finiS" ffiMTCBL n we fAroiir as Item. On last Mondsy nlR'1- w bd ,,wn rtm,Inff " change in seareh of items, until half VMl Kd o'clock, nt which time we Mew out onr Unit. e'1" "P ntlr p5,,im- w"1! fr,h ir.llw street. 'I1i night was dark nnJ rffn!." th-y WM ow w,ltl n hftTJ" mantle of cloud, owl coM steady into Jait saGieieot to eatsse a waatant stream to tattle down from the tare ol tbe hoo.c. waj falling. It suddenly occurred to n that a good ltoi mrgfct be got up on thk inhjoct, and we begnn to call to mlm! Biros' Tarn 0'3batitr, and had Jwt run cm the lines Th' nlsht rt eVM might undents nd The dc'il had busuiese on hi IkiimI," when, nil n r ft sadden, we found nil the pjciry kwrked tmt of us, and wc laying pramisriwM'y mixed up with a hucep'le of Hunt ,l.lch, late lu the cwrulne, had been piled ocrcoa the sttewalk. After having resolved tn iwblMi the rtlly stones, we proceeded lo es'wrt oar Ind'cwnt person thcr from, and with It a wry good supply , of mud. Mm. XcCitj.r'n Srrnot--We bad the t4'ar- nf wUnr-rnr the staling sawrelses eftM popular sAl, on yisterdsy -the lutdsyof the term. The extrclees werel principally la wrttlns. dseUmattoa nod I comioiWwi- A eullnjuy by Ml ttlbm Utile and Mb Kale Hoffman was well ex ecuted trad wonM tare done eredlt ta more experienced aaateun. The composition difplsyed much merit. A ptir "C in German by two charming 1 Unit phl'pr.Mr. John Mailer's wns one of IV ttmi pieudag perfrKiiiaf of theecea ilo. The following awoidi ol tnxxiX Ww wvte Tii In math mitloo. Mm Fuwt-tc II'rMA -a mnhtl ; het hi tptritlHfr, lrrt cUm. Mi Kujcm I.rrrwt a mtdal ; Ust la I'lwlliup -cml cl. Mm Unu Ito vljjj a midal ; Wt In pHio?, third eli, As.:a JJrajM-a mtJaiiWrt wrt llag, Jlrrw Kat Hottimx jhM pa '. BMt )-jprorMMnt la wrltta. MkM ltMt g-ioirr a jM pn. J'Ht Pwtkh 3ch. rfltr IUimhat nn,-Knt a to say that be will rWt thaM who h-ve owcrlbrd Aiork fur the Sutt' School next wtek. lor the ptwjws of oot ketinar. 11m lullwwtiig lUtwucnt. oopW fiom the llfporltr, will how the firMMial cuiidixntuf the tte-'iti40 at the ixtMm time. The ptot-'ry rmretwiKd fif Dr. TWimp' nc CiMl $12110. Or tbM HW ffiOO has let: pa'xl ; t3M). htw bteii )J U a I'w tio, for Hie lwlilutUm. and 8100 ftif lur,iU tare, lie lia to txtr $600. more ou the property by the firt nf .Maj to Jir. Thomn-' on. nnd Hit win, in? oiu rv inr ih f ire of tl Kbiirr. k all that b reqnired to get tbv institution a'artal. - Tmr Xw An ik We have teen the fitit ramber of this new paper, edited and pub liihrd by W. W. lirottphlisn. It la a weekly paper, devoted to Odd I'llowhip. the art tiI chcf .and gewral llwrature. It l very neatly nelatl awl ubly odlltd It U a dnub! shevt, eantsrinrat; 82 pmr. Kvery O.W Fellow, who um the -srl M the ordr" at timet, sbwiU Nberibt tor the .Vetr Aft. 1 1 i will worth lb prbjp of the subeeriptioii, whteb k $4 atraMiam. OrsTArr W'IImmi nslb.4 al mr atlat tl wuk. uud infurwrd Hi llut the otthMM tf JiMpLiiKe C Hiniy anr mnvisqt m mm for the porrxxv of raiarna; lack ijaoto of vol nntier. Thvy have alHtott rsiieil the nvon ey. by private otMMrihulbM, to