iamuamjwju.p mmnfiffn iwwuuMgai 'lwj;iiewwicniiiimilHiu -J Jnii,inmi mttmk wwyjwHsy:'ty w 4tfti irf . .v v v - H- jj---- -it u ian . 1 1 m !. I aap y i ran. TaTl. mytW afls? JhVil'i JihtJ lash JjuJmmfegm aMJMfth ?4 TER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATUEDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1804. VOL. IXN03f4 MtkW,WJIMLJla dlie wctam mmmm . . ' -$4 SENTINEL. mscku icTwir MATt'nuAY mmimixu. S. F. DOWSJili, Prp'r. JsitscMrnox For One year, in advance, Jour Dollar ; If paid wllhtti llio first ilc inoalhs or the year, liru dollar ; IT tint paid until the expiration of the year. Six dollar. AnraiiTinxu Ouo souarc (lu Rues or Im), first Innertlmi, Three Dollars: each sabtciiucnt Insertion, Ono Dollar. A dle sount of firijr per ecu t will Do mode to thosu who advertise by the year. 4j-U,tt TciiJ.r, ttrr ItwI at entrwt nl. I. (). (). I- Jachnoiivllli? Lnslgc . yj, iuiHwiiiiirRitrntri- . ." B Vt'"'i.H.fMlt. Inl.MMllln efsu VirUS "V mbfliwiiie linn, i Jt'tlxk r. M. llrt'llnnln r-l MillTiitrrlMtllil u.mnJ MI.A3 J. 1AV, S. U, J Ikl.lltK.Jt, L Ptc'f. Tt.il.i.. Ji. M, futtnu, Win. IUr n.l fit! if'' Warren Lodgo No, 10, A. If. & A. M. A HOLD tliclr regular cnmmunl- T4rctloni tho Wcdiuaday Hvcntugsnft Vor preci-dlng the full moon, In jack- HKTIMJC, (IRKtlOV. ai.kx. martin, v. m. II. ltt.oow.VrtV. o. JACnna. k. j. nrmri.i.. JACODS, &. RUSSELL, ATTUKXF.VS AND COUXSKLOHS AXI) SOLICITOUS IN CHAXCL'RY, JjCXIOXYlM.K, OllttlO.V, nan. mnt SSte Court limit. All IxulufM committal to Ihrlr cam "111 l promptly attend-d to. July 29. 'C,t. D. F. DOVVELL, ATTOJWF.Y AT LAW, JAI'Kin.WIM.K, OlIKdOX. trill practice In til the Courts of llio Third, JoJkUl District, tliv Suprvme Court or Ore gou. anil in Yreka, Cat. War Scrip prompt It cwll-dnl. Oct. IX, I. D. HAINES. ATTOltNEY AT LAW, jAi-stiixviij.K ()h:uok. Will practice In lli'1 Court of Oregon. OIW. 1'ii.t Ofll.v llntMIng. QEORO.E D. DORRIS, ATTOllNEY AT LAW, AKD Xfotary 3?xxT3Xlo, JACXIO.NTILI.lt, OlIKKU.f. lf J. 3. HOWARD, 8UHVKYOR Jt C1VII. HXClKHIill. jACVIONTIUJt OhKIIOV, BiMne nir th fioulu end of Oregon s least. January, 2, 161 J. H. STINSON, ATTORNKY AXI) COUXSKLLOR Albany, lJnn county, Oregon. nci'J2tl Q. W. QREER, I'lIYSICIAX AND Bl'KOKO.V, lACKllOMVII.t.K, OlIKOO.H. OICc at Ma n-alilriice on Orton lrcf t. DR. A. D. OVERDECK. Dr. OrrrlxYk wonM nnnmiuce to llio c II lifin or JackKin county jml vicltilly.lh.il beliM retnrnrd to Jaek'niivlllruiul reriimI (lie praetlco or mollclito. Ilo will nluuyn W fouii'l nt hi' hM rt.iiul, lliu Ovcrlnvk Jliopllal. ornt lil re'Mfticu illo Wit trrer' llrewery, iiiiIwi uWiitnn prori'Ion I ImrlnrtK. Il on IJ rurpecirully follclt a rAaa or forintr putrniinx. PETER DRITT. I'liotoKriiphlc Arllwr, ( pripared to Uku ptclnreii In avery ityle f lb art, with all tli6 lata Improviincnl K 1'lcturea da not ftti lAtl.facllou. no harjci Mill Ik inadr. Call at hi new nai lery, on th hill, rxamlno bU picture, and It for your IlkrnMi. Dcalcr in Dry Goods, Grocorios, 4 1IU0T.S, owl KIIOKS. c-( d Hardware, : Cntlory, M mtUaS, and MKDIUIXKd, Tino Siiquora, etc., ovc. imhia old FiJUJ-PitooF r It KICK, nuiitli ido or Culirornin .Vlreet JucKMiuvlllf. olhir ' NEW 33NGLA1TD FAMHaV SEWIKR iiIAGHIKE ! OIIEAl'KST AXI) 11KST IX USK. JTor fnrtlier partlcuUrf.cill at Noubcr's rBtoreandi(e(llia Machluo In operation. Macblnet on hand lor alc. J. NF.UHKR, Agent. Jaekaonvllle, Juno till. 1804. !5m WatclimaKci' mid Jeweler! On Orepon jlreet, flrat door north or nrtnlano'a Jackwnvllle, Ogu. JOlINF.nC'VCK, (kWPJKiianui'ciuivr nxu vi',rvr alliOriaof W'olcliw, Clirpyonieter. L'lotKs lliuicaland other Inarunien, eo, , Aleot(JBVKLltY manufiicturcd "ml rtpafrr, alter llio moat ppprovril style of the art, and warranted for oue yeur. I'ricca aeconling td.tlmei. .JOHN 1'. IIOUCK, Chrnnouictcr and Watchmaker, Jkwie, June