Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 12, 1864, Image 1

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"" !tin'iinf uu
v (
a.1. iTu'rr. iivviiagwK.'.TAjrjMi I'T.TTr.-ra ,--
" tjEUiSUba.
Vol. ix.-
NO. 43
tie 6Stw B
- a"-, -, W?
Btitk or Outaiiv, HtxcuTivr. Pkp't )
October 24th,J8Ui. )
i. Whcrra. I hare rreelnd rtrpil Wdu
frn Major General Irwin Mellow. . com
mainline the Department of the l'scifle. ac
UntMtidtT wilborltr orilio War Df jMtlnrent.
for one regiment of Inratitry, In addition to
the viiiiintirm now In the service of thi
i-jii..! Cl.lr. .Io itlil'tiAlli? fiMn-in..nl ill
ml In euniM! Dotllle iuumnf jn um iuiii- i -hvh. iuriuuih km iounr. a urs
urydilnct " cC I snunt or fifty wrceut wlkt ba uudu lo those
Now, thirefiirerl. Ailiiso. C.tGltm, Gor-' "bo advsaslsuby Jk'iojra?.
ernSr of Otv .VLiutiir Orcjim. n idcmiiinan- 1"KKi r.r.i'.fc'ai cumni r.t
d-THBchWor tl(CJnlllllttMlicriJr:Uohiri!l)T r q o. P JiaaUsesnvlIln I oUe-j.
c,ld.p.,o'tl,eeU!n. of this 8lWh. own- ' Zm'&lS.
lie thtinHu-s Iul5 .companies uflwlcnl to, atffkZilSj. '! mif r i am
eil,thertTK"l"trrquuiH.n. I
-ju utMsmreHi'-j imvo-iicnnnioi
k.s.) thetitale or Orcein IiiIm nRIltd.
Done t &Itm, thUatlhtU ofsDc-
lobrr.i uhrtl. "
jTinunv n f'liins
, .r i..ij . v o... i .vir. t..rr
nlllltSON C. CUIUS.
- (liivctuor oPOrvgoa.
Atlcit-J?AiiKi K. lUv, fceewtary or
Tnt MIottlngD heredr prooiulgatcil :
The Un wf rtcrultiiiK mul orWlU n the
ttofr force, "ill bu fullow., until lurllivr
,HC'I'eT MxcAiTrW:' -r
The regiment will Ira knovr.t n Ilia Ftrit
loUntrj, Orejion Volnnt'CM. The Held.
lJtiil tine inlcr wRI In) CinnnMomil
1 tlie (lurernor. Tin- Slain will l ilivl
ilnl into iliiltlcl. necimllng to thn unmix, r
of ptrfCiu In raeh district ililI' to Jo mill
tirrdtllr. AVIien mreh dl'lrlcl him fnrhlih
diUuotusf nirn; llwrv will ho noilnin In
lb re, tinder UiIkcjII. JvMcbilUlrlol ill
furnirli on com puny.
Coramlt'lorn will be liifd. Iiv the fJovcr
cr, to comMiiy cMen. condititnud Ihnt
tbT tlull recruit their nHCtie cumptt
tin, und ho rvudy to Ira niiMlerrd into tin
ijf, xJIbln r. Iliri hmri.t! lutmit&mii
A comiKtny rvnui'r.vou" mil ira e-iniii
tJiijnw!JXijlrjxlJliliu-nclidi'triul,ni d
irprcUrAiile, rccrutl" will ixTtUlunl in rv.
uoiil lliecompiny l UlUd ui.d rcwdy to l
Jhe .S'WIe ha piurtdrd by law for tli
ptjtatnt of nlioimly or 8 1.10 In Slate iulrr-tjt.U-illiif;
lioud JMnlbltf In cold to each
itunUvr. muiterrd lulu lh .rvlce, in ml
dlliou in the Uiuntln aulriilxrd to Ik- ji-nd
L; III I ulll Sub (ikv Ulules I8B3 4.
Ike wa; of it loldtrr In suMltlpn are Sin
rr noaih l-Mc v'l'ilhiiiic. timlpmniti, r.i
lloni. ttnl allnnraticffiirnirliul by the I'll I
(dSulc. iw Hitute IKi;:i, pav 8i
Taeirrr(iUlx4vii -au'd lrynsfli ol
airjtrtutnl i a fulloH '"
Uoe (tXulniivt. imo()j UeuUnjnitcoloiid.
ae(li Bjur onc(l) iuljiitniiti.an tsr .
I) itrnrtoJJ)va(SI
( 1 rtTwldttliiroi. A I rtr ,
K0injtrnup ( Ikrvj'liiwul tlqiit' ;"ry I
tirpiti: and onV (IV hoipltai'atlwirU.')
