tub oiiBcoN mm, , hamxtiov That portion or clno rf ilit 1 irwatkj rnrty, known under tin tt i anVntton " "' "Iurltmi-lKl'f (u-rm 'r, biv ot 115 ..v.,....... ... , ik pny " "" '"' of hatred ,0 "" J,.. I plunder, on tlie ground Urol their nceiiri burnt wl'chc. Wc timlrtnnd that another chw, hrtown na tlc "Jew I itioc flaimw-nV nrc"nkinjr Tor n rvgt ,,.moftbe pnrty. on tl ground uf tin Irtd I" Ibe Jew, lwrowc tttetltetanl nnoee I r ol Ibal pc'I' IM Christ nndttotml the 1'fopb ! Another claw still, l.iwwn U lh "Catholic-hating fJanmiot,'' wont b rrorgati wnno f the party, rm the -tnuad ot balml f Ihc Catholic Church, UroaiMe lUt Clmtl'i ' 'h Darker Aga. wtub I 'id or pumitUtl the IikjuWimmi. Now, m. d.m't wib to mix much in I life tmbroy .o cf rcorganiaallon, but we would Mg pt that oit gronml k just ot gJ a the oil -, and seeottdly, we ittgtjest that rrw pin fcttioti k) mil the thing ueetk-d. but pi tanigattun or revlvlttetttton. 'Ilea gtvot tiammin party t i J n m w ,,, tbjrlvu bntiace, U flrlkea w, to reorgati U a dvad eareaf. V enn't on why I A' t' inmlllC gUMilMM ohm not Wi th C ad alone. The party died on N' v,ml)-r latt, ami It funeral otMrtpthM wtre f r-'tly nttentkd li by ihe American pco-J 1. . 1 1 died. ev om.. of .McUWtan on in brain O-lfra ore of lh opinion that J mi million of Ihe deadly vita of trtafott hukd it Others, dill, y that nie bloody Abolition!) brained it out and out M c arc no doetnr. we cnu't pronounce w.ib cruinltyns to the dire mean hj , wl icb It nKt Its anM fate. Unt that It i j d-ad it tlent to every man. lu furtmr 1 ailcti bc nlrwdy Ueunw n trth ir j l' ii.niril of the Anmlcan rxopw. 1 1 link about rnxfauhlni; uch n miom, W o ji kt 1 ijial to one of IJnorfn' lt. Tkee o't fua;h In tery jimkwioe, Iwt tkcir rrpmiisin gumwow ate ct'JllUd to I be 1-.1M. Miittart HHUnairt V. . Sprairn I, cuittnt; MiT bar, Iim lirty-Bre men t tutl f.r the 1 Oregon lofcatry. Of i' - number Jarlwn oottMy W ftuoMwd I . r fu" iuolo Bfty Ke and the rent we I- .ve ate aeeredit4 to Ike i)ota of Joe j' n Mnn'y. MwitwhttV IJeut. Under it d I.m enlrtted nboHt twenty wen fur (' ' comnony lit Oregnn Cavalry, ami the wink stilt brarely on. leul. V 11 White U rxjweled here mWtly, It H thonht tu talte a rKw comrmnr fc the f'aT!ry rrclmnit. IJetitruoiiU While and Vwkrwiied lave been in the terv re f ' the st thrrcyeart. ltotb are excellent c3cr, and deicrteUly popular with the t w " uioAber craud ' ril'y amnatl the I'lap lioyi "Triieii f iliktn get their ncruitlog opttalloM In fall Wait. .Tuck Kin Jyephtf and Powgaw emmtlea 1 4e furni.hed mvn men (k the UnHad S'.im erlce durfng the put three year aiHi Hwiirl'. mi any outer ponton 01 1 Oregon of the tame Mtmaar of wrftitbto. J uKd Ihry are itlll - baliy far the Unloa," on 1 lici'-if im the Mtirea. JjOMONVILLK. Felt, lrt 1ML To the ettteent of Jaakra aawaly t I bare Ike idaawra to anooaaae to the fuhbc iifJaekHW eoMHir, taut the Haiaber o' n-n called t lu MM la ijaota ha the nt K v m-nt uf Orefoti Influttry. hare rjM(i4 d lo the call, and the iiuata hi now All). In the ilncbarve at my ilulwt an Iteeniilac I o()kt I have nitt with bat rry HttWootio. . fuion ... r..t 1 !... .