Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 04, 1865, Image 2

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J. ?I. StTTOJf, Editor.
Hg l J r y
To nir iwct asd reiu.iNt.cr or tocb '
Uxiok, x Gotemcukkt roc Tim vriiotx is ,
lMurxxpinLE." )YiiMfttn.
XiTt'fiDir SI0B.LG, TEB. J. li .
T lt nf A ifitlltt Tnr lIlA Dl'VnAY IlVTtK.tlf !
K. F. Ilnrll. pentral ageul for Oregon,.
nJ Idaho Tcrrllwy.
l.r. rishtr San rranl.c Cl.
J J. Knowlton A Co tlo...,. Jo.
Thotou IHxit, AltpVcgAle. Ofn.
FT. 11.11111 WlllBr Ov
F. G. lllrdrf..
RoeV-roitrt do
Thomas Croxton,
VTm. F nicer,....
I). 11. Thompon,
VT. M. F.Tant,. . .
Thm F. Fiord
S. V. Sawver....
.CroJlonf INtrioi da
Jumi-Cf-Jo do
....I'ortMad do
. . . . Albany do
...Althouic do
do do
Kttbyville do
...do a) do
I). P. AmWrmn l'buls
O.M.C. Gault....
A. IrcUnJ
Go. UDean
ThfoJrlc Cameron.
Jimr 1 Watnon,,
Win IUtlle Hunter,
L. W.SullIns
do do
..Myrtle Crark do
. .Ullenbnrr do
,. .UoMbitrg do
. Konu Illrer do
.Fort Klantath do
Hinder Herman, of Canyonvllte.se ue-ral
Agnt fur Dou;;1a4 County.
The Tour of Josephino County.
On lart Monday week, being nrottHd liy
the to-rn Marshal, we sprang from our ltd,
hurriedly put on onr elulhw. pntlint out In
the itreeti, and qnletly took a "eat la Jo.
LandU' itage, for Kerbyrille. The morning
was one of the ooMatt we bare bad thta whi
ter, the ground being frozen bard. The
itajre bounded like a country Jake in a hap
wnltx. llr alternately running on foot and
riding In the t tape, half pari ilx o'clock
found m ralllantly confronting hot cehet.
eoffee and other cood cheer of ur friend
Dreakfait lwlnr orer and onr bosat cor-
KhuraunderafullbeodofiaHih.wewfrlrxl,l,s1,bDri mM proeetdrd ten
roon Joltlag and thumping along orer tb I feet, and wc were Mt In Ibe mo profoand
iroten grouna, in the mean Hue -keeping
an eye out" for au Item or a mbrltr.
hc toon orertooit a ruotniao.wuo wot-
modetlly Informed onr friend of oar preeent
occupation, and that we bod room for a few
more iuberlbn on the Sextixii. beet.
and for old acquaintance take wc would "be
Tery happy to enter Lie nurae among tbut
faroredfew. Takings bnrrlcd glauec ai
our perron, from bead to foot, a if mJnv.
oring to fathom our meaning, at the ume
time an expreoioa of contempt took pouc-
.Inn .nil -1.L.L-....J
.. ... kv..ni.w.t nuw vw)n Up if
rapidly retrace our leotineei, la itarefa of
(omeuntlmely word which waaabout to bring
down a ihower of Indignation en our devo
ted bead. Hut, reader, you may Jodge our
relief ben he ijuWily remwksd, -I aw no
black, and don't want to Uke any paper."
Wc -weakened."
ILUXOil UM.ir.
Crosjlng a low divide, we entered Iltlaot.
valley. This valley, with It altenuteik'.rkf
of timber and prairie, Iti numeroiM little
cove at the bare of the rusgd, heavy tim
bered taountalm. which iiirnuiiul It umU.1 I
with the btitory of Indian maieacree aad
Indian depredation!, would furnieh as ond-
in iaau 01 ucuon lor me novettu. Tbe '
muu, m a kcujtoi imng. usee not teem to be '
so icu as that In Jackson county. We tog the nuartr. rich aUthey. From tbe
should Judge, however, that tbc faollieir.r I varieus opening. Into ibis urine, m
irregatlon a much UUer. amount of rich ore 1 already In right.
SEWn-niAS. j Notwithstanding tbe treat amount of i&ooey
We arrived at Kerby vllle at five o'eloek, j spent by Mr. Heilner oq this mine, tbvre is
WeweTegUdttioogh,too,loraettlcourKat ,nodubt that be will soon realize a hand
in the stage, for oac more comfortable , some pront He luteads next Summer to
In tbe bar room of the Sawyer hotel. Thk ! uwei maiblnirr at tk .i i.. .i.l.
