Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 18, 1865, Image 2

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i. M. iitrrru.v, Riiiior.
The Iitporttr of this week jjom In Ixovt-.
ly for Dmiocrntic education
That nulla
To Tilt ificAar ahd rmuANt.Nur or vocn
Uxtox, a QoYtnsucNT ron Tin: witous is
tVwirKiujiT.K." Wiithinjttn.
, jackhonVii.m:, omuioN.
tlif of Agents for the Orkoov Gentinkl,
K. r. Russell, general agent Tor Oregon..
nMdlio Territory.
L.l Fisher..., San Franclrco Gal,
j -j. jnowiionEi;o do do.
Ttfomss Darn, Applejratc. Om.
FT. II. Hill...- vC1b-r do
l.a.lllrdiarc, ,., Rock Point do
Thomas Croxlon, ....Croitoiu DlRslns do
Wm. Splcer, JumiOrr-Jo do
Gov. Glbbs,.,,. VortUnd
D..M, Thompson, Albany
W. M. Krni, Allhousa
Thomas Carr t!o
Thomas F.Floyd,. KcrtrvllU
S..W4Hwyer,'..., ..,.do
D. 1. Anderson Phoenix
D.'M.O.Gault do
A. Ireland, ...Mtrtlo Creek
Geo. I.. Dean, .t I'.ilcuburir
Thebdrto Cameron , .Union Town do
Jamea il. WnUon Roscbtirg do
JIlMllatlla Hunter. ....Uorup Hirer do
L. Vr Bulllns, Fort Klamath do
Bjnger Jlcrman, of Canyonvlllc.go ucrnl
Agtnt'for Douglas Count.
The editor of tbo Rtpotttr seems to be
quite uneasy about the number of troops
befog railed In this State. ,
re tblnks n very small number will ba
sufficient tq guard I lie frontiers and prevent
Indian disturbances, tnd that tbo remain
der muit be Intended to compel tbo miners
to submit to bclog taxed.
The position of tlio Somxtr., and ol
the Union parly, In this county Is well
known. The Union party, at their county
contention held In Jacksonville last Sum
mer, passed the first resolutions In the Slate
on the subjcct.protcatlnjc agatost taxing tho
mines.,. We bellefo the mcosuro Impol
itic, and that any considerable amount
ol taxation would work a hardship on tbo
great mass or mloere.
Dot BSitbe Government has found It ace
cewary, In order to suppress this unholy
rebellloo,.to tax almost all branches of
Industry, .Congress rosy deem It necessary
to psu some measure by which the exten
sirs igold fields belonging to tbo Govern
meat sbsll be made to contrlbnto a due
proportion of the expense.
Tbo editor or the Ileporttr terms lo top.
pos&that miners as a data Lavs no patriot
ism, ana It called upon to bear their pro
portion of the common burden will resist.
Heaeo the necessity of an armed forco to
compel obedience.
We wjll simply sny in passing, that we
do ;not believe tbo miners as a clsss lets
patriotic than any oilier class, or that llicy
will be Jess willing to contribute to the
support of tbefjovernraenl than merchants.
raanaiaeiorcrs and farmers.
Ho In order to giro the editor of the
Iitporttr an opportunity to define bis po
sition, and place himself and bij party
fslrly beforo the public, we will suppose
Congress -pastes a law, levying n tax on
mines and mining, and tbc miners make an
armed restslance to tho payment.
In sueb an event, will the editor of the
Iltpojttr himself fight and adylso Ms par
ty to fight, if necccisary, for 'tbo Govern
ment or against it ?
Atjato, let us suppose that before the
rebellion is finally rcduerd, tbero should be
an eweate or outbreak in lis interest on
th!s'0out,ofl which tIJa will be cdltof of
We1lmvo nltrays supposed that suae
thing" oughtm be, tkwo lnHtatfifnf,iMid
UvVWwvln'SepcstMt iAmoIwt '
ocrallo Howard would recommend It. The
propitious time has comr; the Mnjr
hoped, fee era Is about to dawn upon us.
Malone Is our man the grcnt. Democratic
educator of the age. Tho following ore
our hero's text books:
Fergiuon'a Philosophy of lltslory, Tlal
lam's Conitlliltlonnl IIIMnry, and Middle
Ages; Macatily't. Llngard't, and llumo's
England. Riisj oil's Modern Kuropc. Kir
mondl's Italian Republics. 5tuart Mill'
Political Koonomy; nnd.'abovc all. HlllotV
Debates (fi volt.) upon the Federal Constitution.
