Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 25, 1865, Image 2

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    THORiiM SliXTflllL
.1. jr. JtCTTOXf IMItor.
TnTHM"icicr Atn renmr.,0 or voir
Uxiov, jl Gotmxmext r ., thk wiioj.b is
rnrrs!Anr.K.'' ir.(Jhwni.
jackso.v vn.t.i:, oitutto.i.
S1TDBMY MOIi.MXn,- FEB. 25. 1SC5
Mil of Agent' for tlie Omtoox SuvrixM,
V.. V. ItitH'll. general agent for Oregon,,
nnd Idaho "territory.
1.. V. 1IMir Sun Francisco C'al.
JJ.'KnonllonAUo lo do
Thoma Davis, .Mtarai. Ogn.
FT. It. I llll Wllber ild
V. U.lHnlseyc, lU-.k l'lnt lo
Thomas Cro.iloo, ....Croilon l)lilndo
irm. Bplecr, JmnOir-Jo do
orHibb. I'erlbwd
I). M. Thompson .MUjr do
XT. M. KvAti AltlsouM do
IhemaiCarr '
Trnima F. Floyd Kerhyville do
S.W. Sawyer 'lo "
)).i'. Amlerfon HimaLx do
D.M.C.Oault , d , Jo
A. Ireland Myrtle Creek do
Oro. l.Pean Kllenbiir do
Thcodrlc Cameron Union Town do
June I. Watson Koseburg do
Mfsi Rattle Hunter HogiM" 1'ircr do
I,. Tf. Solllns Fori Klamath do
Blnrcr Herman, of CanyenvHie.ge ncrsd
Agent for Potul.v Cotinly. ,
a vim: ciiANcn van a lit
Daring llic last twelve years, the raiwr
ofJaekson county have taken millions e-f
dollar from nroatxl the base of the clamp
of mountains lying northwest of Jackson
tIIIc, aoil surrounJul hy Applesjite, Ilo
guo Hirer nod llogae Hirer valley. A
large cumber of creeks ami galclxt find
llielr source In Ihese leolated tssoaolains,
nearly nil of wbleh lvav proved rltb.
Further, every piying qnerU lede tbt
hai bees dlecc-vcrtd in this eesity, sxerpt
Hold Illll ami there Is every reason to
bclicrc, ai nc Itnre before Mated, tint It U
a "slide" from thcec tnoutitaint i in thii
Theia mountains, In many places, con
tain Mlcnslve deposltea of prarcl; espeel
ally tlioio heading the gulches tributary
to Jackson Creek, to which we, a' pretest,
more particularly wisli lo call ottretion.
All those rich gulches putting into the
right and kit forks ol Jackson creek hare
their source In a high gravel mountain, be
tween the two forks. Some of these gulch
es hare been fouud ricii almost to the sum
mit. This mountain Is known to contain
n ehaoncl or bajln, which Is overtsld hy n
thick bvd of tint rock and pu lling stone.
In alternate layers. It Is aim ktwrn that
the gravel underneath this sand stone con
tain gold. In 1 857, n nurgct, weighing
one dollar, was picked up In a small hole,
suuk on the rim rock, and from a small
fiaaatlly of dirt, taken fiom the same bole
saj conrcyed on a bamliled to the creek,
the sum of om dollar ami lea oenls was
obtained. Sailor goleh has pftlJ well a
far up as water oouhl be bbuintd to werk
It. A few yean ago a .Mr. Kenedy we
believe that was his name itruolc asm ill
channel in this rnountalu, from whk'h he
look a large amount of money. Yet,
strange to say, with all tliete evidence of
rich deposltN In this muuntaiu, all at
tempts to organize a company fur the pur
poso of running a tunnel hare (aikd. Wc
liavo known of several instance where
practical miners have proposed to the mer
eols of Jacksonvlllo to undertake
this enterprise, If they would furnish them
with tbclr current expenses; and In case
anything was found, to divide the profits.
We think now, as we barealnayjlhougbt.
that it was a mistaken pelley in oSr mer
chant capitalists to withhold their patron
age from an enterprise whieb proauid sueh
uccess, and, If successful, would be of sueh
vast importance lo our county.
Wo earnestly urge that the merchants,
mccbauici and formers take this matter in
to serious consldcratios, and form them
selves into a company for the purpose of
developing lue mineral resource ofJark.
eon county. Say the shares are ti-u dol
lar! each, lei each ptrson interested take
.nhatcver number of shares lie may fool
able. We- are confident tho miners will
second se;h a wove, ns it Is an almost uni
versal belief arnonjr thcmsdsN that Jackson
county contain rich deposits of jj ravel in
her mountains, particularly those of Jjck
eon crick.
