,mmmm '"" "a TH8 0r jTOML. ST CALIFORNIA AKD OREfJON TELEGRAPH. (mrtmnn isowmw iotiikb.timi. WEDNESDAYS DISPATCH. aa Franeixo, Blh. 9 P. . Ivulern tiiic if Bol'l" working et to !y. jljhr tVeiion In lh' Su,c nJ TJa Pw,c' ff quirtlr far known. Hat mcsgrr rtlsroJ have Iwcn rrcciwd from the Inte flor of the Stste. tiut ttie indications are that IJoeoln will have ftum 16.000 10 20,- ooo fnihtiif. Id ihW city lh vote if upwardt of 21, $00 ettlmatrd Union iiujorlly from M00 to 6,000, Sscramento plvcs 1675 Union msjority. Msryville Rim 3P6. The returns Imm Nevada are too mca nr lo (otm an opinion, but Indication! nrv th.l there will bo Union majority in lilt Stle. Eo Fff neisen, 9th, 1 1 a. u. The fol low In retains Indicate it near as can be I present eexristrd, the ruajocltlcj in Ike diftVrriit Countiu : Alplot County, at fr i heard from, ii 3J9 Union, foJ 67 Democratic. In Alt bk the Unlna majority i about 700. Ftur prrchutt of Amador County give Union majority of 153. N'lnc precinct of Dutte County give Union majority of 317. In Calaveras the Union majority it sbmitSOO. . Kldoradu gives a Union ni Julty of about 1.000. lu I fit Angelos tlit eleeoJ proUttily with a small Union msjorlty which would be a large Union pile. Mono Cnnnvy glvra a Union major It of 2."0. Two precinct of Montcrey girt Hi Union majority. N'npa in far n bnri from g ivet a Uuiun majority of ll'O. TV Union majority in Nevada h prubo bly 1400. Tbe Uuion msjorlty in Placer ti (bout C.OoV In Hmi Jattrjuin the Union tufvity ii about 400. Santa Clara gives a Uoion majority of 700. Santa Crui (Wet 450 Union majurity. Sacramento fitt 3-00 Union majority, a pnlo of COO Suklyrw will protMbly pirn a Democratic uliriiy of 50 to 75. Iltr newt from Treks wyt MeClellan't majority It from 34 to 30 Tlit Unino majority In Solano it probably 350. The Union majority in Ttatma U B0 to 100. Totare trill probably girt a Democratic majurity of 15 to 30. Rrvtii pretlncti nf Trinity gitta Union majority of 190. with 15 rrrclncti to hear from. Fire, prtcinetf ol Hxrra Cnnty gilt a Union majority of Ml Klttm prrelncts In Tub County, LiMing Ksryttille, gives a Union major. Ii; of 431. Tat morning papert claim a UsUrr majority In IhU Slate of from 20, OOO.bj 25,000. Union majority lu thla city U notjulitvtd' will quite rreta 5.000 w!7 Copnjjr Jo Nevada fitta a Union eiijorily of 1,000. Il U estimated Ibe Kutt will girt a Uufoa majority of 3 JuO Tie twttro line U still ivst of order. The turner Brother Jonathan failed thm (turning. Tbt rfleislly rot, of Ik-nton Connty Lu gitro C maj'irily for McClellau. I,' tin Cotnty U repie'lcd at 60 to 80 fur MeUlcl Ua. Une from 20 lo 30 fur McCMIan. Itaglas Coenly hat given 100 majority ftr tlit Uoion ticket. Il k tttinattd Jbephin County will gift MtClellan from 25 lo 30 mnjuriiy. Rttarot from all preclnclt in JucUinn ('oaaly, ezrrpt rav, (Ktana erwi.). hat bttn betid from, giriug a Dmrcrat!c m Jtity of 77 ; the remaining pfi-einct will M auttrially allerlhe rtiull. HtKef hu giten a Democratic majority ti 2," - TIIUnSDAV DISPATCH. Bio Frtoe'iaco, 9 p. m. Few adJltlon trretrat rtcetrvd In-day. So far at Uui from, the Ulon Majoritiet are f later ti ftllowi, some of llie eoootief being In f-ppUlt: Amador, 203; Alameda, 216; A,io, ii llutlu. C2C; Cabrera, 300; Uoetra C"ra, 453; Kimartlds, 217; F.I iofJa,JJtt23i4- MiKiterey, 79; Napa, 100; NenJ4, 7l0r l'facer, 180; Sacramento, 2270; Sn l'nnclico,410j San Joaquin, 473, Hto Mateo, 223; Satita Clara. 