Iiallam, ono of tho authors mentioned
above, advocates a restriction of the right
of suffrage to properly holder. That, we
suppose, Is good Democratic doctrine. It
used to prevail lu quite ti number Of tho
Southern States. Haltatn was n Puritan.
Whew !
It wilt be noted 'that mo.tt of the Above
named authors arc foreigners, 'and all arc
cither foreigners or Puritans. It will bj
noted, also, that no American history 1
mentioned in tho catalogue of works to be
reau oy mete democratic siuucnu. Amir
Ican history 13 not profoundly rcll.'ucd by
theso Dcnocrnllo tducalort. "Webster.
Clay and Jackson nro not their modle s talis
mem. Their types are Irani-Atlantic; tbclr
models, traitors and foreigners
After the first class havo mastered the
elementary works mcntlontd above, they
will then be Instructed In polite and ttamt
literature by our hero himself. Wo give
below some specimens of Heltcu Loiters,
taken from the Iitporttr of tho 16th;
"Contemptible Hen Itootl Hangers"
"Mush I'uddlos" (n pollto name for swords)
"Tho Hireling Editor of the Organ of
the P.ing" "Tbo miserable, hireling
scamp of tho Organ'1 (meaning In polite
literature the editor of the Btatetman)
"The Ass-lute editor of the Cabbago Ltaf," j
meaning the editor of this paper. Tl.ero
Is a Democratic brilliancy, beauty and
wit In tho orthography and division of the
word astute, os given above, that none but
graduates lu Ibis Democratic school can
fully understand.
Parents, study It well. Possibly you
may think there Is something gross, sensu
al and vulgar in ll but you oro mistaken.
It it but a refined specimen of Malone nit,
and a passage gleaming with the beauties
qr Democratic literature. Our hero l
about to havo schools cslabllibed all over
the country, In which is to be taught sneh
graceful dlctlcn. These arc to be called
Diinocratlc schools, where your tons and
daughters are to bo Instructed In tbebeau
ties of this kind of literature.
From our exchanges we glean the fact
lint considerable interest U belnir.maul
'festeifSn wljer'portfpns of Orrgoa,h'in'
ivillliornia, u, wmi rrpnru id iMjvrwy-
Iiee rims, aihijM several routes 10 incm
Wo liiri Just been sliotvn the tracings of
Col. Drew's route, of Inst summer, from
Pt. Klnnioth to the Owyhco region and
bnek, and from this, taken In connection
with his Official Iltport, It l.i obvlotu, to
us nl nnr rale, that the rontn by which he
returned Is decidedly the best llml has yet
been four.d. From nny portion of the
country between Ited Hluff, California, nnd
Kugcno Oily, Oregon, It Is quite direct
Irom Yrekn, Jacksonville, mill Itoscburg.
moro direct than It Is possible to find an
other. It has, ulso, less desert, more graz
Ing nnd better water than nny other route
of which we have nny knowledge. It Is nf
the grrnlett public conscqncnrc to South
crn Oregon, and Northern California, Mint
Ibis routo should be opened at once, am
regular thoroughfare, as among the many
benefits of n public character that will ac
crue In such event, the dlilancc of the over
land Immigrant route to this portion of the
J'8iH.I-strtFtb.'CiIi.-The line- cnsl of
Pi. Iioramlc Is still doivii, and wo cannot'
tar when It. uill be all riubt.. -Tim tnxini
that left l'l. Lnrdmle to reinforce those lit
Mud Springs have arrived at that station,
yet they havo not been nblo to copo with
the Indians, nnd have oil they ran do lo
hold the place. There arc about 200 sol
diers there now, and about 1,000 Indians
fii that vicinity. The operator reports the)
fight uoliig on, and that there Is so much
firing ho cunnol hear the click of his In
strument. The ofik-cr in command has
telegraphed to rt.uuinlc for nil the
troops that can be spared and two cannon.
Wc havu henrd nothing from Julesbug
for flvc days. At that time It was report
ed tliut the Indians were burning thut sta
tion. The Overland Mall Company had
a large supply of corn at Julcsburg, all of
which Is supposed to have been burned.
Mud Springs Is CO miles east nf Laromtc.
