Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 14, 1865, Image 3

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' Fonr ICmmatii, Oregon,!
Dec. 15th, 18C4 f
Ed. Stntintl . Asyoti seldom hear from
tills part of llic country, probably many ol
your patriotic renders would like to lirur
from Ihisdcsohito region. Since tho 23d
' of bit month, It lias stormed rrllhout In
termission, n J today It Is more severe
" than ever. Siuco tl'O commencement of
the storm there has 23 Inche of wuter fal
len, Indenting snow and rain. I would not
be surprised to tee seven nr right fret nf
mow before one month. We Imvc li.nl but
very Utile coM wrother yet, but It may
noon be looked for. The thermometer hi
reldom below frcciing. Our facilities for
mail matter Is very poor. The last c.x
press.wo twelve days In mktng tlio trip
to Cottonwood, Cul., am! back to this place.
Hereafter, we will probably receive about
one mall per month.
At present, nearly all of the men bore
ere sick. There Is not veil men enough
to perform the mpitrul duties. This Is
undoubtedly one of the finest locatious In
Southern Oregon.
Owing to the unhealthy stale of ufTuIrs
the Sptttotor villi not m.iko Its appearance
this neck. Owing to bud weather Una'
bts been no "arrival." The "ufilictid"
ttIII soon be In scrvtcetible condition.
Vours In has'c, Hkloom.
By reqmst of Father Jllatiehct, we pub
lisu the following tetter, which will explain
Novitiate or The Holy names of Jesus k
Montreal, Nov. ICtli, 18C4.
llev. Father : 1 am in tueipt ul your
favor djttd October ttli, by which you
manifest a desire tu have Sisters istubliih
a School of their older In Jacksonville. It
it quite prub.-ibio that you cm havu some
of them, but wcuru so eitcunxtar.ctd here
it pmeut, that we ran dtibursc nutliinp
toirardi paying their fare to Oregon. If
yoa tend money for thefarcof three Sister
of Charity, they will be ready to leave
Montreal In the coming Spring.
I remain, Itev. Fulbcr, with consider,
tioa and respect,
Yuur most hnmtilc Servant.
Siller Teresa dc Jesus, PrioroH.
Rev. I'atLrr lilanchct,
Jacksonville Oregon.
Mci.tcm in Pahvo. Wc huve received
from II. II. Bancroft a beautiful Diary
coattlnlng, besides ample fnco for memo
rands, it complete Almanac for 18GS.
Hebrew calender, table of .stamp
Dalies, valao of foreign coins, law fur col
lecting debts In California, Oregon etc
tod many other useful things, the half ol
which wc have not told. We atiii received
tbelr Fsclflc Almanac, the contents of
which arc of the most useful nature, Both
Disry and Almanac will be fouud for sale
at tte P. 0.
Wb nollctd sometime slucc, the robbery
r the P. 0. llox, coDlalning letters. Tb,.
box Its Un found In a gutter, near torrn,
Ltvicg been broken opeu aiul the letters
citried stray. .
Bsincii Mi.st.-A memorial has passed
the Idaho Ligirlature asking for the (stub
I'ltroeot of a Draucli Mint ami Away Office
at Uolse City.
The AuxnictK Co.Nri.itT. V. II.
Sksw, publUher for the North Pacific
Costt of Orecly" Am;lcan Conllict,"
bfonns us that the piople of South
n Oregon will have au opportunity U ob
ka this valuable work. It is said to be
egreatMt work on the subject, and has
Retired the universal applause of the press
"try where. Mr. Bhaw wishes to employ
srtlUbleand efficient agenl.wilh good refer
tces,lo canvass In this part of the country
Hose desiring to engage In this boslne,
VJ do well to apply Immediately to
W H. Shaw, Portlad, Oregon.
McConxirv'a Almji.nac. We have re.
iffd from tho publisher n copy of thU
's'sihle compilation, eontalninff much vat.
