Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 21, 1865, Image 2

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J. 91. StTTOV, nclllor.
To tu siaicr xso raMuxntcT or tock
U.nisv, x GoriwtusNT to tiik whom: is
l.MKjrx.uwji.'' MVAiHfMit.
Lltt of Agent for Um Uuaos Srktinm.
K. P. ftnwll. general agent tot Otnmr
and Idaho Territory.
I. V. Plsow Sm Francisco Oil.
J..T. KnMrltnn A Co itu ill)
TkMMH IMti AMtefrale. Oil.
Fr. K.1III! Wlifc-r do
F. G. IMnlye Hek Point tto
Tbonxvt CraxMn CroxtotM INnritH do
IVm. Soietr. Jann-CJo
Cobalt- fart tend
I). II. Thoranwn, Albany
W. it. Km Altnovft
Thomas Cnrr d
Thomss F. Floyd Kernvvlll
S. V. Hawyar w
I). P. Aadenea Phoenix
D.1I.C. Gault
A. Inlaw! Myrtle Creek
Geo. L. Dmh XHeaawrtr
Tbeodrte Gatnernn Untoa town rtn
Jam I. vnon noMimrs do
Hit-rUtlfc HtlBUr ... Koine Hirer do
L.W.Sulllm Fort KkMth do
Brager IUrnur.. of Oanyavllr,E nttal
Agsnt for IJoaglai County.
A Slurry of the ricld.
Uolir thU bend the Htputtr, this week,
pare lu patron a genuine dish of M ilone
bath a boat sonteib'ng, but we coifed we
bare been usable 'to determine a tut that
lasMthiair k. It teem that the wurm
weather of tain ho I rind the Row of
venom In hit opoltlo, nod lor hie own
welfare It mint Hud a Tent; be therefore
opt otd the ralre, nod (hot at wheejuoerer
be might hit, greetiof Kipoblle4o Dmh
ocrats al ForltaM were in tq-wl dMer
It appears that he Im jU dl-orerei)
tbat tbe MeOWliB patty W Mi Ibe Dew
ccratlc par ty-rrga, the' iemoenitie p-rty
Lu not Un ikfraUd. After thie higfei!
cooclwten, be proceed to repeat hU well,
cemmittnl ma about, tie I'rwUkut
nbidi we tbeU tot toke Ibe troubte to re
pttt, (or tbe Mtiw Iking be foootl in
tearly every Miaiber of the Marseille Jir
prtH, Kujeoe Oily lUfv, ami their Hk.
Stx, bit ralre hi turned NVrthwurd, and
dijebare'M tbe foHowiwg fetid iMktk;
Tbe men who rao4t Impreeeed them
i1vm upon .Vtrlhetf) eharaetor were the
'I'urlUa father- Ilea. Fnnklin. llnmlt
ton, aod the Ada! family. Nwtbrtii
character k. therefore, a eowpnoad of l'a-
rllanNDi. of the Idralitni ot lleniluw.
u (oner, ami lite Ada-. Wlb
phMvonitharM arid anti liavrvum
FrankNa. IVir ideal of a oJ Unewn
rnent k the Uritiah eoaeiUmi'o. with lu
prirKegM fee the lew and tosuthw aad
burtbeae for the way. We art bariag
their Ideal realiaed aow.
After thwi eompeeUly wlbiUlite; the
rrnldeot, tbe Xoelh, the I'ariuaj geiwr
oliy, aod Aodiag that be bad a l.tthj reote
Teoom left, be eoacfaded to etre the Dem
ocratic parly a if9irl, wbWb be did a fol
low!. Tbe CbhNfo Coarentleo was netori
OMly nuoeged by aid -Jiai (Jutbrie" of
ueniueky, who - mo or Ibeee millloae
iavMtcd in mvuil' ralltaul nak U ik.i I
State, ood who it ternbly afraid it nuy
few voTkillr i5rs? !
gcrs. awl I)ib Ittebaxind. and CaMkly
tt tt,A .til.... I . .
w. iuv juwi; .rw mtr saeaen db
ters roea ho euro nothing abontlbo tri
umpb of I)eoeraey except a biia their
owu pertonul mcm timwph and prod
along with il angl the CoarMtlon,
and fofatfd .MeChrlkto upw the Demo
cratlc pr y
Tbo aoll-war DemeceneyMpported him.
notwitbeiandintr bit Maryland reeved.
