etitimel HL ' " .r"1 hr"-" tfiAvd03U( MESgiLLj'i PPtJaj;fiiLV?lJaLS!ew $i am ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY DECEMBER 21, 1S0-1. VOL. IX. NO. 49 Hie f e giro :f l'roclliniiitloii. SriTi orOnroov. l.xxrvTivi: Drr'r I October iMtli, 18til. Whtnai, I have received a rcquMllon frtm Majur flcntral Irwlii McDawtlt, cots maadlnir the Department of Hie I'acllle, ac ting under authority of the War Department, for oae regiment of Infantry, In addition to Ibi volunteers now In the tervlca of the United Sslates. to td In tho enforcement of tbtlaws. suppress Innrrcctlun and Invasion, unit to thastlte heiilllc lntllniii In this mill. Ury diitrlet . Now, iberifare, I. Aminos C. Gums, Gov trnor of tht Stale of Orei-ou. ami cointuan- elsr-in-eblef of the rullltla thereof, do hereby till apon lurcmr.enioi una male to organ lit thiimelvct Into comptniet itifflcliut to ill the foMgolug re-qubltlou. Ii witnest whereof, I bar hereunto t rny hand, and cauicd tho ival of t t-J UtSM'ltOrv)roffto b 'alrlietl. Dve at Atlem, tlili tilth day of Oc- Uiber, a, ii.. lam. addison o. owns Governor of Oregon. Attttl. .tiucKt. K. May, Secreliry of -nut. the om:ooy bewtiwel. uh-kd Knur tu-rcitiur mokninu. B. F. HOWELL, Prcp'r. Sl'tlfClllFTION Krtr Oni-VTar. In ml.-Ani'n t' our Dollar If paid wllhtu the lint fix month, of tho year, live dollun i ir not paid until the expiration of the year. lx dollun. Aiivkutikimi Oho square (10 Hues or Ittt), first Iwwrtlou, Thrte Dollun ! cncfi ulifciittcnt liiiirtlon. Otw Dollar. A dis count of fifty percent wH1 bo made to those who advertise by IhoYratt. ajUpIJciilf rrc-hjtl ,! cnmnl rln BY CALIFORNIA AND TELEGRAPH. Tht Mloeelng Ii berthy promulgated: Tbi plan of recruiting it.d oriffcriJy.liij; tlir above fortv, Tf ill be. t follows, until further stttltt. UrCKl'ITtNU : Tbi rtgtmtnt ulll be knuwa the Tint Infantry, Ortgun Volunteers. The Held, staff and line elSecrt will bo roiainl-loiud ; the (Sctvarnor. The Statu ulll be dlvl did lut dUlrlcti, according to the nmnU'r f pirioni In each diitrlet liable to do ui i II tary duty. When meli diitrlet bat furnish ed its quota of nun. lime lll be no draft In tbi lime, under this call, liicb diitrlet w III furnish one company. Lommitilont mil iio neurit, uy llicuovcr or, to company cfflccrs. conditioned that ihsy shall rrctull their rcsprctlvo compa nies, and be rtady to bu mu.trnd Into the ifftld, within a time lirreafter to be nantiil. A company rondrxtotu will bf eitabllih. J at tonic cmlral point In each diitrlet. and If practicable, rccrulti Mill heieUlni-d tin re ntll Ihr compiny It tilled and ready to be uilernt Into nrvlcr. The .Ylalc hit pro Med by latr for the pijmrnt of atxtunty of I JO In .Slate Intrr it bearing bond payable In ild to each velunUtr. inmlcrtU luto the nrlce, In ad xlillou In thr lion n lies aiilhirlzid to ! pi Id b; Ibi l.'nlli.l .Vlitci (See lUlntci 163 4, plH8B). Ihi wagei of a foldler In addition are SIC fur month, IpMi clothluc. eniilpinenli, ra tlmi. and allowanrra furnl'hul l) thr Ij'ul t42ttlu. .See ttatule 1&C3, PK CC2.1 O01MZTIOV. Tbi proper organization aud ttrinRtb of a riimini it a lollom : Om (I) coloml, on(l) llrutinantculontl, ii(l) taijor.oni (I) adjutant (an extra liiiul), oai (I) quarlermailcr (an extra lliulinant), on (I) inricron, two (2) aoli- tint urKoni, one (1) chaplain, our ( 1 ) t r Itint mtjor, one (t) regimental qiiartrinat. ur nrKtani. one ( i ) rtKiintuiai eommlriarr irgeaat, and nc (I) hotpltul iktMiiJ. Tiaeompanlit form a rtglmmt. couriNT or isrisTurr One (I) captain, one (I) lit llnitenant, ai (I) Id. llcitttiiaul, one (I) lit. acrceanl, uur (4) ifrt;cint, elcht (H) corporal, tan (tl rauilelajii, ouu (1) wagoner, aixlylonr (It) prlt atei. minimum, and rlphtr-iuo (8 i) prl? alti maximum, boldea Ihu noil comini nenrd oMccri. Uutleiam may be tnllited In each coinpt. ;, who nill be rated and paid an prlrato. TO TIIK COUNTY OIM'IOKIJS. : Other Statei hare fllleil, with commenda bit prwmptltude, itery cill that bat been kIi apun them. T tic people bare a very nitural ripniniMce lo a draft, under which my dralutl nun mutt aetTe vr lurnUh a lubillllue. 