Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 19, 1864, Image 2

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J. SI. BXTTOX, Killtnr.
To thi rrrioici asp ncnvAsrMT or rocn
Umok, a Gortnvucvr ton rnc wuouc is
txnurtKMBLr.' H'aiAi .!.
xiTTRwr xormg,
XOV. 19, ISSI.
U.tof Agents for lb OnnooN Smw.
E. F. Rnell. p-aeral agent for Oreroa,
and Idaho Ttniiwr,
I r. Fliber.. . . . .' Saa Francis 01.
J J. Knewltoa A Co
Thomas ViXf Applecwt. Opa.
T, R.11IH WIIWr da
F. G. Illrd.st. Rk Faint do
Thomas Crexton, . . . .Cewrt Dtattas do
Win. Spicer, Jnma-OirJo do
Got. GibM
I). Jl. Tnerapsoa,.
W. M. Eraa.
Thomas Carr
Thomas F. Floyd..
S. W. Sawyar
P. F. Anderson....
D.M.C. Giult....
A. Irelad
G:o. U Dean
.FoHhtad do
..Albany do
.AIlbooM do
...do do
....Korfcvrttk .n
do da
Phoenix do
... do
. M rr'.W Crk ()o
. Eiloabure do
Thcodrle Oanxrea Fnkm ton do
Jimti . Watson. .... . Hbi?f do
)lu Hutilfl Ilaatcr. . . llet Kirr da
L. W. Sullins .. Fvrt Kianuth do
Dinger llermac of Canyonvilk.se ntral
Ant for iHinirUi County.
JUBILEE IN JACKSONVILLE. ,w b.itw- cbwsedby
tbe Brt torm borarted by a Mragt wotb
At a poMk sttotlos;, Wld In Jacks "
tllbs, on Tswsday, Nor. lftib. W. W. ' Wbaso tbra riooJ tb pritMVul village.
FowWr wm ebosM Cbolrmo, nod K H. I bswtt by tht ropository of its nvsf. dod
IIshM Ssowsary. It wo i tsry, now stands tbc oosatorlnble
.'sssfW. Tbat afl Uiibjo ntet and ladles "' " P1" Wta
of whatever parly, ore bwltod to h a tawbssse rf Pbt soil V3
Jubilee, la botsor of tb eJeetl of Abw-' hf. tkccebcc trwktbopa, aod sdt lb to
ham l.loeok aod Andrew Jtbnton to lb j tsdH VmscM by toaditsa drtlta
I'rrstdeucy and Vio Prosbleoey r tbe I tbm, bar prair p with tbe rap'dlty of
Unltl Slates, m Toesday x', Xor. ' Mbrooii, aod now cutsd s prciwl-
..J, IH, nl six o'clock r. x.
Oo motion, n comasittoe of it was
appointed oo arraos-meoU, ai follows:
.Max iloltw. C C lleoknun. John llll
per, Messrs. Wm. Ilibcoek. II II Haines,
Sam Hall and Todd Camtr on.
Oa motion, tbe follewlflp were appointed
as a committee oo teaiti: O Jacobs. .!
Jl Sattoo, X Lan;c)l, Wm Kabb-r. F H
Spraie. C Nye, A ItackalcHew, I Con
stant, J KeHasp.JT WnlVsr, of Pkaiint
Crctk.and M II Drake..
Oa raMtee, X LisysH was nppoisttsd
r.tniui, That two short spctoiws be
rnsde la front of Max Molktt's ston, com
rs:acin; at 7 o'eieck.
Zdjsuriml It. II. IIauos, See'y.
Commhteeef Arranswoeots met pur
suant to notice, ai daclitad to bar tbe
party In tbe HeCally Brick, with sopper ! ibcnby plaeinp oar peodnee of nil kinds
at the Franco- A merle a Hotel j u, direst oewmaabsotloa with one of the
Max Mailer was appelated enaimittee boot mariiets on the ami. Kroai tbis
to preeore a bH, and confer with Madaaw ' tint fccth. not one posed of sorpla pia
DelUbeara la repard to sapper. J We will U bfft in lb market. Oar f..rtn-
R II Haloes was appointed on nwic. I raiwot Jer two year to ewme foralah a
Henry Duncan oa fiseworh. Ham HbH to j faSkmacy for tbe sapplr of these uew
rranCe sjwaken' siaad. It S Daalap.ad wartets-tbc Owyie und Joba Dareoon
X UapeH to receive tickets, and It II I lrjt.
Haines. D O Underwood. J M Sattoo xw M fc, tbwre been nny drabio.
and W S I!abejk Boer maaapees nod coat, tioa la tbc yWd of oht owa mines, bat i.n
mitlee of ntredae4le. IT baB wincusa J tbe contrary, new dvvlopiaenU ore eoniin
mtnee at 8 o'cloek. j- i,, ,, iriislarlv lo oopwr.
