rm ih'tt- mu iiiiniiii but l'l nun m &..", 'nrttiT-SnTCU rr Jt VST'VAUIr. .L- n,ill Coiifl for this connly lias HMlnlnl MpccmlTcrm on Wc.1ncs.Uy. Hie the IhWhitrge M Inrccny. The Vfilkffl' 1. oilier budncsi of nny Imporlnnco thai ..-.-.I .!,.. mlddll ImUP. WAS. on t,n bcon jriHwicii-u ... - .cries of amended cnmplnlnli, demurrers, .tcflmentrnna orders In ll.c caw or J. NT. 'r';.i typo and milerluhi of our lite cotcm porarythe InhlUntmr. On arKument of tl, demurrer,, to tho tt'lrd poippUIuli Jhq plalnlltt attorney moved lo nnioml nfrnin1 which motion was tillovvcd by the Courl, and lmc p!"11 ",0 roiin" to file Ids fourth complaint, by Thursday morning lj,l,nt,a.tb(Ucfrndftnt twenty. days to;ft!o hit nnewcr to llic ramo, nn.1 llicn tbc Court tdjoarnril oil .Hint day. Bo llls cniirq Is eontlntir.1 until the next term of tlio Court. For tlio Information of our render, mid or n Judicial ond literary curiosity, we copy pne of the, amended complaints, nnd the demurrer lo the same. Tiny nro In Hxm wonh : J. N. T. Milter. nuT.,1 Circuit Court of ( the Slate, of Ore . .. tt ' Won. fur 't be rimiv. f ly of Jnckson. . r ftr...l .If. I I.- n. u. i ii. dn. Feb. Term a. i), I son. The pllT., Iierctn for omenilrd complaint, Tertl)al'ic.ins n special property in Hie preii and materials, flock, Ink mid paper, Ijpe, fixtures nod appurtenances 1elnnjitif to Jbcr (Jregon hiltWgtiittr newspaper, nnd upon which until newspaper has been hero tofore published nnd 'printed j by vir tuc of being tlio Chairman of the lK'inn. rrntlc county Committee of Jiiclsoicnuj)ty, Otfpon, and Hid inanasliiR Ajrrntoflho fltocklinldrra In rnl.l pcnonnl property, good and elmtlek And Ihts I'llT., further complaining soya, tbat he lscntlll.il to the possession of wld froodj and chatties ns laid chairman and msnaginu agent. And'lhls plalillirf further says, (lint tie f.inhnt lias become pnoicd of, nnd now wrongfully ik'luin.d from rnl.l defendant, prior lo theeiMnnirnccmrnt of suit ; nnd up to tnc time iaf.1 .'owla nnd clmltola were taken possesion nf liy Iho Sheriff", tinder n writ of Imied In this cun.e ; nnd n'. jtkntigh mid good nnd chattel were niton demanded, prior to conimntcc nii-nt of llwlr ssllby plaintiff, defendant utterly neiil. c le.1 nnd refused In dcliv'cr rntd poods nnd ehnllels to plainlirr. AVJferf upon 'plaintiff demands Judgment aen1nt raid delendnnt, Hint defemhinl be Adjudged to deliver rnl.l poods to plaintiff, damages for thedeleutlonl hereof, in the mm of fire hundred idnllnrs, together with the tols and f ipenra of this ault. Jamks 1). Fat, Atlnrny for riff. JrNVlV Miller, in. W. (I.T'Vnull. -.iln the Circuit' Court of iho Stale of Oregon, f.ir Hie county of Tnckson, The drfendaiil demurs In the emended complalol of (lie plaintiff en the follnwtnjr 5rnnl1.l1 : 1. The comprint doen not alnlo facia lufficltnt to constitute n mine of i.etlon. 2. The complaint doej not etulc who Is the owner of the property. X It stales thut tlie plaintiff hns n spec. (al proerty in Hip nrtlcles dweribed in Hip eornplalnt ns the mnnncine; npent of the stockholders but It does not show bowl It. plalnltffbrennio the njjcnl orihestoekhold. tMerilip proK'rty, nor who nro Hie ilock hnldera In the properly. t. The plntuttrr In bit complaint, clnlms iretlnl prnpvrly In the article detcrilied hi tlie cumplalnt as tho elmlrman of the 1 snocrnllc county Comnilllwof Jackion cuunly, On-con ; but It dixi not ahow who are tin Dfmocmlfc Commltlee ; nor who the Dunocrallc Comiirftteo repreient nor who nru the Drmeeratle purly. Umtem. .V T'Vai'i.t. Allorneys for Defendant." This dmnrc r.wns of coro smtuliud by the eanrPtfliitt the 'vJu.lgo In dfllwrlrff Ida opinion remarked, Hint lie f upprucd Hie lat ivirl of it, nbout the IHmocrntle parly, was Intrpdii only furn little fun." Doubt leaajt wano Inlfnricd, by the author nf thp diauurer, becaure It wo'ulil be ImpoMllite (or the plnjitlfr lo pneas who jl.o, 1). mo crnllCparty are niMldiifay mid ttitfe. niueb Jen oogiit ho toN- rrqulrrd Jo swear who t wy lire. "e hfiW ar mo ' TrW D. mocrals who do not lumen! Ihelnaa of Iho I.tttlli K'fe'rlio jen(ally before; lo the Union War.ty We ImVe nlhera w'ho nre wnr Drm-' jt.nl. .,.