A capital of fire hupJrea dollars, we
uciien-, uuum uu mnpiy scnioieOv to com
nicccc a tunnel In tku Jackson crevk m.uu
taiu, (t being so sleep that a Uvt hundred
feet at most' will bo 6uflieienl to cut
through tho rim rock. Onoc get such ait
enterprise started, ami the public. nwaVen-
ed to its Importance, and we anticipate no I
further trouble in raising means to curry
on' the work. "Who will make the uwe?
)t us bear 'from the mlnrrr, merchants,
farmers and mechanics. If tliey sliow a
deslrcto glvo the enbject a hearing, we
will volunteer the first contribution to
wards it, in the sliapu or .fty petters,
calling n preliminary meeting, for tho. pur
pwo of iiMjuiriog iuto tlicffuiibUIty of tho
Tvxt.io t.ii. Mi -' Ths;.', ' of i ib. I
2:d. Myilni thci-. w mi. I a In f.t
rerrijjjiddllion.il taxation Of tho inline."
This SV lirj'tgtr knd sih frtsc. The ',itt
TiNKBIn-n'nlSdh wtlli the fnl on pari of lh
Sltei(inlwYiyabetii"pnopl 10 Rjt livSt.
Honof'lhe mines.-'Wollr-l'.Bro ItMinpniftfc
and Inexpedient, nml Ii,m always to luld.
Tin-t'nlonputy of lil Plate flrt Ineor
piratod It ns n '.ttnelpU in the platform of
their pirty.
The Kfirltr, In one of llltw, ftvrlnl
that the object InraWng romny men Inv
5)icrn for llm mlfltnry Nrvlcc, w lr
enforce n l.ivatinn of the nllnen, Inllniatlng
plainly thai ConRren ivwuM p. n law
tATlug the mlnw. nnd that llm miners would
reslM the enforcrment of that law. In our
last Imio, In onlliiiK nttotttlen In IUU infam
ous flandr iipen the patriotism of the mtu
ery we went on to supposo n one. Thai
Me raj, that meh n liw enacted nnd an
actual resistance should take phtce, wo nnt
cd to Know on nhleli lde the clllnr of tho
trjvUer would le found. And we rerwnt
the jnllon to-day In mch ncae on wlilch
ride HII yon 1 found ? nn the pirt of the
(lorernmeiit 7 or on the rfde of thoe In re
volt ? Ami yoti, rlr, with nil your patriot
ism dare net answer till" plnln rjuestten'
Yon claim to be n l)e meemt, yet In cw ft
a nipood rciolt. your Dsmoeraey Is not
HifHolenlly patrlotlo to eny whloh staiHhrd
ymi will follow 1 You olaim to be In favor
of the Corcrnment, lull It Is Impossible to
wring out of you an answer to this question.
Suppose the lnr of that Government are
rested, where will yon be? Snob your De
mocracy! such your patriotism I
Stbw' Show, irre It Is smnslns; to see
with whit avidity Copperhend rupcM or
this eaMi Minttli .11 every Item purporting
to ls favorable to traitor. Just heard an
Item, rebel rlelnry, reeos;nlllou by Itogland
and Fmnee, Federal atlrcclly. Fwleral ruin
or snpfrlotliy or Soulheni over Federal
ftcnerals. and the setirrlloii" crew dive after
It ViVc a shark after n rannnu lull. And
each vie with each, who shall All tho great
est nnmtter of columns In comments on the
bopeleM eonditlon ofonrfiovernmeflt, nnd
the niter ImpWiMllly of sulnlnlng the no
Me. pftlrlotle and clilralrcms rptrlt of lb
Ponlh. Sometime. hoArertr, In their enorr-
nose to compliment their Honthern friends,
ihey lonve lhnlv In poeltlwi In l
laiisrhed at by Utelr Northern enemlo. The
'rf)'(dne 7W, before the tlretlon. pnb
Uvbod leUer pwrjwrllng to om; from n
soMler fro beforo 7Vterlstiri. The .lri
Ultly (tot n Right at the Utter, and hIiUohi
stopping to consider how aUobitcly ridicu
lous the statement has proved In fact, since
it u written, cxtrnetid the folio lug pre
clous tlt-Wti
'This army Is lolng oonilJenco every
day. No matter bow hanl the men light, It
is Impossible lo gain anything; low
hrstt7 In eneh battle, through our General.
