Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 04, 1865, Image 1

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    r Aj.4iH.jj,?gr-yyTtMaAi ' ..'..
t-pi maiwaw
PffT1LIW-ml-.'mMIU .i'Wl l IMim.lWIMJ. y'MPt.I'lU. t lyjj y)
1'mw.j "e"-mip.Li'ijjinjiii,uWW u,m,l,lwmi'-'f1"aP'4
The rtpitlar communications of WAR -
KEN' LOI'liK, No. 10. 1. and A. M., lor
tlie'eoHilngMn'oidcjenr will beholden ut
ihtlr Hall In Jacksonville, un thugwulugs
if the followliig dole. To-wlt i
3To'tortifti'3p O-
VFx-J.l C- "
jMXn-y a-
Annual t'ooimti lentluii..)
jrxxiy o-
.nsr"wt O. .aaot 30.
Oototoor -1.
Krocnaloox 3
nnnnmtoor 27.
The hour of meeting will lie from .Vent.
( lfxn.li l, half-past C r. it.', viiil limn
.. ........ -- , - , ..:-..,.'
at IBC plljioiuiiu MUJIi
Drcthvrcn ullhlo ntll Iohitu tlits uJvcr
tlduuut fur futuru rcluronco.
Cms. W. Gavaok, Sio'y.
J.ckioijlc, Jnn. 27lli. 1SC5. lm
First Premium
AtwJciI by the Michnnlc'x Iiirlltntc Tulr,
b'an I'raiicbcol.utp(cinlxr, J&U-l.
Cporting EmiorIum,
418 Wfihlii(iloti it., (n?:tr tliu roit-ofQcv,)
Sta llMlCllco.
hftrltn cf ull tlmui 0 Spoiling TccUt.
Contlntitly on linml irinn from the tint
. .. t..;..i i
miktM In l.unilnn, via: Nullum Qrtiiiivr.
illiim Iii, Aloiiri' it llmrU, lttiirern.
ll.illl & ! ni aiul ull other in.iliw. AImi
the L ft toi k ol Anit'rlciii UIIIm, I'lutoh1.
mJ C-lbhiii on 111"' 1'iu'llic C'oatt. vIkiChITp.
f lurp'l. S'lll' III i. Wcprflll'll. ltullllllKlntl'4,
HiiiiiiHLnii n. I
Ana mi iuu initm jmiu'iih or riioii.
.Siiirpf ooi' Hall inlV. .Vtnctr' uaiI
or i'ltii i
" -"-'
luur.v't lMUiit jiiticli-loutlniK itiilv.
fiW Curtriils-' "f nil kluili ooutUntly
Actliorlzril oprnm lor llenrt'd Ileti!
Ilffrrh loailltig It'llr. jan'JIm:!
pMt sam:, or ins own ccimnc.
1 I'urclmnT. will iilcnio rnqniro t 111'
Dutelxr Shop, on Oregon .Strait, 3 door
ibore th foil ORkt.
Jekioiirlllf.J.niiiry 2UI 18C&. tf.
3PIj OHE3Nr023
Sewing Machine.
TOIIS' .N!X'l!i:i( notild uiinouncc lo tl
Iptuple of Jiielt-on County, tlmt hu ba
procured nn ngcrcy Inr llilii pcericM im
blai. nnd will In a nhott time li.-nu u uowi
upi'ljr on Imud. Tlila iiwuhlne (jHiher.
hftoi, enbrohlvM cud mnkti I dlOkittoit
k.tJi of illttlmi.
Jtckionvlllc. Jft'umrv
I . S U 11 AKCECO .11 P A N V.
750,000 OO.
QZf fffQn ilepoilt In Oregon.
OJUjUUUaII lovoa ratable lu V.
b. (.old Coin, luiuro ugnlntt I.om or Dam
gbj Hre.
SACHS DUO'S. Acentt,
Jtntltf. Jjcli.onvllle, Oretjon.
3Ppor XXtKxi. c o x.
THintKDY notify ull whom It limy con
rrn tl..ii f Ml A...ilmiA !. I.... t.. nf
L'nhni ... Z .I V"i.V "" ","i. " ' "1
7. ..' ..' ' "r1 ""i.i i
v.u .moil llliJIICKIOIIVIIiC.
All kimU uf woik lo my line will be
promptly utliiulod to. Old nullrs will
oe rcpilicd, flour tacks nuilc. etc.
Jckonvlllc, February .lib lSOii. tf.
PKUS0K5 wl.hlns to nvall themtolvca
of tbo beneflt of Iho lIouilcd I iw of
vongrm, can hao their piiiers inoiicrly
preparcU. and tbtlr nflldiulu taken beloic
p. Ibercbr isvIhr iho cxpuiwofattcndliiK
per.cn at the Land ODlw.