give the one hutxirwJ dotUr bomity promb)d tlilr volauteers. AuJ will, wiiUuat doubt, soon rale the whole aniMat. The Waliu Wulk Shtkmnn say thai Pjv'h Helm, Iwttor koawn is that cvhhIv m "OM Ttx," ww found dad on the rood hetneen Wulia Walla nml bis hoiae, on Pry Cik, on Tuteday nMrtilng last. He had Ml lb eity lb Bight before, lo a state of iHtnxkwlUHt, awl from IwlwHiiMU. w&ef) fouMl, it appeared that bis bone hud filWndowu veiib. apt! oewn him, crmhl&s m breaat and btrukiag bia neck. .Mr. IIh w na aW rubkat of Jck aao county. IIuiji r tuk UaocND Thaw naw tllp pin. tlliukrtl bdwvta Grave Crck aud Galvillr, ar fronting aoataktabl xit rat of but. Tbara ara talt n numW of rkheUinw Mns; hmM Ih yoinlty now. ilr. Powell and parmw ar tnkbig out one butdrttl iWllare r day. Ollwr are doias; very iwur m m1I. Tue CaUSVsuaia Lhihum. The peopbl of this county Utfa 10 attotidar IhtuwoWa fold out," by an individual namid MtGva, wba war through here tome two month, since, claiming to I an agent far thai pa (Kir. He nUd Hme -to mUwIUjrs in Jacksonville, but the pr have not yet conie to baud. Thw U toamtliing wrong iomewbvre. Nkw Vmnso. Xt have been InforruwJ that V. A. Davlf & Co. have.stmckrlcb dig ginga on a small frk putting Into Gravu Creek, tix mllt llow Inland, and aro mak ing from 20 to SO dollars per day to tbo band. FACinc brcruM.: Co. Uy reference to our advcrtWug columns it will be Ken that &cb llro. 1tb Uvn ap(olutcd ogeuU for the 1'aclSe Inurance Company. The com pany have drposlUd In Oregon, In accord ance with law, the sum of fifty tbeuiand dollars. Eucnox At n regular meeting or Jaeluouvllle lodge, No. 10, 1. 0. 0. F.,held at the IUjcuIo Hall in Jacksonville, Snttu dj evening, Jan. lith, Orange JacoU was elUd N. G., vice Win. Ray resigned. U.vDnn Giakh and Injusctios no. The Secretary of Idaho Territory l.. with his seal orstnlc and other fixture, under guard at Lcwiston, nnd b laid tinder In junction not to move a peg. Lnleli, Gov ernor of I.yonsdale, managed to elude the Lcwislontar.s nnd Ij off for Boise City to ntr hi dignity nt the New Capital, hat tho folks nt Lcwiston hare n Jure tblMg on the Secretary, nnd he Is cither to remain in ttntu qua or go to jail, just as he elects. Momttainetr. The highest salary of the Governor of any Bute In the United Slatw is receiv ed by Governor Low of California. He got 7.000 In gold. Governor Curtin or Pcnsylvnnla, and Governor Seymour of New York, receive tho next largest $4.00 in paper. Flag. t Povolai Mr. Powell, who returned from Itreburi? on lait Wed ne.'ilay. Inform us that Capt. Higdon, re cruiting rfficer forPnuclas County, arrived at Roseburg on the 14th Ids, for the pur ' " ''"" a pose of filling the tptnltt tf that County. F. Cbat'vrick and Hon. J. F. Watran, are to caura the county speak ing for enlistments. ltr I'lytnnle a n3 Ihf have nprnnl a Xrv? Idtery and Peed Stable In Jacksonville Aft tlmlr advertiKDicnt lu thli paper. ci-ieaiTIfoii cash MAX MTJLLER, AT TUB BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon and Main Streets, JltClKOIlVllIc, TTAS lint rived an