jmjh j,niuiumi uummijiui ' Ifygvn.'1 i-ijiim... u .'.. l-l IM.'.I 8J '- 'J.I. 1 1 j.wjiinnn mj n,? n t.'ig'J9, :c "' t-'i ;wj'inii ii wniy ittiim O J- 4 , Che 0etith(el $.j PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. PlOClullJI.tiOll. firm o" Oiikiion. Kxm-rivi: Drr'T ) October 2 Itli, 1801 whT. I have received i rniuMtlnn frcai Major Oeneral Irwin McDowell, com " ji.. il.n Driuirtmrnt of tho rnclric. no- t!11ffuti.tcrnuthorltyortheVnrljmtracnt. far one rcifimciil of Infantry, In addition tu .l. .,1,ii,(rrrl now In the servlco or IllO InttrJ Stale, to aid in tho enforcement of , to shaMlse hostile Indians In this mill tiry JiitrJct,' Now, therefore, I. Amiwox 0. Oirw, Onv trnor of thu ."ftatc of Oregon, ami coinman-dir-ln-ebter or ttic mllltln then or, do hen by oil upon III citizens Of Hi! State to organ lit ilienilrc into coniMiilM lufllelent to Cll li rrR"l"'lt riqiiiMllrtn. Iu Wilms whereof, I havo hcrcitnlo t my It.tnd. ami caused tho real ol f 1. 1.1 -be Sitj or Oregon to lio affixed. 1 Jlono At fT.tcm, IlilrSttli Unj or Oc- toltr, a. ii.. IHrst. ADDISON C.fiillllS. (inventor of Oregon. Snicix K. JlAV, Secretary of Suit. . fnllnwlna l hcrehr nromtilsatcd : Tlif plan f recruiting and orgwilxlug the kott force, "111 be an follows, until furllicr nolle ' HtiCRiTTrxii : TV regiment will bi'know.i a llio Flrrl Icf.vilry, Oregon Volunteer. Tho Held, staff and line officers will lw W the (inrrrnor. Tin-Statr will lie dlvl ddlntodMrlcl. aecordlnirto tho number tf pcreon' In rich district liable to do mili tary duly. Wlicn sucli dllrlct Inn luriibh fu l iiiioIa of mill, thetc will be nn ilrnfl In isi same, under Ihlicall. IJtch district n III furnlili onv company. Commission will I lsucd. by the Cover ncr, to company efflcer, coiiil.tlonul Hint they Mull recruit their rcrpretlvo emnpn tlrr. Mid be ready to lio musttrrd Into the service, within lime hereafter to lie named. A cnnpjny rendezvous will bo establish vd at some central olnt In each district, and If practicable, recruit will lie retained tb r tntil the company I tilled and ready to Iw traiiier ' The .Mate lis provided by law for the ruftrient of a bounty of $1 .10 In State inter t bearing bond parable In gold ' ' volunteer muttered Into tlio service, in ad dilion to Hi bounties authorized tu ! pild by lbs I ulted ,Vtatc(S0 statutes lts)a I. part ISC). Iht wage of i roldlerln addition are 810 p r womb. lKIde clothing, roulpfiieiili. ru lU'i". and allonaneca lurnlrhed by the Unl Wl?U!t. See ft.itute 1KC3, pno CO.'. nRIMMXtTION'. Tbt proper orgntiiutiou aud ilrongtli of leglrami I as lellowii : Out ( 1 1 colonel, ono ( 1 ) lieutenant colonel, m(l) tjjjor.ons (1) adjutuiit (an extra Uiiaul), one (1) quarteruwiler (an Mlru llfiiteniBt),oiie(l)urgcou, two 'l) arl (ant turnout, one (1) clmpl.tln, ono (1) rcr eant m.dor. one (I , regimental 4iiarterma (er tergiunt. one (I) regimental eommlrwry frrgeitat. end mio (I) bopltul rluward. Ten coBipaiilcx form a regiment. wiimnv or i.Nr-.i.vrnv. Oae(l)capUlu, on (I) lit lieutenant, ono tl) 2d- lieutenant, one (1) lit. eergeant, four (O rcrgeant", eight (8) corporal, two (1) tauiiclan) one (1) wagoner, rlxty-lour (64)prlvalc!i,inlniiniim.airflelgliiylHotH2) pdratei maximum, bwldwi tbu lion comiuln tloartl iiHlcer. ilulclaiu may lie nillftnl In each cotnpa ay, who will k raUl and paid u privatea. TO Till: COUNTY OFl'lUtillS. t Other State bare filled, with commenda We promptitude, crcry cull tlut Iim lieii mad ukiii tbeni. The ieople n very nitural rrpugiuitxe to a draft, under which fry iliiMtti! man muiUcneor turiilili