Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 04, 1865, Image 1

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lie Qfrxtgpn- 0entitiel.
t jj;lf
t' .tr .t.
"Lil-iii &2T&M
VOL. X. NO. 3
. r-tiitr romtiiunieationf. of WAR
,x.St'. ' N" ' " od A. II, fur
t ' -i,iiMwnfyar will bcbelilefi nt
t. - II.'1 n JnckMinrille. on the cveuiugs
i. x. loUowiogdale. To-wtl:
potorunry 3-3VXn.x-c"l3.
.A.I3X-11 IS-
A-nnnl (uininii Icullo-.t..
PocomTaor 27.
- c f -rtliit will Wr-fronu5.pt. .
i,' ball-pa-t C r v.: end from'
v nl-mbcr nt hir-ttt 7 o'clock
br, ib:rn"re wnse-tly r,-.,d
t Vi-
t. Ilir WOTK Will UC IM11I1U10MI I
i t- ipp .nt'ii hour.
T,' ' ic- n ill do w 'II tn Hire thl adrer
U.3.."! I : imurv rcfrn-nei'.
f i.. V Sa :. S'y.
ja'r 11- J-n S"'i. ISS5. 1m
Hi) r.
- - c TIIK
rn Ttit
f --.1 ? t-1S
, -r i i
! n.y.1? 'P-i ?i is r5
e? .rt-fafci &
! In. i g Jilt ercUd
" -iiiti-d one of tbc bt
u r i ' )r .-(in hat ikd-fUMi!
'. tire .! day of Fuliruary
bl inn -nl lut lira ltu kail.
A tlm i b.a dmlientina biill.
vi !. 11 ! pirU to nnki-1
t.i' utrx Tlie bmt of aiUiie i
jKii lor Ibe dmim a
nt 0?n. Jn 27tk. lhl.
First Premium
AmrJ t! by the llrehanlc Institute Fair.
iJu I ranclKo, SptcmUr, lst.
"R. LID'nT' " "..
cpuruu Emporium,
4- Washington t, (near the l'ost-o3ce,)
Sis I rauclfco.
i of oil tiautt of S)riiiig TiniJt
i i.'nn.lyon hand gus from the Drat
ui't tu London, vis: William Gtef nr
'.'... nr Mitorv. MoofeA I larrt. Hedfwru,
b -Ai-iia.ahd alt otltr tn.it.tr. Abo
U- u- -t stock ol American KitM. Ittul.
11 arbiiser ou lb- l'M Cwt. viz: Coll'.
-.7- .smith & W-fwi'i. KnlNttu',
! ... tli'- lawxt psUtiU of I'Mol.
-.r HrMou'ii juliard't. 5psteor' oad
I. ' 1'ai nt Kitctbl-iKulinK KiAvt.
r-&-' arind.rt of all kiwis eousuntly
t -id
V tharlzed ncenU lor Henry' Potent
Urteh.oudljg ItitV. . b2lm3
MttttfB fBBPiSY,
S 7SO,000 OO-
OXf nflfiOn dejoslt In Oregon
O0U,UUUaH lo- Payable la C
h nt i o n. Insur apmst Low or Dara
s -. i y Fire
SACHS n.WS. Ag-tjti,
t :,if. Jacksonville. Oregon.
Illlll I (1.1 111 .1
J. l'urcbaKr will please eni0ln t bl
r-iUb-r Sh.p on 0gonEtre:t, 3 door
afcove tb- l'o Offlce.
Jacksonville. January 211. 16W. If.
Sewing Machine.
TOHN NECUKlt would annonnec to the
-J people of Jackson County, that be bo
If.xurwl an agcuey for tbia jjecrlesa ma
came, and will In a short time have a good
apply on Land. Tbl machine guthtrt,
btrsj, embroider and make 4 diiTcrcat
kiodi of slitchr.
