mm B.rtCS3EBflW u-w aw MMV. 52E2S ' le pn: etrtiwel MeW" 1 5 mliiiah" nPUteuAAnJiu. i-i-isaaiajsMKjssig?? g3SSMga.-a;&ia i PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY DECEMBER 10, 1SG1. VOL. IX.-NO. 47 n l'roclanintlon. Stiti or Orihox, Kxxcltivc Dzr'r 1 October 24 Ui, 18C4. Wbsrsas. I have received a renuMttcn frn Uajor Central Irwin McDowell, com naadlng llio leaftnient of the I'nclllc, tie slog unds r authority of the War Dcinrttnttit. for oae regiment of Infantry, In addition to Ihe voluuUcra now In Ihvr frvlcc or llic United Bitten, to td In the enforcement or tbf laws, suppress insurrection nnd Itivnaton, and to hastlsc hostile Indians In this mill Ury district. Now, therefore, I, Amiwox C. Gimit, Gov roor of Ibt Jute of Oregon, nnd commander-in-chief or the rullitla thereof, do hereby ill upon the citizens of thin State to orpin U themselves Into companies luftleleut to III the foregoing requisition. li wltnea whereof, I hare hereunto Ml say band, and caused llio ical uf ..-lh8lta of Oregon to be affixed. Done at Salem, this 24th day of Oc tober, a. u., 18M. ADDISON C. Gill l)S Governor of (Jrcgnn. AlUit: Siucxi. K. Hit, Sectolary uf Jul.. Tbt following It hereby promulgated : Tit plan f recruiting and organizing Ihe altert fore, wilt by at follows, until further totltt : ntniL'tTiNu : Tbt rglmnt will be knows at the First lufantry, Oregon Volunteers. The Ik'lil. stsff and line officers will lie commissioned by the Gortrnor. The Stale will be divi ded Into districts, according to the nur.ilier of ptriont In each dlstriel liable to do mili tary duty. When inch dlttrlct has rurniih ed lli quota of men. Ihrte will be no draft In tbt rame. under till call. Kacb district will furnith one company. Conimlsilous will bo IiihU. by IhcGovrr nor. to company cfllceri. eoudillonrtl Hint they shall rrcrult their respective compit tin, and be ready to be miielrrril Into thr Hnkv, within a time hereafter to be named A eomsny rendezvous will bo ritabllth td at some ctutrnl point In each illitrUit. aNd If practicable, recruit will le retained tli-rv nlll the eoinptny is tilled nnd ready to be uttered Into service. The .State h.i provided by lvr for the aijrornt of a bounty ol Sl.lU lu .Statu Inter it bearing bond payable In cold to well volunteer, inmttrcil lutu the svrtice, In ad dilloa to the boiintiea authorized to In pilil by tbt United .Vulva (See statute Jb3 4. pce48C). Tbt wage of a soldier In addition are Jlc ptr nonlli, besides clothing. equipment', rn titai, and allowance furnished by the Unl tkl SUlc. See itatute I6G3, page M2 DMMMZATION'. Tbt proper organization and triiglh of a lejlmenl It a follows : Out ft) cotontl, one(l) lieutenant colon, eat (I) major, one (1) adjutant (an extra liotnt), one (1) qiurtcrmailcr (an extra lisulsnaut), one (I) surgeon, tvwi (2) !. Ual wrjjxjin, oik) ( I ) IiiUIu, one ( I ) r Itnl tnijor, one ( I ) r'piui'iilal quarterini. lir itriieaul, one (1) cumml'ury iritaat, and one (I) hoiplUl tlvwanl. TiatOBipanlei fntm a regiment. CDMFJNT or IM'JINTRr. On(l) captain, one (1) lit lieutenant. eae (I) 2d lieutenant, one (1) lit. tergeaiil, lour (4) rerKvanu, clglil (B) corMirnl, two (1 ramlclani, one (1) wagoner, Ulyiiur (it i private!, minimum, and eighty.tu(62) privitei maximum, beiidea the uoncoiuniu i.eanl offlceri. Vliiilclant may Iw tnllitnl In each compu. ;, who will be ratt-d and paid ai prlvaki. TO THK COUXTV OI'PICKHS. i Other Stalea have filled, with commend. Mi promptitude, every call that hm been null upuii