They saerlfteed IWhW. bofiiue if he was
cot tbe delieeeer, he mitfht neov to be
Mlrtrtry pnmnoe. liat hi n Utatec
ibamifully and inlorianly beaten.
As war as w mo stun up, hi area
mrnu go lo show that republican are ,
i uillans, as. that PuriUne are raoneteMi (
"" ,HC ewiup patiy M not tLe Demo-
...,v i7, mi ibe iihhoctquc party ;
upporti Jicutenaa; that MeClellan was
defeated becaurc be was net n Democrat.
It Is all perfectly plain hn jau can Ke
mio it.
Badw Sold The Woibi4tgtoa Xtono
tror.apper starfid at Olympla, either
laboring ooder tome kiad of hallnnalation.vr
being very anxlou to pay the editor of Ibe
Rtporitr an honored compliment, manufac
tures tbo lollowlog puff, aod tends tbe pa
per containing it, to tbe Smixw. for ex
change. To carry o9t tbe Joka rre hare
pot bit name eo tbe exchange Int. Hear
him :
"We see it staled that Pat. Ms.ie.oe
U again astride tbe editorial tripod In
Oregon ; this time as editor of tbe Jack
tonrille Biswa. Ve shall look for a
change in Ibe abolition batteries over there
and many a 'bowl sent np at his heels
aiveVmh-1, Fat. 'oAigron (01 gn
pia) Dimcuat.
' -
A New Oau Gov. Gibbs, by order
of Moj;Gcn. Irwin JUcDoweU, bu luned
a eaii for Oiling up tLe regiment of cat
Prom our Special Correspondent Can
yonvillo, OrcgTjn.
rannxv w.
or a
Our usual quiet towu lias been very live
ly daring tbe past neck, oo account or a
celebrated low suit between two of our
honest citiiens D. K. Parser ngnlntt An
drew ThoiMi. There were n crowd of wit-
nesse and many spectator in Attendance
at the trtjt. to bear the great rsgnbgfittle-
i men In attendance, lit plaintiffs ci nncl,
ws the tnWntnl nttorrry from Jaskson
vllle wlih a Gbc voice Mr. Dowell, awls1
ted by our Prtxweuting All'y J. F. Wat
on, lq. The dtfeodaal ' Attorney were
the principle netor In the Democratic cir
cus he Jail -S. F. Chadwlck and Hun. J.
F. Galley. Mr. Gsz'ey Wnj nbtcnt. ttir
defense vrat condnctcd by Mr. Chadwlck.
The cok lias bcn In court for a loo? time,
ami a change of venue granted from this
County, to Josephine, oo the affidavit of
the defcadaaW, stating he could not git
jitUiet In this county.
The Clreoll Court of Josephine Cuenly
' referred
It to Mr. I- L. Wllllarus.our
Couoty Clerk, to Inke evtdtnce and report
toitbe wxt term. Tbe referee commenced
on Monday, Ibe Ptb, and finlihul on Fri
day folhiwlnc. During I lie trial tbe foliovr
log biu-balle oollaquy, aixl rich crldoncc
wtu given by Mr. Clxrte4 I'atcben, a ton.
in law of tbe defendant :
Dowell to wltneM, Mr. Patclten Too
hove OKd tlte word bummer several times
In your examination In chief, wbal do you
mean by the word bnmmer?
Cbadwkk-Take Wtbtcrl Uke Web
Da-reW Xt. III' take Charley; lw
known more about a bummer than Web
WltactM 'Fhere are two or three klod
of Immmeri : 1st, a Ikjanr bummer ; 2d, n
board butitBttr i 3d, a gal bummer. I call
a lkier bummer one that lays around n
groeery and drhslM ucry time be gels n
ebanee, ewl never irnyi n cent. A board
hammer It one who lays around a boarding
homo, and never mk-eei e meal or pays a
No irHbtlltea I given of n gal bummer,
but tbe re4r raay Infer bit meaning from
hit drtmltlo of the otbvr two.