. v .urroBRiM inwwss win start i,on
the Court Uwtt et half post six o'clock. '
aad march throach lb principal streets, ;
alter which short addressee wilt be deliver-
ed by O. Jacobs end It. Y. Dowcll. la Iront '
of Max MoHer'a Store ladies can over
look and hear tbe speakers from McColly e
IrL1, rPP'- "
Tbe lower portion of Ibe MCaHyba!td. I,
io-s will be cflmfcrtabljr Sited np a a rr- J
ceplion and dresslnp room lor ladies; a
,Vitl "!beiDaWtoiBulfcn
it L . " t" e1 A"PH,D' T.
Marshals or the day.
All iSTaa iHtttr nf tl & il
tl d "tjnasuto ; jutcd. are saQtclcot to warraut the mest
"pi.t" '. f T t,M ui . . UwteS rWB, ,0 0Dr pcopl fr many
Clitens of JasksoartKe ore renaesled Tla.
to illuminate Itelr bens. j' - , .
- - - - j CincriT OocaT lliere were seven cases
Tnt Kr.tcriex. Freemen o( AmerSea oa ,,,c " dweket and thlrUen on Ike
rsjolee I The rebelfioo'a im Is sealed chancery dockl, but nothing ot a general
Glory hallelujah ! SlalealterSlatclnhaN ' nature. There wet no Jjry trials. Tbr
mooious iatii-oaje, with overwheimiat; ms-' f'dtowinp are nil the state oases: India
jorltics say, "The Union it mast and shall ' 0,DI larceny. State of Orvgon w. Git
be proved.' Ohio. Kansas. Xew York bft Crisman. Forfeiture ojaiust Hie s
Maryland, lA,."iiecticBt, Pennsylvania. Mas' ' cnritles for the non-apprarauce of the de
sachusetls, Vermont, Maine, Ilbode Island f"dnt. and nn tVwe bench warraut order.
Xew Hampshire, lodtaC. Wieeomm't 1 7 tie Court. State vi. Samuel KtU
Michigan. Illinois, Musouri, 2,'inoejou! M.r aMao,t "itb Intent lo murder, 'llr
Tenoesee, Iowa, West Virginia. N,.hi. I defendant failed to appear nnd an abet
California and Oregon, have all declared bench wrrsnt ordered by the Court.
r Freedom, the Constitution end the ' at4,c u- Charles Wilson. Indictment for
Unioa. There is a atrong probabllily that i Iref- The defendant plead guilty, nod
ho total majority will exceed lour hundred ' M D'cced lo the penitentiary, by the
thousand vote In favor of the Union j Court, for one year,
party. " The voice of the people is the 1 tDe dullest term of the Circuit
voice of God." j Court that has ever been held lo thlacoun-
We have fooght tbe good fight ; we have I ' T'ie ' buslnct plainly indicates
Vept the faith ; henceforth, there is a t
srowa laid np for ns and our children
Glory bsllclpjab ! Tlic Electors for Lincoln
and Johnson are elected by ovewhelmiog
majorities In all the States, Cicept Ken-1
' toeky, New Jersey nod Delaware. Little
Mac has carried these three Stales by small
I majorities. He is the worst b:at man that
', ever run for President. We also have a
rain of 27 CiHfgrersuien mnrc tlwti tl c
Union majority during the lost CongresT.I
, Smcc tbe election :
' "The report of the rebel Secretary of
the Trenrr vrrv dolrfptfy sas tby ran
on'y ob'a'o oMJW'Iq enrrcney (i-qnal to 56
in r'juc ' lor f 1 000 of Cnosederatc bonds."
Thrrcf-irr. it U dear that Jeff. Davis
ami McCMIan are both bankrupt. Ghirt !
ijlury ball!abh !
Southtrn Oregon Iu Prospect
The people of Somkr Oregon have, dar
ing their brief history, encountered more
limn tbe ordinary danp-rs and vicWtades
t of n frontier J. Twie have tby beer
' compelled to combat tbf treacherous wv
pes to general warfare, in nVIente of nil
that was near and dear to tbera. MurOtr.
rapine and fiendish harherllics ere so lati-
I roawny cronecsra wim ner rs'.V normls-
, fcat whtn h,mt ceralWmll ,;, NM t0
,, ,. ,. .
reconot 1 1 ww, th-y can by m means e nvy
' the goMea harvest reaped by the earlv pio.
