch of
whose early history I have olrcady given
youtnnd as my examinations of history,
and slight acquaintance with the phlloso
pby of ROtcrnssent "goeth not to Jki con
trary," I still retain those early ImjBslons
received from his lips. Besides (he know!-
eoge ue scista in tbe presence of ''prim.
visaged war," be also acquired principles.
n- "- wv "vnuw ui -i?riiii
ph,)il-ijiuki n.n."nwf n.t-'U''i sxjiyjsri
Among tbeso was no evident love of coun
try, nnd of liberty in Ifs widest srti'-c, and
while in after lilo be sotight no civil office
or distinction, bo always volunteered bi
service when lil country eultidto nrms,
while nble to under mllltnry service be
made the campaign hlmstlf, and w;hen too
old he gave his son to die In that of New
Orleans. Ilo "fought bis battles for liber
ty over ngnln," to teach thcyoung to vuluc
the rights of the citizen, and the rlghu ol
conscience as he valued them, and to die
If necessary in their defense, nnd lie was
prouder of his desccut from their indomit
able champion's, the Puritans, than if the
blood of king or Knun coursed through
his veins.
To the Puritans, though in n few in
stances themslves persecutors, the people
qf Europe owe nil Ihe liberty ihoy enjoy
of coii'ciinco or subjects. They lisve tv
crywliere resisted kingcraft nnd priest
craft as the opprevora end cnslavi-rs ol the
people. It was to tlicsc people who could
"found n church without n Bishop, and
rule a Stole without a King," that the
United Stairs owes Its freedom of con
science nnd Republican Government. The
Puritan idra, that "nil men nro by nature
free nnd tqtuii," found its way into our De
claration of Independence. To the 'slave
holding chivalry of the South It was n
"glittering generality," having no practical
application or iffecl; bntlo liberty-loving
Massachusetts it was a living truth, n su
preme law, nnd tho Misckvls or slavery fell
nt its touch. It was no new truth to
these sons of the Puritans their nncestors
had declared It as the basis of their Insti
tutions nearly two centuries bifote. It
was the great tinth for declurlng which
their ancestors hud sufDrcd persecution nnd
martyrdom for nges before. A tiulb not
even then new, for it wn tmylit by Christ
nnd his Apostles. Xor, fellow citizens, is
thlswaranrw one it is old as society
Itself. It is that "IrreprrsMble ccnllict"
that has ever t.xtsted between labor nnd
privilege tbe oppressed uud the oppress
or. It is n war rff ideas not nf races. The
one contends that labor should bo free, the
other that rnpllul should own It. Tbe one
declares the right to govern belongs to the
majority or ninny, tho other (hat the art to
govern is n gift bestowed on a few. The
one claims the right of every man to wor
ship God according to the dictates of his
own conscience, the other dsnlcs that he
can worship except tn the manner j re
scribed by a Priist. Tbe highest lyp.) of
tho one is, a government the laws of which
pioteelall uad vpfieit vone.a Church in
which men urc equals and God alone su
perior; of the other, a government where
a despot rules by Divine right, n persreu-
ting church established by law, filled with
unscrlpturnl dignitaries, bt-uded by a man
claiming Divine ntlributcs.
Wc now fiijhl for a guut principle the
greatest for whirls man ever drew sword.
We wage no selfih war, but one the bene
fits of which we would gladly see extended
to the whole human race. Onr victory
will even be Infiulte gain to those vvhocoii
tiud ogalnst us. The submission weusk
of thtm Is only to the laws wc obey our
selves. To receive the same blessings our
selves enjoy under them. We fight not to
enslave but to make free; not to opprrss
but to free from oppression, nnd we ok
them as our equals to enjoy, to the full, nil
these blessings ns we enjoy them.
In conclusion, lit me express the hope
that tl.o time is not distant when the North
and the South shall again sit under the
protecting folds of the fan e cloriouj ban
ner in pcaco and unity, ns of yore; that
the bitter fa-lings engendered by this war
shall bo forgotten, that we shall, as one
people and one nation, purrue our high
destiny, "conquering and to conquer," un
til civil nnd religions liberty shall be tbe
law of the whole family of mankind, and
tho homage man now pays to man shall
be paid to God ouly, and He alone the ob
ject of adoration.
ArrKAiuNr-M. The editor of Dnweli's
organ says ire uin't good looking:, not as
good looking ni "Ole Virglnny," or
" Jecms I" A friend at our elbow says
" Dowell looks like a hedgehog with his
bristles standing out from bis back 5" and
that "Jecms" Is appropriately named,
Sutl-on ("Soot on), for that he always looks
ns If be liad bcn don n somebody's chlm
npy in search of some thtng to steal, and
forirnt to wash himself oficr tbe operation.
Elegant ExtraU from the Reporter.
