iUr ' obecos mum Wealth Xo Merit. Bt W. 1. H. Though pfcllewphers curb Ihelr eatolkmt, Divines anathematize pride, Humanity still ks its nMHif As the rea lis abanglag title. And the glitter of wealth lures nbonl II, The wenkt. the Kilratt, nr. tbe VWJ baallh tht eynlc whVd (tout It, An J scoff al IU tlntled wee I See the gsntas with gsnnent belattmd CluUhlog lili m-xatieTlp.rotl In bit nook by ttte wIM whsd battered Who comfort his mighty soul : Not the ttaiprlfifr leave that gather In fut luxurious ease ; Kot the lavr of faahn bat rather For Jotor ptr!tj than these. Humanity J rl, n you rally From 1'ride' Insidious mm ; Full worthy as flower of th valley That sweeten the meuntalu atrs. Let fool all follies Inherit, And Intellect soverelga be , Then non will be great without wtlt, Then Talent and Truth shall be free I SXA7J.XC The Carton afford a splendid field for skating optratloiH. Of coarse everybody ikntM ; If one den't, It' hi mljfortaM to lie debarred tke most exhilar ating and delightful pastime that can U participated in. To amateurs It has it? drawbacks, In shape of coatnilODi, duck Inn. anil nn Inmrnw nraaunt of mirth nn therebr cerasmned bnt wh-n tbc mil of inereuy cecaitOMU , out wa.n ir"ia 01 nnkwartlncsi are put, thtw trlbiila'iofn nre trifling compared with tbc itnmeafecn- joyment that c. Hut to glhe orcr tbc tec with cnt of Kre'i fairest daagbtcn, and attcmnt to tutor the uojflnhUlieatrJ bcisty In the rnTiteries of the graceful nrt, U cappini; blU) with a oJIdmi of agocr. With tbc moit dettghted nhiatice we greeted nn loriutloo from Mb. Sophrteaia, the other crcninp. toneopooy her on the Ice. ArrWIn;, Sophy tot down, ordered m en oar knew, nd qaWtlr placing a num. ber two nnd n half gatlcr In rxir bin , bid ns pnt on her ikatw. Had Veoa dftvp.j poi from beaten and ordered w to rnb her down with toap-ttoM and oil, we couMn't bare been more sarprfeed. Wc accompliibed tbc talk tbonjh, am j'arkd off arm am arm, all njatrt. W'ebado't procttded far before oar eyes were atoWi td with a inccee.iloD of new am) itriklap ttewi. Pint Sopbj'a gaiter boot pre tented tbenuelrci to oar vWor.. nnd Irerre dbtely they were prtfliaff tldr bkcd beauty with emphaii cgaiwt the pit of oar itorrucb. cit icene a ?10 bonnet and dlriuc head came pitching Into our walitcoat with tucb force that we felt the button agalnit oar ipise. Again jLc gaze at us from between oir boat, osd then ber b!eiKd little who U tbruet into our ibirt botom. All our prerioa reeeartb and study ou the rjutfls aubjvci of wo man bad been In rain, till that CTcotfal eight when the practice of skativg opened mw and rarkd tonree of eoligbicnmmt. Wc ore lubjagntcd ; beMefvrth MureoofAy'i. ijen CeuNly lA'ujuJ Srutiuti. Ccr out the followlag sad pte It in your icrap-bMk. It U worth a yean tab (criptlon to oay reader of thi paper. The lento of the eUr, If ttrewa aawog coru or any other grain, when it W pet hi bin, will t Actually pretert ii from the rartge of the wcoril. The jwle will cbo kill bedbug and nwgget. Iiweota neter touch elder bwhe . The leate of the elder icattered oter oabbiget, fqujji, ousuai