addltten to Id fafttttr lurga aad nail iWf tad 8tck of FANOY. STAPLE SUrV.MER DrrSTGOOIDS ' I UJ y. 1 s ,- KC. ' wi 'I ' z ir. 1 ,J il yi -SO' ' " '-. U l W' - -5 r s a Si p1 : v. IJ- - o, Jo, 1 iCQ. 1 I All at Hoduced Prices. OXE and AUL w UrHl t f rr htm wilb aaall.u ttaaalasxilh ! lu Mtw nalt. and Ilka pM at t hH tbam al iiitM t law thai wot C4u awmjituiw. Highest Price l'ulil for Pro lucc tn I'scliiinsi' for GomU. CLOCKS, WATCHES, FANCY ARTICLES - AT- NEW STORE! Kcxt Dour to Sachs Uro. T KIX'tlER hM M.kd bin nnr stor J . ilh a larfn ami valuable uxirlmefll 0 Ui 4yW aiul paltnts r fi' SFItINU AMI WKIUIIT CLOt.'KS. SILVKR WATCHKS. i DIAMOND JKWFj.ltY. PKARU KMKRALD. CAMKO SKTS Togathor with a splendid lot of oibor -ar3K"m',aVr3E!Qje'ir, Urtast-I'int. !trricbrt, liir-Uiogs, Pingur Rlne, Lnokcti. Iliioklw. Clasps, llrucvUU.BIie lluttous, Neeklaces, WutclfChelM, Chatelnlns nnd fa'eala; Also, complete seta of Incomparable QvLA-srt ; T 0-olary, Riunulueturcd from the riuhret und moat Umuiifu! speclinvoj of Gold II ill and Fow ler quartz. In addition to the above, may be found nt hi alore the brat qualities of TAULIi AND POOKKT CUTLERY. And, in short, a general variety of Nick-Xacl:s &. I'micy Article All of which will be sold nt low i-bicw and warranted. RKI'AIRING -Clocks. Watches and Jewelry rejtaired with promptness, and In a manner to guarantee satisfaction. MAUFACTURED to order, any arti cle of Jewelry, with neatness and dispatch. &v Call und see his new stock, at his new store, on California street, next door to Sachs Uroa., Jacksonville, Oregon. Jacksonville. Dec. 17. 1802. tf W-JLC THE copartnership heretofore existing Letwetu Wblte A Hart, In the saloou Lurioess, is distolvtd by mutual conent. I. L. Wblte collects all dcbU and nays all liabilities or said tinn. . I. L. WHITE, F. G. HART. Canyonvlllf, Dec. 1, 1861. declOwl 'vSptf fe M TaC.TCtSs- LIVERY AXD SALE STAIJLES. Corner or California and Fourth streets. C LUG AGE A DRUM, Proprietors fev THESE STATU are centrally located, and con venient to the I nton 110- ,3L tcl. Horeea and mules will lo kept tj the day or week, nt moderate charges. The proprintors Uavc n number nf fine 15UGGIKS AND CA.RUIAGRS, For one or two horses, to lot on moderate terms. Al. cood Kiddle Itoree nml mules which they will let to go to any part of the country, oil reawnnWe ternn. Horses broke to the saddle or harness. Animals Bought and Sold. The proprietors pledge themselves to clve satlrfhctlmi to all who may favor lliem with a call. Jacksonville. Ogn. Aug 31.-ltf ADAM'S GERMAN TONIC AND AROMATIC BITTERS. Thee bitters are highly rflnd, grateful t the tate. warming, ri'mulaltng nod In imirnilns to the debilitati-d yitin. Tbey are a tlinrotigUly mitlatrd eomonDil. powerful and ooueenlraled. and have U-en iioutjlit to tlmlr preeent slate of perfection by nearly twenty yenrs oxperleaoe. nnd arcs b.