630; &0U Ciui,M3t; Bm, 418; SliaiU. 4J Sohnb, 185; Sutler, 119; Tool Itawta, 75; Tnlerr, 05; Trinity. 200; T e,fi0j Yoba, f.00; WilwinBton, I Ajtl county, including fuldierf' role 469; il"jrllan,rteired two rote; wvrn ffdaeU nf Iu- A runlet county. oiitaiiK f Wilmington, gireMcClellan 212 major i'j; 8Ukiyou gir Democratic mijority ot'Aeit SSjiCoBef DmocraU 120; Binltary contriSutloot in thU clly 49G1 aoiurf. X'aTon majority in Xevada will proba bly reach fQOpv J'ajtern list Hill down. WfTtodHt 445)ir I'eilUnd. lOlhe .following U from ,l W'iwAh! o ie Iftth; Multnomah oo'ygiTM Lincoln a majority of45C; VtiU k repattH at 130 for Lincoln; Wataiagto, far m fceard from, Rires Lin- 238; CldtkaiMf girea Lincoln-222; ' Wweo, iwflfi ' preciftct giTM McUlel. ". Dog rlrer 13, Dawhutw 35 for UfMkaad Tfgb Valley 11; Benton k 'iMatJ fer McCWkn by a majority of 6; u- if claimed for McGlellan by 90; iff girea I,!bo1u J00; Marion girt fac Iiscoki; Polk 132 Union; Laae ft 4 ((MvMfcCMlan. Up to 10 p m tlie lw g)yj4 ' majorHUf for Lincoln, "p tewti 2,100 In faror of Lincoln. jib Ux. Iota ,of (be jmali Domseratic ifiHf to ,JaaJrtB, Jotvphine, Lane, u B"lfi with rtie country eat of )iatM ty,bfr frew, we may calca-f.omiioo. Fill DAYS DESPATCH. New York, Clly Slh.Relurnf iliow Uncoln. 36,442 ; aicClellan. 73, .127. 105 town and 3 countiet giro Llueolrt 20,704 majority. Six town, alto, and 3 countlrr, McClcllan ha.t 10,684 majority. The City gives 37,500 In all the wardi, Uuionlita claim the State by 20 700. Philadelphia, Dili. Partial returns from 16 conntiea thow a Kln of 1.200 orer the Oct role. Heturnt from the Slate almnut Inrarlably glre majuritirt for Lincoln. The districts of the west portion of the State thow a Unlnn gain orer the Octo ber election. Alleghany district, Including Pitttbnrg, glret Uncoln 700 orer the Oc tober election. Erie county giret 3 000 for Lincoln In fact, returns from all partf of the Stole thow a Union gain. Cleveland, 9ih Ilrltirns from diAl-renl parts of the Slate thow a large Union gain orer the October tlectlou. Union m-ijnrity on hnute vote will txccvd 40,000. Union majority iu the Slate It estimated at 75,000. Chicago, 9th. Itllnoit girea Union majority of 20,000. SprlngCetd. 8th. The State hat prnbi bly gone Union. There will probably be tmtill majority in tbe Legislature, which wilt elect a United Statrt Senator, in place of Ktcharilnon. SpringGeld, 9th. 3 r. . It it nnw be llered that the Unlonittt in both branches of the Leg iila lure hare a gain of time Congressmen. Chicago, 9th. Return from Indiana in dicale tlio Union maj irlty to be 35 000 in the Stain. Hrturnt re-Indicate a Unlrn majority ot 15,000 in Micblgun on the home voto. Louesrllle. 0h. Itctnrnt toil Irate that the Demncratt hare carried the State. Nw York. Oih. Twentylghl tpwtn in Maine glre Lincoln 13,264 ; McClcllan 759 1 a large gnln orer the September election. Maine goes for Llneolu by ir created mnjorltlra. Ileadiiunrters District nl Oregon. ) Ft VAitcncvKR, W. T. Oct. 25, 1861. f (jzkrral Onnr.m, No. 22. Tlio arituon terries nf the trnnpt daring the pnt oeniou dtfrrc the notice and ennv mrniletinn of the commanding Oeneral. In the 0ld nee enrly spring, they have won hit thanks. ifTicrrt and men, for tlirir cr severing exertions In long and dnary mar chef, often through desert wnitm, with a view In the protection of travelers, miners and emlgrantf. The