Jfl, 164, Sm Iff VWIUllllLlnlll IVVflL'VWIII! A ftl IIOULATINULIIIRAKV, THE OKEUON im BY OALIPOllNIA AND OREOOM 1'JGLEGnAPH. roiiTxu Mci.uiiyxt,T ior tub icxtikbi. Ban Fntnclfco, 20th.Tho prruri of private ouilncri bat prurenUd llio Iraua mUkton r any Ijlern noin up to (hit morning. It li nterted that im llrnnmn hnamitdua hot uf 910,000 to 3.1.000 that Lincoln will got (en thottinnd nuijorlly over UcClellnu In thin Statu. He ctnllcnrd W T. Coleman U mako n flnilUr hv, but he declined. The campaign li helnr; vl(oroui ly prniceult-d hy IjoIIi partler, and political excitement li runntoi; nullu hlli. New York, ZClb. Special from Wttihlnj. ton rayt It la rmnoriil Jloil.y'a 'gK made n raid on Martlurlmrtt, Ya., IaU night, cap- luring Clan. DulTo and itatT. It Is Mated on good authority Hint llitrc l no Immidlata proipcet of n reiiiiiiptton or lioalltltlcr In the b'hcnaniloiili Valley, uu leu the rebcla sinke another deipcruU effort to obtaiu poiacaalon or the kvy of the val ley. Grant hii been heavily reinforced, and lll toon receive kat rfluforcemanli, reipilrid for Hie grvnt mote on Itlchmoiid. Admiral l'orlvr'a arraiitmeiiU nro iivurly contplettd tu attack fortlllentlon, ut lha mouth or CaMi Kear lliver. UtrulVi correapot.dcut ullli Sheridan, of the 23th, y a our position la nearly the rumc in Ix'foru Hit bnttlc. Ofllcinl npoil ay m captured, on Ilia lSIti, 1,2U0 prUan- era, -ID comiiilfplouid ofllctra, AH pUcea of artllltry, 40 cai'lonr, three taltcrltv, 30b horrca add nmlor, wllli Iminerf, C5 aml.u- lanccn, SO army nnv'ii', XW) rotiuJa of artillery niiuuuiillloii, 14,80(1 mull arma, all medical tloreo, and a largo iuaullty of unmiuutllon for mull arma. and u number of hattle-llaga. A rccoiino'taucc waa mado to Moricrytown. It lnau;rUtl relwl cavalry nt-rv at Uoiiut Jnckon. Tha renumnU or Karly'x and I.ongatrcel'a corpa Imvo gone to Klchiubiid to l norgaulced and GlUd Very few or them ivid their artna, uud but oue pleca or artillery. Clncluiiall, 21th. OlnwrrWt Xarhvlllo dNpalcli rnyaBlicrmau U atOainatllle, nir Conro rlvr, preraliiRllood, wholsrclraat Iiir toward CadH-u. Rood will Im com pelltd to move louth to Jaekionvllle. Ilia army la reported to be without hv. Cl. I.oulr, 27tb. Dltpatebea aay a train from Kort r-nillh va btlackrd by llitah. xhackent, aoiilh or Fort Scott, and aliUaa men kllkd aud a portion or the train burucd. 100 KuerrllUa, undar Capt, Taylor, eulerid Marmouta, a faw mile from k'ort fcott, at 12 o'clock Baluiday night, and uiurdered Cok Knoulev, Ilromi, IUhLIii, UcOarl, and Steurt, en route for the North. The Federal lora, In Ihu battle of the 23d, vat 73, Tha nbvla mru chued all Sunday night, aud a conUaut fight with lliu rear kept up. At daylight they made a tund and were again Inmhomvly wlilppi-d, Uott of lh Kamaa militia hatagoimhonic. Uar tlal Uk Iish Wen abolllhcd nod buainv riumil. Five hundred rtbela, uudar I.lvut Col. MclMuleh, crod the UauuIUil and Kl. JuhjiU rsillioad, near llucklonu, Mon day, going norlh. A ttrong forca waa nut after them. Our forcca Imvo bevn driving 1'rlee lapidly ilnco Sunday, At liut ac count he a 23 or 30 ml let toutli of Fort Scott. Ill army I loured and dispirited. Turiday we had a light with htm Uitwetn Hound City and Fort Scott, In which he naa badly whipped, losing 130 prisoner and 12 piece of artillery. Among the prlronera were Major Geu. llarmaduke, Cu btll, several Cnlootfla and other, office I . Ho wia again attacked yesterday morning, aud drlvtn pill mell In a ioul!irly direc tion, lie burned 200 ft agoua yesterday to prevent thilr Ixlug cnpturid. Nothing is said about the lor on cither side, but no doubt I'rloo'f aniiy la compUtrly dcmoral Ireil and scaltvrH. fiteele, r, Ills uroug re inrorciminta, la at Fort .Vmlth, probably with lhot,w or contesting l'rico'a return Into Arkanra. Now York, 