Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 24, 1864, Image 2

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Till; -(HON HTH
J. St. SUTTON, Krtllor.
To tub urncioT axd rximxtxcr or tock
U.niox, x Oovr.nNMBXT ron Tin: wnot.n is
I sMsrexnnr.tr." II 'athingtm.
jacicso.wu.t.u, ounooN.
DLT. 2, 1&I
of its warmest advocates nro .found aransg
(he lrmllnj rpftlls of that party.
Full well they know, (00, that If tbcv can
soccccd'in getting up a Oglit Id ourrsnks,
over It, victory to ilhcm li certain 111 the
"ill. f , f
.Wcelo notopposo a movo 10 lest Hie
validity of tho law, provided tt can be done
without Injnsy to the Union party, but we
do believe It is better to mlimll to any
law nutll tlio sitting of another Legislature ,
than to Injure our parly by proscribing
one portion of It and fighting It own nc
lloni". It Is nur bumble opinion Hint It Is
impossible to prepare a test care, nml ob
tain n dcclihn from the Supremo Court
of tho United States before the silling or
the host Iglslnturr, and II 4ho law
prorcs odlons to the people, It will be re
pealed at Hint time.
Lilt of Agents for llio Ormion Skxtixki.
1S..F. Russell, general agent for Oregon,
ami Id.-vlio Territory.
L. 1'. Fisher San Francisco Cid.
J.J, Knowlton it Co ilo In.
Thomas Davis, Apniegnlc. O211.
T.1U1IIII Wllbcr do
V. O. Ulrdseye Hock l'olut iln
Thomas. Croslon, . ...Croxtonn JHgglns do
Wm. '8"p!ccr, Jtimp-Oll-Jo do
Gov. Glbbs Portland do
1). M. Thompson, Albany do
W. M. Svan Althouto do
Thomas Can- do do
Tlinmm F. Floyd lvcrby llio do
8. W. 'Sawyer do do
1). 1'. Anderion l'hncnlx do
I). M. 0. Oault do do
A. Ireland Myrtle Creek do
Geo. I. Dean,, Kllmtmrg do
Thcodrlo Cameron Union Town do
James W. Watson, Koecbiirg do
Miss Ilattlo Hunter Hoguo River- do
I.. W. Sullln Kurt Klamath do
Illncer Herman, of Canyc.nvlltc,ge ncrat
A soul for Douglas County.
Tho ''Sentinel" mill UioHiiecl
lie Contract Ltnv.
It is now about Arc tnonllis since wo
assumed control of the editorial columns o(
the Skmi.-ul, during which time wo have
given It our undivided attention. Wc
liavo studied Its best Interests, end used
our best Judgment In trying to make It oc
ceptsble to every Union man who chore to
read It. Ve acknowledge that the paper
is not what we would wllh It, yet It Is
more than Its present patronage cm snp
pnrt. So far, It has fill short of paying
its way for material, printers, etc., inlng
nothing of our time. When wo look
charge ol the office, wo found n largo pro
portion of its tubicrlpllons paid In advance
for from three to twelve months, nnd with
'oat material on baud for more than three
issues. Wc was aware of its frequent fail
ures, and that In keeping It up until that
time Its proprietors had been nt on actual
Iom of from four to flvo thousand dollars.
We was also nusro thai these failures and
losses had, (0 a certain extent, been attrib
utable 0 the course It had pursued. It
was cvrr ready (0 toko sides In every fac
tional difference which arose In tliu Union
parly of this county. This course had
been the caaso of 110 little estrangement
between members of tLo parly. Do
Ing cognizant of all I he so facts, we felt
soma forebodings for its future suckm.
Wc, hoieever, delriinloed to Iryourhatid.
nnd, as far as wc was competent to profit
by the experience of our prcJe'ccitors.
Taking os our motto, "Our Oounlry can
not be wrong," wo determined that when
ever a political diUVrcuco arose between
Union men on one side and any other parly
on the other, bo they of whatever name,
Heccssiouiit, Copperhead or Democrat, we
would be on the side our country was.acd
thst wo .would refroln from taking tides
in any little factional diOVrcnco which
might arise, among Uulon men. Wc have
ever been of the opinion that a Union pa
per should be the medium through which
Union men might discuss any suhje-ct on
which they differed, but not a weapon in
tho hands of cither side. This is more es
pecially liic caie with a couutry paper,
whero it require the combined support ol
tho parly to keep It up. Therefore, it
should be a paper for the whole parly. It
is Impcrltlvo on every country paper, If
it would .succeed, to pursue this course.