a mbultluc. Ldir It there mutt luevltublv In Kiiu' caren of revcro but nece rrary bard bli. Opiwluulty la now given to avoid ucb a dratt. The men arc mtilitl prompt ly and every coiirldeiatton of utrlotim ami of .Slate, local, and peitoual iir.ido re rjirrn Lhal yxi evmiiuim proinjtiy, ami yrwveult HtnuJy lit buinitu p iJAimuihj vuluulrert. The onicen of tbeState ileling the mott cam t Jnlro that the entire taio rhould avoid a Iran, appeal to tho patriot io cltlzeoB Of jour county, through yon who arc tbelr ufll nr and legal and natural reiirereutatlvea. AKuardUn of their right and of I heir hon or. It la incumbent upon you to rerpond to tliia apM-al by eariattaiMl tuccvMfill work. Call In your aid Ibo anUUincc of Ihoacllu and Ir.Uuuitlal cltU-iiiof the county. Let rry loyal citbten of (be county uuderttAiid, and, If (tosrlble, Induce him to realize that e hat an Imoicdiato and prfonal Interei I la tho fuccera ofyour ctlorta. It nx rary, call ajfttlURn in your reboot dUtrlcU mid bring the matter home to every inhabitant. Kuik1 will be needed to pay eipeuw, not prerdlcd for by law. Let rubrcrlpllont bo irculattd In eacil county for that purpose, and pa-nrvo a record of Ibo namca ol the douora among tbo archive of Ihft county. In thud, the (lovernor, iion whom tho ro ialriiion ia made, ei:i, and Juitty, that you will rerpoud to this call upon you Ulh aa earnettcer of purpow wblcb flialllutnro aucceae. 1uouuttcv ortbadittrlctiugof the fc'tato will Iw given aa toon a it can be made JlOTA or MEM OUK rCOU KACIt COUNTY : Jaekion && Josephine 2ft Curry ft Doujfiaa CO Cooae , 12 I jdo G 1 Linn 100 lienton 41 i'olk d0 Marion 98 Clackamas , 49 Yamhill -10 Tillamook 3 21 ollnOinaJi., .......... , . ..l"- Washjngtoo, ...... '' CUuop- 7 WacQna Grant 120 Umatilla 3ft Uakennod Union 58 If ?I.OUU AND ritOIIUUK taken in vx 1 change for ilcrclmiulise, nt July 19. 27 MAX MULLKIVS. SUHKRU Jh'ologrnph Albnmn can bo had cheap, for. cash,. at J. Itow'g, next door above Uradbury A: Wadf. T j-.r ;' 'mi1" 'i" g""1" ' ' K KMKMJJKRIIAINKSKKKPSAOI UUUi;ATlNULlimlVUV. JA52T LLii HHHHHBIHHBHiii, i ftifaliiiii"&irtif MBtT si' 1 1 ni i ,sirijfi?tt nHnrirf .& -mmmaiijjHMj.ijJiiiijLjjMijanJLiiaLmj. . Till: OltEGON SBKT1NKL. MCKn BVKUT rUTl'MUT MOU.MMI. 33. P, HOWELL, Trop'r. Sriwcairrin.v l'or Ono year. In advance, Kour Dollar j If paid within tho Ural tlx tnnntlu or the year, live dollar If not pnid until the e.xplmtlon or tho year, nix dollar. illiVKUTinixii Ono iiitiare (10 line or Iim), flNt Inaortlon, Tlirer Dollar ; onch tuliii-quent Inrritlon, Oup Dollar. A dlr count of fifty pi-reent will bo nude tothoe whn niUrrllrvliy tlinyoar. y Jj-l ThhIt. tw.Uil at rwrrrwt nlK. I. O. O. I .7ticI(Roitville Lodgo 1 " tolioM.ll.rrmHritiri. rzrTb VSk. I",r ' '"iH'T " '' flril Vfcf yrrt- 7S rrk In rwti ntnilli, iwl mi iJUJAVJsi' 8 Rlunlr of pm Ii lutrrrnitiii &"l ' HZy fn-k. "I Hi' Mik ttll, nl I a'clrtk r. . liintlicn In tint rfumtlnrnrr Inrttwt ttwl. HII.A J. UAY, X. (I. J!H Mrr.nnHUx, n. Ptc'r. TruilmJia. JI. rnltwi, Wm. Hay ami SlUi tKr. o. JAroiw. k. v. jacobs, .&.wjssell, ati'oi:ni:y8 and counumloiis jfi.1' XiAVi', ANDBOMOITOllS IN CIIANCKUY, .I.vcKoNvit.i,K, Onriioy, (IITlfo siimllc tile Court Itmiio. All bitrlucM cninmltted to Ihrlr enre will In uromplly atteinlrd in. July 2D. UY1. D. F. DOVVELL, . ATTOUN33Y AT LAW,, OncnoK. i -aVIIl practice In all thu Court, of lite Third Judicial luilrlet, tho Supremo Court of Oru goii, and In Yrelia, Cal. War Scrip prompt iy collrcieil. Oct. 1H, I. D. HAINES. ATTOIINEY AT LAW, Jackcoxyim.k OtimioN'. Will prootlcr! in llw Oonrta ofOreson. OWp. i'ort Oflle IIoIMIiib. QEORQE Q. DORRIS, ATTOIINEY AT LAW, Taokhontic.m:, Ouxook. mW tf J. 8. HOWARD, SUKVKYOK k CIVIL KNUINKKU, Jackioxtiuj: Oiikook, nlduo4 uear the South rod of Oregon ilrtt. Jauuaiy. 