I I THE OBEBOiV ! J. M. HITTO.V, Editor. at fl Wbv-W To to rnciCT axi nnuriyxxcT or vocn U.viov, x Gotkrshb.-t rosi the wit out is mnMrsxuBLK." lftMngton. JACIUOW1UC, OIIKOOX. sitgbd.it xmm, SOT.IJ, ISGfJ LIU of Agents for the Onxnn.v Srvrnxi. K. K. Uiiwll, general agent for Oregon, and Idaho Tcnllory. I. I. Fliher San Fmnrltco Cat. J J, Knowlton A Co do do Tbooiai Darn, Applegale. Oan. T.It. Illll Wlllwr ilo F. G. lllrd-eye Itock I'olnl do Thomas Croxton, . . , .Crovton Dipping do Wm. flpleer, .....Jump-OfT-Jo do (lor. Glbbs, 1'ortUnd do II. M. Thompron, Albany do W. M. Erans Althouie do ThomuCarr do do Thomas F.Floyd Kerbrvlltc do 8.W. Sawyer, do do I). I. Anderson , I'hoeuls do D.M.C.Gault dn do A. Ireland Myrtle Creek do Geo. L. Dean, ntltntmrp do Tbeodrlo Cameron Union Town do James V. Watson Ilosehurj: do lllii Hattle Hunter Rogue Hirer do L. W.Sulllm Fort Klamath do Dinger Herman, nf Canyonvlllc,cc ncral Aire nt for Doagia County. IIIIWB WW 3 Jo consequence of the glorious news frctn all parts of tbo United Slates, wc beg Icnrc to Introduco our Union chicken, and we can assure our readers that this is the first lime he has taken the stand to crow over any election ; and from this lime forward let him be hailed as hotiat Abe. The PacIQe coast seuds greeting to Path' tr Abraham : The youthful hurt of the I'aelGe beats In harmony with the music or the Union I The Great West is at Icait secure. The people-of Oregon, California and Nevada are determined (o rcAulu slrad fast In their comlitutlon.il moorings, wub the banner of their country wavin; over them proudly, triumphantly and forever. Oregon, 1,500 ; California, 25,000, Ne Ysda. 3,000. That will do, especially when we renum ber with what positive assurance oil of these Slates were claimed by the Democratic par. ty, en the eve of the election. The election. We aro happy to learn that everything ' passed off quietly, all through the State, on j election day. At Jacksonville, and In fact, throughout Jackson county, order and quiet reigned during the day. Freemen went to the polls and deposited their ballots, for the mea of their choice, without fear or In timidation. This Is as It should be. On the afternoon and evening preceding the (lectioa, each party made a demonstration of their strength. Tbo exhibition of fire works on the pit of the Union party, In front of the store of that pare patriot, Max it u Her, was as fine as anything we have seen in this section of the country. Union men were enthusiastic and confident as to the general result. Democrats expected to carry this county with a majority ranging from 150 to 200, bat tbey most slgoally fulled In the reullw- tloo of their expectations. There has been j seeming Increase of the Democratic vole I in this county, but It Is only teemingnot real Quite a number of genuine Union men voted for McClellan, believing be would carry oo the war for tbo restoration of the Union more vigorously than bis ap pooent would. Tbssc men will all eome bik to the Union parly. They are with as la heart, In sentiment, and In all the no bis Impulse of their patriotic nature. Let them come we will receive them with open arms and freely forgive their mlsdirec Ilea. Dallas Oct. 21st, 16C1. The G. D. of the S. of T. of Oregon bat closed Hi annual srulon at this place. The following are the officers for the ensu ing year : 31. P. Qillman, O. W. P.; Ya. Grant, G. W. A.; W. K. Dunbar, G. S.j Pones Wilbur, G.T.j W. C.WhlUon.G. C; J. L. Laughlln, (J. Ceo.