. .
pUee, altbongh qnlte small, has, for -the
most part, very substantial and permanent
buildings. It contains two or three stores. '
iwo noieu, two livery stables, and one large '
wmaru eaioon. 1 nrre is also a Urge flow-' perpendicular angle. It average about tsn
tring mill hard by, In full sight of the town. Inches la width. The surface of it sldst
JXTJiocsi:. being parallel, show that the rk nasorlg-
On Tueeday morning we hired a bone aid ' Inally connected, and by some means tep
.:t out to visit these fnmoui diggings. Fall j erated. From all appearance it Is very
..it In by tbe way with Mr. Win. M. Evaas, extensive The water in It rises and Wis
?-e placed ourself under bis guidance to ' with tbe wtr In the shaft nbleb has been
Brontown, tbe metropolis of Althouse dig-! sunk on tbe vdn. No doubt this opening
gloss. Althouse creek Is a deep monntalu j I one of those reservoirs which supply ln.
gorge, with not enough room all along the lermlltant sptlngr, by tilling up In tLe win
banks for a road. This erevk has Uen 0 ' ter ond drein? o-.it In th .-..l. .. r.i..
or tiie rlcbest creeks In the northern mines,
(0.5,) bat unless the bill diggings and
quart prove to be rich, nbich wc have no
doubt wlU be tbe case, Allhoute will be
turned over to the Chinamen.
For tb last five or six miles before arriv
ing at Urowntown, we traveled over a
substantial wagon road, which has been cut
around the sides of the mountains at gnat
On arrivlnt; at tbe brow of the mountain,
looking almost nnder our feit, we got tb
first sight of Diowntown. It site Ulag
the only location on the creek large and
level enough lo build a city on. It I built
jh n small bar, covering, pu-Laps, oneorUo
icre of tolerably level land. Urowntown,
however, has fallen into dtcay, presenting
.nt present a dilapidated and ancient appear,
ante. It contains two store and a bowl.
- .
During our Aty lu this place we partook off
tie hospitalities of Mr. Kraut and lady
whoe well furnMicd oppsrtmcnts conlmt
Greatly with the uncouth ami ruined state
of I., surroundings. ,
On Triir luornli. although -
tremely cold. Mr. kindly acrm! to
arcomnonv in to tbc various place or win-
JTTJ3 li rhtaiiT of am-nm..
Onr first visit was lo Ibe Democrat Tunnel,
wb.ch titfrnh a Bbs specimen of the enter-
prise and energy of onr owner. Tbk tun -
; n-l was commenced some In. yor ago. Iff
four experknesd ntlnsr, who, by IUo(f- own i
! llor aloiM. Ut bond IbrtmjN Um f n
i.i i.. i i-i ik.di ik. rHn. I
j lain hw 1.290 fc. an tars rtmek the (
I bar on Ibe oppoolt rtdr. 85 Ttti Iwlow ben
, rook. Tb objtet of tab tanotl W to drain
R pftrljofl of AIUkwm ork. lvhlek b
blthrto not tn urorkHl fur want of drain-
I - Tha Titlar Mlnr WW IN fMt lOwar
tban the bed of tbc erevk. and KpartJ
frotn It by a Ion- rldj or moaBt':n. wbleh
run parallel with and bet wren the valltr
' Hb1 t TKI ! J l! Hnnihtia Amf
ami vtcai a .!) f,tvr iMir VVtlln rcii
"6 ft fall from the mntilh of tlwlr tnnnal
down to tlit lUy. Tbf "!"" W
jot phmplctcd tbotr nm. taraod tb water
tbroaab the IhmaI, b1 eowniiattil Ike
optnUa ef rnUla'aerew the nut k
jrh of the channel. The erek tbtir
.lialtHl I known to W rleb, but nil Kfnl-
I oa ntHmpt! lo work It bnrt prowd oiusc
Mctunca xrxe.
W nest pa n rkil to the will and mln
bflnaclne toS. A. llribxr, lnnlre, lueatfd
Har Imoerat Gnleh. Tbl !od b tinted
on tb moflntaln. nbmit ww and a batf
I1m from the will, barlogr an rxeellcnt
wllon road conttrnrtcd brtw tb two
Srwrat temwtt lv lirw rnu
into tbfc lode at dUHteat depth, rinding
the rein rkh nt every point itrnck. Jlr.
Heilner bai lately rsu a He tnaail of WW
foot htto the inooBlaln,from the lermiani of
I which be U railing a irpnlklar kft to
connect wl h one which wm wnc on ine
Tln ahore. Tbhi tbaft l already mM
70 feet, and yet lack tome M lett of bring
lo Ibe bottom of tb one above. At the
mc-(ration of Mr. Heilner. we. In company
with oar friend. KrtMH, each bearing a can
dle In trU hand, counnenerd theaMratof
tbefhaft. not knowing the nMtvHnAe of
ef ear undertaking, bat rappoetag Unu a
few fMt woaM bring ui to the teat. Onr
aweni woe by mean of a Udder on lb Ut
of tbe abaft. Water came down ilk a tor
rant of rain ; a strong draft of wind Mel
m. nhiah wm caund hor an air nine thai
ma .- .1,. rMii- liMiMti, .,r ik. f
tunnel and op the aid of tbe rtaft. Hy
aeaae of water and wind our candle, were
ane,,, ,wt baowlng Uw far wc ld to
n-j--- tMbc .l. ttn. IWIcrlwc.