them. Tlio wople a rr nigral repugnance to a draft, tiuilvr wlikh eery diallnl man mutt terve or furnUh n taljillllue. I'ndrr It there iuut luevilubh be Koie cfi of aeverc but m-oeiiury hanl ib'p. Opportunity It now Riven to mo.d wch a ilralt. The men are uculrd pr6mpl I, and every comideiatlon of Mlrlotiin id4 of State, local, and ierional pide re fi Out you eomnitiut rrvtuptl;. ana ;nwwf tfttvuily Lit luiiruii uf oUjintfJ uuiUnri. Tit ofleeri of IheStato feeling the mint earn Ml Retire thai tin entire A'luiu ihnuld avoid 4nfl, appeal to the patriotic clllzrua of Juir county, through you who are their uni on uu legal and natural rcprctentativf ii gatrdiaua of their righlt and of their lion r, it li lucumbeut upon you In repoi.d to tali appeal by ranml and fuccenfui wurk Call to jour aid the anhlancoof the active led Influential cilKrna uf llio county. Let ry lojal eilizn of the county unilrntuiul. aM, if iuuible, Induce him to realize that i bat an ImmidUto und peiioual lutereat la the iucce of your elforu. II necewary, (ill niretiugi in your icbool diitrlcU aud kfiag the matter home to every lubabitnnl. eudi will be needed to jy eipeniea, not Pided for by law. Let iubcrlpllona bo eirtalttrd In each county fur that purpo-, aad prrnrvf a record tf the immea of the oori among the archive of the county. la ahorl. Hit liovcruor. unou whom the ie- ailiiilon la made, ezrM-ctt, and juitly, that, jvm niu reepona io iuii call upon you-viih earneilcett of purpoie which itull luiiire joeeeie. Due notice orthcdiitrlctingoMbc EUte will b; given a toon at It cau bo Bade. SfoTi or nt-E rum each cotMr : Jaekion fl5 Jotepbint 25 J-'riy., 5 Dosjl 60 - ........,............... o- ."on 100 Dentco , , 41 M Martoa 58 Clsekamas... ...., 40 mhil 4C Tillamook fl 'lollQomah 122 Wuhioglon 43 tWseo and Grant 120 Ifcslilla 35 ftter and Union 6S Hating this day sold out myenllre stock ii AUrentano, I Uke till method of no "fog all tboie Imlehted to me, cither by "ow or book account, to come forward and .hi? P'men Imintdialeiy, or the demand ii. HLnriM. i AT-10,18C4, THE OIIEOOX SMKTIXEL. UKT.O BTKUT SnUlllUT UUMM.NU. B. P. BOWiJLL, Prep'r. 8iOTCiiirTii)x For One year. In advance, Four Dollar; If paid wllhlu the llrtt fix month or the yenr, live ilollnr j ir not tmlil until the cxplmllon of the yenr. lx ilollara. AtiVKiiTiifMt One rnuaw (It) lines or Im). lint Imerllou, Thn Dollar : each nib'cipicnt iiinerlloii. Onu Dulhir. A dl count or llfly iter cent will bo mudu to those who advurilniiy (he Vrar. ay Lent 7"ln rreh. l ciirrl rt. I. O. O. P.Jucltruivillc IjOiIri rzx up. njjitminrepiiirmti' J4; t liu Dti I'rMV uf Ilia flrt aw wk In i immiIIi. inJ ou H SllunUr nttiuli lnlrwnlni J VfLi3vy el(. at tli ilaotle ll.ll. l t O'Clxtll f . N, tlntlitlt In nil tl.!lH at. In.ll.J loall.BO. Jn.Mj j. bay, X. u. Joi Jlcl.itoaut, It 8k Tmili.-J.i Jt, gulUn, Tm. Hay in J Sllu Warron Lotlpo Ho, 10, A. T, & A. M. A HOLD their regular comntunl 'j'nj'catloni the Wednrnlay I!vcnlueon Vor preclliig the full moon, In Jacx 'ontiijj:, tiiiL-uov. AF.CX. MAKTIN, W. M. II. Ilt.nmi, toc'ii. o. J.vcone. x, r. uusskll. JACOBS, &. RUSSELL, ATTOK.VKYS AND COU.VSI.I.OIIS y.r Tifl ytr. AKI) SOLICITOUS IN ClIA.VCliUY, JjkCRiONViLt.K, Onxitnv. Oftlre nipoilu thr (.'tiiu-t Unix. All Lu.Idcm CKinmlltrd to their caii will belirujiiplly atleml'd to. July 29. '112. D. F. DOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jacksonville, OntcuoN. VIU praptiee in all the Courts of the Third itdlcul DIMrlct, the Supreme Court of Ore on,aml In Vreka.Cul. War Scrip prompt ly colb-elrd. (lot. lli. I.D.HAINES. ATTOKX33Y AT LAW, Jackmin'vim.i: Oiicuos. Will practice In the Courts of Oregou. Office. I'o'l Ofllte lliilldlng. QEORQE D. DOFimS, ATTOEXEY AT LAW, AMI JVotax-y 2PiAl3lio. Jauksumvillz, Oiiiqu.i. oiWt tf J. 8. HOWARD, sunvuvcm Jt oi vi I. JCXIi)NVII.UC Okkuok, lieitdtnce near the South end or Oregon ilrtet. Januaiy. 