27lb. TiiLnnt't cnrrefpind ent, with Itutler. the 24th. r.ya In counec lion vilih action of re In I Governor' polio 'iuIIcaIi's their dislra that slavery thmild aid them In their detpvrala strait. Their urmy confronting ua before ltlchmond and 1'cler'burg U known lo bu reducvil In not eiocolliig 33,000 men, ull told. Jilf Dm In. I.i-e, hongtlrect, aud other diitlngulthad rebels jeatvrdny rodo along llio lino In our front, and cut Into ltlchmond. Hebcl ram catna down the river last night, under caver of the darkueta to their lata position, aud find aVy again nt dawn title morning. New York. 28h Richmond paper of the 2 llh, contain the proceeding -of the convention of rebel Governor's, held nt Augusta, Georgia. After a free inter change or opinions, It nni .decided that necessity diman'ded a change of policy, and they recommended that slave hereafter be urcd In tho army, and that Confederate authorities, uudfr prpr regulation?, ar preprint such portion of the negroes m may bo rrqulrul. New York, 27th. Election In Western Va, resulted In the election of tho entlto Union ticket. Guv. A. J. llowman had no opposition, and received a heavy vote. Re turns Indicate ele'ctlbn, of Hublsarj, Union, to Coiigrfctsjiy 0Ytr I'.iSUO majority. ' l.gli laturq largely Union. iGuv. TlrRdford ban Just proclaimed the new Frcclate"Conitl- tullonof Md. who are lo favor 3t),01pga lust 29,799, Gov, of Maine iha appointed N- A, Frel lo UluneJpIie,d Wnu.cf F eudcu liiiBvuate, Si. I.oula, 29tlt. Latest aeeounln pu I'rlcc near Carthage, still skedaddling, with our cavalry In hot purult. I'leniculon wa? slightly Injured by a fall from bis horn. San Franclreo, 2Bth. The following tel egram haa been rrcalved here: New York, O.'.t. 37th. To M. C. ltuer: Political nnd military propi-cti here are irj pru-nxii ucro aro moitfnenuravli.fr. I.lnrnln will l, lrt.. Phantly elected, fn.1 I cnolcnllously be - llorc that McClellnnlma tint the trlnstt of n chanco except lu Missouri. lCcntncky, New Jersey and Delaware, nnd beta bv no means nr of theie. Let alt who propose nrrnlt lice on no terms with rcliela until Ihoy lay down llielformv bo ilnspt'lled by the prov pect of Right' victory ut llio poll nnd lu Hip Held. Fiiien Jlll.uxiii. The Scrdlice, Just built, haa been undilr turvelllaiice for aama.tlm, suspolcd of pi ratical purpoaes. Yvslenlay r.ulilru making a trial trip, she was brought to by a (hot from- the Revenue cutter, ShubrleV. A guard uai placed ou board. Shu still re main under nrrrst. No Ratcrn uew to-day. Legal Tendera ipitet at 49. I'lirciiolitplciil Cliuiiuitcror Aliruluiui Ilucohi. Mr Lincoln lu? n lull, spare, targe boned frame, with which his tliln, promluent f.n lures jierfeclly corrrspoud, and o bead n liovii the average sir., and mot fully deveb wl In the np( rlnr xirllona. Mr. I .In coin hns not n poetical or a senlluicntal or ganlwtloii, nor tins bis trulnlug lierusucb as lo foster romance or fancy. Ills whole nuke-up denotes n nulterof-faet mind. Taleu eKrntely, his feature are by no mean classical, but, in combination, they assume n very decided and strongly marked Mprri!on uf cliaraeler. Nor Is this the rcpulaive face bis prejudlciil opponenla or enemies would make It out to be On the contrary, It will paw, In ull cnm.iij lime, for the face of a well meaning man. Ut us look agnlu at this uot unattractive fan- which bus been so much carlcaturrd uud i ofien held up iu the Koutb as that uf a nmiiiter In frk-hu... fo.ilhl, ......!- U't.i o wc W? A well fornieU uiw. uv n-'-" ---.... -"""" n,t I. ha . ..m. . tl 1 I ..... . ll I ..... ...K..r ww ..,,., iwwnn me otherwise for the use or another, shall If Roman and Ihu Ureclun. In prnuiineucu clh(,r ,);irtr rt,mre It, adjudge or decree U an uvldjuce of a davelapJ miuil aud u I that the prlisolp d mm ao eoillraoled. or so sirona; eluracler. It U nlihwr beefy nor noelvcil, aud tho lutcreal llureou, but not blunt, bat U In every way a first-rule uot. tU costs of th action, or suit, ah all Im paid An uiiexceptlonul mouth, wills full ami i In the kind of money so specllltd In such well cut lips, iiiclinglug up rather than i contract, or In the kind or money so n-celv-ifouvi at the corners, ludietinj afT.