ben, and other plant inbject to the rav age of iwccU, effrttuaUy thieidi them' The plum and other fruit way be nmd by placing on the branch sad nnieng bunche of elder bare." I'iow TiOTcma. A littk bojr, lome tii year old, wo mhf bi pencil and rkt o the Eabbatb, wbin hit father, who wa a clergyman entU, aad taid, 'My kjb I prefer that you u not your ikil os the Lord' day. I'm nuking raectlog.hoaje, fatlKT, was the prompt reply. Tncne are but two way which lead to great aim and aebVeremenu energy aad IxrtCTerancc. Energy It a rare gift, it proToke oppltB, hatred and reaction Hot perseverance Hes within reach of crery ooe, lu power iocreote with lu wgtm and it i rarely that it mil lu aim. Da. Franklin objcrre) ; Tic eye of other are the eye that ruie u. If nil but mytelf wtre blind, I boald eeitber want Coc clothe nor fine furnllure." A dathing and faibioaable widow My le think tome of losing tome iwiLVinan for breach of prom'ue, 10 tht wotM ny know that the U In tke marUt. Low m the grate U. you cannot dimb h'b enoogh to beyend It. Tub most troubkarue foo! ore the who bate some wit. A yonng ecclantrtt may m time come to be an old witch. jtr a nw rr n Dissolutioa Notice. NOTICE U hereby siren that the eo-part-nenhip bereloforo t-jlitlng butweito Thoma Ilati aud K. Iinxtll, uadr the naiueandttyle.orDtiid.Co., 1 IhU day dluolvetl liy mutual content. All debt ond(4ccounU of Ibo firm will be MltleeU by Tbdiuai'Dafbi, at tfco ihjrc, on Applefttc. where be will continue lu the mercantile butlcos. ' THOMAS DAWS, N. LANGELU FRAHCfl-AMERICAH HOTEL AND RES UNO I. Opposite the Mc Cully Buildings, Jacksonville Oregoiv. Madame Jeanne De Kojboam. The aTiuimiic tnlccs tliis method of tendering licr thanks to the public, for the pntronngc tonueu to her; MM would rospecuuuy soucu a couunuanco. Her TW, are alway. tinder her trowe dbite ewitrtd; umlhjr her letig experience In the taitartssfce ftefc) ceaMent that the will give entire sattifaclloa to all. MEALS WILL BE SET AT ALL HOURS. Jacksonville, Oregon, January 14 Hi, 1S65. IN the Otrault Court of the State or Ore gon, for lb County of Jaetooo. Hannah I). MeCombw plaintiff, n. Henry U. MeCoaiUr defendant. Ultl for I'lTPire. To II. I). MeCotnber : yo nre hereby mmmoned t appear in said court, on tin 15th day of February. A.IK lMt.Unn wr n eumphtint on rile against yo in said court. In the nhive entllbd cauir. nnd you I are hereby notlhVd that If Viu fntl to tun w,, 'nUI mplrtlnt. a abote required, the Wrt,ffwl , t0 lht eoart , itrtVt ' 'n-tolrln- the Until of raarrlaire Mbtin; between the raid partie ; nn lor et oud -Jf oM'" iV itf J&. of -Id Coort. JACOni5 A 111 SSEl.I.. Atloraevt fur l4alHW. JackNWTltte Jan. lllb ta. wM, RECRUITS WANTED ! A few Vonne; men of goad eharaater lo All up CVnnpaay C. of the Firet Ktftwmt, Ora Volunteer. Govcrximciit Uuunty, S3O0; Cttfthln; nlluiTiiiiee ftr ninntti. JIM. Ilnr aad borre fttulpawnU. arm and acviwireaMMU. will hr fbruUbad by f.ktriH meat. Salnctrni pm& ad wholeMKiM l're TMoat, Jlvdkhw and Medical attenAaaee, nlllalM be pfutidtd. Fi farther pMrtH.u Kim apjy to Lt. V. C. I'mltrwwid. or Ser ;nt