.., ,i..ju-...i
. v a w
pomd threngh oar tultiJi for Ibe rafely of
our friend, Lean kiira wc oould bear
Jut lieblnd ut ebould Ibe ladder gtre wty
and precipitate a 00 bU head. Hut nt
length a light gleamed from above, and
looking up. we mw Air. Heilner holding a
candle for a, at the top. lllgfat glad were
,. ,Lj,' .. ,, ,. , . "
' lJ workmen. 00 tbc ride of tbe abnft.
which wm barely large enoafk to bold foor
of ni, wbo were cenpelted to take lodging
there. Taking o few brealh, wc com a
longing alauae down ibe frightful bob?.
wnJeb we ware oaablo to tee by mhmm of a
eaodl nt at the bottom. Dot ih wont
wee yet lo come wv mut go down. Ity a
desperate eimrt, we let ooiaelf over the lid
and commenced oar exit, end were
mfuly ct tbe bottom, feeling tatientd wHh !
our adveatuTc, and tally determined not
to try It again. Taking a teat In the tunnel
ear. Mr. Kram sail innatf Mrl ii
at break.neek speed tn the isoutb of the
Prom tbe tunnel frem wbiob tbey
nee at preient
taking riuartc, a U( bu
(jimb luni; iluwn u tLjt IimI ii.i tt .
... ...v w.. . rm r&. ... biiii
A singular pbaemoa apjxars In the I
tunnel from wbleh tbey are taktos ouartz I
at the present lime. It Is a ertek orOnure I
la tb reek. otoNing the vein at an olmott I
- -, . . ... vl ,v. ,u
On Thnrtdsy morning, there was about
three Inches of mow on th ground, but onr
time being limited, we set out from the resi
dence of Ger. lirlggs, bere we had very
pleasantly spent the night, for Waldo, tt
which point we arrived about noon.
Waldo Is the largest town In Josephine
county, lleretac)tcbrre in the county,
complaints of dull lime arc heard. Great
hopes are entertained that the coming sum
mer will proic a r.w era in tbeatblrsof
Josephine county, from the woudeiful dc
pMltea of copper which have been discover
ed there. Waldo, especially, will be bene
fitted by the Coppermine, tbe Queen of
Urocze vein being located in its Immediate
tlciuity, n which extensive works will be.
constructed next Bummer.
Wlillc at Waldo, specbicn 0MI1U genus
Introduced Unuelf to us as Mr. , a
oonnty pnnper. ol J.-H-pWiiP. 11-uiorrarf
! us that he ft Union Coppernrs.1 ana
ilh.t bl olfot In teekift on .rrp.lDf.ae. .
ki.brf-'le. IWng evccedlngly Sll.glCUli 1 t. HSMnglOI..
frfondV Aaury.vediMlriii hi ollywonls l J-JT. ,.,;,, ,,p AV,V,k
Ui .flreo in'nnlrt. hen oar modesty 1 tifumoroa C neutlOll Ol AlObllO
J came rxr'lcd and we skedaddled: but ever by t IlQ HCbClS.
, and anon Ibore flowery words, 'n of . .
" win i through or t-emory. 1 1 SoMtliern pence commissioners
j wm just preparing te mount my " Oil route for WaslllllgloU,
start. In romp? with Mr. J. y8; r
1 Allen. Oulok.whon my ndmWn ff kj TIlO IliS. Of SllCriliailS Al'IUy
the L" Copperbend www. mm im; .
appearance before me again. f ,l,fl"w
mc niter the following Mvir : .ir. junior. .
1 bare read yonr paper with a na I d' of
Intereat, and an nitbdled frotn It content!)
tbnt ytm are n liberal. Mi b-mliieM tilb
men.' I bare eowlndeA to join the vetan-
teerifortbe wk of mr'eonnlry, TiWh
n glv me qtearter to help py f ll
fare to KJebf.'' Cm our (othnatiiHjc "
cempllanee wttb lit rnjiMet, be ciHtwed
a bifthly ooaecnlrAled coiaj4hal!ary
oratlcu for onr erell benclK, wberwpao
we efd" ond fwltd out thi nnarter,
MMmnted onr borte and bate not bean were
ttTMutrur minim.