2. IHe; J. H. STINSON, ATIOUNKY AND COL'NSKLI.OU J.1 Ti ft "PIT. AIImiit. Linn county. Oregon. rct22tl Q. W. QREER, PHYSICIAN AND SUItGKON, , .UcKJo.-niLLi:, Onuno.v. OfSee at lila n-sleli nee on Oreyon ilrcet. PETER DRITT. IMtotocraplilc ArtUt. la prepared tii take ploturei In rfcry atyle or the art, with all tho late Improvement. IT Picture do not pho atliUctlon, no ahargv will be made. Call at hi new Gal Ivry. on the hill, examine tita plclutes, aud ill for your llkcneu. DR. A. D. OVERBECK. Dr. Over beck would announce to the ell Ixens of Jaekson county and vicinity, that he ha' returned to JuokeonvlllrnuU returned the iirueitcc of nmlleine. Ho will nluay Ut I omul nt his M stand, the )vruck Hospital. unlfM nUenl rrufslim al Lii-lne.K. He nould rotitsolfully solloil a renewal of former wlrouage. Dealer In y Dry Goods, Crocorios, H HOOTS, nod SUOKS. f Hardware, St Cutlery, m DKl'CJS. anJ MCDIflNKS. Fmo Xiiquors, otc, etc. k pj in hi ow riiic-pnooF r ItUICK, south tiiluof Caliloruia .Virret Jacksonville. ociaif ENGLAND m MUlliIY. UlillHI 111 OIIKAPE5T AND HEST IN USE. Tor further particular, call at Nuuber's Store- and see the Machluo In operation. lUcblucs on hand, lor sale. J. NEITHER, Agent. Jacksonville, June 4th, 16fit. 3m JSTJDiV WnichmnKcr nml Jeweler! Ou Oregon lreat, first door norlh of ' llreutauo'a Jacksonville, Ogu. JOIINF. 1IOUCK, Manufacturer and repairer of nil sot u or W'nlclien, Chronometers, Clocks Musical and other Instrument, etc. Alsb, JKWELKY inanufuctured and repalted, nfter the most npproved style of the art, and warranted for one year, l'riccd according to times. JOHNF.HOUCIC, Chronometer nnd Watchmaker. Jacksonville, Juno 2A, 186M. Sm NEW niiiiivoGiiu; l'lLIIIli D Kitty Clover. in tmiEi. t.r.vN'. Did you (co Kitty Clover go by, mother dear, Did yntt aco how the trlppid at the atllo, And tnlitcd hcrwrllt? I did, and watglad1 The lau warao aaucy the white. I halo hor.I think, with her toft, cbllJIab facc And her ilep like nfalryS fnol-rnll I hntc hor. I know, I will nnd I muit Captain Murmy U coming ihufhll. And I imit look calm m I sec them pats on; He, a great overgrown roldlcr-chnp. With button ailitue ; and tho. liurdly nigh To the bar on hi new shoulilcr-strnp. She' pone for n letter, you ree mother dear; Oh didn't she look shy and glad t I wish no I don't mother, you'll love mo well, Tho' I am only a poor farmer lad. Let Tal'e Kilty go ; molhcrlovo never falls. Thnak the Lord for It ; nmethlng li Iruo: Aud lights are not nil Wlll-o'-wlips by the way, Hut ttar-gtitdes to trust tho world through. Ah, homrwurd tho comes; she glance around. And flop by the old liecchen tree, To npjn the letter her bodice has hold Till now, that no goftlp should see Tear It open. MIm Kitty, ni Iruo lovers do Hal what was that llutUrnl nnny t And see how alio pales she Is drooping he falls I Dear mother, I go I can't stay. Kitty Clover, dear Kitty, my darling, my life, L.y your head on my houlder onco more; Unoloto the pale lips and lull me the wue Tlut lus Hooded my poor bloiem o'er, -S'ay, spak not, I sec It n cri-p chtalnut curl Has caught on the