L. li. ilone, at JekHntlllr. Oregon. Wm. KELLY, . Copt, lit Car.. Ogn. Vul., Com. Company. Fort KUmetb. Uprgon. Smjaali. UNITED STATES Kill. OREGON. TotT Orrtca Dri-'r. Vt'nmrrrm: Crrr, ) October i:tb.ltjri. j' I'awnMui will be received at the Con tract OMee of thi Ueparlweat unlit 3 r. u. of Mareh lib. IMS, M at decided by the 13th.) far aoavryiae the Maliuf the I'ui id Stole, in IbeUto id Ofa, froia July M. If U, w June Mth, 1IU, ea the ruaiM aad by tk KlndnU of TrlBn aad arrital heielu Mt.hMi ; buiuic tm tUbtWied by Act ol CMrei, appevred Julia MMU, !.(, (and uUmt.) 130U rioat 1 urtlaad. ty Taylor' Ferry aad Chebahau Gap. to latajrettv. JO mile, i Utek. iHee a wk : leave 1'ortuuid JIuudM al a ; arrirt at !feette by p u, : kwta Lafuyette TueMUy at 6 a w : arrirr at l'uelhMd by l p m. li rr Ubyelle to Tlllaatooic Vol tey, -10 mite aad back, ooee a wak ; leate Laftiyelte Jtoaeley at C a hi ; arrire a; Till ameok Valley by C p m ; (mre THIumotik Valley at C am; nrrhe at Lafayette by C p M. l&Kl Fram The Dalkaf, by Cuntoa City awl lailepwdeaw, to titi Oity.'(liUho, 344 mlW aid butts, oace a wtvk. lluidci to prapoto a tofatduk of departure and arritah). ISMS From Iloeebari;. by TeoiJrte Crck. Cubm Valley. Juuetioo of Mxtdlv aud &Kitti Furh af OaUh). Lenbarri'v I'ralrie. aad Six JIIum, la fort Orturd, Itt atllee as baak. oua a week. ItaMer will prupiM tobeduleuf departanM aad arrival IMM I'raai Jaekfoarllle, le Tlaek I'oJnt, Darduuelloa. Letoud. Gabwellhi, North Cns youtilte. Myrtle Creek Uuburg, Wilbur, Otkland, Kugene City, Coliaje Urorc, Cor- tain, AiiMuy, baum. Jen,non, Uelpaii. Aurora ilHU. Oregou Ctly, and Milwoukie.l auction at tbe court bouw doorjn the county o rTliaad. iM mibM aud back, dally ,lof JektmaudStateofOrpjn.onfc'alnrday, lease JacVtuatlllc dailr at & m ; arnrr ,i. i., i.. ..., .,.. i. .,., IVlUad, from lx Apsil to lt bW-niUir . la three dy ; reoiaiodsr of ike jeir in Use dy ; krase I'erttaud dally at ! a m ; am seat JtckHMinlle, from it Ail lo lit DrtstaUr, in ttte days. If wt te oa th laute, aad 19U, Latiluraia, be l.l, that ou route 1113, Califuruia, will not be. llols mtt provide for tbe contr'aaoe of turn ittu niiu-vKuuy,cieriiy auUteeuri ty "uiing th term, ol the law. For farm of pwpowl, guarantee and eer Hfteate. aad for liwtnMtioe. ivirlriiiMts, r.c. Ac, bidden are Mferrtd tatlra pam phlet adtcrtiiafit of ihi dale, at the principle l'otl USUrt W. DBN'.VISON, roettnuier Cieutral. Veterans &, Hecrnits. rpilE tut Igtilslure cite a bounty of . fiuu iu tn rreruii in me rcgliucnt cuw being rafted, lt alio voted .Five Dollars per month extra py to tntlx .roo belong ing to tbe eaialry regiment eiilistcd three tear ago. These atauont are to I paid ia blale Ilonds. Those wuatuir these boudt would do a ell to call on JAU01IS ,t RUfiSELU Jacktontillc, Jan 12. 