MWe loformatlon, relutlvo to population,
tigress and resources of Oregon, Wash
kto and Idaho Territories, giving the
tws and residences and salaries of all
Federal, State and county oflletrs, of Com
Wooers of deeds, etc., of the North Pa-
"estates and Territories.
MaJsme Da Itoboam has discovered
t the great kry-atono ofsuccess in busl
"wis. to advertise liberally nnd set a
jtol table. To prove this assertion, see
" eoobie column advertisement, ood then
PtaJtryhtf tabic.
RtWiiiNo.--'l here has ben but few
wl tnllitmenU this week, but quite a
J'ober sre prepared to go Into the service,
lusotlclpattd tbatnext week wlU swell
roll to 35,
n you read Fuber & Uro'a new od
JtttsenHqtf If not, turn to It aud read
"tlally to BUt ,0 lhe Jalt (jafi 0Dj BM
)" n Bod anylblog wrong in It.
4s. Pi.v. i... i... ,., ....
t,,. -" iui iiw vaiue,
es la tc-day'a Uae.
. ,CU 8mvitL to-day gives a lay out
I "'tracts. Who wants oneT
Li' i'0"" U ,nal,,DK Preparations for n
MlitAtl ' .
tt T ' m wriukltii faees,
I, ' "Haass of il- l.. . ..'
1 ,B sountenauce.
......... .... t
iiuuit.ii umpnn , mi. nir. Bi.jii.iii.
Interview btwcc i Lieut. "Vi
cox mid Gun. Tlutvur,
Remnant of Prices tinny on
Ecd River.
Grierson's rcrcnt rnid in Mis-
Bloclcnde runner cut out of
Gnlveston 13ay.
Opposition to the proposed co
lonial confederation.
1,000 Southerners' trunks
pawned at the hotels in
Cairo. Ifllb. Advice from New Orleans
report that the gunboat Ralllcr drlfUd
mil ore U the late itoriu, between VIcks
burg and Natchez, nud was lircd by a gang
of guerrilla nnd burned to the waters edge.
A Utter from Mobile to a citizen of New
Orleans, ny fighting was going on In that
vicinity on tho 3lst. Advices of Dec. 27
ay I.!ut. Wilcox, of the Chrakalum bat
tnlllon hid an liilcrvlow with Gen. Thayer,
an Dec. 3Cth, under n (lag of truce. The
reported ot.j-cl of hit visit was to negotiate
terms of surrender f bli Uittalllon to the
Union force. The remnants of t'rlees nnry
i on lied River. Insertion were very
numerous nnd the whole couutry wa. III ltd
with stragglers.
St. IjjuI, 10th. The Vlcktlnirg Hcrnld '
of the 2th. lias n full aecount of (liNrion's
recent raid in MMwIppl. Tho exf wlltlon
left Mtniphli, Dec. SI, 3,000 strong. At
'KTPt. on the Mubtle and Ohio rnllnrnd, n
conildnratlo foieo uf tho enemy hm en
countered, and n sharp light ensiiid, Iu
which quite u number of the enemy were
killed and WGiindid, and 200 prisoners taken.
The rll (5n. Holcoitili, commanding, was
among the killed. From Kgypt the com
mnnd struck wvstMnrd, crowing the MlnU
stppl ceutml railroad baloiv Grvnnda, ill.
straying 30 miles of road. Several locomo
tives aud 50 cars were destoytdat (irenuda
and extensive cloth and stiue factories at
IUiistiirrn, The cvxdltlu brought In n
few horses and mule. Among the .prUon
era ci ptured are one Colonel, one I.teuleu
nut Colonel, 3S line ofllcers, nnd a tiumlwr
of our men, who tu ocape tho hard treat
ment of the prisoners at Audvonv He julntd
the rclxil army.