Dowell to WlHtet.-W.li: wU! What
Itlndef a bttmnMr did )Ir. Ttismu thlakyou
Wlttteri I don't know what ktad ofn
bummer Mr. Tiotuai took m to h.), but 1
think bli girl took me to he ayJ hummer.
IhmtH Abl then what kind of a bummer
did Mr. Ttim4, you aod the glrlt tk
rartley to be?
WltneM-I don't know whit they to k
him to be. Mr. 1'ariUy wm there about n
year asd eijht mentkt, and I Ihouftht be
wo trybtg to be n k1 bummer, but It k
nasrt be turned out to be tearcely a board
Dowtllbat reUllon bare you tlnoe
beeomt to the defnedtntt
WltaoM-I iMrrled hk dancbUr.
There wm a iHMiemll of wUaeaMi and
tneelaUr. and laeae iptasltona and itwrn
. ---- rm . -- .-ww-nwv nin) HinnTI' j
eepptamtul I.t Ihr whole conar-irratlun. '
and they Uagned until their tUct were j
ore. i
Tble pkee bat been sold fr bummer. I
ermii. U a very healthy pteee fur them. , through tbe back of the bead and Ml
ltoVmJi,,Vht,Mf'.,.0H,Ji,'n0,!afl'rl,ifalll'o,1,in1f "' nv.l.
get a true d.Holtlon of a gal bummer. S. or at lean the Iluyt brother. firi. M
A Iouio or tub FnntnMlIoly tx lT'clt nnJ cdrii"b' Lfa P11"1
welt talk lm ol Im iI.m. 1u, ,. . c'e " enntalned no more charges. Io
to meet a certain brbWgroem, but tfter go j
lag mom dhiaoee, It wa found ll.tti five of
them, being exceedingly feo'.Uh, b.d ueg
bjeteil to take a nuShleut inmtlr of noil
oil to keen nn their liflm. 'n IL n.
tight of the: fooIUh virglne had been com
z - r "r ,o t,mt-rw "- -
wu jr -, iipjj- ikitb ucen nem np a an
example that others might prfit by their
Mperknec. Hut. alas, nt this day. we
iod even men who go out without any coa
oil, and endeavor to grope their way In
darkness. Header. Ilrtcu ami beterloni.
for we bare on "onco raouroful tale." "ot
maay night tinee, certain of Ibe youth and
! beuuiy of a quiet little village went forth
' In Ml ml rtrl-.U ( at.- ... t.
,w Htatana r t mc A4( IJ , H IHC lUUqriH.
Alt wwl tmttWy and liappilj oo until the
parting Iwnr put a stop to tbe gaitle of
tb evening. To one among the numb.r, who
bad eeenisd to enjoy himnlf. in a grra-e
degree than bis eomp-mionj The pirt
lag hour revealed tbe fact tbat be had ueg
lected to brlu;
coal oil to light the muddy
piui ioji lay between him and his virtuous
oooeb. He hesitated a moment, aod then
boldly set out in tLe pitchy darkness and
stioky mud. He carefully pursaed bis way
until be ws well nigh to his journey
eiw, i he ligiif were gleaming forth from
bis own babilalioo; the mad ludbecora
leas sticky and objtacln lus nomerous, aod
be began to congratulate binwelf that all
was well, when suddenly, lo obilience to
tbe laws of gravitation, be found bimscll
In tbe bottom of a pit, in a horizontal po
sition. After a few desperate ttrugg!, be
succeeded in coming oB victorious, bring
log captive away a large omouct or sticky
mad tbat bad bcld him so firmly to his
horizontal position. His Ices b not posi
tively known, but it Is supposed to be a
good suit of clothes, and some damage to
bis toilet towel.
For details, inqalre at tbe Bar of the
New State,
Tits weather is unuiually fine for tbe
season. From every Indication, spring
has opened. It baa been so worm a por
tion or this week tbat the bets have been
workicg lively.