-ctloii, tJ f'r Hie mo of nnnlher. veil, nnd iilnvf.ihiesi : rvi'i not Urn,,, bm '. 2- That the several conrta of this well set and'vcrv rxnrcsalvc. ludieatlmr no nlle, no trrnclu-ry, no foxy cunning, but the simple, houwl, nnd earnest Irulh j and a fonlirtul ample, but nut ponderous, the P"rceplive fscullies Iudividtiulity, Knriti, Size, Order, Rvenluality, uud Ioaliiy be ing among the largest ; licucc he Is very pracileal, and abounding In facia. There i mure ineelunlini lluu muslo indie-itlng, more proao lliau poetry. The chin is mill er prominent, but not ton heavy, while the cheeks aro concave rather than convex; thl is owing partly to the spare build ul man, and paitly tu other causes. Hut there is nothing Incongruous tu this face. On the contrary, there Is, la Mr. Lincoln's face, whea listening to pleasant nnd unlma. ted discourse, a innit luterntliig nnd win nfuit smile, tho whole cnntenaiice being lighicd up wllli a suauy and ben!gtmnt glow. The size ol tho head U In fair pro portion lo that of Ihu body. It is not tho head of a fighter, and ha can luku io pitas- me In cumlxtt erconlciitiou. Wire there wok of the linu in lilin ho would bv It- patient and more executive. Tina la not u N'tru bend, but is narrow rather than broad, nod indicules tin lu-rblvoroui rather than the carnivorous nature. Mr. Lincoln Im been tilled a gorilla, a Nero, etc., when the truth is, bo Is fur mora like a lamb or a Howard, both In feeling nnd In character He Is called "s'ow?' He Is eerlulnly not fml, but proceed cauiloualy, leaving it lor circumstances or for Providence to indicate thu when and the way In urt. Tune ulnntt can deterniino whether IliU or I hit course wouiu nave ss.-en ucsi, ami Mr. Lincoln u simply the instrument in Hie bands 0f Providence and lite people to do n wrlnln work. Thvre Is no man living wo could fill "Mr- Lbicolo's place accrpluble lo u7. There ure great nnd conflicting interests at atako nnd to be protected and conciliated. Where la the man who could do what U required to be dune und mnku no mistake T For our part, we accept Mr. Lincoln at no worse, If no better, than other men. If he U not a Solomon In wlfdom, neither It he a knave or a fool. Ifhq la not au adroit, scheming politician, neither Is ho nn ambi tious or a eellifl. man. If ho has made mistakes and who has not 7 he has been honest enough lo confess ll.ein. Men may sny what they will of his nets, wo can vouc pu he,auborty,Qf his organization for the corrvctnes.rif hl motlvfe. Un has largo Hvuevoleucc, Urge.CouscIentlouincss, nod large Hope II( Veucrailon Is full, and his Spirituality average, His religion consists more In kindness and juttice than in Jaitli, humanity of devotion. To do rlglit and to u good are lib, moral cbarac lerisllw. Social, ho is strong in LU ,at- 'tielimeul, cnuUuut iu Ida affections, and well tuhptal to wctldtil life. Intellect unity, tliaro is nothing wanting, Ills Cum allty Is full, (Jonipjrijon j large, and near ly all the perceptive largo nnd attractive. In conclusion : he l3 open lo conviollen, true to liis hlglier iialuro, nnd governed by ,, .... .... , " '""". k,l"" """" ,u"" "1 Wf 1 "8 '',rn'' l:"'1,'i'. Rntf". kM J,e,ir'. n.clionatc, Intelligent, wills n ,,,!fu 'WW r lriff. prnctlcnl common " If not great, Is tie not good? II not the best man for tho situation, where cai) you fluil a belter 7 A.cllfiit pnrrra to Abraham Lincoln In enw relatlug to a ccrlutn land claim, nnd Lincoln said lo blin. "Your first