. Ttcforn lrarlnf Salbw llflr.p, w tlflt-
ed Ur. WceioaS rwnelre bydraalblc ftjiear
ntn,on AllcV Gnleh. ThU It tbi -t
powwrnl bdroMe In Otskoti. the wilrr 1
being forced thrirb n Ineh and n nnnrter '
i,!m. aniler a nteeMteofSMfret. Tbew-
Ut It oexNitieled down tbc cxttntam
thronfh an Iran ptpe. coae4d at tbe low
tr owl with a pipe of tbrw r four !
it of docking-, and rbk clmOy wraped with
habXaeh mpe. The poatt of uch a ftt .-
arc H tmy n'- ","f -0. SlnfWtnn dd not knre that c4ty w
doing tbe work of 20 by any .ih.r prooam
mimku tvntiUBT or Joar.n.-iMi " ""'"""i '
Altbongh lime. .pp,-r dU at pecatntj " wtf ta h
tbUabrUblfoture fcr tl. mining In- the I'reaklent. IJe, In the main. W"0rm
t. rert. I)nrl.ig the coming wawr fberr j IMnlrV Mory tbnt tlw rrfl leader nrc not
will U- a Urge amoant of capital expended 'at prnjoat prepared lo irprbt ot the l
o the Oaten of Uroojw eowwr wine. Thh. tk of unbmlMioa to the Union. Rnmow
In coaaectloa with the
tbe Hrllaor Mine, will grre a
to nil kind of boriaeie.
There are oany rkh, iiboariaf todVe
kaowa U the eaawty. whioh we awaUtag
Eocrattlag in JottffhlB.
7- ... ...
JT""!.!!! TS" ?
tbe ha mtfllmj of tbe Joarphba, Cty
Vuhtaiaer AocUlli1ne.ttaTwa.uuWi
nt tbc Coart Iloatc in Kcrhyrilk, Jan.
.Geo. X. Itrketi, rreaideot.
. 41. J,n04. wat nnoria aecy mrtitm.
Tin, oonit from th. MIowU, pre -
W. M. J'lrao wm nhoeea Soc'r are feet
eleeu rejKKted ibcnmoaNti aubKribcd ai
MIowi: AVaMu, SB55 00; AH how,
312 00; Caoyoe Cmk, 160 M ; Ktf
byrJHcSMS 00; Hrkjya, M72 50; Wil
fewiiilnfi'i i'tw Wi.
ahlo, the preamble tn tbc inUnjibjtioti
in that preeirwt won 9WJ.
Ou motion, tbt Mluwipg rwoUtiotu were
adopted :
JlmtlsU i That each TKm who shall I
eubMribt maafy toward ibe buuty fund uf
thh) oitunly, skull be a member uf lb At.
JUtUttdt That be tbe Trta.nrw
otVat ef thb Aworiatloa, and that tin: moo.
aye eaUcrlbed la each preckwl be r vrm-d
by its cotnmlttcctuau, end paid over to
aid Trcniurcr.
tenWrW; That m won m the ssm of
K.M0 00 be placed in the Land, .( Mid
Trea laser, he U aotbor'ji-d to ndiertuw a
bounty o perauM rolnitrertng to fiil the
quota of Ibb eosmty of $100 00, W three
rt roeo ; Sid W, lo U-oyear men and
83 351, te one year men. Said bounty
te be ink to soon at the vuwaletM skill
le mastered in the U. 8. tervWt.
foeirc?.- That in can Ibe quota shell
aftt be raked by volunteering;, nuy wejnber
of this AiMeiutlon who msy be drafted.
tesU be entitled to f 100 08 from tbe geu
oral fund.
llnh4 : That the Trcotarer U iantruct
d to pay from the fint mwey reaeived,
the sum of 100 00 lo Uburloi Cbaumani
to be wed fir the purpose of rear ailing.
Ktulml : That each meolaet be refiuired
lo collect and pay over to the TrcMurer, to
- S' win 0f lu ioilul. m hw
PIW. H rooncw lebiorlbed by it.
0a tnio". 'te mtuting prooeedej lo tbe
le,0 ' raurert whlofa recited iu
tbe election of Isaac ibeointoa of Waldo
On motion, the Seattary was reqaente .
to DOlifiy each preciuet lo colltet apt! pay
over Id the Treasurer all uoatyt tttbteribtd
by it.
On motion, the roeeUos edjourMil, msU
jvet to the call of it I'ratMetit.
OKO. Ji. WUGOS. I'rtWl.
t . SI. Evj!e, Stc'y pre ten.
Since the masting of the Ariodatlon
Slate Cruk I'rtofoet has reported S85 00.'
N.w Navb. The JtrjvrUr, in Classifying
Democratf, cull one elasa the " Qlly Gam
mons." Well, we think the elassIQcatlon
entirely logical and philosophical. -Gammon
" Is the gfcnuf, -Oily" the rjieelea. On
the Mine philosophical principle wc say
Mowfw" is a kudus, and bird, cow nr.,l
horse ore only different - specie - of aul
mals. "Gammon," ye that suit us. There
Is the Oily Gammons," the " 1'eace Gum
moos," the - Aull-admlnUtrallon Gauu
moos,1 the"Sccdou sympathlxUg Gam
mons," the "out-nudout disunion Gam
moa," the "HurlUn hating Gammons. -and
,lcaat of all, 'the "l'ony cxpru Gam-
A good many people about Aerr, wonder
why the Mtx&tauutr don't publish a dally?' '
The last few oIj;hli"bavf JUjcn unusually
cold for the sxason.
