ibb mm SEMfflL Squandered lives. The fidiennan vadca In lie surges 5 The sailor satis over tbo eca 5 The soldier stepi bravely lo battle ; The woodman lays ax to Ue lrec The are each of the breed of the heroes, Tbe manhood allempcrcd in strife i Strong hand that go lightly to lalwr, True heart that take comfort in lire. In each Is the seed to replenish The world with the vigor It needs The center of honeit affection?, The Impulse U geacrous deeds. Bnt the shark drlnki the Wood or the risk-en4. The sailor U drowned In the sea The roldler lies cold by bts eonnon The woodman It cruhcd by hli tree, Each preJIgnl life that Is wasted In manljr achievement unseen, But lengthens the day of tbe coward, And strengthens Ih'e crafty and mean. The blood of the noblest Is lavIiheJ That the sclfl-b a profit may find; Ilut Cod sees the lives that lire squandered, And wc ts hie wisdom arc blind. OVERLAND TELKGKAPIl. Kcbcl Cabinet Resigned. Rebel Congress withdrawing and going home. Heavy guns being mounted at City Point. Dispatches from Colonel Liv ingston. Advices from Little Rock. Arkansas. nuflilo 26th.Tlic fire only ecajed tut olgbt by burning Itself out. AH tbe bnild logs on Maine and Court Street were con sumed. Three firemen were killed by rail ing walls. Detroit, 2Glli. Firo in Knit Saginaw this morning destroytd properly valued at 75.000 dollars. Hamilton, Canada West, 2Cth. A pork packing establishment was destroyed this moraine br fire. Lost is over n hundred thousand dollars. New York, 2Ctb. TimM special says: Every member of the rebel Cublnct except nae resigned. Congrcwmeu ore withdraw ing homeward. Johnston refused to takt command of Benurtgard'a department. Lee declines to take command of ncy nrciy but bis own. Qucobtc, 2Ctb. Id rarliamcnt last nlgbt, Attorney Gen. brought in a bill providing for the lapprtwlon of outrages on the frontier, tbe manufacture and slilj wentofarms for unlawful purpocee, and providing for the seizure and examination of inspected vessel. St. Louis, 2Gtb. Lfcte advices from East rail, Mitsiuippl, confirm tbe report that the lBtb Tennessee regiment, 600 itrocg, encamped at Clifton, Teen., bad sent word over tbe lines that they wished to surrender, take the oath and return borne. In the Louiinca Senate, tie 17tb, . molntloDf paMcd to Ike tbird reading, re questing that delegation In Congress to vote for tbe eoMtltutlocal amendment prohibiting slavery, pledging the General Assembly to ratify the amendment. Tjrtress Monroe, 241b. The gunboat Advance arrived from Fort Fisher this A. Mm with a portion of tbe crews of the blockade runners, Stage and Charlotte, captured on tbe 21st. while endeavoring to run into Wilmington with a cargo of ri fles nuil blinked, being ignorant of tbe fact thai Fort FUher was occupied by ou,r forces. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, 34tb. Quiet reigns along tbe lines of this army. Had weather prevails the last few days, making it Impracticable to carry on Military operations. Deserters are coming Into our lines In squads of from 12 to SO, who tell most doleful stories of tbu hard ships they have endured, of tbe scarcity of provisions, and predict the end of the re bellion near. New York, 27lh The Herald's ;7ash logton special sayi tbe Indian Department has determined to take prompt action io regard to tbe Indian interference with tbe overland mails. "Washington, 26th. Admirat Porler i in his report to tbe Secretary of tba Navy says we picked op a telegram from Lee to hU subordinates bere.eoying IfFisherand Caswell are not held, be will have to evac uate Ricbmeed. New York, 27th. Heralds special dis