Such arc some of the. reasons that Impelled
us to take the position wo have in regard
to the Specific Contract Law. The Skx
tmm. is iu tho Intertf t of the ichoh Umim
parly, aud In that parly arc many good
Unlun mep .holding antagonistic views
on the subject, who have equal claims 011
the Se.STisiL, and to tako sides with one
wouM be to come In conflict with the other,
and thereby fan the fUrora of bitterness In
our ranks, reideriug defeat Inevitable
Uuion men nkaaik us to take sides in this
issue, do not step la consider that they are
asking Just what every Copperhead In the
land is trying ,o bring about. It is
through this very Specific Contract Law
that they thiuk they ice the defeat of the
Union party in Oregon two years hence,
There tactics arc already matured, and tv
cry artifice U resorted to that can be
brought to bear for the destruction of our
parly. They have their stool pldgeoos
viko come auiong ns, pretending to bv horror-struck
at tie mountains of tmllifl.
cation contained In tbo law, and advocate
the Immediate nullification of tho moun
tains. It requires but a half somnolent
glance to discover the wily deslgua of a'
Foudray or Fay, when so sagely pointing
out, for the benefit of, Union puntbe nul
lification material contained in .this law..
Well they know: that It la the oftprJag of
the Uoiou pirty Id Orrgft)) and thai 19c
Wc was Induced to make tho forrgolng
Jtcment ns n reply to tome rrmniks
made by Mr. Hnmuol Colvcr In his speech
last Saturday, which were in substance ns
Allows: "Unless the editor of iIioSentix
ki. comes out against the Specific Contract
Liw, every ioynl man In the county will
stop Inking his paper." These remarks
met with some offlrmntive responses In the
nudienee. Wc wns ccrtuinly very much
surprised that Mr. Culver should maik out
for us such n line of cohducl, knowing as
wc did tint he had picviously felt. the
stroke of a Union paper, while it was pur
suing precisely the same course he dictates
for us at tin king Union men who chanced
to difiVr in opinion with It.
During nur short cor.rucllon with this
paper, we bnvo received fiom Union men
ninny mmks of approval of the course we
have clioj.n to pursue. Hut the most sal-
ifaelory cudorsrment comes In the shape
of an increase of Ihlrlylhreo and one-third
percint.cn the former circulation of Ihu
SKMTixri., bi adles a proportionate Increase
of other biutncf.
Wc have but few prnmlw In make to
our patrons: The first l, that while our
name remain nt the head of nnr editorial
columns, nothing shall bo )frmlllcd to en
ter them which nc think is not to the best
interests of the Union parly, nnd that no
fmrcfloM in patronage, nor promises of
Increase, rlmll en mo us in swerve from that
course. Secondly, wo will promlso that
tltf first profits ncrutiitf to m the publication
of the HrxTiMJ., while ui.drr nurtlnrgi,
shall be used to Improve Itasancwrpnprr,
liy.niMing the moi-u .nudlng matter to
Its columns, and os all that wo possess Is
iu the lurcesi of till 1 papor, wn must In.
slit on acting the purl of gunrdliin nf Its
columns. Thru If we full, wc have the sat
Isfactloii of knowing that wo fallen! while
nIng nur best cne rcles fur the sneeefsof
nhat we deemed to be Ihu Interests of the
Union parly. .
We will tukc pleasure In Inserting com
munications on this subject, consistent
with tho limits of our columns, which In
our Judgment will not work un Injury to
the Uulon parly.
Convai.UH GszKrrr. The lait numlxr of
this paper comes nut enlarged and Improved.
Mr. T, II. Odeueal takes the part ol puMirli-
er, and tho Iter. W. V. lloyaklu nnkes Ids
iWaelltorlal. Under blif'qulllrdltorlarthti
(7tirtwll hereafter b c)niliid. JuJ
Injr from lila first cm iy, wo have im doubt
that It will to ouo or the most spicy sheets
In Oregon.
In his salutory to tho editorial corps of
Oregon no f ns :
Will you jjlr us your Sft- ? Wb fratcr
nlw now will! everything that appertains to
the prinllne oOlco-Kdilors. tviw itlckvri.
prafewors of dust nnd ashes, din lis and nil.
(ilvo myoiis shtpn, will yuuf
Wo will. Tnko It (rr) and with It, our
bcit nUhes for the success of the (7n.-sY.
1 1
Sntclric Coxtiuct law. On last .Vatur
day (hero was a meeting ef the Cltlzeus
or this Caunly, at the Court House, In
Jackfonlll, for tUa purporo of taking
steps to prepare a tent cao to try the validi
ty of the Specltlo Contract Law, passed by
Ihnlato OrcK'in I.egliluture, or rather the
Tux Law. Tho meeting was called to order
and Mr. II. ! . Hyer appolated Coalman-
ami J). M. 0. Gault, Secretary. Mr. Samuel
Colvcr was called out, aud majo n short
speech, of whlcii we will trwak herevifter.