Jtckionvllle. January 2 Ut. tf
IN the County Conrt, for Doug! Coun
ty. Oregon.
bo.omon Abraham and Hvroan Abraham
w. Martic ilonohon nud Isabella Moo.
To Martin Monohon and Itabclla Mono
loo, the above namtd defendants, you are
Lereby jnmmooed to be and oppeur iu the t
Jid Court, on ibe first day ol tho March '
term thereof, to wit : tbc Cthdar of March, j
A li iB, ami aoswer ue P' S.
SiTuta im y7o forrtte .um
S" Kn?.?Lta-? ? J V ii ...
mncsioiuro ,,.. ,. "r "" ".
IMir eU and Uu)buremQl ID uiu cuj
tu be taxnt.
Hy order of the court mode Jan. 23 C5.
Att'y lor plaintiffs.
r.otcburg Jan. 23d, 1865 jan23w6
f-"C J 4 -TTC- ETit" " T3rV
t: :.
tursn rvrnr mtvuiut wornimi.
F. DOT723LL, Prop'r.
Sl'IMCntrTIOS For On venr. In -ulruirr.
('our Dollar : If mid within tho first nix '
month of the year, tire dollars ; If not paid
I i .. .1"' ,rn"?? 0I ,uc "' Vs., d0,un'
Adviirtwimi One wnare (10 line or
. l?0. first lu-crtlon, Three Dollar J each '
iub-rqiinpl lntrrtlon. One Dollar. A dl-
I count or Hfiy rr cent will be made to tbo-c ,
,lion.hrill.ylbcyiar. '
J- I.! TmkWt. nritrtA l enmnl Mr.
i n o i?. --.-....,-iii,, Lortcc'
::CS?cS'0 ' ,",',, tre-'
I V-Si.ll,lM ""'"I11!" " "ery
JffiSjUT R'i 5 "J"!!!
Tr1 the first Saturday of each
month, and oa r'ri.l.y before: the flr-t Satur-'
, '?"?": .. '
"""" " fc'"-u -iiuiiiki 1; iuii.ru V
! Nl-wuw Fhuck. It. Sec 'y. !'
i c VU,'A't',J' i,f SuUou- m- 1:X ,lJ , Tftlxt Nature heart aud mtue
i o. J. Itay. t ,, t
Wurren LodRo Ko, 10, A. F. & A. M.
I- A HOLD their regular communi
nfsr'entloni the Vedne(lav ErcnlitRt on
' .VI j'l rv-villl IUI IUII Ut'a. Ili 4AVV
. tos tu.i;
joiin r. no53, w. u.
Savkil. Sm y.
C. W.
0. 4A"tl.
k. r. ui'MKU.
, JACOBS, &. RUSSELL, ' . When man to man milted,
ATTOItNLYS AND 1'OUNriKI.OItS Ami erVy wroug thing righted.
wt -r. k Mt.;1, The whole world tball lie HgbUd
I AND S0L1CIT0IW IN CHANCKUY.j A K.ln wai or old.
j JAfkKoxvitj.K. Onwios. , VC for o.c wfao love me,
Ofllf-e oiMllr llir Court llotur. I'or tbuMf who know w trtic
, All fct'lne ennimlttil tu th-lr eare will p,., ,i. i1 ,-. ,i,.,.,-,. iM1,.. ,
, - ' ' . And atrali my rpirlt, too
' B. F. DO WELL, ; For the cause that lack aItance
ATTOK XEY AT LAW, ' ? lh "ur Bl "wdi renUtauce
JArcaoxritxr, OnBoos. ' For the flit ure In the dintaiwi,
, iVIll ivmctic In all the Courts of the Third ' Aud the good that I can do.
JtHlfojal DMrfet. the Supreme Oourt of Ore
eon, attd In Vrla, CL War Sri prompt
iv eulferlnt. Oct. IS.
Jacxsoxviixi: Ohcoon.
Will practice In the Court of Oregon.
Oilhr. I'u-t Omtf llulldlnc.
Jacmomviixk, Orxuox.