' Mi. KTUed bv India w " it tbe epitaph
... , , , ' '
I nmn oa thc tomb Hon of some " lost
and lawd" friend or relative from a!mot
I every be-Mrbe4d in thin land of golden ran.
j let. "Whttbetfocrtr we go along tbe pob
He nrgbwny, or over tbe moaniata Ba'?w
ftt mfet with Mine fad memorial nf Indian
I carnage. Yrt notwithstanding all this,
when we leek orer SKutbrrn Ores to-
day, and see tbe adranerd slate of its Im
proTtrnents, we can scarcely renlass that h
1 tbc brhrf spore of twelve yrars so modi
has btn oeaomplidsrd.
i Whore now stands tbe aeboolbnosc, tbe
brisrbtaot pern of ciei!SM!losi. twelve yeors
aao was Kto too rd bark bat frnoi
wbrcce the yoalblol warrior recrired Mr
flrtt hwtoan hs the sovaf d K a
sinchg sMuk of hwrie LsMaliy tlmborssl
nent as the Brett oak.
Shot off as w hare been fret, tbe
worU. with to market for cor prod bot
the nlfiosi with so inunl in enmmoo
whh fttUr parU of tbc State to uVnwnd
un btterest la hi 1pWatkin, we stand to
day whb bripbtrr propcts abend than ut
any etber period of nor btnry. It k not
unseaionabte to prrdkt tbat la five yrr
frvm tbls time. In wealth end resource'
we wIM outrival nor othir portion of the
Paring tbc last summer new facttillf
far market bars been opsned to h. nx
obrd by eay ether past of the coon'ry.
, Wc bare n irafos) read eompbned lo Can
I yua Oily, epealaf oat tbe Job Day ecun
i try to oar prasp. bbaot wilboat eompetl.
i tbstt. Cot Drew's sate expedition to tbe
, Onybcc bos developed oc of tbe btot
: mmiImi avar iLianVrd liver tLu Srru
I - - " .---.. - . ,. .... w-......
Heretofore it Us been a oolrtrscl predic-
lion tbat Boatbesn Orepoa most go dowa
utseme doy. and tbese pttdiethms lve
oYirw capital Irsmi ibe oeantry almost as
fct , it km necammelalcd; imt iw a
Mw uVtd is open to capital. As soon us
u become sppsreat tlat Seethes Orepon
bos a permanent basis, ne wlU tec moan
iarte wtaMssbw). water dhchs erected,
b4 B tbouwed etlsrries ealcrrd into
.bereto caplul may be safely krestsd.
uwc ar, j atber tbioes wbsab tend
to the ioterest af Soaikern Oon-of
-"We we will speck betvafier-llwt taken
ta MI)MC,teo nMh wtal ne Lau 8jrM(,
tBal ,'ie 'yer, clerks and sheriffs will
have to lookout for some other buslnesj to
get tha teccsaarie of life. Court com
hittle tusineis. it adioumed last ThuA-lav
menced on Mouday, nod there being so
V.. "...t tnil. nL. r ...I.
desjutch wys the President it already com -
mrnreJ the preparation of his mresajc.
Abstract reports of the rariooi bnrsns
hare born furnished. JOotbl-e tr.nircl
rcjpwtlnjr tbc views It will express 1: is
understood tlx President wilt reecommrnd
enactment of a law abelishinp a?ry er.
erywiitre in the U. S. icinitlljtHT. Fo
tier ramoreO there will be a chanrc In the
Cabinet W-ore next Mskin of ConprtiS
II tb President Is re elected a new Sec'y
of tbaTreafjry mnit be vltctftl, and pos
siWy other cbanpes bo made.
Ch'aijn, 1 1th. rt'tttms, not official
fr m SI conntiu In Illinois, plre Llucoln
3S.000 msJ-Klty. Snm? Demooratlc coun
ties to hear from. 9 Union, n I) -mtorats
clcted to Con;res 2 districts rfeubtM.
. '
Albany, 11th. snCcitnt returns
received to Iml.cate beyond a doubt the
ueews of the Union tlcVet In X. Y- by 5
to ,000 rawriiy.
Army Potomsc, lOlL-lWnnw from
the army are nearly all in. PonylMi
soMlcrs plvc 3.970 majority for Lincoln.
Western rcplments p've small majority for
Lincoln. IJneoln's msjnrity In the com
blncd nrml llorc Pctenburg and R'cb-
mond Is 1S.0OO.
Xew York, 11th. Titcs retnms'from
ceflsties In this state, nearly nil oSieia!
bow a majority for Unetdn of 6.&00
Fenton. over 0 090.
San Frnc5eo, 14th. Uncolns nsjor.
Ity In tbls State so f.ir 17.090. 1 let urns
from Xersds tho far received plve IJa
coin 8.100 mnjorlty. with aboal MO sol
dier votes to bear from.