- I 1 At . m .. . If "'yniiu lUlllcniTllC IOH ,01 tlie lilltUt' grnre'r.' Hut there ore another clais In our MhUt who hn,ve Iota of braas and conalder able copper In their eomposlton, who pro lti'" M JcnocjaJa, vho lorulh nntl in ifuct wigtttitQre 'properly bodlkd Stcia lonlcU nml Copperhead. Tliis class arc delichted ut the downfull of Iho .huillu'tn. "fiJll'j'HfiverinjrfWI .vctoiy.nud 'the bright proapectt ot tho U,tBon llepor- !ir' mJ"l n 'reo Copperhead clrcula ,ion for four jnQiiilia longer, , A L-ood lawyer woulduaturntle conclude 'inat-it wpuhUreq4ite coutldarahiq bra.8 iwr Iho plaintiff and his attorney to ilo .euc i 0 complaint s thii, ood then arguo I . V? Wd one before an Intelligent Wirt of JiuMjce. J t will l,e Ken on ex amination Hm it la demurrable, on two or nree L'rounH ,m .i...,..i 1.. .1.' 1 i, 1 "tunu in inc iic.nuuif- tin- i 11' ""Wain whether Iho pl.itn irfor.T l',eProPrtjrlnllUown right. dlVu """W'tlq parly, or for Ike -,ir . " .' "' ,l ,"" uo vinno lior un- nd-fc' " ,roPer,Jr' .V' I'C plnlntltr -, : - Hiii-iney claim ,: OOO damage -, ,. ... - ... --V- tasu (111) !';S to Dcrnocfa?: lv;oniiacs lo be loietci- sV .rtrinJ iiirii'ii SiVliH i .wwim Hoivard Private MEDICAL INSTITUTE 7fii.8.T4, Catiimrrrlnl Slreel, Consultation by Lettor, on other wish, fhrx, . TpSTATJUSItnt) fr tho euro ofdiseaea V i o P,r.,,,", ""IPI!- Such an Conor riiW Syiihina, 8pctBetoVluo.i Mefcujlal Complaints. Olcel, Stricture. SJ'mliml Weak mm, lmpotency, dthcumatl-in. Ferer and Affile, qkli dlaeii,SdmldBl TJnrulbfilauJ till dHeft.es liroughl oh Uy liidiilgonofi or by Occident. THE HOWARD LSTip,TE !JA',CS.10 mmcdlnto chareo of OU. r, IIO) AIll). who has hecome JiMlly celelira ted by his siiccefurul treatui.ut of dlacftH-i of the nborohialnre.' ' ' Wittwut the utt of Mtrcury art anyfotm. In rr.opentnR llii(old and populiir.Imtl Mile ojica inoruio llic people or; the rocllk: Ciint. lire Doctor U poxfriud hdt olily bV ? ',.L'!iro.,,0..Ili".,, an "Vbmi fur llicnllllclcd, hill In Of rtMHIf t3t at iikimhi . ' ..... ... v.u 4 J"3 V(UAIIUU1 ,-Wllieil lift! or lato to boldly nn.1 impitdciitly come b. inn.- mo iuuuc. 1 ney ci.um 10 nave certn cat.s of rcmnrknblu cure, or fomo before uiihenrd or illllncllnn.nf fim-iun tcullmu ny. of Kuroppftii uliicnlton, nml Kurnpcnn remidlrsj thus mlsK-nilliifr tho anilctlcd, wliu nro not nwnre of tlio utter nsvleHiiess or Jprciatii r.'iiii.lles nnd irncllce. when nil plW to dUcavH In this vnrlublc cllma'tq. Ofauch prcleiidi-rs the Dnelor warns tlio-tc iccklincmcllcnlri'llef to U'unre.r.ir they snk but lo deceive you "nlid ruin TITir lunllh. 'm To hi) old pitrnn and H15 "public In Ren em! llio'Hoctor would fsys They can rvbj on hl known kill and lutrttrlly, n herein. rore, Willi every nMiirniice of n apce.ly and permanent euro. In iH iclli! cae. The Hoelnr'a cliariea iiromodijriile, nnd fulli'd toHie turaiia of Ihe patient.. the"ho"w!ard INS riTUTE Is lncnlid In the center of Iho cUy,attuMi llttiil up with pry convenience fnr-lhe conirort uf the nllllcUd. The liatlcnl will nero un.i rvcryiiiinj; in liln in, nu.l can Enltr ami iMitlht liitlitule trilUulftiir 1 ih rrsnn,rcIdlnK In the Interior." h7i miy pr-rr iH'inft Cured it IIoiiip. bv reiulliiK u careful description nf their dKiic. top'th er with a alalvimiiil of tho kuilli nl'tlmt they have lieen afllleleil, ran hnve llilrm' .1 Iclue carefully lint 1111 nml MMit In nny p-irt of the I'aollle I Wl by IIxnri'M nr mall, In-Rtlh-r with lull nnd