'I, lbi J. H. STIN30N, A1TOKNHY AND COUNSKHLOIl Albany. I.lnn county, Oregon. oct22tl Q. W. QUEER, PHYSICIAN AND SUUGKON, JaUIUOSVICCC, OlIKflOX. OfJlcc at Ilia rvtlilencc nn Oregon atrcrl. DR. L.O.THOMPSON orifiCK CITY DRUG STORE, mtinN!i: OpiKMttr tlm Cuuiily Jlt. Jncfonvllk, Ogii. dec2ltf PETER DRITT, PIuitoKraiililu A v tint, I prepartil to tnk (kluri In rvery itylc of thu art, with all thu lato Improvements If l'lctureii do not gho ratlilactlon. no charge will lio made. Cull nl hl now Gal lery, on me mil, extmiuo nia picture, ami lit for your llkenem. DR. A. B. OVERBECK. Dr. Owrlivck would announce lo tho cit izen of Jacktou county and vicinity, that linhM returned toJuekrouvllIeaiidreruuied the pr.ctIco of medicine, lio will alwaya Im louud at hi old ttand, thu Overbeck llnrultul, uiilira abreut prufiadou al lAtItiei. He would rc'pccllulty tolicit a renewal of former patronage. Dissolution ETotico. TIIK uuilcrtignrd has llila day with drawn from the firm of Thompson & D.ivir, auiVwIII rontluuo llio practice of Mnliclnc. Surgery nnd Obilctries, In Ja'ckfonrlllc nml vicinity, nml tolicila n rliaro of llic pilroiugr. Oilieo nt hi tcil- Oinco opposite luo I aiiiniic unurcn. T. L. DAVIS. Dec. imii, 18B-I I.-cl7tf zsrznxnr Wntclimnkcr and Jeweler! On Oregon tret, flrrt door north of llrciilano'a Jackrouvillc, Ou. jQ JOI1K F. IIOUCK, gjgJManiifaelurer and repairer of nllrortsof W'nlehc. Chronuuicters, Clocks Musicnl and other Inxlnmicntc etc. Alro, JKU'DIiUY inanufactuml nnd repaired, after tho mojt approved ly!c of the arl, and warranted for one year, l'rlccs according lo time. JOHN F. IIOUCK, Chronometer and Watchmaker. Jacktonvlllc. Juno 23. IfeO-t. 3m ADAM'S GERMAN TONIC AND AROMATIC BITTERS. Theeo bltlcra are highly refined, grateful lo the tattc, warming, itimuhllng ami In vigorating to tho debilitated yitcm, Thav aro a thoroughly uudioatnl compound, powerful and concentrated, aud bavo been brought to their prvwnt itato of perfection by nearly twenty yora experience, and ares U-youd ijucitlon. ono of tho bctt remedlo. for all illrcawn of the dlgcrttvo organ?, VVbcrp tUdtyctem 1ms been reduced by l-'o-vers, etc, they will proo ono of tho most vnluablo nuxlllerlcs lor a ipecdy and ptrma rctomtlou to, health and jtrciigtli. 'rflcoT.50 cent Mr botllc. for , alo,by, all druggltti and Grocers. , (,;octiim3 : - -- - - - ill, a- -- JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY JANUARY 14," nw.t j , ...... . '-'-.. HVK'A Mt.l r!""F'ni!js4 BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH i wtrop.TKn r.xcrx'i.vKr.v rim tk skxtixmu Rumors of a clinnso in tho Cnbinct. Price reported (lend Anti- slnvcry convention in Ken- turJky. UOIll.I) MATH prMNOR AM) E.VtJ- I.ANn-WIM.nKftXJNIZKTIIHC'OX. ITOMKllACY l?r TIIK -Hit Of atAItt'll. CURAT 1UOT IN MKXICO. Sbcrmnn propnring for a grout erunpnign, MoitK Aiiorrr noon, . . - , Resolutions for tlio ment of Blavory ;ory introtulced in Kentucky lcgialature. apxxiXtXX-o tt apt. STiiilxox BEAZIL ANlfuilAGUAY. Gcorgin nuthnritieB applied to come Lmol; into llio L nion Resolutions of the NorLlt Cur olinu Lcgislnturc. New York, .lib. Tlu Herald' Savannah CArre-ondcnt .iy tlwt many cllhsciu liave taken the onth of n1ligtnao. Tho World Iw a rnmur from Waihlnaton that .S'rtintor Morgan U to I made Seo'y of tho Trenitry, that Siward I to be made Senator In pinto of Morgan, nnd Ada I to succeed toward in the Onblnet ; It I not known who will Jiioercl AdaM. Tim Itteli innr.d ntlnrl him a report wblth It d Ut credlt llmt I'rlovlndiwl. O m r tin ml Ala., Itli. TIw onvnlry of Hlomlmnn commmd bav ;mr.ul, eoplure cd and biirnid Hood' ;hiiIoihi trulu. Thi-y nlro onptund U0 muliM and 100 wngirn. Korrett In reporlid noar Iliiwoilrlllo. A detertcr ay IIoo-l' r.rmy Im beon ordernl to Allium t to renrgiiiUn Iu afctttered ool nmtif. Kiddle cavalry Ii aluuit entirely dltbandiil. 