On the night of tho 2Gth, Df'gt Illumes,
of the simmer Virginia, cut out from Gnl
veston tho schooser Didllo, from N.iiau.
with 130 bales ol cotton. The schooner,
when coptured, was within llvu hundred
yards of a rebel guard ship, close Inahorc
and protected by shore huttsrle. 5 tie also
ptMtd UUfOllv under the guns of two forts
on her way out.
New York, lOlh.-The I.llily, with Ila
vaua iUUi to tho 4th, arrlwd. Hut little
news from any quarter had rvnclird llavaun.
Accounts from San Domingo report the
Spaniard lo In making very poor progroM.
The geiMrnl niuloii U that 8kiIii uutjht to
alirtudou her attempt to coiupier ti lilai.d.
The glorious nertH Irom the DnlUd Slater
1 h.l..! I.. II... ... 1.1.1. .(
make converts to the 1'iilwi ran'.
San Kraticiico, 11,0 p in. Kasleni line
duwn eait of Omaha. Ycstcinay' tele
gram' quote Gold at i'liiZVJ, with a down
ward ttudeocy. No tax on whisky ou hand
prior to tho 1st of January,
Head(, irtrrs, Army Potom c, 7i'.
Nothing new to reort on the line In from
of Petersburg. Borne shelling took place
uear tko pp.ir.iatlo.'v Ytslerdny morning,
without any eCT-ct. Pour deserters wir
executed ycittrdiy morning one hung
uad three shot. Some 13 deserters from
the enemy came In this morning, four be
ing cnvolry deserters with their boises aud
equipments. A party from the poor house
of Prince Ueorgo county came into our
lines In a very destitute condilioo. They
had suffered very much fur the rucrssane
of life.
New Nork 9th. Advices from Magan
sela, La., statu that all was quiet. An ex
pedition, consisting of a portion of News'
battery aud an infantry urn! cavalry force,
had been sent by Uen L'llmnn beyond the
Atcbalalaya. They met a few rebels who
tied at their approach.
New York, 10th. Commerciol's special
cispatch suva Iloruce Greely is in Wash
ington, urging persistently his demand for
peace, and predicting a speedy termination
of the war,
Washington, Olh The Senate, In exe
entire session confirmed the nomination of
Alexander S. Johcson, of New York, as
commissioner for the settlement of the
iTudson Day and Pugel Sound Agricultu
rat coinpaulsj, vice Daniel B. Dickinson,
New York, 9th. Cousiderablo oppcsl
tlon Is manifested in some of the Hritbb I
colonial provinces to the proposed colonial
confederation. At Prince Edwards Islan I
atid other Islands, large and enthuslast'o
meetings were .held by influential citizens
to protest against It.
Tribune's London letter says the pro
ceeds of the Liverpool fair will bo given to
the rebels abroad, who are greatly In need
of It. At tho holds to Paris over -1,000
trunks have boen pawned by Southern gen
tlemen, as security for their bills. The
same letter says the ste.imtr Rattlesnake
has been bought by rebel agents, who cvl
d ;ntly design fitting her out as a pirate.
'I he Heralds Xcwbcrn correspondent
elves nddlttonol particulars ofthclloaaoke
.... ... . . . i
cTpeiiuion: two gunooais were iuiir uy
torpedoes. The river was found to be roll
of them. Seventy-five were found In n dlt
tnnm nf 5R mtlrt. Hnmi. time nln nr Inn '
would be found stretched across the rive'.
The fleet proceeded to T'op'ur Point, nnd
found the batteries too strong 10 be taken
without co operation by land fores. The
bonis wcra somewhat damaged by sharp
shooter. It is rumored that the rebel
rams are preparing to coma down nnd a,
tack. Communication with Xcwberu by
canal ha been resumed.
The Richmond Sentinel, of tho Clh, says
Sherman is doubtless moving en Branch
villr. S. 0.
Sin Francisco, 10th. 0 p. m. A gener
al order has been Issued by flon. McDowell,
giving tho result nf the Investlgatlnf no
the charges made against Oapt. Sullivan
by McCurty. The Court found tho
them wlmly and entirely false, and without
Gold yesterday 227; greenbacks, 40.