-in sua. i - - j us T-mtr .
-. o. n w .. "-'
SUIiVnYOK i C'l It. LNulM - hK - .
JitnoNvirxx OittooK,
Resldenca n-ar the Sonth end of Oregon
i!!?L - . J1miril! i--
irrni'Vi-'v AVI) cOUS'SEILOlt
A J t uu. i. a. -
--kT T lV W ,
Albany. Unn county. Oregon. oct2
.. 1
" I
PHYSICIAN AND SUUGKON.' the owmtaln. Outcropping ol luva and
.Woxriu.!.. Owtcox. wleanle pn-dnoU are C,m-rl. but .
OHice at lit rwwenee smt . btfraH,r culllro.
tiolta tl t'omily Jail.
Jac-OBvllle, Ogn. dc:4lf
OUiee at re-lJcnc on California Stret
All buiitwn entrusted to bit care prompt
ly qUHdd t'l. J"w"
j Photographic Artist,
It prtpared to take plotur In every style
- .i .' .. ui,k .11 ii,. I it ImnrovemcnU.
If Picture do not gise satisfaction, no
ebargtn will be made. Call at hi new Gal-
lry. on tne lull, examiue ui jih..u,v,
lt for your likenes.
Dr. Overbed: would announce to the elt
Kent or Jckou ivuiii ifciii "
..i... r.inrnnl to Jufktonvllleand retumctl
I the praelle or mwliclne. He will always
be found at bit old tnnd. the Ovcrbeek
ti.mi..! iinlrM alircnt pruf-tlou
al bu.inert. H would respectfully lollcll
a renewal of former patronage.
DtesolatioH 2f otice.
rpHE underlf7ned bos this day
JL drawn iroc
Davit, aud will
JL drawnfromtbeptmo toomiBon
Medicine! Snrgery and Obstetrics, in
continue w.F'
Jacksonville nod vicinity, and so iciu a
IWIC 111 - ....-. - - -
j.. ut tip nM Marrr Hoerasteaa.
bare of the patronage, umcc ai nis reai
Dec 13ib. 1864
TatnliMllLpr aild JfiWClCr!
" .V"
On Oregon atrret, tint door north of
Iireutano't jacasonviiK, wsu.
; iJakiiJlu.ouracturer wd repairer of
i aKS5V7tt'.id cn---- ciok.
a "' jr KLI Y minufactured and
I -.i IiT' n.. l .nnroved .tvle of
, rrpwucu, . .- .-" : -rr""- Artaa-
the art. ana warrauicu iu jv. . .
the art, and warranted for one year.
according to time.
Chronometer and Watchmaker.
Jacksonville, June 35, 186i. 3m
What I Live For.
1 tiro for thixp who lore mc,
Wbo-e hearts are kind and true ;
For tlic boaren Hint ntnllm above me,
And awaits my tp'.rll too
For all tinman tin that bind mc
For tbc task by God assigned me
For b bright bep lcll behind me.
..... , .. . t ,
Aud tbc Hwi tUl ' can io'
t itvc l0 i.rn .h.lr iorT.
' .? , ,, ,. TJ' .
N bo've -uifcrcd frr my sake-
To emulate their gloty.
And follow In their wake,
Bard-, patriot, martyr, gc-,
Tlie noble of all arc.
Wn" ' "ond blil'ry't page,
, , ,
And Time t great volume mule,
I lire to bold communion
With all that li Divine
' Tu feel there ii a union
to prout y aiuicuua
Heap iruth from flcldt of Hctlou
GroKlcr from conrictlen,
And fulfill eucb great dbtgn.