Hull Lake, Feb. Cth. -Weliavo Just re
eclved the following from Ft. Larnnitc :
Ft. Larnnile, lb. G1I1.--N0 commun
.To dress nnd tit, and waty; genteelly;
To bow uith canond grnct;.
Pacific coast will bo grentlyshortcnid.and cation with Omnlm for flvc Joys. The In
... ... t . ttf- Ljk.. il....--. I. l.ll ll tl . . . H
oiurrnisc imp""-"- ' ujir, uicrciurc,
that this route will receive early c'Unllon
on the part of the Ocncruls commanding
the District of California, and the Depart
ment of the Pacific, and that an ample
military force will be placed upon It veiy
early In the coming spring, to guard it ef
fectually from the Indinns. General
Wright, commanding the District of Call
fornla, ard at whoso Instance the O.wyhtc
rrconnoltsanee of last year was rustic-, we
know to be fully nlivo to the Interests nnd
wellfare ol this frontier, and wc trust that
through him tho General commanding tbc
Department will also become fully atarc
of our wants nud necessities.
Tbo semiannual cxtrtilnatlon of till
the Rtporttr and hi patrons range tbt'3' i er order ' acad'mIc- studies prevailing.
eivcs f nor wuom will tbey fight ? For
the much abused Lincoln Government, or
against t Now, as these are fair questions
tbaVpowIbly, may require to be answered
by ac(s, before the year is out, we shall in
slst on a,pUin unequivocal .answer from
the 4ltor of the RtporUr. He owes sueh
an antwer to hU patrons to Use commun!-Ijr-WU
be give It t
N-ino.-ur, Fodmprtasd AnamuM
Obmi Citt-Oq tbo 14th of December
Iwt.'MK Neswlth presented a memorial of
the Legislature, of Oregon In favor of the
eslabjiahmtnt of a pstloual foundry, arsen
al aad rasMfactory of arms at ,tbe falls of
the Willamette, near Oregon City, which
was referred to tbe Committee on Military
Affairs and the. Militia. Success attend
this ttrprU. This is om of the floest
points ob tbe coolineot for a national found
ry a,Bd arsenal. Tbero piMty or tbe
best efjroo ore la the vicinity, and tbe
falls ! iba Wl'JaBwtle make tbe very besV
of water power. It has at Ibis point up
wards of fifty feet fall in a distance of
tivMljifirc. fet, and tbare is plenty of wa
ter tbe nbok) jar. Tba riwr Mitbr drys
np in Suawner nor frecs up in winter.
Tiix.DAiLTf.ORKawiux bas beta eolirg-
d atxl Improved, lklog-a true aad fur
ies advocate- of tbe principles of eivlf lib
erty, lu iaeee in oar young State trill
beWtfcrall tlM ta.coaw. Mayitsmt
with Use etait imt ve.
popular Institution, In compllanca with es
tablished custom, commenced on the 8th
Intl., and with the most laudable success
continued until Friday evening, tbe 101b
Inst. Tho students, comprising various
ages, from Infancy and happy, rompiog,
buoyant youth, togravo and meditative
manhood, passed through the ordeal of a
rigid examination U all the varloai aca.
demlo branches from elementary orthogra
phy to tho clstslcs ; from the fundamental
principles of arUluncllo through tbo va
rious intricate labyrinths In the mathemati
cal department. Tbe most gratifying
speclaclo was the well observed deport
ment, the high moral culture, nnd the
promptness of all classes In answer inter
rogations propounded by the examining
board. A tasto for the sciences is not
neglected, nod a love for mmlc, Instrument-
-al and vocal, and drawing, is particularly
A most commendable feature ( to be ob
served In few Oregon Ir.ttltntes,) was the
Intellectual advancement In the female tie-
jaf iuitm,a mariteu pariiaiuy lor IOC Illgll-
HoAnn or TnurrKiw- AcjounNKii Mr rt
txn. Feb, 1-ltli 18CS Tho board met at
tbo hour of aitjournuunt. Present, n full
board. The minuted of tho last me ting
read ard approved. The Finance com
mltteo reported on the matter of refunding
money deposited by O. W. Savage for
liquor licence, and reccommended that the
same bo refunded, the Itecuider first deduct-Ing'then-from
all charge. The board re
futed lo refund any part of the money by
their vote us follows 1 Ycat L. Saehs, P.