'CI. Ianl4ir 0RV1L DODGE'S PIIOTOGHAPII GAJLLEltY. OUV4L JIODGL would nnnonnco lo the . Ladle and Gutltmcn of Jackionvllle and eiciulty, that be hajf permanently loca ted In Jaeiuonvllle, fur I tic purpo of tnfc injt pUlure iu all the in-ptoved art of I'bo !:i"d'aW 'wilfully tUcit a ilOOUb opposlto i'. J. .h' NewUrlck. Jackww Ule, iieCrmUr iui, 18fi , tt which lias hithorto been ox- Iter Ilrtli and Ttnomt, are Hied tip In lb mo-teem-fwtaUe Mjrte; suited Is th neeonmwdallon of tingle e capanta, or families. Iter bed are alw ay kept clean. tf BOOK STOEE, AT Titr. POST OFFICE BUILDING JACKSONVILLE OHKGO.V. T.iUteit ri of School booki will b fottatl on the tlN-lte; to which udJitluiu arc ling coitantly niadi. STATIO.N'KltY or the pmt jrmr. CotwUttue of bancrofts Cclitirntnl Linen Wrillnc rpr. fell bo other kind. KNVlXOrKJofall kludi, oru aad lzet. Copy books. Itni. blue, bl.iek, coprlng aad Ind-llble Ink. 5leel pent. I'ockrt. eonnter and dek liikland. L.k nnd pencil fkavre, I'm Kn '. l'apr FeMer. Id pene"", Carpcnltr penclh Irawhij peaeJN and Drawing ip-r. Ac. Ac. Bancrofts Diaries for 1Q6S Coatalning llt of etomp dnlit. ami ulber HMfal iBfurmaliiMt. Th'e dtarle are the IhwH and the Mvt CompleU tblag uT the kiad vter jot up. A food "apply of Paat bookt, 1'wket and alpbaM McmomidaaH. Hr 1'iotormU. ianfamlHei and comic paper kept euMttuaiiy m Uaw. A CINCn.ATl.NG LINK RY of new and tl.t Nurela, ta hh)h tuldtthiiie arc ntnde by erery eteamer moll. Onb-r for any book or Wfc nut on haml. pronptly Bllrd la ten dare iwtlee. CALL oud get a lotW r. and if there Ii none. Uiy material hik! write eaa, tbcrehy pMlivaiseUig bu4h I'aole Sum ami H. It IIAlNia. 'We're marohing to the field, bovs !" C5 IlECHUlte WASTED From JAHS05, joscpiiu'e i ri'RRr ccutik For the 1st Iteglmeiit Vol. Iufimlrj! RliCRl'lTS will be mu.tertd In for one. two, or three years, a tbry may, h esea eae, elect. 1. !. lltimt)- U06, m end m la tdditloo to the abote. there I offered la rrcrulu who cells, in this refluent fr thiee year A Stntc Bountr of 8150. For farther rmiolri. ealre al the re erqltlaf ufiee, Cm duf Ubw tlw Exprw OftVe. 1 H 81'KAGLK. dec': If lt'eealUof OOtiir. Jtektoatllle. Pec Ii. lm.4. B c sun aitti btiDscrliic fur J. J. Ilunrtlcy' llKTnar or tub Ghjiat It.u.ixi ; lb ratMt Hlhect'e a-jd iaiparlbil work on the pre.cn! war lu lh t'nit.d Slatra ; itntwing lb raae, rlie am) prosw of the lUbelllan ; the uprit'ng and athniaM of the I'pl, the l'utriotle lit. eraNty and cheerful rolunteerlae at the Xurtb and Weit. the iHimeae ulliiary mm) tiaaaciat reMxirOM uf the Gottrameal ; the raiting, organizing, aud furrJebiuj; both Annlei and Native etc. etc lr i Hmbeilihd with otr flsty flrM ctiM steal Migrating, aad eter feriy Por traits of otBeeir, prvadaeut in tbo war both North aad South. This work Is sold by Subscription, ouly. 0. A. IAVIS Gaavatilng Ageat far SvaUtara Oregon. N. U. This work can be bad In either Ur mp or KaglUh. JaektoatilU. iLeaaiberJIM. 1I6X If Administrator's Sain jVJOTICE I hereby plten, that by tlrliir XN of an order, raade by the Coumr Cmirt. 1 will tell for caih. to the biefant bidder at betaeen tbe hour of nine o'clock A. M and lour J'. M ad the real property belougtiig to the estate of the late Ret. J. F. Uray.deeeaied, situated lu the aiurtiald cnuntr and Mate, lwiug claim No. T-t in towntliip 37, outh of R. 3. wast, be eianlngat lb N. W corner, on lhe tonth Uiundary of claim No. 07, thei.ee touth SOiOO chains, tlier.ce east 0.00 cliihi, tbeiKU north 20H3 chains, thence wet?!:9fi chains, to the plast ol beginning : contalu Ing 1G1 C 1-100 aeros. 