Toe meeting adjourned to l)ec. .list.
0. A. Hall died at his rosldeno?. near
NiwnlT, Jackson Co., Oregon, December
Uth 18C1, In tho tftb year or bis ag. An
chi'd. about four wjeks old, preceded him
about Uo weeks.
Mr, Bali crossed the plains in IM3, nnl
wiuimaus thornrly tvUUtt of thU county.
Uurlus his Bfllctioa, he often spoke or bis
faith In Ood and bopo of future happlncis.
i ... 1 ..
OlT IX THE Wet The Steamer Enter.
prlmj went up one day this week to Eugene
wiij- ,u uuug mi h anion); ouicr imngs, toe
press typo nrt nature, of tbo Kniew oflloe
rerooviuR it to Tortl&nd 1 hut whsther un
der the character of ' coatralund " or nul
saace, wo never aked ; but U any rate that
leaves poor" Jimmy,1' ihlvetliiR out "In tho
cold." three-fourths of Long Tom splashing
round In the mud, and Lane county much
better off generally GuttU.
Another case of unwonted Ingratitude.
I. 0. 0. F. Thero will Uj an election of
olDcers, of Jackfonvlile Lodgo No. 10 I. 0.
0 T at Iho Masonlo Hall, Iu Jacksouvllle,
on Saturday, December 31st. All brother
In Kood standing aro tcqucjted to bo In at
tcudance. Py ord?r 0' '
Quo. T.FK. It. 8.
' '
Au. the 8cvTiNGi.'a of the 2d Inst., going
north of'CanyonTlllc, were lotf with tho
stage at'Rocfcy Point,
Tho Itcv. Father niancbet lsft on Thura
dJfor Josphln .ionaty, on a pastoral
visit. rt
rr.ronTeD rxcixiiTKux ron tub scntixru
Wasliloglon, 17th. -Dlspatclies were
received today from Ocn. Foster, wlio had
a personal Interview '011 llio mnrrTitg of
Wedncsdjiy, Uth, wllh Sherman, nt Fort
M'Alllslcr, whicli had bren luktn by as
sault on the previous evening. Sivannah
was closely bcslrgcd nnd Its capture with
the rebel forces there was continently rx
peeled. It wns to'bo summoned In two
days nnd If not surrendered, Shc'rimtu
would open his batteries upon It. Foster
reports that Slicrm.inV nrniy Is In splended
condition having llrcil during the march
on turkeys, chicken, sweut pntatws nnd
oilier pood things In the rlchrst part of
tlenrgia. Nulhlng beard frrm Thnnias
today. An nnnfflelul dispatch states that
the Provost Marshall nt Louisville, rrpnris
ft.OOO prisoners and 2D pieces of urtiltery
having been already secured.
A dispatch from Islington, ICi'iilitcky
dated this evening, states that on Iho 14th.
nt Kingsport, KaU Tennessee, Hurbrtdge
had a light with HaSlI lluko's brfjjniK, for
merly John MnrganV, and roil lid It with a
lots to the enemy of 150 mid their I ruins.
Dick Morgan, brother of Juhn Morgan,
was captured.
New York, 18th. Tho Herald's corres
pondence from Dullcr's llcadqiwtcrs, 17,
says five rebel gun boats nnd two ram, the
Virginia nnd tho Richmond, were distinct
ly observed lying under llio guns of Fort
Darling yesterday, towards evening. They
nro doubtless tnero ror n purpnse. The
Richmnnd Kuqulrcr, of tho lfilii, Ins n
simioflleiiil editorial In favor of nrnpcy
Iho slaves. It says Ocn Lcc is In favor ol
Iho proposition. The Euq'iircr says:
When wc suppllcnto European nations fin
help, wo mutt I10 prcpar.il to receive It
on their own conditions, which will be the
nbolition of slavery. It also auks shall we
prolong the war, sacrificing 'our children,
and desolating our country for the sake ol
the negro? It cnnctuilis, wc detest nnilT
desptso the enemy far more than we liiw
slaves. A telegram In the Uclimwd
Whig, from I.yncliburifi dated Dec. 1-lth.
says n body nf Yankees, returning Inwiird
llrant's Hutlmi. K.ist Tviui., rnciiuulerid
our fnre-e ut Ivnl 'A dllcoff.r Sintlun. nn the
Tennr'ei railroad, nine mile from llrlitol,'
where n light was progressing at last nc
The Richmond S.nltnol, nf. th lfitb.