Hul proof or Donation Land Claim.
ixl rellnqulihnient or of abandoned Dona
ion culini taken nnd private cntrv of I.uid.
inidc, on application to me nt tile Clerk.
c!B- WM. llOM'MAK,
,. , County Clerk
lNrnry -4th. 18rtS, feUlwtl
OUV1L DODCIIittould nniiounco to the
Udlet and (ieiitltmcii or Jacksonville
ii'l vicinity, that 1.L- ha. permanently loc.v
JW in Jackronvlllv, for llio puipo.-o or tak
n plclurei In nil tho lirprovid nrt or l'ho
ogmphy nnd would u.pcclfully solicit n
''Mllit public nalroii'igc.
KOOMS opposite 1' J. Hyau'. New Brick.
p.cktomitu., December TM, 16i-t. tf.
UUr00v,,b,!k hM tltJ Ills bath rooms
le.ofBV?.wl!,1',ol,,lll,,Sln " Inwr.
ItlvSii. 1,1 U can ncconimodateij by
tog Iiliu a call on Wedocsdnvn pud Sal
'' ' febttf.
V.rcli ii .vpiciwwr, ni nun pun ociock. wjiiui.tiu i o i rriiity nature; the ni-ft .ntiir
r. u. Tliv br lliercn nre ea im.ttlly rtqiiMtcd day In rneh month, ut the .l wonlc Mull.
toillci.il mrly, furnork ill he cuiiuiwuced Hmtliori In pn.nl lnillnir re Inrltwl tn
iiB im i f i iTiiTt TiTT T '
"" " " t i -uiiumri
" u"Bli0 sentinel.
' iM.s:n rvEnr atTunniY uoiinino.
. , .,- ,
j DOtMiLL, Proprietor.
&ji KCniiTiox-For One year. In advance,
uioiiIIm or the yror, in dollar ; ir not paid
until the explrwtlon of the year, six dollnr.
........ ...mp, ii !,, TMiiim me nrt six
,......nii,u-who square (io Hue. or
le). lint Inwllon, Three Dollars : each
lub-equont Insertion. One Dollar. A dis
count uf ilfty per cent will be nude lo tliuw
who nilvcrtli-by iho Tinr.
mJifl.yHlTeidm rerolrc.1 .1 mrr.nl rIM,
3.O. O. K. Jni!l;(iii lllii l.n.Tivi.
"5piCl 'tor meeting, on every
4Hinnliiy crtltic extent
"" J the Um SnlMril.iv i.r .hi. 1.
... - . ....... . v .-.. .-.-::
niiinii UUANt.K JASiUIS, K. U.
Ni.wiun I'lPitm. It. Hic'y.
lin.tw. J. M. Sull.ni., Win. Kay and
S.J.l)y. '
VTnrran Lodeo No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
A 1IOI.I) thflr rfjtular cominunl-
Vwtlon- tiro WrdnenUy KwnliiRi on
''Nor weeding the full moon, In jacc-
('. W Rvm. 8'v.
o. jaroiw. r. r. iiI'hcll.
JAC083, 5.nU?SCLL,
.T.ti'etosvii.t.u, Okkoos.
Ofllfo oimil(. Iliu Court llnuar.
All bu-lncM CKintiilllcd to Ih'Ir rmr? will
b lirm'.pllv a'liMd'd In. July 29. 'lit.
Jackkoxvii.i.k', OnitooN.
iVIII praetloe In all (ho CottrU of the Third
Jutllilul Dlntrlct, the .Sniirumv Court of Ora-
. . ... ..
P"'1, HIIU '" "" Lttl' " ur aor,l' prorop'
111 A..1 I.LplI JL.1
ly eolh-cicd.
(Mi. U.
Jackwnviij.x OtttuiiK.
Will prmitioe In Hit CvHirU ofOrvfon.
oftl.-. I'oM ORlui- ISullillngh
JAn;so.sviLi.ic, Onr.nu.v.
scuykvoh civil. i:ngini:i:u.
Jicicio.sriM.: Oukcov,
lU.VUnaa ucar tha South cud of On-con
ilnttt. Jaiuiaty. 8. 18C4
Allwiny. Linn wuniy, Oregfln.ol22tl
J.xrusoiiTiixK, Oaaoon.
OHW nt Ida ri.Uenci' mi Orwton lreet
(u rim
Op;itU- Uiv Co no I)- Jail.
JnoMlirllle, Ogu. ditt.llf
Jackoonviux, Ohkouk.
Offlce at relduo on California Street.