-ynnd iiuwtlon. one of tbo twst remedie. tor all lifaes of the dlgettve organs, Wbre the "yslem has lcn redaeed by Fe- em. elc., they will prove one of tbe mot valimblf auxiliaries lor a sprfiiy ami pernm nvnt restoration to health ami strength. Price ftO cents Ier lottlc. For sale by all drtigtrittf and Grocm. ocK'mS Howard Private MDDICAL INSTITUTE No. .134, Cniutnrn tut StrrrC, Snn Pranolaoo. Consultation by Letter, OR OTIlERVriSR, 1'KSK, ESTAiiLISflB!) far the our ofdl-ae of a private tratura. Such IJonnt tbea, Syphilis. Sprmratorbca. Mennirlal ComplBinls, Gleet, tSuiciure.Seia'ml Wi)c nt; Imi4aney, ithrttmatinti. Krr nnd Ague, Skin dlraa. .ScmiiMil Kuwloff. and all disrate brauglit on by ittdulgaucii or ly acc'.il nt. THE IIOVi'AIlD IXSTITCTE I- awW the Immediate eharge of Dft. 1' HOWARD, woo hf Iweom Jh-iIt cUImh ted by bis ueeeful trextuwat of diwann of the alwve halnrv. HilAoui Mr u 0 Mtrtury in any form. In re-opening tliW nhl and pnptihtr lill lute imO" mure l the jwopln of tbe i'elc IWI. the Duetor If iirud not enly bv a dtalre to nff-rtl an n-vlmn fiirttH,a!U.eld. but to SflM'UK-x- gUACKKta.Ml.leb l.a or lute nt ImMIv and impuilxii'ly Com- l furv Ibr pnbbe TtfV claim lo bavr c-tiH-eativOf P'tmarhable curt, or mini UIht imheanl of i!lliictlrow. of friau leMtiwo uy. uf Kuropan tdueallOH. and Bnroxn remetlh; thus ntUlimillng the nfttlclbtl. who are not nwar of the utttr uU-nen of foreign rrnndlas and hoiIc. whfi at tilled to dli"uM la thin variable cliumlr. Of Mseprelwidrr tbe Doctor warn lhve nvblns'invdieul rulief 10 beuare, for tby ek lilt to dwait yu and ruin your beallb. Ta bb M patieas and tbe pHblle In eral Ibe Doetur waaM ?: Tiny ean n-ly oa hb kotwn hitl u4 luu-srrity. a a-relo-roea. u ith every aatirwnaa o( a & and niwxwewt eurr. la all psiislU swa. Tbe luclr' charfa are toudi-raU, and Millod W Ibe Rwauti Ml tlw littt. THE HOWARD INS HTUTE la located lo tbe cesttar of tbe clajr, aud 1 fttlml no wlih evory caoienlemw far tin enmfi.rt uf Ih aOIIeVil. The palleat will bre bad rverytniag to bio wU. nad mh .MrswWXMNrfiMr rtDmr tf tjriltua. l'eron rwfUeg In tbe lntri.r, ab may prrr ldi; Oarvtl at Hftm. by Ntading a oamfnl driplaa of Ueir diteu-e. tosHsb or with a MawmMtt of tlw lirtb of tisae lliy Imve lM uflllelwl. can have Ibolr iwd wiiie earefully put up and seat to auy prt of tbe roeifk Coast t? l'.iiris or nwll, ti gtitber wllti full and vsplloit dlr-olton ail lo enalttr Ibvia to bring about a rdy and ptnnanent cure, wltbonl outHlHag tt outberalU iweMstty or vUillag ibeo.t. All letters should be addri-RR-etl. lr. 1. Huward. Jiowunl luHllotd, Nu iit, Uomirwrelal rJtreet, San Fraualtou. California. The Dootor Mmlf .oponv aad anr wers all tvltcrs. and efrrpoudalils can tidy oa lb strictmt teortey. Couiultatiou by Ittter or otherwise, frae. TO THE JL.ADIES! When a Female Is In trouble, of abater er iMturc, or nQlictrd with a dl-ae snob as weaknw of Ibe back and limbs, jmlu 111 Ibe bead. dlmnea of siKbt. loss of mus cular power, palpitation of the heart, irri tability, nenoiimiess, dcrangemrut uf Ibe dl(;etlve funotlons, genual lUuilliy, alldis tut of the Womb, hysteria, sterility, aud nil other die&c peculiar to female, tbe; should po at once, or writi, to Dr. How ard, at his Jltdical Inttitue. Let uo false delicacy prevent you. but