Xew York. 1 2th -neWw1 .?eW
Mlbih sayv A ioe-eg.-t of Iron CM
is In tbe Jam river, below Dich Gap.
Cabsa soMhrs air not yet meklssg aay J
prrtwra'bwis for wlaier qaarlers. It Is
raaso-srf rbai Oraat enora.p'alc. e mare
oa Wilsalprtoa by wav ot WeUun. and
that be Is already sending Iroopt lo the I
taller place. :
The UtrMs Xhw Orleans corrssposri
. . ... . . i
eat sovs raoboat are watebbsc; tb moatl
of Ib-d Hirer fee tbrec rtty foeaTJW reb
ot rams. b!cb ar rxascted lo coot dawn'
as soon e the water raises eaGcJreiMy. '
JiB Dark' porrrnry bo been alirtoM en
llrrly set aside by Texas rebek ami only !
cold ar sllrrr ef-cepW. No news Imra '
Mobil. Goabeats sb-ll tbc
hoars dtl'r.
cltv thee
trim tbr
CbattaaoocA. 12k Arrival
front reports that on tbc 7tb. at d.vnbt. '! rancfo... It.-Ta lauacblnp or
the rrbrit ntlaeked oar pVkets south of; Co'uanebe was suoeesfully aeoomplbbcd I
Atlanto. ba, s,b.sn.n.ly Ml back. 7V T!7 " M ""i ni' I
. . . . i
salt largely In favur of Lincoln. On tbr
afteraooofl of the Olb. the estemy maJe an
attack on AUsnta, throwing rlieilr at far
ui iiiiung .urni. .nosi ""IHTHIC Bliarit
. n.w.. ,,,,- .j ...,i
was mad on soatbrrn roads. 'PbeenetnyV
arlinery was within a bwndml yard' of
oar mortars, end their lnfUatry and dis
rooaaicd cavalry wr within 200 yards of
our nvn, wltm tbe latter, nronvj frcsn '
slumber, (ptiekly mnastcd lb works nnd
drove tb rebds off. Xo I-VIrl b.
TbeesKniy Soalty retreated towards Mama.
Our a'wy Is la exeeilvstt spirits, and wi-'l
susplW with rat ions. I
Washington. I lib F.tmmg .Sar seys:
Wcdasm It not improper to slat tbat ;
and otherwise slreogtlnsd In oavaby.
AH dlsmonnre.1 men been remaunted. IV j
force unfcr Thornis his batn nrfnforced j
aw sireoginene-i. ana u amply snilwii .
tohxnrelhat ilnol&tnda no damage of I
conseqHene in Tracsjee or
which seems to
bj bis ntm. Shernua is
.Hci.iiHt- wu ure onwr uve corps in
Hood's rear, aud br already between him
and any poasthle tin of retreat soalh. whet, j
b shaN st the mosreiiy of so doing.
Oiociwi.ll. I2ih.-f7ieie's Xashellle '
dkiuloli i1nU ll, ponMt.l ....11. .
and bb,: r AtianT. zzzZ'J: rr ."rr01: .
.. ,L. ru.," ,.
m""""' """
.1 . im?.on, i.-ii-a geniuronn rrosa
rnc owy. lo-nsy. states that a large part
,Hjrl"n lht '"Sbboihood
ol Wlnohester. while tbc enemy are et
.New Mebt. rsceirlng rainfurcemHits. j
..vw . i.o. uerBW special sjysrV bos what purports to be a translation
Information received that the rebels in tin- from the lUt.Ia nflrr. rri.ii ir.iL. ... (
Sbensodoah. have Uen reinforced end ere '
iirrnarinr to nsBK III P01 tion fif SI,irL1..
troro the fiont represent the rsbeti inn
uays ago, in ior at ataunton, with the In-
1 , . . . i
teoth.0 10 mors on our line at once. 40 ' to the Waehuett to prevent l.er escape, t - -of
Moseby's pnerrlilas disguised in our un-' A she was going out the people calhered i - '
id)rms. vesti-rdar ntticL-K.1 t,A ... j .
--- -i""mi 1
smaii train near Uturlestowo, belonglnj to at
Shermans army.
Xew York, 12th. From Little Rock.
we learn tlial Col. White on the 23d after J
a fight of 4 hours captured an eotlro rebel
train 33 wagons and 200 horses. Tb's ia
probably one of the trains tent ahead of
thc main force by Price. Lale Richmond
papers contain proceedings of the tcbtl
concress. Judiciary comm ttce directed
to inquire Into the expediency of rtqulrtne
citlwns liable to do military duty, absent
from the country not on public business, to
return and assist In nuhllr ,r,n.. j
1 , r, ., '. """- -"" eccDHf arnsiuot Uiiy Point. Manv in
0C,r!00,Iea',0" "I"?!. lUf.ridlte,t oOicrs fcrc cedent the 'n,
cbiieroeat nfter the war, and other adequate
penalties. Also say Washington X. Q.
has been cracnated by the rebels.