TcacvBpaiit.' form ,n reliiKiit. .
Pa(UcapUiu,oik(l) lit Iiut'liol1
cr(J) :V liirtUciant. oik ()dit tr:ruil. '
Jour tl erj;ejnt. clfihl (Hi corpomK Inn
(!) ma.kUiw, ou (1) 'a"i.irr, l.xlj.fmir I
(C priTAie minimum. utididity-tniMH
ru,uitnuw,ibcldv tli.tioiiiiiiml
ftlcerr. l '
)lutkiaai iiit Ixj cnllilid In (itch emniM-
d;, liO mil Ik rilvd aud iu!d ui priiulv.
(TO Till- OOCJflT UFFiat.Uri;. I
vUihrf SUte'bi.r fllleil. nlln ionirnenda-'l
Uerromplltude, erery cull Hut li lieen
" ni-iWfntCtlJTlxopl IlA'e.n ern ,
fittuul rtptinance to ili.ifl. ui.der wlixh
trrrydralt man mint vrc or turiutli n
tniiitiiiuc. uder It tiwre mut inenunit
b-MtnnKxprKvere but nuKifiry hard
ap. OpiVHluiilly Is now nlven .to nvold ,
Mthadralt, The men aro in.-dd prompt j frtmj t his old slnml. the OverlM-ck
I; aud evtry cwnsldeialmn of patrlotmn Uuspltul, or at bis residence- opnlto Wet
aul of Stale, local, and Tonal iirida rt j u-rcr's Ilrewury, imleuli(iiiloiiproriwioii.
rHrWyjii rwuMiirt ytwitUj TCMme I ) HI(tnc,f( v WoilM repvcifully solicit
?" IM Uumut ttauMfj rylunlttn. , rencn-al of rormt r palronagtf.
IWtBctrJof IlioStali'fevlins HiriiKA.tearn-, -
tUfleHretirattlweiiliiv.flaleslwuliUvolda PETER DRITT,
f, appal to tlio patriotic- dozens or)
aad-WHluvntUI eitiz iisnfMhulSouuly.- I.eli
;uctmuiyinrouiii )uiiwinisr, treroni. f , 7. " I.... t ., ,i0u
ersul Isjul and iuliiii.1 rsprrHriitaluei., ( prrp.reU o MJ"r"
A.ewrdlsurti-lrrIAhUauarilfrl,oa;J w,l.b "" b?,,!aJ ', Si?, Jll
orlci.luSuUW-ni-S.youu. rcpynd ! lf ''c,u7' u, " ""n",'!0"0'..
tm4peeJJ.y earned ard'uccr..l-w..rk.i f''"e "l".l1l ?' , Xl &!
1 jii iW .vftr. ....1..1... .... :H,r ,1 s-i lew. on Urn hill, txanilno bin pictures, arui
"WJojaicitunurticiimty;uiiii?riaii(j.i '
and. if iioiil... ftdiie! hlui to rral'ae tha) 1 TC2 IT "1 sT TT7"5i,."st
U nWin Irtmeitare and poipuaLIuterni JC" -y CPVJ-JU
la tUu,iue&M orymir Ulorm. jll nea.iirr.4 ... ,
"llinrtliiiiuyour ichoul ilulr.eU-niali lleaier in
Win-lae metier borne lo i-tery Inbaliilant:! , --,- : uj
ruirlilllranetdtdto pay eApeii-s. notjy Dry Goods, KrOCOriOS, C
iueufe e'ouVorrS? W0. .qd 8I0KS( ,Cj
EXE&JffiJKS. Hwaro, & Cutlery, g
lahorl,lh(;ueriiur. npoinrhuiii Ihu te- , DUL'QS, and MUDICINLS, y
'"lilo.ilsmaile,eiCi,liind Jilitly, that J ,. ( x -. h,
jou win retpumi to ihi. caii s11X.11 you . uh Tino liquors, otc., ojc. r
Mtaraeist-iiriifiri!vvhTrli il.illliifmv rt. ... i.'.u ,-iii. nttrvi-ii
jueccft numiticro iiritc di.fnciiiiK onhe
cuiewill beu;lcu o roon as
nude. 6
It can U
JW-rtr- rsW ;
iX c o o .
JH If t Ji- k a 1 K h -
JtWL -, w u 'j
. ssavilllo to Ivi-rby ville nud Waldo, Oi-
egoo. Leaves ilacksinvillf every
" inurr$,'1v& nId( every
Ptnt-Cily. m 11 ,.',. I - i! 1 1
ua MMMhA JLAXMRi l'eop'r-
; (it-iMib(iui4. . .octiir
I S-,J 1T ' . ' 1 "
tflTr-Tl"i t'i
I'Mri phH
UUaFUkw)p -
mrjtachUlWdX "
Jol?iT5ftT? SlAX MULLER'S.
mCkp kvkbt satumut uuixixu,
B. r. DOWEIX, tfrsp'r.
BomcitirTtox For One yens. In advance,
rour Hollars ir fntia Vllblh 'tlio BrsUJIx
utmllii 6Mhe year, tire diillar ; If noVpald
until the expiration of the year six dollars.