1,'ndrr It there mint Inevitably bt iodiq caie ol revere I "It memary hanl ablp. Opportunity Ii noir given to at old iach a dralt. Tliu men arc ucdlrd prompt ly, and every combination of pmrlotimi aod of State, local, mid Tioiial pUde re fw tUl you tviAintKt vtHijJlj, oal yrturv't nffinitl-j U buntuu ef oljainmj rUuntttrt, Tbicfllciriof theKtatofifllnj; the nioit earn l Retire that Ibaeutirc SKu rhould avoid a drift, apptal to the patriotic citizen of jvur ceuuir, Ibroueh you who are their ofJI- 4i(i and legal and natural reprcreutatlfo. Ai tiardlaua of their rlghla and of Iheir hou r.Tl It lucumbent upon you lo rrniond to thli appeal by earurat and fueccitful nnrk. Call tn your aid the aiitancc of thoactlte and Ir.flucntlal citixrot of tho ttir; loyal citizen nf the county undvrUnd. tifi. If poktible, Induce him tonalizo that b bit an Immrdialo and peiroual Intcreit la the nicceof)our eflorla. II ueocMary, ill airtliux in your Kbool diitrlet aud bring the matter homo to every Inhabitant, fundi mil b nettled to pay eipemer, not T'tvidrd for by late .it ubcrlpllon bu tlrcultted In each county for that purport', and preserve a rtcord of the names or Ihu Itoert aioong the arcblvia of the county. h ihert, tht Cnvernor, ujwu xhow tho re liliillon ii made, ctpvcU, urul justly, that yea nil) ropond lo ibi call uikjii you h llh aa earaeitneti of purpose nhlcn ihalliiiMiru eucetri. Due notice ol Itvoillttrlctliig of Hie f.ltte nill be glTen aa toon aa 11 can bo Hade. tjroti or mtm out raox itani coumv t Jttkton , 55 'C'l.aalQf.. ........... .......... 0 4'tJ ...... ......,.f. .......... 0 I)oli ,..,... 60 Lido ;..;. 100 Uenton ,,.. ,...n... 41 i'ollt , .10 Marion ..,,,.......,....', 08 Clickinui 49 tamuiii..,.., ................... lu Tillamook , .t.V, .1 .-,'.j . . t .3 Jlullnoiaab 122 Wathlngton 43 Ciiiiop . . ,, , , , , , 7 Wasco and Grant 120 lmalilla , 3A tltkrr and Union 68 1. (. t). r.Jrtcltirnivlllo Lodge nuiivnumtuttiKvttafl. ini in) rnaij 01 iu nrti wk in tied month, AtM en lltuntAj f mdi Inl.tttnlue wffi, mi tat yiftaonie llall. tl ''ltkr. h. llUi.NWVMnair.Vr.l.ill..t Joai Mtl.aiitv, It. B'. i)Trtl..,,J,u it. Saltou," Wot. Illj tnJ 8IU Warren Lodtfo No, 10, A. If. & A. M. HOLD their regular communi cations the Wcdnridar Krcnlinrmn or preceding the full moon. In Jica'- IU.1VIUJC, oxxiio.v, . tr ALiaf.HAllTIN.W.M. u. H1.00M. Src'y. o. JAcnna. . r, niMtitu.. JACODS, &RUS3CLL, ATrOHNKY'fl AND COUNSKI.OIIH A.r TtA.XTT". ANDSOI.ICITOIIH IN CIIANCKUY'. JiCxioNTtM.K, Onnioy, lime npKll flic Coiut llmiit. All bttitneit committed to their care will be urompll- attended lo. Julr 29. T,i, D. F. DOWELL, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, JArKto.MViu.K, Ont-uo.f. VIII liraetlce in all the t'ourlt of the Third j uuiciai iiiainct, Ilia Miprenw Court of Ore gon, and In Y'reka, Cal. War Scrip prompt. Iv colli-clfd. oct. 18. roar no Kxci.vuvii.r roa tiik iVTtNtir BATURDAriTDISl'ATCII. OREGON I nrranycmenl, the bombardment of tlmt city I with a lot 19 euiif, and about 1,300 prli- ii temporarily tuppcnilnl, nnd will not bo , onsn. llood'i wbnle army, excrpt his rnnmeJ until after the exchange It con-J eavalry and o imull force