Iroopt undi-r Colotcl Maury, Captain Curry, Ca'dwcll, Drake Harry, ami Lieutmontt Unbar t, Waymlre and West, have all done gnoI srrxlce tomet.jiet in coullict with the Snake lr dlans. South tat tern Oregon it no longer an nn known reglou. from tbt Colombia rirtr to the Xerada atd California line, the wh'Je country liat been thoronghly IraTe' 1. From each temporary di-pot scouting parties were sent tn erery point of the com Im. Some of the tr'oopa hare I raveled this season, more than two tlmiiund nilks During ti summer of 1862 and 1663, these troop have made honoruble and im portant campaigns into thu Indian country, ood upon the (migrant road. If on this occasion they had no Indiau wart, they had the satbftctlon, by their piruee of pre renting them. It is filling that the rioting terrier of the greater portion of the 1st Orrgon Car airy, have been ilernttd to tbe exploration and development of a part ol Orrgon, here tofore marked on our map as "unexplored," but which can no longer receive that desig nation. The regiment was rafted thrtr years ago, la the fervor of the Union sentlnent of ti e SMIe and many ruibrd to Ibr standard to thow theirnadtnc to putdnwn.any possi ble tebeme of tecesilon on this wast. Ti.ey hare had little stimulus amid their priva tions. Hut they can at leait rrfl ct that they hare materially aided in developing the hidden treasures of the hind. The country rlplnref the death of 2d Lieutenant Stephen AVotton, 1st 0nn Cavalry, killed in the fight of the 16th May, unit of I lie other gallant men who fell wflb him. If a choice had Ikto civrn llirm they would havrlost their livis in support of the glorious caue for nhich our troop are contending at the eal. We who mourn their iKinUc, must be roiWiil with the nflrctlon. that llx-y died in the defense of a tuQVring frontier, which will cherish the memory nf their generous and patriotic services. lir onnKR or HniaADir.R Ckkiual II. At.VUHU. J. W. HOPKINS, lif Litul., lit Oregon Cmalry, Ati'e A't Aitfl Gtnerut. The following is the oflk-hd vote of each precinct in Jaekton county. , ' I) U Aihland , 34 47 Kdejl 27 81 Sterllugrllle II 1C Jacksonville.., 205 135 A pph gat4 ................... 3G 17 Dutte Creek,... 43 J7 Durdauella 42 16 Pcrkiojvilje 23 25 Union Town.. 21 22 MaManeta .....26 30 Evens Creak SO 6 TabteBook 31 14 ForettOreek 13 16 Willow Springs 28 28 Steamboat Oily 00 00 1 hi . Col. O. S. Drew arrived lo town yealer. day. He reports a good wagon road front here lo the Owyhee minef by the way of Ft. Klamath. We will glre tnort partic ular next neck. Tins OvrnLiSD Ttacaiurii Line to Hctm. Tbe AVcttcrn Union Telegraph Company, who ia conjunction with the Rus sian Government, harelhls great rnterprite in hand arc actircly engaged in fitting out ai expedition under the immediate tnpcrvlt ion of Captain O. S. Dnckiey, U. S. A., fur Oregon, the coast of Ru !,in America, und the country beyond Hvbring'a Slrallt , to survey the route of tlie telegraph line, and make other nctd'ul nrrniigemcnls to put the vthfllc txtcnt of the line under con tract the cnnltig yrtr ; and we understand that the projectors of the enterprise are san guine that the line wilt be In tueccssful op eration between New York, San Francis co, St. Petersburg and Lotulon, by the middle of 1866. Mr. Hiram Sibley, Presi dent of the Western Union and of the lias flan Companies, tails In company with Mr Cullins,thc projector of the Ruslan-Ameri. rnn