Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 21, 1865, Image 1

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.null f aatiuujw
Watt's Nervous
The moit Komarkablo Jlodicino yot
Discovered I
ui'isiuss Oh' rut: California
... . . i. i t it i
0 or tho greaUtt , chtralcM dUcovertct
ofrccdern tlmri Ytatt Nervous Aitti-
4ie, ineiTOiniwii perieciiy narrate.
IlllUtutli. 'Ml i uio sauin lime GU to
powerfully iiKjn the Hcrvoui fytteru Uiat
the wortl caw of nervous dltorder nru
completely curtJ In a very tliurt time
Nevada frantol.it.
It li not Ilka the Ihoitraiid nnd on renif
diet effivvJ to lli public tlimt cunt every
tblnr, but It li a ixl!lc remedy fr nil
cttf arlilug front ncrvou derangement.
Iti nitrite haw been proved In nuiiicnuit lu
tttneet known to in, from vuriuiu cautet,
and many a hed-riddeu IiitoIUI Liu been ri-
itorcJ lo henltb.--Police Gazette.
af tb
TUit li oue or the imiciii nrllelOH o
li? which It rcallr Mull vrarllir of Ihn run
Al.n?., rtf lli nnlilTf uuil lil.llv ritllll.! In
tat popularity It enjoy..- f S. F. Herald.
It ii the bet luluc wc bare yet found lo
produce a quiet and reftc'lilng tleep. Ncrr -
imi urioux iliould try it by ull meant ; It
will burl no one, and ia good for all.
Anierieun Eagle.
If the rdllori of the CWn newnnap' n
are to bo lxllcv.il, lliin U nn cxlraordlnarr '
cntnwiitnl It In aid tint It will cure tba i
wnrnl (are nf UlicnnnlUiit, S'urnll, and
alMitiwt arliluK from a di-nuip.-mnit of lh
nerrnui tctn.- .S'u Ju t'atrlot. '
Wall', errou. Antidote bai the rputa. I
Una uf llne one of the monitor of tbc age. I
(1'aeinc CumlxrUinl i'mbyterlun.
It ha been known lo curv KbeuiuntUiu uf
Uug ilaudiiiK. even after tbc rate Ihid linen '
iin over aa bonvlen. Oakland New.
It li a ((real dUeoriiry, tbuuiAiidi tlml
fcare been relb'Vrtl by It can boar Uallmony. '
apa ii")ioriffr.
It l a (alcadld
preparation. Amador
ll U umiurtloiialiy tlie ctmltMl medical
dlKnri of the ace UontefY Gaxitt. '
Dr. Wall'a Nrrvou Antidote cure
Bretirroindi lliau all lav phyKlannl
ea tae l'acilic Con it. fJckou (O'revin)
linn mitiu. Tlilt tetrtbU ami natnful
dJi.i' l ery rendlly cured by lie nie of
"Watl'i Nertoui Antidote." It alfunU Im
icrdiau r-llcf anil curm compUlsly la a few
anki.--.Van Joc l'nlnnt.
Tbl remarkable tii' dielnediK'a not con
lain anythluf Injurlmu to lbe ryilem, Iwlnjt
canp.4 of vegntablu MiUtMioi entirely.
Il cantalat nn aitrcury ut opium, and yet
Ik etTttU are like niA!c : nod'r tlie laua
eat of 11, the patienla iicrr' bvcnnn
nlt ni h fatlt ailcrp. Sotauu 1'rvt.
rrinnha bar altered fur year wllh
pi J ileal debility arc rH-red at once by lbe
uf of this medicine, and In a rhorl time aru
eonplikly rejtorrd to liiultb and vliror.
(Quiney UnUn.
Th Antidote will curt Khtuaiall.m. neu.
Ti);U, and lu fact all dltearet arUinf; from
dtranxemeut of In ucrtou tytUm. (,1'la
etrilll Democrat.
Ttn dmpi uf Watl'i Kerroua Antidote will
ejaletacrirlagchlM in two mlniilet. Tb
Mtdicln I. iierfrctly harniltM, aud mother
aud not be afraid lo try it. Santa Crua
ll li lbe (treatett remedy yol lleir'rd
f the cure of alt Hi.n-ii arWu from a
dtrin jeaieut or lht uerroui ayileui. Wood
CItAXn A IlitlRIIAM, Arnl.