explicit dlr.rlluiiuMi an to ennbbi them In hrlux uIhiiiI n rpee.lv and prriii.tuent cure, without elilnllliij; up on tliciu lli( iii-c.vlly or viiltins the ully. All IcttoiH alioulil itini1itrit i'll. Dr. 1'. Howard, Howard Institute, No. 232, Commercial titrvct, 'mi U'rnticbco, Calirornltt. " " " - Tho llfectoT JiTnHlf oninajand a'nMrcn nil lellrrs, nnd ciirrepoudenla cull rely on tho MrlctrM aecreey, Conaultatlou by Utter or othuwlrv, free. " T "? s "T. TO TUBE LADIES! When n Femalo l In trouble, of whatev er nature, or nllllcti.1 with n ilbene Mich ns wtuhueM of tho luck nml limb', mln in Iho lieml. dimus nf f IkIiU lo or mus cular Hifttr, p.ilpllutliin or tlio heart, Irrl liiblllly. ncnniiiii-M denmci incut of Hie dlKcatire ruucllons. peiii-mliUbllllr, nil ills enes of tho Womb, listeria. Mtrlllly. nml nil other difeauva pi-uiiflar In renmbf . Ihey uould pi nt once, or "ilk", to Dr. Mow aid, iith'a Midlcul liiMllne. Let tin I'alfe tlullcuey prevent y.m, but npply linniidiuli ly, ami mve .viiurwlf from painful mfiVriii(;, mid pniiMliire ilwilli. Tho Dnetnr'a oltlce Is o nrranpil Unit he can Iki coutulted without fear of dhcoveuy. Mr. llo'ivarrt's Fcmnlc Tills Are iinlrcrmlly ncknowltdKed to bo the only compound lu bo ilv-cinkil upon for Ihu remiiul or nil cn of iiiiiimu nr Ir reaularliy. or of olntruatioiia of wlmtour nnluro nml or however louitftiunllnu. I..bea hnviliK icutoii tu belluie Ihey are prejtiiuut. linuld Iwcari'TuI to nvold uslilc; them, n Ihey uould m rely i-nnro n nilicnr rUco. They will lifuf wnrditl to nny.parl of l)i I'ucllifl Coast, upon the receipt ot i- per box. COXSL'I.TATIOX DV IiirTTKIt, OU OTIIKKWISi:. l'lllil!. All 1'tlers must lio nddrusud lo J) R. X. 1 IOWAH1), Howard liitmiiie. .No. Mi. toiuiuuelul pliecl.tnin rrnueitco, CaliforuU. aepliinU ADAM'S GERMAN TONIC -txp AROMATIC BITTERS. The.) bittera nro highly refill' d, Jirnlfful to I bo lute, mumlifj:. climiiliitlni; uud lu vloralliiit to the dubllltaled ynnn. 1 hey are n tlioi''.ui;lily inullcalul uompoUiiil. powerful nnd cuiikViiiratiil, und huvo U-vu bruiilil to ilielr jiumut alutc of perfection by maily twenty jenr e.x;rIei;oo, and un U'voiid iiueitluir. one of iho best 1 emu-die. Tor till .ll'(i.'s of the iHjiwttve or;an, Wlioru Iho aytin has been reduced by Ke Vtra, elo thoy will prove onoor the most valuable auxillorlea tor a tivtiy and penna Dent iftlort.tloil to health uud iIiviirUi. 1'rioo- 60 cents per botile. , For alo by alliliii,KUtan.j (irocer. ooUHnit IN1 the County Court, for Douglas Coun ty, Oregou. ., v Splomon (Abrnhaqi ouiyiytoaiAb(al)a,m tj..JIarlic ilotiilion uud liauvllaMou- ohon. a To Martin Moiiolioi) nnd.lsabella Mono lion, the above named defendants, you are hereby summoned to bo and appear in Hie xA Court, on tho lir.t day at the March term thereof, to wit : the (ilk day of March, A- D, 1805, nnd answer the plnintitla com plniut, filed ugniojt you or paid plaintiff will lake judgement against yuu for ihefmm of three hundred dollars in gold coin, with interest nt ten per cent per nupuinn und their costs ond disbursements la this cauw to be taxed Jiy ordtf of I be court maiio Jan. J pa. SJ-'.CUAD.WJCIC J ' ' Alt'? lor plalfitliT,. 3Unjb.org d. SMW". " " ' ' jati.23fg. rannncDF Opposite the McCully Buildings, ;7JTjACKs'6i!fviLf.E Oregon. "33"5aT" ;imni Madniie Jeanne Be Eoboain. The rntlnnic tnkes this method of tendering her thanks to the public, for the patronage 'which 1ms hitherto been ex tended to1icr;"ftiftVV'ould respectfully solicit a continuance, , Her Tallin, nro always under her Imni' dlaln eontroli'nnd b) Ifer lotij I'xperlenco In the hudueti stio ff els conddont that ih will clvo eutlio i.Mlifaclloii'to oil i o; i,.a.x MEALS WILL BE ci Jacksonville; Oregon, January 1-tth, QSOo. UNITED Mill OREGON. l'orr Orrica Dki-'t. Wasiiinotox Citt, Tlctober 12th. lSl!l. f 1'RnrrMAM will bn received nt tho Con traei Onice or Hil Department until 3 p. u' nr March rilli, 1MM. (to bo decided by tbo tilth.) fur ronveylnc the Mulls or lie Uni ted Slatea, lu Ilio.Vtnto ol Oregon, Trom July Ut, -1805, tu Jyn 501I1, Uiitf, on the mute -mid by the fchi-dulc"' of depnrtnres nml nrrlvula herein fp-cilUd ; bclujr. mutes eslnblblied by Act of Conpre.s, aiiprovcd Juno SOlh, 18(H, (nnd others.) IflOM rrfml'.irlland.by Taylor's Ferr; PfPV and Clirbnlem Cap, lo Lafayette. 