A mere handful of rlel can, grnerally.
lo.ive their works, Attack trebly Ihtlr nnm
ber, anl hold our army In check n wliolo d ty.
I go Into battle now without n hope ef suc
cess." Had It hare p-iUWied this bernre the
election It might have worked some slight
Injury to Die UuJon cause, Ixil nt tbU lat
day. when people JInsom- the hhttory of the
vnparallrtl auacese ef the L'nlui armies, the
rIiovo Item, endomil by the Amu, places
that ps per In a rather ludicrous poltlon.
DHr.w'- UxrwinioK.CAl. Drew pnbllrli
e tn tho Ssatimci. n long wb.di-d rrport nf
bl fntiiai explltlon from Fort Klata
nth tn tlielMoe orMinlrr, last summer. If
Col. Drew bail attended tn what was IIki
obJt of his exielltln, Instesul of pnwpwt.
Ing for feet, ho would have renderwl mere
servloe to the govermnflt fr tho vnst
amount of mottey whtJi the expedition cost.
From tho aliove. It scons that our eoUm
porary nt the IUIIm must Us getting a little
jealous, lest another route might be found
crote the mountains on n In Iter ami njore
direct route than the Columbia Hirer. The
Xmnhhvtf neeil not "klek nfalnit the
prleks," the peoplo of Southern Oregon mid
Northern California hivo the advantage of
the Dalle folks In n run to through thu moun
tains, and liu um nature is ro oo:itltuted
that It will iim) such little advantage. It
Is but n dltrerent phase of the same attrib
ute of human nature to oppose anything
thil opposes It' Interest. Therefore, we do
net blame our Dallw frlemN for trying to
throw odium on nil expedition which has
done so maeh for the Interest or n rival sec
tion of the country. It la a natural reeolt,
and just what wo expected.
We have not received n copy of the
Jacksonville Khntixki. for fimr weeks or
more. What's wrong?. Albany Jimiiial.
We acknowledge the corn. On examin
ation we find that In transcribing tn our
new suliecilplioii book, the Jumual had
accident ly been left out. We don't wish
to cut your aqualntance, friend Juumtl.
(i oei Ttun Coil i so --Kwnlno eJosely In
another eolumn of this Isrue, nnd you will
find that Unele Billy Durk Is alwit to put
on hlsoW robof "mine host," and'troat
llm dancing pnMIe to n grnd bill, nt l)r
Unells, on the 9th of March. KvtrjUi.ly
will go to Uncle Billy's Itall.
Dui:TKiiirci IlK.Kvo.HVl1s.lalon
Alls n oobimn and a half of his ltptttr on
oommendatlon of the climate, roll, products.'
ami mineral wealth of Mexico, awl Ihen'the
poor fallow weeps through auothsr column
anyl a half, that DsmoeraU should belioro
tbwo xepreeculationsv and emigrate.
11.. I....A ILfa.1 ,1,1 In Aiir nfSljul A ifA?n.
Iswry note, payable to Nelson Stephviuun
or order, nnd signed by Foster & Tlcbnor.
iiteownsrcaniiavei; on proper njipnsa
lion. i ' " "
Suxmor IUkoino. at Jilj. owu roiufst,
has Uon exeuseJ by lbo,genatc, from serv-
lug o thttiiommitlcft.on Uic.oamluct of
he war, 911 Jhgrjgunjl vt,i bcnltb a ,
"Xrobk-w" will nppgarniMt week. ' '
JWiftMiir mmqjm
llcunn oj TninTKKs AiiJocn.NKii Mkvt
ix.i, I'm. 'Jlil 8C3- The llooad ofTrus
Ices convennt nTth&bmir of ndjonrnment.
il-'recfetiisri nil boiud', Mectlnjr auVd'lrt
order bAlim'resldt, .Minutes ?3f ftc
wnng.mecung reainniui npprovrujT a
riie'Commltlcr' on 'Finance, on examina
tion, reported IlieTrrnnmcrs n port correct
and rccomended lint It be received nnd
placed on file, which wasndopfcd.-'-On'mn
Hon of Mr-IIjilnesj the 'rrrmiirer, report
was ordered published. C'ommilco of Fi
nance nlsn ropnrlc'.l li.icinii'c account c!f
.las. T. fJIcnii for services nnd recommended
that he be paid 82fl coin, for cacti year's
Gcrvlcc. On mottrm of .Mr.'Halncs, the re
port was laid on the lable.
The (Vmmlllcc nppblnlcd to nspcs? town
lands mado n fnll report, which was read
and ndopldl, nml (ho report ordcrrtl lo be
spread en the journal.