weet-brl.irspry ; .Lie still, llltlu Kilty, here cloio by your cheek. The poor shining clrclo I'll lay. All, all that Is left uf him under tho sky Or above whure the buttercups grow ; God knows I would spare her these thud. iWrlng moans, Would die, could I save her this woe. And now by the ead little maldeu I dream, As she sits by my dear mother' knee, To hear tho old hymns of loved and tho lost, Eiiiij toft, like a child lullaby. And sbe calls me her brother aud clings to my arm, Till tuy soul In Its center I stirred, Hut knowing her heart ! nlnue with the dad, I utter no soft liver' word. Hut pravoly and tenderly watching her still. I'll wait till the year dim the pln, Ami then Would I be wry foolish nail WiMk If I wooeil Kitty Clover again J BY CALIFORNIA AND OREGON TELEGRAPH. acroiiTRii mcujiivkly ioutiik hextimi. Kew York, 28th. Notwlihstunding (he anxiety unmistakably evluotd by tho rebel iiullioritles and papers, of Richmond, to conceal Intelligence of Slicniun's niovo nients, th'y cannot avoid disclosing n great ileal, nf credit to htm, but probably not hu'l Ihcy know, We Imvo nil tln-y aro willing to a. . ....... Richmond papers say n ilglit occurred on th 23d, nu tho East side of Ihe Coc'onee river lieiwnn the rebels nnd n force of Sheriniu 'a cavalry, In which, nf course Union troops wero repulsed.' They are said to have still been on the nest side ol the Cow nee river on the fol lowing day. Tho Aususla Constitutional. 1st says Ihe railroad bridge, over that rlv er, was burned by them on the 2Qtli. The report of the burning nf Milledgcville is said by Richmond editors, to lack conllr matinn, though It Is believed that n por tion of Sherman's force has been there. In the Savannah News, nf the 23d, Is n dls- patch which s.iys M Wedge villa was captur ed on tho 2Ut, nnd the Stale I Ions?, Gov ernor's Mansion, and penitentiary, were burned, nnd that tbc town nf Gordon was also captured by tho Vuukecs. Tho Gov ernors of South Carolina and Georgia have isiurd a proclamation, calling out nil the males of those Slates, between tho age of 1C and 55. A correspondent of the Richmond Dis patch says the Yankee Government can well afford to pay n million dollars a day, for Ihe Information which the Illchmond papers furnudi to it, grails, regarding tho movement of Sherman In Georgia. New York 20th. Commercial's special says; It is not certain that Sherman intend ed to occupy Macon. His advance on that city way have only been a feint. Probably he ha pasted of Macon and seized the railroad nt Gordon, lly this course,, h would bo enabled to pass eastward more rapidly, Tlinoa' tp'olal says advices from tho vi cinity of Charleston, represent lb rebels Uisciofc up io Nil i'riil.yi,ijy morning heavy cannonading was heard along tho coast nnd lu Savannah nnd Charl-Mon ni dreadfully excited about oncrnian a auvanco. iverywuy ii orucreu to the front. ri. t. .i.m- tt- i.i ii ii.-i ii aiiu .uuuii? b)i,iiicr aiuiea miii iuc corn crop In northwest Mlaslislppl la a failure. The tame paper ny that tho gun manu factory nt Montcomcrv. Ala., will be able (n ,,ori nme l0 furn,h all the arms need . ed for the rebel armv. Illchmond Dlspalch, or tho 23d. ay one' n,"n ' "''"B " " triumphantly to j body or SUrman'i army advanced to with ' ll,c coast 'llie Augujla Lomtitutlonal I In n thort dUlance of Augusta, and th'l'i"f the 22d,nri n raiding party of the other struck the Georgia Central railroad, lending from Macon to Savannah, at two point wllhlij few mllen of .Macon. He It everywhere