Jlcrald't Malarooras letter, of tbe 27lh,
J It
says: Coitinas having become an Impcrb jGrant in the aseault 00 the lines of Rich,
nlist, has been scot oo an cxpeditloo after mood and Peter.hur-.
his brother, -who rommjiids a band of pticr-
ril!a. Jnarcx. to t (7Iuhnhn.i with 2000
inat'.on or ("tattlim .1 sci'. 1! ccntly at n
I. .WK. .rn..i.Al M.lanAMt rmi t t..i.
1 mlllian's offtVcrs pave a toast ; The Un.
Ion oj the Southern Onfrdrraey, end Mcx-
Ico." Whlcli rccrlrcd with rmt on-
. plane. ond pt-rformance by the band of the
Dunna lllne Flap.
j OoM on the 5th. 2:102:45. ndrunclnp
steadily reacblrK: 20-on the Ptb. closed
on the I01U, at -jsii. on IZih, l,:4fi 2.4o,
. depression on the 10th, attributable to
henry sales on Gorcrnmont account.
Wednesday' Dispatch.
New York. Ulh. HrM Ibis mornlnE ae-
I knowMpM the dpfeat of .ytaeur and sys:
' we have lot the slate, bath tectorial vols
I anil Governor ."'
Head Quarters Army Futomac. 11th. On
the evening of the lh, a force of the enemy
wa' aed ni,.ln? In front r our line,
near Fort Kit adman. Guns of ihw Fort op-
I cneu, uririnz inem in mrir work", utixi
lialtsrifs replied brifkly but were soon rilen-
ly onr SMn. tnJ antlaTK Thc fnwB?
,, dennlned to pr.te Ihe poll7 of
I WUr)J. , min t;(Hltnirn
ttrt tanrl . ..iM. Aeeontlnrlv nick.
, Ia ftonl Bf lhe ia j.,. rBC!.tj
mo,t 0f j, nrR,i,
Xew York, 12th. Cvntrnari Liverpool
eorrepoadent, say Sheridan has handsome
ly cbeck-maW lhe mavement, of Early on
our naaic. ue bis sent mem luet una pre-
-.i .i. ,-.. .., ......
venteu tne coblemplnml Bitvanee on
ItAlilmore and Ohio railroad. Waihinplnn
dlspaleh says Gen. Dank It Is said will soon
take charge of the Navy Pspartnient ; tbe
same oerrtMpaadvnt siys hi hti reasons to
believe thr onarsc to bo adopted with reler
eoce lo the Ufrittj' prwit of llraxlllian ?r.
erripoty. capture of tbe Florkl.i. will x
I Mtastaaluilly. tb traatitskc of a despatch
, sotio mat oar uomnmsat will eon
s-nt to rectilvc. and sHvc faronbie consider
alio any prifsitta Drazil may nsake. A
b-Mr to thr A mentloni sevtral InHanew
''osne ouodoct by Groat IlriUiB. and
can rstsae la tbe Horhla
" IH Lyssa-Hlytog very HI wish lhe
iM m' -KU" "" K11" JP"
"T "Tw ""f ''w CM',TO
""7"" " "" "".Z , f
Tb rbob ar soaSdeat Graat I ireparlag
fgf awlbw uy
jj Utk. Tbe Na .jatl I At-
tfM,)i artl. It wa. tb-'iaekt tbe
ea-wr Laorvl. fenw I.Uenwol trun-fered
aor crew, nrras aud anaiaaltion tu tb ttes-1
msr Nv AUbaan off Mad.ria. The Iw-,
don HfaU daottnc-i ibt ennjure of thc
, Florid la ladlpaaat Urms. Tt s th'
lf - 'f n.r'-Uln.bnrWtsfufrl.-.anilaschoekrull
' Hj,.T Sll. Mwpty an act or piracy.
ni iiasraaaTiW- i
TeinsVis tinlar i. i
ott;aIi,f. Uib.-'lMiiras from Grand
ou Valte i.bji,1s uii tbe nreclaets
H ,, new co
county of Union sbuw lit) mj. j
tar MoCloUan. W'alU Walla pmehisl elves
& mm for MClllaa. Far u beard from i
liaki-r outittty
;ives J4i nwj. lor xevMian.
CI DeaMioratic msjurity.
Vaaco cooaly,
ThrAday'i Ditpatch.