8t. I.oul, -1th. John Tlnmp'on, a mem ber of the lower houm of the Mo. IglU turo was e.ttxillrd ywlcnliy for dliloyalty. Chicago, Alii TIi LesMnturc of 111., to day elected Kx-Rararuor ltlclunl YatM U. B. Senator for fix year. AugitrtA Mc, Cth. 7bj. 1'. I'ouendin wasuiianlmauily el-ctfl U. S. Hdiutur for C year by lioth loxn Ul vnlii(. New York. Mb A osliltkm hvlwren 2 train ocjurnU ta-diy lit lis.-Jt tumwl A person were killed and numUr wotiitd-l. Cincinnati. 3th. An anil-slavery coaitn- tlon was bold at Frankfort Ivy., yeturday. Itnoliiltons wre adoptwl adtiorlog to the lialllmare platform. iM(itiiig th Ilepro Mutative in congren to vote fur lb auvad ntMit abollrhtog slavery, lurillng Ibe lafgis- ntura to Instruct t'uru to t'nl ff -el ami In favor of repoallnj tho slave eo.U ot ICeci lucky. New York, 3th. Th IItaM'j Saraunah Utt-r siy l'" City Js ronurkibly (pilot. When our Iroopi first outered 1114 citizens retnalnoJ In their Iioum through ftr of personal lusult i Ihoe 'foar have p.inl away and lbs jieopla now coma freoly on thestroat, and a mijorlly nppsieiUilrctis of placing thc.nsolroi In a loyal position toward tbo Ouxcrunnnt. Tbo Time orrtpondent at Bavaanah say I havo ao aollv operations to record bnt oa arery Ids are oridsneos of luiuenso preparations for reacwed activity, every man in the army Ulks of a grand ovcrwhst mlng mirch on CtinrU'tun. Where the next blow will bo tlrirk not yet dvelii ed. A number of introhants form-irly con nected with the bnMness eomuunlty of N. Y. ure to proeetl north by llio iwxt stnauvr and propojo titling up accounts uad start ing ngnln on tbo old bant. New York, lith.-Tho World ha n Waib lugtoii special dispatch, going to show that England aid Franco will recognize the South on the -1th of March, hvoaue Lincoln did not carry tho Southern States, and that England ba been for romstlmu ipiUlly or- ganlxlng a military force In Canada; that nn ordur pcrcmptorlally refutlug have of absence to officer In tho regiments of the Kngtlrh army has been issued. Hut the re cent articles In the Iilchmond papers mo prompted by Louis Napoleon, Thu South Is noiv being harder pressed tbau ever. Ivnglapd and France cannot see the uuio.i restored, and will never permit thu South to bo conquered. Moutreal p.ipcw are put ling forth tho same views, llio Ilunld sat it Is reported that (Ti dal Information his been recslved that Klllpalrick's cavalry have seized llnrdville, on tbo Otiarieston anil b. U. road. Tho Herald 'a Sheuandoah corrcipondent ay; Information direct from Richmond, say tioops aro Mug hurried off to ItranchTllle, S. C. and the adjacent region, to attempt to check Shcrmin' northward movement. Tha Richmond pap;r pretend to have In formation which place Hood's army south of Ibo TeMHirce river. They admit that he I suffering for rations and commissary sup plies. The Itichinoud Lwniner sayx tbo damage dune by UidoVratdtra to tho salt worm can be reiMirea.ioug oejor tHCvraiii NcvVflrk6lli,IlraUVMciivsDJentj4iliig'liljnjflfte "'?'","W''TniffagjwLiT...1.iVi.ii.i Vff U'mjwjiilijhiii urummrvrj'im