laying waste tho country with flro and an-ord. New York, i'Blh. Post' special sajn Ktchmnud papers, of the 2Cth, rupprcss b lest news from Georgia, There nro Indlca callous that Shvrnun Is still nuccesirul. A pvolal mcseiiger, Just arrived from Savan nah, reports that no doubt exists of Shcr mau'a reaching the tea coast of Georgia. orld a dlspalch. from the Army of the Potonnc, says within the last few days wo . . . . have Wen receiving a greatly Increased number of deserters from the enemy, who corroborate the statement thai their army Is demoralized. They state- that the Illch mond nuthorltlcs aro entirely In the ilnrk In regard to Sherman' movements, nnd are cxtremly npprehemlve that ho will strike soino iinguatded point where he Is least ex pecledv Their terror has cauied them to doubts their pickets along the Danville rond, and extend their cavalry pickets. The reb el nulhorltlct any Sherman may attempt to form n Junction with Hit army or with Sheridan. A Nashville, correspondent says Ileaureeard ' army consists or twenty-five tbniiminl Infantry und lUleeu thuussnd cav wit" n view or cutting off the lnnkcc col ulry. . limn, moving down Georgia road In this u linillllion l-.l.t.. nit. T- , .,... ' 2fUh. From Information received at the Indian Ilureou, It appear that peace prevails lu an uuutual degree with nil the ludliiu triln's. Louisville. 2(ith. A Union force, of 200 men, sent from Port Dnuclson and Clark sllleyeittnliiy, attacked Ilnwklu'a guerril las, m-nr Yellow Creek road. They will probably capture the whulc gang. General Thomas Is reported to hnve re treated to Pranklln, ten miles roulhwrit or V.i.l.utlt M.. k..tlll..KH K..ll....ltlA. .... 111 IIIIIIIUI uiiiiiuriiii-a ! iL..ttr ii.t if. . . ni ,. ' mm ii iinnrcu( i currrci, i uoiun i pre paring to rer.rgauixv the largo relnforcc inont fiuw on tho wny lu bim, before gli Ing buttle to Huod. Washington 26th Dl-palcb to Navy De partment, from Admiral Porter, dated For trc Monroe, state that one uf our steam ers has arrived, bringing Admiral Uuchaiiaa and hi two aid. An order was Irtuul to-day fur raising and organizing a new volunteer corps, to consist or not leu than 20,000 Infantry, en listed for not Icm than one year. It will lie illguatrd as the First Corp, nnd will be nrgiulred In thu District of Columbia. The private will lie men who have served honor- ubly fur not lea than two year. Tho ofll cr will be commissioned fioin such as have served honorably not less than two years. Gen. Hancock Is assigned to thin corps. Fortress Monroe. 2Sth. To Wells, Score tnry of tho Nnvyi I have just recched n dl'patch Iroin the commander of Ihe prlzo strainer Florida, Informing us that she iwts sunk la nine fathom of water. She bad lieen run luvo by nn army steamer ami bad ly damaged. 1 will Inform the department a's soon as I receive particular. Foiircn. A steamer ha arrived from City Polu). but brings no news. Washington, 2Bth. The null stenmer which arrived today, reports that vester. : --. .