apply linm-dmle-ly, m.d save youruilf from paiuful suScring. and premature death. The Doctor's office Is so arranged that he can bu couuillcd without fear uf dbcotcay. Dr. Howard's Female Pills Are universally acknowledged to bo the only compound to be depended upon for the removal of all cases of uppuse or Ir regularity, or of obstructions of whatever nature nnd of however loag standing. Ladies haviug reason to Ulluve they are pregnant, ebuuld be careful to avoid using them, as they would surely cause a iniioir rlaee. Tbey will be forwarded to any part uf the Pacific Cut, upon tbo receipt of 45 per box. CONSULTATION BV LETTER, OB OTHEUWISK, FHEE, All letters must bo ad Iresscd to DR. T. PIQAVARD, Howard luslllule. No. 632, CotumircTal Utrect, ban I mnclsco. California. sepl'ui'J MAKE ROOM FOR THE FLORENCE! Tt make foi)rUMincttiitclic, feeds the Avork cither AVny, scivs thin nml henvj goods without change or ten- tlon, ivill gather nnd row on nt the sniuc time. TT MARKS A STITCH ALIKE ON H0TI1 SIDES OF THE I'ATiniC, nAS NO srniNGSTo uirr out op on- DEH, AND IS THE MOST KA I' ll! SEWKR IN THE WORLD. EV EHV MACHINE FULLY WAR RANTED. We. the nodrrslgued. have each pnrohas ed n niKKNci; hlwino uai-mim:, aud have tbem nowju use. We bavr lboren?!ily tell them nn wmk of all praties Iioavy. tandlum nnd llslit and our n.iiuluh Is timt tlw Klurtticc Is du rable, will net enlly get out of ordrr. Is strung and simple In oontniatlon, and Its use is easily learned by Ibe most Inexperi enced. Il will do a greater range of work with lees troidde and cbnngc, and we consUUr It altngi'tbcr Ix-tter tban any other Family S.'Wlng Machine wc have ever wn. Mrs Dr. Clae, .11 Turk sU, S F MrsD,20 Clay.,S P Mrs J H Woostcr. 025 Fo!om St., S F Mrs S D Gilmnrc, MB do do do Mrs Daniel Dunn. 414 do do do Mrs J tiplnonl, 2.'3 Rich St.. S F Mrs Alfred Wheeler. 947 Mission st.,S F Mrs Henrr Miller. 8S0 Howard sU- do Mrs Htnilv llidwvll, 740 Matket do Mn Snrnfi iAmb-rs. 7U4 do do Mreli II Ohm. 211 llerry do Mth O A Carnen, Juck'oti Pluco .Irs llranch. Puc, tirnr Lrv'wnrth da Mrs W II Hatmra. 503 ICearnry do Mrs K fUrper, Saerameuto nest of I'venwurlh do Mrs Harriet Ciuhfap. 31G 1st do W II Ilnlnfson. cor. Mnnt 4 Sac do Mrs Pruclt. C1C CVIfnrnla do Mrs M S Morion R32 Sutter do Mrs Dohen. CI 7 Pine do Mrs Ann Dradb-v. 012 California do Mrs lien II Parker. 2M) Stcv. do Mm John C Cerbet. Mhkn Dolores do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Mhm Annie Melbvla. Id Doruds Mm Maace Milloyh-, W Dorado (!hs S Pnble. Serunn-nio fiuis lecman, hanta C'hira Mrs A M Dnnlmtn. Oakland Mrs OrrV Woudlll ilo Mr D O Sr iIj J W Hoae '" Mrs Mary II Ilarfkbalter, Dutch Flat Mrs C J Oliver. Napa Mr Sumud T Tone;. ClarksvMli' tl Dora iln i-uMiitr Win ltrddlU;, Fourth Crossing Calavcrar county Mrs C E (Vnntwk. Xnpa City Mis Jtvepli Kevfcr, Clarksville El Dorado ' connty Mr Jidin O'N'iel Jnmeslnwn. Tnnlnme co. j It II Fuiquhar county clerk Xevuda City K W 11 rtiw do ' N W kiionliflii nrucl tnachst do I U M Hates, M D. John Ilersliigvr j II Maekie, I P Ilruatlier. Oram Valley I O C