AnTi.nTiniNO.uao kiiia) (io iinw or
) first Insertion, Thr Dollar: each
In rci1 niviith. sihI wt
'StKg rV?Vt:
l.lurvUr of v-ti Inurt-ao
, f lis Muuulc IUU.il
, wiu-4
i "T
. . uMbr.i,1Pwki,l,&ain,,.1IJi,ii.i
. himhi j. way, s. u.
"-J". U HulUw, Un, U.y il SJUt
Warren lotlico No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
I A IIOW their repular communl-
fvetlorti Ihp VdndRy r.Yciilnon
ror preceding the Tull moon, In jaw-
OKriU.C, OKtlllLN
i am:x. JtAim.s', xr, m.
i IT, Ili.noH. Stt'if.
u. jacom. k. r. niussu-
( Jacko,viu.x, Onitunx.
IIIDlrt UlHtll the OlMirt llltll-.
All l!i'prnconiinllled to IhHr cttre ulll
' bo orumpll.r attend d to. Juh V.) 'C.i.
i Jacmonviu.r, QjiKtiux.
(S'lll pnclloo in nil lhGmiri. uftho Third
Judicial llUlrlvt, tht' Huprvniw Court of Orn
son.niici in iruk,UM.
War Scrip prompt-
ly coll-tfltd,
Wct. IK.
JACiMfiruiM Ohkuo.v.
Tt'lll pracltcc In the (.uir! of Orrjou.
OCle. rmt Onic llnlldlnyi.
' A.tll
Jack.unvii.m., Oiir.uo.t.''
txttjw tf
-UCKlDNVIliU WlirilON,
KtdiUitM.mar Jho.Soulb ,eml of Oni;uu
f jaiiuAiy.i
jjz? Ti.v.Ptrt
Albany. Linn couuty, Orvffon.
"' ''.'Z' "
Japmsosvim.k, Oncoo-f.
()(Jlce nt bis riil!iicc on Orrjfon street.
Tlr Ovi-rlM-ck would aniioiiucii to tlia ell-
I Ikiii of Jackson county nud vicinity, that
I... 1. 1.1 r..tumil In Jnilfsiiii'illi.iinil rtsiimnl
n, nriil-o of initdlelue. lie wilt alwnvi"
i.0ir '0,,r lii??.'' - -
1 In hi old rilli:-PKOOF
nilICIkrsnutb side onClirriiia
.Sir. i Jachtonvlllc, oclHtr
ir tt
For rnrllicr p-irtlculurs call at Noubar's
fltnrn. and roe the Macbiun hi operation..
llaiLlffeiufi hand.'tor aW 43 "
.-. T X- B" I " 1 1
-j L'
, w . t
fc,i "
MMniciimuKcr mm tiiwviur:
l On Oregon street, first door norlli of
llreuiauoj Jijcajoiuni, ugij.
Manufaelurcr nod repairer
II sons of Watches, Cbronomctcrff, Clocks
Musical and other Instruments, etc.
Also. JBWHIilCY manuruciurttt' nu
.reoalred, after the most approved style of
1 ,the art, and warranted rorone)ear. Trices
tMctorUIDg to time.
UVJU.f ,p, liuubnn
Chronometer and Wateiiitwker,
JaekionTllle, June 25, 18CL Pw
, -
lilxitiiirruiililn AHIlt.
1 ffYvU
..Ui HM
ittroMTKti 'Ktcxi-iiTKi.T rorrwiMncjrTtstL.
Saturday's Dispatch.
New York, 3d. Largo nnmlwr of armed
tnem are on. nil Island atwvu. Miiny titling
era In town nit day. Ititid on thUplhce tan
pectcd IiutneUlatuly. lliuliuu ujuiljd
mid rucn and nrmaacot fvr. ' .
Cwrcl.ili ipcotnl ay lnfnniUpn of
pint tu dntroy Northern Ule comes from
uflUIul loitrccs. Ilrlllib Province Authori
ties or various eftlei hnvn made ample prujH
drttolisf nfnlnit raldi. ' Comraandura. yf
riiliral tronpi bdye liptriicl'tnus !oli'jji
suminnryputillinK',ut,' .f.ni'o iy Ifiiniull
U made tuto Cnnada, It 'will' In uVcrlouLrd,
by Cuimiliam.