telegraph line, in the Scotia, to-day, tor Liverpool and St. Petersburg, with n view to complete the arrangements already initiated with tho Ruslan Government, lor expediting the early completion of the I no. St. Iauh pnptr, Sept. 21. Ruben and Capt. Haltisanh, rttldcnlt of thU county, arrived in town yesterday, from tht Statrt, having mossed the plains this senton. Ilnben, we understand, since ar riving in this State, has taken unto him. rrlf one of the fair tlum-elt of Oregon. H Bloom's STCORJE Removed TO- RYAN'S NEW BRICK, IS'cxt o Judge &. ZliHiHcrmnn Between tho SHNTI.VHL OFFICE 1 U.S. HOTEL. The rent of my new More l to much lew limn I had lo par at my old Maud, that 1 can nnd will n.11 goods to mr cu-tumem at cuiuldcrahly n.-duci-d rates. Olrn tut a rail II. I1LOO.M. Jsekiotirlllc March S. IPf.l. WATT'S NERVOUS JSTIFX 3DOT7DE3. The grrutest medicine ever yet ilit covered fur the cure of all diaensca arising from a derangement uf the Nervous System, U "Watt's Nrrvom Antidote. It will cure the moat cases of rUxxiM.il.aMf cJ(U, nijklne )InUl DU1IIJ, Imliecility, Iinpotvney, Palsy, Pleurty, or Tie IfciUraui, la a itrj thort tlma. P.ir i.tr. whnlrnlo. hr Hit AM", .t ' uiu II A.M. corner nt front uiurnts. Sati Fraiicl'rn, and by rtfpotuiible Drug giilsi'terynhire. San l'ruiirirco. l,t, '64. ani;20m3 J. F. ZIMMERMAN Mnmifnctiirc nml Dealer iu HARNESS M SADDLERY, In Ryan's New Urick, Jacksonville. THE iindertlgned has leaied one of the One store room in Ityun'a New llnck Jfjv Ini'ldliig, for the inannfuc-jCtA & tun and tale of mJJIervgfr " and harnot He hat nowTr- -a large and lino stock In store, to wlAsV h will bo cou.Untly makls addlllunt and to which he (iivlioi the attention or rortiur patrons, and tbe public at large. Keivllend) for Customers: I(.,j imuiiht llirom (Kxij ant tliirt tuc). Cuociml llmM, Uuiy llatimu. dVwal 1 aln(U. HtnUh IMJIm, with nt pd rlftlne evfiipUla, U.lla Ba.UlM, Jwkaj PJ.MI.S lUill-U;., I'nmtvniU, hurlngl W bljlul, VI.Im, IIiUIm, Spun, ale. The store will always be stocked with ai larpe ami One on assortment acnn be found un tlie coati, ouuiue oi can rrauciaco. I1EPAIIIING attended to with , pruinpufM.uUfu a mariner to guarantee latlafactlon. jfiGivo.hlm a call. J. F.Z1MMEEMAN. Jackionvllle, Oct. 2fi, 'CI. octltf First Premium Awarded bv the Mechanic's Initltule Fair, San I'raueltco, September, 1664. R. LIDDLB & CO., Sporting EraporituB, 418 Watklngton tt., (near the I'oat-olHce,) Sou Fruucltco. GUN &. RIFLE MAKERS, and Iniporttn of all ttatui of SforUug Taellt. Constantly on hand guns from tbe first makers in London. vl William Greener. William Moore, Moore A Harris, IUdfern, Hallls&Son.and all other makers. Alio the best stock ol American Hides, 1'lMol, and Carbines on Ibe Pacific Coast. vlt:Colt's, Sharp's, Smith &. Wesson's. Remington's, and all the latest pat". r Pittolt. Sharp's, Wesson's. BallardV. pncer'f aad Henry's Patent lircech-loadlng Rifles. - Carlrldaes of all kinds constantly on hand. Ai'thorird agents lor Henry's Patent Breech-loading IUV. oeta2m3 I?LODR AND PBODUCK taken in ex- change for Merchandise. t July 19--27 MAX MUIXER'8. SUPEBD Photograph Albums can be bad cheap, for cash, a J, Row's, oejt door above Dradbury 4 Week. - . CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES - AT- 3iOpHi"ttJ33E3lJ NEW STORE! Next Door te Sachs Ilros. JNKUDER hot. flocked bis new ttop with a large and valuable assortment O lalctt styles and