Corner Clay and Front l, San t-raiwleco.
Far ralu at rittll by nil Drujghl. dlTui3
inn tj.it xx the
Oily Drug Store,
t Jaekxilivlllr, (IrrKOIl.
To JJuundon LhiiU Cluiiunuts.
Land Or3c. rtoeolHirjr. Ogn I
Dv4inler luili. Ifi'il. f
Whra: It liaitjf Ucnm a matter of
etuily lo perfret Ilia Hrmaaeul rrconlt
if thia office, and lo determine the alldily
or iaralldlly nf dnnation eUinu In ttila ril
Irkt, many of whwh aro lrriultr, and
xug told ; and it Wiitf CMviitial to the
GoTtramcat, m wdl at to the central inter I
! of the oonnnuultv. that aitmlotit Jmui-i
(n tlmmi, and IAum tarercJ 4y invalid lUUt,
hould l bruujjlit into market ttt at itrly a
oy at piMtlbltf t therefore, in punuaiice af
blilraetion. w htrebr aatlfv all danllnn
tUlnanti. tbeir a'lj-nee or fugal repreeen.
Wit ea. wba bare nor OUd In (hit olHte proof
cr fonryeara retidence and eultlvatlon. at I
rrialrnf by Aet of 27lb .pl.. 10. and
antodrnenK. lo do to wlibln ihru ,inyA.
nn Jik, nd all who Iiavo nut taken (be, np a B OVEHBFCK
MthofalManeeaud paid for l.tning final I ' ' A" ' u.vtttBtt',s-
tutiSeatet at cuntempluted by the (J Hi c-1 Til1. OrerUvk would nonouuee In tho clt
Uoo af the Act, uf 30lb .May, I8t)2, are re-1 'ZCII, r Jaokeoit county und vlolnlty, that
1-xtfully rftjueated to eumjilT ai early at, '" bat rtlunnd to Jackeonvllle and returned
r-ibl. To tar expeino and trouble lo the practice of im-dlclne. Ho will oluayt
living at a dltlauco from the mid
:, It It hereby announced lint wott Ifi
not all of tald Ui.inrw can be atlfaclotlly
tramicied tbrou-h lb niailt or txtifti.
Anwtoy R. Fu.nt, IJtconUr. wfl.
T i -t.T -trv -r- i t
IT IV A I J IS A I I . '
. 1 1
. AT Til"
j rF's HORNK will give an Anqkeraary
I - Halt, at tin nboto l-uncd time and
" it.'' n 'owmeworallon of the alal Day
I ilIrjglon. Ul bcin lb IahI Hall
i ''' avon, no paint will be tpartd to
A Bk It the pnindwt nlTalr yet cicn.
aiiMvilllln proidd lur lha oc
toatb" A gcl,cral 'nvlulot txtcudid
,: TItk-Flv DolUra.
f J"'"ntllU, Jn. H. C!i. janllld
' llVlti'PSS "i'N'W Kr.Kl A UlRCUll,NO
l,i..V. iiiW!P lr.ivi . Utl1.
25. P. DOwiiix, Prop'r.
Smiwchimios For One year. In advance,
l-our Dollar i If lulil wiii.ii. ii, n. .w
, XlL0o,ffi; 1hrTC',u,lnr 'f "",!"
. "' Ml,Ir" or the year. lx dollars.
. ''VKHTHiMJ-Oue rnuarc (10 linen or
I lew), Bt,i ln.rilon, Tlir Dollar; caeh
iiilxequcnt trillion. Oiu Dollar. A dl-
count or lifiyp-T cant will be mail lo Iboc I
WHO ailU'rtlM' lJ UlC VPr
- Wl lVn.1. r. rw.t.1 It mrr.,.1 ni
, ,. ,.. ,,
" " JncJtRonvIUo Lixlpe
NO. lnk.L.II.nwtlUrnMl.
uJi; -2 tiwh in-itti. ami utt
iri, ,.. -- m,ll III MMMUKII&II,al
! ."'"ii'- "-""' In l itmn r '"'"
Tru.tm.-JiM. II ShIU. Wdl IIjt in J Situ
i Warron LodBO No, 10, A. F. 3i A. M.
m'w' tueir recuiar comrauni-
TlTCittiiln " Weduetilay KrcnIiifou
' vr preceding tbc full nioou, in jack
' "'viiJ.a, uki-uiii..