Xew Yk, 13K II fraJJ'i special says
Itaakt has been la eosMultatbw with the i
I'fldut lodov. It W rraortMl In Ad. I
wblatraibsa drda that tbetc Is a strong j
probabititv of Ids bia.- aslgd to the !
,rtfulia of thc SK-retary trf War. duo-
L U nd.rsto.d U be w III that 1 was '
;0B the past wwk.
It Is reported that Hancock, In conso-1
iurace td" bis woundsj wllf be relicrcd ol
tb command of tbe 2d oerps, and a.slgned
to thc command
of the Department ol
Wsshiaiflo. Geo. Aucur tucceediw bltn
hi lb arrov of thc Potomac Dtei?attun
rrom (!, i Kn-land. who came to
ihU maatrr to nit,! il. r-.tr ,n.ii.
jrtoa, Jiultlweirp 8d Xoeth tW
iim. nw KM tdmittaiice in the rib-
el lioos.
ir. .it. , .
T77r -''- '""E'"';Uovrmt and lb Stale,
or om .Ma ymml no. vi,u lum of nrvir.-
reo - atty expired, bare enllstcl
in .Mosby's i
comwand, whlob by
reason of nuiwro
aeeosakns. now numbers 100 to 2.(KKJ
Musby Is sufficiently recovorod from bin '
nnunds to take the field. Sunday Mtnu-'
tore of the Florida. It rys after Ihe can-1
,... ..t ,1.. ..l .1.. .1..1 . ' .1 .,.
it, - isuri.i. ., .nr,i i .i. w.t...
salt. Some of the engineer wsri. rmov,t
' '
.1 . ..,.,., . . .
vii mu.auurv, uuu inc uaiieries ere icveieu
bcr. Some of the
men on the Wuchu
sett fired revolvers ut the tbote, which In
creased the excitement.
The Mutury says tb residence of the
American Consul at Jtabia wai nioblied by
the people and our Minister compelled to
put to sen, having virtually been driven
ont of the Kmpirc. 'llie HrajiHUn author
llles were ootapelltd to cull out the army
to suppress thc riot.
Xew York, 14th Richmond Examiner
aays it is reported that 30 iron dads, with
m nitmts tt lrriukJA !...-, ... .1 a
""" "' '.rMI "" " P
gent ouicirs i.re confident there will
soon be a grtol battle aloog the whole Hoe
below Richmond. Tbe time dejiends 00
thc completion of tLe Dutch Gap canal.
Is the onloiao lli.-it KkcU.n iii r.r-
maaraaaMU'Uin I
Grrnor Hff"rn, of G-orgi, In li'
mesfec. W: I am MltMHM inai n igrr
.!.- -r"... ,W, of ihi. Stale. dlt.i
prove of many rrt of policy of tbc ndmln
'""r1".' " i ' . .
bra on of IDS vtinnsiiracT. mb n.u.ini
I Irep constantly in vFrw the crtat princi
pica npon which nrc entered Into the no
rmal conttut, and rcunlce crrry cncroie'
i.nt upon them by our own rnvcrnmmt.
Vc have made fearful rtrblea since tie
war brpan. toward, a lyranlwl porrmment
J with nnHmitcd power, lie adrncntr
l Slate soverrtcnl'r. ami the rtpni oi earn
i CtM In nitivnttnlA IfftnS fU hmW. In IT
Olfliv I" i-v . ---
car.1 to pncrrlltai he says: Dsrafs ofdf
serlers from onr nrm!c., nnd small Ixxllrs
of cavalry bcbwplnp lo the CmMerale
service, ara constantly robblnp awl plan
derlnp nor propV. lie rrcommciHls the
rrtSMpe pf o" ct drolarlne all such ont
jaws, and nuthorWrtff citlfrn. whom they
nttemnt to rob, to shoot them down or
j , fc ,n tMr owcr,
Marvsvllie, 17th. Abont three o'clock
this a. v. a deslrnctivc fire btoke cit In lhe
Mnrysville Theater on D, Iwtwccn 2d anil
3d streets, entirely cnnmtnp that edifice1
with fonr stores iindsrneath nml adjacent ;
the south wntl ol thc Theater nuHdlnp Ml
on an adjoining two slory brick, complete
ly drmoilsMnp It. The roof of a ihlnl two
story brick ailjolalnc on the sooth, nml no
fMinTffl An llii, Intrrr fl.iop iv flip Pstlfortitfl
i 8M To,riph c-mpnay's eflico. WhI C.
,..;, , .
' riinlanis drns slore was als
tiA i.rlL,ttr titir i
I -'" -" -"' "
1 tint. I ne outNimp anu conionis wn prrai
ly dsmnpeil by waler. A brisk north whid
prrvoUVd nl llie time of Ibe Brp. and It was
on'y by the most stremwus exerllnns of
tbc fire drpartnent, n still crco'.er confii
rration was prevent, lvtillrc lot connet
be leas tban 50.000.