patch says It Is reported that Inconsequence of the readiness manifested by the Canadi an authorities to refund the mouey stolen by the St. Allan raiders, and their Inten tion of taking efficient mearares to prevent raids In the futur , the Secretary or State will soon rescind his passport order. . CoL North, JStale agent of New York, tried for fraud on the soldiers, baa been un conditionally released. Fortress Monroe, 2Sth. Heavy guns are being mounted at City l'olnt and other places, to oppose the rebel Qeet should it again attempt to pass that point. Tbe ram Atlanta was ordered op the James river lost sight. Torotito, 271b. Tbe Burleigh case was decided this morning. The Judges were .unanimously of tbe opinion that the prison en should be given up. New York, JIttu Tribune's Fort Fieber eorrcsfoadent says the rebel bave construc ted bteottworks nearly from the ocean to the river above our Uses, and are evidently preparing to contest our advance as bct Jhsycasu Si. Louis. 27lh. Dlsralch from Col.Ltv- Ingston, dated Tort Rcamcy.sayi he bas been np Republican Tlrer nearly to Raccoon Fork, searching for Initans; thence to where Col. Cblvlnglon had his tight. Their main tratl was weft along the Republican river. It Is believed they crossed the riatlc 25 miles west of Juleaburg. There It still a rear-guard of Indians around Jnlcdmrg, watching Livingston's movements. Col. Livingston says the overland stage should ran, aul he will protect them. Little Rock, Ark., advices to the 17th, ay Ehclbywa blockading the Arkansas river fifteen miles above that City, tn pre vent vessels passing to Fort Smith with sup plies. A detachment of troop has been sunt, which attacked Shelby on .Saturday. The particular arc not kaowu, further than that we lost MO killed, and that Shelby evacuated the place after n scrtons fight. New York, 27th. Jeff Davis ba Iwucd a proclamation, appointing Friday, the inih or March next, as a day of public ratlnp, humilltatlon. prayer and thank-giving, ani! Tor Invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty Ged. lie carurotly Invite told tcrs and citizens to observo the tame with snlrlt or rcvereiiee.repenlaaee and prayer. New York. 27th.-Late advices have been received from Texa. It Is reported that the commander Mimii permit ted the rebel press rung to crow from nrnnrnsTllle and conscript Union refugees. Several ladj refugees have arrived at New Orleans from Gaivwlnn. They report great suffering there for want of fuel. In anlnteivlew under a flag of truce, Capt. Scott, In a verr dcpondlng manner, said be and many otben bad drlerninrd to Join a corps which Maxtmllllan Is forming. New York, !8lh. Panama advice state that treat offence has been taken by Sn Salvador and Nlearangn liy Cosla Klca glv- lng Gen. ltnrryes, off San Sahndor.nn axy-, liim. Tbty bad Ifsued a protest against the act. C.uatamalla and Honduras were i likely to rollow the example. Sau Salva-; dor has prohibited all co.nmimieatiou with Costa R ca. so long as Col. llsrryes remains ! SS S; eo.o;erop In cfnd Amerl- ca Is turning out veil. I Cairo, 28th The Steamer Kcl!pe ox- L" "LSUl w yesiemay. i. .... i-v-i-.- . Mofwhom were klltrtl and mlMlag, and I C) wounded. All tLt guns or the 90tb Jnd. battery wwe lost. Toronto, 2ttth. In Burleigh coij it Isun dentood no further action can be taken. San Franclico.