SlMirty. Settle, W T ! I! Hitrton. do do do do do IKnrv Jockstw, Watsouvlllc, Santa Cruz ontintv Mrs AlbVrt li.nWr. San Andreas Mis Newton Dtnoti, dreMnwkrr and tail- nrrss. Seeewih at., UtwacD llryaut und HnuMKia, S V ,ifrvbNis to pfhiiuK the Flureftte, I owned Ibe Howe Sewing Maebtae. Mr J CKAwroitii, ' ConneroiHilli. Calaera en. 1 ti'ed the SWt Btlpilc Mweliliw six MAAlk ivlvus 10 pumMrltis tbe nor aaoa. Mrs M.u:r Cirriir, DraHiiukor, 1C 1'uttal., Euu I-'ruiiCbco, I ualteve I ean fullv and oancletloiily tndre iiirb iitiallAeMthiii cluim-d fur the Kbtreuee Srwiug laaebiiie. I have thor oughly ttvd It oa uorl; of all Brad, and Mwb trial 1 boeti eminently sntisfaetory. Il laVas bM uf a delieate fabric delicately. aud of a stroftg oue wltb str'euglb. To me It fHemt more than 11 niaablne an almost iatuUiireal. willing helper. Its uw Ueoally lruriMtl. aud lis oOD.truotloo is orrtalnly simple. I know something of Ibe olber firm oum machine, Ihivlag lurnU 10 oper ate wreral. This is tbe uuly sewlug ma -blou I bare found reliable. 1 Mr 1'mwv O. Tkit. 8an Andn-M, Calaveras co. I have UMl the Wheeler A WIWou about .... u.. ili TditfiAi-l .V l-nrr lv fnniilLM. the SUt tttlltibj about ibe mme langlb of tM tt. vi'lltlMiitd .1- llrda nrlv tun ytr, and have dealt In several of Ui snwl until llinrriiivlilv difffurited lilb evarv loasbiiie Ibat sews wilb only one tktettd. Tbe Ktoratiee is Ibe only machine Unit baeiin UHdr my notloe Ibnt illves perfsrt aad eotlro ti.fuollon ou all kinds of uork. No o ean rktlinale It value until tbey bate ux-d aad lted It, as I bave dune lu deed, fur thin work It Is luralualile. GMIMJ. IIIM.IS, Ciirtoa Ciiy.N.T. I Itave iiH-d a Florence Scwlne Machine for twu ymiro; I brought It acrou the plains; ltbiuiivter ct been out of older, and1! can truly ray 11 excels u.i oiner macuinei lltat I bvc' ever UK-d. I ran a Idd A Webster six iiioBths; a Wheeler A Wllron eiKht inootbs; and iin-d a Grovcr A Iiaker, alternately with Slout for Uo years. I am familiar with the Howe, and tever al f ibe email machine, but I never used one that would do all kinds of work to equal the Florence. I do not think it can be too highly recommended. Mrs. Iiuac Eu-is, Marysvllle. After having a Florence machine In use nearly a year. J feel tbat can truly recom mend il as being all that Is claimed for It. I have used Slnjrrr's, G rover & lUtcer', and Ibe Wheeler A Wilson machine, and consid er tbe Florence superior lo any Ml JtNXIK A Euik, Wilmington, Los Angle county Cal. We could refer to many others who are using tbe Florence, if It were necessary to do to, lo conrlnce Ibe public tbat these ma chines nre what is claimed, tb UE3T FAMILY SEWINU MACHINE IN THE WORLD Over Sctch Hundred FLORENCE MACHINES have been sold on this coast In the short time tbe Agency has been established here, and we msec this strong acrllon, as convincing proof of meir worm, nisi no person can be roond who has a Florence tbat would exchange It for a family sewing machine of any other manufacture. A K It T for Ik self ef Ihc Horcurc Faniilr Sew- mc .liiicMiitt. Geoygc A