All builwiM cutrutted to kUcare prompt
Iralt.ndtdU JanUif
IMtotoKrniiliic Artist,
(i prrpaudtu uko piciurw In etury ulyle
of the art. with ull the Ule mprov'inU
if i.icinrea do not l-U wtl.tacUlon. ni
rli.ir.c. villi Le made. Call nt ill now Gal
ry, on tbu hill, examine liU ploturot, and
gjt lor joiir likenete.
Dr. OverU-ok wottlil nnumiHoo to the clt
lrn. of Jackwni eoiiniy mid v.olnlly, tbnt
lioliim relumed to Jack.ouvillvaud leMiwol
the proellco of mwliclne. He will alway
be luuud ut hi. Mid .tnml, the Oierbeok
IIoiui.il, imlfHi nbHuit orol'wlon
al bulim.. lie wuuld rv.cctfully tollett
. louownl of fornur Mtruiinge.
Dissolution ESotico.
ri"MIU umlereigntil hne Ibis iluy with
X ilrnwii from the firm of Thouioii &
D,vi. nud will cuntinuo tlie pruolio rjf
.Medicine, Snritery nml Obitulrlea, In
Juck.onviHc uimI woinliy, nnd solicits n
fharo or tlie Mironnjre. Ofllec nt hi. rwi
dence nt the old Murry Uoomaienil.
Dec. lfltli, 16G1 clecl.tf
WatchmuKer nnd Jeweler!
On Oiifi'ii nei t, llr-t door north of
llreumuo'. Jack.ou die, Ogu.
,5r?!anufaclurir nnd repairer of
ull ton. ol Winches, Chronometer?, Clocks
Muileul nml other lnsiriimcnif. etc.
AUo, JKWKI.KY manufactured nnd
repaired, nUer tbu ino-t ujiproicd style ol
the urt, nnd warranttJ forouejeur. l'rias
accordiug to time.
Chronometer and U'atcLmaker.
Jack.onvlllc, June M, JEt.. Sm
j"KA-nnn,nni vfiejijurif j ii,iiui'Hii it ...i.,
nrT u. ntvr.ur.
Nkvkii look NMl-nothlng's o bad
Ai neUln( familiar with torrow ;
Trt him. lo-iliy. In n oamlliT way,
And ho'll aetk othw qMnrten le H0frw.
Long you'd not weep, would yt but (p
At the brlaht !do off wry Irtnl j
rcrliinc you'll dud U ofti mot kind,
Wlwn olilllng yorliop nllk dwilol.
Let the wd day earry nvny
I down little bimlen of.irrow j
Or you may ml- hnlfof fie MIm
That oome In tbe lap of to-morrow.
When hops t wiv.M. piiu and nKmI,
If error occaloneil your adiieH ,
If tt Is r o, litrrnfter j on'tl know
How to tlccr to the hartrar of gladncM.
Ofilrinl RejMirt of Colonel
Brew's Owyhee Expedi
tion. (OOKTINI'ND rH0lt HKN'TINKt. Or TKll. 25.)
The main remit zvvai foe tins Indian of
thl. rcslon, nppoain to be In and aronml a
coiiaitkrnblp innitntnla, siiiialnl niMtit forty
in I leu southward from the upper toftloii of
Jjril.ui Creek Ynlley. A comnanr of
eavalry itatloued In its vicinity, where Ii
could nltn guard the main route finm Hum
boldt, would undoubtedly rkl the entire
region of the Onylteo mines of the Indian
ilmt now inft.t It, returdinp; its mineral
development, nnJ rmUcpering travel on It.
highways in all dircctliMM.
I'laurr mining In the vicinity of lU
Ow.tlieo If, us yet, ciKiflued to a ery small
area, nut rxti tiding out title of the iiekjh.
Imi hood nl Little Jordan Creek. It Una
nncnmmim thing, lionevc r, lor ome ot
tiiHM of these mine to wy ns high ae fifiy
dtillnra jkt day, to lh linml, thongh the
average wy la uf coaric much leiv. 'lite
dust Is ol an Inferior (ptality, being alloyed
more or Kit with sllwr. 'J 'I but of it
yield, but n function oer fiftttn dullMra an
ounce, at the mint, and the imwwI o fiac
tlnn ortr t 'even dollars. That which yk-lde
the leutt 1. taken from the vicinity of the
Oro I'ino miun'aln, In which tli.re uie
n 1 1 litem u i silver lotles. quite a uumbtr of
which are being worked.