-30th. Saturday gold was 2:12. Some telegrams report It at 2:15 grceuWks, 46x48. Drnnowo tup. ItoxANrt:. A story If (old or a young fellow who, one Sunday, trolled Into a church In West Philadelphia, and, during the service, wni clectrifitd by the sparkle of a pair of black eyes which were riveted on his fucc. After tbe service he saw tba possessor of the witching orbs lave the church alone j and embolden ed by her-glanoes he ventured to follow ber hie beart aching with rapture. Ho saw ber look behind, and fancied she evinced some emotion at recognising him. He then quickened Ills jiocc, came up with bcr ; bui we will pcfruit the young gentleman to toll the rest bis owu way : Noble young creature," thought 1. 1 " Iter artless and warm heart ii superior to tbe bounds of custom. u I reached within a stones throw of Iter she suddenly bulled, and threw her face towards mc. My beart swelled to bursting. I reached the spot where fie stood. She began to speak, end I took eff my bat at If doing reverence to an angel. "Are yon a pedlar?" ' No, my dear, that Is not my present nceunatlon." MVell, I don't know," continued .b-, not very bashiHliy, eyeing me sternly. M 1 thought wbtu I saw you iu tbe ineitlig bouse that you lookrd like tie (ndler that nnrml a nwtir half rlollnr on me aLont a week ago, and io i wa determined to keep my eye on you. llrother John has gd home now and be says that if be ever catch es the fellow he will wring bia neck for him; and I aim sure but you nre the good for nothing rascal after all." Savsu. There U a world of Jy shut up tn that little word navcd. How ronny a dawn or rich nnd golden beauty ror tbe soul bos It ushered lu after a gloomy n'gtit ordrrred hopus and anxious watcilng It Is always a snect word to bear a sweet' er word to apeak, So full of happy music when the Hw utter It. So full of lianpkr meanlug wbeu tbe beart feels it. The vo!e never brcathts it but the face becomes radi ant with joy, and tbe eyes sparkle with de light. Et cry chord vibrates with luexpress Ible pleasure, as tbe musle falls upon tbe ear, long waiting In anxious expectation. It has a history or its own, written lu the t mingled experience of joy and orr w of many a soul. Few there are who have ut tered it with more or less a meaning, through whose soul It has not sent a thrill of delight, filling too full for utterance. Sound it out on tbe still of night, and some j aching heart will take it up and send It back upon tbe gloom and darkness. It is tbe avenue through which the soul breathes out its overflowing gratitude. Its whole expression Is that of thankfulness. Saved 1 nnd from vbat ! Ah ! from a life of lntempereoce, misery, or crime, or degradation, or shame, or Infamy and from death. If you have known, klud reader, what it is to have the object of your heart's best affections snatched from any of these calamities, you would Cad no word that would so fitly express the outgushlog thauk falluess of your heart, as tbo little word Saved 1 Ekcob loves to walk arm in arm with truth, lo make Itself thought respectable. Be pare bat not stern : have moral excel lence, but doat bristle with It. ..- FRtNCO-AMERICIH U II I Opposite thcMcCully Buildings, Jacksonville Oregon. Madame Jeanne Be Koboam. The Madame takes this method of tendering her thanks to the public, for the patronage which has hitherto boon ex tended to her; and would respectfully solicit a continuance. Her Ttil, are always tinder her Imme diate control; and by her long experience In tbe business sbo feols conBdcnt that sb will give siitlrw satisfaction to all MEALS WILL BE SET AT ALL HOURS. Jnvkronvillc, Oregon, January 14 th, 3SC5. BOOK STOEE, AT THE POST OFFICE BUILDING JACKSONVILLE, OHEGON. The latest wrlcs of School book will be found on the shelves; to which udJitlons arc IkIhc constantly mail-'. STATIONRK1 M mr nrwr wauji., Consisting of llnncrons Oelubrated I.luea Writing