at Murfrcetboro ciuii.ti. i lie uomunniinrnt cemed oti Sunday, (lie dlh, nnd the trauifer nf ptl. Now Y'ork, 12ili. llealun K. Fcnlon, on,r "n ,00" "" comnwnceil. It iirx Governor elect ol New York. Iia rrnt nn I Prc,fd lno or ,,,r,-c Wl T1" rtqulrtrd Mi resignation nt member of Congrrii, tn lake efT. ct Dec. 20lh. It it tlintiitht llmt the aprokir ivlll iippnlnt I) C Little John tn flli the vacancy causal by this rcilgnn. tton. Advlcri from Clly l'-olnt slalo that u atnrm wni raying llirre yeslrrilny. It Is rrportdl that one of'a Impurtunt rull road ciimniuutrdllona Imi been cut by our troops. Il(oiliiuuteri Army Potomac, 11 111. It was kiinirn tltul the enemy wcrpprocur-' Ing large iuppllc by way of the WcMon railroad lo Slony Creek whrncu they were wagoiml. The cavulry forco irnt there ten ilayi ago not bring able to. Hop thcxe operation, the flflli corps, with Urcggi cavalry, and the third division of the 2d corp, huve been delallcd to ttTrclltally put n stop to Ihcm by ileilrnyinfr tho railroad ui fur smith m lliekford, If it was possible lo complete the exchange, Nashville, 12th. Official reports from Urn, ItiMrcrans, at Murfrrrthoro, have been received. Illocldiouits five nnd six wa rngflgad. otaktom. Washington, lClli. The fullowlng has Just hern received! Nashvllle,Tinn.,16th, 9:30 r. u. I nltackul the enemy this niortilinr on Iho led, nnd drove him from the river below the city, very near to Franklin. I have cnplurcd 100 wagons, I... t .. ...! n nnn ! 1 I uciween i,uuu anil i.uuu priauneri unu (were ubanlonid liy tho gairlsotu. The 1C pieces ef urtlllery. Our troops behav enemy surrounded them, but thry bravely ed splendidly, all liking a share, and fro fought their way nut and ciraprd In Mur- qneully charging the linattworkr. I shall frcesburo without lost. On the 4lh, the attack vuiii to-morrow If lie will stand block hnura at Orvllle Creek was ultackrd , fJght. If he nlrrnti to'nlglitj will pur by the rebel Urn. Hairs Davidson, with 6 , sur. I have been throwing a large envoi pieces of artillery. 71 shells were fired, ry force In bts rear to destroy Ids truini, doing no damage. The same afternoon I If possible. Tnnuaa. Muj Cui, tlireo regiments, with the 2d artillery, went Nn later intelligence from Sherman, from Murfreeibiiro, under Oen. Mll'roy. ' Signed Staxton. The enemy's force was unknown. Our1 Washington, litli, 8:30 a. u. The fid- tronpi allacktd and routed the enemy, i lowing i.lTIclal report nf a great victory Federal loss, four killed nnd lorly wouudul. ohtniiird yestrnUy by '1'liomai' and his Kiicmy's losi niit.-iiowD. Night coming nn, gallant army over the rebel force under our forces n tired to tho fort. Monday j Hood, In front of Nmlivllle, vni rrcclved miirulng the enemy vttrc rcliifnrced by Imii lids nfurnlng ul 1 n'clock. A sitrpils'ng brigades of infnutnr nnd 2,600 cavalry, circumstance connected wllh this grrut to reaelt that station. On Wednesday at u,""'r ''""est In pirsnn during the day.' acliiivtmcnt is the small loss snllered liy started south on the " tl'll(,""tty 'e emmy tli inontlrnltd our tronpi, evidencing, among other things I.D.HAINES. ATTOltNEY AT LAW, JacxioN'vii.Lr Otir-uov. Will practice In the Courts of Oregon. Onier. 1W Ofilae llnlldlnns. QEORQE B. DORRIS, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, akp 3XTot.xy "CiAl3llo, JACXtONVII.Lt, OlIKUOH. "" tf J. S.HOWARD, suuy'ky'ou k civii, i:ncini:i:u. JiCiioNvn.ijt Oaziinw, Rtildinct near the South end of Oregon lrt. January. 