Quartz mining here It now in Its InTnii
ey. but the indlcatlnni ure tlwt it will Ui
lite bualiKM of thU entire reglou by niiulW
yeur, nml tlmt it cun be presented with
tnucli mure than oidinary sucmsi. Tlw
veins nre pn'd nnd silver bearitig. nud,
though .mail, are vxceuLiigly well d-flwtl.
and their local km such as will permit ibim
to be v. or kid ni'ieh tnnrv cUcpply tUtin Ihi
elaw of wines generally ure. 1'oHr or fit t
mill were nearly ready to beo work ia
K t..llAU Hnl f h3 i.ii.mliB .tiul till lalfll
. .c ,. ,.-rt -. a ,.,... . .- .... ,
I:.... ..T ...I. m Mi.nl. .....,..ti..l 1 ( t. liul.I..1
HroUblc lioweer, that thoa first lu np
itittloii wtll snvo nnylhing like the foil
Hwotint of allver, until tliey obtain the re
quisite machinery for reducing ih ciulphu
reU In which form it mainly exhls
Thu motiiitulua In which the mines
qnartx ami plner arc situated, art on the
html wiitem nl Jordan oreek, omlarcmiiii
ly prniille. Tliey ure sporeely ouvereil
with fir, and some pine, tint anewers for
the practical uie fur tvliioli it Is required,
but the quality is not good. The first
lumucr mill oi um; region ncui into opera (
nan in aepiemutr, a ihi uib price oi uiiiiinr
fell at once from three hundred dollars er
tboutaiHl feet to just half tlmt sum.
lJonneville, Iloby City, nml Silver City,
nre I lie marU of commerce for that rtgion,
TlirirC are slluutcil on Little Jordau Creek,
nml ore only itlwut u mile and u half apart.
Konnrillo nnd Kuby Cily are oounccltd by
a toll road. Ruby City i the county real
of the county of Owjlwc, I. T nnd
has a Ht flko nnd triweekly mail ser
vice through Dooacville to nml from Boise.
It hns pony cxpreos fuelllllc ulso froai
Saernmtnto, Cubfurula, by way tf Ylrginla
City, nnd Humboldt, Nevada, by whidi.lo
i fummcr season, it ii furnished with
Culiforiiia nows only, six day old.
At those paluts (he puthu who had trnv-
eled iindor wir ceoort, and had produoe to
di$poc of, sold their flour nt eighteen to
twenty-two nml n halfcsnte per pound, in
onlnj bacon ot forty cents, and butter at 75
uen?, coin.
Um cattle trainf, nitor rccruuin;? uieir
strength n few days here, continued tbvlr
Journey to Iluiw nnd Idaho Oily.
The country in and around I lie Uivvmc
minwi afford, cxwllcnt " "wlly ll
nutrition bunoii gruu, ami sufBeUnt good
cold water for such purpose also.
It not being neevwry for the detoob-
mnt to proa! farllter as un wool t to the
trnina, it was cucind fven inilea west
of Iloonevillo, where was joCfcrcd safe and
exwllont faoi'itiea for recruiting tlie
strength of our hureee. Taking with mc
Sergeant Crockett, and CwioraI ItwiUi.
six cmploctt, and the rwju situ number of
pack n'iul(6, 1 coQtiiiutd on lol-crt IJjI.c
for the tupplicti requisite for our leturn
The special txpres", with ordiri from
tt'Th rrii i j; s , ,um
hcnikjttortwe. DMrlet of rHforh, direct.
log cr ImiMilhle rM.irnto Fori Klamath,
rooKl iw on the 3d ot Soph-ml r near the
liaail of Jordan creek valley ; bat befo we
comW enter upon the ewes! km of Iben nr
ito It wj nectary lo prrx-are mexllclnea.
arm outer app:if, not lo be obtained from
Uapteln Cony, froai Port llnUe. Tlie
ltn trbe oecapW however, tor tnh pur.
. KDtiM not be lot. at It would bt fully
retiree to put aowe of oar horns an.
males hi the proper condition to rttoru to
Tort Kfamatb.
Onrroott hence wai from Bonneville
nrnrly tine uortb, ovrr the lln'tt nnd
D.Htwvlll wajrw roaJ. down numwl's
creek far n HUunot of flftetn wQm tlienre.
loavmrthat slrerm on oar k?ft, wmtlnalnp
ilie fame nor tletty coarae fur another Bf
teen ml lea. nil l be way. a rleotrt, to Snake
Hirer. The country for the flrt fifteen
mik witof lJoortHlle, rremlile In lit fia
lurw Ibat which l nearer nml Immcdlalely
surrounding Ike OA.vhce inlncii j affimllftp
tfond prtaini; nml god wottr, awl iwne
timbr. Several farmt are nnoVr Improw
mint along Itunnrl' rreik, ami thnngh It
waa now the bib of Srpirmlier, aid the
iilyhii unenmforttibly enl.l, wc raw im lo
ilicAliohi of any erloo damage Laving
boon Jone to the pranlew by frc t.