Tapi" " " 0,1"-'r ,n,,,1 , KNT.LOl'Wornll kiiidn. sor: and U. Copy UwiU Ked. Mm. blek. cwylns t'i... i.i.t. l..L S'iiw-1 nrn. rocket. cmm, ,j de,i, inUiai,,!., li.l nuA pcnc:i !.,, i'en Knifcd. rl-r Folders. I.fl ,.niclls. Curpentlr rnelK Kmwiug pencils a.'d Drawing! .Ac Ac. Bancrofts Disrics for iBO Containing list or stamp dut es. and other &i W'SR- K hlhll cvcr KOl ,,. a gwd supply orTaw books, I oeket and latluTKt'ignand cmle k ,, urtanlly on Kami. ' V miiri.A1IN(; l.lltlt K of new nml select Sovil", In will aiwmuus aro made by every steamer ninll. Orders Tor any Iwofc or books not on hand, promptlr filbd In tin days notion CALlI nud git a Iettirr,taiid If there 1 none, buy material and write one. tbtrelry natrouUuiug boihl'liele Sum nud 1 . V. llAIMvS. Bo turf nml Stiliscrllip for .T. T. llvnillry'k lliwour or tub fiitKAT lt:m:i.t.ios ; lhu most antUrntte and Impartial work mi Ike prcscut war In the t'nlWd State ; showing tbe rau-i'. rise aud progress of the Rebellion ; the upridn: aud entbuilatm of the 1'enpU, the l'alriotlc lib erality and cheerful olunteerIne at the North and West.lba Immense military and lluancial resourees of the Gomnmciit t the raising, organizing, ncd rurntrblng both Armies and Naviiri ele etc. IT Is KmbeltUUwl llb airr sixty flrst claw steel engravlngn. and over forty Per traits or ofltavr', prominent in tbe war liotb North and South. This work Is sold by Sulicrlptlon. only. O. A. DAVIS Canvassing Agent ror Soutbevii Oregon. N B.Thls work can be bad In either tivr man or L'nglUh. Jaeksonvllle. icSHtnr 2I. I64; U Administrator's Salo XTVriCE In heribv clven. that by virtue i i' of on ordor. md' by the Oount Court I will svll for easli. In tue niglwK iwiqrr ai auction at tbeeouit beue doorju thecunty j orJackson andSlate or Oiegnn.on Saturday, j tbe 3ll-!nt., bctwevil tbe hours of uluu o'clock A. M., and lour r. iU, nil me real property belonging to the enlnte or the late INv. J. F- Gray, dtas.il, situati-d In the aforesaid county and Mate, being plana o, j 74 In township 37, south of I!. 2, wet, be- ' $ & & ft iuc rouia eKce south 20A0 chains, thence east 80:00 chains thence north 20:42 chains, thence wet79:9U chains, to tbe place, cf Ugtunmg ; contain Ini- 1G1 C4-1P0 acres. - ....... r... . .. .J . Liitucu. i uuiic flam r deelOwi 1'liicnlx Hire 8lh. iMit. TUK Slandard Scvriiig Mncliiuc or ths AVOBLD, From which all others derive llelr illality. All others pay license to Howt. Jr., tbt . C m mven o r ru j-h-u c. jv ',,, ,. ,.,i,.,. .,, m .. .,,!., ,11k or thread with ciiual facility from Uie tblckneu of One inutllu lo barneu lealliirj stitches; will gather aud sew on at the s.ue time. They are very simple, easily undtr stood and managed; are durable, Ulog of great strength and of rfct inecbanbm, M,i, upon correct a&d Klentltle mechanical prla- FOR FAMILY USE TIIK LETTER "A" Family machine bos no euual. It does lbs entire range of work In lbs most aparovsd manner. Price SjsUO 00, with fu'.nrn complete: and with cap to cover tbe ma. cblno patt, locking securely, fU5 OO.idUaolvlmr the bonds of marriage existing Price or the "A." oearl-Oaithed maoblue. in.