The Missouri Slnte Convention has pass
cl the emancipation ordinntw.
Watt's Nervous
Tho most Ecmarknblo Mciliolno yot
Discovered I
opinions of'tiFi: ciuronh'u
One of tho grcalost chetulcn) discoveries
nf modern times Is Willi's Nervous Anti
dote, The tnedloluo Is perfectly harinlcs
iu ll elt'Ots. but at the i-ntno lime acts so
powerfully upon the nervous syiom that
the worst coses of nervous disorder nre
completely curvd Iu u very short time.
rNi'Vudklrnnk. IX
It In not IILi' tlio tlinuinml ntul nn r,nn
l n uR td to the public ili.it euro eiury
ihUig, but It Is a mhkIIIo remedy fur till i
cnw nrlilng from nervous diiruiigdiu'iit.
It merit hnru been proved In numerous Iu-1
tnnoec known to ti. frooi inrloiM cause, ,
urn! many n lxi.ritlil ti Invalid uas been r
tcird to liinllli I'ollce Uazptte.
Tlil Is one of tin? piitfiit iirlleler of the
day which l really well worthy of the con
Itdenee or the public, and JuMly rntitli-d to
the popularity it etjnys. S P. Herald.
It Is the t thing u have yet found to
produce a quiet and rAfreshing sleep. Nvrr
ims errous should try It by all iii'-im : It
will hurl no on, and Is good fur nil
If the editors uf thf Hi'tern nawspap rs
an- tu be lxlli'rnl. lliU I nn cvtrnordlimrTi
c.inipoinid. It U said tlml It will cure the
oricn- or liiii'uniattfiii, I'ltrnip'in, mm
ilMlsnuet arising from n diinugvmi'iit of tin
nervous system. Min Je Patriot.
Wall' NcrioiM Aiilldutv has the repula
linn of U'luir one of the wundur of the age.
-fl'uollle Ciinibtrlaiul I'reslp'lcrlati.
It ban bn.u tiiinwn to cure lllntimnllm uf
long standing, even nftcr the caio Imd bwn
glvn over as liopck-ss Oahluud Nr.
It U a great dincnvcry, as IIiouhiiiiIs that
have been rvlluvnl by It can bear testimony.
Nok It' pnrlT.
It b u splendid preparation. Amador
It U uuquc'llonnbly tho greatest medleal
dirciivcrt uf tho uge. Muiilerry Unxetle.
Dr. Watt's Nervous Antidote cures
more licrioui iIIs-bk than nit the phyrclaur
on the 1'acllio Coat,---Juckoii (Oregon)
ItitUMiTisM. This terrible and p-ilnful
dleaio I very rcjil.ly curd ly IN u.e or
Vatl' Nervous Anlldute," It alfurds I in
im-dmlv relief nud runii completely In n few
nttekf.- Sun Jure Patriot.
Tbla reumrUable ni-illclou doos not con
In In anything pjuriii lo th system. Wg
eompixkit of iigtialili' suUtniico entirely.
It euiilnlna mi m rvury nr opium, ami jet
us cfTieU ate I. be m.igfo : liinbr Ihu lullu
unoe of It. th nttiviit's iieriis U-eume
quiet and In- fulls uslvrp. Kulnno l'nrs.
1'cnonn who huve suIRred fur years with
phyilcut debility ure rvllvrd ut unci by the
iim ol this mtdleliie, and Iu u shurl tlmu nru
coniiiloteW lettered to hcullhnd vigor.
Qiiliiey Union. flfe
The Antidote will euro Rkemiiatlsm. neu-
rnlgla, and Iu fnct nil diitases arilng Irom
deroupuiriil uf tne uervoua ylcni. ll'la
ceriltiu Democnit.