-. A. Sbreve, G. 8en.j Jacob Mendeohsll, P. C, V. p. The following D. G. W. P.'a were ap. pointed: Geo. II. Itlddlo for No. 2; Jaeob Meodenhall for No. 16 ; Wm. Grant for No. 20 ; John GreaTer for No 2l;Eooes Wilbur for No. 23; W. II. Gray for No. 4 ; Iler. T. P. ltoyal for No.31; J.Tfcailbcrt for No. 30; J. O. KIdcrfor No. 33; and J. V. Harris lor No. 39. . It. Dcsiub, Q. S. IlliiHtratcil Hlstery of the Chi cago C'onrcHtloB, nud its Progress. Kott the election Is over with, aaJ 1 Its ottcr.dcnt excitements and cxtravlgan- cics, wo detm It enr duty to thnwi-wsy our partisan feelings. and view the politi cal battle. Ji.Jt pawed, with tbo eye of a historian; but m I be limits of the Ssstim Et. are not toth as to clvc room for a ret- j respective view of the whole canvass, wc propose to toke up the history of that I most remarkable and eccentric body,know as the Chicago Contention. Perhaps there never ws a more self-sacrificing body of men met together In political con clave. Flut, to proceed to oor talk, wc wonld say that this iclfsacrifiiclng convention organized by electing a prcsidcut. av2v W . r. r' k JTiat Pinitltnt. The first thing In order was to prepare s platform broad enough and long enough to catch ercry sore-head In the land. Much Tiit rialform. , d'flVreccc of opinion has prevailed as tn the meaning of this platform. It Is ail mil- j by thoie who profess to be Judges that il wraui lomciuing. The platform being completed, the next thlcg was to diipluy their various l'resl- I iicnuai imrsrs. aiany were iirongnt np in review, and caeli In turn bad his admirers. At length a certain horse made his op pcarance, late from the valley of the Chick ahomtny, that fur eclipsed all others. As clamatlons of praise greeted him on all sides, so wonderful were some of his per formanres. (Our artist has succeeded in obtaining an admirable sketch of bis ap pcarnncc In his principle feat of riding two horses going In opposite directions. Chieago Contention teiliituing Liltlt Slac't attoiutlitng performance. Hut, strange to say, even In Hits stlf sac rificing body, there were those who permit ted within their breasts those petty Jral ouI which so often war the social circle, and lead to defeat. Uere discord arose in their midst some saying he rodo one hone, ond some saying he rode the other; some saying lie rode to the right, and some contending that be rode to the left. Little Mao overcame nil the contention, and was led out. Ills friends soon ba.d lit apptaratKt Jf'Tjf triw M out. EO,1 him ready for the race, and used all their Hit opptatantWtia3 radj for th rati Influence to win the race. lie took a fair Tftat injlumtt. start, and at one tarn be could see the White House In the distance, his sight be- Whiltlhmein ! the ditlante. Ing sharpened by a collision between two other horses rnnalog on the same track. One of the others, botvever, a wooly horse, soon became distanced, aed the White House in the distance began to vanish. Jpptarantt of Me Jf'Ai'f Horn a il began W9 to venith. About this time n certain dwi horse from Sangamoo county, Illinois, who bad the tnude track, obtained a fine view of the While U",', -u the foregrosBd, and mm 3i B-Uffl RAHfcftSiTisyTTjr iir3KT??ajW5 t MBtn WM1' I i i'1 ij -tJikisiHr'm. I BBFiv w Wf . 41Hinr i BRSR' III ; cSJHPSr ' mmrmmmmt mMmmmsmmmg White Jlouie tn the foreground the Southern Confederacy disappearing In the dim distance. Southern Conjexltmnj dltnppiaring in the dittantt. In the meantime the friends nf the Chick ohomlny borse, determining to fight It nut, goaded blm on like a beef to the slaughter. Hit tniy thtij did it. Tho bnckers of the Chicago hnrse still seemed sanguine of succrns, until their Iritnds in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indian were defeated, when they bad one connula lion lelt. When the much drrodid 8th ol Tlit emulation. November arrived, the friends of the Little Horse marched to the poll In solid col unw, preserving the utmnet order. Hut uhuMUK'.'y.Ui'. .".Y'.V.'f :,": rr AppMTxntt oj the