-j il. .. J,.u. , IU !, nr u inww pcnoDtofali i)lltlel iroeliTlMe. Tby niHilnt mc. ew: oaly by their iutbteaee. bat wild their money. It U becoute 1 have Wen tu c'kmc fully aMl by wept and example, tbat I am oaabUd to ntake the shore oii iiouaemenl. Hut when all hare iaiinly and gerou Jy akltd we la tbkt work, I miaU 1 not tiKjptt that awoag tbcai were perwoa iilio, ! ilfliij thtt.fr time ami money, and by vauraalnj; for volunteer, have kept alive tlie proper tplrlt. To lUrrlion II. OilDuuoN'knnli, I aw under fmt utdt KatioM fur oxtrtktoa in my behalf. To iliMrre Iluwdl, Fay and Jicub I am in ilebled for tpteebw In firor oT aalUtiueate i have reeeirtd la money OMtUrbulbtfli about three hundred doltare, of which about two buudml and tweet have beea expead ed in the reerullln terviot, nml for the comfort of cultttnl tueti. Tke rotblue, by a vote of tfci walitted men of the company bx Ueu tet atlde rr tanlUry purpete, tor tbe comfort of tiek or ttovnded in I lie eotu jiany. V. U. Hrciuuc, Utonilllns Qftteer. ""... . I III Kit here, In tw psper. will be fuuud the card of Father Utwn .. 1' . 1 -would ask tbe un of Jjcixon conuty who with to hear hint, to give him a civ.! Audtvccc. We U'Ucte Le b laboring uuder Hut mcliacbolly dlivafc, Indian ilonoroa. nb. Under (bete circumstance, every perton mutt know tliat be U powcrlrii to Larai by onylblrg Jte might fay. lie common dictates of humauity would tug cut that tve look on btm with pity rather than ccsinrc. All must admit that n cra zy jsan cannot be LelJ accouotnblo for what la &y. Ourt U Indeed a great age. Au age of rail roadt, klcgrapbt and titxuifiU t peclatljr tbe latter. The tnlrll of the aire it to "co it blind." UayuIQccut cattle ari plautd j forthetlLerlal reultw, mpporltd by plllout or theory 'which, like Mctilelbtn'a Malvern Hillipmten, provtd to be ootbing but n m4mi. Mttuue I)k Ui.boim'd U it good plc to t your Jkc a-muth. Try It! nvnMtfrrrrTCtapn R&Sf' LARGE ARRIVALS six AT xxx SACHS BROS CHEAP CASH STORE, ISTE"WQoorS Of every description, and tl Latest Styles l rashioan SltnWI fur FALL & THXTEK -, snEt-jatoriMn! ? 1 ns m.E mm' mtm UMUIIW --m ,4 - -'il P'jSiSO.S'. fS O C vi o o o 2 rt "- - cj r-i w - a; - - , mmt r i) w jj t. 3 O 'J2 J 02 s o Will hv (ho In (hit k &t sr-t . rrnm "QUICK SA2iE, SMALL PROFITS will it srmcrti' Atmxxm iv. AH are rttHtatfelte htetted to ctee hi a oall. ' SACHS MO'. Jackwneltle Qet. 1. HI. OC'ltr Special Tax Notice. JaakMtneltt Oet. t. 