I live to ball tbat teaon
' l)y gifted mliida lorvtold,
Wbm mu hall lite by Heuon,
And tiot atune by Gold ;
Official Kcporl or Colonel
. . f , .,
(oexTUlxr. rK0 tiic xxnNXLor Jax.28),
Sprogue's river valley I about forty
miles long, and from two to llfuin mlln
,. ,. ., ., ,. , .,,i.
wide. It general dir-ctlon Is from woth-
wt to northwrtt. The bank, or the river.
und or the numerous Mrcums putting into
Tan.1 r..r.k5 ore Mogrd with willow,
- virtt - j wlib ifdoBfrndk.. ,.u. --'u-.W
iiilne, extending back to the summit or the1
mountains by which it Is bonudtd. It pos-'
we nil llw wtural rtijuliltt for a good
- tf - tk range, It low iauo iwwg cuirrru
"ll" ,lralfBrow,l,ofma'l,'BaMt', 1,l,C
,u up.aIldll ur).d tt bountiful supply of the
. ....i.liinm l,nnrli.rraft with an I CCil
niviv IIUIIH.VM v...... n
ilofial Iiut ol wild timothy.
. . . . .1(1 .1 ..1--
iiu .iBiuiui.
The toll brre U u dark ruody loam, grow
Mil - ? hchternud omewhat Cf'T timuril
I . I
' I
Hie climate Is similar to that of Fort I
i Klenuth, but tbc soil U quick uud vegeta
' . . - l !
Hon maiun- cuny. (be "hh or June. We returned to camp California, to .soisc, via oe ...i, "
Wild flax grows here so abundantly that ; wlU(k.j of ,be moxnee 0f these Iod ans round tulticlcutly hot to boll meat, lbe In
in many places It presents the -.ppearance m to ,Le ma,r, charged, ard on the fob diant having evidently wed It rbr that pur
of tolerable Talr cultivation, and priuee , wornlng I made such change in poj. The w.ter Is clear, but Impregnated
a Cue sttoug Cbre. The ta'k """ ,0 , ,)e command, and respecting the admluis-1 with ome unp-Utable tubwnee wblcb
tprlng from It root ond CBiiilnue tu grow i trai(in of . y0fl KIama,b Mronn, 0 rfddlrb inerustaiUm around its rim
antll checked by the frosts of uulumn. In vrewui the creating of Indian difll-1 and along either side of tbe streams which
this way it seem probable that the old rogt . in(, .,e .aem fanue ot tbe I flows from it.
retains substance enmigh during the winter M111,.Iir.. j The euimlHlon or Heem from these
to send out new shoi.tn m the .rlng.
The mosl promlinut mountain peows in
or around this voll--j-, ore Wlldnck's Butte
a pur of the Ll river range-rWrg by
a erraduul nccnt from the oulh side or the
valley, near tbe western extremity, aod di
viding near the summit Into two beautiful y
rounded peaks or about equal height ond
like rorm. These butlea torra ins principal
landmark to lbe westword upon entering
tbe npjier portion or the valley from tbe
direction of Goose Lake. They are cover -
ed with a good growth or yellow pines, and
at a distance seem to be disconnected with
any mountain range.
Bear, antelope, and deer, are abundant
In this region, but as they are much bunt
ed bv the Indians, they are wild and diffi -
-- - -
cult to approocb. Ibe southeastern por
tlon of tbe valley is a favorite range tor a
.: 0r the decrkuowa the-mulc tail"
- .. . - ,. !.!.. nrnv,'
so called from the near resemblance of tteir
u Hum i..i .v-.-. ... -. . .
ppeodage to that of a mule after It
utter appendage to tuai 01 a muic auev n
j,M in lrjmmed io the opproveu "'
lucky fashion preparatory to its wearer be-
iog put into the market.
The wagoo route from Yreka, Califor
I nla, to Canon City, Oregon, or to Ft. Boise
by woy of the Malheor, crosses Spragne's
i .... !, m Ila ...I. .nil mKaI.1 flllV
river valley near its center and about Dfty
miles (rom Ft. Klamalb. It was on thl
route that Richardson's and other trains,
tn route to tbe northern mines, were attack
ed, June sixth, by Indians of tbe Snake
chief Faaline' band, rorcisg them back
across Spragne's river.