Ten drop of Wntt'aNcrrous Anlidoto will
qtllul a crying child Iu two minutes. The
Medicine is perfectly hannlcM, and mothers
nuil not be ufruld to try It. 6auta Cruz
It Is Iho greatest remeily yot dlcovred
for the euro of all diM-iisus arising from a
deruiiRcment ol the uervuus system. Wood
land News.
Corner Clay and Front sis, San trauctsco.
For sale at retail by all Druggists, dec 17m J
ron s.ii.K at Tin:
City Drug Store,
tlacluonvllle, Utrgou.
To JDonatloii Iaiid Claimants.
Land OlBce. liox-burg. Ogn., )
Dtx-rmbtr 10th, IfiCt. (
Whereas t It having become u matter of
necessity to rxrfret the nermanent rt-cordi
uf this olUco.aud to di'lcnnlue tho valldilv !
or invalidity of donation claims In this dli-
irici, many oi wnicn aro irrexunr, and ,
some o'd ; and It being cttiillal to the
Government, as well as to the general Inter
est of the community, that okindoiuil dona
tion ttaini. and (Auk nttrtd by mtvlij (ttUt,
should bo brought luto market at as early n
day as possible ; therefore, In pursuance or
Instructions, we hereby notify all donation
claimants, their assignees or legal reprvrcn
tatlui, who have iot tiled In this ofilce proof
of four vears rvsldciico and cultivation, as
required by Act or !!7tb .Sept.. 1SS0, and
nOKudmeuts, to do so within thrtt monlhi
from dalt and all who have not taken the
oath or alleglanco and paid for tuning dual
certificates as contemplated by the Cth sec
tiou of the Act. of 3Utb Muv. 1802. are re
spectfully requested to comply as early as
posslblo, To save expense and trouble to
tlosj living at a dlstanco from the said
ofilce, It Is bereby announced Uiat moat if
not all of said business can be latlifactorily
iransaeieu mrouju mo mans or express.
JOHN KELLY, Heglster,
Apdisos It. Fuvt, ItccoriLr, w(5.
OltVIL DODGE would anooance lo the
Ladles and Gentleea of Jacksonville
nqd vicinity, that hu bas permanently loca
ted in Jacksonville:, for the purpose of tak
ing pfotnres la all the Improved art or Plio
tography, and would reepecirul.y solicit a
share or tho public palrooage.
HOOMS opposite 1'. J.Ttyaa's New Brick.
Jacktouvlile, December 234, ISo'i. if
xxx AT xxx
Of ctcry description, and ths
Latost Styles &. Fashions
Suitable for
4 &
f ?
as r3
" - o fl
c n 2 w
Cfi 5 C3 hh c;
U S3 O 3 U
o o
Will be tlse
T iiO'west
I.i this
JW3 Kq)"
sf. y
Alt are resneaifully IniltrJ to givi us
a call. SACHS IlltO'S.
Jnrksnnvlll. Oet. 1. 'fit. octllf
t ii i:
Stnmlnnl SiMiIng Machine
or Tim
From which nil others dcrlva their vitality.
All ollirm puy llofiite lo Howe. Jr., tliu
original Inventor and patentee. These Justly
celebrated machines combine the dsslrable
niialltl'i" ot nil others, and will sew cutlou,
silk or thread with dotal facility fruiu the
Ihlckueu if flue inutllii to harness lenlh t;
they run light and nildd: tuako a neat lock
tltch, alike nn bold sides: never drops
slitchrs; will gather and sew on at tlm same
time. They nre very simple, easily under
stood and managed; aro durable, being of
gnat strength and or iericct mcclianl.ni,
upon correct aud sclentltlc mechanical prin
Family machine has no equal. It does Iho
entire range of work In tlm most upnrood
manner. 1'rleo 3UO 00, with Oitums
complete; and wllli cap to cover ths ma
chine purl, locking securely, $05 00.