Eniii'all Nevada City Georee Vincent ..Stockton J L Pothemus 190 J st Sacramento R 11 Handy YrU MrsS E Larcombc Virginia. N T L P Vencn Portland Oregon E C Selons .Jacksonville Oregon M Wollhens Guymas Mexico L P Collins T ravelins Acent JasTl Cleaves Traveling Agent Thornton Wcstly Traveling Agent Machines will lie supplied by all local agents at San Francisco prices, with addi tion of freight saimuelThill, Otncrnl Agent far Caltrurula mid the Pnrlflc Const 111 MONTGOMERY STREET, San Franci'CO. Sept. 9.1M4. rcptlOmt CHEAP FOB A. FISHER & BROTHER, corscb or Cnllfornla k Oregon Streets, JACKSONVILLE, Hare on hand a Large Stock of Staple, Fancy DRYG00DS, CLOTHING, HOOTS, and EH0E3, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, elc, etc, etc. All will be told at Zloduood 37rioo. Jatksoutllte. Jan. 0, Y4. jnnUtf CUKE YOUR COX.B SAVK VOUIl LU-NGS. NEWELL'S x,vtx'-' rTJLLIOKAIlYp.TTTi B2EUP Has Curril Thousands It-TO lXX Co TToix. "A couch Is generally the effect of a cold, ahlcb has tltber beeu Improiwrly treatttl or entirely iiegleeled. When It proivs obsll uate, tturt l nifty ruw h ntr Uf Ibis shows a eak state of the (uhk. and ttfleti ism f.trvrvMuer f oou suwHtioti." llucbanau's iHtuteriic il deiiie STOI THAT COUGHING Some of rou oan't, and we pity you Vou have triad eiery remedy but tbe one divtiiH-d. by It Intrinsic iimtiI, to swjierdr all similar prvparatloua. It Is not surpris ing jou should l reluctaut to try tome thing el4 after ibe many experimets you huie mad of trdhy coiuoiiimU foisted on tbe public as a certain cure; but Ncwell's Pulmonary Syrup, la really the Vmr BT rcroedy ever com pounded fur tbe cure of couybo. colds. Bore throat, aathma, whooping cougb. bronchitis and ouU'Uinptlun. Thousands ofiepleln Culifurala and Uregou have Uu alreadv bwitflttiil by lu curative powers. WHAT KILLED HIM? Dk. HjUA. In bis " Journal of Health," siwaklui; of Ibe death ol Wellington Irving ak tbe above question, and adds : He might well hae remalued with us for years lo tome, bad It not been for adrlce kludly, doubt, but f en lu thought lessncM and ricklt Ignorance. UK HAD A COL.D! Hhlch, by some unjudlelous prescription, had Iwen converU-d into nn ostbuut. Who gave ,l.a, ..r ivllftl II irft. IllO flUl xlde world may never know." Let me say 10 Ut. ilali, iuji mat jirejcrijiuuu m -u. Xcwcll's Pulmonary Syrup. Keep it In the house. ue It freely, ulve 11 to ) our children upou tbe ullgbtcit indi cation or a cold, aud you will tbiuk aud iwat ni it hs all do who bavu bcoome ac- miaintitl with lis merit. v IIIJIilvnTAV I. nf l!r.U linwl. ilO aud 4 18 Front street. Sao Fraocltco, and lor sale bj all Druggist. dec3tn6 JUST RECEIVED AT Sachs Bros OXS THOUSAND Y'DS Of SUPERIOR BLACK, DRESS 9 Wklcb will be Sold at a. Great Sacrifice. SACHS BllOS. Bradbury Wade, CnUroncloSt.,JacksonTmc, Wholesale I Retail Dealers in FANCY AND STAPIE DEYGOODS Clothing, Hoots nml Shoes, (groceries llanUvarc, Iron anil Steel, Agricultural niul Mining ImilencntiS l'" qttors, Quccnsvnrc, tslnss. vnre, Coal Oil Lnmin anil Chlmncv9, Tobacco nnU Cignns Statlonnry, Plioto