A report nnd diagram of snrvey, by Mr.
Howard, of First Rtrret, was submitted tn
llic board, nnd on rxnWnallnn was "order
ed lo be placed on file by the llccordrr.
Mr. Rnfhs offered n resolution vacating
part or Flrl Htfcct In'f.ivor of Ilia occn
pints' of mljilnlng lots, tho value of the
land In bo er.eiscd apaln't said parties
Mr. Sachs reported ami crMirtiTree, fixing
the compensation nf Town Trcnrnrer nt
two per cent on nil. money received and
dIOjtnsfd laid over tinder the rhles.
Hoard ndjnnrnrd, sin die.
U. S. IIaydrx Ilccnrder.
I.kt Tnmt (So. There Is n large larfcrl
mo lmvUr In the tail Kifmitt. about Km!
grntlon of Ainrrlonn clllz?ni tn Mexico.
Thewpeplngilth of the whole affair K tint
these emigrant are all Democrats leaving
their country far their country' gvl.
Modern Democracy ha n great affinity
rr the gergemn Irapplncs of royalty. A
ajreit nwny Demwrats have recently left
the Northern Stale 'for Canada, They
lorad thilrown country some, but feared
the draft more. ThU Is n fu-e country, and
If a. man don't like It, he can trarcl ni soon,
ind us far out ofltns he likes. If these.
modern Democrat dWt Ilka n KepuMlonn
gtirernment. nnd rrpnbllervn Insl'tiillswsaiid
asmelalions, lhy have permhtlon to leave.
Iflby prefer n monarchy to nrepaMlc. all
right. If they prefer to live, wove, and have
their Mug under the protecting sii-gls of
(Ineen 'letnrta's crlnollne-s be It. If
ihey wwild ralhir noelate with graTS,
nmlw the nnteady relg-i ef Maxlmllllnn.
ve shant object. Wo wonder If tho editor
of the lUyoritr Intend to emigrate!
- iti ii. !
The following Is the first Greek Ire hurl
ril al the I'urllan by thu nythlcal cdttor ef
the Mrte.
'l'oimx Lnw. Some narrow mlmldl
Abolition editor in this .ftat" hpiar tn lie
Kicnlly owrclsril alsmit certain chingcs
which lure oeenrrH In cerlnln of the Dum
ncrnlle piper In this .Viate, nmoui them,
our littlo neighbor. Thl I 7'urltan like,
and as we hare but little regard for their
wishw In IhU reiect, we shitl piy no heeil
to thew. and, In future, a wehavo In the
past, coiiict the lm!ucia of our oIUco to
mil ourwlf."
ThatVrlukl. If 'urltam don't like It
lioeti9 O'Meam wns turned out of Ihe Htntx
ofttec, let theiiHjnlt taking It.
(i'o.nk. Mr. .1. Waldo Thompson, who
has had charge or lbs telegraph office al
Hit place, fnr lite Inst nine nr ten months,
standi for Salmi on yoslerdjy mnrnlic
tn take charge of Ihe office (hire. We
commend him to live good people of Salem.
nsA yrnsng inm worthy of their highest
confidence ami esteem,
We aru IwWbtetl to F. U. Haines, Mn for n
copy of this highly Interesting work. Hi
shirt n numlser uf fine iilhograph portraits,
It 0011 talm imioh useful statistical Informa
tion. On to the l'oit Oitlce and buy one, it
Is worth the money It costs.
Tiik Kugene City lltrine logins to show
sign of l'urlmanla, and pltahe Into the
I'urltana ; a k Malone style. O, yo Purl
tans! well may you weep when Malone, rein
forced by .who I be? "Shorty," wo be
Hero they call him brings hls-'I'urltan
smashing batteries to bear on your abolitloo
Mur. DineiiNmrsm. W'v learn from our
northern, exchange, that the mall from the
Dalle to Canyon City his been dl'contln
mil. Vrsnnt writing to Canyon City should
send by Wtlls Farg'i'n express.
IU11.T Moi xtaixkku. Xi'e were favoreI
this u.ek with tho first sight of this neat
lltilu dally ditd tho 1.1th of this month.
jiiereitTKO nci.wivxi.r ixiu tiik aKXTivri.
Charleston ours !
200 guns
Circuits 'Fortifications.
Shuhman's Movkmknts.