A Meet ollUcr reports tlidt hum fraUd
liaTU bent perpetrated ou tho UlluU 'of
tiillora by vlcollnn BRetita,
. iWa.bloifloii, 2d. Trlul uf Col. North.
S'cvr VutL- rjtnta ngant, M. )I. Jniir-Sf'ltlreNj
Itlclilleld, and pllicri, c.muwnct'd today
lieforo n inllllnry Commlntoo Clan, llotililtf
d.iy rrtsldcul, and Col l-'oiUr Judgtl Ad
vocate. Cold from 229 to 2:33.
Ogdun-burc. 3d 1'ropelUr which arrived,
to-day, reported no orjiibced rebel, force
otciipyiuf Mnndi 18 mlki nbiVrVlhri.cily
Shri'saw nrmril men nit the I-lnnd-'ltbw.
AOx'umUr uf strangers line? beii In town. '
iliiriii(f the day. Dm majority of whom dl I
apfnareil at dink In tho direction uf tha U'
liuiilf. Five men were nrrvilcd mid ruluM ,
to give an -account or tjimn)he-i, Thuy
were ormed with revolvers. A tiiR bout
p.utd down this nflrriloon, Iiu(;kIiic tilt
.Vnuricnn iliorv, -villi aliout forty men un
board. Force been tent out tu reconnoller
In the direction of tho Mauds. Citizens
are furtnlui; thrmntlvei Into compaiilet,
which are ftntlomd at the railroad dqniti,
vie. rioiirttraint'Cte., Iwlng ndt anayi
IUIcujIvc pivpuatloua bolne; taadeforde
Chicago, 3d. Nadivllle Utter of tun 1st,
lays I loud crosKd the Tenueimo IllverJ
near KloniLCO, with at lent a jxirtlon gf Ids
(orcut. flherinan Is promptly moving truopi
to meet (he new ordar or tjllnx'.
'New York, 4lh. Late 'rebel dispatch
give particulars or the luovimeuiufltood's
anuy from Cailu lo'Cuiitcr'a Lauding,
and the mot ntunlVlni; results are prnph
otUd; but says n corrvipiideut or the S
vaonah litpullka,' It-Is l l muemlK'red
llmtilloua'a urniy la xxiHy pmniil Jl!
bUbkvts and bos. Whuls rcRlnicnt o,
lurefoulid, while blaalolU wlU uuy of them
arc rather au exception than a rule.' Tlio
mrrisun at Atlanta Is slvsu by the rubvli
COUNSHLLOUI.i.i, thoiuaud elf'-ctive im-n. i:;ohm.ind
.Wim(, lliu nCIalal orpin or Jen Pari,
ttougly tMOiiiuutidi the pUelnj; oftlaven
in the roUl finny. I.-, In his uWslal re
port, claims, (u buvi mrprlicd uurpickils
In front or I.'ylcnUirK. StuuUy ulj-ht, nud'
swept ou: l",fi'r hair a mile.
Na'bvllle. 4 lb. Yosterday's" details frem
the I'otomac eay the !lm.tli)ii t.uucluii;l.
Tfie mii 'aro bu1fil!ii2 1S liomji. A 'e-
Lvcre storm prevail.
Ni-w York, -ttlt. A vfiil nrrlted here
with uRIecr and crrwa uf a uuiubvr of i
!, cuptured by a new ptrutv called tlio
Uh ckamiuira, coiumaaded by I.laiit. Wilk-
luion, which left Vlluiliilou the 29 111, with
tno other eeli.
Mondays Dispatch.
New Yurk, U.I. Clmrla Windsor, for
1 1 vcars paying teller of the Mercantile
bunk oflhis place, dijapprard lust Satur
day, On cx'tmiiiation of c.iJh accounts
be vri foup.I tu be defaulter to tlia amount
of S20,7Q0 enrrvney and 831,000 filfd
Itcwnrd of S.000 for nrreit and Sl.l.OUO,
Tor .recovery of mouoy Is ouoretb -
New York,-4lli."77me' -special says.
Tarry has been convicted and sentenced to
Stales I'riwn ,for life, While, on trial,
madu a formal sonfejsionAml is now de
posed to bo more communicative. He
Ihad.Jjecn for some timo jj.furo arrest
sick of tho wh'iio .builiioM, aud was only
waiting to receive reply lo a letter ad
drcucd by hliu to IjMterCarjandiolher
proinlueiil Democratic politicians 01 cw,
York, which woqld pruye the.r complicity
beyond cradveuture, when ha Intended tn
act fatly and make a comp'ete .expoiure of
tlie whola tiling. That if Atrcst of Mm
self and conrederutw hd bceri' postponed
another week, he would have been able to
fix the guilt of tlio whole Irapsactjon, from
its inception, where it properly belonged.
Hits uiornlnz C.iptatn Jayocs, of Q,7ih',IIPir. country haw supplied ,all irnuw-.