I , JUli E. UOSa, YT.il.
C. W. SiTniK.Sec'y.
O. JACOIK. K. r. hl'MELL.
Jachosvjij.i:, Orkaox,
DRif upiMMttc Die t'uiirl Itntuo.
All liulin ciimmltlnl to tlir enre will
lie nrompily allnnlnl in. July 'JU. 'IK.
iVIII lirnodee 111 all I be Court of lbe Tlilr.1
. JudloUl Dlalriei. tlMScHTiue Citurt of Ore
gon, ami in irvi:a,i;ui. nurtflp prompt-
ly eiilb-cied.
Oct. is.
JaLtCtllXt IM.N Onkook.
Will pmetle In the CNmrta nfOp"B0n.
Je, l'iwt Oftlee IlttlUlKipr-.
oelK tf
Jmxisiux Otttifln.v,
KoMcncc near lbe Sontli end of Oregon
atrmiU January. 2. IStit
A.T Ti VW'.
Albany, IJtin rouniy, Oregon. ocl22tl
Jackihwviu.i:, Omukj.v.
Offlew at hi, rrabien? on OriKnn atrect.
OpiNMllr the Cbtmlj' Jiill.
3nconvllle, Ogn. dcoSllf
JarK80KViu.K, Ohiiidh,
OSIee at retideuc on California Street,
All liiittueH eutruiled to bit car prompt
ly uliand'd lo. JinUtf
Phuturiiiihlv Artlf,
I prupnud to take picmra lu oury tlyle
uf lbe art, wllh all the Mf ImproiemenU.
If rioturea do nut ulto latlifautlon, no
cliarBW will I- made. Cull nt bU new 0
u-ry, 0u the bill, uranium bl plolurwa, a
alt for your llkeno..
" rouiMl ut lilt fahl tlanil. tlie overiHrct.
Hoepllul, nnleaa ntK;nt prnr..on
at UifUit. He would respectfully tullcil
a retioanl of former patronage.
Dissolution Wotico.
iriiuri nnuiMni(,-iicii doj tins uay with -
X drown from tbc firm of Thompson &
I ....
DavH, nud will cotitinuo tin) practice of
.Medicine, I
Burcery anil Ohjttlriw. in
JacKwnviiie umi vicinity, una gouciu n
haro or tbc pnlrnnai'e. Office nt Ids resi
dence opposite tic Catholic Church.
- . .., i . .. . :
Dee. lHili. 1SC1 SUlL
Watchmaker and Jeweler!
On Oregon etreet, first door north of
Ilrcntano'a JocUtonvllle, On.
: ig7yy joiix f. iiouck,
t& "jjjp """"''"''""" and repairer of
ull toi u uf Watches. Chronometcru, Clucks
M mini I anil other iMtrnineiil?, etc.
Alio. J K WKI.lt Y iniinufaslurtil nnd
rcpaiml, nfur tho innU approvt-d style of
the nrt, and warranted foronc vfur, rriccs
acconliii'' to tiniw.
Clironoint'ttr und Wntcbiunkrr.
Jacktonvllle. June li, ISiit. 3nt
I QUrUKIJ nologrnph. Alliums can be.
' O bail clioup, for cuth, ut J, JltowV, ncjct
..!..-..!..,. ll.ll..... r. M'..l..- '
j door above Urutlbury & Walk."
imroirrEii i:xcixiVKi.r ron thk histinuu
Butler's fhrcwcll ntldrcss to
liis soldiers.
G. B. McClcllnn stnrts Fob.
1st for Europe.
Missouri to bo n free Slate.
Commoiits of the New York
presB ou the action of
counties in Geoririu
dcolarc for Union.
Seimtor Foote captured while
trying to escape jnto the
Federal lines.
Governor Fletcher issued a
proclinuat ion declaring Mo.
a free State.
"W. G Brownlow nominated
for Gov. of TcnncMseo.