13MERSON E. GORE Adrnr deolOw l'fcienlx 1). 81b. 1M(. Tx 1 o tbe Circuit Court, of the ritnte .f Oregon, (or the County of Jackson. Wk. Jl. MATtirtw tu. J. II. Cuausord and J. 11. CiuwrotiD. Acllun at Ir lu lUcuttr Moitej'. To the above named dsfendant ; Yon are hereby summoned and rajulrtd to ar pear In the Circuit Court, of tbe State of OreKon, for the County of Jackson, at the uext term thereof, to be held at Jackwnville m said couuty, on tbc second ilooday in I'cliruary. A. D., 18W, and Ibere answer a complaint on die In the nbute entitled ac tion, or Judgment all! U taken again stvou for want of an answer, far the sum of f ifl, with Interest thereon, at Ibo rate of 10 per cent per anuura. from tbe 2Ctb day of April, Ifetl, nnd the ctwts and ttspensvs of this actlou to be taxed. JACOlla &. RUSSELL. . . . Plotaliir Attorneys. 3 or-23d 18C1. dec3.C SSiiisolntieia Copartaerskip. NOTICE I hereby glten that the copart ncnbln heretofore cjUtlng between Jeanne Vt Rolaminnd W. ilalhels, U thi day diSiolvtd Imilio luntnal consent of tbe lartles, UEiNXK Dc R0110AM. , , WfMATHKlS JacVsoavIlb?, Jan. U, $, jaullwl B" SACHS m LARGE ARRIVALS xix AT xxx SACHS BROS CHEAP CiSn STORE, -or- NE GOODS Of every dctcrlplloa, aud th Latost Styles & FaEhiesa Suitable for FALL & WINTER JAr-&.13:E3. i -xsa tS3- QO 3 a o u n 4-9 o o m u o -a Cm O O o xn W statrf o '2 SB fe 2 u "Will lie tlto JLjsOvOSt la this TVTL. jFUEv. ' In 'jJ. OUR MOTTO "QUICK AI.E, SMALL PROFITS l'tlf.Jli: STSKTI.T ADUSRED TO. All arc reipeetfully Inrlted to giro c a call. SACKS UIO'S. Juek'nntlllK. Oet. 1. 'Ci. oclltf TIIC Stantinrd Sewing Machine or in WOELD, Trnm wbleh nil other derive their Tltitiiy All others jy llc-ue lo Howe. Jr., lb original luvasiior ami patentee. Thfe juitly celebrated maebinr oainbitie the diiirabft (Hilllle uf all nlbere. and will ew cotton, silk or thrnd with enual facility from the thickaet of flue mii.Ili) to harness leatbsri tkay run light aud ratdd; waku a mat lock slitah, alike on bulb aid's; never dropi tiitebrs; will gather and sew on at th same time. They are very sltntdr, r.ly undr ilaud aad managed; arc durable, Uiag of great strength and of perfect mrokaiil.ni, upofi correct aud soienlitic mtahanlcal pria- FOR FAMILY USE TUB LETTER "A" Family machine ba no equal. It does the entire range of werk in the rood approve1 nwnner. I'rlec- 00 OO, with lixtarsi complete; and with cup to cover ths ma chine part, locking securely. 05 OO. Trice uf tlio "A." tioarl-Ciil.hnl luinhiat i ailh rap, ITS 00; Letier -U" light reano- taoiurtiig machine, JC5 00, and wita cap, $7U 00; Letter -C." heavy manufacturing, price m 00; D,"eylai.derinaebloe,$114; "E." large oylauder machine, SHO. We nl.o have for sal the Improved Little Giant machine $30; the New England machine-813. DOIIA'G & CO, No. 3, Montgomery Street, . Sau Fancltco, Sole anU for the I'aclfic Coast. Sau Frauclseo, Oct. 8, 18C1. octl5m4 JOHN NEUEER