I'ricu of the "A," pearl finished machine,
wllh can, $73 00; Letter "li" Unlit maim
factoring machine, 865 OO.ond wild cap,
$70 00; Letter "C," heavy manufacturing,
price $W 00; "I),"cluiid.T machine, $115;
".''larcccr lander macidne. $140,
Wt al.n have fur sale tlm Improtcd Llttls
liiani niacniue-jju: luerieii uiciunu ma.
chlue $15,
No. 3, Montgomery .Street,
San FaucLco,
Sole agents for the Pacific Coast.
Sau Francisco, Oct. 6, 16U. octlSiot
Jachgouvillc, Ogji .
Fiiinl ScUIomcnt.
IN the County Court, Jackson County,
Jau. term IUI5.
Iu the matter of the estate or George and
Margaret I-ong, decvased.
Notice Is hereby given, that Herman
Helms, Public Administrator, bos tiled his
account fur Uunl scttleumnt of said ustate,
aud that Widiesday, the 8tb day of Febru
ary, lb65, has been set apart for said Dual
settlement of said estate.
Uy order of Hon. J. O. Tolmao, County
January 7th. 1863. wl
Par Ujs! Pay U I Pay Up!
ALL those Indebted to me are requested
to come forward and settle up, and all
who hold demootk agaicit, me will please
present them, as I expect to leave Jackson
ville In a few days.
I also wish to Mil my HOUSE a ad
LOT at a bargain. Tboto wubiug to pur.
chase will please call at my reoldeoc imme
diately. A. 0. ALUERT&
Jacksonville, Nov. Mb, 1861.
News Dealers and Booksellers, Road
and Bemcrabor.
Wholesale NewsDenier,
I'ocks nnd forwards all the Dally and
WeiUy Kuwspapers, Magaztncs. ele.. to alt
parts or tho country, with Great Dl-patch.
TJiat Dofjr Oompotition ! I
Every Xctv NovcJ received as soon
m published.
I have sprelnl nrrangemenls Kith all ths
dinVrcnt puMlthfrc. stalloaers, etc., and
fiirnKhtho trade tt I III
Books, Stationery,
Jilank Books, Itlmic,
IWColainotypcs, trtc.,
W 3bb jj, aotoojLcm
I have tincnunlcd facilities, and guarantee
dealers the oloscst Kttcntlon.
s-SciiU for a price lltnd give mo a trial.
American Hags!
With full complt'incnt of Slant prlutcd on
Muslin dc Laluc, Imltatiou of Bunting,
In Fust Colors at the
Size, 1 foot $1 00 per dozen.
Size, 2 feet 2 SO per dozen.
Size, Sleet 0 DO per dozen.
Slxc, ii Inches 10 DO per dozen,
Or all sizes, lrdm sixty cents to
one dollar per loot.
In Ureal Varltl)-.
Major First California Artillery.
Empire New Depot, northeast curuerof
Washington aud Sanomc blrccts,S:u Frnn
Isco. '
Rnliiftlon in Tricri lo Subscribers.
A ITENTION Is culled to the following
A list of American and Foreign Periodi
cals, for which I receive subscriptions.
Permanent arrangements have been made
by the United States' Government fur the
currying of the Mails from the Atlantic
Slates by steamer, tbrco times n mould. I
am cunUid to recoil e subcrlpllniis at a
much lower rule than formerly. The same
eare nud attention will lie paid to the for
warding of nil package, for whioh this cs
tnbllihmcnt has gnliud such an enviable
reputatlou throughout tho l'aclP.o Coast.
Atlantic rciloillculs.
J'tll TEAK.