Blair arrived in Richmond on
the night of the lllli.
New Viirk, 12tli. Gen. Iliillerln bit larc.
well addrtte to tlpj army of the Jamet. puyt
a hli;b cumpllnwut lo the conduot orbit
trooiH on the Held and In cunip ; luylui
they bare captured forta which the eucmy
devuud Impregnable, and lntld tbm ngalnil
the fiercest acaultt tef kuoiui. Tbatlbelr
llnea of dfne, wcr tiuturpatted la
treiiKtb, and ore objeett af unlvertal a J mi
ration; tayi Im hat refuted lu order tbc uo
'era aernfi) uf bU Hildlera Uiiuwlni; tbetu
lo Im willing. oU-dlent and dnvutnl lo lbe
country eait'C. A portion of the aiUrtu
I'dav-olHl to tho colored troop, of u boc
bravery and HJellty be tpeaka iu the wurm
ett truiM.
Wa-hingt'iu. 12lh. The vote on the anil-
laery coiulllutioiial ametidmcut will
pruUbly be taken in tho Houte tblt week
The Indication arc that It will probably be
cloati. ice Admiral FarrJKUl vMtcd the
Senate to-day. The Seuato took a reco of
It) minute to afford the Senator an oppor
tunity of an Interview with tlmt dl.tliiKulib
td officer. The Admiral afterward vi-Itfd
the Itoune, where u.any member were Intro
duced to him.
New York, Illh. Forrett reported lo bo
concentrating a Urge force nt I'arl Tenu.
Rumor prevail (hat a forM It lining orga
nized lo 'attack I'adueab Ky., ngalu.
Washington. 121b The Chair laid before
Hie Seuato a me-ak' from the I'rctldeut
(;lrlnjf infjrcnattou at loan agreeifl'iit bv
twvn lbe lulld Slnta and Gnat lirilnln.
coMemlng tbc Naval fore.t ou the I.nkta,
wblob wa ordered priutcd. Wilton f Ma n.
rtiffeixd tho fiilluwiuK which wa ndnpted :
Itvtelrrd that iIh- conimitUe ou the uoiiduot
of lbe War be dlraeud to liwjulrc lulu the
came of tlie Wnmlngtou failure, aud report
buck to the Sena to.
SI. Limit, lllh. The Mlnoarl Constitu
tional Couveutlon Comuilttti oa emauoipa
lion, rtpnrUd the following ordinance al
nion, which hat pattrd the (.onvcolion by
a vole of CO to -tO: Ue It ordained by lb
people of the i' tale of MUourl, In ennvon
tiun araemblid, that hereafter in this State
there tiall be no tlavery nor luvoluatary
fvrriludv, except In puulalinenl of crlwe,
whereof lh pirty hat benn duly convicted.
All periouabcld to labor or terviee are de
clared free.
New York, 12th. St.amr frro I'ort
Royal batarrlud. l'artofSbermauVariny
ha arrlfid at Ueauforl, S. C, by water.
It it ropirtcd that Ceo. II. McClellan
leavet for a l'nrnn tour in the Drtt week
nf Kabrury.Hi- decliutd the ute of a pri
vate tettei taken by bla frltnui. lie leaeet
on tho Staamer China, and will bo gone
about tto year.
Herald thluk the conduct of Mlaeourl In
pattlni: an t-luanclpatlon act, will toon bo
Imitated by Arkantaa, Tenneueo and Ken
lucky. The world, tas tho pattago of the
ordinance rat a vie tep, and think that
if the War were lo end to-morrow, and the
Slate reiiiuie juritdlctlon over lb subject,
all would follow the eiamplo of Jlltaourl.
Tba Trlbuno Is Jubilant and oxultant, and
mtkct nocmnmcnU. The 1'oit point out
th adrautaee poi.wed by iiiaimfaclurera
and laad owner iiikIt the new ryttem.
The Commercial tlilukt the action of Mo.
It an argument In favor of patting tbo coo
itltutlonal amendment.