( to UK coKTiycrn )
nswirren taictxfiM.v rvsmi: wxriKri.
Witihlngtwi. 2.M. The Navy Diprt.
mtnt hn. rrceivtil the following: United
3ial fl.githlp Malvern, Oape Fear river
1 9th. I hart the honor to rrport tbe mr
renJvr or evacuation of Ft. Andemon.
(iicral Sehofh-ld adrane ftow Smlil.fJe'd.
thh eight thousand imn. on tho l"ih. At
the seam time, 1 all.uktd the woiks by
placing llm monllor Momlnck cloae to the
fort, enfilading with the I'putot-kei, Sena
tor, Arm-xlellir nwl INquot, tbe wind not
allowing more vee! to get timkr Or
TIhj firt aimrtftd prelly bri.kly, Imt
ilbcked dawn by saiwet. Oo the I8ih, ut
eight oVIiM'k, I tnuved tip crnner, the Mun
duck leading, fo'towtt) by thi Huron. Mc
iwwao. Bawaeti', I'lHilnofue, .Muluingit, Un
fer, M-uila, IniurkI.O.orula,.Shtiwmt,
Ttcmiipflh uml Litthi Ada. We kept up .
henry fire thiongh the day, 'till Ule in the
nflviHoOM. The eneiay'p Utlt.rp). were l
lenctd by thiee u'chk, ibough tre kept uj.
Ore until dark. We alto Had through the
ii'ght. In the meantime Sckofteld wm
h or king artiuud to 1 1 rear ol the rebel
In cm tlicm iff- Tbe lulttr did not wall
fr the aroiy to .urrouod llint, but left in
the night, taking Ove or rix pieces of ar
tilhiy wiih them, aud everything (taoaf
I kli morning some c-f our trwNi,
wl0 mfn j, WMll n)J
holstid a
dig on the ramparn, when tbe firing era.
ed from the mortar. There were ten
heavy r;nn In Fort Anderson, awl n quan
(My ol ammunition. We toot bot lhre
killttd uud Hve nouipitd.
1). I). l'onrcn. Ur Adiu'l.
Wa.klnglon, 'J2d. Tl Navy DejMirt
went hot receivk.l lulormaiiou tint Lieut.
William I). Cuahing, eon.tr uotvd u mock
monitor, to closely resembling thoso Yseels
tint no diflfeieute could bo difccnd at the
di.lnnoo of u huudrediyardr, uud on Satur-
j day night, Feb. ltiib, ut ubout tin ('cluck.
yrtl,t nA(
tkktii up to within about
four huudr.d yritU of Foil Audfa.
ami tot adrift; . there wi.. ilroog flood
tide, tlw moved up ibe rim und w..-itd tlw
forl,.s if under elorr Utim, At tlmt
time, tbo army had woiked about tin
thlrda -of the ay r.roand nud in tbe rear
of the fort. Tbe rebels, thii.king I. at lllr
corutnunieutUMi was lo U out off by land
und mtter.-klt by the only avenue of escape
open to them, huriug tbtlr guc. uuipiked
akd their in..xiurs uuiijurtd.
S.-aking of the evacuation of Colombia,
n it ebuioud paper of tint UOtb aays; Jt it
Mid ome of our engraved Treatury nuU
paper fell iulo tbe baud, of tlw Yui.ke,
oudiiUon oouelderabhi quntiiy of medi
cal atorei. We have no particular, of
litem lottos, as tut otBcml dispatch regmd
ing tho fall of Columbia iuti oommJieu
tud to the I'retident, nnd we doubt wheth
er it n us s nt to the wur iUwrlment,
tfh:vb upKNirs to be in ooutpktlo Ignoraooe
of what has happen In South Carolina,
except from what bits of loformatiou have
boon potcd up on the atretti. On Thurt
day, the day before tlw enemy occupied lU
city, ten train, wetu ruu from Ooluiubia to
OUttrlolle, N. C , and It wag rappoetd that
Um UFi-uL of the '1'rcMury D.partin' ut
were brought off. There lias been u report
that tho plate for cograt iog Ml Iulo the
onetnya lutods, but the report U noiv.ireeed
to some uegroer, who etc pel from Culum
bin and reaohed Kiugsvilfei cud told the
story to tl telegraph operator, who Kill
it as autlKttlic to UUthmoiid. The same
paper say: ic undir.ianu tua,i uraui
thovra no ditpoeition to aatunic the offen
sive nud Inn withdrawn frtxn the foils IhU
side of Ilalolicr's run. 'J'hc oooditien ol
the roadi renders the success of any Ira
pertaut woremtet doubtful.