I Tub Dklanv Mubdkr at Salkm. 1 lie
I telegraph on Titrjdar broiigbl us tlte nrw
of n horrible murder near Selem. lr
Daniel Delany, Sr., on tbe dny above men
tinned, was called oat of bis honw In the
nijbt, shot down dead upon tbe porch by
two men who wen raatked, and bis hou.e
searclie.1 tbroiipliouf nnd robbetl of nboill
six tbooMnd dollar In gold. Tliere ore
I ctrcumtances eminectetl with thl bloody
deed tbot moke It n matter ofpcnllnr In
terest, nm! render It certain that Ibe per
sorw who committed It were well neqnam
leil wllb the prcmlees nml Iwd p'otted tbe
deed delllrtrnte'y and carefully. Mr. Del
any was from'MIrtOurl lo Oregon at n very
early day. lie has rreldrd on bis farm
for many yrars, having Ix-cn lone there In
1PG2. whn the writer became ncqnatnted
with him. IN farm was made on proba
bly the richest piece of bottom land on Mill
Creek prairie, while bis hnutc was built at
a Ivnntlfnl rprlng nn n hill side, surround
rd by bis orebard nnd cltxe to a den.c for
est of fir. Thronsb tb" prnlMe, nlinut on
j mile to the north of him, went the Mill
! Creek road to the Hnntfom, while th- bill
mad lay about n mile to the south. Then
was no direct road part or near the preml
tn, and olthongh there were many farm
Insight on the edge of the bllb, still the
place wu tnilated, nnd filly adapted to the
prpcl ration of such a deed. I'rolubly
.Mr. Delany, lived alone with the mulatto
lad who was alarmed by tbe mnriltT nnd
hid blmelf until the morning. Several of
his son lived In a few miles, Mrs. Delany,
j wll), Tcry ngnl nnJ decrelped. living
with oneof th'm. The rnl'nr panlon of
the old man' fife was tbe acquisition of
sold. He denied blmelf every lurjjry.at.d
even tbe common nece-wrlcs of life, and
wa iippod many years since t have
fahulmii stores of It laid np, Alt Us soor
were energetic nml prrxpernn : rie of
them rwd any Men of the nla man" kwo.
tlons. thongh sevrral ol tlrm lo'd ie wri
ter tltit he mn! hove a greut deal of man
ey lalil by. I be mtirderfrs nre known to
fore fnuwl six tliottMixl d.dUrs. bu' mlas
ed the great bulk of the old man' treat
lire. It everm tbat be had atitie)ple.l n
sudden d hi ili amI trad made a reeord of lite
pbiee wltere bis money was libWn ; fid
lowing the direction here laid down, Ibe
diipatch telkt si Hk jrtterdAy siiyfeur
tbouwnd dolkirs was fonnd In guld, making,
with tlie turn taken by the murderers,
seventy thowond dollars that this ttrnng-
o il mtser Imii saved up la lib lifetime.
Oitgtumn Jun. 12A.
A TxnntnLK Trwnmv at la Oraxhk
l'jseengers by tbe ll'tln G. Hunt last
evening give us the particular of a tcrri
blc tragedy, a the fact were received by
them from perroiH who came to L'tnutilU
In the stae frwm IloUe. Juek Tubln, or
Iljiton Jack, n desperate character who
ws with 0 II. Porter when he r-jcuped
from Jail In. Walla Walla, onmmtnonJ a
row at th lioae of two brutbers named
Nay, who kept public bnuv at or nwr
1.1 (.rande, in Crand Itonde Vulley. Sev
eral iwrxKi etf his ola wanted mote Honor
- --- ---
""" ,B wouioru were willing to furn-
"" "' "e result was a fight with pbtloJs
in wbleti the two trotlr. Ilnye, cngagnl
thl Juek, or Tnbin, am a driver on tbe
Ub line namd Loos. Tobin was aho-
a.n', T"bm wcni k,IW uPn ,,,c lM"- od
in nujm uiuiiivt ore iruu,iuiy ueau, in
they both were considered mortally wound
l, though alive the next morning. ThU
ttory my be modiQrd on receiving correct
particulars j but there seems no doubt that
uck a horrible tragedy bus reully tratupir
ed. Ufgoiian.
Tbe following U very near the correct
Sgure of the Prwldwilhil vole of 18W.
Tbe popular majorities and electoral
votes cost fur Llucoln are as -follows :
L'taloml Vvle. Jaeru.