Kew York, 13th. The AVgo from Port
Roynl tbc 9. b, brings Important Informa
tion if true. It is said that several coun
ties In Georgia rtcently held elections, and
declared for a return to the Union by
overwhelming' majorities. It U alto re
ported that people ore arming to protect
thenutlva from secreaiouijlu. Governor
Uronu hoi disbanded lbe militia, who bare
returned borne.
Now York, 1 -1th. Herald' Savanaah
correspondent uf the fith, reports nOalrs
iu lbe city as quiet aud unchanged. Jt
confirms the reports of yesterday, relatiro
to movement anion; the cilfttn o( Geor
gia for return lo the Union. The corres
pondent eay they t.ecd courirnution.
Xearlv blithe traderi of Savanuub have
laken the oath or allegiance. Great sulleN
lug among tht poor still continues, nnd to
n considerable degree among tbo wealthy.
Gen. Sherman's entire nrroy Is being re
cruited and equipped.
Thr- Tribune's Washington spocinl says
It Is the opinion or an old hand nt pence
negotiations, that a centlon ofhoMUitirn,
preliminary to final negotiations, will take
place In a few days.
It is nnderatood tlmt the President lias
declared that if Senator I'oote Is harmed
he will bring five or the most distinguished
rebel prUoners In our bands to grief. Our
cavnlry bavt been ordered lo pursue Foote
and his captors. (This is simply oonjente
undir the rules of war. Tho President
could sol retaliate for any Injury Innirttcd
on Foote, as the rebel belongs to JiIT Da.
vis nnd the rebel.)
Washington, 13th. In the House, Mr.
Ashy tuovtd it was agreed after to-day
the further cnnsideralloi of the anti-slavery
outllu;loual amendments bo postponed
lor two weeks from J hursday next.
Siuliugton, 13tb. The" Government
rtccl'.edliirormallou last Qvculng, Hint In
ntltmpllug lo csenpc frun rcbcldom and
enter our lines, Senator Foote was caplur
cd by tvo rebel cavalry men, at Occoquoo,
15 mllrtKoulhwe.t or Alexandria, and rears
are entertained tlmt JiO" Davis may deal
hainhly with Foolc. It Is uudeistood our
(joTcrntvcut has Ukeu measures to prevent
injury lelng done him.
New York. 13th. The steamer Mellvllle
ofXew York, from Hilton Head, founder
id at mii, on the ?lh. Forty-eiht pauen
ecrs were lost. Tho ttcamir Cuttu Itica
sailed today. Among tho passengers nr
Gen. Siiklm ami stair; olio Fred .McUrcl
lUh uf tiie Aha California, 'tlio overland
rujlltof Dec. lOih, lllh, 12ih and 14th
arrived this morning.
Halifax, 13th. Out of 71 blockade
runucr that bavu visited IKrmuda during
tho patt yrar, 43 have been Irwt.
New York, 13th. Richmond unpeni
eotiliouc to tiuarrti over their leaders.
Thry think JiIT Davit' conduct rcprehcus
able, and alto make an onslaught on Kirby
Snillb.jwho l now ditcovend to poaictt
more mlllturr jenlui than any oue else.
Hood's Mluai In Tenu. arc adding to the
diigatt tho people of that State have fur
lLo Confederacy. Xonc but Le and
Jubuwo appear to be tatllfadory.
Wai'iiugteii, 1 Jib Tho Itichisoud Die
pateb, of the l'.'th, says It is reported that
yesterday Ulatr, tlu Yaukce peav commis
sioner, had arrived during the day, audi
bad un ioterrlew with lbs PreiUNut aud
Secretary nf War. IU hut nut yet, wo
ore auured, tome to this city. It it cvi
dent that the Secretary has sent him a
pau lo visit Richmond.
In the rebel Hunt of Representatives,
Wislnudty, Miles, or S. C. Introduced the
following rcsululioss, which were ord.reJ
Resulred, That under the coostiiutlon,
Congrocs aloat has Ike right to declare
war, and the Prioident, by and with the
content of the Senate, to treat for peace.
Recoivrd, That uny attempt to make
peace with the United States by action or
inlervention of separata Slates of the Coo
frderaey, is unauthorized by the conjlllu
lion, nnd In contradiction of tbc law of the
land, and therefore void.
New York, 13tk. The Herald's special
says lilair has not returned to Washington.