The Indians occupying and claiming
Spragne's river valley, are a traall band of
Klamath, having among tbeauo few of the
Boake tribe, who border them on the north
and east, aid baring a Eoake-KlatMtb
t MohunlUk.kit for their chief. They
are pky.cHy superior to any of the In
diiot aboqt the border of the Ktamith
1 Iikc. and po.cs more manhood.
seldom beg and are not known to hove
ever extorted, or otherwise, m'strealrd any
citizens tiareinir thfour-h tbelr countrv.
They claim a-the boundary of their conn
try the summit or the rmuntaln which
nrrouod Spragne'n river Vallrr, the I?t
I river range being tbc line bencen them und I The upland are generally covered with
the Modoc whoe conntry Ifet Immediate a luxuriant growth of !uoch gran, but in
ly to, the oalhwrd and extending down to' many place the outcropping of lava rco
. the vWnMJftil, I'ltt river. They acem well jdew them unfit for other than grating pur
IcDongh dipcrd toward n conl'nnanre of pnar. 1'or these however tb-y exctl aay
f peace with the United Slate, bat In the portion ol the conntry yet paed over,
j event of a general Indian war they would The lowland along the nnmrron llit'e
(do-btlci prove more dangeron and ,-trcom. nil putting In from the norlhward
truUciomc than any of the other Indian and converging toward the hrad of the
' of that region. It wa jut prevlon to kr. but generally lt.k!og btforc thry
joir arrival among thrw that the hostile reach It. arc rsirttmly fertile, and wtb
i Siakc cblif Pauline Irfrd In liMuce them, adapted for cultivation. A mal por tfon of
! with the Klamath generally In join In the '
tturdrron operbllon he wan the conduct
ItC. nil the obJct haj crl.bntly been
warmly dikru'Sttl ; but the eblvf rnnaloeil '
tadlat for peuce, and hljcourwel prt- I
Tlii state of aflMrs hnwrver did net
c't the Inclinations if nmc who were
I ik'cnt with the command, tihmc diire
; aid aim wa to return at once to Fort
j KUmath, and the attack upon Kichardon
I md other, made cutltely bvyond the limit
1 ol thee fcpragueV river Indian nu nver
iirirw cnarpni mreviiy npun mem mr mc
pirme of creating n diiTiculty that would
tveeMltate the abandonment or the recon
mUance to ejMlet. No evidence cou'd lr
uldoeiil against tbrtn. on the contrary all .
tit evidence that ctutd le obtnlneit was
V? ffisiV'Sl or" V M m
t-red kindly ulucei to Ilicbardson bihi hi
pariyheu they were retreating from l'au-
line back ocrot Sprague' rivtr.
To overcome any suspicion hawevrr thot
might honratly rxit cgalt.tt thene Indians.
or that might oflerward ari from the
Mn,t cIrcumtoncc. I took with me the
guide, John K. Re, Mr. llruwnand Mr
?r , ,
rovlor. two other i-mplovee cr.nreted
,,.,, he nmmMit Mr Ollob of lbe Sm,f
,'...i:..i ...... i p.m...!. ., ,.
.'(Vtvu ikHl (- . aaitiiri 1J tsP IIU-II r.
t-tmiiarSTdTnTnVcl an"dTnvrilrale mnre
- .,.. ,. ,,.,, . ,,., .nB..i. iUr
... ,0 -,ve cTe no warning of our
tCBti0.( or approach, and though ln'ec.
tng M .trnHnixtpj, ,j,e BCnon, 0f the In
,)ian and evrrything about thtlr camps a
closely a tviliiVe found nothing what
tvrr lBjipll,li:; that thvy were In the at-
........ ,,,. i .1....1. l..l..
10CK nimil r.iciiarumio, nr 111a. mc su uuj
.i..,,. ....i,.Ter in do with It. or. that they ,
.,.. ..i..i,.Ter in ilo with It. or. tbat tw .