United SUtes Jnfaotrr. arrived here froirt
Mujphy.jif hc,7l Nev utli Artillery,
-..!. li m attitui 1st ininilftilMl in Aimtliwk
WU'yi . " .v.- . . .-..-..
mates bis fir(f-l)35.'T)09.,sBsit alUfn,'
with CI plecea.eT Mllllery, wwtly.aix-nudi
twelro pounders. Ho ejected o, crossing
of ,be river at Cypress Grsel?, 28 ' nud
eeblf wibss below Klfe-iw,AUbaHi,
whleii pelnt is better salted than any along
tlw rive for this purpose. As yet, there
are no developments of situatlofam least,
fraud's, '.isitairtn WwVt., M..rpb wa ueuerai pu.ier ,. w,BU,- . v-
airrotlcd by an prd of tb'riSecrplary ol, pwiinwiui iw . " yi-.War,oDdhboea.OQmm(tUd.toOldCp-
"vo arrival 'hero within the s two
, Hal IrUrtn, io await Investigation. WW " JT,1) T 1 .
1 . ' Ai.Vl.nVlilM't.nWiljIiifiirmatloii that anlan
nUfart ilh 'NuMivl U! Ialtor. dated "- 1 ... ' .
"t x.r;,:i; u-.-.,,. u. ..,. cou w wm falJ ,na,urcu'
,UV ,', 3. 1 " " nI AiZ ,v ' , A large uunibcr of southerner-, who have
UOrill SIUO Ol imiiriwrv- 4m;i, nuu n-
nothing that will throw light on Hood'
movements. JIo has no supplies save such
at k co!IccU Id tha country, nt he pre
cccd, mid that Involret scatlerli'jf of hit
rurprs. 'Tbolettcr.kddi-j Anipleprepar
atio'n aro beinj mado In rtcohelilm, anil
lf?tnlll'TjaTJTcrwhelm,d'bifonj hi'Itnnws it
Well liiTormtd corrv'-unJcbi from St
Louis of tli Jiwrnnl.says what l'rfcii ecdm
plislicd during his raid, mfty bi) ti(r('ll up
thus : He received 2,(KK) rcc.-ailf, mul tin
sitne number or conscripts, iwptnreil 15.
000 alaiidi or orrn'i pifolcJ 20,000 prls
oners nuJ destroyed 3300,000 worth til
irnncrly. Ou tlie o1tser Iitiid, bo loi
U.000 men In bMlliVbcJides many luinureii
deserters, 13 piece. orsiirtlltery, 250 v,g-'
oih, nod serernl thousand -i!coi .imatl
urnn. He carried but little out uf lh
State except aq'iantlty or houiehold stores,
ond clothing on tluliacln or his luti-Tin;r
followers. IJii rnld has 'been marked umn
by thin igu tq peoplt, than bcucflt to reb
rlj. Anolhrr cormpoudent says : 1 lure
ben In tlio Tfnfco of- tlis "dellTcrcr. a
l'riw's advune?waj calftl,and,cnrt find
an Instance where priroiu. properly was
reaped!. Ago and sux were disregarded
lit towns pawed through women were
ravlilicd, negroes ntnidered, nud whita mon
torn from llmir liouis ami forced td'talc
the a-bel cauw. In maiiy-iuitauees, boys
uf Mi-years wura ciimDcipled.
A Clmttnnoorja It-lter wys the fourlb
cirin lint Icavius forllluntirille.L, Ucuera
rodlluntsvilK.Ueuera' I vtt,tor lo qit. 1 wcnl ,0 hr down the
In'the n'll'''r''Oo,lor.fltejIlsiwn, ft wlori cthcr-lt
10 l'4lh, lTtbTnnd 2Ud ' WM5tcsl to ro-trncc or trace nhead. It
Thomas' corps L
Nashville, uuJ tlio
cur(is nrpon the more.
re-o"- J.
St. MuWMlln-d
lifpatllr from
Spr'ngncld, 28lb, s.ys tbwcwas a hard ,
fight at Neola, Iwtceu eiirjrorocii and ,
Price. The latter mn .whipo'dii Our
tronpi held the town, and the rcbvls arc
nitmiiij lowarJi Arkauut. Daioof the
fight not given. '
New York, Blh. .Timei' special says
solicitor liilnc tutcrs-tlsut on lbs 1st ol '
October tluio ha I byeii reoelved, un i.r j ,jQwn tatt. J caught the cold, but uot
hist call, over I2.'i10001vnlunteeri. M-Mg Ki,, 'hrn I went to u doctor. A
hail been liuonnsd, by creditable authority, j ductur of pb)sic; so I mct-a physic!
that the but draft would fitnilsli an tbv
men needed In this war. 7Vitu le's ape-
clal says Lieut. Col. Murp'iy. of tlw I7ili
N. X. beary artl'Utry, teitilU to a large
number of soldiers' alii lavlts, and piwers
of attorney purporttn; to have been sworn
11. Wo". Miu.nl I. ..Tpji. his name, "
forgeries. IK' nukcjittw sventb ofllecr
whose uamo has bA5iyforgcd In Col.