, i
-u .u.i lAiigaizV- 'B-tirJ.jjTBALim'r'i
Wafhloftoo, 821. The public ami
many pth-att bonier of Yapfclngton on II
lamlnalei) to ntgkt.
I!my wain enlranc
to the Stale ikpartmntt 1km the followlNg
motle: 'tc al cowl will te all notion,
j bat no enUtftllag alllmicfi, nihl im fweHpi
. Intrrventwn
ITendiwartr., Army Potomse, 23d.
In cmisldcrailon of an early exchange and
penly dcllwry of nil prlwrwrs lieltl In
Pomh Cnrollno, It h tjeemetl Inexpedient
to ftirwanl, after IhU date, ellh-r fnods or
supplier lo any iemn lit tbnt capsolty.
Such nrtlciea w temlttanee. a. may htvc
accummnlatrxl ulnee the ht ablpment, or
nny arrive, t ball bt returned to the Ship
per. San Franefceo, :itb. Lgal Tetidsts,
t-.hy. SO.
New Ytwk Slt. The steamer Fnlbm
arrived from Crwrleliw harbor. The Tri
buneV Charleetmi harbor corrwrtondent,
writing front Charleston hftrlxir on the
ISth, wy.: Kirly U.t evening, (Jen.
Kobetmro'rlng cawimantlln? the northern
dparlmetit of ihc South, dlacnrereJ ln.ll.
catlom which lel him to lielleve Ihnl tip
lebehi were about to cvarnale Charlctaii
and lit ilefenw. He ordered the plekel.
and piebrt boats to keep a bright bnkout,
and report immediately my mot n. nt on
the part of the enemy. Abrmt ha'f past
three title mwnmp. n lerrlBa rvnhnkHi
took ii'iice in Choiht'r-n, wh'eh .hook rv
cry ship In the lrbo and n"tl f bir. SI
mtitlnmvtnely with lie ipWn, ll.me.
bnkeoatand onnld lie dl.llrte'ly aeen In
d'lrVrent porta of tl e city. It a) pr-am that
the f)rt ednalnn took plnee In lb Wil
mington depot, the fire from nhlth rnpMIr
eommnnientetl wllh the adfotnfng biiildlmrs.
enleg a grueial en flirallon e.f alt ihe
dm-rini; hmmm In the vlclnl'y. the Inh.li
itnnia trying to rxlintrnlth Ihe fire. Th
arenml explohm whleh lxk plaw retuMetl
very dian.tron.ly, eaulng n lerrlflc loan of
life among women and nhlMren, who nre
rtpretenlrd as having ben terribly tnullln
icrl. About six nVtoek thU inoenlHg,
SchemmMfbtg mne1 Id. force and .teen- j road to I'lerenee, 8. 0. HI. pnlloy, tt J.
pled Im oily nml Its defences. 'Phe for-1 ha. been to keep his forces will together,
mkinldf breaittvorls or .In met I.'and were ,ad '" H' the rebel. Utck.
rnnml ahomlonwl and Ihe guns spiked. At The TrUmno looms from a Iruitworlby
uiM oVIock a delr.chminl was mil lo lake ," ,wU "",,lM Se,m'or, 1t00''' n;(or
p.e.ionaiVtSuwler.nnd rabed lLc1,,0nUed fr lUt''f M;,,Ul n Qo"'
flag whleh AnUrmir. Ud h.tiled down Bremen. n.e. Ion for Ihre. mouth. ,..,.,
, , . , , . , i .. bad regardsd thslr caww a. hopeless,
nearly four years ago. At nine o clock Ihc " , , , ,, ,, , ,.
, ' i i u. j e i L The Hmiulrer has n frtntw article on tbe
fi.gwn, rnM mWt deafe.. ,; cherrs. flnMr0,K, ...tltlor. of relK'Mom, In which It
As fast as the foroes Milk be thrown Inlo ( , (l) uU ()1) ,, ,, coton mJ
ihe city they wrre set In work to jwt out uUmn flroM 0 0iy ,b, vt MJi
Hie Arc. whleh lo the tlmt of leaving was lll0 ,ilMlnHI r.uulry Is too itrlous,
rar'ng flt-ieily In diff-rent parti of the oily. J d thu oalnmilUa t.bwh Ibnalm our arm
llld nwn, womrn ami chlMren were rnslung t rt are loo grettt, to wo.te time In windy do.
frantically to and fro. I.i an auony of tie uunelntloas.
.pair at ihe loo. of tbeir btni.a, and I1 e ' nilladtlphlo. 23d. The Utenlng Tle
klilir.g and muhtaiing of thv'r fri -nd.. It grwpli Us Ibe fullowlngt Washington, 23.