Harper's Monlhlr Magazlue S3 SO
Giidey's Lndy V ttook 3 SO
Atlautto Mmithlv 3 SO
Leslie's Family Jlagazlue 3 SO
Knickerbocker Macazlue 3 SO
Cuiitlnenlnl Moutlily 3 SO
. I'etennti's Lidleo' Magazine 3 00
Arthur's Home Maguzluo 3 00
Ladles ltrpository 3S0
iTnles or the Day 3 SO
I Monthly Novellette 3 00
hctectie uagtiztne c ou
Hunt's Merchant's Magazine C 00
llanker's Mugazlne 0 00
Lcllou Ton U 00
Ilrowiikou's Ki view
flralthwalte Itelrutpect
Turf Itrglstcr (yearly)
llallou's Magazine ,
Vrnkeu Notions (comic)
Lislles Uudget of Fuu (comic)
Nle Nov (comic)
Comic Monthly
I'liunny Fellow (comic)
New York Weekly Herald
' Pulico Gazette
3 SO
3 SO
3 00
3 SO
" Cllpjar 3 SO
Home Journal ,, . 3 SO
" Wckly Tribune 3 60
" riunday Atlas 3 6)
Times 3 SO
2 Dispatch 3 60
, Mercury 3 60
" Courier 3 SO
" Weekly Times 3 SO
" World 3 30
" Journal of Coiomerce 3 SO
" Independent 30
' leader 3 SO
" Ledger 3 00
Isle's 1'lctorial 3 50
' I larper'a Weekly 3 50
" Illustnitnt News 3 30
" Lesllu s Zictung (German) 3 50
" Demnkrut 3 60
" Criiuiual Zlctuug 3 60
' Family Uiatter 3 SO
Vanity Fair 3 60
" Irish American 3 60
" r-olentlllc American 3 50
Wilkes Spirit or tho Times 3 50
' Tablet .-.,.., 3 60
" Country Gentleman 3 60
' Weekly 3 50
" Mercury 3 60
Herald of Progress 3 60"
' Scottish American Journal. COO
" Albion C 00
Kco d'ltalia (Italian) 8 00
' La Cronlea (Spanish) 13 00
Iloiton Weekly Journal. . . , 3 50
" Plug of our Uuioa...... . 3 50
" Pilot 330
" Waverly Magazine ... 3 50
' Ilauuer of Light 3 50
' True Flag 3 50
Investigator 3 50
Literary Companion. ...... 3 SO
Llttcll's Llvlug Age 7 00
Philadelphia Fomey's War Press. ... 3 SO
" Dollar Newspaper , . . . 3 00
' Saturday Evening Post. . 3 50
Ualtlmora Weekly Sun 3 SO
Loulivilie Weekly Journal..., 3 50
Cincinnati Weekly Commercial 3 00
St. Louis Republican .... 3 50
Foreign Periodicals.
London Illustrated News with sup
plements $U 00
Weekly Dispatch... . 13 00
Illustrated News of the
World 14 00
" Illustrated Times 12 00
" Weekly Times JO 00
" Uclle'aLire 13 0Q
" Atheoseuiu 12 00
" Punch B00
" Once a Week 8 00
Liverpool Wiliocr i Smith's Times., is 00
Dublin Nation v. . 13 00
Cornbill Magazine , 6 00
Temple Bar Magazine.,, COO
St. James Uagazlue,., fl 00
Loadoa Lancet..,,. 6 00
" World of FasbUiB 6 DO
Chambers' Journal . 4 00
AU the year Hound, Dickens. ..... ti 00
London Art Journal , 13 00
Blackwood's Magazine... r 4 00
Wesllmcr Quarterly Review 3 00
North ilrltisb " ..,, 00
Edingburg " ' 3 00
London " " 3 00
Tlhe four Reviews and Blackwood.. 13 00
r-Subcrlptlons received for all the
San Francisco dailies, at Publisher's prices.
Any Newspaper, MElnc or Review, not
mentioned In the above list will be furnish
ed to order. Orders for Books, Musle Fan
cy Articles, etc., Oiled promptly at the low
est market ratis. Subscriptions payable
Imarlnbly In advance.
m21tf News Agent, San Francisco.
Cfllifornia Street) Jcclcsoniltr,
HAVE Jnst received from the Atlantlo
States and San Francisco, a complete
stock of everything In their line, and will
keep constantly on hand an assortment of
the best Tin, sheet-iron and Coppcrwart.