Henry S. Footo sails, for Eu-
Washington, 1 5 th. -Tho Petersburg
F.xpress ot Saturday, saya (Jrant lias thor
nugldy fortified his position In the rear.
lie is now nenrly as strong on that quarter
asMn'front. This is dono in order to pre
vent raids similar to Hamptons celebrated
cattle expedition. Kvery road is strongly
bjrrittudiil ami heavy lines of works ex.
(endJn every dfrectiou.-
New York, L'tb'. 'lStL The Steamer
Arajo, from Fort K-y..llltl..im arm-
. niul famdy, 0.. H ( ""J
vfffi nif.ClTirh'slon.Ua; vjnud la
.... . .... .i
laf&Vspitcn Itft'cncrally credit i.rto.
night in rtfiielaKcirclos, that Hrtwriirlllc
S. V. U in Sherman' rnwesMim ' "
c'liarlcstm) Is being evaeintnl. It I expec
ted that Hlohmond and Wilmington, will
be evacuated also, and that tho rebels will
make n .lfjpfrate nllcmpt lo conccnlrale
their entire force, nnd endeavor lo crnsh
Sherman while lie U in llic interlon. Tliere
is no doubt that stores, etc., have been re-
moved south from Richmond lately and
this Indicates Its ftbamlonmenl nt no dis
tant day.
The Times" mvs Henry S. Foolr, late
member of the rebel OongrcM, fnlletl for
Kurope on Saturday, lllli. The report
that he had been sent lo Fort U'nrrcn wna
without fnundallnn.
August i Constitutionalist m.v the ap
pointment of Dick Tnylor to (Wmmmd the
nrmy of Tmnesee, has insptrwl tho troops
with fresh hope, Ihey were iu excront
Philadelphia, MUi. Iltelimor.d papers
of'lho 12th announce Use tupping of rail
roads by SheniMii north of Uranchvllhi,
and between ICingsvllle nnd Hranohville
thus dcitwying every road centering nt
Tlio U'climonl Hnrpilrcr sirs sitbmlwion
the nlwllshmfflt of glnverj1, nnd rooontruc
tlon, ttiti tlie only tirnH Hut could be
got ont of Lincoln.
Now York, lflth, It Is now said thai
Ihe rebel flon. Illmlmm of Ar!aIlaJlla,
gone to Mexico expecting lo obtain n com.
unnl In Mnxlinli'ian' nrmy having lost
fnith In Jeff Davit' Confederacy. It Is
i! 11111111 thai several other rebel offiecrs
hare lately arrived nt Mntiimoroi.
The World's Washington eorreMindenl
reiterate his former stnlemrnt that the
relsels will soon evacuate Kichmoud and
tlie Atlantic coast, and Ml back to tltu
meuntniiKotis intcilor. IIei.ONMyjI.ce
ami Henmnrard will commind two grand
armiw nnd that preparation are making
for nn otrrwhelmlpg nttaek on Sherman.
Washington, 13th. The Kichmond
Whig of the l.'Hh, has Charleston advioM
to the 10th : n ferec of the enemy two to
three llmuMnd strong landed a: TurnbulU
nn James Islaml this morning nnd drnru in
our plektls, Koinu hkirml'hing took place
but no Rimr.il rngagettirnt, Tho ciii-my
nro making 'a scries of demonstrations nt
rarinui pInl.
New York, 13th. The IIeraMti.ipeci.il
dcpitc'i say ltlcbmmd p'iVrs of Mondny
ltltli, conrcls that Sherman Inn flunked
Ilranclif llhr S U. Iiitli nbiw nnd behiw
mid tint Uardi-v' force cracnathl tie
place. 'Iliey alio state Ih it n Union col
umn bad reaehisl Ornnu'cbirg on I lie ('ol
utnbln road. All tlie railroad eemmuntc.v
lion with (Jlnrlcston is cut off exept by
tho road ti Wilmington, N. 0. Hy theH
operations communication between Ylrgi
nin ami tho Boith ii entirely cnt off, awl
rebel nuthorl'y over the Svulhtrn States
cannot lon-sr bs cnforcil. A later dw
pitch dn'od m'llnlght Ilthnys Iliohnnnl
pip ri of todvy have dlspnleln-s sajlng
tlvatn portioi of Slierinin's fore .ire bus
ily cngigwl in the destruet'on nl the rail
roads in S. (.'.. nn 1 that another o4umn Is
thicaten'ng Clivrloston.
Sill I'raiseisco, 'JUL Tin following
private telegrams from New York : Feb
I llh, gokl 203. Stifling 1081$ (V'108'f.
10th, g.ild, 203. Sterl ng, 106 iV 103",'.
Uga I Tinders 50,'- (rsi 31.