'St. oe'ltf COLLECTOR'S CrFICB. Unitod Statsa lntocunl Kovenur, JltelMniivtllr, Urreuilaer 91411! lrM. VOTICi: f berelty gleon that I ban ftf thi. X reeotrni front the A l)tiict a IJat of 8Kem! I it-nm' 'luxe ata.aaed apoo tb. Ii.c me of IOCS, p-rau ual lo a Joint lttulutum ol ConjtwM ap proved July -1. ItC4. hicb pnv W -ibai hi additkw lu Ihe (acome hUw inpM d be I btw, 1 hre thai) be Uri.-I, awHd and tl levied, a 81 a tftweiul pebflu or 1 Jaeutut I'uir uimo Ike 1 gaiw of all ) nun K. ... animc id in. unum sum, w nii ii iw ,l l, fc ,Km ,-- Al, fl 5lt.i .lny ol lewber, nt Bee jier emibiw. All pertoM iti Jagfcton oad JoefAlrc enNaik-k aiotHed upon the aatd )at. will pl.-ate Uki notice that I nil). Itr mywlt or depaiasa, attend (be the oulk-elftM ut the mm at the OfKee of Inlet ml Itevetwe. la L. ,... ..f TAak.kllla Irtni Jit. IMA lw, fMMm nlM Bof Wl w ' , tm to a. efnretuid uiicd UKin tb m. lu mMlf or itnauti. within Ihe tiute aboo jill.iJ. iball be liable li pay len Uetaen tarn addUioa upon tbe aAMMtHt Iburnof M. UltAWFUltU.'Utdlealor l'er I.. R. Tilnteraox. 1'etvoAt owing tbe above Tax are iletlrtd to rvnwatber that tbe additional per ceat for necleel U UilieMt) he law ritkant forth er noiiee reuired uf ibo ColUelor KEXV IN JACKSON VILLI;.' iusmra mw 1JLUUDS iati:nt, With "Wriugors iLttaclied. rrtlllS worka the tome a by band doing J a much work in one day at lx womeu, Willi t-nunl iildaiiliiitiM. I041 wear 111 clulbaf. 1 d mM.hM l mmii. A child ton r i'. nm can a-etk tuu uueuiue kiiu eate, wain !ily iuj: any fabtie from a tUtail 10 a UhI ijullt ' . . ... . . ... . 1 Tue macntnu 1 lor J.iie ana oau i icon at wy thop. ou C'ullforuia Kneel, one dmr ubotc Drum' Littry liable, (lire me a can tv J iitJ.au.i. Wrlager will be furnlihed iu Ibey ar rive. 10 Copies Harper Magazine, commen cing with June immber 16G4, ending with May number 1685. 10 L'opiee JNew trk Ledger comtaw Cing July Oth, 1861. AIS0 llarpcr'f, Lcilie'a ami JJtmureit't lllaa Iratrd wetikly paper. Nick-Xax, ranluc Xotlon, Mcrryman'i Monthly, I'huu, Fact and Funcy, liudyet of Fun, l'bunny Fillow etc, etc. Uirculatug Library of new and ttlcct XuvU, additiora by every Sltaiuar1 Mall. A Urge lot of War Map. A number of tuperiur Lithograph! KngraTlogs, bcbocl Uook and Stationary. At Tbe I'wt Ofilcc Uulldiuf. Sept. 3rd, 18C-1. If. u i 'Lvncmmmpi RSC3n!WRVMt A CARD TCll 1HE WSNTER& SPRING ;CLOTniNG Trade CfP SAX FKAttCtSCO. ' BADGER & UXEXBBnCER, Nos. 411, 413 Mul 415 Bitttory St., Cur Jtrnliniil, Smii 1'iiMitlieo, Importers and W'Ifolcsale 3333ALiaRS. liiitiro New nml Trcsli StocJt. We wia end ih aitntlmi or Conntry Iilerchanta U our iiniwwlly larf (! or Ouod. Omt Hock eomlc erery arti cle In tin cuvniixa runxiSHiNO link. We hare eoiHtailtly oa Band Ibt Vflrgiwt and tnnitwt mrlety or C'ASSIMKRK AND WOOL II ITS 11I anv hnwe In Snn Franclwo and our lirl- c rr Itaeiw oood re n tb" th' or