New Wk 33 'g.WO
Posylvanfa 20 20,401
JiaMCOlUtU 12
Illinois ic
ludiaon 13
Wicunin 8
Maryland 7
Vermont 5
Maine 7
Connecticut c
Kjii.tvj 3
California... 0
Kerada , 3
Oregon 3
Klwde Island... 4
Obio 21
Misjoori.. ,,...., Jl
Michigan 8
Wrtt Virginia 6
New Hampshire., 0
Mlauesuta 4
19 795
Total ; .213 4M.987
Tbe popular majorities and E'ectorlal
votes cast for MeClellan, nre as follows :
flltttoral Volti. MaioriUu.
Kentucky 11 3G.000
NcwJersy 7 7,300
Delanare., 3 gig
Tola! 2T 43.910
,n,''i'52lu4 mJor"y on popular vote,
FtoaexcB Emaa Maoiiixr. John
Neuber, K, should be Immediately con
sulted by tbe ladies, In refereneo to one of
the creates! wonders of tlu wTi,
Florence 8ewjog Machine, for wbicb be is
tbe agent.
Jonx Orth, Esq, odvertisea a large lot
of Dacon for ealc, of bis own curing.
Another fleet of 60 vessels is
oQ'Ft. Fisher.
moves on
lle soon.
Blnir roturncd to AVnshington.
Bebals commoncod mining
Dutch Grip Cnnnl progressing
Hood rotroating south from
Washington, IC1I1. lU-bol papers con
tain nn official dlKpalch dated Wilmington,
1-lth, which lays aboat fiO federal veeeelo
are In sight. Thry are mostly ojip.isIte the
point of the former lauding with fair wrath
er and a smooth sea. The same papers
say there ore no developments to-ihy rela
tive to Ilhtlr'e mission. Ills movements
even, are kept from tbe public. The So-
vuunnb Republican or tlte 11th, publishes
a letter from a prominent citizen stating
that as the military commander cannot give
assurance or pledges Afflicting eiril matter
in the future Congress will adjust them
wlten Ororgia is ngnln represented there a
'fold; decays that Georgia it not out of the
Union and therefore total reconstruction
appears Inappropriate. A long os nny
people remain nrmed and organbvd, the U
S. will pursue them and deal vriih them
according to military law. Tbe
Uiilou rati it and shull be preserved, coot
what It may. There I tin other alternative
for the pvaple of Georgia than to conform
to this view of the oue. No Decollation
or convention are necHiiry. Whenever
the peti pie of Georgia quit the rebellion
and elect member of Congee nnd Sena
tors, and tlitMe take their sent, Georgia
will bare resumed her functions lu tbe Un.
Ion. IUfugeee ooncur In the statement
that Sherman will move on Ilraiwhvllle
S. C. next week.
Ilaltlmnre, ltlili Richmond Kxnmlner.
of the 12th, say upward oT 50 Yankee
gnnboaU, are again "IT Wilmington, and
were yesterday said to be shelling the
woodi near Fort I'lthcr. There Is alio ru
mors that tltC Yankee land forse hare
com ntneed nn attack npon the Fort but
the War Department has received no Intel
ligenco of It.
New York, IC1I1. Deserters from Wil
mlngton state that Fort Fisher was garri
soned by unwll'ing conerlpt at the lime
of the attack r.lio were nnxlnus to surren
dcr bad on opporiit'iliy lieen cfT-rtd.
Washington, 1 61b. The Republican
says a private dUHitcb from Cily Point,
announces tliat lllair returned from Uiob
moiKl yesterday nnd left Immediately for
New York, lClb. The Trlbnnce W'mW
ington letter says the rebels have comutrn
eed arming the negroes, tbat it is cVriuliily
known lu Wutbingtmi that there nre Ht
black regiments in HichiiHHid.
A correarHlent of tlte Pbl'mU-lpbla
Prewi rays since the first explosion In tbe
Dutch Gap etiimt, two more explosions have
ooeurred with good result. At the last
explosion much of the dirt wo blown to
he opposite aide of the Jumea river. TLe
freshet in tlie Jaunt I rushing through the
atrial w lib great rnpldily aul promises to
aicoiiplish tho desired result. All the
bulklieuds left by the explosion have been
carried away.
St. Io!j, ICtb An officer from Clifton
Wayuo County Tennessee, soys when he
left Thomas on Saturday, 14th, no active
operations were expected for several days,
heavy rains having rendered the roads im
passable. It is bu!lccd Hood' army i
moving southward from Corinth. Forrest's
cavalry I covering their retreat, our army
well tupplied.