Gen. Singleton probably reached Rich
mond ou Friday,
uiucinnaii, i-tin. ino uomaierciars
Na'hvlll corretpandent says the eonveo
tlon unanimnmly paitd resolutions dcelar
Ing slavery forever abolUhtd, and prohib
lung il throughout the Slate; also a reso
lution declaring tholr Stat ladecndence
and their independence of the miliiury lea
gue made with the Confederacy, and all
laws nod ordiiancts mad in pursuance
thcrcot All officers appointed by the act
ing Governor ore confirmed. The proceed
ings arc to bt submitted to the people for
ratification on the 21! of Iebrnary.
San Francisco, 15th. Gold yrsterday
219; greenbacks closed stilly at 47f2U3.
Golden City will probably arrive ut 4
this afternoon.
l)otou, 15th. Kdward Krerctt died
this morning of apoplexy, aged 78 years
and nine month.
St. Louis, 14th. Governor Fletcher hat
huutd a proclamation to day declaring Mo
a freo State, ia accordance with the cman-
ciiution ordinance passed by tbo Stale
Xosbville, Mlh. Tlio Union convention
today uominattd tV. O. Rrewulow for
Governor, by acclamation.
New York, 15tb. Tbc secretary of lbe
Atlautic Cable Co., writing to Oyru W.
Field, soy the. cubic U perfect, and f be
ing mnuufacturtd at the rate of 50 miles a
wok- It will nil be finished by the last
wet k iu June, and the company nie confi
dent of successfully laying and working it.
The Richmond Whig nays Grant U being
reinforced 6a both sides of lbe James river
by ucgro'trooru.'
sayi!"i6'V'frrfft7 issa
uu hhuijiiiiw
Headquarters, Army Potomac, 13th
The nlciost qnlct still reigns along lines In
front of this army, liven picket firing
seems to have been given np.
Wnshlngton. liitlt. The Richmond Kn
qnirer of the 13th, has the following, from
tho Mobile Advertisers The YnnWcw,
ubool 4,000 strong, are at Franklin Mills
on Dog Hiver, without transportation.
Their snpplles are received by way of Dog
River. Owing to tlie formation ol the
country their position is unassailable.
Forces are in preparation to stop nn; move
tliry may make.
The Itlclimond Sentinel say Frances P.
Hlalr, Sr., the Yankee Peace Commission
cr, nrrivrd in tills city on tho night ol the
II- en me Into our Knee at a poind
in front or Fort llurrivon, held by tba city
battallion. He was several hours In onr
lines, waiting permission to come to the
city, which was not forwarded until a late
hoar of the night.
Since hit arrival he has
been kept, or ha) kept hlmjeir, from the
pnbllo eye. Ills movermnts nti'l where
nbonts nrc shrouded In mystery. Helsbs-
i llcvcd to he quartered nt tut Spotswood
Hott'C. He has been met neoldeutlr by
several of hit old aeqnaintances, and tholr
meetings were characterized by the utmont
cordiality on both sides. He k aahl lo
have had an interview with the chief exe
cutive I'Oicers of thc.Govrrnmciit.
Department of State, Wuthlnictos, lfilh.
The Preldont directs the un.lerolfiml to
pirform the jialnful duty or unrwutwinf' to
the people of the UniliJ Slatvi that M
ward Krerctt, dlstlngniebed not more by
learning and eloepieneo, tlmu by UMtnrpa's
ed nml illilnlerMted labors of patrkHlwn.
at a period or political illccord, departed
lids life nt 4 o'dnck this morulnt;. 'Hie
several Hxeeutive Department of tlie Gov
ernment will online appropriate hooort lo
be rendered to the memory of tlieitawtuvd,
at home nnd abroad, whoever the Nuilou
ul name nrwl uuthorliy are known.
Signed, W. II. Sair.vnD.
Good Counsel from Archbish
op Pnrcfll.