2, Wt J. H. STINSON, ATIOUNKY' AND COCNHIH.I.OII -cVI TiATTP", Albany, l.lnn county, Oregon. m,'22tl Q. W. QRCER, I'lIY'SICIAN AND SUIKJI'.ON. Jacksomvii.i.x, Ontoox, Office at hU rishlencv on Orrifcn ilrrel. daylight, Hie column Jcruiulitn plank road. The cnvalry ad vnncu nrrhtd at a point 12 miles from IMrralitirg, diverged front the road to the right nlmosl one tulle, nhtn It reached Iho Natlony Illvcr. ui.d nt mice commenc ed crosiliig. On reaching n point ttu miles beyond b'uiwx Court Home, iohik cavulry were incnuiitcred, and driven back lo nhtra the Wetdon rnllinnd cnsr the Nattnwny, About noon, n 'small force of the enemy dashtd In bcturcn our cavalry ngalutt the furls nt Mutfrcrsborn and tbc the admirable skill and strategy of Oen tnnrn, coming up within a mllo of the fort, i Thomni In the disposition nf the bit tic. On yesterday the enemy's Infantry moved i In our congratulations at the defeat of the around lo Wllkluini, about 11 miles north enemy, thanks nro due the Almighty fur writ of the fort, nhere the rebel command I the protection of our pnllnnt officers and wax formed nt the battle nl Stone River, soldiers In the great coullict which they Three regiments and n luttrry wrre sent linvc pnsscd through, out on the Hnlrni Pike, nho encountered1 Ileadrjnnrlert, Ib'p'l Cumberland, eight the cnrniy nn the Wilkinson l'lke, behind , miles from Xuihvllle, ICth, C f. )l. I have brvMttviiiht of Iigs nnd mils. The rebels the hounr to rcpurt llmt the cue my have were completely rnnlid nod driven cfl'ln ' been preMcd back nt nil pnlnts to-day, nnd ami the advance nf Ilia Infnntiv. but iven-IB'"" '"'' inmriscnviiiry mulling it now on incline u rririm. a large soon repulsed wllh tllglit loss. Our ml-' B ,nM "n ,l'm '" lMt llllrr ,0 CUIM'- number nf prisoners lme bet n captured. then commencul the destruction ' l- w 30 kllll ond 175 noundd. 17 to 20 pieces f nrtlllcry today. I have of llw road by burning the bridges aero,. "" tnfnV ' ,n" '"' WW,UJ uur'- J WinH lo lie cimlliiutd milay. ilm Xoiiu.... ThoT mnil .1 oi. ,..," look 207 pritoneri. Including one com- light In the morning. Although Iho f2tirn.ttrf Mlnltiiii ami litwitiii.ti.t.l il...... ri,,,..j... -i.i.i i ii . i. , 'captured nnd lire imw In poaltlon lliuriday night. On the nlleriioon nf , ' ,. , ' i..t.i.. .1. .i ... ii,.,.. ,! fort, rrevlous In Mllliny s nlturk . .t.uv,f IIU, Wl.lllltVIll IIHCIItll JJI4IUIII. The eitdity were found to be In seine force, having n battery In position with strong works nn both sldis nl the lrhrrrrn river, an attach wat futind linnrurttrulde. nn ne. count of tht strength nf the works, and the ,,e,,on of nrli,,cr' ,0 drl"' .,,,ro "! ' difficulty of approaching them, particular. '"n, nlilch wm dono to .IT dually that ly with nrlllhry. It w.t determined t j " ''" S.1 m"'Itf l,U "I'lranco since. carry the wniks on Ihls fido nnd drttri.y (,f"' (3rnnC"',l 'l"'r'"' '!' " S1" Ihe depnt, which nan successfully done. i ',,,on' ' ,,e WM,,wr '' coM BnJ no M0 WAshlngton. pr, '"" are In progress. Persons from the rapidly being made Input the new first , trM ,1,,c rrPort I",f," MlTrtlnp moi.r corna of (Jen. Nwicnek'i Into the Held at ,01 "'"'i'- -v" c,rr'" '" " I'vigunor I mba'nnid officer. Two 12 puuinKrs were troops lire much fatigued, the grealut en In this. Iliusliisin prevails. Tlic number of prison illmy's ntturk on the. cm cnpturid yesterday greatly exceeded rebels, llufford's dlvnlo i of cavalry utluik , the number telegrnphcd lust cvriiiug. The cd Murfrrrsboro, enitrtd the town, shel'id ! nomh, fields and Inlrenclinieuts arc strewn It and iK-slroMtl several houicr. Rose-'with the enemy's small arms, abandoned crans rent one riglimut nf infuntry and n In I he retreat. In couclujion, I am happy Ihccarllctt n.Mucnl. Many old nnd tried l,0"d ,H,TC l,rfn ,ttkc" "I"""' mIf liilo J eft