stop must be to lake thirty tliot.rntid doltnis and go and maltc n legal tender ; it of cotirso will be refused, but. It It a nccrsnry slop," 'Hut," said the man, '-I haven't the thirty thousaud dollars In make It with." '-Oh, that's It, .Tint step over tn Ihu bank with me and I'll get It." So luln the bank Ihey went, nnd Lincoln says tn the cashier, "WcJuU wont thirty llio-itniul dollarn to mako a lgnl louder wills. I'll bring It back tn nn Lour or two." The cashier handed across lbs money to ''Honest A be," and without the scratch of a pen In ncknnwl edjiifnt, he strode tits way with the spvlcu ull la molt snered simplicity, mail.i the ten der, nnd brought It back with us much nonchalance as If lie had been borrowing n silver spoon of his jrnndmothor. 6', '. AViM Ltller, The Sifclilc Contract Lntv, Ilfo' we publMi the law recently pissed by our Slate Lrghlnturu for tho enforce ment by the courts ol speelflo contracts, It was approved by Hi" Governor, and went Into eff.-et nn the llllh lust: Seellnu 1. That (lie several courts with lu this .Stale In giving Judgmo;it or decree nn a wrlttou contract, for tho payment or d'dlvery of gold coin, legil lender noles, or ' "' utf Kmi '" mwim ,n"m'y' ',ccl",a i '" ",,," . " ' K'vmg jinigmeiii i or d-ieree Tor the recovery jif money rccclv' """ridon dipodt, or us ajont, or trustee, or . Huw' '" KlvlnK J'''l"ent or decreo for nn nctlonof suit for the noniKllvury or rail lire tn account for gold dust received on di poslleorus agent, or trustee, or otherwise, for tho use of another, shall If either party rtfjiilre It adjudge or decree that the dam ngas niaeamnl for such non-delivery, or fail ure to neeount, alnll be pild tu gold ur all ver coin of the United Slates, Sec. 3. A written contract lo piy gold eolu or lis equivalent In gold dust, ur bar-, if uot performed nceordlug to Its terms, ball thereafter at the option or the party entitle I lo the beiicdl thereof, lie deemed aud held to bo n contract lo pay gold coin only mKIiIu Ihu meaning of this act, audi miy ho onfoici-il accordingly, fee. -I An exeeullnu to enforce a Judg ment or decree for a specified kind of mon-1 oy shall miulra the sheriff to rallsfy the e.iiue, In the kind of money ur currency tclild In such Judgment or decree, uud In cami uf levy aud salo of the properly ol thejiidgmet debtor, he shall refute payment from any purchaser nt such ' In any other kind or mouoy than that spnelfied In Iha execution. The iherllf shall pay over according to law the kind of money rvcov eft'! on nich nxeeiulon, und lu case of neg lect or refusal tn do so, ho shall, be liable on Ida otllelal bond lo the Judgment creditor, In three limes the amount of money collec ted. &-C. 3. Tho cnllflealo o f sale of real properly, or nu execution, to enforco a judg ment or a decree for a specified kind uf mon ey received ou such rale, and the notice of sale shall speeRy the kind of money In nblch bids shall be m ide at such sate, which shall Im the same as that spelhYd In thejudgment ar decree nnd the sheriff shall atate lulus re turns the kind of money received Sec 1. Tho purchase nt n salo of real property for a apeellicd kind of money .shall be entitled to receive from tho rcdi-mptlon-er. and rcdcuintioucr from each olher. the klmlnl money specified lu the certificate of rale. Provided, thati.o money shall be re ceived In iatlfolon of a Judgment or de cree for a specified kind of money or upon nn execution to euferco tho snme other limn the kind of money specified In such Judg ment, decree or execution. Provided fur ther, that tho gold and tllrcr coins or the United State, to tho reapectlvo ninouut for j which they nro legal tenders shall bo re ceived at their nominal values. In payment of every inch contract, or liability, and of every such Judgment, decree, or execution. Sec. 7. Inasmuch as (here Is now no law In this Slnto anMiorixhig the payment uf con tract or written obligation In Ibo kind pf mouoy orcurFepcy.'pcelllcdtth.