The following noble letter from the
Roman Calbolio Archbishop of Cincinnati
appears in the Catholic 'J'tltzmiifi of that
city. Its couu'cia aro patriotic and wise:
'The President or the United Statei
and the Governor of the State of Ohio hav
ing, in conformity with a most proper and
time honored practice, appointed the 4 lb
Thursday of November es a dsy of devout
thanksgiving lo the Almighty God for
his tnercUs; or liumllliation for our sins;
and of supplication for jxiaoe; wc hereby
j ordain that the Catholic congregations ol
this duicc be curia-stly exhorted by their
paitun to inett lu I heir iwpretlve etwrcb-
is on the day above specitted, owl assist iti
beouutius; Jeuliineui of grsitltnde, pen!
leuce and proyer, at the great Kucbariatlc,
expiratory and imjiotratory Sacrifice of the
new law,
We confess that it has greatly pained us
to bear that certain rath, Irreverent awl
thoughtlHS men of our community hare do
nouueed and cursed the Uovttnnu-tit, the
Administration aud tholr abators. Xow
God cowmauds us to bltss and curie not.
And wheu bad men cursed the supporters
or the Government did they not reiicct that
they cursed the more than hundred ol
thousands of Catholic votsrs, nod Catliollc
koldiera of our army who defend thai Gov
ernment lu the (laid T Did they not re-
HaM llint ll. ,i-nr.ll n-nnM l,a 1..II..1 I,!,
aoelamutloa bv our own hereditary oo-
pressors aoroaa tho oceau ? Did they not
reflect tlmt If political falration Is ever to
reach a distant and beloved Island, il must
como to it from the United States which
they would sever T
There is uo Justifying cause or reason to
curse the Gomumcut or tho Administra
tion. They did not commence this war.
They could barely bring (hruuehes to bo
Heve that it was seriously cotanienceil.eveo
when forts had fallen and tbo blood of our
people Lad been alied by lbe Lands of the
'South. And when armed force Lad to bo
rejIIcd by force, wben armies Lad lo bo
raised, and therefore troops lo bo drafted
to raiic tbo blockade of our rivers and
stem tho tide of aggression, what more did
our Government do than was done iu (he
South? Where Ia the North was the
I draft, the conscription, enforced as ruthless
ly and inditcrimluately as In the South ?
Wbere was the citizens properly eonfijeo
ted without compensation for the alleged
nsea of the Government u it was la the
Wc have conversed with Irwh Cutli die
refugees from Georgia, from Arkonsaj, from
Alabama, nod other Southern States, bdJ
we know Low they were stripped of their
money and clothes and cast Into prison
when (bey refused to fr'O in Ue ranks of the
Confederate army. Many an Irish laborer
told us In the hospitals, there and cbe here,
that when the war broke out in the South,
aud tho public works wcro tuspeudtd, they
were cltlicr violeutly cooicrptcd or bad lo
enlist or starve.
Wc do nut udduco these facts to cxrflol
VOL. X, NO, 1.
unkind feelttij against the Sotjlli, but to
pnt to (drome jiorcnllsU or tlx North, cs'
peclnlly 7V fi-reman'i Jtvrtml and
Mttropolitan iJceonrf of Xcw York, who
Instigate onr too confiding people to cvlj
words nnd deeds, and tbc people themselves
who patronize snch Joarinliats and tvero
dupetl and deixlral by their millgnlly.
It is time, therefor, new that the elco
tlon is past, that all sbeakj rc4uru to tholr
sober second tbanxht, and tlmt we iliould
rally ron ml the constituted anlliodtics, tho
"powers" which the apostle comma mh us
to obey, nod tbns presenting an undivided
front to tlie enemy re-establish the Union,
without which thtre can be no panacea,
present or prospective, for the III we seller.
The Soulhvbholdins: us tlmt or one mind,
will, we devontly trot, batten tojinak'o
peace, and we, ou our side, 111 thow tbcm
that wo arc ready and willln-to mako
greater sacrafiees lor peace and union with
them than ever wc made Tor war.
The revcrcud clergy will pleajorrcito
tho Litany or the Saints, In union with
their beloved Hock, before mass, repeating '
three times (be two prayers (or pence and
the prayer "O God, wbo by sin art offended,
and by repentance pacifitJ," etc.
Joiix 11. Pcnecix,
Arc'ilihdiop of Cincinnati.
Cinoinniitl, 13iU Xovtitiber.
A L. otter from n Scccsli Sol
dier to hid Uettcr-lfuir.