KrMrjpt. rxcugvu.t tyjiir. riNKl-l
v ip.fi Savailliail.
tj..i r T-,' fl-i J .:...!
rtlll, III 111 MM it lll'IM irillllMI
Pnlilgren's at Chnrleston.
Arrivftl of Footo vitliin Iho
Podcral linos.
The Electorhil College.
Portree Monroe, SSth. 1'he weather
ti Mtlcr ooW nt the front. There U Cm
Kfc that the James rirer will be closed
by We.
'lloanokf Mind. 28ik We loam that
a went nnmbtr of Unten prisoner hare.
tieen Urouebt from Smith OaroHtM to
SulWwrr. North 0.rM. to pre
their eaptnre by Sbetwan. It fa mU t-nt
the rebc are l.-comhis mnre Inbnmon In
r treatDWHt oTobt men. StQrratkH) U
M tbe loereate. the itatht OTDNntln? to
fiftr dally.
" New York. SIM.-The Wcrld a prcW
dienalch tnyt notwlthetandlni; the naHttion
f tbe lilehaiond pint tn tw onntwry,
were in circulation hrt nifbt lo and urowmi
the c'tr, that the rebel re t'(nimli-
ctk were M tbrir nay to Washington,
rhleaca. 2lat The cowlitntioeml
Nmjnml .bolkd, Slavery, paawd the
,jMttm ... Bftar-Ba uT - vo ol ont
hundred and alxKea to nhjetyorvi-n.
DaeleeWr, .liMhOnpt. lfeiitwater.
' wkh 7t or SO U.r trr-pe, Ud a fight
- ITvL-aaelb
.".. ,M ,,.. u..
rt KiaiOT.n, ,w ". ..w. ,.... t.-..
yettcrdoy. ntnl killed 0 or MreUaV. Ser
era! prttoner were taken. On Saturday
a band of nerriUna Uahed Into lHoowoVU
( - .
' - 1?'.. .H .SSC
rpot. The Herrltkii ailegeil in Jollifica
tion that the aokjleri had executed a gner
rilla named Dnbey a kw day before.
Cairo. 30th. Pate from Sew Orlrana lo
rrnto Mobile Dar. tningtnK a rnmar uf tkr
vacuntloa T Mobile. The report was r
eeivei' from the Flag-ship.
A Number, letter to the New Orb-ant Dot
H ba the fallowing newi from th trune
Miaebwtaai dpartmmt. The eoemy are
fiMtlfybag Grand tccore. nod bad au eulire
dlvUion stslioJHd tb'ye. A divMoa of reb
el cavalry has been seat to Tt-xas, with or
der to be dlsmoonUd fur Infautry serviee.
Kirby Smiib'a haaduuartvrs are still at
I dbreveaport. La., but there Is no eoaetder
I able body of troop garrisoned there. The
! auln body of Price's old army W Kported
at Fulton, on she upper Red Hirer, near
1 tbe hMderf the ladua territory, tadhsriag
ail Ibe horrors of eold and naked.!, bar-
lugoosae back from their recoat oaatsavlgn
very poorly supplied Uli ibe nis.marlt
they anticipated getting. Vaoga and 1'ar
an' brigade are sUitloncd at Cawd,
Ark. They comprise all of Frlee's army
that has relumed to the phuM from whence
the Miwouri oxpedlUoa orlgtaaily senrted.
(MertUos are vry froaaeet from their uV
morulhwd foree.
Tb MemphU Ilolletin says tbe steamer
Oblpjrrwa hod nfrirud. Two uf tbe Saut
wbloh weal up Use Arkaotsu river to Fort
Smith, were captured aad ha road nt WbU
Oak Shoal. Tro other wore damaged but
IHailriphla, 31t.-A pM dispatch
to tbe Krunlng Telegraph from Waiidiigtoa
toy: It Is known in well Informed circles
that coMuuwieaers from J" Davis, cooeltt
lag of Yiee-lVesJdcot Sirpbeat, K.M.I'
Ilunlw and Gen. G. W. Smith, hare orrir
ed ut Memphis, with full poaer to arrange
a rvltUxoeet of our dlOiealllee. It Is be
lieved from the undmtandiog between Pa
vis and flUIr, tail lt torm, win u a,,.
ly MUaetory to tne AdwlahlraUon and
to Coosres, and will oblefly couilstefaa
awneety to all offwHlrrs. and the withdraw
al uf tbe couSisatlon proclamation.