tolumm. all their efforts proved futile. Tho inn, on lbs 8th day of November, went down oo the broken and diiplriled ranks of the Democracy. I7ir preunl apjxaraiue of tome oflht leaden. Their horse being much fatigued, In con sequence of tbe great load ho carried, has been turned out to gr for a living, be 7is oppfflrinyi! on the totninont. ing no longer of any service to his train er. The actions and doings of the Chicago Convention have now passed Into history, and tbe party represented there will here after be spoken of m a thlog that was. Their hitherto well organised colotnM are dissevered, and their force demoralised and scattered. Sattere4 tend it ion of their Jent. The Democratic party, esee gret awl gledo-M, baa jrese down la the sea of ob. livles, lMvleg bellied it all those great m glerteas atribulea wbleb adorned it In the day when it was a wood title to be i called a Democrat. J it Villi il F9 i TSdJHSiHiE. lit latt tippenranet nt it mnk in the tea qf . oblivion. Sakitart. Names of subscribers, and amount of money contributed, in Canyon vllle on tho occasion of an address In be half of tho Sanitary Commission by Din ger Herman for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers. Public Contributor S21 CO; It-nlolph Abraham 2 60; II J Sldeman 5 00; F-G Hart 2 GO; rhnrles Kimmel 2 50; H F Lawrence 2 fit); it Fisher 2 60; CD RoMcll 2 60; Hyman Wolli-iihtirg 1 00; R Stevenson 0 60; Martha Thorn 1 00; J Jennings 1 00. Cow Creek Precinct John H Riddle 2 00; T B Nlckols 2 50; II O JCIcklos I 00; Dan -Raymond 1 00; William II Riddle 3 76; T A Flint 6 00; Cash 2 00; S W Judd 1 00; James Catching 1 00; William II Wilson (enrrrney) 5 00; Cash K Hills 1 00; Choi Tntelicn 1 00; R RumcII 1 00; Dan Connelly 0 60; D A Herons 6 00; Clms Rcrlman 2 60; Rob Trimble 2 00; O O Nleklos 6 00; V Mu1Un,;W0; W Cardwcll 1 00; Col D W Ransom 2 50; John D Ilnus 4 00; Cash 6 00; Jus Carlton 2 50; John A fi ner 2 50. Total 8108 35. The fullowlng lellrr was handed us for publication, fur the benefit of those trans mitting Sanitary Fundi: State or CAi.tron.MA, Kxrrr'r Dcr'T ) Sarramcnto, Oct. 24. 1804. ) It. Herman, Eiq, Canyonvillt, Ogn. 5tr DxAn Sir.: I received your rained favor of the 7th Inst , inquiring as to Ibe bat modo of remitting funds lo this branch of the Sanitary Commlwlon. In reply, I would say that It. G. Hnrntb, of San Frnnctsco, Is the Treasurer of this branch, lo whom you hud In'llcr remit rather than to me. I wonld ndvifc you lo remit by Wells, Furgn ,t L'rs't- rxprtts. You can send the coin, or you can conrrrt it Into Treasury Notes and send them, as ynu think best. Wells, Fargo A- Co., I think, make no ch-trgo lor trnnrHirlatiuu of any fundi for the Commission, To sum up the whole matter: I would advWc ynu lo remit y"r donation In cotu t It. O. Snealh, Kq., Ban Frnnciico, through Wells, Fnrgo fc Ci'.'s express. Faithfully yours. F. F. LOW. Pres't Cut. Hrauch San. Com. In an nbliuary, published in the Skxtin ki. nf October 21M, from a correfftondrnt nf Jotejihliieenuiily, we pullshed the follow, log quotation from Jingfcllow In an ultrr cil coudillun ; which, by request of our cor respondent, v.e now give as originally fuw lihcd. " Ho ! brave hearts that vcut down in the seas! Ve are at peace In the troubled stream, Ho ! br.ie laud I with hearts like these, Thy Hag- Ibal li ruut In tnaln, Shall buancngnln, And without a nam I" Governor Gibus bus ujipniuled (he ful" lowing named gentlemen recruiting ofilcer: A. G. Uorland, Grant County ; K. Pal, rner, Yamhill County; Charles Lafullct Polk C'ounlyj W. J. Shipley, Henton County ; W. 8. Powell, Multnomah Coun ty Thomas Reynolds, Marlon County ; F. O. McCown, Clackumas; T. Humphrey Jackson County. 