cert w be i.hicrd in command. Tl.eir I """""" ' c 'rl'"" "" ' " DR. L.S.THOMPSON nrKiiiK CITY nil UCr STORE, nKauiKxcU tlpiiniKf tlir Cuiuity Jnll. Jaesonvllle, Ogn. deo2ltf PETER DRITT. Pliuangriiiililc ArtUt, ft prepared lo tako ptcturet In everv itvle of the art, with all tho lata Improvements. If l'lcturea do not ee satlifjctlou. nn charsea will be made. Call at hit new Cal lery, ou the hill, eiamluo hU plcturei, and sit lor your likeneii. DR. A. D. OVERDECK. Dr. Overbrek would announce In the tit ttcut of Jackson county and vicinity, that he has returned lo Jacksonville and resumed Hit practice of medicine, llo will always be found at his Aid ttand, the Overbick Hospital, unlrst absent rmfisdnn al buslncsn. He would reipeclfuily solicit a reueaal of former palrmiage. to stale that all this has baen accomplish ed wllh but small lots of life tn in. Our Iom probably iloct not CXceeil 3,000, of whom very few were killed. Slrncd Thomas, MaJUcn. Dallimore, 1 Gib. The American's An napolis special d'spalch says the Steamer Havana has put arrived wllh newt that Sherman had captured Savnnnah with 6,000 prisoners after 8 hours (Iglitlnr. ... . .... I ittsAlititl I Mil I inn li niiliiinni in IIOA.I'a I Was ilnninn inn l r aimam naiuiu mmes will bo unuonnced In a few days ,w" "" ' o '"" ri"..- Ktept haxc been taken which will Induce my are wining to ugui nuw, um win not , oi to-ujy contain uni-iiiciai report or mr e nil, Stale to forward veterans to Join this ' -"In 'TC l,lcIr Slu,'- Ul,, of Fnkn. '" "''W' I'")' tkm. corps. It Is said nrroninncnU ore in pro ' ,1" "' ".- t u.i .,.. eimne ui i-i . ..iy "" u int bv nhleb State and other '" account nf a battle In front of tiavau- Among whom Ihey mcnllon, may be paid here In n veteran .recruit who no'' "" ,,,,, ,0,,, w,,,cI' h W cf""e r'om may hae him-elf cmlllci tn any purlieu- ft ln'1'1 ,"Il,r,u ItIloni. Ilu says .'w.uuu iii oiirriiinu s mm, ni an eariy nniir, crossed Iho Ogicchec rhcr, bilow llloonv Ingidule, 12 miles beluw Snvannali, march Ing between that point and Tclfiicvr. The left wing was tided to aa to cut the Charleston railroad. Communication had been effected the preceding day with Pot ter, who was again rapidly advancing ou (irahanivillc. The, rebeli rclrrnlril jrnm I heir strong pnsillon south of I'ocolalcgo bridge. Bhermnn fnynd himself confront rd by a large force nf regulars and militia, . tnlrnnl-lif Tin. K.llt liAff.n J.rti. In lli i ..lA.lnltnu f.nni Km, 17vmi In Wi..1.t.,..l.. . - i '.'". ..." "" :.' Hl"".Hy. and continued with great fury on lor him to "pop the questtoo,"antll, getting weary nf hit melancholy mien and Ind N -lb-able reserve, ahe resolved lo open a way for her retiring Adonis to propose) or'rt treat forever. One evening, when Ihi doctor, according lo hit wout wns sitting rrpposlu ber tabour et, conversation accldcntly. of coone turned nn marriage and the happiness nf harmonizing souls. The Doctor pictured the fetters nf Hymen In rosy e dors ; tht faco of the lady brightened, and with a pal p'tallng heart aha put the question : "Wllh yiur favorable Idea of matrimony, way I ask If you ever thought of marrlaga your selfV' Dr. Kant sighed, and bis eyes rat ing on the ground hesitatingly tnutlerel la reply ! "1 haro nlrcady thought of marrying, and made my choice, but" "Bui I" tht lady hastily Interposed. "Hut," he continued, the laJy It rich, rcrr rich, aud I am poor. I am afraid I conld hardly aspire to ber hand, nnd rntlior thai allow myself to bt lax d wllh sordid dcslgnt, I will bury my pasilon In my br-ait, and leave It uaavow cd forever." A abort piMic ensued. Doth pnrtlet wert einbarrnnscd, and tho doctor rote to lakt