Ualtlinpn.', nist.Tho Amertcftu of this
F. M. publishes the fulloalbg dUnatcb;
Up to noon today we have reorived no con
firmation of the rumor tbeujh tb assertion
was rouewvd this morning by tbe equally
positive onnouueemeot that the peace com-mUsIo-jsK,
consisting of Stephens, Hunter
nud Campell, had arrived at Oity Folnf,
aud were expected to reaeh Annapolis to
day. Tbey are not rpofcen of a comnfls
riouer representing the rebel Governmet,
but as citizens, representing the people,
03 their way to Wahlngtou to eoufir with
Lincoln on the subject of ptacc, prccUety
In the tame capacity that lllair visited
Washington, 31st, Nothing con be ob
tained concerning the report that the rebel
peace commissioner have arrived at City
l'out en route for Washington.
New York, SUt. Tbe Times' special dts
patch says; The Way aud Mean commit
tee bare received the report of a sub com
mutes on the tax bill. They have not me
Urlally.allerca.theacUedule of ,th"e,oj'd bill.
llf.tMmilnn 31., Y.t 1. . . ....
wi , s-7.' iu uyuu xi. -Mcurtue
w.w. irom ivreon. 114.1 ueeij oppo olid
Ghkt Jujtlcc Of Idaho'l'trrllbry.' '
.tunut .mwgtvTBeg
Nw Y.wk IlUt -Ti,cTnn"'?av.M-iab
.i.rurrut.oii.1. nt uihler dati r.f the 19 h, tfijy
1 1 tlieKs of SlHrtnannrmyvill leave Sav
annah tomorrow julnylartiuiwd .1 vmcM(
Offtlic Adi orps rtrtaitInrJucviIle S.C,
whenifstt iM-nrJ from? ' . v-a,-
Tne !I.-ral.r hlinjtton irpatchays
the Now lVporimoiit lrceiTd oonBr
motion of tlt rrjw. h1 rt ral wire
wus dboyeml nftor tbo esplosion at Fort
Fbor, lending acrow Cape l'rar river nml
extending two mllio Into the rebel lines ?
lbtreis but little ilonbt tiial llio-magazine
wm purpwcly rxplodeJ by tins rebel.
All icac BegotlatloiH Willi Iticbmni-d
ore now tborooghly exploded ; tbous;li nc
gotmtkjrn are expected la olbtr rpnarters to
begin itertmps.liy -proclamatktu of tl
Gomoors of X. C. nad Georalai It It
stated Ibat part ef the obfret of Stuntwn'
vWl te Savannah was to aiivlM Shentiau
that If the robeU riionld propw temti
he should ln-W li'nnsdf la rvudiiK-M in be
half of his GavcrHnwnl to nreept.
New Ywb. 3Ut.-Yb l'ort Uyal
Xew Strath of Jan. 23.1 cantatas aud ac
count ol Ike) occupation cd salKnimtiui.
S. C.. by our troopi. l'art of Porter's
(I.ejl had Joioed lah!fr In Uha.hjetiw
In tbt'rebel Iloisee, tesl ThAterday, 2ib.
there was an mutwtiog dibAte on the
b'JI to put to tbe army. Jff !
vie wm HBverely ileiwiwtAl by wembers 1
Mtne looke.1 "in the hill a a ;rrj. et to
arm too itiw, tte rreeedewt di-cwutl Idew
elf tn favor of It ; when put in the army w
Iramsiers nml cooks be con make them
drill, or perform uny other duty. Tiny
itotikl be willing to eurretiJer the slims
(r Ind'pidaiou. Tbt only objection
they bad to making soldiers of the slarr,
wm ibat they would nut fight on tmr ile.
'Ilwy would prove the eoetnica lf allies
to accomplish our overthrow aij destruc
tion. 'Chomu raid tbe country bail btett
too Ion; nod toe often deluded nod deceived
by tbt l'leeidcfil'a plnM uad probet.
Xono of bl purpose' bud been realised
None of bU projects or plans bare proved
speseesfnl ; yet, tbt rkt preseos new
and daoforOM schomee with aonUitiJ eon
SdcM lo bit ownjadrrMnt. II must
not look for uoilmrtod ranport either from
CoesrroM or the country, In wtwt be iiro
pose, 11 wild mad scheme of arming tbe
stave. The country was bf-lnnia; to
learn that nil the uho!t)oii, were not In
tbe North. Our own I'mldvut bud pro.
poaed abolition iu ench a wy as to create
ruspielou M to bis loaed. Ieaob if
X. C. sakl be o uouHeraWy, opjwied to
aueh n ineiser. He brlleres the dy on
which euoh a plley was ajp!!, tvookl
sound tie death Laell to iiur couk. 'llie
nuatttna . netl duAlwd at.