A slight mistake. We never Intimated
that the little " we " who is nt present run-
nlng the missionary machine, is not tbe
very essence of brandy and grcet It was
tbe big tyee " we," we referred o, who bss
gone down to the Willamette to set out
some trees and put In some garden truck,
JiTVnoTMi.tK.- Tho Chairman or tbo Cop
ptrh'cad Central Committee, of this county,
has very properly called a meeting pr that
body on tho let of April It of a right Is
All Fools' Day.
At tbe residenro of tbe brides father,
February 12th, 1805. Mr, Jo.vas Liver
mors:, to Miss AuAnv Ai.rnEy, ojl of Folk
county, Oregon.
H. W. rUKNir.
MoutKOSB.ry & CUrori,ia sjttcsU,
(Opposite Welti, Fargo it CVt)
CIO Mcrdmnt St., San rrnnci'wo;. ml.
Having had extensive experience In boi
Wholei'vlo nnd retail trade, we reel con
desiring a resilient agent, or lo nn occasion
al purchaser, we can offer superior induce
ments. Particular attention srlvcn In collodions,
tlm purchase nud snln ol Icirnl Tender notes,
Drafts, Stamps, Sewing Machines, etc., or
other Irnnsicliniis requiring the services or
experienced nnd reliable vigruts
Purchases will lie innile for oli only, ex
cept lu cases of special agreement to ths
contrary. .
(Bco ill. ODsbovn,
Formerly with Cantirm, Pikrsox .V Co.,
Wholesale dealers In fine clothing, San l'rsa
cltcu. t. til. Sessions,
Formerly with C. K. Goonwr.v, k Co'.,
Wholesale Groscrs, San Kmnclsco; nlso,
IlKAonmr A Wade, Jacksonville, Oregon.
S. A. VV OOD, !ul Knit hne dralrr, Saii Frsncltco
U 11. lUM'ULY A CO., lUnlw.re DttUn, Un
O. W. Ur.1,1- Amerrr. fin Frnt Isoo.
Ol.vnKA l'KKKIKS, Wiml IXwIers, 5n rrnntWn.
Murdi 2MSM.
Siccuwm to lltsoc, Ciiiscn t Co,
FomVAiiniJcu & commission
rmiM'ttoor niticK WAiiEiiousr,
Benedict House, May Third.
A T Ihe above named time and place the
A undcrslgni d lespeetlnlly Invites the-
public nt large to clve blm a mil. ns he will
be prepared lo welcome them with Ihe 'very
best or "good chrer." und hopes to have tins
occasion meet with such success, ns shall
cause one uud ull lo n ft r lo It as the "Mtr
tiist ol ull the iletry May Hulk"
TJIE undersigned would respectfully an
nounce to Ihu public, generally, thst
lio will make a season with hU flue
3JMB! x Sam. sma. i "Mm.
Lord Dyron, at bis rcsldeuce, two miles
nortliiuft of Jhcktonvillc, commencing 1st
day or April, A. D. 1805, and tudiug 1st
day or July, rumu year.
Lord liyrou Is u thoroughbred jack or
Mammoth Slock, from liuurbou county, Ky.,
I seven years old the 1st of May, nudstxuds
fifteen bauds, one Inch litgli.
Terms of Hnon are $23 00, InrsrUbU
In U. S. gold or silver coin, payable wbcu
tho mares nreseived.
Good pasturage can lie bad for marcs from
n distance, sud good care and regular at
leutlon will be given, as I wilt liceu a good
cureful bnud lor thut purpose, though I
shull not "Bold myvir rvpuulhle for any
loM-cs or Injurlts lo stock that might occur
wLe'e ou my much. )!. HAN'LY.
Woodbury UaucU, Match 25, 1863.
malriS tf
Tfotice to Stock Kaisers.
THE undersigned takes this method ol In
forming the public, that pcrkoni, uot
stockholdevs lu the company, who may bo
desirous of breidlntr to tho celebrated
fllONTj" can do u by applying, IS
TifllK to blm, as bo bos yet a uumbcr of
hares unengaged for this scatou. He will
always bo lound with Ihe horse. Good
mares will be breil for hair Ibu Issue, and
those bred upon bis sbaics will l furnished
paituruge heo of charge.
iur24m4 K. S. BELKNAP.
Cor. of California and Davis BU,
BALE OR RETAIL, a large nud
varied assortment of all kinds of
Also the a-lebratcd OHIO REAP
ER, (called the Now York or Seymour &
Morgan), combined Machine, with fjfiftt im
provements, having a STEEluulter
Bar. Can be changed from Mower to a
Reaper In tick minutes; cuts within 000 inch
or the ground or two feet blgb. Can be used
with two or more borses. Will work on
any side bill, where borses can travel.
.-ONE THOUSAND of these Macblues,.
lu use on this Coast, which we consider
TBE BEST i'ROOF or Ibclr 8UrERI0Rl
Tl' over all other Machines.
Sole Agents for tbo Pacific Coast.
1 blood, Halls Barsparilia Yellow Dock
aud Iodide of Potass. suar252
Tl S