hit lint, 1 1 leavo the lady at an unuiual early hour. Mha Martini b-ulo blra good evening In n'iidly and cordial way, without. how ever, adding another word on tlm subject of their conversation. At an early hour of ths following day, ahe, howover, betook bertelf to a solicitor, mid In legal form, declared Iter with tn present, mid hand over at his vile properly the sum nf 1.10,000 guilders (Cl.1.000) lo Dr. Kant. When the doea intent bad been signed, countersigned and duly completed, the at down tn the edict and enclosing It In nn elegant envelope, ad ded n nolo to the fo'lonlng tfTcct "Dear sir, 1 have much pleasure In enclosing a pnpT, wh'ch I hrpii will remove the obttacla 1 1 the way of your nurrlagc. Ilcllcre tn Ac, Alio. MannM." Dr. Kant, for he and no other wat tht Imppteit man In the world ou recchlng this gjucrutit epistle. Hut ntai! that he should hare put a dlff- crcnt construction to that rxptclcd. lit pairing nt onov to tho parents of Fraultln I'lwlal, tho lady nf hit love, he propoted for nnd received the hand of n girl who had long been flattered by bit delicate tbouga unavowed nttr.utlona. Ills reply to Alice Martini, besides couvvylng his slncsrest thanks, contained two cartes lo vlilte, link ed together by tho significant roseeolered ribbon. XI I it Martini .fprlbwltbttucd tht happy bridegroom for restitution.-; buTain promlio of marriage had' been made, tka caie wat by two succcutve courtt deddtd ugalutt ber. ar locality ho may prefer. For any vclcr an sent to Waihlngtmi lo be accepted In the corps, a certificate will bo given. It It tho Interest of ull localities, to send nn at many veterans at possible os they ore nnt subject to draft, and ns many us are enlisted are n clear gain on the qunla un der n future draft. Chicago, 1-lih, The new first corps, may insibly give n chance for some of your discharged veterans an opportunity In go Into ihu army on this rldo with trim 3T- 'JEL-ysjCL Pay TJi .? Having this day sold out myentlro stock II. A llrintano, I take this method of uo MA" alt those Indebted to me, either by" note or boek account, to come forwardjiud B1'k! ptjmeat lmmc4iatelyr:or the desuudt -... o inaceii nil mv oaiiqi 01 bit uwurutT' for collrciloq, T7LOURANnPROnUCBIakcnInex. , ill. HLOOM.' IJ.U chnngu for Not. 10, lees',, , .,, -, ..July 10.--27 MAX MULI.KR'S. Dealer In . 25ry Goods, CJrocorios, hj HOOTS, and SIIOKS, L, H Hnrdwaro, eflt Outlory, ' " DRUdS, and MKDICINKS, U Vino Ziiquors, etc., otc. ft fn hl oMFIUK-PltOOF f IlldUJi., south eiiKot vaiirorula .Si net. Jacksonville. ocihlf furnlihed by Ilm Gov't. The bnuniy eflVr rd by the Crneral (Jov'l, for Ihls corps ol veterans It .100 dollars greater than that oferiil fur other corps. The whole bounty Is at follow : for one years service, -100 for .1 years COO of which -too nro paid down the balance to be paid In Installments during term of wrvlce. Louisville, 12th. Drecklnrldgc's posi tion seems In be in doubt. He Is reported at Sparta Tenn , with 10,000 mm, thlt In dicates that ho Inltndt to reinforce lineal If possible ; but the position nf our troops under Stone nnn aud Ilurlirhlge Indicates he will have difficulty In forming a Junction wllh Hood. Wn-hinglnn, 13th. In the House tn both tides. 