pattern or CLOCKS. IF-J SILTKll "WATCnKS. DIAMOND JEWKLUY. PEARL. EMERALD, CAMEO SETS Together with a .splendid lot or other Ilreast-Pins, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger Rings, Lockets, liucklca, Clnaps, Urncclcts, Sleeve Duttons, Xcckluces. Watch-Clinlni. Chatelalns and Scali; Alan, onmplele sets of tncnmparab'e -uLtxr-tsK iToTTtroXary, manuracturcd fimn the rithrtt and most beautiful spccimi-ns of Hold Hill and Fuw Icr quurtz. , In addition to the chore, may lo fonnd nt his store the beat qualities nf TAIII.E AND POCKET CUTLERY, And, In short, a gcnxrul variety of N'lck-NncUa U Ftrnicf Articles Alt uf which will be sold at i.or rBlcxs mil) warranted. REPAlRtNO.-Clocka. Watches an.W Jewelry re pn I red with promptness, utid in a manner to giinrniitn' satitlactlon. MAUFACTURED lo order, nny ortl cle ol Jewelry, with nrntnen and dispatch. CSU Call and tec hit new stock, nt hit new store, nit California street, next door to Sachs Ilros., Juiksnnvillr. Oiegon. Jucks.mville. IK-c. 17. 1802. tf WHAT KILLED KIM? On. IlatJ. In hit "Journal of Health," rp"aktng or the death nl Wahlnglon Irrlnp aka the above iiueatlon. ntid adds: "lie mlpht well huvr n-maliitd with in for years lo cume. bnd It not brrn for advice kindly Intended, nn doubt, but plu-ti in Ibouglit. letfueas and K-cklcM Iguurniice. Hi: HAD A COLD! which, bysomr unjiidlclnu prcfcrlntion.bad tmsu coiiverl-d Into an a.thinn. Who gnre that prcfcrlptloti, or wlint It w, the out IdoHorld may never know." I.ct me m to Dr. Halt, that that 'prescription' was not NewelPs Pulmonary Syrup, ' for that la an article that d(ti not engender j Ileal t dtriKiM nor II tt productive of aur aothmoilo sff-ctionii. (Jr. the contrury, il will cure tuch altvctlout; und at fur COUGHS AND COLDS, I the world never taw a better remi dy, and never will, until Nature prrwnlf mm- new I. ..it.... ... ..e .. Lt.l. ... .. .f. li....t l(i(,iiliviik wm ui nuivti iu rimir ii. i.uii v iiiraiu iu me ii iriwiy. cterr nriicie in , It la from Nature't onn I.slai-alnry the tntiiv to-day as they were a Ihou-and yi-nra ' I o alt valeitlated l tootlic, bval and ; alrentbcu. There it no i I Better Family Medicine ! Keep It In the bonne, ue It freely, clve It j ' lu your children upon the atlchlerl indlca i tion of a cold, and von will think and sneak j uf It aa all do that have U-come acjuiduted with lit mrrllt. REDlNtJTON i CO. Sole Afjcntt, -IIG und 418 Front street. Sou Francleco, uml lor tale by nil ItrnggliU. JuneM J. ROW'S OlSestr &-tojce ! i Oppotlte Ive i, Illlger'f, California it., Jacksonville, Oregon. . I ' TOYS. ' ' TOYS.' TOYS f 1 I HOLIPAY GIFTS! I J. rtOW Inform the clt'znns of Jackson- xtW? "aI ,,',e aWe generallv thai he bus ua t,C" r"ra'e uU ,uWr,or .HAVANA & IMITATION.. aCDCC4 jmutm 2 TOBACCOS, H CUTLERY PIPES, FIQS, ; RAISINS, $, 2 c 'StatloHarr & School-books' 3 CANDY, NUTS, o ; TOTS. SUGARS, 7 J ALDUMS. ETC. - Prices to suit the timet. Call and O ; save your raoaey. J .ooovnox' noooooooooooooooo ooooooooeeoooooo. A jr-rK' ami Flue Aaaartincnt of WJtJovv War on liuml, tor sale. ooooooooooooooooo 0 ooooooooooooooo A large collection of tbe latest aad best Novels isr circulation. Cheice Gree rruit contlantly on rand. Dec.19.18C3. J. ROW. PETCR BRITT. Pketegraphlc Axtlet, (s prepared to take pictures iu every style or the art, with all tho late Improvement. If Pictures do not give satisfaction, no charges will be made. Call at hit