-A " ihAri-nntnfi mHtitiiu with cap, 975 00; Letter "I)'' light manu facturing machine, SG5 03, and with cap. $70 00;.Letter '-O," heavy manufacturing, price $83 00; "D," cylander machine, 91 15; i "." large cylander machine, JU0. j We aUo have for sale the Improved Little Giant machine 920; the New England ma-. cnine ia. DI2MING & CO, No. 3, Montgomery .Street, San FancUeo, Sole agents for tbe Pacific Coast, Ean Francisco, Oct. 8, 18CL octl&mt JOHN NETJBER Agent, JacksoHTlltc, OgH. SUPERB rfeotograph Albnms can be bad cheap, for cash, at J. How's, next I door above Bradbary k Wade. . ... nPAV.nn.uT LI 5 MM KfrXlilKlnl ! IIUILL Hill HiiUiKuiiniii 1 Iter ItrtU anil Ilonm, arc fltrd tip In lbs mot com fortable style; suited to tha accommodation or single oc cupants, or families. Her btds arc always kept clean xr UNITED STiTES Ml OREGON. PoT Ornra DLr'T. Wxmiinotos Cnv, October lith. 18C4. t I'nnrrmM will Ihj recelied at the Con- trac t onico of this Dipartmwit until 3 p. i nr Man-It Clh. 1FM, (to bo decided by the 1.1th.) lor cum eying the Malls or the nil tnl Slati. In tbe .State tl Oregon, Trom July lt. 1SC6. to June 30th. 1Mb, mi the ! roitlen ntid by the fchnlulfii of di-pitltiin? ' ami arris ai Herein spcineti ; nctng nnin r-tiibll-bMl bv Act or t'onsres, npprocd Jiiik :iuth. lwl, (and others.) lIMWfi From Tortland, by Ta.vlor'o Ferry ami Cbrbalem Gap, to Lalayvllc. 30 mile- .v tmek. onec a wek ; leave 1'ortUtid Monday nt nam: arrtieai i.ai5i-iii' ov o i in I,h Ijifntiitr To..t,iv at b a in l arrlic ' .lIN.rtlaii.fl.ytei.ni. . ......... M ..- ... mn, l. --l I.ilizii i rom l.ainjeue io i uinmiwii t i lev. 411 inilii nnd bulk, once nwk i li-ave I.Hraytte Mouday nt C a in ; urrlvi- ul Till-1 ainook Valley by 0 p m ; leave Tillamook ' VnlWy at 0 a in j srriie at Lafayette by C i p in. , 1A017 From Tbe I)allc. by Canjon Ulty nnd liideneod'-uo Io IlaK- City. Idaho, 380 miles and back, once a k. Hidden lo nniiHMv a schedule or departures and ..rriint. ..Mill f iiu.i... i.. Tn.Miu i om Itowburg. by Ten-Mllc I in. Valley, Jm.cllou ol Middle t Forks of Cotinlllti. lflbarrFu ! Six Mines, lo Fort Orlord. IJ0 Cm k. Canin and i'oMtli Fi I'rulrle. nnd mlti aed hark, onet n link, lllddirs will prutore rehetluie of departures and nrrlialr, 1.MC9 From Jackonville. by llnck l'olnt, Dutiluiii'llf, Lrland. (Julcvttli-. North Can ornilIc Myrile Crc k. ltorbure, Wilbur Oakland, ftipene City. Cotlaji- Grove, Cor valll. Albnoy, Salem. JeRirron, UelMl. Aurora Mills. Oregon City, and MIlwnuLic. to 1'nrtlnud, H0 tu lis and -back, dally, leave Jock.utivllle daily at 2 a m i arritc at 1'orlliHil. frnm tut A 111 lu !t Ilcortnlier In tbrc dy ri-innliider Sf tlie, enr -, ; ,. , --or mm..,,., .--.-. , -- i teal jacKionviiir, ironi j i - - leo-n.Ur. lu n.e days. If service on tbl-1 .,!. ...t unu r!ilf..riil. hB let. that on roiite'l 1913. Cullforula. will not be. ISM mnst provide for the conveyance of UtiMiII wHli-ceriaiiiiy.enieniyanuMwri- ty-'uslng the terms of the law. , For form of proposal, guarnntee and cer Illtenir, and for luitruetion. rviulrmrtj'. .(r Xr . blildrn are mftirrrd lo tUe liaiu- itlilrl Bittirtbement of this date, at the principle Fost Oniees 1 ' W. DBN'NISOy, l'oftmniti-r General. RECRUITSWA!TED! A few Young men of good character to nil up I'imtMiiiy C. of the First Iteglment, Oregon Volunteers. (loverimiciit liountj',8300; Stfito XXoixxxty. $100. C'lolliln allmrmiKi ir luuiuti. Jo. Horse and hore equipment!, arms and accoutrement, will be furnlihcd by Govern ment, giilhurnt j.'"d "d wholesome l'ro vMons, M dlclnci a d Medical alteudanee will nIo tw provid'd Fur further particu lars apply lo LI. 1). '. I'nderwood, or Ser gennt L. 1). Morse, at Jaekmuvllle. Oregou. Wit. KF4.LY. Capt 1st Cav., Ogn. Vol., Com Company. Fort Klamath. Oregon. Snijaull. Veterans &, Recruits. milE last Leslslature elves a bounty of 1 X 6150 to each recruit la tbe reglmeut now being raised. It also voted - Five Uullars per month extra pay to eaeh person belong Ini ng to the caralry regiment enlisted three VL-ursaco. ibew amounts are to ue pais lu Statu lloudi. Those wishing these Londd I JackK.nvllle.Jau. 12. '61. .JanUtr TN the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- XI eon, for tbe County of Jackton, ' Hannah D. McComber plalutla, vs. Henry I II. McComber defendant I Kill fur Ulroice. 