ajuin ji.ji)mu.".iji lofrCh!rIf,n tbo 23U- MP(rt um capture ui me uhhjhiuu iiiiiiiiii buiiiii :r,wuiitt umi n cargo or cotton, of -133 bales, from Qnrloton for Nassau, n abort dtitanco out rile tits fermir port, on the 2flth, by the U. S. gunboat, OccacU. The Julia and cargo are valued nt 2011.010. Adrloes front Yera Oru to lbs SM hnvo been received. M'ttlmilllan troopi bnvi' movl Iu rnrlnn dlreellon. hnvlng rewnlly eip'.ttred thetnwns of Manxinlllo, Miiintt-tu, Collin. Titpo. rind various olher plaoi. Htrerul nlillltonaf vIatorls are nlso oUlmnl over the Upiiblioiin fore. Criot, grow ing out n,7 n dnrihn O monl, oocurred nt 5au Luis I'oloil, w)tre thu Imperial oflleer urreted over three hundred por.nnw. Over two hundred were rimt on tho pnt. Sin Prsnttaei, 6th.8 p. m. L"jral Ten der, lOalrtJ. Yolenl'iy' lotcfrrems rjunlo Cold fit 2JSa12f;. Tho military dptrtmnt I 1 .,11, ..1, . . .1. WLI. nlR)liBli-f.ii.i,r.uTirfrf .Uni.w AMor ick two eeni -" lliillimnre Oth. Tlir California, from Milton Head, arrived nt Vt. Monroe yes terday, wltli Col. Kwlnjr, lienrer of ills pntchea from Sherman. Sherman' army w preparing Tor n grenl cnmpHlgn. Ku ril trick wa actively ctijrngvJ in watching Ilatdcc. OQIoiul illrpatctiM show that llio people of Sarnnnnli urc b routing loyul. A brother of Hardee, n resident there, is raid lo be itrcldedly in favor of the restor ation of the JJnlun. Herald's siecinl dispatch ny Duller' report of the Wllminvlrin expedition lias bren received tit the War Itvtxirtnicnt. It is very lengthy, and lends lo exculpate Ike army from tint rreponsllilllly of the failure. It reflrols severely nn Admlrnl I'ortir. A Wrtiliington special dlipatcli says eonsiilerulile picsiiire i lwlng brought to tnr In the Seiiulf, to defeul tlis bill fur the adoption of tbo Canadian recipro cation ticniy. TLc rvlxl paper hnvo new that Hood d frnled ThoMa at Columbia, Teiin., cn- tuted it brigade of our men, ami that at the Mine time Forest captund nn entire br gmle of cavalry m d COO wagons. 1-or- (4t has been mnde a Lieut, llmcrat. The Ricbmoud Hcntind, of llic 2d, lias a long recount of the Union cxK(litlnn up the Rnuok( river, and claims that six gun biuts were ilrtlroyrd by torpedoes, and nearly 1,1100 uuu kllltd. Our account say one gunlmul and four or five barges were dritroytd. Nearly all lire teamen es caped. Nusbrllle Ctli. Tlio tail of Hood's army cowvil tlm 'I'enn. rivtr, on the 29 th, will, tight pieces of nrllllery nnd nbont 18,000 tneu. He led Mucin with 3A.000, was relnfuicsd by 5,000 ami had 110 piece or urtillery. After the battle of Nashville Thomas tltmmlrred in the mod for ten day. Mood ami lb: remnant of his Infantry crowted off in the night. His cavalry stubbornly resit lid the pnrsult. During ten days, It I believed Mood ha liuritd or thrown into the river at least UO guns. Ha nhamlmicd a large number of wagons and umbulance. The odicinl list of pris oner numlisr 9,700, not including fiOO oapturtd from Riddle, on the 27lli. Over 900 dcH-rter liavn alreiidry reported. It ! laid Mood ia going to Meridian to reor ganize again. The chase in force has Ireen abandoned, although Steailinan is ncros the river with order to haras them as much a powlble. A new campnlngn Is already projected, and the corps of Wood. Smith ami Kcliofleld aro nlrcady moving. New York, Tits Tribune' Norfolk correspondent say of the 'Wilmington ex pcditlfiH! The transports were off Fort Fisher three day before the war ship ar rived, iu gnoil weather, ocd the enemy were known lo bo in full force. Their coal was oxbonttnl, and they had to return to