Donegan; Kays It. II, Haines, 0. Da
venport nnd Mr President.
The Town Treasurer' repnrt wst laid
before tbe board, showing n balance In
the Trraiurr, at tl.c beginning of the fiscal
year, Mureh 1st, 16G4.8122 73 In legal
tender notes , nud receipts from nil sources
the past year, C5I-I 85; Kvpendlturct,
8330 30, and a balance now In I he Treas
ury or 107 25 In I T. notes. The Town
Treaturer's account for services -1 years,
ending March 16CA, asking the Ileoid to
fix the cnmpeniatlon nas laid beforo the
Hoard. The report and account refetrrd
to the Committee of finance.
Tho President preienled before tho
Heard n statement of Mr. Howard relative
to nstetsmenU on town lands read and
Ordered I lint the Commlllce rrevtwusly
appointed lo oisefs tnwn lands ba required
lo report at tho next tettlon or tbc Hoard.
Annual election ordered 'or Town ofltcers
tn bo held the 1st Tuesday In March next.
The following persona were nppolnted In
spectors or elections, John 8. Love, M. A.
llreulnno, and David Linn ; for Clerbu
C. W. Savage and John 8. Drum.
Tbo Hoard adjourned to Tuesday eve
ning next, Feb. 21st. at 7 o'clock.
MAXMULLEH, President.
0U. S. ilATnr.y, Recorder.
dlans hold the line between Mud Springs
and Juh-sburg. The damage to the line Ir
unknown. On Saturday the Indinns at
tacked the Mud Springs office, and rein
forcements were Immediately sent there.
Mud Springs Feb Cth. The fight com
menced in all directions. The Indiana ore
estimated ot 000.
Skirmishers am firing lively. Tbc Indi
bus arc thick on tho bluff.
Alud Springs, Cth, 11 A. M. Yery
sharp fighting Is going on. Scurul of us
are wounded. Many hones and mules
have been shot.
Mud Springs. 2 P. M- The Indians cut
the line belwrrn here nnd Lnruinio again.
Had hard fighting to gel it up. The fight
ing has ceased fur the pictent. The ludi
ant nro still Insight.
Ft. Laramie, 3 I. M. The llneltncaln
cut. More rcinlorctnTcnts, wills artillery,
arc just leaving for Mudtiprings.
. . 1
To speak Wdccel'lsfcort nnd iidiily; "
JfToiiear a studied face-- "; A,
Thwe, nnd'tikefeoodlyjzlfts- audracU;
Hut what we want In Ills soft age,
Is bone backbond
A heart to reel, a tnlnd tn think,
Despite each base control;
A tongue to spent:, a 1mm' lo work,
Tho purpo.'e of the soul;
Uy there, and other goodly tokens,
It may be inri-ly knotvn,
If this or that without the body,
Is bone backbone! ,
Give me n man that'i AU.n sun,
MTliO stands up straight aud Strang;
Who loves tho plain nnd tlraplu night,
Who will not yield lo Wrong;
Who deals with firm, unlrrmbllng band,
To every 0110 his own;
01 a blessed thing In everybody,
Is bone backbone 1
premium was cflercd to tbe ttudent
highest advanced la proficiency as develop.
ed in the exarrtlnafjon. This honor was
cbeerfally adjudged to havo heen achieved
by Miss Rachel Kahler of Jackiou Court
ly, to whom tbe premium was awarded.
Tbe eveulog's exercises concluded with
a most entertaining exhibition, consisting
01 ueciamauons, dialogues, vocal music
etc. Messers. Sawyer, Rice, nunlly, Hal-'
lard and Garoot with Misses Kahler, Roy.
al, Reed, Klrkcndall,-nd others, sustained
their various pails In tbo performances to
perfection, and deserve much credit.
All honor, all praise is due the able nrln-
clpal, Piof. T. F, Tloyal, ond his necom
pllshed lady, through whose commendable
aeal, and Indefatigable labors for education
we nro Indebted for ono of Iba first instilu
EtMrEp. On the night of the litis,
about eight o'clock, iho prisoners In tbe
county jail at Yrekn w!d, bound ond
gagged the jailor ond ruado their escape.