1 he garrison of Savnunah 12, 000 veterans participated in the fight. Towards noon their left and center works were carried, nnd n charge nf our whole Into doubled Hum up lu confusion. They then retreated to the works Immediately in the rear of Savannah. We lost about 2, A00. The rebels lost 3 or 4 thousand kill rd and wounded, and 1,200 prlsonerf. TCKSDAVS DISPATCH. New York. Hlli Tht last newt lift Sherman's army close to tho coast, able In I form a Junction with Foster or the fitet, or nllaek aavannau wltn a prospect of success. Hilton's lit nil, 12th Captain Duncan, one of Orii Howard's scouts, has Just ar- a joun f. iiouqic, Wnte..mi.Ucr nnd Jeweler! On Oregon streel, flrit door north of llrrntuiio'i Jacksonville, Ogu. G u Manufacturer and reptlrcr nf ulitorta ul Wulcbcs, Chronometers, Clocks Musical and other Instruments, elo. Aim, JKU'Kl.UY manufactured and repaired, after tlm most npprovid style of the art, and warranted for one year. Price according to times. tiUii- r..J.uuui, Chronometer nnd 'Watchmaker. . Jacksonville, June l!i, 18il4. 3m day Cole of Cal. Introduced n bill grunting , ... .,., .IMy ,. -,!. ! land, to certain C.I. railroad cnmp,nlc. j ml, c f f, ie nmJ m he f w MIVW UUV l V4VWWtlVtl - ttSlltl-- utHIMIIVMI and moved tn refer to e select commit Ices MONDAY'S DISPATCH. ing of the 9lh. Sherman's whole- army whom Ihey mcnllon, Gen 's II Johnson, Williams and Grnnby killed, Mnj. Gen. John Ilrnwn, Ilrlg. Oen. Canter llaugirl, Cockcrill and Scntt, woi.mbd They aim slate that on Wednesday, Hth. Shtrman carried Fort MeCitllittrr, com mandiag the entrance to the Ogecchcc riv er by tlornt, and that the capture of this position place's Sherman In communication with the Yankee fleet and necessitating the relnfnrcemnet ef Savannah. Up to tkis hour, 8 30 r. (., nnthlng has been heard from Nashville, since last night, Nothing later from Sherman than that the ribel pa per report the capture of Ft. MeCnlllsler, (Signed,) SrA.tTOM. Headquarters Anmy Polnmac, 15ib. An nnu'ual quiet hat prevailed along the line In froat nf Petersburg for the last few days ; scarcely a thot has been exchange d Detroit, 1 Gib. A terrible accident ex-cur red on the Grund Trunk railway last night eaued by n collision of the western .bound pasicigrr train with a freight train (rent this place ; after tho collision the cars took fire, and many wounded persons who were nnabla lo extrlcnte themselves from the wreck were burned lo death ; tlm full extent of the loss of life Is not yd ascertained. Washington. 10th. An official dispatch ! from Gen. Cnnby shows the complete suc cess of an exieiltlon sent by him to co-op-crate with Shermans operations by catting Hood's communications with Mnbile. Au Austrian .Lore Story. A new species of the truly Inexhaustible New Y-irk, 13lh. Special di-patch In Tribune, elateel tho 11 111, says Sherman, on the 5b, wat marching in I he direction of Savannah. Rebel papers contain the mes sage cf Gov, Smith of Virginia. He re commends the repeal of the law exempting little opposition has been met with on the wat then within ten mile of Savannah, .,nu, ., matrimonial stilts has recently ond advancing to attack the enemy's ,uraflJ ,,,, ft oa,0 tried and decided In works, five miles from the clly. They yiennn. In tho house of one Her Kbunc, a wero probably attacked yesterday, the Uoebcr of languages, Dr. Kant a young law- Hth, as heavy flrjng was heard in that dl-1 yer, happened to make the acquaintance of rcctlon. Copt. Duncan represents the a lady, burdened with some property nnd troops In the besl possible position. Very thirty years. The lady, being unmarried, Hail. - -..Tat I 1 a f.t .a I at InauJ naallanlaa tntor-ft-lt In iTlA Villinrr certain cilixens from conscription, and says march. he is utterly nnable to understand why these men should not be swept into the army as well as others. He also expresses himself In favor of arming Iho slaves, and thinks the Legislature- should pats come act regalallng the prices of necessaries of life. The exchange of prisoners, which was to be made In Savaunab, was changed and, is now progressing as fait as practlca. bleat Charleston. In conjrqucncc of this j Washington, 15th.