Agent, Jnck&oHTlllc, Oeii. rinnl Sctiltiuent. IN the County Court, Jackson County, Jan. terra 18o3. ' la tbe matter of tbe wlatc of Gtorge aud Margaret Long, declined. Notice i. hereby giren, that Herman Uelaii, 1'uhllc AdinJnlstrator. bat fllwl'bU uccount for final icttletnent of wid etate, and that Wtdteeday. the. Btb day of Febru ary, lhM, La Ueu t ojrt fur said tlual selllcuent of said estate. By order of Hon. J. C. Tolman, County Judge. ' JVM. UOFJ-MAN, Clerk. JanuAry 7th. lhCS. j Poy Ujil PayUii! PnyUss! ALL those indebted lo mc ore requested to come forward and settle up, and all who hold demands ngahist mo will please prescul them, a 1 cxptet to leave Jackson ville in u few day. J aUo wish to tell my HOUSE and LOT at a bargain. Those wishing to pur chase a 111 please call at rny resident imme diately. A. 0.ALUEUT8. Jacksonville, Nor. 5lb, 16C. News Dealers and Booksellers, Head and Remenber. J. STItTlTJIlAiV, Wliolcsnlo Xcws Dealer, n(ik awl fontftH nil the Dally and Weekly Newspaper. Matnx'noj. etc.. to all part of the country, with Great VUpaUfc. I SELL AT PRICES Tliat XTcfy Cosapetitioa 1 I Etcry New Notcl rrceitcd as toon at published. I bate special arrnginenls with all th different pnblUhrn, statloutrt, eta., and furnidi the trase with Books, Stationer, i;inuk Books Miv.tr, ponriiAiTs. r ni NTS. MfcOAi lVEolauiotypos, etc, ik oksut vjir.iKTT. 1 Lav unfuunled facilities and gutraute dealer tbc clotett atlrntlon. 45tnd for a price list, and give is a trial. JOHN STRATaIAN. SAN FRANCISCO. American Mag's! With rult complement of Star! printed on Mulln do l.iilne. Imitation of Hunting, lu Faxt Colors at the FOt-LOWINQ LOW PRIOE3: Sl, 1 foot $1 OOprtrdozcn. Slrr, 5 feet , 2 50 p.r doien. Sue. 3 Iret 8 tK) imt duien. 3lr, 42 iuobes 10 00 per duzeu. AUO BTJKTnrG- FLAGS, Of all slut. Irnm tlxty cents to one dollar per fool. UNION BADGES ANO PINS, In Ur.Kt Vailtir J. STKATTOX, MJtr HrM Culirornia Artillery. HmptrrNew" Ifpt. nertbeait cornrrof Wnihlugtoa oud Saa.ome streets, Ssu Fran Ikjo. RctlnetloQ in Trim to SuUuribfri. A TTKNTIOS Is called to the following t. Hit of Atftericaa ami Foreign I'rrlodl eult, for nblch 1 recite tuWriptlcni. I'ermnnent arrangement have been made by the rutted StalHl, Govtrnmut for the cnrryiHK of the ilulU fruiu tbe Atlantic Sutit br steamer, three times a insula, 1 am eitabird to receive subscriptions at a imoh lower rate tbau tornserly. Tbe iiuc eare and atlention will t paid to the for aarCig of all package, fbr which this tf tnblUbnint bat gained such au enrinble rcputatlun tbroughout the i'aclhc Cuiul, Atluntlc rrilotllCMls. I'mk ritin. Harper's Monthly Msjaxln 3 AO Gdde; ' Lady's Ilok 3 0 Atlantic Monthly 3 SO Lrilit's Family XlngRxIne 3 .10 Knickerbocker Macaxlnc I AO Continental Month) y 3 60 fetrrsnu'j Ladle' Majv.lne 3 00 Arthur's Home Mngaaine 3 0U Ladles Repository 3 0 T"l of the Day 3 SO Mnulblr Norrlletle 3 (H) ! IIrctic Majrtu'ne, C 00 HuutsMrrobnt'sMagaxUit ( 00 lUnker's Mgaxlnr C 00 Lellon Ton 3 00 Ilrownioo's Revlsw. 3 00 3 (IU 3 00 1 SO Rrmlibwaltr It'lro.l Tnrf Rrl.trr tjearly) Dnllou'i Maiazfu Vankie Ni!kMt(oiimks) Lttlie lludift of Foil (ovndc) 3 SO 3 00 Nic Nax(MMshj) 2 Ml Comle Maatbly 3 SO t'baunjr FHw (aosale). 