I-our gof away King, under tcnleuce ofj
urniii, rimer, sewenceu 10 llirea years,
and Terry to two years In tbo Penitentiary,
and another, linprlsloned for larceny. The
Sheriff Immediately offered 8300 reward
for tbo enpturo of-Klne.nnd 830(1 mrh
for Foster and Terry. About two lu the
morning Terry was taken, near Deadivood,
some ten miles distant from Yreka. In
tbe forenoon of the 12lh, King was round
Id tboch,apperel,nbontn mile rrom town.
xVoJter aP'd the olhcr man ore still ot Lib.
In the Int)inan of the 22d tilt, there ap
peared nu tditorlal, "The Situation In
America," rrom which wc tako the follow
lug extract :
"Wc would that our people would cling
alwojs and everywhere firmly to principle.
In the political sky It It Ibe one star which
should be kept ever unchangeable In view.
Putties nud party politics rle and fall, but
principle never changes, novcr dies. And
what Isthe political principle to whlch,above
all others the lslthman should cling the
principle which his religion tiachis, and
the sorrowful hlstsry or his conntry Incut
CJtcs! Is It not tbc principle of freedom
freedom for all men, no matter what their
coioror mcir cnmei "no you want ut
to be Abolitionists J" Fools I The Cath
olic Church In all ages has been tbo fore
most Abolitionist In the world. Wo wont
you to be Just men, true to principle nnd
honor, doing to others as you would wish
that they would do unto ynu.
It us not decelvo onrselvct. So long
as Irishman, while clamoring for fruidom
at home, ore foui.d to Identify themselves
with the cause of despotism abroad, so
long their country nud Jheintclves will bo
without lu(luenci, honor nnd respect.
Hcrstoforo in America, the cautc'of slavery
has been regarded as that, Ion certain ex
tent, or the Union and the Constitution;
it was a delusion, and the cannon pointed
at Fort Sumter ought to havo dispelled ll
rorcver. Now, However, the position Is
reversed, ond the cause or the Union is the
came or Freedom, too. Tbero Is no longer
any Justification tot nny man, above all Ibe
Irishman, countenancing slavery, under
any pretenso, or In nny shnp or rorni.
First, restore the Union ; let that bo the
first object or the patriot's effort; but ir
poisble, let us have the Unlou with freedom."
Oiii'l.D and Curry nnd the Savage Com
panies have declared CSS dividend, each.
Tim Piicllle Railroad Company hat ud
vcrtlrcd for fi.000 laborer to commence
wotk on the road Immediately,
Tun Owyhco mines have produced the
richest ore found on IhN const. Tt 11 tuns
nf rock from nnc or the claims there recent
ly yielded 12,000 minevs or bullion, worth
810 nn ounce. Hag
Wk learn from n correspondent of I he
Oitconian, thut the winter nt the Owyhee
hat been very severe tinny five fict dtcp
mat money is scarce, uuu Liitr nronrcts
Co.NnscATED. Four rates nf cutlery
were confiscated In the Uniird Stalls Dis
trict Court yesterday, for tho rcanon that
In several of the nrllcles were mlcroecopve
exhibiting obscene pictures. .Ting.
Wasco Qcota. C'upt. Horland fuvorcd
ns with a cull yislcrdny nnd tells ut that
his company from Wiisco comity (includ
Ing wl.ul is now Grunt), hut miclitd the
minimum sinndard nnd is ready to be mat
tered In. Oitgoman.
SfUDE.v Death. At IlellicI, In Polk
Co., Jan., 20lh, Iho wife or W. G. llukrr
while cmraiml In her household duties, fell
tn the floor and expired almost Inttuntlv.
It is not knuwn that the wlb tuffi-rlng
nun, uujr- uurnrc. ominnwn,
TnKtiMRS os Pnii.tc I.axd Wc under
stand Uiat in the case ofthu United States
vs. K. Tiehnor, growing nut tf nir iillegid
Iretpatt upon Hit- public land In Oregon,
Information bus been received by telegraph
rrom Washington, Hint the 1'rcsideut hot
granted u fteo pardun to Mr. Tiohnur,
thereby relieving him of the contequencc
uf the tudgmeiil lalcly Impovd by the Dis
trlcl Court lu this city for 818,70. Uie-gonrnn.
Wau.a. Mr. II. Pnrhcr has received a
letter from Walla Walla containing the
following : "Wo arc about forming u vig
ilance committee lo get rid of a number of
lawless iniioivc some oro bogus dust men.
nnd about twenty am ordered to Icuvc town,
They swear they will not leave, und some
have been arrested ; Iho trial comes off to
morrow ; don't know how It will end.