1 To II. U. McComber : you are hereby summoned ti appear in tdd court, on tbe 13th day or February, A. V. lbCi, to aua- wer a complaint on tile agalnet you In said i court, lu the above entitled caute, aud you i are hereby notified that If you fall to aut , wcr said complalut, as above required, tbe plaiotltr win apply lo me court lor a decree, i.t.. it.. hm m.iiu. ..i r... ..( .nH Ut:itn: iuc iu jmt,ic u iwi bwHw nrih,a r.f Ittfft lull til k tsvp.1. . .,,... . ......, .- .... lly order of 1. 1. Prim, Judge of eald Court. JACOBS & P.USSELL, Attorneys for plaintiff. Jacksonville, Jan. 12th 18C5. wCM. ORVIL DODGE'S PIIOTOUltAPII GALLERY. OIIYIL DODGE would announce to tbe Lad leu and Gentle-men of Jacksonville and vicinity, that he has permanently loca ted in Jacksonville, for the purpose of tak ing pictures In all the imprortd art of Pho tography, and would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. ROOMS opposite P. J. Hyau's New Drlck. Jacksonville, December 23d, 16C1. If. NBwDeidensnaBoUoBetdlM.nBh.rg ;; and Remember. emiv tnri at. ; S1uaai'iv Wholesale Xcws-l)calcr, Pack, .and forwards all the Dally and Weekly Newspapers, Macailncs. etc., to all parts of the country, whu ure ,.,.-.... I SELL AT PRICES . That Defy Competition 1 I Every New Novel receUod as soon as published. I have special arrangements with all the different publishers, stationers, etc., and furnish the trade with Books, Stationery, IJIauk Docks Music, POttTKMTS, rniNTS. MEDALS TsTnlainotVDOS. et&. 9M r :mb. it 3tDkn 15 UHKAT AIUlli 1 kavo uneiinaled facilities and guatoutce .i... i. lit- rl.trit ltrnttnn. rScnd for a price list, and give mt a t JOHN STRATIAN, (IIH1VI" nasi. -'.-- , . irmu American Flags! With full complement or Stars 1 printed on MuHn do l.lne, Im.Utlon of Bunting In Fast Colors at the FOLLOWING LOW PRIOESi Site, Uoot $1 OOp-nloxen. rfite 2 reet 2 it) jwr doxrit. ci. J ii.,i 9 00 lie r dnxetl. SIM; Inches 10 OOperdoxen. J ALSO BUNTINGr FLAGS ' " " I j or all lz-. Irotn sixty cents to one dollar per looi UNION BADGES AND PINS, lu Urt Vailfty. J. STUA'ITOX, Mulnr Tint Caliromla Artillery. t.v"... . ti...t .sarittst'ttit nrnrr nf ' .w'1P,r i,r"". i'ri "' " .. "'7. c.. v...- ' WMhtBgnm !'- '.- .-. i. KfJiKtlon in Trim lo Suhtrlbtn. I . TTF.NT10N Is A .,, of Anierlci , f vlllcu l i Is called to me ronowinc erlcan and Foreign I'eriodi- receive ru!cripllon. ivrmaneiit arrangements iaie ueen maue the Fulli-d Slntrf uoverumeui lor uc cnrrvlnir or the Mails from me Aiiansw i stales by steamer, llirsc limrs a inosm. i j aln enabled Io receive sulcrlplloiis at a Un.hlmrr ml lhan formerly. Ihe same ran. and attention will be paid to tbe Tor- care and attention will be pal warding or all packages, fur ' taldUhment has gained fucli reputation throughout the I ai which this es- an enviable cine Coast. 1 Aliunde TcrloUIcuH. ' fax TX1R. IlarperV Mnnlblv Magixlne 3 50 ; Gtnley'a Lady's (look .-. 3 iO Atlantic Monthly 3 .10 Uslie's Family Magazine 3 50 Knickerbocker Mxiine 1 50 Continental Monthly l'ett noil's Ladlei' Magazine... Arthur's Home Magaxlue. L ," 'j ;ht'itltj .., So-ll.Ue. p.riT.f f,f,t. He " 'Xnt'V ila'iufrV Hunts Merchant s Magixitu !'nkrr MagZlns iow0n"on?"jjeVliwV.'.'.'