Camp of the let S. (X Graybackf, be)
fere a iwnmp and behind rler
burg, or ihtreabottle, Jnly Mtt, 'CI )
Unuivajior Mr Eotxi Your war-worn
hii.lmtwl lata bin pn In hand In n itrangx
land on a lotKti strand under tbo com"
team! of onr mutual frlewd &t. l'luek 11 ur
aard, ol IUIawatw CourthouM S. C My
Ink I pale and I have no ate. My ptu I
poor to I ray grub. My quarter Iu oarap
an panabt. but the quarter Iu toy ioekt
are nut. Lait nlnkt I had a UMtdfpuddlt for
my pillow and eavcred mylf with a thwt
of water. I long for more whliVy barrels
and lets gnu barrels. How I with that
you wcro here. The runner away i get
from you the better 1 like you. So that yon
may know how we work hero in defiance of
the cussed Yunkee. I rend you a tthat.d'yu
call It a diary of my dilly labor.
o o oiueU Called up irotn a roil in ino
mud by the roll of the drumi. No prorpect
ofo roll of bread. Shoulder spades.
.'.J to 0, A. M I dig aud throw .up the
earth get sick and throw up ftMttrday'4
7 o'clock. Another roll of the drum.
Filing off Into line, and de&tlng my inax '
prenfiblM with road nnd other raertU roll,
drawlHg ramrods but no ay. No ttidllng
out by GovMiimmtbut a ousted deal too
much by Grant.
9 o'clock. More drilHog, but not lbe
cot ton kind, wherewith lo Irurvuse uy pre
wit supply of one ablrt.
10 o'elook. Mow Ulpj lug. Epadolar re
Marcbtt Into the geological formation of
the earth. Find It oeinprltes alternate
Mratai of nrvot, sonstroke, eirnorlap, boul
dtrt nud blttUr.
12 o'elk-More dtgglag. lit Metiers
of dinner. Saw Capt. Yuitlaek plokbig his
tlh with a tea-peony nail, and the Cor
pora! taking a chew of tUoo.
Oh, Marlar, il you Only knew what I ha0
fuBerud to save joy from bUg bombardtd
liy the diabolical Yank I IUthtr than any
of the Northern soura should blokade uy
dear Mortar, I'd I'd dime her. Colonel
l'lutk came very near being (hot la tbo
uwk last night by one of his oQlsr.
The Oolonol had Just got bt staff togeb. '
er and r truck hi noble steed, wltea Captain
Swlpa Uveled a bottle at Mm. Fpriasett
ly tht content mld bl Jugular aad wont
down tbeiitual way,
I am redMod to a tkIolon. My eye are
sunk to far luto tj head Utat I ean Iqpk
down ray wludplpe clean through uy In
terior. If there w a a hole lu the tep cf my
bead I'd make a fJntt rati tetisaape. l'iv
got the gUs hi me now. My cWn It
tharp that It !mvs lUelf. I am c '
lug on picket duly to-night. Pioket duty
Is awful bard work. Almost ewty ul.-'it
a pUket't Run goes on, and wbeu we go to
look for blm we Cud that be' coao otf too.
Ever your dear lm.band.
Ik' eKitesv HniKi'a.
P. & If your old father has drank up.
all that tangle foot juice I left al norne, I'll
cram tho demijohn down bis throat, Jnd
cork up his esophagus with a boot heel,
.That's to, Marlar. No mere at present, '"'''
Mas. Gsxebal Guasit. "Have yoa rcl.
at ilea la the army? asked a Second Lieu,
tenant of a lady In the .car seat with blui,.
"Yee." "Your husband ?" "Yej.-Blr."
"From whot State T" "Illinois." Illinois
(patronizingly) has teat tome fine troops;
ma'um. Your husband 'wears a elrap, I
presume? "Yes, elr." May I inquiro
his name? lam acquainted with a good
many btothtr oflicera there." Certaiuiy ,
sir Uiyssea S. Grant." Miii Lieutcnaut
(or tho smoking ear. '
A fellow up country was fined for kick-,
Ing Alexander Darn. He said It was 'a
devil of a free country wLcro a man daro
uot throw Lit boots agio the gable cud o
A. Daro.