anr bottn, a. we rrerlre Ibetu dlrl Twin IHK tmumt.vitll.1 .vii.iHifv"i " if "WlXTKIt and srmxfi O00t8 l uarticnlnrly atlraollve. aitd tin prml ri' tun lu the eiMiulry inurvbauU U ltt inium- Imo Uian the ocst of Importation ! We ati Imn the IMtnjpIo Artloloa In Ibe Dry 0oo4 lino, which Qooda w hate purelnwea in IbU nmrket iiiatT the hammer, ud arc offurin; thi t nt New of X eot, nml lek We paWbh title card In nrdir that we may inake new Bequalntaneee. a l imbioe tboe who have not heroMnre mtbucil of u to oall and examine our Hack. r.uud Ai(lcus .' L.mv Price Are Ok ttrrat ImIiki ntemeHl e otter lo alt liu mrahav In fell uhiu. Mirahant uko buy 1 r h omh make a ( iieuta, nw tell 10 laelr cu 'turner ul u luw Ugurv. We re umIb, reatwsiruliy, Vow ohe4lerrt wrraNlt, ItADGKIt .V LLXDEXISKHUKIt. Wholesale ClotMHg and lint Warelwtu, Xw. 411, -IIS nml lift lUiUry irwU Enn I'mneiaeo. !). 91 '04. knl-lm!) LAIS'DIS EXPRESS.1 Aim-WeekW lineT5tj rreai Jaek iTillli t Kerhyelbt an I Wold , Oi rpm. Ixarot JaakauoTiUe ewy MeutUt' ! Thtindn)', -l A. M I I lUlarabt, lca'M Wfrl erery TupitlayFiiilayut a P.M. Through nauetifsri wlU be ntrnt(di bimm anowe-nurt' andate-Vino at Waldo, fur Cretatat City. JOSIAH A. I.A.XDIS. Piww'r. Otf.ta.h.ietH iMtitf 'p ) I J "pv T) 1 1 T J lth ' ' TJ- S. ZHC2'!3L?5njt, u tub 22 DAY rEBKXJARY. ;.- ' T n' IKMtVtKlll Ritran AaRlvcT.Rry I i J I'll, al lh- alxne niiiunl tune and pLee. In eunanrni ratiou or the Xaial lar or Wathlnjelon It I" Ulnr the lal Dull or w atlilBRion itiK Minr t u' Ike hmwh, iu l.hii will In- fiMred tw loak It tlie KFudl udb.r yet piu'ii. Gved uiune will ! wuiUd fur tbe 00- aaehia. A aeaeral lavitutton It exleitded to all. Tiukett- Flrv ltutUn. Jaekteoallle. Jatt. II. V. JauHld 1 of Oregon, for Ihe Cwinty of J.tckitHi. Wit. M. JUTHawt tt J 11. OtuwroKU und J. It. Uawronn. Action nt Imw tu llrca.cr Jlimrj'. To the nboee named defeuibtult : oa , aw x,j MiHbnl aiul rtijnlr.il to ap- tiour in Ihe (itrouit Court, fr tbe State of Oregon, for the (Jonnly of JaeLxun, at tbe neat tetai thtttor, lo bu hbl at JaekmvilU-, I in Mid oiWHly. on Ihe tecoad ilouday in . helieiLirv. A. I'.. IbU. awl there aur a eomubtbu no fllv ( Ihe above entitled ac tion, or Judjineiit will be tahenaxnlu'tyaul for want of an anawvr, Tor Ibe mm or vnn, with Inttreat Hereon, at Ibe rale nf 10 per eenl tier annum, frwn tbe iOtli day f April, lt. and the coilt and cxpeu cf IbU uvlluu tu be tMted. JAU0U3 & IIU8SKU. riaialiflTi Atlorntyg. .Nor. 23d Ibdi. dtc3w0 KTotico. ATOTIOE l hereby ctteu that the t'nlltd 1 1 Staw Internal Ituteimo Spiral i.ut, of Ibe Uib Dttltion, U now tiiiei Tax en for examination, for leti day, at the Oitlce of Ihe Aitaul Amtnir, lu Jaoktouvilte ; alfO, notleo I given to those who were av wnd on lb tirtt or May, 16I, fur Uullnl Sul LIceuiM, whero the ralui of tueb Lb eetMMweru