-rein, tulanct shall be In force from and after Its approval by the Governor. i - '" ' Tub Lcgiihitnre has parted, a law.allow Ing voluiUcert live dollar bounty per mouth for the whole time of their service ; a boun ty iff ono hundred, nud fifty dollars, (o all who may hereafter euIUt, JReBoltif ions of (ho Union Na tluiml Ootivciidim. ADofrni) at ntt.TivoitR, ivsz 8, 18CI. 1. llttolvnl, That It Is the highest duty ol every American citizen to utnlntaini lirffillltl nil tlsntp finnrtttito llm Inlr.lM f ... .. .... ...... .iM,af nu iiii.iiij in ( the Union ond Hie pnrnmnunt nntbority of, the Coustltutlun und laws of the United ' States : nnd that, laying aside nlld.nerences nnd poiltlenl opinions, we pledge ourselves, as Union men, uiiimulid by n common ob-1 jjet, to do everything In our power to aid the .Onvcrnmeiit in (iuoIIIiil' by force of urms the rebellion now mRtng riminist , ruuuioriiy ; un in uringuig io ttic punisu muni uuu to their crimes luc rclielt aud trai nt'of" "neil agulnst It. 2. Hnolrctl. That wc nnnrovn the deter- uilnution of lliq Uovetnmeiit of the United .Stairs not tn comprnmlso with rebels, nr to odor any leruis of peace rxcept nich us may ue iiasui upon nil unconditional eur-, render of llielr liiHtilHy nnd u return to lliiilr but nllntrlfinrn rifllir. Cnti.lll.if I.... ntul ' laws of the Unitnl Stales; nnd that wc call upon thu Government tn mainlnlti Ibis pu sillou, und tn proveiito llio vur with the utmost possible vigor to the complete nip presslon of the rebellion, iu the full reliance upon the si-ir-sncrHlelng patriotism, heroic vulor. nnd tha undying devotion of the Amcrlciiii (i-'ople tu their country nnd to Its free institutions. 3. I'cnhol, Thai ns slavery was the c.iuie.und now constitutes tho strength of .1. t. .. i. .in i ,. i -.. ..ii una ri-oeiiion,iiiiii ui u musi oe,uiwiiys nnu everywhere, hostllo to thu principle "or re - publican government, Jim ice nnd the im iiutlonulsirfuty di-mnud its utlcr nnd coin - jiletLM-Mlrpiitlon from tin soil of the Repub lic. Am! that while u uphold nnd main tiiln tho arts and iiroehinmllon by which Iha Onvernmcnt, in its own dei use, li.ii ulmeil u dnitli blow ut litis gi';miiiu evil, we ore In favor, lurtlniruion-, of aueli nu nmeudmi'iil tn the Constitution, tobemude by the people, In conformity wills lis pro visions, di shall terminate und forever pro- ! ! 1! ',S. " lJ ri?..," iu,i" .I J ;. """ J Mwer II. II. Ildlnl. Jismn McDonoagh, l. Ilmlivd, Unit the thanks of the ,. ... , . , ., , - ,,, ,. ..-. ' AmeriMii islf nro due to the soldiers "' M onsl .1 h U . Smith wentfbal on und sailors or the urmy nnd navy, who "eer bunt stijmimed nt night with a Mr.1 have periled their lives in difcn.u of their ' Henry McM,iohcl, on Grave Creek, some country nnd In vindication or the Hag i ihrec miles Mow llu Grave Creek, Houso, , thai the nation owe to them tonm perniA , ,, . .rii.,i,i t . i .' nrnt recgnlllon ..r their vulor, und " ,,k m,r,,lmf of lLe ailliii"Ulonl nmplu and permanent provisions Tor ; i"rl, Mr. Haird started- In pnrsull of tbinw of their survivors who have received J gnme, tuklng his faithful dug, Rover, wtti dliubllng und honorable wnimds lu the ser ,ln, v proceeded ubout one mile and a . vice (if the country ; and that the memo- ... .., . , , . :, , , ' rlrs of thou, who have falleu lnltd-.ren..', I,"llf'wl,cn UU dn-' ba"d lbre prlalrj; . ahull lie held in grateful nnd cvcrlusllng , ,,wr in their bl. Mr. Halrd got within reincinbcrutic. j fifteen yards of them, midf sfiot tho largest r fs. Iletuhtd, That wc approve nnd ap I one, only wounding It. Tho bear pj(ci'ct1 plau.1 llie pnscllcal wisdom, the uiaiin.ls Bt Mr. 11. wiio ran about two'iiundrcd " pntrlotiam, nnd the unswerving fide Illy to I .,, .... , ,,, ,..'