I. Imposalhle to eelinule Iho a moon t of IMehmo-d iprs or the Slit ray Shennarj
cotton detlroyed by tU rrb'i. Several ' lM"Wngrally north for harltla, Sail.
ihonsaml Ule. w.f collected In Ibe imr' 0H'ro nwl Danville, thence to
city at dfl rent points. ami im '. o flie '. Jo1" 0r""1 'l "" n,Uk u" '""m0"'-L T
, .. i i.i ti ,i - i j. any uiiom aherman . rooti lppd bo cao.
a-muhaneouply will, oil lb pr.Kp.l V J u ft, M . tm
Hsaml wan house. jN,loubt the nl.. liMtUlint mu ,;,,, furM)jKl
el. intended lo ban. lb c.iy lothe ground, I Wl fr-pw XwUn fof Ttlw0 , cl(l lh,
.h.pite Ihe mbiery it would Inflict on,r.urw,a Mtnll w.lmluglon iuhI Ulch.
(he tlMUMiMM oi women, ciiiwrw -mi ow
men, of which oIms tlw Inbabllanls of
C.sikr.ton are ulmott lutlrely etmpn'ed.
It was ibe tjilnbxi of 01 'more'. .LIT that
in nil prnhibilily Ibe cily would 1 de
stroyed before Ibt Are ootil.l bo cxtloguish.
nl willi Ik- Imiierftet meani for fuibdulng
It an hand. 'Jlte last or rear guard of tlie
rebfl. k-ft Cb.rW.ton Ihlt m .rnlng .1 Mr "'l-'0"- ' wl1 1wo" d '"".""..r!"
it m . t . i '' ,u sterel seetloii on tbe.I.t, Thtltch.
ocloek. tarn ynrlon rumor. ! , wofrtl W,IK. rf t.. Oil.. I., a., ull.orlalon
conjee nre. a, I. iblr dr.luu.lmii. I U ,. pM-ltl.ii Im. of
general opinion U Ibey Inieml foneen'r.- uie gnl.u d fnvor. ami promise to lio ndopl
ting in the v'clnily of Florew. to wl Id. ,, fBr frow M,jllJ ,,,.!, a. at
point tbey have leilroad oommnolcallwi fll- pHU.n.M, (thai been ealUrd fsrby
from CUrlrslon, iiik-e. il hu Imr reeenl mtHJ leglmenU.nml Is favortd by nearly
ly ileal rojetl by Iho rxed.tlon teut to oil tbe irloclpal offioera.
Itoel'a Iluy. Sever. I hondinl rtbebj who
eeoreUd tbvmstlvM In diQereet rls of Ibe
el'y when the main oolomii wm relreallng,
hate given lUnuelvH up. Th.y relate
tbe a-wal rlory of being tick of the war,
half .tarred, clc. They express n desire
lo be allowed lo lake tbo oath of allegi
ance to our Governnuwt and remain lu tbe
Another account m Charleston was
evacuated by Ibt numy on tbe ulglit id Ike
17lb, leavlngr the fofliicntlone uolnjarcd,
oesiiMS liirt uoourru gune whmii itvy ihu
spiked. Tbe evacuation wm first dveoter-1
ed at Fort Moultrie, 'in Ike morning.-! !
ten o'clock. A part of the troo-j stullcn-
ed on James Island erected over In Isoatr,
.nd look potMHion nl Ibe elty withont op-
poiition. 1'revious to tho enemy a cvuru-1
uiing, iney u.uu .,.,, , . , MV. 1
... ., -..i .t .. . ....I ,.r.u .ii. i
t ...l.t.J. atMlii ll.jH.ap,il l.Alnn) nl Aatllrui i
uj v ,..y '77"" r ,'lufourmlbMof Wilmington. H.avy firing
were Octroyed. A fearful uplo-' ,,.,,.,,, ,,'.,
eurrcd at Wilmington ib tot, by which sev
eral handled eliiua. lost their lives. The
building wm nottl foreommicMry purpotos
ami was eluiatei) in tbe upper part of the
oily. Admiral Dahlgreti was Ihe first to
reach the ally, where h trrlvtd pi oloat
ten o'ojoek. Gen. Rilmore folkmd -oon
after, and Ud an Inltrvit with (r'eocral
UebtmmelCcg fo tlie cily, acd for the pres
era coromaadt Ibore 'IV rtroalci cf (wo
VOL. X. NO, 7
rwpua' j.u1 nmtw
Iron okdi were illteovertd, which the rebel,
hail blown up prevloiH to th evacuation.