80 miles .1 back, unco n wetk ! lenic l'orlln.,.1 llmwl.ir llnhilur 1 hi ii n 111 1 nrriie tu i.ninyi'lio njr u p in; leave Lafayette Tn'Sdny nt (i n m ; arrive nl I'nf tliiml 'by t, p in. 1502fi rrmn I.nfayette tn Tillamook Vnl K'y. -to miles mid buck, oneo n week ; leavo I.nfayelle Monday nt I! a in 5 arrive nt Till nni.iok Valley by li p in ; bnive Tillamook Valley at C n,ui : nirlve ul Lafayetto by C p in. 15027 rrmn The Dalles, by Csnvnn Cily mid ludepeudunoj lo lblm City, 'Idaho, :ii!(l miles nml bnek. mice n we.k. Didders to proo teludulu or departures mid urrhnlx. J8028 From nnselmrg. by Ten-Mile Cmk. Camus Vnlley. Jnticlloil ol Middle and 5liiilli Forks of Cmpillle, I,"nhani' Prairie, mid 8it .Minis, to Port Oifotd, 120 miles ngd bnck, oucenv.dk Illdders nlll pmpose schednloofdepArturis uud arrivals lflni'J From Jaekinnvlllei'b Itnck I'olnl. )ai,duiivlles, Lelmul. (Intesi Ulu.Js'urtli L'un yonslllc, .Myrtle ;Crk Itmebnrg, Wilbur, OaKIhihI, Kngeno 'Cily, Cottage drove, Cor vallbv. AHauy, Kabm, JtflVrsini. IMpiod, Aurora Mill, Orrpm City, nud Mllwnuklr. t.) r.'rllnud, L'OO miles and back, dully, leiue Jiiekrouvllle dally at 2 n m ; nirive nl 1'nrllaml. from lit April tu 1st December in three days ; remainder uf the j ear lu live days ; leno Portland dully ut 1. u in j nrrb vbnt Jftckmuivllle, friiui 1st April to 1st Decembur, in live days. If service on this route, uud UOH, CalKornln, be let, that ou ..in. u..ui... ... t .... .... .... ' route 1 ivu, Liuiiiornia, win not Lie, Ilids mnl provide Tor the conveyance of tlc mail with curtolnty, calrrlly and security- "uilng tlie terms ot the law. Fur form of proposal, gnaranteo nnd cer tificate, and Tor iiistruotf.ini, riipilnmtts, Ac, Ac, bidders nru referred to the pam phlet ndvcrtliement or this dale, nt the principle 1W Ullleea W. DDN'XISON, , I'oslinnster Central. Jim RECRUITS WANTED! A row Young fill up (Jomiuny men or good character to. 0, or tho First llesl.neul, ;r, t 1 Oregon Voluuliers. (iuvcrunient II(Miiit)'. 8-100; , ra,.--- ,-,. -.,.,- tunti- , l3ttxtoX3owx.ty,l.BO. ' viiuiuiiirf uiu.Tnno. .r inoi.ii,. ,j.,. ' llorso, nnd borso Miulpmenti. arms and nro.lntrenii'iili. will tic rurnlilieil . Cin.rn. i ineut. tJiiltleleiit good nud whulrsome 1'ro rlslous, Midlclnes. nud .Medical MUndanee will also be pruvbled. Fur further particu lars apply to I,t. 1). C. t'udvrnood, or Scr cenot U. II. Morse, at Jacksonville. Oregon' W'u. KUI.hY, . . .. , , .-j ,.,. . . .. . Capt 1st Car.. Ogn. Vol Fort Klamath, Oregon. i Com Company. SmJauU. 10 Copies HorjKT Mugszlnr, commrn 'iiUfJ'ilu Juno number IbOi, eud'uig with, Mny'nnmler IS05.- I 10 Coi'Iea New A.rk ledger commrn-' clng July 9tb, 1BC1. ALSO Harper's, Leslie's nud Dewurcsl'i IIIim truted wiihly tmperi Niek-Nax, Yuiikie Xollon, MirrymanV .Monthly, I'hun.'Fuct and Fancy, Jludet of Fun, l'huimy Fellow "etc.,' etc. Cireuluiiig Library of new nnd select Novels, iidditlons bv every Steuiiur'i Mail. A large lot of vnr ,Mbis. A nuiiilxr of auperior lithographic Kiigraviug. ' tivhoul Hooks nnd Stntionary. At The Font Ofliec Uuildins. Scpt, .MlbC-tv tT. 33xocutors IVotico V0T1CI5 is'henby given, Ihut letter i wttumeulury ou tho estate o William flluibj lulo or Jackson county, deceased, lutvo been grunted to the undersigned, by the County Court of said county; all per