.' ' tho Constitution nnd thu prlnei pies' or " "'s'" H'O bear caugut 1.1m nnd kuock American lib-rly whli winch Abrulinm '" B11" nll-"' Ixlfen feet from jiim, , Lincoln bus dUchiirgi .1. iindi-r clrc.im-.tan- Getting louse from the bear, he sprang to ces of unparullehildinie.ilty, lp Kijt do-, ,1Q ilnb of a Uc(; ,l0 hiaT .,, umJc'r ties nnd r.Kp..nilbl itk-s nf iho I residential '., iltl . , r. .., '.., ,,., unlet) 1 Ihat we npprove nnd endorse, ns de- I "T Ml,,,nf ,!i ,wc,,t norl d,,"4nc8 nmndnl by tho cni.-rgency nnd iwnllal to Juwn lu0 "I", when ho ttoppid to BjbWhsT the prirvrvalion of the nailon, uud us with i dog. Mr. I), got tils gnu, reloaded if, nnif" In the provisions of the Cmutltuti Hie thot tho bear the second time. Tho bear meniiiiii. mill uels svl.leb he has udnpted lo .leu nil the nation against Its open nnd sc cr.it fors; llmt wo npprove (-apeehilly the I'melHinalloii of lumiielKitioii und the employ. n.-nl u( Union sohlu-Mus men hero- tofure held in slavery t nnd that wo bavt full confidence iu his di'terinhmtitin tn enr ry on these nud nil niher Untilutinnal iiieum.nn csiilhil tn tho sulvuiion of the country with full nud complete ifll-cl. G. Itcolicd. That we .levin It essential to the general wt-lfnre that harmony should prevail In the Nntlnnnl council, nud we regard ns worthy of oflkiul trust Ihnso on ly who cordially endorse tho principles pro claimed in these resolution, und which should char.ictcrizo tha administration of llm Government. 7. llttohtd, That the Govcrnntrnt owes tn ull men i.njiloycd In Us nruiles, witlinut regard lo distinction of color, the full pro tection of the laws of wnr, nnd that nny vl nlullon of Hicm laws, or tin' images of eivi- llv.i.l nall.vn In llinn nt tint lilt I tin Btlii la now in urnis. shi.uhl he mode the eubj.cl of ' ' l"vlng been killed on, thfpPf prompt nud lull rcdrcM. j Tiie benr ami dug then rol'td dowu the hill 8. sWivri, That foreign emigration. I some distance, still Drilling, when Mr. II. within the p iH h-is added much to Hie. gathend up his gun, wo knives, the ropo weullb. development. -f resourojt nnd in , wJ , ,, , y u , ato ud c reuse of power in this pntlnn tho nay'iim ,..,,,, ,,,.,. ,, ,, of lhei.ppnw.il of ull nullum, should hr "' l'l-'J "r Mr. McMlchasl't cabln- nuterni ana eucouragiii by u liberal nnu , Ju.t pnliey. I 0. llmalfttl, Thai we ore In favor of the anti'dy construction of u railroad to the Pacific. 10. 7iWiW. Tint tho national faith pltilgi-d for lite rvileinplion of tho public debt mint bo kept inviolate, nnd for this purports- no recommend economy and rfgld rmnonslliliiy In the public expenditure,, and a vigorous mid Just system of taxation; that it is the duty of every loyal Slate to tnstiii. . the credit und promote tho me of the nntlonnl currency. 11. Iletoheil, That we approve tho po siltnn t.iktu bv Ihe Gnver. u.ent, that the pcoplo of the United State can never re cord with iudilferenco the attempt of nny Hurnnrnn nowr lo overthrow by force nnd supplant by fruud, the institutions of any llepubllc,4u Cnvernment on tho Western Continent, nnd will view with extreme jealousy, ai menacing the peace nnd inde pendence or tiie.r own country, mo enoris of nny 8u,ch power to obtain new; footbohU for monarchical governments, sustained by foreltrn military force iu near proximity of the United States. Turi'Conpcrlicful' Tcu Cout HiRinlmeHtB. 1. Tlmu thalt have no other god than n dur)ey inland: lo him shall thou give! .1..,,, n) vuiiiB iwurni.uu. o n'i... -i.i A. H..i.. ..KA ii. --.. ' . j uuu ouun uuv uiunc uiuw mm uuv im f..i.t..- .f.. -l-.. . l.ncncfa.ui nnyi..)i'g !( I'r (icuycrt uci'c lor that mlgil Indicate, progrera and not "conservatism"i but all thy llkenesa tbull by found In (ho pit below, vtlicrc serpcn'js nrrcuiheneatThSlj. 