says Fiister Is quiet under lits'-fallurc on
the- Havnnnali railroad. Klierin.ui lu
leemliigly despalml of oenliigcoinmunlc.i
linn wllh tho ks at D,-uf.irt. ",lhs cap
lure or Fort .McCalMiler is olinounciil'
Its liability to capture has been well uu.
derstoml. Shrrmun will now be nblu to
get supplies by way of the Sound, Should
ho cnpluee Bdrmiiiuh, ha will Imrctvtcliniig
eil n city In tho Interior for n city on the
coast, which has bren cnmpVlrly closed to
commerce since tho loss of Fort Pulaski
iu 18C2.
Hun Franc'tro, 21st. Primlc dispatch
es quote gold In New York, yesterday, at
2:13, aud tjuvernment stocks rising.
Steamer (lolden ngenrrlvd on the even
ing of the 1 S1I1, with melU and passengers,
of N'ov. 23d, from Nw Yi.rk.
Iigal Tenders, 17.
Nnshville, 17lli Our army tartar U
nndoubteilly attacking th-- reur of tho reb ';
els, as heavy llring lias been hvanl In In
direction of llwlr retreut, olneo early tbl
morning. Tho total number or prisoner
captured In two days lighting is estimated
nt COO. Hoods loss cannot bo leas than
13,000 men since he advanced frmn Coluui
bin (awards Nuihvlllo.
Uiuclnn-ill, 19lli 'llio (luz-'tle publish
w the followltig : result of the battle of
the 10th, uear N'udiville : 6,000 prisoner
30 guns nnd 7.000 small nrras. Tho np
peaiance of tlio batllcflehl, was horrible iu
.the extreme t the ruin was falling rapidly.
Iho ground was covered with deud nnd
dying, camp rqulppage, lorn mid trodden
In tliu mud, was mingled wills shuttered
artillery wheels, aud fragnuiits of exploded
N'asliville, I9.b.-A courier wli.i left
Franklin ycsterdiy reports the rebels In
full retreat. Franklin is repirtcd full of
rcbil wounded t not ku than 3,000 being
left 00 tbsir retreat. Every church nnd
public building thero lias been taken for
hospital pirpows. All tho caurcbei In
this city have been appropriated for the use
of our wounled who have arrived here.
ashlnjtoo, 19 lb. Tho following ro
port or his operations yesterday has been
received from Thomas, date-el Headquarters
Department oftheCumberlaud, near Spring
Hill, 18th The enemy bas been vigorous
ly pursued tohy; but has jtudomly
avoided no attack. I havo succeeded in
in taking a few prisoners ; but our csp
tures were light in comparison with the
successes of tha past 3 days. Pursuit will
be continued nt as early au boar as troops
can march. Tuw.
Tha following unofficial rcpirts hevo
been reecirwl : Nashville I9ib, 1 1 M
This forenoon rains have been so Iwavy
that littlo progns bis been mule, Oar
cavalry skirmished with tha enemy n short
distance from 8prng Hill. The river Is
welling rap'dly.
No latclllgenco from 8bernun was re
oelved today. A call and draft fr three,
boodred thousand troops to make up defi
cleocles ocoasioflcel by tho credits on the
last call.ls to be ordered by tho President.
Sta.nto.x. I
New York, 'iOih. Times special from
Nashville, dated th: 19th, says Thorn is is
pursuing tha enemy to Duck Ru-cr, 'We
havo-prarly nil of Hood's ortllUry. All
oflhcrlreni aw high, an 1 nit lirldes In
front of Honil nre destroyed. "Wm hive
captured 9,000 prls-Jrters, tnelirdlng ,000
wounded nt Franklin, and four MuJ, Gen
erals. Hood (mil 4H guns, 39 ot which we
now hare. The enntny's kill led nnd woun
ded Is nbnut the same ns our own, wlilili
will nit rench 3, BOO. Rebel Ocn. Johnson
says the rebel loss nt Franklin was (iee
thousand, while ours was but 1,900.
Sloueman lias whipped Urcckinrldgc In
Hist Tennessee, near the Arn. line, killing,
wnnndlng anil enpturtng a huge number,
nml Inking muit of hls'nrtltlery. Murrrvcs.
bnro, Drldu'epiirti Chattanooga nnd Knox
ville. nre nil right.
New York. 20th. RchminJ dtspilch,
of the 17lh, siyi It In cunfi lently reported
iliut SherminV fircn were in front of Hur
tle nn tha I dlli, nnd .that Iho surrender
of Suvnniinli was bdng arrangi-d.