epns Ujijfbicd to said.ejlatc nro requited to mukeTmmedfule payment, und those having claims Djfuinjtsmd estate will present ilicm, properly uulhejiUruted, to the; underslgnrd, nt their residence, in Htirliiigvillc, within six months from this date, KliWAUDCKAUrKKR, C L'STAV THOMAS, Km enters. February 11 tbl 8Cri. febllwl Dissolution Copartnership, "VrOTJCl-: Is bereby gVcu that tho copart li ncri'lilp hcretoforo existing between Jfanne Do Itoboam and W. Matbcis, is llila day dissolved by tho mutual consent of tbo parlUs. JKANNB D: ROUOAM, W, MATJIEI3. ' Jacksonville Jnu. It, '65, janUv flOTEL AND RESTAURANT, Iter Tltl nml Itoflmt, arc (ltt.1 up In tbt motcin forlallc style; suited lo lln nccommodatlon nfilnplo oc cupauts, or famllica. Iter bt da are alwayt kept cliau SET AT ALL HOURS. tf BOOK STOEE, ATTIIR POST OFFICE BUILDING JACKSONV1I.1.K, OIlKtiON". The latest series of School booki will lip found on the shelvcr; to which uddittons are being constantly m.ule. STATIONARY of tlio mT QfAUTr. CmislliiiK of Jlalicmns CeKbralcd Linen Writing l'npers. SM no other kind. KSVnt.Ol'EJornU kinds, sorts nn.1 sites, Cony books, lle.1, blue, black, copying nml Indelible Ink. Alert m; 1'ocket, : counter nnd d.f k Inkslunds, Ink and p'licil I Prn.i.r. 1i,,i k'nlr,. ManAi. Wl.l.ir. Lwi. I . ....i,., -.. vi-t ..n I,c,!(' ' '."rpentlrsiHuclli,l)rwlnc penclli "" "rawing liai-r, .c. AC. Bancrofts Diaries for 1865 Contatulug 111 of slump duties, and other ueful Information. Theo diaries are tho finest nnd tho mod complete llilug ol the kind ever got up. A good supply of Pass books, I'ockel nud nlphnln't memorniiilumi. F.astrrn Pictorials, magazine nnd couiio papers kept constantly on baud. A ClItUL'I.ATIMi l.lllUMtY of now nud aelict N"Vel, to which additions nre made by every steamer mall. Orders fur any book or liooki not ou hand, promptly llllid In ten .Viys notice. CM. I, and gtt a letter, nn.1 If thcro I' mine, buy material and irite one, thetxby patroiiixelug both I'ncle Sum nnd S. K. IIAINI. Be sure nml Stiltscrilic fur ,1. T. II('iiillc),A llnronv nr tuk (iui'AT Ki:m.i.i.iiiN ; ibo most authentic nnd Impartial mk on tho pitieutwar In the Unitid .Stale ; thuulng lliu cauw, rite and procn-ss r tbs Itclxlllon'; the uprising nnd euthuilasm or the I'vopU, the l'nlrlotlo lib erality nnd cheerful volunteering at llic North nnd Wntl,tho Immense military nnd tliinucial resources of the (Jorermniul ; Ilia raising, organizing, nnd rurnlthlnx both Armies und .Niilcule etc. Ir Is F.mtft-lllilird Willi ovrr rUty tlrsl class ktccl rngrnvings. and over forty For tinlts or nllleers, prominent In Iho war hold North nud Ssulb. This work la sold by Subierlpllon, ouly. O. A. DAVId Cnuvnsslni; Agent for Southern Oregon. N. II. This work cau bo had lu either (Jar man or I.'uglish. Jacksonville, December 23d. I6CI. tl , Administrator's Salo NOTICI. Is hereby glreu, that by. virtue nr nn order, made by tho County Court, 1 1 will sell for rash, to Hie highest bidder at I auctlou nl the court bouse dour.ln tho county I of Jut Wkmi nml State of Oregm,on b'nturday, , Hie tllst lust., betneeu the hours or nine o'clock A. M., nnd four I'. M.. nil the real prp.rty longing to t!m astute of tho Utc ;"', ". drcensn, rltualed n JW nronsnld county nnd Mule, bulug claim No, 7-t In tonlili 37, south of It. 2. west, bo- ginning ut tho N. W. corner, on the south iMuiud.ify of claim No. C7, thence south 20.