2UCa.xx-1oCI. At the residence of the bride father. near Abtand Mills. Nov. Cth. IflCl.bv Her. J. WMIllcr. Mr. Jamiu 1. Woohson. ami Miss Iaiiu J. illlJJo.N, all of Jockwn Coun ty Oregon. NEW TODAY. DR. A. B. OVERBECK. rir. Ovrljlf WAllliI innflimM In lh T Ixnns of Jackson county and vicinity, that be has returned to Jackiouvillc and resumed the practice of mtiltetiie. He will nlwnvi be found at his pM stand, the Overb-ck Hospital, unless jakeot profrs Ion al btuluet. Ho wouli reneeifully sullolt a renewal of former fiatronase. rTotloe. . NOTICE Is hereby given lhat the Unllvd Slates Internal ltorenue Special Tax List, of tbo 9tb Dlvlilon, is now oiea for examination, for ten days, at the Otlice of the Asslitaut Assessor, in Jacksonville; also, notice is gljren lo those who were as tevttd on the tint of Mar, 16G4, for Uulted States LtecuKS, where the rata of inch L. ecsses were iaercaei by the act or June 30th, 180-1, sueb Llcenies will be re-as-sessed for a rateable proportion of ach lo creasvd rates, from July lit, lbCt, to May 1st 1865. ' AU8T0N MILLS. Astt. U. S. Ar, Olb Dir. Jacksenvlll Nor. lOlb, 18CL Jlavlog tW day sold out myentlre stock to M. A tlreataao, I take this method of noj tag alt these Indebted to me, either by obU or book account, to come forward nud Bwkc- payitHHU Immediately, &a demands will be placed in the bauds of uy attorney for collsctioa. Nov. 10,1801. nBr'00M- Howard Frivate MBDICAL INSTITUTE Ko.KM, tiotnmrrrUl trt, "r 1, ' i- f ssvX3. 3Fx,vask.oliee. v' Consultation by Lottor, On OTHERVriSR, FllER, ESTAItLlSHr.D for the cure ordlwnscs of (i private nature. Such as Gnnor tben, Syphilis, BiK-rmcalorht. Mercnrlal Complaints, Gleet, Stricture. ScmlnnlWcak nets, lninotency, 'RbenmalUm. Fever and Ague- Skin diseases, Scmlual Hnusiors, and all diseases brought on by Imlulgeucvs or by accident. THE HOWARD EVSTITUTK I under tho Immediate charge of Pit. P. HOWAtMi, who has bvenmo jntly clbra. ted by his successful trenlineut of dlcnict of tho above tiature, H'lMoiif ie we of Mtrenry in any form. In re-openlng this old and popular Insti tute once more to the rnoplo of tbe l'scinc Coast, the Doctor r governed not only br a dcxlro tonrYurd annylum forlbealU'cti-d, hut to SUITIID3S UOACKKUY, which has r late so buldlynnd Impudently comu be fore tho public. They claim to bare eerlfl cutis of rvmnrkable curvs, or some before unheard of dlftlncltons.of foreign tc-tinm-nv. nf Kuronean idncutlon, nud European i rvuiedlrs; thus mlsleciting tho anHctlcd, who are not aware oi lint utter UH-k-vneiw of foreign rcnicdli.i and practice, wbi-u ap plied to dlicnrrs In this variable cllmat. Of such pretenders thu Doctor warm tboj ivrklns; medical relief to bi-nnre, for they seek but to deceive you and ruin your health. To Ms old patioim nnd the public In gen eral Ibe Doctor would ay: Tbey can riily tn lila Ln,in-li klrtlt hml lt,lnr.rllv lin-tn. Ifore, with every auralice of a'spicdy and iiwf t-ttntitmt Piit-H In nil tiAsttitliif ("Bami. The Doclur's charges are moderate, nnd suited to the tnenns of tho potlcat. THE HOWAflD INS HTUTE Is located tn the center of the city, and Is fitted un with every cnnreiilcnce for Ibe I comfort of tbe afflicted. Tbe patient will here find ercrythlng In bis with, nnd cau I &itrr and Jjtme the Juititute trithmtfrnr efc ' itnvlien. I l'errnnt rortdlnc In Ibe interior, wbn mar nrcfer bclns Cured at Home, by tcndlne a j careful deierlttlnu of their diene. togeth er mm a piaivmrni ,11 inr irnptu hi iiiiiu tbey hare ccn afllleted, ean have tbelnnrd' lolne carefully put up ami rent tn any part of tbe l'aclflc Coat (y Eviirrts or mull, to gulher with full and explicit directions hh to enable them to brliiR ubnut n rH-edy and permanent cure, without eulalllng up uu Ibcni the tieces'lly or vliltlng the city. All letters alioiilil be adelrcaa Cll. Dr. 1. Howard, Honard Institute, No. 532, Commercial Direct, Sau Fraucltco, California. The Doctor hlni'i-lf opens and answers all Irltur", and eorropoiidcnls cnu rely ou Ibe strlclrit sverrey. . Comullatluu by li-ltcr or otherwise, free. TO THE LADIES! When a Femsle Is In Irnuld", of v baler lr lifitnri. nr flll,fo.l ttllli n .ll.... .n.li I ' , -. ......,.