' . .... .....
co-iwratlnc with or aiding httlte
i,n.. l.. .n mmwr wlntuvver. Mr.
rjcjttlj,0D j ,)0 identify any or Ihoc
. tm(ipg . ,
Urn. nor c.mld he dl.cover any
p '-..- I
n.l fnnltfr h uri-ed that line Indian
, . , , , , Brcou,1.i.j1, ,
(nf wJwl ,-. ..llI)d Mt imI 0D '
. 1
pa,.ini. 0ui or Snrogue's river valley in
.n,lh,-..trrlv direction we crosed the
0qok JjiVt ilouolnM through a wide and
mooA BnJ ,)T B0 gfll(j,( ,nd
i . ,, Cn, Tun,.T .itu.t.d to tbe
( wwlHBtj or ,bc northern extremity or the
.. aro0Dd t upper portloo or Uoote
bu. haTng ftn O0uet jut0 it tomt
dwUoce dowu jtf western border,
i Tblf ,j.(Ie .j,., j. .iut fineen mile
)op baTing , general direction from north
i.Q 00-J aod j,,, n0 extreme wtdib of
j ubou, ,tgh: miles. It bos o southern ex
i J)0,ure Md ferf,e $0il. Its surrounding
on ti,c north, east, nod west, nre timber.
' ..j mountains, while a low range of
j r,,.0Terli hHls bound It on the south
' ,,, ..naratlnsr it from the basin of
..m.h, .-, a ,
Goose Iake. It is well watered by severa'
.noonla0 atreams, and by springs, frioged
,. .,(. and tD tome olaces with the
cotlollw00(i ed I.
"." .' " , ,. 1 ,.u . i....i.
eottonwooa, ana it cotcito wm i
. ,r0Klq 0f grata. Iu soil excels tbat
; oul 0KlD of -
0f Spraguc's river valley In it general
notation to ogrleultural purpots. A
I considerable creek puis loto this valley
' .. iu jouthern extremity, from another
raej. 0( fti,out the urn. sire, situated
nbout lwejre miM to the westward, or
father north or west, in what is known a
,,e Modoc country,
! prom B point on the east tide or tbe
,,, taej jBt0 wblcb we bad entered, and
aboal twelve miles from its bead, we diver,
gtd t0 lw. eastward, and pouing over some
low crassv bills aud along the bank or a
small mountain stream running la a south
easterly direction, we descended Into Goose
Lake beta by a etf easy grade, through
a remarkably soootb deprcssles in Its
western rim.
From Ibis pas to tl e bead of Qooso
Lake, the Ont lour miles wa across a sage
desert that extends southward down the
wettcrn border of the loke as far as the
.eye can see.
Prom this desert to the head of Goose
Lake the surface ol the couutrT tt nndu'a-
! ting, t'imigh from any considerable distance
it has the appearance or being entirely
them, bordering Immetllately on the lake.
nre romcwlml alkaline, bnt produce In
many ptacv an excellrnt growth of rye
grain, nn-l other vegetation Incident to a
moil, rate alkali recion.
The valley I beautifully loJi3cd with
large willow and tome cottonwool that
fringe it itrram, nod timber of good
quality 1 abnndaut and ear of acctts
around It northern cxlrrmity a&J down
along II eastern border.
The main portion of the vall-y, from It
northern extremity duti n to tho luke, I
aDoui twcnij mile in length, ami rrom Ibe
jjlwra Nevada Mnunialn whlib bound it
on the eat to it wtatern rim, thedii'ance
i ef arly the nme. In tliii urea 1 con.
talned the moit valuable agricultural locdi
ol the Goose Ikc bailn.
' Along the cntern there of the lake how
ever, there I considerable good grazing
country, with an occasional tract of good
farming land, covered with luxuriant wild
clover in addition to all the wild graea
common to tbc fcitl'e jwtlon of the
Numerous cm ks and rprings of good
water pot Into the t alt side of the lake
from the Sierra Nevada Mountain.