Ine'caH-d by tbe act or June JUtli, InBI, tudi Llcemei will bo re-a Mid for n rateable proportion or tucb in oreoMd rate, from July lit, 16GI, lo May lit IbCS. AUSTOX MILLS, Aut. V H. A.r 9tb Div. Juckionrill Nov 10th, 1BC1. Dissolution Wotice. AJOT1CE it hereby given that Iheeo-part-1 nertbip burutori.ro cxbtling Lctwecu Thomai UuvU anil X Laugcll, uudrr the name and ttyle or Davit Co., U ILbt day dbiolvcd by mutual to mill. All dubu undlaccovntt or tbe firm will be tctttccd by Tbumas Lavit, nt the itcre, oui Applegntc, where ho will coctiuuc in tbe uicrcautlle builucM. THOMAS DAVIS, N. LAXOELL. r "h CHEAP FOlt CASH MAX ffiULLEE, AT THU BRICK STORE, Corner uf Qrrgrm and ilnln Strtclt, JncUouvUle, HAS mi raaeired an addition lo Ids rwrinur rwrse nml well wlecteO StMk of FANOY.STAPLE Ci SUMMER DEYGOODS CO. 5. ' ! 02 1 co' c! c 5 Pi " c sr1' - ,L- r I 5 5 I I pi 1 1 4 LU feci M o ' a LU r n Ol 07 o oa o o o a r 3 tf All at Reduced Prices. O.N'R at1 AM. nra tnriteil to Ta tht Whi wllh a o.H. n It onat tiolh la lo ahow natxls and It la a pleav tire t Mdl laeHt at iietoa tu lew that noot aan oampWR. Uislifit Price Pahl for Pro lnot? lit I'sclmttftf for GooiIr. JEWELEY. GLOCIS, WATCHES, FANCY ARTICLES - AT- KEW STORE! Ntixt Dour lo Saclit Iliot. T XKUHRIl k.11 rtekl hi new tlor I trtth a ktnr and valuable BMurtmeut 0 Uet Mvlee nml tmlternt of rrxix(i axi wkiuiit SILVKlt WATCH i:S. DIAMOXP JKWKLUY, 1'tCAItU KMKIIALI). I'AMKO BKTS Togotbor with a pK-ndld tot of oilier ttrconl'l'ttta, Dnwtclie. Kar-ltinga, Finavr IE inn. 1vukolf, Iluoklea. Ulutjw. Jirawb-U. SWevc llutluiit, Xecklneo. Wniub-Cttoliir, ChatvrnlM and stall, Abo, OMtpMe Mil of JttcompuruWc awmaaertweail front the rictitot aad moat tH-aattfal kfevlinvtM of (JohJ HfH and Fow ler qattrta. In addition In the bWixp, may; be (bond at hia atuta the that ijnulitlci ul TAULK AXI) I'OCKKT OLTLKUY, Awl, in idHirt, 11 general variety or N'luU-NnoLR K Fnuc)' Arllcli-a All o( whlvli will be fcold nt ww tr.ior und tvnrrnntcsl. ItKl'AliUXU.-Oloehf. Walclie nnd Jewelry repnlrod with irumptno. uud iu a manner tu gnuruntee iulliUction. MAUFACrt'UKU to order, uny nrll ele til Jrndry, with iieatuei and d'uutcb. 13. Call uud m his utiw Hock, ut bit new tore, on California street, next doer to Sack Itro., Jackioiiville, Oregon. Jukamille, D. lTjJbo'i. tf J. ROW'S Oigstr Store ! Oppotlte Lore V Illlger. California tt., Juektoutltlc, Urvgou. r'f0l''T0YS,!0YS!' ! HOLIDAY GIFTS! ! J. HOW Inform the dt'toni of Jackton tlllennd the jmlilc genet ally that he t jutt iccvivcd and o0r fur talc hi tujierlor atMk or .... 11 AVaVXA I IMITATION CJjatCaJ-jm-OM: ?ii, A c TOBACCOS, PIPES, FIGS H CUTLERY, RAISINS, Stationai f ScUooNlioolUsx : CAXDY, NUTS, c : 'JOYS. SUGARS,- 2 3 ALHUMS. RT0. X Frlce to mit the timet. Call and p ;ate your money. O00YUOJ. 1 00000000000000000 ooooooooooocoooo. 