San Franchco, 22-1, 11 n m The fol
lowing le'egram has just been waived :
Uliicago, Feb. 221, 11 o'clock n m
Charleston an I all Its defenses with 200
cannon, supplies, and ammunition camo In
to our possession on tho iiurulng of the
ISth. All the cotton wni destroyed by
tho rebels. No further particulars.
New York, 18th. The lllchmoiid pa
pers contain very Interesting disclosures
regarding eorruptlon In .! IT Davis' Cabi
net, and give an Insight into tho cause of
it dissolution. A committee of the Illch-
imnml L'onjress Imvo proved Selden, Sec
retary of War, as-gullty of gross awliid
ling. Tho Kiehmoml journals mike stale
mtnls which odd to hi gnlli. Wo nlo
have some developments regarding Hood's
campaign In Tenn. The Sellna f.Vlu.)
Mississlpplan. says that two regiments of
his army returned to (Jorlntli with only
8 1 men left out of twclvo hundred. The
Richmond F.xamlncr announces lint the
negroea have caught tlie white military
fever In that city, and that they are already
forming en organization of volunteer fo""
the rebel army.
New Orleans, lOlli. Refugees from
Western Texas reports 1'rlcos command at
about nlno thousand strong, mostly oaval
ry from Texas, Large numkrsofdsferler
are constantly arriving at the Rio Grande
and escaping North Into Arkaaai and
Missouri. Prices headquarters aro nt
R , Texas, -10 miles south of Red
River, In a fine foraging country. Ma-
grader is nt Camden, Ark., with A part of
ins lorcc. i ne mim body, chhfly cavalry
are on a stealing expedition Into Texas.
The' horses ol both commands aro In ex
hauited condition. 'Magruder las twenty
thousand men on tho muster rolls, iwo.
thirds of whom nro effective. KIrby
Smith's headquarters nro still at Shresves.
pert, U. His entire strength Isestliaated
at 33,000, only about 25,000 of whom ore
serviceable. Cotton speculations still con.'
tinuc to niide. Hart, "rebel agent at Mat-'
. ..... ....ii.rt.i .Intlnm In mild
amnras nn mim- l "
Aspan.sl. J mrniil. published nt AJknio
.... Maximilian h.ii created n ricw
lirScN cnlilluVtha sMrttowi KilTof Vbich
(iraiiM MnrshalfAlnt is jrpojgi
niillmlltd mimm r ol'Aplgnis, iwo nnmirc.i
ibtr ol'ApigritF,
officers, one hundred ?6pinmiider nn.l liny
grand officers, 25 nf whom nro grand com-
Vnir York. l-lli.-TIn? steamer, i,ocao
f.... itnt-Ann. brim? date to ttielltb..
H'bc blockade runner, -Ootonsjl I-nmb, was
obliged lo return rrom nn nuempi i
Into 0 ilvcston haibor. Mnxlmllllaii'a con-
I nt Hnvann has not yet been note to re-
ctulm thb lextcan nrchlvcs In that city.
No news from Mexico.
SI. Mill, nth. Cairo spcelnl dlspntcli
ays laic New Orlcnn ndvioca rcpori mm
the Mexican Uenerni aji-jci, commaiKiiHB
at Matamora. ha entered Into nil arrange
ment with tho rebel nulhorltle liy vrlilcli
nil refugee from Texn returced to them,
nro Immediately conscripted.
New York. -L'tli. A meotlng of loynl
Georgian. was lieM nl tlio Cooper Insti
tute last night. Speeches were made by
residents of Georgia. Resolutions were
psed denouncing the secession movement,
and rccnmmendln,? tho early return of the
State In the Union.
Philadelphia, lRib. Rnllolin'a special
illsintch mvs the Richmond pipers of the
Ifitli. nnnouneed Ihal Sherman' main col-
Imil renchcil Kiiigsvlllc Junction.
Comintinlea'.lnM between Florence nnd
Manchester by railroad hai been Interrup
ted. Heaiircgard Is reported n being nn
the north bank of the Congareo river.
Klngsvlllo Ii on the north side of Congaree
within 10 miles of Rrnnehvllle, and 23
m'.lee southeast of t'uliimbm.
Richmond paper ol the ICIh, wy no
official reports from nny part of South
Carolina were ricelrol yeslenlay. 'Our
troops nre fallins lcl toward Colnmbin.
Our Iroopi nbnndoned Rrnnehvllle last
Sunday night. WlieeWr, lust Friday, at
tacked nnd whipped Kiltpilrlck.nl Ailttn,
10 mile KHilhea't of Aiigiutn, drove him
(Ire mllefi In tho illrrcllen of Hrnnchvllle.