-00 clntrif. th.mo east 80;00 chains, tlccc ,,ri, jottZ clinlns, llieneo we.t 711:96 chains, to Iho pluca ol beglniilr.c j contain illg IU1 Ut-IDO nens. .. .......... LMKltSON l CORK Adm'r dcrlOuJ 1'Imi-iiU Deo hih. Ibfit. T II 15 Standard Souing Machine or tii -V QSZJ-i 13, From which nil others derive their vitality. All ollirrs fuy license to How, Jr.. Ibv urigliikl inventor nnd patentee. These Justly crlebratid nuclilnrs combine th dsilrablc oii.illlles of.sll others, and nil) sew collaa, ilk or thread with cou.vl faeillty from the tmuKnPM or line mustin id miructf uaiinr; they run Un.t and rnpld: make a utat lotk '(llcli, nl.ke on bolb s.'dci; never drops stitches: will gather and sew on at the same time. Th'y nro very simple, easily undsr stood nnd managed; are durable, belur of glcmt strength and of perfect jnrcbsiil.ui, upon correct at.d tcleutiQc utchaulcal tuiu- cfples. F033 FAMILY USE TUK LETTER "A" Family mncblne has nornual. II docs tin entire tinge of work In th most approud manner. J'rlce 600 OO. with tiilures complete; and wltb cap lo cover tha am' chine part,' locklog accurely. (iJ ()(), rncc oi mo "A," penn iioietied macblao, with cap, $75 00; LettiT -11" light wanu (acturing machine, SC3 00, and with cap, 570 wu; Letter "u," neavjr manuraeturlug, price $83 00; 'D,"cylaudcrmaeblue,$UJ; "K." lurgecylander machine, $H0. t ahobavo for sale the Improved Little Giant mnchlne- $20; tho New Kaglaod ma- chiuc $15. AilVlUltHU . SwU. No. 3,' Montgomery Strict, Siu Fanciico, Sole agents for tho Facifio Coast, tan Froucicco, Oct, B, Uo'4. oottSm JOHN NBUEER Aggnt, Jucbuuville, Ogn. "rr 'JicwsTtoaleVs nml Bookwllen, Read And Jiemcmbcr. J. SVUATillAW, Wliolcsnle Xcws-D'cnler, rels Ivnd fornahh nil tbo Ihlly and Weekly Xevvspapvrs. Magazines, etc.. "to nil parti or the counlrj, vvilh Crent Dipaleh. , I SELL AT PRICES That Dofy Competition ! I Kvery Nw Novel received nt soon n published. I hare tprttal arrangements with all lb different publishers, stationer, tic, nnd furnish tlio trnda nilh Books, Stationery, lllnitk Ilnnlta, Mlutc, FORTKAIM, IMUNTS. MEDALS Irlolainotypos, etc, na aid. ;, ;hc"cu:w IN IIRCVT YAR1ITT. I have unrnuale.l faelllllcs, nnd guarantee dialers Iho closest attention. rrSciul for n price list, and give ma a trial. OOIIX STKATMANi SAN FUANC1SCO. American Flags! With full complement of Stars I printed on Muslin do Lulue, Imitation oi Hunting, In Fast Colorant tha FOLLOWINQ LOW PRIOCSt Slxe, 1 foot Jl COperdosin. Plr.e, 2 reel 2 50 p-r doten. Sire, S feet JOOprrdoicn. Size, luche 10 00 per dozen. auo BUNTING- FLAGS, Or all sites, Irom sixty cents to ohi dollar per fool. UNION BADGES" AMD PINS, In tirrst Vnilst). J.STUATTON", Slsjv'r First fallfornla AiMli-ry. nmpIrcNewa D'uol. narlbeail ci-rner of Washington aud Sanu itrteli.Sau Fran lico. llrtliitlion In rtlffs to St.!hrrlru. A TTKSTION Is called tn tin- following XI. list or Amenenti nud lotvlirti rerloiu- cuts, for vvhleli 1 n-oelvo suliseripll.iiis. I'erniatient arrangements have Imni mads by Iho I'nited f lutes' Cuvrriiuwnt fur the cum lug of Iho Malls from the Allaiitle tntva bv itenmer, thru' times n month. I am enaidnl Iw reeelisi snbserlptlrms ul u mucli lower mie man mritieriy. jnsrame care nud attention will be tmld tu the fur nsrillnc uf nil pucka cs, for which thla ea tabllihmaut has gained tuvli nn enviable reputation througliout the l'aoiac Cvnt. Atlantic Period I call. rax Tats Masszlns $3 5U ok , , 3 50 aroer'a 1 onllilv . (.Kiev's Lady's Itook,,.. Atlantic slvntlilj 3 SO Lrsllc'a Family Maganlne, 3 50 Rulekerlioclier slagailue 1 50 Continental Monthly 3 30 Peti rion's Ladle ilagaalns 3 CO Arthur's lloins Magatlue 3 00 Ladles lteK)ltory .". 3 50 Tales or IbeDay 3 50 linntl.lr Novrllette 3 00 IVlectle Magnalne 110 Hunt's Mriehaul's Magaslna 6 OU Ilanler'a Mussilne C HO I.' lion Ton Ilrowiiiou's Uevlvrr Rraltlinalto Ketrnip'ut Turf Itcglster (esrly) Dnllnu's Macaxlu , Yank le Notions (comlo) Lsslles Hudgel of Fun (wimlc),, Nie Nx (eumta) C-inilc lloullily .1 OU 3 110 3 IIU 1 Oil 50 30 00 5U 5tl 30 OU 5U ruuuiir i-cii.mr iwnoioj. Ntw oik U'ctkh llersIJ " J'ill)(.aitt " Cllpjier " Homo Journal , " Wekly Tribune fiiudy Albvs " ' Tlmas 2 Irktsntssii ', " tiMi-my " " Gmihrr " Weekly Time " Win Id " Journal of Commerce " Iudeneiidcut - Lesulrr l"yKvi " Leslie's i'iatoilal " Ilarper'a Weekly..,, llliisliat.il News Leslie's .Iclung (fj'eruuu). " Demiikrat " Criminal Jelling " Family lllntter " YaultyFalr " Irish Aimsricau ..,,.,,. 