3 SO in jhk waciuy .iwkiii 3 00 " 1 at! Gaxette. OHmmt 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 Mi 3 Si 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 00 3 SO 3 SO 3 50 3 SO 3 SO ' llo JuhtmI " Weakly Tribune.... " Euo4y Altai. " . " lltaes, - lH(ah ' Moraury " Oaaritr Weekly Tlmt World.... Journal of Cominsrte.... Indtjiendtnt Iadar Lttjar ItBe's llcturUl Harper's Weekly IHavtrHled Neat LceHtf'i Zietasg (German) Dereoksfit . CrisultMl Ziatung s SO FaiuNy IMalttr 3 So Vanity Fair. 3 so IrsVh American 3 So Beiwtlfie American 3 SO Wllkee' rjpirlt of lb Timet 3 SO Tablet Country Gentleman Weekly Merasiry Herald of 1'rogrvM Sw!tlb Atuerleuu Journal. AlWon 3 SO . 3 SO . 3 SO . 3 SO . 3 SO . S 00 . G 00 . b 00 .13 00 xod'Jlalia(IUIInn).... i.a ureuiea Ibpanl.U). . . , P.nilnn TV'jsLtsp fnrfil ." rffrf ouTunlon.: Fltyt ....7... " - Wavurly Magazluc. .!!!'.!! ' Ranner of Light " TrneFlag ;. " Invuatlgator " Literary Comjianlon ' Llltcll'a LIvIiik Ace I'htUdtlpbla FoineyU War j'rvsa. ... " Dollar Jfi'wriapcr Saturday Eu-nlug Tost.... Raltlmors Weekly Sun , . . 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 7 00 3 SO 3 00 3 SO 3 SO i.oui.viue ivcckiv journal. kiy Journal s e.n wncinnau cewy Coiataeiaj 5 Oo St. Louis Republican 3 jq Foreign Periodicals. London Illustrated News with sup plements $J4 00 " Weekly Dlspatvb 13 00 " Illustrated New or tbc World 14 00 !! ,!!u,l,, T,mM J o " H cekly Tlniea , 10 00 Iklle'.LIfe 13 00 " Athenaium 12 00 " 1'uoch 8 00 r, " .V.l1.0 ,Vck 8 00 Liverpool Wilmer A Smith' Time,, 15 00 OoWjttNulIoo. .... 13 00 Cornhlll Magajdnc. c 00 Temple liar Magazine C 00 Lcnrcr.z!?c:::r:nr: IZ - World of F'oshlon.. .''.'. 0 00 Cliambcr' Jpuraal...,. , 00 All the Year Round. Dickens c 00 Loudon Art Journal , 12 00 Ulackwood' M ngozir.e 4 00 Wettlmer Ouartcrlv It,-. l.v nn ... . ..... . r .. ---.-.-..... - v North RrllUh " .'"."".' 3 00 3 00 3 00 It OO jlKT-Sulu'crlptloni received for all tke Son Franci-tco dallies, at I'liblLber's prices. Any Newspnnrr, MugAstne or Review, sot mentioned In th above lint a ill bo furniV cd lo onlcr. Order for Uonki, Music Y. cy Articles, etc., Oiled promptly at the lew. ct luarkut rati. Sulscriptlons paytU turarlablr in advance. Addrc, J.STRATMAN, uty31tf News Agent, San Francltca, LOVEcSlBILGEU California Stmt, Jackiontllls, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN TE SHEET IRON. COPPER. LEAD AND BRASS, HAVE Just received from th AUuAl States and Son Francisco, a compute slock of everything In their line, and will keepconsUutly on band an assortment f th beat Tlu, Sbcct-iron and Opperwirt, lira's Pipes. Hydraulic Nozzles, Fore l'ump", Cbnltis. !inl Flpe, Hot, HAIUIU'AIIB, CITTLEltV; NA1L3 of all sites: TJar. l'late and arsortrd Iron : Faints Oils, discs and Giiu: All qnatltles of 1'owder Shot of nit nutnler t llruebes of every varlcty,to., si. Also, always ou baud, a large lot of slots of aborted site. " Ruck's llent Cooklog Stove," and the " New World Stove," th two i cry liestond