'boa shnU'tioityuke tho nan)r "tli 3. 1 boa shniniOiMuke tho namr thy C...I. tr i"., rfw.s.. . ouuiiiviii'iuuniurain vnin, i(jr SHcy Wilt DOI bold thee gniltlpwlln so doihgLwben re. torcdns ilipiilionest lo the Jsoitrol of tha tinltnn " " hiss and siuiiuui .t. Rruvmber the Institution of 'iiegTd ' T i . . . ,. . . , . ",incr' ,0 ""P U hp'",n B,,1h ". ' convcnl ions, and tbonghtr for tbb shall-, thou labor and do nil thy work Tor it la " the Institution cHlie fonl.thil we'are nil .. , , , . ,. r i "PI""""" " irsjimiiiaioT.j posterity, wilhnnttkQUmsaUtU.ltanhw. of IhcAbolitlrnlsls. or, oilier heathen iwScm mumblo theirs giblwrlsh aUMitfeomrrnJaji brolherliood." r-T -M "ns 6. Honor Jiff pavis nnil,lili toiler', ' nte linrdcs, that thy days jnay 'b Jong .Tn r ,lho oniees which they may yet confer nl .T onll.ee. M'-'OX C. Thou t1in.lt not kill a rcliel. ' ' '' 7- Thou shall Hot commit adultery rx-nO cept nn tho plantation. " ' " I 8. Thou shnlt uot steal except Jit -Floyd. 4 -, aifT D Thou limit nnl lirnr ftilan wltnrr". 'ptT ccpt to defame the Adniinlstrattpn,, to pro mote tho cause of the rebellion, nod la bring reproach upon patriotio menn . ; 10. Thnu ahull not covet thy i.tdghbor't t.. . i.t ...i . i.t. i.v.i, "w 1 '" " ""' ', ,""'.".. i? . v' ' ""J' E001' ,h,nl' H't Is thy neighbor's j but ' lids tliou shnlt rconyniie no right a thy' neighbor which u Comierheud It bound ta ' respect. ' orrrr Rout'K Ittvnn Oct., .11st,18Gt, Mr. Editor i Tijo follpvtJngitj'ToJ3k bid sliitriuent uf the inilancholIy,denb f Mr. II. 11. U.ilrd, of the northern purtf. J'" "'?. Oregon. now came at him more (urlninly than be. fore, nud knocked his gun out of lilt Uand the Kcoud time. Mr. II. swung tiroiinda busll lo keep out of the benr' rcach.'dfcw ' one of his butcher knives nbd stabbtd'tfio bear In tho belly. Tho bear (ru,ckWnf l swcral severe b'ows, knocking his kulfo out of Ids hand. Mr. II. then drewhT? second knife, when tho bear scliedjils hand In which he'held tho kulfo causlng'blnno drop it. The b;ar uqw got the better ol ol Mr. 1)., geltlug him doivn, biting Urn In the luce, cutting several severe gaihe on the left side, tearing out his right eye, and nlso tearing oil ull the rlgl.t tide of bis fi.ee. It bit teverul large holes lu bis right hide ; lu fact, bit hlui nearly all over his bodr. down tn lib. Iinntn. Tlifi"tenr now turned to fight the dog, that hud joyed Mr. uisiani unaut one nine ami a nuir, .wutre, ho arrived, much exhausted, sbottt.mlt o'clock a. m , and was assisted JnlQ,tha, home, when be reL.ted tho lucuauohplly, event to Mr. McDunough. UiingvCo.tteloua that ho could nut long survive, he spoke of his f.imllvy pud big desire to.teo Ibera be fore lie died. He Was reconciled to meet death, nnd spoke of a hope of future bop plnrfJ. no died nbuut plae o'clock r. x of .the tamo day. Mrs. Haird mm tentifor and hastened with nil possible speed lliq distance of 18 mlki, over a very rough bib ly road but arrived about ,0ve minute too laloito gee her liusband alive. He wot brought home and buried near bit farm, some four mlka north of Iloguo Wcr, j near the ttogo road. He leaves a.wlfe and sixteen children, eight of whom or.e.!l young aud live at iomc, v Rev. J, AY. MiijJ'.iv. Ax old bachelor In New york.c-BVred ludy a pony for n'kljs. Shelve iijrolje Jjba. He refusea her the Io,ny. SJieiued liitn. IJe plx;adid 'po consfderaUou.'' Tbo court ttccIdciC lhat a kin was legal'contio? cration. ChiUluly It Las nlwavsbewni matter of earnest consideration '.wltb ' us, 11 1 L. 1 t ' .'1 nnu we pave no uouoi.wup a gooa many -.i .ii t . ...... it rv-- -'t outer youngjeiiow wimtVMt journal. ow noin mxnyi Friendship k (ha shadow. of the tyeutug, i.i-i. wbch streogthenj with the aetting tun1 of ifc I n i'i ffl .0 1 a r. .i i i it i , i t a il . i ml ,-Ht, tuMMAkt..