North's office. Tli s "JfniM gives p irtion
Urs of a recent p'rntlcill depr! ttio-i off '
the couit. Cant. DtldVf ater. o! tlw slnp.
rlrd the Stars .asfi.jStripos ootll within ( m4tcrcj n jbal way. Told bim 1 didn't
(Miiulint. wlicn ltTJolIlfalTthfi rebd Hag. j wm,t to go 'to bed. Then I saw another
Shooting Star, Spotleas and H.niiii Hull ' KU!g,i,tf the Scalpel It was the sank
were burned, and tlwir wews plural on difht that I saw him, though. He told
board tho Aliralwm J.iiiolu, which was
boodci for 818.000. und suit to New
York! All prboners ro wmpillcl to
rlgn parole not to .jfve on land or water . neviT nryes with inc." Tlicu he told me
ngalusl thu Coufeilenilce. until regularly t0 eat (af i,af, J .(bought htm buiubug.
cxchaugeil. L'ciitcnaut Wilktnwn. com Und went elsewhere. Thought I'd try the
uiandsr ef Hie Ohickainanga. Is an old oDl I cold water plan, ""liniment hydrautopath-c-r
nl the Navy, a nitlve or Virginia, nnd I iJt lod me to oak my bead in Ice-water;
resigned bis conimtiilon in 18C1, and wa,, ,y rrt.i in Ice-water; slt'in a barrel
appoint! Lieut. In the rcbul navy. Lieut: J f jw vater two hours ; bailie my baik In
Wurd, comiimiiding Olustee, is an officer cv.WBter 2 cut pounded lee till I swtat,
Uf the Navy, appointed from Ohio, andlamj jy f0( tetter. Ooo-J way to get up o
went over to the rebuts In 1BGI. He has '
beu avrvlug in the rebel IKmoii James
are Iu JtorwtJr. "
jttsWcy's Dispatcll.
Ncffiy-tfofltb. -Utrthl't army4 Toto-
mac Swieh saw : Uegttlar rainy 'weather
appearu HiMf sctj" bfor? Ktcfcjiiopd
ami rmersunflf.jjaswuj; isiwnij
ud lMtrauWy,)Miug a temporary pes
itloii pj tacVivinpfalloii3. TlwreU no
rlaxation, ar-vtclksisM Ui neemry jnill.
HaxatjifiQvIgilaane lu Beecry jnill
tarywfl;kf Mrairs''aloftbe Hae rcroain
ab.mVfto ttn1 Mii 'satIfacioryposItSnt
blver. 'l'iMClilckam.ugiysifJj01iitee.
wue h4mivsriued:r at uiiniiugtun. ' bell,; gnppos!
5evershsoieff4Mels of eamoeliaractcr daisies girl, I
arcrrr&tssj (!o,lc aUoatQur' gunboats Another:
Qrefs-hast Ud made a Brevet rfiTer,
C-'riejaiLasJWsTi ae1'.? eogajeenfi,
Ueania.' Station, August 3Jst.
T.mes' Atlanta dispatch says Atlanta
has lee,n faplaled lor joveral wevks. M
oncUnialtl.vfosfenrB,) tlat ottrjirovUions
werB.Eiriiig put. oNo.da.nscr opprelieod'd
from that source now. ruraces into sur-
i-urages luto sur
ou "'. . n'i,'-"j0 -
mart slate that the road is clear, ana mat
at-i a ' . . J A .. .
railroad communication is reestablished,
It U officially announced to-day thai
lies'n in this city for several mouths, ure
said to be, handed for that purpose.
Nashville, lb-A're.bcJ forco attempt,
cd to eross the Tennessee at Ik outb of
Dim. water, od the 3d, but weeo r
pulssd .with aoasIOeeabk dose Tsm sg.
imeataiofiaavalry afoisawta ue w;wf.so
Dscatur aud Courtland. JRawst, with
1 sra ..i I '.I !.' f ...-.. . a ml f,T I La flA
ou'valry force, Is rtporled to be near Jobq
Xew York, ilh. The ' lltratd'i corrt-
tpnndimt, at Nashville, stys It appears
that Sherman bat stnt the fourth corps to
Di-cittnr, to operate npnlnit Hood, while
with the remaining five corps, he lias
moved bi Atlanta, and Is probably nbont
to Inaugurate nn rlTvMijlve camp.itpi from
tint pnint, and Ignoring 'the existence of
Hood, or Icavlnj htm to prosecute his
campaign Into .iVirv.wco nt bis lelsnir.