,. '.arnse""rrnsr
cumiiBiiwg list rpon iraM.uusiwppi
llepartmoot ba repent bl'y refnsed to oom
p!y with orders from K'ehmOKl, directing
him to transfer bis troops lo tbt rait side
of the river. Tbe hatred of Datls nreoqg
hi own in.' gen tmtt bitter aVIy
A Unkii routing piiy h gotw up Ibe
Obowau X. U. in the tlirtuUoc of Wchloa;
Mid to number from tbc to tea iboasonJ
mt-a welading earalry and UuVutry.
Xew Yolk, 8' et. Herald Washington
spatial says: tbe War DepartioeNt baa
bora notitW of the nrriml of the rebel
CongrcwmaN, Ikiry d. 1'ooW within the
Uee of SshimUm aroty at Winch-.
WaehMftoa. SOtb. In the llotnw Iluaj
of Illinois. (fsspftwd.) offered ll follow
ing : ftaaMaf . that tbt thanks of Con.
press and Ibe imniry are due I'leeMcM
linoohi, for remoring C!e. llutler from
military ejomnand ; tabled ; T te 86.
'IV I lout Bta a rMoiulieo deomrlog
tbat Virfisdu, .North Carolina, S. CurolisM,
O'torfia, llorlda. Alabama, liwin',
Loukdnla oad '1 Vmisii.ee. are not entitled
te resMOMoUtioti lo the cieetorie coUrge
aad therefore iw moh votes s'i ill be ree'd
or wunted far I'rcsiuVat and ae Vn.
San I'nooieeo, l'ib. 3d. Grrabacet
eioted nt 0.
Mr. Alberts wl nuke; that mtttroM for
you la One dyle. Giro him a call ; be
W also sew a strew; eain so it stems
to us. ,
If you wont a good Ulh, o to Ut. Over
beck's rotmc vbleii you will flod adrertlud
teJay. Tbey are mig ulf."
"PirBsCK" will aipartixrree1c.
He that brrows bloJi hlmseir with his
neighbor's rope.
Where hard worit kUU ten, Idlaee kill
a hundred.
Harty people driuk the wine of life tend
ing hot.
The firmest friends ask tltfuwt favors.
Centent 1 tbc mother of digestion,
'"I'O "i -iarBassaaHmVMViBM
No man bu n right to do be pleaics,
unless he please to do right.
Death I the only master who take
strvocU without a character.
When pride and poverty marry, their chil
dren are want and crime.
. '-' .- M- .
It is ten timet coaler to make mistake than
to correct them.
All our natural octlous are done without
A griat mau is tuoit t aim iu stormsf a lib
tic ouowoJt ttorroy iu calms,
Qww,?i"aesist.stawiTej .
Wiat froit tloos iiimiiirnpriihiolii ti.a
Integrity It the backbone of character, j
umbhihwwiuIiW LimiilPMwwerqrne
V.f.K.VIl.M:s 1VY will rmi W. knmtil
'in lmll oun nnt .'M rtv'ntori. II
hr tlMim if selecl'ii n-tl.eit fr tin
j.frwnt yer. All ymnf rents t!il M lili
M I h"H vt the i;.rt of "r etr. lt
Mwe t f ewiilwn M M limine it Wl
rn tnlrrrr y ? a that M Vt
tln fMH" treainW hi Ibelr lMt. fie f-r .-T A cvwlr,
r lpn.p.wl them lo a third Visren, y MiillmeM.
1 eil-iit'iie vlllHMn ebol-e SMlMell rlr.tt.Kt
t in. r.t (Wlh-fc llnei tVei ptniuri In Ji w.
In hrm. C!l ii rim iw trow.
.pinaju nsMrei
,Vt W lllowSirliig, on Thursday illuming
ki. Aunt M., daughter of N. 0.. ami
Ann Ucnn. aged ta ynrs na 11 tnuiilni
Xist ct Kettcrs
RKMAlNlNtl rnelalmnl lo the l'ot Of.
Her. at Jark-ont ille, Stale ofOgit., oa
lite lrt day of I ob., lots.
Adfltrw Moses
Klncido Ww
Kiunetly A
Kimball K
Kent Wynun
All.'u S II
lllair Mrs Martha
lt.ulr J W
Ilriee ll F 3
Bl..fflt Jh
.Mispbe lb v T
'iglwand.-r M F
4Ms,Kt ?vU
ltninry Tom
llodjirs U II
Shld W W
Stewart W
Sii'pbrni. O
Taylor M V
Town WmF
Thnnias Miss II J
Wibnni K'ra Ada 2
Wells llastr
Willi Wm
Warner Julin If
Whltoey Cupt.lm
Woggle Wurrcnf
Vt John i
WiiitKchcr LliM
OudMcIl MiM AnuM
Coisdrenn Wm
VltUi Vm
t'lllltlitO Jus
I'nrlw Job
CbapprU Cbas
t'ratn J W 2
Dean . H
tMmger .Us 2
K-Iiiuht nt
Parts Thumai 2
Knx Sam 2
KWtk Oliver
IS arhrart Jn
IJeodersou.I l)
lloJemt lino
llrrrlck Clt
Howe It It
lljinUtou W A A l
To Ua1n any f tlr.' leltrr. the sppli
wnt mut call lor- t'.. ..-m1 1. 1, r." k s
the date of tb.s list, ami jwy one C'Ufr
if out cnlWd fr within m inmth, tlfy
will be wnt to ibe I ! tt. rttftUc
In mulling k-ttn. place the oit;
.uuip on th uppxr riebt-bond corn' r, a. 1
bare snce between lb ilamp and d r cliua
for post-marking without InuiKtrlng n.ii
lb. writing. S-ltlA1SB,.Py.