-w -a... h ll".m r,vi. as i-nkue nf I lie Itack nnd limbs, pnlm In I bo head, dluincs nf ! jtlit. loss of mu , eular kjhtt. ialpiiatlon of the heart. Irri tability, iienuiinncrs, deranci-meiit of tbs i dlgtitlre funcllons, geueral ib bllily. all ills eases of the Womb, hysteria, slerlllly. and all other lU'caro. peculiar to fviii.tler, llo-y should en nt once, or write, to Dr. How I ard. nt his Helical Initllue. Let nu falie ! delicacy prevent yuu, but apply ImmtdUle 'ly, and save younelf frompaiuful sutTcrlug. mm pnmaiuru lira. u. The DoctnrV ofUee Is so arranged that he can be comulli-d nlthout fear of dbcovcay. Dr. Howard's Female Fills Are nnlvrrrally acknowledged to tie tbe only compound to be depended upon for the removal of nil cares of suppusso or Ir regularity, or of obstructions of xbaterer nature and of however loogslaudlne. Ladles having rearon to believe they are pregnant, should I careful to avoid uilng them, as Ibey would surely cauiea inlrcar. rlane. Tbey will lie forwarded to any part of the Paclbe Coast, upon the receipt of (5 per box. CONSULTATION IiY l.ETTKIt, OU OTHERWISE. Fltrii All letters mimt be addrescd to T)H J3. HOWABP, ,,owr lu.tTtule, No. i'Si, Cummercial street, Kan FrnnclKO, California. sepl7m3 FRANCO AiilCRICAIV HOTEL flSMSSlt Vtltlisfssisi Sft 3& s 9 ff V -a i i 4 : MADAME DE llOnOAM desires lo call the attention of the traveling public to Ibe fact that the Is uow prepared to accommodate customers i.v the vcrt D(UT BTtlJC. HER TABLE Will always be supplied, at oil hours, with the very best tbe market affoiiU No trou ble wllf be spared to render her guesU com fortable and conleuted. HER ROOMS AND BEDS Are all reatted and refurnished In excellent Kffi; C'" "il and test Tbe Franco Amerloan Hi t.-l and Uestau- buildings!1'1 Itf XetJu,,jr lrlck Jacksonville, Sept. 26, 'Ct. octltf S.f5ff CHEA T' rFtK"oSOT MAX fflUTJiEB, AT TI1K BRICK STORE, Corner of 'Oregon' and Main Streets Jackenvlll HAS jnt reeclred an addition to kit rotDK-r large and r. ell svlteted titdok f FANOY.8TAPLE i SUMMKIt DBYG-OODS CO Ul o Jl A p M 2 5 co p . I ,v 3 b 05 -t 13 CO O o a ri B O 0 3 CO r O O CO Q AH at Reduced Pxiows. ONE and ALL art tnvlted to fa ror blm with a call. a St costs ot Ing to show L'ocxl. and II Is a pless u re to sell them at prices so low that noue can complain. Illgkcst Price raid for Pro duce In Exchange fer Gx4a. - S) .SOd. B&- .80UOS. -t .sokuros. .SOHH 1IU03. .KORH 8 1IKOS. ouii sils imo.s. .SOHU SIIC11S 1IHO.S. iiORII SIICACIliS imos. OUU S11UASAC11S UU03. LARGE ARRIVALS sxx AT xxx SACHS BROS CHEAT CASH STORE, -of- lsnE"W GOODS Of every dcfcriptlon, and the Latest Stylos 4c Fasktauc Satiable for FALL & WINTER T3EL-LI3E3. i -a B. Vi o o o a d u 4H o o u e W o tmt K Pk u o VI mm m o n u o o CO m CO CC o en 3 O 02 "Will tie the LioweiBt Iu this i 9 wV - O'CTH MOTTO "QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS WILL ME STWTLV AVUK&SD It. All are rcsocetrullV: lavlteJ to irlva M a call. SACItdBRO'S. Jaeksonvllle, Oct. ), '61. oettlf i . . i Pay Uj! Pay U! Tar Upt ALL those indebted to me are requested to eome forward and settle up. ad all who hold demands against aw will please nresent them, on T rvruiAf tn lAv.TAtfAAn. ville in a few days. j niso wish to sell my HOUIsK MO "IS"1"' NW F.IMIWg P" ' chase will please eol at roy rwideoc Ibssbc- Miun-y. a, u, Aiiucaie. Jacksonville, ot. Olb, 1861.