llraulnrt, leaving again as soon a pos sible, nnd that without waiting fur their return, ns agreed. I'orter exploded the powder boat and opnil fire; that tho troop were to land when the powder boats exploded, and lake ndvantogo of Ibo shock produce J and when ilia troops did land, Wei tl found the Tort uninjured, nuu nn yaultlnr party would meet ouly a bloody repulse. Cincinnati, 7tli. Resolution were In troduced into both bouses of tho Legisla ture of Kentucky, declaring fof the Imme diate abolishing ol slavery. Governor Ilrnmletle recommends In his message grad ual emancipation, and ultimate removal of slavery. He rejoiced over nnd thanked Sherman awl Thomas for their victories. Ho denounced the arrest of Col. AVolford and Lieut. Gov. Jacobs, nnd e.tys his object in attempting to regnlnte the enlistment of slaves, was not to save the Institntlon but t th ruin1n nt irnlnilrr frnm unnpnHVtflrv ' accomplishment. Kentucky . . . , ..'- .,.,..., , ' I hni forwarded nearly 70 thousand tioops for tho Ui 3. army. New York Herald' Washington corres pondent sayi; H is rumored .that Lee has been placed In command of nil the rebel nrmles,niiirbad pu,t Ileauregard In 'com niiiid.oM!iovdoft!ucea of Rfchinond.'Int'cndn .ir tfilKa.v 1865. nnd concentrate the rebel forces In that quarter, lo check Sherman's proposed move mint northward. Sherman's movement ws a const Jcred by Io to be of more Im portance than any Grant can make upon Richmond In five months. A Washington letter says tbc rebels urc prepnrlng to de tach n force Irom Leels nrmy to co-operate agaiiut Sherman, supposing that Urnnt can be held in check by a small force. New York, 7th IVsont lately from the South, ,ny tho reecul article In the Richmond paper on the oubjuct of for eign powers, was put forth to feel tho tem per of the people. Tho opinion expressed by the majority of the people oppomlhto iiuu, uuu luiuia uii tiiivwiiiiiiiuiiiii luiiKll to tho Union. Southern Sympathizers say these erticlr caused much discontent nnd tack of confidence in Jff Davis. The Richmond Sentinel says the North I be comlug bankrupt, by "wlilcli the. South I sure to gain IU Independrnci. Iitc rcW' dispatches show that anti Jiff Davis men accuse him in th; inntt open and vehement manner of being tho cause ol their recent disistcrs. Montreal, "Its. Tho court decided to day that It had Jurisdiction in tha ensa of the St. Albans murderers, nnd the case will proceed. Memphis, 3d. Qcn. Dana lias received information from libi ratnlry expedition, sent nut from here Dec I'M, that they struck the Mobllo and Ohio road five r.ilhm , . . , . . , nm . below Corinth, nnd had, on tha S tit, en- .... . ... , ' "7 """"J"" " - """ ; iknnw them Intl.mtely. These itocks will bridge., a great deal of trestle work thirty, , OtvlJcnJ. by midsummer next, two cars, .100 nrmy wgo,, nod 4.000 car-, TJie, vn,u. ,, fln(J j bine, were .ltrnyal. l-orest. camp r., (ooh ,mro B B . d smountsd men, nt Yerona, was disponed ,Ume re four,fcn hmMi . f Mh fa ui, onu s-x t nicer nnu zu men copiureu. Ni S'.sbville. 7th.