approrrl itterni In the world. Farlor, Otncc and Cabin Stotss, fancy nnd pluln, ocnttrttcled on latett fuel-i-vlng plans. l!oller. Keltic, 1'ots, I'am, and everything coinicctr.1 with the stoves, warranted ibtrable and perfect. Alt articles told by them or manaft. turrd. WARRANTED. Their work Is tsi4 f thn best tnaterir 1 aud of cbolcsst patterns. V.Orden attend rd . with dttpatcb, and tiled aocordlnc to dlrt-ellons. la vrt. Ihlng. their stock It the Urjresl aud betl ever bronchi to Jacksonville. and thty are determined to sell al unt raicts roa csu. Call and examine their stock liefore pur cuaing cirexiterc. Jnne zs, lh&u.-jj. Agents fur Halllday A Cu ;o a Wire ira Hop,- 10 Copies Harpers Mac. line, cotamrn rlnjr will) June number 16C4, ending with May number 1H5. 10 Copiti Niw luk Ledger ookdisc clng July 9tb, lbS4. ALSO Harper's. 7c!!e and Deinorc!' II trutrd wrtkly ppcrs. Klrk-Nax, Vsnkee NotI'n, Merrvmo' Mnnthly. I'liun. Fact and Fuoey, llodit of lutii. l'huntir Fellow ttc,ie. CirculatRir IJtirary of new am select Novels, ndditiotii by every Steamer's Stall. A Urge lot of War Maps. A number of superior Lithographic Kngravlngs. School Books and Stationary. At TIk) Toat Offlce Building. Sept. 3nl. 18M. tf. LAIS-DIS' EXPRESS. Rr m-Wccklv tine of 8lagen fre Jack soavtlllc to Kerbytllle and Waldo, Or egon. Leaves JackHinville every Mosittuy ti. Tkursdny, 4, X. M Reluming, leave Waldo every TuesUny JcFrlcIny t M P. M. Through psnr will 1m fnrnlsksd with good fniMle-horres at Waldo, for Cresc'nt (ly. JO.SIAH A. LAND1H, Prop's. Oct. lieth.lBCl 0 oclltf A 0AP.D PUB THE WINTER & SPRING Clothing Trade Ol' SAN Fl.ANCIBCO. BAB6ER & LISDESUERCEK, Wos. 411, 413 and 415 Battery Bt., Cor. Mrrehant, But Vt u,rl, Importers and Wholesale Edlngburg " London " " Ttbe four Review and Mack wood DEALERS. Enrlro IS'ew unci Fresh Stock. We would call the attention of Country Merchants to our unusually large ito.k of Gowls. Our stock comprises every arti cle In the - ' CLOTHING & rUSN'ISIIIKO LINK. Wc bare couttantly on band the lorgssl and grrntef t variety uf OA8S1MKKH AND WOOL HATS of any hous; In Han Francltco. and our pri ce" tor these goods are leu than those of any bouM, a we receive them direct from the manufacturer' consignment. Our stock of WINTER AND SPRING GOODH I particularly attractive, and tho great fea ture lo the country merchant it tbe unusu ally low price lew than tbe cost oflmportatioB I We also keep the f3tnxXo iLrtlolets in the Dry Goods line, which Good we have purchased lo thi market uudcr the hammer, and are offering them at New fork coil, and leu. We publish this card lp order that we way make new acquaintance, and induce lbo who have 1.0 1 heretofore purchased of u to call aud examine our etocii. Geod Ai tides K Low Price Arc the great iuducimcment we offer to all uho purchase to sell again. Mcrckaut a bo buy of u can make u good prolll, and sell to their customers at a low figure. W re main, respectfully, Your obcdlenl servant. BADGER & LJNDKNUKUGKK, W lioK.ile Clothing and Hat Warehouw, IM. -HI. 413 and 415 Hattrry street. Bau Frouciico, Dec. 31 'Ci. JaulJtuS