I.tLK I.WTr.n's Dsamatk Kiukixos.
i"t.r israu.nn i'mnntin. ssnMws.'ves i
lls talcetrsi voaap Mdr is lo pirc on" of ,
; her splendid ' Dramatic ltotettalnmeats In
, Jacksonville, on next Tbarsday.Xov.24ih.
, as can lie seen bv her notice l another dd-
, Mmn, jlltf iMttr t, u 8w, lMtrff!i f
, pMt .My ;m4Mml at Sin l
' Francisco. W bop to s on atsdierice
worthy irf tU weion. Mbs I.Mer hs I
calned a repUlon for her do.lloe.rr
., ... ,,. . , .,
power, excelled by but few. t e take the
' 'y,,,w,nff P0 portrait frcsn tb San Ae j
j W'Wg :
"Fr the bem-fit of those of oar read.'rs I
"bo never saw the editress of the nl w
mapaalee. we will sy pireatla-tically. tbat
. she Is a rpuaky kttlc piece of fsm'wlnlty,
i wcichtnp nbont 03 potiwlj, nvolrdotts,
of g pa'ured Impu -
, J,.-, nnij i, ,, n ,,n.ls of woman ran
lf She u n Urrtt-. not UiJsom-.
, len?ar ,,, ,, ,
roo;b pn.-ss. we should say that about
' '" ' Dt"nrrW of coarse. Ho must be a
"1J man ,,B wwM i)tr ,0 "Mm ,lie dl-
M of "' lute's heart, fortifies! as It Is
wllu a columblad at trsrx embraure, load-
ed to the very mnizto with chain liphtr.tr.
Wc would sooner lead & ftielorn hope orer
the lortificalloiis of IIIchmotKl. Wc will
sy this for Lisle, liowrrer, that those wh
don't take thc Pffit Mmthlj. don't know
how msny pood things they m!s.M
liHeaimxn. Jackson Cooo'r Is reuntred
to rtir"W' flf,'B" ,M"' M "
8'w """" "' e,,W rr' u Uh'MU"
m8f w,2LPrt "LUf hJ in
T .r 'T' "T.
w Mw u ,pHntC(1 ,,,, ,
tilde to tbm, or If It could be left lo them
to choose tbolr own offleers, ve bare no
doubt, under favoraWe elroHmslaac Hfty.
nve men may tc raises In two inonlbs. To
aoeelrrate enlNMeat. we believe a very
large majority of tb laiijrs ef tb's
county woahl he willing tor ibe owiuly to
appropriate an additional bounty uf.-sey
one buadre4 dolUn. Tbe oouutr imw
being oat uT dht. with coadderablr money
iu the Treasury, this amount would not Lc
fi'lt. We lnlbve that amount Mould, with
d bytb a,.t
Hwre all tbc
I law rwjHlml without
rccvars to a ibafi.
IV Is rrasoaable to euppose tlat llM-re UsmsI
a mai In Ike eoualy who weuM nut be will
'S Py e, two or thre dollars, rather
ttua uu tl cbjaoes of Us on Uiag
',rwn froB ltl9 w!"L
OWIMII lllll J
In Sterl Iih-iiIIh nl.uii In ,.'..l..l- . ..
Jacktoavllle. Nov. llli. in Ci- uir. r.'
F. Itecscr, a daughter.
wiu. oive oxK or uea ckixbiutko
Draiuuflc . KBtertaitimeuts,
oonsitlugcr fiEItlO-COMIO, PATftlOUC
At the court house, in
On Thursday next, Nov. 2-ith,
The reputatlcn of LISLE LUHrEItas
a public Klocutloolst nerds no compliment
ary notice all award hr the tactd of tie
flocst Reader on the Cout.
Among the Cvslumo Readings to b? given
Ua chapter from M'JDOIV IJEDOTT, In
antique dree. Alto, tbelleautirul Itcclt.
Doors open at 7 o'clock.
, I rang tha w mtny psrsons will
a.iirr ror.rmrs wtin uiM.iise,Mien inercan
- !0 rea.iily cuml
Dtt. A. 15 ALL
has bpen rsta.llhrd In San Francisco far
ten years, ami. dti'lnjr that period has not
failed to ctr- et n cure In n (Ingle cast tatt
, h nn,i.riken
Dr. It at- nfter astmlynf forty yean, has
I 'nnxTlltal"
j ,,,,' ,'h wora'c1v(mortinn,Glerl.Strlc
. itirc. j-ypaiits impnirnry.caiu uin-aes, au
all complfllnts nrl'lnp from Immoral prc
tiers In bns time tlwu by any other kuown
prices. wirin-T ivtrnr t Tut vst.s.