-Tyinr'i rebel '", npltd Devo nsboro. Ky. on the 6th, , oec conscrlptlag the cilizeni nnd firing upon stramers. New York, 7th. The HeraldVlcttcr from Iluenns Aycrs, dutrd Dec. 28th, says: The wnr pressure (if llror.ll on Ursguny Is likely to obliterHle Unit republic, untiss the executive i aided by some strong for eign power, i Wmlitngtnti, 8th. Li-lTim from llir Atmy of the Jumes, dated the Ctli, say all Is ipilrt in that department. A severe rain storm prcvulkd all duy, making the road almost Imparsable. Time' cforrcspondenl says th Investiga tion In regard to the explosion of th mine In front of Petersburg, ha closed, and the rtrdlct will show a divided resporslbllity, falling upon llurnaldc, Miiidr, and Hi Urn. who ltd the nssault. Nor can Gen. Grant hold himself entirely blamclr, es pecially In permitting the selection by lot of the officer who led the assault. Washington, 6th. The reports of fiber ninn crossing the river urc confirmed. JI la hellrvcd lo be moving on Oordoneville. Now York. Oth. The Times' ray it I rtiniorid that Shernun bus communicated to the President the fact thai the Georgia State authorities have applitd to com back into tho Union, und that Secretary Stanton' visit lo bavunnah I In counec with thli tuhjvct. Jsow Yutk, 9th. Jtwolullons have been Introduced Into the North Carolina legis lature, opposing the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, ond opposing impress monts and conscriptions, A majority of the commltlec on resolution to cuter into negotiations for an honorable peace, re port that while every cQort i being made to strengthen our armies, they should be aceompuuled by some manifestation of an effort to secure an honorable peace. Com missioner having heretofore been refused by the United Stales on tho ground thut It would be o recognition of the Confederacy. This objection is sought to bo removed In the resolutions, by appointing commission er wboje State existence nnd State author ity lias never been doubted. The commis sioner are not to have power from these State, but only to extend to the President a proposltiou for a peace conference. The Richmond Whig, of the Oth, wys that n Jargo numbsr of deserter, nnd cav- ulry men are roaming over tho country In upper Georgia, committing depredations on the inhabitants. Richmond dispatch says that since Sher man left Millidgvllle, he has changed Ida policy. In that town and ut Atlanta he was nil hardness and cruelty) at Savannah he has been all concllliation. The DIs-' patch forgets that Sherman anuounced that bis conduct would be governed by the treatment be received. West Ya. papers report Gn. Forest killed by one of his own men. AYoshlogton, 8'h. It is known that a bill is pending In tho Houjeof Represent atives for the reconstruction. ot the States, the government of which have been nbi vcrled or overthrown by the rebellion, thus establishing n.rule applicable to them. tfew York, Oth. Tbo Post says Gen. Thomas has been made n Moj, General In tho regular nrmyrvico trcmont resigned, datlugifroru his victory over Hood. Sim- VOL.flXNO. 52 l!ur dominations have becb siadc for Meade nad Sheridan. ,, New York, Dth.-Herald'n oft Charleston correspondent, sayg C"rman.ler rribl' naval brigud has been disbanded and seat back to the vcsicls to which they bclotsT 0Tliro BliRCB. ,. JTU Ve nrc permltteil to make cxtrncG from n prlvntc letter written by ex Governor Curry to Colonel Drew with reference ?o, portions of these mines. Tbo Gorcraeri spent omo month? there lal nmmr, nml J; gained n peroonal knnwlrdgo of their txt fiti mi rii na (l tn tit ! &m.1 iL ,;,, of ,,. ' , h ' Under dale Portland Doc. 10th, he sayi: , Ve hnvo Just organized three companlc '. under the law of Oregon the "Ophir of Idaho," tho "Wnr Kugle," nnd tho .AI. -bnma." All three nftlcsc nre first cbtH - IcdgrAvwAll f tinnM(tftl!ii five per cent of thclrcapltn working nnd dcvclo'pcmnnt of their mine. A brick from the War Kigle show. a proI duel of two hundred nnd twenty-five dollars ' per ton. A brick from tho Ophlr, where tho abaft I not so deep ns thnt npon the War Kugle, being only twenty-two" feet,"" show n result of seventy-Ova dollar per ton. Tho Alabama has n shaft down fifty-five feet nn I tho quarts Is doubtless r.illi- n ffnr.,1 n 1,A D.iltt TI.aa mm. u. li.. t i. i i '.i--. i - ILIIill-a ITIillll k V'AUIIIIilLU UUU iVHICU TTIIKB, . ,i, rt-.i..