-- The Department has Just received an official dispatch from Nashville, announcing that Gen. Thonw, wllh the forces under his command, attack ed Hood and bis command, in front of Nashville, at 9 o'clock Hits rooming, with the battle unejcclded to night, The enemy were driven from the river and from their Intrenchments on the right aud center. evinced particular InUredt In the young, thy. and rather abashed roan or law, bat talked much wllh blm in company, prefer red blm in the dance, and ended with Invl ting blm to ber bouse. Dr. Kant, wbo, as the nnbappy lover cf another girl, was not particularly Inclined lo pay visits, at first did not comply with the courteous re-iuest of the fair, but, seeing htr again At a friends and her Invitation belug repeated, at length I allowed himself to become nn habitue of ber and her mother a noipitabie bouse, it ap Hood was drhtn back over three miles rears that tho lady waited several months K.nw.ijii Kstwatk or Ammicax Fiaiir- The d.Malls of the great battles in America arc ca'culalcd to enhance rather thau diminish the sensation with which the telegrams were received, 'lticro lias Wen uo exaggeration, no overstrained descrlp Ini of the conflict and Iho carnage. If, indeed, It be recollected that even the long reports of fit '!ous fabling, width wo; ester day publlshcel, still leave the days of saa- guluury action unaccounted for, it must b; allovel that war never came before in a'laposo appalling. Perhaps the Ameri cans m ly bo proud of the pre eminence, but they certainly fought more desperately, for a longer time, nnd with more dreadful slaughter than any nation before them. It would not be Impossible lo match the re sults of any one day's battle with storlea from tho wars of the Old World but nev er, we should think, In tho history of man, were five each battles as these compressed Into alx successive days. It Is hard to con ceive how natnre could havo supported the exhaustion nnd strain. We have b.en told that after a slnglo day's hard fighting, the lassitude and reaction in even a victorious nrmy are such that nny fresh force might snatch Its laurels from it ; whereas, here are two armies hotly engaged in the work of slaughter, from the morning of Thurs day nntil the night of Tuesday, with scarce ly the intermission of an hour. On every day, except Saturday, there was a ptlched battle, contested with the utmost luryj and even Saturday was devoted to inarching and fighting on tho march. Nor were these prodigious operations divided amongst immense numbers brought into action by relays. Neither army numbered apparently over 100,000 men, nnd of these every man seemed to be engaged In evrry battle. In deed, we are exj ressly told that the Feder al, "reserves" were brought up on the tery first day. London Times, May 16. RacnuiTixa.-The number of recruits ob tained in this county so far is seventy-two. Twenty-six more will fill the quota. There is every probability now that Marlon will be the second county to fill under the new call. The meetiugs at Sllverton and Sub. limity last week wero very entbuslasticed the people out there showed that they bad a good deal of the sprit of 1776 left. We have no particulars from other counties. Since the above was in type thirty-five ef the. recruits from Yamhill county have ar. rived. The quota of that county it full. and thirteen to spare Stattmsn. ..I ,ti ., . .i Can you make a thorough-bred deg beas , a tune ? No, but it b the easiest thing ia the world to make a horrid eui.ji'ng. ?! I . ' -J&O&f uo-q-u-serjl l5Er