Brass Pipes, Hydraulic Nozzles, Force
Pumps, Chains, Lead Pipe, Hose,
or all sizes:
Bar, Plate and assorted Iron
Paints, Oils Sizes and Glass)
All qualities ol Powder
Shot or all nurqber t
Brushes or every variety, etc., tie.
Also, always on band, a larce lot or stoves
or asorted sizes. ' Buck's PatentCooklng
Stove," and the " New World Stove." the
two very best nnd approved patterns In ths
world. Parlor, Odlcu and Cabin Stoves,
Taney and plain, constructed on latest fuel
uvlug plans. Boilers, Keiths, Pots, Pans,
atnl everything connected with these stores,
warranted durable and perfect.
All articles sold by them or manufac
tured. WARRANTED. Tliclr work Is made
f the best material and of choicest patterns.
S,Ordcrs attended to with dispatch, and
Cited according to directions. In every,
thing, their stock Is the largest and best
ever brought to Jacksonville, aud they art
determined to sell at taw rnicrs tor cian.
Call and examine their stock before pur
chasing elsewhere. Juno 23. 18C0.-23.
Agents Tor Halllday A Co': Wire Rope.
0Fo:r SftX !
10 Copies Harpers Macazine, commen
cing with June iinmbcr 1BC4, cudlog with
Muy number 18C3.
10 Criples New 1 uk ledger comiaen
clng July 9lh, 16C4.
Ilurper's, Ix-slie'a cud Dcniorcsl's Illos
tratcd wrtkly papers.
Nick-Nax, Yuukte Notion, Merrjman'a
.Monthly, Phuu, Fui-t aud Funry, Hudgst
of Pun, Phunny Pelluw elc,clc.
Clrculutng Library of new and select
Novels, additions by every Steamer's AleJL
A large lot of Var Maps.
A number of superior LllbograpUe
Kiigravlnps. -
School Unoks and Stationary.
At The Post Office Unildlnjr.
Sept. 3rd. 18C-1. tf.
Sem-Wceklr lino of Stages frcm Jack.
soovlllle to Kerbyville and Waldo, Or
egon. Leaves Jacksonville every
Monday & Thursday, 1 A. 11
Retarnlng, leaves Woldo every
Tuctdnyii Friday at 'J I. M.
Through paeiigcrs will be furnished
wllh good saddle-horses at Waldo, for
Crescent City.
JOSIAII A. LAND18, Prop'r.
Oct.tiHih.18Ct octllf
Clothing Trade
Nos, 411, 413 and 415 Battery St..
Cor Merchant, San KtkuctMa,
Importers 'and Wliolcsalo
Entire New aud Fresh Stock,
We would call the atteutlon of Country
Merchants to our unusually large stock
of Goods. Our stock comprises every artt
Clo la the
We have constantly on band the largwat
and Krcateat variety or
of any bouse In San Francisco, and our pri
ces for these goods aro leu than thus if
any house, as we recede them direct bout
the manufacturer's consignment. Our stock;
Is particularly attractive, aud the great feai
lure to the country Merchants Is the onusu,
ally low prices
La than the cet f Import jitlou I
Ve also keep the
Stpl wA.x-tlolB
In the Dry Goods line, which Goods we hare
povebased la this market under tbulaoiBier,
Md are otTeriag them at New fork cost,"
and less.
Wc publish this card la order that we may
make new acquaintance, and ledace those
who bare not hsretofore pqressased or us to
call and examine our stock. "
Ceed Articles & Lew Prices
Are the great Inducemements we njfer to all
who purehase to sell again. Merchants who
buy or us can make a good proOt, and sell
to tbetr customers at a low figure. We re
main, rcipcctrully,
Your obedient ssjs;aats.
Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse,
Nm. 411, 413 and Hi Battery street.
gan V.. -V " ' - "