- Bt city Point. During the rnln and storm tho rebel gobbled up 110 colored men. As the stenmer was coming down Jomes discovered near Hoy , , ; , , ,.,,,. : Mand. the Greyhound, Duller . dispatch boat, on lire. Gens. Hulkr and Sel.enck. and Admiral Porter wcro on board 1hoi Greyhound. The steamer Pioneer took them off. The Greyhound wn burned Io ' the water's edge. Ten horses belonging to Duller 's staff were burned to death. Cap tured officers and men nf the pirate Flori da, have been sent to Fori Warren. MaJ Gen. Couch hns been trauifrrrcd from the Department of the Susrjnchaiia, and order- ed to report to Gen. Thoma Xcarly all the ftu-torics and mills of Lawrence have slopped ruuning, owing to a brcuk in the canal. Now York, 28th. The Commercial's special says thero is no feur of a diplomat ic rnplnre betwecu this country aud nra nil. Gen. Watson Webb took step im mediately on the seizure of the pirate to allay any feelings on the part of tho Bra zillian Government, and render an arnica) adjustment of the difliculiy certain. It is believed here that in a few days we shall have intelligence direct from Sherman, via Savannah or Charleston. Tribone's Washington special says sole! itor Whitney and Judge Lewis arc spoken of as Attorney General to succeed General Hates, The Times say Judge Advocate Holt .stands the best chance to sneend Hutea, Lincoln will not bear of Stanton , quitting tho War Department, so that tho bullion speculation amounts to nothing. Judge David Davis of 111., will certainly be Chief Juitico. Jmlje J. P. Uhir will auccccd Davii on llic Supremo bench. Our military auihorlllcx ore .nMt. .... ., .., .. In high ' ' r- i Kcw York 30th. Post .pedal toy Richmond papers of tho 28th arc silent respictjiifr Sherman's movements. They show rebels to bo In great trepidltlon. There Is every reason to believe that Sbcr ( enemy tapped the railroad ten wilts from , Macon cult, nnd destroyed n number of j trnlu. VfulgLt trains turned Imcl: 'lii lioate. Hcnvy cannonading and tntukclry j fire heard rant 0f Gordon. It was inp. ' ,mlcA (J.n llavnc. nt Gnnlnn. bad !... .t. I " ' tacked. Millidgcvlllc liml been entirely evacuated by our forces before the enemy orrlvid. Kvcryth1nj ol Vuluc was brought nwoy. An Augusta ili'palch of the 21st, says movement of Sherman on illllitlgcvllle ! v"8 0,llf n Mni " fnwntrato our forces i ..i ..I.. in.. i i ., .i .,. ill Ccntralvllle, and keep them there while the vio!o fnrco ol tho enemy moves on nud captures Augusta or Savannah. The same paper says leu thonsnml cavalry vis I led Madison, Morgan county, on tho Geor gia Slutc railroad, and hnrnctl It, on the lOlh. On the 20th uti engineer went up the rond nud found the enemy at Duck Head Mills. On tho liMh some of their men were 75 miles from Augusta, proba bly a raiding parly. Augusta Cronlcle of the 2Clh, nays n large curulry force left Greenville, South Carolina, bound nctou i ,lie country In the direction of Atlanln, direction. It Is said Ilrecktnrldge was to leave upper East Tennessee with his troops on the 12th, for Georgia line. "With Hood In his rear, llrrrklnrldge on his flank, und SO.dOO veterans In his front. Sherman can not cicapo. The Augusta Constitutional ist says: As wc wtilr, the glad ami Tamil liar shout of veleruu troops, coming from the South Carolina depot, comes up from the street. If Sherman retreats this way, ho will hear tho whistle of tho trusty guns that have so often been pointed at the fanatics on the bunks of the Potomac aud Jnmes rivers. Washington, 2fith. Edward Dates' reslg- nation of the Attorney Generalthlp will tako effect on Nov. 30th. The trial of Col North, charged with election fraude, will not be returned before tin Oth of Decern' her. New York. 2ftlh The first mcellng or the California, Nevada and Colorado board or Drokcr ti announced for to-morrow. 