New York. lClb. Tlie Time special
dispatch lays the House committee on dic
tions after a protracted sutelun over the
LouImiiIi case have deoided not to udailt
member except those from Xew Orteani.
San FrancUco, 17th. Legul Tenders
48J upward tendency.
Wnsliinglon. 17th. Tbo Navy Depart.
ment has received tbe following from off
Fort Fisher, dated the 15tb: To Wells:
Fort Fislwr is ours. I send a bearer of
dispatcher with a brief account of the
affair. Gen. Terry is entitled lo thu high
est praise and gratitude of his country for
tbe manner in which be bos conducted his
part of tbe operations. I Ie is my beau idml
of a soldier and a general. Our co operat
ing has been most cordial, and tbe resnlt
is a victory which will always be our
when navy mid army go band in band.
The navy and army loss io the assault was
beavy. I'ortrr.
The following has been received at the
Xavy Department from Admiral Porter:
Flagship, Malvern, off Fort Fisher, the
14th. I have tlie honor to Inform you tbat
operations have been resumed against tbe
fort at the entrance of the Cape Fear riv.
er. Since tbo first attack on tbot place,
and subsequent to tbe withdrawal of tbe
ironps, I have beeo employed In filling tho
ships with ammunition a od coal. The dif
Ocalties we have encounlercd no one can
conceive. All our work bad to be done
with the danger vewels anchored on tho
coast, exposed, yon may almost say, at sea
10 violent gales that blow here almost In-
uo iticee gale the rebels de-
pended to break
up pur communications.
I We will roon have pone through the worst
of it . I have b. ..I -n ihrnngli gales heavy
crouph to drive everything rosea, nnd bnvc
sustained no dninspr rrbativrr. Aftrr the
troops arrived the pate bt bodi very lieavy.
As It vras over 'I got nnJerwjy, which was
on the 12th, nnd forming tbe vessels in
their lines, wilh the transport In company,
steamed for Ft. Fisher. On the morning
of the 13th, the fleet look Its elation In
three Hne, cloe to the bench. Honls
were sent In ndvance lo take ofTlho troope,
nnd there were landed with twelve days'
rations, nt about 2 p. m. Tlits time I pur
sued n different plan in nttnckinir the rebel
work. 1 sent In the new Iron elm!, com
manded by Radiford, leading the monitor
Canonlcus. Monndock nnd Mnknpnc. At
9:30 n. m., the fort opened npnn them a
they nppronrhed, but they quietly took up
their old position, within 1,000 yards ol
Fort Fisher. When ready, they opened
their batteries. In this way I led the en
cmy to engage tho monitors, so that we
might sec what gum lliey bad, nnd see
where we would be able to dismount them
by onr fire. Quite a splrltcJ engagement
went on between tlte fort nnd tho Innclnd
monitors. It was nnpsrcnl that the iron
vessels had the best of it. Tlte rmbrauirr
began to diapirar, and the southern nngtc
of the fort began to took very dilapidated.
The gnno were silenced one after another.'
Only one hrnvy gun In tbe southern angle
kept np Its fire. The fire of this gnu was
not accurate, m It luUistcd no damage
nn vessels which It struck several times.
Ily my titling the enrnmy know that we
bad eomesholls left on the wooden vessels,
and did not Intend lo take any undue ad
vantage of htm by ixlng Iron vessels nlonr,
I ordered line No. 1, led by Cspt. Aldrn.
of the Brooklyn, nnd line No. 2, led by
Commodore Thatcher, of the Colorado, to
nltock the batteries. This was done in the
liaudvimtst manner. Not a mistake was
committed, rxerpt firing too rapidly .and
making loo inn eh tmtke. IV heavy 0 Ing
of tlie large veek shut off the enemy'
gun at one. After firing until ufter durk
thc wooden vessel dropped out to their
anchorage. The Iron-olads nnd monitors
maintained their petition thronghont the
night, firing shells occarlonally. Tliey arc
now lying within 1,000 yard of the frt
The monitors are within seven hundred
ynrds of the fort. It d es not fire a pun
I see no reason lo doubt our snccc'i. The
fort will In npeiwd up oon. Wo have 0
respectable force landed on 0 strip of lund
which our large gun completely command,
and a plan for defence which won'd cnubte
ui lo hold out ngufnit a very large nrmy
Washington, 17ib. The Richmond
Whig of this morning contain the follow
ing: Tlie unweleoms new of tho fall of
Ft. Fisher, oommandinz the entrance to
Cape Fear River, was made known Ibis
morning, and occasioned a sensation of
profound regret. The capture of the fort
Is equal to the cloilng of the harbor of
Wilmington by the fleet of the enemy. It
Is situated abont 18 mile Wow the city,
but was tbe miln defence to the entrance
oftherlrer. Its full will prevent then',
rival am departure of blockade runner.