New York, 201b. The OuIm, Trom
Liverpool, the 31, arrived. Wm. L Daylnn
African Minister, dteil In Paris, Dec. 2.1.
Fc's'nd.'li, Stanton and Illalr nre mention
e.irnr the vacancy.
IiuUvllle', 19ih. Journal loams that
'jcn. Wood had got Into 1 1 nod's rear near
Franklin, nnd thinks Ildid'a nrmy will bo
speedily cruihed.
New York, 201b. Tito O'lmnrrclul's
sp"ctiil d'spitch seys Richmond papers or
the 17ib, conceile that S'lvunnab must be
taken, telegraphic cnmmnnlcJtlnns with
thnt city are cut off. This Indicates the
complete Investment of tha plicc.
The Herald'a Fort McAllister cwrespnn
dent siys when tbo city nf Suvannuli was
Invesltd by Shermin, It wns unprepared
f.irns'ciru an.l It wm believed could not
hntil out but n few days.
latest (ire-cubicle rpiotnttorn In Sun
Francisco -17. Onld In N. Y. 2:lfl.
Iliiadquate'rs Army Potomac, 19th,0nc
hundred guns were tired this morning In hon
or of the great victory nrThnmas over Hood,
Tho robots threw re few shells In reply but
done no damage. Last night the pickets nn
Ihfl right nf our line wero nctlvo In ksoplng
up an exo'iang or camplltuMits.
jnow lurk. Zlt. The morning papcro
have nollitne; from Sherman.
Wit haee l!ln Jnnerlo advlc"' to Nov. Idlh
I.lttln nr nnthlng In reporlnl of tho views
ntnl ili'slgus or Iho fiov't or Ilrazll relative
to the selr-uri' nf the pimtn l-'lorliU In the
HailHir or llnhla. Tho nfllclul Onz'llo or
lh 2.111) OntohW. rays that by n French
picket, llio llrazllllan Oov't had s-nt full
direction to Its Minister nf Legation nt
Wsihlngtuti to dcmiud )irnpir satUfactlnn
fur tha.' conduct of Ihu Commander or the
QusSec, 21st. .10 mire nrroits or raiders
hieve liecn made. Thiy nro now being ex
amined hero. A rpeolnl messenger rrnm
Wftdilnglon arrived hero wllh dispatches
rrom Secretary Seward.
IVa.hlnglnn. 21st. In Iho House today
II. (J. Wiirthlngtnn, member from Nuvnda,
took his sent. House, jvslorday passed Ser
a'e bill creallng the grade of Vlc-Admlral
In tliu Navy, tn cnrrwpow with the grade
of Llriit.-Genernl In Iho nrmy. The Presi
dent will npprnvu Iho bill mid probuhly give
the commission to Purrngiit.
Nahr:il, SOth llood'a nrmy, tho rem
nant or tt, was nt last accounts, nt Duck
Hirer, which ho was crossing as fiut ns pos
sible. All their wounded left nt Franklin
wer captured, luoludlng Gen. Qunrl , for
imrly Snp-'rvlmr or the Itankk In this State.
Forrest In his attack on Miirfrcebnto, on
the- 1.1th, It iseillmalid lost 1.A00 kllhd
and wounded, who full Into our handf, Tho
rhd nrmy rro.n all accounts, has become
Utterly demoralized mid Is unable to makon
.stand, mid has scarcely any artillery. The
total number or wounded In tbo battles or
Thursday and Friday, will reach but little
liver 2.U50.
Nw York. 2lt. Steamer Fulton from
Port Unyal, lfllh, nrrlved : Savannah still
Iu hands ol tha .rebels ! Its surrender hud
not been demanded up to the lime tho l'u'
ton sailed. Tho.I'almetto Herald says the
only fiuht or moment that occurred em 3li'-i-mau's
march wns one wulcb mulled In Iho
(logging or Wheeler. All railroads loading
ut or Savannah wero cut aud tho city km
seeurely Invested.
Chicago, 2lst. The following dlipatch
delayed by Interruptions on tho line, has
mt been received :
On board gun boat Detroit Ossabaw
aund. Dhj Uth. To-dey at 5 P M. 31 ill-
rWrfn of tin llth carp, curlad Fort JPAI-
lsr by asMult capturing tho ontlro gar
rtnand stores. This opened tons Oia
Uew Sound, and I passed down to thl gun
boat to communicate with the lleet, Ileforo
opening communications wa had completely
destroyed all railroads leading Into Sava-.
nab and invested tbo city ; the left rests on
,tho Savannah river 10 miles above the city,
ami me right on the Ogceeheo. Tho nrmy
Is In splended older, weather lino and fup.
piles Abundant. Our march vns most
agreeable, and not molested by guerrillas.