Augiiitn eri of Widnesday. state that
nt Hint time, Shernwii was nt Weslln, 10
mile oast of Aiken, advancing on Augus
oca i)i:.vivirir: ws itkms.
The o'miml ami nprlc'it trees nre In
blossom In the orchards at Urovlllo.
It I siipHWil Ihnt the center of nil ills
onvcrkv, tn uli-In Southern California, Is
the County of Lot Angeles.
Hill llecjcliy Isco-npteltng his arrange
inrnl to put n lino nf vinges between Owy
hee nnd Star City, Nenda,
Statr T'ivaxcm. At Ihe clne ofbusl
nes on Satunliy the 1 1 th lint., the balance
In the Klalo Triuviry, nf nil fund., wn
S32. Ml CC. ami no outstanding warrant;.
The Company recrullnl in Wasco nnl
(Jrnnt Counties, number 83 men, nnd have
been mustered Into K-rvici' wills the follow
ing officers: Cuptain, A. J. Norland; I'iril
I.lent.. V. M. ItaiHl; Second I.Vntenant,
A. II. I'mvir. The rumpany rank In thu
Rvglmtntois company "t!." Sttittiman.
Ilyon wunt In nddre n letter to the
Slate of Ni vHili, ami ubrrvialu the niur.c,
write It "Nrv.." nnd not "Na." The lat
ter Id tlw nbreviutlon fur Nvbruskn.
Oai'tiiiT. For wme time post, Ictlerf from
On-KMi oimI Smithern Cnlifurtra c mlnln
lug money nnd I'lln-r valnabh-s. vi been
taken frm tbe imtiU nml roldi d ..( their o
tent liefnro renehlng Sncrainenlo. Postal
Agent Corlsett Im mrcwdnl In tracing
ihrse rnbberhM In the M.iryvdh P.nt Of
Qce. Ily mani nf decoy leltsrscoiitalnlni:
ireenbaekshcsncceetlnl in flxliiir the rob
bery iijkw nn tmpluycc of that elllcc, nam
ed II II. liiton, who nckiinwhdg)-. thai
he Itniexlraclcil 82.000 since last Oclotcr
at wlilch time he first commenced hi opx
rntioiif. Yitka Union,
Ily (li-nrga M. Hirrls, J, p., on I'ebrnarr
lbtli, 1803. at Almanac, Mr. Vi'iUMu P
Tinri.v lo Mivi Yiiiuima Iviidins. All of
this County.
On Jackson Creek, IM. 2'.M, Oi.ivk.
infant ikmslilrr of John and Miliuda ltb.
erls, agul onu year, ten inontLs and ten
It Is gone, Rut ever In thy memory It
will lie the same, innocent, prattling darl
ing child.
Treasurer' Kxlillilt
An account of money received and paid
out by James T. Olenn, Treusurer of the
Town of Jacksonville, from March Is',
1861, toTtbrnury 14th. 1BC3, Inclusive.
May -I, tir cash paid order No. M W
v u T Vault
n oo
31 T Ituxan .'100
" .13 R Row 3 00
" 31HIIHalues 3 00
" 30 Moss a llnll 28 2.1
" 38 J lingers '3 00
". -10 0. M Hanks 58 QO
" 43 Sent'l Offiee 21 00
" 42 0'ltrliCO 2133
" -ll'WSHnydcii 81 00
.. 30I.lnii,.x (lull COO
" -lllliilncsA
Dmiegan 30 00
" -15 RS Dunijp 8 00
" 30 0 Davenport 3 00
" 47 Young and
Krgussl20 00
" IflGM Rmki20 00
" -Wr.lon llnll 2100
32 J Itdcer 24 50
" 50 Sen. Qfiico 12 00
" 4C J IJflger 3 00
"37LovQ.t,lHl5or 3 00
53,J,Hiljjer 20 00
Rala'iicc on lands SI 07 23
C37 55
June 11
Nov 3
" 8
Dec 7
" 11
" 10
Jan 13
" 23
Feb G
ii VI
Ry ensh on hand mst set.
llrmrnt iti -i
" " ofAJNotnnd 8 33
" " ofOM Ranks dog M
" IlenrvlJroMl....i.S?!!?