How fur tlie reverse may prove luiurlons
to our cause, remains to be seen. A t pre,
cnt, we regard it as rather an iinfitrtnrwte
than a dltaslroiii event. Tbe fulloning is
the official report:
Headquarters, ICtli. Bmg? reports
that tho enemy bombarded Ft. Fiier
fiercely, nil day yesterday. At f ur p in
their infantry advanced to the assault, a
heavy demonstration wo at the same hour
made galnsl their rear by our troop.
At half pait C Whsutly reported their at
tack bad failed, and tin garrison Was being
strengthened with fre.b troops. At ten p.
in. the fort wus captured with most of Ibe
garrison. Signtd. I.rc.
New York, I81I1 Tuns' tpecial rays
lllair obtained in t of bis papsr while lo
Riemond, and that all Idea of any alb. r
result arising rrora I1I1 vktt Is completely
New York 17th. The R chmoiid Wh'g
of lo day say it Is rumared that Breckli..
ridge will be nwde itcrttury of State.
Butler's testimony before the Committee
on tbe conduct of the war, lifts tbe veil
which bos so clowly covered many of tbe
disasters and blunders In front of IVter.
burg. His teatirnony produced a profound
ensation, and summons were iiiuid for
Grant and other high offieial.
San Francisco, 18ih, 9 p. m. Cold In
New York to-day, 2U(?$2I5j Igal Ten
dera 48J(a,48S.
New York, 18lb The Charleston Mer.
cury of tbe IStb has an article which gives
a most deplorable picture from tbe cause
or tbe Confederacy. Of the condition of
tbe army In Somb Carolina, it saya the
troops are a horde of stragglers and out
law. It adds the road we are now travel,
ling, Is straight to destruction. The result
of the next month will bring the Confeder
acy to the ground, or will reinstate It In
power. Without reform we are doomed.
Cairo, 17lh. TJie Loulslnlo Legislature
has elected Gov. Halm, U. 8. Senator, for
six years after tbe 4tb of March when
Smith's term expire.
The Swiss Bell RIogcra have arrived at
New York, 18th. Rear Admiral S. P.
Lee Informs tbe Navy Department tbat a
resolution will soon be Introduced io the
Alabama Legislature recommending a re.
turn of tbe State to the Union.
New York, 17th Tbe Commercial". ne-
ctul dlplch say many Congressmen re
gard the financial bill with apprehension,
fearing to entrust llio Sec'y of the Treaary
with power to iultatc the currency at h:
Washington, lTih. The army bill repjft.
cd from the committee on ways ami men,
appropriates five hnmlred and eleven mil
lions nnd two hundred and eighty tlioomnd
i dollars. Tbe appropriation midc lt ymr
for the army, amounted to six hundred and
twenty Iheueand dHlars.
Nashville, 17tl Gen. Meaben arrived
last night from ClnlMnojta, -vlth ivvcra!
Ihoneirnd Trtsrnn trorqe.. of the 13th ami
17lh corps, orftatiiz!t as a provision) j,
virion In tbe army Term., en routo lojcin
Sherman at Savannah, via New York
Baltimore, 17(b A eerruepimdtrnt front
Fort Fisher elates that INe Ircopi nnnVr
Gen. Terry numbered alwut 10.000, The
pirates Tallahae-c nnd Cb'ckartvnrgs were
in lb fight, and were to come np tic r'vrr.
Our gunboi.lt went up tlie river Mctiiiy
mernlng. The inaguzlno in tho fort tj.
pludrd by nccldent, only killing and wuaud
Ing 300 of our men.