We reached Savannah 3 dys ago but owlpg
to Fort Mo.lliiter could not communicate:
but pow wo have Fort MoAlllitcr we sba!'
go ahead. We captured 2 boats on tho Sa
yauiub river aud prce-enUd their gim boats
frcm coming down. Tho tstlmalcd popuU
tloo of Savannah Is 23.000 and number In
gsrrlsons 13,000, (j n. Hardeo commands.
Wa have not lost a wagoa on the trip 'but
have gathered In a large supply alio negroes
mules mid horses. Our teams nro Jn Utter
condition than when we lUrtcd. My (Irst
duly will be to clear the army or wperUOus
ncjeroc mulos and horrc. r I,,.-. ..n. .1.
rtc.iroyed 20 miles of rails aud eonsumeU
17 V .1 um l,r"yi,l0l"i iai were cweiii
tlaltotho armies or Leu and Hood. I re
gard Saeanuali u Hlreudy gained.
W. T.."iimi.un, MJ Gen,
Fnrt'WAsnt!rrrrJs;Mr .rumeaF Q.i!
Icy, one of our Stale Electors, nrrlved In
tuwn. Suturdiy e-vonlng, ntVhhe.WNj'tn-lhe
(Niltionnl CiipltnJ, to conWy tic tlCc'ttl
Ivoto or this State. MR GiiVy Ws-elone
gnnehR-rvIcc t5ibo Union ennse by Ids tin-
3ucilt nnd rntnest., nppeals tp Oie Tolers,
iiritig the InlojfatnviiM. and well deservi-a
Ibe honor of bftirlmr the result to Wash
ington the mnre, ns'lmvlnf been n life
long Democrat, of the rild Jncksnn school,
ho Is n fit representative of tho fuel ol
which wc nre proud, that Iho Union causa
in Orrgnn commands tho support (if tl e
best elements or former polit rnl assocta
ttons. Ortgontan.
0. A. Dorrs advertises Utat he Is rrn-ly In
receive subscriptions Tor Ilctidley's History
of tho war. It Is 0110 of the most Interest
ing works written on tho subject.
' -t --
Onva DonnK has opened a new Photo
graphic Gallery In Jncksonvlllu. Give him
u call.
Now Is tho tlma to read nil tho Halt.
vertlsemcnls in the Skntinru
On the 20lh Inst., In Wllllnm-bnrg.' Mrs.
HaiiY T. Lattov, wire or J. T, Lay ton, aged
twcnty-rotir yrnrs,
Ine Lattox. Inrnut daughlor or Mary T.,
mid John T. I.nvlon.swas liorn Knv'inber
lfilh, 1804, and eUcel'Drtsetnlicr I3th, lsr.1.
On Iho mils lust,, Omtk Mar, daughter
or J. F. nnd M. J. Audonnn,niied two years,
nine months and twenty-four days.
I lake these little lambs,' mild ha,
"And lay them In my breast :
-Protection they idmll find In ire,
n mo ba ever blessed,"
On Nov., 271b. In MertloCreik precinct,
to tho wlfr of Solomon Ady, n daughter.
On tho 2d Inst, In .Myrtle Creels precinct,
tu the wife or Iane licutlcy, u daughter.
On the 21st Inst., on Jnckson Creek, to
lie wife or II. Fox a son.
m ffEWTjO-TjAY.
Ordinance No. 23.
PnKAMnu:. Whereas, owing to the de
preciation nr V. S. currency. It Iwcomes
iiecosiary Tor the Hoard of Trustees, for the
town nr Jacksonville, In order to cover tho
cxm'nsra of nirve-vliicr. nlntliie. niaklui;
deeds nnd stamping the eame, In ranscss
llm viduii or loin claimed by occupants, In
Unit portion of tha town uttered by tho
Truiii-rs Tor Dm U'ticMl or Iho occupants
thereof. Therefure,
The p'nple nl Iho town of Jnsksonvllle
do ordain ns follows!
Hoc, I. Thut one hundred rxT oeulum ixi,
nml Iho siime Is hereby added to- the former
us't-iuicuti inuilc by llio Hoard or Trustees,
on nil lots not paid for nl IhUdate, to cover
cusis und charges Tor making deeds.
Sco. 2. That Iho Trustees uf tho town
.irtflimv liieiured In clvu tltlu deeds to all
legal occupants or lots In tin portion of
the town entered by Iho Trilluus lor thu
benellt of thu occupants thereof.