Krnpli Altitun) Cnrte lo Vls- ctC, CtCi IN addition to unal slock, wc nre now re ceding a large shipment, embracing n complete assortment In all of the above clasecs. These goods were selected In San Francisco Ith great care, by member of our firm who has bad n residence ol thir teen years In Southern Oregon, nnd well knows the wants of this locality. Confident that wc cannot be undersold by any houo In Jackson county, ws pledge our patrons tbat our f rices shall bo "Cheap as tho Cheapest." Thanking our former patrons for the f vors heretofore extended to our house, wo nonld respectfully solicit a continuance of their patronage. ' -YD TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Call nnJ give ui yoar 57 and (ale a smile, IlR.VDnURY & WADE. Jaeksonvlllo. Ogn.. Oct. 15. 'fit. octlStf J. ROW'S Oirctir Sitoiro ! Oppotlts Ixire A Itilgcr's, California st., Jacksonville, Orvgoa. i"iYs;ioys;ifs!i : HOLIDAY GIFTS! : (a 1 a J. HOW Inform the oltitons of Jajk'on rlllo and the publo generally tbat he has just iceeitcd aud oilers for sale his superior slock uf ... HAVANA & IMITATION.... TOQACCOS, PIPES, FIOS,2 CUTLERY, RAISINS, p " Stationary fvSchooI-booliSM 2 CANDY, NUTS, 2 TOTd. SUOARS, 5 3 AM1U.MS, ETC. , X ; Trices to suit tbe time. Call and p save your luuurj. '"-ooovao' ,000000000000000000000000000000000. 1 A Iirce mul line Aorlmrnt S 2 i,r 'Willow Varc an hmncl, for s i te X 00000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A large colleottoo of tLe latest and best Novel lor dreolalion. Dcc.19.18C3. J- ROW. N0V7 ! New ! ! Now ! I " KREUZER'S 3STETW STORE, llclween New Ftate Saloon and Ilradbury A Wade's, Jacksonville, IS STOCKED COMPLETELY WITH Best Cigars and Tobacco, I'RIWII CANDIES AND NUTS, NEW TOYS & NOTIONS Kg si Sbj,- JLat,i3ar3tr', FRESH FRUITS, ETC., KTO. Mr. Krrnzer having purchsird the new store one door south of Ilradbury A Wade's, calls Ibe attention of Ibe public to his cow plele stock of smoking aad chewing tobacco. Abo to his various brands of cigars, from tbe common balf-spanbh to the most fra grant Havana. All sold at the most liberal prices. Vou can bo bet supplied with any arti cles in his Hue, aul rave money, by xivlug Urn a call. December IE. 1803. First Premium Awarded by the Mechanic's lost! lute Fair, Sou irrcbco, September, 16(1. R. LIDDLE & CO., Sporting Emporium, 418 Washington tt., (near the Poil-offlce,) tjua Fianebco. GUN &. RIFLE MAKERS, and lmportttt of all tlasHt c Sportivg TotUt, Constantly on band guns from tbo first makers la Loudon, viz; William Greener, William Moore, Moore A Harris, Ittdfcro, HolUs A Son, and all other makers. Also the best stock of American lilacs, Pistols, and Carbines ou tbe 1'aclSc Coast, ru: Colt's, Sharp's, Smith A Wesson's, Remington's, and all tbe latest patents of Fiitol. Sharp's, Wesson's, Ballard's. Spencer's sad Henry's l'fxtent Drench-loading Rifles. y&" Cartridges of cil kinds constantly ou band. Authorized stnU lor Henry's Talent DreecbloadLg Rifle. jao21m3 F LOUR AND PRODUCE taken in ex- chance for Merchandise, at " July 19.-27 X X tf IH.T.KR'8. il?l P