Had soma very cold weather nunc .snow
nud slelghlrpnow melting ondo Chinnook
blowing. Think the rlvir will be open
very toon.'" Uttgouwn.
St. Yau.ntinr's it. Nohvltlulnnd
lug Yaleiitlne's day was one pf 'he n.oit
wet and dlsogreeable days or the tcasot?, a j
constant crowd or anxious exptclanls
thronged Ihe Tost Office from morning 'til
night. It was amusing to walch thecoun
tenancos of Ihe dif.rcnt Individuals as the
tent envelopes displayed, not the bcuutlfol
billet expected, but ono of those hateful
"California comics." Tbe colnler here
tea in tbe State, and that In the Uropqua" WvtVS ""' '"J"'' fr
Canyonville, Feb,
13th 18C-1.
Puiinania. Scarcely a year passes
without something uew turning up, requlr
Ing a new word. AVo would suggett tbe
above new cog a a wen foe tbe bcw malady
with whlob our new missionary U aftlleled.
Tbe name, In plain English, is supposed to
mean Pnrllsn on tbo brain. The rymp
tores are a nervoas desire, to break down
from withoBt, everything wbloh ike palknit
snosprisiwlo.itr. Anfoteotaha.
tred ofallceBaselakwbe-llM)ollld-rsn
are permitted to study weh books as
their pareols mar wlcd ror tbew.
the dellnlatlon of anger, disappolnlment or
contempt. We know how we felt on re
ceiving a colored plate.
A cpanKsroMOEjiT or the Iteviite, writ.
ing irom vanyonvllle, thus winds ap 5
It It to be hoped thai Tvinv IVn .ill
yet send I missionaries over Oregon lo conn-'
teract the Influence or peddling raMtlqs
BBu-iTciarian Hypocrites.
That he (sight show by example tbe be
Wgn foguMee r sac a course, be has ta
ken upon btm( thftt wlf-eacraflclng pos-l
tiou-" mttstoaary froas Long Tom '
td hu wandered away out here among
tbe Furltaa Tar-bJ. taking for his text
3 a year, fn advanee. '
A- Matihmatici. Pwzi.e T60 follorr.
Ing, toys the Cahfornian, is decidedly the
neatest little mathematical puzzle that ever
camo to our notice. It occupied thontten
Hon or one or the clubs, the other evening,
until n late boor, nnd some or Iho members
are sold to bo puzzled over It yet : A man
had GO apples; he sells 30 for 1(5 cents,
which Is hair a cent 0 piece, or two apples'
for one cent. Ho tells tho remaining 30
for 10 cents, which is a third or 0 cent a
piece, or three apples for one cent. Tons
we see that for.6 apples he gets two cents 1
ijCw Jn)w many cents docs he get for GO
apples J J'lm problem teems plain enough,
aud tbe rule ot Ihree elves Ibe immediate
result or 24. Hut on ti.. other hand, ir ho
gets 15 cents for 30 or his apples, add 10
cents for the remaining 30, ft seems pretty
evident that be gets 35 for Ibe GO. It Is
tald to ba a poor rule that won't work
both ways, but this one seem utterly to
refoso to. Nevertheless, tbo solution or
tbo problem Is easy ; who will reconcile
both Its seemingly conflicting ends f
T" 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1
Our PurlmaDlamlssIonary dictates Hume
as an author to bo Introduced Into our
common tcbool. Huruo tays that "J'nrl
tans are those who maintained the highest
principle of human liberty." We do not
believe that Zack Montgomery ever au
tborised MatosQ to recommend Home as a
school, book,
Reshsmbkii that on next Wednesday,
tfee Anniversary Ball comas off nt he
United Statee Hotel, in Jacksonville.
Latkh IVm Owyhee. A rclluble par
ty whot Judgment U to be defended on.
wrllliig'to 0 friend In this city n private
Idler, tays thut the ledges belig worked
uirru una miner nave (u-vuopcu moil as
tonUhingly. The Culveras Iilge has widen
ed to seven feet of rich rock. The Home
Ticket Is now seven f-et wide nnd a big
thing. F.urckq at forty ft down is five
feci wide nnd folly equal lo 'the Morning
Star. Olher ledges arc showing well.whlle
the earlier knnwn ledges have sustained
Ihenisclrci folly. As he Is experienced in
quarts nt Washoe, llwo River and Hum
boldt, his judgment Is or undoubted value.