near Gal lery, on tbe bill, examine bit pictures, .od rJXJR , tit for your llkcoese. "WChe -' PreclamatlsH. State or Okkook, ExtcrrtTK Dir'T ( October 24th, 1864. ( Whereas. I have received a reaul'l'lrn from Major Oeneral Invlu McDewcit. com ma'idlne the Deparlmrnt of the 1'aclCe, ae tine nndcr anthority of tbe War Department, for one regiment or Infantry, lo addition to the volunteers now In the service of tbe United States, to sld In the enforcement or tbe laws, supprem Insurrection rn I Inn s'on, ami lo cnartlte tiostlle Indian! lu tills utlli- taiTT district. Now, therefore, I, Anntsov 0. Gmn, Gov ernor of the State of Oregon, and cotnman-1 der-lnhlcfof the militia thereof, do hcrebr i mil upon Ihecltlient of thla Sute to organ ise tliemu'lvet lute eompsnlet lufflclcut to till the forecolnir rraiiltitlon. Ia witness hcrvor, 1 have hereunto set my band, ar.d caued the sval of L. a the Slate nf Oregon to be stilted. Done at Salem, Ibis 24th dsy of Oc- tobir, a. t)M IpRI. ADDISON C. GUMS Governor of Orecon. Attett: Siuti;L E. II at, Secretary of 5iU. The MIowIhr It hereby promulgated : The plan or recruiting and organising the above furce, will bo at folluHa, until furthir Dolltv l KBCIIt'lTIKa t The regiment will bu known as the First Infantry, Oregon Yoluntctrt. Tlio Deld. tlslT and lint oftlcers will be comtnbvlonod by the Gnri-ruOr. The Slate will bo dlvl did Into dlitriott, areording to the numUr of ersniii In each district liable to do mili tary duty, Whcu tuch district has furuUh idltt quota of men. there will be no draft In tbe rame, under thlt call. Each dUtrlct will furnbh one company. Coinmltsiont will be Uturd by the Gover nor, tu company cOlccrs, coiidltlonid that they thall recruit tbulr rr-rx-cthe cumpa Dies, and bo n sdy to bu mu-lirrd Into the service, within a time htrrarti r to be named. A company rendi rvotn will be elabll;h rtl at lume cuitral point In tach dUtrlct.nnd II practicauie, recruits will be rctniiieu ttirrc until the company It Oiled and ready lo be muttered Into service. The State hu provided by law for the payment uf a bounty of $150 In State Inter est bearing bondi parable tn gold lo each volunteer, tuuitcnd Into the service, In ad dltlon tn the bounties authorized to If pild by the United Slntci (S-e lUtutn 18C3 4, psfeRfi). Tbe vregci of a soldhr tu addition are $1C per month, herldrs clothing, tqulpment, ra tiout, and allowances fitrnbhid by the. Unl-t-d States. See Mtttitc 1SCH, page CC2. OIKUMZATtuK. The proper organlzitlou und strength of a regiment Is at follow : One (I) colonel, one (1) lleuttntnt colomt, one(l) mnjur, one (I) adjutant ian extra tenant), line (1) quartermmler (an tltra lltuleuaiit), one (I) iiirgeuu, two (2) anlt tanl turgiou4, uue (1) chaplain, one (I) ser geant major, one 1 1 tregim ntalquarterman tcr tergeaut. nno (I) j-cgimeiital cominlnnry tergi-aut, and one (1) hunpIUl itvMarJ. T"uc(mpauli-s luria a rtgtumit. coMi'ANr or tM-ATt.r. One (1) Captain, one (1) t lirutinsnt, one 1 1 1 2d. lieutenant, ono (U lit. sergeant, lour l-t) avrgcautt, eight iK) corporali, two (!) inuilclaut, one (1 wagoner, alxty-lour C.C4) prlvatci, minimum, and eighty-two (t2) prliatet tnaz.muiu, bvtldvt the nun commis sion! d uQIccrt. Muilclans may be cnllttid lu each compa ny, who will bt rated und ps'd as privates. TO THE COCNTV OFFICERS. : OlUir Slalct have filled, with comuroda ble promptitude, every call that has been made upon tbvtn. The