. (jr.iihnalte Ketroi-ct. llrf,Mtt (yearly). . UbUou'i Magazine Yankee Noilous (comic) Lrslies Uudt of Fun (eouile). NleNax (comic) Comic Mouthly rbuiiny Fellow leomlo) New York Weekly Herald " rolloeOaxciie CllPtier S 60 Home Jotirnsl 3 50 Weekly Tribune 3 50 " Sunday Alias 3 50 ' Times 3 50 Di.patcti 3 50 , Mercury 3 50 Coutler 3 50 Weekly Times 3 50 - World 3 50 Journal of Commerce 3 SO ' Independent 3 50 " Luder 3 50 11 Ledger -. . . 3 00 " Leslie's tectorial 3 50 Harper's Weekly 3 50 IlluntratedNews 3 50 Leslie's Zletung (.German). 3 50 " Demokrat 3 50 " Criminal .letung 3 5U Family Waller 3 60 Vanity Fair 3 60 " Irish American '. 3 60 " Sclenliflo American 3 60 Wilkes' Spirit of the Times 3 50 Tablet. 3 50 3 60 Country Gentleman Weekly Mercury Herald or Progress. Scottish American Journal. Albion Eco d'ltalla (Italian) 3 60 3 60 3 50 6 00 , 6 00 8 00 12 00 3 60 3 50 0 3 50 . 3 60 3 50 La Crouica (Spanish) I jjton Weekly Journal. Flag or our Union, 'I iUs " Waverly Magaxlne. llaoner of Light " True Flag Investigator 3 60 " Literary Companion 3 60 " Llttell's Living Age 7 00 Philadelphia Forney's War Press. ... 3 50 Dollar Newspaper 3 00 Saturday Evcuiug Post 3 60 Baltimore Weekly Sun 3 50 Louisville Weekly Journal 3 50 Cincinnati Weekly Commercial 3 00 St. Louis Republican 3 SO Foreigu Periodicals. London Illustrated News with trap- plements $11 00 ' Weekly Dispatch 13 00 " Illustrated News of tbe World 14 00 ' Illustrated Times. . ( 12 00 Weekly Time 10 00 Belle's Life... 13 00 " Athcncum 12 00 " Punch 8 00 " Once a Week..... '8 00 Liverpool Wilmer A-Smith's Times., 15 00 DublluNstlon 13 00 Cornblll Magazine C 00 Temple Bar Magozlue ,, C 00 St. Janus Magazine C 00 London Lancet C 00 " World of Fashion C 00 Chambers' Journal , 4 00 All the Year Round.DIckens...... . C 00 London Art Journal 12 00 Blackwood's Magazine 4 00 Westlmer Quarterly Bevlew 3 00 North British ' " 3 00 3 00 S 00 13 00 Tthe four Reviews and Ulacknood r-Snlferlptton received for all th Sau Francisco dallies, at Publlrftcra price. Any Newspaper, Magazine or Review, not mentioned In ths above IM will lw furnish ed to order. Onlers for Honks. Muic V an- I cy Articles, etc filled promptly al the low lct markst raUt, Subscriptions pajabls j Invariably lu advance. ..,.., I Address, J.STRATMAN, I tnviJtr News Afft'nt. San bmnclc. LOYE & BILGER California Strut, JscVscniiIl, DEALERS AND WORKKROIN TIN. SHEET IRON. COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, TTAVE Just received from tbt Atlantis ! atock of eiervtblnglti tl.elr line, and will keep coiwtauilv on nami an nirunin i the tiest Tin, 'Shettlriiit nml Coplfrwara. Ilrans I'lpcs. llydrnntle Noxxles, J ore .,.j:irAVrcLEilYUNAlL3 or all sizes: r.nr. Plate and aborted Iron Faints. Oils, Sizes and GUu: All qualities or I'ovrder ; Shot or all numler: llrusbcs or every variety. to., a to. Stoves. r i Also, alwuv mi hand, a lnrgi lot orstevrs or aborted sixes. HucU l'ntotit Cook' e 1 Stove," and the " New World .tove." the ! two vcrv ln-t nml approviil tattern In the world. Tarlor, Oillco and Cnbln Stoves, Taney and plain, constructed on Utst futl ivlns ulan. lUilli-m. Kettl'. IVils, Fans. t"' ercrvtlilngcoiintl with these slovw, WArwn(e,i .jural,, BHa .rftcL All nrtloH' sum "y then or manuiss- Inrrd. WAIMt ASTRO. Their work Is mail f llio bet material and ot cnolcet patterns. HuOrderaattendi-dtowIUnllspa'ch-ftHd: ailed acconllng to direction. In erery tldng, their stock Is thu largwt and l-il ever bronght to Jacksonville, and tbty art determined to sell at utw pmccs for. caw. Call and examine t&eir nocx iieiore pur- M,.lnr ,1 elewhere. June 23. i6tws. -ABent. &r lUMId7'& CuV Wire Hop., "Watt's Nervous AIVT1DOTE. Tha mot Remarkable Medicine yet Ditcovcrcd I orixwss of 77: c.u.tronsiA muss. One or the grealwl chetnloal discoveries