Dr. IUu.'a mnm iitijr.r, for the radical
cure of Wenknies aud lrrepnlnritles, lo
which mi many Indi'-s or lhe Pacific coat are
ulecl, nwtnt princlpnly lo thc jx-ouliarilke
of the cllmatp. Is h tirst preparation yel
dlscovcrwl by the Medical rnently, as thou
sands tha' have ncil It can bear li-stiraony.
Dr. IUt.i. is o (ji-u-v ; he Is a regularly
itbicatrd phj "Ician of forly years standing,
and has a diplonu which he would lie pleased
to shew lo thtie who may wish lo see It.
Persons llvlng-al cerlnln distance, and
sending a dricrlntlon of their complaint,
can hart' their medicines put up In a pstksj
ainl sent I'y malt or cvprt-ss. In such a man
ner as not only to secure safety In transitu,
but so that no imxi would iupect what
ars ll contents.
ItrTerenei-s sent by mall lo those whomsy
wish to Inquire as lo the Doctor' ability
before placing tiirrovlvrs lu his charge.
;r- Ad-lress A. lUtx, M. I)., 328 Monl
gonury tlreei, San Francisco.
?Jt Consultations, cither personal or by
Utter, VKF.K. JySOmS
New! Now!! New!!
IUIth IWr FMtr Fftltvin nJ UraJbur
A Wnde's, Jackrourille,
Host Cigars and Tobacco,
R f3 JTtaU Ji.W.a.,i3e.-2J,-
ptVwstwlr' tlTvr wTll.nry A WsmU's
i eullib-aiu-nlluo of the ikiIiIIo lo bis com'
' !'? ttoh'rokln?nd chewing twbaceo,
1 X'g.
envnt Havana. All sold at the mail Itkrnl
. ?"
. You "W 1,l;
him iwi ."" ,d "iZk'i&
T 11 K
Standard Sewing Slnclilne
or TUB
I Front which alt olht-rs derive their iltallly.
! All oUwts iay llcnse to Howe. Jr., the
I ordinal lavetnr ami uiti-ntt-v. TL- Imtlr
orUwruUsl iswtliirim combine Ihe dn-lrahU
inn- v, mi, tninir.nnii tciii rw vlinn,
.Ik or lbnl wlih uiiul fuelbly -from the
lliielaeos or floe mii.ilif to harnos Ustb.-r
Ibvy run llgtt and rnoM: make a neat !k
titcb. nl'le on loth s(di-s; neer drops
4itcb.'; will patbi r aud sw on at the earns
tlin. TVy are v--ry simple, eally urnl r
loud ami wsnnj.il; are durable, U-lag of
8nt Uri-oirlli and .f jwrfret iachnniui,
uimmi correct ami scbttlttie imchauicnl priu
Family umehine has nu equal. II doe the
tir ranir of sink In thu most npprovtd
maiiarr. l'rie-8(J() 00, with III I arts
oonplele: and wltli cap to con r Ihe m.
ebinn iiort. lockliiK teeurtly, $(); 00.
rrhseof tb-A." pearl Balshed 11 a-.hla,
wuii p, ciii iw; ix-ltr " ' liglit inaau
IkeiuriH maehiiii.. JuJ oa. and wild cap,
70 HO; Lath r --U." heavy manufacturing,
pr (Wi l).,,cyla.idrtuachlu,llSi
"K. large ej Under machine. U0.
IV U Law ror salu ibi- Improved Lllll
Gloot waeblue S20 the .w Kuglend ma-
No. 3, Muulgimi'ry .Virrrt,
, Sau FanclKO,
Sulc agents for the I'sdllc Coast,
iu Francisco. Oct. H, ef- octlSmt
adtos lJro
Which ivlll bo Sold at a Great
Saciinci'. HACIIS J1UOS.
BlSKnllltinn IVnllro
MOTI UK Is hereby given that thc co-parb.
It ocrshii herilofore existing between Hs
Judge end J. F. Zimmerman, lu tbc bar.
nrss aud saddle making business. Is tbls day,
dbaolved by mutual coiuenU JP, Zimi
merman will receive all debts due tbe saldj
firm, and ulso llie debts due Henry Judtc
Thanking our friends for tbe liberal patxon
age Ustowcd, ic subscribe ours Ives
The undersigned would also notify lb
public that be will t continue to do bus
iness at the old stand, ond solicit a contln.
uance of for nier patronage.
, , , J.F. 7.IMMKRMAX.
Jacksonville, Oct. 1st ' 4sr