2 A Iarce mitt Fine Auortinmt S 2 of M'illotv Vio on luiutt, for g kulr. g '0000000000000 OO 00 OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO Alargc collrctlon'oftthe'jalcst and Ut Nou-I lor circulation, Dec. 19, 18C3. J. ROW. kn p-f :j dJI. jfU3 UYERY AXD SALS STABLES. Corner of OnHrornta and Fourth ttreeK CLrOAOL & 1) RUM, JYonrictow Jsir. THESE STABLKS arc :!& contrail located, and con- cnlent to the I'nlon Ho tel. Horeeahd mulr trill be kept uv tht dnyortteck at moclcrnlc cbargex. Tlie proprietor nave a nnmitcr 01 line UUUUIK3 AXI) CARItlAdlSS, For one or two hnraer, to let on moderate term. .Mo, cood wddle borte.. and tunics, which they will lot to go to any purl of the country, on reasonable term. llortea broke to tbe raddle or Imrrifct. Animnli Boupht ani Sold. The proprietor pledge tbeelve to give atlfncthm to all who may fnvor them with a call. Jnekeout Hie, Of n. Aug. Sl.-lSlf ADAM'S GERMAN TONIC AND AROMATIC BITTERS. Tbee bUlcrs are highly refined, pratrrnl lo Hie taste, warming. Mlmulatlng and In tluowiliii? to lite di-bllitaled ftem. They are n tborouglil) m-dieatrJ Cflimwiuitil. lvowerfiil and ciniceniratid and liaee U-en btoaght lo their present lote of perrectlon by nettrly twenty yean exjerieiice. and are Ir-vond qnwtkin. one or tbe Ut remedle. Tor all dlfeaa or the dlgesttve organ. VI,r- Iim .yttetn ban been reduced bj IV tcr. utc. they tlt proro nnr or tbe luot valuable nnxlllerlc tor a pee0y mid xtma. nenl rertoratlea to balth and ttrenplb. Frioe A0 cent tier bottle. Ftir tale by all drnicit ami firTr, oett'infl Howard Private MBDIGAL INSTITUTE Xo. 03?, t'nmmcrrlat (Street, (Scixx Prnuciooo. Oonsultaticn by Letter, on OTunnwnR, yitEK, ESTAULISIinn for the on re ofdleaf 1 of a iitivnte nature. ueb n. Ovnor-i-hea, Synilb. !prrrm-aliirbni. Mrrenrlnl CornplTnl..f5lm. !trlelare. Seie'imt Wttik nM, Impnleaey. Itbeumatbin. 1 rter nnd Aaue. Miu ilin-uw. hcimual Lnudor. and nil ulM-aM- brvuglt ou by Indnlgenove or by accident. THE IIOWAimiXSTITlTE I under tlie Immediate cherae of DK I'. IKlWARD. who ha Ik-cook juttly oil.bru ted by bU lueoowfnl treatment ol dtocaMM nf the above ualaiw. li'ifioaf tht tut of Mtnury in any form In re-opening thl nbt and papular Insti tute naee nxm to the ieuple uf the FtoMc CiHMt. Ibe I'tielor I gutenml not only br u dndiv tn air.. id hii n.yluin Tor tlte rlrllcteil. but to Sl'ITKIMS QUACKKRV, vibieh Imi uf latum lj.ildlyand lniKidently come be fore tbe public Tbry claim to have cerlll eutri or remarkable cure, or mum before unheard f di'tinetionn. of forelrn tettlmo. ny. of Iirofwuii t4urativn, und lJirowm reuiwuie; tuui atitirauing tne aiuraiim, who are not aware or the utttr uKleMncM or lurelgu rrmtdW and practice. mIiwi af piled to dbat in thU rnriable climate. irttch itrelembir the Doctor wurn. there tking BVidleal