people have a ttf natural repugnance to a draft, under which otery drulted msn mustscrreor furnlih a iiibtllttur. Undtr It there mutt Ineillablr be soinc cavs of avure but uicctsary bard hip. Opportunity Is jiow given tu aiold uch a drutt. The meu arc needed prompt ly, and cr.ry cuuildeiallun of pulrlotnui and uf Mate, local, and tierrotial p7de r uium that vdu tvirm'nct pnmiilu, aid vrvtKUt iipitvuily l.'u lutiiM tijiiting yUuniart. I l no oruccrs or m cuu neitug me ino.i cam t desire that the entlrdataieT.hould. void itaft anneal to the tutilollo elllzi-na , . !M.ffTt. LX!l )t ,11 ? :-..m cert and legal and naturiil renrix-nUtlics. "" v .""-- J w" ""w - " "" A guaraiaiit or tiiclr rlgult ami or llie.r lio:i. or, it Is Incumbent upon you to rcPoud to this apH-al by earue-tl und rucceoful uork. Call tu your aid the atUlauce of tbeactlie and luHnenlUl cllitcui of ibe oouuly, Let every loyal citizen of the county uudiTiUud. ami, it orfiiiie, tnauce rum iu realize mat nertonai Interest IT II " necetiMy. lie lias an imroitiiaie auu In the tucccit of your ttfor call meeting! Iu yjur tcboul dlitrlclt and bring the matle-r borne to ecry Inhabitant. Kuiida will be nedid to pay etpuuitt, not provided for by law. Lei auUcrlpllunt be circulated la each county fur that purjKU-, audprcH-rte a re-cord of Ibe names uf the duiiort among the archives of the couuiy. In hort, the Governor, upou whom tho re ijulilllon Is made, expects, and juttly, that yuu will respond to this cull uputi yuu llli au cariicttte'i of purpoae which iball Innire ucxen. Due nolict of lUodiatrlctiugorthe gtatcwlllbe gitcu a soon as il cau be made, QUOTA Or MEX DUE TROX EACH COl'MV t, tiackdn .......................... o Jote'tibii.e. -5 l urry .................. o Douglas ., ........ . 50 Coe 12 line ,.......................... of linn ......... ............... ,iuu Denton , 41 Polk 40 Marion 98 Clackamas 4'J. a amhill.. ....... ... ......... -u 'J'lllumojk 3 Mulmomah ..12- Wathinglon 43 Clatsop ....,....-. 7 Wasco nud Oroot 120 Umatilla , . , , 35 linker and Union 58 LAND IS . EXPRESS. Sem-Wceklr lino of Stage from Jack tenvilllc to Kerbyvtlle and Waldo, Or egon, Leave Jacksonvills ctery MeBday b. Tbunday, 4 A. J1 " Returning, leaves Woldo every Tuesday & Friday at S P. "I. Through ptssenrert will be furnished with good laddU-horsM at Waldo, for Crticent City. JOSIAH A. LAND1S, Prop'r. Oct. 28ib,18Cs' octltf why wlilTWsiHr It It strange that to many persons Mill suffer for years with disease, when thty can be to readily cured. i PR. A, BAJLiL faas been eilsbllthcil tn fltn Francisco fer ten years, and, during that period kas not failed to effect a cure In a tingle cut that I., i .i ... r ur una unut-rinKeu. Dr. Call, after a ttudy of forty years, hit snececded In compounding a tuedtclnt of riiiii.Y VKiiKTAm.it rxarPAno.v. that will cure the worst cases Gonorbcca,Gleet,Strle tnre, SypMII. Jmpotcncy.Skln diseases, and all complaints arising from immoral prac tices In let tlmo tin by any other known process. vnniotT rxicnr to Tins srtTrii. Dr. lUu.'s utrr nrusr. for the radical cure of Weakness and Irregularities te which so many Indies of the Fac-lDccc-ait are subject, owing prlnelpaly to the peouliarilltt of the climate. It ibe best preparation ytt dlrcorcred by Ibe Medical r acuity, at thou sands that have nstd It can bear testimony. Dr. IUl.t. is ko Qvack ; be Is a regularly educated physiolan of forty years standing, and