Sic. 3. That ntl audi nccuconts nro here
by required to present tliclr applications to
tho Town Iticorder, nod pay the nkdefuieuU
made by llm llou-d or Trunlccs, nnd rccehc
Ihcir iKe-ds, within one hundred mid Iwvuly
days from the publication or this Ordinance.
Hoc. t. Any Kgal occupant Tailing to
comply with llm requirements or Section 3,
within tha one huudred mid twenty days,
proceedings will bo commenced to collect
the iiMe-smcnl and acciulug costs ofsu.t,
by an nctluti at law.
boo 3 That unoccupied lots are offered
for rule, mid application may bu made to
thu Hoard of Iruilvcs, and deeds will U
msdo In npiillcnuts for unoccupied lots, at
Iheasikm-d v.tluu thereuf, until othtrnlso
oiucrul uy tiie iiuatd.
Sec. fl. All founvr Ordinances, or pasts or
uniiiin-iceii, coniiicililg Wiiu IUIS Uieliauce,
aru hereby repealed.
Paiud.Dcc. Jd.lBCa.
Attest U. S. Matokn. itecorder.
OUVir. DODGi: would nnnnunco to tho
fidlcs mid G'lith'incn of Jacksonville
nnd vicinity, tnnt he has permanently loca
ted In Jneksonvllb, Tor Hie purpose nf tak
ing pictures In nil the Improved art of Tho
logrophy. nnd would nspccrully solicit a
slinra nr the public pntMingf.
ROOMS opposite P. J. Ryan's New Brick.
Jacksonville, DecemU'r 23d, ISC. tr.
"Do aHi-p nnd Subscribe for J.
j- i. itcniiic)" iirirrrmv op tiib
Ohkat Hkuki.mo.v ; iho most authentic nnd
Impierllal work em tha prevent war in Ihu
United SlntM j showing the cause, rise and
progress or the-Relielllon j the uprising rend
cntbusUsm or the People, the Patriotic lib
erality mid cheerful volunteering at the
North and WV.t , the Immense mlUlVri and
nnnnclal roources nr Ihu Gnvtinmcnt j llm
rnWng, orgniilrslng, nnd lurulshug bojh"'
Armies nnd Nnrlvs etc etc
It l Embellish d eetlh over stxly rTrs-l
class steel engravings, mid over forty Por
traits r.r ofllcers, prnml itnt In lli'o war
both North mid South. ' '
This woik Is sold by Subscription, only.
Canvassing Agfnt ror Sonthern Oregon.
N. II. This work can be bad lu either Ger
man or Pngllsb.
Jacksonville, Pi ccinher 2M. 18f,t, tr "
JSTo JLsosi..
TO Iho Snbscrlbirs of tltliss3"lNTKLM
GKNCntt. .
All thoso who havo siili?erib.d and paid,
and their tlmo not expired, will bo refund d
their inon'y, as I havo not nulliorir -d any
pipor or man to furnish any other pap r In
us stead,
Jacksonville, DccrmlKT 17th. 18G4.
Dissolution XsJotico.
NOTICK Is hereby given that Iht co-partnership
heretofiro existing between
Thomas Hievln nnd N. Lnngrll, Under the
nnru',ntidstytcori)Bef'.VCo., Is this day
dlsmlvi-d by mutual coircnt.
All debts mid nceonct" or the firm will bo
cttle-cd by Thomas Davis, nl tho store, on
Apptrgatc. where he w,ll continue In tha
mercantile business.
It Is strange that so many persons will
utTcr roryenrs with dlscai-r, when they cau
uu rcnuii cureu.
has been established la San Francisco for
ten years, and, du'lng that period bas not
failed tn elfect euro In n single case that
ho has undertaken.
Dr. Ham., after a utility o( foTly years, has
succeeded In compounding a medicine of
rt'iuu.Y vwh.tabm: MKtMUATIOX. that will
euro thu worst cases (!onurha,niect. Stric
ture, Syphilis, Imjiotcncy.Shln diseases, and
all cuuiplnlnts nrlclny from Immoral pro
llces In lets time than by any other kauwa
process, uitiioct iNJrnr to rne swim.
Dr. Hall's i-auikh jtUK.r, ror the rudlcsl
cure of Weakness and Irregularities, t
whieb so iiinuy Indies urtlie I'ucltlc coast aro
suldccl, cwlng prlnclpaly to iho pecullarltle
nftlie climiele, Is the best preparation yet
discovered by the .Medical Fncultv. at thou.
.mini unit, imc useu ii cau near testimony.
Dr. Umul ns- no Qcack ; he Is regularly
educated physlsUu or forty years slandlnr.
and bu n dliilomn wblcb lit would U pless4
to show to those who may. with to see It.