Timber Is alto abundant along the bite
...nnltenlcntv. and -old bruin" U met occa'
-tonally. Saodblll cranes, ducks of every
variety, cnrlew, and all other fowls Incident
to California, arc abundant throughout this
region, and along the streams in u,e upper
pi.rtlon of the valley we saw numerous
- ign " of otter.
in il. I- .nl.llraltT alLaline. but
1 ,ic ,..,. ..-.v ,
abounding wim uu mar i ui .'v.
.. ... i I I.. .-I.. Inlal
In mtfuce I beautifully dotted everywhere
with Hi,ek of wan. recmbllpg, thioogh
mirage, to rnauy fleet under Mil.
Miwge Uu ,,erc to about the tame ox
tent Ul Hdt l and around ScoJoee
-...a i 1 . .1.. T t- il.At ami mv.
.Near ttic neau oi iur ta . -
cr-i i)0t f t.riocs one of them nt tbe Jonc
,ion 0f our route with that from Bed Bluff
.. ... . tr-if ... !.. fM.atat wt
tprings Is contti.nt.reMiiiWIi'g at n distance
It Jn.l-i nf rltlCl
rr one to ten tuilr-. sniau -iu. v. ......
for which it may be ea-lly mistaken.
The route from Bed Bluff. California,
ria Ft. Cro'jk, to the Bolw rtf len, paieess
between the Sierras and Goo Ukr. I
r.i on ibis route aod but a short dis
tance uorth or Goose Lake valley that tbe
f rwltiin attacked Tower k Co's train, lo
July, killing two men and capturing mm:
bur.dred bead or cattle, uineroepreuanou.
or like ihiracter were evldtntly eommlttwJ
there during lbe summer.
Sheridan to command Army
Of Hie Potomac.
Blair's mission to Richmond
crowned with complete
New York, 26tb--A Charleston tetter
to the Richmood Dispatch says: Many
of tbe moet prominent advocates r seces
sion in 1860 a well as maoy or lb most
confident and resolute supporters of our
holy cause in 16C3 are now tbe roost du
bious and despondent.
n.ninn.. ir.tliAn Annapolis dlt
natch to the American, My Blair arrived
i.r iM- afternoon. He Is understood to
renort tbat among msny leaders in Bleb
-non.!. 3ti Davis included, there Is a strong
feeling towards saaViBg peace oo tbe best
Forlrew Monroe. 25th. Steamer Mc
Clellao arrived this suorniog ir Feet
Fl'brr, and reports onr gunboati gradbally
fcellnj tbelr way up ho rlrer. They
were jome four mile above FUhtr bc a
the McClrllan left. Oor troopi were quiet"
ly resting and organizing for further opac
New York, 27th. Steamer United
Stale, reported that the national Torces
; near Pocotolago, had captured tuotliou
-and rtbelt ard tbelr artillery.
Uffolulloi, requesting Jrff Darls to ap '
poltt commissioners to negotiate with tbi"
Gorrrnment it Waihlngtoa 'for pesce, '
wtr presented In tbe rebel House or Rp
retcntatlve; a fen dys ago, aud sufTircd to
pa by an alaiott unanimous vol.
The HeraM'4 corretpwdent, in his ac
count of tbc rebel demonstrations on the
James river, trs the notorhus plrat
Scmntt is rrported to have comsaaoded tba
iX-edition. The rcb.lt bflltViJ our Iroc
clnds were at Wilmington, and that wa
had four wooJen vefsclslntberlrtr. Thty
lutendevto force tbelr way throagb and
destroy the Immense amount of shipping,
and tupplir collected at City Point and
Bermuda Huudrcd. Then, no doubt, lbe
rebel Intended to cooperate tvllb thtlr
land fore-, s extensive movements baro
bn observed In Lee's army round Pe
lcrbutg. l"be fleet consisted of three Iron
dais, three wooden rams, tod two swalkr
wooden vecl.
llichmood Wklg, of the 24th, ssys no
offers of peace have beta made to the South
which It coi'd accept. Tbe?c peace move
men Is show (bat the Yaskre government .