11 la reported that the king of tho Sandwich Islands hns sent nn embassador to France to say Ihot he would gladly accept the pro lection of Napoleon. Lnto rebel papers. In giving an neeount of the appearance of Karly V army In front of Sheridan's liner, on the 12th, and Mi sudden flight with Union cavalry at hi heels, furnish eomo explanation of hit move ment on that ocaaiimi. Karly had under stood that a coniddcrnble portion or the Union army had left the Valley, lie found out hi tnlslnke, and wa glad to go back up the Valley as expeditiously a possible. The Ulchmond Whig say tkero are now only nbont four thousand Yankee troop at New U-rn, Norlh Carolina. Chicago 28th. A Louisville letter says Gen. Uuldrldgo hns rnaohed Cumberland Can with hi force. Tho rebels under Hreeklnrldgo nro now confronted by n for- .. ... mhlabU onny. Cumberland gap U safe, "BU ,0 ,onB M " " n.'i. ureoKinnago win , f i,reren1ud fr,0,m lD",1,n'; K:,n"ck from j '"' 'uarlcr' "l 'caree ly venluro an attack onu. Suould Iho rebel attcmplto Lclr,.Mi ,t ,, d twt BuUrW0 wl fili, rfnd bara then.. Wheeling, Yn., 29th. The enemy, un der Gen. Huyoe, surprised, captured and burned New Creek, on the Haltimnrc and Ohio rallroud yesterday. They suit a force of about three hundred men to Pied emot, but they were stubbornly opposed Jiy company A, of the Cth West Yn., who fought them threo hours, when they re- treutcd on the Llk Gurdcn road. The damogo to tho road at Piedeinont Is very slight. Communication between this point und Cumberland has been reestab lished. ' Nashville, 28th. Wc have bad no dis patches from Hood's urmy In our front, since yesterday afternoon. Hood made an assault on Ihe works at Columbia, south of Duck River, on Saturday, and was bad ly repulsed. A email portion of rebel cav alry succeeded its crowing Duck River, Hood has made no other development of his plans. Thus far ho has accomplished nothing further than tho conscripting ol some of his dear friends. The military situation Is satisfactory to the authorities. An impulsion gains ground that Hood will move across the Chattanooga road, f possible, with the hope of accomplishing soinctlriug by co-operation with Hreckin ridge. Times special dispatch says IJoods movements In Tennessee eeem to be made for the purpose of making a raid Into the eastern part of th: State. Thn lino 01 which he I moving would Indicate nn In tcntlon to leave Xashvlllo to the cost sWs and make his way to form a junction with Hrccktnridge. It Is believed ho will tbrn essay tbc capture or Knosvlllc, which will give him railroad communication via East Tennessee, and thus with Lynchburg and Richmond, The cucccttful "termination Sherman's movement will have severed commnnicatlon between tbc two rebel arm ies. Hood'H army, In this case, woald bo in position to join l.-cc, should this mov become advisable. 'J New Ytirk. 15th. Coast Pilot rtporU tlint lie saw, on the evening of the 12th, while 17 miles distant from this point, three vcsnels burning. Later In the even Ing he saw a large ship In iktmc. Ac counts from Providence, lloston and other porls, give the nrrivril of vessels reporting themselves and other vessels enptnred by the Tallahassee. Several of them wcro bonded and some burned. Washing lok, 15lb. Official Information has been received that the pirate Chicka innucu urrlved nl 'VYIImlnglon. after a slight brush with tho blockading fleeL Tho To1luhaec was safely la port, and would Icavo in a few da.ig, with a cargo of cotton, for Ilcrmuda. There wrro no blockade runners at Nassau, on Nov. 12th. Ncwbern, 1 "'!, It Is reported that all tho available rebel forctfl at Wilmington nnd other points in this Slate, arc movie; to the assistance of