relief to Iwwnre. Tor Ihry M-ek mit to deoeive tou und ruin your biiulth. Tn U 11M iNttiott hih! Ihe public In gen eral tbe Jtuetor wtntld toy: '1 hey oan rely ou hi known akllt and Integrity, ut hereto fore, wllh eterj nouranoe of a iHly and permanent curt , In all oHdbte cane. Tbe Hooter ' ebarg are modtiralc, and ,tUUd to the lawn of lb atlieut. THE HOWARD INSTITUTE U loealtd In the eeuter r tbe city, and I Otlod up with every aoateiibmco ror the etHcfort of tbe alNlctid. .TI10 patlotit will bete find eter) thing to hW wMi. and can Kitr ami Lm Out IxtUMt viikvmfw A l'erKia rebllnE In the Interior, who mav ureter hebur Cund at lluuv. by rending a I 1 careful doMwipliuu ol tbclr dlteiue. togutb-1 I er with a Matentent or tlte Unutb of time 1 ' they bare lieeo uUietcd, can bae Ibe'r iiwO ' , lehu- enrefully imt up and tent to any ptrtj of tbe I'ac flc CMt y H'utvn or liwil, to j ! getbir with lull aiut caplicit dlrittiontto 1 a to eaablo tre-m to bring nUwt n ted) nntl periiMw 111 dure wiibout eutaiiiag up on tbem lb-. iHoeaeity of 1 biting tbe oily. All letters bhoultl ItcntltlrctB ca. Dr. 1. Howard, Howard luitllute, No. 332, Oommirolul Street, San Franibco, Oolirinnla. The Dooler bin)eir oncni and answer all letter, and crrupoudeuti wu icly ou tbe trlett terey. Uorutiltatlon by Utter or otberwltc, frve. TO TMJB LADIES! When n Female I In trouble, of whatev er nature, or aflllctvd with a dbente tuah us weulinw of Ihc buck iuhI limb, mlu In tbe head, dlinue. or tight, Iom of iuu oalar power, pulpltatlon of tbe heart, Irrl Inbllllv, nenoatm, (U-rnngtuicnt or tbe digetit e function, gcueral debility, all di caiy of tbe Womb, btdcrla, tltrillly. and all other dlteaKt peculiar to fuaale, Ibcy tbould KO at once, or write, to Dr. How ard, at hi Medical Inttlluc. Ixt no fale delicacy prevent you, but apply Immediate ly, aud tat i' yoiirtelf from paiufu) tulfi ring, and premature death. The Doctor' oftcc li to arranged that he can be con.ullvd without fear of ditcoicay. Dr. llovard's Female Tills Are universally acknowltdged to be the ouly compound to bo depended upon for the remot al or all caca or tuppuMM or ir regularity, or or obstructions or ttbatcttr uuture ami or however lougitnndlug. Ladle having rcatou tu belie to they are pregnant, tbould be careful to avoid uting thcni, at Ibey would turcly caute a uiltcar rluge. Tbey will bo forwarded to any part of the Pacific Coatt, upon iho receipt of $i per box. C0X6ULTATI0X BV LETTEIt, OR Cmijdw fiuiojipij) owiaucjj tros'iuiiR loiwtujmoa Tcv"'oj liimui iucon 'dHVAVOH 'i 1XCII lpp ix I'nm wiijamy auuj asuvuamo CHEAP tor J! iSi A. FISHER OROIHER, CORNIR or Cnllfornta A. Oregon Srpct JAL'KSCXYU.I.K. l llivc oa hand a Large Slock of Staple, Fancy DKYGOOIKS, CL0THIXO, BOOTS, and snows, unoEniES,, LIQUORS, CUThKRV, CR0CKKUY, etc., etc., etc. AUnm be