' Tl bbjckailc rtinner Syrt n, Juit arrived
, from K.iimii, Ml Into our Imndj. Two
others wtrc rxprclnl to run tn un lbs 18lb.
'llie hnnses In the lower part of Iho city
are completely riddled with shot ami shell t
The wealthy par t of the wpalatten have
tkcrted the city, nml now all that remain
arc the poorer elswei, who ate suffering
for want of foil.
Charleston, 18!h Charlcilon end all
Its iK'fcnsefi mine Into our hand, thli morn
ing, with alHHit two hundred pieces of ar.
ttllery that were gond, and n supply cf am.
inutillloti. Th irwmy commenced evacu
ating tkc wwIm Uit ulght. Mtyor Mo
Deth iiirrooiUred the oily to the troops of
Gin. Scheinnielfiiig at nine this morniog.nt
which time It was occupied by our forces.
Our advance on Kdisto from UaelsUay
Iraitenetl the retreat. The cottou ware.
hoH, Urt nmnalj, tho tj'iartsrmMter'i
tortti, the railroad bridjta and tho Iron
c'ade were burnetl by the enemy. Home of
the mit's in the shipyard nere aliolmrH
it, Oiutonc.
Wheeling. 51st A pirly of ribel cv.
nlryd-nh'tl into Cumbirlnnl b.'foroday.
light this morning, surprised and cnpturtJ
the-plrkets and carrKsl off Oriit. Cook td
Kelley. It iwciih to haM becq n very dar.
Ing ami well planl affair. Cavalry bare
been pent in purmlt.
Wa.hlnglen, 2tt, the Homo has passed
a bl I to nnnul tho A at to old In Ilia con.
ptrotttl'Ht of the railroad and telegraph line
front the Missouri river to the l'.dflo
U Y. 2td.Ttlebnwnd pnr. announce a
formidable movement of Federal troops
araliM) Klngtlnn, N. C. ami nlo tho Vlrgl.
iiln and Tenne-fce railroad. Tim Uxnmlner
or Ibe tOlh nnnouncee tbo nrilral ofDTO
Colon prleon.M from Dant ilU.for exchange.
The Whig atoiwe tbnt II wai Wheeler and
ret KlllpMrlok uho was uhlpptd at Aiken,
&utk Onrolliwr The Hespntth think. Slier-
mill'. RVttn body will keep on uortb toSbar.
' lolte, N. C, and soml cavalry lo cut the
j. A00iL.r rWM y.M movlnr umo
Ibe south klde of the Neiiic river to cut Ilia
lain railroad. A Yankee force was alio
rnuil ui'irlug eatl Irom Tvnneuee, to
Join Miermau In hi. nmrcli north. The
whole tone of Ihe rebel Kipers Is depond
log inlbei.letl IIoiih', ou Monday, a bill
mut taicd U arm two hundred thouisod
New York, tlth -(Jut.ruer Yaocc, of
N. C,Myt that Ibe Miuggle for freedom
ball never lai glten up, Ho irayerfully
Mieaky tbe ieple to rlw, and toy. all the
dUatUra Ike .(uulli It MifMiug arecouicd
b wldlrt being Qlxtfit without leave,
Tlie ItMbmoud Whig, or Ihe 2UI, tiyi It
dan'l kuaw when or where llwiuteurd will
give Bbeiinau Utile, Uil If tbo latter coq.
Inuei lo march towauli lllehmoud, he
mmcU. In hi. doom. Iltaurogard Is fiber
man's matter In nil Ibe arts of utialegy amj
tacl-M, He will rcliost when propir, aod
" . juwji.
Mew York, S.d.-Tb World, rpwlul dls.
palah mj.Cov. Morgan, In reply lo solicit.
allou. fiom liillueiitlal frleudi to accept Its
po-Uiwi of Heere'ary of the T rea.ury, yes.
lud.y i-tremplorlally dtclinrd II.
Waihlngton, .3d.-A leleuram to the
Navy Department this incrnlng, from Hsnip.
10 lu.. j. tMm lhal ,,. lroflr- w. ttlh.
I waihsjid anj oar liooin uro advanelns
ropklly. lafermatlun from Ihe army of tbe
'otoinM alates Ibat tbo nnny was lu 3rd
tie j over lite capture of Cuuhston,
WotblugbMi. Ztlh A dii4tcb lint re
aetu.l aonounas that Wilmington 11 it our
K)iC4.l0ll. StANrov.
D.ltlmorc, 2 lib. A Fort Monro, dispatch
my dsn. T.rry look pouestlon of Wllnilng.
Ion at nluo a. in., oa tho 22d, capturing a
large amount of .tores of all kludi, which
the reUl. lo tb.tr bade neglected to de-troy.
to puica