New York, 17tb. The Advsrllrcr. Jo n
article on the defrosts of VIImlugton,ri;
Fort FMiir ba 72 gun; Chihi'11, 0; Julia
son, 10; SI l'hllllp, 9, nnd other works e
timated at 30. Wa may consider the cap
ture of three works now a foregone coaclu
Ion. Those touth of FUher are cut off, and
mu't surrender on demaud; while thoee
aliovo cannot hope t make a siicecful re-
elitnnce lo tbe approach ol our fleet a..J
New York, 18ib. Tbe Tr'btino W'ab!n.
ton rpeclal says It It a veil known fact tbat
the taking or rtebcr does not itop blocka.l
running In Cape fear River. Sikcs' Islsud
commands tt other it) trance.
Tbe times Savannah correspondent of tbe
10th, rays a special mensuigfr lift on tbe
9th, with dlrpalobes from the authorities of
vaunah to Guv. llrowit. relative to a re
turn or Georgia lu tbe Union.
New York, 17 th. TbcCotifWl. rate II. n-i
ofllcpromitatlrcs las declared by a tea
lutlon In reganl to Fvole, that under til lbs
circumstances il is exp-clcd that tbe milita
ry atttberltlci vritl dikebarge him from cut
tudy. The TrilMlnes, Lmdon letter snyilWe
steamers were reaently launched on im
Clyde, for blockade running Imtui-ou Wil-
mlugtiMi and Nutiau. Uihtr were bdaj
San FronelKO, I81I1. Tbe Cataancbtc got
up ttcam (0 day to proceed to Mare I.UuJ
today, when It wui dlieovcred that a rona"
bar hd formetl nround brr. She li-pt lur
engines at work three hours, and cut Into
Ibe bar about btr own length. 5liuw.ll
cut heneir out next high tide, and go to
Mare 1)1 and for rturcs and ordinance.
Lieut. Ceo. M. Wright, or the 3d arQl-ry
regulars, ha been court marllaled nud Jn
mlnted the sorr Ice, f jr con lu I untecamln;
au ofllcer, neglect of duty nnd emlx .v-lmepL
Slockboldir of Ibe Oalifornl Stat- Tib
cgrsph company to day uuaniiuou ly r rk-e-Ud
their old board of utllccie, w.tb lliu tx
ceptlon or oue director.
TitR Ynku Union comes out this week
enlarged and Improved, and will btrvuhcr
be published but once a v(c!(.
On Wards Creek, on tho ltltb lot!
J041.IM bjiraue, ngid about 43 yrara.
On Applenate. lo tbe wifr of Jar A W'.b
011, im the 10th Ij-., a on.
S5.000 gg
JUL MS-uTL.M.X, M 9.
The undersigned would mot rpclfj"
cull Ibe atUmlou or tbe public to Imu
Oa Oregon Slroe t Jaektoavllle We Uie
O'l hand a good Mipply iff excrll ut e-s.Utie
llareee, to let, and till suou hare a ttuck of
llugslcs. Vfe are d.-t-rmln- d io . Iir ia f
faoflun to all who iuay favor u wall u.iu
A good supply of rwd eoutaoily on banj,
Jacksonville, Jdiitihry 21st. ltb tf
F.Ut SALK, OK HJS OWN Cl'RIN'C-i'urcbaw-r
will tileate enqHlre at l
llutcber hliup. oa On-gou Eu t, 3 dvrs
above tbe Post Oitlce.
Jacktonvllle, January 21st, 18B5. If.
Sewing Machine.
JOHN KEUDKH would announce to tbe'
O people of Jackiou County, that he M
procured an agency Tor tins pevrle
chlno. aud will in u riiort lluie bare a eeod
supply oa band. This machiue (sulWr'.
hems, cinbroldtr aud inakta i dUTircet
kludsor stltche.
Jcksouve, January 21t. If
cjuu (uriraLt
86 "7SO,000 OC3u
8?ACA fnna deposit in Oreg
& 0JJJJ All 1um PnvaLlB 18 I'.
S. Gold Colu. lomre ugaln.t Lois or P'
age by Fire.
, ,, SACUS DUO'S, Asent,
jao'ltf. Jackuvlllc, Oregon-