SuKpension Dridje, Otti. An excite
ment cxtstson the American side In, re-
Cnrdto hnisnticlp-tleil raid. ThcJcjL"K'n
are nil arming. (Jowls, and vnluabks are
bIn(; rcmovnl. '
IluRUlo, Olh. The follnwlnn; extract
from n letter, received by the editor of the
Kxprtn from Danville, Canada West, 5th,
sayi: okoui torn raid on isuiuio from
Toronto nnd Hnmlllon. on the 8th. Tlr
advance qim-d Is at the fort In the retr of
Sup?ninn liride, or it will lis on Mon
day, the "tb. Headquarters ure at Torni
to, Snmn leading canaditns direct the
movement. llahUrs arc not all southcro
ers nl1 sorts. Most of them are nothcrn
T "S'lf11')' Jon! J5, IIi.t.r.r.
Hrlclt Pomcroy Cjtros a Golil.
I lmfSbeon very sick. It was a cold.
A dab bad cod In do til. I.camo Dear
was our colJ.
1 ennpht It ever sowy.
out. The lamp dickered
The fire went
,()W TLc Kitchen-clock tolled tho death
nf- ,C ,,ay M luj lu0 fM ,Imt j 0TWi
her.. The clock struck as the idea strnck
me I wus Rcttliji; cold. 1 told the girl so.
We sot on a sofa. Said she, "sit up
olon-r." In her lap we laid onr head.
Who eared for a little cold. V"o talked
0(1 'c talked low, because we were
Haw do vou like that joke f He felt of
mJ. ,on(,"tt and looked nt my rule; slid I
wal gct. Told me to go borne, soak my
covcr Up ufj, wt nothlnp; for u
vtit Bmj ue we. (Jave Lira five tfollarf,
ttj MW roy landlord. He said no dedue
nuns uuold be made on board, so I couldn't
ru0w the physics advice. 'J'Ucn I tan
BI10thr doctor. He told mo to take two
b(jUM 0f 10l drop, a bed blank-it covered
Wl,, muntard, aud go to bud. Told him 1
didu't want a hot drop till I dropped In
me lo take cod liver oil aud honey. Told
him I had .no rod liver. Tbtu he said 1
must cut "cold tallow. Said I s " That
WCB,( (,( then it would have spoiled a
baling pood to have done It.
Another doctor told me to use dumb
ng -he meant a deaf and
Isculaplus told me the Honieo
pathlst was all the rage. Clave rue live
thousand HUlejiiUs, marktd A. Gave me
fivc (houjand more little pills, marked U.
navcma flvc tboutand more little jillls,
morlCd (j, Toldne totakt ohe pill in a
n8i 0r water every .live mtnotrs; to iae
another pill ,iq two pails of water every
four minutes. Told me to take hair 01 an
other pill In the palls po'star every two
minutes. Took two palli ond went to the
Hired a boy lo dip up and pour
down. Emptied the rit in ten mluules.
Changed my bow to aypung lake and
went at it ogalu. Cold didn't improve,
that is, the cold Iid;sl Improve mo. Weul
homo mad. Gave 34000 pills to a chap
who pilfered ehlclcps from tho barn. He
,)0lher ,,0, told mo to taVejcalomel,
Mo 00o told mo to uriuu- poi wui.Ky
--"- ... - .
,.ow lo 0 iik jw i'w0 good doc-'
i ' ' . '. 1 . . ....,...
lors. Gad'I met-a-pbysio in eucn spims.
Seut two barrels of whisky to my room.
,1'irst tried a pint of , hot whisky. It loos
ened my eyes. Then I tried a pint of cold
whisky. It, fixed thera all right. Then J
moved wJt(j (;reut vigilance ,upon. piut of
hotvviky,' Itloofe.ocdwJo.'s, TueaJ
thrc,w y If(,ilaukv around a pip,t ?t cold
whisky.' Pe'lf. beUer, Then I tried some
hot whisky. Fine doctors. Uather like
them both. Tried some, eoW whisky. Jt
nfltcted mv head soiucwtlf. Tried an
nlhtr plot of hot vvblsk'y. "Very fine doc
tors kaow just bow to cure a cold. Shall
empty tb ,by the year. Tried two pints
of cold whisky, 'Uegan to reel better t ten
aj.Hke another wau Tried tvo pints more
or tiowblsky felt liko'lwo other men.
Fineoctors j I love thenY)juIclly, Kept
00 with the wbisky ; felt iike three or four
new men ; bnt tlicre never lived sucb doo
tors. Tried half a quart of cold wblsly
mixed with half o quart of hot ditto ; dlt
to nlwnys means whisky.