sold at Xloclucoct 3?rioo. Jarkwavllle Jan. 9, Ml. Jntf ' CUKE YOUK COIiO B.vvr. Yorn lungs. a NEWELrS PULMONARY E SYRUP lta Ciutil Thqtuantl It -CVTllX . Cxx-vo rSToxx. "A onugfa U generally the effect of a cold, vhck bo t-lllier been liaprctwrly treated or entirely neglected. When it prove obtll Ititta, thm it eeey tnuou tt atr On (owe owtHftt, a Ibi .kowt n weak title of t'm lung, nml It often tbe fun-runner of con Mitnptlon." Dutbtnan' Domcitlc A'cdlclno STOP THAT COUGHING Seme or ynti can't, and we pity you. Yon twee tried ot try remedy but tbe one dmtimd. by It. Intrinsic merit, to rnpcrK-de all aitnibir repral!on. It I not turprlt Incjoii tbould be tvluetaat lo try toiue t'tlng oie ufier the many cxperlmct Ton have made of tradi) mtaiioutidl fwlttrdou lhonibllc ai a certain curtj but Pulmonary Syrup, I really the Vr.nr IIimt remedy rvrr com Hiindcd for tho cure nrcougb. coldt,Sora throat, atthma. whooping cough, bronchltl aud couMimptlon. Ibou.andt ofpcoploiu California uud Oregon hae becu already benvGltcd by It curative power. WHAT KILLED HIM? Dn.Hi.i In hi "Journal or.Heallb," rjieaklng of Ihe death ol Wanbtngtnu Irving uk the aborc iUtf tlon. and add : ' lie might will have remained with u ror year to eoine, bad II not been for advice kindly intended, 110 doubt, but given In thought leuufu aud uckltn Ignorance, I1.C HAD A. COLD! width, by rotne unjudlcIoutprcicrIptlon,btd been 0011 verted lino an a.tbma. Who gave that pmtarlptbtn, or what It wa, the out M world may net er know." Let in tay to Dr. Hall, that that precrlpUou' wa sot Xewell's Fulmouury Sjrup. Keep it in tho lioiue. ute It frwly.glro It to jour cUJJtirui ujioii tlie tllgbtctt Indi cation or a cold, nnd you trill think and tpeak of It at nil du who have bvcoiuo ac pulnltd wlthlUwtrlt. IlKIiIXUTUN & CO.. Sole Agent, i Ul nnd .118 Front ttrt-et. San Fraueltco, and Jor .ale by all Drugzitta. dreHinC JUST RECEIVED AT taelis Bros O.KE TllOVSAXD 1"VS 0 SUPERIOR BLACK, DRESS Which 111 be Sold nt a Great Sacrifice. SACHS IlltOrJ. IS, SftOfJd" The undtrtlgncd would mot rejKCtfully call tbe atteutlouor Ihe public to lUtlr NEW JLIVEItY JISB FEED STAKiE, Oa Oregon Street, Jacksonville. We have on hand a good tupply ot excellent 8addlo Horc, to let, and will toon have a ttock of Uuggka. We are debtnnlued to tiro tatlt facilou to all wl.o niay fat or ut with tbclr patrcnagc. A good spp!y of feed conttantly oa band, l'LYMALE A- ROSS. J&Ceiomllle, January Slit, 16C5. If SjVJleoeE;. TUB copartnerblp heretofore cxlttlng between White A Hart, hi tbe taloou butluu. It dlttolvtd by mutual content. L L. White collect ell dells and pay all JlabUlUw of eaid firm. I. L. WJ11TJB, F. CHART. Caoyouvllle, Pec. 1, 1661. dccluwt QUPURB Photogroph Albanw can be O had cheap, for caab, at 0. Row'", next door ubpye firs-"-"-v " tak.rcvui t Il aamo ki &.,