-i..i ..jiit...r '. on tbo Owyhee last ncatpu, anal therefore llir f)nhlr. nnil Atnlinmn. find (mlv fnu hundred In the Var I'gle. Some of tbo .,wrM , ,.,,,, f , com ,, Mn companii lhajtoek In I l'c. companies!. r. iTOjownera having devoted t 1 stock to 'tho '' bought now nt a very low figure. JJiRtuuct;. ' Table ol distances from Jacksonville, to ) Idaho City Idaho Territory. , . Intrrrmxlli Futal "d 3 ?3-t to OI.Ulj. laif froiu Itinutk. era. J Till. r,-ft KUiimtli IVIIUiiuitmi'a tlr. lllllMl Ull'tuC 0 at co is 80 a mile ilu Ut III III ilu Iu ihi 1 Hifimu" IKrrr (lu.-. UU Yul. ,1.1 do do TarrwMlux (( da : SYn tx'tt llr 1V ovarii"! Vntlrj rutin' Vollrr 1 lv CnvXM C. OwjI.m Inter Ji'iilaii Crtvk lliX ruKnutllo CimIi ISIrrr H.4M eiijr Udiu uiiy to K. N. Ml. IV..I M an iid 3IJ da 3H1 407 da da do da ta In lU At Cptlniri n Cynwliijr , ilu do di O.I JiiriUn Ck umrr r e 413 nobrCr. 41 nn ao an (Ot HIHrTCf" 491 Ml fruit CV T Distance nn Port Klamath, Surprise! ' .Yulley, nnd the Pueblo Mining Distrletto tn the Intersection of road in Steins Volley. W mil, i PiIIm IV7 da VU d.1 J"J ilo Tu It.4 Fp'tt. tU.l.lriul- (nuit I'M,, tu rllr allp. ' do d.i da Uli'lUmr dt ua i rnup . urN.1iii tjnuda lAIr'rdlueU h.ii,u,i,(.!' IJTHUo Tttnupiy drill rr tli if. Iiniw'a CAM.' Tuble ol distuna'8 from Jacksonville to , Fort Klamnlh fm tho head of Roguo III;.,.; er valley, Klamath nnd Link river. Ilnlrriii"- llili- ill.- UWV4 t'lH-vC.-um J'rlllo Kt.lo- IIUWI, 6.-U fbilhip, hwl II. Il", KUiimIIi lllinr Mt riunwiii I ' ilM.inijii( is; Biir'llM V11J- 3) PiHtda i;s Slttu's Vallny 49 lUMintlU 113 nagooroaj. rmlKraaU cruw li'K UuK Hirer, f't or llic KUuuitU. fert KluiMttt iuIIm 54 " Mmllt. CO do IS da IS lid 40 du IU da wagi,aittsi IW ii taosl rU trail, .' rU lr.ll nut id vt Lk Via ncnly Post Offlce California. , ' Tull llt., W.kl Tit MHitaini (Mv'a Mtnuta MM.,Snart. CmII4IWUm1.4Ih1v iui untc Klaulliiltr,rm- ltfraiitrruMtii; f.irt KUtwitli .1.1 Llii Hirer X DiUre 7 mllm 3 do S do 41 do 40 do SI da M do 190 da wagon roaj wagoarool guanJ rl trait. ' U trail. Table of distances from Jacksonville to .. Fort Klamath, and Coflon City nia Kogoa River nnd John Dav 'm(in road. I ' . - - .! ' " ".; .:"...'. . .r-.rr lnteriiifr-l STat-OH illil ilU-l t'lievfrun Ta fiirt .W.l IU. tlllKU. Jjw-ktua. KUiiUttl. Till.. lliuftva 4 erry i liogiia l.lur lUmvrV Trail l'rk Klk Crik tUuuru HixV JlrMk-o .N. Vuk lKlie lllrvr Unlwi Creek Cunjun Creek llenver lunl,H.e Bluing Cunyun IIUiliij.nil Stirinei UlIlM S lullyl da du du du .do ill d du du da O flu 6 do tf do la do da rial ilu la da humnilt CWvU I'.'. nine rlrtl r,rtncijl uT f aiumlt JunellMi Oil. aud UilleaTrMI IWkIiuL. lUrer 0 da SO da da 10a Vnhroit Oily via old trail 123 da 220 iV ''H Did You Even I An exchange, describing ' a dance at a country village In bis neighbor-,, r- bood, tay.- "i he gorgoou. strings pr glass ,. oeaiis giisteacd oa ice ncaving oosoms or the village bells liks polUhed ruble resting' on the surface or warm npplo dumplings I'' i i- A sailor dropped out of tho rigging on4 ltt ship-of-war, some fifteen, andcU'n,, j lieutenant. "Wrytch I" yelled ''thoogcer, f ('where did you come from? "I came from, , Ireland, yer honor."' ,"" r"n n'i"v J 1 r,i i-tdl Mr 'i aa' A lb !.! I o !IWt . -VA .if dvMt Jit k M, V -mIw t -.l . bi . C'-T y.Ul u.