hot a diploma which be would U pleated to thow to thue who may with lo tee It. Persons living at a certain dlttance, and lendlns a description of their complaint, can bare their medicines put up In a package and lent by mall or express. In such a rasa., tier as not or.ly to sevurc fetj in Iranillu, but so that uo person would iupect what are tbe contents. Uffcrcuccs lent by rnal to those who nay with lo Inquire as lo the Doctor's ability before placing themselves In his cburgt, ff Address A. IIaix. M. D., 3!a afOBt gomery street, San Fr50lsco. fSr Couaiiltatlona, either perianal or by 1-tter, FREl- JySOmS Now ! Now ! ! Now J KREUZER'S STE'W7 STORE, Dttween New State Saloon and Bradbury ,V Wndu't, Jacktonrlllt, IS STOCKED COMPLETELY WITH Host Cigars and Tobacce, FI1ESII CANDIlS AND N'OTS, NEW TOYS & NOTIONS C ! Js.03B.i3e,2K" ' FEES II FRUITS, 17TC, ETC, t Mr. Krntrer havlnj rmrchsted lh nsw store one door south of Itradbury ,V ITsdt'a, calls the attentlou of the public lo bit coin plctoilockof imokliigandchewlngtobteeo, Alto lo hit various brands of cigars, from tho common balf-ipattb to the most fra. grant llaranu. All told at the most liberal prices. You can I best supplied with any arti cles la hit line, aud save money, by bItIdj him a call. December 18. liGJ. THE Slnndanl Sewing Mnclilno j - or tiiic AVOBLD, Prom which nil ollirri derHe their vlUllty, rt".u"r" W "ceiiw iu siown. rfr., id. MIBIiiilliiwiliirtnaMtenKe. Bftoluillf wl.br.tttl machines combine the de.1r.bfa dualities of all olhet and will tew cotton. ilk or thread with equal facility from tbe Iblcknetf of tine nui'llu in harness Iratbr; they run llg'-t and rapid; make a ueat lock ftlteh, allk" on bolu sides; never drops atltcbet: wilt gather and t-w on at tbe same time. Tlier are verr slrotde. eaillr uadtr- itood and managid; are durable, belag of K'"1 ''" " f !'' wrcbanrim, "j'00 eorrecl at,a leullflc mechanical prln. FOR FAMILY the USE LETTER "A" Family toacblue baa no equal. Itdesstbe entire range of work la the moil approved manner. Price 00 GO, with tlxtaret complete; and wltb cap to cover Iht ma cblne part, locking tienrely, $Ge OO. Price of the "A," pearl Onlt'ied mathlat, with oip, S73 00; Leuvr "II ' light mana lactirog machine, HA 09, aud with cap, 170 OOi Letter "C," heavy matiufaeturlng , price tU GO; 'D,"cyianlermacblutl$lU "E." large cylander loscblne, H0, j We ul.o tmve for i alo tbe Improved Little uiani macuiae jiyj lucitw liuianam-, ehlue 513. DKMJJVG X CO, No. !i, Moutgomiry Street, Ssn Kanclo, Sole agents for the Pseinc Coait. SiiiiPiuiioUtQJ)ct.ti I6CI. octlimt JUST RECEIVED AT Sachs Bros OXE T1IOVSAXD MS Of SUMRIOR BLACK, DRESS Which will be Sold at a Great Pacrlllce. SACHS I1ROS. lOUsolHtioa Notice. NOT! CE U hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between II. Judge and J. F. Zicineiruao, in tbe har ness and saddle makisg busioeM, if tbit day dUsolred by notnal conseot, j. F. Zim merman will receive all debit due tbe tsid firm, and alto the debit due Ilcsry Judge. Tbanltlog our fritndt for the liberal patron age bestowed, ire subscribe emrtieirt HFiNRY JUDOF J. F. ZIMMERMAN. The upderIgned would also notify the public that be will ttill continue to do bw laes at tbe old eteud, and solielts a contltv uauee of former patronage. J.F ZIMMERMAN. JacktonvllU- Oct M 'Ci in it 7 i.fl M- Ml i i J , i i i, n i 1 1 i 1 i j, . il t i. W In VM f I if. M If , l - .fcaifc.) Jsysjaafc j.afc