Mny 10
ii i( ii
Charles Wlelner2SM
Oct I
" 17
ll ll
ii 12
11 . HP
ii ii
" la
Jiin 13
ii ii
Feb 9
""- "(Kllllll RQ4
John Wnlters
A JiNobnd
i. ii
" ' i ,
U S ITaydcn
O M Rank
Fred Sandcra
Viet Scliute
O W Snvage
Ylet Sehuta
Ui-S. Haydcn
23 00
10 00
'4 00
10 00
33 00
'25 00
Iff 00
! -.i
37 0
' 'TIatnnee In Trenrory 107 Co
N. II. The nbovo nmnunl Iiabesn
rslvriltnjid paid,. out In Uultcd Stall, U.
gnl Tender Notes,
I certify Hint Ihr-nhorcaeeonnlcftiifilns
n full, trnc'nnd correct accoanl'nfall
Hie money received nnd paid enl hy
me. as Trensnrer. from March lit
1801, In Feb. 17. 18CS. v'
Jasiks T. Oi.KNS.Treasarer.
Tlinonlylnsttranee Compmy that em
'Icirully do lmliie In Oregon Is lti
'ncino. They hnve cnmpllod with the Uki
nf Oregon, by depositing $50,000 In tat
Slate. Cash capital $730,000.
Jacksonville, Fel.rtiary 23lh. IBM. ft bUll
nnnniincc tn Ihe followers of TVrpsl.
chore, that he will npen tbe'Dardsneils lie.
tel, on the find of Mnrcb nnd on the 9thsf
Hie same month be will elvo a (Jrand Open-
Ing Rail. Ne-pnln'Tflllbctparrtltonule
It one of the very Isrit nf llm frasnn. A
general invitation Is extended to all.
Bradbury "Wade,
Culirnritlii Ht,, .TitcIiHoiiTllle,
Wholesale Retail
Denier In
Clothing, llooln tiisil Shoes,
OrocrricSi.IlHUIWHrc, Iron
ami Steel, Ar;rlciiltnnilinil
tillniiiK ltisplcnscssts, Ll
ipiiirH, Qiiconatvnrp, lnis
AVine, Coal Oir I.usuiis Hiid
ClsisiiiioyH, Tolmcco mill
Cigar, Hiutlonnry, Pholo
Kraplullbiuus, CurtosUVls
e(e, etc.
IN' addition to- mnal stock, we are new re
ceiving n larjo sihlpmcnt, embrselnfik
enmplete nsiortmcnt iu nil of the aloft
cl.urvs. There goiuli weru selected In I?
Fniuclieo with gn-nt enre, by a member cf
our firm who Im bud a residence el Ulr-lecnji-rtr
In .S'oiitberii Orexnn, and wslV
linntr Ihi wiint uf this loculily.
Confident that we cannot bo undersold by
any hoiun In Jackson county, we plulf
our prilron llmt our prices slmll be
"Cheap ns tbo Cheapest.''
Tltanklug mir forwrr pnlrons for tbe fs
vors hiTvtofire e.iteiiibil to our house, ;
wniild ri-ipi-clfully solicit a coiitluuancs (
their patronage.
xo thou 1 1 1. 1: to siroir goods.
Callawlglvo us your tS)r and fair
Jacksonville. Ogn.. Out. 13. 'Ri. oUMt
Now! Now!! New! I
llelween Ni-w Flale Paloon and Ilratlbary
,V Wade's, Jucktonvllle, ,
Boct Cigars and Tobacco,
Mr. Kreuner having purchased Ih nsw
storu.qu floor noulh of llradbury -naa .
call tho ntlentinn of Ibe publlo to hiacom
pletu slock of smoking and cliewl"g lobaeco.
Abo lo hl?inrIwni)Miid.bfitlars.ir,
thecoimoii (mir-ipaiilsb'tov the oflt.wJ
grant Havana. All sdhl it the ro6st liber"
Yon-can Ise tsest supplied with any arti
cles In his line, and svo money, by gmH
lilm a call. December l. U-
Flsml Settlement.
TN tho County Court, Jackson Count,
JL Jan, term I6t5. .,,
Iu the matter of the estato of Crge M
Margaret Long, deceased.
Notico Ii hereby given, that l'"01.1!
11.!.,, l"KIIn ,i ,l.,.lnllr.,lnr ha.1 ftled H
accomit for Dual tcttlement of '' '',!'
aim mat wuiMi.iy, tue sm uy "-,
ary. 1803. has liiKt opart for wM Bau
Mtllcweni vf tf estate,
Uv order of llou. J. C.Tolman.Coani;
Judge. ' .
WJl, HUlJ.s u'"ls
January 7th, 1803, "
March 1
Mny 7
Junu 3