AunKj.Ti.Nr. lids Is tbc name now dr.
en to the recently discovered subtnrie, ob
tained by tho distillation or the resin rrom
a peculiar variety of pine, Indigenous in
certain sections of Hie Slate. This new
substance, which has been submitted to a
number ol practlcul chemists for nnalysls,
has been found to possets some remarkable
properties, vthich bid fair to make li ,11..
covery of much lmporunec In chemistry.
In Mililllfnn Irt nut, .,1- ll ! . ..
... ..uu.muu ,U ,uiii mi ii,o peculiar
qualities or turpentine, without Its offensive
odor, It Is found to possess the same Influ
ence on tbe human system nt chloroform.
It Is invaluable as a rcrr.eJi.il ogeut for
rheumatism, piles, cuts, nnd bruises. It is
alto a very fragrant perfomo. possessing the
ngrecablo odor or oraiiHC-bloHom. 'Iba
quality gives Itils present name, Aurco
tine, which bids folr to becomo an impor
tant California product. J'ng
0. t.i Santa CLAnA.-JTho Ran .Tn.
Courier or Jupuary 27, has Ihe following;
We learn that tho oil well situated
about llirea miles beyond Lexington, and
nnoui nan a milo from tbe Santa Cruz
turnpike, on the ranch owned by tbe
Moodys, is to be prospected with energy.
An englue drill nud all ll(o machlnery-Becv
essary for the basinets i 00 hand and will
.f f wk immediately. The. stock is,
ui.HH-u iiio ,vuu snares, j he contractor
will own one-half, whenever he secures a
flow of slxly barrels per day and to this
end Im obligated himself to pcnttrate to
the depth or four hundred and fllty feet.
If he obtains a How of slxly barrels per day
at any less depth, his interest wl be the
same, in either event tbo pronrletors as
well as contractors wjll realize a large for
tune, without doubt. A depth of thirty
reel has already been reached, and the oil
rectified and found equal to the best Pen
sylvanla oil. Samples in (he crude and al
so refined state can be teen at the atora, or
Pflster & Co. Some or the best buslncsa
men or tbe country oro owners of this stock.
Bradbury Wade,
Cnlifornin St., Jacksonville,
Wholesale Retail.
Healers tn
ClotHlngviieatu nnd Shoe?,
Grocrriosy Hardware, Iron
mid Stcfy Apt scultiiral and
Mining iWitteiticiits. Ll
Iiior, Qllecnswfere, (1ris-.
vaic, CohI Oil Lamps stnd
ChlmiicyK, Tobacco and
Cigura, Slationaiy, I'Jtoto
(,'rniilt A llniins, Cnrlc do Ylt
cte, etc.
JN nildltlon to uual slock, we arn now re
ceiving n lara blilptnciit, embracing a
complete nuorlineiil in all of the abort
elassc Thwe goo'lt were telccted In Sua
I'rnncltco with great care, bv a member of
our firm who baa had a'rcldchce ol thir
teen years In .Southern Orrson, and -well
knotts tho wonts of lliW looality.
Cotifldcnt that wc cannot be nnAcrsoli ly
any liumu In Jackson county, wv plolj
our Httrons thut our prices t.buU be
"Cheap as tho Cheapest."
Thanking nnr former natrons for tho fa
vors heretofore extended to our bouse, we
ttonld respectfully solicit a contluuauce of
their patronage.
Call nnd glvo nt your HQr and (afte a
lmApIJUttT ic WADE.
Jnck'onvllltf. tluiu Oct. 15. 'tii.' octlStf
Now ! New ! ! Now !
Uctnccn New Stain Saloon and Tiradhury
ic Wnda't, Jacksonville,
Best Cigars aud Tobacco,
riiEsn FituiTs.in'a.iiTo.
' WO
Mr. rvrruztr having nnrchated lh ntw
store one duor south of llrndbtiry Jt W'adt't,
calls Ihe nttentlcMi of tbc pttbXe-.to'bl tout-
Itlcto kIuck or tmoklnir nrt cbewlnr tnbicca.
Alio to bis vnrlout .lirsriili of -cigar, froa..
the common ball'-rpanbli to the pioit fra
grant lluruna. Alt sold at tbe most llberaV
You can be best tupplled with any arti
cles lu hit Hue, and uve money, by glvlng
hlm a call. December IK. 180,
nttntmontij rri ,-
N tho Ciisult Court or-tk .fttate tf Ore
gon, for tbo eouuty of Jackson, Juno
Term. 1F05.