or modern times U Wutt's Nervous Anti dote, The im-dicUie l erroctly bsrmliM In lt edicts, but at (be same lime acts IKiwerrully upon the nrrvotia system that tbe worst cak- or nervous dlsordirt are completely eimd lu a ery short time NeiadTranse 1 .1. It In not like the thousand and one reme dies ofTervd to the public tbut cum every thing, built Is a specific remedy ror nil easet arlslmr rrom ntrvom derangitnsnt. j II merU.bac,bso.rnaftl' l'krniJKs'ciusf'!, I ....i ...., . IumI r'.t.Un InvnllJ tins been ri- stored to health. I'ollce Gazette. This la ouc or the pateut articles or tbe day which Is really well worthy or tbe con fidence of tbe public, and Jully entitled to tbe popularity It enjoys.-IS. V. llirald. 1i t. il. 11 thlniF ml- Lave el foil ml lo 3 00 ' produeeaiiulilBmlrlrehliiglei. Nenr 3 00 ' ou. persons should try It by all Mimas j It ' UH I will hurt no one, and Is good fur all. . Amerioan Bagle- Inn If ibe idilors or the Exslern n-wspaprs ? ,,t are to be bvll-vid. this Is bm ejiraordmarr , oJ compound. It Is said that it will euro tbt , n1 wortteaKS of Khettmatlsm, N.uralU, and I ou ' lldlsaiesarl.logrroiP.adel-B-meotoflli 7. . . ii.rii.ni iTttcm. f.S'an Jofe Patriot. Watt's Nervous Antidote bw tb reputa tion of Irlug one or Ibe woodm or the age. f lia.ldn fTiimlM-rliinil l'lfvt.ti-lluM.. It has been known to cur Kbtumat'sm of long standing, even nrier the eac had Ien glittl over S born lew.- Oaklaud N-ws It Is a gr-al dlsravery, as tbotuands tbst have been irlU-ud by il can bear U-sl'.mouy. Napa K-port- r. It la a spK-tdld preparation. Amador Dlspa'eli. ., , It Is uminestlonsbly the greatest medical discovers r the age. Nonierey Gurelte. Dr. Wati'a Ntrvous Antidote cures more lien on s dlcaes Iban all Ike pb ysciatis on the Pacific Coa't. Jackson (.Oregon) Stfutlml. ItuxnuTim. This tmlble and pabfnl dlwaM 1 ery readily cured by tba use of Wall's nervous Anuaote,- u ar.orus i mediate relief and ceres completely la a few weeks.- Sao Joe Patriot. This reinarkablo mt-dlelne does not cod tain anythlujf Injurious to the system, being coinpaatd of vegetable substance entirely It coutalaa no mercury cr opium, and )tt Us lT-t are like magic ; uud ? tbe InfJa enee or It, the palieut'e uene's Ucums qultlaud befalls asleep. Solano Press. Pcrsous who have tunvred for yeais with physical dsblllly are rIIed at once by lis use of tbls medicine, sud In a short lime are compfiU'ly restored to health and vigor- - rOiilnrv I nloll. The Antidote will cure Rheumatism neu- r.lU. aud lu fact ill OUtateS arlclllg from derangementvof tne nerrout system. 1.1'la cervllle Democrat. Ten dropi of Watt's Nervous Antidote will quiet a crying child In two mijutee, Tba Medicine is perfectly bsnulu, and mothers need uot be afraid to try it. Sauta Crux eutiuei. It is the greatest remedy yet d!covered for the euro of all diseases arising from a deranaement of the nervous system.--Wood land News; CIlANRi imiGHAM. Agents, Corner C'ay and Front ste, San braucUco. For tale at retail by all Druggists. dccl7uJ ros t xix xt TUB City Drug sStore, Jselupusllle, Orrgoti. Pinal Settlement. TN' the County Court, Jackson County, x Jan, lerm ieto. Iu tbe matter of the estate of Geerge aud Margaret Long, deciated. Notice la hereby given, that Herman Helms, Public Admlolstrutor, has filed- bis account for Dual settlement ef said eMate, and that Wcd.ieday, Ibe 8th day of Fibru ary, Ibii, boa beau ttt apart for said ttal settlement of ld estate. By order of Hon. J. C. Tolmao, County Judge. WM. HOFFMAN, Clerk. January 7th. 1865. JjJ KKSIRMUr.U IIAINr.8 Ktr.v a eiiictrtiTWfl UUKAKV. AT TUE 1'- O. lll'ILUJ.NU.