Pursons living ret n certain ellstnnce, and '
sending a dcicrlntlon or their oomplolnt.
can bate tholr medicines put up In paokag
and sent by mall or express. In such msn
ncr ns not only to seeeire safely In trsn-llu
but so thnt no penou would suspect wbsv
aro the cootsnl'.
Referencca stnt by mail to thoso who insy
wish to Inoulso res to His Doctor's abllltr
U-rore placing tbewsolves In his chargs.
;r-AddrciHi A. Hall. M. D., 32$ Moat
goinery street, Son Francisco.
"We're innrching to tho Jicld
boys 1"
For tho
Is! llcgimcnt Vol. Infimtrj!
RECRUITS will bo mustered In Tor one.
two, or three years, res they may, in
each catc, ele-cl.
I!. S. Count)' $160, gtoo nnd $100!
Iu addition to the above, thero Is oucrd
to reciultswhocullit lu this regiment for
hrcc )tarv.
A State Douiity of ltd CO.
For furllii r parllculars, cupilre nt tho re"
crulllng ofllce, Urt door U-Iw thn Kxpress
Olllce. F. II. SI'RAGUtV
dcc2-lir Recruiting Officer.
Jacksonville. Dec. 22. 1MH.
9- Consultations, either personal orb
tier. FRISK. r j.somj '
Standard Sewing Mchlne
or ths;
Spechl Tax Notice.
United SUtea Internal Revenue,
JacktoievllW, Ilccciiili.r Alien, IMS,
VTOTICB Is hereby given (hat I have
a. i nv.vi.iu iiuni in jinjessor or tliu
District a List of Special Incoina Tasw,
assessed upon the Iucome or 16C3, persu
ant to a Joint Ilrsolutioo of t'oiigress, p
provcel July d, 18CJ, whlcii provides "that
in addition tu the income also imposed by
law, there shall bo levied, assessed aud col-
lecteu. a bpcpial iocoma Duly updo be
gulns, profits or Incoroo'or oil persons re
siding in the United Sntei, or ctliu re
siding nbroad, for the year ending (be 31st
day of December, ol five per centum.
All persona in Jackson nnd Josephs
counties assessed, upon the said Ibt, will
pleuse tuko uotlco that I will, by myself
ui ucpiwea, nuena ior mo collection o( the,
same nt tho Office or Interuul Jlnvcnue, in
tbo town or Jacksonville, Jaoo 5th 18C5,
that all persoiM who shall neglect to pay lbs
tasss so m arortwlel aswaieed upon Ihein. to
luysair or deputies, wlihln the tlwo abovo
peclllj, shall bo UabM'td pay ten perceu
turn addition upon the amount thereor.
r. t c -cAWFORO,Col!eo:or
Persons owing tho rebovo Tax arc desired
to remtmber that tho additional per cant
for neglect Is Iniposcelliy aw without rurlL.
cr nollce nipilred or the Culle'oior.
From which all others dcrlvs their sltsllty.
All others.pny license to Howe. Jr., the
original Inventor mid patentee. Thcso justly
celebrated machines combine tlit iWslrabfo
nunlltleaorall others, and will ttw cotton,
llk or thread with enual facility rrnm tho
Ihlckurss or flue inmliii to harucu llh:r:
they run llgSit aud rapid; mako a neat lock
stitch, reliie em belh tides) neeer drops
stitches; will gather and sew on at the sums
time. Tiny urn vrry simple, rasRy under
stood nnd managed; are durable, btlnr or
great strength aud erf perfect mechanism,
upon correct and scleutlilo mechanical pri
clples. r
Family machine has no equal. It does tho
v,.,uv iuiiij ui nin in ma iaoi aiiitrovsu
mauiier JVlce-fiOO OO, wish Mur
pjijupletej and with cap to cover ths m.
chliiu part leaking fcccurely. $05 00.
Price or the -'A.'J ,arl finished lMhlue,
with cap, $74 00; Letter U' HKm rana
fnciurlng machine. JM 00, and with cap.
price $83 00, -D, cylaiiderniachlns.HS;
LL larCTr fvlAIirls-r nitnliin. Urt '
We oUo-haTO for sale the Improved Ltltla
Glnnt niachloe-r,20 ths tUvt Knaland ma
chluo J15.
o. 3, Montgomery A'ireet,
c , ... S0 FnpcUeo,
Sole agents for tho TacHlc Ooast.
Ban Francisco. Oct. 8, 18t. octl5t
$aclts Bivo
Whieh will be Seld at a Great
Sacrifice. SACHS IiKOS.