Jaract Henry talker. riMttllff rs. .Mary
Walker. Defendant.
1)111 tu Kqullj- for 1)1 voter,
To Xfary Walker. Defendant!
You are hereby- Miimaouiri nnd retniiled to-appeal-lu
tald court, at Jaclvtomrlllo. Jack.
ton aouiity, Dri'Kon. on the nocpnd Alondty
tn Juno, lhC5r Ibe IStti day nf said mnntli,
ond defend tbc mi It. tiled In mid court
ngalmtt join And you aro further noliflcd
that iinlofs yon file your auvwer or demurr
er, wltb II16 ck of nia- tourf, Whliru-teit
days Irom Iho date or service on you, If
M-rvnt In the county, or within twenty
d.yi troid tlale ottcrvJc(f .oji you. If acne'
without 1 la coiiniy, Judgment will tie liken
agulntt ynu fur itut of an answer, and tj)
prayer thcreor will be granted by Ihe Qourt,.
and tho bons or matrimony existing be
tween you nnd tab) plaintiff, will txdii
olved, nnd tho plnliitlir will be adjudged
lo liavn tbo euro and eulodr of Hriidenca
Ullcn Walker, daughter or the tald plalatitr
and defi-ndnpt, unit defendant nlI be ad
judged to pay the coutt and dl.lmrtemcnlt
of suit.
Uy older of the Conrt, Hon. P, P. Prim
Judge. (, li.DOlUUS,
JanyBi - Bol. for Plaintiff.
Flilaj Settletucnt.
IN Iho CountC Court, Jackton Connly,
Jan. term 18(15.
Iu tbe matter or Ihe estate of George aud
Margaret Long, deceased.
Notico Is hereby kIH tbat Herman.
Helms, Public Administrator, bus filed hit
account for final uHtleinent of tald eitate,
and that Wcdjceday, (be 8(h day of Febru
ary, 18C5, baa been set apart for tald float
teltlcineut pf tnld relate.
Dy order of Hon, J. 0. Tolman, County
Judge. ,
WM. HOFl'MAN, Clerk. '
January tb, 18C. . wj
To Douatiou Land Claliuanfe'.
Wasiiob CosTonTbe Virglpla pnt(f,
priu has the following j
, Vf.0P'? jCro no lon8er " 'fow J'je
do t " when tbev raeet. Tt'a Unw'a ur
Wit progresslogl" And the rejjly Is pretty
well, Ibankec-how'e yoi A mu
without a lawsuit upon hU baEuk llookd
upon ns a vagrant.
Land Office, Roseburg, Ogn., J
December Utb, 1861. f.
Whereat : It having becofne a matter of
necessity to perfect the pernianeut record!
ut Ibis oBlco, and to determine tho validity
or Invalidity of donation claims In tblt dlt
(riot, many of which are Irregular, and
wine void ; ond it being ewcutlal to tbe
Government, as well as to the geueral lnler
eat of tho community, thatiaJWoiKJ dona
(ion e&Jimt. wM cocertJ by wwU4 ittftr,
tbould bo brought Into maikct'ot as early a
day as possible ; tbcrefore, In pursuance- pf
Instructions, we hereby notify all douailerJ
clalmautt. tbclr assignees or legal represen
tatives, wbd bave nol (AuA In lliln nlXxu nrnof
of four years residence and cultivation, as
required by Act or 27th Sept.. 1830, ond
aiiitudmeuta, to do so wlUitn thru monan
front date, nnd all who have uot taken the"
oatb of allegiance and paid for lalng final,
certificates us contemplated Ly tbe Clh sec
tion of tbo Act, jit 30(h May. 1802, pre re
spectfully requested to eoiejtly aa. early as
poaslUe, Totftve cjpepse aud trouble to
tliotj living nt a distance from tbe said
oftlce. it is hereby nnpouueed that W'l If
npt all of tald business can be t allsfactorlljr,
kansaoted tbroueb tho wallt or express,
JOHN JXifHiLY, ItegWev,
Annisox R. JKijnt, ltecorUxr. w.
change for Me ebaadise, ot . . . '
JulylJ.27 MAX MULtErfS,