Is rtally convinced or its Iniblllly lo carry
on tlit- war to a succcssM iuue.
IT.e Tribune's Washington speclsltsj-s:
Notwlthstsnding It It dtohd that Meads
has been removed from command o( lU
army or the Potorone, It Is understood that
the two arniitt the Jamr tod the Poto
mac Ltve been consolidated, aed Sheri
dan has been selected to command It An.
other or new command hit been assigned
to Mrodt. The time bus tt last come to
bring about peace by bard Cghtlng, with
the odds In our favor, and Phillip Ehcxl
dm It pot lulo tbe ring on tbc North tide.
Big bets are made here that be will knock
XoLAttt .lU'.llnu. jb Aral uinnil. .-
opened to navigation. i,iiarieuu com-s
ponded or tU BleLmond dispatch ttys If
Shermsn succeeds in getting possession of
BranchvlUc, the rail r Charleston will
som rollow. Late rebel pspcrs contlnoa
to show confusion and double despondency
regaidirg the scoeeta of tbelr Coafcd
eraey to prevail among the chief rebel
themselves, as well as among the mosses of
the people.
Niw Tork, 271b. A Charleston letter to
the Blcbmond Dispatch ay. Sherman ht
commenced a morement agatutt Cbtrletton
and Branchrllle. Tbc enemy are Drmly ev
tablbbed on tbe railroad, either at Branch
vllle or at a point near Augusta. Tb rail
or Charleston ban become merely a question
or time and a short time at that.
New YA,87tb. The Commercial's spe
cial lays It is believed that Blair's autwer
to tbe litter from Sewaid lo Uim.wuici a
carries to Itlcbmond as yuan credential,
will -bow tit utter hopelessness or peace
Philadelphia, JTtb. Tb following dlt-
patch Is a special to tbe Evening Telegrab:
Washington, J7tb It Is now definitely
known that Blair's mlwlon to Itlcbmond bw
been crowned with complete sucoetis. Da
vl pledges hlmteir to send Immediately lo
Washington three gentlemen to confer upon
terms of peace. Davis atated dlitlnetly to
Blair that be would conclude peace and re
turu to lbe Union, upon Urms that would
be satbfactory to Lincoln and Congreu.
Blair also had an Interview with Lee, who
aVcwvdbIm-.fd!rou or ending the re
bellion by laying down arms and returulos;
lo tbe Union. Blair alw converted with
most e. the rebel CongrcMmen, wboespreta.
td tbemtelvcs at In favor or abandoning
further hostilities. No doubt in a day or
two, at rurtberest, commletloners will reach
WabIoctoa, to bring from tbe rcpenleut
rebel olfers of renewed allegiance to tbo
Union, tbe CoottllBtlon and lbe law.
Blair experienced the kindest trtatxeat at
tbe band of tbe authorities, and reported
tbat tloce the reduction of Fort FUitr, an
entire revolution lo public opinion bad tak
en place. The mwt extreme advocate or
lighting It out to tbe bitter end, now admit
tbe hopel .met or tbe cause. Tbe proba
bllitle or an early pce were freely dl
carted In social aud political circle In
Itlcbmond. A general feeling or Joy and
relief bat resulted from the rapid clreula.
tlon or lb Information.
Watbiogton, 27lb-BlaIr arrived here
Ibis morning.
New York, z7th Tbe Commercial's. e
clal tay Blair bad an Interview with the
President this A. M. His friends say hi
mission will lead to peaoe, but give no rea
ons for saying so.
.San Franclsso, 9tfl. Steamer Golden
Aae arrived this morning. Gold opened
yesterday at 2:17 and closed at about Jit.
, 1"'
Pwca truly says that In the shadow of a
mall waltt ssaybe seen a lsrge "doctor
Mil and the outside of cojBa. '