Georgia. Hragg I as signed to the department of North Caro lina, which will constitute his command. Rebel papers report tho abandonment nf the Wilmington expedition by tho Un ion forces, which appears to give them great relief. Governor Vane Is figuring for admission Into the rebel Senate, with a good pros pect ofsucces!. New York, noth. The North Slar from Aspluwall Is signaled. , . Uy rhe steamer Fort Morgan, wo liavo lute advices from tho Gulf, Five of our gunboats lay lu Mobllo bay, only three miles from the uily. Tho rebels have an Importaut earth work a little below tha city. At llngdad, on the Mexican side of tho Rio Grande, no expeditionary Union force. under Lieut. Col. Stanley, captured acorn panyot rebels, iiicir number was rmaii. Washington, 30th. The subscriptions foMhe Seven-thirty loan, during the past week, amounts to three and a half millions. New York, 30lb. The rebel, Roger X, Pryor, acting as n private soldier In tha rebel army, was captured on the 25th by our pickets, whilst attempting to ex change papers. This was dono In retalia tion for the recent capture of Captain Purbrldge by the rebel pickets. Pryor says Leu Issued an order for the return of Curtain Purbrldge, ou Saturday, and Pryor will probably bo returned as kjou us Purbrldgj arrive. Pryor Is now In the OIJ Capital prison. The World's cor respondent says Pryor derides the Idea of putting faith In tho statements of deserters nnd refugees. He don't seem much cart down by his present misfortune, but re gards the meaus to secure his capture u not strlotly lu accordance- with the coda of honor, nnd thinks it is more particularly severe In his case, as he had used his la tlueiice to secure the release of Iiurbrldgj and to prevent th recurrence of such cap tmes by the rebels, lie contends that the election of Lincoln Is juit what the South wished, aud although apprehensive that It may prolong- Ihe war another four years, ho declare it has united their people, and rendered the probabilities of their ultimate success much greater. He would give no Information about Sherman, or converse on any subject connected with army move meuts. The Commercial's Wushlngton special says Pryor has just been escorted along Pennsylvania Avenue, under guard, to the Old Capital, lie wore a uniform of grey, and nodded familiarly to old acquaintances. A singular phenomenon occurred lately on the line of the Atlantic and Great Wes tern Railroad, near Woosler, Ohio, All at once the embankment end track disap peared In a most mysterious manner. Up on eiamlnation It was found that a bun dred feet of the road Lad sunk and was continuing to sink, while Into the cavity formed black mud and heavy streams of water gushed fiotn below. With the wa ter there was throwu up a number of eye leu fish, and considerable difficulty will be experienced lu filling it. 1 . Our little friend Hobby religiously be, lievrs that babies come from Heaven by sort of celestial express, Tho other day ho was called In to see a newly born babs, which lay very still among the flannels. "Poor little thing!" ssid Hobby: "tired coroiug to far, Isu't be?" To deceive mosquitoes, enter your room In the dark quietly, &x a pillow under the sheet representing a person fo bed, fix, the , mosquito bars suugly around so as to pre-, vent their entrance, undress and get under the bed, and yoji will have good sleep. i ii 1.. w. f H !., & tf ajj u ,, i- 'ffiMB?!?7Sr'?''ywE&-t tfifiRsit riiiillimfflllThiiifillsflfciiifWiMlTiffy S.k-' "s3Jw!ixWBKBKBKHB8&lBBtSSb