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 3U 3 50 3 AU 3 AU 3 5U 3 30 3 it) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 50 IIU 50 50 30 30 50 30 II) 5U 50 50 " FoleutlHc Amerltau. Wilkr-a'HpliH or Iho Times 3 5(1 " T.blat 3 at; 11 Utuntry ueBtlenwH..,., . , 3 5U W.ekly 3 5u " Mfory ...., 3 50 " Ilrmld of l'ruurusa 3 30 " SksutlWi Ahhh&4ii Journal 5 w " AlbUwi , C bU Hwud'llalUtiUirUH) a ou " L.v Crojiltiv (iJpauUli) 12 00 Jloitou Wkly JouriMl ,. .. 3 30 M l''lag of our L'uloi 3 50 " FUot ,ift0 41 Wvrly ilajpulne 3 30 " Dauaer of Light 340 " True Flag 3 jy Invsa-lltfatar 3 AU " Llleruiy Companl.m .150 ' LllUdPa Living Ago 7 00 l'hlladrl4iU Foruay'a War 1'rws.. .. 3 50 " Dollar NsHilieV 3 00 Saturday Hvtiufug I'ost 3 00 Jlaltlmoro Wi4klr!uii , :j ad l.onl, villa Wvekly Journal .1 50 Cincinnati H'kKIy Couimerelal .1 mi tit. Loulaltepuhllcaii 3 30 Foreign I'tirioillcali, London llluitrated News wltb sup plements til 00 ' Weekly Dispatch 13 00 " Illustrated News or tho World II 00 " Illustrated Tlinsa J 00 " Weekly Times lo (jq Hi-lie's Llfo 13 00 " Athemrum 12 00 " Fundi . 8 00 " OucenWenk 8 00 Liverpool Wilmir A SnrHh'a Tlmj.. 15 00 Dublin Natlm , 13 QQ Comhlll Magazine fi 00 Teiiiide'llar Magsziru; c 00 Kt. Janvoa Mauazlue c qq Loudon La ocet. r nn World or Mb Soo Chambers' Journal , 4 gg All (he Year Itge, DUrkms, .,,.,". c (m Loudou Art Journal 12 Jo Ittaskww'a Maaaxiw.. i ot, Wciti.M.r Qiwrtily Itlsw, . , . . ,. . S off 7.o lb U1HW1 ' y .... so8 fitlngburu " " 3 00 Lomiim " " .?, Tibe fwir TJovlows and Illackweod IS 9f T-ynicrlptlon recelve.1 for nil th San Francisco dallren, nt Fnbllslier'a prices, Anr Newspaper, Mnpulnc or llcvlcw, Aol menlfone.1 In lli atvo list wilt bi rurnMv ed to order. Orders Tor Honks. Music Fnsv oy Artieles. cte.. Illll promptly nt tlw low est market rntis. Sulncriptlons payabls invnrhvlily lit ndvance. , , , A.mn-4, J. STKATMAM, mv2llf News Agent. San Fronelseo. LO VB & BILGBIl mllforuh Strft,'JncKonilll, DEALER 3 AND WORKERa IN' TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, HAVE Just received from tha AllanUa Stntea nnd Ran Fmnolsco, n eOmplst stock of everything In their line, and will keep constantly on hand an niorlrusnt of Hie best Tin, Shett-lnut nud Coppetwar nrns npts,1ly.1mnUo Noes,'Forea rumps. Chains. Lend t'lisc, loia. MAKIrtVAUK, Cl.TMUU'i NAIW or nil lre: ; liar. I'lale nhd asotled Iron l'alula. Oils, Hlies nnd Olassf All.tunlltlesori'owdert Phot of nil mimliers I llntshea r every v arfrty.ola., tla. Also.alwnyaon lialnl.n larga lot of stoves of nwrUd siaes. " Duck's 1'ntejit Cooking Slovr," nnd tho "New Woild Slore," th two very lieotnnd approved pllerns'ln tha world. J'arlor, Oltlco nnd Cnbiu filovss, fancy and plain, constructed un hirst fus ..vlng plans. Il.dlers. Ketll. Fols, Fans, nnd cvrrv tiling eonneelfd with these siorn, warranted diirulda ond petTcd. All nrtlrle aol.l by them or mnufsa tnred. WAtSHANTHD. Their work Is made f the best material nnd of choice! patterns, Snt-Crdrrs altcndetl lu u lib dt'iovtch, and filled neeordlng tn directions. n evsrj thing, their slek Is tho largest and beil ever brought lo Jacksonville, nnd Hiy ars determined to sell at i.ow rnio; inn vim, (Jail and exnmlno their st.vck latrorc pur clm'lng Elsewhere. June 23; IdtOASS. Agenla for llnlllday A Co's Wire Hope. Walt'sS Nervous ANTIDOTK. Thu wot Ilomtrkablo Motllcin'o yet DUcovcrcd I orutioxs of Tiin cAUFonsu pnnsn. Oneiif IhoRrenlast chrmleal dtrcoverlss nfmoilern linos Is Wall's Nervous Anil; dote. The tMnllelno Is perfrelly hsrialvsa lu ltarflfrts. IhiI nt lit samo tlino acts so Hisverfully ujivn Hie nsrvous system that the worst eas-s nf nervous dtsmdrri ara enmpletelyeup-d lu n very shorl lima. Novad.v Trans. ,,t. It li not like Ihu Ibmnnnd and out rims dies oftircd lo the public that curs every thing, but It Is n r p. I do remrdy for all casra arising fioin nervous dcraugsmmt. Its merits have lieen proved lu mimeroua lu stances known to us, from various causis, and many n bed ridden Invalid has been r nlorr.l lo hvnlth.