1)ERSON5 wlihlna: to avail thfmlr
1 of the benefit of the Hum tcud I W of
Ooagree. can bar ll r pi r p . y
prepurtid. aad their RUt it tsk. 11 1 '
use, thewbf iotlii( the vaaviu-u ul ui: ..u ;
la Hnroaai ibe I.'M orioe.
Fluff proof of l)iuion Ii".l f m
ami icHnqulsiim-al ! of auaud.' d 1'
tlott esalns taken aud jHrivate 11". V iil.r'l
uimsV, uo application to 11W ul I I tills
ulue. ' MM. Hull MAN.
Ciu.ity 1 . ik
Fi tnsary A h. 1M3. f ' twsj
A Ctird.
Th luWrlbrr, balni; recently relureil
lo bw hnuie iu ISogue Uicr nliy, after m
nbaetiC of several yiata In lb K. 'J
S6-4rfiiAsiII boW blumir m reiid.niM 10 j e
uf HaliooTi me) i...-ne-tiiUo!H uu "...If
ley or bi old friends aud iielgbbnri my '
tire, mhI fur which ty Will nn1- tj, if
rfNstcmta. Joiis liLL '..
Wttodsidt farm. lAbruary Jt. 1" j
Dr. Orcrb.vk, bai nO'.i.d hi balu rcsiai
at tbc
Tkos who wbh lo Imlul-i- In tin' l.itur
lea of a snmmI bath, can te- . .-"!mu.-U. J ly
o-lvlng him a eall ou Wid-ic-days u d s "
day. f.Mif
3P.2P ox XXnnr;or,
r IIKHKHV notify all wlmui If msy t
1 rora, thul 1 atill cutitikni loe bu-.tfsrf
Ulihobitter ainl 1'ajnr Hutiga, at r.J
old Maad iu Jackonvill
All kln'ls of work In my linn will hi
Crempl y uiieudid to. 0J maitra i J
t retuutd, flour racks made. etc.
A ('. ALDI UT8
Jarksonvillo. IMiranry .Hi Isi I'
TN lb Circuit Court of tbe State cf 0"
1 1
the county of Jaikson, lu
Tunu, 1Mb.
Jama Henry Walker. PUInilfT ti.
Walker. Uefindsnt.
Illtl In Jiijnlls- fur Dlvolte,
To Mary Waller. Defendant:
Vmi are hereby mwiuone.1 and re ;u''f !''
arptarln rubl court, at Jaiknr W-ct-kin
county. (Jnguu. on the ccoi.d M d4j
in June. 1865, tbo Izth day of su . uo, IS
ami defend the suit fll'd In sa.d court
againtt you. And you are further notiN
that unlwi jou die your ouswer or denuit'
r, with lhe clerk of laM court, wlih'n lf
days Irom the dale of serilo on jou u
servsj In the county, or within twrstr
days Irom date of wrvioa on you. If 1 rH
without tlie oouuty, Judgment will be U
I4 sr f. ol ,.r-: anauvr S(f, tL
prayer tbt roof w III be Kioutrd by the Coif,
ai.d .the bonds of matrimony exi-t.ng U
tween you and said plalntllf. will b0
solvtil, and the rdaUtlff will boadjuti"!
Liq (iav tbe care uud cuttodr of I'rud- "
Rlltn Mulkr,aubur f the a:d U .!'!
A .1 1lafu.11l.nl a.. A .1.V.....1. ... ....if 1-M ad.
Bl(vl uviCIIUUIII "III s -
c C6l and disbummrB
Hy order of tbo Co-irt, Hon. F. I. I'rin
Jadgo. G. . UOUltW.
Ju2ew0 gol. for Flalolitf.
S 7So,ooo oo
eDeJWjIJUUAIl losse Payable i I
S. Gold Coin. Insure ugalnit Ijm or Vx
age by Fire.
SACHS DUO'S, Agents,
Jaotllf. Jacksonville. Orexoa.
Dissolution Copartnership'
N0T1CIJ is hereby glveu that the copart
nership berctoforo existing bet"1
Jeanne l)e Uoboam nod W.JIatbcls.istW
day dWlved by the mutual conwnt of l"
lirtlea.( JKAN.NBDx UOUUAM,
1' W. MATH Eld. .
Jacksonville, Jau. 9, 't,0. jiuli"'