Filt better, felt liku a company ol uir
men. I rial to get in line f formed hi Mia'
shape of a .hollow square on rtbtr Saw?
rook some more whisky j don't rcmcn&cr
whether it was hot or cold, or cold or hot
Telt much bctier. Passed a rote of thanks',
to tho physicians 1; felt bcller. Drank to'
their licalttgoWlbe! hlsky mla." Felt'
like a brigade of new men. Tried to sur.
rouod the enemy. Moved upon Lis works
and ho gave me battle. Took another po
silion. Threw my cntiro corps to tho front?
Attacked the commissary camp, sod took a '
pint of whisky prisoner. Fin doctors ,
liko their way of curing colds. A good
way ; wit five days proylnj 11 lo bo a good1 '
woy. Hair pulled' a little, but It was oa
account of the cold . They said Id feci
liko a new man, nnd I bclievd then.
When you have a cold try my new style,
Splritnally, "Uricc" Poxcnor,
Eloquent Extract,
Hon. J. II. Warwick concluded n'tliTIlP"
ingpcech iu San l'ranc'noo, a few days
since, as follows.
"Suppose you had a fulr-lalred daughter,
ulio was dear to jou as the apple of your
eye ; who had grown in grace, and lovcll
nrs:,aud virtue, till she had to twined her
self nround your beatl that to lake her from
you were to rive your hrart lo twain : awl
suppose in the full budding glory of
her wtimauhood, the hard choke was left
for your election, ofscelng her die la hon
or and virtue, or of letting her live till sin
became a loathsome thiug for scorn tn "
point its slow uud moving finger at j where
Is there n father that would hesitate for a
moment, II he Is worthy of the ntmo man T
Deoth Is tho smallest evil Incident to life. '
Death Is the common lot of nations as well '
as men. If glorious, It confers a lasting
honor; if shame, entails everlasting dhv '
grace If the cancer Which Is eating' I0I0-' t
the DaUoual heart must exist, aud caooot
bo dstroytd ; If neither surgery nor ooulc-
ry cau eradicate tho disease, "belter, by far,
let the nation die, Let her dte while tb
laurel Is green upon her brow. Let her
perish, while the prayers 'of ransomed mil
lions are oscendirg lo tho Cod of cations
tn her Uhalf J I her puis frcm rearm
branoe. while around her history are tho
most Imllowcd and glorious associations,
und uot craw ou to shameful age, hideous
10 the eye, loathsome to the touch, a living
leprosy, a stlgms, a curse and a reproach.
No sacrifice but honor could bo too great
to preserve the Uuton ; but with the solemn
cmn conviction of the full Import cf words
I tay, national extluctloo before nation
al degradation.
If Cod In his wisdom doomed Hits pa.
Hon to'di's,tructiOD If her mission Js ful
filled, and her glory Is to pnu away, let
the groans of dissolution resemble tho agv
uy of birth, ond as she was born, so let her
expire, nmld tho shock of oonlendlng ar
mies, the thunder of cannon, the screams
df the wounded ond the agonies of the dy
ing. It her bo no longer a cheat and a
lie, t6 deceive mankind with the false bea
cons of freedom. Let her punishment bo
An exampli so terrible that posterity shall
trembia at the recital of her story. Let
her name bo blotted out from among tho
nations of the earth, and tho memory of
her glory olono remain tho sole heritage of
her posterity. Hut I would cot have her
die, for with htr dies the very name of free
dom. I would not have her perish, for
with her perishes humanity's last hope, and
millions of anguished hearts eruibed be
neath the iron heel of cruel and relentless
dtspollsroslok Io the dark gulf of slavery for
ever. No, I would have her live, that her
name, her glory and her fame may descend si
proud heritage t0 0Qr ',e, posbn'ty. I
wou'd have her live till tho bright azure
field of ber banner resembles tho splendor
of tho empyrean lieavens In the glory of
stormy night. 1 would have ber lire till
freedom, encircling In her giant arms at
the nations of tho broad earth, shall up
raise to tlie Immortal boon of liberty the
dowu-troddeo of every land and the oppresr
cd of every clime, jindtbo list pi assembled
nationallitw shall know no nronder pain
- .r - -
than that nh.tcb adorns an American citj-
"We oro proud pf our coun(rf--wbo .would .
not bo proud.
. Of jts rivers, U valleys, and.wounUh-
And Jbe""pa,trlot sires, wbow souls ncrer
To' aught but Iheir God and the Uws of
the land.
AVe aro proud of our fathers, the blood that
they shd,
Tho fretdom thoy won shall wra part
with it. never I
rjctter die than livo slaves .disifraoad' to Mm
They vcr free, aud we will be forever
und cvir,"