- H'olloo (,ai.'lto. 'Ibl Is 0110 of tho pilrnl nrtliles af tho' thy which Is really vvvll worthy of Iha toti-' r.Uueo of His pilbllo, and Justly entitled lo tho popularity It ei'jnyi. -S. F, llurald. It la Iho bast Hilug vvv have yet found to produce a quiet and refreshing steep. Nerv ous wsoua should try It by nil means t It will burl 11.1 one, aud Is good for nil, American ltglo, K tho editors or the l!4trn newspaptrs nru lo be bvllitrrd, tills Is mi oslraordlnarr eoniHmnd. It la said that II will cuta tha worst ensea of lllivuniitism, Niitl)tli aud ulldlsensvs arising rrmn n derangement of Iht uirvous svstem. .Sim Jio 1's.lrlut. Walt's Nervous Autldule bus, tha reputa tion of In-lug one of the womKra or tho ae,. - I'asltloCunilKiluml I'rosbylerlau. It has Ihshi known lo mire lllisuioatlim of long alniHliiiK, even nflrr Iho oust had buen glvoaiirer ns hopeless (Oakland News. It Is a great dlseovrry, ns Iriousnuds that have lMiu lellovid by It cau bear Usllmoiiy. -- Nat ItcHirisr , It Is k splendid priparallon. Amador Dlspnloh. H Is iiuipiesllonably tho greatest medical dlstiivors uf tbo age.- Monterey (Inicltu. Dr. mill's Nrrvmis Antuiulo cures moro nervous dlsinsn than nil Ike i.hfsolsBs "'I tlie l'adt!cCu-wl. -IJauUou (UrtHwai Sentinel. UllM MUlau.-This terrible nml palnfal dlseusu i very rtMdily e.irid by tie use of Wutl's Nervous Aiilldole," Itslfur.li laa. iimUats relief nnd cures couipUtely In afsvf weeks. -.SUu Joo I'alrlot. 'His reinaiknlilouudlslnn does not' enn lain auvthiuK Injuiloiu to tbo stitoni. btlur rompoaidor vegatablo ubilam;u eullisly. It coutttlni no meroury oc opium, atul ;st its RVu nro like m tylot uudur tho talk,- w ui 11, iuv uiiiuv nervva Moouia julut aud he fulls usUep.- Holuno l'ns, I'orsonswlji Imrusnll. red for vesrs nth' physical ilubllitv nro relieved at onoo by lU umi or IhU tn.ilMiie. nud In n short lime ara (KHHidtiKiy ntorud (0 hvulth niuj kgr. tjulney Union. Tlw Autklutu vWII ouro IHieuaiullim', nsa ralgln, ami In fnui nil ilUensis url.lng from ileinngnueut or tim iivrrous system.-t I'la vtrvllU l)mcral. , Ten drop or Wull'aNersoua Aulldota will (iiilal n errfiif ehil.l in (ho mliiules. Tko Mnllcliw la Hifty hunulis, nud mothers nud not U ufruiii t0 uy H.rcTttnln Cru .Sentiuul ll UlbTgrMUsit remedy yd disouvsred, for iho euro or all ditwiusea arising from is ileiuiipmeiil ol the nervous system. Wood ii.u .iw, xiini. n CrtANKA IlItlCIIAM.AKeiili, sr Clay uud Front its, San Frajicfsco', lo at retail by nil DruaBlsls.'uTcIJjnS Corner For so roil jt,K AT TUB City Drug Store; liul..oiivlr, Ormoiij '" TN tho Circuit Court or the 8lato of Or s Ron, for tho County of Jackson, Hannah J). MtCumbcr plalntlir, h. Henry Jl. MeCnaiber dtfandaiit. lllll for invoice, s,iTon,uf; i1',' Mt;'r 1 yon are hereby S1 lul i Pcar lu suid courl, on tbo wtr a coming,,, on file ngraluit you In raid court, ,n tbo about enlllUd eauw, and ywi are hereby nollflud tbul If yuu fall to an. war wl.l complaint, na almru rritulnd, tbo plalntlir will apply to thu court fur a decree, dlaeolvlng ibo bonds or marriage exliiln Ntwum the said (unties; and tor cost ami osiHiiut-a of tbls suit, to bo taicd: ' ." Hy order of I', '. Film, Judgo of said Court. -" r JACOII3 A HUSSF.LLJ-U' AtlorueysTor plalollr. Jnckionvllla, Jan. 12th i&Ci, : w6llj. J St'isss i is. 1 L Sliij!,! ito puicH .. mj. hHHAI'-aJ,